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TNE and Centaurs

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:09 pm
by SphereOfFeetMan
This thread is dedicated to discussing why a centaur type player character can or cannot exist in TNE, according to Frank’s subjective goals. It is my assertion that it is possible to create rules for TNE which create a setting which allows for individual player choice, without a centaur ever existing in a game which Frank plays in. I will prove this to be true, using supporting evidence from Frank himself. To Elennsar: Please do not post in this thread, I will not respond, or even read any of your posts. In this particular thread, I ask people: please do not respond to any derailings. Thank you.
I will first start off with evidence from Frank for why there is no good reason a cosmetic change should not be excluded from a game:
FrankTrollman wrote:Sigh. Space Jam!

Look, if there's even one Chinese man in 1.3 billion people who can play in the NBA as a giant, then you are willing to concede that this is something a Chinese man is "capable" of qualifying for. The problem is that you're then reversing yourself when talking about other scenarios where the population isn't even a billion.

Or to put it another way:

Being 3 standard deviations away from the mean of a demographic group you belong to does not make you be of a specific power level. Being a crazy tall pygmy is insufficient to be a basketball superstar. Height is measured against other NBA superstars when determining power. Being crazy tall as a Chinese man puts Yao Ming into the 7th standard deviation. Having a Kenyan come out that tall would him in like the 4th or 5th standard deviation. It would be more likely for "a Kenyan" chosen at random to have the height and athleticism to be an NBA superstar than to for "a Chinese guy" to be. After all, there are only four Chinese NBA players, and Kenya fields more than that out of a population that is 1/38th the size.

Truly your chances of becoming an NBA superstar as a man from China are laughably small compared to the Kenyans who are per capita literally a hundred times more likely to succeed at Basketball. But see, that doesn't matter. At all. A Space Jam character isn't selected at random from the people of his home nation or even the people of the world. He's not even selected at random from people in the Basketball industry or even people in the NBA. He's a specific, exceptional, main character, NBA superstar. He's not chosen randomly at all. He's constructed by the player and is a unique individual who by definition is one of the twelve most exceptional basketball players on the planet.

Yes, less than 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of Yao Ming's people can be like Yao Ming. But that means fuck all for the purposes of making a Space Jam character. His height stat is balanced for a character in his power level (over nine thousand), and the fact that he's Chinese makes the height stat chosen "extremely rare." But not unbalanced. If Yao Ming's player had chosen to make him Kenyan instead, his height would be astoundingly less exceptional. Like literally a hundred or a thousand times less exceptional. But you don't create your character based on how exceptional they are, but by how powerful they are. Where people fall on demographic bell curves doesn't matter - the only thing that matters is where people fall on power scales.
No. See that's ungamebalanced. Allowing someone to play character A who is "more special" but not "more powerful" than character B is not a problem. Allowing someone to play character B who is "more powerful" but not "more unusual" than character A is a problem.
It's not even. Nothing is even. It's a specific fucking character who is a specific world saving champion. Whether it was easy for him to become that way due to an accident of birth or the end of a long and difficult road with lots of training and personal struggle means nothing for how powerful they are right now.
Good. It is agreed that any cosmetic change, which doesn’t affect game balance, and is agreed to by a particular gaming group, does not harm the game in any way.
Next, Frank will provide evidence for why disallowing any possibility for centaurs existing in the game is a bad thing:
FrankTrollman wrote:But here's the part that's not a trade off: content which has achieved general acceptance throughout the culture has done so because it is awesome. Elves, Orcs, and Dwarves are cool. They are memes that persist because people like telling stories about them. They have mythic resonance.

The dragonborn are not cool. They look stupid. Their story is unengaging and noone cares what they are or what they do. They aren't cool. And every time you write new content, you have to contend with the fact that your new creation might actually kind of suck. You aren't relying on hundreds of years of meme evolution to sort the nifty fantastic creatures from the stupid, you're rolling the dice and betting that your own personal taste will match that of the many people who are going to read your product.

Sometimes it works. Sometimes you can write up a new people and have people say "you know what? That's pretty cool." and then bam! It goes into the lexicon. You know what a Wookie is. Wookies are awesome. If someone said "Basically, he's a Wookie" that would have mythic resonance with you. Same for Klingons.

And sometimes it doesn't work. And that's the problem here. The new Tiefling look doesn't have mythic resonance, it has a damn crocodile tail for no reason. It looks cobbled together out of parts that don't fit. Not because it isn't "generic" but because it's new content which happens to not be good.

Next I will show that the TNE setting can include only Frank’s dragonborn races (read: races which have no memetic traction), and can exist without centaurs (read: races which do have memetic traction), AND have personal player choice.

A hypothetical TNE setting: Frank creates his setting which includes:

Dragonborn races #1, #2, #3, and #4, which have specific, detailed, complex descriptions of their culture, empires, and interaction with other groups. Multiple balanced classes exist, using the design criteria of a particular class’s schtick being able to solve a particular problem in many different ways.

Npc’s in the setting choose their non-class abilities by selecting a background. Backgrounds are based upon culture and environment (c/e). Dragonborn race #1 npc’s choose background #1, and so on. This is true for every society in the setting, making the setting very stable and predictable, according to Frank’s subjective desires.

Races inherently don’t give you any abilities which cause undue synergy with classes. This is accomplished either by having no inherent biological abilities, or by having a racial ability be equally synergistic with all classes. I believe the second to be possible, but in any case it should be irrelevant because the majority of your non-class abilities are derived from your culture/environment.

These c/e abilities are synergistic with classes. You choose one per character. The best archers are say, elves. But your non-elf character can get the “elf archer” skill set by virtue of choosing it for his c/e package. He then describes how he came by this knowledge. In other words, one particular Dragonborn Pc from race #1, can choose the c/e package from race #2.

Additionally, the c/e sets are not limited to learnable skills. They also include your native environment’s magical curses, blessings, etc. These can drastically alter your physical form. These are level appropriate powers, the same as the learned skills. These c/e basically allow you to define your character’s body. So you can make a fairy or a centaur. Magic makes the races as malleable as dogs. Of course, the appearance of any particular individual signals their abilities. In fact, this is more true for environmental abilities than culturally learned abilities.

Here are two example c/e packages:

Forest Assassin
C/E: Culture trait.
Description: You have learned from the best. You are a master at surviving in the wilderness, picking off your enemies one by one.
Level benefits:
1 Master of Camouflage
3 Fleeing Shot
6 Hidden Snare

C/E: Environmental trait.
Description: You are a quadruped.
Level benefits:
1 Gallop
3 Enduring Canter
6 Great Leap

Now, you may argue that the environmental traits are basically your race. Or that this system allows every player to create a unique race, and this turns the setting into shit. My responses to this are: So? And Bullshit.

To elaborate: What does it matter that your native environment has a huge effect on your physical appearance? We expect Pc’s to take transformational classes, gain deity-like power, and drastically alter the course of regional or world events. How is gameworld verisimilitude destroyed by the fact that this orc chose to be a centaur-like creature? He comes from a small tribe of them off in the gray sands. He was cursed. He is an experiment. Who cares? The player and the group get their centaur, and it doesn’t unduly strain credulity. His being a centaur does not create balance issues. This one centaur isn’t even a drop in the ocean compared to the tsunami of fantastic abilities, magical empires, and gods in a gameworld.
It has been decided that classes differentiate themselves based on breadth of abilities in performing a particular schtick. Any particular class might be able to solve a problem in half a dozen ways. A relevant question might be: “How much does the setting change when a class goes from having 5 solutions to 6 solutions to a particular problem.” The answer is obviously: “An acceptable amount.”

C/e abilities are the 6th ability. It does not harm the setting any more than a single class ability. And don’t give me shit about it being too rare that it fucks up game balance for the entire setting. ANY particular class ability might not be chosen by ANY player in a gaming group. It might not even come up in a particular campaign for any npc. Having a centaur in the setting can have exactly the same impact on the setting as a wizard choosing to learn a level appropriate spell which is similar to half a dozen similar spells.

Additionally, the centaur ability doesn’t need to be accounted for in the communities/nations/races of setting at all. It is a player selectable ability that only they have, they can be one of a kind, explained by magic. This centaur in no way impacts the thematic aspects of the setting, and it does not damage game balance any more than one wizard spell.
Frank, you don’t have to describe centaurs at all in your setting. We simply should make a short rubric in the rules for how to create one. It could be as short as a paragraph in one of the player selectable c/e backgrounds.

Thank you for reading all of that. Do people think this is an acceptable solution? If not, what modifications would you make to the above?

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 2:10 pm
by SphereOfFeetMan

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:59 pm
by virgil
I was under the impression that being a centaur creates an undue pressure on the entire environment, inconveniencing the party at many a turn. If it's difficult to get a horse somewhere, then it's difficult to get a centaur in it. This is a character that has a non-insignificant amount of influence over the entire adventure design just by being.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 8:11 pm
by Username17
SoFM wrote:Do people think this is an acceptable solution?
If not, what modifications would you make to the above?
Stop pretending that it's OK to play a character who can't go anywhere that the rest of the team has to dismount to go. We're not talking about how a character who is always mounted is somehow inherently unbeatable on a grassy field because they can't be dismounted or something. We're talking about how a mounted character has to dismount. Like all the damn time to like go inside and shit.

You can't require the fucking adventuring world to be handicap accessible just because you personally think ponies are sexy.

You can have characters that are tauroid, or at least mantoid in shape. Sure, whatever. But you can't have centaurs, because it puts an unreasonable constraint on adventuring architecture.


Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 9:13 pm
by PhoneLobster
FrankTrollman wrote:But you can't have centaurs, because it puts an unreasonable constraint on adventuring architecture.
You are mistaking all architecture for the sample group of some architecture that the PCs care about.

If the only architecture the PCs can go into is handicapped accessible then all architecture they go into is like that. Big deal. Who cares? Hell as a bonus mounted characters can remain mounted and ogres can run around and shit.

Hell considering the world is FULL of centaurs and ogres and giants and shit its not even a stretch for an entire campaigns worth of such structures to exist.

Do you go complaining that goblins can't exist because no one is going to have goblin warren adventures due to size and accessibility issues?

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 9:23 pm
by Bigode
PhoneLobster wrote:You are mistaking all architecture for the sample group of some architecture that the PCs care about.

If the only architecture the PCs can go into is handicapped accessible then all architecture they go into is like that. Big deal. Who cares? Hell as a bonus mounted characters can remain mounted and ogres can run around and shit.

Hell considering the world is FULL of centaurs and ogres and giants and shit its not even a stretch for an entire campaigns worth of such structures to exist.

Do you go complaining that goblins can't exist because no one is going to have goblin warren adventures due to size and accessibility issues?
A) you're asking that the architecture of the setting be restricted because of a couple characters.
B) it'd actually be a feature of humanoid architecture to be inacessible to non-humanoids.
C) goblin warrens are a puzzle the PCs have to solve. PCs being a puzzle that a significant part of adventures can't even interact with's another story entirely. Granted, you can just chop being in humanoid dwellings off the setting, but ... that's a crap setting.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 9:26 pm
by PhoneLobster
You quoted my whole post without reading or addressing a word of it. Very nice.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 9:43 pm
by Bigode
To be fair, I did morph "FULL" into "a couple", which might give that impression. But: a) larger stuff puts greater pressure in the environment, so there's no sane setup where the more access problems you'd have, the more you wouldn't be outnumbered by people who actually should make a point of being inacessible to you; and b) are you proposing a Fairytaleland where there even aren't humanoid-dominated populations? Or better, you'd be willing to have them exist, but then either not take their premise seriously at all, or just swallow your pet races (no personal taste expressed here) being unplayable in them?

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 10:28 pm
by PhoneLobster
Centaurs, ogres, giants, trolls, big foot, dragons, dinosaurs, horses, giant beetles, golems, umber hulks, nightmares, unicorns, griffons, hippogriff, manticore, a bunch of demons and shit, About half the animals and vermin, aboleth, Drider, Hydra...

Also. Goblin, Kobold, sprites, about half the animals and vermin, Imps, selected demons and shit, gnomes, halflings, about half the animals and vermin.

Oozes, birds, griffons, hippogriff, dragons, beholders, aboleth, Locathah, pegasus, sahuagin, tritons, mermaids, wraiths ghosts and incorporeals, phase spiders and other ethereal jaunters, imps, pixies, about half the demons and shit, a fair chunk of animals, kuo-toa, kraken, harpies, and all the shit that digs.

These are three categories that demonstrate you are an idiot. Guess what the categories are?

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 10:45 pm
by Username17
PL wrote:These are three categories that demonstrate you are an idiot. Guess what the categories are?
No. They are the categories that demonstrate that people wanting to put everything in their pants are failures as human beings. You can't have everything in your pants. The very act of putting A into your pants by definition causes ~A to fall out the pant leg.

Wanting to have an adventuring terrain that is amenable to humanoids between 1m and 3m tall seems pretty noncontentious. And yeah, there's a bunch of shit in D&D on both sides of the screen that invalidates that kind of landscape. And that's a problem. And the solution is to either abandon your cities and castles or to remove the stuff that doesn't fit.

And your stubborn refusal to drop either is comical and pathetic.


Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 10:58 pm
by CatharzGodfoot
Centaur PCs work fine if every PC is a centaur. If even the majority of the PCs are centaurs, there's a good change that things will work out OK.

However, if you're the one person who decided to play a centaur while everyone else is playing a humanoid, things can become...not fun. This is because your character has limited what adventures the other PCs can include her in. If they go into the Mines of Moria, you have to stick with Bill the pony, which either entails splitting the party for the entire adventure (not fun) or ignoring you for the entire adventure (really not fun).

This is why merpeople always get legs if they're PCs.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:10 pm
by Crissa
And yet, nearly every game has rules for a cavalier or paladin that loses all or some of their combat ability when you don't let them take their mount into the mines.

And then they fight an ogre, bigger than they or their mounts, inside!

WTF, man?

Are we going to ban any large character and any small character for this reason? I never seem to see halflings or Giants on Frank's chopping block.


Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:25 pm
by PhoneLobster
FrankTrollman wrote:. And the solution is to either abandon your cities and castles or to remove the stuff that doesn't fit.
Oh yes, abandon EVERYTHING on those lists. Go ahead, I dare you.

Not only is THAT incredibly stupid and unpopular I don't even think you will actually succeed in design discipline to do it.

Or weren't you already talking about having funky bird people, insect people and tiger ogre people as MAJOR races in your current project...

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:42 pm
by shau
FrankTrollman wrote: Wanting to have an adventuring terrain that is amenable to humanoids between 1m and 3m tall seems pretty noncontentious. And yeah, there's a bunch of shit in D&D on both sides of the screen that invalidates that kind of landscape. And that's a problem. And the solution is to either abandon your cities and castles or to remove the stuff that doesn't fit.
Once you are in structures that accommodate the guy who is nine and a half feet tall isn't the mounted paladin pretty much okay? At least by 3E rules? Horses can climb stairs and mountains at least.

More generally, I am pretty much okay with the idea that dungeons are mysteriously tailored to the PCs. The hardest trick one of my DMs ever pulled was having a bunch of goblins fighting in small size tunnels that only they could be comfortable in connected by tiny sized tunnels that no one in the party could possibly pass. Having your enemies fight in areas suited to their natural advantages tends to be really obvious for them but so much of a gamebreaker I really don't care that the whole thing is hand waived out of existence.

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:47 pm
by Username17
PL wrote:Oh yes, abandon EVERYTHING on those lists. Go ahead, I dare you.
I know that this is meaningless hyperbole from you, but I'll deign to respond anyway.

The vast majority of shit on your list isn't problematic in the slightest. Seriously, ogres? Small dogs? What the fucking hell dude? The fact that something is larger or smaller than a human does not by itself render human civilization moot. Humanity continues to exist despite the fact that there are hippos and badgers in the world just fine. Your list is comically overzealous in attempting to make a point that it mostly just makes you come off as a condescending ass.

Which brings us back to the ogres and kobolds argument that you keep ranting on about. Yeah, they are a different size from a normal human. But really not by much. The D&D Ogre is less than 3m tall and the D&D halfling is more than a meter. They are the same shape as humans and can frankly get by in almost every situation that a naturally tall or short human could. It's really no big deal. They have no problems with spiral staircases, for example.

And then there are the big giants. If one is like elephant large, you really shouldn't expect to be able to bring one into a team of adventurers. For precisely the reason that you don't expect to be able to bring your actual elephant on every adventure. But like the existence of elephants, they don't invalidate cities just by existing in the world.

You don't expect to be allowed to play a hippopotamus. But the world doesn't break because one is in the game world. Some things genuinely do irrevocably change the game world in a manner that is not necessarily desirable just by existing whether they are in PC hands or not. Lantern Archons for example. Almost everything they do is bad for any world that I would want to write about. And keeping the "discipline" to keep them out of the final product is easy. You just have to not get your dick stuck on the vinyl so as to cause a permanent skip over "We got to put this in the game!"


Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:04 am
by PhoneLobster

You can't hand wave ogres existence and just say "they is OK!".

You can't just say "Hippo" and negate the fact that there are various large sized animals that characters might reasonably encounter in some form of indoor environment, often even in indoor human environments, right beside humans.

And last I noticed you want to put BIRD PEOPLE in your game!

Whether you go for a low race count or high the fact of the matter is that you will have some large proproportion of larger and smaller than human populations.

When a quarter (or significantly more) of all the various dudes running around are small enough to live in areas inaccessible to humans and large enough to be unable to access barely human sized areas then one way or another pretty much everyone has accessibility issues AND NO ONE CARES.

There are like a billion potential races that have flight, water breathing, and other weird accessibility quirks that are even worse AND YOU ARE INCLUDING ONE IN YOUR GAME.

And going with your "less races is more" strategy those bird people of yours will be a regular major element, no "oh its just one adventure" bullshit, you've long since declared "race of the week" to be beneath you.

You seriously can't get away with that kind of shit and say "well, centaurs have long asses and won't like spiral stairways and some of the other most incredibly awkward and cramped pieces of human architecture I can pull out of my ass so they break the WORLD"

I mean WTF? Ogres, giants, dragons and bird people, you don't even shrug, even when you insist that by cutting the various extras those will be even more common, but guys on horses? END OF THE WORLD!

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:08 am
by CatharzGodfoot
Crissa wrote:And yet, nearly every game has rules for a cavalier or paladin that loses all or some of their combat ability when you don't let them take their mount into the mines.

And then they fight an ogre, bigger than they or their mounts, inside!

WTF, man?

Are we going to ban any large character and any small character for this reason? I never seem to see halflings or Giants on Frank's chopping block.

A class that looses all abilities when dismounted is at least as bad a a centaur, unless it's halfling outrider. With the chevalier, you can pretend that you're able to bring the character along even when you can't.

A halfling is generally OK. Problems can arise when the entire party of halflings want to explore a kobold warren, and the single human is left sitting outside with all the riding dogs.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:17 am
by PhoneLobster
CatharzGodfoot wrote:Problems can arise when the entire party of halflings want to explore a kobold warren, and the single human is left sitting outside with all the riding dogs.
So is it OK when ONE halfling goes in and leaves everyone behind?

When no one at all is a halfling and NONE of them go in?

When special solutions are used by some or all of the party to allow them to fly or otherwise navigate a bird person city?

Races that cause accessibility problems are a problem. But it apparently ISN'T a problem that is used as an excuse to hack them from the game or we wouldn't have GOBLINS.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:40 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
Alright, for the centaur people:

What does a centaur do when the party needs to go into a tight area?

That's all. You can rant and rave about bird people, but that's just obfuscating the issue. I don't want to hear rhetoric, I would prefer solutions.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 12:52 am
by PhoneLobster
Count_Arioch_the_28th wrote:What does a centaur do when the party needs to go into a tight area?
Why are you even going there? You have the adventure you have, the area you don't go to, doesn't even happen, no one cares.

Presenting a tight area to a centaur is quiet unnecessary considering all the other big and bigger things running around often mixed in with human and smaller communities.

It's comparable to the GM presenting "the city-of-the-guys-immune-to-everything-Fred's-character-does adventure" in GM dickery to somehow require you to enter such a location.

But if you WANT to solve it, well its like all the other accessibility solving situations. when you go to bird city you fly, when you go to Rome you do as the Roman's do, when you got to small town everyone freaking shrinks.

Go ask Alice. I think she'll know.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:51 am
by virgil
A winged humanoid can still enter a bar through the front door, sit at the bar or even a table if the chair is turned around, and then go up the stairs into a private room to sleep with the tavern wench. A city made by these winged people can still contain humans, since they still need to be able to have their own walk about if they're wings are damaged, though once you're at the power level where most can fly, then it's not out of the question for the entire party to fly anyway due to magic.

Those that can breath underwater are able to do the same as the winged humanoid so long as they're amphibious, and it would be even more human-friendly if they were more like dolphins and just held their breath for six minutes so that way a human could sit at the fish person's bar and drink there to.

This is the same reason why it's a bad idea to have a fire race constantly and literally be on fire, because they couldn't ever sit down in a human town without burning up everything.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:34 am
by Count Arioch the 28th
Alright, so Phonelobster's solution to Centaur PCs is "You're a dick".

Anyone have a better idea? Because that's Phonelobster's answer to pretty much everything. And I honestly don't think many problems can be solved by "You're a dick".

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:01 am
by NoDot
If someone would kindly post a list of "what PCs are expected to be able to do," we could see if we could debate out what it is that's blocking centars.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:01 am
by PhoneLobster
virgileso wrote:A winged humanoid can still enter a bar through the front door,
Wings, even fictional ones, are often big. So no, if its a place so artificially small you can't fit a horse in it then there is no quarantee that you will fit Hawkman in through the door there either, he sure as hell WON'T use any seating other than stools and the ceiling better be high and it's strictly Hawkman on top with the tavern wench and he won't be doing any sleeping in a human bed which had better not be one of those fanciful four poster with a roof on numbers or the bed is just plain right out. And he won't be navigating a spiral stairway either (you guys ever been in one, a real genuine ye-olde stone one? I have, Hawkman sure hasn't) and the room had better be a big luxury one or he won't be stretching his wings or turning around without knocking vases off the furniture any time soon.

If you are insisting humans are deliberately limiting their architecture to sizes that are inaccessible to horses then I sure as hell DON'T regard it as a given that Hawkman city is going to account for walking. That's like saying goblin warrens are made to minimum specs while kobolds are extra large because they might like to engage in recreational high jump and pole vaulting contests.

Also by the way, you could navigate anything bar the extra large varieties of horse through like 90% of my house (there is one room which at best could contain a pony). And my house is NOT excessively unusual in dimensions. Think on that.

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:21 am
by shau
virgileso wrote:A winged humanoid can still enter a bar through the front door, sit at the bar or even a table if the chair is turned around, and then go up the stairs into a private room to sleep with the tavern wench.
In addition to what Phonelobster said how is this any different from the guy who is nine feet tall? He can't use the furniture or sleep in the beds either. He has to stoop to not hit his head on the roof and those had better be some pretty strong stairs to support his weight.