[40,000 Warhams] The Exuro Campaign

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Serious Badass
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[40,000 Warhams] The Exuro Campaign

Post by Koumei »


I don't much like playing wargames. But I do like playing with rules (such as making a campaign and the interesting special rules for it), making army lists (which is a needed part of playing the game), and writing (which is partly covered in this, and partly covered by battle reports).

My housemate likes playing wargames. I know a few others, too, who like the idea. So I am running a campaign of it, played over VASSAL.

Note: as it is played over VASSAL, which is an Internet thing, we can accept a few extras who like to play the Warhams and are happy to do a bit of writing. This is really so I can link all the other players to it, but hey, it could be recruitment too.

Exuro, found in the Thanatos System of the Segmentum Pacificus, was going to be settled as an Imperial World, until the reserves of promethium, ready for tapping, were discovered. One city had been built, roads, castles and cathedrals set up... but when the natural resources were discovered, it was decided that plundering them was of greater value.

Fast-forward a mere hundred years, which is basically how long it takes to boil a kettle in 40k, the rate the plot moves, and it has now seen war from several different factions, one refinery mysteriously turning into fire, most of the capital city decimated, and an ever-growing frost overtaking the planet.

And now, everyone wants a piece of it.

KoumeiSpace MarinesYes201
Reth ShannarTyranidsYes201
K-ChanDark EldarYes201
ErinDark EldarYes201
AaronImperial GuardYes201
Magic JugglerOrksYes201
ChengarOrder of the Faithful BladeNo201


Basic Campaign Rules:

Army Lists:
Each player has one actual army, but several lists within it. You must have:
[*]A 200 point Kill Team (with USRs chosen from the start)
[*]A 1500 point "regular" army list
[*]A 2000 point "regular" army list
[*]A 2000 point "Defender" list for Planetstrike
[*]A 2000 point "Attacker" list for Planetstrike
[*]A 2500 point "regular" army list
[*]A 2500 point "Spearhead" army list
[*]A 5000 point Apocalypse force
[*]Optional: a 10,000 point Apocalypse force (for rare special battles - you may wish to write this up only when it becomes relevant.)

Planetstrike Attackers: you can have 1-3 HQ, 0-6 Elite, 0-6 Troops, 0-6 Fast Attack and 0-3 Heavy Support.

Planetstrike Defenders: you can have 1-3 HQ, 0-3 Elite, 2-8 Troops, 0-3 Fast Attack and 0-6 Heavy Support.

Spearhead: you can have 0-2 HQ, 0-3 Elite, 0-6 Troops, 0-3 Fast Attack, 0-3 Heavy Support and up to 1 of each Spearhead formation.

[*]Every list has to actually include the unit(s) chosen for the Kill Team. They follow the normal game rules when this happens, rather than becoming Kill Teams. They can, however, take extra upgrades, more models or transport vehicles though.
[*]Every army list from 1500-2500 must have one of the HQ choices as a constant. So if you take a Lord Commissar, for instance, as your only HQ choice for 1500, then all of them have to have him. If you took 2 choices for the 1500 point list, then you could choose which one has to be in all lists. Higher point games can add more wargear though.
[*]The Apocalypse force must contain the entire 1500 point list - it can't just be 10 Baneblades.
[*]Right after a battle, but not right before, you may alter your lists (but not the main HQ or the Kill Teams). Basically you can go "Man, having played it, I think I'd rather take X" but can't go "Oh, I'm fighting Y, I shall take X".

The reasoning is for some pretence that this is all part of the same force, just with different amounts of troops deployed at varying times.
Turns, Territories and Victory Points:
Every player will start with two territories, which cannot be labelled. Each player also begins with one Battle Point.

If you catch someone who has time, you can challenge them to a battle. Should they accept, you spend the Battle Point (they spend theirs, to challenge someone else). After the game, you gain Victory Points (VP) based on the result: Win = 3, Draw = 2, Loss = 1

The battle can only be on unclaimed territory, or territory belonging to either of the players - chosen by the person who issued the challenge (the Attacker). The Attacker may also, if it is a "regular" battle, select the deployment type (between the three regular types).

If the battle was on unclaimed territory, then afterwards, the winner may spend 5 VP to claim the area, gaining it as a territory. If the battle is on the Defender's territory, then providing s/he has at least 7 VP, s/he may declare it to be a Planetstrike invasion: should the Attacker win, s/he may spend 7 VP to steal the territory from the defender.

By spending 5 VP, you can fortify an empty territory you own - any that does not have a named piece on it (such as the Promethium Fields as opposed to "has a mountain"). Whenever you are playing a battle on this territory, you set up all terrain, and you decide on the deployment zones (even if the attacker goes first, you can still say "I start on this edge, you get that one").

By spending 3 VP before you launch an invasion, you can bombard a fortified territory: you can select up to half the buildings (bastions, bunkers etc. - a fortress counts as 3 buildings) to be turned into craters before deployment happens, and after deployment, any infantry on the field who are not in vehicles or buildings must take a Pinning test, right at the start of the game.

By spending 10 VP you may convert an empty tile (Plains or Mountains only) you own into a Missile Silo: as long as you own it, you can automatically unleash the bombardment for free every time.

By spending 6 VP you may convert an empty tile into a Defence Point: as long as you own it, you may cancel one of the following (per battle) used by an enemy within a radius of 5 tiles:
[*]Bombardment (see above)
[*]Crash and Burn Stratagem
[*]Heavy Duty Drop Bomb Stratagem
[*]Orbital Bombardment Strategic Asset (including any variants)

If you have 50 or more VP, you may launch an Obliteration Crusade against one of the moons that is occupied by your enemy. Play a 10,000 point Apocalypse battle and, if you win, you spend 50 VP and the entire moon is destroyed, reduced to space debris. All territories on it are lost, with no refund, and no longer count for the amount needed to win.

Everyone resets to one Battle Point in either of the two following situations:
[*]Every player has spent their BP
[*]A full week has passed since the last time BP were reset

This is to prevent the situation where nobody can battle because X has exams or is getting married or in hospital, but likewise prevents the situation where Y and Z are bored for a weekend and play nine battles, racking up the VP like crazy.
Winning and Losing the Campaign:
Should a player be left with zero territories, they have one chance: they automatically gain a Battle Point if they have none, and must declare an invasion within the week, even if they haven't the VP required. If they win, then they gain the territory (spending the VP if they can, setting their VP to zero otherwise) and are safe. Yes, this can cause a chain reaction of emergencies if there are many people with 1 territory each.

If they fail, then they have been wiped out, insufficient forces and supplies remaining to establish a hold.

There are two ways to win. The first is by being the only person remaining (by everyone else being wiped out), and the second is simply to hold at least 50% of the territories - that's 65+ territories, good luck.
With the exception of the declared invasions (Planetstrike), the usual way to determine battles is by rolling 1d6:
d6 rollbattle
1Kill Teams
21500 points
32000 points
42000 points
52500 points

With the exception of Spearhead and Kill Teams (which use their own rules), the Mission is selected normally unless the territory allows for a special Mission type.

Optional House Rule: for Annihilation, if both players agree, they may use the old method of determining the victor: if you wipe it out, you get its entire points value (now with modern codices having things easily divisible by 5 or 10!). If you immobilise a vehicle or reduce a unit below 1/2 strength, you gain half their value. Tally it all up at the end.

If both players are fighting in unclaimed territory, they may elect to both spend the Action point and play a battle of Apocalypse. Ignore the usual Mission and Deployment type, the game goes according to Apocalypse. At the end of the battle, the winner may spend 1 VP to, instead of capturing the territory, destroy it. It becomes a burned out crater, good for nothing, and can be captured by nobody - actually decreasing the number of territories needed to win via land-grab.

Linked Territories:
Territories that are adjacent, owned by the same player, are "linked". When territories are linked, this provides two additional options:

1. In Apocalypse, if both players have territories adjacent to the territory in question, they may "gamble", by betting territories (an equal number, no more than the amount of linked territories you actually have in a group that has at least one adjacent to the battlefield). The winner takes all of them.

If each player is betting at least 4 territories, it is so massive that it becomes a 10,000 point battle. Yes, really. You may want to set a lot of time aside for this.

2. If you launch a Planetstrike invasion into one territory that is linked to others, win, and capture it, then both players may ignore the BP limit and continue: a linked territory is targeted, using the next Planetstrike scenario. If the defender wins, they get their previous territory back (no cost) and the invasion ends. If the attacker wins, they capture another one (no cost) and the invasion may continue if both players wish. This time, if the defender wins they win back one territory and the invasion may still continue, and so on. It continues until one of the following occurs:
[*]Either player decides to stop the chain
[*]One player owns all of the linked territories
[*]All of the 6 Planetstrike missions have occurred
Note that only the first battle awards VP.

Special Kill Team Rules:
[*]No vehicles with a FAV+SAV+RAV higher than 32 (ie heavier than a Rhino or Chimera)
[*]No named/unique characters (ie Doom of Malantai)
[*]Nothing with a 2+ Save of any kind (ie Terminators) or a 3+ Invulnerable Save (ie Mark of Tzeench + Storm Shield), no you may not play with the rules/USRs to get it either.
[*]After every Kill Team game, even if you lose, give one of the models a +1 increase to one characteristic (to the usual maximums). No model can boost the same characteristic twice. If you somehow manage to boost every model in a unit to have the same characteristic increase, it actually changes their statline (meaning it's no longer a bonus, and can be raised again, yes) - but only in Kill Team.
[*]For the purpose of Kill Teams, the following will count as USRs even though technically they are not: Rending (applies to all attacks, melee and ranged), Gauss (likewise), And They Shall Know No Fear, Shield of Faith (3E version), Mark of Khorne, Mark of Nurgle, Mark of Slaanesh, Mark of Tzeench, Faithful (3E version), I'll Be Back, Poison (4+ - melee and ranged), Power From Pain.

The first two are for balance. The third is to add a bit of interest to it (and because taking small, expensive units is usually a bad idea in KT). The fourth is to add more interesting options so that not every list is "Feel No Pain, Turbo Boost, Furious Charge".
Writing Backgrounds and Battle Reports:

Even to start with, you must write a short "backstory" - a couple of paragraphs for the reason why your army is there and the tale of their landing. It doesn't even have to be original. "There is yummy bio-mass and they want to eat it all." is a perfectly acceptable justification for Nids, for instance.

If your "main" HQ is not a named character from the books, then give them a name and a short backstory and/or description almost like this were a roleplaying game. Feel free to do it for every model if you really want, but that's not necessary. Let's just get a bit of flavour into this game.

After every battle, there has to be a Battle Report. Both players can co-write it if they want, or if both agree on one person doing it, that's fine too. If nobody wants to do it, then the Attacker has to. Yes, this means keeping turn-by-turn notes of what happens, in notepad (or storing logs of the game). It's not that hard. You don't have to describe it in that much detail, just turn the statistical events of the game into a short story that's even halfway interesting to read. If each player demands to be the one to write it, then they can each do one, or they can co-write it (each player handling their turns).
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:06 am, edited 9 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

Armies Approved For This Game:

[*]Black Templars
[*]Blood Angels
[*]Chaos Daemons/Space Marines (see post below)
[*]Dark Angels
[*]Dark Eldar (Forgeworld Options: see below; Lelith Hesperax' point cost is adjusted to 130)
[*]Eldar (Forgeworld Options: see below)
[*]Grey Knights
[*]Imperial Guard (Forgeworld Options: see below)
[*]Necrons (Forgeworld Options: see below)
[*]Orks (Forgeworld Options: see below)
[*]Sisters of Battle (new)
[*]Space Marines (Forgeworld Options: see below)
[*]Space Wolves
[*]Tau (Forgeworld Options: see below)
[*]Tyranids (Forgeworld Options: see below)
[*]Witch Hunters (old, Forgeworld Options: see below)
[*]Xenos Mercenaries (see post below)

Forge World Options:
(This does not include Apocalypse, where all the rules are basically off)

Dark Eldar Forgeworld Options:
[*]Dark Reaper

Eldar Forgeworld Options:
[*]Shadow Spectres
[*]Warp Hunter
[*]Wasp Assault Walker

Imperial Guard Forgeworld Options:
[*]Leman Russ Conqueror (taken in Leman Russ Squadrons as normal, Co-axial weapons do not twin-link main guns!)
[*]Destroyer Tank Hunter (taken in Leman Russ Squadrons as normal)
[*]Thunderer Siege Tank (taken in Leman Russ Squadrons as normal)
[*]Chimera weapon upgrades from Imperial Armour
[*]Salamander Scout (taken in Squadrons of 1-3 as Fast Attack choices)
[*]Salamander Command
[*]Sentinel Power Lifter
[*]Tarantula Sentry Guns
[*]Tank Ammunition Rules (optional - if chosen, it applies to all of your tanks that use these weapons, you can't just choose some to use them)
[*]Drop Sentinel
[*]Vulture Gunship
[*]Sabre Gun Platform (Planetstrike Defenders only)
[*]Death Korps of Krieg (taken as an army, no Superheavy Detatchments or Hades Breaching Drills)
[*]Leman Russ Annihilator (taken in squadrons as normal)
[*]Elysian Drop Troops (taken as an army)

Space Marine Forgeworld Options:
[*]Whirlwind Hyperios
[*]Damocles Command Rhino
[*]Land Raider Helios
[*]Deathstorm Drop Pod
[*]Land Raider Prometheus
[*]Land Speeder Tempest
[*]Mortis Dreadnought
[*]Red Hunters Chapter
[*]Hyperios Air Defence Battery (Planetstrike Defenders only)
[*]Red Scorpions Chapter
[*]Siege Dreadnought (Planetstrike Attackers only)
[*]Chaplain Dreadnought
[*]Chaplain Dreadnought Titus
[*]Astral Claws/Tyrant's Legion (taken as an army, no fliers)
[*]Contemptor Dreadnought
[*]Thulsa Kane

Grey Knights Forgeworld Options:
[*]Land Raider Helios
[*]Land Raider Prometheus
[*]Inquisitor Lord Hector Rex

Sisters of Battle/Witch Hunters Forgeworld Options:
[*]Land Raider Prometheus (Inquisitor Lord Dedicated Transport)

Tau Forgeworld Options:
[*]Sky Ray
[*]Piranha TX-42
[*]XV 81 Battlesuit
[*]XV 84 Battlesuit
[*]XV 89 Battlesuit
[*]Tetra Scout Speeder
[*]Heavy Gun Drones
[*]Drone Sensor Tower (Planetstrike Defenders only)
[*]Great Knarloc Herd (Goaded or Mounted)
[*]Knarloc Riders

Tyranid Forgeworld Options:
[*]Meiotic Spore
[*]Stone-Crusher Carnifex

Ork Forgeworld Options:
[*]Warboss Zhadsnark
[*]Mekboss Buzzgob
[*]Dread Mob (taken as an army)
[*]Grotbomb Launcha
[*]Gun Trukk
[*]Big Trakk
[*]Grott Tanks
[*]Grott Mega Tank
[*]Gun Wagon
[*]Mega Dread
[*]Kustom Mega Dread
[*]Mekboy Junka
[*]Looted Wagon
[*]Krusha Battle Wagon
[*]Big Squiggoth
[*]Looted Rhino

Necron Forgeworld Options:
[*]Tomb Stalker

Chaos Forgeworld Options:
[*]Giant Chaos Spawn
[*]Spined Chaos Beast
[*]Lament of the Damned
[*]Plague Ogryn
[*]Ogryn Berserkers
[*]Blight Drones
[*]Blood Slaughterers
[*]Gore Feaster
[*]Renegades and Heretics (taken as its own army, no Superheavy Detatchments)
Special Rules and Missions for Territories:

On a 4+ it has one or more roads going straight through - on a 6 it has a major road, and the Attacker may declare a supply ambush mission:
[*]Attacker deploys up to 6" on each long edge, defender deploys up to 12" from one short edge
[*]1d3 extra Attacker units (1d6 if 2500 points) can Scout or Infiltrate
[*]Defender: 1 victory point for each KP that makes it off
[*]Attacker gains KP as normal

Promethium Fields
Always has 1d3 or more patches of Difficult Dangerous Terrain (that do not provide cover)
All Flamer type weapons are Twin-Linked but Get Hot!

Promethium Refinery
Always has at least 1d3+1 Pipes that grant cover... but a 1 on the cover save causes an explosion (S 5 AP 4 Blast No Cover) centred on the unit that failed the save.

There is always at least one big tank that can be targeted (AV 12, Penetrate: explodes 1d3+3" radius S 6 AP 3 No Cover).

Last Hope
Can do Cities of Death Missions
If the Defender holds the city, the Attacker can launch a Raid Mission:
[*]1d3+1 objectives, some to raid, others to wreck
[*]Wreck: power generators etc - AV 12, provide 5+ Force Field to 6" (including itself)
[*]Raid: storage crates, silos etc. Bring one or more models in a unit to contact with it, then get them away. Multiple units can raid.
[*]Attacker gains a KP point for every successful Wreck/Raid
[*]Defender gains KP as normal, and 1 for every un-touched objective.
The Defender may, in any game, unleash the Frozen Flood Stratagem.

Can do Cities of Death Missions

Lowest layer of terrain is "gaping chasm". Scattering into there via Deep Strike or forced movement results in being wiped out. Impassable terrain in all other cases (except for Skimmers, Jump Infantry and models with Jet Packs). The edges are Dangerous Terrain.

Mount Scar
As per the Mountains, but contains a network of Caves. Every time a Cave is entered, roll 1d6:
1 = Cave Monster: unit wastes their turn, and takes 1d6 S 5 AP - hits.
2 = Dead End: Reappear right where you entered. That's your turn gone.
3 = Tunnel: exit at any Cave within 18" - that's your turn gone.
4 = Tunnel: exit at any Cave within 18" - that's your turn gone.
5 = Long Tunnel: at the beginning of your next turn, you appear from any Cave up to 36" away.
6 = Shortcut! Exit at any other Cave on the map. That's your turn gone.

Every table quarter needs at least one "forest" terrain piece. Alternatively, they can be traded for 1d3+3 individual trees, or 1d3 trees and some other small-ish terrain piece.

Snow Fields
The giant yak-like symbol means there are Grox to be found on the table: 2d3 of them, and they don't move unless provoked, in which case they all gain Rage and will do their best to charge:
[*]WS 3 BS - S 6 T 6 W 3 I 3 A 2 Ld 4 Sv 5+ Beasts, Fearless
If one player kills all the Grox, then they gain an extra Victory Point on top of what they would get for winning, losing or drawing.

The Geyser means the field has 1d3 geysers about to erupt in battle. Every Game Turn, after both players have had their turns, roll for them to come into play as though in Reserves. When one does appear, place the large blast marker in the centre. It scatters 4d6" in a random direction, and is then a permanent feature. Anyone hit by the template is shoved out of the way by it and suffers a S 7 AP 4 hit. The geyser then becomes impassable terrain and provides Cover.

Frozen Ocean
Ice is Difficult terrain. Cracked ice is both Difficult and Dangerous.

If the monster in the ice is there, then it starts in the middle and, every Game Turn, after both players have had their turns, it will move 2d6" towards the nearest unit. If it arrives beneath a unit, roll 1d6. On a 4, the ice is cracked, on a 5+ in manages to smash the ice apart, dealing a S 8 AP 1 hit to all in the area of a Large Blast. Survivors are shunted out of the way. It will go back under on its next turn, though until then can be shot at and killed. It has T 6 W 3 Sv 3+ Feel No Pain
Killing the creature awards the successful player an additional Victory Point.

Fortress etc
Cities of Death Missions can be played.
[*]Defence Point: always gain one Bastion, even out of Planet Strike
[*]Fortress: always gain the big Fortress and 2 Bastions, even out of Planet Strike
[*]Launch Pad: can perform Planetstrike missions anywhere

Adamantine Mines
The winner of the battle receives an additional Victory Point. Additionally, as long as they are held by a player, the "persistent" HQ choice may re-roll failed Armour Saves.

On the other hand, there is in fact a dragon in the area, represented by a Harpy that replaces its Twin-Linked Stranglethorn Cannon with what is effectively a Flamestorm Cannon. It Deep Strikes into the centre of the table (scattering as normal) when it is able to (rolling for Reserves), and will attack whoever is nearest it.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:53 am, edited 5 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
Posts: 13879
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Location: South Ausfailia

Post by Koumei »

The Forces of Chaos:

Special: Daemon Heralds use "half" a Headquarters slot each. In other words, two Daemon Heralds may be taken for the one choice.

Non-Daemon, non-Vehicle units and characters may select Veteran Skills - 0-1 for those with a Mark of Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeench, and any number for those without such a Mark:
[*]Counter Attack (10 points for a character, 20 points for a unit)
[*]Furious Charge (15 points for a character, 30 points for a unit)
[*]Infiltrate (15 points for a character, 30 points for a unit)
[*]Move Through Cover (5 points for a character, 10 points for a unit)
[*]Night Vision (5 points for a character, 10 points for a unit)
[*]Tank Hunters (15 points for a character, 30 points for a unit)

Alpha Legion:
[*]May not take a Mark of Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeench
[*]No Daemons except for Possessed Marines and Daemon Princes
[*]Every model in Power Armour or Daemon Armour and not in a vehicle gains Infiltrate

Iron Warriors:
[*]May not take a Mark of Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeench
[*]No Daemons except for Possessed Marines, Daemon Princes and Defilers
[*]May reduce Fast Attack choices by 2 to gain 1 extra Heavy Support choice
[*]One Heavy Support choice may be a Leman Russ Squadron or Artillery Squadron (identical to Codex: Imperial Guard, C:IG options only)
[*]Obliterator Cults may be taken as Elite choices as well as Heavy Support
[*]Any Chaos Lord, Daemon Prince or Obliterator can take a Servo-Arm for +20 points each, any unit of Havocs can all take Servo-Arms for +50 points.
[*]One Obliterator or Aspiring Champion can take a Servo-Harness for +50 points.

Night Lords:
[*]May not take a Mark of Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeench
[*]No Daemons except for Possessed Marines, Daemon Princes and Harpies
[*]All models have the Night Vision USR
[*]May reduce Heavy Support choices by 2 to gain 1 extra Fast Attack choice
[*]A Chaos Lord with a Jump Pack/Wings gains the Hit and Run USR

Word Bearers:
[*]May not take a Mark of Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeench
[*]May reduce Elite, Fast Attack and/or Heavy Support choices by 1 each to gain 1 Troops choice per choice sacrificed
[*]One Chaos Lord can be a Chaplain, gaining the Accursed Crozius for +30 points (Daemon Weapon: Power Weapon, 4+ Invulnerable Save and Personal Icon)
[*]The Chaplain may be a Demagogue for +20 points (he and all non-Daemon units with any models within 6" are Fearless)

Chaos Lord: 90 points
WS 6 BS 5 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 5 A 3 (4) Ld 10 Sv 3+/5++
[*]Fearless, Independent Character, Invulnerable Save
[*]Power Armour, Frag and Krak Grenades, Bolt Pistol, CCW
May take one of the following:
[*]Mark of Slaanesh (gain Warp Scream) for +10 points
[*]Mark of Khorne (Blood Frenzy) for +10 points
[*]Mark of Tzeench (4+ Invulnerable Save) for +15 points
[*]Mark of Nurgle (+1 T) for +20 points
May replace Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for +15 points
May replace CCW with:
[*]Power Weapon for +15 points
[*]Lightning Claw for +20 points
[*]Power Fist for +30 points
[*]2 Lightning Claws for +30 points
[*]Daemon Weapon for +25 points
May take one of:
[*]Twin-Linked Boltgun for +5 points
[*]Combi-Weapon (Melta/Plasma/Flamer) for +10 points
May take:
[*]Personal Icon for +5 points
[*]Melta Bombs for +5 points
May take one of:
[*]Jump Pack/Daemonic Wings for +20 points
[*]Bike for +30 points
[*]Daemonic Steed for +30 points
[*]Terminator Armour for +30 points
May take up to 3 Daemon Gifts:
[*]Essence (+1 W) for +15 points
[*]Mutation (+1 A) for +15 points
[*]Resilience (+1 T) for +15 points
[*]Speed (Cavalry Charge) for +15 points
[*]Strength (+1 S) for +10 points
[*]Talons (close combat attacks are Rending) for +10 points
[*]Visage (-1 to enemy Ld for losing in assault) for +10 points
Mark of Khorne Only:
[*]May swap CCW for a Chainaxe (treat enemy Armour Save better than 4+ as 4+ in close combat) for free
[*]May swap CCW for a Banner of Rage (all models in the unit he is attached to gain +1 A) for +20 points
[*]May swap CCW for the Blood Axe (Power Weapon, any "to Wound" roll of 6 grants another attack - which may in turn trigger more) for +20 points
[*]May take a Collar of Khorne (immune to the Instant Death effect of Force Weapons, and any Psykic Power that targets him is nullified on a 2+) for +5 points
[*]May swap CCW for the Berserker Glaive (2-handed Power Weapon that doubles the number of Attacks made) for +40 points
[*]May take the Blood Chalice (Feel No Pain) for +10 points
[*]May take Khornate Rage (+1d3 A on the charge instead of +1) for +15 points
Mark of Nurgle Only:
[*]May take Blight Grenades (Frag and Defensive Grenades; when the wielder charges, foes take -1 to hit) for +20 points
[*]May replace CCW for Manreaper (Daemon Weapon: Power Weapon, Poison 2+, and grants +1d6 Attacks) for +30 points
[*]May take Nurgle's Rot (end of Shooting Phase, any enemy model in 6" takes a Wound on a roll of 6, No Cover) for +5 points
[*]May have a Nurgling Infestation (+1d6 S 3 Attacks at I 3) for +15 points
[*]May replace CCW with a Plague Sword (Power Weapon, Instant Death on a 4+) for +25 points
[*]May replace CCW with a Plague Banner (any unit he is attached to improves any Poison weapon by 1 (4+ to 3+ for instance)) for +20 points
Mark of Slaanesh Only:
[*]May take Allure of Slaanesh (instead of Shooting, nominate one enemy unit within 12" to approach 1d6", taking Dangerous Terrain tests if need be) for +20 points
[*]May take Aura of Acquiescence (Frag and Defensive Grenades) for +5 points
[*]May take Combat Drugs (as Codex: Dark Eldar) for +10 points
[*]May take a Doom Siren for +10 points
[*]May replace CCW with the Lash of Torment (Power Weapon, enemies who lose close combat count as taking 1 more casualty) for +20 points
[*]May replace CCW with Needle of Desire (Daemon Weapon: Poison 2+, Wounded: Ld test at -1 or take 1d3 extra Wounds) for +25 points
[*]May replace CCW with Rapturous Standard (the unit he is attached to gain Feel No Pain) for +30 points
[*]May replace Twin-Linked Boltgun with Sonic Blaster for free
Mark of Tzeench Only:
[*]May replace CCW with Bedlam Staff (Daemon Weapon: automatically causes Crew Shaken, models Wounded cannot attack this turn) for +25 points
[*]May replace CCW with Blasted Standard (the unit he is attached to adds "Blast" to their Inferno Bolts) for +30 points
[*]May take Inferno Bolts (Bolt weapons are AP 3) for +5 points
[*]May be a Psyker with Bolt of Change (24" S 8 AP 2 Assault 1) for +20 points
[*]May have the Eye of Change (re-roll 1 roll to Hit or Wound or Save each Game Turn) for +15 points
[*]May have a Talisman of Tzeench (enemy Psykers have -1 Ld for using Psykic Powers, multiple Talismans do not stack) for +10 points
[*]May replace CCW with a Warp Blade (Power Weapon, enemies within 6" using Psykic Powers must roll 1d6. 1-3: they fail and suffer Perils of the Warp) for +30 points
Dedicated Transport: the Chaos Lord may take a Chaos Rhino or Chaos Land Raider
Retinue: the Chaos Lord may take a unit of Chosen as a retinue, in which case he must start the game attached to them. They do not take up a FoC slot on their own.

Daemon Weapons: as per Codex: Grey Knights, except with the following changes based on Mark:
Khorne: any roll of 11-12 (Familiar) is treated as 8 (Deathlust). One roll (any) may be changed to 4 (Unholy Speed) or 6 (Vampyre).
Nurgle: any roll of 4 (Unholy Speed) is treated as 10 (Daemon Venom). One roll (any) may be changed to 9 (Dark Resurrection).
Slaanesh: any roll of 8 (Deathlust) is treated as 5 (Etherblade). One roll (any) may be replaced with "Excessive Damage: anyone who suffers any Wound suffers Instant Death."
Tzeench: any roll of 10 (Daemon Venom) is treated as 2-3 (Warp Flame). One roll (any) may be replaced with 11-12 (Familiar).

Blood Frenzy: the character gains +1 A, Fearless and Rage. Every round, roll 1d6. On a 5 or 6 he gains Fleet.

Warp Scream: Fearless, enemies in close combat take -1 I (multiple units stack, minimum 1)

If a Chaos Lord with a Mark of Khorne is taken:
[*]Berserkers may be taken as Troops as well as Elites
[*]Noise Marines may not be taken at all, nor may any HQ choice have a Mark of Slaanesh
If a Chaos Lord with a Mark of Nurgle is taken:
[*]Plague Marines may be taken as Troops as well as Elites
[*]Thousand Sons may not be taken at all, nor may any HQ choices have a Mark of Tzeench
If a Chaos Lord with a Mark of Slaanesh is taken:
[*]Noise Marines may be taken as Troops as well as Elites
[*]Berserkers may not be taken at all, nor may any HQ choices have a Mark of Khorne
If a Chaos Lord with a Mark of Tzeench is taken:
[*]Thousand Sons may be taken as Troops as well as Elites
[*]Plague Marines may not be taken at all, nor may any HQ choices have a Mark of Nurgle

Herald of Khorne: as Codex: Chaos Daemons
[*]Has Blood Frenzy (+1 A already included in profile)
[*]May replace CCW with the Berserker Glaive for +40 points
Herald of Nurgle: as Codex: Chaos Daemons
[*]May have Nurgling Infestation for +15 points
[*]May have Nurgle's Rot for +5 points
[*]Cloud of Flies: as Blight Grenades
Herald of Slaanesh: as Codex: Chaos Daemons
[*]Has Warp Scream (reduce I by 1 however)
[*]May take Allure of Slaanesh for +10 points
Herald of Tzeench: as Codex: Chaos Daemons
[*]May take the Bedlam Staff for +30 points

Bloodthirster: as Codex: Chaos Daemons
[*]Has Blood Frenzy (+1 A already included in profile)
Great Unclean One: as Codex: Chaos Daemons
[*]Cloud of Flies: as Blight Grenades
[*]May take Nurgling Infestation for +15 points
Keeper of Secrets: as Codex: Chaos Daemons
[*]Has Warp Scream (reduce I by 1 however)
Lord of Change: as Codex: Chaos Daemons
[*]May take the Bedlam Staff for +30 points

Chaos Sorcerer: 70 points
WS 5 BS 5 S 4 T 4 W 3 I 5 A 3 (4) Ld 10 Sv 3+/5++
[*]Fearless, Psyker (1 power)Independent Character, Invulnerable Save
[*]Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, CCW, Frag and Krak Grenades
[*]Mark of Slaanesh (gain Warp Scream) for +10 points
[*]Mark of Nurgle (+1 T) for +20 points
[*]Mark of Tzeench (4+ Invulnerable Save, auto-pass Psychic Tests) for +30 points
May replace Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for +15 points
May replace CCW with:
[*]Power Weapon for +15 points
[*]Lightning Claw for +20 points
[*]Power Fist for +30 points
[*]2 Lightning Claws for +30 points
[*]Daemon Weapon for +25 points
May take one of:
[*]Twin-Linked Boltgun for +5 points
[*]Combi-Weapon (Melta/Plasma/Flamer) for +10 points
May take:
[*]Personal Icon for +5 points
[*]Melta Bombs for +5 points
[*]Familiar (+1 Psychic Power Known, and +1 per turn) for +15 points
May take one of:
[*]Jump Pack/Daemonic Wings for +20 points
[*]Bike for +30 points
[*]Daemonic Steed for +30 points
[*]Terminator Armour for +30 points
May take up to 3 Daemon Gifts:
[*]Essence for +15 points
[*]Mutation for +15 points
[*]Resilience for +15 points
[*]Strength for +10 points
[*]Talons for +10 points
[*]Visage for +10 points
Mark of Nurgle Only:
[*]May take Blight Grenades for +20 points
[*]May take Nurgle's Rot for +5 points
[*]May have a Nurgling Infestation for +15 points
Mark of Slaanesh Only:
[*]May take Allure of Slaanesh for +20 points
[*]May take Aura of Acquiescence for +5 points
[*]May take Combat Drugs for +10 points
[*]May take a Doom Siren for +10 points
[*]May replace Twin-Linked Boltgun with Sonic Blaster for free
Mark of Tzeench Only:
[*]May replace CCW with Bedlam Staff for +25 points
[*]May take Inferno Bolts (Bolt weapons are AP 3) for +5 points
[*]May have the Eye of Change (re-roll 1 roll to Hit or Wound or Save each Game Turn) for +15 points
[*]May have a Talisman of Tzeench (enemy Psykers have -1 Ld for using Psykic Powers, multiple Talismans do not stack) for +10 points
Dedicated Transport: the Chaos Lord may take a Chaos Rhino or Chaos Land Raider

Psychic Powers:[/b]
[*]Doombolt +10 points (as C:CSM)
[*]Warp Time +20 points (as C:CSM)
[*]Winds of Chaos +20 points (as C:CSM)
[*]Mass Mutation +20 points (start of Shooting Phase, affects self and attached unit, roll 1d6)
1 = No benefit, make a Dangerous Terrain Check
2 = +1 Daemonic Strength Gift
3 = Daemonic Visage Gift
4 = Daemonic Resilience Gift
5 = 4++ Invulnerable Save
6 = Daemonic Mutation Gift
(all last until start of your next turn)
[*]Gift of Chaos +30 points
Nurgle Only:
[*]Nurgle's Dance +5 points (start of Shooting Phase, enemy unit in 18" must make Ld test or leave Cover)
[*]Miasma of Pestilence +10 points (Shooting Attack: 18" S X AP - Assault 1 Blast, Poison 6+ and must make a Morale Test or fall back)
Slaanesh Only:
[*]Siren +15 points (Instead of Shooting, enemies must pass Ld tests to Shoot or Assault him - not Morale Tests)
[*]Touch of Slaanesh +5 points (start of Assault Phase, enemies are -1 WS until start of your next turn)
Tzeench Only:
[*]Bolt of Change +20
[*]Psychic Duel +5 (Shooting Attack: 18" enemy Psyker takes -1 Ld for using powers next turn)
[*]Reckoning of Tzeench +10 (start of Shooting Phase: his shooting, and those of his attached unit, are all Twin-Linked)

Special Characters: as Codex: Chaos Daemons and Codex: Chaos Space Marines

Chaos Chosen: 100 points
1 Aspiring Champion and 4 Chaos Chosen
Champion: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 2 (3) Ld 10 Sv 3+
Chosen: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 1 (2) Ld 10 Sv 3+
[*]Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, CCW, Bolter, Frag and Krak Grenades
[*]Up to 5 more Chosen may be taken for 18 points each
[*]Any models may have Melta Bombs for +5 points each
[*]One model may have a Chaos Icon for +10 points
[*]The Aspiring Champion may purchase a single Daemon Gift from the Chaos Lord's list
[*]Any models may have Terminator Armour instead of Power Armour for +20 points each, replacing their weapons with a Power Weapon and Twin-Linked Bolter
Unit may have one of the following:
[*]Mark of Slaanesh +15 points
[*]Mark of Khorne +25 points
[*]Mark of Tzeench +35 points (6+ Invulnerable Save, Champion is a Psyker)
[*]Mark of Nurgle +40 points
One model may replace Bolter with:
[*]A Flamer for +5 points
[*]A Meltagun for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Gun or Heavy Bolter for +15 points
[*]A Missile Launcher or Autocannon for +20 points
[*]A Lascannon for +30 points
Any model in Terminator Armour may swap the Power Weapon for:
[*]A Lightning Claw or Power Fist for +5 points
[*]A Chainfist for +10 points
One model in 5 in Terminator Armour may swap their Twin-Linked Bolter for:
[*]A Heavy Flamer for +5 points
[*]A Reaper Autocannon for +25 points
Up to four models may choose any of the following options:
[*]Replace Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for +15 points
[*]Replace Bolter with a Flamer or Twin-Linked Bolter for +5 points
[*]Replace Bolter with a Meltagun or Combi-Weapon for +10 points
[*]Replace Bolter with a Plasma Gun for +15 points
[*]Replace CCW with a Power Weapon or Lightning Claw for +15 points
[*]Replace CCW with a Power Fist for +25 points
[*]Replace CCW and Bolt Pistol with a Pair of Lightning Claws for +20 points
Mark of Khorne:
[*]Any model may replace a CCW with a Chainaxe for free
Mark of Nurgle:
[*]The unit may take Blight Grenades for +20 points
Mark of Slaanesh:
[*]Any model may replace a Bolter or Twin-Linked Bolter with a Sonic Blaster for free
[*]Any model may replace a Flamer with a Doom Siren for +5 points
[*]Any model may replace a Heavy Flamer with a Doom Siren for free
[*]The Aspiring Champion may have a Doom Siren for +10 points
[*]Any model may replace a Heavy Bolter or Reaper Autocannon with a Blastmaster for free
Mark of Tzeench:
[*]The unit may have Inferno Bolts for +15 points
(A Heavy Bolter may fire Inferno Bolts as 36" S 5 AP 3 Heavy 1 Blast)
[*]The Aspiring Champion is a Psyker and may select one power for the costs listed for an Aspiring Sorcerer (Thousand Sons)
Dedicated Transport: the unit may take a Chaos Rhino

Possessed Marines: 115 points
4 Possessed Marines
1 Possessed Aspiring Champion
Possessed Aspiring Champion: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 (5) T 4 W 1 I 4 A 2 (3) Ld 10 Sv 3+/5++
Possessed Marine: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 (5) T 4 W 1 I 4 A 1 (2) Ld 10 Sv 3+/5++
[*]Invulnerable Save, Possessed, May not take Veteran Skills
[*]Power Armour, Daemon Strength, Bolt Pistol, Close Combat Weapon
Up to 5 more Possessed Marines may be taken for 20 points each
The unit may have one of the following:
[*]Mark of Slaanesh for +15 points
[*]Mark of Khorne for +20 points
[*]Mark of Nurgle for +30 points
[*]Mark of Tzeench for +40 points
The unit may have one of the following:
[*]Daemonic Flight for +50 points (becoming Jump Infantry)
[*]Daemonic Talons for +15 points
[*]Daemon Fire for +10 points (Shooting: 12" S 4 AP 6 Assault 2)
[*]Daemonic Visage for +10 points
[*]Daemonic Mutation for +15 points
[*]Daemonic Resilience for +20 points
[*]Daemonic Armour for +25 points (2+ Armour Saves)
If the unit has a Mark of Khorne:
[*]They may swap their CCWs for Chainaxes for free
If the unit has a Mark of Nurgle:
[*]They may take Daemonic Venom for +5 points
[*]They may take Daemonic Essence for +40 points
If the unit has a Mark of Slaanesh:
[*]They may take Aura of Acquiescence for +10 points
[*]They may take Daemonic Speed for +25 points
If the unit has a Mark of Tzeench:
[*]The Aspiring Champion is a Psyker and may select one Power at the same cost as the Aspiring Sorcerer of Thousand Sons
Dedicated Transport: if it does not have Daemonic Flight, the unit may take a Chaos Rhino

Chaos Terminators: 90 points
3 Chaos Terminators
Aspiring Champion: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 10 Sv 2+/5++
Terminator: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 10 Sv 2+/5++
[*]Invulnerable Save
[*]Terminator Armour, Power Weapon, Twin-Linked Bolter
[*]May have up to 7 more Chaos Terminators for 30 points each
[*]Any Chaos Terminators can be upgraded to Aspiring Champions for +10 points each
[*]Any Aspiring Champion can purchase a single Daemon Gift each from the Chaos Lord's list
One model may have a Chaos Icon for +10 points
The unit may have one of the following:
[*]Mark of Slaanesh for +15 points
[*]Mark of Khorne for +20 points
[*]Mark of Nurgle for +30 points
[*]Mark of Tzeench for +40 points (4++ Invulnerable, Aspiring Champions are Psykers)
One model in five may swap their Twin-Linked Bolters for:
[*]A Heavy Flamer for +5 points
[*]A Reaper Autocannon for +25 points
Any model may swap their Twin-Linked Bolter for a Combi-Weapon for +5 points
Any model may swap their Power Weapon for:
[*]A Lightning Claw for +5 points
[*]A Power Fist for +10 points
[*]A Chainfist for +15 points
Any model may swap both weapons for a Pair of Lightning Claws for +10 points
Mark of Nurgle:
[*]The unit may take Blight Grenades for +25 points
Mark of Slaanesh:
[*]Any Aspiring Champion may take a Doom Siren for +10 points
[*]Any model may replace their Twin-Linked Bolter with a Sonic Blaster for free
[*]Any model may replace their Heavy Flamer with a Doom Siren for free
[*]Any model may replace their Reaper Autocannon with a Blastmaster for free
Mark of Tzeench:
[*]The unit may take Inferno Bolts for +15 points
[*]Any Aspiring Champion is a Psyker and may select one power at the costs listed for an Aspiring Sorcerer of Thousand Sons.
Dedicated Transport: if it numbers 5 models or less, the unit may take a Chaos Land Raider

Chaos Dreadnought: as Codex: Chaos Space Marines
[*]Crazed: at the start of each turn it is not engaged in close combat, roll 1d6 for the Dreadnought. On a 2-5 it may act as normal.
On a 1, it undergoes a Firing Frenzy: it remains still and fires all weapons twice at the nearest enemy target it can see (using a 90 degree field of vision from the Front Armour). If no enemies can be seen but allies can, it will shoot the nearest ally seen.
On a 6, it goes Berserk, automatically Running and will attempt to Assault the nearest enemy unit. Doing this, it doubles its Attacks characteristic.
[*]If it has the Destroyer, rolling a Firing Frenzy is treated as going Berserk.
It may take one of the following:
[*]Destroyer for +15 points (the Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon/Chainfist/Axe of Khorne is Master-Crafted)
[*]Plague Carrier for +10 points (is treated as having Nurgle's Rot)
[*]Warp Amp for +15 points (enemies within 12" have -1 Ld, or -2 if within 6" or -3 if in base-to-base contact)
[*]Coruscating Flame for +10 points (any model in close combat with it takes a single S 1d6 AP 4 hit at I 10 each phase)
If it has a Destroyer upgrade, it may replace its Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with:
[*]A Chainfist for +5 points (must upgrade both to get +1 A)
[*]A Blood Axe for free (S 6 unless the other arm is a Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon, any Wound roll of 6 triggers an extra Attack)
If it has a Warp Amp, it may:
[*]Replace its Twin-Linked Bolters for Sonic Blasters for free
[*]Replace its Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter for a Blastmaster for +5 points
[*]Replace its Heavy Flamer with a Doom Siren for +5 points
If it has Coruscating Flame, it may:
[*]Take Inferno Bolts for +10 points
[*]Be a Psyker (treated as having Ld 10) with one power, chosen as a Chaos Sorcerer with a Mark of Tzeench, at the cost of the listed power +20 points
The Chaos Dreadnought may take these upgrades in addition to those listed in the Codex:
[*]Blasphemous Rune for +15 points (enemies who lose in close combat are at -1 Ld, stacks with Warp Amp)
[*]Havoc Launcher for +20 points
[*]Living Vehicle for +20 points (Shooting: 6" S 4 AP - Assault 1d6)
[*]Parasitic Possession for +20 points (end of every Shooting Phase, roll 1d6, on a 4+ one Immobilised or Weapon Destroyed of choice is fixed)
[*]Mutated Hull for +30 points (+1 to Front, Side and Rear Armour Values)

Khorne Berserkers: 105 points
1 Skull Champion: WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 2 (4) Ld 10 Sv 3+
4 Berserkers: WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 1 (3) Ld 9 Sv 3+
[*]Mark of Khorne, Blood Frenzy
[*]Power Armour, Frag and Krak Grenades, Bolt Pistol, Chainaxe
May have up to 15 more Berserkers for +18 points each
One model may have a Chaos Icon for +5 points
Skull Champion may:
[*]Purchase a single Daemon Gift from the Chaos Lord's list
[*]Replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for +15 points
[*]Replace his CCW with a Power Weapon for +15 points
[*]Replace his CCW with a Power Fist for +25 points
[*]Take Melta Bombs for +5 points
Up to two Berserkers may take one of the following options:
[*]Replace a Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for +15 points
[*]Replace a Chainaxe with a Power Weapon for +15 points
Dedicated Transport: if it numbers 10 models or less, the unit may take a Chaos Rhino

Plague Marines: 125 points
1 Plague Champion: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 (5) W 1 I 3 A 2 (3) Ld 10 Sv 3+
4 Plague Marines: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 (5) W 1 I 3 A 1 (2) Ld 9 Sv 3+
[*]Mark of Nurgle, Fearless, Slow but Purposeful, Feel no Pain
[*]Power Armour, Blight, Frag and Krak Grenades, CCW, Bolt Pistol, Bolter
May have up to 15 more Plague Marines for +23 points each
One model may have a Chaos Icon for +5 points
Plague Champion may:
[*]Purchase a single Daemon Gift from the Chaos Lord's list
[*]Replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for +15 points
[*]Replace his CCW with a Power Weapon for +15 points
[*]Replace his CCW with a Power Fist for +25 points
[*]Replace his Bolter with a Twin-Linked Bolter for +5 points
[*]Replace his Bolter with a Combi-Weapon for +10 points
[*]Take Melta Bombs for +5 points
Up to two models may:
Replace their Bolter with a Flamer for +5 points
Replace their Bolter with a Meltagun for +10 points
Replace their Bolter with a Plasma Gun or Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for +15 points
Dedicated Transport: if it numbers 10 models or less, the unit may take a Chaos Rhino

Noise Marines: 100 points
1 Noise Champion: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 2 (3) Ld 10 Sv 3+
4 Noise Marines: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 1 (2) Ld 9 Sv 3+
[*]Mark of Slaanesh, Warp Scream
[*]Power Armour, Frag and Krak Grenades, Bolter, Bolt Pistol, CCW
May have up to 15 more Noise Marines for +18 points each
One model may have a Chaos Icon for +5 points
Noise Champion may:
[*]Purchase a single Daemon Gift from the Chaos Lord's list
[*]Replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for +15 points
[*]Replace his CCW with a Power Weapon for +15 points
[*]Replace his CCW with a Power Fist for +25 points
[*]Take Melta Bombs for +5 points
[*]Take a Doom Siren for +15 points
Any Models may replace their Bolter with a Sonic Blaster for free
One model in 5 may replace their Bolter with a Blastmaster for +15 points each
Dedicated Transport: if it numbers 10 models or less, the unit may take a Chaos Rhino

Thousand Sons: 140 points
1 Aspiring Sorcerer: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 2 (3) Ld 10 Sv 3+/4++
4 Thousand Sons: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 1 Ld 9 Sv 3+/4++
[*]Mark of Tzeench, Invulnerable Save, Fearless, Slow but Purposeful, Psyker (Aspiring Sorcerer), The Sorcerer Commands
[*]Power Armour, Inferno Rounds
[*]Aspiring Sorcerer: Bolt Pistol and Force Weapon
[*]Thousand Sons: Bolters
May have up to 15 more Thousand Sons for +20 points each
One model may have a Chaos Icon for +5 points
The Aspiring Sorcerer may take one power:
[*]Doombolt for free
[*]Psychic Duel for free
[*]Reckoning of Tzeench +10
[*]Warp Time for +10 points
[*]Winds of Chaos for +10 points
[*]Mass Mutation for +15 points
[*]Gift of Chaos for +20 points
[*]Bolt of Change for +20
He may also purchase a single Daemon Gift from the Chaos Lord list
Dedicated Transport: if it numbers 10 models or less, the unit may take a Chaos Rhino

Bloodcrushers of Khorne: as Codex: Chaos Daemons
[*]All have Blood Frenzy (+1 A included in profile)

Beasts of Nurgle: as Codex: Chaos Daemons
[*]Unit may take Nurgling Infestation for +20 points

Fiends of Slaanesh: as Codex: Chaos Daemons
[*]All have Warp Scream (but -1 I)

Flamers of Tzeench: as Codex: Chaos Daemons
Last edited by Koumei on Sun Aug 21, 2011 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »


Bloodletters of Khorne: (as Codex: Chaos Daemons)
[*]15 points per model
[*]Blood Frenzy (extra attack included in profile)
[*]May re-roll Deep Strike Scatter if the unit is cleanly divisible by 8

Daemonettes of Slaanesh: (as Codex: Chaos Daemons)
[*]13 points per model
[*]Warp Scream (but 1 less I)
[*]May re-roll Deep Strike Scatter if the unit is cleanly divisible by 6

Plaguebearers of Nurgle: (as Codex: Chaos Daemons)
[*]13 points per model
[*]May take a Cloud of Flies for +20 points
[*]May re-roll Deep Strike Scatter if the unit is cleanly divisible by 7

Pink Horrors of Tzeench: (as Codex: Chaos Daemons)
[*]May re-roll Deep Strike Scatter if the unit is cleanly divisible by 9
[*]Changeling may be taken as normal

Nurglings: (as Codex: Chaos Daemons)
[*]May re-roll Deep Strike Scatter if the unit numbers seven bases
[*]One Nurgling "Squad" may be taken for every Plaguebearer unit taken that numbers 7 or 14 models. This does not take up a Troops choice of its own.

Chaos Space Marines: 80 points
[*]1 Aspiring Champion and 4 Chaos Space Marines
Aspiring Champion: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 2 (3) Ld 10 Sv 3+
Chaos Space Marine: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 1 (2) Ld 9 Sv 3+
[*]Power Armour, Frag and Krak Grenades, Bolter, Bolt Pistol, CCW
Up to 15 more Chaos Space Marines may be taken for 14 points each
One model may have an Icon for +10 points
The unit may have one of the following:
[*]Mark of Slaanesh for +15 points (Warp Scream instead of +1 I)
[*]Mark of Khorne for +25 points (Blood Frenzy instead of +1 A)
[*]Mark of Tzeench for +35 points
[*]Mark of Nurgle for +35 points
The Aspiring Champion has the following options:
[*]May take one Daemonic Gift from the Chaos Lord list
[*]May take Melta Bombs for +5 points
[*]May swap his Bolt Pistol for a Plasma Pistol for +15 points
[*]May exchange his Bolter for a Twin-Linked Bolter for +5 points
[*]May exchange his Bolter for a Combi-Weapon for +10 points
[*]May replace his CCW with a Power Weapon for +15 points
[*]May replace his CCW with a Power Fist for +25 points
One Chaos Space Marine may replace his Bolt Pistol with a Plasma Pistol for +15 points, or may replace his Bolter with:
[*]A Flamer for +5 points
[*]A Meltagun for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Gun for +15 points
If the squad numbers 10 or more models, one Chaos Space Marine may replace his Bolter with:
[*]A Flamer for +5 points
[*]A Meltagun, Heavy Bolter, Autocannon or Missile Launcher for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Gun for +15 points
[*]A Lascannon for +20 points
If the unit has a Mark of Khorne, the Aspiring Champion may replace his CCW with a Chainaxe for free
If the unit has a Mark of Slaanesh, the Aspiring Champion may take a Doom Siren for +10 points
If the unit has a Mark of Tzeench, the Aspiring Champion is a Psyker and may select one of the following powers:
[*]Doom Bolt for +5 points
[*]Winds of Chaos for +10 points
[*]Reckoning of Tzeench for +10 points
Dedicated Transport: if the unit numbers 10 models or less, it may take a Chaos Rhino
Dedicated Transports:

Chaos Rhino: (as Codex: Chaos Space Marines)
Additional upgrades may be taken:
[*]Blasphemous Rune for +15 points (stacks with Warp Amp for Tank Shock)
[*]Living Vehicle for +20 points
[*]Mutated Hull for +20 points
[*]Parasiting Possession for +30 points
It may have one of:
[*]Destroyer for +15 points (when performing a Tank Shock, each enemy forced to move takes a Wound on a 4+, with Armour Saves allowed as normal. Additionally, it adds +1 to its Penetration roll when Ramming)
[*]Plague Carrier for +10 points
[*]Warp Amp for +15 points
[*]Coruscating Flames for +15 points
Fast Attack:

Flesh Hounds of Khorne: (as Codex: Chaos Daemons)
[*]Blood Frenzy (extra Attack included in profile)
[*]Karanak may be taken as normal
[*]May re-roll Deep Strike Scatter if the unit is cleanly divisible by 8

Seekers of Slaanesh: (as Codex: Chaos Daemons)
[*]Warp Scream (but -1 I)
[*]May re-roll Deep Strike Scatter if the unit is cleanly divisible by 6

Screamers of Tzeench: (as Codex: Chaos Daemons)
[*]May re-roll Deep Strike Scatter if the unit is cleanly divisible by 9

Blight Drones: (as Imperial Armour Apocalypse 2)

Chaos Bikers: (as Codex: Chaos Space Marines)

Raptors: 95 points
[*]1 Aspiring Champion, 4 Raptors
Raptor Lord: WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 5 A 3 (4) Ld 10 Sv 3+
Aspiring Champion: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 2 (3) Ld 10 Sv 3+
Raptor: WS 4 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 1 I 4 A 1 (2) Ld 9 Sv 3+
Fury of Chaos: WS 3 BS - S 4 T 4 W 1 I 3 A 2 (3) Ld 10 Sv -/5++
[*]Jump Infantry, Hit and Run (if a Raptor Lord is included)
[*]Fury of Chaos: Daemon (does not have to Deep Strike), Invulnerable
[*]Raptor, Champion, Lord: Jump Pack, Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, CCW, Frag and Krak Grenades
[*]Fury of Chaos: a Pair of Rending Claws
May have up to 15 more Raptors for 17 points each
The Aspiring Champion may be upgraded to a Raptor Lord for +20 points
[*]May have up to 20 Furies of Chaos, but no more than the number of Raptors, for 13 points each
The unit may have Daemonic Visage for +10 points
Up to two Raptors may swap their Bolt Pistols for:
[*]A Flamer for +5 points
[*]A Melta for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Pistol or Plasma Gun for +15 points
The Aspiring Champion or Raptor Lord may:
[*]Take Melta Bombs for +5 points
[*]Swap his Bolt Pistol for a Plasma Pistol for +5 points
[*]Swap his CCW for a Power Weapon or Lightning Claw for +15 points
[*]Swap his CCW for a Power Fist for +25 points
[*]Swap both weapons for a Pair of Lightning Claws for +20 points
[*]Select a single Daemonic Gift
The Raptor Lord may:
[*]Select another Daemonic Gift
[*]Replace both weapons for a Daemon Weapon (as Codex: Grey Knights) for +20 points
Heavy Support:

Daemon Prince: (as Codex: Chaos Daemons)
[*]Mark of Khorne grants Blood Frenzy instead of +1 A
[*]Mark of Slaanesh grants Warp Scream instead of +1 I
[*]If Iron Hide is taken, may take Daemon Armour for +20 points
[*]May take Daemonic Flame for +5 points
[*]May take a Daemon Weapon for +20 points (re-roll Etherblade)
[*]Cloud of Flies is as Chaos Lord

Chaos Engine Squadron: 1-3 choices from:
[*]Soulgrinders of Chaos (as Codex: Chaos Daemons)
[*]Defilers (as Codex: Chaos Space Marines)
[*]Blood Slaughterers (as Imperial Armour Apocalypse 2)
[*]Plague Hulks (as Imperial Armour Apocalypse 2)
Additional upgrades may be taken, applied to the whole unit:
[*]Blasphemous Runes for +15 points each
[*]Living Vehicle for +20 points each
[*]Mutated Hulls for +20 points each
[*]Parasitic Possession for +30 points each
The entire squadron may have:
[*]Destroyer for +15 points each
[*]Plague Carrier for +10 points each
[*]Warp Amp for +15 points each
[*]Coruscating Flames for +15 points each
If the unit contains one or more Blood Slaughterers, then Plague Carriers, Warp Amps and Coruscating Flames may not be taken. If the unit contains one or more Plague Hulks, then Destroyers, Warp Amps and Coruscating Flames may not be taken.
Plague Hulks and Blood Slaughterers may not be taken in the same unit.

Havocs: (as Codex: Chaos Space Marines)
[*]If the unit has a Mark of Slaanesh, any model may replace a Heavy Bolter with a Blastmaster for free or a Flamer with a Doom Siren for +5 points
[*]If the unit has a Mark of Tzeench, they may all have Inferno Bolts for +25 pionts

Chaos Predator: (as Codex: Chaos Space Marines)
Additional upgrades may be taken:
[*]Blasphemous Rune for +15 points (stacks with Warp Amp for Tank Shock)
[*]Living Vehicle for +20 points
[*]Mutated Hull for +20 points
[*]Parasitic Possession for +30 points
It may have one of:
[*]Destroyer for +15 points (when performing a Tank Shock, each enemy forced to move takes a Wound on a 4+, with Armour Saves allowed as normal. Additionally, it adds +1 to its Penetration roll when Ramming)
[*]Plague Carrier for +10 points
[*]Warp Amp for +15 points
[*]Coruscating Flames for +15 points
If it has a Warp Amp, it may:
[*]Replace the Autocannon with a Blastmaster for free
[*]Replace the Heavy Bolters with Twin-Linked Sonic Blasters for free
[*]Replace the Heavy Bolters with Doom Sirens for free
If it has Coruscating Flames, it may take Inferno Bolts for +15 points

Chaos Land Raider: (as Codex: Chaos Space Marines)
Additional upgrades may be taken:
[*]Blasphemous Rune for +15 points (stacks with Warp Amp for Tank Shock)
[*]Living Vehicle for +20 points
[*]Mutated Hull for +20 points
[*]Parasitic Possession for +30 points
It may have one of:
[*]Destroyer for +15 points (when performing a Tank Shock, each enemy forced to move takes a Wound on a 4+, with Armour Saves allowed as normal. Additionally, it adds +1 to its Penetration roll when Ramming)
[*]Plague Carrier for +10 points
[*]Warp Amp for +15 points
[*]Coruscating Flames for +15 points
If it has a Warp Amp, it may:
[*]Replace the Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter with a Twin-Linked Blastmaster or Twin-Linked Doom Siren for free
If it has Coruscating Flames, it may take Inferno Bolts for +15 points
If taken as a Dedicated Transport for Obliterators, it may not have a Destroyer, Plague Carrier, Warp Amp or Coruscating Flames, however it may replace the Twin-Linked Lascannons with Obliterator Tank Weapons for +50 points. These may be fired in any round as any of the following (but both must be fired as the same weapon):
[*]Twin-Linked Lascannon
[*]Twin-Linked Multi-Melta
[*]Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer
[*]Flamestorm Cannon
[*]Twin-Linked Plasma Cannon
[*]Twin-Linked Autocannon

Chaos Vindicator:
Additional upgrades may be taken:
[*]Blasphemous Rune for +15 points (stacks with Warp Amp for Tank Shock)
[*]Living Vehicle for +20 points
[*]Mutated Hull for +20 points
[*]Parasitic Possession for +30 points
It may have one of:
[*]Destroyer for +15 points (when performing a Tank Shock, each enemy forced to move takes a Wound on a 4+, with Armour Saves allowed as normal. Additionally, it adds +1 to its Penetration roll when Ramming)
[*]Plague Carrier for +10 points
[*]Warp Amp for +15 points
[*]Coruscating Flames for +15 points

Obliterator Cult: (as Codex: Chaos Space Marines)
[*]A single Obliterator Cult may upgrade one Obliterator to an Obliterator Champion for +50 points.
[*]An Obliterator Cult with an Obliterator Champion may take a Land Raider as a Dedicated Transport.
[*]Obliterator Champion: WS 4 BS 4 S 5 T 5 W 2 I 3 A 2 Ld 10 Sv 2+/4++
He may fire his Obliterator weapon separate from the rest of the unit, even at a different target, and has the following extra options:
[*]Heavy Flamer
[*]Multiple Missile Pod
Last edited by Koumei on Sun Aug 21, 2011 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

Xenos Mercenaries


Corsair Farseer:

Eldar Corsair Captain:

Kroot Master Shaper: 40 points
1 Master Shaper: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 4 A 3 (4) Ld 10 Sv 5+
0 Council Shapers: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 3 A 3 (4) Ld 9 Sv 5+
0 Kroot Hounds: WS 4 BS - S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 6+
[*]All except the Kroot Hounds have Kroot Rifles
[*]Eater of the Dead, Release The Hounds!, Infiltrate, Fieldcraft, Evolutionary Adaptation
[*]The Master Shaper is a Psyker

Eater of the Dead: whenever they beat a foe in close combat, the enemy automatically escapes - the Shapers are too busy eating the dead to give chase.
Release the Hounds! whenever foes flee in close combat, each Kroot Hound delivers a single automatic Strength 4 hit.
Fieldcraft: all Kroot (except Krootox) gain the Stealth USR in woods, do not have to test for Difficult Terrain in woods, and ignore up to 12" of woods for the purpose of enemies getting Cover Saves.
Evolutionary Adaptation: no matter how many Kroot Master Shapers there are, select one of the following for the entire army:
[*]Bold: all Kroot, Shapers, Knarlocs, Kroot Hounds and Krootox gain +1 Leadership
[*]Chameleon: all Kroot, Shapers, Knarlocs, Kroot Hounds and Krootox gain the Stealth USR
[*]Fast Reflexes: all Kroot, Shapers, Knarlocs, Kroot Hounds and Krootox gain +1 Initiative
[*]Nocturnal: all Kroot, Shapers, Knarlocs, Kroot Hounds and Krootox gain the Night Fighting USR
[*]Ork Hybrid: all Kroot, Shapers, Knarlocs, Kroot Hounds and Krootox gain +1 Toughness

Up to 5 Council Shapers may be taken for 30 points each
Up to 2 Kroot Hounds may be taken for each Shaper (including the Master Shaper) for 5 points each
The unit may become Fleet for +10 points
If no Kroot Hounds are taken, the unit may all take Wings for +10 points per model
The whole unit (except Kroot Hounds) may have Frag, Krak and Defensive Grenades for +10 points
The Master Shaper may replace his Kroot Rifle with:
[*]A Bolt Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Splinter Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Hell Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Pistol and Power Weapon for +20 points
[*]A Flamer for free
[*]A Meltagun for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Gun for +15 points
He may replace his Power Weapon with:
[*]A Witchblade for +10 points
[*]An Eviscerator for +15 points
He may take:
[*]Melta Bombs for +5 points
[*]Power Armour for +10 points
[*]The "Blood of the Stalker" totem for +20 points
[*]The "Mark of the Favoured Child" totem for +20 points
[*]Cluster Mines for +20 points
Any Council Shaper may replace his Kroot Rifle with:
[*]A Bolt Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Splinter Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Hell Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Pistol and Power Weapon for +20 points
[*]A Flamer for free
[*]A Meltagun for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Gun for +15 points
Any Council Shaper may take Melta Bombs for +5 points

Ordo Xenos Inquisitor:
See Codex: Grey Knights
His retinue may only include:
[*]Death Cult Assassins
[*]Imperial Servitors
[*]Jokaero Weaponsmiths
[*]Sslyth (see Codex: Dark Eldar)
[*]Warrior Acolytes
Dedicated Transport: the Inquisitor and retinue may take a Land Raider or Rhino. They may not take a vehicle they cannot all fit in.

Ork Freeboota Boss: 60 points
1 Warboss: WS 5 BS 2 S 5 T 5 W 3 I 4 A 4 (5) Ld 9 Sv 6+
0-9 Nobz: WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 (4) Ld 7 Sv 6+
0-1 Painboys: WS 4 BS 2 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 3 A 3 (4) Ld 7 Sv 6+
[*]Slugga, Choppa, Stikkbombs, Independent Character (if no Nobs or Painboys are present)
[*]Painboy replaces Slugga and Choppa with Urty Syringe and Dok's Tools
[*]Waaagh!, Mob Rule, Furious Charge
Up to 9 Nobz may be taken for 20 points each
One Painboy may be taken for 50 points
The Warboss may replace his Choppa with:
[*]A Big Choppa for +5 points
[*]A Powa Klaw for +25 points
[*]An Eviscerator for +30 points
He may replace his Slugga with:
[*]A Shoota-Rokkit Kombi-Weapon for +5 points
[*]A Shoota-Skorcha Kombi-Weapon for +5 points
[*]A Meltagun for +5 points
[*]A Plasma Gun for +10 points
He may replace his Choppa and Slugga with:
[*]A pair of Power Fists for +40 points
[*]Mega Armour for +40 points
If he does not have Mega Armour he may have a Warbike for +40 points
He may also have:
[*]'Eavy Armour for +5 points
[*]A Bosspole for +5 points
[*]Cybork Body for +10 points
[*]An Attack Squig for +15 points
All of the Nobz may take Warbikes for +25 points each
Any Nob can replace his Choppa with:
[*]A Big Choppa for +5 points
[*]A Power Klaw for +25 points
Any Nob can replace his Slugga with:
[*]A Shoota-Rokkit Kombi-Weapon for +5 points
[*]A Shoota-Skorcha Kombi-Weapon for +5 points
[*]A Plasma Gun for +10 points
Any Nob, unless mounted on a Warbike, can replace his Choppa and Slugga with Mega Armour for +20 points
Any Nob can take:
[*]'Eavy Armour for +5 points
[*]A Waaagh! Banner for +15 points
The Painboy may take a Warbike for +25 points
If the unit has a Painboy, the Painboy and all of the Nobz may have Cybork Bodies for +5 points per model

Note: if any model has a Warbike, all must do so.

Corsair Warband:

Freebooter Burnaz:
See Codex: Orks (Burna Boyz)
Dedicated Transport: the Freebooter Burnaz may take a Looted Rhino

Freebooter Tankbustas:
See Codex: Orks (Tankbustas)
[*]The Nob may replace his Rokkit Launcha with an Eviscerator for +30 points
Dedicated Transport: the Freebooter Tankbustas may take a Looted Rhino

Headhunter Kindred: 120 points
1 Headhunter Shaper: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 3 A 3 (4) Ld 8 Sv 6+
9 Headhunters: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 (2) Ld 8 Sv 6+
[*]Kroot Rifles
[*]Eater of the Dead, Infiltrate, Fieldcraft

Eater of the Dead: if a Shaper is present, the unit may not pursue fleeing enemy units at the end of close combat. The foes escape, and the unit Consolidates, eating the corpses.

Up to 10 additional Headhunters may be taken for 10 points each
The entire unit may be Fleet for +20 points
The entire unit may take:
[*]Acid Spit for +30 points
[*]Frag and Krak grenades for +15 points
[*]Light Mesh for +30 points (improving their Armour Save to 5+)
One model per 10 may swap his Kroot Rifle for:
[*]A Rail Rifle for +10 points
[*]A Hell Rifle for +15 points
The Shaper may replace his Kroot Rifle with:
[*]A Bolt Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Splinter Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Hell Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Pistol and Power Weapon for +20 points
[*]A Flamer for free
[*]A Meltagun for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Gun for +15 points

Acid Spit: any model with Acid Spit may, instead of their usual attacks, make a single attack in close combat that is Poisoned (4+) and Rending. This does not benefit from any special features such as having 2 close combat weapons or a Power Weapon, and is a single attack even on the charge.

Sslyth Hunters: 30 points per model
A unit of 3-10 Sslyth (see Codex: Dark Eldar)
Dedicated Transport: the Sslyth may take a Looted Rhino or, if they number 5 or less models, a Venom

Stalker Kindred: 130 points
1 Stalker Shaper: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 3 A 3 (4) Ld 8 Sv 6+
9 Stalkers: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 (2) Ld 8 Sv 6+
0 Kroot Hounds: WS 4 BS - S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 6+
[*]All except Kroot Hounds have Kroot Rifles
[*]Eater of the Dead, Release the Hounds!, Infiltrate, Scouts, Fieldcraft
Up to 10 additional Stalkers may be purchased for 11 points each
Up to 5 Kroot Hounds may be purchased for 5 points each
The entire unit (except Kroot Hounds) may have:
[*]Frag Grenades for +10 points
[*]Chameleoline for +15 points (this does not stack with Fieldcraft)
[*]Snare Mines for +10 points
[*]Cluster Mines for +20 points
[*]Light Mesh for +30 points
The Shaper may replace his Kroot Rifle with:
[*]A Bolt Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Splinter Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Hell Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Pistol and Power Weapon for +20 points
[*]A Flamer for free
[*]A Meltagun for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Gun for +15 points
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Aug 23, 2011 12:21 am, edited 3 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »


Corsair Wasp Assault Walker Squadron:
Here (pdf)

Eldar Rangers:
As Codex: Eldar

Kroot Carnivore Kindred: 100 points
1 Shaper: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 3 A 3 (4) Ld 8 Sv 6+
9 Kindred: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 (2) Ld 8 Sv 6+
0 Kroot Hounds: WS 4 BS 0 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 6+
0 Krootox: WS 4 BS 3 S 6 T 3 (5) W 3 I 3 A 3 Ld - Sv 6+
[*]Shaper and Kindred: Kroot Rifle, Krootox: Kroot Gun
[*]Eater of the Dead, Release the Hounds, Infiltrate, Fieldcraft
Up to 10 additional Kroot Kindred may be taken for 8 points each
Up to 5 Kroot Hounds may be taken for 6 points each
A single Krootox may be taken for 30 points
The whole unit, if the Krootox is not taken, may be Fleet for +20 points
The unit may have Frag Grenades for +10 points
They may all have a 5+ Armour Save for +25 points
The Shaper may replace his Kroot Rifle with:
[*]A Bolt Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Splinter Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Hell Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Pistol and Power Weapon for +20 points
[*]A Flamer for free
[*]A Meltagun for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Gun for +15 points
The Krootox may replace the Kroot Gun with:
[*]A Heavy Bolter for free
[*]An Autocannon for free
[*]A Rocket Launcher for +5 points
[*]A Rail Rifle for +5 points
[*]A Railgun for +25 points

Ork Freebooters:
See: Ork Boyz Mob (Codex: Orks)
Dedicated Transports: Looted Rhino, Freebooter Trukk
Dedicated Transports:

Corsair Venom:
As Codex: Dark Eldar

Freebooter Trukk:
See: Trukk (see Codex: Orks or Imperial Armour)

Looted Rhino:
As Imperial Armour
Fast Attack:

Corsair Hornet Squadron:
Here (pdf)

Knarloc Riders:
As Imperial Armour

Kroot Hound Pack: 150 points
1 Shaper: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 3 A 3 (4) Ld 8 Sv 6+
9 Kindred: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 (2) Ld 8 Sv 6+
5 Kroot Hounds: WS 4 BS 0 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 2 Ld 8 Sv 6+
[*]Shaper and Kindred have Kroot Rifles
[*]Eater of the Dead, Release the Hounds!, Infiltrate, Fleet, Fieldcraft
Up to 10 additional Kindred may be taken for 8 points each.
Up to 15 additional Kroot Hounds may taken for 6 points each.
The unit may have Frag Grenades (except the Hounds) for +10 points.
The Shaper may replace his Kroot Rifle with:
[*]A Bolt Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Splinter Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Hell Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Pistol and Power Weapon for +20 points
[*]A Flamer for free
[*]A Meltagun for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Gun for +15 points

Tracker Kindred: 100 points
1 Shaper: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 6+
4 Trackers: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 8 Sv 6+
[*]Knarloc mounts, Kroot Hunting Rifles
[*]Cavalry, Eater of the Dead, Infiltrate, Fieldcraft, Scouts, Junglerunners, Native Trackers

Junglerunners: Tracker Kindred treat terrain with trees as though it were clear land.

Native Trackers: if it is anywhere near, Tracker Kindred know about it and can do something about it. If an enemy unit Infiltrates to within 4d6" of them (roll separately each time), they may instantly make a Shooting attack against the target.

Up to 5 more Trackers may be taken for 16 points each.
The unit may have Snare Mines for +10 points.
The unit may take Cluster Mines for +20 points.
The Shaper may replace his Hunting Rifle with:
[*]A Hex Rifle for +15 points
[*]A Rail Rifle for +15 points
One Tracker per 5 models may have Neurotoxin Rounds for +10 points each

Neurotoxin Rounds: the Sniper weapon wounds on a 2+

Vespid Team:
As Codex: Tau Empire

Vulture Kindred: 140 points
1 Vulture Shaper: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 4 A 3 (4) Ld 8 Sv 6+
9 Vultures: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 4 A 1 (2) Ld 8 Sv 6+
[*]Kroot Rifles, Frag Grenades
[*]Jump Infantry, Eater of the Dead, Infiltrate, Jungle Wings

Jungle Wings: Vultures do not need to test for dangerous terrain when moving through trees, even if they Deep Strike into them.

Up to 10 more Vulture Kindred may be taken for 12 points each
The unit may all have Furious Charge for +30 points
Any model may replace his Kroot Rifle with a Bolt Pistol and CCW for free
One Vulture per five models may replace his Kroot Rifle with a Doom Lance and two Close Combat Weapons for +10 points
The Shaper may replace his Kroot Rifle with:
[*]A Bolt Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Splinter Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Hell Pistol and Power Weapon for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Pistol and Power Weapon for +20 points
[*]An Eviscerator for +25 points
[*]A Bolt Pistol and Powa Klaw for +30 points
[*]A Pair of Lightning Claws for +30 points
[*]A Flamer for free
[*]A Meltagun for +10 points
[*]A Plasma Gun for +15 points

Heavy Support:

Goaded Great Knarloc Herd:
As Imperial Armour

Gun Wagon:
As Imperial Armour

Hunter Kindred: 60 points
1 Shaper: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 3 A 3 Ld 8 Sv 6+
4 Hunters: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 Ld 8 Sv 6+
[*]Hunting Rifles
[*]Eater of the Dead, Fieldcraft, Infiltrate
Up to 5 more Hunters may be taken for 8 points each
The entire unit may have:
Carapace Armour for +20 points
Stolen Power Armour for +40 points
Stolen Crisis Suits for +25 points per model
If Stolen Crisis Suits are taken, they must each take 2 additional options from the following list:
[*]Flamer +5 points each
[*]Multi-Tracker +5 points each
[*]Burst Cannon +10 points each
[*]Meltagun +10 points each
[*]Advanced Stabilisation System +10 points each
[*]Heavy Bolter +10 points each
[*]Splinter Cannon +15 points each
[*]Plasma Gun +15 points each
Up to 2 Hunters per 5 models may replace their Hunting Rifles with:
[*]Hell Rifles for +10 points each
[*]Autocannons for +10 points each
[*]Rail Rifles for +15 points each
The Shaper may replace his Hunting Rifle with:
[*]A Hex Rifle for +15 points
[*]A Rail Rifle for +15 points

Krootox Herd: 250 points
1 Shaper: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 3 I 3 A 3 (4) Ld 8 Sv 4+
9 Kindred: WS 4 BS 3 S 4 T 3 W 1 I 3 A 1 (2) Ld 8 Sv 4+
3 Krootox: WS 4 BS 3 S 6 T 3 (5) W 3 I 3 A 3 Ld - Sv 4+
[*]Carapace, Kroot Rifles
[*]Krootox have Kroot Guns instead of Kroot Rifles
[*]Eater of the Dead, Infiltrate, Fieldcraft
Up to 10 more Kroot can be taken for 8 points each
Up to 2 more Krootox can be taken for 50 points each
Any Kroot Gun may be replaced with a Railgun for +30 points each

Mounted Great Knarloc Herd:
As Imperial Armour
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

My lists: The Mantis Warriors
Persistent HQ: Ahazra Redth
-WS 5 BS 4 S 4 T 4 W 2 I 5 A 2 (3) Ld 10 Sv 3+/5+
-Power Armour, Bolt Pistol, Force Weapon, Frags and Kraks
-Talisman of Sundered Souls (re-roll 1 failed Psy test/turn, can negate Perils this way)
-Whispers on the Wind: re-roll failed Seize Initiative, enemy -1 Reserves
-2 Powers per turn
-Mirage (Psychic, start of Move Phase: he + unit + transport gain Defensives and Night Fighting protection for 1 full turn)
-One other, usually The Avenger (Template S 5 AP 4 Assault 1 no cover), maybe Gate of Infinity (redeploy within 24" via Deep Strike, risky) or The Quickening (Fleet, I 10)

Kill Team: Deathwatch 27th Kill Team
Elite: Sternguard (200 points)
+2 models
Veteran Sergeant Koth has a Lightning Claw and Bolt Pistol (Power From Pain)
Veteran Thule has a Multi-Melta and Boltgun (Feel no Pain)
Veteran Erst has a Melta and Bolt Pistol
Veteran Idth has a Storm Bolter and a Bolt Pistol (Rending)
Veterans Ludd, Radda and Gurne have regular gear
1,500 points: the Initial Strike
HQ: Ahazra Redth - Special Character (165 points)

HQ:Captain: Captain Hadera Middz (175 points)
-Astartes Bike (Bike Squads become Troops)
-Hellfire Rounds
-Relic Blade

Troops: Tactical Squad "Bastion Breakers" (175 points)
-10 models
-1 Melta
-1 Multimelta
Razorback (75 points)
-Sergeant + Melta + 3 Bolters in the Razorback
-Other five Infiltrate

Troops: Tactical Squad "Lance Strike" (175 points)
-10 models
-1 Melta
-1 Multimelta
Razorback (75 points)
-Sergeant + Melta + 3 Bolters in the Razorback
-Other five Infiltrate

Troops: 10 Scouts "First Contact" (180 points)
-9 Sniper Rifles
-1 Heavy Bolter

Troops: 7 Bikes "Mercy's End" (280 points)
-2 Meltas
-Sergeant has a Power Weapon and Melta Bombs
-1 Attack Bike with Multi-Melta

Elite: 7 Sternguard "27th Kill Team" (200 points)
-1 Melta
-1 Multi-Melta
-1 Storm Bolter
-Sergeant has a Lightning Claw
2,000 points: Confounding Defence
HQ: Ahazra Redth - Special Character (165 points)

HQ:Captain: Captain Hadera Middz (190 points)
-Astartes Bike (Bike Squads become Troops)
-Hellfire Rounds
-Relic Blade
-Artificer Armour

Troops: Tactical Squad "Lance Strike" (175 points)
-10 models
-1 Melta
-1 Multimelta
Razorback (75 points)
-Sergeant + Melta + 3 Bolters in the Razorback
-Other five Infiltrate

Troops: 10 Scouts "First Contact" (180 points)
-9 Sniper Rifles
-1 Heavy Bolter

Troops: 7 Bikes "Mercy's End" (280 points)
-2 Meltas
-Sergeant has a Power Weapon and Melta Bombs
-1 Attack Bike with Multi-Melta

Troops: 6 Bikes "The Exterminators" (245 points)
-1 Melta
-Sergeant has a Power Weapon and Melta Bombs
-1 Attack Bike with Multi-Melta

Elite: 8 Sternguard "27th Kill Team" (230 points)
-1 Melta
-1 Multi-Melta
-2 Storm Bolters
-Sergeant has a Lightning Claw

Elite: Contemptor Dreadnought "Brother Ord" (235 points)
-Kheres Assault Cannon
-Hvy Flamer
-Cyclone Missile Launcher
Drop Pod (35 points)

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Storm (85 points)
-Assault Cannon

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Storm (60 points)
-Heavy Flamer
2,500 points: Legion Eradicators
HQ: Ahazra Redth - Special Character (165 points)

HQ:Captain: Captain Hadera Middz (190 points)
-Astartes Bike (Bike Squads become Troops)
-Hellfire Rounds
-Relic Blade
-Artificer Armour

Troops: Tactical Squad "Lance Strike" (175 points)
-10 models
-1 Melta
-1 Multimelta
Razorback (75 points)
-Sergeant + Melta + 3 Bolters in the Razorback
-Other five Infiltrate

Troops: 10 Scouts "First Contact" (180 points)
-9 Sniper Rifles
-1 Heavy Bolter

Troops: 7 Bikes "Mercy's End" (280 points)
-2 Meltas
-Sergeant has a Power Weapon and Melta Bombs
-1 Attack Bike with Multi-Melta

Troops: 6 Bikes "The Exterminators" (245 points)
-1 Meltas
-Sergeant has a Power Weapon and Melta Bombs
-1 Attack Bike with Multi-Melta

Elite: 8 Sternguard "27th Kill Team" (230 points)
-1 Melta
-1 Multi-Melta
-2 Storm Bolters
-Sergeant has a Lightning Claw

Elite: Contemptor Dreadnought "Brother Ord" (235 points)
-Kheres Assault Cannon
-Hvy Flamer
-Cyclone Missile Launcher
Drop Pod (35 points)

Elite: Contemptor Dreadnought "Brother Ghada" (200 points)
-Kheres Assault Cannon
-Hvy Flamer
Drop Pod (35 points)

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Storm (85 points)
-Assault Cannon

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Storm (60 points)
-Heavy Flamer

Fast Attack: Vanguard Squad "The 112th Absolute" (265 points)
-Jump Packs
-2x Storm Shield and Power Weapon
-2x Lightning Claw
2,000 point Planetstrike Defenders: The First and Final Stand
HQ: Ahazra Redth - Special Character (165 points)

HQ: Master of the Forge "Master Kharim" (120 points)
-Conversion Beamer

Troops: Tactical Squad "Lance Strike" (175 points)
-10 models
-1 Melta
-1 Multimelta
Razorback (75 points)
-Sergeant + Melta + 3 Bolters in the Razorback
-Other five Infiltrate

Troops: Tactical Squad "Bastion Breakers" (175 points)
-10 models
-1 Melta
-1 Multimelta
Razorback (75 points)
-Sergeant + Melta + 3 Bolters in the Razorback
-Other five Infiltrate

Troops: 10 Scouts "First Contact" (180 points)
-9 Sniper Rifles
-1 Heavy Bolter

Elite: 7 Sternguard "27th Kill Team" (200 points)
-1 Melta
-1 Multi-Melta
-1 Storm Bolter
-Sergeant has a Lightning Claw

Elite: Contemptor Dreadnought "Brother Ord" (235 points)
-Kheres Assault Cannon
-Hvy Flamer
-Cyclone Missile Launcher

Heavy Support: Ironclad Dreadnought "Brother Abdha" (150 points)
-Storm Bolter and Melta
-Chainfist and DCCW
-Extra Armour

Heavy Support: Ironclad Dreadnought "Brother Khan" (150 points)
-Storm Bolter and Melta
-Chainfist and DCCW
-Extra Armour

Heavy Support: Ironclad Dreadnought "Brother Surtur" (135 points)
-Storm Bolter and Melta
-Siesmic Hammer and DCCW

Heavy Support: Contemptor Dreadnought "Brother Ghadda" (200 points)
-Kheres Assault Cannon
-Hvy Flamer
2,000 point Planetstrike Attackers: Storm of Eradication
HQ: Ahazra Redth - Special Character (165 points)

Elite: 7 Sternguard "27th Kill Team" (200 points)
-1 Melta
-1 Multi-Melta
-1 Storm Bolter
-Sergeant has a Lightning Claw

Elite: Ironclad Dreadnought "Brother Abdha" (135 points)
-Storm Bolter and Melta
-Siesmic Hammer and DCCW
Drop Pod (35 points)

Elite: Contemptor Dreadnought "Brother Ord" (235 points)
-Kheres Assault Cannon
-Hvy Flamer
-Cyclone Missile Launcher

Elite: Siege Dreadnought "Brother Mannore" (120 points)
Drop Pod (35 points)

Elite: Contemptor Dreadnought "Brother Ghadda" (200 points)
-Kheres Assault Cannon
-Hvy Flamer
Drop Pod (35 points)

Elite: Siege Dreadnought "Brother Khope" (120 points)

Troops: Tactical Squad "Bastion Breakers" (175 points)
-10 models
-1 Melta
-1 Multimelta

Troops: 10 Scouts "First Contact" (150 points)
-9 Sniper Rifles
-1 Heavy Bolter

Fast Attack: Assault Squad: "The Strikers" (210 points)
-10 Marines
-2 Flamers

Fast Attack: Vanguard Squad "The 112th Absolute" (185 points)
-1 Lightning Claw each
2,500 point Spearhead: Three-Stage Iron Tide
HQ: Ahazra Redth - Special Character (165 points)

HQ: Damocles Rhino (60 points)

Elite: 7 Sternguard (210 points)
-1 Melta
-1 Multi-Melta
-1 Storm Bolter
-2 Combi-Meltas
-Sergeant has a Lightning Claw

Super Heavy Formation: (450 points)
-1 Banehammer

Seek & Destroy Formation: (720 points)
-3 Land Speeders
-2x Typhoon Launcher
-1x Ass Cannon
-1 Land Speeder Tempest
-1 Land Speeder Tempest
-"The Exterminators"

Destroyer Formation: (375 points)
-3 Thunderfires

Strongpoint (100 points)
-Icarus x2
-Quad-Gun x3

Tank Hunter Formation: (395 points)
-Ironclad Dreadnought
-2 Hunter-Killer Missiles
-Heavy Flamer and Melta
-Siesmic Hammer and DCCW
-Contemptor Dreadnought
-Heavy Flamer
-Kheres Assault Cannon
5,000 point Apocalypse: End of Resistance
[*]1,500 point list

Land Raider Achilles (335 points)
-Siege Shield

Land Raider Terminus Ultra (300 points)

Ironbreaker Fellblade (900 points)

Lance Fellblade (685 points)
-Twin-Linked Assault Cannon

Hextad (1340 points)
-Bray'ath (leader)
-Ironclad Dreadnought
-Extra Armour
-Heavy Flamer and Melta
-2 Hunter-Killer Missiles
-Siesmic Hammer and DCCW
-Ironclad Dreadnought
-Extra Armour
-Heavy Flamer and Melta
-2 Hunter-Killer Missiles
-Chainfist and DCCW
-Siege Dreadnought
-Extra Armour
-2 Hunter-Killer Missiles
-Siege Dreadnought
-Extra Armour
-Hunter-Killer Missile
-Chaplain Dreadnought
-Extra Armour
-Heavy Flamer
-Assault Cannon
10,000 point Apocalypse: End of Life
[*]As above

Dragonwing Caestus Formation (1000 points)

Wrath of Mars (1435 points)
-Land Raider Achilles
-Storm Bolter
-Land Raider Achilles
-Storm Bolter
-Land Raider Achilles
-Storm Bolter
-Land RaiderPrometheus
-Storm Bolter

Land Raider Helios (280 points)
-Hyperios AA Missiles

Land Raider Helios (280 points)
-Hyperios AA Missiles

Broadsword Fellblade (585 points)
-Assault Cannons
-Fragstorm Cannon

Lance Fellblade (710 points)
-Laser Destroyer
-Executioner Plasma Cannons

-Damocles Rhino (60 points)

-Damocles Rhino (60 points)

-Land Speeder Tempest (120 points)

-Ironclad Dreadnought (155 points)
-2 Hunter-Killer Missiles
-Storm Bolter and Melta
-Siesmic Hammer and DCCW
Lucius Drop Pod (50 points)

Command Squad for Captain (245 points)
-3 Lightning Claws
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:40 am, edited 6 times in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
Posts: 13879
Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:54 pm
Location: South Ausfailia

Post by Koumei »

For Reth-Shannar:

The Exuro Strain
Primary HQ: The Praetor Nemorensis
Hive Tyrant with Bone sword, Lash whip, Twin-linked devourers with Brainleech worms, Paroxysm, Leech Essence, Hive Commander.

210 points

1500pts: The Praetor's Guard.
Primary HQ: The Praetor Nemorensis
Hive Tyrant (170) with Bone sword, Lash whip, Twin-linked devourers with Brainleech worms (15), Paroxysm, Leech Essence, Hive Commander (25).
(Total: 210)

Elites: Legio Tyraniccus Velites
3 Hive Guard (150)

Elites: Legio Tyraniccus Vates
2 Zoanthropes (120)

Elites: Demarri's Bane
1 Lictor (65)

Troops: Legio Tyraniccus Principes
4 Tyranid Warriors with scything talon, 3 deathspitters, 1 barbed strangler. (145)

Troops: Legio Tyraniccus Auxilia
5 Genestealers, 1 Broodlord. (130)

Troops: The Tide.
20 Termagaunts with fleshborers, 2 stranglewebs. (120)

Troops: The Hounds
20 Hormagaunts with adrenal glands (160)

Fast Attack: The Murder
20 Gargoyles (120)

Heavy Support: Legio Tyrannicus Brutus
1 Carnifex with 2 sets of scything talons, Adrenal glands and Bio-plasma. (190)

Heavy Support: Legio Tyrannicus Ballista
2 Biovores (90)
Kill Team: To Kill a Cardinal.
Demarri's Bane
1 Lictor. (65) - Mark of Tzeench (4+ Invulnerable save- 'dodge'.)

1 Broodlord (60) - Feel no pain.
1 Genestealer (14) - Power from pain.
1 Genestealer (14)
1 Genestealer (14)
1 Genestealer (14)
1 Genestealer (14)
Regular 2000pts: The Legio Tyrannicus Revealed.
Primary HQ: The Praetor Nemorensis
Hive Tyrant (170) with Bone sword, Lash whip, Twin-linked devourers with Brainleech worms (15), Paroxysm, Leech Essence, Hive Commander (25), regenerate (20) and Toxic Miasma (15).

HQ: The Quaestor Provectus/The Hellmother
The Parasite of Mortrex (160)

Elites: Legio Tyraniccus Velites
3 Hive Guard (150)

Elites: Legio Tyraniccus Vates
2 Zoanthropes (120)

Elites: Demarri's Bane
1 Lictor (65)

Troops: Legio Tyraniccus Principes
4 Tyranid Warriors with scything talon, 3 deathspitters, 1 barbed strangler. (145)

Troops: Legio Tyraniccus Auxilia
5 Genestealers, 1 Broodlord. (130)

Troops: The Tide.
20 Termagaunts with fleshborers, 2 stranglewebs. (120)

Troops: The Hounds
20 Hormagaunts with adrenal glands (160)

Fast Attack: The Murder
20 Gargoyles (120)

Fast Attack: Legio Tyrannicus Avus
1 Harpy with twin Heavy Venom cannons & Regeneration (185)

Fast Attack: Legio Tyrannicus Insidiae
3 Raveners with Scything talons, rending claws & spine fists (120)

Heavy Support: Legio Tyrannicus Brutus
1 Carnifex with 2 sets of scything talons, Adrenal glands and Bio-plasma. (190)

Heavy Support: Legio Tyrannicus Ballista
2 Biovores (90)
2000pts Planetstrike Attack: From above and below.
Primary HQ: The Praetor Nemorensis
Hive Tyrant (170) with Bone sword, Lash whip, Twin-linked devourers with Brainleech worms (15), Paroxysm, Leech Essence, Hive Commander (25).

HQ: The Quaestor Provectus/The Hellmother
The Parasite of Mortrex (160)

Elites: Legio Tyraniccus Velites
3 Hive Guard (150)

Elites: Demarri's Bane
1 Lictor (65)

Troops: Legio Tyraniccus Principes
4 Tyranid Warriors with scything talon, 3 deathspitters & 1 barbed strangler (145)

Troops: The Hail
20 Termagaunts with fleshborers & Mycetic spore (140)

Troops: The Sleet
20 Termagaunts with fleshborers & Mycetic spore (140)

Troops: The Hounds
20 Hormagaunts with Adrenal glands (160)

Troops: Legio Tyraniccus Auxilia
5 Genestealers, 1 Broodlord. (130)

Fast Attack: The Murder
20 Gargoyles (120)

Fast Attack: Legio Tyrannicus Avus
1 Harpy with twin Heavy Venom cannons(170)

Heavy Support: Legio Tyrannicus Brutus
1 Carnifex with 2 sets of scything talons, Adrenal glands, Bio-plasma & Mycetic Spore (230)

Heavy Support: Legio Tyrannicus Insidiae Maximus
Mawlock with Adrenal Glands. (180)
2000pts Planetstrike Defence: Unending Hunger
Primary HQ: The Praetor Nemorensis
Hive Tyrant (170) with Bone sword, Lash whip, Twin-linked devourers with Brainleech worms (15), Paroxysm, Leech Essence, Hive Commander (25), regenerate (20) and Toxic Miasma (15).

Elites: Legio Tyraniccus Velites
3 Hive Guard (150)

Elites: Legio Tyraniccus Vates
2 Zoanthropes (120)

Elites: Demarri's Bane
1 Lictor (65)

Troops: Legio Tyraniccus Auxilia
10 Genestealers, 1 Broodlord. (200)

Troops: The Tide.
20 Termagaunts with fleshborers, 2 stranglewebs. (120)

Troops: The Flood.
20 Termagaunts with devourers. (200)

Troops: Legio Tyraniccus Gerulus I
1 Tervigon with Catalyst (175)

Troops: Legio Tyraniccus Gerulus II
1 Tervigon (160)

Troops: The Hounds
20 Hormagaunts with Adrenal glands (160)

Troops: The Hungry
9 Ripper swarms (90)

Fast Attack: The Drifters
5 spore mines (50)

Heavy support: Legio Tyraniccus Tormenta
1 Tyrannofex with Rupture cannon (265)
Regular 2500pts: Veni, vidi, devoravit.
Primary HQ: The Praetor Nemorensis
Hive Tyrant (170) with Bone sword, Lash whip, Twin-linked devourers with Brainleech worms (15), Paroxysm, Leech Essence, Hive Commander (25), regenerate (20) and Toxic Miasma (15).

HQ: The Quaestor Provectus/The Hellmother
The Parasite of Mortrex (160)

Elites: Legio Tyraniccus Velites
3 Hive Guard (150)

Elites: Legio Tyraniccus Vates
3 Zoanthropes (180)

Elites: Demarri's Bane
3 Lictors (195)

Troops: Legio Tyraniccus Principes
4 Tyranid Warriors with scything talon, 3 deathspitters, 1 barbed strangler. (145)

Troops: Legio Tyraniccus Auxilia
8 Genestealers, 1 Broodlord, all with Adrenal glands (199)

Troops: The Tide.
22 Termagaunts with fleshborers, 2 stranglewebs. (130)

Troops: The Hounds
20 Hormagaunts with adrenal glands (160)

Fast Attack: The Murder
20 Gargoyles (120)

Fast Attack: Legio Tyrannicus Avus
1 Harpy with twin Heavy Venom cannons & Regeneration (185)

Fast Attack: Legio Tyrannicus Insidiae
4 Raveners with Scything talons, rending claws & spine fists (160)

Heavy Support: Legio Tyrannicus Brutus I
1 Carnifexes with 2 sets of scything talons, Adrenal glands and Bio-plasma. (190)

Heavy Support: Legio Tyrannicus Brutus II
1 Carnifexes with 2 sets of scything talons, Adrenal glands and Bio-plasma. (190)

Heavy Support: Legio Tyrannicus Ballista
2 Biovores (90)
Spearhead 2500pts:

Apocalypse 5000pts: Devorantem Mundis
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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