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Feast of Legends: Wendy's made an RPG

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 4:08 am
by Tannhäuser

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 5:25 am
by Dean
Alright I think you'd wanna roll an Order of the Dave's Double (referred hereafter as ODD) or a Baconator. The Beef order has generally good stat bonuses and an initial read will show you the Baconator class is throwing out the damage, and burgers, that you crave. Yes Baconator can dual wield, gets two actions a turn, and thanks to Late Night Craving all of their attack rolls are made with advantage as long as you just say you attack at night. The thing is a lot of their features are trap features which the ODD can do better if you know the rules. Dual wielding is a trap option since there's no section on it so stick with the biggest spatula you can wield. Also while ODD doesn't get advantage at night you can get advantage on all of your attack rolls all day as long as you eat one Dave's Double burger. So just chow down on some beef so you can chow down on enemy monsters. What ODD really has going for it is that every time they KO someone they get an extra attack so I think they show up, swing twice with 3d6 damage attacks (with advantage all day) and then any time they knock someone out they get to keep the attack chain going.

It should be mentioned that Feast of Legends is really padded sumo. So even though the ODD is generally better than the Baconator what they don't have is Baconator's top attack which basically lets them make 7 attacks a turn, each for 3d6 damage. The power to drop 70 damage as combat opens is probably too much to pass up, and a whole team of Baconators may just be able to alpha strike a whole enemy team before they respond. So if you know you'll be in a high level game go Baconator and if not the ODD is a safer bet.

This is all assuming you want a melee class and not just cheese your way to victory with the Spicy Chicken's 1st level bullshit SOD spell. Everybody says Spicy Chicken is OP, we all know that, but they're gonna need some beef to hide behind while they're running away waiting for their DoT spell to finally kill the enemy.

This will all be covered later in my Order of the Beef Guidebook

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 9:07 am
by Whiysper
Again with the need for a like button!

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 4:17 pm
by JigokuBosatsu
I like that an AoO is called a "cheap shot".

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 9:20 am
by Nebuchadnezzar
I assume the reason there aren't salad classes is so that people can't call it a Saladin. I'd say they would all get a heal like Re-Fresh or Quick Bite, perhaps the ability to fling produce with a Great Fork, and have passive dressing-based auras. While the Order of the Side Salad can switch between auras, entree salads instead get a minor chicken ability, and an Order of the Taco Salad can make selections from the chili list.

The rule of players' food choices strongly affecting class selection makes the cost of items worth considering. The cheapest option is splitting an order of junior fries across the party, with splitting a junior frosty in which to dip them a natural extension. Conversely, for the price of a Baconator one could get a Double Stack(or chicken sandwich of choice for Nugget characters that focus on their teleport) 4 for $4 combo (which they make a point of mentioning twice during character creation) and add a side salad. This puts the DS/CN +4 on stats as compared to the B, or +3 with a frosty/fry offering.

Another thing I have learned from looking at a company website I otherwise would have never visited is that spicy chicken nuggets are now available for a limited time. This is counter to the lore regarding the magically sealed last Temple of the Order of the Spicy Chicken Nuggets on p.84. I wonder if this suggests the pdf was slow in development, and so expansion material won't be released concurrently with menu changes.

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 9:36 am
by Dogbert
I can't even parody this at the comic.

What am I supposed to say about it? You can't parody what is already just goofing off. Also, what? Point that this is the sign of how the industry hit rock bottom? The hobby has been in its dark ages for years now. Say it's better than 5E? That bar is already at floor level, making fun of 5E stopped being fun long ago.

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 2:24 pm
by The Adventurer's Almanac
Nebuchadnezzar wrote:Another thing I have learned from looking at a company website I otherwise would have never visited is that spicy chicken nuggets are now available for a limited time. This is counter to the lore regarding the magically sealed last Temple of the Order of the Spicy Chicken Nuggets on p.84.
That's counter to my real-life experience, too. I stay away from fast food now, but a few years ago I'd stop by my local Wendy's for spicy chicken nuggets all the time. While my memory could just be faulty, this strikes me as oddly cynical. Maybe I'm thinking of other places, but spicy chicken nuggets really aren't something to brag about. Just like this 5e-lite RPG.
Whatever. It will get the hip youth to purchase Wendy's products, because that's all we're good for now apparently. I'm kind of hoping this game will blow up and rival D&D, spurring other fast food companies to shit out their own in-house RPGs in a desperate cash grab attempt.

I don't have any 5e books because I just borrow my friend's when he makes me play - is the artist for this book the same guy who does 5e art? It gives me the same impression of "competent, but boring".

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 3:07 pm
by Avoraciopoctules ... 1803961344

The illustrators seem to be the only workers who were actually credited in the game.

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 3:25 pm
by Shrapnel
Maybe Wendy's saw that KFC had made a Colonel Sanders dating sim game and thought to themselves, "We can do worse."

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 5:53 pm
by Mord
I think we just found the definition of "modern RPG design."