Class Kits and Archetypes

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Class Kits and Archetypes

Post by Koumei »

This is another paid thing.

So AD&D declared it was only going to have a limited bunch of classes, and didn't have feats. So to add flexibility and options (and to cover more archetypes without breaking their self-imposed rule on limiting classes) they added kits. 3E didn't have that issue, but also started playing with alternate class features later on, to add some extra little choices and stuff. Pathfinder has obviously gone for hybrid classes, significantly altered classes, and then also archetypes adding new options for all of these. 5E pretended to have a bunch of big options for each class but it pretended to have a lot of things it didn't really have.

So here we're getting some alternate class feature type deals for a variety of things in Tome, in most cases stolen straight from these other ideas, or taking prestige classes and baking them into base classes as alternate features when they have "some cool ideas but not actually doing high level things and being worth that trouble". If a game uses these and also my feat per level list, don't use any of the special "This feat is for this class, and you can only have one of these because it significantly changes the class and gives you a direction" feats.

We are not starting this in alphabetical order. Instead, this begins with...

The Druid
PHB/SRD version

Blight Druid
Nature gets quite a hard time, subject to all sorts of abuse. But it still remains, even if in a very different form. Whether blighted by sickness and disease, or pollution, or wracked by natural disaster or even magical calamity, it is still nature, and somebody represents that. Not only do they represent it, they venerate it, and seek to remind us that in the end, everybody dies.
Ruinous Union: the Blight Druid does not gain an Animal Companion. Instead, she gains one Domain from the following list: Corruption, Death, Deathbound, Destruction, Pestilence, Slime, Undeath. She gains bonus Domain Slots like a Cleric, and uses her Druid level in place of her Cleric level for the purpose of the Domain Ability.

Wild Empathy: the Blight Druid's Wild Empathy does not work with Animals. It only works with Vermin and Ooze creatures, but other than this it works the same.

Resist Blight: instead of Resist Nature's Lure, the 4th level Blight Druid gains resistance to corruption and decay. She gains a +4 Bonus to Saving Throws against Poison, Disease, the Sickened and Nauseated conditions, and the attacks of Ooze creatures.

Wild Shape: the Blight Druid's Wild Shape ability only lasts for one minute per level instead of one hour. However, whatever shape she takes, she also adds the Corpse Creature template when becoming an Animal, the Corrupted Creature template when becoming a Plant, and the Necromental template when becoming an Elemental. Upon returning to her normal form, she is left Fatigued for a number of rounds equal to the number of minutes spent in the Wild Shape (minimum one round).

Corrupted Resilience: at level 9, instead of Venom Immunity, the Blight Druid gains Immunity to Diseases (including magical ones), as well as the Sickened and Nauseated conditions.

Plaguebearer: at level 13, instead of A Thousand Faces, the Blight Druid carries infectious disease within her veins. Any creature that strikes her with a touch attack, unarmed strike, or natural weapon must succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half her level + her Wisdom Bonus) or contract a disease as though from the Contagion spell. A creature only need attempt one save against this per day.

Miasma of Decay: at level 15, the Blight Druid does not gain Timeless Body. Instead, she constantly emits a barely-visible cloud of ruin that helps bring things to their death. Adjacent creatures are unable to regain lost hit points until she is no longer adjacent. Furthermore, adjacent creatures that are suffering from ongoing damage (such as blood loss or being on fire) suffer an extra point of damage each turn. Neither of these affects the Blight Druid herself.
Circle Druid
Some Druids travel a lot and value all sorts of natural creatures and magic and locations. But some are dedicated to specific environments, protecting it especially and trying to spread its influence further. They are Circle Druids - forming "The Circle of the Swamp" or "The Circle of the Volcano" or whatever. Note that for forests, fields and plains, the regular Druid works pretty well as-is.
Druidic Circle: the Circle Druid must select one of the following options: Aquatic, Arctic, Cavern/Underdark, Desert, Jungle, Mountain, and Swamp/Marsh, Volcano. This affects many other class features.

Wild Empathy: most Circles gain some form of modification to Wild Empathy, but retain the base ability:
Aquatic: this will only affect creatures with a natural Swim speed of some kind and Intelligence 2 or less, regardless of their Type. It even affects Mindless creatures that can swim.
Arctic: when used with Animals that have a listed environment of "Cold", the Arctic Circle Druid gains a +2 Bonus. It may also be used with non-Animal creatures that have the [Cold] Subtype and an Intelligence of 1 or 2 (but not just Magical Beasts generally), at a -4 Penalty.
Cavern/Underdark: the Cavern Circle Druid cannot influence Magical Beasts, but can influence Ooze and Vermin creatures with a -4 Penalty.
Desert: the Desert Circle Druid can influence Vermin with an Intelligence of 2 or less, including Mindless ones, at no penalty, but cannot influence Magical Beasts. When dealing with Sphinxes, she may use Wild Empathy in place of Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate.
Jungle: the Jungle Circle Druid cannot influence Magical beasts. Instead, she may influence Plants, albeit at a -4 Penalty. She gains a +2 Bonus to influence any creature with a natural Poison attack (including Plants, effectively reducing the penalty to -2).
Mountain: this works normally for the Mountain Circle Druid.
Swamp/Marsh: the Swamp/Marsh Circle Druid cannot influence Magical Beasts, but can influence Oozes with no penalty.
Volcano: when used with Animals that have a listed environment of "Hot", the Volcano Circle Druid gains a +2 Bonus. It may also be used with non-Animal creatures that have the [Fire] Subtype and an Intelligence of 1 or 2 (but not just Magical Beasts generally), at a -4 Penalty.

Woodland Stride: again, most varieties of Circle Druid have a more specialist ability that is relevant to their favourite terrain.
Aquatic: the Aquatic Circle Druid gains a Swim Speed equal to her Land Speed, and all the usual benefits that go along with it.
Arctic: the Arctic Circle Druid moves without impediment on naturally-occurring ice and snow without slipping, breaking through, being slowed and so on. Additionally, she treats snow-based vision impairment as one step less bad than it normally is.
Cavern/Underdark: the Cavern Circle Druid can squeeze through tight spaces at normal speed, does not treat rubble and uneven, unworked ground as Difficult Terrain, and has Darkvision 30'. If she already has Darkvision, add 30 feet to its range.
Desert: the Desert Circle Druid constantly has the benefits of a Ring of Sustenance. Additionally, she treats loose sand and dust as one step more stable than it actually is when moving through or across it.
Jungle: the Jungle Circle Druid gains Woodland Stride as normal.
Mountain: the Mountain Circle Druid has a +4 Bonus to resist being Tripped or Bullrushed, as well as on any Skill checks or Saving throws to maintain balance, avoid falling, or avoid being hit by a rockfall or avalanche.
Swamp/Marsh: the Swamp Circle Druid can move freely through swamps and water at waist-height or less - anything short of swimming is treated as open ground.
Volcano: the Volcano Circle Druid gains Fire Resistance 5 and can walk harmlessly across the surface of lava without sinking or taking damage, providing she ends her movement on a solid surface. She also suffers no harm walking through or across hot ash, and treats it as one step more stable than it actually is.

Trackless Step: the different forms of Circle Druid gain different abilities suited to their specific environments, because they're not so concerned about hunters, bandits and wolves following them.
Aquatic: the Aquatic Circle Druid ignores natural currents, swimming freely, and also suffers no penalties or damage from cold water, including things like hypothermia when climbing out of the water.
Arctic: the Arctic Circle Druid has 3 levels of Cold Weather Protection, and does not suffer from frostbite or snow blindness.
Cavern/Underdark: the Cavern Circle Druid cannot be tracked via Scent or Tremorsense.
Desert: the Desert Circle Druid gains 3 levels of Hot Weather Protection, and never suffers from sunstroke.
Jungle: the Jungle Circle Druid gains a form of camouflage, allowing her to hide without cover or concealment in jungle environments, even when directly observed, and gaining a further +4 Bonus to Hide checks when cover or concealment is offered.
Mountain: the Mountain Circle Druid gains a Climb speed equal to half of her base land speed (round up).
Swamp: any time the Swamp Circle Druid would receive Concealment or Cover from water, swamps or miasma, she instead gains Full Concealment.
Volcano: the Volcano Circle Druid becomes immune to damage from lava, and can see clearly through up to ten feet of it when submerged within it. She does not gain a Swim speed, but can swim through it as though it were water.

Resist Nature's Lure: instead of fey, the Druids of different Circles are protected against a variety of other things more relevant to where they typically reside.
Aquatic: the Aquatic Circle Druid gains a +4 Bonus to all saving throws against [Water] effects, and checks to avoid drowning.
Arctic: the Arctic Circle Druid gains a +4 Bonus to saving throws against [Cold] effects, and against Fatigue and Exhaustion.
Cavern/Underdark: the Cavern Circle Druid gains a +4 Bonus to Saving Throws against the attacks of Oozes and Aberrations.
Desert: the Desert Circle Druid gains a +4 Bonus to Saving Throws against [Fire] effects, and against Fatigue and Exhaustion.
Jungle: the Jungle Circle Druid gains a +4 Bonus to Saving Throws against Poisons, as well as the attacks of Plants.
Mountain: the Mountain Circle Druid gains 1 level of Cold Weather Protection, as well as Immunity to Altitude Sickness and a +4 Bonus to Saving Throws against [Air] effects.
Swamp: the Swamp Circle Druid gains a +4 Bonus to Saving Throws against Diseases, as well as the Distraction attack of Swarms and the attacks of all Hags.
Volcano: the Volcano Circle Druid gains a +4 Bonus to Saving Throws against [Fire] effects, as well as the Sickened, Nauseated and Blinded conditions.

Venom Immunity: Druids of the various Circles gain different forms of resistances, immunities and other forms of resiliency.
Aquatic: the Aquatic Circle Druid becomes Amphibious, doubles her Swim Speed, and can survive under any sea pressure.
Arctic: the Arctic Circle Druid gains the [Cold] Subtype.
Cavern/Underdark: the Cavern Circle Druid becomes immune to detection via Telepathy and Detect Thoughts when she wants to be, and is also immune to Paralysis.
Desert: the Desert Circle Druid gains the [Fire] Subtype.
Jungle: the Jungle Circle Druid constantly benefits as though from Endure Elements, and is Immune to all forms of Disease, even magical ones.
Mountain: the Mountain Circle Druid becomes immune to Petrification, as well as magical effects that force her movement (such as Reverse Gravity and Telekinesis, not [Mind-Affecting] effects that force her to make the decision to move.)
Swamp: the Swamp Circle Druid gains permanent Freedom of Movement, and Immunity to all forms of Disease, even magical ones.
Volcano: the Volcano Circle Druid gains the [Fire] Subtype and can breathe smoke, lava and volcanic fumes just fine as though it were fresh air.

Wild Shape: the Wild Shape ability changes a little for the different Circles of Druid.
Aquatic: the Aquatic Circle Druid cannot turn into Fire Elementals when gaining Elemental Shape. Instead, when becoming a Water Elemental, she may take on a form one size larger than normal, and as though her level were one higher (thus, turning into a Huge elemental at level sixteen and a Greater one at level twenty). She also gains the Engulf ability of a Gelatinous Cube in these forms, dealing automatic damage as though through a critical hit from a Slam attack every round a creature remains engulfed.
Arctic: the Arctic Circle Druid gains Primal Wild Shape as a bonus feat. At level 12, instead of Plants, she gains the ability to turn into Magical Beasts with the [Cold] Subtype. When Elemental Shape is gained, she cannot turn into Fire Elementals, but can become Ice Para-Elementals.
Cavern/Underdark: the Cavern Circle Druid can turn into Vermin but not Animals. At level twelve, instead of Plants she may become Oozes.
Desert: instead of Plants, at level 12 the Desert Circle Druid may take on the form of Magical Beasts from Warm/Hot Desert environments: Ashworm, Camelopardel, Chekryan, Dunewinder, Sand Hunter, any kind of Sphinx, Thunderbird, Basilisk. Use the hit dice and size limitations of normal Wild Shape. A daily use of Elemental Shape may be used for this Magical Beast shape to retain the Supernatural and Spell-Like Abilities of the shape. She cannot become a Water Elemental.
Jungle: at level sixteen, the Jungle Circle Druid gains the ability to take on Magical Beast forms instead of Elementals. The abilities and limitations are the same as for Elemental Form. She may also use a use of this instead of Wild Shape when becoming a Plant in order to retain any Supernatural abilities of the Plant.
Mountain: at level twelve, the Mountain Circle Druid does not gain the ability to become a Plant. Instead, she gains the ability to take on Giant forms, using the hit dice and size limitations of normal Wild Shape. A daily use of Elemental Shape may be used for this Giant shape to retain any Supernatural and Spell-Like Abilities of the shape.
Swamp: instead of Elementals, at level sixteen the Swamp Circle Druid may take on the form of any Troll, Hag, or Swarm of Animals/Vermin. The hit dice and size limitations are the same, and she retains the Supernatural and Spell-Like Abilities, just like with Elemental Shape.
Volcano: at level twelve, instead of Plants the Volcano Circle Druid may take on the form of a Red Dragon (of any size and hit dice that fits the usual limit for her Wild Shape) Lava Ooze or Smoke Drake. At level fourteen, she may also become a Fire Drake. At level sixteen, she may also become a Magma Drake. Any of these only last for one round per level instead of one hour per level, however she retains the Supernatural and Extraordinary Abilities. Additionally, when gaining Elemental Shape, she cannot become a Water Elemental, but may become a Magma Paral-Elemental or Smoke Para-Elemental.
Old World Druid
Long before humans (and elves and so on) existed, there were other things, the long-extinct ancestors to us. Most creatures alive now did not exist then, though thanks to the magical world, some still do. The Old World Druid longs for a return to that primeval time, and protects the last vestiges of it.
Proficiencies: the only Weapon Proficiencies of the Old World Druid are the Club, Greatclub, Javelin, Spear, Shortspear, Sling, Quarterstaff, Dart, and Natural Weapons. Using metal weapons violates her oath just like metal armour does.

Languages: the Old World Druid automatically learns Druidic, Auran, Aquan, Ignan and Terran.

Primitive Caster: the Old World Druid gains Primitive Caster as a Bonus Feat.

Animal Companion Options: the Old World Druid has a very specific set of options for her Animal Companion. At first level, they are the Small Viper, Medium Viper, Dire Rat, Medium Shark, and Swindlespitter Dinosaur.
Level -3: Crocodile, Dire Badger, Dire Bat, Dire Weasel, Monitor Lizard, Large Shark, Constrictor, Large Viper, Fleshraker Dinosaur
Level -6: Dire Wolverine, Giant Crocodile, Deinonychus, Dire Ape, Dire Boar, Dire Wolf, Elasmosaurus, Huge Viper, Megaloceros, Cryptoclidus, Pteranadon
Level -9: Dire Lion, Megaraptor, Huge Shark, Giant Constrictor, Glyptodon, Smilodon, Dire Snake, Bloodstriker Dinosaur, Diprotodon
Level -12: Dire Bear, Allosaurus, Ankylosaurus, Megatherium, Ceratosaur, Stegasaurus
Level -15: Dire Shark, Dire Tiger, Triceratops, T-Rex, Woolly Mammoth, Zeuglodon, Mastodon

Wild Empathy: the Old World Druid has a very limited connection to nature. Her Wild Empathy only functions with reptiles (including dinosaurs), dire animals, sharks, and the Smilodon, Glyptodon, Megatherium, Mastodon, Zeuglodon, Woolly Mammoth and Diprotodon.

Wild Shape: the Old World Druid's Wild Shape ability only allows her to take on the form of reptiles (including dinosaurs), sharks, dire animals, and the Smilodon, Glyptodon, Megatherium, Mastodon, Zeuglodon, Woolly Mammoth and Diprotodon. However, she gains Primeval Wild Shape and Stone Form as Bonus Feats.

Older Than Worlds: at level nine, instead of Venom Immunity, the Old World Druid gains Immunity to any spell with an Alignment Descriptor ([Law], [Chaos], [Good], [Evil]).
Stormcaller Druid
Druids are often calling upon powerful calamities from nature. It's loads of fun. However the Stormcaller Druids specialise in calling upon tempests, thunder and lightning. If you don't want to be a Stormcaller for some reason, but still really want to focus on storms, then this is the Druid variant for you.
Animal Companion: the Stormcaller does not get an Animal Companion. Instead, at level four she can call upon a Small Storm Elemental for assistance. This functions as the Animal Companion feature, except it's not an Animal, it's a Small Storm Elemental. It does not advance according to the table as levels are gained. Instead, it grows by one stage every three levels - Medium at seven, Large at ten, Huge at thirteen, Greater at sixteen and Elder at nineteen.

Eye of the Storm: instead of Woodland Stride, at level two the Stormcaller gains the ability to ignore strong winds and rain, moving and perceiving the world and even firing bows as though it were clear weather.

Wind Shield: at level three, the Stormcaller doesn't gain Trackless Step. Instead, any time she is in the wind or rain, it is treated as one degree stronger for the purpose of making her harder to track, blowing gases away from her, making her harder to see or shoot and so on.

Piercing Vision: instead of Resist Nature's Lure, the fourth-level Stormcaller can see through fog and mist as though it weren't there. She knows it is there still, and how badly it would obscure vision, but it doesn't happen to impede her vision.

One With the Storm: instead of Venom Immunity, the ninth-level Stormcaller gains Immunity to Electricity.

Rolling Thunder: instead of A Thousand Faces, at level thirteen the Stormcaller becomes immune to Deafness and can never be rendered silent.

Spontaneous Casting: the Stormcaller cannot spontaneously convert prepared spell slots to Summoning spells. Instead, she may convert them to the following:
First Level: Obscuring Mist, Winter Chill, Thunderhead
Second Level: Gust of Wind, Winter's Embrace, Frost Breath, Binding Winds
Third Level: Call Lightning, Weather Eye, Thunderous Roar, Air Breathing, Capricious Zephyr
Fourth Level: Ice Storm, Rushing Waters, Eye of the Hurricane, Arc of Lightning
Fifth Level: Call Lightning Storm, Wind Tunnel, Cold Snap
Sixth Level: Stormwalk, Tidal Surge
Seventh Level: Control Weather, Waterspout, Storm Tower, Storm of Elemental Fury
Eighth Level: Whirlwind, Stormrage, Maelstrom
Ninth Level: Storm of Vengeance, Greater Whirlwind, Tsunami

Wild Shape: the Stormcaller's Wild Shape ability is a bit limited compared to most. The duration is halved for normal Wild Shape, and she does not gain Plant Shape at all. Upon gaining Elemental Shape, she cannot become an Earth Elemental but may become a Storm Elemental. At level twenty, she may become a Tempest, even though it exceeds both the hit dice and size limits.
Urban Druid
Not every druid gives up on civilisation and lives out in the woods where eating cheese involves a very lengthy process involving your own cows and churning facilities. Some of them still live in cities, particularly those who awaken with druidic powers innately, having happily lived in cities as friends of the nature found there - and there is plenty for those who would look - and decide this is the realm they must protect.
Urban Sense: instead of Nature Sense, the Urban Druid gains a +2 Bonus on Knowledge (Local) and Sense Motive checks.

Urban Companion: the Urban Druid is limited to the following options for their Animal Companion, even in cases where it is not a creature of the Animal Type: Cat, Dire Rat, Dog, Riding Dog, Horse (Light or Heavy), Owl, Pony, War Pony, Raven, Giant Worker Ant, Monstrous Centipede (Tiny, Small or Medium), Giant Worker Termite, Monstrous Spider (Tiny, Small or Medium), Animated Object (Tiny or Small).

In all other ways, this is treated as her Animal Companion, including when she casts a spell that only affects Animals - as such she may cast Animal Growth on her Animated Object Companion or whatever.

At higher levels, some other options are available. She is limited to the following choices:
Level -3: Dire Bat, Warhorse (Light or Heavy), Giant Soldier Ant, Monstrous Centipede (Large), Giant Soldier Termite, Monstrous Spider (Large), Animated Object (Medium)
Level -6: Giant Wasp, Monstrous Centipede (Huge), Animated Object (Large)
Level -9: Monstrous Centipede (Gargantuan), Monstrous Spider (Huge), Animated Object (Huge)
Level -12: Animated Object (Gargantuan)
Level -15: Monstrous Centipede (Colossal), Monstrous Spider (Gargantuan), Cesspit Ooze

Crowd Walker at level two, the Urban Druid does not gain Woodland Stride. Instead, she moves at her normal rate when moving through a crowd, and treats debris as one step less troublesome than normal - ignoring light debris and only suffering the effects of light debris when walking through heavy debris.

Vermin Shape: at level eight, the Urban Druid does not gain the ability to turn into Large Animals. Instead, she may transform into Small and Medium Vermin and Animals. At level eleven, she gains the ability to turn into Tiny Animals and Vermin. At level twelve, she does not gain the ability to transform into Plant creatures. Instead, she may transform into Animals and Vermin Swarms of any size, providing they fit into the hit dice limit. At level fifteen, she does not gain the ability to transform into Huge Animals. Instead, she may turn into Large Animals and Vermin. This modifies Wild Shape, but other than the changes mentioned here it works just the same, and Natural Spell allows her to cast spells in any of these forms.

Object Shape: at level sixteen, the Urban Druid does not gain the ability to turn into Elementals. Instead, she may become a Small, Medium or Large animated object once per day. In addition to the normal effects of Wild Shape, she gains all the animated object's Extraordinary Abilities, as well as the following Construct Traits: Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60 feet, Immunity to Critical Hits, Poison, Disease, Paralysis and Stunning. The form taken must be an object common to the city environment (such as a wagon, statue, barrel, piece of furniture or lamp post). At level eighteen, this may be used a second time per day. At level twenty, it may be used three times per day, and she may assume the form of a Huge animated object.

Spell List: the Urban Druid has the following modifications to her spell list.
Level 1: lose Detect Snares and Pits, Endure Elements, Entangle, Goodberry; gain Sanctuary, Magic Weapon, Alarm, Detect Weaponry
Level 2: lose Barkskin, Tree Shape, Warp Wood, Wood Shape; gain Make Whole, Calm Emotions, Spymaster's Coin, Locate Object
Level 3: lose Call Lightning, Diminish Plants, Plant Growth, Snare, Speak With Plants, Spike Growth; gain Tongues, Glyph of Warding, Sign of Sealing, Animate Weapon, Rust Ray, Shatterfloor
Level 4: lose Antiplant Shell, Command Plants; gain Leomund's Spacious Carriage, Metal Melt
Level 5: lose Call Lightning Storm, Insect Plague, Tree Stride, Wall of Thorns; gain Glibness, Mirage Arcana, Zone of Peace, Wall of Limbs
Level 6: lose Fire Seeds, Liveoak, Repel Wood, Transport via Plants; gain Greater Sign of Sealing, Oozepuppet, Wall of Gears, Viscid Glob
Level 7: lose Animate Plants, Changestaff; gain Statue, Ironguard
Level 8: lose Control Plants; gain Glass Strike
Level 9: lose Shambler; gain Awaken Construct
Far Realm Druid
Even if the nature you are linked to, the nature of the world that is “your” world, is completely alien to the nature of those around you, that doesn’t matter – you’re still linked to some kind of natural world. The Druid is very much focused on the Prime Material Plane, but this archetype adjusts it for those who hail from, or feel a kinship with, different worlds completely.

Note: any reference to the Pseudonatural template refers to the non-Epic one, if it has to be said.
Class Skills: the Far Realm Druid adds Knowledge: The Planes to his class skills.

Nature Sense: this differs only in that it provides a +2 Bonus on Knowledge: The Planes rather than Knowledge: Nature.

Wild Empathy: the Far Realm Druid suffers a -4 Penalty on Wild Empathy checks made with Animals native to the Prime Material Plane. She may, however, use it to influence Aberrations and Oozes with an Intelligence of 1 or 2, at no penalty, as though they were Animals. Likewise, any creature with an Intelligence of 1 or 2 that is specifically native to the Far Realm, regardless of Type, may be influenced in this manner.

Spell Lists: the Far Realm Druid adds the following spells to her Class List, all from Dragon #330: Aching Dread (1st), Call Amoebic Crawler (2nd), Far Realm Visitation (3rd), Dimension Rift (3rd), Call Cranial Encyster (4th), Lingering Raver (4th), Soul-Blasting Dread (5th), Call Kaortic Hulk (6th), Finger of Expulsion (7th), Call Nightseed (8th), Welcome to the Amoebic Sea (9th). The following spells from other sources are also added: Aberrate (1st), Touch of Madness (2nd), Brain Spider (7th), Insanity (7th), Maddening Scream (8th), Weird (9th).

When casting Summon Nature’s Ally spells, the lists are altered as follows:
SNA I: all Animal options have the Pseudonatural template applied
SNA II: remove Elemental and Hippogriff. All Animal options have the Pseudonatural template applied.
SNA III: add Opabina (Dragon #348), remove Satyr and Thoqqua. All Animal options have the Pseudonatural template applied.
SSNA IV: add Dolgrue (Dragon #348), remove Arrowhawk, Elemental, Salamander, Tojanida, Unicorn and Xorn. All Animal options have the Pseudonatural template applied.
SNA V: remove Arrowhawk, Elemental, Griffon, Janni, Satyr, Nixie and Tojanida. All Animal options have the Pseudonatural template applied.
SNA VI: add Wyste (MM2), remove Elemental, Girallon, Pixie, Salamander and Xorn. All Animal options have the Pseudonatural template applied.
SNA VII: add Xorbeast (Dragon #348), remove Arrowhawk, Elemental, Djinni, Invisible Stalker, Pixie and Xorn. All Animal options have the Pseudonatural template added.
SNA VIII: add Akleu (Dragon #348) and Rukanyr (FF), remove the Salamander and Tojanida. Dire Shark and Roc have the Pseudonatural template added.
SNA IX: add Dharculus (Planar HB), Mooncalf (MM2), 5-headed Shrieking Terror (MM3) and Kyra (Dragon #348), remove the Elemental, Grig, Pixie and Unicorn.

The following spells are removed from the Class List: Calm Animals, Charm Animal (1st), Animal Messenger, Tree Shape (2nd), Speak With Plants (3rd), Command Plants (4th), Atonement, Awaken, Hallow, Unhallow, Tree Stride (5th), Liveoak, Transport via Plants (6th), Animate Plants, Changestaff (7th), Control Plants (8th), Elemental Swarm, Shambler (9th). Spells from supplemental books should not automatically be added to the list, but that applies to the regular Druid so I won’t police that. Just don’t cast things like Invoke the Cerulean Sign.

Animal Companion: the Far Realm Druid doesn’t have an Animal companion. He must add the Pseudonatural Template (this does not alter the level), or instead may add the Half-Farspawn Template (for a further -3 level modifier on top of the base creature). Alternatively, he may have an Opabina (-3), Cranial Encyster or Amoebic Crawler (-6), Dolgrue (-9), Xorbeast (-12),, Kaortic Hulk or Akleu (-15) or Kyra (-18). In all other ways, this functions the same as an Animal Companion, such as bonus hit dice gained, sharing spells and so on.

Different Worlds and Minds: the Far Realm Druid does not gain Woodland Stride or Trackless Step. Instead, starting at level two, he doesn’t suffer penalties from Cerebrotic Blots (Dragon #330) or any other rules for “this area is breached by the Far Realm” the game uses. He also doesn’t suffer the effects of anything with “Madness”, “Maddening” or “Insanity” in the name (such as the Insanity and Maddening Whispers spells) and if the game uses Sanity Points, he does not have those and does not interact with those rules in any way.

Otherworldly Shape: the Wild Shape ability of the Far Realm Druid is altered. He must apply the Pseudonatural Template to any Animal or Plant form. When he gains Elemental Shape, he may instead use an Elemental Shape use to apply the Half-Farspawn Template to an otherwise valid Plant or Animal.
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Last edited by Koumei on Mon Jan 11, 2021 8:06 am, edited 3 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:54 pm
Location: South Ausfailia

Post by Koumei »

The Sorcerer
Kaelik's version

Gun Mage
The Sorcerer has traditionally been all about blasting the crap out of people. And this is a perfectly fine idea. In this instance, the Gun Mage is a Sorcerer who specialises in casting spells on other people, and channelling those spells through guns. This makes them good at playing with target points and AoEs a little.

This should only exist in settings that have guns, unless you specifically want to let them make their own as unique individual things.
Proficiencies: the Gun Mage gains proficiency with Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbows and all types of personal firearm the setting uses.

Base Attack Bonus: Medium

Spellcasting limitations: the Gun Mage is a specialist of sorts, and as such, is unable to cast certain types of spell. Specifically, she cannot learn or cast spells that are labelled as [Harmless], nor those with a Range/Target of "Personal". Similarly, she cannot target herself with her spells (but may be included in an Area of Effect).

Spell Shooting: whenever the Gun Mage is holding a gun, she may cast a spell through it. This does not involve firing a physical bullet, and is merely part of the process of casting the spell. Essentially, she may treat her position as any point within the first Range Increment of the gun - making touch attacks within that range or beginning a caster-focused Emanation or Cone from an empty space or a target within that area. In the case of a melee Touch Attack, this changes it to a Ranged Touch Attack. For any kind of attack roll, the gun's Enhancement Bonus (if any) is added to the attack roll. If the spell deals damage, the gun's Enhancement Bonus (if any) is added to this as well.

Magic Bullet (Su): starting at level six, any time the Gun Mage uses her Spell Shooting ability, she may fire an actual bullet from the gun as part of this. This requires succeeding at a ranged attack in order to deliver the spell, and it must hit an actual target in order to activate, even if that target is a wall or something. If this hits the initial target, then no Touch Attacks are needed and the target does not get to make any kind of Reflex Save that might normally allowed - though any further targets are allowed to save normally. The initial target takes damage from the bullet in addition to the effects of the spell, and against that one target, there is a bonus to penetrate Spell Resistance equal to the Enhancement Bonus of the gun (if any) plus four.

Rebound: starting at level ten, the Gun Mage may fire magic bullets so they ricochet. When a spell unleashes a Line or creates a Wall, she may bounce it off walls at some close approximation to the correct angle. Furthermore, she may target people with the initial bullet based on this bouncing, with each required rebound adding a further -2 Penalty to the attack roll - for instance, firing a bullet so it bounces off two walls around a corner to hit someone and begin the spell effect there would take a -4 Penalty.

Double Your Gun, Double Your Fun: at level twenty, a Gun Mage who is dual-wielding guns may use a Full Round Action to cast two spells via Spell Shooting or Magic Bullet, providing both of them have a casting time of one Standard Action or less.

This ability replaces "Why Didn't You Prestige Class?", because choosing an archetype like this basically is the same as taking a prestige class.

Magic Eater
Sorcerers don't play around with learning how magic works, most of the time. They just feed upon it, channel it, and throw it around the place. Some of them get to the point where it really is what they feed upon, it is their true sustenance, and they infuse themselves with more and more magic.
Spellcasting Restrictions: Spell Eaters are too concerned with spells of energy and physical substance. They cannot learn or cast Enchantment or Illusion spells.

Arcane Sustenance (Ex): starting at first level, every time the Magic Eater casts a Sorcerer spell, she gains Fast Healing for 3 rounds. The amount healed every round equals the Spell Level (Cantrips do not provide healing).

Magic Flow (Sp): starting at level six, the Magic Eater is able to spend spell slots for even more healing. With a Standard Action, she may expend a spell slot to heal 1d8 hit points per spell level. This is a Spell-Like Ability, but for the purpose of things like Arcane Sustenance, it still counts as casting a spell.

Force Feeding (Su): starting at level eight, any time the Magic Eater benefits from the Fast Healing granted by her Arcane Sustenance, all of her [Force] effects are Empowered for free.

Mana Preservation (Su): starting at level ten, any time the Magic Eater is affected by a Spell or Spell-Like Ability cast by someone else, she may retroactively Extend a single Spell she has already cast that has not yet expired, providing her ongoing spell is of an equal or lower level than the one affecting her.

Raw Magic Cooking (Su): starting at level twelve, any time the Magic Eater is exposed to a Dispel effect such as Dispel Magic, Greater Dispel Magic or Mordenkainen's Disjunction, she absorbs the spell without harm - negating the effect both for her and for everything else in the area. When this happens, if she has expended one or more spell slots of equal or lower level, she may regain one such spell slot. If all such spell slots are already available, she instead regains hit points as though she had converted the spell via Magic Flow.

Absorb Mana (Ex): starting at level fourteen, the Magic Eater absorbs incoming [Force] effects. If targeted by such an effect, she suffers no effect. Instead, if it would deal damage, she regains hit points equal to the damage it normally deals. Otherwise, she regains a spell slot or hit points in the same manner as Raw Magic Cooking.

Creature of Magic: at level twenty, the Magic Eater becomes a true creature of magic, who does not need to eat or sleep. Her type changes to Outsider, without the Augmented Subtype. She does not age, and theoretically will live forever. This ability replaces "Why Didn't You Prestige Class?" because she basically DID prestige class.

Rage Mage
People who cast spells spontaneously from within, without preparing and studying, tend to have temper problems. The magic excites their blood, and sends them into wild bursts of emotion, and then they just sort of go overboard with detonating people. That's fine, it's fun.
Combative Caster: the Rage Mage has a d8 hit die instead of a d4, and a Medium Base Attack Bonus (as a Cleric or Rogue) instead of Poor. She also gains proficiency with Martial Weapons in addition to the usual Simple ones.

Spellcasting Limitations: the Rage Mage is a very physical, offensive-based caster. She must select two of the following schools to ban: Divination, Enchantment, Illusion. She can never learn or cast spells of the banned varieties. Furthermore, she can cast one fewer spell per spell level per day.

Spell Rage (Su): if at any time the Rage Mage suffers hit point damage or casts a spell, and is not already in a Spell Rage, she enters a Spell Rage. This lasts until she goes three full rounds without suffering damage or casting a spell. When in a Spell Rage, she cannot make Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma-based skill checks (other than Balance, Intimidate and Spot), but may add her Strength bonus to Concentration checks, and Caster Level checks made to overcome Spell Resistance. She may also perform a special attack in a Spell Rage: with a Full Round Action, she may cast a spell that has a Casting Time of one Standard Action or less and a Range of Touch, then perform a charge and deliver the Touch spell at the end of that charge.

Arcane Smash (Su): upon reaching level 6, any time the Rage Mage is in a Spell Rage, she can wallop someone and also hit them with magic. With an attack made at the end of a charge, or as a Standard Action, she may cast a spell that is resolved with a Touch Attack or Ranged Touch Attack, and if her actual attack hits the opponent, the spell hits them as well. The spell is able to threaten a critical hit normally, but this is not linked to the weapon doing the same, so a scimitar won't make spells land more criticals and a scythe won't make them deal bigger criticals. She is allowed to begin the casting at the start of her turn, holding the charge and completing the spell at the end. This allows her to avoid provoking an Attack of Opportunity if she isn't in a threatened square at the beginning, but means any interruption before she reaches the foe will waste the spell.

Spell Squeeze (Su): starting at level eight, the Rage Mage gains a new option for Arcane Smash. She may activate it by performing a Trip, Bullrush, Overrun or Grapple. As long as she makes contact with the foe (typically resolved by an initial Touch Attack), the spell is triggered, and once again she may begin casting at the start of her turn (provoking any Attacks of Opportunity then), then walk up and unleash the spell when chokeslamming someone.

Spell Frenzy (Su): starting at level ten, when the Rage Mage is in a Spell Rage, her Arcane Smash improves again. She may also add single-target spells that do not require any kind of attack roll (such as Hold Person). Additionally, she may make a Full Attack and cast the spell as part of this action, delivering the effects of the spell against every single target she hits as part of this.

Spell Tornado (Su): at level fourteen, the Rage Mage's Spell Frenzy is even better: she may apply Instantaneous Area of Effect spells, and every target who is hit is treated as being in the area of effect. Additionally, she may use a Full Round Action to make a Move Action and one attack, applying the attack once each to every target she threatens at any point during the movement. The spell is then applied against every target hit by this. When doing this, she begins casting the spell at the beginning of her turn, resolving any Attacks of Opportunity then.

Retributive Magic (Su): at level twenty, any time the Rage Mage is already in a Spell Rage and is hit by someone, she may unleash one of her spells with an Immediate Action. This has to be a spell that targets only one target, whether it requires an attack roll or not, and cannot have a Casting Time longer than one Standard Action. The spell automatically hits the foe, but Spell Resistance and Saving Throws apply normally. This ability replaces "Why Didn't You Prestige Class?" because she basically DID prestige class.
Wild Soul
Sometimes, a mage starts pulling out wild power for no apparent reason, and gets accepted within a fey court. They might get a choice in this, they might not. However either way, these people gain aspects of fey power.
Courtier of the Fey: the Wild Soul is accepted within the fey community. This doesn't actually mean she won't be subject to their harassment, in fact if anything it makes it more likely, however there are some perks. Animals won't attack her unless magically compelled to or she attacks them first, and she may add half her class level (round up) to Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made when dealing with Fey and Magical Beasts.

She must also select whether she fits within the Seelie or Unseelie Court.

Spellcasting Limitations: Wild Souls of the Seelie Court are unable to learn or cast spells from the school of Necromancy. Those from the Unseelie Court are unable to learn or cast spells from the school of Abjuration.

Additionally, one of her spells of every Spell Level is automatically chosen for her - she doesn't get a say in this, and cannot later swap it out for another. For the Seelie Court, the spells are Dancing Lights (0), Remove Fear (1), Tasha's Hideous Laughter (2), Invisibility Sphere (3), Melf's Slumber Arrows (4), Baleful Polymorph (5), True Seeing (6), Prismatic Spray (7), Sympathy (8) and Time Stop (9).

For the Unseelie Court, the spells are Touch of Fatigue (0), Grease (1), Detect Thoughts (2), Poison (3), Bestow Curse (4), Retributive Image (5), Endless Slumber (6), Waves of Exhaustion (7), Horrid Wilting (8), Wail of the Banshee (9).

Courtly Call: although the Wild Soul does not automatically learn Summon Monster spells, when she does cast them (even by items) she gains additional choices based on her court.
-Summon Monster 1: Skiurid, Corollax, Jermlaine
-Summon Monster 2: Hippogriff, Petal
-Summon Monster 3: Satyr without Pipes, Splinterwaif, Shaedling
-Summon Monster 4: Blink Dog, Sirine, Howler, Pegasus (Seelie), Senmurv (Seelie), Unicorn (Seelie), Young Redcap (Unseelie), Shadar-kai (Unseelie), Aranea (Unseelie)
-Summon Monster 5: Satyr with Pipes, Griffon, Nixie (Seelie), Joy Stealer (Unseelie)
-Summon Monster 6: Splinterwaif Knave, Swamplight Lynx, Pixie without Dance, with Sleep Arrows only (Seelie), Displacer Beast (Unseelie)
-Summon Monster 7: Gravorg, Dread Blossom Swarm, Leskylor (Seelie), Will-O-Wisp (Unseelie)
-Summon Monster 8: Roc, Prismatic Roper, 3-headed Leskylor (Seelie), Elder Redcap (Unseelie)
-Summon Monster 9: Grig with Fiddle (Seelie), Pixie with Dance and all arrows (Seelie), Verdant Prince without Oath Bond (Unseelie), Ruin Chanter that can't Call (Unseelie)

Faerie Nobility (Ex): at level twelve, the Wild Soul's Type changes to Fey, and she becomes an Ageless creature.

Faerie Crown : upon reaching level twenty, the Wild Soul becomes Immune to all [Mind-Affecting] effects, and anything that would change her shape against her will. This replaces "Why Didn't You Prestige Class?" because she basically DID prestige class.
+2 hours for 6 total so far
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The Barbarian
Kaelik's version

Beast Master
There is a lot of conceptual crossover between the Barbarian and the Druid and Ranger. And getting really angry and tearing people in half is more fun when you do it with a friend. So basically, the Beast Master becomes good friends with an animal, and then they both run about causing destruction.
Animal Companion: the Beast Master gains an Animal Companion in exactly the same manner as a Druid, with the same options and advancements (including selecting different stronger beasts at higher levels). She uses her Barbarian level in place of her Druid level for this. This replaces Barbarian Smash. Her Animal Companion gains Really Tough as well.

Pack Tactics: any time the Beast Master enters a Rage, so too does her Animal Companion. Although the Animal Companion cannot gain extra Rage Points by taking damage, it benefits from (and can even spend) the Barbarian's own pool of Rage Points. So you only keep track of one number there.

Final Strike: when the Beast Master gains the Final Strike ability, so too does her Animal Companion.

Ferocious Leaping (Ex): the Beast Master does not get the Jump, Swim and Run abilities of the Barbarian, however her Animal Companion does. If she is riding the animal at the time, she doesn't need to make a Ride check in order to stay mounted when this happens. Additionally, her Animal Companion can add the current Rage Point total to all Overrun checks and the Save DC for any Trample attempts.

Bone Fetcher: at level eleven, the Beast Master does not get No More Undead. Instead, when she is in a Rage, her attacks and those of her Animal Companion are treated as having the Ghost Touch and Undead Bane magical properties. This also applies to things like Impale, and things that aren't exactly weapons like Trample, Constrict and damage from being Swallowed.

Jaws of the Beast (Ex): when the Beast Master reaches level fifteen, she doesn't get Stop Making Saves. Instead, her Animal Companion gains the basic Barbarian Smash ability, with a Save DC of half the Beast Master's level plus twenty.

Kill Command: at level seventeen, the Beast Master doesn't get NO MORE SAVES, but her Animal Companion does.

Castle Crusher
Not all barbarians run about super fast with their pecs both bare and rippling. Some prefer to be wrapped in around a thousand kilos worth of steel and adamantium, stomping from place to place and smacking things about with wild abandon.
Proficiencies: the Castle Crusher is proficient with Heavy Armour in addition to the usual things for a Barbarian.

Indomitable Rage: the Castle Crusher's Rage does not apply her Rage Points as a bonus to attack and damage rolls. Instead, it applies to her Armour Class against charging foes, to the Saving Throw for a Trample, and to the opposed checks made for Trip, Overrun and Bullrush attempts (both as the attacker and defender). She also gains this number as DR /-.

Hammer and Anvil (Ex): instead of Barbarian Smash, the Castle Crusher gains the ability to slam people about. This attack can be made in place of any attack - multiple in a Full Attack, one at the end of a charge, even one as an Attack of Opportunity. The Castle Crusher spends one Rage Point, and then makes an attack. If it hits, it ignores all Hardness and Damage Reduction for the damage, and she may make a Bullrush check that can launch the foe further than five feet without her having to move, and does not have any drawback if failed, other than the failure itself being a drawback. If a foe hits her, she may make an Attack of Opportunity - but must spend the Rage Point and attempt to knock the foe away.

Barbarian Throw: when the Castle Crusher gains Barbarian Throw, she may spend an extra Rage Point to apply Hammer and Anvil to it, launching the foe away.

Jump: when the Castle Crusher gains the Jump ability, she must spend 2 Rage Points to use it, making her leaping attack a Hammer and Anvil attack.

Armoured Movement (Ex): at level six, the Castle Crusher doesn't gain Swim. Instead, Armour doesn't reduce her speed or prevent her from running, no matter how heavy.

Shockwave (Ex): at level seven, the Castle Crusher doesn't learn Impale. Instead, she may spend 2 Rage Points to make an attack that affects a 60' Cone, applying the one attack against all in the area. This affects things as though it were a [Force] effect. She may instead spend 3 Rage Points to apply Hammer of Anvil to this, affecting every target hit.

Vortex (Ex): at level nine, the Castle Crusher doesn't gain the Whirlwind ability. Instead, she may spend 3 Rage Points as a Full Round Action to focus her incredible density and mass inwards, replicating the Vortex ability of an Umbral Blot. The Save DC to resist this is 15 + half her level + her Rage Point total. At the end of this, creatures that make contact with her are not disintegrated, but instead she makes one free Hammer and Anvil attack, applied against all such creatures, potentially knocking them away again. Hit creatures also suffer 1d4 points of Force damage (much like Magic Missile) for every 5 feet of distance she sends them with the Bullrush. If she wants to, she may elect to have this apply only to a 180 degree semicircle or a 90 degree cone or something.

Force of Nature (Ex): instead of gaining No More Undead at level eleven, the Castle Crusher becomes infused with and wrapped in pure Force. When in a Rage, all of her equipment and attacks have the Ghost Touch property, and all of her attacks are treated as [Force] effects.

Unstoppable (Ex): at level fifteen, the Castle Crusher does not get Stop Making Saves. Instead, any time she is in a Rage, she has all of the Immunities of a Construct.

Irresistable Force (Ex): at level seventeen, the Castle Crusher doesn't gain NO MORE SAVES. Instead, any time she uses her Hammer and Anvil attack, don't roll dice for the Bullrush attempt. Instead, assume she rolled a 20 and her target(s) rolled a 1. The targets also suffer bonus Force damage equal to the actual distance they are moved.

Drunken Rager
Alcohol does terrible things to us. And if you go into drinking in a bad mood, then drunk you is in an even worse mood. So many people want booze-fuelled characters to go with their booze-fuelled gaming, but I'm still going to make them count despite their inebriation.
Proficiencies: the Drunken Rager is only proficient with Light Armour, Simple Weapons and Improvised Weapons.

Drunken Rage (Ex): by consuming a good measure of alcohol (such as a full pint or a decent swig from a bottle of wine or spirits), a Standard Action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity, the Drunken Rager can gain 1 Rage Point. This also counts as "being hit or hitting a foe" for the purpose of determining when a Rage will end. Abilities that make potion-drinking faster or safer also apply to this.

Drunken Resilience (Ex): at level four, the Drunken Rager does not gain the Track or Barbarian Scary abilities. Instead, with an Immediate Action she may spend a Rage Point to render herself Immune to the Sickened, Nauseated and Fatigued conditions, and to [Mind-Affecting] effects, until the end of her next turn. In this time, new sources of these effects will not have any effect upon her, whereas if they are already in effect she simply suppresses the effects until the end of her next turn. If this is activated in response to something that would cause one of those conditions or effects, she is treated as having activated it before being hit by the effect, and thus gains the immunity - and therefore does not gain more Rage Points.

Drunken Stagger (Ex): at level six, the Drunken Rager does not get Run. Instead, she does not have to Charge against her nearest foe, nor in a straight line - she may change direction once during the Charge or adjust her path by 5' left or right with each forward square of movement. Additionally, she may spend a Rage Point as a Free Action or Immediate Action (her choice) in order to double her movement speed, gain Improved Evasion, and make 10' steps of adjustment instead of 5' steps. This Effect lasts until the end of her next turn.

Lunar Marauder
People love their werewolves and bear warriors and other forms of shape-changing berserkers. So the Lunar Marauder is that - a berserker who turns into animals and rips people apart.
Shifting Rage (Su): the Lunar Marauder does not gain Barbarian Smash. Instead, as part of entering a Rage, she may Wild Shape into a Small or Medium Animal with no more hit dice than she has, just like a Druid. This lasts for the duration of her Rage. If she would prefer, she may instead simply take on "some" animal features, gaining two Claw attacks (1d6 for a Medium creature) and a Secondary Bite attack (1d4 for a Medium creature) and a Natural Armour Bonus equal to her Rage Points.

Hybrid Rage (Su): a fourth-level Lunar Marauder doesn't get Barbarian Scary. Instead, when taking on the form of an Animal, she may elect to become a hybrid, retaining a bipedal form, hands with opposable thumbs, and the ability to speak.

Bigger Rage (Su): at level nine, the Lunar Marauder does not gain Whirlwind. Instead, she may take on the form of Large Animals.

Lycanthropy (Su): at level eleven, the Lunar Marauder does not gain No More Undead. Instead, when in a Rage, she gains Damage Reduction equal to her Rage Points, overcome by Silver, and her natural weapons are all treated as one size larger, as Magic Weapons (including the chance to hit Incorporeal foes) and Silver weapons.

Massive Rage (Su): at level fifteen, the Lunar Marauder does not gain Stop Making Saves. Instead, she may take on the shape of Huge Animals, and with up to four more hit dice than she has.

Magical Forms (Su): at level seventeen, the Lunar Marauder does not gain NO MORE SAVES. Instead, she may take on the form of Magical Beasts with the same restriction as her Animal Forms, although she never gains actual Spellcasting ability such a creature might have.

Biggest Forms Ever (Su): at level twenty, the Lunar Marauder may take on the form of Gargantuan Animals but not Gargantuan Magical Beasts.

The Skald is a barbarian who sings, tells sagas, and blows magical horns (or unleashes magic through otherwise mundane horns). They inspire everyone else to fight better, and can even inspire them to enter a rage as well. The Skald is great for when you really want everyone going mental and fighting a lot.
Lore and War: the Skald only has a d10 Hit Die, but has a Good Will Save. Decipher Script, Handle Animal, Perform and all Knowledge skills are added to her list of Class Skills.

Inspiring Rage (Ex): the Skald does not get Barbarian Smash. Instead, when in a rage, she may use a Move-Equivalent Action to begin singing a warsong or loudly reciting a saga or sounding a horn. All of her allies within earshot may elect to join her Rage. Only she can gain or spend Rage Points, however all of them share the same bonuses. Additionally, the Rage Points are added as a Morale Bonus to Saving Throws and opposed checks against [Fear] effects (whether just her own Rage or an Inspired Rage). If she is rendered unable to make noise, her allies cease being affected - similarly if they are Deafened they stop being affected.

Fog Horn (Sp): at level three, the Skald does not gain Cleave. Instead, she may spend 1 Rage Point to cast either Gust of Wind, Obscuring Mist or Sound Burst (with a Caster Level equal to her hit dice and any Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Constitution Bonus). If she is not Inspiring a Rage already, this also begins that.

Blasting Horn (Sp): at level five, the Skald does not get Barbarian Throw. Instead, she may spend 2 Rage Points to cast Shout, the same as with Fog Horn above. This can also start Inspiring Rage.

Thundering Rage (Ex): the seventh-level Skald does not gain Impale. Instead, when she is in a Rage, her attacks deal an extra 1d6 points of Sonic damage per Rage Point she has - this also applies to her allies benefiting from Inspired Rage.

Eye of the Storm (Sp): at level nine, the Skald does not gain Whirlwind. Instead, when she is in a Rage, she benefits from a Greater Aura of Cold, as well all allies benefiting from her Inspired Rage. She may also spend one Rage Point to cast Boreal Wind or Arctic Haze just like with Fog Horn.

Pillar of Might (Su): at level eleven, the Skald does not gain No More Undead. Instead, she may spend 3 Rage Points to create a Storm Tower effect which lasts until her Rage ends. She may use this to begin Inspiring Rage as part of the same action.

Fall of Jericho (Sp): the fifteenth-level Skald does not gain Stop Making Saves. Instead, her Blasting Horn ability may instead create a Greater Shout effect.

Horn of Valhalla (Sp): at level seventeen, the Skald does not gain NO MORE SAVES. Instead, she may spend 5 Rage Points as a Full Round Action to summon eight Valkyries and also begin Inspiring Rage. The Valkyries vanish when slain or when the Rage ends or when they can't find any enemies to kill, whichever happens first.

Totemic Sage
Some Barbarians are a little more spiritual and druid-like, in touch with strange totemic creatures and ghosts. They listen to these ghosts, they often lead tribes, and they seek out enemies of their tribes and of the natural world, stomping them flat.
Spirit Bond (Su): the Totemic Sage doesn't learn Barbarian Smash. Instead, she gains a single Basic Soulmeld (as a Totemist of equal level), except without the generic scaling bonus, just the activated ability. She need not bind this to a Chakra, it is just always available when in a Rage. She may also spend 1 Rage Point to re-use the power when it is normally on "cooldown".

Spirit Speak (Sp): at level three, the Totemic Sage does not learn Final Strike. Instead, she is sufficiently in tune with the spirit world as to cast Augury and Speak With Dead once each per day. At level six, this increases to twice per day, then three times per day at level ten.

Better Bond (Su): at level four, the Totemic Sage does not gain Barbarian Scary. Instead, she gains a single Better Soulmeld, which is bound in addition to the Basic one but works just the same - no generic scaling bonus, the ability to spend Rage to re-use the power and so on.

Advanced Bond (Su): the seventh-level Totemic Sage does not gain Impale. Instead, she gains a single Advanced Soulmeld, which is bound in addition to the others. Using it early when it should be cooling down requires the expenditure of two Rage Points, but otherwise it works the same as the others.

Greater Spirit Speak (Sp): at level ten, the Totemic Sage's bond to the spirit world is even stronger. She may cast Commune With Nature and Contact Other Plane once each per day. At level fifteen, this increases to twice per day, then three times per day at level twenty.

Astounding Bond (Su): the eleventh-level Totemic Sage does not gain No More Undead. Instead, she gains a single Astounding Soulmeld which is bound in addition to her other ones. It functions the same as them, except that she must spend three Rage Points in order to re-use it earlier than normal.

Exciting Bond (Su): at level fifteen, the Totemic Sage does not gain Stop Making Saves. Instead, she gains a single Exciting Soulmeld which is bound in addition to her other ones. It functions the same as them, except that she must spend four Rage Points in order to re-use it earlier than normal.

Giant-Sized Bond (Su): instead of NO MORE SAVES, the seventeenth-level Totemic Sage gains a single Giant-Sized Soulmeld which is bound in addition to her other ones. It functions the same as them, except she must spend five Rage Points in order to re-use it earlier than normal.

+2 and a half hours for 8:30 so far
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

The Cleric
Kaelik's version

Some priests talk too much. Way too much. But every now and then it works out well for their friends, as they can boost morale and maybe even talk people over to their point of view.
Speaker of Faith: the Evangelist only has proficiency with Simple Weapons and Light Armour, and only has access to a single Domain.

Inspire Courage (Su): the Evangelist can Inspire Courage like a Bard (PHB) of equal level, even if she doesn't have enough ranks in a Perform skill.

Spontaneous Spells: when the Evangelist ends the Primary Effects of a spell, she may activate the Secondary Effects normally, or may instead cast one of the following PHB spells of equal or lower level: Command (1st), Enthrall (2nd), Tongues (3rd), Suggestion (4th), Greater Command (5th), Geas/Quest (6th), Mass Suggestion (7th), Sympathy (8th), Demand (9th).

Far Realm Cultist
It’s important to have Cthulhu Cultists. These mad prophets either worship beings from the Far Realm, or Aberrations and other strange creatures generally, or some kind of Great Old Ones, or possibly they don’t worship anything exactly, and they just draw power from their own madness and their link to the bizarre world beyond.
Proficiencies: for whatever reason, Far Realm Cultists are more like classical cultists. They are only proficient with Light Armour and Simple Weapons.

Domains: the only Domains available to the Far Realm Cultist are Cavern, Darkness, Destruction, Domination, Dream, Hatred, Knowledge, Madness, Mind, Slime and Trickery.

Mad Certainty (Ex): the Far Realm Cultist suffers a -4 Penalty to all Wisdom-based Skill Checks, as well as Diplomacy and Handle Animal checks, but also gains a +4 Bonus to Saving Throws against [Mind-Affecting] effects. Additionally, she suffers no ill mental effect from Cerebral Blots (Dragon 330) or contact with the Far Realm.

Otherworldly Summoning (Sp): starting at level three, the Far Realm Cultist can use a Full Round Action to end the Primary Effect of a spell and, instead of activating the Secondary Effect, summon a controlled creature from beyond. The creature appears within Close Range and remains in the world for one minute for every three levels, but cannot use any Summoning ability of its own. All uses of this are Conjuration (Summoning) effects. The creatures that can be called depend on the level of the spell. She may still choose to activate Secondary Effects instead of this.
1st – Pseudonatural Dog, Brain Mole (XPH), Puppeteer (XPH).
2nd – Pseudonatural Eagle, Ustilagor (Dragon 337), Opabina (Dragon 348).
3rd – Pseudonatural Crocodile, Amoebic Crawler (Dragon 330), Cranial Encyster (Dragon 330).
4th – Pseudonatural Giant Owl, Dolgrue (Dragon 348), Carrion Crawler.
5th – Pseudonatural Brown Bear, Gibbering Mouther, Wyste (MM2).
6th – Pseudonatural Rhinoceros, Xorbeast (Dragon 348), Intellect Devourer (XPH).
7th – Pseudonatural Megaraptor, Kaortic Hulk (Dragon 330), Akleu (Dragon 348).
8th – Pseudonatural Dire Tiger, Dharculus (Planar Handbook), Rukanyr (FF), Mooncalf (MM2).
9th – Pseudonatural Roc, Kyra (Dragon 348), Skybleeder (FF).

Terrifying Transformation: at level 20, instead of “Why Didn’t You Prestige Class?”, the Far Realm Cultist makes proper contact with the Far Realm, and gains the Half Farspawn template for free. She no longer suffers any kind of ill effect from Cerebral Blots and the Far Realm – mental or physical – and can open a travel version of the Gate spell once per day, either to the Far Realm from any plane, or from the Far Realm to the Prime Material Plane.

Sacred Fist:
The Sacred Fist has elements of Cleric and elements of Monk. More Cleric than Monk, but they still get to run up and punch people, while not wearing armour.
Sacred Vows: the Sacred Fist has good Fort and Ref saves but not a good Will save. Additionally, she has no Armour Proficiencies, and is only proficient with Unarmed Strikes. Finally, she only has access to a single Domain.

Protected by Faith (Su): as long as she is not wearing armour, the Sacred Fist has an Armour Bonus to AC equal to half her level (round down) plus four. This applies against Touch Attacks, unlike normal, and if she wears non-armour clothing or robes that have an Enhancement Bonus to Armour Bonus, she still gains the Enhancement Bonus. Additionally, she may use her Wisdom Bonus in place of her Dexterity Bonus for Reflex Saves and Armour Class if she wishes to.

Approved Lethality (Su): the Sacred Fist has a natural Slam attack, which works just like the Fatal Strike ability of a Monk (Tome).

Fires of Purity: at level five, the Sacred Fist learns a special third-level Cleric Spell that other Clerics don't get.

Fires of Purity
Evocation [Fire]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: your Slam attack deals an extra 1d6 damage, and half the total damage is Fire, the other half is special Divine damage - there is no longer a physical component to the damage. Additionally, anybody who strikes you with a Natural Weapon or a non-reach Melee Weapon suffers 1d6 damage (half Fire, half Divine).
Secondary Target: 20' radius Burst in Medium Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Reflex Half
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: you throw your aura of flame out and it explodes, dealing 1d6 damage per level - half Fire, half Divine.
Special: if your deity is more attuned to Cold, Acid or Electricity, you may replace all instances of "Fire" (including the Descriptor) with the relevant word.

Mostly we are looking at new Domains.

New Domains:
Granted Ability:
by spending a Turn/Rebuke Undead attempt, you can use a Swift Action to add your Wisdom Bonus to your Armour Class for a number of rounds equal to your level. This does not apply against creatures of True Neutral alignment.
Skill: Balance
1 – Make Whole
2 – Calm Emotions*
3 – Clarity of Mind*
4 – Call and Banish
5 – Protection From Spells
6 – Greater Call and Banish
7 – Word of Balance*
8 – Greatest Call and Banish
9 – Moment of Prescience

Granted Ability:
you gain Stonecunning like a Dwarf. If you already have Stonecunning, your Bonus increases to +4.
Skill: Search
1 – Find Traps
2 – Darkness
3 – Stone Manipulation
4 – Control Vermin
5 – Wall of Stone
6 – Path Magic
7 – Shelter
8 – Mastery of Earth
9 – Freedom and Imprisonment*

Granted Ability:
by spending a Turn/Rebuke Undead use, you can use the Fascinate ability of a Bard, using your Cleric level in place of your Bard level.
Skill: Perform (choose any one)
1 – Comprehend Languages
2 – Calm Emotions*
3 – Suggestion*
4 – Call and Banish
5 – Charm Monster*
6 – Quest Trap
7 – Lucky Break
8 – Demand*
9 – Dominate Monster*

Granted Ability:
you can use your Turn or Rebuke Undead ability to Turn (and Destroy) creatures with the [Fire] Subtype.
Skill: Survival
1 – Chill Touch*
2 – Chill Metal*
3 – Sleet Storm*
4 – Control Water
5 – Wall of Ice*
6 – Frost Blast*
7 – Control Weather
8 – Wreath of Frost*
9 – Mastery of Cold*

Granted Ability:
you gain Team Player as a Bonus Feat
Skill: Diplomacy
1 – Bless
2 – Status
3 – Magic Circle Against Alignment
4 – Protection From Dead
5 – Protection From Spells
6 – Heroes’ Feast
7 – Shelter
8 – Magnificent Mansion*
9 – Mass Heal

Granted Ability:
you radiate a 10’ aura that provides you and your allies in the aura a +4 Bonus on Saving Throws against [Fear] effects.
Skill: Sense Motive
1 – Remove Fear
2 – Shield Other
3 – Cloak of Bravery*
4 – Heroism*
5 – Righteous Might
6 – Heroes’ Feast
7 – Animal Power
8 – Mindblank
9 – Miracle

Granted Ability:
you gain the ability to see through Magical Darkness like a Devil.
Skill: Hide
1 – Obscuring Mist
2 – Darkness
3 – Blindness/Deafness
4 – Armour of Darkness*
5 – False Vision
6 – Mislead
7 – Ethereal Jaunt
8 – Discernment
9 – Etherealness

Granted Ability:
you gain Spell Focus (Enchantment) as a Bonus Feat
Skill: Intimidate
1 – Cause Fear
2 – Hold Person
3 – Suggestion*
4 – Know and Speak Truth
5 – Dominate Person*
6 – Quest Trap
7 – Repulsion
8 – Greatest Call and Banish
9 – Dominate Monster*

Granted Ability:
you gain Dreamtelling and Oneiromancy as Bonus Feats (Heroes of Horror)
Skill: Listen
1 – Sleep*
2 – Augury
3 – Darkness of Death
4 – Phantasmal Killer*
5 – Scrying
6 – Dream Sight*
7 – Ethereal Jaunt
8 – Power Word: Stun
9 – Astral Projection

Granted Ability:
by spending a Turn/Rebuke Undead attempt, you may use a Standard Action to grant a +4 Dodge Bonus to the Armour Class of your allies within 30 feet – a maximum number of allies equal to your Charisma Bonus. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to your level.
Skill: Gather Information
1 – Bless
2 – Shield Other
3 – Magic Circle Against Alignment
4 – Spell Manipulation
5 – Protection From Spells
6 – Heroes’ Feast
7 – Shelter
8 – Superior Telepathic Bond*
9 – Prismatic Sphere

Granted Ability:
by spending a Turn/Rebuke Undead attempt, you may use a Swift Action to declare something is destined to happen. The first d20 roll made to help bring this about within the next minute is treated as rolling a natural 20 on the die.
Skill: Knowledge (History)
1 – Bless
2 – Augury
3 – Bestow or Remove Curses
4 – Know and Speak Truth
5 – Truth
6 – Quest Trap
7 – Scry and Die
8 – Discernment
9 – Foresight

Granted Ability:
you gain Ability Focus (Turn Undead) as a Bonus Feat.
Skill: Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty)
1 – Remove Fear
2 – Align Weapon
3 – Energy
4 – Protection From the Dead
5 – Weapon of Life
6 – Crown of Glory*
7 – Holy Word
8 – Sun Energy
9 – Miracle

Granted Ability:
by spending a Turn/Rebuke Undead attempt, you can use a Free Action to focus your hatred against a single foe. For the next minute, against that foe only, you gain a +2 Bonus on attack and damage rolls, and Caster Level checks to pierce Spell Resistance.
Skill: Intimidate
1 – Cause Fear
2 – Death Knell
3 – Bestow or Remove Curses
4 – Slay Living
5 – Righteous Might
6 – Cloak of Hate*
7 – Blasphemy
8 – Mantle of Spite*
9 – Implosion

Granted Ability:
if you fail a Saving throw against a [Charm], [Compulsion] or [Fear] effect, you may attempt another save at the start of your next turn, much like the Slippery Mind class feature. You are only allowed one such re-roll per ability.
Skill: Escape Artist
1 – Remove Fear
2 – Remove Paralysis
3 – Gaseous Form
4 – Free and Trap
5 – Protection From Spells
6 – Lucky Break
7 – Greatest Magic Negation
8 – Mindblank
9 – Etherealness

Granted Ability:
any time another creature would render you Confused, they are affected instead, though they are allowed any Saving Throws normally.
Skill: Knowledge (The Planes)
1 – Cause Fear
2 – Touch of Madness*
3 – Darkness of Death
4 – Confusion
5 – Scrying
6 – Phantasmal Killer*
7 – Mislead
8 – Power Word: Stun
9 – Weird*

Granted Ability:
you are Immune to damage (but not drain) to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma.
Skill: Sense Motive
1 – Comprehend Languages
2 – Fox’s Cunning
3 – Clarity of Mind*
4 – Know and Speak Truth
5 – Truth
6 – Probe Thoughts*
7 – Discernment
8 – Superior Telepathic Bond*
9 – Weird*

Granted Ability:
you can use your Turn/Rebuke Undead ability to Turn and Destroy Lycanthropes.
Skill: Spot
1 – Faerie Fire*
2 – Darkness
3 – Moon Blade*
4 – Dominate Animal
5 – Weapon of Life
6 – Path Magic
7 – Shelter
8 – Animal Mind
9 – Moon Fire*

Granted Ability:
by spending a Turn/Rebuke Undead attempt, you may Inspire Courage as a Bard of your level, as though you had maximum ranks in Perform for your level, for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma Bonus.
Skill: Knowledge (Nobility & Royalty)
1 – Divine Favour
2 – Eagle’s Splendour
3 – Magic Vestment
4 – Know and Speak Truth
5 – Dominate Person
6 – Quest Trap
7 – Repulsion
8 – Demand*
9 – Storm of Vengeance

Granted Ability:
for you, simply seeing or hearing an Illusion counts as interacting with it.
Skill: Knowledge (The Planes)
1 – Augury
2 – Find Traps
3 – Know and Speak Truth
4 – Scrying
5 – Truth
6 – Ethereal Jaunt
7 – Scry & Die
8 – Discernment
9 – Foresight

Granted Ability:
you are Immune to the effects of Disease, though you are still a carrier.
Skill: Knowledge (Nature)
1 – Curse Water
2 – Death Knell
3 – Disease
4 – Control Vermin
5 – Slay Living
6 – Death Energy
7 – Regenerate
8 – Plague of Undead*
9 – Ruinous Swarm*

Granted Ability:
you may use an Immediate Action to spend Divine Energy up to your character level in order to heal yourself, even in response to an otherwise lethal attack - in this case you will still die if you can't heal enough of the damage to prevent your hit points from being dropped to the point of death. Damage won't just cut off once you reach -10 hit points, allowing a single point of healing to save you.
Skill: Heal
1 – Endurance
2 – Defeat Poison
3 – Disease
4 – Protection From the Dead
5 – Heroes’ Feast
6 – Heal
7 – Shelter
8 – Greatest Magic Negation
9 – Mass Heal

Granted Ability:
by spending a Turn/Rebuke Undead attempt, you may use a Swift Action to declare vengeance against somebody who damaged you since your previous turn. Until the end of your current turn, you may add your Wisdom as a Bonus to attack rolls against that foe, and simply deal maximum damage to them rather than rolling.
Skill: Survival
1 – Bane
2 – Bear’s Endurance
3 – Darkness of Death
4 – Fire Shield*
5 – Symbol Creation
6 – Blade Barrier
7 – Scry and Die
8 – Discernment
9 – Storm of Vengeance

Granted Ability:
you gain Scribe Scroll as a Bonus Feat.
Skill: Decipher Script
1 – Comprehend Languages
2 – Find Traps
3 – Magic Circle Against Alignment
4 – Runic Protection*
5 – Symbol Creation
6 – Quest Trap
7 – Lucky Break
8 – Greater Magic Negation
9 – Gate

Granted Ability:
you may use your Turn or Rebuke Undead ability to Rebuke/Command reptiles (snakes, lizards, turtles, dinosaurs, Lizardmen, Nagas, Yuan-ti, but not Dragons, Kobolds, Medusae, Lillends or Mariliths).
Skill: Knowledge (Nature)
1 – Magic Fang*
2 – Hold Animal
3 – Dive and Surface
4 – Poison*
5 – Commune With Nature
6 – Eyebite*
7 – Regenerate
8 – Mastery of Earth
9 – Shapechange

Granted Ability:
you gain Acid Resistance equal to double your level.
Skill: Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
1 – Slimy Surface*
2 – Barkskin
3 – Dive and Surface
4 – Poison*
5 – Black Tentacles
6 – Repulsion
7 – Disintegrate
8 – Mastery of Water
9 – Implosion

Granted Ability:
Spiders and Spiderkind (Drow of the Underdark, p112) will not attack you unless you provoke them, or controlled by someone who wills them to attack you. You may use your Turn/Rebuke Undead ability to Rebuke Spiderkind.
Skill: Climb
1 – Cause Fear
2 – Magic Fang
3 – Infernal Wound
4 – Control Vermin
5 – Poison
6 – Spider Plague
7 – Repulsion
8 – Veil of Undeath
9 – Ruinous Swarm

Granted Ability:
you gain Electricity Resistance equal to double your level.
Skill: Concentration
1 – Entropic Shield
2 – Silence and Noise
3 – Energy
4 – Control Air
5 – Ice Storm
6 – Chain Lightning
7 – Control Weather
8 – Whirlwind
9 – Storm of Vengeance

Granted Ability:
by spending a Turn/Rebuke Undead attempt, you may perform a Pain Touch – a melee touch attack as a Standard Action that on a successful hit renders the target Nauseated with pain for one round and then Fatigued until they rest. A Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus) reduces this to being Staggered for one round.
Skill: Survival
1 – Bane
2 – Bear’s Endurance
3 – Bestow or Remove Curses
4 – Slay Living
5 – Symbol Creation
6 – Blade Barrier
7 – Eyebite*
8 – Supreme Resistance
9 – Energy Drain

Granted Ability:
you can Rebuke Undead three extra times per day.
Skill: Knowledge (Religion)
1 – Undead Senses
2 – Desecrate
3 – Animate Dead
4 – Protection From the Dead
5 – Slay Living
6 – Death Energy
7 – Plague of Undead*
8 – Create Greater Undead
9 – Energy Drain
New Domain Spells:
Calm Emotions
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you can make a Diplomacy check as a Standard Action to remove a [Mind-Affecting] effect from a creature in Close Range. The DC for this check equals the Save DC.
Secondary Target: Creatures in a 20’ radius Spread in Medium Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: Concentration
Secondary Effect: you cast the PHB spell Calm Emotions.

Clarity of Mind
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: the target has a +4 Insight Bonus on Saving Throws against [Mind-Affecting] effects, and if they miss a target due to a Miss Chance from Concealment, they may roll again.
Secondary Target: Party
Secondary Action: 1 Swift Action
Saving Throw: None (Harmless)
Secondary Duration: 1 Round or until expended
Secondary Effect: the targets all benefit from a True Strike (PHB) effect

Word of Balance
Evocation [Sonic]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you gain a +3 Divine Bonus to Armour Class
Secondary Target: 40’ radius spread centred on you
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: None or Will Negates; see text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: you cast the Spell Compendium spell Word of Balance.

Freedom and Imprisonment
Primary Target: Touch (the place where the target was entombed or banished) or Personal
Primary Effect: the target is freed from any effects that are removed via the PHB spell Freedom, then becomes Immune to all of the effects it can normally free people from.
Secondary Target: Touch
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: the target is affected by the PHB spell Imprisonment.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Language-Dependent, Mind-Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you can cast Command (as the PHB) at will.
Secondary Target: one living creature in Close Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: 1 hour/level or until completed
Secondary Effect: you cast the PHB spell Suggestion.

Charm Monster
Enchantment (Charm) [Mind-Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you can use a Standard Action to Fascinate another creature at will (Will Negates), providing you have Line of Sight to them. This has a duration of “until you Fascinate another creature or the target is attacked by you or your allies, or you end the Primary Effect”.
Secondary Target: one living creature in Close Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: 1 minute/level
Secondary Effect: the target is Charmed, just like the PHB Charm Monster spell.

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you gain the ability to send Telepathic communications to one target (chosen upon casting) anywhere on the same Plane as you.
Secondary Target: the target of your Telepathic communication
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: 1 hour/level or until completed
Secondary Effect: you send a Suggestion to the target, much like the PHB Demand spell.

Dominate Person
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Primary Target: One Humanoid
Primary Effect: you gain control of the humanoid, like the PHB spell, if they fail a Will Save.
Secondary Target: Dominated Humanoid
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: Concentration
Secondary Effect: you control the humanoid completely, as though possessing them, and using their senses (instead of your own) and making it take any actions it is able to take, using its own abilities. Your own body remains Defenceless and dormant, automatically attempting Concentration checks with your skill total when required, until you choose to stop, or are forced to stop by a failed Concentration check, or an effect frees the target of Possession.

Dominate Monster
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Primary Target: One living creature
Primary Effect: you gain control of the creature, like the PHB spell, if they fail a Will Save.
Secondary Target: Dominated creature
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: Concentration
Secondary Effect: you control the creature completely, as though possessing them, and using their senses (instead of your own) and making it take any actions it is able to take, using its own abilities. Your own body remains Defenceless and dormant, automatically attempting Concentration checks with your skill total when required, until you choose to stop, or are forced to stop by a failed Concentration check, or an effect frees the target of Possession.

Chill Touch
Necromancy [Cold]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you gain a melee Touch Attack that deals 1d6 Uttercold damage.
Secondary Target: Touch
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: you deliver a melee Touch Attack that deals 1d6 Uttercold damage per level, with a Fortitude Save for half. The target also suffers 1d6 points of Strength damage.

Chill Metal
Transmutation [Cold]
Primary Target: Touch [Weapon]
Primary Effect: the weapon deals an extra 1d6 points of damage, and half the total damage dealt is Cold damage instead of the normal type.
Secondary Target: metal objects/equipment in Close Range – for every two levels, you may affect one distinct unattended object of up to Medium Size, or the equipment of one creature.
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates (Object)
Secondary Duration: Concentration (up to one round per level)
Secondary Effect: all of the items become painfully cold to the touch. On the first turn, no actual damage is dealt. On the second round, 1d6 Cold damage is dealt to the object (unattended) or the wielder (held or equipped items – regardless of total number of items), and every round thereafter the number increases by 1d6 (2d6 on the third round, 3d6 on the fourth etc) until the effect ends. If a creature is not wearing metal armour and only carrying minimum metal equipment, they take the minimum damage.

Sleet Storm
Conjuration (Creation) [Cold]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you are wreathed in a rolling mess of sleet, snow, slush and fog. This provides you with Concealment, granting a 50% Miss Chance against ranged attacks and 20% against attacks from adjacent foes.
Secondary Target: 40’ radius 20’ high cylinder in Long Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 round per level
Secondary Effect: you create a Sleet Storm as the PHB spell.

Wall of Ice
Conjuration (Creation) [Cold]
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: you are all protected by Ice, gaining DR 5/Piercing and Cold Resistance 20. Additionally, if immersed in water, the ice bouys you up so you float.
Secondary Target: summoned wall in Medium Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Reflex Negates (see text)
Secondary Duration: 1 minute per level
Secondary Effect: you create a Wall of Ice as per the PHB spell.

Frost Blast
Evocation [Cold]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you can call forth blasts of ice within Medium Range with a Standard Action at will. This deals 1d6 Cold damage per 2 levels to a 5’ radius sphere, with a Fortitude Save for half.
Secondary Target: 60’ Cone
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: you unleash a cone of chilling ice that deals 1d6 Cold damage per level with a Fort Save for half. Those who fail the save also suffer 1d10 points of Dexterity damage and are Fatigued until they next rest. Anyone who is reduced to zero Dexterity or hit points from this is instantly encased in ice.

Wreath of Frost
Evocation [Cold]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you gain a +4 Deflection Bonus to Armour Class and a +4 Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws, as well as Fire Resistance equal to your level times three, and Spell Resistance equal to your level + 11 against [Fire] effects and any effects brought about by [Fire] creatures. Additionally, if a creature with the [Fire] subtype hits you with a melee attack, they are Slowed for 3 rounds (Will Negates).
Secondary Target: Creature that attacks you
Secondary Action: 1 Immediate Action
Saving Throw: Will, Fort and Ref; see text.
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous; see text.
Secondary Effect: a single creature that strikes you, after they attempt the Will Save against Slowing, must make 3 more saving throws – Fortitude, Reflex and Will.
If they fail the Fortitude Save, they are frozen solid, encased in ice as though by the Flesh to Ice spell (It’s Cold Outside). If they fail the Reflex Save, they suffer 1d6 Cold damage per level. If they fail the Will Save, they are Stunned for one round.

Mastery of Cold
Conjuration (Creation) [Cold]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you are surrounded by swirling snow as per a Whiteout spell (It’s Cold Outside)
Secondary Target: 60’ radius area in Long Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: None or Reflex Half; see text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: you drop an Iceberg upon the targets, as per the spell (It’s Cold Outside)

Magnificent Mansion
Conjuration (Creation)
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: you are all protected by twisted dimensions, as though you are not where you really are. The targets are always treated as being on another plane for the purpose of effects that can only target creatures on the same plane, and their locations are hidden from magical detection. Furthermore, line of effect cannot be drawn to them from the scry, even if it appears that it should – they are treated as being underground or indoors.
Secondary Target: extradimensional mansion, the entrance created within Close Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 2 hours per level (D)
Secondary Effect: you create a Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion effect as per the PHB.

Cloak of Bravery
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you radiate an Aura of Courage, like a Paladin. This means you are Immune to [Fear] effects, and allies within 60 feet gain a +4 Morale Bonus to Save against them.
Secondary Target: Party
Secondary Action: 1 Immediate Action
Saving Throw: None (Harmless)
Secondary Duration: 1 minute
Secondary Effect: the entire party becomes Immune to [Fear] effects, suppressing any currently active ones, for the duration, and furthermore gains a +2 Morale Bonus on attack and damage rolls, and 10 Temporary Hit Points.

Enchantment [Mind-Affecting]
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: the target becomes brave and heroic, gaining a +4 Morale Bonus to Will Saves, and Proficiency with any weapon they wield. They also ignore the effects of Fatigue (but not Exhaustion) for the duration, and take only half damage from Negative Energy.
Secondary Target: original target
Secondary Action: 1 Immediate Action
Saving Throw: None (Harmless)
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: the target instantly succeeds on a single saving throw, and furthermore suffers no damage from Negative Energy, nor any kind of Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Energy Drain, or [Death] effects, from the one action to which this ability was activated as a response.

Armour of Darkness
Abjuration [Darkness]
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: the subject gains an Armour Bonus of +4, plus 1 per three levels, and is protected against natural sunlight (for those with Daylight Sensitivity, Light Blindness, Daylight Powerlessness and similar). They also gain Darkvision out to sixty feet, and may add half their Armour Bonus (round up) to Saving Throws against [Good] and [Light] effects. They also gain +4 Turn Resistance, but only against Turn Undead, not Rebuke.
Secondary Target: an area of heavy shadows or darkness in Close Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 minute per level
Secondary Effect: the armour disperses into a 10’ diameter portal onto the Plane of Shadow, providing it is cast from a Plane that is coexistent with the Plane of Shadow. The portal is invisible from the usual plane to all other than the caster and the target, though others can be guided to it, and is brightly visible from the Plane of Shadow. Even being adjacent to the portal in the meantime makes you sufficiently incorporeal to enjoy a 50% Miss Chance against nonmagical physical attacks, and a 20% Miss Chance against magic ones (but not against Ghost Touch weapons).

Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you radiate an aura of drowsiness. Creatures within 5’ of you suffer a -2 Penalty on Will Saves, as well as Spot, Listen and Search checks, and if they attack you, they must succeed on a Will Save or be rendered Fatigued for one minute.
Secondary Target: one creature in Close Range
Secondary Action: 1 Full Round Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: 3 rounds, plus 1 round per level
Secondary Effect: the target falls asleep, regardless of hit dice

Phantasmal Killer
Illusion (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-Affecting]
Primary Target: Weapon
Primary Effect: your weapon is covered in ghostly shrouds. Any successful hit with the weapon also forces the target to attempt a Will Save. If they fail, they take an additional 2d6 points of Non-Lethal damage and are Shaken for 3 rounds. These effects may be delivered with a Touch attack, though this does not deliver the regular weapon damage.
Secondary Target: one living creature in Medium Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates and Fort Partial; see text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: the target is shown an illusion of their iminent demise. They are first entitled to a Will Save to disbelieve the effects – if this succeeds, they suffer no effects. If they fail the save, they then must pass a Fortitude Save or die of fear. If the Fort Save is passed, they still suffer the effects of having been hit by the weapon, above.

Dream Sight
Divination [Mind-Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: whenever you look at someone, you are able to concentrate on them for one round to learn of their most recent dreams (as well as whether they have been caused by magic or other creatures such as a Nightmare spell), as well as their greatest fears and desires. If you view a sleeping creature, you may look into their dreams as they happen, and even communicate with them inside their dream, as though they were awake.
Secondary Target: 1 living creature
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: Concentration + 3 rounds
Secondary Effect: as an Illusion effect, you take a fear or desire that you see from concentrating on someone, and make it appear real to all in the area. Creatures are entitled to a Will Save to Disbelieve if they interact with the illusions. If the target creature is presented with their greatest fear, a failed Will Save causes them to Panic for the duration. Alternatively, you may activate this on a sleeping creature to end an effect that alters their dreams – dispelling a Nightmare effect, banishing a possessing creature or similar.

Superior Telepathic Bond
Divination [Mind-Affecting]
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: a bond is established between the party, as per Rary’s Telepathic Bond (PHB), except it also works across different Planes, and you can all check each others’ condition and current Hit Points as though having cast Status on each other. You can also locate each other as though through Locate Person but with infinite range.
Secondary Target: Party [Separate]
Secondary Action: 1 Swift Action
Saving Throw: None (Harmless)
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: any affected creature may activate their secondary effect to refresh the mind of another affected creature. Doing so sets the target to have the exact same [Mind-Affecting] effects as the one activating the effect, so is typically used to remove things like Confusion or [Fear] effects. Immunities still apply, so you still can’t share your Inspire Courage over to a Lich friend.

Crown of Glory
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: all targets gain a +4 Divine Bonus to Saving throws against Negative Energy and [Fear] effects, and shed bright light to 20 feet, then enough to raise darkness to shadowy illumination to 40 feet, and have either an Aura of Menace, as an Archon (using the Save DC of this spell), or a Protective Aura, as an Angel.
Secondary Target: Party
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: None (Harmless)
Secondary Duration: three rounds
Secondary Effect: select one of the following abilities from the BoED: Penitentiary Gaze (Throne Archon, pg 162), fiery Gaze (Firre, pg 170), Blinding Radiance (Quesar, pg 180). All targets gain this effect for the three rounds, with any Save DC using that of this spell.

Cloak of Hate
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: anybody who attacks you must make a Will Save against this spell, or fall into a mindless Rage (as the PHB spell) for one minute. Furthermore, for the duration they are unable to tell friend from foe, and will attack the nearest creature every round.
Secondary Target: One living creature in Close Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: 1 day per level
Secondary Effect: all living beings view the subject with instinctive hostility. NPC reactions begin one category worse than normal, and any Diplomacy, Wild Empathy and Handle Animal checks they make are at a -10 Circumstance Penalty. Furthermore, people view the target in the worst possible light and will blame even completely unrelated events and misfortune upon them.

Mantle of Spite
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: every time anything hits you with an attack, they suffer a Negative Level. Assuming they are not slain first, the Negative Levels are removed when the spell’s Primary Effects end. Furthermore, all of your attacks against such foes ignore all Damage Reduction, Energy Resistance, Regeneration, and Immunity to Critical Hits.
Secondary Target: all creatures within a 15’ radius Burst
Secondary Action: 1 Immediate Action
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: this is activated in response to being struck by an attack. All other creatures within the area, aside from yourself, suffer 1d6 Vile Damage per Caster Level.

Touch of Madness
Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you can deliver a melee Touch Attack at will. Anybody hit must pass a Will Save or be Confused for 3 rounds.
Secondary Target: 1 creature touched
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous and one minute; see text
Secondary Effect: this is delivered via a melee Touch Attack. If the target fails a Will Save, they suffer 1 Wisdom Damage per 2 caster levels and are rendered Confused for one minute.

Mind Probe
Divination [Mind-Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: at will, you may peek into the minds of other creatures within Close Range. Every round, you can probe a single mind, learning the answer to one question (to the best of the subject’s knowledge). Each time you probe a creature’s mind, it is allowed a Will Save to resist.
Secondary Target: one living creature
Secondary Action: 1 Full Round Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: if the target fails the saving throw, you may instantly read through their thoughts and memories, and gain either their full knowledge of one subject, or answers to one question per level. Either way, you also learn of what is foremost on their mind, any major secrets they are keeping or deceptions they are maintaining, and which spells (if any) they have Memorised – this does not grant you the ability to cast those spells, however.

Illusion (Phantasm) [Fear, Mind-Affecting]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you are covered in bizarre illusions that horrify others. Other creatures must pass a Will Save when they first see you. Of those that fail the save, any that makes an attack against you, whether or not it succeeds, suffer non-lethal damage equal to your level, and 1 point of Strength damage.
Secondary Target: any number of creatures within a 30’ radius Burst in Medium Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates (disbelief) and Fortitude Partial; see text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: the chosen targets must all attempt a Will Save to disbelieve the horrifying image of doom that appears before them. If successful, they suffer no effect. If failed, they must attempt a Fortitude Save: if this save is passed, they suffer 1d4 points of Strength damage and non-lethal damage equal to your level, and are Stunned for one round. If the Fortitude Save is failed, they instantly die of fright.

Faerie Fire
Evocation [Light]
Primary Target: Touch [Weapon]
Primary Effect: the weapon burns with a magical flame. This radiates light out to fifteen feet, but more importantly, reveals Invisible creatures within the area: they are outlined sufficiently that they are visible, and do not even benefit from a Miss Chance. Any creature struck by the weapon actually becomes visible, as though any Invisibility they had were Dispelled (natural invisibility is not removed, but is still suppressed while in the area).
Secondary Target: one creature within Close Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Partial
Secondary Duration: one minute
Secondary Effect: the magical flames transfer across to the target creature. For the next minute, they are wreathed in flames that make them visible and prevent them from benefiting from any kind of Concealment. If they fail the Will Save, they are affected especially badly by the flames: each round, if they are benefiting from an Illusion of some variety, one Illusion is Dispelled automatically (starting with those of the lowest level, randomly selected within a level). If they are not benefitting from an Illusion to burn away, they are rendered Blind for that round.

Moon Blade
Evocation [Light]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you conjure forth a sword-like beam of moonlight. You are automatically proficient with this one-handed sword, though for the purpose of benefiting from feats and class features, you may treat it as any one of the following: Short Sword, Long Sword, Bastard Sword, Great Sword, Scimitar, Falchion, Rapier, Elven Thin Blade, Elven Light Blade, Great Scimitar, Full Blade, Estoc, Mercurial Long Sword, Mercurial Short Sword, Mercurial Great Sword. All attacks are resolved as melee Touch Attacks, and the damage is 1d8, plus one per 2 levels (round up), with a Critical value of 19-20/x2. This is treated as magical and silver for the purpose of bypassing Damage Reduction, and has the Ghost Touch quality. Your Strength Bonus is not added to the damage. Against Undead and Lycanthropes, the base damage is 2d8 plus your level.
Secondary Target: see text
Secondary Action: 1 Full Round Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: you may make a special whirlwind attack: you may move up to your normal movement speed, and make a single attack with the Moon Blade. The attack is resolved against any targets you wish to attack that you threaten at any point during this movement. At the end of this, any target that was struck must pass a Concentration check on their next turn if they wish to cast a spell (DC 10 + Spell Level + damage dealt). Failure results in them losing the spell.

Moon Fire
Evocation [Light]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you emanate ghostly flames of pure light out to sixty feet. All magical auras glow within this area, giving away their location, strength, and school. Additionally, Invisible creatures are revealed and nothing can benefit from any form of Concealment. Disguised, shapechanged or polymorphed creatures must succeed on a Will Save when first exposed to this effect. Failure results in them being forced into their normal form. Even if they succeed, a ghostly shape of their true form will still be visible over their current form. Finally, electricity damage that originates from outside this emanation cannot reach inside it, and electricity damage originating from within the emanation is halved (round down).
Secondary Target: all creatures in a 60’ Cone
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Reflex Half and Will Negates; see text
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous and one round per level; see text
Secondary Effect: all creatures in the area suffer 1d8 points of untyped damage per 2 levels (round up), except for Undead, which suffer 1d8 damage per level. A Reflex Save halves this damage. Additionally, all creatures must attempt a Will Save. Those that fail are lit up by Faerie Fire (as the PHB) for one round per level, and additionally see all of their Illusion effects suppressed for this duration, during which they also suffer 1d8 untyped damage per round (2d8 per round for Undead).

Plague of Undead
Primary Target: Created Undead
Primary Effect: you form nearby bones and corpses into a Boneyard under your control. At Caster Level eighteen, you can form two Boneyards, and at level twenty you can form three of them. They collapse and are destroyed when the Primary Effect ends.
Secondary Target: all living creatures in a 20 foot radius Spread in Medium Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
Secondary Duration: Permanent
Secondary Effect: the creatures are afflicted with a horrifying curse. Every round, they suffer a point of permanent Constitution Drain. This can be ended by Remove Curse or a Miracle. Any creature slain by this rises immediately as a Wight, and as many as possible are placed under your control.

Ruinous Swarm
Conjuration (Creation)
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: a swarm of little biting bugs crawls over your body, providing protection. You gain 3 Temporary Hit Points per caster level, and these Temporary Hit Points will, if damaged, recover at the rate of 5 per round. As long as any of these Temporary Hit Points remain, you gain Immunity to Critical Hits, Concealment against ranged attacks, Immunity to [Mind-Affecting] effects and Vulnerability to Area of Effect attacks like a swarm. If ever you enter another creature’s square or they enter yours, they suffer from the Swarm attack of a Scarab Beetle Swarm, except using the Save DC of this spell.
Secondary Target: a number of summoned swarms within Medium Range.
Secondary Action: 1 Full Round Action
Saving Throw: None; see text
Secondary Duration: one round per level
Secondary Effect: you conjure forth sixteen Hellwasp Swarms that do their best to serve you. Instead, you may summon sixteen Bloodfiend Locust Swarms, eight Scarab Beetle Swarms, four Brood Keeper Larva Swarms or a single Abyssal Ant Swarm. Either way, any ability (such as Distraction) uses the Save DC for this spell rather than the creature entry.

Fire Shield
Evocation [Fire]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you are wreathed in protective flames, as per the PHB version of Fire Shield (Warm Shield)
Secondary Target: conjured wall of flame in Medium Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Concentration, plus 1 round per level
Secondary Effect: you create a Wall of Fire (PHB version)

Runic Protection
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you are completely immune to the effects of Explosive Runes, Sepia Snake Sigil and any Symbol of ___ spell or effect. You do not trigger such effects, nor are you affected if anybody else triggers them.
Secondary Target: 100 foot radius Emanation centred on you
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: all Explosive Runes, Sepia Snake Sigil and Symbol spells within the area are instantly removed safely, without triggering them.

Magic Fang
Primary Target: Personal or Touch
Primary Effect: if the target has any natural weapons, they gain an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 caster levels (round up, maximum +5). If they do not have any natural weapons, they grow a Primary Bite attack that deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature, and also has the Enhancement Bonus.
Secondary Target: Primary Target
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: the target instantly makes one attack with one natural weapon, but may make the attack out to anywhere in sixty feet. The natural weapon deals damage as though one size category larger, has the Ghost Touch property, and has a Critical value of 19-20/x3. The Primary effects last until after this attack is resolved.

Primary Target: Personal or Touch
Primary Effect: any time the target successfully hits with a natural weapon, it delivers a Poison (Primary damage: 1d4 Constitution, Secondary damage: 1d10 Constitution). If they have no natural weapons, they must succeed on a grapple check to deliver it. The Poison has the Save DC of this spell.
Secondary Target: Touch
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial
Secondary Duration: One Minute
Secondary Effect: the target is affected by Poison. If they pass the saving throw, they suffer a single point of Constitution damage, but must still save again 1 minute later. If they fail the initial saving throw, they suffer 1d10 Constitution damage and are Sickened until the minute is over. At the end of this minute, they suffer no further effect on a successful Fortitude Save, but are Paralysed for 1d10 minutes on a failed save.

Necromancy [Evil]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: your gaze is evil, lashing out at those you fix your eye upon. Each round, you may use a Standard Action to glare at a target within Close Range. If they fail a Fortitude Save, they are Sickened for one minute. If they have fewer hit dice than your level, they also Panic for 1d4 rounds and are then Shaken for the same duration as being Sickened (this is a [Fear] effect). If they have fewer than half as many hit dice as your level, they also fall into a catatonic coma for 1d6 rounds.
Secondary Target: all creatures in a 30’ Cone
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial
Secondary Duration: 1 minute per level or 1 minute; see text
Secondary Effect: all creatures in the area are affected as though by the Primary Effect normally if they pass the Fortitude Save. If they pass the save, they suffer the effects as though they had only half as many hit dice, and the Sickened, Shaken and comatose conditions (whichever are relevant for a given creature) all last for one minute per level.

Slimy Surface
Conjuration (Creation)
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you are covered in slippery slime, and gain a +10 Circumstance Bonus on Escape Artist checks and on Grapple checks made to resist or escape a grapple. Furthermore, any creature that strikes you with an Unarmed attack or Natural Weapon suffers 1d6 points of Acid damage.
Secondary Target: one object or 10’ square within Close Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: See text
Secondary Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Secondary Effect: the slime splashes from you onto a patch of ground or an object, affecting it as though through the Grease spell (PHB). Furthermore, any creature that holds an affected item or stands on affected ground without slipping over suffers 1 point of Acid damage each round contact is maintained, and a creature that falls over on affected ground suffers 1d6 Acid damage.

+225 minutes so far for 12 hours 15 minutes total
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:29 am, edited 8 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

The Monk
Dungeonomicon version

Elemental Fist
A great many monks draw upon study of the elements for their power. They harness their inner strength and focus it towards manipulating fire, water, earth and wind, but not wood, metal or heart. Most strive to bring peace and harmony through the correct balance of elements, but it all changes when the Fire Nation attacks.
Fighting Styles (Su): the Elemental Monk gains new Fighting Style Abilities, however such is the nature of their training that every Fighting Style must have one (and only one) of these new abilities, the other selected from the normal list:
  • While Active, this causes your Slam attack to deal an extra 1d6 points of damage, and half the total damage is Fire. All creatures you hit must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus) or catch fire.
  • While Active, this causes your body to radiate frost. All creatures that strike you with Natural or non-reach melee weapons suffer Cold damage equal to your level, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus).
  • While Active, this partially melds you to the earth. You gain a +4 Bonus to resist being Tripped, Lifted, Bullrushed or Overrun, and the ability to walk up walls as a Spider Climb spell.
  • While Active, buffeting winds whirl around you. You have a 20% Miss Chance against ranged attacks, and you may make Trip, Bullrush and Overrun attempts out to Close Range. You do not have to move with a Bullrushed target to push them further.
  • While Active, this makes your limbs like water. Your Slam attack reaches out twice as far as normal, and also douses any flames of things hit, like the Drench ability of a Water Elemental
Master Fighting Styles (Su): the Elemental Monk also gains new elemental Master Fighting Style Abilities. These also require that every Master Fighting Style have one (and only one) such ability, the other selected from those available to other Monks (or instead converted into two regular Fighting Style Abilities available to most Monks).
  • Upon activation, your skin erupts into a spray of sparks and cinders. Adjacent creatures must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus) or take 1d10 points of Fire damage and be Blinded for 1 round.
  • While Active, you can use a Standard Action to hurl a stream of electricity. This functions as a Lightning Bolt with no limit to the damage dice, and a Save DC of 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus.
  • While Active, this surrounds you in a powerful sandstorm. You create Windstorm level winds out to a 10’ radius, render ranged weapons ineffective and apply a -4 Penalty to giant boulders and siege weapons. Those within the area suffer 1d4 points of damage. The Save DC to avoid being affected by the wind is 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus. At level 11 the wind is instead Hurricane strength, with a -8 Penalty to siege weapons. At level 15 it is Tornado strength, and even siege weapons are ineffective.
  • While Active, this infuses your strikes with deadly cold. Anybody hit by your Slam attack must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus) or suffer 1d6 Dexterity damage from [Cold] and Slowed for one minute.
Grand Master Fighting Styles (Su): when the Elemental Monk gains access to Grand Master Fighting Styles, she gains new elemental powers available for these. As before, every Grand Master Fighting Style must have one (and only one) of these new abilities, the other selected from those available to other Monks or converted into two Master Fighting Style abilities available to most Monks.
  • While Active, you become the wind. You are treated as Incorporeal, and immune to all weapon damage, and you have a Perfect Fly Speed equal to your land speed. If you successfully Grapple a foe, you pull the air from their lungs and they begin to suffocate.
  • While Active, your body turns to water. You can move through gaps of any size, benefit from Freedom of Movement, and your Slam attacks ignore Shield and Cover Bonuses to Armour Class. You also benefit from constant Concealment and immunity to both Fire and Critical Hits.
  • While Active, your fists explode like volcanic eruptions. Your Slam attacks are resolved against all in a Cone that erupts out to Medium Range, dealing an extra 5d6 Fire damage. Those hit one or more times must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus) or catch fire and a Fortitude Save (same DC) or become Fatigued.
  • While Active, you are surrounded by a Storm Tower effect.
  • Upon Activation, this unleashes an explosion of elemental fury. Everything within Close Range suffers 5d6 Fire damage, 5d6 Cold damage, 5d6 Electricity damage, 5d6 Sonic damage, and 5d6 Acid damage, with your choice of a Fortitude or Reflex Save to halve all of it (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus)
Grand Master of the Elements: at level 20, the Elemental Fist attains immortality, changing her Type to Elemental with the Native, Earth, Air, Fire, Cold and Water Subtypes. This replaces Grand Master of Flowers.

You should probably name your Fighting Styles differently, replacing the first two tables if opting for random generation:
Adjective: Blazing, Soaking, Searing, Sturdy, Billowing, Oceanic, Crashing, Shocking, Enduring, Raging.
Creature: Merfolk, Djinn, Efreeti, Marid, Dao, Terlen, Roc, Salamander, Leviathan, Bulette

Ki Mystic
Technically any monk is a “ki mystic” of sorts, however some find other ways to channel this energy. The special martial arts used by monks are an expression of psychic energy, and those who study the right path can utilise this for bursts of psionic power that don’t necessarily require them to punch people. But they can also punch people. With their mind and with their fists.
Fighting Styles (Su): when the Ki Mystic learns a new Fighting Style, she only selects one Fighting Style Ability from the normal list. Instead of the second one, she selects one of the following:
  • Upon Activation, you swap positions with a willing ally in Close Range (as Dimension Swap)
  • While Active, you have a Bite of the Wolf effect active as a Psychic Warrior of your level
  • While Active, you grow one size larger as per Expansion. At level 7 you grow two sizes larger as though you had spent an extra 6 Power Points.
  • While Active, you shrink one size smaller as per Compression. At level 7 you shrink two sizes as though you had spent an extra 6 Power Points.
  • While Active, you can activate the Stomp power each turn as though manifest with Power Points equal to your level. The Save DC is 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus.
  • Upon Activation, you may manifest Distracting Shout (Complete Psionic) as though you had spent PP equal to your level, with a Save DC of 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus.
Psionic Levitation (Su): starting at level four, the Ki Mystic can levitate at will. This replaces Diamond Soul.

Psionic Resistance (Su): starting at level eight, any time the Ki Mystic would take damage from a Psionic or Psychic power (including Spell-Like and Supernatural Abilities described as Psionics, and the powers of other Ki Mystics), the damage deals the minimum amount instead of rolling. This replaces Immaculate Diamond Soul.

Master Fighting Styles (Su): when the Ki Mystic learns a new Master Fighting Style, she only selects one Master Fighting Style Ability from the normal list (or exchanges it for two regular Fighting Style Abilities). Instead of the second one, she selects one of the following:
  • While Active, every round she may move as though activating Dimension Slide as a Move Action.
  • While Active, you benefit from an Empathic Feedback effect, as a Psychic Warrior who had spent PP equal to your level.
  • While Active, you benefit from a Claws of the Vampire effect except it applies to your Slam attack.
  • While Active, you benefit from a Truevenom effect except it applies to your Slam attack. The Save DC is 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus.
  • While Active, your fists are enhanced with psionic energy that infects brains. Any target hit by your Slam attack must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus) or contract Mindfire, skipping the incubation period and dealing damage straight away. If they are already infected, they must save again (same DC as above) as though 24 hours had passed. For every 3 levels you have above 9th, it causes 1 more Intelligence damage. Future saving throws not caused by your strikes use the standard Save DC.
Grand Master Fighting Styles (Su): when the Ki Mystic learns a new Grand Master Fighting Style, she only selects one Grand Master Fighting Style Ability from the normal list (or exchanges it for two Master Fighting Style Abilities). Instead of the second one, she selects one of the following:
  • While Active, you benefit from the Shadow Body power
  • While Active, you create an Affinity Field effect (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus).
  • While Active, you benefit from the Oak Body power, but ignore the bit about unarmed strikes dealing damage like clubs – use your normal Slam attack, but treat it as a wooden weapon. It still deals double damage to objects.
  • While Active, you benefit from the Form of Doom power, with a Save DC of 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus for the Frightful Presence.
  • Upon Activation, you create a Tornado Blast effect at ML 17, with a Save DC of 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus.
Psionic Flight (Su): at level sixteen, the Ki Mystic gains a Perfect Fly speed equal to her Base speed. This replaces Master of Diamond Soul.

Monk of the Dark Moon
Monks of the Dark Moon are followers of the shadow goddess. They value darkness, shadows and secrecy, and often work as assassins and spies. They often strike out of nowhere like ninjas, and are sort of like if the Shadowdancer were a base class.
Fighting Styles (Su): when the Monk of the Dark Moon learns a new Fighting Style, she only selects one Fighting Style Ability from the normal list. Instead of the second one, she selects one of the following:
  • While Active, your strikes bewilder foes. Any foe hit by your Slam attack must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus) or be Confused for 3 rounds.
  • Upon Activation, you generate a single Mirror Image that remains until you leave the stance or it is hit.
  • Upon Activation, you unleash a wave of strange shadows. All creatures within Close Range must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus) or be Fascinated until the start of your next turn.
  • While Active, you are Invisible (as per the Invisibility spell), though this ends early if you make an attack, like normal.
  • While Active, your Slam attack deals Slashing damage, and any target hit must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus) or be rendered unable to speak for 1 minute.
  • While Active, you read the surface thoughts of anyone you hit with a Slam attack, as though using Detect Thoughts. This is negated by a successful Will Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus).
Disguise Self (Sp): starting at level four, the Monk of the Dark Moon can cast Disguise Self at will. This replaces Diamond Soul.

Summon Shadow (Sp): starting at level eight, the Monk of the Dark Moon can use a Full Round Action to summon a loyal Shadow once per day. It lasts for one minute per level or until destroyed. At level sixteen, she instead summons a Greater Shadow. This replaces Immaculate Diamond Soul and Master of Diamond Soul.

Master Fighting Styles (Su): when the Monk of the Dark Moon learns a new Master Fighting Style, she only selects one Master Fighting Style Ability from the normal list (or exchanges it for two regular Fighting Style Abilities). Instead of the second one, she selects one of the following:
  • While Active, your strikes shroud peoples’ vision. Anyone struck by your Slam must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus) or be rendered Blind for 1 minute.
  • While Active, you radiate a Pall of Twilight effect.
  • While Active, each hit of your Slam attack deals 2 points each of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma damage.
  • While Active, you gain the Sneak Attack ability, dealing +3d6 damage to susceptible foes.
  • While Active, you are covered in magical darkness that grants Concealment and provides DR 10/Silver and Immunity to Spells of levels 1-3.
  • While Active, you can make a 50’ move each turn as a Free Action, as though by Teleportation, however both the start and end point must be in shadowy illumination at the brightest.
Grand Master Fighting Styles (Su): when the Monk of the Dark Moon learns a new Grand Master Fighting Style, she only selects one Grand Master Fighting Style Ability from the normal list (or exchanges it for two Master Fighting Style Abilities). Instead of the second one, she selects one of the following:
  • While Active, your Slam forces those hit to attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus) against being rendered Confused for 1 minute per level, and a Fortitude Save (same DC) against being rendered Exhausted until they rest.
  • While Active, your Slam forces those hit to attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus) against being forcibly sent to the Plane of Shadow. You can also use a Standard Action to make a travel version of Gate to the Plane of Shadow from any Plane, and from it to the Prime Material.
  • While Active, you gain certain Nightwalker Traits: you increase to Huge size if smaller (no change on Ability Scores or Natural Armour), with +10’ reach and Move Speed, DR 15/Magic and Silver, Aversion to Daylight, and your Type becomes Undead (Dark Minded). You gain the Crush Item, Desecrating Aura and Evil Gaze abilities. Any Save DC is 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus.
  • While Active, your Slam attack bestows 2 Negative Levels (no save) on every hit. These automatically go away when the sun next rises. Anybody slain rises as a Wraith under your control.
  • While Active, you can cast Greater Shadow Evocation with a Standard Action, but can only duplicate effects with an Instantaneous duration. The Save DC is 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus.
  • While Active, your Slam attack deals 2 points each of Permanent Strength and Constitution Drain. Any creature that is reduced to 0 Strength or Constitution is slain and rises as a Shadow under your control.
The names for Fighting Styles should probably include words like dark, shadowy, concealed, hidden, deceptive and so on.

Monk of the Long Death
Monks of the Long Death study death itself, and venerate it to a godlike status. They don’t follow a god of death, they follow death itself. And they help introduce other people to death, in a very personal, instant, one-way-trip sort of way. They are a lot like the assassin in many ways, indeed this is sort of like if you mashed the Monk and Assassin classes together.
Killing Styles (Su): the Fighting Styles (including Master and Grand Master variants) of the Monk of the Long Death work differently than for most Monks. They must spend a Full Round Action observing a target (who must be sufficiently distracted or unaware that they would be denied their Dexterity Bonus to AC if the monk had instead attacked) while activating a style, and one of the abilities (chosen when the Style is generated) becomes active immediately, lasting until the end of their next turn. The second ability only becomes active on the second turn, and only against the selected target.

Death Attack (Ex): starting at second level, the Monk of the Long Death deals Death Attack damage like an Assassin of half her level. If she has actual Assassin levels, then simply count half of her Monk levels as Assassin levels for the purpose of Death Attack damage. Studying for Death Attack and studying for a Killing Style are the same action, and both will apply against the same target. This replaces Rain of Flowers.

Cloak of Discretion (Su): at level four, the Monk of the Long Death gains a constant Nondetection effect with a Caster Level equal to her hit dice. This replaces Diamond Soul.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): starting at level six, the Monk of the Long Death can hide without Cover or Concealment without penalty, and can even hide while being observed directly. This replaces Walk of a Thousand Steps.

Nerve of the Killer (Su): at level eight, the Monk of the Long Death gains a limited immunity to compulsion and charm effects. While studying a target for a Death Attack/Killing Style, and for one round afterward, she counts as though within a Protection From Evil effect, but does not gain the Deflection Bonus to AC. This replaces Immaculate Diamond Soul.

Blessings of the Long Death: at level fourteen, the Monk of the Long Death may choose to transform into a Vampire or Swordwraith (as per the Necronomicon, not Monster Manuals). Beyond this, she may cast Death Knell at will (DC 10 + half her level + her Wisdom Bonus), but only on creatures that are sufficiently worthy that their death would award experience. If she outright kills a worthy studied target with her Slam attack, she gains the benefits of having cast Death Knell. This replaces Master of the Four Seasons and Perfect Mastery.

Immaculate Nerve of the Killer (Su): at level sixteen, when the Monk of the Long Death is studying a target for a Death Attack/Killing Style, and for one round afterward, she is protected by a Mind Blank effect, and has Spell Resistance equal to her level + 10. This replaces Master of Diamond Soul.

Grand Master of the Long Death: at level twenty, the Monk of the Long Death is recognised as a mastery of death. She gains the Full Death Attack and Killer’s Proof abilities of the Assassin, and a single Exotic Method (with the exception of New School), with any Save DC being 10 + half her level + her Wisdom Bonus. This replaces Grand Master of Flowers.

Zen Archer
Usually, monks hit people with their fists. Some use staves. Others use shuriken, nunchaku, kama and the sai. But there are those who use the bow: Zen Archers. They don’t need to see you to shoot you. They just consider their target, think about the innate connection and between them and target, and via arrows, make that connection physical.
Proficiencies: the Zen Archer is Proficient with Simple weapons, and the Longbow and Shortbow.

Zen Archery (Ex): the Zen Archer may use her Wisdom Bonus in place of her Dexterity Bonus when making ranged attacks, and half her Wisdom Bonus (round down) in place of her Strength Bonus for ranged weapons that allow Strength Bonus to be added to attack rolls. Additionally, any reference to a Slam attack by any class feature instead applies to any attack made with a Bow of any kind (Short, Long, Compisite, Cross, and strange Exotic variants). This replaces Fatal Strike.

See Without Sight (Ex): at level 2, any opponent the Zen Archer can hear is treated as an opponent she can see for the purpose of targeting – she need not guess their square, though Concealment, Cover and Miss Chances are still things to consider. This replaces Abundant Leap.

See the Invisible (Su): at level six, the Zen Archer perpetually sees invisible foes as though they were in fact visible. This replaces Walk of a Thousand Steps.

Touch the Untouchable (Su): at level ten, any ranged attack made by the Zen Archer is treated as having the Ghost Touch property. This replaces Leap of the Clouds.

Break the Unbreakable (Su): at level twelve, the Zen Archer may make a single ranged attack with a Full Round Action. It gains a +20 Insight Bonus on the attack roll, and ignores all Damage Reduction, Hardness and Regeneration. This replaces Master of the Four Winds.

Zen Mastery (Su): at level eighteen, the Zen Archer does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity with any action, and Readied Actions cannot be made against her before her turn ends, nor Immediate Actions: she declares the actions of her turn, then they are resolved, with no intermittent moment where she is in the process of doing them. Furthermore, when making her Break the Unbreakable attack, any hit is automatically upgraded to a Critical Threat. If the weapon has a 19-20 Threat Range or greater, increase its Critical Multiplier by 1. This replaces Perfect Mastery.

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Post by Koumei »

Additional Spells for Clerics

The following spells are available to all Clerics.

First Level Spells:
Nimbus of Light
Evocation [Good, Light]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you radiate bright illumination out to 30 feet, and dim light (shadowy illumination) to the next 30 feet beyond that. Undead and [Evil] Outsiders within 30’ are Dazzled.
Secondary Target: one or two targets in Medium Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: the light is released in two ray attacks from your eyes, either directing one ray at each of two targets, or both at the one target. These are resolved with Ranged Touch Attacks, and on a successful hit, each one deals 1d6 Positive Energy damage per 2 Caster Levels (round down, minimum 1d6) to the target – or 1d6 Positive Energy damage per Caster Level (minimum 2d6) to Undead or [Evil] Outsiders.

Conjuration (Creation) [Air]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you constantly have a breeze pushing upwards on your feet, slowing your descent any time you fall. You drift slowly, only falling at a rate of ten feet per round, and able to glide an equal horizontal distance across at the same time.
Secondary Target: a 30’ radius burst centred on, but not including, you.
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Reflex Negates
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: a sudden burst of air attempts to launch everyone upwards. All creatures and objects in the area must attempt a Reflex Save, with a special +4 Bonus for creatures larger than Medium, and a special -4 Penalty for creatures smaller than Medium. Failure results in being hurled 10 feet in the air (thus typically taking 1d6 damage from falling) and landing Prone.
Second Level Spells:
Body Blades
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: dagger-like blades sprout from your body, somehow not harming your clothing or interfering with your movement. You can use them to make an attack as though with Armour Spikes (you are treated as proficient with these), and deal Piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Caster Level (maximum +5) on a successful Grapple attack. If somebody else attempts to grapple you, they suffer this damage as well,
Secondary Target: Touch
Secondary Action: 1 Swift Action
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous; see text
Secondary Effect: the blades unleash from you into the target, shredding them. They suffer 1d6 Slashing/Piercing damage per caster level, with a Reflex Save for half. For the following three rounds, they continue to suffer damage each round equal to your caster level due to blood loss – this is also halved (or in the case of Evasion, negated) if the Reflex Save was successful.

Curse of Ill Fortune
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you are surrounded by an aura of bad luck. Any adjacent being that attacks you but misses finds that they stumble and over-extend, putting themselves at greater risk than if they had not attacked at all. They provoke an Attack of Opportunity, and suffer a -2 Luck Penalty to further attack rolls against you, which lasts until the Primary Effects end.
Secondary Target: one living creature
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: 1 minute/level
Secondary Effect: a temporary curse is placed on the target, giving them a -3 Luck Penalty on attack rolls and saving throws. Furthermore, every time they miss any target when making a melee attack, they provoke an Attack of Opportunity. This can be negated by any spell that removes a Bestow Curse spell.

Energized Shield
Abjuration [see text]
Primary Target: Touch [Shield]
Primary Effect: select one energy type of the following: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic. The shield shifts in appearance, as though made entirely from the energy type in question. Whoever holds the shield has Energy Resistance 5 against the chosen energy type, and deals an extra 1d6 points of that type when making a Shield Bash. The spell has a descriptor matching the energy type chosen.
Secondary Target: the same Shield as the Primary Effect
Secondary Action: 1 Immediate Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 Round
Secondary Effect: the energy flares up, increasing the Energy Resistance to 5 points per caster level, and anything that hits them with a natural weapon or non-reach melee weapon suffers 2d6 damage of the chosen energy type.

Infernal Wound
Transmutation [Evil]
Primary Target: Touch [Weapon]
Primary Effect: the affected weapon deals Vile damage – including any sources of extra damage such as magical qualities or class features. The damage is still of the same Type(s), however it is Vile damage and thus is harder to heal.
Secondary Target: one living creature in Close Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: the target suffers a horrific injury of evil origins. They instantly suffer 1d8 Magical Slashing damage per 2 caster levels (round down), except it is Vile damage, and also take 4 points of Constitution damage from blood loss.
Third Level Spells:
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: You gain Blindsight out to 30 feet
Secondary Target: Party
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: None (Harmless)
Secondary Duration: 1 minute
Secondary Effect: all targets gain Blindsight out to 60 feet and Blindsense out to 120 feet. This also instantaneously removes any temporary Blindness from everyone affected.

Evocation [Fire]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you hold a ball of dark flames that do not emit light but are as visible as real fire to those with Darkvision. Every round, you may make a single Melee Touch Attack as a Standard Action that, on a successful hit, deals 1d6 Fire damage per 2 caster levels.
Secondary Target: 1 target in Medium Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial
Secondary Duration: 1 round per level
Secondary Effect: you hurl the dark fire at the target, and they suffer 1d6 Fire damage per level, with a Fortitude Save for half. If they fail the save, they are also trapped in the darkness that surrounds their face – if they do not have Darkvision, they are treated as Blind. Other creatures that have Darkvision treat the target as being lit by Fairy Fire.

Planar Storm
Conjuration (Creation) [1 Alignment; see text]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: planar water droplets of the chosen alignment (Chaotic, Evil, Good, Lawful) spray around you in a 20 foot radius, impairing hearing and visibility – all creatures in the area suffer a -4 Penalty on Listen, Spot and Search checks (including you). Additionally, ranged attacks made into, out of, or through the storm suffer a -4 Penalty to the attack roll. This also extinguishes unprotected flames and has a 50% chance to extinguish protected flames. Creatures of the opposing alignment suffer a -4 Penalty to Caster Level checks, Turn Resistance and Spell Resistance in the area. This has the same alignment descriptor as the type of water.
Secondary Target: all in a 20’ radius 20’ high cylinder
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: Concentration (limit of 1 round per level)
Secondary Effect: all in the area are doused with either Anarchic, Axiomatic, Holy or Unholy Water, depending on the alignment of the spell. Creatures of an opposing alignment suffer 2d6 damage per round, and Outsiders with the opposing alignment Subtype suffer 5d6 damage.
Fourth Level Spells:
Evocation [Sonic]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: your words are explosively powerful and scary. Any time you successfully Demoralise a foe, you also deal 1d6 + half your Caster Level in Sonic damage to them.
Secondary Target: 10’ radius spread centred on you
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Fortitude Half
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: all creatures in the area who have a different alignment on both axes suffer 1d4 Sonic damage per Caster Level. Those in the area who have a different alignment on only one axis suffer half the damage. Either way, a successful Fortitude Save halves the damage suffered. Creatures with the same alignment as you suffer no effect.

Planar Exchange
Conjuration (Calling) [see text]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you gain either the Anarchic, Axiomatic, Celestial or Fiendish template. This grants the spell the [Chaos], [Law], [Good] or [Evil] descriptor accordingly.
Secondary Target: Personal
Secondary Action: 1 Immediate Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 round per level (D)
Secondary Effect: you vanish to a safe planar bubble in whichever plane is appropriate, and in your place a Tiger appears, with the same template that the spell granted you. Despite being yanked from its own plane, it will act under your control. If it is slain, you suffer 2d6 points of damage and the effect ends early. When this ends, you return to where the creature was (or as close as possible) and the creature returns to its own plane.
Fifth Level Spells:
Illusion (Pattern)
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you are surrounded by an eerie illusory mist that makes people feel like they have already lost the battle. Any creature that hits you with a melee attack must pass a Will Save or be Dazed for one round.
Secondary Target: eight 10’ cubes extending straight from you
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: 1 round/level
Secondary Effect: the cubes are filled with illusory mist, and this mist travels away from you at the rate of 10’ per round, or just hangs in place – your choice at the time of activation. Either way, any creature touched by them is Dazed for one round on a failed Will Save. A moderate wind disperses the mist in 4 rounds and a strong wind disperses it in 1 round.

Life’s Grace
Primary Target: Touch
Primary Effect: the touched creature becomes immune to all magical [Death] effects, Energy Drain, and Negative Energy. In addition, it is immune to the following when caused by the innate (not class-based, Spells or magic items) special attacks of an Undead creature: Ability Damage, Ability Drain, Disease.
Secondary Target: same as the Primary Target
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: None (Harmless)
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: the target is freed from all harmful Necromancy effects and any harmful effects caused by Undead even if not subject to the limits above.
Sixth Level Spells:
Spider Plague
Conjuration (Summoning) [see text]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: any time you kill a living creature that is Medium or larger, a Spider Swarm bursts forth from the corpse one round later. Although it is not under your control, it won’t attack you and will look for your enemies to attack in the immediate vicinity. The swarms have either the Anarchic, Axiomatic, Celestial or Fiendish template, giving this spell the [Chaos], [Law], [Good] or [Evil] descriptor respectively.
Secondary Target: a point within Close Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 10 minutes per level
Secondary Effect: you summon eight Large Monstrous Spiders with the same planar template as the swarms above. These are under your control, and gain an Enhancement Bonus to their attack and damage rolls equal to your Wisdom Bonus. At Caster Level 15, you instead summon eight Huge Monstrous Spiders with the relevant template, at Caster Level 18 you instead summon eight Gargantuan Monstrous Spiders with the relevant template, and if for some reason your Caster Level is higher than 20 you summon eight Colossal Monstrous Spiders with the relevant template.

Spiritual Guardian
Evocation [Force]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you are protected by a ghostly knight of pure force, providing you with a Deflection Bonus to Armour Class of +1 per 3 caster levels (round up). Furthermore, it strikes out at incorporeal attackers – any Incorporeal creature that attempts a melee attack against you is attacked with an Attack Bonus equal to your Caster Level, dealing magical Force damage equal to 1d8 plus your Wisdom Bonus.
Secondary Target: one attacker
Secondary Action: 1 Immediate Action
Saving Throw: Fortitude Partial
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: this is activated in response to an attack. The attacker suffers 1d6 Force damage per 2 levels (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half. On a failed save, they also suffer a Penalty to the attack roll equal to half your level, for the one attack.

Visage of the Deity
Transmutation [see text]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you take on aspects of your deity or the divine qualities you value the most, or simply become more divine in your own right. You gain either the Anarchic, Axiomatic, Celestial or Fiendish Template, in the process granting this spell the [Chaos], [Law], [Good] or [Evil] descriptor respectively. Additionally, if you successfully hit a foe one or more times during your turn, then the target must attempt a Will Save at the end of your turn or Cower for one round. This aspect is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] effect. If it is more appropriate for you, you can instead have the (Complete Arcane) Pseudonatural Template (applying no descriptor) or the Element Template (granting the relevant elemental descriptor).
Secondary Target: Emanation out to Close Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates and None (Harmless); see text
Secondary Duration: 1 minute and Instantaneous; see text
Secondary Effect: for a brief moment, you radiate intense glory, and all enemies within the area must pass a Will Save, otherwise they will Cower as a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] effect for the duration. Additionally, allies within the area are allowed an instant extra saving throw against any non-Instantaneous effects afflicting them, providing the effect allowed a saving throw to begin with.
Seventh Level Spells:
Radiant Assault
Evocation [Light]
Primary Target: Party
Primary Effect: the wielded and natural weapons of the party light up with spirals of dancing light, enough to provide half as much illumination as a torch. More importantly, every single attack deals an extra 1d8 points of untyped damage, or 2d6 for creatures with Daylight Powerlessness or Daylight Vulnerability.
Secondary Target: 20’ radius Burst within Long Range of all of the Primary Targets
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Partial
Secondary Duration: Instantaneous
Secondary Effect: the dancing lights blast away from the primary targets and focus in a brilliant sphere of light that deals 1d6 damage per level, with a Will Save for half. Those that fail the saving throw are also Dazed for 1d6 rounds, whereas those that pass the save are merely Dazzled. Sightless creatures are completely immune to this, whereas this also causes the effects of bright sunlight to creatures vulnerable to such.

Slime Wave
Conjuration (Summoning)
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you are covered in a layer of green slime that doesn’t affect you or your equipment. You can affect things with this slime with a melee touch attack (causing one round of exposure), and any creature that hits you with a natural or non-reach melee weapon is also affected by it, as is any creature grappling you each round.
Secondary Target: 30’ Cone
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Secondary Duration: 1 round/level
Secondary Effect: a wave of green slime washes out away from you, affecting everything in the area that fails a Reflex Save. Each creature in the area is covered with one patch of green slime. The slime also remains on the ground, dissolving dropped objects and presenting a hazard for anyone who enters the area. All of the slime – that on the ground and that on creatures – evaporates at the end of the duration.
Eighth Level Spells:
Transmutation [Electricity]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you transform into a being of wind and lightning, with a [Good] Fly speed of 40 feet and immunity to non-magical ranged attacks. You are unaffected by natural and magical wind, and can discharge a bolt of electricity from your eyes with a Standard Action at will. This has a range of 100 feet and requires a Ranged Touch Attack. This deals 1d6 Electricity damage per 2 levels (round up).
Secondary Target: Personal
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 minute
Secondary Effect: you are dispersed into a giant column of wind, clouds and lightning, becoming a 20’ radius 100’ tall Cylinder with a movement speed of 30 feet. You may allow other creatures to move freely within this area, but other creatures smaller than Colossal size must pass a Fortitude Save in order to enter. Ranged attacks cannot be made into, out of, within or through this area, although you (and anybody within) are still subject to any Area of Effect that partially or fully covers you. Any source of Electricity damage within 50 feet of you is redirected harmlessly into you. You cannot make weapon attacks, but can still cast spells or activate Secondary Effects, and can unleash a Gust of Wind or Sound Burst with a Swift Action each round (using the Save DC of this spell).

Veil of Undeath
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: your Type changes to Undead [Dark Minded, Unliving]. This means you have Immunity to Morale and [Fear] effects (but not [Mind-Affecting] effects generally), you heal normally, and others have a -10 Penalty to Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made to influence you. You retain a Constitution score, can benefit from Regeneration but are subject to non-lethal damage, you are not instantly destroyed upon reaching 0 hit points, and you are only subject to extra damage from Critical Hits and Sneak Attack if the attacker has at least one rank in Knowledge (Religion). You are immune to Poison, Paralysis, Stunning, Disease, [Death] effects, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Ability Drain, Energy Drain, and damage to physical Ability Scores. You are healed by Inflict spells and damaged by cure spells.
Secondary Target: all living creatures in a 20’ radius Burst within Medium Range
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Secondary Duration: 10 minutes
Secondary Effect: the creatures are cursed with the taint of undeath. If slain before the duration expires, then once the duration does expire, they rise as Revenant or Swordwraith, whichever seems more relevant at the time. They are not automatically placed under your control.
Note: if using ‘Crawling Darkness’ rules for Undeath and Necromancy, this spell has the [Evil] descriptor. If using ‘Playing With Fire’, it does not, although afflicting unwilling targets with the Secondary Effect is an evil action.
Ninth Level Spells:
Planar Army
Conjuration (Summoning) [see text]
Primary Target: Personal
Primary Effect: you summon multiple loyal creatures (either 30 Bralani, 30 Equinals, 45 Hound Archons, 50 Formian Warriors, 15 Movanic Deva, 15 Blue Slaad, 30 Chain Devils, 30 Mezzoloth or 30 Babau) to within Close Range of you. They fight your enemies, protect you, and serve you to the limits of their abilities and alignments. When the last of these is banished or slain, the Primary Effects automatically end and the Secondary Effects trigger instantly. This has Alignment Descriptors that match the creatures summoned. These creatures cannot use their own Summoning abilities.
Secondary Target: Personal
Secondary Action: 1 Standard Action
Saving Throw: None
Secondary Duration: 1 hour
Secondary Effect: you summon another batch identical to the first set of creatures, except also with a number of commanders based on the initial type: Bralani receive 4 Firre, Equinals receive 4 Ursinals, Chain Devils receive 1 Ice Devil, Babau receive 1 Nalfeshnee, Hound Archons receive 1 Trumpet Archon, Movanic Deva receive 1 Astral Deva, Blue Slaad receive 4 Grey Slaad, Formian Warriors receive 4 Formian Myrmarch, and Mezzoloth receive 1 Ultroloth.
Additional Fighting Styles for Monks

The following options are available to all Monks.

Fighting Styles:
  • While Active, any target hit by your Slam attack is Sickened for 3 rounds. There is no Saving Throw against this, but it doesn’t have additional affect against those already Sickened.
  • While Active, any target hit by your Slam attack is Staggered for 1 round, with no saving throw.
  • While Active, you are immune to Possession, as though benefiting from Protection From Evil.
  • While Active, any time you successfully hit an opponent within melee reach or they attack you and miss, you may elect to swap positions with them as a Free Action.
  • While Active, if you hit an opponent with your Slam attack, you may attempt a Grapple check to Attach yourself to them. You remain attached until they break free or you choose to release them, even after the Fighting Style ends.
Master Fighting Styles:
  • While Active, your Slam attack carries an Injury or Contact Poison of your choice, providing the listed DC is no more than 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus, selected when the Style is learned. This choice doesn’t change later, though the Save DC becomes 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus. With a Standard Action, you may instead spit this out in a Close Range Cone.
  • While Active, your Slam attack carries a Bestow Curse effect. The Save DC is 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus.
  • While Active, you emit true sunlight out to 60 feet. This also Dispels all magical [Darkness] effects with a Caster Level less than your level.
  • While Active, you adopt the shape of a tiger: you gain the Size, Speed, Natural Armour, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution (Hit Points are unaffected), Natural Weapons, Skill Bonuses, Special Attacks and Special Qualities, and become a quadruped that cannot speak or hold items. Any Fighting Style Ability that references your Slam (which you no longer have) instead affects your Claw and Bite attacks. All equipment is fused harmlessly into your body, no longer having any effect.
  • Once Activated, you instantly expel all possessing creatures from their hosts within 15’ of you. While Active, your Slam deals an extra 1d6 Untyped damage per level to Incorporeal creatures of the [Spirit] Subtype, and creatures that are Astrally Projecting (you strike the projection, not their body).
Grand Master Fighting Styles
  • While Active, any creature hit by your Slam attack must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus) or suffer a Baleful Polymorph effect.
  • While Active, you take on the form of a Dire Tiger: you gain the Size, Speed, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution (Hit Points are unaffected), Natural Armour, Natural Weapons, Skill Bonuses, Special Attacks and Special Qualities, and become a quadruped that cannot speak or hold items. Any Fighting Style Ability that references your Slam (which you no longer have) instead affects your Claw and Bite attacks. All equipment is fused harmlessly into your body, no longer having any effect. At level 16 or higher, you also apply the Half Dragon (Blue) template, except the breath weapon can be used at will and has a Save DC of 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus.
  • While Active, your Slam attack forces all creatures hit to attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half your level + your Wisdom Bonus). Failure results in permanent Petrification.
+2 hours for 15 hours 35 minutes total
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Post by Koumei »

The Bard
This Tome version

Animal Friend
A throwback to the original Bard back when it was a Druid variant, this Bard doesn’t turn into animals or have a permanent animal friend. Instead, it’s good at making friends with animals met along the way (hence the name), and summoning a variety of creatures as allies.

Performance Styles: the Animal Friend cannot learn Bewilder, Dance of the Seven Swords, Dirge, Electric Slide, Heavy Metal, Requiem, Song of the Weak Mind, or Through the Fire and the Flames. Furthermore, she does not gain a Performance Style at levels seven, nine, eleven or seventeen, and only learns two at first level, and at level five she automatically gains Monster Ballad. At levels three, thirteen, fifteen and nineteen she may select normally (aside from the above restrictions).

Spellcasting: at level five, the Animal Friend automatically learns Summon Monster (the version normally on the class list) and Summon Swarm (the PHB spell, which is added to her class list), and at level eleven she automatically learns Summon Horde (the version normally on the class list). Additionally, she treats all Summon Nature’s Ally and Summon Monster spells as being on her class list if she wants to cast them from scrolls or something. When summoning creatures of the Animal or Vermin Type with this, they automatically gain an extra +1 Hit Point per hit die, and add her Charisma Bonus to their attack rolls.

Bond of Friendship (Ex): select one general category of animals (canines, felines, aquatic mammals, bears, birds, dinosaurs, non-dinosaur reptiles, fish and sharks, giant mammals (rhino, hippo and elephant), riding animals, rodents). With creatures of this sort, the Animal Friend gains a +4 Bonus to Handle Animal checks, and that sort of creature will never start off worse than Indifferent towards her (though attacking them still changes this for the worse). Additionally, when Summoning creatures of this type, she grants them a +1 Enhancement Bonus per 3 levels to the attack and damage rolls of their natural weapons. At levels seven, eleven and seventeen, she chooses another general category to extend these benefits to. Furthermore, starting at level seven, she can speak with all animals of the chosen types as though they shared a language.

Pied Piper (Su): at level nine, the Animal Friend gains the ability to summon swarms. This is a unique Performance Style that allows Oratory, Singing, String Instruments and Wind Instruments. When used, critters start approaching, and as long as it is used three turns in a row, enough gather to be a Swarm. From this point on, the swarm remains until slain or dispersed, however she must use this Performance Style in order to direct and control them on a given turn, otherwise they just mill about looking for either food or shelter, or keep attacking whatever they happen to already be swarming. As long as one swarm has been summoned and still exists, another cannot be called. To begin with, the Animal Friend can only call Bat, Centipede, Cranium Rat (Lesser or Average), Locust, Plague Ant, Rat, Spider, Wasp and Viper swarms. At level fifteen, she may summon Bloodfiend Locust, Greater Cranium Rat, Hellwasp, Rapture Locust and Scarab Beetle swarms. At level twenty, she may summon Abyssal Ant swarms.

Dirge Singer
Dirge Singers don’t just sing sad songs. They channel the music that helps the undead, indeed the magic that makes the undead. They control undead, they make people sad, they animate corpses with their music, and eventually they actually become undead. It is an element of the eternal dirge that they bring into the world.

Performance Styles: at first level, the Dirge Singer gets Requium and Dirge – she has no say in the matter, only selecting one of her own choice. Similarly, at level three she gets Chant of the Undying (if she didn’t already take it at level one), at level seven she gets Heavy Metal (if she didn’t take it earlier) and at level eleven she gets Refrain of the Long Road (if she didn’t take it earlier). At the other levels, she may select normally, except her links to the undead prevent her from taking Bewilder, Strings of Healing, or Torrent of Anger. Additionally, she cannot use Comedy, Dance, or Percussion for her Performance Styles.

The Long Dirge: over time, the Dirge Singer gradually becomes less alive and more undead. At level four, she gains Tomb-Tainted Soul as a Bonus Feat, as well as a 10% chance to negate Critical Hits and Sneak Attacks unless the attacker has any ranks in Knowledge (Religion). This replaces the Skill Focus normally gained at this level as well as Cunning Linguist.

At level eight, she gains a +4 Bonus to Saving Throws against [Morale] effects, [Fear] effects, Poison and Disease, and a 25% chance to negate Critical Hits and Sneak Attacks unless the attacker has any ranks in Knowledge (Religion). This replaces the Skill Focus normally gained at this level as well as Moment of Clarity.

At level twelve, she becomes Immune to [Death] effects, and gains a 50% chance to negate Critical Hits and Sneak Attacks unless the attacker has any ranks in Knowledge (Religion). This replaces the Skill Focus normally gained at this level, as well as Opportunist.

At level sixteen, she becomes Immune to Poison and Disease and does not age. Her chance to negate Critical Hits and Sneak Attacks increases to 75%. This replaces the Skill Focus normally gained at this level.

At level twenty, her Type changes to Undead [Dark Minded, Unliving]. This replaces the Skill Focus normally gained at this level.

Spellcasting: the Dirge Singer cannot cast Cure Wounds spells. However, a number of spells are added to the Dirge Singer’s class list, and she automatically learns these spells in addition to her normal allotment when she reaches sufficiently high levels to cast them:
1st Level: Corpse Puppet*, Summon Undead I (SC)
2nd Level: Borrowed Life*, Lesser Animate Dead*, Summon Undead II (SC)
3rd Level: Summon Undead III (SC), Animate Dead
4th Level: Greater Borrowed Life*, Summon Undead IV (SC)
5th Level: Corpse Reanimation*, Gravehorde*, Summon Undead V (SC)
6th Level: Create Undead
7th Level: Control Undead
8th Level: Create Greater Undead, Bodak’s Glare (SC)
9th Level: Plague of Undead (SC), Demise Unseen*
Spells marked with an asterix are from here.

Flame Dancer
Flames dance. This is a well known fact. And so, the Flame Dancer not only dances like a flame, she helps bring flames to join the dance, calling them up to burn people at her direction. Usually at her direction, anyway. Sometimes mistaken for an Efreeti, she constantly moves and burns the world down around her.

Spellcasting: the Flame Dancer automatically learns certain bonus spells, which are added to her class list. The following spells are added at the following Spell Levels:
Cantrips: Burning Hands, Hotfoot*
1st Level: Produce Flame, Gaban’s Scorching Embers*
2nd Level: Fireball, Fire Path*
3rd Level: Orb of Fire (SC), Scorching Column*
4th Level: Wall of Fire, Rolling Fireball*
5th Level: Fire and Brimstone (CMag), Fire Sweeper*
6th Level: Fire Spiders (SC), Great Flaming Sphere*
7th Level: Fire Storm, Ishara’s Fiery Transfiguration*
8th Level: Incendiary Cloud
9th Level: Deadly Sunstroke (Cmag), Molten Tornado*
Spells marked with an asterix are from here.

Performance Styles: the Flame Dancer can only use Oratory and Dance as a Performance Style. As a result, this prevents choosing Deafening Blast, Destructive Cacophony, Forest Song, Heavy Metal, Requiem, Rhythm of Distraction, Siren’s Call, Song of the Weak Mind or Strings of Healing. Additionally, she doesn’t gain a normal Performance Style at levels seven or thirteen, and only learns two normal ones at level one.

Dance of Rising Smoke (Su): at first level, the Flame Dancer has a special unique Performance Style that only works with Dance. It creates a cloud of thick smoke within Medium Range with a radius of 5 feet, plus 5 additional feet for every 10 points rolled on a Perform (Dance) check. The smoke lasts until the start of her next turn, but every turn she may continue the performance to extend the effects by another round. This smoke blocks Line of Sight, and anything inside has Concealment from adjacent creatures and Total Concealment against creatures further than 5 feet away. However, they must also pass a Fortitude Save every round or be Blind and Sickened for that round.

Dance of Rising Flames (Su): at level seven, the Flame Dancer has a special unique Performance Style that only works with Dance. Up to one target per level within Close Range must pass a Reflex Save or catch fire. The ongoing damage for being on fire increases on any round in which she has used this Performance, increasing by +1d6 for every 10 points rolled on a Perform (Dance) check.

Fan the Flames (Su): starting at level thireen, any round in which the Flame Dancer uses Dance of Rising Smoke or Dance of Rising Flames, any [Fire] spell she casts has +2 to the Save DC and Caster Level, and a further +2 to penetrate Spell Resistance. As long as she rolled 30 or more on the Perform (Dance) check, the bonuses increase to +4.

Sword Dancer
Many a party has turned into a massacre with the famous declaration, “I’m going to do a sword dance!” Whether you are thinking of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms or Arabian Nights, there is room for those who have a dance style that involves swords, and also happens to be a fighting style because it involves swords.

Proficiencies: the Sword Dancer is Proficient with the Scimitar and Kukri instead of the Rapier and Whip.

Spellcasting: the Sword Dancer’s magic is inwardly focused, and as such she cannot cast spells Targeting other creatures – only herself, objects or the area generally, or spells that create things.

Performance Styles: at level one, the Sword Dancer’s Performance Styles are Dance of the Seven Swords and one other of choice. She does not learn another at levels five, seven, eleven, thirteen or nineteen. At levels three, nine, fifteen and seventeen, she may select them normally.

Combat Movement (Ex): starting at level two, any time the Sword Dancer is benefiting from Dance of the Seven Swords, her Movement Speed increases by 5 feet. At level eight, this increases to 10 feet. At level fourteen, it increases to 15 feet, and at level twenty it increases to 20 feet. At these levels, she does not gain the bonus Skill Focus a Bard would normally receive.

Razor’s Edge (Su): at level five, whenever the Sword Dancer benefits from Dance of the Seven Swords, her melee weapons are all treated as having the Keen property.

Rain of Blows (Su): at level seven, whenever the Sword Dancer benefits from Dance of the Seven Swords, she is treated as being under a Haste effect.

Dance of Fury (Ex): at level eleven, when the Sword Dancer uses Dance of the Seven Swords, she may use a Full Round Action to make a Move Action and also a Full Attack, but between any two attacks she must move at least five feet.

Elusive Dance (Ex): at level thirteen, when the Sword Dancer uses Dance of the Seven Swords, she has Improved Evasion.

Bladestorm (Su): at level nineteen, when the Sword Dancer uses her Dance of Fury, she may make twice as many attacks, and may make up to two attacks between 5’ steps.

Additional Performance Styles

There is a deliberate focus here on Acting, Comedy and Puppetry. This is very specifically to help improve the options available to these Performance skills, which have been somewhat left out in the cold compared to things like Song and Wind Instruments.

Blend Into Emptiness
The bard plays the part of the surroundings, and seemingly vanishes from reality. Make a Perform (Acting) check. Anybody who cannot beat this with a Spot check is unable to see you, anybody who cannot beat this with a Listen check is unable to hear you. You do not need Cover or Concealment for this. Yes, this still has Verbal components and thus won’t work in an area of magical Silence.
Allowed Performance Styles: Acting (S, V)

Diverting Tactics
The bard’s performance is perfect for misdirection. Make a Perform check. Until your next turn, any Attack of Opportunity made against you that does not beat this check automatically misses even if it would hit your Armour Class, and is redirected against another target of your choosing within reach (if possible – not including the attacker). Use the original attack roll to determine if this hits the new target. If you keep this up for three turns in a row, it starts applying to all attacks against you, not just Attacks of Opportunity.
Allowed Performance Styles: Acting (S, V), Comedy (S, V), Oratory (V)

Entangling Snares
The bard spins small threads around that trip and entangle foes. Until your next turn, any foe within Close Range who moves closer to you than they started must make a Balance check or Reflex Save (their choice). If they fail, they fall Prone and are Entangled for one round.
Allowed Performance Styles: Dance (S), Puppetry (S, F)

Hidden Hands of Violence
The bard attaches strings to foes, and can then use this to throw them around the place. Make a Perform check with a DC equal to the Armour Class of a single foe in Close Range. If successful, then you may use Telekinesis (Violent Thrust version) on them with a Standard Action.
Allowed Performance Styles: Puppetry (S, F)

Literal Self Control
This bardic permformance allows you to control your own body through the power of your mind. This may seem pointless, except that using this ignores any usual restrictions that prevent you from choosing your own actions (or prevent you from acting at all) as long as you are awake, so even if Helpless you can use a Swift Action to use this, becoming able to use Verbal and Somatic (and thus Focus) Components. For the rest of your turn, you can also act normally, however whatever conditions were being suppressed or ignored take effect at the end, so someone can still perform a Coup de Gras against you.
Allowed Performance Styles: Acting (S, V), Puppetry (S, F)

Poetic Justice
This performance brings about the undoing of foes who rely on special attacks, hoisting them by their own petard. For one round, any attack you make that hits a foe is treated as having any properties their own equipped weapons, natural weapons and innate “any time it successfully hits a foe” abilities. This doesn’t include intentionally-activated things like Smite Evil, but can include things like Rend, Improved Grab, Tripping, material types, and magical weapon qualities like Flaming.
Allowed Performance Styles: Comedy (S, V), Oratory (V)

Puppet Master
The bard attaches barely-visible strings to a foe, and can then control them like a puppet… awkwardly. This requires a Perform check be made against a target (living or not) in Close Range, with a DC equal to their Armour Class. If this succeeds, you can use a Standard Action on your turn to force them to move (as though making a Move Action). If you successfully use this on the same target three turns in a row, you may instead make a Standard Action on their part, however with any Skill check, Ability check or Attack roll having a -2 Penalty, and you cannot access their Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma (or skills that rely on them), nor any Spells, Spell-Like Abilities or activated Supernatural Abilities. If you successfully use this on the same target ten turns in a row, you simply control them as though by Domination for a number of minutes equal to your Perform bonus. After this, they can no longer be affected by this until the sun next rises.
Allowed Performance Styles: Puppetry (S, F)

Stop Hitting Yourself
One of the most hilarious pranks is getting people to punch themselves in the face. People up to the age of ten won’t stop laughing (as long as they’re not the victim of this). A target of your choice within Close Range must attempt a Will Save against this [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effect. If they fail, then by using a Full Round Action you may force them to make a Full Attack against themselves.
Allowed Performance Styles: Comedy (S, V), Puppetry (S, F)

Teeter Dance
The bard tricks others nearby into attempting to join this most confusing and befuddling dance, often resulting in accidental collisions and injuries. Make a Perform check, and designate up to one target per level in Close Range. The chosen targets must make a Will Save against this [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effect or be Confused until the start of your next turn.
Allowed Performance Styles: Comedy (S, V), Dance (S), Puppetry (S, F)

Tethered Effects
The barely-visible strings of fate join you and one other willing subject within Close Range. Until the beginning of your next turn, any damage suffered by only one of you is divided between the two of you (like a Shield Other effect), and any time only one of you is subject to an affliction, you may each attempt to save against it – if one of you succeeds, neither is affected, however if both fail, both are affected. On the flip side, harmless and beneficial effects are applied fully to both of you, as is any healing.
Allowed Performance Styles: Puppetry (S, F)

+2 hours 45 minutes for a total of 18:20
Last edited by Koumei on Sun May 15, 2022 5:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by phlapjackage »

Can't believe the Dirge Singer doesn't have an ability called Danse Macabre :P
Koumei: and if I wanted that, I'd take some mescaline and run into the park after watching a documentary about wasps.
PhoneLobster: DM : Mr Monkey doesn't like it. Eldritch : Mr Monkey can do what he is god damn told.
MGuy: The point is to normalize 'my' point of view. How the fuck do you think civil rights occurred? You think things got this way because people sat down and fucking waited for public opinion to change?
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Post by Koumei »

On the one hand I want to add it in, but on the other hand I ruled out Dance (and the Danse Macabre is of course a dance, hence the name) because it's actually a singing/musical archetype.

Anyway, next up is probably Paladins.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

The Paladin
This Tome Version

Paladins are typically the heroic “knight in shining armour” even if the game literally has an actual Knight class. But the cavalier is even more of that, specifically as a champion who rides a steed and fights against some of the biggest evil threats that knights are supposed to slay: demons and dragons. The Cavalier was a popular Paladin kit back in the day of AD&D, and here it exists once more.
Mounted Combat: at first level, the Cavalier gains Mounted Combat as a Bonus Feat, instead of Insightful Strike.

Glorious Charge (Su): a number of times per day equal to her Charisma Bonus plus four, the Cavalier may designate a charge to be glorious. This has a number of effects – primarily, doing so dispels any [Fear] effects afflicting allies within 60 feet of any part of the charge. Secondly, if the target is a Dragon or an [Evil] Outsider, the charge is resolved as a Touch Attack and on a successful hit, the target must make a Will Save (DC 10 + half her level + her Charisma Bonus) or be Dazed for one round. This replaces the ability to Turn Undead.

Uninterrupted Duel (Sp): the Cavalier does not gain Interrupting Spell. Instead, at level three she may once per day use an Immediate Action to disrupt and prevent any Conjuration [Summoning] effect within Long Range, including the innate Summon ability of many Outsiders. At levels eight, thirteen and eighteen, she gains an additional daily use.

Divine Resilience (Su): the Cavalier’s Divine Resilience uses Glorious Charge attempts instead of Turn Undead.

Shared Spells (Su): at level seven, the Cavalier does not get Divine Reach. Instead, she may cast spells with a Range of “Personal” on her Special Mount (with a Range of Touch), and any time she casts a spell on herself, and is in contact with her Special Mount, she may let the mount also benefit from the effect.

Great Undoing (Su): at level nine, the Cavalier does not gain Divine Chain. Instead, any time she successfully hits when using her Glorious Charge ability, the target’s Energy Resistances are suppressed (reduced to zero) and Energy Immunities are reduced to instead taking half damage, both starting before rolling damage and lasting until the end of her next turn.

Divine Reaction (Su): the Cavalier’s Divine Reaction uses Glorious Charge attempts instead of Turn Undead.

Celestial Crusader
Paladins are champions of Good. So are Celestials. Sometimes, the Paladins emulate Celestials, and indeed strive to become like them – occasionally with such astounding success that they become amongst the greatest of Celestial beings that others look up to and strive to emulate. Where did you think the first Sword Archons came from?
Spellcasting: the Celestial Crusader does not have the usual Spell List, with the exception of Orisons. Instead, select three Spheres (from Aegis, Courage, Exorcism, Healing, Judgement, Light, Majesty, Martyrdom, Oracle, Piety, Prayer, Restraint, Revelation, Splendour and Vigour) or Domains (from Good, Celestial, Community, Courage, Endurance, Glory, Herald, Joy, Oracle, Pleasure, Purification, Renewal, Arborea (if Chaotic Good), Celestia (if Lawful Good), or Elysium (if Neutral Good)). Those Spheres or Domains are attuned, with their spells (with the exception of the tenth spells, in the case of Spheres) added to her Spells Known and class list. At levels five, ten, fifteen and twenty she may attune another Sphere or Domain.

Signs of Divinity (Su): at levels three, seven, eleven, fifteen and nineteen, the Celestial Crusader may select a single Domain or Sphere to which she is attuned, and gains the Domain or Sphere Ability (in the case of Domains, using her Paladin level in place of her Cleric level). This replaces Expanded Prayers.

Fiend Finder (Sp): at level four, the Celestial Crusader does not get Snap Judgement. Instead, she instantly recognises [Evil] Outsiders by sight. If they have an ability like Nondetection, she uses a Caster Level or Sense Motive check opposed by their Caster Level or Bluff check, and must beat their result to see through.

Lesser Transformation: at level six, the Celestial Crusader begins to take on Celestial traits instead of gaining a Special Mount. She grows a pair of wings, granting her a Fly Speed of 60’ (Average), Low-Light Vision, Darkvision 60’, a constant Tongues effect and one of the following:
  • Angel: +4 Racial Bonus to Saving Throws against Poison and Petrification, Fire Resistance 10, Electricity Resistance 10, and Cold and Acid Resistance equal to double her level
  • Archon: +4 Racial Bonus to Saving Throws against Poison and Petrification, Electricity Resistance equal to double her level, and the Aura of Menace ability
  • Eladrin: +4 Racial Bonus to Saving Throws against Petrification, Acid Resistance 10, Cold Resistance 10, and Electricity Resistance equal to double her level
  • Guardinal: +4 Racial Bonus to Saving Throws against Poison and Petrification, Electricity Resistance equal to double her level, and a constant Speak With Animals effect.
In order to take on Archon traits, the Celestial Crusader must be Lawful Good. In order to take on Eladrin traits, she must be Chaotic Good. In order to take on Guardinal traits, she must be Neutral Good.

Moderate Transformation: at level ten, the Celestial Crusader transforms even further, gaining a second set of wings that improve her Fly Speed to either 60’ (Good) or 90’ (Average). She also upgrades her other traits based on her choice made at level six:
  • Angel: Immunity to Petrification and Acid, and the Protective Aura Angel ability
  • Archon: Immunity to Petrification and Electricity, and radiates a constant 20’ radius Magic Circle vs Evil
  • Eladrin: Immunity to Electricity and Petrification, and the ability to transform, at will, into a whirlwind as an Air Elemental of equal hit dice.
  • Guardinal: Immunity to Electricity and Petrification, and more animalistic features that increase her Strength, Dexterity and Constitution by 2 points each and grant either 2 Primary Claw or Slam/Hoof attacks (1d6 for a Medium creature) or a Primary or Secondary Bite or Gore attack (1d8 for a Medium creature).
Greater Transformation: at level sixteen, the Celestial Crusader’s transformation is just shy of complete. She gains Damage Reduction 10/Evil and a third set of wings, increasing her Fly Speed to either 60’ (Perfect) or 90’ (Good). She also gains further abilities based on her initial choice:
  • Angel: Immunity to Cold
  • Archon: gains the Teleport ability of an Archon
  • Eladrin: when in the Alternate Form granted by the Moderate Transformation, she is Incorporeal in regards to enemy attacks but can still catch things in her whirling form just fine. Additionally, trapped creatures suffer 3d6 Electricity damage per round.
  • Guardinal: her Natural Armour increases by 4 and her Natural Weapons grow by 1 Size Category.
Ascendancy (Ex): in addition to the normal effects of Ascendancy, at level 20 the Celestial Crusader grows her final pair of wings and her Fly Speed becomes 90’ (Perfect). Additionally, her Type does change to Outsider, with the [Extraplanar] Subtype, the appropriate Alignment Subtypes (most probably [Good] and possibly one other) and the Subtype for whatever traits she has been taking on, such as [Angel].

Elemental Hero
There is a lot of trouble with the Temple of Elemental Evil. Elemental Planes are always in turmoil, against each other and against everyone else as well. The Elemental Hero is essentially what happens when a given elemental plane decides it needs a champion to represent it and fight what it considers to be the most vile, horrible thing in the world (the opposite element). That’s not to say they can’t be pretty good heroes, and they still handle Undead just fine as well.
Alignment: the Elemental Hero is so strongly attuned to a single element (Air, Earth, Fire or Water) that it is her actual Alignment. She still performs whatever actions her personal moral compass might point her towards, but things like Detect Good, Smite Evil and Hammer of Chaos don’t have any effect on her and she cannot qualify for things that require a specific alignment (although she may qualify for things that require not having a specific alignment, such as “Requirements: any non-Evil”). This does not (yet) grant her the elemental Subtype. However, should something have the ability to detect creatures of elemental Subtypes, she does detect as the relevant one. This replaces the Aura of Good.

Spellcasting: the class Spell List for the Elemental Hero is very different. She has the following:
Orisons: Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Mending, Resistance, Virtue
1st Level: Atonement, Bless, Bless Weapon, Cure Light Wounds, Deathwatch, Delay Poison, Endure Elements, Enlarge Person, Entropic Shield, Magic Vestment, Greater Magic Weapon, Remove Fear
2nd Level: Aid, Bull’s Strength, Cure Moderate Wounds, Eagle’s Splendour, Heroism, Owl’s Wisdom, Remove Paralysis, Resist Energy, Lesser Restoration, See Invisibility, Shield Other, Status
3rd Level: Arcane Sight, Create Food and Water, Cure Serious Wounds, Neutralise Poison, Prayer, Protection From Energy, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Curse, Remove Disease, True Strike
4th Level: Cure Critical Wounds, Death Ward, Detect Scrying, Dimensional Anchor, Discern Lies, Dismissal, Freedom of Movement, Haste, Lesser Planar Ally (Elementals only), Restoration, Spell Immunity
5th Level: Break Enchantment, Commune, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Heal Mount, Interposing Hand, Raise Dead, Righteous Might, Spell Resistance, True Seeing
6th Level: Banishment, Mass Cure Moderate Wounds, Find the Path, Heal, Heroes’ Feast, Greater Heroism, Planar Ally (Elementals only), Plane Shift, Quest
7th Level: Greater Arcane Sight, Mass Cure Serious Wounds, Regenerate, Resurrection, Greater Restoration
8th Level: Mass Cure Critical Wounds, Dimensional Lock, Mind Blank, Moment of Prescience, Greater Planar Ally (Elementals only), Protection From Spells, Greater Spell Immunity
9th Level: Astral Projection, Foresight, Freedom, Gate, Mass Heal, True Resurrection
Furthermore, if she is linked to Air, she Attunes the Air and Cold Spheres. If she is linked to Earth, she Attunes the Dust and Stone Spheres. If she is linked to Fire, she Attunes the Fire and Pyre Spheres. If she is linked to water, she Attunes the Water and Weather Spheres.

Detect Opposing Element (Sp): at level two, the Elemental Hero doesn’t gain the ability to Detect Evil. Instead, she detects the opposing element – Fire opposes Water (and Cold because of how weirdly D&D Elements and Subtypes work), Earth opposes Air. This functions the same as Detect Evil except it detects creatures with the respective Elemental Subtype, spells with the Elemental Descriptor and so on. Detect Fire will also detect actual fires and lava, Detect Water will detect actual water, ice and snow, Detect Air won’t detect regular air unless that is a rare thing in the current environment (so that using it in normal places doesn’t just flood vision with the background count) and Detect Earth can detect regular earth but at a fainter level than any [Earth] creatures burrowing in it.

Smite Opposing Element (Su): the Elemental Champion’s Smite ability doesn’t care about your Alignment, only your Element. It will only apply against creatures with the opposing Elemental Subtype, or creatures benefiting from a Spell or effect with the opposing Elemental Descriptor.

Expanded Prayers: instead of the usual limitations, the added spells simply must be taken from a 9-level casting list, not already be on her class list, and of a level she can cast, and must have the matching Elemental Descriptor to her focus.

Snap Judgement (Su): the only change to this ability is that it functions as though spending three rounds focusing on them with Detect Opposing Element.

Elemental Ascendancy (Ex): at level twenty, the Elemental Hero’s Type changes to Elemental, with the relevant Elemental Subtype to match her chosen attuned element. If she has the [Air] Subtype, she gains a Fly Speed of 40’ (Perfect). If she has the [Earth] Subtype, she gains a Burrow Speed of 30’. If she has the [Water] Subtype, she gains a Swim Speed of 60’.

Fist of Righteousness
Plenty of people like punching enemies, and the Fist of Righteousness is amongst them. They still channel the powers of goodness into these punches, they are still Paladins at the core, however they don’t look like typical paladins. For starters, they are unarmed and unarmoured. There are a few Monk-like traits scattered through, but without the actual Fighting Styles – this is still the Smiting, Spell-Casting Paladin.
Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: the Fist of Righteousness has no Armour or Shield Proficiencies, and is only Proficient with natural and Simple weapons.

Armoured in Life (Su): the Fist of Righteousness has a special Armour Bonus to Armour Class just like a Monk does. If she also has Monk levels, add the class levels together. This replaces Personal Warding and Holy Shield.

Willow Step (Su): the Fist of Rightenousness makes up for her lack of armour use with innate awesomeness. This works the same as the Monk ability.

Fatal Strike (Su): the Fist of Righteousness has a powerful natural Slam attack, just like the Monk ability of the same name.

Sense Turmoil (Sp): the Fist of Righteousness does not gain Detect Evil. Instead, she can detect unrest within the minds of others. This functions the same as Detect Evil, except instead of Evil creatures and auras, it recognises creatures with a Hostile attitude or foremost thoughts of immediate violence, along with anybody suffering from Rage or Confusion.

Diamond Soul (Su): at level four, the Fist of Righteousness gains Spell Resistance equal to her character level plus five. This replaces Snap Judgement.

Fist of the Heavens (Sp): at level six, the Fist of Righteousness doesn’t gain a Special Mount. Instead, she may spend Turn Undead attempts to empower her strikes. Doing so uses a Swift Action, and turns her Slam attack into a natural weapon until the start of her next turn – it is treated as a Magic weapon for the purpose of Damage Reduction and striking Incorporeal foes, and also treated as having the same Alignment as her (so a Lawful Good Fist of Righteousness would bypass DR as a [Good] and [Lawful] weapon) and being Cold Iron. At level ten, it is also treated as Adamantine. At level fifteen, it actually is treated as having the Holy special quality, and at level twenty it has all the qualities of a Holy Avenger.

Immaculate Diamond Soul (Su): at level nine, the Fist of Righteousness increases her Spell Resistance to her level plus ten. This replaces Hero’s Heart.

Master of Diamond Soul (Su): at level seventeen, the Fist of Righteousness increases her Spell Resistance to her level plus fifteen. This replaces Divine Reaction.

The Justiciar is a Paladin who leans more towards Law than Good – there’s nothing stopping them from being Lawful Good still, but they’re more into fighting against the forces of Chaos. They don’t even bother gaining the ability to destroy undead, instead bringing the cold iron of industry to bear against demons and fey. They value truth, justice, and the “whatever kingdom I consider most legitimate” way, but they probably also like words like “honesty”, “integrity” and “honour”.
Alignment: the Justiciar must be Lawful, but need not be Good.

Aura of Law: a Justiciar registers under Detect Law as a Cleric of a Lawful Deity. This replaces Aura of Good.

Cold Iron Chant (Su): instead of the ability to Turn Undead, the Justiciar can use a Standard Action to chant (requiring the ability to speak audibly) and unleash a wave of lawful energy and the powers of civilisation. She may do this a number of times per day equal to her Charisma Bonus plus 3. This affects all Fey and [Chaotic] Outsiders within 30 feet, dealing 1d6 damage per level with a Will Save (DC 10 + half her level + her Charisma Bonus) for half. Other abilities that usually require she spend a use of Turn Undead will still work, she instead spends a use of Cold Iron Chant.

Detect Chaos (Sp): at level two, the Justiciar can Detect Chaos instead of Detect Evil. Snap Judgement will refer to Detect Chaos instead of Detect Evil.

Smite Chaos (Su): the Justiciar’s Smite works against Chaotic foes instead of Evil ones. That is the only actual change.

Armoured Mind (Ex): at level three, the Justiciar doesn’t gain Evasion. Instead, she gains a +4 Bonus to Saving Throws against [Mind-Affecting] effects, and if she fails, she may re-attempt the Saving Throw at the end of her next turn, with success changing the effects as though she had originally passed the save. At level six, this also grants Immunity to [Compulsion] and [Charm] effects.

Aura of Truth (Su): at level six, the Justiciar does not gain a Special Mount. Instead, she radiates a 30’ radius Zone of Truth effect (DC 10 + half her level + her Charisma Bonus).

Inviolate Form (Ex): the ninth-level Justiciar doesn’t gain Divine Chain. Instead, any time her form is changed against her will, it reverts back to normal at the end of her following turn providing she isn’t dead. Additionally, no other creature may assume her form via Transmutation (although mundane disguises and Illusions are fine).

Ascendancy (Ex): when the twentieth-level Justiciar Ascends, her Damage Reduction is 10/Chaos instead of 10/Evil, and her chosen plane must be Law-aligned rather than Good-aligned.

Sword Saint
The Sword Saint is something of a Paladin crossed with a Samurai crossed with a Psychic Warrior of sorts. They have their one weapon that is, to them, the greatest weapon in the world, and they can enhance its power with their own soul, using the mind’s eye to strike all foes and deny foes their mystical defences. However they still devote themselves to fighting against Evil and doing good deeds.
Ancestral Weaponry: the Sword Saint has one specific melee weapon with which she is proficient, and that is her Ancestral Weapon. If she later wishes to move the spirits from her Ancestral Weapon to a different one (such as the original being destroyed), it requires a 24 hour ritual that costs 100 GP worth of incense and offerings. Whatever her Ancestral Weapon is, it has an Enhancement Bonus equal to her level divided by three (rounded up, with a maximum of +5 if her level is below 21) unless the weapon already has a better Enhancement Bonus. It also has double the HP, +10 to its Hardness, and the Ghost Touch property.

Spellcasting: the Sword Saint has a different Spell List from normal Paladins. The following are added to her Spell List, however for each one added, select one standard spell from her Class List to remove:
1st Level: Weaponkinesis*, Hovering*, Thicken Skin
2nd Level: Foresee Weakness*, Empathic Transfer, Wraithstrike (SC), Whirling Blade (SC)
3rd Level: Electromagnetic Shield*, Diamondsteel (SC), Reverse Arrows (SC)
4th Level: Complete Telekinesis*, Ethereal Permeation*, Know Vulnerabilities (SC)
5th Level: Inhibiting Strike*, True Seeing, Draconic Might (SC)
6th Level: Unavoidable Strike*, Immovability, Subvert Planar Essence (SC)
7th Level: Personal Mind Blank, Brilliant Blade (SC)
8th Level: Ghostform (SC), Rage of the Remorhaz (CPsi)
9th Level: Tornado Blast, Timeless Body, Hindsight (SC)
Psionic Powers are still cast as Divine Spells, and are cast as though she had spent Power Points equal to her Caster Level for the purpose of augmenting them. Those marked with an asterisk are drawn from here

Terrible Blows (Su): at level six, the Sword Saint doesn’t gain a Special Mount. Instead, her Ancestral Weapon bypasses all kinds of Hardness and Damage Reduction.

Parry Magic (Su): at level nine, the Sword Saint doesn’t gain Hero’s Heart. Instead, she may use her Ancestral Weapon to parry magic that is targeted at her. She may use an Attack of Opportunity to make an attack roll against an AC equal to the Save DC of the spell (if it doesn’t have a Save DC, figure out what the Save DC would be normally – for instance Magic Missile would have a Save DC of 11 + the caster’s casting ability bonus).

Cut Magic (Su): at level twelve, the Sword Saint doesn’t gain Radiant Healing. Instead, she may attack ongoing spell effects by attacking the square they are in (for Area of Effect spells) or the object or person (for targeted effects – this still damages the target). This attack is handled like the Parry Magic ability, but it only dispels areas up to 10x10’ in size. She must use her Ancestral Weapon for this.

Final Cut (Ex): at level fourteen, the Sword Saint does not gain Double Smite. Instead, her Ancestral Weapon gains the Vorpal quality.

Reflect Magic (Su): at level seventeen, the Sword Saint does not gain Divine Reaction. Instead, any time her Parry Magic would dispel a spell effect, she may instead reflect it back at the caster, just like with Spell Turning.

+2 hours for a total of 20:20, add 2:30 for the Rogue write-up for 22:50
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

The Rogue
My Rogue

What a terrible night to have a curse

The Belmont was created specifically for a character in a game, but that’s a good place to start here. Unlike the regular Rogue, the Belmont is a bit better at facing up to people in regular combat, with a little less of “other things” to rely on.
Class Chassis: the Belmont changes a lot of the core traits of the Rogue as follows:
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Craft (any), Diplomacy, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope
Proficiencies: the Belmont is Proficient with Light Armour and Cloth Armour (ie “Not Armour”), but not with shields of any kind. He is proficient with Simple and Martial Weapons, as well as the Whip, Whip-Dagger, Kusari-gama, Spiked Chain and Hand Crossbow.
Base Attack Bonus: the Belmont has a Good Base Attack Bonus
Saving Throws: the Belmont has a Good Reflex Save and a Good Willpower Save.

Sneak Attack: the Belmont’s Sneak Attack ability is somewhat diminished. It starts at +1d6 at level one like normal, but only increases by another die at levels 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20.

Techniques: the Belmont starts play knowing only three Techniques, and only learns another one per level thereafter. Furthermore, his Capacity is simply limited to his Intelligence Bonus, although a Belmont with sufficiently high Intelligence could end up with a higher Capacity than a normal Rogue. The Save DC for any Technique is 10 + half his hit dice + his Intelligence Bonus. Additionally, at level five, he gains Superior Rope Trick as a bonus Technique known.

Fast Attack (Ex) at level two, the Belmont gains the ability to draw a sheathed or pocketed weapon (or ammunition) as part of the action of using it, and can reload any kind of Crossbow with a Free Action, allowing for all ranged attacks to be as fast as any other kind of attack.

Combat Insight (Ex): the Belmont fights with his brains – that isn’t to say his physical prowess is lacking, but it is backed up by cunning and intuition. Starting at level four, any time an ability such as a feat has a requirement based on Strength or Dexterity, or uses one of these to determine how often something can be used (such as extra Attacks of Opportunity from Combat Reflexes), he may instead use his Intelligence if that is higher.

The fifth-level Belmont does not gain Fast Stealth.

Grenadier (Ex) beginning at level six, the Belmont is good at throwing stuff at people. When making a Full Attack with thrown weapons, he may elect to make one extra attack at his highest attack bonus, albeit with a -2 Penalty on all attacks made in that round. Furthermore, Splash Damage increases out to an extra 5 feet, and he may add his Intelligence Bonus to the base and Splash damage of grenade-like weapons. This replaces Opportunist.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): the Belmont gets Hide in Plain Sight at level 11 rather than level 10.

The eleventh-level Belmont does not gain Crippling Strike.

Technique Limitations:
The Belmont can not learn Cluster Spikes, The Great Escape, Hogtie, A Way With Words, Curb Stomp, Earthquake Bomb, Sentry Turret, Spell Plantation, Sudden Sandstorm, Burial Chamber, Cluster Bomb Mine, Instant Trap, Makeshift Magic, Scribbled Arcana, Shadow Form, Unlimited Growth, Burning Skies, Deceive Reality, Eternal Shadow, Perfect Blend, Shadowstuff or Tempting Offer.

New Stylish Technique:
Holiest Water [Device] (Su)
Ingredients: a jar or flask of water
By saying a quick prayer, you imbue the water with divine power.
Effect: you now how a flask of Holy Water, however the damage that it deals to affected creatures increases by an amount equal to your Sneak Attack dice (this is not actual Sneak Attack damage, so it still affects creatures normally Immune to it – and if it is used to make a Sneak Attack, the amount stacks). Undead and [Evil] Outsiders will continue to burn for 1d12 Divine damage per round (as though set on a special kind of fire) until they spend a Full Round Action rolling about.

New Impossible Technique:
Salt the Earth [Device] (Su)
Ingredients: a handful of salt
Effect: this can be thrown at an Undead or [Evil] creature within 15’ using a Standard Action. The creature must pass a Fortitude Save (this obviously applies against Undead) or be utterly destroyed as though by Disintegration.

Bounty Hunter
First seen in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2Ed, the Bounty Hunter is a specialist in setting traps, tracking foes and subduing them, sometimes in a non-lethal manner. In this iteration, the tracking and non-lethal options will be fairly easy to bolt on, and as for traps, it's mostly a case of leaning more heavily on the Device side of their Techniques.
Proficiencies: the Bounty Hunter is proficient with Light Armour, Cloth Armour and Simple Weapons, as well as the Hand Crossbow, Sap, Net, Man Catcher, Bolas, Short Bow and Short Sword.

Sneak Attack (Ex): the Bounty Hunter’s Sneak Attack has a slower progression than for a normal Rogue – it starts at +1d6, and increases by 1d6 at levels 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 and 19. However, he does not have to use a Sap specifically when dealing Non-Lethal Sneak Attack damage. Even when using a weapon not suited for dealing Non-Lethal damage, he may still apply Sneak Attack when dealing Non-Lethal damage. This does not remove the Penalty to the attack roll, however.

Track: the Bounty Hunter gains Track (the Tome [Skill] Feat) as a Bonus Feat.

Hunter’s Arsenal: the Bounty Hunter has certain Devices that must be chosen as Techniques, still counting against the regular limits. However, he gains an extra point of Capacity for each of these, dedicated specifically for their use. At first level, he must select two of the following three: Cluster Spikes, Flashbang Mine, Sudden Snare. This leaves him with two choices that can be spent freely, and a Capacity of 4 for general use, +1 each for the two specific chosen Devices.
At level five he must select either Earthquake Bomb or Sentry Turret.
At level nine he must select either Burial Chamber or Cluster Bomb Mine.
At level thirteen he must select Instant Trap.
At level seventeen he must select Blot or Flux.

Terrain Mastery (Ex): at levels four, eight and twelve, the Bounty Hunter does not gain Skill Mastery. Instead, he gains one selection from Terrain Mastery (as this Ranger).

Subdual Tactics (Ex): starting at level six, the Bounty Hunter may always treat his Base Attack Bonus as being equal to his level when making Grapple checks and Disarm checks. He may also use his choice of Strength or Dexterity for Grapple, Disarm and Trip attempts. This replaces Opportunist.

Planar Terrain Mastery (Ex): at levels sixteen and twenty, the Bounty Hunter gains one selection from Planar Terrain Mastery (as this Ranger), instead of Skill Mastery and Skill Perfection.

Dust Guild Initiate
The Dust Guild is a secretive group of Rogues who specialise in afflicting people with horrifying effects. Typically, all they need for a weapon is a pocket full of dust - when thrown at people, it suddenly does something else. This is an Etrian Odyssey skillset turned into a class.
Poison Use (Ex): the Dust Guild Initiate can use poison without risk of poisoning herself. Furthermore, by using twice as many doses, she can increase the Save DC by 2. This can be doubled again and again (four doses for +4, eight for +6, sixteen for +8 etc) to an upper limit of 10 + half her level + her Intelligence Bonus. If a poison already has a Save DC higher than this, it isn’t lowered, it just means she can’t increase it further until she gains more knowledge. This replaces Trapfinding.

Techniques: the Dust Guild Initiate learns fewer normal Techniques and has a lowered Capacity. She starts off selecting only 3, and learns only one per level thereafter even at levels where new grades of Technique are available. Her Capacity starts at 2 and increases by 1 at every even level.

Dust (Ex): at first level, the Dust Guild Initiate learns the most basic of Dust Guild Techniques. This is considered a bonus Basic Technique, and is an Extraordinary Device, requiring only a handful of sand, dust or powder. With a Standard Action, she throws it out to Close Range with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits the foe, they are rendered Blind for 3 rounds (reduced to 1 round on a successful Reflex Save). At level 5, it affects a 10’ radius Spread, and can be used twice per Capacity slot. At level 9 it can be used three times per Capacity slot and can be used with a Swift Action. At level 13, it can be used at will, without requiring any Capacity.

Vermin Dust (Ex): at level three, the Dust Guild Initiate doesn’t gain Evasion. Instead, she learns another bonus Basic Technique which is an Extraordinary Device. It requires a handful of crushed bug parts and sand, dust or powder. With a Standard Action, she throws it out to Close Range with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits the foe, they must attempt a Fortitude Save against Poison. Failure results in them being Nauseated for one round and Sickened for one minute. At level 5 it can be used twice per Capacity slot. At level 9, it can be used three times per Capacity slot and affects a 10’ radius Spread. At level 13, those who fail the save also suffer 1d8 points of Constitution damage.

Sleep Dust (Su): at level five, the Dust Guild Initiate learns a new special Stylish Technique, which is a Supernatural Device that requires a handful of fine powder such as pollen. With a Standard Action, she throws it out to Close Range with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits the foe, they must pass a Will Save or fall Asleep for one minute (or until woken up). At level nine, it can be used twice per Capacity slot and affects a 10’ radius Spread. At level thirteen, it can be used three times per Capacity slot. At level seventeen it can be used as a Swift Action.

Pixie Dust (Su): at level nine, the Dust Guild Initiate learns a new special Amazing Technique, which is a Supernatural Device that requires a handful of fine powder such as pollen, or actual ground of pixies if you want. With a Standard Action, she throws it out to Close Range with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits the foe, they must pass a Fort Save or suffer a Baleful Polymorph for the next hour. At level thirteen, it can be used twice per Capacity slot and affects a 10’ radius Spread. At level seventeen, it can be used three times per Capacity slot and the transformation is Permanent.

Mummy Dust (Su): at level ten, the Dust Guild Initiate does not gain Improved Evasion. Instead, she learns a new special Amazing Technique, which is a Supernatural Device that requires a handful of dust and ash. With a Standard Action, she throws it out to Close Range with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits the foe, they must attempt both a Will Save and a Fort Save. If the Will Save is failed, they are cursed (as Bestow Curse), and if the Fort Save is failed, they contract Mummy Rot – with the ongoing Save DC being that of the Initiate’s Technique Save DC. At level thirteen, this can be used twice per Capacity slot, and affects a 10’ radius Spread. At level seventeen, it can be used three times per Capacity slot and the curse is improved to Bestow Greater Curse and the disease “attacks” the host every single round rather than once per day.

Dust on the Wind (Su): at level thirteen, the Dust Guild Initiate learns a special new Impossible Technique, which is a Supernatural Exploit that requires an opponent within Close Range be afflicted by any of her Dust effects and within 10 feet of at least one other opponent who is not afflicted by it. With a Standard Action she spreads the effects out, and all other opponents within ten feet of the target, unless already afflicted, must save as though hit by the effect. This will then chain out to others – if any opponent is successfully affected by this and there are other enemies within ten feet of them that lack the affliction, it will spread further. The maximum number of such bursts (including the initial one) equals the Initiate’s Intelligence Bonus (minimum one) and once a creature successfully saves once in a given turn, they are immune for the remainder of the Initiate’s turn.

Advantage Taker (Ex): at level fifteen, the Dust Guild Initiate does not gain Friend’s Evasion. Instead, she learns a new special Impossible Technique, which is an Extraordinary Exploit that requires an opponent be afflicted by any of her Dust effects. With an Attack Action she may make a melee or ranged attack against the foe, and if she hits, she may add her Sneak Attack damage to it even if they are normally immune to it or the condition does not deny them their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class.

Lich Dust (Su): at level seventeen, the Dust Guild Initiate learns a special new Perfect Technique, which is a Supernatural Device that requires a handful of ground-up bone dust. With a Standard Action, she throws it out to Close Range, targeting a 10’ radius Spread. All in the area must pass a Fort Save or be permanently Petrified.

Dimension Dust (Su): at level nineteen, the Dust Guild Initiate doesn’t gain Perfect Evasion. Instead, she learns a new Perfect Technique, which is a Supernatural Device that requires a handful of rust. With a Standard Action, she throws it out to Close Range with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the target must attempt a Will Save. If they fail, they are affected by Imprisonment.

Eldritch Scoundrel
Third Edition had the Spell Thief and the Arcane Trickster and a few other things as well, actually. Pathfinder has its own thing which might also be called Eldritch Scoundrel. 5th Edition has an Arcane Trickster option for the Rogue. AD&D lets Elves be Rogue/Mage characters, and back in the day "Elf" was essentially a Rogue/Mage. Apparently if you don't have a Rogue/Mage option you go to jail. So let's cover that archetype.
Class Chassis: the Eldritch Scoundrel changes a lot of the core traits of the Rogue as follows:
Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Saving Throws: the Eldritch Scoundrel has a Good Reflex Save and a Good Willpower Save

Techniques: the Eldritch Scoundrel begins play knowing only two Techniques, and from then on only learns one new one at each level. His Capacity is not affected by this. There are a few special Techniques only available to the Eldritch Scoundrel as well.

Spellcasting: the Eldritch Scoundrel is an Arcane Spellcaster. He has the same Spells Known and Spells Per Day as a Bard, but using his Intelligence Bonus to determine all spellcasting, and with an upper limit of four spell slots per day of each spell level (even including Bonus Spell Slots). He uses the Sorcerer/Wizard Spell List, but cannot learn Conjuration or Necromancy spells. These spells are cast Spontaneously without preparation, and do not incur Arcane Spell Failure when wearing Cloth Armour or Light Armour. Shields and heavier armour still apply Arcane Spell Failure, however.

Arcane Trickery (Sp): at level six, the Eldritch Scoundrel does not gain Opportunist. Instead, he may cast Greater Mage Hand at will, and can use this to make Disable Device and Sleight of Hand checks up to its normal range. The DC for such checks increases by 5.

Yoink Arcana (Su): at level eleven, the Eldritch Scoundrel does not gain Crippling Strike. Instead, when he successfully delivers a Sneak Attack to somebody, he may select one temporary magical effect upon them and steal it – they ceased being affected and he begins being affected, as though he were the original target (even if he could not normally be targeted). The duration is not reset when this happens.

Yeet Arcana (Su): at level eighteen, the Eldritch Scoundrel does not gain Exploit Weakness. Instead, when he successfully delivers a Sneak Attack to somebody, he may select one magical effect on him and transfer it to the target – he ceases being affected and they begin being affected, as though they were the original target. The duration is not reset when this happens.

New Techniques:
Surprise Magic [Exploit] (Su)
Conditions: you cast a spell on a foe who is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class
Taking advantage of the situation, you bypass their magical defences.
Effect: you gain a Bonus to penetrate Spell Resistance equal to your number of Sneak Attack dice against that foe, and you also deny the opponent any Reflex Saves against the effects of the spell.

Hidden Arcana [Exploit] (Su)
Conditions: you cast a spell on a foe who is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class
Enemies who let their guard down are in extreme danger against your magic
Effect: you may add your Sneak Attack damage to that of the spell even if the spell doesn't have an attack roll. Additionally, you may make a Sleight of Hand check or Trip attempt against them as a Swift Action as long as they take any effect from the Spell.

Blinding Illusion [Exploit] (Su)
Conditions: an enemy makes a melee attack against you while you are affected by an Illusion spell you cast.
There is a burst of light, and then your spell is gone, you are gone, and the foe's sight is also gone.
Effect: with an Immediate Action, you end the Illusion spell prematurely. You then become Invisible (as the spell Invisibility) with a duration of one minute (or until you attack), and there is a bright flash of light. All creatures within ten feet of you must pass a Fortitude Save or be rendered Blind for one minute. You may make a 5' step after resolving this effect.

Sudden Betrayal [Exploit] (Su)
Conditions: an enemy attempts to attack you while in a square threatened by a creature under the effects of one of your Enchantment spells.
Their eyes cloud over, then suddenly they turn and attack their closest friend.
Effect: with an Immediate Action, you "activate" the target who is affected by your Enchantment. They make an Attack of Opportunity against your attacker, and if they normally consider each other allies, the victim is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class and the enchanted attacker benefits from your Sneak Attack dice. This ends the Enchantment afterwards.

Hijack Magic [Exploit] (Su)
Conditions: somebody within Line of Sight casts a Spell or Spell-Like Ability that targets only themselves (whether Personal or choosing "me" for the target) and you identify the spell being cast.
They start casting a spell, then you grab the wheel, and you're taking it to Mexico!
Effect: you both gain the benefits of the spell. The effects are as though they cast it on you, even if you were not a valid target, and you gain the exact same effects (although subject to usual Immunities and such - an Undead can't benefit from a [Morale] Bonus and really doesn't want to Hijack a Heal spell).
Shadow Adept
The Shadow Adept was in AD&D, but there are "extra shadowy rogues" all throughout the various games. There absolutely should be a variety of Rogue that increasingly gets shadow movement and shadow jumps, the ability to turn incorporeal and so on.
Techniques: the Shadow Adept automatically learns certain Techniques, and these count against her usual limit. Essentially, her choices are slightly limited with some Techniques pre-selected. At first level, she has to learn The Great Escape and Cunning Feint. At level five, she has to learn Cloak of Shadows. At level nine, she has to learn Shadow Jump. At level thirteen, she has to learn Shadow Form. At level seventeen, she has to learn either Eternal Shadow or Shadowstuff – and if she does not learn both on that level, the other must be learned at level eighteen.

At Home in Darkness (Ex): the Shadow Adept is treated as native to the Plane of Shadow as well as her own plane. As such, she can’t be Banished from the Plane of Shadow. She also gains Low-Light Vision and 120’ Darkvision.

Shadow Magic: when the Shadow Adept gains access to Stylish Techniques, she may instead select any Apprentice Path from Tome of Magic (Shadow Magic). She must first have any mandatory Techniques (see above), but other than this, there is no limit to those chosen. Upon learning an Apprentice Path, she can cast each of its Mysteries once per day as an Arcane Spell. Upon reaching level nine, they can be used twice per day as Spell-Like Abilities. Upon reaching level thirteen they can be used three times per day as Supernatural Abilities, and at level seventeen they can be used at will as Extraordinary Abilities. At level nine, she may learn Initiate Paths as Amazing Techniques, gaining the ability to cast each of the Mysteries once per day as an Arcane Spell. At level thirteen, they may be cast twice per day as Spell-Like Abilities. At level seventeen, they can be used three times per day as Supernatural Abilities. At level thirteen, she may learn Master Paths as Impossible Techniques, using each of its Mysteries once per day as an Arcane Spell. At level seventeen, they become Spell-Like Abilities that can be used twice per day. When these are cast as Spells, they do not suffer Arcane Spell Failure for Light Armour.

Summon Shadows (Sp): at level six, the Shadow Adept learns what is effectively a bonus Stylish Technique, a Spell-Like Exploit that requires she be standing in enough darkness to grant Concealment and not have any summoned minions. With a Full Round Action, she summons a loyal Shadow to serve her. This remains until destroyed, but it cannot spawn new shadows of its own. At level eight, this can summon a pair of Shadows. At level eleven, this instead summons a loyal Greater Shadow, or four Shadows. At level thirteen, this can summon two Greater Shadows or eight Shadows. At level sixteen, this can summon four Greater Shadows or eight Shadows or one Nightwing. At level eighteen, this can summon eight Shadows or Greater Shadows or two Nightwings or one Nightwalker. At level twenty, this can summon eight Shadows or Greater Shadows or four Nightwings or two Nightwalkers or one Nightcrawler. If using Tome of Magic and planar books, you may summon a Small Shadow Elemental or Dusk Beast Ephemera in place of a Shadow, a Medium or Large Shadow Elemental or Ephemeral Hangman or Shadow Jelly in place of a Greater Shadow, or a Huge, Greater or Elder Shadow Elemental or Umbral Banyan Ephemera in place of a Nightwing.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Oct 06, 2020 8:50 am, edited 5 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

The Ranger
This one

The Beastmaster goes back to one of the old Ranger kits, and is something that has typically existed as some kind of Ranger option – someone who gets a pet beast and to some extent focuses on utilising this ally. They don’t just fight normally “and also have an extra character there to bite things”, but they actually direct a creature to do things in battle and are also generally good at dealing with Animals, Vermin and Magical Beasts.
Animal Companion: the Beastmaster has an Animal Companion, somewhat like a Druid, selecting from the following creatures: Badger, Dire Rat, Dog, Riding Dog, Hyena, Jackal, Serval, Wolf. Starting at level three, he may instead have any predatory Animal, Vermin or Magic Beast (or specific Outsiders: the Hell Hound, Shadow Mastiff, Yeth Hound, Nethersight Mastiff and Vorr) that is land-bound and moves on at least four legs, with a CR no higher than his own level minus two. In this case it does not get the extra benefits Animal Companions usually gain as levels increase. Even if the creature is not actually an Animal, it is still treated exactly as an Animal Companion. If an Animal Companion dies or is released, another may be called 24 hours later. This replaces both the first-level Terrain Mastery (but not future ones) and the third-level Nature’s Ally.

Should they wish to get bigger and better animals whilst still using Animal Companion rules, the following advanced creatures are appropriate for this: Dire Badger, Black Bear, Boar, Cheetah, Dire Jackal, Leopard, Monitor Lizard, Dire Weasel, Wolverine; Brown Bear, Dire Boar, Giant Crocodile, Lion, Tiger, Dire Wolf, Dire Wolverine; Polar Bear, Dire Lion, Dire Puma, Sabre-Toothed Tiger; Dire Bear, Giant Banded Lizard; Dire Polar Bear, Dire Tiger.

Guard Command (Ex): at level two, the Beastmaster does not get Rapid Shot. Instead, his Animal Companion intrinsically learns how to follow a special command. He designates an ally to protect, and the beast will move adjacent to the ally and guard them until another command is given, moving when they do. Any enemy that attempts to attack the ally while the animal is adjacent suffers a -4 Penalty on the attack roll, and provokes an Attack of Opportunity from the animal (assuming they are within its reach).

Constrain (Ex): at level four, the Beastmaster does not get Entangle. Instead, his Animal Companion intrinsically learns how to follow a special command. He may issue this command when attacking an enemy – even if making a Full Attack, although in that case the command will apply against the last enemy attacked. The animal then makes a Charge against the enemy, or a Full Attack if within reach, as an Immediate Action. The animal gains his choice of the Improved Grab ability or the Trip ability for the duration of this attack (if it already has one of the two then it this means it can grapple and trip them).

Growth (Sp): at level seven, the Beastmaster does not get Improved Rapid Shot. Instead, he may use a Standard Action once per day, plus another time per day at levels ten, fifteen and twenty, to make his Animal Companion grow one size larger. This lasts for one minute per level, and grants the creature the full benefits and drawbacks of growth, as though through extra hit dice.

Mother’s Embrace (Ex): when the Beastmaster gains Mother’s Embrace at level eight, so too does his Animal Companion.

Menace (Su): at level twelve, the Beastmaster doesn’t gain Greater Rapid Shot. Instead, his Animal Companion gains an aura of terror that it can suppress and resume with a Swift Action on command. The aura radiates out to fifty feet, and anything within the area must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half his level + either his or his Animal Companion’s Wisdom Bonus, whichever is higher). Success renders a creature immune for the rest of the day. Failure leaves them Frightened for one round per hit die of the creature.

Rampage (Su): at level seventeen, the Beastmaster doesn’t gain Superior Rapid Shot. Instead, he gains the ability to issue a special command with a Standard Action, infusing his Animal Companion with magical fury. His companion goes on a rampage: it makes a Double Move Action and a Whirlwind Attack as part of that, making one attack roll and applying this against every single enemy it threatens at any point of movement. Any creature hit must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half the Beastmaster’s level + his or his Animal Companion’s Wisdom Bonus, whichever is higher) or be Stunned for one round.

Going back to AD&D, the Falconer is a Ranger who very specifically has a bird of prey by her side to attack foes. They can also do aerial scouting and things, but mostly the difference between a regular Ranger and the Falconer is the big flying bird. Because a red-necked buzzard is not particularly threatening to a Pit Fiend or for that matter a Gargoyle, they get better birds of prey over time, some of which might not even be in the Accipitridae family (or of the Animal Type for that matter).
Animal Companion: the Falconer has an Animal Companion, somewhat like a Druid, selecting from the following creatures: Hawk, Eagle, Vulture. At level two (effective Druid level -1) she may have a Bloodhawk. At level 4 (effective Druid level -3) she may have a Dire Hawk. At level 5 (effective Druid level -4) she may have a Giant Eagle or Dire Vulture. At level six (effective Druid level -5) she may have a Phoera or Vazalka. At level eight (effective Druid level -7) she may have a Legendary Eagle. At level ten (effective Druid level -9) she may have a Blackwing or a Deadborn Vulture. At level 11 (effective Druid level -10) she may have a Roc. At level 14 (effective Druid level -13) she may have a Thunderbird. At level sixteen (effective Druid level -15) she may have a Steelwing. At level 20 (effective Druid level -19) she may have a Behemoth Eagle. Some of these are not Animals, but in all ways they are still treated as an Animal Companion.

This replaces both the first-level Terrain Mastery (but not future ones) and the third-level Nature’s Ally.

Finishing Blow (Ex): at level four, the Falconer does not get Entangle. Instead, her Animal Companion will make an Attack of Opportunity against any enemy that is hit by anyone other than itself. If this drops a foe below zero hit points, it upgrades to a critical hit – roll the extra damage and add it to that which is already done.

Mother’s Embrace (Ex): when the Falconer gains Mother’s Embrace at level eight, so too does her Animal Companion.

Talon Storm (Ex): at level twelve, the Falconer doesn’t gain Greater Rapid Shot – delaying it until level seventeen (instead of Superior Rapid Shot). Instead, any time she makes a Full Attack, her Animal Companion may make a special Whirlwind Attack, making one attack and applying it against every foe who both was hit as part of the Full Attack and also within one Move Action’s distance of the companion. Any movement it makes to deliver these attacks will not provoke Attacks of Opportunity, but it can still trigger readied actions. Anything hit by its attack must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Falconer’s level + her Wisdom or the companion’s, whichever is better) or be rendered Blind as their eyes are scratched out.

The Inquisitor hunts all sorts of prey, but often enough, they hunt their own kind. They are often rogues and socialites in a descriptive sense, and officers of the law. To be an Inquisitor is to dilute your Ranger essence with a bit of actual Rogue or Assassin, and to be a bit less adept in the wild and more at home at the grand ball, or the governer’s office or the constabulary. Or the gambling den.
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Inquisitor does not gain Terrain Mastery, nor Planar Terrain Mastery. Instead, at every level she gains access to a new Spell-Like Ability. These may be used a combined number of times equal to her level (so for instance at level three, she could cast Impede once and Exorcism twice, or Tongues three times, or each of them once or whatever), with a Caster Level equal to her hit dice total and any Save DC is 10 + half her level + her Wisdom Bonus. These are the spells gained, in order: Impede, Exorcism, Tongues, See Invisibility, Hold Person, Zone of Truth, Invisibility Purge, Speak With Dead, Chain of Eyes, Scrying, Forbiddance, Weight of Sin, Dimensional Anchor, True Seeing, Forcecage, Atonement, Banishment, Righteous Exile, Anti-Magic Field, Imprison Soul.

Bring Them In Alive (Su): if the Inquisitor wishes, any damage she deals (including from Spells, magic items and such) may be Non-Lethal damage. This does not bestow a penalty on the attack roll.

Fearless (Ex): at level eight, the Inquisitor does not gain Mother’s Embrace. Instead, she becomes Immune to all kinds of [Fear] effects.

Bonus Feat: at level nine, the Inquisitor does not gain Make Like a Tree. Instead, she gains a Bonus Feat, which can be any of the following [Skill] Feats: Bureaucrat, Detective, Investigator, Natural Empath.

Implacable Pursuit (Su): at level eleven, the Inquisitor does not gain Tree Stride. Instead, she benefits from a constant Greater Dimension Door effect.

Deny the Witch (Su): at level fifteen, the Inquisitor does not gain Evergreen Glade. Instead, at the end of each of her turns, she receives a Break Enchantment effect cast at her caster level.

Rangers probably should be playing with traps. The Trapmaster does this. They don’t specialise so much in taking advantage of wherever they happen to be, turning the tides in their favour as the battle progresses. Instead, they make an advantage before hand. By setting traps, they make sure the battle is happening on their terms with the enemy on the back foot (and that foot has a spike through it).
Trap Creation: the Trapmaster does not get Hunter’s Knowledge. Instead, he may use a Full Round Action to set a prepared trap in an adjacent 5’ square – with each trap requiring a minute to prepare beforehand, but able to be carried around before setting. The trap will remain until disarmed or triggered, and is triggered by somebody entering the trapped square. Anyone observing the Trapmaster can make a Spot check to see him set it (DC 10 + his Survival or Sleight of Hand skill total), otherwise a Search check must be made (same DC), and it can be disarmed with a Disable Device check of the same DC. Any attack roll uses the Trapmaster’s BAB + Wisdom Bonus, and any Save DC is 10 + half his level + his Wisdom Bonus. He may only set a number per day equal to his Wisdom Bonus, plus one at levels five, ten, fifteen and twenty.
At first level, the following Traps are available:
  • Snare (Ex): this requires a length of string or wire, and an anchor point. It can affect up to two adjacent squares, but it only lasts until one square is triggered. Anybody who moves into one of the squares must pass a Reflex Save or fall Prone and be Staggered. If barbed wire or razor wire is used, it also deals 2d6 damage (Piercing or Slashing respectively).
  • Flashbang Mine (Ex): this requires a thunderstone, wax, and luminescent fungus or bug parts. If someone enters the square, they must pass a Reflex Save, otherwise they step on it and it detonates. They are rendered Blind and Deaf for 1d4 rounds. Adjacent creatures are also affefcted it they fail a Fortitude Save.
  • Cluster Spikes (Ex): this uses a bag of caltrops and a thunderstone, and only needs a Swift Action to prepare: you put the stone in the bag. If somebody enters the square, they step on it and it detonates. They suffer 1d6 Piercing damage, plus another d6 damage for every three levels (round down). Everybody in an adjacnet square also suffers the damage, but are allowed a Reflex Save for half.
  • Fire (Ex): this uses one flask of alcohol and a handful of tinder twigs. As soon as something steps in the square, it bursts into flames, dealing 1d8 Fire damage with a Reflex Save for half, and setting the entire square on fire for 1d6 rounds. If the Reflex Save is failed, the victim also catches fire.
At level five, the following Traps become available:
  • Earthquake Bomb (Ex): this requires black powder, a nail and a thunder stone, and must be buried at least six inches below the ground. If someone steps on the square it is in, it explodes, and all ground in a 10-foot radius burst is torn apart and thrown into the air. The area becomes Difficult Terrain, and everyone in the area is hurled Prone and suffers 1d6 Bludgeoning damage, plus 1d6 per 3 levels (round down), with a Fortitude Save for half. At levels ten and fifteen, the radius increases by 5 feet.
  • Poison Needle (Ex): this requires a needle, a spring, and some remnants of an Injury poison. The needle is launched from a set point within 10 feet of the trigger square, in the direction of the square – either location can be used for Search and Disable Device attempts. When triggered, it makes one ranged attack at whatever is in the target square, dealing 1 damage plus the Poison.
  • Instant Pit (Su): this requires a bag of holding or other dimensional pocket, though the item is not expended or destroyed by this. When somebody steps on it, they must make a Reflex Save (diving free and landing Prone in an adjacent square) or fall into the dimensional pocket. No damage is suffered, but they do risk suffocation or being trapped.
  • Giant Pendulum (Ex): this requires a chain or rope, and an anvil or a greataxe. The pendulum is attached to a ceiling or overhang above the trigger square, and either square can be used for Search and Disable Device attempts. When triggered, it makes one melee attack at whatever is in the target square – and if it misses, it will attack the same square the following round albeit at a -5 penalty to the attack and damage rolls. On a successful hit, it deals 1d12+8 damage with a x3 Critical (Greataxe) or 4d6 damage with a 19-20/x2 Critical (anvil).
At level nine, the following Traps become available:
  • Burial Chamber (Su): this requires an acid flask, a water flask, and a bag of flour. If somebody steps on it, the entire 5’ cube is turned into something reminiscent of glue, mud and quicksand almost instantly. Anybody standing there is allowed one Reflex Save to dive to safety, otherwise they sink to the bottom instantly and swimming will not help them (although flight and levitation greater than 5’ can lift them, and somebody else can pull them free with a DC 20 Strength check). The following round, the DC to pull someone free becomes equal to the Trapmaster’s level plus fifteen, however swimming becomes possible with a DC 10 higher than the Strength check DC in order to move five feet up and get free.The round after this, the ground hardens again, and anybody still in there is essentially stuck until dug out.
  • Cluster Bomb Mine (Su): this requires a blast globe (or other minor magical explosive) and a nail. Once somebody steps on it, it explodes in a 10-foot radius. All in the area suffer 1d6 Force damage, plus 1d6 per 3 levels (round down), with a Reflex Save for half. Those who fail are also hurled fifteen feet away from the point of impact – for the one who stepped on it, this means flying upwards and then taking falling damage – and landing Prone. Four 5’ radius blasts are then created within fifty feet, each in a different ninety-degree cone and not overlapping with each other or the original blast, although they may be placed over people who have been flung from the original blast. Those in these areas suffer 3d6 plus the Trapmaster’s level in Sonic damage, with a Reflex Save for half.
  • Deadly Smoke (Ex): this requires a pouch containing one Inhaled Poison or Disease and a smokestick. When someone steps on it, a 10-by-10-by-10 foot cube of smoke bursts forth, hanging around for 1 round per 3 levels (round down). Each turn, everyone in the area must save against the Poison or Disease.
  • Poison Wall Spears (Ex): this requires four spears, a dose of Injury Poison and four springs. The spears are unleashed from an adjacent wall, floor or ceiling, each making one melee attack and dealing 1d8 Piercing damage, +1 per 3 levels (round down), with a 20/x3 Critical. If any damage is dealt, the victim suffers a dose of the Poison.
At level thirteen, the following Traps become available:
  • Full Array (Su): this requires a handful of assorted trap components – cogs, springs, wire and bricks. It creates a number of readied traps with a combined Challenge Rating equal to the Trapmaster’s level, though any given trap’s CR must be less than his level. It may not create a pit (though it can augment an existing one), nor a custom spell-effect trap. Every square that can work as a trigger (pressure plate, rune, tripwire etc) requires its own Standard Action to affect, from an adjacent square, as does every square with an active mechanism (so a 5’ wall section with spikes is one, but a 10’ wall would be two actions, as would a swinging blade suspended from a 5’ rope, even though the blade could reach three squares). A given square may only contain elements of one trap (trigger, mechanism or both), and if both the trigger and mechanism are in the same square, the one action is used to create both. If a given trap has a Challenge Rating lower than half his level, each square only requires a Swift Action, or one Full Round Action could be used to affect every adjacent square at once.
  • Unlimited Growth (Ex): this requires a small amount of mold in a box or jar, and a flask of Alchemist Fire. Once somebdoy steps on it, they take damage from both the fire and the mold as it grows to fill the entire five-foot square. Every round thereafter, the area doubles in size, continuing until it is destroyed.
  • Scribbled Arcana (Su): this requires chalk, charcoal or coloured wax. This allows the creation of any Symbol spell (Symbol of Stunning etc) with a Caster Level equal to the Trapmaster’s level. He cannot create a symbol with a Spell Level more than half his own level.
  • Animation (Su): this requires up to one Small (or smaller) object per level, all held between two magnets of the same polarity. Once disturbed by somebody entering the square, the objects held between the magnets are animated as though by an Animate Objects spell, and they attack the cause of disturbance – if the victim is killed or any given object cannot reach them, they will make do with attacking anyone else in the nearby vicinity.
At level seventeen, the following Traps become available:
  • Prismatic Mess (Su): this requires a multi-faceted prism, a tindertwig and an everburning torch, all wrapped together. When stepped on, the torch ignites and shines light through the prism which is then magically activated: the square is surrounded by a Prismatic Sphere which does not confer any immunity on the occupants of the square, and four Prismatic Walls form, starting at the perimeter of the sphere and each moving outward in a cardinal direction, like a plus sign with a circle in the middle, or a cross-hair. The Caster Level equals the Trapmaster’s level, and the effects last for the full normal duration of the spells.
  • Blot (Su): this requires a small weight, inside a bag, itself inside another bag that is partially tucked into the first bag. It’s a bit fiddly, trust me. Once somebody steps on it, it forms an Umbral Blot of sorts. All creatures within 30 feet must attempt a Reflex Save or be dragged into contact with the vortex (the creature touching it gets no Reflex Save), with flying creatures suffering a -4 Penalty to the Saving Throw, creatures smaller than Small suffering a -4 Penalty and creatures larger than Large enjoying a +4 Bonus. Upon touching the vortex, creatures (even Undead and Constructs) and objects must pass a Fortitude Save. On a failed save, they are obliterated utterly, leaving not even dust behind. On a successful save, creatures suffer 1d6 points of Untyped damage per 3 levels (round down). The blot will remain for one minute or until destroyed by a Rod of Cancellation (or anything else that can negate a Sphere of Annihilation or similar).
  • Horrifying Slime Eruption (Su): this requires a spring and a bucket of goo with a vial of alcohol inside. When this is triggered, the goo sprays out in quantities that exceed what could have been stored, and a 15x15 foot square centred on the trigger is covered in the dangerous slime – the Trapmaster may decide ahead of time whether it is Dragon Bile, a 27 HD Arcane Ooze, a 22 HD Corrupture or a 24 HD Blighted Bloodfire Ooze.
  • Flux (Ex): this requires a small jar of slime or goo – it turns out this was actually Flux slime. If somebody steps on it, it breaks open into a 5’ cube, growing by another 5’ cube per round and lasting for one minute (or until destroyed by extreme heat, cold or sunlight). The Caster Level of the Anti-Magic Field equals the Trapmaster’s level, and the Save DC for the magical burst effects is standard for a Trap.
Note: in a game where the Trapmaster isn't doing much adventuring and has a lot more opportunities to set up ambushes, I would also recommend losing either the Rapid Shot benefits or the Cohort. As such, an NPC adversary who gets to set up traps for players to trudge through should not have both benefits.

Other Options:
Rangers learns to hunt a lot of foes, and gain different abilities based on them. At levels 5 and 9, he normally gains Giant Slayer and Ghost Hunter as Bonus Feats. Instead, let him select any of the following each time: Angel Slayer, Demon Hunter, Dragon Slayer, Faerie Stabber, Ghost Hunter, Giant Slayer, Killer of Change, Mage Slayer, Plant Killer, Seafood Chef, Vampire Hunter.

The feats in question (other than those already in the Tome document) are here:
Vampire Hunter [Combat]
You like to turn (unliving) undead into just unliving and dead.
Benefit: just by looking at a Vampire, you can make a Know: Religion check (DC equals 10 + HD) to determine its Vampiric Weaknesses and similar bullshit.
+1 BAB: you automatically recognise [Unliving] as what they are (the Undead Type and [Unliving] subtype) on sight, unless they use Illusions to disguise their form.
+6 BAB: your natural weapons all count as being Wooden, which incidentally bypasses all Damage Reduction for Vampires. Any [Unliving] creature you reduce to zero HP with a Wooden weapon (including your natural weapons) is utterly Destroyed, True Death style.
+11 BAB: you have mastered the art of hitting undead weak points. If you score a Critical Hit against an [Unliving] Undead creature, it must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + 1/2 Level + Str for melee or Dex for ranged) or be destroyed.
+16 BAB: any creature that attempts to deliver a Negative Level or Ability Drain within 30' of you must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half HD + Con, Undead are susceptible to this) or have the ability fail and be Nauseated for 1d4 rounds. Also you faintly smell of garlic.

Faerie Stabber [Combat]
You enjoy killing the little pixies or slapping Nymphs about. People know to go to you for their pixie dust habit.
Benefit: you benefit from "Resist Nature's Lure", exactly like a Druid.
+1 BAB: your unarmed attacks and melee weapons are considered to be made of Cold Iron for the purposes of bypassing Damage Reduction and Regeneration.
+6 BAB: if someone can add their Charisma bonus to AC or Saving throws, your attacks and effects ignore this: they cannot do so. If their Charisma bonus replaces another ability score for this, they may use the original score or a +0 (their choice).
+11 BAB: you can see invisible creatures, even those who are naturally invisible. For Fey, you can even see through any illusions that alter their appearance, and can see them even if blinded.
+16 BAB: you can use an Immediate action to make any [Mind Affecting] effect fail, as long as it is directed at you or someone within 20 feet of you.

Demon Hunter [Combat]
When there's a demon in the house, people have you on speed-dial.
Benefit: your melee attacks (natural attacks and weapons) count as Good-aligned for the purposes of Regeneration and Damage Reduction.
+1 BAB: you gain a +5 bonus on Fortitude Saves against Poisons, and on a successful save, suffer no effects despite what it might normally say.
+6 BAB: any time you deal damage to a creature, even non-lethal damage, they lose the benefits of Fast Healing or Regeneration for one round.
+11 BAB: Summon Monster spells, and the Spell-like Summoning ability of Outsiders, automatically fail if cast by someone within 50' of you or summoning one or more creatures to within 50' of you.
+16 BAB: whenever a creature you can see attempts to Teleport or Planeshift, you may make a regular attack against it with whatever weapon you are wielding (effects that are attack actions, such as Fire Bolts, also count). If this hits, they must pass a Concentration check (DC 10 + your BAB + your Int) or fail to be transported.

Plant Killer [Combat]
Maybe a potplant killed your uncle or something. You focus on fighting plants.
Benefit: you are immune to the poisons of all Plant creatures.
+1 BAB: you may move normally when Entangled and retain your Dexterity bonus to Armour Class. Additionally, you cannot be entangled by plants (environmental effects, the Entangle spell or actual Plant creatures).
+6 BAB: you have a remarkably specific form of damage reduction, equal to your BAB, that applies to Thorns, Vines and Tentacles, including Slam attacks that are described as originating from any of the above, or Spiked Armour/Shields.
+11 BAB: your attacks ignore the Natural Armour of Plants, as well as the benefits of Barkskin.
+16 BAB: with a Standard action, you may deliver an attack against any creature of the Plant type that, if it deals damage equal to its Con score or higher, forces the Plant to make a Fort save (DC 10 + half HD + Str) or lose one natural weapon of your choice as the limb/section is lopped off.

Dragon Slayer [Combat]
You're so sick of dragonwank that you proactively do something about it. Or maybe you just don't want giant fire-breathing monsters burning your house down.
Benefit: you gain Evasion against Breath Weapons. If you already have Evasion, it becomes Improved Evasion against Breath Weapons. If you already have that, then it becomes Perfect Evasion against Breath Weapons.
+1 BAB: if a Dragon that is larger than you ever misses when attacking you with a Natural Weapon, you may use an Attack of Opportunity to grab hold of it, latching on. If you have a Light weapon wielded, you automatically hit with it every turn while latched on.
+6 BAB: with a Standard action you may make a melee attack that ignores Natural Armour bonuses to Armour Class.
+11 BAB: if Swallowed Whole, you may use an Immediate action to slip free, ending in any square adjacent to the creature. Nobody need know how you do this.
+16 BAB: any time a creature is flying and you are attacking it from a lower position, you can strike the weak point for massive damage. All successful hits you make against it in this position becomes an automatic critical hit.

Killer of Change [Combat]
Anything that can change is your enemy, so you change them into corpses.
Benefit: when you attempt to see through the disguises of others, they do not gain any bonus for using shape changing effects (often a +$TEXAS from Alter Self, Alternate Form etc.)
+1 BAB: your form is strangely unique, causing any attempt to mimic your appearance to not quite work, being distorted and granting no bonus to the Disguise check.
+6 BAB: whenever a creature you can see changes forms, you may make a regular attack against it with whatever weapon you are wielding (effects that are attack actions, such as Fire Bolts, also count). If this hits, they must pass a Concentration check (DC 10 + your BAB + your Int) or fail to change forms.
+11 BAB: when fighting a creature with a set number of forms (like a Lycanthrope or a Hengeyokai, as opposed to a Changeling or a Druid), your attacks and effects always target the lowest AC, Damage Reduction or Saving Throw Modifier of the various forms. When fighting a creature with one form and then the ability to take on any other form (like a Druid or Changeling), your attacks and effects target the AC, Damage Reduction and Saving Throw Modifiers of their base form rather than whatever form they happen to take, if that would be beneficial.
+16 BAB: Abilities and spells that change shape or form fail to work within 100 foot radius aura. Creatures currently in alternate forms or under the effects of spells must make a Will save each round (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Cha) or revert to their true form (if any) and are stuck that way until they leave the aura.

Angel Slayer [Combat]
You have beef with the Celestials. Good for you.
Benefit: you ignore the defensive boosts of Protection Against/Magic Circle Against Evil (and any spells or effects based on them, such as the auras of Celestials).
+1 BAB: any Celestial you successfully hit automatically loses the benefits of their Aura of Menace (or similar abilities) for one round.
+6 BAB: you radiate a constant Desecrate out to within 30' of you, although you may suppress this at will.
+11 BAB: whenever a creature you can see attempts to Teleport or Planeshift, you may make a regular attack against it with whatever weapon you are wielding (effects that are attack actions, such as Fire Bolts, also count). If this hits, they must pass a Concentration check (DC 10 + your BAB + your Int) or fail to be transported.
+16 BAB: spells and effects with the [Good] descriptor suffer a 50% failure rate when cast within 100 feet of you.

Seafood Chef [Combat]
You like to kill aberrations, mostly because they taste good fried.
Benefit: Aberrations cause a tingling in your head. You are innately aware of any Aberration that is within 120' of you, though you only get an approximate location.
+1 BAB: you recover mental Ability Damage at the rate of one point per score per round.
+6 BAB: if you become Stunned as the result of a failed Saving throw, you may attempt the save again as an Immediate action. If the effect causes you to be Stunned even on a successful save, you may ignore that and are still not Stunned. With a Full Round action you may snap someone else out of the Stunned condition as long as they are adjacent to you.
+11 BAB: you cannot be detected by Telepathy, Detect Thoughts, or abilities that reference these spells.
+16 BAB: any attempt to connect to your mind, such as the use of Divinations or [Mind Affecting] effects on you, causes psychic backlash. The target must pass a Will save (DC 10 + half your HD + your Wis mod) or be Nauseated for 1 round. If they pass they are merely Sickened for one round.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Oct 13, 2020 7:58 am, edited 4 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

The Wizard
This one

Focused Specialist
There are always Specialists when there are Wizards. As long as magic is divided into Schools, you’re going to have people who decide they have a favourite one and they focus a lot of their studies into that, foregoing other magic but gaining more might in their chosen field. This one limits the spellcasting ability, as is standard, but only gives one bonus spell slot, offering up class features that you don’t get if you decide to take a prestige class.
Specialist School: the Focused Specialist must select one School of magic to be his Specialist School. He gains a special “floating” Bonus Slot that can be Immediate or Durational, his choice, and can be of any level he can already cast, but must hold a spell from his Specialist School. He also learns one additional spell per level from his Specialist School.

There are drawbacks to this: half of his Immediate Spell Slots (round up) must hold spells from his Specialist School (or be empty). Similarly, more of his Durational Spell Slots must hold spells from his Specialist School than any other single School (so for instance at levels 1 through 4 he has two slots which can only hold spells from his Specialist School, but at level 5-6 he could also have one spell from another school, and at level 7 he could have another spell from a third school). It doesn’t matter which specific levels he uses for the Durational Spell Slots. Additionally, he must select two other Schools: those are Banned – he cannot learn or cast spells from these Schools, not even from magic items (without a Use Magic Device check).

Immediate Magic (Sp): at level two, the Focused Specialist does not gain a Familiar. Instead, he must exchange it for Immediate Magic (PHB2), with two noteworthy changes:
1. An Evocation specialist may aim his Force bolt at an incoming projectile instead of the attacker if he prefers, including spells that are delivered via Ranged Touch Attack or an Area of Effect. He rolls his damage, and subtracts it from the damage received – to a minimum of zero.
2. A Necromancy specialist’s curse lasts until the next sunrise, but can be removed earlier by Remove Curse and similar. It also causes the attacker to take damage equal to his Intelligence Bonus or the damage dealt to the Specialist, whichever is lower.

Minor Arcana: at level six, the Focused Specialist gains another ability or Bonus Feat (from here), chosen from a small list, depending on his Specialist School:
  • Abjuration: he either may add his Intelligence Bonus to Dispel checks, or gains Light Armour Proficiency and does not suffer Arcane Spell Failure for Light Armour (select one), or gains Mystic Backlash or Blank Thoughts as a Bonus Feat.
  • Conjuration: he may cast Summon spells with a Standard Action, or gains Cloudy Conjuration or Augmented Summon or Major of Minions or Imbued Summoning as a Bonus Feat.
  • Divination: when casting a Divination spell with a duration of Concentration, the spell may be maintained for a number of additional rounds equal to his Intelligence Bonus when he stops concentrating, or he gains Rapid Diviner, Acquirer’s Eye or Blind Sense as a Bonus Feat.
  • Enchantment: he gains Battle Enchantments, Social Adept, Storyteller or Wild Empathy as a Bonus Feat.
  • Evocation: he gains Elemental Spell Mixture, Forceful Magic, Energy Gestalt or Explosion as a Bonus Feat.
  • Illusion: he gains Nightmare Phantasm, Oracle of Ghosts and Dreams, Realistic Shadows or Transferred Sensation as a Bonus Feat.
  • Necromancy: he gains Accursed Necromancy, Fearsome Grasp or Aura of Fear as a Bonus Feat.
  • Transmutation: he gains Natural Spell, Shifting Form, Toughening Transmutation or Transmuter’s Alchemy as a Bonus Feat, or any of his Transmutations may last one extra round after they are Dispelled.
Moderate Arcana: at level ten, the Focused Specialist gets a special defensive benefit when casting Spells of his Specialist School. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Spell Level:
  • Abjuration: he gains both Evasion and Mettle
  • Conjuration: he benefits from Greater Dimension Door
  • Divination: he gains Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Evasion and Improved Evasion
  • Enchantment: he can re-roll failed Will Saves (only once per failed saving throw)
  • Evocation: he gains Energy Resistance (equal to double his level) against one energy type dealt by the spell or Descriptor of the spell – if there is none, he just resists Fire
  • Illusion: he gains Concealment 20%
  • Necromancy: he gains all the traits of an Undead [Dark-Minded]
  • Transmutation: he can re-roll all failed Fortitude Saves (only once per failed saving throw), and the indescernible anatomy (and thus Immunity to Critical Hits) of an Ooze
Unique Spell: at level twelve, the Focused Specialist can cheat, learning a new spell which is of his Specialist School. Select any one spell of level five or lower for any class that can cast ninth-level spells, even if it’s from a Banned school. It now becomes a Wizard spell of his Specialist School, but only for him and other Specialists of the same kind who he personally teaches, and the Spell Level is raised to six. Reflavour the spell, with some kind of vague justification for why it is the new School.

Major Arcana: at level fourteen, the Focused Specialist gains another ability, which may be used three times per day and depends on his chosen School:
  • Abjuration: as part of casting an Abjuration spell, he may specify specific spells, effects or individual casters to be exempt from the effects, such as exempting his own spells from an Anti-Magic Field.
  • Conjuration: as part of Summoning or Calling a creature, he may select a specific individual – he prepares one of these per valid spell beforehand on cards to show Mister Cavern. For these, the creature is given the Elite Array for ability scores, and the Specialist selects the Skill Points, Feats and any other selectable options (such as Spells Known/Prepared in summoning a caster).
  • Divination: as part of casting a Divination spell with a target, or looking for a subject or object, or where you ask a question and the answer is a subject or object, you may then “chain” the spell upon seeing the results – casting any other Divination Spell you know that is of lower level that targets the same subject or object or asks a question about them.
  • Enchantment: if a creature succeeds on a saving throw against an Enchantment, he may use a Swift Action the following round to force them to try saving again against the same effect, without needing to cast it again.
  • Evocation: as part of casting an Evocation with an Area of Effect, he may automatically destroy (as though Dispelled) any existing spells of lower Caster Level that overlap the Area of Effect – merely in the overlapping areas unless it would not make sense (such as only half-covering a Summoned Gargantuan creature), in which case the entire spell is destroyed.
  • Illusion: as part of casting an Illusion spell, he may make it entirely real, unable to be Disbelieved (although effects can still be resisted), and indeed creating real objects, creatures and effects. No serious effect should deny a save at all as a result of this – if something was once “Stuns the target, Will Disbelief” it merely becomes “Stuns the target, Will Negates” or similar, while being an entirely “real” effect that ignores Immunities to Illusions, [Mind-Affecting] effects, or various Illusion Sub-School Descriptors.
  • Necromancy: if the Specialist cast a spell that kills one or more creatures, then as a non-action he may raise it as an undead as though he possessed any Tome [Necromancy] feat of his choosing. As long as the final creature’s CR is no higher than his own level minus two, he may control it as though he had successfully cast Control Undead, subject to the usual control pool. If he activates this upon casting a spell that kills multiple creatures, he may raise any or all of them.
  • Transmutation: as part of casting a spell that lets him select a form or benefit to gain personally, he may select two benefits, or select one form and one trait from another allowed form, gaining both. For instance, he may Polymorph into a Troll and add the Tentacle natural weapons of a Mind Flayer.
Archmage: when the Focused Specialist becomes an Archmage, the usual restrictions regarding Spell Slots apply, with half of each type needing to be either empty or filled with a Spell of the Specialist School. On the plus side, he adds one bonus Spell Known of each level 1 through 9 to his list, from any Class List he likes (and adding them to his own Class List if necessary), but they must all be from his Specialist School. For spells newly added to his Class List, he may teach them to other Focused Specialists who share his School.

Even in second edition, there were spells that altered other spells – so called meta-magic. This continued in later editions, and it makes sense that you’d have someone who focuses on it. The Metamagician doesn’t just gain a bunch of Meta-Magic Feats, he also gets to alter the spells other people cast, and cast other spells that change how spells work.
Bonus Spells: the Metamagician learns a number of bonus spells that interact with magic and casting in certain ways. At every even level, he may select one Spell he is high enough level to cast from the following list. He is unable to gain a Familiar as a trade-off for this, and these bonus spells learned are considered a class feature, not “part of spellcasting ability” that can be advanced by a Prestige Class.
  • First Level: True Casting (C. Mage)
  • Second Level: Magical Backlash (DotU) or Dispel Shield (Kaelik)
  • Third Level: Dispel Magic (Kaelik) or Battlemagic Perception (HoB)
  • Fourth Level: Mnemonic Enhancer (SRD) or Otiluke’s Impressing Field (C. Mage) or Stifle Spell (PHB2) or Mystic Surge (PHB2)
  • Fifth Level: Permanency (SRD) or Duelward (C. Arcane) or Reciprocal Gyre (C. Arcane) or Mana Flux (PHB 2)
  • Sixth Level: Greater Dispel Magic (Kaelik) or Antimagic Field (SRD) or Contingency (SRD) or Rary’s Arcane Conversion (C. Mage)
  • Seventh Level: Otiluke’s Greater Dispelling Screen (C. Arcane) or Kiss of Draconic Defiance (D. Magic) or Arcane Spellsurge (D. Magic)
  • Eighth Level: Chain Dispel (PHB2) or Transcribe Symbol (Hot Outside)
  • Ninth Level: Mordenkainen’s Disjunction (SRD) or Reaving Dispel (C. Arcane) or Invoke Magic (LoM)
Metamagic Feats: the fifth-level Metamagician does not gain Craft Magic Items. Instead, he gains a bonus Meta-Magic Feat, and another is also gained at levels ten and fifteen.

Affect Other Casters: starting at level six, the Metamagician can use an Immediate Action to spend a Spell Slot to affect an identified spell somebody else is casting within 30 feet. He can use any +0 or +1 Spell Level effect he has available by his own Meta-Magic Feats, providing the Spell in question is a valid target for the feat (for instance no Extended Magic Missile spells). He must sacrifice a prepared spell (emptying the slot) of a level at least as high as the new modified spell level – if the modified spell level is too high for him, this ability does not work.

At level nine, the range increases to 60 feet and he can apply effects of up to +2 Spell Levels, such as Empower Spell (Core), Shaped Spell: Sculpt (Kaelik), or two levels of Extra Effort (Koumei).

At level twelve, the range increases to 90 feet and he can apply effects of up to +3 Spell Levels.

At level fifteen, the range increases to 120 feet and he can apply effects of up to +4 Spell Levels.

At level eighteen, the only Spell Level limit is his ability to cast spells.

Inverted Meta-Magic: starting at level ten, when using Affect Other Casters, the Metamagician can somewhat reverse the effect of a Meta-Magic feat, spending his own spells to make other peoples’ spells really shitty. When using Extend Spell (or its equivalent in another feat system), he may halve the duration. Then using Persistent Spell (or its equivalent), he may reduce the duration to one round. When using Empower Spell, he may halve random numeric effects. When using Maximise Spell, he may reduce random numeric effects to the minimum possible value. When using Widen Spell, he may halve the Area of Effect. When using Reach Spell, he may halve the Range. For other feats and effects, work something out with Mister Cavern – there are at least three different systems of Meta-Magic I can think of that people might be using.

Temporal Mage
The Temporal Mage is not as focused on time magic as the Time Mage, however there is still room for a Wizard who has a bit of a focus on time spells – spells that manipulate time, space, speed and ageing. Much like the others, the Temporal Mage is basically an alternative to taking a Prestige Class. There are some nice perks, but you’re not going full FFV Time Mage or Sailor Pluto.
Temporal Magic: the Temporal Mage learns a number of Bonus Spells related to the manipulation of time, the observation of events in time, or affecting creature’s perception of or interaction with time. Additionally, prepared spells may be converted spontaneously into spells from this list of equal or lower level. At each occasion, only one of the listed spells can be chosen - put a little mark next to it to tell it apart from other spells on this list that were learned normally. These bonus spells are gained specifically at Wizard levels and not as part of the spellcasting that can be advanced by a Prestige Class. However, once he reaches enough class levels that a spell is available on this list, if it is normally a higher-level spell or not available to Wizards, he may forever after learn it at the new lower level or as a Wizard spell.
  • Cantrips: Purify Food/Drink (normally a Cleric Orison), Class Level 1
  • Spell Level 1: Expeditious Retreat or Erase or Feather Fall or Incite or Inhibit, Class Level 2
  • Spell Level 2: Delay Poison (normally Cleric) or Make Whole (normally Cleric) or Lesser Celerity or Anticipate Teleportation (normally level 3), Class Level 4
  • Spell Level 3: Gentle Repose or Haste or Slow or Dimension Step or Hesitate or Plant Growth (normally Druid) or Mass Snake’s Swiftness, Class Level 6
  • Spell Level 4: Touch of Years or Celerity or Delayed Blast Fireball (normally level 7) or Greater Anticipate Teleportation (normally level 6), Class Level 8
  • Spell Level 5: Fabricate or Permanency or Zone of Respite or Miasma of Entropy or Lesser Spell Matrix or Slay Living (normally Cleric), Class Level 10
  • Spell Level 6: Contingency or Disintegrate or Rary’s Arcane Conversion or Ray of Entropy or Raise Dead (normally Cleric level 5), Class Level 12
  • Spell Level 7: Sequester or Simulacrum or Spell Matrix or Transfix or Regenerate (normally Cleric), Class Level 14
  • Spell Level 8: Clone or Dimensional Lock or Horrid Wilting or Moment of Prescience or Temporal Stasis or Greater Celerity or Spell Engine, Class Level 16
  • Spell Level 9: Foresight or Refuge or Time Stop or Hindsight or Greater Spell Matrix, Class Level 18
Familiar: the Temporal Mage does not gain a Familiar, and therefore cannot exchange the Familiar for something else like Abrupt Jaunt.

Stolen Time: starting at level eleven, any time the Temporal Mage casts Haste. she may also cast Slow and vice versa (even if she only knows one of the spells in question - it is a side-effect of the initial spell and not literally casting two prepared spells in the one turn). Any time she casts Incite, she may also cast Inhibit and vice versa. Any time she casts Time Stop, she may also cast Temporal Stasis (the reverse is only true if she is 17th level or higher and thus of high enough level to learn Time Stop).

Time Lord: starting at level fifteen, any time somebody else uses magic to gain extra turns or actions (such as Celerity or Time Stop) within 100 feet of the Temporal Mage, as long as she is aware of them, she also benefits from the spells and extra turns/actions.

War Wizard
There have been spellcasters focused on warfare and sieges and blasting massive armies as far back as second edition – or indeed, back in the day of D&D being more of a war game. The War Wizard specialises in casting spells that have very long casting times but affect vast areas or a great number of targets. Sure, they still need to take the time to cast more practical spells in the normal manner, but they also get access to a bunch of spells from other lists that help them do that practical sort of thing. This is sort of the half-way point between the War Mage class and regular Wizards.
Expanded Spell List: the War Wizard adds a number of Spells to her Class List, and at every odd level she may select one of these spells that is a low enough level for her to cast, and add it to her Spells Known as a Bonus Spell. The bonus spells are considered a Class Feature, and not part of “Spellcasting” that a Prestige Class advances. Because Wizards know all Cantrips on their list, the new Cantrips are also added automatically:
  • Cantrips: Create Water, Purify Food and Drink
  • First Level: Healthful Rest
  • Second Level: Status, Briar Web, Mass Camouflage
  • Third Level: Animate Dead, Nature’s Rampart
  • Fourth Level: Astral Hospice, Recitation, Lay of the Land
  • Fifth Level: Zone of Revelation
  • Sixth Level: Heroes’ Feast, Hide the Path
  • Seventh Level: Control Weather
  • Eighth Level: Mass Death Ward, Lion’s Roar
  • Ninth Level: Shadow Landscape
Spellcasting Limitation: the War Wizard is concerned with spells that are cast on a larger scale, and is unable to learn or cast any single-target spells, whether Personal or Touch, or “Select one target” or spells that fire a single Orb or Ray. This does mean some spells can’t be learned when first available, such as Magic Missile or Scorching Ray – and cannot be cast in such a manner that all rays or missiles are directed at the one target. It is all right if an Area of Effect only happens to have one creature in the area. There is also an exception: the War Wizard may learn and cast spells that have one target, from which an area emanates, as well as forms of detection such as Detect Magic or Status.

Tactical Magic: starting at level six, when casting Spell that affects a number of targets or an Area of Effect, the War Wizard may increase the Casting Time by a number of minutes equal to the Spell Level, and in doing so multiply the number of targets or size of the Area by ten.

Starting at level ten, she may instead increase the Casting Time by a number of minutes equal to the Spell Level multiplied by ten, and in doing so multiply the number of targets or size of the Area by one hundred.

These effects can be used for things like Magic Missile that target multiple creatures by generating multiple projectiles, however every single missile (or ray or similar) must target a different creature (or be wasted).

Tactical Contingency: starting at level thirteen, when the War Wizard prepares her Immediate Spells she may designate one slot to have a contingency or back-up plan: make a simple contingent statement such as “we are outnumbered” or “it is night time” or “there is a lot of natural cover”, and select one spell that may be cast in that situation. Then select a different spell to share that spell slot, which is cast if the conditions are not met. Once either spell is cast from the slot, it is rendered spent, and neither one can be used again (until prepared again normally). These spells are not instantly triggered as with a Contingency spell, it is simply flexibility with the spell.

At level nineteen, a second Tactical Contingency may be prepared as part of spell preparation.

Arcane Artillery: starting at level fifteen, the War Wizard may channel her Area of Effect spells through artillery pieces. When she finishes casting (whether normally or by Tactical Magic), she can store the spell in the ammunition, and providing it is fired within three rounds, once the projectile lands it unleashes the spell, with the ammunition being the origin of the effect. Only one spell can be stored in a given piece of artillery at a time.
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:34 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Kaelik »

Koumei wrote:There are drawbacks to this: half of his Immediate Spell Slots (round up) and Durational Spell Slots (round up) must hold spells from his Specialist School (or be empty). It doesn’t matter which specific levels he uses for the Durational Spell Slots. Additionally, he must select two other Schools: those are Banned – he cannot learn or cast spells from these Schools, not even from magic items (without a Use Magic Device check).
I would suggest making this "more durational slots of your specialized school than any other school" instead of half. Some schools are just crying trying to find durational spells. Half round up good for Immediate spells though.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Koumei »

Sure thing. Rad has asked me to look at making some more durational spells for the schools that don't know what a duration is, but even so, just "more of this than any other individual school" is enough of a limit for durationals.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Post by Koumei »

Wizard is finished, subject to any changes deemed necessary. Here are some low-level Durational spells for the schools that are lacking a little.

(Level 1: Abjuration has 3, or 7 at level 5, Conjuration has 6 or 9, Divination has 3 or 5, Enchantment has 1 or 3, Evocation has 4 or 5, Illusion has 3 or 4, Necromancy has 0 or 1, Transmutation has 7 or 14. Level 2: Abjuration is 5 or 6, Conjuration 3, Divination 2 or 5, Enchantment 1 or 3, Evocation 3 or 7, Illusion 3 or 6, Necromancy 1 or 5, Transmutation 14 or 35. Yes this includes all sorts of books, and I may have miscounted here or there and also I'm not saying you even WANT to cast half of these. So I tried coming up with a few extras.)

Level 1:
Grave Visage
Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Dread Necromancer 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Touch
Target: Living creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

The target is infused with just enough negative energy that Undead perceive them as a Mindless Undead. Mindless Undead will not attack them unprovoked, and Intelligent Undead may very well assume they are spawned creatures or at least not worth draining.

Material Components: a handful of dirt from a graveyard

Curse of Lost Fortune
Necromancy [Curse]
Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Blackguard 1, Bard 1, Witch 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal, then Close (see below)
Target: Personal, then one living creature (see below)
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

When first cast, you wreath yourself in a curse, one that wards off certain types of fortune: attackers cannot claim any kind of Luck bonus on attack or damage rolls against you, nor may they utilise any kind of re-roll on attacks or damage against you. Should a creature within close range damage you, you may use an Immediate Action to transfer the curse across to them - ending the effects on you, and having the following effects on them:

The target doesn’t precisely become unlucky, instead they stop being lucky, with good fortune repelled from them. While under the effects of this curse, they cannot benefit from any kind of Luck Bonus, and cannot choose to re-roll when they would normally have the ability.

This is instantly removed by Remove Curse and similar effects.

Splendid Demeanour
Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Bard 1, Beguiller 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The caster’s own mind is enhanced by this, becoming more charming, witty, impressive or even intimidating if they so wish. For the duration, they may make certain skill checks unimpeded: they may take ten on Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information and Intimidate checks even if rushed or threatened, and do not take the -4 or -8 penalty to Feint against nonhumanoids or creatures of animal intelligence, do not take the -10 penalty to Diplomacy checks when rushed, and cannot worsen attitudes by rolling low on Diplomacy checks.

Material Components: a small amount of make-up, face powder or perfume

Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Beguiller 1, Bard 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Close
Target: One living creature
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

The target is afflicted with paranoia, unable to trust others. They cannot receive Aid Other bonuses (nor make Aid Other attempts), and must always attempt to save against (Harmless) effects. This counters (and is countered by) Charm Person, and can be removed like a Curse.

Disguise Object
Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Touch
Target: Object touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

One object of Small size or smaller, including Weapons of up to One-Handed size for Medium creatures, or up to Medium Armour for Medium creatures, or a non-Tower Shield for Medium Creatures, is covered by an illusion that changes not only its appearance, but the sound it makes when interacted with. It appears to be another chosen object of similar size – making a copper coin appear to be made of platinum, or making a long sword appear like a dagger, or making a breastplate look like a cotton shirt, or making a cactus look like a barstool.

Protect Against Self
Level: Sor/Wiz 1, Witch 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Close
Target: One creature
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

The target is “protected” against their own magical effects – whether they want to be or not. For the duration, they have Spell Resistance of your Caster Level plus fifteen, but only against their own Spells and Spell-Like Abilities, not those of anybody else. They cannot elect to suppress or lower this Spell Resistance.

Material Components: protective padding or wrapping
Level 2:
Halo of Flames
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 2, Duskblade 1, Elementalist 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Personal
Duration: 1 min./level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

A ring of flames burns around you, radiating out from your brow and illuminating your square and all adjacent squares – and providing dim illumination out ten feet further. Any creature that hits you with a Natural Weapon or non-Reach melee weapon suffers 1d4 points of Fire damage, which increases to 1d6 at level five, 1d8 at level seven, 1d10 at level nine and 1d12 at level eleven. Spell Resistance applies against this each time.

Material Components: a brass ring

False Comfort
Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Sor/Wiz 2, Beguiler 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Close
Target: One living creature
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

The subject does not notice the hassles of unpleasant weather, enjoying a pleasant day regardless of the actual hardships their body suffers. They do not suffer obscured vision or penalties to skill checks from weather and extreme temperatures, nor are they rendered Fatigued as a result of temperature and weather (heatstroke, dehydration and so on). A creature affected by this is allowed another save when exposed to obvious, harmful weather (such as being caught in a sandstorm or blizzard), and if failed they will not notice any dangers present. Such characters will not hold their breath when necessary and could suffocate very quickly.

Dreary Domain
Level: Sor/Wiz 2, Dread Necromancer 2, Blackguard 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Round
Range: Close
Area: 20’ radius Spread, +5’ per 5 Caster Levels
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The area “blessed” by this spell is imbued with negative energy designed specifically to protect the Undead. Any effect that specifically harms Undead (such as Disrupt Undead or Undeath to Death spells, or Cure Wounds spells when cast on Undead targets, or Turn Undead attempts) has a 25% chance of failure (as Arcane Spell Failure, or a Curse) when originating within this area or targeting a creature inside the area. This chance increases by an amount equal to your Caster Level. Effects which bolster, heal or seize control of Undead are unaffected by this.

Material Components: a handful of crushed bones

Curse of Unmaking
Necromancy [Curse]
Level: Sor/Wiz 2, Witch 2, Dread Necromancer 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Fortitude Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

The creature is cursed with a special susceptibility and vulnerability to undead creatures and their attacks. They never benefit from Damage Reduction or Immunity to Critical Hits against Undead, and if they would normally be Immune to or healed by Negative Energy such as Inflict spells, this is no longer the case: they suffer damage. Additionally, any time an Inflict Wounds spell is cast upon them, including by Spell-Like Ability, they suffer maximum damage.

This can be removed by Remove Curse and similar effects.

Level: Sor/Wiz 2, Beguiler 2, Bard 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Close
Target: one creature
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will Negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes

The target is supernaturally happy and content, placed in a magical good mood for the duration. They are immune to non-harmless Spells, Spell-Like and Supernatural Abilities that invoke emotional effects, such as Rage, Crushing Despair, Wave of Grief or the breath weapon of a Gloom Dragon. They are also immune to psychological effects, even supernatural planar ones, such as Cabin Fever or the Grey Wasting. If already affected by one of these when this spell is cast, the effects are suppressed for the duration of this spell.

This doesn’t apply to [Fear] effects for some reason, and that reason is overall balance. You should probably say the real reason is the creator of the spell decided he needed the safety of a fear response when attacked.

Nybor’s Chastisement
Level: Sor/Wiz 2, Beguiler 2, Witch 2
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Range: Close
Target: one living creature
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: Will Partial
Spell Resistance: Yes

The target is wracked by a sudden sharp pain in their head as their mind rebels against the idea that they have in some way wronged you. They suffer a -8 Penalty on Concentration checks, a -4 Penalty on other skill checks that require long-term concentration (Disable Device, Decipher Script and so on), and a +10% increase in their Arcane Spell Failure (which can indeed increase it from zero to 10%). If they succeed on the saving throw, it only lasts for three rounds.

This can be removed by Remove Curse and similar effects.

Material Components: a piece of chalk (typically thrown at the target as part of casting)
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Oct 27, 2020 5:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Conduit of the Lower Planes
As updated here:

Conduit of the Outer Planes
This is less a modification, and more an expansion: it finishes up the latest ability that wasn’t completed for all varieties, and it also opens it up to the other Outer Planes. While it’s reasonable to have something that is tied specifically to Lower Planes, it’s also reasonable to want casters tied to Mechanus or Bytopia or whatever. If you only want Fiends offering that sort of power, then just don’t allow anything “North” of Pandemonium or Acheron.
Petitioner Channeling (Su): the Petitioner may make a ranged touch attack against a single target within Close Range. If this attack hits, the target is subject to the effects of a Petitioner’s plane as follows. Any Savi ng Throw is 10 + ½ the Petitioner’s hit dice + their Charisma Bonus.
  • Pandemonium: a wave of sound does 1d8 Sonic damage and forces a Fort save against Deafening for one hour.
  • The Abyss: a line of electricity arcs to the target and another target of your choice within 30 feet – use the one attack roll for b oth. It deals 1d6 + your Charisma Bonus in Electricity damage.
  • Carceri: an area the target is standing on is coated in ice. This functions as a Grease spell with a Caster Level equal to your hit dice.
  • Hades: a surge of negative energy deals Negative Energy damage equal to your Charisma Bonus, and forces a Will Save. On a failed save, the target takes one point of Wisdom damage. This is a [Mind-Affecting] effect.
  • Gehenna: a ball of acid strikes the target, dealing 2d4 Acid damage. This repeats on the following round unless the target removes it with a Full-Round Action.
  • Baator: a gout of flame appears in a square, dealing an automatic 1d6 Fire damage to the occupant (with no attack roll or saving throw), and the same damage to any adjacent creatures that fail a Reflex Save.
  • Acheron: a stream of sharp metal shoots out, dealing 2d6 + your Charisma Bonus in slashing damage.
  • Mechanus: a hard metal cog strikes the target and shatters, dealing 1d8 + your Charisma Bonus in bludgeoning damage and forcing them 5’ back.
  • Arcadia: the Storm Kings direct their power towards the target, dealing 1d6 + your Charisma Bonus that is half Cold and half Electricity and leaves the target drenched with water.
  • Celestia: a bolt of lantern light strikes out at the target, dealing damage equal to your Charisma Bonus, and if the target fails a Fortitude Save they are Blinded for one round. This is a [Light] effect.
  • Bytopia: the target is hit by two perfected opposing forces, resulting in them taking 2d6 points of Untyped damage.
  • Elysium: the joyous waters of the Oceanus engulf the foe, dealing 1d4 plus your Charisma Bonus in Piercing damage and, on a failed Reflex Save, leaving the target Entangled for one round.
  • The Beastlands: the target is seemingly assailed by fangs and claws, suffering 2d6 Slashing damage. They suffer 1 damage per round thereafter from bloodloss until they receive a DC 15 Heal check or any amount of magical healing.
  • Arborea: all creatures in the target square, and adjacent squares, are awash with riotous joy as a [Mind-Affecting] effect. This requires no attack roll, and as long as any of the creatures in the area fails a Will Save, all of them suffer Bludgeoning damage equal to your Charisma Bonus.
  • Ysgard: intense heat and cold scour the target, dealing 1d6 + your Charisma Bonus that is half Fire and half Cold.
  • Limbo: raw chaos and wild magic batter the target, dealing 1d4 points of Untyped damage and forcing them to make a Will Save. If failed, they are Confused for one round.
Petitioner Immunities: a Conduit of the Planes gains his power from a specific plane, and is protected by the nature of that plane:
  • Pandemonium: Immunity to Sonic.
  • The Abyss: Immunity to Electricity.
  • Carceri: Immunity to Cold.
  • Hades: Immunity to [Fear] and [Morale] effects.
  • Gehenna: Immunity to Acid.
  • Baator: Immunity to Fire.
  • Acheron: Immunity to [Compulsion] effects.
  • Mechanus: Immunity to falling and Crushing damage (including Bite attacks, Constrict attacks, the physical damage from being Swallowed Whole, and damage from Bigby spells).
  • Arcadia: Immunity to Disease and Ability Damage/Drain to Strength, Dexterity or Constitution.
  • Celestia: Immunity to Petrification and Paralysis.
  • Bytopia: Immunity to Vile damage (suffering no damage at all if it would be Vile) and Permanent Ability Drain.
  • Elysium: Immunity to Negative Levels.
  • The Beastlands: Immunity to Poison and being rendered Sickened or Nauseated.
  • Arborea: Immunity to involuntary forms of shape changing.
  • Ysgard: Immunity to [Death] effects.
  • Limbo: Immunity to Confusion, Insanity and Ability Damage/Drain to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma.
Petitioner Skills: a Conduit of the Planes gains his power from a specific plane, and at sixth level gains abilities from the nature of that plane (this must be the same plane as was chosen at first level):
  • Pandemonium: +10 to Listen checks.
  • The Abyss: +10 to Survival checks.
  • Carceri: +10 to Bluff checks.
  • Hades: +10 to Hide checks.
  • Gehenna: +10 to Climb checks, and if he doesn’t already have a Climb Speed, he gains one equal to half his normal ground speed (the bonus to Climb checks from having a climb speed is already included in the aforementioned bonus).
  • Baator: +10 to Disguise checks.
  • Acheron: +10 to Intimidate checks.
  • Mechanus: +10 to Tumble checks.
  • Arcadia: +10 to Sense Motive checks.
  • Celestia: +10 to Survival checks.
  • Bytopia: +10 to Jump checks.
  • Elysium: +10 to Swim checks, and if he doesn’t already have a Swim Speed, he gains one equal to half his normal ground speed (the bonus to Swim checks from having a Swim speed is already included in the aforementioned bonus).
  • The Beastlands: +10 to Handle Animal checks.
  • Arborea: +10 to Diplomacy checks.
  • Ysgard: +10 to Ride checks.
  • Limbo: +10 to Balance checks.
Planar Locomotion (Su): at level six, a Conduit gains a movement ability defined by his plane:
  • Pandemonium: a Conduit of Pandemonium may use Gaseous Form at will as a Spell-Like Ability with a Caster Level equal to his hit dice and a range of Personal. However, his DR is 10/- instead of 10/magic.
  • The Abyss: a Conduit of the Abyss gains a Fly speed of 30’ (Perfect). If he already has a Fly speed, it gains Perfect maneuverability and increases in speed by 30 feet.
  • Carceri: a Conduit of Carceri may affix himself to another creature with an Immediate Action. This may be any creature within Close Range. The Conduit will then stay in a fixed position relative to that creature until he uses a Swift Action to dismiss the effect. While affixed, if the creature moves, he may follow the creature’s movement pattern exactly. He is treated as having a Perfect fly speed for purposes of staying aloft. Additionally, if any magic should cause that creature to move to another location on the current plane, or to send it to another plane, the Conduit may choose to follow to that position or plane. He may only be affixed to a single creature at a time, but otherwise the duration is permanent.
  • Hades: a Conduit of Hades may become Incorporeal for up to 20 rounds per day. It is a Free Action to begin or end this effect. If it is activated at all, a minimum of one round is expended, no matter how long it stays active.
  • Gehenna (Ex): a Conduit of Gehenna is treated as being under the effect of a Spider Climb spell at all times, as an Extraordinary ability. He also gains a Burrow speed equal to his land speed.
  • Baator: a Conduit of Baator is so in touch with the natural teleporters of his Planar home that he gains Greater Teleport as a Bonus Feat. If he already has this feat, he may use the ability as a Swift Action three times per day.
  • Acheron: a Conduit of Acheron always operates under Subjective Directional Gravity, no matter what plane he is on.
  • Mechanus: a Conduit of Mechanus may walk across any flat surface, regardless of gravity, and whether solid or liquid, and does not suffer damage from these (such as walking across lava) as long as he chooses not to fall in.
  • Arcadia: a Conduit of Arcadia can personally Levitate at will as the spell, and his movement is never hindered by any kind of weather, magical or naturally occurring.
  • Celestia: a Conduit of Celestia gains a Fly speed of 30’ (Perfect). If he already has a Fly speed, it gains Perfect maneuverability and increases in speed by 30 feet.
  • Bytopia: a Conduit of Bytopia may safely reverse gravity for himself and all within 30 feet (with disastrous results for those who wander out of the area) as a Reverse Gravity spell.
  • Elysium (Ex): a Conduit of Elysium benefits from constant Freedom of Movement as an Extraordinary ability, and his Swim speed doubles.
  • The Beastlands: a Conduit of the Beastlands gains a Burrow speed equal to his land speed, and can choose whether or not he leaves tunnels.
  • Arborea (Ex): a Conduit of Arborea gains a Swim and Climb speed equal to his land speed (along with the usual benefits of these) and the ability to swing between branches and similar. His movement is also never hindered by naturally occurring plants.
  • Ysgard: a Conduit of Ysgard may conjure a Phantom Steed with a 40’ Fly speed (Good), at will.
  • Limbo: a Conduit of Limbo benefits from Freedom of Movement and can Levitate (as the spell) at will.
Planar Apotheosis: at level fifteen, the Conduit takes on an aspect of his Plane:
  • Pandemonium: the Conduit cannot be heard by anyone he does not want to hear him. He can also use a Swift Action to Intimidate everyone who hears a very loud noise within Close Range of him.
  • The Abyss: the Conduit may sift through the infinite possibilities and horrors that lie within the Abyss, and expose foes to whichever seems worst at the time. He may cause his Spells, Spell-Like Abilities and Supernatural Abilities that deal damage to deal their normal damage, or any of the following: Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, Sonic
  • Carceri: the Conduit may prevent planar travel by the means of Spells, including those that use the Astral plane such as Teleport, within his Line of Sight. This ability is either on, and no-one can use any such Spell, or off, and anyone can do so. Switching state requires a Free Action.
  • Hades: the Conduit emits an aura of apathy, the grey gloom of Hades reaching out to all within fifteen feet. Any creature that enters the area must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus) or contract the Grey Wasting (suffering 1d4 Charisma Drain immediately), suffer a point of Wisdom damage, and be treated as Dazed for one round as they stand apathetic to the world around them.
  • Gehenna: the Conduit constantly exhales dark, choking smoke and volcanic fumes. He gains the Smoke special attack of Nightmares (including the Concealment), with a Save DC of 10 + half his hit dice + his Constitution Bonus. Additionally, he may choose to blight the weather around him at any time, turning rain into acid rain, fog into ash storms, snow into the acidic snow of Mungoth, winds into Furnace Winds and similar. Pick your favourite unpleasant weather from Manual of the Planes or It’s ___ Outside.
  • Baator: the Conduit may invoke the right of contract on any agreement he and another make, verbal or written. If he does so, he is compelled to honour the agreement, and he will be notified via magic if the opposing party does not abide by the agreement. At that time, he may use Gate as a Spell-Like Ability at a Caster Level equal to his hit dice. This calls a Devil from Baator who will agree to a long term service without payment, so long as that service takes no longer than one day per hit die and involves the punishment of the deal-breaking party. If the Conduit breaks the agreement, then a Balor will attack him and fight him to the death in 1d4 days.
  • Acheron: a Conduit of Acheron is hardened beyond imagination. He gains Immunity to all negative [Mind-Affecting] effects and he creates a battle aura. The aura gives himself and all allies within Line of Sight a +4 Morale Bonus to attack rolls and saving throws.
  • Mechanus: the Conduit can do more than imbue orders and commands in others: he can give them a purpose. He may cast Geas/Quest at will, with a Save DC of 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus, however the maximum number of active applications of this at a time equals his Charisma Bonus – any more requires releasing somebody from theirs. While somebody works directly towards the conditions of their geas, they gain a Heroism effect and cannot be made Fatigued or Exhausted. Should they fulfil the conditions, fatigue will not catch up with them – it is like they had a comfortable rest the entire time.
  • Arcadia: the Conduit has constant control over weather, as the spell Control Weather except without the casting time – changes merely happen ten minutes after making a decision. Additionally, he can call upon any changes listed in the spell, regardless of the season.
  • Celestia: the Conduit channels the essence of Celestia, calling upon both law and goodness to bring a form of peace. Any time he casts a Spell-Like Ability that only affects himself or an ally, he radiates an Aura of Menace (as an Archon, using his own hit dice and Charisma Bonus for the Save DC), and benefits from a Sanctuary effect (same DC). Both last for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma Bonus (or, in the case of the Sanctuary, until he attacks).
  • Bytopia: the cooperative dual-nature of Bytopia shines through the Conduit: any time he casts a Spell-Like Ability with a single target, he may instead affect two eligible targets as part of the same action, using the one casting of the ability. If a Spell-Like Ability instead has an Area of Effect, he may designate two non-overlapping areas within range.
  • Elysium: a Conduit of Elysium may radiate a wave of pacifying goodness, washing the tranquility of Oceanus over everything nearby. He may generate a Spread of Contentment effect at will.
  • The Beastlands: the Coduit gains a special form of Wild Shape, available three times per day, for one minute per hit die. He may change into a Moon Dog, Leskylor (including the Three-Headed variety), Hollyphant, Pegasus, Unicorn (including Celestial Charger – keeping the same domains, and select the spells that are prepared upon gaining this ability, they are never changed thereafter) or Lillend (choosing the Bard spells available upon gaining this ability, and never changing it), replacing his character sheet completely other than the ability to turn back, and his basic personality and memories. Damage carries over between forms.
  • Arborea: any time the Conduit has not attacked anything for the past three rounds, he benefits from a Sublime Revelry effect – this is suppressed when he takes offensive action, and resumes once three rounds have passed since his last attack.
  • Ysgard: a Conduit of Ysgard is very hard to kill, drawing upon the constant healing energy that drives its perpetual wars. He gains Fast Healing 15, treats Vile damage (and Frostburn damage) as regular damage, and treats Permanent Ability Drain as regular Ability Damage. He also never suffers permanent level loss – any Negative Levels simply go away after 24 hours (or after the normal duration, if less).
  • Limbo: the Conduit may Giant Frog at will: he may create a Living Spell when casting any of his eligible Spell-Like Abilities, as well as regular Area of Effect and Targeted spells that deal damage even if they normally aren’t eligible, and may spend consecutive turns casting multiple spells to create one big Living Spell that carries all the effects. The Living Spell takes the form of a giant frog rather than a blob, and when slain, explodes into the spell effects one final time (ignoring targeted effects).

Conduit of the Inner Planes:
Look, the Fire Mage exists, we know that. But what if you want a bit more freedom and a bit less of a focus on “at will, do a bunch of damage”? Besides that, while there are Ice, Acid, Electricity, Star Power and (Disgaea) Wind Mages, there isn’t “Water Mage” or “Earth Mage”, so this is a way to be someone who doesn’t just have elemental power, they specifically channel power from one of the Inner Planes.
Petitioner Channeling (Su): the Petitioner may make a ranged touch attack against a single target within Close Range. If this attack hits, the target is subject to the effects of a Petitioner’s plane as follows. Any Saving Throw is 10 + ½ the Petitioner’s hit dice + their Charisma Bonus.
  • Positive: this creates a pulse of positive energy, dealing 1d8 damage even to living creatures, 2d8 to Undead (and anything else normally damaged by Cure spells), but only 1d6 damage to Constructs.
  • Air: a rush of powerful air deals 1d6 points of Sonic damage, and if the target fails a Fortitude Save (which even affects objects) they are forced back 10 feet.
  • Fire: the target is scorched by flames, suffering 2d6 Fire damage. On a failed Reflex Save, they catch fire. Adjacent creatures must also pass a Reflex Save or catch fire.
  • Earth: the ground shatters into shards and rocks beneath the target, without needing to make an attack roll. The target suffers 1d10 Bludgeoning damage, with a Reflex Save for half. On a failed save, they fall Prone.
  • Water: the entire square is soaked with water without needing to make an attack roll, drenching all in the area and dousing flames. Additionally, the square is treated as having Grease cast in it for the next three rounds.
  • Negative: the target is infused with harmful negative energy, dealing 2d6 Negative Energy damage with a Fortitude Save for half. Undead are healed by this.
Petitioner Immunities: a Conduit of the Planes gains his power from a specific plane, and is protected by the nature of that plane:
  • Positive: Immune to damage from [Light] effects and Positive Energy (but not healing)
  • Air: Immune to Electricity
  • Fire: Immune to Fire
  • Earth: Immune to Acid
  • Water: Immune to Cold
  • Negative: Healed by Negative Energy
Petitioner Skills: a Conduit of the Planes gains his power from a specific plane, and at sixth level gains abilities from the nature of that plane (this must be the same plane as was chosen at first level):
  • Positive: +10 to Heal checks.
  • Air: +10 to Hide checks
  • Fire: +10 to Intimidate checks
  • Earth: +10 to Craft checks (any)
  • Water: +10 to Move Silently checks
  • Negative: +10 to Disable Device checks
Planar Locomotion (Su): at level six, a Conduit gains a movement ability defined by his plane:
  • Positive: the Conduit may cast Animate Objects on a single object at a time, lasting for as long as he remains in physical contact with it. The object is given a 30’ Fly Speed (Poor), so he can ride it to stay aloft.
  • Air: the Conduit gains a Fly Speed equal to double his land speed, with Perfect manoeuvrability. If he already has a Fly Speed, the speed increases by 60 feet and becomes Perfect.
  • Fire: the Conduit may burrow through flammable objects at a speed equal to his land speed, burning a hole through them. He may also move as though he had a Climb Speed equal to his land speed, across flammable surfaces – and doing so leaves burns and scorch marks. Additionally, all of his other movement speeds increase by 10 feet, or 30 feet when moving across particularly flammable materials (dry grass, oil etc), igniting them in the process.
  • Earth: the Conduit gains a Burrow Speed equal to double his land speed, and can choose whether he wants to leave tunnels or not. He does not suffocate underground.
  • Water: the Conduit gains a Swim Speed equal to triple his land speed, and all the usual benefits that go along with this. He becomes Amphibious, as well.
  • Negative: the Conduit can, as part of his normal movement, teleport via the very beings of negative energy: by stepping into a Medium Undead, he may step outside another Medium (or larger) Undead within 500 feet. If stepping into a Large Undead, he may step outside another Large (or larger) Undead within 1000 feet. A Huge Undead allows travel of up to 1500 feet, Gargantuan 2000 feet and Colossal allows up to 3000 feet. The Undead must be corporeal, and either Mindless or under his control. It only takes 5 feet of movement to step into or out of an undead, but if for some reason an Undead is destroyed while he is inside it, he is shunted out and Staggered for one round.
Planar Apotheosis: at level fifteen, the Conduit takes on an aspect of his Plane:
  • Positive: the Conduit becomes a constant font of positive energy that leaks into the world. Plants grow everywhere he walks. More importantly, he and all living creatures within 30 feet (other than those harmed by Cure spells) have Fast Healing 5, and he may cast Animate Objects at will, but aside from that gained by Planar Locomotion, only one instance of the effect may be active at a time.
  • Air: the Conduit can transform into a Whirlwind at will as an Elder Air Elemental, though the Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus. In this form, he may also cast Gust of Wind as a Swift Action at will, in addition to being able to use his Petitioner Channeling normally.
  • Fire: the Conduit is perpetually on fire, but suffers no harm from this. His square is constantly treated as part of a Wall of Fire, with any unarmed or non-reach melee attack being treated as entering his square (and thus taking 2d6 Fire damage + his level). He can suppress or resume this at will.
  • Earth: the Conduit has a deep knowledge of the earth and everything inside it within 500 feet. It knows not only what the ground is made of, and if there are valuable ores inside, but also the precise location of any creature underground (whether burrowing or simply wandering around in underground caves).
  • Water: when in the water, the Conduit can transform into a Vortex at will, as an Elder Water Elemental, though the Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus. In this form, he is able to use his Petitioner Channeling normally, and anybody pulled to the bottom of the vortex may, if the Conduit wishes, be forcefully transported to the Elemental Plane of Water (with a Will Save to negate).
  • Negative: the Conduit perpetually channels negative energy into the realm. All Undead (and other creatures healed by negative energy) within 25 feet have Fast Healing 5. Additionally, any creature killed within 25 feet rises as a Skeleton or Zombie if possible. If, after animating, they have few enough hit dice to fit into the Conduit’s Control Pool, they are controlled. Otherwise they just wander free, but bear him no ill will.
Other Inner Planes
This covers the Para-Elemental Planes where two elemental planes overlap, or one overlaps with the Positive or Negative Plane. These are typically modifiers for existing ones – so a Conduit of Magma just modifies some of the traits for a Conduit of Earth or Conduit of Fire, rather than each of these having a specific Skill and movement mode.
Radiance: Radiance is the blend of Fire and Positive Energy, it is a blinding, “cleansing” light. Select either Fire or Positive as the “base” option.
  • Petitioner Channeling: this launches a bolt of blinding light at the target. They suffer 1d6 “Light” damage (1d8 for Undead and living Light-Vulnerable things, 1d4 for Objects, 2d8 for Undead with Light Vulnerability or Daylight Powerlessness), and are Blinded for one round on a failed Fort Save.
  • Petitioner Immunities: Immune to [Light] effects and Blindness
  • Petitoner Skills: +10 to Search checks, and the ability to find even magical traps like a Rogue
  • Planar Locomotion: remains unchanged
  • Planar Apotheosis: remains unchanged
  • Suggested Spheres: Courage, Exorcism, Fire, Healing, Light, Majesty, Revelation, Splendour
Magma: Magma is the blend of Earth and Fire, it is hot and damaging and slow and “sticky”. Select either Fire or Earth as the “base” option.
  • Petitioner Channeling: this creates a glob of magma in the target square with no attack roll, dealing 1d10 Fire damage (Reflex half). Adjacent squares suffer 1 Fire damage (Reflex negates). On a failed Reflex Save, targets continue to burn for the same amount of damage for another 2 rounds.
  • Petitioner Immunities: remains unchanged
  • Petitoner Skills: remains unchanged
  • Planar Locomotion: remains unchanged
  • Planar Apotheosis: remains unchanged
  • Suggested Spheres: Carnage, Creation, Fire, Metal, Pyre, Smoke, Stone, Voracity
Ash: Ash is the blend of Fire and Negative Energy, it is choking and sickening and represents what little remains when a fire burns out. Select either Fire or Negative as the “base” option.
  • Petitioner Channeling: this unleashes a blast of choking ash against all in the target square and one adjacent square, resolving the one attack roll against all. Those hit suffer 1d4 Negative Energy damage, and must pass a Fort Save or be Sickened for three rounds.
  • Petitioner Immunities: Immune to all forms of Ability Drain and Energy/Level Drain, as well as anything which drains blood or hit points (such as Vampiric Touch).
  • Petitoner Skills: remains unchanged
  • Planar Locomotion: remains unchanged
  • Planar Apotheosis: remains unchanged
  • Suggested Spheres: Ash, Bone, Death, Dust, Fire, Smoke, Carnage
Mineral: Mineral is the blend of Earth and Positive Energy – it consists of valuable gems and metal ores, as well as the variety of minerals within stone that are necessary for the development of life itself. Select either Earth or Positive as the “base” option.
  • Petitioner Channeling: this unleashes a burst of metal and gem shards in a 5’ radius Burst, with no attack roll. All suffer 2d6 Slashing/Piercing damage with a Reflex Save for half.
  • Petitioner Immunities: Immune to physical damage that doesn’t ignore Hardness of 10.
  • Petitoner Skills: +10 to Appraise checks, and the Stonecunning ability of a Dwarf.
  • Planar Locomotion: remains unchanged
  • Planar Apotheosis: remains unchanged
  • Suggested Spheres: Creation, Majesty, Metal, Restraint, Splendour, Stone, Vigour
Ooze: Ooze is the blend of Earth and Water, and encompasses slime, acid, mud, ooze creatures and most forms of “goo”. Select either Earth or Water as the “base” option.
  • Petitioner Channeling: this splashes all in the target square with a thick, gooey acid, dealing 1d12 Acid damage. On a failed Reflex Save, they are Entangled for two rounds. Creatures in adjacent squares suffer 1 point of Acid damage on a failed Reflex Save.
  • Petitioner Immunities: Immune to Acid.
  • Petitoner Skills: +10 to Craft (Alchemy)
  • Planar Locomotion: remains unchanged
  • Planar Apotheosis: remains unchanged
  • Suggested Spheres: Bubbles, Carnage, Cold, Creation, Roots, Quicksand, Stone, Water
Dust: Dust is the blend of Earth and Negative Energy, the fine remains of earth that has been drained of nutrients and rendered barren – and of creatures and objects that have disintegrated. Select either Earth or Negative as the “base” option.
  • Petitioner Channeling: this partially reduces the creature to dust. They suffer 2d6 points of damage of the same kind as Disintegrate, and as such if reduced to zero hit points they crumble into dust.
  • Petitioner Immunities: Immune to Disintegration and [Death] effects.
  • Petitoner Skills: remains unchanged
  • Planar Locomotion: remains unchanged
  • Planar Apotheosis: remains unchanged
  • Suggested Spheres: Bone, Death, Dust, Quicksand, Salt, Sleep, Unmaking
Steam: Steam is the blend of Water and Positive Energy – despite the heat involved, it is not linked with Fire (although there are many creatures that like hot environments that might take to the Para-Elemental Plane of Steam, providing they have no dislike of water itself) It is hot, and sort of wet, and cleansing, and hard to see. Select either Water or Positive as the “base” option.
  • Petitioner Channeling: a blast of steam and boiling water erupts in the target’s face, dealing 2d4 Fire damage but without the ability to set things on fire, nor being affected by any kind of Fire Vulnerability that is not derived from having the [Cold] Subtype (for instance Mummies). The target must also pass a Fort Save or be rendered Blind for one round.
  • Petitioner Immunities: Immune to Fire
  • Petitoner Skills: remains unchanged
  • Planar Locomotion: the Conduit may use Gaseous Form at will as a Spell-Like Ability with a Caster Level equal to his hit dice and a range of Personal. However, his DR is 10/- instead of 10/magic, and exposure to any [Cold] effect instantly Dispels the effect (but does no damage to him).
  • Planar Apotheosis: remains unchanged
  • Suggested Spheres: Air, Bubbles, Ether, Fire, Vapour, Vigour, Water
Ice: Ice is the blend of Water and Air, and is very cold. It is also reflective, and either sticky or slippery, depending on a number of variables. Select either Air or Water as the “base” option.
  • Petitioner Channeling: the target is struck by a wave of cold, suffering 2d6 points of Cold damage. If they fail a Fort Save they are Slowed for one round.
  • Petitioner Immunities: Immune to Cold
  • Petitoner Skills: remains unchanged
  • Planar Locomotion: remains unchanged
  • Planar Apotheosis: remains unchanged
  • Suggested Spheres: Air, Arctic, Cold, Frostbite, Restraint, Water, Weather
Salt: Salt is the blend of Water and Negative Energy. Even when there is liquid remaining, the saltiness renders it unpotable, and in its purest form it is almost the antithesis of water. Valued for its many uses, it is nonetheless harmful. Select either Water or Negative as the “base” option.
  • Petitioner Channeling: this dehydrates the target with no attack roll needed. They suffer 1d8 points of dessication damage with a Fort Save for half. On a failed Save, the target is rendered dehydrated.
  • Petitioner Immunities: Immune to Dehydration and Dessication.
  • Petitoner Skills: remains unchanged
  • Planar Locomotion: remains unchanged
  • Planar Apotheosis: remains unchanged
  • Suggested Spheres: Exorcism, Death, Salt, Stone, Venom, Voracity
Lightning: Lightning is the blend of Air and Positive Energy – fast, bright, intensely hot and energetic, and also extremely dangerous. This is not just electricity generally, but lightning specifically (although save from magical means, there is very little that produces electricity in D&D outside of lightning). Select either Air or Positive as the “base” option.
  • Petitioner Channeling: this fires a bolt of electricity at the target, dealing 2d6 Electricity damage. It will also arc out to up to three other targets within ten feet of the initial target, however they are allowed a Reflex Save for half damage.
  • Petitioner Immunities: Immune to Electricity.
  • Petitoner Skills: +10 to Intimidate.
  • Planar Locomotion: remains unchanged
  • Planar Apotheosis: remains unchanged
  • Suggested Spheres: Air, Electricity, Judgement, Light, Terror, Weather
Smoke: Smoke is the blend of Air and Fire, despite rising like something Positive and choking and sickening people like the Negative Ash (and indeed, often carrying bits of actual ash). As harmful as it is, it is neutral in that respect, merely what happens when air feeds flames and carries the remains. Select either Fire or Air as the “base” option.
  • Petitioner Channeling: this creates a smoky cloud in the target square with no attack roll. The cloud remains for one full round, during which time anybody who enters the square (or is in the square when it is created) must pass a Fort Save of be Nauseated for one round. The cloud itself also blocks Line of Sight.
  • Petitioner Immunities: the Conduit does not breathe, and thus is immune to anything that relies on breathing, such as Inhaled Poisons or Diseases, Stinking Cloud, Cloudkill and similar.
  • Petitoner Skills: +10 to Hide checks.
  • Planar Locomotion: the Conduit may use Gaseous Form at will as a Spell-Like Ability with a Caster Level equal to his hit dice and a range of Personal. However, his DR is 10/- instead of 10/magic, and exposure to any [Cold] effect instantly Dispels the effect (but does no damage to him).
  • Planar Apotheosis: remains unchanged
  • Suggested Spheres: Air, Ash, Dust, Fire, Smoke, Trickery, Vapour
Void: Void is the blend of Air and Negaive Energy, the complete absence of air or any kind of atmosphere. There is very little that can survive in the Void, and it is typically defined by everything it lacks. Select either Air or Negative as the “base” option.
  • Petitioner Channeling: this pulls the air from the target square with no attack roll. All in the square must pass a Fort Save or become Staggered for one round, and if they remain in that square until the Conduit’s following turn, they suffer 1d6 Sonic damage as the air rushes in from surrounding areas.
  • Petitioner Immunities: Immune to all forms of atmospheric harm – temperature, drowning, suffocation, altitude sickness, air pressure, water pressure, and cosmic radiation.
  • Petitoner Skills: remains unchanged
  • Planar Locomotion: remains unchanged
  • Planar Apotheosis: remains unchanged
  • Suggested Spheres: Air, Cold, Death, Ether, Dominion, Heresy, Mystery, Shadow

Conduit of the Transitive Planes
Even the gaps between here and there are places that have their own power. There are creatures that live their entire lives in these planes, and there are things you can do when you harness the power of those planes. And thus, at some point, there will be a Conduit of the Astral or Ethereal or Shadow, so here we go. There aren’t Petitioners of the Transitive Planes, however, merely Conduits or Travellers.
Traveller Channeling (Su): the Conduit may make a ranged touch attack against a single target within Close Range. If this attack hits, the target is subject to the effects of a Conduit’s plane as follows. Any Saving Throw is 10 + ½ the Conduit’s hit dice + their Charisma Bonus.
  • Astral: a slicing plane of silver Astral energy hacks at the target, dealing 2d8 Magical Silver Slashing damage. This has a Critical value of 15-20/x2 but can’t have the Threat Range expanded further – it is already as Keen as it gets.
  • Ethereal: a bolt of ether slams into all targets in a 5’ radius Burst, dealing 1d12 damage to each of them as a [Force] effect. This has no touch attack, instead allowing a Reflex Save for half.
  • Shadow: a wave of weakening shadows washes over the target. This deals 1d6 Cold damage and, on a failed Fort Save, causes the target to take a -4 Penalty to Strength for 3 rounds.
Traveller Immunities: a Conduit of the Planes gains his power from a specific plane, and is protected by the nature of that plane:
  • Astral: Immunity to Bludgeoning damage
  • Ethereal: Immunity to [Force] effects
  • Shadow: Immunity to Ability Damage and Drain
Traveller Skills: a Conduit of the Planes gains his power from a specific plane, and at sixth level gains abilities from the nature of that plane (this must be the same plane as was chosen at first level):
  • Astral: +10 to Concentration checks.
  • Ethereal: +10 to Tumble checks.
  • Shadow: +10 to Hide checks.
Planar Locomotion (Su): at level six, a Conduit gains a movement ability defined by his plane:
  • Astral: the Conduit gains the ability to cast Astral Projection (self only) once per day.
  • Ethereal: the Conduit can become Ethereal for up to 20 rounds per day. It is a Free Action to begin or end this effect, but if it is activated at all, a minimum of one round is expended even if he switches it off in the same turn.
  • Shadow: the Conduit may travel via Dimension Door at will, providing both the start and end locations are in area no brighter than “shadowy illumination”. If he can physically see the target location, this only uses a Move Action.
Planar Apotheosis: at level fifteen, the Conduit takes on aspects of his Plane:
  • Astral: the Conduit is able to see and interact with the silver cords of Astral Projection – he can attack them freely and sever the ties, killing targets instantly. A silver cord has the same AC as its “owner”, Hardness 10 and 20 HP. Additionally, his own Astral Projection has no silver cord attached, allowing him to travel without such a worry.
  • Ethereal: the Conduit becomes Ethereal, with the ability to become Material at will, using a Standard Action to change from one to the other.
  • Shadow: the Conduit gains access to a number of Shadowcaster Mysteries: select one Apprentice Path and one Initiate Path and one Master Path. He may cast each of the Mysteries from these, with the exception of the Level 9 Mysteries, once per day as a Spell-Like Ability as though granted by a Sphere (interacting normally with Enhanced Sphere Access, so the Level 1 Mystery was treated as being granted at first level, the Level 2 Mystery at third level and so on). At level seventeen, he also adds the Level 9 Mystery.

Suggested Spheres by Plane:
You probably should have some kind of theme to the spheres when you're linked to a specific plane. It doesn't have to be that close, I'm not expecting you to pore through all sources for the tiny amount of info on what Bytopia offers, but Mechanus shouldn't be granting Heresy, Plant and Quicksand, and the Plane of Water shouldn't be offering you Fire. Allow a bit of free choice with one or two, as long as they're not completely opposing.
Arcadia/Mechanus/Acheron: Aegis, Creation, Dominion, Judgement, Martyr, Metal, Restraint, Stone
Ysgard/Limbo/Pandemonium: Carnage, Courage, Mystery, Terror, Trickery, Vigour, Weather, Unmaking
Any Lower Plane: any Fiendish Sphere except probably not Bubbles
Any Upper Plane: Aegis, Courage, Creation, Exorcism, Healing, Judgement, Light, Majesty, Martyrdom, Prayer, Piety, Restraint, Revelation, Splendour, Vigour
Positive: Courage, Healing, Exorcism, Light, Majesty, Revelation, Splendour, Vigour
Negative: Bone, Death, Heresy, Voracity, Shadow, Dust, Salt, Unmaking
Air: Air, Arctic, Creation, Dust, Electricity, Ether, Cold, Frostbite, Smoke, Vapour
Earth: Creation, Dust, Metal, Plant, Roots, Quicksand, Weather, Salt, Stone
Fire: Creation, Metal, Fire, Pyre, Smoke, Splendour, Voracity, Carnage, Unmaking
Water: Creation, Ether, Oracle, Cold, Frostbite, Quicksand, Water, Weather, Bubbles, Vapour
Astral: Air, Cold, Dominion, Light, Metal, Mystery, Oracle, Revelation, Smoke
Ethereal: Sleep, Air, Dust, Ether, Light, Mystery, Oracle, Revelation, Weather, Vapour
Shadow: Sleep, Death, Dust, Mystery, Shadow, Smoke, Terror
New Spheres
Ash Sphere [Fire], [Shadow]
your Spell-Like Abilities that deal damage also bathe the targets in choking ash and soot, causing them to become Sickened for one round if they need to breathe and are not Immune to Poison.
1: Ashstar
3: Wall of Smoke
5: Caustic Smoke
7: Fire and Brimstone
9: Shroud of Flame
11: Smoky Confinement
13: Greater Seed of Undeath
15: Symbol of Death
17: Sphere of Ultimate Destruction
19: Mordenkainen’s Disjunction

Salt Sphere [Earth]
you are Immune to any kind of Drain – Ability Drain, Level/Energy Drain, and any effect which takes hit points (or Power Points or other resources) from you and gives them, or a portion of them, to another. Furthermore, any time such a resource would be drained from you, the recipient instead loses an equal amount (but does not drain them to you – it’s just gone).
1: Parching Touch
3: Desiccate
5: Tormenting Thirst
7: Wall of Salt
9: Flesh to Salt
11: Symbol of Thirst
13: Horrid Wilting
15: Mass Flesh to Salt
17: Energy Drain
19: Quickened Mummify

Trickery Sphere [Fiend]
Bluff and Sleight of Hand are always Class Skills for you, and you gain Improved Feint as a Bonus Feat. Additionally, a regular Sleight of Hand check for you is a Move-Equivalent Action.
1: Tasha’s Hideous Laughter
3: Invisibility
5: Spymaster’s Coin
7: Spell Theft
9: Modify Memory
11: Mislead
13: Baleful Polymorph
15: Animate Objects
17: Song of Discord
19: Otto’s Irresistible Dance

Unmaking Sphere [Fiend] [Fire]
you ignore all Hardness and material-based Damage Reduction with all of your attacks, whether armed or unarmed. Additionally, you can take ten on Break checks, and can attempt a Break check once per round as a free action.
1: Corrosive Grasp
3: Shatter
5: Rust Ray
7: Metal Melt
9: Necrotic Curse
11: Destruction
13: Disintegration
15: Earthquake
17: Black Blade of Disaster
19: Implosion

Vapour Sphere [Elemental]
you can see through all kinds of clouds and weather, including rain, mist, fog, smoke, sandstorms, blizzards, and spells such as Incendiary Cloud and Arctic Haze.
1: Jet of Steam
3: Malevolent Miasma
5: Cloud of Bewilderment
7: Prismatic Mist
9: Murderous Mist
11: Acid Storm
13: Freezing Fog (interpretation: reduces base Speed to 5’)
15: Incendiary Cloud
17: Magic Miasma
19: Extended Widened Acid Fog
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Nov 02, 2020 9:07 am, edited 6 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:54 pm
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Post by Koumei »


Beast Rider
Knights typically ride things. It starts with horses, but moves on to giant snails, dragons and such. And that’s all well and good. This archetype leans a little more heavily on that, and on having more options for working with your mighty steed.
Proficiencies: the Beast Rider is not proficient with Heavy Armour.

Designate Opponent: a Designated Opponent is warned against laying “a single goddamn finger” upon the Beast Rider’s steed. The damage bonus applies if they deal any damage or status affliction to the steed, rather than if they fail to damage the Beast Rider. In remains the same in all other aspects.

Noble Steed: the Beast Rider gains an Animal Companion like a Druid of equal level. This must be a creature she can ride: a Medium Beast Rider may have a Light or Heavy Horse, Caribou, Elk, Moose, or Camel (or a Sea Lion, Dolphin/Porpoise or Medium Shark if in an aquatic game). At level four, she may instead ride a Bison, Dire Horse, Dimetrodon, Dire Jackal, Pteranodon, Large Shark (aquatic games) or Cryptoclidus (aquatic games).

Upon reaching level six, she instead gains a Cohort with a level or Challenge Rating equal to her own level minus two. She may recreate her Animal Companion (ie removing the advancements gained from effective Druid levels and giving it more hit dice or the Elite Array or similar), or replace it with some other new creature, but either way, it must still be a creature she can actually ride. At this point there is no requirement that it be an Animal, however, so good options at level six include the Polar Bear, Giant Crocodile, Dire Boar, Giant Stag Beetle, Griffon, Rhinoceros, Huge Shark (aquatic games), Chimera Skeleton, Tiger, Harpoon Spider (if you wear solid armoured pants) or Terror Bird. If of sufficiently low intelligence that Handle Animal checks are required, it retains the Link ability.

She does not gain Command at level six.

Energy Resistance: when the Beast Rider grants herself Energy Resistance, the same resistance is also bestowed upon her Steed, providing they are in contact (even standing adjacent allows her to reach over and pat the creature, granting this). The Energy Resistance is shared even if they stop being in contact, although in that case, when the Beast Rider loses her Energy Resistance, the Steed also does.

Knightly Spirit: when the Beast Rider uses her Knightly Spirit ability, her Steed is also restored of all Ability Damage and Drain.

Tauric Knight
Only available to innately tauric creatures (such as the Armanite, Bariaur, Centaur, Dracotaur and Drider, but there are probably more), this variety specifically exists to address the issue of basically being made to be a knight while unable to ride a steed. This helps makes you your own steed, and just makes the little changes needed for that.
Class Skills: Tumble is gained as a Class Skill for the Tauric Knight.

Mounted Combat: the Tauric Knight still gains Mounted Combat, however it is modified specifically for her: she is always treated as though mounted on a steed (and thus can benefit from things like Ride-by-Attack and Spirited Charge. She may also use the Tumble skill in place of Ride, both for skill checks and for meeting prerequisites. She can never be dismounted other than being cut in half (which is a little more serious), and cannot disembark for obvious reasons.

Other, smaller creatures may ride her back and be treated as mounted (and can use Mounted Combat to negate attacks against her, or the 19 ranks ability to redirect spell effects in either direction), but she still decides where she will move and what actions to take – she isn’t a simple steed for other characters.

The initial ability of Mounted Combat allows her to negate attacks against herself with a Ride or Tumble check.
The 4 ranks ability remains unchanged, simply applying to her own movement.
The 9 ranks ability is replaced with the following: you gain a Trample attack. When attempting to Overrun an opponent, your target may not choose to avoid you. If you have a Hoof, Claw or Slam attack, you may make one such attack against a target you knock down, gaining the standard +4 Bonus on melee attack rolls against Prone targets. If you have no such natural weapons, you gain a Slam attack that deals 1d6 + Strength Bonus (for a Medium creature) in Bludgeoning damage, only for the purpose of this Trample.
The 14 ranks ability is replaced with the following: you may use your Ride or Tumble check in place of Reflex Saving Throws.
The 19 ranks ability is replaced with the following: whenever somebody else is riding atop you and a spell effect would target them, you may elect to have it target you instead.

Strike From Above (Ex): at level five, the Tauric Knight does not gain Command. Instead, she claims a special high-ground advantage against any foe who is not larger than her, not mounted and not itself claiming a high-ground advantage against her. This grants her the standard +1 bonus on attack rolls, and a +1 bonus to Armour Class, and a +4 bonus on opposed Size-based checks such as Tripping and Grappling.

Sadly, many dungeons are not made for people riding atop giant beasts. Sure, they might have big arena sections here and there so that you can fight a nine-headed hydra or whatever, allowing the foe some leg room without explaining how it got there, but there will be a good number of regular doorways, tight corridors, small ledges and so on. So this is a variant built more on “not having a mount” and “smashing about carelessly inside buildings”. The Juggernaut is allegedly unstoppable.
Destructive Momentum (Ex): the Juggernaut does not gain Mounted Combat. Instead, she gains a +4 Bonus on all Overrun, Bullrush and Sunder attempts, and Break Checks, and once per object per round, can attempt a Break Check as a Free Action during any movement. If successful against something that would slow her movement, it ceases to do so and she can move unhindered.

Rubble Speaker (Su): at level three, the Juggernaut does not gain the ability to Speak With Animals. Instead, she gains the Stonecunning ability of a Dwarf, and once per day may cast Commune With Nature, but only when in ruins, mines and dungeons (with a radius of 1 mile per hit die) or caves, caverns and natural tunnels (with a radius of 100 feet per hit die).

Pulverising Charge (Ex): at level six, the Juggernaut does not gain Command. Instead, any time she successfully Charges something who is adjacent to a wall (such that if the wall were a creature, it would flank them with her), she deals extra damage equal to her Armour Bonus plus her Shield Bonus plus the Hardness of the wall.

A knight of particularly poor conduct is stripped of the title and benefits (and indeed some class features) and declared a knave. Devoid of honour, a knave has to rely on some measure of trickery and cunning, and can often be found in places of ill repute, or hanging around unsavoury sorts. Despite gaining some abilities more in common with the Rogue, they are nonetheless heavily armoured defensive characters.
Skills: the Class Skills of the Knave are Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (History, Local, Nobility & Royalty, and Geography), Listen, Perform, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot and Swim.

Sneak Attack (Ex): the Knave does not gain the Designate Opponent ability. Instead, she gains Sneak Attack at the rate of +1d6 per odd level, like a Rogue. With a Swift Action, she may select any one Type that is normally Immune to extra damage from Critical Hits and Sneak Attack, and until the beginning of her next turn, she can still deal Sneak Attack damage to that Type, albeit at -1 die (if she only has +1d6, she instead deals +1d4).

Code of Conduct: the Knave has no Code of Conduct.

Bonus Feat: the Knave does not gain Command at level six. Instead, she selects one of the following Koumei feats as a Bonus Feat: Bullying Supremacy, Deceptive Fighter, Dreadful Demeanour, Master of Poisons, Nimble Scoundrel, Social Adept, Two Weapon Fighting

Mastery: the Knave does not enter a Knightly Order at level ten. Instead, she may select a Rogue Special Ability – either Crippling Strike, Opportunist or Slippery Mind. Additionally, from this point on she ignores Skill and Feat requirements to enter the following Prestige Classes: Assassin (DMG), Avenging Executioner (C.Scou), Battle Trickster (C.Scou), Blackguard (DMG), Bloodhound (C.Adv), Dark Hunter (C.War), Dread Pirate (C.Adv), Dungeon Veteran (Tome), Ghost-Faced Killer (C.Adv), Invisible Blade (C.War), Justiciar (C.War), Occult Slayer (C.War), Spymaster (C.Adv), Streetfighter (C.Adv), Vigilante (C.Adv)

Knights are typically leaders and protectors of some variety – this usually happens by being really dangerous to ignore, but sometimes they like to shout to allies rather than at enemies. Some are just great leaders who provide passive benefits to their allies and maybe even interact with Heroes of Battle quite a lot. This is the Herald.
Auras: the Herald does not gain the Designate Opponent ability that is otherwise common to knights. Instead, she gains a number of Auras: at first level, she gains one Minor Aura (as the Marshal, Miniatures Handbook), and she gains another at levels three, five, seven and nine. At levels two, six and ten, she gains a Major Aura (or a Draconic Aura, from PHB2 or Dragon Magic). The Bonus Size for Major Auras and Draconic Auras is +1, +1 per 5 full character levels. A single Minor Aura may be exchanged for a Commander Aura (Heroes of Battle). A single Minor Aura and a single Major Aura may each be exchanged for a Psionic Aura (Complete Shit, with the range and effects as a Divine Mind of equal level). Only two Auras may be active at any given time, and they may not both be the same kind (Major, Minor, Draconic, Psionic or Commander).

If a Prestige Class would improve Designate Opponent damage, it instead continues to grant Auras. For levels beyond ten, additional Minor Auras are gained at levels eleven, fifteen and seventeen, and Major/Draconic Auras at levels fourteen, eighteen and twenty.

Leader of Men: at level three, the Herald does not gain the ability to Speak to Animals. Instead, her Command Rating (Heroes of Battle) is never lower than half her class level (round down), though it can be higher through promotion normally. Additionally, she benefits from a constant Tongues effect.

Heroic Leader (Ex): at level four, the Herald gains the ability to make a Rally check once per round as a Free Action. Additionally, any time she charges a foe and hits, all of her allies within 30 feet (of either her starting position or final location, but not including herself) may take a Move Action as an Immediate Action.

Very Heroic Leader (Ex): at level eight, all Followers and Cohorts of the Herald are Immune to [Fear] effects as long as they can draw Line of Sight to her. Additionally, when she grants allies a Move Action (through the Heroic Leader ability), they may instead make a Partial Charge as an Immediate Action.

More Knight Orders
  • Death Knight: Death Knights, clad in the bones of their victims, stand for increasing the strength of the dead by adding to its number and substracting from the number of the living. They add two to the Enhancement Bonus on any armour or weapons they use that are made from dead things (such as leather or bone), even when that bonus scales with level or other things, and are healed by Negative Energy as though Undead. They may also take Necromantic Feats, using their BAB in place of a Caster Level.
  • Eternal Knight: swearing eternal fealty to their lords, Eternal Knights never sway from their loyalty even when they long outrank them and will always serve their masters – even in death they will serve. The Eternal Knight may ignore her Code of Conduct on orders of her master or in the immediate defence of her master, with no penalty or consequences, and while her master lives, the Knight does not age, and is Immune to Poison, Disease and [Mind-Affecting] effects.
  • Lolth Knight: knights of the Order of Lolth stand for drow supremacy, the greatness of spiders, and poisoning people. When riding a monstrous vermin, she does not need to make any rolls or checks to remain mounted just for things like the mount moving across walls or ceilings. When her mount makes a charge attack, she can spend a Standard Action to grant it a bonus on the attack and damage roll equal to half her Base Attack Bonus. Additionally, as a Supernatural Ability, once per round when she deals Designate Opponent damage, she also delivers Large Monstrous Spider venom to the target, with a Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Constitution Bonus. If the Lolth Knight is not a Drow or similar, there should be a good reason, but that reason could be “Lolth personally took interest and doesn’t feel like giving her reasons.”
  • Mechanical Knight: typically hailing from Mechanus, the Mechanical Knights are devoted to both law and technology. They delve into craft and tinkering in order to make steam-and-cog-powered armour, some even adding parts to their own bodies. The Mechanical Knight has sufficient bits and bobs augmenting her that she has an Enhancement Bonus to Constitution and Damage Reduction equal to +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), and she may treat her Type as Construct for the purpose of activating items or qualifying for Feats and Prestige Classes if she wishes.
  • Myrmidon Knight: Myrmidon Knights are dedicated to the greater Hive. Anything good for the community is therefore good for the individual, and they take this to the furthest extreme. Formians are the best example of this, however many types of “bug” creatures follow this path, as well as those who feel strongly about “big society” loyalty. The Myrmidon Knight grows an actual carapace of armour, granting an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice to Natural Armour, as well as the Scent ability.
  • Scaled Knight: Scaled Knights of the Primordial stand for a return to the good old days when mammals hadn’t evolved and scaled creatures ruled the lands, and are strongly opposed to vermin, young races like elves infringing on the jungles, and other creatures generally existing despite their protests. They become Timeless (no longer ageing physically or mentally, and having a lifespan of “forever”), and gain the ability to substitute their hit dice for ranks in Knowledge skills – both for meeting requirements and for rolling Knowledge checks, calling upon their ancient memories. The Scaled Knight really should be some kind of Lizard-Man or similar.
  • Space Knight: the Space Knights are all warriors who seem to actually travel through space and the planes, being heroic defenders of all sorts of things and often utilising magic. The Space Knight suffers no ill effects from planar traits, nor from being in space, and has an actual Fly Speed equal to his regular movement speed with Average manoeuvrability. Also, the space radiation gives him a +2 Sacred Bonus to Intelligence and Charisma for some reason, and he gains the Fire Bolts ability of a Fire Mage at 4d6.

Knight of the Order
Sometimes you know which order you want to join, right from the start. It can even make sense to begin on the path, whether as a squire or trainee of some kind, or as an adventuring knight who is associated with one Order, using them as an organisational relationship for storytelling purposes and creating plot hooks. Or maybe there is an Order who has their eye on this knight. Either way, this option is for those, allowing you to have more thematic abilities for your new power source.
Angelic Knight: your Code of Conduct is more strict than for others: at the end of every year, you must be able to point to some deed you performed that promoted Good or fought against the forces of Evil. Additionally, while you may work alongside (or rather, on the same team as) Evil-Aligned creatures, you must always attempt to Save against any of their [Harmless] effects, turning down any offer of assistance.

Any weapon you wield is treated as Good Aligned for the purposes of bypassing Damage Reduction, Regeneration and similar. It will also overcome DR and Regeneration that is overcome by a material and Good, as though it were the right material.

At level three, you may only choose between Acid, Cold and Electricity for your Energy Resistance ability, however the amount of Resistance gained is doubled.

At level four, instead of Immunity to Fear, you gain Immunity to Petrification.

Your Cohort must be Celestial in some way (including Aasimars and Celadrin, or the Celestial or Half Celestial templates, or Product of Celestial Dalliance Feat).

At level seven, instead of Bastion of Defence and Draw Fire, you gain either a Protective Aura (as the [Angel] Subtype) or an Aura of Menace (as the [Archon] Subtype). It is your choice which is gained.

Bane Knight: at level three, you do not gain the ability to Speak With Animals. Instead, you may cast Speak With Dead once per day per four hit dice (round up).

At level six, you do not get the ability to Defend Others. Instead, any weapon you wield automatically has the Flaming property in addition to other magical enhancements.

At level seven, you do not gain Draw Fire. Instead, your vision is not obscured by smoke, dust or ash clouds.

At level nine, you do not gain Sacrifice. Instead, any time you deal the bonus damage from Designate Opponent to a foe, flames and cinders radiate out in a 20’ Cone behind them. All in the area suffer 5d6 Fire damage, with a Reflex Save for half.

Chaos Knight: you do not get Knightly Spirit at level four. Instead, any time you are subject to a Transmutation or [Mind-Affecting] effect with a set duration, unless you want the effect, that duration is halved (round down). If the effect is Permanent, you may attempt an additional save on the following round, with success ending the effect.

Your Cohort must be either a Slaad, Chaond, Neraphim or some form of Giant Frog (Dire Toad, Titanic Toad, Giant Toads etc)

Quick Recovery also applies to [Compulsion] effects of any kind.

Death Knight: the Death Knight’s Code of Conduct has one small addition: she must not send undead to assassinate another on her behalf. She may set them to guard a place with lethal force, she may direct undead in her presence to fight with lethal force, but she may not send them off to kill without being present for the killing.

At level three, you do not gain Speak to Animals. Instead, you gain the ability to cast Speak With Dead at will, and Mindless Undead treat you as one of their own.

At level 5, you do not gain Command. You instead gain Army of Dead. You may treat your ranks in Knowledge (Religion) as equal to your Base Attack Bonus plus three, for the purpose of this feat.

At level six, you do not gain the Defend Others ability. Instead, you are a walking bastion against positive energy: every allied Undead within your natural reach is Immune to Turn Undead, and has resistance against Positive Energy (such as the damage caused by Cure spells) equal to your Base Attack Bonus plus your Shield Bonus. You also benefit from these effects if you are Undead.

Dragon Knight: instead of Knightly Spirit, you gain certain benefits when facing creatures of the Dragon Type – a +2 Dodge Bonus to Armour Class against attacks made by them, a +2 Competence Bonus on Saving Throws against their Spells and Special Attacks, and a +2 Competence Bonus on opposed checks made against them.

Instead of Draw Fire, at level seven you gain Darkvision out to 60 feet and Blindsense to 30 feet, as well as a +4 Bonus on Search, Spot and Listen checks, and Immunity to magical Sleep and Paralysis.

Elemental Knight: at level three, you don’t get the ability to Speak to Animals. Instead, you instantly learn Aquan, Auran, Ignan and Terran as Bonus Languages. If you already speak any of these, you may learn another language for each one you already know.

Instead of Immunity to Fear, at level four you gain Fire, Acid, Cold, Electricity and Sonic Resistance equal to your hit dice total – if any of these is chosen for the Energy Resistance class feature, the amounts stack together. Additionally, you gain a constant Featherfall effect, with the ability to glide twice as far as you fall, and 30’ Tremorsense, immunity to mundane fires and lava (Alchemical and magical kinds, as well as those created by Class Features, Special Attacks and so on, affect you normally aside from your Fire Resistance), as well as becoming Amphibious.

Your Cohort must have some elemental link – an elemental Subtype, an origin in one of the Elemental Planes, or something to that effect.

Instead of Draw Fire, at level seven you are known as a Friend to all Elementals – unless magically compelled, or provoked by you or your friends, they will not attack. This at least can give you time to converse with them when meeting on the battlefield or when they guard a location, for instance.

Eternal Knight: you gain Fast Healing instead of Damage Reduction, still equal to half your Knight level (round down). You only have this if you are single-classed in Knight. Upon reaching level ten, that is no longer the case and you retain your Fast Healing 5 no matter what classes you take.

You do not get Command at level five. Instead, your Knightly Spirit ability applies to Vile Damage (converting it to regular damage) and Negative Levels as well as Ability Damage and Drain.

Fey Knight: instead of both Immunity to Fear, at level four you become immune to the [Mind-Affecting] effects of Fey creatures, and never suffer from the Confused condition.

When you gain a Cohort, it must be a Fey, Elf, Plant or Magical Beast.

Instead of Mettle, at level eight your attacks are innately beguiling and enchanting. Once per round when you deal Designate Opponent damage to a foe, they must attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half your hit dice + your Charisma Bonus) or be Dazed for one round.

Great Knight: you do not gain Command at level five. Instead, your attacks ignore all Hardness and material-based Damage Reduction.

At level seven, you do not gain Bastion of Defence or Draw Fire. Instead, any time you deal Designate Opponent damage to a foe, you may make aa free Disarm, Sunder, Bullrush or Trip attempt against them.

Hell Knight: your Code of Conduct includes some fine print about obedience to Planar Law. This means it is a violation to cast spells with the [Water] or [Chaos] descriptor, including from magic items, and you probably have some Planar Alignment requirements depending on the game in question.

When you gain a Cohort, it must be in some way related to Devils – an actual Devil, a Tiefling or Aasimar who descends from the Nine Hells, someone with Product of Infernal Dalliance (Baator) or whatever.

At level four, you do not gain Knightly Spirit. Instead, select one of the Nine Hells (and thus the Devil leader who ostensibly has claim to your services). You gain Brand of the Nine Hells and the associated “Mark of ___” as Bonus Feats (Fiendish Codex II), without needing to meet the Alignment or racial requirements.

At level seven, you do not gain Spell Shield. Instead, you gain the Evil Authority ability of the Disciple of Asmodeus (DC 10 + half your level + your Charisma Bonus).

Imperial Knight: you do not gain the Speak With Animals ability at level three. Instead, you may speak and understand any spoken language. At level seven, instead of Draw Fire you gain the ability to read and write any written language.

At level five, you do not gain Command. You instead gain Detective or Natural Empath as a Bonus Feat.

At level six, your Quick Recovery instead removes the Fatigued or Exhausted conditions, not the Dazed or Stunned conditions, and removes all Non-Lethal Damage.

At level seven, Bastion of Defence provides a +2 Dodge Bonus to Armour Class as normal, but instead of a +2 Dodge Bonus to Reflex Saves, it provides an untyped +4 Bonus to all Saving Throws against [Chaotic] effects.

At level nine, you do not gain Sacrifice. Instead, any round in which you deal Designate Opponent damage to somebody, at the end of your turn an Order’s Wrath effect occurs as a Supernatural Ability, centred upon them. The Caster Level equals your hit dice and the Save DC is 10 + half your hit dice + your Charisma Bonus.

Lolth Knight: the Lolth Knight’s Code of Conduct does not prohibit the use of Poison. Indeed, it somewhat encourages it. You even gain Poison Use like an Assassin.

At level three, you do not gain the ability to speak to Animals. Instead, you can speak to Vermin.

When you get a Cohort, it must be a Spider (of pretty much any variety) or Drow or similar.

Lolth Knights care considerably less about others than your typical Knight. At level six you do not gain Defend Others. Instead, you gain Immunity to all Poisons. Likewise, at level seven you do not gain Draw Fire. Instead, you gain Uncanny Dodge and a +2 Bonus to the Save DC of any Poison you use, and at level nine, you gain the Kinslayer ability instead of Sacrifice: any time you see surface elves amongst your foes, you gain a +3 Insight Bonus to your Initiative, and you treat all wielded weapons as (non-Drow) Elf Bane.

Mechanical Knight: you do not gain Speak to Animals at level three. Instead, you gain the ability to cast Know Direction, Locate Object and the psionic power Object Reading as Supernatural Abilities at will, with a Caster Level equal to your level. In the case of Object Reading, it is augmented to your caster level.

At level seven, you do not gain Draw Fire. Instead, you gain the ability to communicate with Constructs, even Mindless ones, and can use Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) or Use Magic Device as though it were Diplomacy to change their attitude and halt hostilities. You may also fuse weapons into the grips of your armour, as if you had manifest Graft Weapon, at will.

Myrmidon Knight: you do not gain the ability to Speak to Animals at level three. Instead, you gain the ability to Speak to Vermin.

Instead of Command, at level five you gain Army of Demons as a Bonus Feat – except it applies very specifically to Formians and similar, not Demons.

At level six, you do not get Quick Recovery. Instead, you simply become immune to [Compulsion] effects.

Scaled Knight: instead of Immunity to Fear, at level four you gain Cold-Blooded Psychology. This grants a +4 Bonus on Saving Throws against [Mind-Affecting] effects, delays the onset of any of these effects by one round, and reduces many of these by one step (Comatose to Panicked, Panicked or Cowering to Frightened, Frightened to Shaken. Dominated to Charmed, Charmed to Fascinated. Stunned to Dazed. Confused to Rage). At level six, you become Immune to being Shaken, Fascinated, Dazed or in a Rage (other than by stronger effects being downgraded), and the onset of effects is delayed by another round, instead of the Quick Recovery ability.

When you gain a Cohort, it must be a scaled creature of some kind (Lizardman, Dinosaur etc).

Space Knight: instead of Mounted Combat, you gain the ability to add 1d6 Fire, Cold or Electricity damage to your melee attacks at will – each attack can only benefit from one of these, but multiple attacks may each deal different onces if you so wish.

At level two, your Designate Opponent damage does not increase. Instead, you gain the ability to throw Fire Bolts as a first-level Fire Mage (using your hit dice as the Caster Level for the purpose of Range and Spell Resistance, but not increasing in damage).

At level five, you do not gain Command. Instead, any time you deal Energy Damage, if you have Energy Resistance to that type of damage you may add your Resistance to that number. Immunity only provides bonus damage equal to your hit dice. You may also Levitate at will.

At levels five and eight, your Designate Opponent damage does not increase. Instead, the elemental damage you may add to attacks increases by one die, as does your Fire Bolts ability. At each of these levels you may select another energy type from Cold, Electricity, Acid and Sonic, and the Fire Bolts may instead deal that damage. In the latter two cases, this also provides the chosen element as an option that can be added to weapon damage.

The Fire Bolts ability stacks with the 4d6 granted by the Order, for a total of 7d6.
Automatic Prestige Classes:
If you reach tenth level of Knight and join an Order, you straight-up automatically qualify for certain prestige classes. You can ignore all requirements, whether they be things like Race and Alignment, abilities like Feats, or roleplaying things like “must have helped a duck in Winter”.
Angelic Knight: Holy Crusader (Koumei), Valkyrie (Disgaeagame), Fist of Raziel (BoED), Lion of Talisid (BoED), Knight of the Chalice (CWar), Planar Champion (MotP)

Bane Knight: Bone Rider (Tome), Carnage Princess (Disgaeagame), Genocidaire (Disgaeagame), Overlord (Disgaeagame), Thayan Knight (CoR/CWar), Vengeance Knight (CoR)

Chaos Knight: Giant Frog (Catharz), Overlord (Disgaeagame), Planar Champion (MotP), Chaotician (Planar)

Death Knight: Bone Rider (Tome), Death Knight (Tome), Haunted Armour (Disgaeagame)

Dragon Knight: Dragon Lancer (Tome), Vassal of Bahamut (BoED), Dragonkith (Draco), Dragonrider (Draco), Dragonslayer (Draco), Platinum Knight (Draco?), Dragon Lore (DrM)

Elemental Knight: Crusader of the Elemental Forces (Koumei), Magic Knight (Disgaeagame), Stone Stomper (Disgaeagame), Skylord (BoED), Elemental Warrior (Planar), Stonelord (Cwar), Disciple of Thrym (Frost), Knight of the Pearl (Storm)

Eternal Knight: Defender of the Earth (Disgaeagame), Haunted Armour (Disgaeagame), Iron Knight (Disgaeagame), Defender of Sealtiel (BoED), Knight Protector (CWar)

Fey Knight: Defender of the Woods (Koumei), Anointed Knight (BoED), Beloved of Valaran (BoED), Swanmay (BoED)

Great Knight: Iron Knight (Disgaeagame), Carnage Princess (Disgaeagame), Hero! (Disgaeagame), Orc King (Disgaeagame), Overlord (Disgaeagame), Anointed Knight (BoED), Vengeance Knight (CoR)

Hell Knight: Hell Warden (Disgaeagame), Knight of Pain (Koumei), Overlord (Disgaeagame), Planar Champion (MotP)

Imperial Knight: Iron Knight (Disgaeagame), Knight of Pain (Koumei), Cavalier (CWar), Justiciar (CWar), Purple Dragon Knight (CWar), Justiciar of Tyr (FRPG)

Lolth Knight: Arachne (Koumei), Justice of Weald and Woe (CoR)

Mechanical Knight: Golem-Knight of Mechanus (Koumei), Iron Knight (Disgaeagame)

Myrmidon Knight: Colony Champion (Koumei), Planar Champion (MotP)

Scaled Knight: Dragon Lancer (Tome), Scaled Veteran of the Ages (Koumei)

Space Knight: Magic Knight (Disgaeagame), Sanctified Mind (LoM), Topaz Guardian (LoM)
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Jan 11, 2021 1:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Serious Badass
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Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:54 pm
Location: South Ausfailia

Post by Koumei »

The Samurai
Races of War version

So I’m going to put my foot down here and say this is what the Katana is:

Exotic One-Handed/Medium Melee Weapon:
Base Damage: 1d10 Slashing, Critical 20/x3, Weight: 3lbs

Yes, that’s a Dwarven Waraxe except 5lbs lighter. That’s it. But the Samurai likes the x3 Critical.

Maybe you don’t want to be a samurai who goes out on his own and focuses on iaijutsuing people in half and nothing else. That’s weird, because iaijutsuing people in half is a great life choice, but it’s possible your idea of the samurai involves more focus on leadership, in which case it seems reasonable that there be someone who does precisely that.
Pledge of Loyalty: the Daimyo pledges loyalty not to an individual but to an entire nation or other faction. He does not have a Lord, but still must follow the cultural norms and expectations of his community, and cannot be compelled to act against the community by [Mind-Affecting] effects.

Marshal Auras: any time the Daimyo would gain a Bonus Feat from the Samurai Class, he instead gains an Aura (as the Marshal, Miniatures Handbook). At levels two, four and nine, he gains a Minor Aura (one may be exchanged for a Commander Aura, Heroes of Battle). At level six, he gains a Major Aura (or a Draconic Aura, from PHB2 or Dragon Magic). The Bonus Size for the Major/Draconic Aura is +1, +1 per 5 full character levels.

Aura of Leadership (Su): at level three, the Daimyo only gets a single daily use of Kiai!, gaining one more at every third level beyond this. In exchange for this reduced capacity, he perpetually radiates a 60’ radius Aura that grants him Immunity to [Fear] effects and provide all allies in the area a +4 Morale Bonus on Saving Throws against [Fear] effects. It also provides the same bonus, to both him and affected allies, against [Compulsion] effects.

Unified Spirit (Ex): at level seven, the Daimyo does not gain Iaijutsu. Instead, any time he is required or allowed to attempt a Fortitude Save, he may instead attempt a Concentration check at the same DC. If the roll is successful, then he is completely unaffected, even if the effect was originally “Fortitude Partial”. Furthermore, he may make this check on behalf of an ally within his Aura of Leadership, with an Immediate Action – using his focus to negate their death.

Fusilade (Ex): at level eleven, the Daimyo does not gain Iaijutsu Focus. Instead, he may use a Standard Action to direct his allies: he makes a single attack against a foe, and whether it hits or not, all of his allies within his Aura of Leadership may each make a single attack (ranged, melee or even performing a Partial Charge) against the target, as an Immediate Action.

Honour and Dignity (Ex): at level fifteen, the Daimyo does not gain Iaijutsu Master. Instead, he may spend an Attack of Opportunity to intercept an attack or targeted effect against an ally within his reach, becoming the target of the attack. It is resolved completely against him as though he were always the original attack, even if it normally could not reach him – he pushes himself into the way to protect his allies.

Any time he does this and is hit or affected, the enemy provokes an Attack of Opportunity from the ally he protected, although they must be within a threatened square as normal.

Demand Immortality (Su): at level nineteen, the Daimyo does not gain Iaijutsu Grandmaster. Instead, allies within his Aura of Leadership can continue to fight even when they should be slain: upon being killed, they can continue to act normally for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma Bonus (minimum 1). After this, they do indeed drop dead. This does not affect the Daimyo himself, however if an attack should kill him, he is entitled to one Full Round Action just moments before death, taken out of turn order.

It isn’t so much that many samurai traditionally dual-wielded in battle, more a case of people having the mental image these days. If you want to use the daisho (or really, just about any kind of paired melee weapon), that should be a thing you can do. Maybe you want to be Usagi-Yojimbo or something.

Keeping in mind the Katana above, the Wakizashi has the following profile:

Martial Light/Small Melee Weapon:
Base Damage: 1d6 Slashing, Critical 20/x3, weight: 3lbs
Proficiency: the Daisho-Wielder does not gain proficiency with Medium Armour.

Ancestral Weaponry: the Daisho-Wielder gains a pair of weapons and both have the benefits of being the Ancestral Weapon. The “standard” assumption is an actual Daisho – a Katana and a Wakizashi. However, certain cultural weapon choices should still be available to others – people in the Frozen North might wield a pair of Ice Picks, for instance, and there could very well be a gladiatorial school that teaches combat with the Trident and Scorpion Claw.

Two Weapon Fighting: at second level, the Daisho-Wielder gains Two-Weapon Fighting (the Tome version of the feat).

Echoed Slice (Ex): the Daisho-Wielder does not gain Blindfighting at level six. Instead, any time he successfully attacks with his on-hand attacks, he may “reserve” the off-hand attacks: they are kept as Readied Attacks, triggered only against the opponent hit by the on-hand attacks, and made just as they start the first action in their turn (thus potentially disrupting spellcasting and similar).

Devil Chaser (Ex): the seventh-level Daisho-Wielder does not gain Iaijutsu. Instead, if he wields both of his Ancestral Weapons but only attacks with the on-hand weapon, he may use his reserved off-hand attacks to follow-up the attacks of allies: any enemy within reach that is hit by any of his allies can be subject to one of these readied attacks, rather than specifically directing them against his prior targets and on their turns. These are not Attacks of Opportunity so may benefit from Kiai!

Iaijutsu Focus (Ex): when the Daisho-Wielder uses his Iaijutsu Focus ability, he only makes half the total Attacks of Opportunity – those afforded to his on-hand weapon. The rest are automatically held in reserve (for use with Echoed Slice/Devil Chaser).

Final Cut (Ex): only one of the Daisho-Wielder’s two weapons gains the Vorpal quality at level fourteen. The other gains Sharpness instead.

Mind Blade
People like the idea of psychic samurai. Fair enough, it’s a magical swordsman, a concept that fits well with D&D, and they do a lot of concentration and meditation in some works, so let’s absolutely make that a possible thing. In this instance, the Mind Blade has access to mental powers akin to divination and prediction (and a Mind Block), self-haste, and some amount of telekinesis/psychokinesis. This borrows from Kaelik’s Psychic.
Proficiencies: the Mind Blade is not proficient with Medium Armour

Mystic Focus: due to his focus on psionic powers, the Mind Blade does not benefit from many of the more physical aspects of the Samurai. He does not gain Bonus Feats at levels two, four, six or nine, nor does he gain Kiai at level three, Iaijutsu at level seven, Iaijutsu Focus at level eleven, Deny Arcane Defences at level thirteen, Final Cut at level fourteen, Iaijutsu Master at level fifteen, Deny Armour at level eighteen, or Iaijutsu Grandmaster at level nineteen.

Power Pool: the Mind Blade has a Power Pool that starts at 2. Every level thereafter it increases by one, except for levels four, eight, twelve, sixteen and twenty, where it increases by 2 instead. Every day, the pool is filled at the start. The Mind Blade must sleep for 8 hours and then meditate for 1 hour (or, if he does not sleep, must meditate for 8 hours) in order to replenish them, during which time he is Helpless, and this process empties him of any Allocations and fills the Power Pool to its maximum. A brief interruption or series of interruptions to the sleep (or 8 hours of meditation) of a total of less than one hour during the process does not interfere with this.

Disciplines (Ex): the Mind Blade has access to three disciplines: Clarity, Acceleration and Projection. He can Manifest any ability he qualifies for with his current Power Points Allocated to the Discipline in question. If he has not Allocated any points into it but has the Points remaining, then he may Manifest a power and in doing so Allocate the Points as part of the same action. Any Save DC for a Power granted by a Discipline is 10 + half his Samurai level + his Wisdom Bonus.

Allocation (Ex): when Manifesting a Discipline not yet allocated, a Mind Blade must (as part of the action of Manifestation) Allocate Power Points to the Discipline. The Allocation must be at least enough to allow him future access to the ability currently manifested, and he cannot Allocate more than his Samurai level into a given Discipline. Once Allocated, Power Points remain Allocated until after he refreshes his Power Pool, and he cannot Allocate to the same Discipline more than once between Power Pool replenishment.

Dismemberment (Su): starting at level fourteen, as long as the Mind Blade has Allocated at least one Power Point to each Discipline, his Ancestral Weapon resonates with psionic energy. It gains the Sharpness quality until his Power Points are refreshed.
1: Halve any Distance Penalty to Spot checks, gain Low-Light Vision (Ex)
2: Gain constant Telepathy to 100’ (Su)
3: Gain Scent (Ex)
4: Gain a constant Detect Thoughts effect (Sp)
5: Gain Darkvision 60’ (Ex)
6: Gain a constant See Invisibility effect (Ex)
7: Automatically Detect all Secret Doors within 60’ if you have line of effect (Ex)
8: Ability to cast Clairaudience/Clairvoyance at will (Sp)
9: Gain a constant Discern Lies effect (Su)
10: Gain a constant Arcane Sight effect (Su)
11: Gain a constant True Seeing effect (Su)
12: You are immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects (Ex)
13: Ability to cast Greater Scrying at will (Sp)
14: Gain a +10 Insight Bonus on Spot, Listen and Sense Motive checks (Ex)
15: Gain the ability to find even magical traps, an automatic free Search check to detect any trap within 15 feet and a +10 Insight Bonus on Search checks (Su)
16: Gain the Lifesight ability (Su)
17: Ability to cast Discern Location at will (Sp)
18: Ability to manifest Mind Probe at will (Sp)
19: Ability to manifest Metafaculty once and cast Greater Prying Eyes once (Su)
20: Gain a constant Foresight effect (Su)
1: Gain an Insight Bonus to Reflex Saves equal to 1/3 the Points Allocated (round up), and increase Movement Speed by 5’ for every 2 Points Allocated (round up) (Ex)
2: Gain a constant Detect Hostile Intent effect (Ex)
3: Gain (Tome) Whirlwind Attack as a Bonus Feat (Ex)
4: Gain Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
5: Gain a +1 Insight Bonus to AC, and a constant Detect Remote Viewing effect (Su)
6: Any time you move more that 5’, you gain a Blur effect until the start of your next turn (Su)
7: You can make a 5’ Step as an Immediate Action (Ex)
8: Gain Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
9: Gain a constant Haste effect (Su)
10: Gain a +2 Insight Bonus to AC (Su)
11: Gain Evasion (Ex)
12: Each time you move or make an attack, you spawn a single Mirror Image that lasts until the start of your next turn (unless destroyed beforehand) (Su)
13: You can make a Move Action as an Immediate Action (Ex)
14: Any time you move more than 10’, you gain a Greater Blur effect until the start of your next turn (Su)
15: You gain a +3 Insight Bonus to AC (Su)
16: Gain a constant Greater Dimension Door effect that only targets you (Su)
17: Gain Improved Evasion (Ex)
18: You never Provoke Attacks of Opportunity, nor trigger Readied Actions (Su)
19: Gain a single use of Time Stop (Sp)
20: You are treated as rolling a 100 for Initiative, and are never Surprised, always acting in any Surprise Round. Gain a +4 Insight Bonus to AC (Su)
1: Gain Mage Hand and Telekinesis (Combat Maneuver only) at will (Sp)
2: Gain Telekinesis (Sustained Force – 25lbs per Point Allocated) at will (Sp)
3: Gain the ability to propel yourself via Telekinesis: you can Charge in any direction, including straight up, gain a +10 Bonus to Jump checks, and your Jump distance is not limited based on your own height (Sp)
4: Your melee attacks may be made out to 15’ away via Telekinesis, using your normal weapon properties, attack bonus and so on. You do not gain the ability to make Attacks of Opportunity further away than normal, you only threaten the extra squares at the moment of attack (Su)
5: Any time you perform a Pin or Trip, the target is then held down (25lbs per Point Allocated added to their weight) for 3 rounds. Any time you Lift a target in a grapple, you can just carry them with Telekinesis without using any hands, at no penalty (they may still try to break free normally) for 3 rounds. Any time you Bullrush a foe, you can move them twice the normal total distance and only need move one square yourself. (Su)
6: With an Immediate Action, you may telekinetically block an attack that requires an attack roll, causing it to fail automatically (Sp)
7: Gain Telekinesis (Violent Thrust – Caster Level equals Points Allocated) (Sp)
8: Gain a constant Levitation effect (Su)
9: With an Immediate Action, you may telekinetically block a single attack or effect that targets you, blocking Line of Effect. (Sp)
10: Gain the ability to create a telekinetic wall as Wall of Force but people may make a Will Save to ignore it and push through (Sp)
11: Gain telekinetic Flight as a Fly spell (Su)
12: Gain the ability to create a telekinetic Resilient Sphere effect at will, but anyone can ignore it and push through with a successful Will Save (Sp)
13: Melee attacks may now be made out to 50’ away via Telekinesis (Su)
14: Incorporeal Touch Attacks target your full regular Armour Class thanks to TK shielding (Su)
15: You can create a telekinetic blast at will: a 120’ Cone, with everything in the area needing to make a Will Save vs being thrust to the end of the cone, suffering 2d6 damage for every 5’ of movement prevented by colliding with a barrier. (Sp)
16: Gain the ability to manifest Tornado Blast with damage dice (for the main blast, not the target) equal to the Points Allocated (Sp)
17: Melee attacks may now be made out to 100’ away via Telekinesis (Su)
18: A telekinetic lethal strike may be made out to any range in Line of Sight + Effect. If it hits, the target must pass a Will Save, otherwise they are cut into multiple pieces, which is not a [Death] effect but is usually lethal. (Sp)
19: With a Swift Action, you may fold a layer of telekinetic energy around your Ancestral Weapon. The next time it hits something, it then expands rapidly through the target, identical to a Disintegrate effect (CL = Points Allocated), except tearing them into very tiny pieces rather than reducing them to dust (Sp)
20: Gain a telekinetic shield that blocks Line of Effect in all directions – it can be lowered or raised with an Immediate or Swift Action at will (Sp)

Nature’s Liege
There are many stories of samurai making friends with wild animals – indeed there are many stories of just about any heroic archetype doing that. Maybe it’s because folklore sees the hero as being attuned to nature, maybe it’s because people want their heroes to have pets or something. It doesn’t really matter, because the idea of a samurai working alongside an animal has become common enough that you will see it in Samurai Shodown (note: that’s Shodown, not Showdown), such as Nakoruru, Mina (only a mascot), Galford (not a samurai), Mizuki, Rera (see also: Nakoruru – look, fighting games have weird lore going on) and probably a few others. Some even summon demons or elementals, but that is not the realm of this character.
Class Skills: the Nature’s Liege gains Handle Animal and Ride as Class Skills, but loses Hide and Move Silently.

Proficiencies: the Nature’s Liege is not proficient with Medium Armour

Animal Companion: the Nature’s Liege has an Animal Companion, exactly like a Druid in every way. Use his Samurai level in place of Druid level for determining abilities, bonus hit dice and so on. Upon reaching level ten, he may instead have a loyal Cohort, which can be any creature of the Animal Type with a CR 2 less than his level (including by adding extra hit dice), or 3 less if it is Huge or larger. In this instance, it no longer gains the benefits of an Animal Companion – it is just a loyal Animal that works like a separate “basic meatshield” character.

Bonus Feats: the Nature’s Liege does not gain Horde Breaker, Whirlwind Attack, Blindfighting or Subtle Cut as Bonus Feats at levels two, four, six and nine.

Kiai! the Nature’s Liege may use the Kiai! ability normally, however his Animal Companion may also make Kiai! attacks. It is entirely up to the Liege himself. If it becomes a Cohort, this still applies.

Parry Magic (Su): when the Nature’s Liege gains this ability, he may also use it to parry effects that target his Animal Companion/Cohort, providing it is within his reach.

Fang of Devastation (Su): at level ten, the Nature’s Liege does not gain Blade of Devastation. Instead, the benefits of it apply to the natural weapons of his Animal Companion (including if it is now a Cohort).

Deny Caster Defences (Ex): at level thirteen, the Nature’s Liege does not apply the Deny Caster Defences ability to his Ancestral Weapon. Instead, it applies to the natural weapons of his Animal Companion/Cohort.

Special: if the Nature’s Liege ends up taking levels in Demon Samurai, he continues to advance the Animal Companion/Cohort, however he may also grant it the Fiendish Template (-1 effective Druid Level, or applying the CR modifier normally in the case of a Cohort). At third level, he does not gain Talons, but may instead apply the Half Fiend Template to his Animal Companion (-3 effective Druid Levels, or applying the CR modifier normally in the case of a Cohort), or in the case of a Cohort, simply have a Hell Hound (including Nessian), Nightmare (including Lesser and Cauchemar) or Bezekira, which may advance by hit dice normally, or via levels of Fiendish Brute or racial prestige classes that specify that exact creature.

Unscrupulous Ronin
While nothing stops you from being a Samurai who is a Ronin and the only change is that you have no specific Lord and instead need to rule over yourself, many people view the Ronin as being a rogue, a scoundrel or a wrongun of some kind. At the very least, they want a bit more sneakiness and rule-bending, and a bit less in the way of traditional samurai ability. If that is in fact what you want, then look no further.
Skills: the Unscrupulous Ronin has 6 + Int Skill Points, and adds the following Skills to the Class Skills list: Appraise, Bluff, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Ride and Use Rope.

Pledge of Loyalty: the Unscrupulous Ronin must be a Ronin, as per the name – gaining a +4 Bonus on saving throws against [Mind-Affecting] effects.

Sneak Attack: at levels four, eight, twelve, sixteen and twenty, the Unscrupulous Ronin gets one die of Sneak Attack, much like the Rogue class feature. On these levels, he does not gain an extra daily use of Kiai!

Techniques: bereft of some amount of spiritual guidance and ancestral loyalty, the Unscrupulous Ronin learns a small number of Techniques, as this Rogue, however he only has access to Exploits, not Devices. Any Save DC uses his Wisdom Bonus. At level five, he learns one Basic Technique, instead of gaining Ancestral Guidance.

At level eight, he gains one Stylish Technique instead of Parry Magic, and at level ten he gains another Stylish Technique, instead of Blade of Devastation.

At level twelve, he gains an Amazing Technique instead of Cut Magic. At level fourteen, he gains another Amazing Technique instead of Final Cut.

At level sixteen, he gains an Impossible Technique instead of Reflect Magic, and he gains another at level seventeen instead of Blade of Souls.

Finally, at level eighteen, instead of Deny Armour, he gains a Perfect Technique. At level twenty, he may elect to gain another Pefect Technique in place of Scrolls of Wisdom, or he may show the mastery of gaining wisdom in a different manner and write his scrolls that say as much.
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Aug 30, 2021 1:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by JigokuBosatsu »

Koumei wrote:That’s weird, because iaijutsuing people in half is a great life choice
Haven't thought about life in those terms but it sounds appealing!
Omegonthesane wrote:a glass armonica which causes a target city to have horrific nightmares that prevent sleep
JigokuBosatsu wrote:so a regular glass armonica?
You can buy my books, yes you can. Out of print and retired, sorry.
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Post by Koumei »

The Warlock
Tome Spherelock

Celestial Warlock
This is for a Warlock who steals power from (or is gifted it by) the Upper Planes. Maybe they made a deal with an Angel for power, and were given power on the condition they used it for good?
Eldritch Blast: this now channels the winds of Mount Celestia and deals Cold damage.

Celestial Similarities: starting at second level, the Celestial Warlock qualifies for [Celestial] feats.

Blessed Frostblast (Su): at fifth level, the Celestial Warlock may reduce the damage of her Eldritch Blast by 2d6 and make it half Cold, half Holy (like the non-Fire part of a Flamestrike spell).

Damage Reduction: this functions the same, including deciding whether Iron or Silver is the relevant material, except that instead of Good bypassing it, Evil does.

Bonus Feat: at level eight, the Celestial Warlock gains one Bonus Feat, which can be any [Celestial] feat for which she qualifies.

Holy Blast (Su): at tenth level, the Celestial Warlock may reduce the damage of her Eldritch Blast by 4d6 and make it entirely Holy – bypassing Energy Resistance completely.

Celestial Servant: this functions the same as Fiendish Servant except that the cohort must be an actual Celestial (advancing by racial hit dice, Conduit of the Upper Planes, or racial-specific prestige class).

Heavenly Aura (Su): at level fourteen, the Celestial Warlock does not gain the standard Aura of Fear. Instead, she gains either the Aura of Menace of an Archon, or the Protective Aura of an Angel.

Celestial Apotheosis: at level fifteen, the Celestial Warlock becomes an Outsider with the [Good] Subtype, even if her own alignment is not Evil. She is immortal and does not age.

Axiomatic Warlock
There are laws to the universe, even if nobody knows what they are. Sometimes, these laws dictate that the powers of Mechanus be channelled through a mortal, that the law be imposed on other realms via this link in power.
Eldritch Blast: this now deals Electricity damage, pulling from the energies that power artifice and Inevitable.

Mechanical Similarities: starting at second level, the Axiomatic Warlock begins to resemble Inevitables. She gains a 50% chance to negate extra damage from Critical Hits and similar unless the attacker has any ranks in Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering), Fast Healing 1, and no longer needs to eat or drink.

Ordered Electroblast (Su): at fifth level, the Axiomatic Warlock may reduce the damage of her Eldritch Blast by 2d6 and make it half Electricity, half Axiomatic/Lawful, thus only half being affected by Electricity Immunity.

Damage Reduction: this functions the same, except the material is always Flesh (including any Natural Weapons, even teeth and claws), and the Alignment aspect is Chaos.

Greater Mechanical Similarities: at level eight, the Axiomatic Warlock doesn’t gain a Bonus Feat. Instead, she becomes even more like an Inevitable – she no longer needs to breathe or sleep, and becomes Immune to the Sickened, Fatigued and Exhausted conditions.

Axiomatic Blast (Su): at tenth level, the Axiomatic Warlock may reduce the damage of her Eldritch Blast by 4d6 and make it entirely Lawful – bypassing Energy Resistance completely.

Axiomatic Servant: this functions the same as Fiendish Servant except that the cohort must be an actual Inevitable or Axiomatic creature or Mechanatrix/Zenythri Planetouched (advancing by racial hit dice, Conduit of the Planes, or racial-specific prestige class).

Impose Law (Su): at level fourteen, the Axiomatic Warlock does not gain a Fear Aura. Instead, she constantly benefits from a Dispel Chaos effect – discharging the effect merely suppresses the spell effect for three rounds.

Mechanical Apotheosis: at level fifteen, the Axiomatic Warlock becomes a Construct with the [Lawful] Subtype, even if her own alignment is not Lawful. She does not gain Size-based Bonus HP but retains her Constitution score. Additionally, anyone with ranks in Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) is able to deal extra damage from Critical Hits and Sneak Attack against her normally.

Anarchic Warlock
Let me tell you why the powers of Chaos make themselves manifest in mortals on the Prime Material Plane: because giant frog.
Eldritch Blast: this now unleashes the deafening noises of Pandemonium, and thus deals Sonic damage.

Anarchic Similarities: starting at second level, the Anarchic Warlock begins to resemble a Slaad. She is able to take the following feats as though she were a Fiend: Breath Weapon, Carrier, Elemental Aura, Large Size, Huge Size, Poison Sacs, Slime Trail, Stolen Breath, Stoning Gaze, Supernatural Virulence

Turmoil Blast (Su): at fifth level, the Anarchic Warlock may reduce the damage of her Eldritch Blast by 2d6 and make it half Sonic, half Chaotic, thus half bypassing Sonic Immunity.

Damage Reduction: this functions the same, except the material to bypass it is Iron and the Alignment aspect is Lawful.

Bonus Feat: at level eight, the Anarchic Warlock gains a Bonus Feat as normal. It may be any of those made available through Anarchic Similarities, though she must still meet any requirements other than being a Fiend.

Raw Chaos Blast (Su): at tenth level, the Anarchic Warlock may reduce the damage of her Eldritch Blast by 4d6 and make it entirely Chaos – bypassing Energy Resistance completely.

Anarchic Servant: this functions the same as Fiendish Servant except that the cohort must be a Slaad, Chaond Planetouched or Anarchic Creature (advancing by racial hit dice, Conduit of the Upper Planes, or racial-specific prestige class).

Cloak of Chaos (Su): at level fourteen, the Anarchic Warlock benefits from a constant Cloak of Chaos effect.

Anarchic Apotheosis: at level fifteen, the Anarchic Warlock becomes an Outsider with the [Chaotic] Subtype, even if her own alignment is not Chaotic. She is immortal and does not age.

Faerie Warlock
The fey are capricious, but are known to bestow magical gifts upon people - sometimes when asked, sometimes without the recipient's knowledge. The magic granted to them helps them use magic in fey-related ways, but also curses them to the interesting life of an adventurer.
Eldritch Blast: this now bewilders the minds of the target – it deals untyped (and thus unresisted) Non-Lethal Damage and is a [Mind-Affecting] effect.

Resist Nature’s Lure (Ex): starting at second level, the Faerie Warlock gains a +4 Bonus on Saving Throws against the Spells and Spell-Like Abilities of Fey and other Faerie Warlocks. This replaces Fiendish Similarities.

Moonlight Blast (Su): at fifth level, the Faerie Warlock may reduce the damage of her Eldritch Blast by 2d6 and deal real damage, however it is still a [Mind-Affecting] effect, or alternatively lose that descriptor but remain non-lethal.

Damage Reduction: this functions the same, except that the material is always Iron, and the alignment that bypasses it is Law, not Good.

Bonus Feat: at level eight, the Faerie Warlock gains a Bonus Feat. It must be a Feat which grants one or more Spell-Like Abilities, or a Magic or Meta-Magic Feat that applies to Spell-Like Abilities, and she must meet any requirements.

Truelight Blast (Su): at tenth level, the Faerie Warlock may reduce the damage of her Eldritch Blast by 4d6 and make it real (not non-lethal) damage that is not a [Mind-Affecting] effect. The target simply takes damage.

Faerie Servant: this functions the same as Fiendish Servant except that the cohort must be a Fey creature or a Plant or Magical Beast.

Fey Presence: at level fourteen, the Faerie Warlock doesn’t gain a Fear Aura. Instead, she radiates an aura out to 10 feet that bewitches the minds of all who enter. Any creature that enters the area during their turn must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus) or be rendered Fascinated, as must any creature that ends its turn in the area. A creature remains Fascinated until snapped out of it through the usual means, or until they leave the area, whichever happens first.

Fey Apotheosis: at level fifteen, the Faerie Warlock becomes a Fey. She is immortal and does not age.

Warlock of the Stars
There are strange things beyond the Far Realm, there are wandering stars that grant horrifying powers to the few who look up and see them at the right moment. Should Alex Roivas read the Tome of Eternal Darkness?
Eldritch Blast: this now channels the weird, destructive nature of the Far Realm and deals Acid damage.

Spheres: the Warlock of the Stars not only can take the new Eldritch Sphere, she absolutely should.

Aberrant Mind: starting at second level, the Warlock of the Stars suffers no effect from anything with "Madness", "Maddening" or "Insanity" in the name (such as Insanity or Maddening Whispers), and similarly is not affected by any Sanity rules that might be added into the game. Additionally, she suffers no penalties from Cerebrotic Blots. This replaces Fiendish Similarities.

Ruinous Blast (Su): at fifth level, the Warlock of the Stars may reduce the damage of her Eldritch Blast by 2d6 and make it half Acid, half Force damage (thus making it a [Force] effect).

Damage Reduction: this functions the same, except select one Alignment aspect of choice to bypass it, and the material that bypasses it is stone.

Cerebrotic Escalation: at level eight, the Warlock of the Stars can freely use Cerebrotic Escalation on the Spell-Like Abilities granted by the Eldritch Sphere, without needing to make a save or suffer harmful effects. This replaces the Bonus Feat.

Forceful Blast (Su): at tenth level, the Warlock of the Stars may reduce the damage of her Eldritch Blast by 4d6 and make it a [Force] effect that deals entirely Force damage.

Eldritch Servant: this functions the same as Fiendish Servant except that the cohort must be a Kaorti, Opabina, Dolgrue, Wyste, Xorbeaste, Akleu, Rukanyr, Dharculus, Mooncalf, Shrieking Terror, Kyra, Cranial Encyster, Amoebic Crawler, Kaortic Hulk or Mind Flayer.

Eldritch Apotheosis: at level fifteen, the Warlock of the Stars becomes an Outsider with the [Extraplanar] Subtype. She is immortal and does not age. Additionally, she adds Dimensional Rift and Lingering Raver to the Spell-Like Abilities granted by the Eldritch Sphere, gaining the same use of them as the others according to her Sphere Access.
Eldritch Sphere
You are Immune to Ability Damage/Drain to your Wisdom and Charisma scores.

1: Aching Dread
3: Call Amoebic Crawler
5: Far Realm Visitation
7: Call Cranial Encyster
9: Soul-Blasting Dread
11: Call Kaortic Hulk
13: Finger of Expulsion
15: Call Nightseed
17: Welcome to the Amoebic Sea
19: Weird
Last edited by Koumei on Sun Feb 21, 2021 7:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Zaranthan »

For a moment there, I thought the GIANT FROG abilities were the actual punchline. It wouldn't be the first time around here.
Koumei the dead guy posthumously at fault for his own death and, due to the felony murder law, his own murderer?
hyzmarca wrote:A palace made out of poop is much more impressive than one made out of gold. Stinkier, but more impressive. One is an ostentatious display of wealth. The other is a miraculous engineering feat.
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Post by JonSetanta »

Koumei wrote:
Tue Jan 19, 2021 10:09 am
So I’m going to put my foot down here and say this is what the Katana is:

Exotic One-Handed/Medium Melee Weapon:
Base Damage: 1d10 Slashing, Critical 20/x3, Weight: 10lbs

Yes, that’s a Dwarven Waraxe except 5lbs lighter. That’s it. But the Samurai likes the x3 Critical.
Whew. Glad that's cleared up.

I vote to make it Tome canon.
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Re: Class Kits and Archetypes

Post by Wumpus »

A katana should weigh about two and a half or three pounds, not ten
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Re: Class Kits and Archetypes

Post by JonSetanta »

If you're reducing the weight, reduce the sword's HP as well.
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