Cock Hurler [Tome of Cocks]

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Cock Hurler [Tome of Cocks]

Post by Username17 »

The Cock Hurler
"You can't escape my cock!


A Cock Hurler is a person who at puberty discovered an affinity for cocks. Literally, they can make cocks appear anywhere. By reaching out and grabbing them, a Cock Hurler can have an angry cock in their hand on a moment's notice. This is a magical, and largely unexplained ability that produces seemingly endless amounts of live chickens. No one knows where they come from, or whether they are created anew.

In combat, the Cock Hurler can throw their newly arrived chickens to surprisingly great effect.

Starting Age: As Rogue
Starting Equipment: 6d4x10gp
Alignment: Cock Hurlers are often giant raging jerks in real life, and often tend towards the extremes of Law and Chaos.

Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus: +1/level
Good Saving Throws: Fortitude, Reflex
Skill Points: 6+Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Linguistics, Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Profession, Ride, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Magic Device, Use Rope.
1: Animal Empathy, Cock Hurling, Trap finding
2: Uncanny Dodge
3: Evasion, Flacidity
4: Mettle, Precision Cock +1d6
5: Mouth Full of Cock
6: Improved Uncanny Dodge, Sudden Cock
7: Cock Rider, Precision Cock +2d6
8: Break Enchantment, Improved Evasion
9: Hardening Cock
10: Skill Mastery, Precision Cock +3d6
11: Barrel of Cocks
12: Climb into the Barrel
13: Massive Cock, Precision Cock +4d6
14: Multicock, Prismatic Cock
15: Cock Hole
16: Multi Rock Cock, Precision Cock +5d6
17: Chicken Wishes
18: Vorpal Chickens
19: Find Cock, Precision Cock +6d6
20: Biggest Cock

Class Feature

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A Cock Hurler is proficient with Light and Medium Armor as well as with Shields. A Cock Hurler is proficient with Simple Weapons as well as the Battle Ax, Heavy Lance, Light Lance, Garrote, Trident, Light Hammer, Orcish Shotput, Halfling Skip Rock, Net, all forms of Whip, Hand Crossbow, Bolas, Sai, Shuriken, Boot Blade, and Harpoon.

Animal Empathy: A Cock Hurler has Animal Empathy as a Druid of their level.

Cock Hurling (Su): Fifty times per day, a Cock Hurler may generate a surprised and angry chicken and if they wish throw it as part of the same action before the chicken knows what is going on. The Chicken is a light weapon that is considered to be "designed to be thrown". Creating and throwing the chicken can be done as part of the same standard action. The chicken has a range increment of 10 feet. The chicken does 1d6 of damage, provides a distraction equivalent to a strong wind for the target for the following round, and is an actual angry chicken that will then attack whatever is nearby. The chicken uses the stats for a Raven except that it cannot fly. It appears in the square of the target whether the throwing attack hits or misses. If the Cock Hurler decides, they may coup de grace their newly produced chicken instead of throwing it in order to have a dead cock in their hands for whatever purposes.

Trap Finding: A Cock Hurler can find and remove traps, as a Rogue.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A 2nd level Cock Hurler retains their Dex bonus when flat footed or unable to see their attacker.

Evasion (Ex): At 3rd level, a Cock Hurler takes no damage from an attack if their make a Reflex Save to reduce the damage.

Flacidity (Ex): A 3rd level Cock Hurler is immune to petrification.

Mettle (Ex): At 4th level, a Cock Hurler treats Fortitude Partial and Willpower Partial saves as saves to negate.

Precision Cock (EX): At 4th level and every three levels after that, the Cock Hurler does an extra d6 of precision damage every time they hit an opponent with a thrown chicken, chicken filled container, or chicken-related animal.

Mouth Full of Cock (Su): At 5th level, a Cock Hurler can cause their cocks to appear in the mouths of others within medium range. This does more damage to smaller creatures, doing 4d6 to Fine, 3d6 to Diminutive, 2d6 to Tiny, d8 to Small, d6 to Medium, d4 to Large, and no damage to huge or larger creatures. Giving someone a mouth full of cock is a standard action. Any spellcasting is interrupted unless the spell or spell-like ability has no Verbal components and the target makes a Concentration check DC 25 + Spell Level. The newly produced chicken is grappling with the target when it appears.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A 6th level Cock Hurler cannot be flanked unless one or both of the flanking creatures has six more levels in class(es) that grants Uncanny Dodge than the Cock Hurler has in classes that grant Uncanny Dodge.

Sudden Cock (Su): A 6th level Cock Hurler can produce and throw a chicken as a Swift Action.

Cock Rider: At 7th level, a Cock Hurler gains an Achaierai that serves them faithfully as a mount. If the Achaierai is killed, they can get another one a week later with a ritual that uses 500 gp worth of components. The Cock Hurler's Achaierai gains a hit die every time the Cock Hurler gains a level and thus always has one less hit die than the Cock Hurler does. The Achaierai has the same alignment as the Cock Hurler.

Break Enchantment (Sp): At 8th level, a Cock Hurler can use break enchantment as a spell-like ability a number of times each day equal to their Intelligence bonus (minimum 1 time). Normally it is ambiguous whether break enchantment is capable of undoing the petrification caused by a creature ability, but in the Cock Hurler's case it can unambiguously be used in this manner.

Improved Evasion (Ex): An 8th level Cock Hurler suffers only half damage from effects that allow a Reflex save to halve the damage, even when the Cock Hurler actually fails the Reflex save in question.

Hardening Cock (Su): Once per hour, a 9th level Cock Hurler can produce and hurl a cockatrice as a Standard Action. A cockatrice does d8 damage as a thrown weapon and a target struck must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + 1/2 Cock Hurler's Hit Dice +Intelligence Bonus) or become petrified. Whether successful or not, the Cockatrice bounces and ends up standing in the square immediately in front of the target.

Skill Mastery (Ex): At 10th level, a Cock Hurler chooses 3 + Intelligence Bonus skills. The Cock Hurler can take 10 on those skills even when under pressure or confronted with a penalty for failure.

Barrel of Cocks (Su): An 11th level Cock Hurler can produce and throw a barrel that is full of chickens as a standard action. This barrel does 2d8 damage to the target (who is also subject to precision cock damage), and then explodes, releasing a bunch of excited and bewildered chickens - treat as a bat swarm. But with chickens, so they don't fly very high. This may be done up to 3 plus Int bonus times per day. The barrel has a range increment of 10 feet, and part of the magic in producing it allows the Cock Hurler to throw it as it comes into being even if it is too heavy for the Cock Hurler to lift.

Climb into the Barrel (Su): A 12th level Cock Hurler can manifest a cock barrel, climb into it, and end up on another plane of existence. They may allow others to follow them. Other than looking really weird and leaving a barrel full of chicken feathers in their wake, this mimics plane shift, rope trick, or Mordenkainen's magnificent mansion. The Barrel Climbing can be invoked a number of times per day equal to the Cock Hurler's Intelligence Bonus (minimum 1).

Massive Cock: At 13th level, a Cock Hurler is accompanied on their adventures by a gargantuan Chicken. Use the stats for a Roc save that it can only fly for up to five minutes at a time. As a Cock Hurler gains levels, the Roc gains abilities as if it was a Druid's Animal Companion and the Cock Hurler was a Druid 13 levels lower than their Cock Hurler level. A fallen Massive Cock can be replaced as an Animal Companion.

Multicock (Su): A 14th level Cock Hurler has no limit to the number of chickens they can manifest each day, and they may use Cock Hurling or Mouthful of Cock as an Attack Action.

Prismatic Cock (Su): As a Standard action, a 14th level Cock Hurler may throw a chicken that glows various colors and then explodes on impact. Whether the target is damaged or distracted by the actual thrown chicken or not, everything within 10 feet of the target is struck by a random color from prismatic spray. Any allowed saves are against a DC of 10 + 1/2 level + Intelligence bonus.

Cock Hole (Su): As a standard action, a 15th level Cock Hurler may create a 10'x10'x50' deep pit as an extradimensional space with an open portal on any surface. The pit has a swarm of chickens at the bottom. If the pit is dispelled or dismissed, everything in it is pushed to the surface.

Multi Rock Cock (Su): A 16th level Cock Hurler can produce and throw an unlimited number of cockatrices in an hour and can throw cockatrices as an attack action.

Chicken Wishes (Su): A 17th level Cock Hurler can grant the simplest and most common wishes of Chickens. What this means is that every chicken, cockatrice, and chicken swarm the Cock Hurler produces can fly. The Cock Hurler's Massive Cock can fly. The Cock Hurler's Riding Cock can also fly.

Vorpal Chickens (Su): An 18th level Cock Hurler instantly kills any corporeal target they critical with a thrown chicken. In addition, the Cock Hurler's chickens ignore DR and the Chicken Swarm's Swarm Damage is increased to 4d6.

Find Cock (Su): A 19th level Cock Hurler is very good at finding things, which allows them to mimic locate object, locate person, or discern location a number of times per day equal 3 plus their Intelligence bonus.

Last edited by Username17 on Mon Mar 11, 2013 8:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by OgreBattle »

What's your guideline for pumping out classes like this? Do you just check off stuff like "planar travel at level X"? Do you have a mental note of how much damage/saves should be at X level?

Now I want to see an [evil] spell for "SATAN, GUIDE MY COCK"
Last edited by OgreBattle on Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Username17 »

OgreBattle wrote:What's your guideline for pumping out classes like this? Do you just check off stuff like "planar travel at level X"? Do you have a mental note of how much damage/saves should be at X level?
Basically I have a short mental list of level appropriate challenges and I figure that a class' abilities should prep them to handle a couple of them at each level so that they don't end up being carried by the other party members too much.

Were I to make a game from scratch, I'd hammer those challenges down a lot harder.

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Post by Aryxbez »

I know this is supposed to be a joke class, from the 2d20 challenge, but I like it enough, to maybe play it, and thus, what was originally going to be some comments about it..has turned into a near full dry-ish evaluation of the class itself (in the spoiler below)

In short, how playable is this class you ask?, it seems to get its combat relevant bit too late, and can handle things CR-2 than its level, while taking extra round for every CR higher than that baseline.
It's namesake Hurling ability looks to be extremely weak, till 4th, when it's finally getting some damage support, but it's a little slow to matter (2d6+10? damage vs. Minotaur, would take 2-3 rounds for a Hurler itself to defeat, said beast would probably have the guy dead on round 1). At 6th level, it picks up a little bit with the swift action, second Chicken coming in w/RIGHTEOUS DESTRUCTION, so it would kinda "double" their former damage output (at 6th: 3d6+14? done twice, could take out a Harpy, aforementioned Minotaur, 2 rounds for CR 5, and 3 or so for CR 6), which doesn't seem that much, and obviously, the chicken isn't adding to that, save as a distraction for a swarm, or another. Also, "Strong Wind distraction" only provides -2 listen/ranged attack

7th seems like a nice level for the class, +2d6 Precision, and a Mount with 10ft reach! (same as throwing distance) that can deliver a heavy bite attack, that can also double as a Face for indifferent dudes (DC 15 vs. their +5, so 50/50 chance, thumbs up). Though unlikely ever do a full attack, so I kinda assume just be doing a Bite, or Cloud for some auto-damage crowd control (customization wise, if DM allows for mount, replace feats with Whirlwind, and Improved Nat Atk, so can jump that bite to 6d6). The Chicken Hurler seems is doing about 29 damage/round,additional +16 from the Achaiera's bite, 45 a round, +3d6 with favorable adjustments from Holy and Imp-Nat feat. Though ideally 55 damage sounds nice to the layman, it'll only take out weaker targets, like Succubus,Chaos Beast, or Nymph.

I'm starting to notice a pattern with this class, it can take on weaker targets, but more "big" like monsters, it would take couple rounds to take on. They're literal go-to guy for taking on a Medusa, but match em against a Huge Earth Elem, and they'll need the next couple of rounds. Seems they can take on CR's 2 below them in one round, two rounds for 1 CR below them, and 2-3 for a creature "at" their CR.

9th level "The Hardening" is nice, though some probably had their str/dex focused, opposed to Int, at this point, so it might not be as good, Ability Focus recommended? It's a pity Hurler can't simply throw two of these guys a round, and that "Multi" class features don't come sooner than they probably should. Also, the 1/hour limit, is probably a bit much, it's likely one of the very few tricks you have, though if could do it bit more often at this point, it'd make the next throwing ability to come, pointless.

11th, The Barrel is basically a marginal upgrade, when you can't throw your cockatrice, albeit the BatChicken Swarm will at least prove to be an annoyance, immune to melee, while repetitively bleeding a creature out (albeit most things at 10-11 will be immune to the bleeding naturally).

13th, THAT IS A ROC, Animal Companion benefits Seemingly be Free Action handling, and planeshift with your Gargantuan Chicken. In case you're wondering if the Achaierai is keeping up to be an option at this level, it's gained 6 levels,doubled its HP, +7 cloud DC, and its attack is likely only gone up by +9 progression wise (+6 Bab, +1 str, +2 Com-school), though I could see +8 extra w/Girallon's blessing, +4 str item, and +4 enhancement bonus somehow. Which with the help of those magic bonuses, would allow mount to hit pretty much anything at this level, and deal around 30 damage doing it. Though, such magic, and like, for pure combat bonuses, would be better spent on the Roc, seemingly winning out in the end. Downsides, is giant chick is more obvious, easier to hit, worse land movement, no darkvision, SR, or Black Cloud powers. Though of course, you could still have BOTH, and have two decently tied monstrous chicken companions to take hits for you on your journey.

14th seems to be another milestone, now you get to Full Attack, Rapid shot, Haste?, or whatever to throw 4-6 Chickens a round, or least a Prismatic and a normal one. Though you could do like 255 damage from 5 chickens, vs. 181 from Swift +Pris (turning up yellow,surprising BLUE isn't the only choice,given the theme).

15th unfortunately, doesn't seem like it would come into play, CR's 13-15, are mutter effin DRAGONS, Angels and Demons, who can all fly, Iron Golem might be twarted though.

18th VORPAL Chickens sounds hardcore, albeit, I think the chickens should also receive an increased natural threat range, so that this Auto-Kill effect can come into play, after all, at these levels, why not?

Lastly, it seems the "You win D&D" Capstone ability is missing, though I'd imagine you win the race of being the biggest "Cock" there ever was, and not even Colossal+++ Shin Megami Tensei Mara, or other chicken Gods could say otherwise.

Calculation basis:
4th: 2d6+10 =+1d6 precision,1d6 base, +4 Point-Blank-shot feat, +3 from strength/dex whatev, +2 combat school, +1 magic) 17 chick average
6th: 3d6+14 = +1d6 precision, +1d6 fire*, 1d6base, +6 Point-Blank, +4 str/dex, +2 Com-School, +2 magic) 24 per chick
10th:2d8+5d6+21 =+3d6 precision, +2d6 Holy,2d8barrel, +10Point-BS, +6 str/dex, +2 Com-School, +3 magic) 47 per chick
14th: 7d6+27=+4d6 precision, +2d6 holy, +1d6 base, +14PB, +7 str/dex, +2 com-S, +4 magic) 51 per chick
I do think should perhaps consider making this into more like a 10 level class? Since stuff like 14th level abilities and like, are rather weak, and probably been appreciated long before then. Oh and yes, I find the concept of "HOLY FIERY VORPAL CHICKENS OF THE SUN blinding, dazing people in fear of their Legend-of-Zelda-like swarms of might!"a rather hilarious image later on, though being fiery/holy, enough, is quite great.

EDIT: I realized, ye can't use Combat School with Ranged, but at this point, eff it, I'm too tired to change it at this point.
Last edited by Aryxbez on Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
What I find wrong w/ 4th edition: "I want to stab dragons the size of a small keep with skin like supple adamantine and command over time and space to death with my longsword in head to head combat, but I want to be totally within realistic capabilities of a real human being!" --Caedrus mocking 4rries

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Post by Username17 »

For the first few levels of the class, you are a Ranger. You have full BAB and proficiency with some very solid exotic weapons. That is all you actually need to terrorize goblins and shit. Beyond that, you get very good special defenses and a pile of skill points to go with some good adventuring skills. They don't really need a special attack at low levels, but they do have one. Cock hurling is not a damaging attack for your first several levels. It has a purpose, which is primarily to be used as a readied action to foil spell casting and charging - and at low level it is quite good at both of those things.

At fourth level, you dish out what is for a martial character quite decent damage. Your default cock turns into an Orcish Shotput, which means that you are just like any other thrown weapon fighter but you can't run out of ammo. And you can still foil spellcasting and charges with readied actions. At fifth level you get to shut spellcasters down pretty much without even rolling. At sixth level, you can throw real weapons and then get a chicken on top of that.

Basically magic powers don't have to start kicking in until being a Ranger who has Disable Device stops cutting the mustard. Which of course is around the level 7 benchmark, at which point you are now riding a giant four legged chicken of death and getting a bonus 3 die chicken every round. Martial characters need a lot of backloading, because they get several levels worth of "weapon damage" as a thing to do.

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Post by Whipstitch »

I'd toss 'em lance proficiency as well; it doesn't really fit in with throwing things, but lancesare rather phallic and I'm pretty OK with level 7 Cock Hurlers riding into battle looking like the dude from Joust.
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Post by Username17 »

Whipstitch wrote:I'd toss 'em lance proficiency as well; it doesn't really fit in with throwing things, but lancesare rather phallic and I'm pretty OK with level 7 Cock Hurlers riding into battle looking like the dude from Joust.
Good point.


Added a few other weapons as well, in case you wanted to do various other chicken related puns.

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Post by Aryxbez »

FrankTrollman wrote: At fourth level, you dish out what is for a martial character quite decent damage. Your default cock turns into an Orcish Shotput, which means that you are just like any other thrown weapon fighter but you can't run out of ammo.
Why not just make it the statistical equivalent of an Orcish Shotput from the get-go? So that Chicken Hurlers can be doing their iconic trick they're known for in the first place. Instead of generic Ranged Basics, that pretty much any NPC could be doing. Plus, the natural increased Threat range, and high critical, kinda goes in line in what's in for store,when VORPAL Chickens are coming around.

Also, given comparison to "Throwing Weapon Fighters", Ranger class, and it's fairly single combat focus, I take it, it's kinda in Fighter level of balance?
What I find wrong w/ 4th edition: "I want to stab dragons the size of a small keep with skin like supple adamantine and command over time and space to death with my longsword in head to head combat, but I want to be totally within realistic capabilities of a real human being!" --Caedrus mocking 4rries

"the thing about being Mister Cavern [DM], you don't blame players for how they play. That's like blaming the weather. Weather just is. You adapt to it. -Ancient History
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Post by Mistborn »

Sorry but their was no way I'm not posting this. It's just too appropriate for this thread.

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Post by Username17 »

Aryxbez wrote: Also, given comparison to "Throwing Weapon Fighters", Ranger class, and it's fairly single combat focus, I take it, it's kinda in Fighter level of balance?
Not at all.

Fighters suck. But they don't suck at first level. They suck because having a breastplate and a shield and a battleaxe is something which becomes worthless at higher levels. The Monk is worthless at all levels, but the Fighter just goes obsolete over time. At low levels his warhammer or longsword or whatever the fuck is a fucking unlimited use death effect. He stabs goblins in the face and they drop, it's awesome. Further, at low level the usual defense that attacks target is Armor Class, and having armor proficiency and a shield is the best way to get that. It's not until later levels that the best armor classes come from magic bullshit and the attacks that you're actually worried about are usually targeting some sort of Saving Throw anyway.

The Cock Hurler can pretty much keep up with Fighters at the lowest levels when that's a respectable thing to do, and then at higher levels they get additional things to do that are powerful and interesting. So you're really looking at something more like Rogue level.

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Post by Whipstitch »

Why not just make it the statistical equivalent of an Orcish Shotput from the get-go? So that Chicken Hurlers can be doing their iconic trick they're known for in the first place.

Martial oriented characters already tend to veer into "One trick, all the time, every time" territory and frankly we already have enough builds with "Is a halfling" stenciled on the side, so I'm fine with them not actually hurling every round to start their career. Besides, I kinda like the progression in play; you start out play with a nice blend of the Ranger & Rogue chassis plus the weird ability to have KFC for dinner every night. Then, at 4th and 5h levels, shit starts getting real and your cock rises to the occasion.
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Post by Avoraciopoctules »

In case anyone was looking for appropriate background music ... get-clucky
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Post by Shrapnel »

This is one of the greatest things I've ever seen.
Is this wretched demi-bee
Half asleep upon my knee
Some freak from a menagerie?
No! It's Eric, the half a bee
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Guess who got bored.
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Post by Koumei »

That is amazing. Well done there.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Thanks. I've discovered that players are way more accepting of homebrew material if it looks official-ish.
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Post by Shrapnel »

Where'd the art of Link come from?
Is this wretched demi-bee
Half asleep upon my knee
Some freak from a menagerie?
No! It's Eric, the half a bee
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

GIS turned up some t-shirt art.
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Post by Yak_Forger »

Now that's a great addition to any RPG, and I wanted to ask, do cocks have similar soft and hard stats, or are they growers instead of showers? :mrgreen:
I just hope that the class isn't too over/underpowered and that it won't get shafted at every attempt to play it. And can the Cock hurler resupply his party in food by making them eat cocks all day long?
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Post by Zaranthan »

Yak_Forger wrote:And can the Cock hurler resupply his party in food by making them eat cocks all day long?
I know you’re just punning, but yes. The purpose of the last line of Cock Hurling is to be translated as “if you have charges left when you make camp, you get to eat well for free.”
Koumei the dead guy posthumously at fault for his own death and, due to the felony murder law, his own murderer?
hyzmarca wrote:A palace made out of poop is much more impressive than one made out of gold. Stinkier, but more impressive. One is an ostentatious display of wealth. The other is a miraculous engineering feat.
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Post by Orion »

This class could use a rename. First of all, one of your stated design principles is that a class name should not imply a low-level concept. "throwing things" is not a high level ability. Second, there is actually no level at which throwing cocks is their best or most frequently used action. Third, and most importanly, "cock hurler" is not a phrase anyone uses.

It would make more sense to call this class Cock Rocker or Cock Jockey. Alternatively, given that Achaierai come from the lower planes, you could make it the Cock Fiend and make it a web enhancement to the Tome of Fiends.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

The name Cock Hurler originated from a long ago challenge of rolling 2d20 to create a class name and then designing the resulting class.

ETA: wait no the actual source was this thread
Last edited by Omegonthesane on Sun Nov 18, 2018 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by RobbyPants »

It looks like 5E is including the Cock Hurler in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Well, not really. They explain how you can change the appearance of the spells (without affecting the mechanics) to add flavour. Apparently this dude likes his magic missiles to look like chickens. I immediately thought of this class when I saw that.
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Post by Koumei »

I recall hearing, years ago back when 3.5 was the newest thing, of someone reflavouring their caster as being a chef or farmer, and casting "Magic Chicken" instead of Magic Missile. Either that's actually a widespread story that has influenced this, or that specific concept and spell example is just the most naturally occurring one.
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Post by Prak »

RobbyPants wrote:It looks like 5E is including the Cock Hurler in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Well, not really. They explain how you can change the appearance of the spells (without affecting the mechanics) to add flavour. Apparently this dude likes his magic missiles to look like chickens. I immediately thought of this class when I saw that.

When the GM of the 5e game I'm in asked what my warlock's eldritch blasts look like, the first and really only thing that came to mind, because they're a slutty kobold, was dicks. It was later decided that the verbal component for them was "eat a dick" in draconic.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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