aWoD: Continued

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Post by Username17 »

Here is the new Potence:

I have the power.

Potence is the power to draw upon the great strength of the supernatural in order to perform feats of literal strength. Those who can draw upon their magical power to augment their physical prowess in this manner find themselves becoming stronger even without drawing directly upon their magical might. A character with Potence gains a +1 bonus to their Strength score. If they have Advanced Potence the bonus increases to +2, and if they have Elder Potence the bonus increases to +3. Potence is an odd case as regards the Masquerade because while it is accompanied by no flaming runes or crawling shadows, demonstrations of incredible strength strain credibility and perhaps worse they draw comments from observers.

Basic Disciplines
  • Clinging The character can hold themselves onto vertical surfaces and even ceilings for extended periods of time without special equipment or apparent effort. They can easily move up or down sheer surfaces at the rate of a steady walk, and scuttle across ceilings at the rate of a careful walk without danger or exertion. When such a character attempts to pull Wuxia or Spiderman inspired stunts involving running on walls or brachiating over a crowd they find this much easier, because they can support their weight merely by putting a hand against a wall. For practical purposes, this means that such stunts are much less extreme for them than they appear to outsiders. The thresholds are generally reduced by 2 (a crazy extreme stunt would be merely a professional stunt from their perspective).
  • Vigor The character may spend a power point to increase their Strength by 1 for the remainder of the scene. This may be activated more than once, and its effects stack. While using Vigor itself has no visible effects, the use of vastly increased strength may be obviously unnatural to onlookers.
Advanced Disciplines
  • Devastation The character's Strength can emanate from many places at once along an object being touched, allowing them to lift very large, awkward and even fragile things without issue. It also allows them to have a blow from their hand or foot repeated many times across a wall or floor, causing it to shatter (which is where the power gets its name). This kind of contact telekinesis is best represented in super hero comics – where characters routinely lift cars by the ends without parts falling off or the ground underneath them giving way. The source of force can be directed out across a distance of 2 meters per Potency, and the character can effectively lift or smash something that they could accomplish with 5 identical friends. With Elder Potence, the number of identical friends increases to 9.
    When used as an attack, the character can strike multiple enemies in close combat without penalty or attack a single opponent as if they outnumbered them.
  • Giant Size The character can grow extremely large. By spending a power point, they can expand to a muscular 3.5 meters in height. This is a Protean power. While in Giant Size, the character has an additional 6 points of Strength, they gain a point of armor, and the base damage of any weapon they use increases by 2 (assuming that it is allowed to grow with them). All of the things that a character wants to grow along with them grow along with them while they are being carried by them, and anything they aren't carrying or that they wish to leave normal size stays normal size.
    Some creatures have Giant Size permanently on, and they don't have to pay power points for it (but they can't turn it off and objects do not resize in their hands).
Elder Disciplines
  • Earth Quake By spending a power point, the character can do something stupidly powerful (and generally destructive) with their Strength. A blow reverberates across the ground like a meteor strike, shaking and crushing things out to up to a hundred meters per Potency from their person. A creature or object struck with the full force of ground zero of this strike is likely obliterated – the melee attack at the center of this is a formidable (even ludicrous) Damage 12. The character can attempt to restrict the power into doing something useful such as boring out a tunnel, stacking logs, or hurling debris out of a collapsed building. This kind of Popeye-like activity uses an Agility + Athletics or Logic + Rigging test to determine its accuracy.
  • Force Field The character can project force some distance away from their person. This allows them to stop bullets aimed at compatriots, strangle people from a distance, and even hover by “holding themselves up.” Their Strength can be projected reflexively out to 3 meters from their person, and any attacks that target someone or something within or through that area may get blocked by the force field – meaning that they have to contend with being soaked by the character's Strength before being resolved (yes, this means that the character can effectively use their Strength twice when soaking bullets fired at their own person). Their Strength can be used actively as a normal action on things within line of sight.

And here are the new Werewolves and Prometheans:

The Get of Fenris
The better to eat you with, my dear.

Somewhere in the howling wilderness of Scandinavia a “wolf warrior” of the North became darkly fused with a wolf pelt he was wearing while fighting the Huns – an event which places the creation of the Werewolf at approximately 600 CE. Passed from warrior to enemy warrior and conquered victims, the curse spread throughout the lands of Europe and beyond along the warpaths of the Huns and later the Vikings. In later nights, it spread itself throughout the world on the backs of European conquistadors and imperial marines. By the twelve hundreds it had spread as far as Central Asia, and the Wolf Mother Asena led the covenant of the Bumin Horde of Ergenekon to rule much of Eurasia until her presumed death and the dissolution of the covenant in 1844.

Werewolves are instilled with a love of combat and destruction even in their human forms. In their monstrous forms they take the shape of awkwardly toothy man-wolves. Glistening with drool and usually fast covered with speckles of blood, the claws and fangs of a monstrous formed werewolf are a terror. Every Werewolf can transform into a “regular” canine as well as a huge canid beast. Not all Werewolves transform into an actual wolf when they become a mundane animal. For whatever reason, some become dogs, coyotes, foxes, or even hyenas.

Though they gain no magical power or sustenance from it, Werewolves are quite drawn to eating human flesh, and will often succumb to this temptation while in a frenzy. The curse of Lycanthropy comes with unusual and often unwanted hair growth on various parts of the body for Werewolves. In the era of waxing and depilatories, a member of the Get of Fenris can keep this under control, but changing into the War Form causes hair to come back no matter what has been done. On the plus side: baldness is totally curable through infection with Lycanthropy.

Werewolves have an Astral power source and a Lunar power schedule.
  • Werewolf Starting Disciplines

    - Core Discipline: Animalism -
  • Feral Whispers (Basic Animalism)
  • Beast Form (Basic Animalism)

    - Basic Disciplines -
  • Revive the Flesh (Basic Fortitude)
  • Vigor (Basic Potence)
  • Quickness (Basic Celerity)
  • Dread Gaze (Basic Presence)

    -Advanced Disciplines -
  • War Form (Celerity / Potence Devotion)
  • The Beckoning (Advanced Animalism)
Story Inspiration: Larry Talbot, Ginger Snaps, Dog Soldiers

Prometheans: Last of their Kind

Once upon a time, there was ... 'A king!' my little readers will say right away. No, children, you are wrong. Once upon a time there was a piece of wood....

Prometheans are different from the other types of supernaturals because they are not born as a human only to later achieve supernatural powers, but are instead created fully formed and fully grown with their powers already intrinsic to them. A Promethean awakens for the first time already an outcast, already both more and less than a human. Prometheans are almost always rejected by humanity because regardless of how much they try, they are not humans. Every Promethean is not only the first of its kind, it is also the last of its kind, every Promethean creation event is unique and Prometheans tragically find that even other created life is intrinsically distinct from them, different from humanity in ways which likewise reveal a difference that is just as unbridgeable.

Prometheans are capable of being Extras and Luminaries just as normal humans are. In general, a mad scientist's masterwork is a Luminary Promethean (the kind that might be a player character), and a batch of killer robots is probably a bunch of Promethean Spawn. Which means that yes, those Prometheans who actually have peers don't even care because they are just background characters and mooks in their own story.

All Prometheans use a Ritual Power Schedule. Their false life leaves them vulnerable to things that were once alive. Though they never were born and never died, they still suffer aggravated damage from wooden weapons as if they were undead. In most cases, Prometheans are dominated by Master Passion: Loneliness, a condition not unrelated to the fact that each Promethean is literally without peers. They have more difficulty making emotional connections then virtually any other creature, and pine for the loss.
  • Special Note on Terminology: It is important to note that Frankenstein is the name of the creator, and not the the name of the creature. The creature's name was Adam. Similarly, in technical Greek an Android refers only to a male human analog, while a female human analog would be called a Gynoid (seriously). However it is also important to note that most of the people you talk to about this issue don't know this and don't care. Like Jello, Frankenstein is a brand name of such overwhelming market dominance that the stitched corpse creations of other mad scientists are called Frankensteins (rather than calling them gelatin desserts or reanimated homunculi or whatever). Similarly, if you use the word Gynoid in every day conversation people will assume you are talking about some sort of sexually transmitted condition. Honestly, it is better that common terminology is used rather than historically correct terminology in this instance.
Frankensteins: The Creature
My heart was fashioned to be susceptible of love and sympathy, and when wrenched by misery to vice and hatred, it did not endure the violence of the change without torture such as you cannot even imagine.

Frankensteins are crafted to be literally new living things. They are essentially people, albeit designed rather than evolved. Unfortunately, the creators of these new creatures almost never take to their assumed role as parent, because the Frankenstein is never truly a baby and never truly a human. Propelled into existence with a grown human's size and facilities, they nonetheless suffer from having missed the opportunities to be juvenile. Like a man who has been inducted as a child soldier or a woman married at first blood, a Frankenstein's life will always have deeply painful emotional issues. They will always be childlike in some aspects of their existence, even if they live to be hundreds of years old.

Each Frankenstein is created out of human flesh in some way. Sometimes it is as simple as cobbling together body parts and then harnessing lightning or mystic power to bring it to life. Sometimes they are grown in tanks like the Hank and Dean. And in yet other methods of creation they are crafted in some other medium such as wood or stone and then transformed into human flesh. Regardless of the creation methodology, a Frankenstein is close enough to human in appearance to pass for one.

Like all Prometheans, Frankensteins need power. For most Frankensteins, this is electrical power, though there are examples that recharged by standing under waterfalls or exposing themselves to tidal forces. The days of making Pinocchios that have to be tossed into the sea or Osirians who need to camp in rivers to recharge are largely over, and almost all Frankensteins made in the last hundred and fifty years operate on the more exciting and portable system of electricity.

A Frankenstein has an Orphic power source and a Ritual power schedule.
  • Frankenstein Starting Disciplines

    - Core Discipline: Celerity -
  • Nimble Feet (Basic Celerity)
  • Quickness (Basic Celerity)

    - Basic Disciplines -
  • Vigor (Basic Potence)
  • Dread Gaze (Basic Presence)
  • Patience of the Mountains (Basic Fortitude)
  • Supernatural Senses (Basic Auspex)

    -Advanced Disciplines -
  • Devastation (Advanced Potence)
  • Quicken Sight (Advanced Celerity)
Story Inspiration: Frankenstein, Pinocchio, Edward Scissorhands, Subject Two, Herbert West: Reanimator

Golems: The Servitor
Did I request thee, Maker from my clay
To mould Me man? Did I solicit thee
From darkness to promote me?

Created strong of body and unending in endurance, the Golem is made to do tasks that humans don't want to. Often these jobs are demeaning or dangerous, and it is no surprise that Golems rarely want to do the things that are asked of them. Golems appear crude and ogrish, having been initially created for physical functionality rather than social niceties. Generally a Golem is as capable of making human emotional connections and decisions as anyone, but their distinctly non-human, even non-living appearance makes that difficult.

Crafted as a servile, almost machine-like creature, Golems fade into the background as much as the most discrete of servants. No one notices a tool that is not in use or a man far beneath them in social status, and a Golem is both. Each Golem is empowered by mystic words and dreams, and it is these that the Golem “is.” The body one sees (if one sees it at all) is truly inanimate and irrelevant material that is given life by the mystic runes that represent the Golem. While a Golem may grow accustomed to its shell, the fact is that they can be transferred to a new body of clay or wood without particular harm.

The Golem is powered by the meaning of the words, and they recharge themselves by repeating and emphasizing them over and over again like Tibetan monks. It is not unusual to find a Golem recharging itself by writing and rewriting phrases on a chalk board like Bart Simpson or intoning a mystic song again and again.

A Golem has an Astral power source and a Ritual power schedule.
  • Golem Starting Disciplines

    - Core Discipline: Obfuscation -
  • Hide From Notice (Basic Obfuscation)
  • Mask of a Thousand Faces (Basic Obfuscation)

    - Basic Disciplines -
  • Fire Walking (Basic Walk of Flame)
  • Vigor (Basic Potence)
  • Patience of the Mountains (Basic Fortitude)
  • Summon Spirit (Basic Necromancy)

    -Advanced Disciplines -
  • Devastation (Advanced Potence)
  • Touch of Shadow (Advanced Obfuscation)
Story Inspiration: Rabbi Loew, R.U.R., Short Circuit, Talos

Androids: The Lover
How fully functional are you?

Androids are made of hard and constructed material rather than the softness of flesh and they are coldly perfect to behold. Whether man or woman, an android is beautiful beyond what normal humans are capable of. Unfortunately, the metallic perfection of their exterior belies a digital corsity that makes interpersonal relationships unsatisfactory. The emotions of an Android, though strongly felt, are simply too extreme and simple for others to relate to. The love of an Android is as off-putting as the hatred to a normal, nuanced individual. Androids do not, on initial inspection look anything other than human. However there is something distinctly “not right” about them which will creep out any normal human who interacts with them socially for long. They are beyond autistic, their emotions are simply ones and zeros.

Androids can be made of circuitry, gears, or simply polished marble. The key is that at the end of the procedure they are crafted to look more human than a human could possibly be. The insides of an Android actually matter a fair amount for purposes of what they do to recharge themselves. An Android filled with gears needs to patiently wind themselves up (conservation of energy be damned), while an Android made of circuits and wires needs to plug themselves into a wall. Whichever it is, an Android recharging breaks the illusion of a perfect human, as the act of opening themselves to work on their clearly inorganic insides pushes them into the uncanny valley until they close themselves up again.

An Android has an Infernal power source and a Ritual power schedule.
  • Android Starting Disciplines

    - Core Discipline: Potence -
  • Vigor (Basic Potence)
  • Clinging (Basic Potence)

    - Basic Disciplines -
  • Light of Ennui (Basic Descent of Entropy)
  • Awe (Basic Presence)
  • Patience of the Mountains (Basic Fortitude)
  • Howling Winds (Basic Chasing the Storm)

    -Advanced Disciplines -
  • Devastation (Advanced Potence)
  • Contradiction (Advanced Descent of Entropy)
Story Inspiration: Pygmalion, Metropolis, Weird Science, Ifurita, Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep?

Last edited by Username17 on Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Heath Robinson
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Post by Heath Robinson »

FrankTrollman wrote:Frankensteins: The Creature
My heart was fashioned to be susceptible of love and sympathy, and when wrenched by misery to vice and hatred, it did not endure the violence of the change without torture such as you cannot even imagine.

Frankensteins are crafted to be literally new living things. They are essentially people, albeit designed rather than evolved. Unfortunately, the creators of these new creatures almost never take to their assumed role as parent, because the Frankenstein is never truly a baby and never truly a human. Propelled into existence with a grown human's size and facilities, they nonetheless suffer from having missed the opportunities to be juvenile. Like a man who has been inducted as a child soldier or a woman married at first blood, a Frankenstein's life will always have deeply painful emotional issues. They will always be childlike in some aspects of their existence, even if they live to be hundreds of years old.

Each Frankenstein is created out of human flesh in some way. Sometimes it is as simple as cobbling together body parts and then harnessing lightning or mystic power to bring it to life. Sometimes they are grown in tanks like the Hank and Dean. And in yet other methods of creation they are crafted in some other medium such as wood or stone and then transformed into human flesh. Regardless of the creation methodology, a Frankenstein is close enough to human in appearance to pass for one.

Like all Prometheans, Frankensteins need power. For most Frankensteins, this is electrical power, though there are examples that recharged by standing under waterfalls or exposing themselves to tidal forces. The days of making Pinocchios that have to be tossed into the sea or Osirians who need to camp in rivers to recharge are largely over, and almost all Frankensteins made in the last hundred and fifty years operate on the more exciting and portable system of electricity.

A Frankenstein has an Orphic power source and a Ritual power schedule.
  • Frankenstein Starting Disciplines

    - Core Discipline: Potence -
  • Nimble Feet (Basic Celerity)
  • Quickness (Basic Celerity)

    - Basic Disciplines -
  • Vigor (Basic Potence)
  • Dread Gaze (Basic Presence)
  • Patience of the Mountains (Basic Fortitude)
  • Supernatural Senses (Basic Auspex)

    -Advanced Disciplines -
  • Devastation (Advanced Potence)
  • Quicken Sight (Advanced Celerity)
Story Inspiration: Frankenstein, Pinocchio, Edward Scissorhands, Subject Two, Herbert West: Reanimator

I believe that should be:
- Core Discipline: Celerity -
[*] Nimble Feet (Basic Celerity)
[*] Quickness (Basic Celerity)
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Can a character with Giant Size.... increase the size of say... a firearm?

b/c honestly, that shit would be awesome. I know that it's a massive damage hit, of 6 Str dice no less, but being 3.5 m tall, and carrying a proportionately sized machine gun (no, not SMG, or Assault Rifle, I mean like something you pintle-mount on a 'copter) is a pretty cool image.
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Post by Username17 »

Judging__Eagle wrote:Can a character with Giant Size.... increase the size of say... a firearm?

b/c honestly, that shit would be awesome. I know that it's a massive damage hit, of 6 Str dice no less, but being 3.5 m tall, and carrying a proportionately sized machine gun (no, not SMG, or Assault Rifle, I mean like something you pintle-mount on a 'copter) is a pretty cool image.
Yes. I could even see reasons to do that involving having enemies who had helicopters and such.

Note that none of the basic character types start with Giant Size, but Potence of one kind or another is endemic. A majority of character types could take Giant Size as a starting optional Advanced.

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Post by Prak »

FrankTrollman wrote:I didn't even know that they made a movie of that. That's what I get for living in Eastern Europe and watching my TV through the internet - I get weird ads. End result is that I end up knowing how to get a Russian prostitute and not knowing what movies are playing. I am not sure that I am better off.

Anyway, how is the movie? All I know about the series is what I hear online, and since it's a book series aimed at children, that's damned little. Apparently the main character is a literal self insertion character? And there are "vampire atoms" that disrupt photography but don't have any effect on heir reflections? Outside of some people making fun of the book series I really have no idea what's up with it. And seemingly from the one review up at imdb the movie is actually much better written than the book is, so I have no idea if any of the mockery even applies.

But yeah, right now your basic snake chick is a Ventrue vampire, which is more like Lair of the White Worm than Naga. This in part because the oWoD snake vampires were very cool and the oWoD were snakes were stupid.

It was actually a very enjoyable movie. Looking at the wiki-page, yeah, the main's a self-insert, same name and everything. Vampire Atoms didn't come up in the movie, it was more about the main becoming a vampire, saving his best friend from his own stupidity, joining the freak circus, and fighting his best friend. They really didn't get too into the "physics" of vampires.
I think it's one of those games where you'd want to mess with the types a bit, because the werewolf is obviously not a playable character, and taking out weres leaves room to make a "freak" type, unless you just wanted to use transhumans for that.
But it was very enjoyable, and had a surprising amount of swearing for a movie based off of kids books. I'm assuming they're more young teen books though.
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Post by Username17 »

Random stuff!

Appeal to Insults
Ad Hominem? I'm surprised you can add small integers!

An Insulting Appeal is a persuasive argument where you simply verbally attack your opponent or people who disagree with your position, rather than necessarily making a case for your own position. Belittling people in public doesn't just feel great, it also makes you appear to be socially dominant. And by extension, in the right. Sure, people will say that making fun of people is no reason to think your position is the better one – and that's true. But it's not a reasoned argument, so who cares? The entire point of an emotional appeal is to bypass reason entirely, and nothing does that faster than an attack – even one made out of wit.

Dicepools of these kinds of appeals are usually Charisma + Intimidate. One of the great advantages to insults is that there is absolutely no need to know what you are talking about, since you aren't attempting to abide by culturally relevant politeness, nor are you engaging in meaningful dialogue. As such, not having an appropriate Background is no hindrance at all when engaging such an appeal. What is a problem is using such an appeal against someone who is respected. Any audience member who respects the status of the targeted opponent will react as if you had scored less hits. And if they respect that status a lot, the amount less hits will be likewise a lot. It doesn't really matter how funny it is, you aren't getting anywhere mocking the Prince in front of most Primogen Councils.

Insults also need someone to target. You can't just insult ambiently, you need to insult someone. And while it can be an effective rhetorical tool to insult people who aren't there (on account of them not being able to defend themselves), you still need to target someone or something every time. And whenever you do that, you risk alienating the subjects of your scorn and everyone who likes them. Of perhaps more importance, is that by engaging in Insults yourself, you leave yourself open to insults in return. Even passive-aggressive insults. Other characters can Insult you in return without it being readily apparent that they are doing so. They can go on about how you're lowering the standard of discourse and so on, and in all ways make an emotional appeal of their own. But despite the fact that they aren't engaging in rational discourse themselves or displaying any knowledge of any relevant topics, there are no repercussions save for the character who took the low road first.

Interviewing People
One does not just walk into Mictlan, Mr. Anderson.

Characters are going to be in situations where they are talking to NPCs. It's actually most of the game when you consider actual devoted screen time. In many cases, the interaction with the NPCs can be mostly freeform roleplaying because what you're mostly after is exploring the personality of the character and elucidating their connections to the people around them. But there come times when your character will want to get specific information or assistance from the NPC that they are talking to. And because aWoD is a game, it falls here to roll some dice. What dice a character rolls depends largely on what they are doing and what role they are playing in the conversation. The Threshold depends upon how much the NPC in question wants to give it to you. If the NPC really wants to give it to you, such as trying to buy drugs from a drug dealer or trying to get information about someone who has wronged them recently, is not especially difficult (Threshold 1). If the NPC wants to keep it to themselves, for example the information might get them in trouble, it very much is (Threshold 3 or higher).

Questions of Interrogation
Where were you on the night of the 29th?

Sometimes a character is in a situation where they have a fair amount of power over the NPC and can ask the really rude questions. In these situations, the character can indeed do that. This is no more likely to get a coherent, accurate, or helpful answer than doing it in some round-about-polite manner, but it is generally short. Also, if you ask someone a simple question it is generally much easier to see if someone is evading it than if you ask a complex one.

Dicepools of these kinds of questions are usually Logic + Intimidate. Even if you don't get the success you needed to get the NPC to spill the beans, you can derive substantial information from the questions that they didn't answer or gave vague/contradictory answers to. If asked about something that the NPC is trying to keep secret and the character's number of hits is insufficient by 1 or 2 they will become alerted that the NPC is specifically holding out on them. If the character lacks familiarity with the relevant subject, it becomes easier for information to be withheld, and they only become alerted to deception if the test falls short by 1.

Questions of Subterfuge
That's fascinating. How did the boss respond to that?

It is often the case that the thing a character is looking for is for one reason or another not something that they wish to give away. If a character is engaged in conversation and attempting to lead it to the revelation of key secrets or whatever, they may attempt subterfuge. The character drops hints like a trail of breadcrumbs, and ideally, the target responds by crawling along to the conversation's destination and makes the big reveal. Obviously, this only works if for some reason the other person is voluntarily talking already. Normally this is because the character and the target share some Background and are having an actual conversation about something inane while the subterfuge is taking place. But in some cases there can be an otherwise unconnected business deal going on. For example, if a character is opening an account at a bank, the manager pretty much has to talk to them even if they share no interests whatsoever.

Dicepools of these kinds of questions are usually Charisma + Persuasion. Subterfuge lays a verbal minefield for the user as well as the target, and it is entirely possible that the character will give themselves away. The target is entitled to an Intuition + Empathy test. If they get more hits than the manipulating character got on their test – they will catch on to the fact that they are being played. Whether they care or not (and how they respond if they do), depends entirely on circumstances. But having the discussion terminated is a pretty common reaction.

Friendly Banter
You wouldn't happen to know where I could score some meth, do you?

When you are in a regular social situation, you can actually just ask people stuff without having it get all weird. On the plus side, people just tell you stuff and there is no chance of being “found out” and you didn't step on anyone's feelings. Of course, if someone is asking for something that the person doesn't approve of, that lack of approval may well get transferred to the asking character. And of course, blunt questions can be easily overheard.

Dicepools of these kinds of questions are usually Charisma + Background. You can only use a Background that is appropriate to the situation and shared by the target.

Last edited by Username17 on Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Username17 »

Here's a bigger section of the combat section. Note that I am seriously unsure about how to handle autofire weaponry. It's very difficult to make a system that doesn't just make autofire into useless fappery or the "I Win" button. And yeah, Wound Penalties fuck you up. Bad.

This is going to hurt you more than me.

An attack is usually resolved by spending a Simple Action to make the Attack. The character makes a test against the threshold. If the requisite number of hits are achieved, the attack hits and the target must soak the amount of damage that the attack inflicts. If the attacking character gets more hits than necessary, the net hits are added to the damage of the attack before the target gets to soak. In most cases, a character's dice pool will be their Strength + Combat when making a melee attack and Agility + Combat when making a ranged attack. In the cases when an attack is being made with some kind of sorcery, the dicepool may well be something else entirely and is described in the discipline description.

When a character wants to attack something it is more difficult if the target is farther away. The range between the target and the attacking character determines the base threshold. However, just because a character has the accuracy to strike an opponent out to a specific range does not mean that their weapon is physically capable of reaching that far, or of reaching a target at that range with any accuracy. Most weapons have a maximum range beyond which they cannot be expected to work, and most weapons have a range beyond which they become inaccurate (given in parentheses). Melee attacks of course simply have an absolute limit of their reach. If you want them to go any farther than your arm will take them you have to throw them.
Range meters Threshold
Adjacent 0-2m Special
Near 2-5m 1
Short 5-20m 2
Way out 21-100m 3
Extreme 101-1000m 4
Remote 1001+ 5

The Threshold to hit something that is Adjacent to you is zero. Seriously, it's right next to you. However, if the target is a resisting creature that is aware of the impending attack, the threshold is increased to half the target's Agility + Combat. Yes, against skilled opposition it is much easier to shoot an opponent from 3 meters away where they can't interfere with the shot than it is to shoot them from within arm's reach where they can.

The Threshold can be further modified by circumstances. If the target has cover or its location is suspect (as in the case of illusions or intervening shower curtains), the threshold is increased by 1 or 2. If you're operating beyond the accurate range of your weapon (but still within the maximum range), increase the threshold by 1. If the target is moving quickly, increase the threshold by 1. If the attacking character is moving faster than a careful walk, increase the threshold of a ranged attack (but not a melee attack) by 1.

OK, that hurt.

When a character takes damage, they are usually allowed to Soak that damage. This involves rolling a Soak Test (normally Strength), with the hits subtracted from incoming damage. If the damage is soaked to zero (or less), the character takes no perceptible damage. If after the damage is soaked it is still some positive number, the character suffers a wound. Some number of boxes will be filled up. All characters and objects have 10 boxes on their condition monitor. And when those boxes are filled in, they are marked depending on the type of damage it is:
Nonlethal: If the wound is a Nonlethal Wound, draw a single diagonal line between the lower left of the box and the upper right of the box. Like this: [/]
Lethal: If the wound is a Lethal Wound, draw two diagonal lines that cross in the box. Like this: [X]
Aggravated: If the wound is an Aggravated Wound, draw two diagonal lines that cross in the box and run a horizontal line through that. Like this: [X]

When all 10 of a character's boxes fill up with any kind of mark they are incapacitated, but they do not necessarily die. If more Lethal or Nonlethal wounds are inflicted when all the boxes are filled in and there are any boxes filled in as Nonlethal, draw an extra diagonal line through an appropriate number of them to make them Lethal wound boxes. Similarly, Aggravated wounds displace lesser wounds if the track is already full. For ease of accounting, the game arranges all wounds in the order of Aggravated, Lethal, Nonlethal in the character's wound boxes. This can be achieved with simplicity by treating the forward and backward slash of the Lethal wound as separate and placing each one on the first line it fits. You can do the same with the horizontal mark on the Aggravated Wound.

In the case that a character is Incapacitated and at least one of the boxes filled in only with Nonlethal damage, they are in no immediate danger (from their wounds, being incapacitated in a place where you just took a wound implies a certain level of urgency in most cases). If however every box is filled in with a line that goes from the lower right to the upper left ([\]), the character's condition has a chance of degrading – sending them spiraling into death, especially if they do not receive medical care. In general, intervention can stabilize such a character if administered within an hour of the injury, and sometimes characters will stabilize anyway. Note that in most cases, when a box gains the downward sloping slash it will gain it as part of a Lethal or Aggravated wound and actually look this [X] or this [X]. The different lines also heal separately, so it is entirely possible to be left with just a line from the upper left to the lower right ([\]) even though no wound actually makes a mark that looks like that when it is inflicted.

A Terminal Wound is much like an Incapacitating Wound in that it fills up all of the character's wound boxes. The difference is that it is also an emergent threat to the character's life. A character who suffers a Terminal Wound will need to be stabilized within about five minutes or – barring a miracle – they will die. And yes, that includes “Nonlethal” wounds. A rubber bullet or a boxer's punch is entirely capable of stopping a heart, and then someone had better be on hand with CPR or the curtain is coming down.
Net Damage Wound Name Wound Boxes
1 Petty Wounds 1 Box
2 Ordinary Wounds 3 Boxes
3 Serious Wounds 6 Boxes
4 Incapacitating Wounds All 10 Boxes
5 Terminal Wounds All 10 Boxes*

*: Also, you are probably going to die.

Damage Penalties: When a character has been recently damaged, their ability to act is extremely impaired. The character's actions take a penalty equal to the number of boxes on their condition monitor have a line running through them from the lower left to the upper right ([/]). This includes any Nonlethal ([/]), Lethal ([X]) or Aggravated ([X] wound boxes. Characters with a Willpower in excess of 2 reduce wound penalties (to a minimum of zero) by the amount their Willpower exceeds 2. So for example, a character with a Willpower of 4 can ignore the wound penalties imposed by 2 of their boxes. A character with Indomitability ignores wound penalties completely.

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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Automatic weapons should just give an area attack option. We explicitly shouldn't care exactly how many bullets you're firing in a combat round, and the option of firing a single shot rather than a tight burst should generally be reserved for executions.

I could see a system somewhat like SR where you can use your strength to compensate recoil an allow sustained accurate bursts (sort of like power attack, but with a free boost of your strength). However, when 'strong' in this case can be lifting cars with one hand, we're probably better off just letting the Rambos use artillery.

As an aside, strength-based wieldability is a decent option for both melee and ranged weaponry, and deals nicely with the TWFing/THFing problems. A character can reasonably wield weapons with a 'weight' or 'size' up to her strength. If she wants to use two weapons, she adds all of the weapon stats together (this includes shields and the like), including the difficulty of wielding them.

It doesn't capture all of the nuance you might want different methods of combat to use, but it is very simple and general.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by Username17 »

Here's a start on the weapons. It's basically the nWoD basic ranged weapon chart with the stats conformed to the aWoD system. Anyone have things they want included?

Weaponry and Hazards
Holy crap, that looks dangerous.

Most ranged weapons do an amount of damage that is fixed regardless of how strong the user is. The strength listing on the ranged weaponry table indicates the strength required to use the weapon without penalty in two hands. If the character's actual Strength exceeds that, they may use it without difficulty in one hand, unless it is Large in which case their strength must exceed that by 2 in order to use it successfully in one hand.
Ranged Weaponry Table
Pistol, Lt. 2 (N)S 1 S
Pistol, Hvy. 3 (N)W 2 S
Rifle 4 (W)E 3 L
Machine Pistol 2˟ (N)S 2 S
Assault Rifle 3˟ (S)E 3 L
Submachine Gun 2˟ (S)W 2 M
Shotgun 4(N)S 3 M
Crossbow 2 (S)W 2 L

  • ˟: Weapon fires in automatic mode.
    Size: Small weapons can be concealed in a pocket; Medium weapons can be concealed under a coat; Large weapons can be concealed in a car.
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Post by TavishArtair »

You obviously need the autoshotgun and Molotov cocktails so people can run a Left 4 Dead game.
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Post by A Hammer »

Giving weather control to the androids seems kind of weird, thematically. Is there some particular source material you have in mind in regards to that? If not, Names of the Blasphemies or something might be a better fit.
FrankTrollman wrote:Anyone have things they want included?
I see that you are missing Land Shark Guns on your list.
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Post by Quantumboost »

Not just molotovs, we also want things like rocket launchers and grenade(s)( launchers). Granted, they *would* need different basic mechanics due to blast radius and some amount of heat damage, but we need them.

And cannons. Trolls wielding cannons is just... yes.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

The flame thrower is too classic of an anti-supernatural weapon to pass by, but probably won't qualify as a 'ranged weapon' in the normal sense. Grenades should probably also make an appearance.

We also need rules for silver bullets, phosphorus shells, and birdseedshot.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Shotguns with rock salt was once mentioned. What did we do about weaknesses again?


Also, the persuasion and interviewing things are phenomenal.

This project is shaping up to be the only game that has an even remotely believable and viable diplomacy system that is supported by mechanics.

I mean... you could have the social game be a complete stand-alone product, and it's got enough to it to be a decent mini-game. Throw in the rest, and aWoD is looking to be really good.
Last edited by Judging__Eagle on Sun Oct 25, 2009 4:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Draco_Argentum »

The last sentence of Attacking is cut off. What does moving quickly mean. Su fast or just a human run?
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Post by Koumei »

CatharzGodfoot wrote:The flame thrower is too classic of an anti-supernatural weapon to pass by, but probably won't qualify as a 'ranged weapon' in the normal sense.
You'd be surprised at the actual effective range of flamethrowers. Hint: no movie or video game ever gets it right, it's much longer.

Heavy machineguns (as in, the kind that humans have to mount on a tripod in order to fire, like those on ships and tank pintles. I couldn't name any real ones so I'll use examples of Heavy Stubber and Auto-Cannon) are a personal favourite.
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Post by Josh_Kablack »

Koumei wrote:Heavy machineguns (as in, the kind that humans have to mount on a tripod in order to fire, like those on ships and tank pintles. I couldn't name any real ones
Most commonly just called a "50 caliber machine gun", wikipedia says the current US designation is "Browning Machine Gun, Cal. .50, M2, HB, Flexible"

that's really most of them

but if you want some other links to read on the history and quibbling on terminology:
"But transportation issues are social-justice issues. The toll of bad transit policies and worse infrastructure—trains and buses that don’t run well and badly serve low-income neighborhoods, vehicular traffic that pollutes the environment and endangers the lives of cyclists and pedestrians—is borne disproportionately by black and brown communities."
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Post by Koumei »

Yeah, I meant the 50-cal/HMG, though it'd also be worthwhile to include an auto-cannon just to see how sad they make vampires feel (specifically, at what point vampires don't feel sad upon taking two to the chest).
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Post by Username17 »

Next up: Special Combat Actions (Aim, Spray n' Pray, Dodge), and Hazards / Explosives. Probably going to want to have rules for running fools over with a car in addition to picking them up and bashing people with them.
A Hammer wrote:Giving weather control to the androids seems kind of weird, thematically. Is there some particular source material you have in mind in regards to that? If not, Names of the Blasphemies or something might be a better fit.
Mostly a reference to Weird Science and Metropolis. The Android doing anything was accompanied by strange weather for no discernible reason.

Weaponry and Hazards
Holy crap, that looks dangerous.

Most ranged weapons do an amount of damage that is fixed regardless of how strong the user is. The strength listing on the ranged weaponry table indicates the strength required to use the weapon without penalty in two hands. If the character's actual Strength exceeds that, they may use it without difficulty in one hand, unless it is Large in which case their strength must exceed that by 2 in order to use it successfully in one hand.
Ranged Weaponry Table
Pistol, Lt. 2 (N)S 1 S
Pistol, Hvy. 3 (N)W 2 S
Rifle 4 (W)E 3 L
Machine Pistol 2˟ (N)S 2 S
Assault Rifle 3˟ (S)E 3 L
Submachine Gun 2˟ (S)W 2 M
Shotgun 4(N)S 3 M
Crossbow 2 (S)W 2 L
Auto-Shotgun 4˟(N)S 4 L
Machinegun 6˟(W)R 5 L
Sniper Rifle 6(E)R 5 L
Flame Thrower 3F˟Wˠ 5 L
Flare Gun 1F(N)W 2 S
Cannon 7(W)R 8 H

  • ˟: Weapon fires in automatic mode.
    F: Weapon does fire damage.
    ˠ: Weapon ignores cover.
    Size: Small weapons can be concealed in a pocket; Medium weapons can be concealed under a coat; Large weapons can be concealed in a car; Huge weapons do not really fit into cars.
Automatic Weapons: A weapon firing on automatic throws out many bullets in a short period of time. This allows it to be used for suppressive fire, to be fired at multiple enemies who are close together, and makes it more likely to hit something. A weapon fired on automatic gains 3 dice on the attack roll, but the spread of bullets makes fine aiming more difficult – the increase in threshold for firing at enemies with cover is doubled (basic cover increases threshold by 2, heavy cover increases threshold by 4). Also the character can't take the Aim action with an automatic weapon, but they can take the Spray-n-Pray action.

Melee weaponry differs from ranged weaponry primarily in that it simply goes as far as it will reach and therefore doesn't have a “range” value on the table. Many melee weapons inherently do Nonlethal damage, and their damage values are followed by an “N.” Unlike Ranged Weaponry, which is mostly designed for the purpose, a majority of things that people beat on each other with in hand to hand conflicts are actually improvised weapons – tools and household items that happen to be at hand when a fight breaks out.
Melee Weaponry Table
Fist 0N 0 X
Bottle 1N 1 S
Chair 1N 3 L
Baseball Bat 2N 2 M
Knife 1 1 S
Crowbar 2 2 M
Sword 3 2 M
Chainsaw 3 4 L
Axe 3 3 L
Hammer 2 1 S
Great Weapon 4 4 L
Sign Post 4N 5 L
Fire Hydrant 4 6 L
Car 6N 10 H
Lamp Post 6N 9 H

Last edited by Username17 on Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:08 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ice9 »

Sniper Rifle seems odd, compared to machine gun. Why does the Machine Gun have longer range? And is the fact that the sniper rifle has the longer range in parenthesis instead of the shorter one significant?

Also, this might actually be accurate, but it seems odd that the Sniper Rifle has such a high Strength requirement. Does resting it on something lower that, or are normal human snipers always taking the penalty?
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Post by Username17 »

Ice9 wrote:Sniper Rifle seems odd, compared to machine gun. Why does the Machine Gun have longer range? And is the fact that the sniper rifle has the longer range in parenthesis instead of the shorter one significant?

Also, this might actually be accurate, but it seems odd that the Sniper Rifle has such a high Strength requirement. Does resting it on something lower that, or are normal human snipers always taking the penalty?
Sorry about that, yeah that's a typo. Fixed.

But yes, the Strength requirement is for real. Mounting weaponry helps bypass the strength requirement. The "Sniper Rifle" is basically a Browning that has been modified to fire single shot at greater distance accuracy. Human Snipers use those things with bipods or even ring mounts. It pretty much takes Frankenstein's Monster to actually one-hand one of those things.

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Post by Username17 »

Here are some addendums to the combat and weapon rules:

Bullets: The amount of bullets fired off in genuine firefights is extremely varied and often frighteningly large. During a 12 second combat round, an assault rifle could easily fire 100 rounds or more (if it even had that many bullets in its magazine or belt-feed). Actually resolving where all of those bullets end up would be far too time consuming to consider doing in most battles. As such, the game doesn't really distinguish between characters squeezing off large numbers of bullets and characters taking hard seconds to line up their targets and fire devastating double-taps into a target's vitals. As such, the game also doesn't bother writing up exactly how many bullets weapons contain. During survival horror segments, ammunition conservation can (and should) be a major concern, but in regular street combat it shouldn't really come up.

It is also important to note that while the game only models those bullets that have a significant chance of hitting their target, every bullet fired eventually hits something. Stray bullets do not individually hit people we care about often enough to have such events generated by any combination of numbers on the dice, relegating that very real possibility to the realm of plot devices. However, in cases where the target is very close to other targets that these other targets are very likely to catch a bullet one way or another. If the target is getting cover from a creature and the target is missed by just the difference caused by the cover, then you can assume that the living cover is hit. Similarly, if the target is in or in front of a dense crowd of people, someone is getting hit. Deciding who is left as a narrative exercise. In such situations, Extras catch stray bullets much more than Luminaries.

Special Ammunition: Characters in the World of Darkness will often want to fire bullets that are specifically made of iron, wood, or silver. While these bullets have different characteristics than ones made of copper or lead, that's a level of detail that combat in aWoD does not actually go to. Special ammunition exists that is generally more effective. Whether it's made out of depleted uranium or is special explosive ammunition or whatever, such special equipment increases the damage of the gun by 1, costs quite a bit, and puts a real strain on the character's claim to not be a military-grade super villain.

Smooth bore weaponry such as shotguns can be loaded with grains of pretty much anything. Of special interest to characters in the World of Darkness is that they can fill the shells with salt, sand, or live grain in order to suppress Astral, Infernal, or Orphic sorcery respectively. This is quite effective, and the character's Agility + Combat test can suppress magic out to the range of the weapon.

Special Attack Actions

Aim: Aiming is the act of taking extra time with a shot n order to make it more accurate. Each Aiming action reduces the effective range between the character and the target by one range category for the next shot. The actual distance does not change, and the threshold is still modified upward if the character is firing from beyond the weapon's accurate range. If the weapon is sufficiently braced that recoil is completely negated and the target does not move substantially from its original position, the character's Aiming can continue to apply on future shots. The first Aim action takes a Simple Action, and each further Aim action takes a progressively longer time frame (1 Round, 1 Minute, 5 Minutes, and finally 20 minutes of preparation to reduce a Remote target to be effectively Adjacent). These subsequent Aim actions all apply to the same attack, but a character can't actually benefit from more subsequent Aim actions than they have actual skill rating in Combat or Rigging.

Suppressive Fire: Suppressive Fire is the act of firing a bunch of bullets near a piece of cover that a target (or targets) are hiding behind. Since Suppressive Fire is actually fired at a place where the targets are not, it has no chance of hitting them. What it can do is seriously threaten anyone who breaks cover. If during the following round any potential target comes out of cover (even for purposes of popping out to take a better shot), they are subject to an attack as if they had no cover at all. Suppressive Fire is very effective game mechanically with automatic weaponry because autofire has improvements in accuracy but suffers penalties against cover. This is not an accident, as suppressive fire is frequently and effectively used in the real world with weapons that have a high rate of fire. Suppressive Fire is a Complex Action and covers the entire round. Characters with multiple Initiative Passes can do other things while suppressing an area.

Spray-n-Pray: Automatic weaponry can be walked across areas, firing off bullets seemingly at random. This is neither advisable nor safe, but it can totally hit people with bullets and kill them and stuff. Which for people with little skill with firearms is not necessarily a bad deal. Spray-n-Pray differs substantially from most actions in aWoD because the character's skills and attributes don't really get used. Instead, the character nominates an arc and rolls just the 3 dice bonus for autofire against each potential target in the area. Spray-n-Pray ignores threshold modifiers from target speed or poor visibility, but is otherwise a normal ranged attack. Spray-n-Pray is not compatible with Aiming, and thus it will never hit anyone farther away than Way out Range or anyone behind heavy cover. Spray-n-Pray is a complex action.

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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Koumei wrote:
CatharzGodfoot wrote:The flame thrower is too classic of an anti-supernatural weapon to pass by, but probably won't qualify as a 'ranged weapon' in the normal sense.
You'd be surprised at the actual effective range of flamethrowers. Hint: no movie or video game ever gets it right, it's much longer.

Heavy machineguns (as in, the kind that humans have to mount on a tripod in order to fire, like those on ships and tank pintles. I couldn't name any real ones so I'll use examples of Heavy Stubber and Auto-Cannon) are a personal favourite.
I'll agree to that.

I've seen footage of shitty home-made flamethrowers that have disgusting range.

I can't find the site that had a crimped copper pipe as its barrel and used a pair of gas pumps to move the fuel (seriously, just looking at the thing you knew is was dangerous), but I found some substitutes.

Here's a recent find, and it's easier than every single one that I've seen before. ... er-210189/

A more proffessional type of deal: ... esso/2095/

That's about 20' ranges

Mil-Grade Flamers, they get 30-40' ranges, and are hot, even when standing far away from the user.



WWII War Footage, the man-portable flamer is visible at 00:43: ... re=related

Also, on the "Sniper Rifle" front. Call it an anti-material rifle, since they're not supposed to be used on human targets. Those things are meant to destroy the engine of a small vehicle, or take out a piece of hardware like a radar dish, or a power transformer, or a fuel tank.

A sniper rifle is something like a Dragunov, or a 7.62 mm rifle. They're supposed to be man-portable, because humans are meant to be carrying them.
Last edited by Judging__Eagle on Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Frank, I think you might have the 'grain ammo' flipped. Shouldn't it be Astral -- sand, Infernal -- salt, Orphic -- grain?

Also, we'll probably want rules for silencers. An easy option is reducing damage by 1, increasing effective range by one step, and increasing the threshold to hear a shot by 1 or 2.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Mount Flamethrower on rear
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Post by Username17 »

Nah, that's right. Astral Magic is made out of water and salt absorbs it. Infernal Magic is on fire, and sand douses it. Orphic Sorcery is dead and live grain cancels. That seems like a pretty decent
Catharz wrote:Also, we'll probably want rules for silencers. An easy option is reducing damage by 1, increasing effective range by one step, and increasing the threshold to hear a shot by 1 or 2.
Sounds good, although I think rather than increasing range it should reduce the accurate range of the weapon. Otherwise it's basically the same as reducing damage by 2 at all ranges.

Any ideas for scopes? I was thinking that maybe they would be useful for regaining your Aim bonus after you took a shot. Or possibly negating poor visibility modifiers for distance, or maybe both.
JE wrote:I've seen footage of shitty home-made flamethrowers that have disgusting range.
According to Wikipedia, a modern military flamethrower goes 80 meters. That seems close enough to 100 that I just called it a W and moved on.
JE wrote:Also, on the "Sniper Rifle" front. Call it an anti-material rifle, since they're not supposed to be used on human targets.
Reasonable. Although interesting note: my old flat mate took one to the back while he was working in Iraq as a medic. Indeed, if it hadn't hit him in the "backpack full of medkits" he'd be chunky salsa.

In a world where some people have the magic power to turn their skin into marble and other people are strong enough to hold one stead one handed while moving, I could easily see it becoming a fairly standard weapon amongst supernaturals. I mean, a lesser gun isn't going to do much to a rampaging Golem and you sure as hell don't want to engage a Warform Bagheera in melee.

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