Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

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Post by Koumei »

Okay, I have changed the two base races - Skeleton now has 25% crit negation and Cold Resist 5 + HD, Zombie now simply can't Run, and also doesn't sleep. I forgot about the sleep part of [Unliving].

Also made all the classes 4 + Int skills because people like that.

As for two of them not being particularly keyed to those races, I was 100% copying stuff over from Iratus, which has giant zombies with artillery, and the Bride of Iratus (he makes his own ladies), but in the latter case deliberately walked it back from the whole "follow another PC around worshipping them and also necrophilia undertones", and then the skeleton which is one of the better units despite them pointing how how "basic and mediocre" they are, and the giant bone golems.

If someone wanted to ignore racial requirements for those two and be an Elf Devoted Archer or whatever I'd probably let them? But I'm not particularly going to go through and change them.
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Post by Koumei »

Mummy Prestige Class:

Cursed One
Not every Mummy was a member of royalty, and not every Mummy will get to be one. Some are wrapped not only in bandages but in layers of misfortune, soaked not only with formaldehyde but also with curses. They walk the lands, spending terror and bad luck.

Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Craft (any), Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (History, Nobility & Royalty, Religion), Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Use Magic Device
Proficiencies: the Cursed One is proficient with Simple Weapons and Light Armour
LevelBABFortRefWillClass Features
1+0+2+0+2Accursed Touch
3+1+3+1+3Clinging Wraps
4+2+4+1+4Improved Accursed Touch
5+2+4+1+4Stolen Fortunes
6+3+5+2+5Impending Horror
7+3+5+2+5Improved Clinging Wraps
8+4+6+2+6Absorb Curses
9+4+6+3+6Improved Impending Horror
10+5+7+3+7Hex Beam
11+5+7+3+7Improved Absorb Curses
12+6+8+4+8Amplify Curses
13+6+8+4+8Improved Hex Beam
14+7+9+4+9Improved Amplify Curses

Accursed Touch (Su): the Cursed One has a Touch Attack that may be delivered with a Standard Action at will. On a successful hit, it deals 1d6 points of Negative Energy damage, and afflicts the target with a Luck Penalty on all Saving Throws for 3 rounds. The Penalty is -1 per 3 hit dice of the Cursed One (round up).

Retribution (Su): starting at level two, any time anyone hits the Cursed One with an attack or successfully affects it with a targeted effect, they are affected by a Bestow Curse with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice and a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Clinging Wraps (Ex): the third-level Cursed One may, with a Standard Action, unleash one of its bandages, unwinding from its body in an effort to entangle a foe and drag them forward. It makes a Ranged Attack out to a maximum range of 25’ + 5’ per 2 hit dice, and if it hits, it deals 2d10 Magic Slashing damage and bestows a Luck Penalty to all of the target’s Strength and Dexterity-based rolls for 3 rounds. The Penalty is -1 per 3 hit dice of the Cursed One (round up). The attack and damage roll have an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up). The Cursed One may, once it hits and bestows its Penalty, attempt a Grapple check against the target, applying the Enhancement Bonus to this Grapple check as well. If the Cursed One succeeds, the foe is dragged adjacent to the Cursed One and Entangled until the end of their next turn.

Improved Accursed Touch: at level four, select one of the following improvements for the Cursed One’s Accursed Touch:
  • Dire Curse: the initial Touch Attack deals 1d6 + the Cursed One’s Charisma Bonus in damage, and every round the effects last, they deal 1d6 + the Cursed One’s Charisma Bonus again. Additionally, the Luck Penalty is worsened by 2 (so a -6 would become -8 for instance).
  • Eternal Curse: the effects of the Accursed Touch don’t go away on their own – they last until removed via any effect that can undo the effects of Bestow Curse
Stolen Fortunes (Su): starting at level five, the Cursed One has constant Fast Healing as it absorbs the luck taken from others. The Fast Healing is equal to the number of Curses bestowed on other creatures within fifty feet (including Accursed Touch, Retribution, the Penalty from Clinging Wraps, the effects of Hex Beam, and Amplify Curses). A foe suffering from multiple effects can grant more than one point of Fast Healing.

Impending Horror (Su): with a Full Round Acttion, the sixth-level Cursed One may unleash a wave of fear in a Cone that reaches out to 30 feet. All in the area must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) against a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] effect or be Frightened for a number of rounds equal to its Charisma Bonus, and then Shaken for one minute thereafter.

Improved Clinging Wraps: at level seven, select one of the following improvements for the Cursed One’s Clinging Wraps:
  • Eternal Grasp: the Luck Penalty bestowed by this does not have a duration – it simply lasts until removed by Remove Curse or similar effects.
  • Savage Wraps: the target is not just Entangled, they are rendered Helpless until the end of their next turn. Every turn that the grapple is maintained, the victim suffers Magical Slashing damage equal to 2d10 plus the Cursed One’s Charisma Bonus.
Absorb Curses (Su): starting at level eight, the Cursed One may use a Full Round Action to draw ailments towards itself, consuming their harmful energies to regenerate its body. It makes a Dispel check, with a Bonus (without a limit) equal to its hit dice, against all non-[Harmless] Spells within 30 feet, and automatically removes Curses (as the spell) within the same area. For each effect removed in this manner, it regains 2d6 lost hit points.

Improved Impending Horror: at level nine, select one of the following improvements for the Cursed One’s Impending Horror:
  • Insidious Horror: somehow, it is not a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] effect. It is just an innate effect deep within the psyche that nonetheless requires a Will Save.
  • Impending Doom: it has a much greater effect, causing the target to Panic for one minute.
Hex Beam (Su): the tenth-level Cursed One may unleash a beam of malignant energy that is bad enough as-is, but if the Mummy itself is afflicted by some ailment, it is all the worse. This is resolved as a Line out to Medium Range (with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice), and everything hit must attempt a Will Save. If they fail the save, they are affected by Bestow Curse and Fever Dream, and suffer 1d6 points of Negative Energy damage per 2 hit dice. If the Cursed One is affected by a non-[Harmless] Spell effect, a form of ongoing damage, or an affliction that is detrimental to the Mummy (so being drenched in contact poison has no effect), the damage increases to 1d6 per hit die and the Save DC increases by 2.

Improved Absorb Curses: at level eleven, select one of the following improvements for the Cursed One’s Absorb Curses ability:
  • Cursed Feast: for each effect removed, the Cursed One regains hit points equal to 3d6 plus its Charisma Bonus. Any excess is kept as Temporary Hit Points until the start of its next turn (or removed by damage, as normal).
  • Absorb Power: instead of Dispelling non-[Harmless] Spells, it targets [Harmless] and Personal (including Target: one creature where the caster chose themselves as the creature) effects in the area and does not provide a Remove Curse effect. Healing is still provided for every effect removed.
Amplify Curses (Su): starting at level twelve, the Cursed One may use a Standard Action at will to target a creature within Medium Range (using its hit dice as a Caster Level). The target must make a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be rendered unable to regain hit points through any means – a Permanent effect that can be removed by Remove Curse or Break Enchantment. They are also left Cowering with fear for three rounds (this part being a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] effect) on a failed Save. If, however, they are already suffering from a Curse or a Luck Penalty, this also deals 1d6 Negative Energy damage per hit die of the Cursed One and the [Fear] effect knocks them Comatose for three rounds.

Improved Hex Beam: at level thirteen, select one of the following improvements for the Cursed One’s Hex Beam ability:
  • Hex Spear: the initial effects become Bestow Greater Curse, Fever Dream and Prickling Torment along with the damage.
  • Vengeance Beam: the bonus effects for the Mummy being affected by detrimental effects include the target additionally falling Asleep until woken (no fixed duration), and suffering an Energy Ebb effect until they awake.
Improved Amplify Curses: at fourteenth level, select one of the following improvements for the Cursed One’s Amplify Curses ability:
  • Eternity of Misfortune: beyond the initial effect, this also restarts the duration on any detrimental conditions afflicting the target if they fail the Will Save. This doesn’t just apply to spells – if they are Poisoned, for instance, they will suffer the Primary effects again and wait another minute before saving against the Secondary effects.
  • Amplified Torment: instead of 1d6 per level, they suffer 100 points of damage if they fail the save and are already suffering from a Curse or a Luck Penalty and they are rendered Comatose for a full minute.


Flexible Ability [Monstrous]
It's a world of choice!
Requirements: Improved Accursed Touch
Benefit: select one of your Improved Abilities (Accursed Touch, Clinging Wraps, Impending Horror, Absorb Curses, Hex Beam or Amplify Curses) that allows you to choose between two different benefits. Whenever you use the ability, you can select which of the improvements it has, rather than the choice being fixed. It cannot benefit from both at once, however.
Special: this ability can be selected multiple times, each time applied to a different ability.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Feb 04, 2021 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Serious Badass
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Post by Koumei »

I have added a "You can use either option but not both at once" feat to all of the above. And also to the class that follows. Also I went back and specified the Sphere the Abyssal Drake PrCl can have, after a really weird post by someone (their first post was to fuck up quote tags, identify an actual mistake, and include a link to what is probably some kind of scam).


Awakened Bloodfire Ooze
MMIV, CR 7, Level 9

Blood Phantasm
Made from malevolent blood and wicked energies, the bloodfire ooze is a dangerous creature at the best of times. Given sentience, they are known to take on ghostly, almost humanoid forms and spread fire, destruction, blood and misery everywhere they go. The Blood Phantasm can be a healer in a very risky sort of way, but also focuses on layering afflictions on enemies, dealing revenge damage, and causing damage over time.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Concentration, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Swim
Proficiencies: the Bloodfire Ooze is only proficient with Natural Weapons
LevelBABFortRefWillClass Features
1+0+0+2+2Impale, Transfusion
2+1+0+3+3Blood Eruption
3+2+1+3+3Blood-Boiling Emanation, Phantasmal Assault
4+3+1+4+4Improved Impale
5+3+1+4+4Mark of Retribution
6+4+2+5+5Improved Phantasmal Assault
7+5+2+5+5Chains of Anger
8+6+2+6+6Improved Transfusion
9+6+3+6+6Hate Eternal, Improved Mark of Retribution
10+7+3+7+7Improved Chains of Anger
11+8+3+7+7Improved Hate Eternal

Impale (Ex): when the Blood Phantasm performs a Charge, it may attack not only the target, but also the creature immediately behind the target. Regardless of whether or not there is another creature behind the initial target, this attack deals an extra 1d6 damage per 2 hit dice.

Transfusion (Su): with a Standard Action, the Blood Phantasm may pour its bloody essence directly into an adjacent ally. The Blood Phantasm accepts an amount of damage (bypassing any forms of Damage Reduction or Regeneration) up to half its current hit point total (round down), and the ally regains an equal amount of hit points. They also gain Fire and Cold Resistance equal to the Blood Phantasm’s hit dice total for three rounds.

Blood Eruption (Ex): any time the second-level Blood Phantasm is reduced below zero hit points, or suffers damage (including via Transfusion) at least equal to half its maximum hit points, there is a spray of fiery blood out to a 10’ radius Spread. It may elect to have one of the following effects:
  • All creatures (including Undead) aside from itself within the area regain 3d6 hit points plus its Constitution Bonus (but not exceeding the damage suffered).
  • All creatures (including Undead) aside from itself within the area suffer damage equal to half the amount dealt to the Blood Phantasm – the damage is half Acid, half Fire, and Poisons them (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, Primary damage 1d10 Strength, Secondary damage 1d10 Constitution).
Blood-Boiling Emanation (Su): starting at level three, incredible heat radiates out from the Blood Phantasm, to the appoint that attackers suffer horrendous effects. Any creature that attacks it with a Natural Weapon, or any Melee Weapon from an adjacent square, whether they hit or not, suffers a Boiling Blood effect (Caster Level equal to its hit dice, Save DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, multiple attacks count as multiple castings).

Phantasmal Assault (Su): a third-level Blood Phantasm may, with a Full Round Action, make a pair of melee Touch Attacks. Each one deals 2d6 Fire damage and 2 points of Constitution Drain (both of these are doubled on a Critical Hit). For each point of Constitution Drain dealt, the Blood Phantasm regains 5 lost hit points.

Improved Impale: at level four, select one of the following benefits for the Blood Phantasm’s Impale ability:
  • Savage Impale: the attack has a 19-20/x4 Critical value, and the attack can be made to up to three adjacent creatures in a row.
  • Charging Frenzy: the bonus damage increases to 1d6 per hit die, and the Blood Phantasm regains 1 lost HP per hit die it has, per target hit.
Mark of Retribution (Sp): at level five, the Blood Phantasm gains the ability to cast Fire Shield at will, but not on itself, and only on one creature at a time – if it grants the effects for one ally, any previous instance of the effect on another ally ends early. The Caster Level equals its hit dice and the damage is not capped at +15.

Improved Phantasmal Assault: at sixth level, select one of the following improvements for the Blood Phantasm’s Phantasmal Assault ability:
  • Phantasmal Blitz: each attack deals 6d6 Fire damage and 2 points of Constitution Drain
  • Phantasmal Carnage: each attack deals 2d6 Fire damage and 4 points of Constitution Drain
Chains of Anger (Su): the seventh-level Blood Phantasm may unleash tendrils of burning blood at will, using a Standard Action to unleash as a Ranged Attack out to 100 feet. If the attack hits, it deals 1d12 points of Fire damage and causes the foe to be Entangled for one round. For each Spell or Spell-Like Ability affecting the target, the damage increases by an amount equal to the Caster Level.

Improved Transfusion: at eighth level, select one of the following improvements for the Blood Phantasm’s Transfusion ability:
  • Rage Injection: the beneficiary also benefits from a Righteous Might and Stormrage effect for three rounds.
  • Grand Transfusion: the beneficiary regains hit points equal to double the amount of damage suffered by the Blood Phantasm.
Hate Eternal (Su): the ninth-level Blood Phantasm may use a Full Round Action and unleash a pulse of fire, malice and general ill-will. Everything within a 90’ Cone must pass three saving throws – one Fortitude, one Reflex and one Willpower. In all cases, the DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus. If they fail the Fortitude Save, they are Poisoned (as per the Blood Eruption ability). If they fail the Reflex Save, they take 10d6 damage (half Acid, half Fire) and continue to burn for 1d10 Fire damage per 3 hit dice (round up) for one minute. If they fail the Will Save, they are rendered Blind for one minute.

Improved Mark of Retribution: at level nine, select one of the following improvements for the Blood Phantasm’s Mark of Retribution ability:
  • Mark of Vengeance: the Fire Shield damage increases to 10d6 plus twice the hit dice of the Blood Phantasm.
  • Aura of Retribution: the Blood Phantasm may grant the effects to up to three creatures with the same action (still without affecting itself) and can grant the effects to more creatures without ending previous ones. Additionally, any creature blessed by this radiates an aura of fire – anything within 10 feet of one or more of these creatures at the end of their turn suffers 2d4 points of Fire damage.
Improved Chains of Anger: at tenth level, select one of the following improvements for the Blood Phantasm’s Chains of Anger ability:
  • Chains of Fury: the base damage increases to 4d6, and the target is Entangled for three rounds, though it can be ended earlier with an Escape Artist check (DC equal to the attack roll) as a Standard Action. Failure results in them suffering another 2d6 damage.
  • Moaning Chains: the bonus damage for each Spell or Spell-Like Ability becomes 1d6 plus the Caster Level, and for each such effect the target is Frightened for one round. This latter effect is a [Fear] effect, and can be reduced to Shaken for the same duration with a Will Save (DC equal to the attack roll).
Improved Hate Eternal: at level eleven, select one of the following improvements for the Blood Phantasm’s Hate Eternal ability:
  • Torment Eternal: a target that fails even one of the saving throws sees all of their afflictions worsened – any negative condition they are already suffering, other than from Hate Eternal itself, with a Duration other than Concentration (or Concentration + X), Permanent or Instantaneous, has its Duratition doubled (if Extended, this triples the base Duration in the usual “doubling a doubling is a tripling” manner).
  • Wrath Eternal: when the Poison resolves its Secondary damage, it becomes a Magical Disease that can only be removed by Remove Disease, Wish or Miracle, with the same Save DC but otherwise functioning as Slimy Doom. The burning continues until removed by Wish, Miracle or Dispel Fire. The Blindness continues until removed by a Wish, Miracle, Remove Blindness/Deafness or Break Enchantment.


Flexible Ability [Monstrous]
It's a world of choice!
Requirements: Improved Impale
Benefit: select one of your Improved Abilities (Impale, Phantasmal Assault, Transfusion, Mark of Retribution, Chains of Anger or Hate Eternal) that allows you to choose between two different benefits. Whenever you use the ability, you can select which of the improvements it has, rather than the choice being fixed. It cannot benefit from both at once, however.
Special: this ability can be selected multiple times, each time applied to a different ability.

I could also see there being a not-related-to-Iratus class for the awakened Bloodfire, basically making it a Fire Mage that can enhance its own fire while still enhancing the fire of others - even making it a sort of "applies meta-magic to the fire of allies" class. I might do that at some point.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

You thought I was done, I thought I was done, Nostradamus probably predicted I'd be done after that last batch. But here we are!

Stone Giant
MM, page 124. CR 8, level 9 if you change its hit dice:
10d12, Full BAB (+10), Good Fort (+7 +3 +3), 4 + Int skills (x13).

Stone Giant Elder
You like rock-related puns, right? Well I hope so, because they're incoming. Anyway, this takes the idea of the Stone Giant Elder (a paragraph of text in MM1) and makes it a whole direction you can take your Stone Giant, complete with "things it can do other than hit you in the face with a club, a rock, or its fists". However some of the spells are also cast by hitting you in the face with a rock.

Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Climb, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Geography, History, Nobby Roy), Listen, Spot
1+1+2+0+2Basic Sphere Access (Stone), Spell-Bound Boulders
2+2+3+0+3Basic Sphere Access (Oracle), Gather No Moss
3+3+3+1+3Basic Sphere Access (Metal), You Rock
4+4+4+1+4Bigger And Better
5+5+4+1+4Advanced Sphere Access (Stone), Rock-Solid
6+6+5+2+5Basic Sphere Access (Aegis)
7+7+5+2+5Expert Sphere Access (Stone), Hard Rock
8+8+6+2+6Giant-Sized Magic
9+9+6+3+6Advanced Sphere Access (Oracle), Rock On!
10+10+7+3+7Calamitous Boulders
11+11+7+3+7Advanced Sphere Access (Aegis), Rock Out

Spheres: at level 1, the Stone Giant Elder gains Basic Access to the Stone Sphere. This improves to Advanced at level 5, and Expert at level 7. At level 2, he gains Basic Access to the Oracle Sphere, improving to Advanced at level 9. At level 3, he gains Basic Access to the Metal Sphere. At level 6, he gains Basic Access to the Aegis Sphere, improving to Advanced at level 11.

Spell-Bound Boulders (Sp): any time the Stone Giant Elder throws a boulder, he may cast a Spell-Like Ability into it, providing the spell in question is Targeted (single), or has a Range of Touch, or affects an Area. In the first two cases, the ability is discharged against a target hit by the boulder. In the latter case, the Area is centred on the square the boulder strikes.

Gather No Moss (Ex): there's a saying about rolling stones, and in the case of Stone Giants it's more literally true. Starting at level two, the Stone Giant Elder ceases ageing, and cannot even be magically aged. Furthermore, he cannot ever be Slowed, Paralyzed or Petrified.

You Rock (Ex): upon reaching level three, the Stone Giant Elder becomes even harder, really turning into a rock. He gains Damage Reduction 10/Adamantine, and is not subject to Poison or Sleep effects.

Bigger and Better: at level four, the Stone Giant Elder grows to Huge size. This affects ability scores, natural armour and everything else as though growing larger by gaining hit dice.

Rock-Solid (Ex): the fifth-level Stone Giant Elder is even more solid and sturdy and rock-like. His Damage Reduction increases to 15/-, and he is no longer subject to Critical Hits (but can be affected by Sneak Attacks normally). He is also immune to [Death] effects.

Hard Rock (Ex): starting at level seven, the Slam attacks and thrown boulders of the Stone Giant Elder bypass Hardness and Damage Reduction as though made of adamantium.

Giant-Sized Magic (Su): when the Stone Giant Elder reaches level eight, all of his Spell-Like Abilities with an Area of Effect see their Area doubled, as though affectd by "Widen Spell".

Rock On! (Ex): starting at level nine, the Stone Giant Elder is better at landing rocks right on top of people. He may use his Strength Bonus instead of his Dexterity Bonus for attack rolls when throwing boulders, and if he hits a foe who is at least two Size categories smaller than he is, they must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Strength Bonus) or be knocked Prone, falling under the boulder and having its weight counted towards their encumberance until they can lift it and shove it away.

Calamitous Boulders (Su): whenever the tenth-level Stone Giant Elder throws a Medium (or somehow larger) boulder, people notice: anywhere it lands, there is a small Earthquake effect with a 30' radius area.

Rock Out (Su): upon reaching level eleven, the Stone Giant Elder can use a Full Round Action at will to stomp on the ground to the point of creating an Earthquake effect. Every Save DC for this increases to 25, and buildings in the area automatically collapse if they are made of anything more fragile than adamantium.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Cloud Giant
MM, page 120. CR 11, level 12 if you change its hit dice:
12d12, Full BAB (+12), Good Fort (+8 +4 +4), 4 + Int skills (x15).
Probably level 11 if you do the Ability Score thing for +20, +0, +8, +4, +2, +0. It's still very close-range oriented and with few actual tricks up its sleeve.

Cloud King
Cloud Giants are a little more interesting than basic giants, but they're still supposed to be really big people who wander around hitting smaller people with clubs and rocks. They do get a bit of magic, so it only makes sense that this be advanced with even more sky-related magic, and the ability to summon air elemental minions. In fitting with their kingly nature, they get a castle on the clouds that you can reach with a beanstalk, and also they get to walk around on the air while still not zooming about with a 150' Fly speed or anything like that. The King getting the ability to Become the Wind is just a Minoru Suzuki reference I threw in there.

Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Geography, Nature, Nobby Roy), Listen, Spot, Survival, Tumble
1+1+0+2+2Basic Sphere Access (Air), Summon Air Elementals
2+2+0+3+3Basic Sphere Access (Weather), Cloud Walker
3+3+1+3+3Advanced Sphere Access (Air)
4+4+1+4+4Become The Wind
5+5+1+4+4Expert Sphere Access (Air), Castle in the Sky
6+6+2+5+5Advanced Sphere Access (Weather)
8+8+2+6+6Expert Sphere Access (Weather)

Sphere Access: at level 1, the Cloud King gains Basic Access to the Air Sphere, improving to Advanced at level 3 and Expert at level 5. At level 2, he gains Basic Access to the Weather Sphere, improving to Advanced at level 6 and Expert at level 8.

Summon Air Elementals (Sp): twice per day, the Cloud King may use a Full Round Action to Summon Air Elementals under his control. They remain for one hour, or until killed or dismissed. To begin with, he may summon a single Greater Air Elemental. At level three, he may summon an Elder Air Elemental. At level five, he may summon a pair of Elder Air Elementals, and at level seven he may summon a group of four, or a single Air Monolith or Cyclonic Ravager.

Cloud Walker (Su): starting at level two, the Cloud King benefits from a constant Air Walk effect.

Become The Wind (Su): at level four, the Cloud King gains all the traits of a creature of the Elemental Type (Darkvision 60', Immunity to Poison, Sleep effects, Paralysis and Stunning, not being subject to Critical Hits or Flanking, and being unable to restore to life via Raise Dead, Reincarnate and Resurrection). Additionally, he may transform into a whirlwind at will as a Standard Action, remaining in that form until he changes back with another Standard Action. In this form, he has a 100' Fly Speed (Perfect maneuvrability), is 10' wide at the base, 50' wide at the top, and is 80 feet tall. This uses the rules of "Whirlwind" as an Air Elemental, except as though of Gargantuan Size, so he can lift foes of Huge Size or smaller, and deals 4d6 points of damage, and the Concentration DC to cast a spell is 20 + spell level.

Castle in the Sky: when the Cloud King reaches level five, he straight-up owns a castle in the sky, that sits on a landscape of clouds. If you want to design and personalise it according to the Stronghold Builder's Guide, ignore the price modifiers and where it is located (the sky), just create a Castle (20 stronghold spaces, but treating a single Stronghold Space as 20x20x20 feet to allow for the giant's height) with a budget of 400,000 gold pieces - any unspent money is lost, so you may as well spend big.

Superstorm (Su): whenever the seventh-level Cloud King is in whirlwind form, he spawns an additional set of smaller whirlwinds - up to four, that function as the spell Whirlwind but with any Save DC being the same as his own. He may direct their movement without using an action of his own.
Last edited by Koumei on Fri May 13, 2022 3:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Storm Giant
MM, page 125. CR 13, level 14 if you change its hit dice:
14d12, Full BAB (+14), Good Fort (+9 +4 +4), 4 + Int skills (x17).
Maybe level 13 if you do the Ability Score thing for +24 +6 +8 +4 +6 +4, its abilities at a range are certainly limited.

Storm Shepherd
Yes, we're continuing the giants with another - but this time, you're actually looking at becoming a Bard of all things. With your six remaining levels. Anyway, Storm Giants are described as owning fancy musical instruments, so they get to use these in their control of weather and other powers - the assumption is that they are actually being instrument-focused bards, and not song or dance (or comedy or puppetry), and that is how I limited most of their Performance Trick choices (except I added Electric Slide because they're Storm Giants). Technically, most of these still allow singing and dancing and so on, so it's not a hard limit. Have fun out there, you're a 15' tall blue/purple dude with a tuba.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Performance (any), Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device
1+0+0+2+2Summon Storm Elementals, Performance Trick
2+1+0+3+3Command Elementals, Performance Trick
3+2+1+3+3Basic Sphere Access (Electricity), Performance Trick
4+3+1+4+4Weather Director, Performance Trick
5+3+1+4+4Good Conductor, Performance Trick
6+4+2+5+5Rolling Thunder, Performance Trick

Summon Storm Elementals (Sp): twice per day, the Storm Shepherd may use a Full Round Action to Summon Storm Elementals under his control. They remain for one hour, or until killed or dismissed. To begin with, he may summon a single Elder Storm Elemental. At level three, he may summon a pair of them, and at level five he may summon a group of four, or a single Tempest. At level six, he may instead summon two Tempests or a single Living Spell (Storm of Vengeance, Caster Level 18).

Performance Tricks: at every level, the Storm Shepherd gains a Performance Trick as a Bard, from this list. The options available are Bewilder, Chant of the Undying, Countersong, Deafening Blast, Electric Slide, Heavy Metal, Inspire Courage, Refrain of the Long Road, Requiem, Song of the Weak Mind, and Taming of the Beast.

Command Elementals (Su): starting at level two, the Storm Shepherd can use a Standard Action at will to exert influence over any number of Elementals within 100 feet. They must all attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus), with failure resulting in them being placed under his control (as though Dominated) for one minute.

Sphere Access: at level 3, the Storm Shepherd gains Basic Access to the Electricity Sphere.

Weather Director (Su): once the Storm Shepherd reaches level four, he is in control of the weather: he can change it at will to any natural form of weather for the area - it can't start raining meteors (unless on a plane where that happens), but as long as the given area suffers torrential downpours and cyclones at some time of year, he could have that be the weather at any time. Additionally, if ever an Incendiary Cloud, Whirlwind or Greater Whirlwind effect, or similar spells that create clouds, wind etc. and send them off in a direction, happens to be within 100 feet of him at the start of his turn, he may use a Free Action to determine its direction, sending it off that way for the remainder of its duration (or until changed again).

Good Conductor (Su): starting at level five, the Storm Shepherd can use an Immediate Action at will to draw in any electrical effects within 30 feet - even if they merely pass through this radius and neither the caster nor target is in the area. He may harmlessly absorb the effect in this manner, or instead may redirect them to any other valid target (or for an Area of Effect, redirect it out in a new area as though he were the caster). This cannot be used to redirect an effect back at the origin point (such as sending a Lightning Bolt back at the caster), however if it draws lightning from another origin point (such as Call Lightning calling bolts from the sky), they can be unleashed at the caster just fine.

Rolling Thunder (Su): upon reaching level six, there is a constant rumble of thunder with everything the Storm Shepherd does. Any time he makes an attack roll, saving throw, or Perform check, he may elect to deal an amount of Sonic damage equal to the result of that roll to the nearest creature (to a limit of thirty feet).
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Here's the last one for today, the end of my write-ups on Giants. Tomorrow there will be three more things, all sharing one over-arching creature type, and the day after that will be a final batch of three, where things get a bit wild.

Eldritch Giant
MM3, page 56. CR 15, level 15 if you change its hit dice:
15d12, Full BAB (+15), Good Fort (+9 +5 +5), 4 + Int (x18).

Eldritch Confessor
Okay, you probably want to know why the fuck I chose the Eldritch Giant of all things. Let me explain: the picture looks pretty cool. Also it has some abilities that aren't bad, and even (sort of) address some of the problems Giants have in facing higher level player characters. It's not that it can't be kited, it just isn't the complete guarantee that it is for most Giants. So this expands it out for the last few levels, in a slightly different way to the Confessor in MM3 which is just slapping Cleric levels on it.

Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Gather Information, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Religion), Listen, Spellcraft, Spot
1+0+2+0+2Basic Sphere Access (Magic), Smite Infidels
2+1+3+0+3Basic Sphere Access (Judgement), Eldritch Protection
3+2+3+1+3Advanced Sphere Access (Magic), Divine Blessing of Magic
4+3+4+1+4Basic Sphere Access (Prayer), Summon Black Rock Triskelion
5+3+4+1+4Expert Sphere Access (Magic), Giant-Sized Magic

Sphere Access: the Eldritch Confessor begins with Basic Access to the Magic Sphere, improving to Advanced at level 3, and Expert at level 5. He gains Basic Access to the Judgement Sphere at level 2, and to the Prayer Sphere at level 4.

Smite Infidels (Su): once per ten minutes, the Eldritch Confessor may utterly codswallop someone who does not worship magic itself or a god of magic. He adds his Charisma Bonus to the attack roll, and his hit dice total to the damage.

Eldritch Protection (Su): the second-level Eldritch Confessor adds his Charisma Bonus as a Resistance Bonus on all saving throws.

Divine Blessing of Magic (Su): starting at level three, the Eldritch Confessor constantly benefits from Arcane Sight. At any time, he may Daze and Blind himself for a single round as he channels the energy super hard through his face, in order to create a targeted Disjunction effect on a single creature or object within 60 feet.

Summon Black Rock Triskelion (Sp): twice per day, the fourth-level Eldritch Confessor may use a Full Round Action to Summon a single Blackrock Triskelion under his control. It remains for one hour, or until killed or dismissed.

Giant-Sized Magic: upon reaching level five, the Eldritch Confessor's Spell-Like Abilities with an Area of Effect all have their Area doubled, as though by the Widen Spell meta-magic feat. In the case of those already Widened by the Prayer Sphere, their Area is now tripled instead of being doubled.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Okay, here we go. For the most part, I've avoided a lot of the monsters that have caster levels because "keep taking caster levels, what more do you want?" But I feel there are legitimate things you can do with some, giving some extra features to make up for the fact that they're behind the curve in casting ability, maybe expanding "Spells Known" if they're Sorcerer-based casters (and they usually are) and at the same time using casting restrictions as a balance factor.

Dark Naga
MM, page 191. CR 8, level 9, no thumbs.

Naga Overlord
This draws heavily from the PrCl of the same name from Serpent Kingdoms. It's designed to make Dark Nagas more powerful, not only advancing their magical abilities but specifically letting them control slaves, and make use of those slaves. They can keep casting spells in the normal way, or they can focus on Dominating minions - and then putting buffs on them, or using them as extra pools of HP, or detonating them as weapons/general entertainment. It's kind of like being a Sorcerer who really likes both Enchantments and Transmutations and also being a dick.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Perform, Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Use Magic Device
1+0+2+0+2Enslave Person, Locked Mind+1 Sorcerer level
2+1+3+0+3Overlord's Gift+1 Sorcerer level
3+1+3+1+3Feeding+1 Sorcerer level
4+2+4+1+4Dark Mind+1 Sorcerer level
5+2+4+1+4Overlord's Reach+1 Sorcerer level
6+3+5+2+5Overfeed+1 Sorcerer level
7+3+5+2+5Extended Gift+1 Sorcerer level
8+4+6+2+6Slave Augmentation+1 Sorcerer level
9+4+6+3+6Enslave Monster+1 Sorcerer level
10+5+7+3+7Noble Sacrifice+1 Sorcerer level
11+5+7+3+7Overlord's Grasp+1 Sorcerer level

Spellcasting: at every level, the Naga Overlord's effective Sorcerer casting ability increases as though gaining a single level of Sorcerer. This affects Caster Level, Spells per Day, and Spells Known, but does not advance the class features that Sorcerers don't have.

Enslave Person (Sp): the Naga Overlord may use a Full Round Action to expend a Spell Slot of 4th level or higher in order to create a Dominate Person effect. This has a Permanent Duration, and a Save DC of 10 + half her level + her Charisma Bonus. She may have no more than 4 slaves at a time.

Locked Mind (Ex): the Naga Overlord's brain is practically encased in lead. On the plus side, she is Immune to the Confused condition. On the down side, she is unable to learn or cast spells with the [Charm] descriptor, nor Telepathy or any spell with "Detect" in the name. Any already known must be swapped out for others of equal level.

Overlord's Gift: at level 2, the Naga Overlord learns six bonus spells for enhancing slaves: Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Eagle's Splendor, Foxes Cunning, Owl's Wisdom.

Feeding (Sp): starting at level 3, the Naga Overlord may spend a Spell Slot of 3rd level or higher to cast Vampiric Touch. If targeting one of her slaves, the Range increases to one mile. A level 4 Spell Slot may be used to Empower this, or a level 6 Spell Slot to Maximise, or a Level 9 Spell Slot to Intensify it, even if she doesn't have the feats in question.

Dark Mind (Ex): starting at level 4, the Naga Overlord cannot be Dominated. Furthermore, any round in which she is affected by a [Mind-Affecting] effect that allowed a Saving Throw to resist or negate, she may attempt another save at the end of her turn. If this save succeeds, the effect ends.

Overlord's Reach: whenever the fifth-level Naga Overlord casts a spell with a Range of Touch, she may instead increase the Range to Close (25' + 5' per 2 caster levels) if the target is one of her slaves.

Overfeed (Su): upon reaching level six, any time the Naga Overlord uses Vampiric Touch on a Slave (including via the Feeding ability), if it kills them she regains a single expended Spell Slot. The Spell Slot cannot be higher than that used to cast Vampiric Touch.

Extended Gift: whenever the seventh-level Naga Overlord casts a spell on one of her Slaves, the duration is doubled as though by Extend Spell, even if she doesn't have that feat. This doesn't increase the Spell Level or Casting Time.

Slave Augmentation: at level eight, the Naga Overlord learns the following Bonus Spells, designed for improving slaves: Stoneskin, Greater Enlarge Person, Ability Rip, Greater Resistance, Indomitability.

Enslave Monster (Sp): starting at level nine, if the Naga Overlord uses a Spell Slot of level 8 or higher for the Enslave Person ability, it instead is treated as Dominate Monster, but otherwise functions the same as the Enslave ability - including the duration and upper limit.

Noble Sacrifice (Sp): if the tenth-level Naga Overlord spends a Spell Slot of 6th level or higher as a Standard Action, she may cast Detonate on a Slave. The Slave receives no Saving Throw, but the Reflex Save DC for those caught in the blast is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Overlord's Grasp: at level eleven, the Naga Overlord learns the following bonus spells: Bigby's Tripping Hand, Bigby's Warding Hand, Bigby's Striking Fist, Bigby's Disrupting Hand, Bigby's Interposing Hand, Bigby's Forceful Hand, Bigby's Grasping Hand, Bigby's Clenched Fist, Bigby's Crushing Hand.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Guardian Naga
MM, page 192. CR 10, level 11, no thumbs.

Scaled Guardian
It's nice that snakes don't have to be evil, they can be friends just like in real life, living in a sock or something. Anyway, the Scaled Guardian keeps on being a Sorcerer, but loses a bit of flexibility by being a specialist of sorts. The armour gets better, he gains defensive bonuses, and bonus spells are learned so there isn't too much "Oh wow, five spell slots for level six spells, I wonder what I'll cast, probably the only sixth level spell I know" going on but they're not just picking "the best spells you always want to have".

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Spot
1+0+2+0+2Thickened Scales +1, Abjuration Specialist+1 Sorcerer level
2+1+3+0+3Added Spells (Protection Domain)+1 Sorcerer level
3+2+3+1+3Reflective Scales+1 Sorcerer level
4+3+4+1+4Thickened Scales +2+1 Sorcerer level
5+3+4+1+4Added Spells (Aegis Sphere)+1 Sorcerer level
6+4+5+2+5Fortified Scales+1 Sorcerer level
7+5+5+2+5Thickened Scales +3+1 Sorcerer level
8+6+6+2+6Added Spells (Planning Domain)+1 Sorcerer level
9+6+6+3+6Greater Fortified Scales+1 Sorcerer level

Spellcasting: at every level, the Scaled Guardian's effective Sorcerer casting ability increases as though gaining a single level of Sorcerer. This affects Caster Level, Spells per Day, and Spells Known, but does not advance the class features that Sorcerers don't have.

Thickened Scales (Ex): at level 1, the Scaled Guardian's Natural Armour increases by 1, and he gains DR 3/-. At levels 4 and 7, the Natural Armour increases by another 1 and the DR increases by 3.

Abjuration Specialist: even though Sorcerers normally can't Specialise, the Scaled Guardian does, and specifically specialises in Abjuration. This means he must know an Abjuration spell of every Spell Level available to him (this is not hard starting at level two), and he can never know or cast Necromancy or Illusion spells. If he already knows Necromancy or Illusion spells, they must be swapped out, similarly if for any Spell Level he does not know an Abjuration, he must swap spells out.

Added Spells: at level two, the Scaled Guardian automatically adds the Protection Domain to his Spells Known (and Class Spell List as necessary), at the levels listed for the Domain. He still cannot cast spells of a higher level than those actually available to him normally. At level five, he adds the first nine spells of the Aegis Sphere (at spell levels 1 through 9, down the list, and yes Lesser Globe of Invulnerability is added as a fifth-level Spell, automatically Extended). At level eight, he also adds the spells of the Planning Domain. If ever a spell is added by a Domain or Sphere that he already learned as a regular Spell Known, he may swap the learned one out for another.

Reflective Scales (Su): starting at level 3, the Scaled Guardian may expend a Spell Slot as an Immediate Action to gain a Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws until the start of his next turn. The Resistance Bonus equals the level of the Spell Slot spent. If the Spell Level is at least level six, he also gains Mettle and Evasion for the duration of the effect. If the Spell Level is nine (or somehow higher), he also gains Improved Mettle and Improved Evasion for the duration, and any targeted spell completely negated by a successful saving throw in this manner is reflected back at the caster.

Fortified Scales (Ex): upon reaching level six, the Scaled Guardian's scales are so hard as to provide Medium Fortification. At level nine, this improves to Heavy Fortification, and he also becomes Immune to [Death] effects.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

One more danger-noodle, finishing today's trio.

Spirit Naga
MM, page 192. CR 9, level 9, no thumbs.

Wraith Naga
Spirit Nagas are jerks. Wraith Nagas continue being jerks, but they specifically are basically "Incorporeal Undead" jerks. Much like before, you keep being a Sorcerer, albeit with a bit of a limitation, and you are handed extra spells known so you can do more with your slots, but can't just select a pile of extra spells freely. And yes, you get to have wraithlike traits.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
1+0+0+2+2Undead Transformation, Necromancy Specialist+1 Sorcerer level
2+1+0+3+3Added Spells (Death Domain)+1 Sorcerer level
3+1+1+3+3Ghostly Form+1 Sorcerer level
4+2+1+4+4Enervating Bite+1 Sorcerer level
5+2+1+4+4Added Spells (Bone Sphere)+1 Sorcerer level
6+3+2+5+5Necromantic Venom+1 Sorcerer level
7+3+2+5+5Life Draining Bite+1 Sorcerer level
8+4+2+6+6Added Spells (Heresy Sphere)+1 Sorcerer level
9+4+3+6+6Accursed Bite+1 Sorcerer level
10+5+3+7+7Terrifying Transformation+1 Sorcerer level
11+5+3+7+7Wraithly Essence+1 Sorcerer level

Spellcasting: at every level, the Wraith Naga's effective Sorcerer casting ability increases as though gaining a single level of Sorcerer. This affects Caster Level, Spells per Day, and Spells Known, but does not advance the class features that Sorcerers don't have.

Undead Transformation: the Wraith Naga becomes an Undead with the [Unliving] and [Dark-Minded] Subtypes. As he retains a Constitution score, do not change hit dice.

Necromancy Specialist: even though Sorcerers normally can't Specialise, the Wraith Naga does, and specifically specialises in Necromancy. This means he must know an Abjuration spell of every Spell Level available to him (this is not hard starting at level two), and he can never know or cast Conjuration or Transmutation spells. If he already knows Conjuration or Transmutation spells, they must be swapped out, similarly if for any Spell Level he does not know a Necromancy spell, he must swap spells out.

Added Spells: at level two, the Wraith Naga automatically adds the Death Domain to his Spells Known (and Class Spell List as necessary), at the levels listed for the Domain. He still cannot cast spells of a higher level than those actually available to him normally. At level five, he adds the first nine spells of the Bone Sphere (at spell levels 1 through 9, down the list). At level eight, he also adds the spells of the Heresy Sphere. If ever a spell is added by a Domain or Sphere that he already learned as a regular Spell Known, he may swap the learned one out for another.

Ghostly Form (Sp): starting at level 3, the Wraith Naga may spend a Spell Slot of fifth level or higher as a Standard Action in order to become Incorporeal and Ethereal for ten minutes. If a Spell Slot of seventh or eighth level is spent, the duration is instead one hour. If higher than eight, the duration is "until the next sunrise". When in this state, he may still manifest his bite as a Melee Touch Attack, however it does not add any Strength Bonus to damage. Spells cast will typically not manifest onto the Material Plane, unless they are spells that exist on multiple planes naturally (like [Force] effects) or are modified by the relevant Meta-Magic Feat. He may dismiss the Ghostly Form with a Free Action.

Enervating Bite (Su): whenever the fourth-level Wraith Naga is using Ghostly Form and succeeds on delivering a Bite attack, he also bestows one Negative Level on the target. This resets the duration of his Ghostly Form and also grants him the benefits of having eaten a full meal for the day. If a target is slain through Negative Levels, they rise at the next midnight as a Wight, though not necessarily under the Wraith Naga's control. The negative level occurs after the saving throw for Poison.

Necromantic Bite (Su): any time the sixth-level Wraith Naga successfully Poisons a target, they become infused with Negative Energy for one minute: during this time, they are damaged by Positive Energy (such as Cure and Heal spells), without gaining the benefit of being healed by Inflict spells and similar.

Life Draining Bite (Su): starting at level seven, any time the Wraith Naga is using Ghostly Form and succeeds on delivering a Bite Attack, he also inflicts two points of permanent Constitution Drain. The Ability Drain happens after the saving throw for Poison.

Accursed Bite (Su): any time the ninth-level Wraith Naga successfully Bites an opponent, he may expend a Spell Slot of third level or higher to curse them as though by Bestow Curse, with a Save DC of 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus. The save for this occurs after the saving throw for Poison, but before suffering the Negative Level and Constitution Drain.

Terrifying Transformation (Sp): at level ten, the Wraith Naga learns something that is practically a Spell, and could be argued to be a Transmutation Spell, and yet it is neither of these so he's able to cast it. He must nevertheless spend a Spell Slot of ninth level or higher in order to activate this, as a Standard Action, and it causes him to transform into a Nightcrawler, via complete character sheet replacement. He retains his own personality, and any damage suffered carries between forms, but other than that, he loses all existing abilities (save the ability to transform back with a Standard Action at will), and gains all abilities of the Nightcrawler monster. If he does not dismiss this effect early, it lasts until the next corner of the day - Sunrise, Noon, Sunset, Midnight. When it ends, any swallowed creatures are ejected harmlessly, and any undead summoned by the Nightcrawler's innate ability are dismissed.

Wraithly Essence: at level eleven, the Wraith Naga is permanently an Incorporeal, Ethereal Undead. Furthermore, he gains the Daylight Powerlessness "ability" of regular Wraiths, but any time he uses his Enervating Bite, he suppresses this weakness for one hour (with further bites resetting the duration). And if he's not caught by surprise he could probably cast Darkness or something.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Zaranthan »

Always love these, the Dark Naga one is deliciously despicable. Some exploding thralls will definitely be making an appearance in my campaign.

Is the Cloud King is supposed to have the Weather sphere or the Water sphere?
Koumei the dead guy posthumously at fault for his own death and, due to the felony murder law, his own murderer?
hyzmarca wrote:A palace made out of poop is much more impressive than one made out of gold. Stinkier, but more impressive. One is an ostentatious display of wealth. The other is a miraculous engineering feat.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Thanks for catching that typo. Yeah it's Weather.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Here we go, two for the cat club, seeing as dogs have quite a lot of representation. These are also for a classic monster that has a fair bit of traction in D&D.

MM, page 211. CR 10, level 10.

Austere One
As Evil beings, Rakshasa love austerity. But aside from that, a surprising number of them take up the path of the Monk rather than the Sorcerer, despite literally having caster levels right there. So this jump-starts your Monk career, without completely giving them everything because they have other things. They don't get any additional Sorcerer stuff, but instead get new ways to burn their (increasingly useless) Spell slots.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble
1+1+2+2+2Austerity of Flesh, Master Fighting Style
2+2+3+3+3Mystic Palm Thrust, Master Fighting Style
3+3+3+3+3Austerity of Life, Master Fighting Style
4+4+4+4+4Magical Channels, Arcane Enhancement I
5+5+4+4+4Grand Master Fighting Style
6+6+5+5+5Austerity of Mind
7+7+5+5+5Grand Master Fighting Style, Arcane Enhancement II
8+8+6+6+6Austerity of Form
9+9+6+6+6Grand Master Fighting Style
10+10+7+7+7Reincarnation, Arcane Enhancement III

Austerity of Flesh (Su): as long as the Austere One is not wearing armour or holding a shield, he may add his Charisma Bonus as an Armour Bonus to Armour Class. "Non Armour" does not violate this, but any Armour Bonus it has still won't stack with this.

Master Fighting Styles (Su): at levels one, two and three, the Austere One gains access to a Master Fighting Style as though he were a Monk. Any reference to the Monk's Slam instead applies to his Claw attacks, any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus, and any other mention of using Wisdom Bonus instead uses his Charisma Bonus.

Mystic Palm Thrust (Su): the second-level Austere One can hit people without touching them. He may make his Claw attacks out to a range of fifty feet, resolving the damage as his choice of Slashing, Piercing or Bludgeoning. Additionally, he may use a Free Action at any time to spend a Spell Slot, and instead of the usual effects of the spell, he applies that Spell Level as an Enhancement Bonus to his claws until the start of his next turn - this means they are true magic weapons that have a chance to hit Incorporeal foes. Multiple uses of this in the same turn do not stack, as normal.

Austerity of Life (Su): starting at level three, the Austere One no longer breathes, and cannot be made to drown or suffocate. He gains Cold Resistane 20, and may add his Charisma Bonus as a Resistance Bonus to Reflex Saves.

Magical Channels (Sp): once per round the fourth-level Austere One may, upon successfully hitting a foe with a Claw, use a Free Action to cast one of his spells of up to third level, providing it is a spell that is delivered via a Touch Attack or Ranged Touch Attack. It targets the foe he just hit, with no further attack rolls needed, but saving throws apply normally. Additionally, with an Immediate Action he may spend a Spell SLot to add its Spell Level as an Insight Bonus to Armour Class or Saving Throws or Spell Resistance for a single effect or attack, instead of the normal effects of the Spell.

Arcane Enhancement: over time, the Austere One gains better at using Spell Slots for things other than casting spells. At level five, any time he spends these slots either as part of Mystic Palm Thrust, or as an Immediate Action for Magical Channels, he may treat the Spell Level (and thus bonus) as one higher. At level seven, it increases by another effective level. At level ten, it increases one final time for a total of +3, meaning he can turn useless Cantrips into a +3 Enhancement Bonus on his claws or spend third-level Spell Slots for a +6 Bonus.

Grand Master Fighting Styles (Su): at levels five, seven and nine, the Austere One gains access to a Grand Master Fighting Style as though he were a Monk. Any reference to the Monk's Slam instead applies to his Claw attacks, any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus, and any other mention of using Wisdom Bonus instead uses his Charisma Bonus.

Austerity of Mind (Su): at level six, the Austere One stops caring about things - insofar as he cared about them to begin with. He becomes Immune to [Fear] effects, Rage, Crushing Despair and, unfortunately, Good Hope and Inspire Courage. He also gains Fire Resistance 20 and may add his Charisma Bonus as a Resistance Bonus to Will Saves.

Austerity of Form (Su): starting at level eight, the Austere One has a greater harmony with his real body, not needing to wear disguises. Whenever in his true form, he is Immune to shape-changing effects caused by others (although Disintegrate is not a shape-changing effect any more than "being hacked to pieces by a sword" is), has Acid Resistance 20, and may add his Charisma Bonus as a Resistance Bonus to Fort Saves.

Reincarnation (Su): once per day, if the tenth-level Austere One is slain by anything other than a silvered crossbow bolt, and not completely destroyed, he will return to life and full health one hour later, none the worse for wear (though with any daily expenditures, including and in fact especially this ability, still spent). If the player wishes, he may instead return a full day later, rebuilding the entire character as any other equal-level Rakshasa (including Naztharune, Ak'chazar etc. and with different classes and different amounts of class levels).
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

All right, so Maharaja is the greatest rank within overall Rakshasa society, and you probably expected something that lets a Rakshasa keep being a Sorcerer and maybe even get level 9 spells before becoming an Epic character, what with that not being a real thing. So here we go. You get to be a specialist, enjoying bonus spells known (to help you have more than 1 Spell Known of your most recent level), and even getting access to some spells a little bit early, but like with the Nagas you don't get to pick out "I want X, Y and Z specifically".

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
1+0+0+2+2Specialist Caster+1 Sorcerer level
2+1+0+3+3Enhanced Specialist School+1 Sorcerer level
3+1+1+3+3Bonus Spells I+1 Sorcerer level
4+2+1+4+4Specialised Absorption+1 Sorcerer level
5+2+1+4+4Magic of the Maharaja+1 Sorcerer level
6+3+2+5+5Bonus Spells II+1 Sorcerer level
7+3+2+5+5Metamagic+1 Sorcerer level
8+4+2+6+6Greater Magic of the Maharaja+1 Sorcerer level
9+4+3+6+6Bonus Spells III+1 Sorcerer level
10+5+3+7+7Taste of Fiendish Power+2 Sorcerer levels

Specialist Caster: the Maharaja becomes a Specialist caster of sorts - selecting either Enchantment, Illusion, Necromancy or Transmutation. At every Spell Level aside from Cantrips, he must know at least one Spell of the specialised school. He must then choose two schools to ban - and only one of them can be from the above group. He may swap out any Spells known in order to fit these sudden new restrictions.

Spellcasting: at every level, the Maharaja's Sorcerer casting ability increases as though gaining a level in Sorcerer. At level ten, he instead gains two effective Sorcerer levels, barely getting access to ninth level spells.

Enhanced Specialist School: at level two, the Maharaja gains a Bonus Feat, depending on his Specialisation. If he chose Enchantment, he gains either Unsettling Enchantment or Touch of Distraction. If he chose Illusion, he gains either Dazzling Illusion or Shadow Veil. If he chose Necromancy, he gains either Fearsome Necromancy or Sickening Grasp. If he chose Transmutation, he gains either Toughening Transmutation or Minor Shapeshift. If he already has both of the feats in question, he can select any other feat for which he meets the prerequisites.

Bonus Spells: at levels three, six and nine, the Maharaja gains additional Spells known from his Specialist school.
An Enchantment Specialist first learns Rebuke (2nd), Bothersome Babble (3rd), Trance of the Verdant Domain (4th) and Feeblemind (5th) at level three. At level six he learns Endless Slumber and Hiss of Sleep as sixth level spells. At level nine he learns Final Rebuke (7th), Mind of the Labyrinth (8th) and Mass Hold Monster (8th for the time being, becoming 9th level when 9th level Spells are unlocked).

An Illusion Specialist first learns Shadow Spray (2nd), Phantasmal Strangler (3rd), Nightmare Terrain (4th) and Retributive Image (5th) at level three. At level six he learns Mislead and Solipsism as sixth level spells. At level nine he learns Greater Shadow Conjuration (7th), Screen (8th) and Weird (8th for the time being, becoming 9th level when 9th level Spells are unlocked).

A Necromancy Specialist first learns Escalating Enfeeblement (2nd), Prickling Torment (3rd), Touch of Years (4th) and Touch of Vecna (5th) at level three. At level six he learns Imperious Glare and Retributive Enervation as sixth level spells. At level nine he learns Avasculate (7th), Touch of the Graveborn (8th) and Plague of Undead (8th for the time being, becoming 9th level when 9th level Spells are unlocked).

A Transmutation Specialist first learns Boiling Blood (2nd), Wingblast (3rd), Heart of Earth (4th) and Lightning Leap (5th) at level three. At level six he learns Smoky Confinement and Bite of the Werebear as sixth level spells. At level nine he learns Glass Strike (7th), Polymorph Any Object (8th) and Burst of Glacial Wrath (8th for the time being, becoming 9th level when 9th level Spells are unlocked).

Specialised Absorption (Su): starting at level four, any time a Targeted spell, or one delivered by a single Touch Attack or Ranged Touch Attack, from the Maharaja's Specialist school, fails to penetrate his Spell Resistance, he regains a spent Spell Slot of any level up to the Spell Level of the Spell he just Resisted, minus one.

Magic of the Maharaja (Su): upon reaching level five, the Maharaja doesn't necessarily need to use higher level spell slots to use certain types of Meta-Magic - he may instead spend 2 Spell Slots of the same Spell Level in order to Extend, Widen or Empower a spell. He still needs to have the feat in question.

Metamagic: at level seven, the Maharaja gains a Bonus Metamagic Feat.

Greater Magic of the Maharaja (Su): starting at level eight, the Maharaja can spend three slots of the same Spell Level in order to use Maximise or Twin Spell instead of using one higher-level spell slot. Once again, he still needs to have the feat in question.

Taste of Fiendish Power: at level ten, the Maharaja may Attune a single Fiendish Sphere of choice, adding the first nine spells to his Spells Known (and class list if need be).
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Here is the last one until I get inspired again at some future date. And I saved the best to last.

Lizardfolk: Blackscale
MM3, page 95. CR 3, level 4

Let's talk about Lizardfolk for a moment: they're basically starting characters. If you want to be a Lizardman Ranger, or Barbarian, or Druid, or Samurai, or Rogue, or Wizard of the Arcane Order, you can just... kind of do that with a standard Lizardfolk, a Viletooth, or a Poison Dusk. Depending on what you particularly want to do, one of those three should work just fine. So that's not what we're talking about. We're instead looking at the Lizardfolk that starts off as Large and is designed for being a big brute.

If you want to be a regular Barbarian, the Blackscale can also just do that. So this isn't for doing that either. Instead, it's for growing even bigger. Much bigger. You also get an array of destructive powers, including a breath weapon and radioactive aura, becoming a creature with the power of a god... Zilla.

Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 2 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Intimidate, Knowledge (Geography, Nature), Listen, Spot, Swim, Tumble
1+1+2+0+0Radiation-Fed, Amphibious
2+2+3+0+0Destructive Tail
3+3+3+1+1Ionised Glow, Atomic Breath
4+4+4+1+1Huge Size, Flash-Boil
5+5+4+1+1Destructive Rampage, Nigh-Indestructibility
6+6+5+2+2Nuclear Pulse
7+7+5+2+2Destructive Stomp
8+8+6+2+2Gargantuan Size, Atomic Ray
9+9+6+3+3Arcane Fusion Power
10+10+7+3+3Deafening Roar, Spell Resistance
12+12+8+4+4Colossal Size, Tempest Roar
14+14+9+4+4Spell Reflection
15+15+9+5+5The Earth Crumbles
16+16+10+5+5Kaiju Size

Radiation-Fed (Ex): the Zilla feeds on ionising radiation, and in D&D that translates to being Immune to damage from [Force] and [Light] effects, as well as poisonous light (the Green light of Prismatic Spray or Rainbow Beam, for instance), as well as anything literally described as being radiation. This also grants the benefits of having eaten a good meal.

Amphibious: the Zilla is completely amphibious, breathing both air and water just fine, and gains a 20' Swim Speed.

Destructive Tail (Ex): at level two, the Zilla can start using its tail to smash things. It gains a secondary Tail Slap that deals 1d8 damage plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus. Additionally, this may be used to make one attack against two adjacent creatures (or objects) within reach at the same time, using the same attack roll for both. This is not a special action, it's just part of the joy of using your tail to batter things.

Ionised Glow (Su): starting at level three, the Zilla may use a Move-Equivalent Action once per turn to light up the scales and spines along its back, bathing a 30' radius area in a healthy bright blue glow. Just kidding, it's not that healthy. All Incorporeal creatures in the area are revealed, everything within a 5' radius of it suffers 1d4 damage plus its Constitution Bonus as a [Force] effect, and until the end of its next turn, all of its natural weapons are treated as Magic Weapons (gaining a chance to hit Incorporeal creatures and bypassing DR/Magic).

Atomic Breath (Su): any time the Zilla activates its Ionised Glow, it may then, in either that turn or the next turn, unleash a deadly Breath Weapon. This is a Cone effect that is 40' long, and 40' wide at the furthest point, and lights the area up for one round. All in the area suffer 1d6 damage per hit die of the Zilla, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 15 + half its hit dice). This damage is a [Light, Force] effect, but is also Vile Damage. Any creature that suffers damage must then attempt a Fortitude Save (same DC), with failure causing them to become Sickened until the damage is healed (remembering that it is Vile Damage). Even if it activates its glow again on the next round, it must still wait 3 rounds before usings its breath weapon again.

Huge Size: at level four, the Zilla grows to Huge Size, which has the following changes: Speed becomes 50', Space/Reach becomes 15'/15', natural weapons become 1d8 (Claws and Bite) and 2d6 (Tail), the usual Size-based modifiers apply to AC/attack rolls/Size-based maneuvers/Hide checks, and it gains +2 to its Strength, Constitution, and Natural Armour. Additionally, the Ionised Glow expands out to 60 feet (with 10' for the damaging effect), and its Breath Weapon reaches out to 50 feet with a +1 Bonus to the Save DC, and it can attempt a Break check as a Free Action once per object per turn when moving through, so as to stomp through terrain without being impeded.

Flash-Boil (Su): any time the fourth-level Zilla is underwater, activating its Ionised Glow boils the surrounding water and grants it a Blur effect until the start of its next turn - this also works if it is at least 1/4 submerged in water. If fully underwater, it may use its Breath Weapon to create a Cone of Boiling Water - instead of the usual effects, this deals regular Fire damage but also gants both Zilla and everything in the area a Blur effect until the start of its next turn.

Destructive Rampage (Ex): at level five, any time the Zilla takes damage, it may go on a rampage. This lasts until it has not taken damage for 3 rounds, and during this time, it gains a Trample attack dealing 2d8 damage plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, applied any time it Overruns a target, its Speed and Swim Speed both increase by 20 feet, and all of its natural weapons are treated as having an actual Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), as well as the Ruinous property. The Enhancement Bonus is added to all Break attempts as well.

Nigh-Indestructability (Ex): the fifth-level Zilla is hard to damage and destroy. It gains Damage Reduction 15/-, Resistance 20 against Fire, Cold, Electricity and Acid, and Immunity to Poison and Disease. Furthermore, any time it would be subject to a [Death] effect or otherwise instantly slain by something without regards to damage, it instead just suffers 4 points of Strength and Constitution damage and is Dazed for one round. This does not apply to death from Constitution Damage or Drain, or from Negative Levels, as they are close enough to damage to count. Similarly, Power Word: Kill basically relies on damage having been done already, so it also bypasses this, but a vorpal sword or contact with an Umbral Blot wouldn't.

Nuclear Pulse (Su): starting at level six, any time the Zilla could unleash its breath weapon, it may instead unleash a nuclear pulse - this has the same restrictions and shares a cooldown with the breath weapon. It uses a Standard Action, and has two effects: firstly, radiation spreads from the Zilla in a 50' radius, dealing Ionised Glow damage to all in the area with no saving throw, and lighting the area for three rounds. Secondly, an explosion of flame bursts out to a 25' radius, dealing 1d10 Fire damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 16 + half its hit dice) and doing full damage to objects, completely ignoring Hardness. Anything that suffers any damage from either of these effects must attempt a Fortitude Save (same DC) or become Sickened until healed. This still works just fine underwater, flash-boiling it to deal the damage and treating the affected sphere as a Fog Cloud that will rise at the speed of 60' per round until it reaches the surface or cools back into regular water.

Destructive Stomp (Ex): should a seventh-level Zilla Trip an adjacent opponent, it may stomp on them as a Free Action. This may only be performed once per turn no matter how many people are Tripped, but it deals 4d6 damage plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus if they are the same size or larger than it, plus an extra 2d6 for every additional Size category of difference. Additionally, its Trample attack in a Destructive Rampage always deals the maximum amount of damage, and it may use a Standard Action at will to stomp on the ground, creating local tremors: this radiates from its space out to 5' per hit die, making a single Trip attempt and applying it against all in the area. Structures at least partially in the area suffer damage equal to 1d6 plus its Strength Bonus.

Gargantuan Size: at level eight, the Zilla grows Gargantuan in Size, with the following changes: Speed becomes 60' (30' for Swim Speed), Space/Reach becomes 20'/20', natural weapons become 2d6 (Claws and Bite) and 2d8 (Tail), the usual Size-based modifiers apply to AC/attack rolls/Size-based maneuvers/Hide checks, and it gains +4 to its Strength, Constitution, and Natural Armour. Additionally, the Ionised Glow expands out to 90 feet (with 15' for the damaging effect), and its Breath Weapon reaches out to 60 feet with another +1 to the Save DC, and it gains a Tail Sweep attack as a True Dragon of its Size. The radius for its Nuclear Pulse becomes 30' (Fire) and 60' (Radiation) and the Save DC increases by 1.

Atomic Ray (Su): starting at level eight, the Zilla can unleash its Atomic Breath in either the normal way, or instead as a 5' Wide, 120' Long Line of focused energy. This deals 2d6 damage per hit die to all in the area, with a Fortitude Save to reduce to 2 per hit die (DC 17 + half its hit dice). This damage is a [Force, Light] effect, and is Vile damage. Those that fail the save are also Sickened until healed. Objects are completely Disintegrated as per the spell.

Arcane Fusion Power (Su): upon reaching level nine, the Zilla can absorb certain types of magical power and undergo fusion. Any time it touches a [Force] effect, including being targeted by one even if it has no effect, the Zilla begins glowing with energy - for the next minute, it can use its Ionised Glow as a Swift Action, and anything damaged by it catches fire. Additionally, it may fly with a Speed of 30 feet (Clumsy) for the duration, and its Atomic Breath is instead the dreaded Red Spiral Atomic Breath: the effect is twice as Long (and twice as Wide at the furthest point), and anyone that fails the Fortitude Save against being Sickened also contracts a special disease, Rad Poisoning: this lasts until the damage is fully healed, has the same Save DC as the breath weapon, and causes 1d6 Strength, Dexterity and Constitution Drain, causing damage the moment it is contracted. Additionally, its Nuclear Pulse becomes Thermonuclear Pulse: both radii are doubled, the Fire damage is maximised, everything that takes damage catches fire, and those who fail the Fortitude Save contract Rad Poisoning, just like with the Red Spiral Atomic Breath.

Deafening Roar (Ex): starting at level ten, the Zilla can roar extra loud with a Standard Action at will. Everything within 30' is suffers Sonic damage equal to the Zilla's hit dice, and is Deafened for one hour. A successful Fortitude Save (same DC as the Breath Weapon) negates the deafness and halves the damage.

Spell Resistance (Ex): whenever the tenth-level Zilla is benefiting from Arcane Fusion Power, it has Spell Resistance equal to its hit dice plus eleven.

Magnetism (Su): at level eleven, the Zilla can harness electromagnetic power when utilising Arcane Fusion Power. It has a constant Telekinesis effect, with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice, but only useable on metal (and creatures/objects that are mostly made of metal). It uses its Constitution as its casting ability score in this instance.

Colossal Size: at level twelve, the Zilla grows Colossal in Size, with the following changes: Speed becomes 70', Space/Reach becomes 30'/30', natural weapons become 2d8 (Claws and Bite) and 4d6 (Tail), the usual Size-based modifiers apply to AC/attack rolls/Size-based maneuvers/Hide checks, and it gains +8 to its Strength and Natural Armour, and +4 to its Constitution. Additionally, the Ionised Glow expands out to 120' (with 20' for the damaging effect), and its Breath Weapon reaches out to 70' with another +1 to the Save DC, or 140' Long for the Atomic Ray with +1 to the DC. The radius for its Nuclear Pulse becomes 35' (Fire) and 70' (Radiation), and the Save DC increases by another +1. Finally, its Deafening Roar increases to 45 feet.

Tempest Roar (Ex): at level 12, the Deafening Roar of the Zilla also exposes those in the area to Tornado-force winds for one round. Furthermore, if it is benefiting from Arcane Fusion Power, it can unleash those winds in a 70' Cone, with an actual Tornado (30' tall, 35' radius at the top, 5' at the ground) at the end of the effect. The tornado is then pushed forward, moving in a straight line at 200 miles per hour (1,760 feet per round) for one minute.

Regenerator (Ex): starting at level thirteen, the Zilla has Regeneration 10, overcome by Adamantium or Divine Magic.

Spell Reflection (Su): whenever a targeted Spell, or aimed spell resolved with a Ranged Attack or Ranged Touch Attack, fails to bypass the Spell Resistance of a fourteenth-level Zilla, the spell is bounced right back at the caster.

The Earth Crumbles (Su): the fifteenth-level Zilla is able to create an Earthquake at will, as the spell, by spending a Standard Action stomping on the ground. This has a Caster Level equal to its hit dice.

Kaiju Size: at level sixteen, the Zilla grows even bigger than Colossal - it is now KAIJU Sized, with the following changes: Speed becomes 80' (with 40' for Swim Speed), Space/Reach becomes 50'/50', natural weapons become 4d6 (Claws and Bite) and 6d6 (Tail), Size-based modifiers increase to -10 to AC and attack rolls, -20 to Hide, +20 to Size-based maneuvers, and it gains another +4 to Strength, Constitution and Natural Armour. The Ionised Glow expands out to 250' (with 50' for the damaging effect), and its Breath Weapon reaches out to 100' (DC 30), or 200' Long for the Atomic Ray (DC 30). The radius for its Nuclear Pulse becomes 50' (Fire) and 100' (Radiation), Save DC 30, and its Deafening Roar increases to 60 feet. Its Tempest Roar becomes a 100' Cone, with the Tornado being 50' tall, 50' radius at the top.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by JonSetanta »

Loving the Zilla. Kaiju? KAIJU.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by The Adventurer's Almanac »

I'm fond of any class that gives size bonus increases. I remember watching too much Fist of the North Star and making a class based around growing to comically large anime villain size, complete with menacing auras and overwhelming strength.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

For some reason I am making more.

Phase Spider
Monster Manual, page 207. CR 5, level 6.
No thumbs or speech, so you need to play one at level 7+ so you can take a PrCl.

Warp Spider
The Phase Spider is sort of an assassin, but it's sort of an assassin that is shaped like a teleporting spider. That's actually a pretty big thing to point out, and beyond "giving it communication", you still want to do more than just slap some Rogue levels on it. This acts as a catch-up into the Koumei Rogue, as far as Techniques are concerned, but very specifically on the 'performing tricks" side of things, not the "using items" part. It also gets Sneak Attack at a rapid pace, even ending up ahead of the Rogue, but considering it is making a single attack each round (or two if Hasted), that's okay.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Nature, Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Tumble, Use Rope
1+1+2+2+0Telepathy 30', Mage Hand, Sneak Attack
2+2+3+3+0Arcane Sight, Mirror Image, Stylish Technique
3+3+3+3+1Amazing Technique
4+4+4+4+1Greater Mage Hand, Blink
5+5+4+4+1Telepathy 60', Planar Venom
6+6+5+5+2Amazing Technique, Displacement
7+7+5+5+2Impossible Technique
8+8+6+6+2Greater Blink, Plane Shift
9+9+6+6+3Telepathy 120', Death Attack
10+10+7+7+3Impossible Technique, Blood Wind
11+11+7+7+3Teleport Without Error
12+12+8+8+4Perfect Technique, Greater Planar Venom
13+13+8+8+4Telepathy 250'
14+14+9+9+4Perfect Technique, Telekinesis

Telepathy (Su): the Warp Spider can communicate via Telepathy with anyone who understands a language. This increases to 60' at level 5, 120' at level 9, and 250' at level 13.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at various levels, the Warp Spider learns different Spell-Like Abilities. These may be used at will. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, and the Caster Level equals its hit dice.

Sneak Attack (Ex): the Warp Spider gains Sneak Attack damage at a rate of 1d6 per class level.

Rogue Techniques: at level two, the Warp Spider may learn a Technique available to the Rogue, and it may be Basic or Stylish. At levels three and six, it learns another which may be up to Amazing. At levels seven and ten, it learns another which may be up to Impossible. At levels twelve and fourteen, it learns another which may be up to Perfect. It has a Capacity equal to half its class level (round down).

Planar Venom (Su): starting at level five, the Warp Spider may add a targeted Dismissal, Banishment, Baleful Teleport or Dimensional Anchor effect to its venom whenever delivered - each time a creature fails the Fortitude Save against the Primary damage, it chooses the effect and the victim is the only target of the effect regardless of normal targeting/area for the Spell or Power in question. They are still allowed a Saving Throw as normal, but the Save DC is the same as that of the venom itself.

Death Attack (Ex): upon reaching level nine, the Warp Spider may unleash truly lethal attacks. When delivering its venom via a Sneak Attack, the Save DC against the Poison increases by an amount equal to the number of dice it rolls for its Sneak Attack. This also applies to the Save against Secondary Effects, even if the Warp Spider would not normally be in a position to deliver a sneak attack against that foe one minute later, but it does not apply to the Save DC of Planar Venom.

Greater Planar Venom (Su): at level twelve, the Warp Spider gains another option for its Planar Venom: Imprison. Additionally, when choosing Baleful Teleport, the damage becomes 20d6.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual, page 256. CR 2, level 3. No thumbs.

Goblin King
From the word go, I must ask that people not think of the late David Bowie. Try not to picture the close-up shots of his package, or hear him say "Then forget about the baby". Now that we are not thinking about Jareth, you must picture a Worg that has taken its rightful place as the leader of goblinkind. Obviously worgs call the shots, they just need goblins around to use thumbs, and occasionally do the thinking for them. This is partially a force-multiplier class who can add buffs and things, but mostly it summons big blobs of little men to stab things, almost like a Lurker in the Swarm or something. So cross that with a Bard (surely you've seen dogs sing and dance, they're naturals) and you vaguely have the Goblin King. You do not remind him of the babe.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Climb, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Geography, Nobility), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Spot
1+0+2+0+2Majestic Leadership, Rallying Howl (Courage)
2+1+3+0+3Skill Focus, Kingly Intellect
3+2+3+1+3Rallying Howl (Clarity)
4+3+4+1+4Skill Focus
5+3+4+1+4Rallying Howl (Frenzy)
6+4+5+2+5Skill Focus, Howl of Terror
7+5+5+2+5Rallying Howl (Tactics)
8+6+6+2+6Skill Focus
9+6+6+3+6Rallying Howl (Hustle)
10+7+7+3+7Skill Focus, Majestic Domain
11+8+7+3+7Rallying Howl (Loyalty)
12+9+8+4+8Skill Focus, Dimensional Summons
13+9+8+4+8Rallying Howl (Respect)
14+10+9+4+9Skill Focus
15+11+9+5+9Rallying Howl (Undying Heroics)
16+12+10+5+10Skill Focus[/i]
17+12+10+5+10Skill Mastery[/i]

Majestic Leadership (Ex): the Goblin King always has an army of minions available, but never that many at a given time. With an hour of wandering about in the wild, or any time he returns to what constitutes his base, or he finds somewhere safe to sleep for the night, he may replace any casualties, restoring his forces to their maximum and fully healing the squads. There appears to be no real end to the number of such minions drawn to him, but there is an absolute limit on those who will follow at a given time. Additionally, so coordinated are they that they tend to work in unison, which conveniently means cutting down on micromanagement and rolling. On his turn, he takes his actions, then directs his troops as a Free Action, at which point the units act as swarms. Additionally, any time multiple units are required to make a saving throw against the same effect, the same d20 roll is used for all of them, and any time multiple units make their swarm attacks with the same damage value, the same damage roll is made and applied to all targets.

At level 1, he has a squadron of 20 Goblins, treated as a Swarm of Small creatures that occupies a 15x15' (Huge) square and has the following profile:
15 HP (3 hit dice), Speed 30', Init +3
Str 13 Dex 16 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 6
AC: 13 (+2 Leather Armour, +3 Dex, -2 Size), flat 10, touch 11
Saving Throws: Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +4
Attack: Swarm with morningstars and swords (2d6+1)
Special Attacks: Distraction DC 12
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60', Swarm Traits
Countable: this swarm is of creatures large enough not to be without number. Should it be reduced below half its maximum HP, it loses the Size Penalty to Armour Class and the vulnerability to Area of Effects inherent to swarms, however it only rolls 1d6+1 for Swarm damage and suffers -4 to the Save DC for Distraction.

At every level thereafter, the unit gains another hit die, gaining 5 HP, and with a Good Will Save and Poor Fort and Ref Saves. They do not gain Skill Points or Feats, and their Base Attack Bonus is Good, but also irrelevant. The Distraction DC increases by 1 at every even hit die. At every fourth hit die, either the Strength increases by 1 (gradually increasing Swarm damage) or the Constitution does (gradually adding to HP, Fortitude Saves, and the Distraction Save DC).

At levels 6, 11 and 16, another identical squadron is gained.

At level 3, he gains a squadron of 20 Goblin Archers, treated as a Swarm of Small creatures that occupies a 15x15' square and has the following profile:
25 HP (5 hit dice), Speed 30', Init +3
Str 13 Dex 17 Con 13 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 6
AC: 13 (+2 Leather Armour, +3 Dex, -2 Size), flat 10, touch 11
Saving Throws: Fort +2 Ref +4 Will +5
Attack: Swarm with daggers (2d4)
Special Attacks: Distraction DC 13
Barrage: with a Standard Action, they may all fire their bows at a 10' radius area within the first Range Increment (100'). This deals 2d6 Piercing damage to all in the area, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 15).
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60', Swarm Traits
Countable: this swarm is of creatures large enough not to be without number. Should it be reduced below half its maximum HP, it loses the Size Penalty to Armour Class and the vulnerability to Area of Effects inherent to swarms, however it only rolls 1d4 for Swarm damage and 1d6 for Barrage damage, and suffers -4 to the Save DC for Distraction and Barrage.

At every level thereafter, the unit gains another hit die, gaining 5 HP, and with a Good Will Save and Poor Fort and Ref Saves. They do not gain Skill Points or Fats, and their Base Attack Bonus is Good, but also irrelevant. The Distraction DC and Barrage DC both increase by 1 at every even hit die. At every fourth hit die, Dexterity increases by 1 (gradually increasing Armour Class, Reflex Saves and the Save DC for Barrage).

At levels 8 and 13, another identical squadron is gained.

At level 10, he gains a squadron of 10 Hobgoblins, treated as a Swarm of Medium creatures that occupies a 15x15' square and has the following profile:
72 HP (12 hit dice), Speed 30', Init +3
Str 18 Dex 16 Con 15 Int 10 Wis 12 Cha 8
AC: 17 (+4 Chain Shirt, +2 Heavy Shield, +3 Dex, -2 Size), flat 14, touch 11
Saving Throws: Fort +10 Ref +7 Will +9
Attack: Swarm with longswords (2d8+4)
Special Attacks: Distraction DC 18
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60', Swarm Traits
Countable: this swarm is of creatures large enough not to be without number. Should it be reduced below half its maximum HP, it loses the Size Penalty to Armour Class and the vulnerability to Area of Effects inherent to swarms, however it only rolls 1d8+4 for Swarm damage and suffers -4 to the Save DC for Distraction.

At every level thereafter, the unit gains another hit die, gaining 6 HP, and with Good Fort and Will Saves and a Poor Ref Save. They do not gain Skill Points or Feats, and their Base Attack Bonus is Good, but also irrelevant. The Distraction DC inreases by 1 at every even hit die. At every fourth hit die, either Strength increases by 1 (gradually increasing Swarm damage rolls), or Constitution does (gradually increasing Fort Saves, HP and the Save DC for Distraction).
Another identical squadron is gained at level seventeen.

Rallying Howl (Su): the Goblin King is able to rally his forces with a howl, as a Standard Action at will. This affects all allies who can both see and hear him, and as he gains levels he gains a number of options for what it does. The ongoing effects last for a number of rounds equal to his Charisma Bonus plus three, or until they are affected by a different howl. He cannot effect himself with these abilities. At first level, he can simply remove all ongoing [Fear] effects from them, and in doing so grant them a Morale Bonus to damage rolls and saving throws against [Fear] effects, equal to +1 per four hit dice he has (round up).
At level three, he can remove all [Mind-Affecting] effects from them, and grant a Morale bonus to all Will Saves equal to +1 per 4 hit dice he has (round up).
At level five, he can remove all [Mind-Affecting] effects, Slowing and Paralysis (but not Petrification) from them, and increases the damage of any Distraction or Barrage ability they have by one die (of the same type) per 4 hit dice he has (round up).
At level seven, he can allow them to make a single Move or Standard Action as an Immediate Action, and adds a Morale Bonus to the Save DC of any Distraction or Barrage ability they have, equal to +1 per 4 hit dice he has (round up).
At level nine, he can remove any effects against which Freedom of Movement confers Immunity, and allows them to move twice as fast with all movement types.
At level nine, he can remove any effects that are the result of a failed Will Save, and grant them Immunity to [Charm] and [Compulsion] effects and Suggestions.
At level thirteen, he can remove any Negative Levels or temporary Ability Damage, and grant a Deflection Bonus to Armour Class and Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws, equal to +1 per 4 hit dice he has (round up).
At level fifteen, he can restore a number of lost hit points equal to 1d12 plus his Charisma Bonus, and grant the ability to act normally - at full capacity as though uninjured - at negative HP until actually dead, and Immunity to [Death] effects.

Skill Focus: at every even level, the Goblin King gains Skill Focus as a Bonus Feat.

Kingly Intellect: at level two, the Goblin King becomes smarter, as befitting a great leader. His Intelligence increases by 2, gaining retroactive skill points, and when making a Gather Information or Knowledge check, he may add his Class Level as a bonus to the check.

Howl of Terror (Su): starting at level six, the Goblin King may use a Standard Action at will to unleash a terrifying howl. All enemies that can both see and hear him must make a Will Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus) or Panic for 1d4+1 rounds, after which they are Shaken for one minute. Foes who can only hear him must still attempt the save, but if failed they are merely Shaken for 1d4+1 rounds.

Majestic Domain (Ex): at level ten, the Goblin King has a permanent base somewhere, complete with servants (Goblin Experts and Commoners who are in no way combatants). His permanent supply of minions can always be accessed there, with more generally flocking to the place every day to refill his entourage as casualties accumulate.

Dimensional Summons (Su): three times per day, the level twelve Goblin King can simply pull minions in across time and space, potentially from other planes of existence. This requires a Full Round Action, but fills his entourage back up as though he had found them in his base.

Skill Mastery (Ex): at level seventeen, the Goblin King gains Skill Mastery in every single skill in which he has the Skill Focus feat.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual, page 165. CR 6, level 7.

Lamia Noble
Most sources say that Lamia are serpentine. It gets weirder though. D&D itself has previously acknowledged the existence of Lamia nobles which are serpentine, not leonal, and have greater magical capabilities, so we're going with that. We're also using just as much explanation for the change of type (none). So they end up casting a whole pile of Illusion and Enchantment spells, and if they want they can drain Wisdom (known to influence Will Saves, which is the main thing targeted by aforementioned spells) and also squeeze the life out of foes. It's up to you if you want to cast from surprise, unleashing your best attacks from round 1 (or indeed round 0), or if you want to poke foes a bit to lower their Saving Throws. But basically you're casting in a way that is really powerful, only to become really sad when facing Undead, Oozes, Constructs, Vermin, and probably Plants and Elementals too? My proposal for this is "convince some other people to fight them for you".

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Knowledge (any), Listen, Spot, Swim
1+1+2+0+2Serpentine Transformation, Bewildering Spellpower
3+3+3+1+3Wisdom Drain (1d6), Shadow Magic
4+4+4+1+4Illusion Power
5+5+4+1+4Very Enchanting
6+6+5+2+5Wisdom Drain (1d8), More Illusions
7+7+5+2+5Great Serpent Magic
8+8+6+2+6Greater Spellpower
9+9+6+3+6Wisdom Drain (1d10), Even More Magic
10+10+7+3+7Beguiling Magic
11+11+7+3+7Powerful Illusions, Transformation
12+12+8+4+8Wisdom Drain (1d12), Powerful Enchantments

Serpentine Transformation (Ex): the Lamia Noble transforms from being leonal in nature to serpentine, becoming a snake from the waist down. She loses the Claw attacks, however she gains a +4 Racial Bonus to Balance and Swim checks, and at every odd level, her Natural Armour Bonus and Racial Bonus to Bluff and Hide checks all increase by 1. Additionally, she gains a Constrict attack as an Extraordinary Ability: having already established a grapple, she may make a Grapple check as an Attack action. If successful, this deals 2d6 damage, plus one and a half times her Strength Bonus. At the end of her turn, if she has successfully damaged a creature one or more times with her Constrict attack, they must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half her hit dice + her Strength Bonus) or become Fatigued. If already Fatigued, a failed saving throw renders them Exhausted until the next time they rest. If already Exhausted, they pass out until released, waking up 1d4 rounds after (assuming they are not dead).

Spell-Like Abilities: a lot of Spell-Like Abilities are gained as the Lamia Noble gains levels. The Caster Level for these, and her innate racial ones, is equal to her hit dice total. Any Save DC is 9 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Bewildering Spellpower (Sp): the Lamia Noble may cast Confusion three times per day, and Glibness once per day.

Emotion (Sp): starting at level 2, the Lamia Noble may cast each of the following once per day: Crushing Despair, Good Hope, Fear, Rage, Elation.

Wisdom Drain (Su): at every third level, the Lamia Noble's Wisdom Drain ability increases in die size, until eventually dealing 1d12 damage at level 12.

Shadow Magic (Sp): upon reaching level 3, the Lamia Noble can cast Shadow Conjuration, Shadow Evocation and Shadow Hand once each per day, and Shadow Well three times per day.

Illusion Power (Sp): the fourth-level Lamia Noble can cast Hallucinatory Terrain once per day, and Rainbow Pattern, Displacement and Blinding Colour Surge 3 times each per day.

Very Enchanting (Sp): at level five, the Lamia Noble can cast Greater Rebuke once per day, and Rebuke and Assay Spell Resistance three times each per day.

More Illusions (Sp): at level six, the Lamia Noble can cast Mislead and Fever Dream three times each per day, and Permanent Image, Veil and Nightmare Terrain once each per day.

Great Serpent Magic (Sp): the seventh-level Lamia Noble can cast Final Rebuke and Stun Ray once each per day, and Hiss of Sleep and Transfix three times each per day.

Greater Spellpower (Sp): upon reaching level eight, the Lamia Noble can cast Scintillating Pattern, Demand and Endless Slumber once each per day.

Even More Magic: at level nine, the Lamia Noble can select a single Spell-Like Ability normally useable three times per day. It can now be used at will. She may then select three Spell-Like Abilities useable once per day, increasing their usage to three times per day. Note the order - she cannot take a 1/day ability and increase it to at will.

Beguiling Magic (Sp): at level ten, the Lamia Noble can cast Overwhelm once per day, Mass Whelm and Vertigo Field three times per day, and Friend to Foe and Incite Riot at will.

Powerful Illusions (Sp): the eleventh-level Lamia Noble can cast Sensory Deprivation at will, Weird three times per day, and Shades and Solipsism once each per day.

Transformation (Su): once per day, the eleventh-level Lamia Noble may use a Standard Action to transform into a Marilith. This lasts for either one minute per level, until killed, or until she chooses to transform back as a Standard Action, whichever comes first. Damage carries over between forms. This transformation functions as complete character sheet replacement, save that the duration is based on the class level she had just before transforming into a creature that has zero class levels, she gains the ability to transform back, and any Spells or Spell-Like Abilities affecting her remain in effect if cast by her (including by magic items she used).

Powerful Enchantments (Sp): upon reaching level twelve, the Lamia Noble may cast Maddening Whispers three times per day, and Wrathful Castigation once per day.

Dominator (Sp): at level thirteen, the Lamia Noble can cast Dominate Monster and Mass Hold Monster once each per day.


That is all for now. People have suggested some others, so I'll try to think a bit for them.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Some people wanted options for the Midgard Dwarf. It wouldn't have occurred to me to cover it, but people wanted it, so sure. And the ideas themselves hold water.

Midgard Dwarf
It's Cold Outside, page 124. CR 5, level 6.

Foe Hunter
Dwarfs in general carry long grudges and get really enthusiastic about fighting the things they hate. Midgar dwarves even more so. The Foe Hunter mixes elements of the Hexblade (at least thematically) and the Ranger, while still doing their own things, a bit. Furthermore, they get a few abilities that help out when the combat music isn't playing.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Craft (any), Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Proficiencies: the Foe Hunter is Proficient with Simple and Martial Weapons, any Exotic Weapon with "Dwarf", "Dwarven" or "Dwarfen" in the name, and all Armour and Shields.
1+1+2+0+2Hated Foe 1, Curse Enemy
2+2+3+0+3Track, Animal Companion
3+3+3+1+3Smite Foes +1d10, Seek Foes
5+5+4+1+4Hated Foe 2, Mark of Justice
6+6+5+2+5Smite Foes +2d10, Mettle
7+7+5+2+5Greater Curses
8+8+6+2+6Vengeful Curse
9+9+6+3+6Hated Foe 3, Smite Foes +3d10
10+10+7+3+7Channel Ancestors
11+11+7+3+7Mighty Curses
12+12+8+4+8Smite Foes +4d10, Shared Hatred
13+13+8+4+8Hated Foe 4
14+14+9+4+9Ancestral Grudge

Hated Foe: at levels 1, 5, 9 and 13, the Foe Hater selects a special catagory of enemy and hates all of them as though each individual one personally kicked his megaloceros. Each time he selects one of the following:
  • Aberrations: he gains Seafood Chef as a bonus [Tome] feat, and treats all Aberrations as Hated Foes.
  • Celestials: he gains Angel Slayer as a bonus [Tome] feat, and treats all [Good] Outsiders as Hated Foes.
  • Dragons: he gains Dragon Slayer as a bonus [Tome] feat, and treats any creature with the Dragon Type as a Hated Foe.
  • Fey: he gains Faerie Stabber as a bonus [Tome] feat, and treats all Fey as Hated Foes.
  • Fiends: he gains Demon Hunter as a bonus [Tome] feat, and treats all [Evil] Outsiders as Hated Foes.
  • Giants: he gains Giant Slayer as a bonus [Tome] feat, and treats all Giants, and Giant Monstrous Vermin, as Hated Foes.
  • Shifters: he gainst Doppelganger Hunter as a bonus [Tome] feat, and treats anything with the [Shapechanger] Subtype as a Hated Foe.
  • Spellcasters: he gains Mage Slayer as a bonus [Tome] feat, and treats anybody who can cast Spells (not just Spell-Like Abilities) as a Hated Foe.
  • Spirits: he gains Ghost Hunter as a bonus [Tome] feat, and treats all [Incorporeal] Undead as Hated Foes.
  • Unliving: he gains Vampire Hunter as a bonus [Tome] feat, and treats all [Unliving] Undead as Hated Foes.
  • Weeds: he gains Plant Killer as a bonus [Tome] feat, and treats all Plants as Hated Foes.
To begin with, he does not gain special abilities related to harming Hated Foes, but over time, more options interact with them.

Curse Enemy (Su): the Foe Hunter's racial Curse ability can be used once per day, and as such he becomes more cavalier with its use - just picking a fight with him or his party can be enough to bring this upon someone. Additionally, once per hour he may cast one of the following as a Standard Action, delivered with a Melee Touch Attack:
  • Curse of Ailing: if the target fails a Fortitude Save, they take a -2 Luck Penalty to all Attack rolls, Damage rolls, Saving Throws, Ability Checks and Skill Checks until the sun next rises or sets. They feel weakened and sick and like the world is fighting against their competence.
  • Curse of Torment: if the target fails a Will Save, they suffer from prickling and eerie feelings, and lose the ability to make Attacks of Opportunity, and must pass a Concentration Check (same DC as the Save DC) each turn they wish to keep concentrating on a spell, nor can they gain any benefits from resting or sleeping in the meantime. This lasts until the next sundown or sunrise. This is a [Mind-Affecting] effect.
  • Curse of Vulnerability: if the target fails a Will Save, they suffer a -5 Penalty to any Damage Reduction, Hardness, Energy Resistance and Spell Resistance they have until the next sundown or sunrise. If they succeed on the saving throw, they are still affected until the start of the Foe Hunter's next turn.
Any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus. A foe who is affected by any of his Curses is treated as a Hated Foe. If a foe is afflicted by a Curse and he delivers the killing blow to them, he regains the use of that Curse ability.

Track: at level two, the Foe Hunter gains Track as a bonus [Tome] feat.

Animal Companion: the second-level Foe Hunter has an Animal Companion, which is a Megaloceros. Treat his Druid Level as being equal to his class level plus 5, and the Megaloceros as being a "level -6" option. As such, he gains the ability as a Level 7 Druid, -6 for it being a Megaloceros, so it gains the base level 1 effects. And then at level 4, he gains the ability as a level 9-6 = 3, and it gains its first extra hit dice and other increases.

Smite Foes (Su): starting at level three, any time the Foe Hunter successfully hits a Hated Foe, he deals an additional 1d10 points of damage. For every three full levels beyond this, an extra 1d10 damage is added.

Seek Foes (Ex): the third-level Foe Hunter can simply trace the location and path of all Hated Foes. This is like using the Track feat, except without slowing down or making any skill checks: he just knows if a Hated Foe has been in the area, and as long as he can see any path they have taken, he can then follow that path until he finds them. He can pierce Pass Without Trace and similar effects with a check of 1d20+character level against the Caster level of the spell or effect + 10.

Vengeance (Ex): any time a fourth-level Foe Hunter is hit by an enemy - including damaging effects or afflictions that do not require an attack roll - that foe instantly becomes a Hated Foe for the rest of their life - or until he willingly forgives them, and strikes their name from his book of grudges. Usually, these are one and the same.

Mark of Justice (Sp): the fifth-level Foe Hunter may cast Mark of Justice at will.

Mettle: upon reaching level six, the Foe Hunter gains Mettle.

Greater Curses (Su): at level seven, the Foe Hunter's racial Curse ability improves to Greater Curse. Additionally, once per hour he may cast one of the following (in addition to one of the options granted at level 1):
  • Curse of Apathy: if the target fails a Will Save, they become Slowed for one minute, and for that duration they suffer a -5 Penalty to any Caster Levels, and to any Spell Resistance. For the duration, they are also immune to other emotion effects such as Rage or Crushing Despair. Additionally, they cannot benefit from any Morale effects for the duration, and can't be bothered to take Attacks of Opportunity. This is a [Mind-Affecting] effect.
  • Natural Curse: if the target fails a Fortitude Save (which applies even against objects and Undead), they lose access to all Supernatural Abilities for three rounds.
  • Curse of Blade Attraction: until the sun next sets or rises, weapons are drawn inexplicably towards the target. They never benefit from Cover or Concealment other than Full Cover, and adjacent allies and enemies can each use an Immediate Action to redirect any attack from themselves to the target - other than attacks from the actual target.
Vengeful Curse (Su): starting at level eight, upon applying Vengeance to an attacker, the Foe Hunter may cast a curse on the target as an Immediate Action.

Channel Ancestors (Su): at level ten, the Foe Hunter gains the ability to enter a special trance at will and channel the spirits of all who came before him. It requires a Full Round Action to enter, and then lasts for one minute, before leaving him Dazed for one round afterwards. For the one minute of that trance, he can act normally except that he is Immunity to non-damage effects from his Hated Foes, and additionally he ignores all defences of Hated Foes, with the exception of their Armour Class and Saving Throws. For instance Miss Chances, Damage Reduction, Energy Resistance or Immunity, Racial Immunities, Spell Resistance or Immunities, and Mirror Images do not apply.

Mighty Curses (Su): at level eleven, the Foe Hunter may, once per hour, cast one of the following (in addition to one of the options gained at level 1 and one of the options granted at level 7):
  • Earthbound Curse: instead of a Touch Attack, he simply targets a foe within Long Range and wishes they would fall to the ground. If they fail a Reflex Save, they lose the ability to Fly (and thus begin falling if they are currently in the air) until the sun next sets or rises.
  • Polymorphic Curse: if the target fails a Fortitude Save, they are changed just as by Baleful Polymorph.
Additionally, his racial Curse is familial - if the target dies from any cause that is not by his hand, it passes down to the next in line.

Shared Hatred (Su): all allies within 30 feet of the level twelve Foe Hunter gain his Smite Foes ability against his Hated Foes, but only if the foe has become a Hated Foe within the last round. Additionally, everyone is so happy to share information about the people he hates (and thus, they hate), that he can make Gather Information checks about his Hated Foes within just a single Full Round Action, and adds his class level as a bonus to these checks.

Ancestral Grudge: at level fourteen, the Foe Hunter remembers everyone hated by any Ancestors ever, and thus can treat anyone he wants as a Hated Foe. They are treated as having always ben Hated Foes, so this does not affect "Shared Hatred". Similarly, he can choose whether he wants to treat them as Hated or not, so he can still look around an area and see if anyone who wronged him (or is of the right Type) has been in an area, rather than constantly seeing "someone has been here".
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Rune Crafter
Midgard Dwarves are great at crafting stuff, so it stands to reason you'd want a character class that sort of does that. But instead of something that exists for downtime crafting, breaking all WBL guidelines and stuff, this is something you actually play, and bring into combat, because he creates temporary runes and then expends them for greater effects. Rather liket he Kaeleric. A lot like the Kaeleric in fact.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot
Proficiency: the Rune Crafter is proficient with Simple and Martial Weapons, and all Armour and Shields.
1+0+2+0+2Lesser Runes, Follower of Words
3+2+3+1+3Reshape Magic
4+3+4+1+4Powerful Runes
5+3+4+1+4Touch of the Master
6+4+5+2+5Glyph Transfer
7+5+5+2+5Empower Magic Item
8+6+6+2+6Greater Runes
9+6+6+3+6Beginnings of Mastery
10+7+7+3+7Glyph Creation
11+8+7+3+7Sunder Bonds
12+9+8+4+8Mightiest Runes
13+9+8+4+8Words of the Living
14+10+9+4+9True Mastery

Lesser Runes (Su): four times per day, the Rune Crafter can spend one uninterrupted minute to craft a temporary rune on a piece of equipment. This then provides an ongoing bonus until either the next sunrise, or the rune is expended for a greater effect, whichever comes first. The Rune Crafter may always choose to expend the effects, even if he is not touching or attuned to the item that bears the rune, however anyone who is wearing, holding or attuned to the item may also do so. The Rune Crafter does not prepare these ahead of time, merely deciding when inscribing the rune. He may select from any of the following, and any reference to Caster Level uses his hit dice total, and any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus:
  • Rune of Terror: applied to an Amulet, Headwear or Shield, this grants the bearer Immunity to [Fear] effects. It can be expended as a Standard Action, targeting a single living creature within Close Range and forcing them to attempt a Will Save. If they succeed, they are Shaken for one round. If they fail, they are Frightened for one minute.
  • Rune of Offence: applied to a belt, gauntlets or a weapon, this grants a Luck Bonus to attack and damage rolls of +1 per 3 levels (maximum +3). With a Swift Action, it is expended to grant the bearer a powerful transformation for one minute: their Base Attack Bonus equals their hit dice, they gain a +6 Enhancement Bonus to Strength, and they gain Temporary HP equal to their hit dice. The Luck Bonuses remain until this minute expires.
  • Rune of Safety: applied to armour or a shield or ring, this provides a 20% Miss Chance against all ranged attacks. It can be expended with an Immediate Action when a ranged attack bypasses the miss chance and hits. It causes the attack to miss after all, regardless of rolls, and instead target the attacker, using their original attack roll.
  • Rune of Weaponry: applied to a weapon or natural weapon, this enhances it temporarily as a magical weapon, allowing it to bypass DR/Magic and potentially hit Incorporeal foes. Additionally, it provides an Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls (with that weapon) of +1 per 3 hit dice, round up. It may be expended as an Immediate Action upon successfully hitting a foe with the weapon in question, forcing them to attempt a Fort Save. If failed, the foe is Stunned for 2 rounds.
  • Rune of Defence: applied to armour, a ring, a shield or a cloak, this provides a Deflection Bonus to Armour Class of +2, plus 1 per 6 full caster levels (maximum +5). With an Immediate Action upon being attacked or targeted, it may be expended to block Line of Effect for that attack, protecting the target and wasting the attack.
  • Rune of Fortitude: applied to any piece of clothing or jewelry, this provides a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Constitution. With an Immediate Action upon failing a Fortitude Save, this can be expended to instead pass the save.
  • Rune of Might: applied to boots, gauntlets or a belt, this providees a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Strength. With a Swift Action, this may be expended to grant the bearer a Trample attack for one minute. The creature is treated as being as large as its natural reach, so most Medium creatures trample as Huge creatures. This deals 4d6 damage, plus 1 and a half times their Strength Bonus, however the Reflex Save is based on the Rune Crafter's DC for all runes. The Strength Bonus remains until the end of this minute.
  • Rune of Reflexes: applied to gloves, bracers or footwear, this grants a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Dexterity. With an Immediate Action upon failing a Reflex Save, this can be expended to instead pass the save.
  • Rune of Splendour: applied to a cloak, headwear or piece of jewelry, this provides a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Charisma. With a Standard Action, this can be expended to cast Enthrall, using the standard Save DC for a rune.
  • Rune of Cunning: applied to a ring, robe, headwear or lenses, this grants a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Intelligence. With a Standard Action, this can be expended to cast Arcane Sight.
  • Rune of Rigidity: applied to any armour or clothing, this grants the wearer Damage Reduction 1/-, which increases by 1 at levels 5, 10, 15 and 20. It can be expended as a Standard Action to cast Hold Person using the standard Save DC for a rune.
  • Rune of the Forge: applied to any object, its Hardness increases by 10 and the wielder or bearer gains a +10 bonus against attempts to sunder it. With a Standard Action, it can be expended to completely repair an item (not necessarily the one marked with the rune). This fully repairs a mundane item, or fixes all non-magical aspects of a magical object.
  • Rune of Willpower: applied to any accessory (ie not a weapon, armour or shield), this provides a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Wisdom. With an Immediate Action upon failing a Will Save, this can be expended to instead pass the save.
  • Rune of Cursing: applied to anything worn around the neck, this provides a Remove Curse effect on the wearer and grants them Immunity to any effect that can be removed by Remove Curse. It may be expended as a Standard Action to cast Bestow Curse, using the standard Save DC for a rune.
  • Rune of Vision: applied to lenses or any kind of headwear, this provides Immunity to Blindness and Deafness. With a Standard Action, this may be expended to cast Blindness/Deafness or Remove Blindness/Deafness, using the standard Save DC for a rune.
  • Rune of Stone: applied to clothing or armour or a cloak, this grants the wearer the ability to Meld Into Stone at will. With a Standard Action, this may be expended to cast Stone Shape, however any creature adjacent to the shaping can choose to step away from the stone if they succeed on a Reflex Save, allowing them to avoid being locked in a coffin or shoved onto the other side of a wall.
  • Rune of Force: applied to an armour or shield, this provides an Enhancement Bonus to the Armour or Shield Bonus of +1 per 3 levels (maximum +6). It can also grant this to non-armour clothing, treating the base Armour Bonus as +0 before adding an Enhancement. This may be expended as a Swift Action to bullrush a foe like a Ring of Force.
Follower of Words (Sp): any time the Rune Crafter reads written words, he instinctively knows who wrote it (with deliberate forgery allowing for a Forgery check opposed by his 1d20 + level + Wisdom check) and when they wrote it. He may also Track them to their location from there.

Glyphproof (Su): the second-level Rune Crafter is completely immune to Symbol, Sigil and Rune spells - he doesn't trigger them, and is also not caught in the blast when someone else activates them.

Reshape Magic (Su): at level three, the Rune Crafter gains the ability to, three times per day, temporarily change qualities of magic items. It requires a Full Round Action to do so, touching the item, and if somebody else is attuned to the item, this fails without their permission. The effects last until sundown. Using Tome Magic Items, this allows a Lesser Quality to be exchanged for another Lesser Quality, a Moderate Quality to be exchanged for another Moderate Quality, and so on. This cannot be used to change an ability that has already been expended for the day, nor can it grant the ability to cast a spell, or change the spells available on a Wand or Staff. If using something closer to SRD magic items, this merely allows the various "equivalent to +X" effects to be swapped around, such as changing a +2 Flaming Longsword into a +1 Keen Shocking Longsword.

Powerful Runes (Su): twice per day, the fourth-level Rune Crafter may place more powerful runes, which function just like the above ones except with greater power. At level six, he gains another daily use.
  • Rune of Life: applied to jewelry or a cloak, this grants a Death Ward effect. This may be expended as a Standard Action to grant a Restoration effect.
  • Rune of Movement: applied to gloves or footwear, this grants a Freedom of Movement effect. This may be expended as a Standard Action to cast Dimensional Anchor with a Save DC as standard for a Rune.
  • Rune of Air: applied to footwear or a cloak, this grants a Levitate effect. This may be expended as a Standard Action to gain an Air Walk effect for two hours.
  • Rune of Life: applied to a weapon, every time it successfully hits an Undead with a CR equal to or less than the caster level of the Rune Crafter, the target must attempt a Will Save. If they fail, they are destroyed utterly. This may be expended with a Standard Action to cast Raise Dead, however only if this was applied to a magic weapon, in which case the weapon is rendered completely unmagical in the process.
  • Rune of Spell Protection: applied to any non-weapon, this grants Spell Resistance of the Caster Level + 12. This may be expended with a Standard Action to create a Break Enchantment effect.
  • Rune of Stone: applied to a cloak or armour, this grants the bearer Hardness equal to a third of your caster level, round up. This may be expended with a Standard Action to create a Wall of Stone or Spike Stones effect.
  • Rune of Flame: applied to a weapon or natural weapon, this adds an +1d6 Fire damage to it. With a Standard Action, this may be expended to create a 40' radius cylinder 40' high within Medium Range. All in the area suffer 1d6 damage per caster level, half divine and half fire, with a Reflex Save for half. All in the area who fail the save are set On Divine Fire which is exactly like being on fire, except that it does 2d6 damage, half fire and half divine, and that they take a -2 penalty to all attack rolls, skill rolls, ability checks and saving throws for every round they are On Divine Fire. Creatures that are Mindless or that do not feel pain may ignore the penalty.
  • Rune of Death: applied to jewelry, if the bearer dies from HP damage, they instead don’t die. They are under the effect of the Delay Death spell and they get Die Hard, but they are always rendered unconscious if they have a negative HP value greater than their Constitution Score, even if they otherwise wouldn’t be. With a Standard Action, this may be expended to cast Slay Living.
Touch of the Master (Su): at level five, the Rune Crafter gains the ability to use any item he touches - he automatically ignores requirements such as class levels, races, alignment, feats, and ability to cast spells. This doesn't help if the item modifies an ability he doesn't have (such as a draught that changes the damage your breath weapon deals, or very specifically something that lets a Cleric prepare spells as though higher level), but he can straight up wield a Holy Avenger like a Lawful Good Paladin, and an Unholy Sword in the other hand, suffering no negative levels or other penalties for this, and use a Relic as though he had dedicated himself to the Relic and so on.

Glyph Transfer (Su): starting at level six, the Rune Crafter may use a Standard Action to push a Rune, Glyph or Sigil spell from one location he can reach to another location he can reach. He may also lift one from its surface with a Full Round Action, and can then carry it around and place it later with a Standard Action. He may only "carry" one at a time in this way.

Empower Magic Item (Su): the seventh-level Rune Crafter may use his Reshape Magic ability to grant more power to items instead. With one use he may restore up to 3 daily charges or 5 "expended forever" charges to an item, or increase a numeric bonus by +1 for one hour. Alternatively, he may expend all three uses to exhange a Lesser Tome quality for a Moderate one, or a Moderate one for a Greater one, or grant an SRD magic item an additional +3 Bonus worth of effects (such as adding Icy Burst and Ghost Touch).

Greater Runes (Su): at level eight, the Rune Crafter gains even more powerful runes he may use. He may apply two of these per day, increased to 3 at level ten.
  • Rune of Healing: applied to jewelry, this grants Fast Healing 3. This may be expended with an Immediate Action to grant a Heal effect on the bearer, or as a Standard Action to allow them to cast Heal on someone else.
  • Rune of Paths: applied to lenses or headwear, this grants a Find the Path effect. The location can be changed just by spending 3 rounds thinking about it (including the location of "out of this Maze"). This may be expended with a Standard Action to grant the wearer and all touching them a Wind Walk effect for 12 hours.
  • Rune of Motivation: placed on any worn or wielded item, you are so motivated to complete your quest that you get a +3 Morale Bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. By spending ten minutes, you may expend this effect to create a Greater Glyph of Warding, except that it also bestows a Geas/Quest on the target. This starts at 3d6 damage a day, and scales up 1d6 more damage each day with no cap. If they resume and then cease the task, it starts with the damage it left off at.
  • Rune of the Ethereal: placed on a cloak, this grants a Blink effect. With an Immediate Action, it may be expended to gain an Ethereal Jaunt effect for one minute.
  • Rune of Shelter: applied to a ring or amulet, this grants Immunity to fatigue, exhaustion, and ability damage or ability drain (regardless of the source). With a Standard Action, this can be expended to cast Greater Restoration.
  • Rune of Regeneration: worn on clothing or armour, this grants Regeneration 5 that can be pierced by Acid, Fire or Silver. With an Immediate Action, it can be expended to grant 1 minute of Regeneration 40 that cannot be bypassed (other than by effects which "ignore all Regeneration"). Alternatively, with a 10 minute ritual, it may be expended to cast Resurrection. Doing so burns away one Greater Rune use for a full week.
Beginnings of Mastery (Su): the ninth-level Rune Crafter is able to craft Relics as though they were any other magic item.

Glyph Creation (Sp): starting at level ten, the Rune Crafter may create two each of the following per day, as the spell, but without costing money and unable to be made Permanent: Symbol of Sleep, Symbol of Pain, Symbol of Fear, Symbol of Persuasion, Symbol of Stunning, Symbol of Weakness. At level 12, he may also create two Symbols of Insanity and Symbols of Death per day. The CL and Save DC are as though created by his Runes.

Sunder Bonds (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, the eleventh-level Rune Crafter may make a special melee attack. If it hits, he may select a single magic item to which the target is attuned, and break its attunement. If he doesn't know what they have attuned, just roll randomly to determine what effects are lost.

Mightiest Runes (Su): at level twelve, the Rune Crafter unlocks his mightiest types of rune. He may create two of these per day:
  • Rune of Negation: applied to a cloak or robe, this surrounds the wearer with an Antimagic Field as the spell. As a standard action the wearer can suppress or renew this effect. With an Immediate Action, this can be expended to grant a Greater Spell Immunity.
  • Rune of Discernment: applied to a helmet or eyewear, this grants the wearer an Analyze Dweomer effect. With a Standard Action, they may expend the effect to know the location of one creature or object as the Discern Location spell.
  • Rune of Fiery Death: applied to gloves, gauntlets or bracers, this grants the wearer the ability to cast Fireball at will, with a Medium Range. With a Standard Action, this may be expended to create up to two 10x10x10' cubes per level out to Long Range, lasting for 3 rounds. All in the area suffer 1d6 damage per level each round, half of which is Fire and half of which is Divine, with a Reflex Save for half. Those who fail the save are On Divine Fire (see the Rune of Flame).
  • Rune of Earth Mastery: applied to footwear, this grants the wearer Earthglide (as an Earth Elemental). With a Standard Action, this can be expended to cast Earthquake with a duration of 3 rounds.
  • Astral Rune: applied to a stone, wheel or key, this grants an Astral Projection effect to all who touch the focus item, with a duration of 24 hours. Each affected person may return to their body with an Immediate Action, but on following turns may return to the Astral, being drawn towards the focus item and the rest of the party.
  • Rune of Storms: applied to a staff, rod, spear, trident, hammer or helmet, this radiates a Storm of Vengeance out to 360 feet, but without any need to concentrate on it, and without affecting the bearer. With an Immediate Action upon the death of something in the area, this may be expended to bind the soul of the creature slain, as per Soul Bind.
Words of the Living (Su): the thirteenth-level Rune Crafter gains the ability to craft constructs, just like all the other things he can create. He needn't cast any specific spells or spend XP, but just needs to spend the time and materials and have a hit dice total at least equal to the Caster Level of the effect.

True Mastery (Su): at level fourteen, the Rune Crafter gains the ability to craft Artefacts. The methodology for this is largely left up to magical tea party because it's level twenty and artefacts are supposed to be cool and unique. At the bare minimum, it should take over a year of work and some kind of planar post-wish economy goods.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Here's another thing that was requested.

MM1, page 49. CR 8, level 9.
No thumbs, doesn't speak (but understands Common), no eyes (but blindsight).

Ruinous Muse
The Destrachan looks like an animal-intelligence beast, but it's actually perfectly sentient. They tend to be assholes, but so do many creatures that have been granted prestige classes here. Anything they take has to advance their ability to blast people with sonic energy, that just goes without saying. So the ruinous muse does that, and also inspires others to break shit with their noise powers.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Dungeoneering, Geography), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Survival, Tumble
1+0+2+0+2Enhanced Harmonics, Unsettling Hum, Inspire Courage
2+1+3+0+3Sonic Shield, Confusing Hum
3+2+3+1+3Frightening Hum, Bone Shatter
4+3+4+1+4Resonating Ray, Inspire Destruction
5+3+4+1+4Lingering Harmonics
6+4+5+2+5Distant Harmonics, Magical Resonance
7+5+5+2+5Sonic Hammer, Agonizing Hum
8+6+6+2+6Maddening Hum, Inspire Movement
9+6+6+3+6Eruption of Matter
10+7+7+3+7Obliterating Harmonics
11+8+7+3+7Howl of Limbo, Friendlauncher

Enhanced Harmonics (Su): the Ruinous Muse's Destructive Harmonics ability improves as it gains levels. The Flesh option deals extra dice of damage equal to its class level. The Nerves option deals an extra 4d6 non-lethal damage at first level, then an extra 2d6 at level 2, then another d6 every level thereafter. The Material option affects objects with a maximum HP of 30, plus 5 per level. In all cases, the Save DC scales normally (10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus).

Unsettling Hum (Su): the Ruinous Muse gains an extra option for its Destructive Harmonics, rattling targets just enough to make them feel queasy. All living things in the area must attempt both a Will Save and a Fortitude Save. Failing the former causes them to be Shaken for 1 minute, and failing the latter causes them to be Sickened for 1 minute. This cannot stack with itself to cause worse forms of fear or nausea.

Inspire Courage (Su): if the Ruinous Muse feels generous, it has a new Harmonic option, granting all allies in the area a Morale Bonus: this is +1 per 4 hit dice (round up), and is granted both to attack rolls and to saving throws vs [Fear] effects for one minute.

Sonic Shield (Su): starting at level two, the Ruinous Muse can use a Standard Action to grant itself an aura of destructive sub-sonic vibrations. Until the end of its next turn, anything that hits with a natural or non-reach melee weapon suffers Sonic damage equal to its hit dice + 2d6, and must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC as Harmonics) or be pushed back 5 feet. Additionally, select one material type when activating this ability: the Muse can burrow through that material when moving, leaving tunnels behind for others.

Confusing Hum (Su): the second-level Ruinous Muse gains a new Harmonic Option, massaging and squishing peoples' brains. Those in the area must succeed on a Will Save, or be rendered Confused for 1 round per 2 hit dice. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effect, and a successful save renders a given target immune to Confusing Hum until the next sundown.

Frightening Hum (Su): at level three, the Ruinous Muse gains a new Harmonic option, one that overwhelms the senses and terrifies people. Those in the area must succeed on a Will Save or be Frightened for 1 round per 2 hit dice. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] effect, and a successful save renders a given target immune to Frightening Hum until the next sundown.

Bone Shatter (Su): the third-level Ruinous Muse also gains a Harmonic option specifically designed to destroy Corporeal Undead: all Undead in the area save those with the [Incorporeal] Subtype must attempt a Fortitude Save, and obviously they are not Immune to this. Failure results in their complete destruction. This also works on Constructs that are made out of bone or corpses, as well as actual objects that are just bone or dead flesh.

Resonating Ray (Su): at level four, the Ruinous Muse can use a Standard Action once per minute to focus its sonic abilities into a Close Range Ray, resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the foe must succeed on a Fortitude Save, which even works against objects and Undea, or be torn into its molecular components, destroyed as though by a Disintegrate spell. Success simply results in taking 3d6 damage.

Inspire Destruction (Su): the fourth-level Ruinous Muse gains a new Harmonic option, inspiring friends to break things for the next minute: allies in the area gain a Morale Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up) on damage rolls, Break checks and Sunder attempts.

Lingering Harmonics (Su): starting at level five, the Ruinous Muse's Hum and Inspiration abilities all last twice as long. Additionally, its Sonic Shield lasts one round longer, and any time it attempts a Bullrush while benefiting from this shield, it also deals its Sonic damage, and adds the damage to the actual Bullrush check.

Distant Harmonics (Su): at level six, the Ruinous Muse increses the length of its Harmonics abilities. They can be unleashed in a 180' Cone, or unleashed in a 60' radius. Additionally, the Resonating Ray increases to Medium Range.

Magical Resonance (Su): the sixth-level Ruinous Muse gains a new Harmonic option, shaking magic apart: it chooses one spell by name, and that spell is Dispelled from everything in the area. It also makes a single Dispel attempt, using its hit dice as a Caster Level, against the lowest Caster Level spell affecting every creature and unattended object in the area that is affected by a spell but not the named spell, as well as "unattended" Area of Effect spells (such as a Wall of Fire that isn't currently burning anything). Any creature or object that has a spell Dispelled from it suffers Sonic damage equal to the caster level of the effect removed.

Sonic Hammer (Su): starting at level seven, any time the Ruinous Muse deals damage with a Harmonics ability, it may also attempt a Bullrush as part of the same action. This does not use its Size or similar bonuses, nor does it step into enemy squares or provoke an Attack of Opportunity, nor move along with pushed creatures. It simply pretends it rolled a Bullrush total equal to half the damage rolled (round down), and anything that can't resist that is shoved as far as the results dictate.

Agonizing Hum (Su): the seventh-level Ruinous Muse gains a new Harmonics option, jiggling and tearing the internal organs about until foes are sick. Living creatures in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save or be rendered Nauseated with pain for 3 rounds. Success renders a creature immune to Agonizing Hum until the next sunset.

Maddening Hum (Su): at level eight, the Ruinous Muse gains a new Harmonic option, which requires a Full Round Action and affects creatures as the spell Maddening Whispers. A creature can only be targeted by, and forced to save against, a given condition from the list, once per day - whether they succeed or fail on the save, the Muse could only attempt to force a given creature to Panic once, enter Hysteria once etc. The duration is one round per two levels, doubled to "one round per level" by Lingering Harmonics, but there is no limit to the number of creatures affected, other than being able to fit them into the area.

Inspire Movement (Su): the eighth-level Ruinous Muse is able to inspire greater speed in allies with a new Harmonic option: they gain a Morale Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up) on Reflex Saves and Balance, Jump and Tumble checks (if using PF skills, it applies to all Acrobatics checks), and they also gain this number x 5' as an increase to their base Speed. This lasts for one minute, doubled to two minutes by Lingering Harmonics.

Eruption of Matter (Su): with a Full Round Action, the ninth-level Ruinous Muse may use a new Harmonic option: this targets a singular creature, and tears them into a spray of material, as the spell Avascular Mass.

Obliterating Harmonics (Su): at level ten, the Ruinous Muse gains a new Harmonics option that can only be used once per hour. Those in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save, even objects and Undead, with failure resulting in them being torn apart and destroyed as though by Implosion.

Howl of Limbo (Su): once per minute, the eleventh-level Ruinous Muse may use this new Harmonic option: all in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save (failure causing permanent Deafness), a Reflex Save (failure resulting in being knocked Prone and pushed to the very edge of the Area in a direct line away from the Muse), and a Will Save (failure causing them to be Dazed for one round).

Friendlauncher (Su): at level eleven, the Ruinous Muse can throw its friends around the place. Any ally who is given a bonus by an Inspire ability, or who saves against a Harmonics ability while in the area, may use an Immediate Action to move directly away from the Muse in a straight line, to the edge of the area - ignoring movement speed or even limitations of gravity (but not solid surfaces). They may make a free Bullrush attempt against any foes in their way, adding +1 per 3 hit dice of the Ruinous Muse (round up) as a bonus to their check.
11 allies who save against your Harmonics or benefit from an Inspiration can choose to move straight away from you in the area, Bullrush foes
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Also, some notes that I only recently realised need to be said:

1. No playing Double-Catch-Up. Some of these exist to add regular progression to creatures, or to take them into new directions. Others exist to play catch-up into a class. Even with the most innocuous of these, if you are also using Catch-Up rules in Pathfinder (where you can gradually add bonus levels, replacing "Level Adjustment" or racial hit dice), both the player and Mister Cavern must take a look at what the resulting character would be. Sometimes it's not that big a deal, sometimes abilities come online just a bit too early. Sometimes this means a level eight character casts spells as a level nine Wizard, and that is right out.

2. Monsters that exist as class features don't get fancy class levels unless it explicitly says they do. If you have a feat that lets you take Magical Beasts as animal companions, and you choose a Winter Wolf, here is what the bonus hit dice for high Druid levels give you: extra Magical Beast hit dice (including HP, BAB, skill points, feats, ability score increases, breath weapon Save DC and, if the creature increases in size at certain hit dice, an eventual growth spurt). It does not get to take Emmissary of Winter levels. Familiars (actual familiars, not ex-familiars that take class levels, nor Imps that pretend to be familiars but are actually characters played by other players) do not even gain hit dice. They just "count as having the same number of hit dice as their master" for the purpose of being affected by Colour Spray or Cloudkill. If you gain a Nightmare as a Special Mount, it can just gain extra Outsider hit dice, unless the actual class write-up says it can advance as a Cauchemare (in which case that is the only option) or "a Fiendish class" (in which case it could be a True Fiend or Fiendish Brute). If something grants you "a Cohort", then you can choose its classes normally (unless that write-up says you can't).
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Another Grey Slaad Option
Level 11

Amphibious Ascendant
The Death Slaad class allowed Grey Slaads to go from being casters into bing assassins. But if you're a Grey Slaad, there's a reasonable chance you actually want to cast a lot. This class exists to address that, making it basically a Sorcerer. Sort of.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Climb, Concentration, Hide, Jump, Know (Arcana, Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival
1+0+0+2+2Spellcasting, Paths (4 Known, 2 Prepared)
2+1+0+3+3Paths (4 Known, 2 Prepared)
3+1+1+3+3Paths (5 Known, 2 Prepared), Greater Innate Power
4+2+1+4+4Paths (5 Known, 3 Prepared)
5+2+1+4+4Paths (6 Known, 3 Prepared)
6+3+2+5+5Paths (6 Known, 3 Prepared), Sudden Recall 1/day
7+3+2+5+5Paths (7 Known, 4 Prepared)
8+4+2+6+6Paths (7 Known, 4 Prepared), Sudden Recall 2/day
9+4+3+6+6Paths (8 Known, 4 Prepared)

Spellcasting: the Amphibious Ascendant is an Arcane Spellcaster. It has the same Spell Slots per day, and Spell Levels available, as a PHB Sorcerer of its class level plus ten. However, it doesn't know the same number of spells. Instead, it starts off knowing the entire Spell Lists of four different Domains or Spheres (without learning the special tenth Spell of Spheres). As it gains levels, it learns extra Spheres or Domains. With an hour of meditation, it can attune itself to the winds of chaos and "prepare" a number of these Paths (starting at two, and gradually increasing the number). By preparing a Path, it gains access to its Spells, as though knowing all of them. For instance, a first level Ascendant might know the Pyre sphere, and the Storm, Greed and Madness Domains. With an hour, it could decide to "prepare" Pyre and Madness, and in doing so would effectively have Spells Known of Burning Hands (1), Lesser Confusion (1), Flame Blade (2), Touch of Madness (2), Fireball (3), Rage (3), Charnal Fire (4), Confusion (4), Parboil (5) and Bolts of Bedevilment (5). Later on in the day, it could spend another hour to prepare Pyre and Greed, allowing it to cast Burning Hands (1), Cheat (1), Flame Blade (2), Entice Gift (2), Fireball (3), Knock (3), Charnal Fire (4), Fire Trap (4), Parboil (5) and Fabricate (5).

Greater Innate Power (Sp): at level 3, all of the Amphibious Ascendant's innate racial Spell-Like Abilities that can normally be used three times per day can instead be used at will.

Sudden Recall: at level six, the Amphibious Ascendant may once per day spontaneously a single spell on any of its known Paths, whether prepared or not. This still uses a Spell Slot, so a slot must be available. At level eight, it may do this twice per day.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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