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2 Barbarous PrCs: Berzerker and Bloodspiller

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:43 pm
by Judging__Eagle

"Maim! Kill! Burn! Maim! Kill! Burn! Maim! Kill! Burn! Maim! Kill! Burn! Maim! Kill! Burn!"

"Attack! Is the only other word you need to know."

Some people fight, some few of those that fight can kill, a very select few are concerned with nothing so long as they can fight. Preferable in hand to hand combat, preferable now.


BaB: +3

Skill: Intimidate 6 Ranks
Proficiency: Must be proficient with at least one lethal weapon.
Special: Must have attacked and dealt the killing blow to creature.

Hit Dice: d12
BaB: Good (1/1)
Saves: Fort: Good Reflex: Poor, Will: Poor
Skill Points: 4+Int

Proficiencies: You gain proficiency with all lethal weapons.

Level: Benefits
  1. Natural Wearer of Armour, Rage, Ferocious Healing
  2. Hate Magic, MAIM! KILL! BURN!,
  3. Skulls for the Skull Throne! Disdain for no weapon
Rage: As the Barbarian Class feature, Berzerker levels stack with Barbarian levels for determining the effects of the Rage feature and Rage Dice

Natural Wearer of Armour: A Berzerker is always ready for the spilling of blood. As such, they nearly never remove their armour, becoming so accustomed to its presence that it begins to act as if it were a second skin. Some Berzerkers even wear extra armour. Merely because they can.

As long as the Berzerker is wearing one suit of armour that they are proficient with, the Armour Bonus instead counts as a Natural Armour bonus. They may wear an other suit of armour so long as it has a lower Armour Check Penalty than the suit of armour that is underneath. The Armour Check and Stealth Check penalties of both armours are added together.

[Yes, that means that the 1/2 of your lowest armour value rule from Tome of Gears is voided. You're not polymorphed into a creature with massive natural armour; you're doing something else, that won't be generating +20 Natty armour on it's own].

Ferocious Healing: If a Berzerker deals lethal damage to an other creature they gain Fast Healing that is equal to their levels in classes that provide Rage or Rage-like abilities combined. This effect lasts for one round per class level that provides Rage. If you deal damage again while this effect is active, you merely reset countdown of turns remaining.

Basically, add your Barbarian, and Berzerker Levels; when you deal melee damage, you gain Fast Healing equal to those levels, for the same amount of rounds.

Hate Magic: Berzerkers hate magical effects as well as anyone who uses them.

The Berzerker gets the Mage Hunter [Combat] feat. Seeing a magical effect counts as one of the triggers for when the character may elect to Rage; and not seeing a magical effect for three rounds will remove is one of the three things that a Barbarian must encounter before their rage is broken (not dealing, or taking, damage being the other two).

MAIM! KILL! BURN!: A Berzerker can go into an unending chant to encourage herself to spill even more blood.

As a swift action, a Berzerkermay begin ranting and raving at the top of their lung at their enemies. The Berzerker's lethal attacks deal an additional amount of damage equal to their character level in [Energy] damage. This benefit lasts until the beginning of the Berzerker's next round.
[Use Force if using 'Baskin Robbins' damage flavours (i.e. Holy, Anti-holy, Acid, Dope, Fire, Cold, Electricity, Sonic, Hedgehogs, Force etc.) or "Fire" if 'Sane' damage flavours are used.]

Skulls for the Skull Throne!: A Bloodspiller's weapon acts as if it has the Slicing weapon property at all times, this can be suppressed as a non-action and can be re-activated as part of an attack action. A Slicing weapon cuts off a target's limb if they are attacked and damaged that round unless they make a Reflex save against a DC of 10 + 1/2 the Berzerker's Hit Dice + The Berzerker's Charisma Modifier.
[The Book of Gears Sharpness property]

Disdain for no Weapon: Sometimes a Berzerker only has a soup cup, often that is more than enough.

A Berzerker suffers no penalties for using an improvised weapon. Also, they can use any sized melee weapon, so long as it is a light load for them, without any penalty. This weapon deals damage as if it were an appropriate weapon of a size category that corresponds with its weight.


"Why do you simper like striplings from the steel-shattering snows?
Our enemies still draw breath!
-Kharne the Betrayer, at Skalathrax

"Know too, that even as our blood spills it will be welcome."

Some people fight, some few of those that fight kill, a very select few are beyond fighting or killing. These few are concerned with nothing so long as blood is spilled.

In their obsession, they are swayed by nothing and will do anything to ensure that the blood flows.


BaB: +8

Skill: Intimidate 10 Ranks
Feat: Must have a Leadership feat that allows for followers that can engage in melee combat
Special: Must have attacked and killed creature of at least your CR in melee on your own

Hit Dice: d12
BaB: Good (1/1)
Saves: Fort: Good Reflex: Poor, Will: Poor
Skill Points: 4+Int

Proficiencies: You gain proficiency with all simple and martial melee weapons.

Level Benefits
  1. Bloodlust, Indomitable Will, Everything is blood, Furious Fleetness +10'
  2. Fanatical Followers, Careless Killer, Bloodlust Dice +2d6
  3. Savage Noise, Bloodlust Dice +4d6
  4. Nearly Impossible to Kill, Furious Fleetness +25'
Bloodlust: See the Rage class feature for the RoW Barbarian. This bonus to attack and damage rolls is an Insight Bonus. The Bloodspiller do not however lose any fast healing granted by Barbarian class levels while in their Bloodlust. A Bloodspiller may stack the effects of Bloodlust with Rage. However, you will lose your Fast Healing as per the Barbarian Rage class ability. All attacks that the Bloodspiller deals while in their Bloodlust must be for lethal damage.

If a Bloodspiller is unable to deal lethal damage for 3 rounds, then the Bloodlust ends for that combat. To end a Bloodlust eariler requires a successful Will Save. The DC is 10 + 1/2 the Bloodspiller's hit dice + Charisma Modifier.

Indomitable Will: The Bloodspiller gains the Slippery Mind Rogue special ability. However, they may use it every round until the effect is saved against.

If targeted by an spell effect, but not damage, that would kill them (such as a Death effect), the Berzerker is treated as if their hit points were set to -1 and stable.

Everything is blood: A Bloodspiller may choose to deal lethal damage with a weapon any time they could deal non-lethal damage with a weapon, but not if the weapon has been magically altered to deal non-lethal damage (Such as a Merciful weapon enchantment).

Additionally a bloodspiller with no weapons can make slam attacks in lieu of being unarmed. These slam attacks deal 1d8 damage for a medium sized creature, and add 1 1/2 of the Bloodspiller's Strength modifier in damage. A Bloodspiller gains extra attacks with this slam attack as would be granted by their Base Attack Bonus to a wielded weapon.
[you can kill with saps or your fists, happy birthday].

Furious Fleetness: While in Bloodlust or Raging, a Bloodspiller gains an increase to their speed when making a move action to move, which is doubled when charging.

Bloodlust Dice: As long as a Bloodspiller is in their Bloodlust, they may add their Bloodlust dice to melee damage rolls derived from their Base Attack Bonus.

Fanatical Followers: Instead of normal followers, a Bloodspiller may elect to have Fanatical Followers. Instead of using actual rules for individuals, treat an area up to 5 feet per two character levels the Bloodspiller has, as a Swarm that is centred around the Bloodspiller. The area that this Swarm takes may be smaller or reduced to any size, but it is always centred on the Bloodspiller or ajacent to it.

This Swarm represents the Bloodletters most Fanatical Followers and deals damage as if it were a Swarm equal to the the Bloodspiller's character levels (1-5 HD: 1d6;6-10:2d6; 11-15: 3d6; 16-20: 4d6; 21+:5d6). Additionally, any allies of the Bloodspiller that attack an enemy that is currently within the area affected by the Fanatical Followers gains a Cover Bonus to AC and a Flanking Bonus to Hit equal to 1/2 the Bloodspiller's Character levels.

Careless Killer: If the Bloodspiller fails to hit with a melee attack roll, they instead lash out at their Followers. For the rest of the combat the bonuses that the Fanatical Followers give is reduced by 1. If this number becomes a negative number, then now a negative modifier is applied as the senseless killing now becomes distracting to even the Bloodspiller's fellow party members.

Savage Noise: Bloodspillers hate the fact that some people use their mind to kill instead of using weaopns. They try to befuddle mages with their incessant ranting and raving.

As long as a Bloodspiller is able to speak and be heard, they can spend a Swift action to begin ranting and raving in an attempt to suppress magical effects with the [Sonic] descriptor and spells with a verbal component. Anyone within medium range of the Bloodspiller attempting to use or maintain such a spell or ability must make a Willpower save (10 + 1/2 the Bloodspiller's hit dice + Charisma Modifier) or their spell or ability fizzles.

Nearly Impossible to kill: If a Blood Spiller is killed while in Bloodlust, they are affected by a True Ressurection spell 24 hours after they have died.

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 8:17 pm
by Judging__Eagle
I'm not sure if there should be other abilities in the levels marked with: [____], or if I should change what is there right now.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 4:56 am
by Koumei
One thing to note: They apparently gain the Slipper Mind ability. I assume this keeps their mind (such as it is) warm and comfortable when they get out of bed in the mornings.

Or you meant Slippery Mind.

Doesn't look bad, certainly, although I could never play in a game that had a "Lulz, the mechanics give me an excuse to kill my allies" character.

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 7:03 am
by Judging__Eagle
Maybe any allies gain the same damage bonus as you do?

Inspiration to spill blood?

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 5:13 pm
by Aktariel
Looks good. What's it a start of?

Also, nitpick - levels 3 and 5 give you "Berzerker Dice" as opposed to "Bloodlust Dice."

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:34 am
by Judging__Eagle
Aktariel wrote:Looks good. What's it a start of?
I'm not sure what you mean by this.
Also, nitpick - levels 3 and 5 give you "Berzerker Dice" as opposed to "Bloodlust Dice."
Thanks for the catch, I tend to really let that sort of stuff slide. Other times I intentionally try to slip something odd in, and other times still I go back and change how I want to say something partway through writing it, then the beginning few words don't match the rest of the sentence.

I think that I might make a Bonecrusher class to let people that want to use blunt weapons or two handed slashing weapons.

Re: Bloodspiller

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:31 pm
by Aktariel
Judging__Eagle wrote:
Aktariel wrote:Looks good. What's it a start of?
I'm not sure what you mean by this.
Judging__Eagle wrote:It's a start.
Why did you create this class? What is it's purpose? A RoW Frenzied Berserker?

EDIT: Also, there is no slicing property in the Book of Gears. Perhaps sharpness is what you had in mind? (A weapon of sharpness cuts stuff into pieces. A victim who fails a Fortitude Save loses
a limb (chosen at random), and an object struck by a weapon of sharpness has its hardness ignored. )

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2008 11:52 pm
by Judging__Eagle
Ah, purpose.

To make a PrC for Khorne Berzerkers, and for those past 6th lvl to become Kharne the Betrayer.

Edit: changed Dementia or Devotion, I also need to change it so that only at higher levels do you become actually batshit. So, lower lvl Bloodspillers deal damage, hate magic users and wear their armour well; higher level ones are Kharne the Betrayer.


did some more reshuffling, I'm not sure how balanced this is now; you have to make saves vs. all spells, and get SR 15 + level; you get a total of +6d6 damage; special armour wearing shows up at the 1st lvl.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:22 am
by Aktariel
Mmmm. It's a little... less focused than the original. You grant two different types of dice, and essentially two different rage-esque abilities.

Also, I have no idea who or what either of those things/people are.

Is this guy someone who likes to just slice people up and froth at the mouth, or someone who does that yet remains focused enough to remember that they hate magic users even more than anyone else, and gets abilities to help kill them especially?

I would... suggest that perhaps you split them up. A five level class to make a "berzerker," and a five level class to make a barbarian mage killer.

It doesn't feel as... tight as the first version. Just my thoughts.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:30 am
by Surgo
It's certainly a bit...much. Why are the dice scaling so much faster than the regular Barbarian? That's the first thing I noticed. I don't really see why you'd play a normal Barbarian when you could take this PrC instead. From 6-10 you'll give up Great Blows and Great Life and get 3d6+level more in the way of pseudo-rage dice, huge spell resistance that can be lowered to get the good spells (most of which don't have a save) (level 6), the ability to fuck up basically any non-SLA magic (unknown level because it's not there), give everybody else on your team the same amount of rage dice you have (level 9), reroll attack rolls (level 10)...yeah.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:21 pm
by Judging__Eagle
Yes, it needs to look tasty. B/c if you fuck it up, you'll kill your whole party.

I have to put a caveat that you maintain your SR and that it can't ever be lowered.

Forgot to put up Words of War in a proper place.

I probably need to change the check needed to stop Bloodlusting to be Concentration.


1. To make sure you can't auto-save due to RoW Barbarian abilities
2. To make the threat that you can and most likely will attack (and possibly kill) fellow PCs become a potential problem.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:53 pm
by Ice9
A Concentration check would be, if anything, easier to guarantee success on - take Steady Concentration (always take 10), and get an item that boosts it; plus, it uses Constitution, which is likely to be high.

Balancing a PrC around "you might kill your party members" is problematic - at best. Plus, it isn't really a balance on the character in question, is it? It's a balance on the whole rest of the group - one they're likely to resent. Here's what I see happening, if the rest of the players are even willing to be in a party with a Bloodspiller:
1) Party gets in a fight.
2) Bloodspiller goes nuts and kills some party members.
3) Party kills the Bloodspiller while he's asleep, and uses the body as a trap detector.

Now balancing it around something that's actually a detriment to the player in question - like charging heedlessly into danger or being unable to retreat in any situation - that's a possibility.

Incidentally, I can see the allure of playing the berserk/evil/creepy guy that the rest of the party dreads being around, but they need the power. It's just that it doesn't work as well in a game as in a story. In a story, the rest of the characters are forced by the plot to tolerate the character in question, and they don't mind playing the straight man. In a game, the other players can and will say "screw that" once they start getting killed, and they're too busy with their own plots to be a foil for others.

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:09 pm
by Judging__Eagle
Okay, new idea.

1) A 3 lvl Berserker prestige class

2) A 3 lvl Betrayer prestige class (pre-reqs, must have killed at least a dozen dangerous creatures in a single battle, a dangerous creature is one which is no less than your CR-2)

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 8:51 pm
by angelfromanotherpin
Suggestions on the Betrayer theme:
• True AE melee attacks: i.e. like Whirlwind from Races of War, but replace 'opponents' with 'beings.' That way it's like the magical AOEs, a tactical limitation on positioning.

• The way Kharn the Betrayer is supposed to work in the tabletop game (whether or not he actually does) - his misses are also hits, but on his own unit. So if you field him by himself the attacks hit him - and he's valuable. So you usually want to actually field him with a unit of meat shields to take those hits for him. Implement something like that, so instead of betraying the other PCs and pissing the players off, he can betray his own lesser followers from the Leadership feat - and actually cost the resources his own character brought to the table.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 2:26 am
by Surgo
JE wrote:Yes, it needs to look tasty. B/c if you fuck it up, you'll kill your whole party.
No, you don't. You just use a merciful weapon, activate it before you go into a blood lust, and not even care.

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:39 pm
by Judging__Eagle
Merciful doesn't exist anymore. Good point though.


I thought that Kharne throws his attacks against other targets, not himself.

The usual use of him that I've seen has been to put him 'near' a squad up until they reach the enemy line, then have Kharne and the Squad go their seperate ways. Khane being a hero or squad killer all on his own.

Making Leadership a pre-req for the Betrayer PrC could work.

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 1:17 am
by angelfromanotherpin
You could be right. Hell, there have been a couple of versions of Kharne, so we could both be right. Either way, I prefer my version for these design purposes.

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:25 am
by Aktariel
I'm feeling like the barbarian needs some Tome-prestige class love.

I also would like to throw it into the next version of the PDF.

Any updates, new ideas, etc?

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:02 pm
by Judging__Eagle
Need to change the Maim Kill Burn ability so that it's 1 swift action to activate it each round.

So, you deal +character level in extra damage, but you burn a swift action chanting to do so.

I need to change Blood Lust so that the character can only deal lethal damage, and if they are unable to deal lethal damage for 3 rounds, then their Bloodlust ends for that encounter.

Potentially chopping the class into two 3-level classes; the 1st being Berzerker, the 2nd being Bloodspiller.

Bloodspiller would require leadership, and your "minions" are an "ability".

These minions fight alongside you and your allies, but they can't really hurt anything (they deal damage as if they were a Swarm with HD equal to your character level that occupies all of the squares that you can reach with your natural attacks (or could reach if you had natural attacks, basically as far as you could threaten with your punches)
HD: Damage

However they allow any allies within 5' per character level of your character to count as they they gain +1/3 your Character level as a Cover Bonus to AC and a Flanking bonus to attack rolls.

If a character is within this area of your minions spends a swift action they call upon nearby guys to "assist" them (grant the aid another action) giving them +1/2 your character level to hit for that round.

Every round that you are not able to deal lethal damage to an enemy, you reduce the bonus that your allies would recieve by 1. This value can go into the negatives, causing penalities to AC and To-Hit

Once the fight is over, the bonuses reset, the minions you've laid out groan and crawl back up to their feet, or else they were just the weaklings and only the lions among your company remain.

I think that it's a not bad idea. What do others think?

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:14 am
by Aktariel
Bump for update: anything else you want to change?

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:11 pm
by Judging__Eagle
Yeah, I did change some things, but giving some time between revisions helps to have a clear mind when reviewing.

I need to change fast healing, the armour wearing ability, just two things that I noticed looking at this for a minute, probably there are some other things.

edit: done with the changes.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:49 am
by Aktariel
Let me know when you're satisfied with it.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 5:21 pm
by Judging__Eagle
Berzerker, yes. Bloodspiller, no. For the next build I think.

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:42 am
by Bigode
Berzerker: first, why the piercing/slashing requirement (since I thoroughly fail to see a problem with getting really pissed while using a tetsubo, or ... fists)? Proficiencies might look like they'd change due with the requirement being thrown out, not sure if it matters. The RP requirement's impossible to meet - there's always XP ahead. (That was a joke.) [Fill in class skill list.] Might wanna make armor penalties to added together before applying any reductions or comparisons (if they were intended to already, might spell out). How much fast healing? Natural wearer of armor seems to me to be a pretty big benefit, and hate magic likely a disadvantage in aggregate - so perhaps both should come at same level. Energies: D&D actually has at most 7 of those (don't mistake "energy kind" for "damage type" - those are indeed deep into Crazy Town), so I don't know what's the deal with making the damage fire, period. Sharpness: might just say "suppressed or reactivated as a non-action"; not much use repeating the effect if it's a reference to BoG specifically (though, as for the .pdf, that really should contain a link); also, might include withering depending on what's done about prerequisites/proficiencies. "a melee weapon of any size"; and isn't the "size category consistent with weight" part much like how it should work for everyone as per RoW?

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:01 am
by Aktariel
Bump for updates.