Raid on Chateau Fekenstein

Stories about games that you run and/or have played in.

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Post by ashimbabbar »

Penetration time !

“Luckily that I did bring one,” you state, with a laugh in your voice, bringing out your portable hole device. You apply the device to the wall and activate it with a touch of magic. You try and focus the device still further to increase its speed as the effects of the device are going to be obvious from the other side.

The stone starts to melt away like water. Charl prepares a sphere of devastation to throw through the gap but there is no need. The room (which is indeed the ballroom) is empty apart from the shielding device sitting on a pedestal in the centre of the room. Inconceivable ! Do they feel so secure they have no one guarding it on the inside, or is the device dangerous to be near when it is functioning ?

You and the rest of the troop squeeze in through the hole you have created in the wall and you move towards the device, your arcane senses open, turn to 87.

A key artefact left unguarded. Not suspicious at all.

You move across the polished marble ballroom floor. The pedestal is of dark ebony and has carved dragons at its tip, looking defiantly outwards. It is hard to make out the shielding device through the energies that radiate out from it but its vague form seems almost to be a small, stylised shield – very archaic in design, not like a modern device at all. You study the device from a step away and quickly determine the simple arcane sequence required to turn it off, which you do.

The shielding device shifts and melds into itself, the energies steadily reducing, until all that is left is a small round shaped piece of metal. You pick it up. It is surprisingly heavy. You know that you have stirred up a hornets nest with your actions and have literally minutes or less to get out of here. You need to decide who is going to carry the device. You could carry it yourself but you know the weight of it would slow you down. You look at the troops and suddenly Trooper Storn pipes up, volunteering to take it. An actual volunteer! Now you have seen everything in this mans army. Storn already carries a heavy load with his staff of fire. Perhaps Trooper Valis would be a better option. With his proven stealth skills, he has the best chance of getting the device back to friendly lines. You decide quickly. Write down under the notes section on your character sheet who is carrying the shielding device out of Storn, Valis or you.

Decision made and the device stowed away, you turn to leave. The air explodes with raw power and you feel reality scream as it is torn open and abruptly closed again. You catch sight of a gaunt man, an enemy arcanist, who has just appeared... teleported, next to the pedestal that housed the device. Such power! Waves of force radiate from him. You and your troops are flung around the room like rag-dolls. You strike the tapestry covered wall and also black out as you feel several ribs crack. Lose 1 point from your current Endurance.

“THIEVES, BEGGARS, CURS! How DARE you invade my home, steal my device,” he screams. “Once I have finished with you, you will wish you had never crossed the path of Aldoff van Payne !”

As he is screaming, with but a motion, his magical force tears your hand weapon(s) from you, then your wand, sending them across the room. He motions towards you and you feel a circle of force enclose you like a clenched fist, drawing you closer towards him. You have never seen such power in an arcanist before. You must defend yourself.

Regrettably, we don't have any of the skills that would help here, so
Otherwise, turn to 66.

Suddenly our position doesn't look so good.

Here's the recap

• Endurance: 4/6
• Mental Fortitude: 6/7
• Luck: 5/5
• Education: 9

• BMA: Arcane Theory
• Arcane Manipulation
• Divinatory Means and Methods
--> • Combat Precognition

• Has Seen The Worst

. Standard Equipment: Chameleon Cloak, Dagger, Wand
. Sphere of Devastation

fought against corpses
studied shielding effects
Last edited by ashimbabbar on Sat Jul 15, 2017 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ashimbabbar »

On to the dreaded §66

You cannot resist is you are drawn towards Van Payne. You note with horror that he starts to draw upon his necromantic spells – whatever he intends is going to be nasty. Out of the corner of your eye you see Trooper Ringo raise his crossbow and shoot. Van Payne deflects the bolt, then with a snarl, directs the full force of his magic against Ringo, shattering him against the wall. In the moment Van Payne is distracted, you act.

Alas, poor Ringo. Also, we don't have the skill that would help here either.

Otherwise roll 2 dice, adding your current Endurance and adding a further +2 if you have Close Combat Training or if you have Combat Precognition active.
If the total rolled is less than 12, turn to 85.
If the total rolled is 13 or higher, turn to 92.

You notice the erroneous formulation "less than 12/ 13 or +". I had rendered it as "12 or less" and so will I here.
still Endurance 4+2 gives us good chances enough… 1+6 !

Van Payne made a bad mistake thinking you were harmless just because he had disarmed you. In his moment of distraction you strike; first a blow to his groin that doubles him up, then as he raises his head to let out a howl of anguish, you strike him with your open palm into his neck with the full force of your body behind the blow. You hear the cartilage in his neck break but the blow did not kill him. Van Payne is still desperately trying to breath... to speak so he can cast a spell, when you take the wand from his limp grasp and plunge it into his right eye, finishing him. ‘Good riddance to bad rubbish’ you reflect as you turn to see how your surviving troops are doing.
Your troops are at the door to the ballroom, attempting to hold back a wave of enemy soldiers attracted to the room by the sounds of battle. It is obvious they cannot hold for long.
If Trooper Rosenberg is still with you, turn to 73.
If Trooper Rosenberg is not with you, but you possess a sphere of devastation and wish to use it, turn to 99.
Otherwise, turn to 18.

At last a choice ! Do we devastate, or do we refrain to ?
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Use the sphere of devastation.

Also send Valis off with the device.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

^^What he said.
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Post by ashimbabbar »

Boom time !

Your men are about to be overwhelmed! You pull out your sphere of devastation, prime it and send it hurtling over the head of your troops. There is an overwhelming blast of unstable elemental energies that tear the enemy troops apart. Seconds later, Storn is able to unleash the flames from his staff of fire over the survivors. The stench is terrible. Your men seem mostly unharmed by the blast except Trooper Valis, who sports a nasty (and fresh) burn down his shoulder and upper arm. Valis glares at you but you are both soon distracted by the sound of more enemy troops on their way. Your only hope of survival is if you previously organised some sort of distraction.

If you have freed the prisoners and healed the prisoners both noted down of your character sheet, turn to 64.
If you have both rigged the armoury and removed armoury protection noted down on your character sheet, turn to 41.
If you have one of freed the prisoners or rigged the armoury noted down on your character sheet, turn to 82.
If you have none of these, turn to 18.

A wave of enemy soldiers surge over you and the remaining troops. Even though you prevail, it is too late. Your enemies have taken this time to regroup and reorganise. You face a second wave, then a third. There is no need for a fourth.

Your adventure ends here in failure.

So, ever since you didn't go and sabotage the armory you were in a walking dead situation :dropjaw:

Well, if you care to start again, perhaps with other abilities, you can go back to the beginning and tell me your selection - or do you think I should create another thread with LP on it this time ??
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

You can change the thread title to have [LP] on it if you edit the first post in the thread.

Anywho, I suggest we start over, trading out Divinatory Means and Methods (and Combat Precognition) for Life Systems (and Healing), and Arcane Manipulation for Elemental Studies. Our equipment load was pretty good so I see no reason to change that, and same goes for Seen the Worst.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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