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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Zherog »

Niles wrote:
Fri May 14, 2021 8:31 pm
This still doesn't fix old tables. Which might be impossible or way to much work, but would be nice if it's practical to do.
That's correct. At the end of the long post with all the new tags, including the TABLE tags, I said this:
As with the other tags here, previous posts that include tables will not render correctly. I'm 98% certain I have the SQL replace commands all set to cycle through the database and update MOST of the previous tables to render correctly. There are some that I haven't figured out yet - Josh's Tome Armor is one example. That one is difficult because Josh took advantage of some of the options in the old tag, such as background colors. I'm hoping the exceptions end up under 50 total; I'm likely to go ahead and try to update them manually after the automated stuff is done. If you have a post with a table, you are certainly free to go ahead and manually update it before I do the automation. If you do, the automation will exclude your post. (Well, technically, it'll exclude it whether you updated the table or not, as I'm specifically ignoring any posts with a "Last Updated Date" that's greater than 11-May-2021, so that I specifically don't fuck up this post or anything anybody else adds or edits. So if you edit a post with a table to do something other that update the table (or SPACER tag for that matter) just be aware that after I run the updates and re-parse the posts, your post still won't render correctly.
I'm hoping to get to that this weekend, but if not it'll be on my to-do list for early next week. I'm also looking to add two more options to table tags, if I can get them to work.
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Zherog »

Alright, last of the TABLE tag changes.

First, I realized I didn't define font color and background color options for the TH tag; so those now work, with the same format and options as mentioned previously for TD and TR.

It's probably worth pointing out, the difference between TH and TD is just that TH is automatically centered and bold. That's it - a TH tag can appear anywhere within a table, not just at the top.

In addition, TD and TH both have two new options: COLSPAN and ROWSPAN. The COLSPAN option causes that particular entry to occupy several columns in the table. ROWSPAN is similar, but does rows instead.

Code: Select all

[table name=colspan and rowspan examples:]
   [tr color=SlateGray fcolor=#F5F5F5]
      [th colspan=3]Light Armors[/th]
   [tr color=SlateGray fcolor=#F5F5F5]
      [th]Armor Name[/th]
      [th color=green fcolor=purple]Armor Bonus[/th]
      [td]Plain Clothing[/td]
      [td]100 gp[/td]
      [td]Chain Shirt[/td]
      [td]200 gp[/td]
   [tr color=SlateGray fcolor=#F5F5F5]
      [th colspan=3]Medium Armors[/th]
   [tr color=SlateGray fcolor=#F5F5F5]
      [th]Armor Name[/th]
      [th ]Armor Bonus[/th]
colspan example:
Light Armors
Armor Name Armor Bonus Cost
Plain Clothing +0 Varies
Leather +1 100 gp
Chain Shirt +3 200 gp
Medium Armors
Armor Name Armor Bonus Cost
Etc. Etc. Etc.

(That green and purple combo is ugly as fuck, but I guess it serves to demo the color options...)

Rowspan works very similarly as far as formatting goes:

Code: Select all

 [table name=Rowspan Example:]
   [tr color=SlateGray fcolor=#F5F5F5]
      [td rowspan=3]Bob[/td]
      [td]Favorite Food:[/td]
      [td]Favorite Color:[/td]
      [td]Favorite Movie:[/td]
      [td rowspan=3]Jenny[/td]
      [td]Favorite Food:[/td]
      [td]Favorite Color:[/td]
      [td]Favorite Movie:[/td]
      [td]Sleepless in Seattle[/td]
      [td rowspan=3]Your Mom[/td]
      [td]Favorite Food:[/td]
      [td]Barrel of Cocks[/td]
      [td]Favorite Color:[/td]
      [td]Favorite Movie:[/td]
      [td]Debbie Does Dallas[/td]
Rowspan Example:
Name Option Choice
Bob Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Movie: Cassablanca
Jenny Favorite Food: Tacos
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Movie: Sleepless in Seattle
Your Mom Favorite Food: Barrel of Cocks
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Movie: Debbie Does Dallas

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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Zherog »

Scheduling System Maintenance

I'll make it a site-wide announcement later in the week - I don't want to make everybody deal with seeing it all week, and I don't want somebody to dismiss it and then forget it was upcoming. I'm going to be bringing the site down Saturday, 22-May around 9am EDT (1300 GMT) for maintenance. At this point in time, I do not know how long the maintenance window will be. I'll be doing a few things during the window:
  • Updating any post with a number value for the SPACER tag to remove it
  • Updating most posts with TABLE tags to use the new format
  • I think there was one other database-level update I needed, but I'm drawing a blank on it at the moment.
  • And the biggie after all that, running the re-parser to fix the way posts with the above all display. This will also fix any post with the ALIGN, SUB, and SUP tags because I added those after we upgraded. This step is the unknown, as of now, for how long it'll take.
I'm also hoping - but not expecting - that I can have an answer for fixing the search indexes as well. So if you're the "cross your fingers" sort of person, I'll take it.

I'll post the announcement banner sometime Wednesday / Thursday to serve as a reminder for everybody. And of course, if the plan changes for whatever reason I'll post an update for it here (and update the banner announcement if it's already been posted there).
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Zherog »

Maintenance is Complete

Took a little bit longer than I anticipated, though most of the extra time was doing validation rather than actually correcting. At this point, MOST tables from prior to the forced upgrade should now work correctly.
  1. In a few cases, you may see a few extra "closing" tags (/tr or /td) at the very top of the table. This is a result of the search/replace adding extras; the BBCode engine now spits those out as you see them there. If the post is yours, please feel free to edit it and find the extras. (To be clear, in the post itself they won't be at the top above the TABLE tag; they're somewhere in the table itself. I find it helps to put each row and cell on a new line, and indent so I see where things are. But that may be just me.) If the table is not yours, please either post a link to the post here or drop me a PM, and I'll find time to update them. These are NOT a high priority for me to fix, as things should be displaying correctly other than the extra tags.
  2. In a few other cases, the table won't render correctly and there may or may not be "extra" tags above the TABLE tag. Again, this is causes by the search/replace algorithm I threw together - most likely, the table used color options that the old table tags had; but there were a few other causes. Again, if it's yours please go ahead and fix it; if it's not yours, drop me a post here or a PM, with a link; these are higher priority to me than those in A, but still pretty low.
  3. And finally, there are a very small handful of tables that are totally fucked. I have a list of somewhere around 10 or so. These are my priority. If you find one that's yours, I would appreciate if you took the time to try and update it. It may be easiest, honestly, to rebuild from scratch. If you find one that's not yours, or it's yours and you can't figure out how to fix it, please let me know and I'll get these fixed as soon as possible.
In addition to tables rendering correctly, all the other tags should now also render correctly - ALIGN, SUP, SUB, etc. And finally, all SPACER tags should have had their optional number of spaces stripped off, and those should now also be rendering correctly. If you find a SPACER tag in a post that isn't, please let me know. They're about on par with B above for my priority list.

The next big item I'll be tackling is the search index. But I've no idea when I'll have a reasonable answer for that one. So stay tuned. And of course, if anybody finds anything new that seems to be broken or missing, please post it here still.


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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Trill »

Zherog wrote:
Sat May 22, 2021 3:27 pm
The next big item I'll be tackling is the search index. But I've no idea when I'll have a reasonable answer for that one. So stay tuned. And of course, if anybody finds anything new that seems to be broken or missing, please post it here still.
Godspeed Zherog!

Also I just noticed that the quote tags are far bigger.
Let's try something
Zherog wrote:Just name
Zherog wrote: Post ID
Zherog wrote:
Sat May 22, 2021 3:27 pm
Zherog wrote:User ID
Mord, on Cosmic Horror wrote:Today if I say to the man on the street, "Did you know that the world you live in is a fragile veneer of normality over an uncaring universe, that we could all die at any moment at the whim of beings unknown to us for reasons having nothing to do with ourselves, and that as far as the rest of the universe is concerned, nothing anyone ever did with their life has ever mattered?" his response, if any, will be "Yes, of course; now if you'll excuse me, I need to retweet Sonic the Hedgehog." What do you even do with that?
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by merxa »

Can you fix the https issues with the site?

you should be redirecting to https and setting it to try and upgrade all requests to https (what is happening right now is there is no auto redirect, and you aren't attempting to tell browsers to try https when making internal requests, so we get warnings because image urls being loaded aren't being done over https

You should be able to set a header to tell browsers to try and request resources using https, that way you don't even need to edit any old php code.

https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/doc ... e-Requests

Perhaps there are other technical issues I'm not privy to, but this https issue should be fixable -- you're welcome to reach out to me if you think I could help.
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by 00dani »

This has already been mentioned, but images that were embedded directly into their post using a data URI aren't being rendered correctly. (For example, the second image in this post.)

I bring it up again because I wrote a quick little userscript that works around the problem locally - it might come in handy if the new version of phpBB can't be convinced to behave. If you've got a userscript addon such as Tampermonkey, fixing the issue should be as simple as installing this. c:
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Aryxbez »

Has there been any update as to when the Search Function on this site will stop being borked?
What I find wrong w/ 4th edition: "I want to stab dragons the size of a small keep with skin like supple adamantine and command over time and space to death with my longsword in head to head combat, but I want to be totally within realistic capabilities of a real human being!" --Caedrus mocking 4rries

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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by rapa-nui »

I've been gone for 7 years. Happy to see the place is still around. What's new? What are people playing?
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by The Adventurer's Almanac »

rapa-nui wrote:
Thu Jan 27, 2022 4:37 pm
I've been gone for 7 years. Happy to see the place is still around. What's new? What are people playing?
Dungeons & Dragons, unfortunately. :twitch:
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Thaluikhain »

Bunch of old people left (sometimes dramatically), bunch of new people (hi there) joined, generally with little or no drama.
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by rapa-nui »

Dungeons & Dragons, unfortunately.
No surprise. It might now be the loss leader IP for WotC, but it gives nerd cred to keep it alive. They've been in Total Money Grab Mode for the past 5 years, with MtG drawing from the D&D well to sell cardboard and Digital "Assets". The new Hasbro CEO came right up the ranks from the MtG team and pretty much has been figuring out creative new ways to suck MtG whales dry in every direction. Organized play is dead, it's all driven by Commander/EDH now. WotC hasn't extracted a single dollar from me in 4 years though, although that personal boycott might be coming to an end.

For my part, in physical space I've mainly just been playing card and board games (FFG Netrunner, post-FFG Netrunner, Codenames, Betrayal at the House on Haunted Hill, Coup, Sushi Go and other random draft/deck-builders...) but the most D&D-like thing I've played "recently" is Gloomhaven, which I thought was great but it was hard to keep my group together and set-up/clean-up was a nightmare. Obviously the 2020-2022 situation has not been great for meatspace gaming.

I've been thinking about starting a new RPGing group, but am torn what kind of gaming I want to do. I just want the best ruleset that actually incorporates aggregate lessons learned from pen and paper gaming of the past 2 decades and that people will actually play.
To the scientist there is the joy in pursuing truth which nearly counteracts the depressing revelations of truth. ~HP Lovecraft
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by NOTNOThyzmarca »

So, the reset password link does not work at all. When I try it I get the following message.

Unable to find template "ucp_reset_password.html" (looked into: /home4/niftymes/public_html/tgdmb/phpBB3/styles/prosilver/template, /home4/niftymes/public_html/tgdmb/phpBB3/styles/prosilver/theme, /home4/niftymes/public_html/tgdmb/phpBB3/styles/all/template).
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Omegonthesane »

Spoiler tags stopped working as far as I can tell.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Kaelik »

I think that we are missing the ability to report posts?
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Thaluikhain »

Not sure, I recently reported two posts and it opened up the thing with the drop down menu that wanted me to select why I was reporting them. The report I did before that didn't have that happen.

Though, don't know if the report went anywhere after that, of course.
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Kaelik »

You are right, I just tried again and this time it did pop up. Weird.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Kaelik »

Whenever I try to click Full Editor & Preview it throws up a white screen with:

"Not Acceptable!
An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security."

instead of letting me go to the reply menu. Same for attempting to quote people (since that also goes to the reply window)

(Also apparenty when I try to post? But all this is using a VPN, if this post goes through it's because I turned off the VPN.)
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Thaluikhain »

I just tried Full Editor and Preview and it worked fine for me, using Firefox and no VPN.
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Kaelik »

Thaluikhain wrote:
Wed Jul 13, 2022 8:34 am
I just tried Full Editor and Preview and it worked fine for me, using Firefox and no VPN.
I have no idea what the issue is, because for some reason I couldn't post at all until I turned off my VPN, but I know I've posted before with the VPN, in fact, I just used full editor mode right now to post this reply with a VPN up.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Koumei »

Can you fix this shitting site? And preferably fix the functionality back to pre-update?

I'm done spending effort on posts only for error messages to prevent posting. Any effort is now Discord-only until things change, the Den can get cliff notes at best.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by erik »

FWIW, probably for the last 10 years I have made it a habit that before I hit post on anything that I spent more than a minute on, I would select all and copy so that I could paste it again if something got fucky in the posting process. That reflex has saved my posts a few times for sure.
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Kaelik »

erik wrote:
Fri Aug 05, 2022 9:33 pm
FWIW, probably for the last 10 years I have made it a habit that before I hit post on anything that I spent more than a minute on, I would select all and copy so that I could paste it again if something got fucky in the posting process. That reflex has saved my posts a few times for sure.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Zaranthan »

If I'm posting anything that's going to take more than two minutes to put together, I do it in Notepad++. All my notes are in there anyway and I've actually tripped over half-written comments a day or two later and gotten to finish my thoughts and put it up.
Koumei wrote:...is the dead guy posthumously at fault for his own death and, due to the felony murder law, his own murderer?
hyzmarca wrote:A palace made out of poop is much more impressive than one made out of gold. Stinkier, but more impressive. One is an ostentatious display of wealth. The other is a miraculous engineering feat.
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Re: Welcome Back!

Post by Aryxbez »

Kaelik wrote:
Fri Aug 05, 2022 10:29 pm
erik wrote:
Fri Aug 05, 2022 9:33 pm
FWIW, probably for the last 10 years I have made it a habit that before I hit post on anything that I spent more than a minute on, I would select all and copy so that I could paste it again if something got fucky in the posting process. That reflex has saved my posts a few times for sure.
Thirded, I've been doing that since the WoTC Forum days, so its been an easy habit to adopt.
What I find wrong w/ 4th edition: "I want to stab dragons the size of a small keep with skin like supple adamantine and command over time and space to death with my longsword in head to head combat, but I want to be totally within realistic capabilities of a real human being!" --Caedrus mocking 4rries

"the thing about being Mister Cavern [DM], you don't blame players for how they play. That's like blaming the weather. Weather just is. You adapt to it. -Ancient History
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