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New Edition

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:16 pm
by Username17
This is where I'm going to be keeping the draft as it gets fleshed out and updated so that it doesn't get lost over a double handful of threads. I'll be adjusting it and updating it as things get finalized. The first six posts are going to be primarily fluff, with the ones afterwards being used for mechanics.


The world that the action of New Edition takes place in is called Sumeru. It is the name of the world and also the name of a continent where the action is assumed to mostly take place. Also it is the name of a very large mountain in the middle of that continent which is a tremendous and long dormant volcano. There are a number of other worlds: Asuraloka, Naraka, Pretaloka, Tiryagyoni, and Yâma. These worlds exist separately from Sumeru and also overlap in specific places, both literally and figuratively.

There are places in Sumeru which are also places in Yâma or one of the other worlds. While you are in those places you are literally in both places. You can enter these shared locations from either world, and you can leave these locations to either world. There is usually a trick to getting from one world to the other from these places, which may be as complicated as following a specific path, or as simple as outright deciding where you want to be.

Sumeru also has places where the magic of one of the other worlds holds sway. These are called nodes if you can't physically travel through them and portals if you can. There are one-way portals, where monsters from the other worlds pop out at various intervals, and two-way portals which are more like doors or overlapping locations that are simply extremely thin.

Sumeru is in many ways the least magical of the worlds, but it is also the center upon which all other worlds rest.

Dharma: Animals, People, and Monsters

All creatures have a Dharma. A path that they are supposed to follow. If they do it well, they are supposed to come back in a better state next time around. If they do it badly, they are supposed to be punished with a worse form next time. Of course, supposed to is somewhat loose in this case, as they

The Dharma for people is to do good things, avoid excess, and become as enlightened as possible. Also to be useful and productive at whatever it is that they do. People in Sumeru can draw power from one or more of the other worlds by aligning their life and their meditations with them. Not everyone does this, and those who don't will never really be that important in the grand scheme of things. Unfortunately for people in general, it's Kali Yurga right now, and basically none of them will actually get the promised rewards on the completion of their lives. Which means that many people have turned to wickedness on the grounds that it hardly seems to matter any more.

Monsters get a substantial amount of power just from being born. They start the race of life at a dead run and halfway down the track. To make things even more totally unfair, their dharma really is to rampage around, destroy things, and in some cases even eat people. Doing those horrible things well may get them reincarnated as a higher form of monster when they die. Seriously. But while a sphinx or a rakshasa is a terribly potent individual, their potential is not unlimited. The greatest of the people exceed the greatest of the monsters.

Animals have a dharma as well, which is to go around being a boar or a chicken or whatever it is that they do. When exposed to the portals to other worlds, they can become infused with otherworldly power. This causes them to leave their dharma and become very powerful. But this is actually quite bad for them in the long run, as every moment a chicken spends as a cockatrice destroying life with its breath is a moment that it is not spending living as a chicken, which means that it isn't following its dharma and it won't get reincarnated into something better. These monstrous animals are often driven to destructive madness, and you're generally doing them a favor by killing them.

There are also monstrous people, creatures which were long ago spawned from the interactions of Sumeru and the other worlds. They are extremely powerful, but they are still from Sumeru and can potentially aspire to being even greater. Yes, trolls and yak folk are better than you, and it;a not fair.

Finally, there are races of legend. These are monsters who came to steal the potential of Sumeru. They are very, very powerful. They can usually draw on powers aligned to more than one otherworld. And they have substantial potential to become world threats. However, these abominations had to tell their Dharma to go pound sand in order to get where they are, so their mere presence unravels reality somewhat and they are generally bad to have around. Fortunately, they are rare.


There are three Varnas:
  • Brahmin – “Scholars and Magicians,” the color of Brahmin varna is white.
  • Kshatriya – “Warriors and Leaders,” the color of the Kshatriya varna is red.
  • Vaishya – “Merchants and Artisans,” the color of the Vaishya varna is yellow.
Within each varna there are many castes. Some castes have no particular potential as heroes and won't be written up at all. Many castes are restricted to specific geographical areas or races and will be gone into with later publications.

Using and Abandoning Castes
The established castes are lists of preselected abilities for each level. A character who is a member of a caste can be advanced to a certain level simply by grabbing all the powers listed for the caste up to that level, making the creation of PCs and NPCs of specific level relatively easy.

As characters go up in level they are perfectly able to select other powers than the ones preselected for their caste. Heck, if they so choose they can select exactly the powers and abilities offered to another caste. This can be a decent role playing hook, as many within the world of Sumeru have an intolerance or fear of those who abandon their caste. But there is no game mechanical penalty for doing this, indeed a character who abandons the caste they are born into and attains great things may well establish a new caste where those who come after them will take the same ability set as they go up in levels, naming their caste after the legendary hero who first blazed that trail. This can happen regardless of whether the original hero was rebelling against the caste system or simply doing what felt natural to them at the time.

Disguising one's caste: A caste is a whole way of life, a system of training, and a job in life. But it's also a fashion template, a set of arbitrary prohibitions and traditions, and a set of favored tools. Many castes have specific outfits that they are supposed to wear to mark themselves. One can simply not wear that and make it fairly difficult to spot one's true caste. Indeed, if a character has abandoned their caste, it doesn't really matter what they wear. Wearing the garb of another caste is sometimes considered flattery and sometimes considered to be a grave insult.

Races of People

There are 10 races of people in Sumeru. Roughly speaking, each race is mostly aligned with one or another of the other worlds. Not every hobgoblin draws power from another world. Many of them simply farm rice and do their thing. And not every hobgoblin who does draw power from another world draws it from Naraka, but as a stereotype it has a reason for existing. More hobgoblins draw power from Naraka than any two other worlds. So while the assumption that a hobgoblin Kshatriya is of the Darkness Warrior caste is wrong more often than it is right, it is correct more often than any other assumption would be and a lot of people in the worlds actually make that assumption.

The ten sapient races of Sumeru cannot interbreed successfully. No matter how much a vanara and a gremlin love each other, they will never be able to have children. There are no half-human/ half-garudas in the world. The different races can and do live in the same cities as one another, but like chickens and goats who share the same barn, there will never be offspring between them.

Re: New Edition

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:16 pm
by Username17

The color of Asuraloka is blue.

The prison of the giants

The Asura are giants of tremendous size and fierce temperment.

The halls of Virtra, ruler of the dragons


Gremlins are about a meter tall and look like muppets. They have green or yellow warty skin and huge flappy ears. They have long fingers and toes with hooked claws. They have needle-like teeth and long tongues. Gremlins typically love humor and destruction and see the one coming naturally from the other.

The Gremlin people were offered great wealth by the Asura if they would but fashion mighty weapons for them in their war against the Deva. Such was their love of senseless destruction that the kings of the gremlins eagerly agreed. And though they fashioned many fantastic and horrible god-slaying weapons, it nonetheless proved insufficient. As the Asura were punished by being thrown bodily into Atala, so too are the gremlins punished in death – for it is said that every gremlin is subjected to five hundred years of torture in the Naraka of Screaming before their case is even allowed to be heard.


Merfolk appear much as humans do from the waist up, and while they are in the water they have the lower halves of a dolphin. When they arise from the water to walk on land, their flukes magically transform into feet. Regardless of where they are, they have gill slits between their ribs and webbed fingers. Merfolk are typically as emotional and inconstant as the sea. Merfolk hair doesn't dry out or get tangled if subjected to long exposure to salt water, so they often grow it really long.

The Merfolk were created by the dragons, but ultimately abandoned. Unregistered in the book of the world, Merfolk actually still have a Dharma of being an animal. So they actually accumulate completely unjustified bad karma every moment of their lives, which they are punished for in Naraka by Rakshasa who think the situation is hilarious.


Caste Spotlight

Re: New Edition

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:18 pm
by Username17

The color of Naraka is black.

It is a land of demons

The ghost king's frozen kingdom



Caste Spotlight
  • Assassin.
  • Malefactor.
  • Warlock.

Re: New Edition

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:19 pm
by Username17

Metal fortress of the djinn

Land of the naga

The Naga are serpents which live deep beneath the surface of the world.



Caste Spotlight

  • Gadgeteer. Working with gears and fire was quite historically the province of Vaishya, but with the discovery that you could in fact make weapons which killed people over long distances, the dabbling in metal and wood has been avidly explored by Kshatriya throughout the world.
  • Seer.

Re: New Edition

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:21 pm
by Username17

The wilds of the yaksha

The groves of the gandharvas



Parvati was (and in many ways still is) a very powerful Rudraksha tree situated directly on a powerful nature node. The mana crystals soaked into her roots and she became massive and wise. But the powerful Asura Daruka (who could not be killed by any man) was jealous of the power and chopped Parvati to pieces in order to get at the sweet power that lay below. But while Parvati was destroyed, she was not killed because she was a tree. And from the living roots a dozen, a thousand saprolings shot towards the heavens, and every one of them was a maiden, every one of them was Parvati. And these maidens wander the world, make choices, sing songs, and live their lives as humans would.

But when they are killed one alone they are not reincarnated, for while just one Dryad lives, Parvati lives. And so long as she is alive they are not fully dead. All Dryads once killed go to the land of the dead and await reincarnation. But it is a long wait because it can't proceed until every last Dryad is slain.


Caste Spotlight

  • Ranger.
  • Druid.

Re: New Edition

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:23 pm
by Username17

Yâma is a plateau set against an unfathomable number of mountains eclipsing one another in size and sacred power.

The color of Yâma is brown.

Sacred mountain guarded by sphinxes

  • Amon – lions with eagle heads and wings.

The pleasant plateau of the spenta



Yak Folk

Caste Spotlight

Re: New Edition

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:33 pm
by Username17
Mechanics Placeholder

This is where we talk about how you roll a d20, add your bonuses, and check your target number. Also where we talk about the six "Armor Classes" of Dodge, Tenacity, Fortitude, Perception, Willpower, and Insight.

Also probably Action descriptions, which as a placeholder are:

  • Passive. This ability is on all the time, and is usually reserved for resistances and the like.
  • Stance. This is like a passive ability, but you do it instead of something else. Also it determines your "trap card" so that if people do that trigger you, your stance determines what happens at that point.
  • Maneuver. This is something you do instead of moving this round. Or as your movement for the round. Either one.
  • Mark. This is your "standard action" it might be stabbing someone, or whatever. It has goals. It moves forward and has accomplishments which are proactive.
  • Press. This is your "Boost" - something you do to affect the battle regardless of what you roll.

And that might easily change. Seriously, I'm not wedded to it, and it's more complicated than I'd like. But I'd rather have a more complex base system than put exceptions to the system into the individual abilities.


Re: New Edition

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:40 pm
by Username17
Character Creation Placeholder

Arrange Ability Scores. You get a bonus array which is something like this:

  • +8
  • +7
  • +7
  • +5
  • +5
  • +4

Arrange however you want amongst Str, Dex, Con, Int, Cha, Wis. Sure. That's subjcet to change honestly, I could easily see any of a number of different options, and I'm still open to the idea of purging Charisma entirely and going with 5 stats. Also, stats could be renamed if people would rather distance themselves from D&D more. Thesaurus powers activate!

Also you are aligned with one of the five worlds. Yes. Just one.


Anyway, then you select your race. It gives you a racial ability every couple of levels and you also get to pick abilities from schools associated with the world you are aligned with.

You can also choose to just not think about it and grab the powers from a caste that are preselected. Nothing wrong with that.


Re: New Edition

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:45 pm
by Username17
Castes Place Holder

Each of the castes are like classes. Ideally, all fifteen of the spotlighted castes should appear here. We'll build them up to fifth, and then extend them to 10th, then 20th, and finally Epicality.

Malefactor Quotation

Rant about Malefactors in the world of Sumeru.

Iconic Spotlight on a specific Hobgoblin Malefactor.

  1. List of Malefactor Preselected Abilities by Level
  2. Level One and its shenanigans.

Repeat for 14 other castes, holy shit yo!


Re: New Edition

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:46 pm
by Username17
Giant Ability List Place Holder

Yeah. Starting with the abilities that teh sample castes get, and then adding other ones. This list is going to be big, because it's basically everything you can do in the game.


Re: New Edition

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:49 pm
by Username17
Beastiary List Place Holder

Here's where we throw in the monsters. It's going to be a long list, so we should divide it ultimately into 2 different sections: the extraplanars (Rakshasas, Nagas, etc.) and the Monstrous animals and people (Trolls and Basilisks and Legendaries like Mind Flayers go here).


Re: New Edition

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:50 pm
by Username17
Antagonists Placeholder

The second half of the Beastiary. Where we throw down the Mind Flayers and the Bug Bears.


Re: New Edition

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:51 pm
by Username17
Just in case I forgot something really important. Equipment? Fuck if I know, that probably fits into Character Creation honestly, but I probably need something else.
