Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 18

It is now Night 18 of the tournament. The competitors have slogged through multiple weeks of combat, but we are getting close to the end. Tonight will start with a battle of the grown-ups, the Witchblade and Agent Aika facing each other. Then we have Sailor Venus against Utena, before Sailor Mercury takes the fight to another Outer Senshi: Sailor Pluto. And finally, Sailor Uranus will battle Natsuru.

This starts off violently - usually the Witchblade doesn't get going until later into the match, but this time she's shoving Aika into the turnbuckle and going all-out. However, Aika stuffs an attempted low tackle and applies a front headlock, defending nicely.


Early into the match and yet here is the Witchblade, hitting Aika with the iron glove!


Aika is now on the offensive, landing an axe kick then a deadlift German suplex! They circle, and she takes Witchblade down before applying a forearm choke.


They've been trading hard moves back and forth - a DDT here, a chokeslam there! But now there's one more DDT and then the Ultrinate Driver by Aika!


Aika locks in the heel hook and- and it's over just like that! Witchblade taps out to the heel hook! A surprisingly technical finish to a hard-hitting match of the monsters!



Here's our second match, and we have a definite clash of styles. Utena wants to keep this upright, with strikes and weapons, whereas Venus wants to keep the fight grounded so she can utilise her various holds. Speaking of, she tries for a single-leg tackle but Utena blocks it and manages a front headlock.


Heartbreaker from Sailor Venus! And she follows up with the reverse triangle scissors - Utena manages to escape, but she may well have been weakened.


Utena slashes Venus with her blade, drawing blood and launching her from the ring! Sailor Venus goes for a weapon of her own under the ring, and she has the barbed wire baseball bat!


That's a possible knockout punch by the rose prince! And she follows up with a frog splash to the lower back!


Utena delivers a great spear to Sailor Venus, then the Final Cut! And then throws Venus into the ropes before landing one more hard punch! She's really in control here. All it took was attempted murder with a sword!


Venus starts making a return with that illegal hanging choke, and straight away goes for a weapon. Even when that doesn't work, they both return to the ring but she brings ANOTHER barbed wire bat in. I would have thought we only needed one under there!


Minako rolls Utena through into the calf crusher, it takes some time for her to escape. It looks like Utena's knee has been weakened... Sailor Venus slides into a heel hook! And it's enough for the win!



It's the third match, and Sailor Mercury almost starts with a heel hook. It worked for the last two matches tonight, but it's a bit early now, Pluto can roll to lessen the stress, then slip free.


Oh! A kick to the princess parts by Sailor Pluto! And now she can take control, delivering a half-hatch suplex!


And she continues this onslaught with the Time Bomb! Then she locks in a scorpion death lock - Mercury does manage to escape, but her back has to hurt now!


It looks like Sailor Pluto is going for her Dead Scream Piledr- wait no, Mercury escapes, she reverses it! Tombstone from Mercury, then she locks in the triangle scissors!


Pluto tries again, but Mercury reverses it again! It's just too early to go for that kind of move! She rolls into a pin attempt, one! Two! Threoooo no!


Sailor Pluto locks in the upper wrist lock and walks the ropes... Mercury can't escape without suffering a break, thrust to the throat! What an acrobatic display!


V-Trigger Rainmaker! By Sailor Mercury to reset the momentum!


And here we are with a kata-hajima! Mercury has the choke locked in, and Sailor Pluto passes out almost straight away! Mercury wins!



Our final match for the night begins violently - Sailor Uranus is attacking with the space sword almost straight away.


Natsuru sets Haruka up on the turnbuckle, but Haruka counters, she pulls her into a powerbomb of sorts, yet still only gets a one-count!


Slingblade by Sailor Uranus! And then the spinning powerbomb! She's taking control of this one for certain!


SPACE TORNADO OGAWA! ONE! TWO! TH- SHE KICKS OUT! Natsuru managed to kick out, and straight away she responds with a vertical suplex then a scoop slam!


Pimp Juice by Sailor Uranus and then... oh no, oh no! She's going to pillmanize the knee! Haruka busts Natsuru's knee with those chairs!


Out of nowhere, Natsuru unleashes her Blue Magic, and that's a knockout! She knocks Sailor Uranus out cold, it was the miracle she needed!



Post-Match Interviews:

"That was the big match that mattered to me, the one I was waiting for. It didn't disappoint as battles go, we both unleashed our strongest moves and went all-out from the start. I even had to go a bit out of my usual field to pick up the win."

"Aaargh, I can't even be the biggest scariest monster of the adults? I'm not the one striking fear into hearts? I was doing so well with that early burst of offence... this isn't going to be the last time we face each other though. I promise you all."

Sailor Venus:
"Haha! I win it all again - I may have had the odd hiccup in the past, but you know what they say: if at first you don't succeed, keep trying the same thing and expect different results! Heel hook for the win!"

Sailor Mercury:
"That's not how the saying goes, Minako! It's... well never mind, I am making my way through this NEARLY undefeated. I am set to emerge in second place for the C-Block... second place. I should feel better about this win."

"Oh they're shutting up now and letting me speak? Great. I had such a good game plan going in - keep it a striking contest on our feet. Unfortunately, her game plan was the reverse, and hers won out. I can talk about the what ifs, but the fact is it was a wrestling match, and I'm not a wrestler at heart. I just thought I can't win, but maybe I can at least ruin her chances of winning the block. I just have to put my faith in She-Ra to win the bracket."

Sailor Pluto:
"Mercury and I once got along well. She's the smartest of that group - and she FIGHTS smart too. I rushed, and paid the price for it."

"That was a close one! It really looked like she had my number there for a bit, all over me like a harem on a bland dude. But sometimes, it just takes one decisive strike, and I managed to deliver. That one move made all the difference there."

(Sailor Uranus is being checked for concussion.)
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 19

It's Night 19, we're so close to crowning our new champion! Tonight we'll see two classic heroines face off - Sailor Moon in one corner, Cutey Honey in the other! Then it's Chacha against Hydra, before Satsuki faces Rem. Then finally, Sailor Jupiter does battle against Kurumi.

Our first match has a slow start, with a lot of tentative, cautious strikes. It's more than two minutes before our first suplex, but here at the four minute mark we have an exchange of blows, and then a leaping moonsault to the lower back!


And here's that trademark combo by Sailor Moon - the Moon Breaker, then a standing moonsault, but she only gets a two-count! It's too early, it seems.


Honey takes Usagi down, then climbs up top. She deals a firebird splash to the back... then another one right after! She's showing absolutely no mercy to Sailor Moon!


Head-scissors throw by Honey, and then a leaping cutter out of nowhere! She's really in control at this point.


Oh but now Sailor Moon is taking over, with a double wrist lock and twisted head scissors, she's applying pressure to the entire arm and the neck as well! Honey escapes, she goes behind... only to get caught in the double wrist lock again! Sailor Moon really wants to break that arm!


And it's a Super Rana in the middle of the ring! One! Two! Three! It looks like Honey's arm was too badly damaged to kick out, and Sailor Moon picks up the win!



Our second match starts off bad for Chacha, in her last attempt at gaining any points. Hydra throws her down, then gets inside her guard to deliver hard shots to the forehead!


They both run to the ropes, but Chacha is quickest to react, with a fabulous backflip kick! And then she steps into a Shoutei strike before Hydra can recover!


There's the sword by Chacha! She's not taking any more nonsense and is going for all-out violence! And then it's her bow-and-arrow lock, but Hydra can escape.


They're both battling outside the ring, exhausted, trading blows - Destino by Chacha! But you can't win the match outside the ring! She climbs in and the referee keeps counting... 15... 16... 17... Hydra makes it back just in time, but walks straight into a Canadian Destroyer! And then the Blade Runner! Chacha is really in control of this match!


Oh no, here's the Hydra Bite! But Chacha is up almost straight away!


They lock up, and once again, DESTINO! And the bow and arrow lock... Hydra submits, she gives up! The referee calls for the bell, and Chacha has just picked up her first win of the tournament in her final match!



It was a miracle for Chacha, how about Satsuki? She rushed into the offence early, but one sword strike by Rem leaves her bleeding, and there's the heel hook, attacking that injured knee! She manages to roll with the torque, and pulls that leg free to escape. But that was a close one.


Here's some new offence! With Rem thrown into the turnbuckle, Satsuki takes the chance to show off with an acrobatic back elbow!


Satsuki has lost a lot of blood in this match, and it's showing. Rem takes a moment to taunt her, then rolls into a camel clutch... wait, her foot is under the bottom rope! Ref, pay attention, Satsuki has a rope break! No! We have the submission, but an unwarranted one! This is an outrage! Red Shoes hasn't even been concussed yet tonight, he has no excuse for this blindness!



And our last match begins in Sailor Jupiter's favour, with the enziguri kick and a knee to the back of the calf. But she pauses for just a moment, and then it's Kurumi's game! She scoop slams Jupiter, then spears her to the ground! And then locks in the stretch muffler, she's going all-out here!


There's a nice spinning kick by Jupiter to take Kurumi down. She takes a moment to throw the 2-sweet, and then it's an axe kick!


The fight leaves the ring of course, but this isn't working in Makoto's favour - Kurumi delivers a PAIR of soulful powerbombs before they return to the ring! But Jupiter was playing possum, as soon as they're back she delivers a Lightning Twist, one! Two! No, just a two-count.


Oh! Storm Breaker by Kurumi! She steals Sailor Jupiter's finisher against her! There are a few shoves, and- wait, now Sailor Jupiter shows how it's done, delivering the Storm Breaker of her own!


Last of the Dragons by Jupiter, but Kurumi's leg is between the ropes - Red Shoes sees THAT break. And Kurumi is back on her feet straight away, and here we go... STEEL! WINGED! ANGEL!



That's it, Kurumi wins!


Post-Match Interviews:

Sailor Moon:
"~As if by fate we were born on the same pla-net, it's a mi-ra-cle ro-mance! Oh sorry, just singing for my victory there. She might be OLDER, but I'm still the true heroine, the iconic magical girl! Hahaha, it's a nice try Honey."

Cutey Honey:
"Damn it... that was the one match of all that I REALLY wanted to win. I'd trade all the others away just to defeat her, and she's so obnoxious about the whole thing... can't a classic heroine be more pleasant?"

"I- I did it! I can't believe it, my losing streak is finally over! I know, it's way too late for me in the tournament, and it's not like I defeated someone like She-Ra, but even so! Hydra is no slouch and I managed to beat her!"

" is what it is. I guess I feel okay for her, even though I needed those extra points. At this point, I need She-Ra to win the finals, because then, I was the only one to beat her in the tournament itself, I can demand the title match. I need to hope for that."

"Eh? Well I knew I was going to win this one, and that's not to insult her. I knew I was going to win EVERY match, it's just sometimes I was wrong with what I knew. I feel bad for her on zero points, but what can you do? Everyone has to go all-out in this."

"I'm not saying I would have won, I can't guarantee it changed the outcome... but my foot was under the rope. She should have broken the hold. Win or lose, I went into that on zero points so couldn't have won the bracket, but I want a rematch just for personal pride!"

"Tada! I went from a losing streak to a winning one! Three in a row, bringing me up to 50% for the tournament! I hope this serves as inspiration for all the other robot girls out there!"

Sailor Jupiter:
"For fuck's sake. I got so cocky after I beat Sailor Uranus, and then look what happens. I'm amongst the real losers in this... how embarrassing."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 20

Everyone, we have exciting news: the commissioner has greenlit a rematch between Satsuki and Rem on the night of the semi-finals! That's just two nights from now, and seeing as the results can't change the tournament results, it's just pride on the line! Tonight it's half of Aika's only chance at getting to the finals - she has to win against Shizuka AND Lead Crow needs to lose tomorrow. Then Utena and Valkyrie face off, before Ryuuko and Sailor Pluto do battle. Then the final match is Sailor Uranus against Asuka!

It begins hard and fast, and Aika is in control of this one. She lands a hard DDT, before locking in that reverse spine lock, but Shizuka escapes quickly.


And there's an implant DDT! Aika is focusing most of her offence to the face, head and neck here.


Shizuka now manages a burst of energy, she takes Aika to the ground with that spinning arm-breaker, then locks in the reverse armlock, wrenching back and trying to dislocate the shoulder!


Aika pulls the tights for a piledriver, and makes the cover... no, just a two count. But straight away she follows with a reverse tombstone! There's just no mercy here and Red-Shoes might need to consider stopping the match.


Shizuka manages to get back into the game with a few good strikes, she slips behind... the boobplex! One! Two! Oh so close! She nearly pulled a victory out by surprise! And then a dropkick to send Aika tumbling out of the ring.


Shizuka really is getting back into the game, with a leaping stomp to the midsection.


Shizuka delivers a great running dropkick! And then... another boobplex! Oh, I think Aika's head smacked the turnbuckle there... she's out cold! Shizuka wins with a vicious knockout by using her inappropriate style moves!



Our second match starts a little light-hearted - Val-Q must know that she doesn't want a stand-up fight with Utena, but lifts her for a dizzy spin. Utena isn't particularly bothered, and straight away gives a Northern Lights suplex.


Very early in, Utena goes for her sword and Val-Q is bleeding profusely. She's trying to go for a quick finish, stomping Valkyrie into the turnbuckle.


Running leg drop by Utena, then she lifts Valkyrie... burning sword! That's the name of the move, not an actual sword set on fire, you'd be forgiven for making the assumption!


Valkyrie is trying to get back into this, with a dragon screw then a solid rolling clothesline. I don't know if she can keep this up.


What an odd tactic by Valkyrie - she's trying to convince the referee that Utena hit her with that illegal chair, but Utena has already hit her with that allegedly legal sword!


Utena brings her sword out again, and then hits a sliding kick to Valkyrie's face. She really isn't holding back.


Another fantastic Northern Lights suplex by Utena... one, two, three! Just like that, she wins this match in a convincing manner.



Here we are in match three, and Ryuuko is taking out a lot of aggression on Sailor Pluto. She's already bust Pluto open with the sword, and now goes for a fantastic aerial display!


Setsuna tries lifting Ryuuko onto her shoulders for a big move, but she escapes, and just swats her across the back of the head.


Time Bomb by Sailor Pluto! She still has enough to hit some big moves like tha- oh, leaping cutter by Ryuuko! She's still in control here.


Another strike, and a roll-up... hey ref! Come on, you're meant to look at Pluto's shoulders, not Ryuuko's taint!


Death Valley Driver! And then Ryuuko ducks the running kick, but Pluto planned for that one, rewinding time for the reverse kick!


It really looks like the blood loss has done the damage to Sailor Pluto, she's out on her feet. She just can't defend herself and Ryuuko pins her... for three! She gets the three count after a simple elbow strike!



Now it's our final match, and Sailor Uranus begins with a spinning powerbomb. Straight away she goes for the Boston crab, torturing Asuka like a young lion!


Now it's a piledriver, and this early in the match! She has something to prove, and wants to injure her opponent!


And ANOTHER piledriver straight after... then a deadlift German suplex! Only a one-count though.


Asuka goes for a kick, but Haruka hits her with the Space Sword - but Asuka is still ready to fight and counter, applying a cobra twist and really applying hard pressure!


Asuka is now bleeding from another sword attack, but catches Sailor Uranus with the spinning arm breaker before going for the choke sleeper. She's trying to squeeze the life out of Haruka there.


SPACE! TORNADO! OGAWA!!!! One, two, three! And Sailor Uranus gets another win!



Post-Match Interviews:

"She's the better striker, she's probably the better grappler... but I'm the better Professional Wrestler. Even putting weapons and entertainment aside, I understand the rules and how to win a wrestling match. Ta-ta~"

(Aika is being checked for possible concussions.)

"You know, I thought she was going to go in as violent as I did. I feel bad in retrospect, but I thought this would be a mess of horrifying feats... I'm sorry. I didn't do wrestling in a wrestling match."

"I had a good start there... but only a good start. I just couldn't compete once she brought that sword out and things got violent. I wasn't going to win the tournament with my score anyway, but it still sucks."

"Don't we all just want to beat the Senshi into a bloody mess? I know that wasn't an exciting match-ending move for the audience, but look at the entirety of it, not the last four seconds. I really got some nice revenge."

Sailor Pluto:
"And another loss for me. I think I'm losing my touch, to be honest. Even considering I'm used to fighting as a group, I still should have done a lot better for a while now."

Sailor Uranus:
"Yeah I know how Pluto feels... I won this one to send the audience home sad, but I had a really bad run in this league. I look forward to going back to regular events and the teams running wild."

"Oh well... I did okay for a while there. And they want to go back to gang violence? Well, be careful what you wish for, is all I have to say."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 21

Ladies and gentlemen! This is it, night 21 of the Galaxy-1 Climax tournament, and the final night before the Semi-finals take place! Sailor Lead Crow has the A-Block in the bag here, but Sailor Mars is out for blood - besides, a victory here would mean a title shot if Lead Crow went on to win it all. Then Sailor Saturn takes on She-Ra, who again we know has won B-Block, but there's still that chance at a title shot. Sailor Neptune takes the fight to Punie and risks putting us in an odd three way tie for the C-Block, then finally Moka is looking for a victory against Sailor Aluminum Siren, who has already won the D-Block.

Our first match begins explosively, with Mars going on the offensive, and leaping into an impressive Eiffel Parachute! It's not going to put Lead Crow away though, at least not this early.


Already Crow has the advantage, and here she is busting Mars open with a fork! There's blood on the ring already, now it's a vicious stomp, then a rolling splash from the turnbuckle!


What incredible athleticism from Lead Crow! I know I shouldn't cheer for her, but that's still impressive to see!


Sailor Mars still has some fire in her, no pun intended, as she ducks a clothesline attempt and lands a strike... oh, but Crow neutralises it with a leaping cutter.


You can't truly rule someone out until the bell rings, as we've seen, and here's a great fireball powerbomb by Sailor Mars!


Look at the blood everywhere, this is just horrendous! And now it's... the Galactic Tornado Driver! That might be an F5 but Mars looks anything but refreshed!


Look at that disrespectful slap, and then the taunting. Lead Crow goes up top... twisted moonsault to the spine! And then she rolls Mars through into a pinfall - she's on her way to the semi-finals with one more victory for the extra momentum!



All right, we've cleaned the ring, but I won't hold my breath for it to stay this way for long. Still, She-Ra might be our only hope as we go further into the tournament, and she starts off strong, just throwing Saturn around the place!


And there's a Tiger Suplex! I thought it was He-Man who had the tiger ally!


Another suplex by She-Ra, one... two... oh so very close! But the onslaught doesn't stop there, She-Ra is firmly in control!


Look at that vertical brainbuster, bouncing Saturn out of the ring! Come on, of all the planets she belongs in th- never mind my dumb joke, She-Ra takes to the skies! She's just not giving Hotaru a moment to breathe here, but careful, Saturn has a chair.


It looks like Sailor Saturn might just have made her way back into this with a small shift in momentum. She tries choking She-Ra with the Code of Silence, but our heroine powers out, and just scoop slams her in return.


A blocked punch, a counter, and now She-Ra just goes to town with a pair of rolling Sentons to the back! And now- yes, that's the Crystal Clash, but Hotaru rolls out before she can be pinned.


Oh no, she's brought a sledgehammer back in... just one shot to the ribs with the wooden end- oh and that's the brass knuckles! Referee, do your damn job! And the Death Valley Driver follows!


Things have taken an alarming change here - again and again, Saturn has landed those death valley drivers and now She-Ra can barely stand. Even fighting is taking it out of her- and just like that, there's the three-count! Sailor Saturn promised destruction, and now with more weapons than some armies she has picked up the win!



Here we go, match three, and it's starting with some athleticism. Neptune knows to block the takedown attempt, she sprawls... but Punie is the better wrestler and gets behind her with a hammerlock. Go on, break that arm!


Again they're locked into a close grapple but Punie still has some unique offence in the bag, I think that's a Japanese Necktie there! Luckily for Neptune, they're right against the ropes.


Goddess damnit Punie! You've played with fire before with the fun and games! And just like that, Neptune makes her pay for her hubris with the Heavy Rain!


We've just seen four more of those Heavy Rain bombers in a row, Neptune has just gone to town in anger - that early ploy clearly didn't pay off, and here's Neptune going up top... HIGH! FLY! FLOOOW! One, two, three! Sailor Neptune wins the match, and now we have to have a bonus night of run-off matches for her, Punie and Mercury!


(Yes there will be a special Night 22 thanks to the three-way tie, no I didn't plan this, yes it's very pro wrestling for something like this to be sprung on the "last" night. Yes it was a really short match with just a whole heap of Heavy Rains in a row.)


Somehow nobody drew blood in either of the previous two matches, but things are surely about to change. Moka chokeslams Siren and we're not even a minute in, then straight away she goes for the scissor triangle.


Aluminum Siren is no slouch, she has earned her position here loathe as I am to say it. A twisting neckbreaker helps reset things, and then she lands the hidden blade!


Oh no, Siren has gone flying out to hit Moka! And then she sets a chair down, and delivers her finisher RIGHT ONTO THE CHAIR OUTSIDE THE RING!


They lock up, and Siren delivers an excellent Fisherman Suplex! One! Two! Almost! Moka somehow kicks out!


Here we go, here's the blood the audience craves! They're cheering as Moka chomps away at Siren, painting the floor red!


Short lariat from Moka, and then she brings out the kama, determined to injure Siren! But now it's Siren's turn to bite, and both athletes are bleeding all over the ring! Someone just lightly touch the ref and it can be everyone bleeding!


There's the Galactic Tsunami Flowsion by Siren, and then she leaps for a hurricanrana, going for the pin - but Moka still escapes!


Once again, Moka can just barely kick out from the Blizzard Suplex- oh but that's the octopus lock, the manjgatame! And she gives up, Siren has this won!



Post-Match Interviews:

Sailor Lead Crow:
"What did you plebs in the commentary boxes even expect? I came here to destroy Lunar Club, the rest of you fools were just icing on the cake. Mars has been taken out, and now I'm on my way to the finals - indeed BOTH of us are. Galaxia-gun... Ichiban!"

Sailor Mars:
"Yeah yeah, I know. I admit it, it hasn't been a good tournament for me, has it? Aspirations were too big. But still, I have a team with me, once this is over we can go back to the numbers game. Maybe the stubborn Outers can accept their place and help with this one."

Sailor Saturn:
"EVERYBODY DIES! I told you at the start, didn't I? Yeah you go into this and win it, She-Ra, I wish you luck. Because as soon as you lift that title above your head? I'm coming for you."

"Did you see that? Did anyone here see those weapons? I can barely remember what a fair, by-the-rules match LOOKS like any more. But it doesn't matter. I still won the block. Next opponent is Crow, then it's the title match, and I restore the honour of Greyskull."

Sailor Neptune:
"The nerve of her! Even Haruka has to ask special permission to... never mind that, so much for the best wrestler! She played some games, well the playing stopped - and playing is a verb, Nash, not an adjective. Maybe I needed that anger to fuel me, but I went into this wanting victory. Not just to wipe the smile off her face, but for my own chance at the title, for pride - and the fact that it throws plans into disarray and forces another night? Well that's just a bonus."

"Haha... when will I learn? When will I learn that the wrestling ring is just for wrestling, for the strongest style, the violent art? I asked for that loss when I stopped focusing on joint locks. But I still have a chance - I just have to win two matches tomorrow night and I'm still in."

Sailor Aluminum Siren:
"I could have just sat that one out, sure. I could have coasted on by to the semi-finals and eat the loss, but what's the point of that? I wanted to show I can make vampires bleed, I can make the gods bleed. I made a statement. And now I'm standing even with my friend-"
Sailor Lead Crow:
Sailor Aluminum Siren:
"-and we can both win our respective halves then have the match of the century for the finals! And yes, Galaxia-gun will be taking the title home, we'll rule the universe and you'll never see the gold again!"

"Aaargh! She bit me, that's not how this works! That's the most embarrassing way a vampire possibly can die! As the only one of my show with a transformation, I feel it's my responsibility to represent them, but here we are... what a bad turn-out."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
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Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:54 pm
Location: South Ausfailia

Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 22

Okay everyone, it's night 22 out of 21 here, and we have our run-offs. But before that, Satsuki gets her rematch against Rem! So let's get things started straight away!

Rem gets a knee strike in for her first move and- and she draws blood! That soon!


Satsuki isn't put off though, despite the bleeding. She keeps attacking the legs, wanting to keep Rem grounded and weakening her knees for that calf crusher. This is good strategy, and she's clearly planned for this match.


Great sliding kick there by Satsuki, then a Frankensteiner! She's not letting up in this fight, she absolutely has something to prove.


DESTINO! Then she drags Rem back... and the hidden blade! Suddenly the attacks are going to the back of the head!


Rem breaks out her sword, then goes straight into a heel hook! She's turning the tables quickly, and showing no mercy in this match.


Back to attacking the knees, Satsuki goes for the double calf crusher... then as soon as Rem stands again, she delivers a Northern Lights Bomb!


Oh, there's the Hollow Point! And a reverse rana! That might have just spelled the beginning of the end of this match.


Satsuki ejects Rem from the ring with a sword strike, and now both wrestlers are bleeding. They take the fight outside, and... GO TO SLEEP by Rem! But Satsuki is back up, and attacks with her sword again!


They're back in the ring, but I think they're both worn ou- oh, another Hollow Point by Rem! Satsuki might be out cold there, and Rem makes the cover - one, two, three! She secures her victory this time, in the middle of the ring.



Here's the start of our rematches for the C-Block tied winners, with Mercury and Punie starting. Punie begins with a quick take-down, then Mercury responds with a dragon screw. Punie leaps up, going for the head-scissors, but Mercury power bombs her! Then a suplex!


Now Sailor Mercury gets the heel hook locked in, quickly going for a devastating submission, but Punie escapes.


Blizzard Suplex by Ami, but Punie lands in the ropes and gets the break. They fight away from the ropes, and Punie takes over, going for her Japanese Necktie again. However, now it's Mercury's turn to escape a hold.


Punie again goes up top for a move, but Sailor Mercury throws her to the floor! And it's another heel hook! What is this, early Pancrase?


Now Punie gets the head-and-arm scissors applied from the takedown, but it's not enough - and then she goes for a princess heel hook of her own! She's just completely unrelenting as soon as you give her a moment.


Punie traps Sailor Mercury in her guard, and that's... I think that's a D'arce choke! A clever move there, but Ami still escapes. Then we have a rolling pin attempt.... no, just a two count, but so close! And then a latch lock by Punie!


Punie goes for another heel hook, but Sailor Mercury somehow holds on. And then she goes for one of her own! They're just trying to cripple each others' knees here! And Punie submits! Mercury wins their rematch!



Our next match in the series pits Mercury against Neptune once more, and Michiru is not wasting any time, starting things with the Heavy Rain!


And then an Emerald Flowsion! Such a strong start by Sailor Neptune here, she wants her revenge and a position in the final four of the tournament!


Wait, Sailor Mercury pulls out a piledriver! That's not a usual move for her! She follows with a rolling Senton to the back.


Shine Illusion by Sailor Mercury! She covers, one, two, Neptune kicks out!


Here's something we haven't seen too much of from Sailor Neptune, a top-rope hurricanrana! One, two, th- Mercury kicks out! But she drops to a high back kick!


Here we go, another Heavy Rain! Then the cover, one, two, three! Sailor Neptune has now avenged her loss! If Punie wins the next one it means we have to go into night twenty THREE out of twenty one!



A familiar start to things, with Punie going for a tackle, Sailor Neptune stuffing the attempt, the scramble, but Punie still takes her back with the hammerlock.


Now Neptune has had enough, she's just unloading fierce punches to the back of the head!


Now its Punie's finisher, the Princess Ankle Lock! Come on Punie, we need two of our original crew to make it through this, it can't be She-Ra and three senshi!


Wow, Sailor Neptune has a few tricks up her sleeve, rolling and catching Punie in her own Princess Double Wrist Lock!


Oh, and the referee is down! I think that one might have been deliberate, with no real benefit - but sometimes violence is its own reward!


Oh no, we've seen this exact situation before tonight, and in the same corner - Heavy Rain! Neptune drags Punie away from the ropes, makes the cover... one, two, three! Sailor Neptune is making her way to the semi-finals!



Post-Match Interviews:

"I didn't even know about her foot under the ropes last time, that wasn't some clever cheating... but now we have my victory all clean for everyone to see. Hey it was a good showing though! I think the audience really liked the match, it had reversals, high-flying, power moves, technical wrestling, blood... what more could you fucking ask for?"

"I need to make up for my losing streak. My results have been nothing but an embarrassment. I can't tell you how I intend on fixing these things, but I promise that I'll redeem myself, even if I have to shock the world and send someone else out on a stretcher. Or in a bag."

Sailor Neptune:
"I did it... I fought two back-to-back matches and won them both! Hey dickhead, give me that water bottle... I'm exhausted, yes, but I have now put myself into the top four, and it's just two more matches to win it all. And I avenged my loss to Mercury, that's one of the important things! And beating up Punie again, well I'll never turn down a chance to do that!"

Sailor Mercury:
"Close... so close... well I still hold a victory against Neptune so if she wins the title, I'm claiming my rights to challenge for it. And in the meantime, I got revenge against Punie, we're 1-1 there. Should we have a rubber match, maybe? Or is it too soon for that, should we let it simmer a bit? I can't complain, I nearly got there."

"Huh, a third match already? Give it time, let people get an appetite for it. But yeah, I'll go for the rubber match. But with one change, Ami: I want it fought under Pancrase rules! Yes I'm pissed off to lose two in a row tonight, or three in two days. I was on such an undefeated streak, and then this! Well who cares, I need to keep looking forward."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 23 - Semifinals


Here we are, night 23, the night of the semi-finals! We'll have the A and B block winners of Sailor Lead Crow and She-Ra clash, and then the C and D block winners of Sailor Mercury and Sailor Aluminum Siren face off. But before that, there are some warm-up matches, where two sisters team up and, along with one ally, form Team Kill to face three members of Lunar Club, and then we have a Junior division tag battle: Splash Star vs Mew Mew! Ladies and gentlemen, I am your commentator Juri, and this is Magical Girl Pro Wrestling!

Here is Jakuzure Nonon, second in command to Satsuki and fellow member of Team Kill, here to bolster her allies and help fight Lunar Club through any means necessary. Let's see if they can prevail as a team...


Right from the start, Satsuki ends up isolated in the enemy corner, and both Mercury and Mars deliver the Zack Mephisto! It's Dangerous Tekkers, lads! Mercury then follows with a suplex, and this is already looking bad.


She reaches her own corner and tags in Nonon - and Mars falls into the trap, following and- that's the 3D! And a simple stomp to the head to follow!


It's just festival of double-team manoeuvres here tonight! That's the Golden Trigger by Sailors Moon and Mercury!


Wait, Mercury has the kata-hajime locked in on Ryuuko, but her allies break the hold, and violently! Now it's just a downright slobber-knocker of offence between wrestlers, all order is breaking down!


Sailor Mercury is suplexed in the corner, and now it's just a parade of aerial moves - diving stomps and a corkscrew moonsault! Team Kill are working in unison here!


The double-teaming continues, this time with a double powerbomb to Sailor Moon, and Satsuki performs her leaping stomp again! It really is payback time!


Once again it's chaos in the ring - Nonon has Sailor Mars trapped in the Skull-End, wait that's the Moon Breaker by Sailor Moon to Ryuuko, and then the Moonsault! Lunar Club are keeping the others at bay, and Sailor Moon gets the pinfall!



Now, let's introduce you to the juniors in this next tag match: representing Tokyo Mew Mew, we have Mew Ichigo ((centre)) and Mew Zakuro ((far right, but not that kind of far right))!


And representing Pretty Cure Splash Star, we have Cure Black ((left)) and Cure White ((right))!


This one also starts with everyone getting into the ring, and Splash Star are taking control with their striking prowess!


It looks like Mew Mew managed to take over now, using their double-team powerbomb, but White just kicks them away when they try it again.


Cure Black just charges in with a rapid-fire series of strikes - and then she's all over Zakuro, punching her in the back of the head!


Cure White has Zakuro caught in a head-and-arm scissors, and already Cure Black is there to stop any interruption - oh but Ichigo takes her down with a codebreaker! And now Zakuro applies a stomach claw to Cure White!


Front vertical-lift facebuster by Zakuro, but straight away Cure Black is there unloading a series of punches and kicks! The teamwork here is not technically allowed, but it works wonders!


Oh! Iron glove by Ichigo!


And here comes Cure Black with just more strikes, again and again - it's still not enough to overcome Mew Zakuro though, she gets some offence of her own... and then blows her away by shouting into that microphone!


Cure Black softens up Mew Ichigo for Cure White, but she catches her into that pumphandle driver straight away! Black breaks the pinfall though, and even as Zakuro locks up with her, White manages to cover Ichigo for the three-count! Another chaotic tag match!



Here we are, the first of the semi-finals. Things are getting serious now. And straight from the start, both athletes are striking each other at full force, showing no signs of a cautious start!


Oh, there's the Grenade by Lead Crow! I thought it was far too early for that! Come on She-Ra, you're our only hope here!


Forward facebuster by Lead Crow, then the stranglehold alpha - she's exerting her dominance in the early stages, but we need a change of tides.


She-Ra is not used to being manhandled like this - Galactic Tornado Driver! But both wrestlers are down, both of them are getting tired already.


Here is the comeback - a scoop slam by She-Ra, and then she locks in the seated crossface chickenwing! Lead Crow is clearly in pain, but she stands up - and there's a massive suplex by She-Ra, tossing her across the ring! The crowd is getting excited!


Oh no, RKO OUT OF NOWHERE! And then the spear! Lead Crow unleashes a burst of violence!


Shades of Tetsuya Naito here with that combination in the corner... but She-Ra delivers a wrist-lock suplex straight away! One! Two! So close!


Fingerguns from Lead Crow, and then a superkick! And she lands the diving knees off the turnbuckle to She-Ra! That second wind may have just worn off.


Here's another stranglehold... and straight away Red Shoes calls for the bell - it looks like She-Ra might have passed out! Lead Crow is going to the finals!



And now we have Neptune and Siren, both champions of the oceans, fighting for the right to face Lead Crow. Siren takes control at the beginning, locking in the Fish Stretch, then delivering a simple fireman carry.


Oh! It's a CRI - a Chair-Related Incident (TM)! Neptune wallops Siren with the chair, but she barely registers it, retaliating with the perhaps not so deadly nipple cripple!


Gorilla Press by Sailor Neptune - she almost dropped Aluminum Siren onto the chair! And then a deadlift German suplex, but Siren gets a hand under the ropes.


Here Neptune unleashes the same aggression that got her this far - an elbow, then repeated punches to the back of the head! And then a sharp kick to the shins and another deadlift German suplex! She's getting ready to finish this, we could see the Heavy Rain at any moment!


She goes up top, and High! Fly! Flooow! One, two- no just two!


Galactic Tsunami Flowsion by Siren! And then she performs a leaping Hurricanrana, but that lazy pin attempt isn't going to do it. Oh but now she bites the face! Neptune now has blood pouring from her forehead!


Fisherman Suplex by Siren, one! Two! Th-a kick out! The crowd are on their feet now!


Pimp Juice by Siren! But Neptune responds with a Fisherman Suplex of her own! And she gets- no wait, she doesn't, but SO CLOSE! Just a muff hair short of three! If Red Shoes was wearing even latex gloves that would be three!


Neptune climbs the turnbuckle again, High Fly- wait, Siren rolls aside! Michiru is face-down in her own blood, oh and Pimp Juice to rub it in! Now it's the Boston Crab, and... Red Shoes calls for the bell straight away! Instant submission there, and tomorrow the finals are going to be two friends, two rivals, Lead Crow versus Aluminum Siren: no matter what, Galaxia-gun is taking the title home!



Post-Match Interviews:

Sailor Moon:
"What, you thought you could solve your failures just by teaming up? Maybe that works against some of the punks here, but you teamed up against the greatest team - Lunar Club have been fighting as a group for years!"

"My debut wasn't so great, that's for sure, but that wasn't even my final form! Don't worry, I have more fire, I can make more noise, they're soon going to be singing a different tune. I'm not JUST here to cheer Satsuki up and help her springboard back to the top of the ranks, I'm a fighter in my own right and this was just a setback!"

Cure Black:
"Our first appearance was a win, just as planned - but there's more to do. Look, tomorrow you crown a new champion, how about you break out a new championSHIP and really let this junior division shine?"

Mew Ichigo:
"We were doing so well, we had this thing wrapped up for a moment... but then all those punches and kicks. I'm sorry, I didn't realise this was Magical Girl Pro Kickboxing - can we ban strikes and just do wrestling, maybe?"

Sailor Lead Crow:
"That's right! I just crushed all your hopes and dreams. You had one representative of the free agents, and I just put her to sleep. There's no honour for Greyskull, instead Galaxia-gun are taking the title and you can kiss our ass forever! And now, you get the match you all wanted to see this whole time, as our rivalry comes to a head to determine the real best, the true winner!"

"Passing out in the ring like that is embarrassing... to be pinned is one thing, but just blacking out? I'm sorry everyone. You pinned so many hopes on me, and I let you down. I'm not used to fighting someone that strong, I'm usually the powerhouse. But I will be back for vengeance one day, don't worry."

Sailor Aluminum Siren:
"Victory! That's right, Galaxia-gun are dominating the finals, and nobody from this garbage league gets to touch the title ever again! Even better, I had one more chance to take out a member of Lunar Club, and left Neptune lying in a pool of her own blood! People assumed I'm no good at fighting, but look where I am now! All of you are on notice, and had best get used to seeing Galaxia-gun on top!"

Sailor Neptune:
"After all that... I can't be sure the commissioner isn't Sailor Galaxia. She practically lured us all out into this promotion, and then straight away Galaxia-gun attack us? It's not really a coincidence, is it? Now those chosen ones are rewarded with the title, things are looking really fishy."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Night 24, the Finals!


Ladies and gentlemen, I am your commentator Juri, and THIS IS MAGICAL GIRL PRO WRESTLING! Tonight, Asuka is teaming up with two other transforming ninjas from Hanzo-gumi, fighting against rival transforming ninja gang, Crimson-gun. Then, Sailor Moon has to answer the challenge of a MYSTERY OPPONENT who is calling her out - apparently even complete strangers hate her! After this, we have a juniors match with Sailor Chibi-Moon against Mew Ichigo, and then it's our main event, the final match of the Galaxy-1 Tournament, for the vacated Galactic Championship!

For our first match, here they are, Hanzo-gumi, with the familiar Asuka flanked by Daidoji and Katsuragi! We have agility, technique, hard strikes and power all packed into three fighters:


And next up, their opponents. Crimson-gun, the villains of the ninja world, we have Crimson Homura, alongside Hikage and "the mad scientist" of the league, Haruka!


And here they are in action - Asuka and Homura lock up, and Asuka begins with the falling clothesline, then a scarf hold, but of course it's going to get harder.


Haruka gets lured to the Hanzo corner, and eats a double dropkick! Asuka uses her ninja magic to catch her from behind after this, but Hikage is waiting and hits her in the back - a fight is breaking out, but already Asuka slices Haruka open with her kama!


Now Katsuragi and Daidoji are taking turns attacking Hikagi, wait, now she's fighting back, landing punches to the face of her bigger opponent!


TIGER DRIVER! Daidoji is on fire here, now locking in a bear hug, but she succumbs to the numbers game... wait, I spoke too soon, already she's back in action and throws Homura overhead!


Piledriver to Haruka from Daidoji! And then she lifts for the hammer throw powerbomb! The others rush in to break the pinfall, but straight away she delivers another Tiger Driver!


Brass knuckles by Daidoji! Pump-handle drop by Katsuragi! The violence is all over the place here and it's hard to keep track! No wonder nobody likes tag team wrestling!


It's all breaking out here, with everyone in the ring! Katsuragi applies a surely illegal hold to Hikagi, that's not a joint lock! Punches are everywhere, there's a sword slice, we have chops to the collarbone... who is even meant to be in the ring? I think maybe the referee, but no idea who else!


Daidoji uses the brass knuckles again! I don't think anybody here gives a shit about the rules!


They're all here, breaking that neck lock by Homura... oh, double dropkick, an aerial attack, a chinbuster, it's all happening!


We have more big moves everywhere and- oh no! Homura starts stabbing Katsuragi in the head with her fork! She draws blood!


Flapjack-paydirt combo from Haruka and Homura to Katsuragi! Now the fork to Asuka's head, but Daidoji begins walloping Homura in the face with a closed fist while Katsuragi catches Hikage in the nipple cripple!


They're all fighting here and... another Tiger Driver by Daidoji, this time to Hikage! The others are all locked up, Homura is squeezing Asuka inappropriately but the referee is looking at the pin... and three! Hanzo-gumi pick up a bloody victory to start our night off!



Once the ring is clean, Sailor Moon walks out to the ring, waiting for the identity of her mystery opponent...


Papillon Rose: Sailor Moon... you used to appeal to young ladies, thirty years ago! You're old and stale, forced to result to villainous deeds for attention. As the sexy new heroine people want to be like - I even get my tits out on TV! - I will defeat you and send you scurrying. I, Papillon Rose, will be recognised as the new face of magical girls!

It starts with both of them throwing kicks - their styles match quite a lot. But eventually, Papillon Rose gets too greedy with those kicks, and Sailor Moon uses a counter we haven't seen from her before, an Achilles lock!


Oh no! We've already seen THIS move twice tonight! Papillon Rose just squeezes hard, but Sailor Moon throws her aside. We have a lot of kick attempts, but turning for a back kick just means turning your back for your opponent's faster moves! And then a dropkick! And I'm talking about the move, not the scholastic endeavours of the two wrestlers!


Suplex de la Luna! One! Two! No, Tsubomi kicks out, and is still ready to fight Usagi.


Sailor Moon locks in a fancy leg compression hold... it's no good, Rose isn't going to submit. The fighting resumes, a careful dodge there by Papillon Rose, and then Usagi locks in the Sniper Crossface!


Heartbreaker by Sailor Moon! She climbs the turnbuckle... then leaps off for a moonsault attack! She is staying in control of this match.


Oh, Tsubomi hits a running death valley driver, then a rather cocky pin attempt. Sailor Moon kicks out at two, and now it's Papillon Rose locking in the Sniper Crossface, but they're right in the ropes!


Oh! Their offence has been quite similar so far, but Papillon Rose just used the Moon Breaker! And a standing shooting star for the cover, one! Two! Oh so close! Imagine if she had pinned Sailor Moon after using her own finisher on her. Now Sailor Moon delivers a moonsault to the back!


Oh no, here's Sailor Venus! She's run out here just as Sailor Moon delivers the DO-DON! (translation: BONK!) And then... Sailor Venus locks in the heel hook! That's it, the referee calls for the bell! It's a disqualification!


But it's not enough - they deliver the GOLDEN TRIGGER! This match was thrown out, Papillon Rose wins by disqualification and surely V-Moon are in trouble for this one!



For match three, we have Mew Ichigo, seen last night in tag action, and her opponent... the younger daughter from the future of Sailor Moon, it's the worst villain in the world, Sailor Chibi-Moon!


This begins with rough, unsporting conduct - scratches to the face all round!


Shoulder-breaker by Chibi-Moon! And a dragon screw! She's showing unrelenting violence and ferocity here.


Now Chibi-Moon goes for the biting! She's seen this win matches for other wrestlers, and now Ichigo is bleeding from the face! Oh, wheel kick by Chibi-usa!


Oh! FUTURE SHOCK DDT by the future Queen of the Moon! And a standing moonsault, one! Two! Two point nine surely!


Clothesline by Chibi-Moon, then a diving cover... one, two, three! Chibi-Moon wins this, and Ichigo managed almost no offence of her own!



All right... ladies and gentlemen, your main event is scheduled for ONE FALL! (crowd: ONE FALL!) and will determine the new IWGP Galactic Champion! These are the finals of the Magical Girl Pro Wrestling Galaxy-1 Climax Tournament, with a thirty minute time limit. First, in the red corner: standing at five foot eleven inches, and weighing in at none of our goddamn business, hailing from the far reaches of space, she is The Villain, Sailor Lead Crow!

Her opponent, in the blue corner: standing at five feet and eight inches, weighing in at you never ask a lady that, also from the far reaches of space, she is the heart and stomach of Galaxia-gun... Sailor Aluminum Siren!

We want a good clean- oh never mind. Straight away, elbow strikes from Siren, trying to bludgeon her longtime rival and concuss her!


Siren spends too much time posturing, and Lead Crow catches her with a diving cutter! And then... oh no don't do that... oh! She snaps the fingers! You'd never think they were teammates!


And already the biting, the blood! Aluminum Siren is wasting no time with committing fouls! And then a nipple cripple, we're at three rule breaches between them so far...


Lead Crow tried a blatant choke for a moment but Siren was quick to escape. Now she hits a Fisherman Suplex, but they're against the ropes. Oh! Galaxia Tornado Driver by Lead Crow! She just hit her finisher!


A brief Boston Crab attempt by Lead Crow, but Siren escapes. Still, Lead Crow keeps her overpowered, stomps on her midsection... then a running splash off the turnbuckle! Now she applies the Paradise Lock!


They exchange blows in the corner- superkick by Lead Crow! Oh, but straight away Aluminum Siren is on her feet and responds with a Clothesline! And then a moonsault! One! Two! Crow kicks out!


There's another superkick by Crow! But Siren just goes for another Fisherman Suplex - but already Crow escapes, and now goes for her stranglehold alpha! That's a dangerous, effective move, but seeing it done on Siren there make sit seem very inappropriate! Or maybe she just needs to wear pants!


Now it's the spear! And Lead Crow begins grinding her elbow into Siren's face, just wearing her down...


There it is! The Galactic Tsunami Flowsion! Oh, and she follows with the green mist! And more biting! Siren is not willing to settle for just a little bit of cheating, she could have gone for the pin but really wants to break the rules and her opponent's will.


Oh, that didn't pay off though, because now Lead Crow hits her with the Tsunami Flowsion! I think she knocked Siren out! She locks in the sleeper... and straight away Red Shoes calls for the bell!

Ladies and gentlemen, as a result of a submission by choke hold, the winner of this match... and NEW IWGP Galactic Champion... Sailor Lead Crow!



Post-Match Interviews:

(The ninjas are still fighting backstage. Unfortunately nobody dares approach them for interview.)

Papillon Rose:
"Ow... ow... everything hurts... but I WON, right? I suppose technically I won? But that's about the worst way to win. I wanted to be standing victorious there. Never mind, I made a bit of a statement. Maybe put us in a cage and see how it goes."

Sailor Moon:
"Suspended? SUSPENDED? Who the fuck does the commissioner think they are? You can't just exclude Sailor Venus from matches, we all show up where we want, when we want. And I'm not finished with you, Papillon Rose. Between the Outer Senshi and Galaxia-gun, I don't have enough enemies, I can take you on board as well. You can go through the whole gauntlet of us, and eat five losses in a row!"

Sailor Chibi-Moon:
"Ta-da! I know everyone was waiting for me to show up all this time! See how well I won, how dominant I was? I'm just going to clean-sweep this whole division, before you know it people will beg me to eat a pile of burgers and qualify as a heavyweight!"

Mew Ichigo:
"I'm sorry for the audience, for letting you down like that. And for you all having to see just two people with pink hair and pink clothes fighting and clawing, you could have no idea what was going on. But I promise this has just been a bad start."

Sailor Lead Crow:
"I did it, just like I told you all! I proved my dominance in the ring, I made it clear that I am the best in the faction and the best in the company! I have this title, and it's going to be mine forever! I guess I'll see you all in November when the Witchblade challenges me - the one person to get a single win over me in the whole thing. Until then, I'm taking it easy, no single battles, just tag team matches and interviews!"

Sailor Aluminum Siren:
"Yes, I know... I thought I could win. I really thought I had it, I made my way through practically undefeated, but right at the end there... I just didn't quite have what it takes. I probably had a moment where I could have pinned her, but I got too full of myself. I hope everybody enjoyed our match, I expect at least six and a half stars out of five, and as much as I wish I had managed the win, I can't help but be proud of my friend."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

So in a few days we have the first of the new weekly episodes, and in the meantime, let me introduce you to the new cast you've already met, and are soon to meet!


Papillon Rose (free agent)
Finisher: Rose Pinkish Viagra (Tights Piledriver)
Signature Moves: 4 different "smash crotch into opponent's face" moves



Jakuzure Nonon (Team Kill)
Finisher: Flight of the Valkyrie (Swinging Skull End)
Signature Moves: Original Lariat, High Front Kick, Thrust Dropkick, Playmaker


Katsuragi (Hanzo-gumi)
Finisher: Last of the Dragon
Signature Moves: Afterimage attack, Death Spiral, Boobplex, Jumping Axe Kick


Daidouji (Hanzo-gumi)
Finisher: Tiger Driver '91
Signature Moves: Tiger Driver, Top-Rope Tiger Driver, Brass Knuckles Punch, Spear Tackle


Crimson Homura (Crimson-gun)
Finisher: Cobra Clutch
Signature Moves: Ninja Choke Ambush, Afterimage Attack, Knife-Hand Chop Rush, King Cobra Hold


Hikage (Crimson-gun)
Finisher: Cobra Hold
Signature Moves: Choke Sleeper, Afterimage Attack, Ninja Choke Ambush, Anaconda Vice


Haruka (Crimson-gun)
Finisher: Experimental Hold (Original Triangle Lancer)
Signature Moves: Leg Pillmanizer, Ninja Choke Ambush, Mandible Claw, Torture Side Headlock



From left to right:
Mew Lettuce (Mew Mew - junior)
Finisher: Green Killer
Signature Moves: Skull End, Octopus Stretch, Diving Body Press, Five Star Frog Splash

Mew Pudding (Mew Mew - junior)
Finisher: Tambo Trench (Ape Shit)
Signature Moves: Monkey Flip, Banana Spread, Brass Knuckles Punch, King Kong Knee Drop

Mew Ichigo (Mew Mew - junior)
Finisher: Strawberry Ribbon (Swinging Skull End)
Signature Moves: Technical Spin, Tiger Driver, Tiger Suplex, Iron Claw

Mew Mint (Mew Mew - junior)
Finisher: Mint Arrow (Red Arrow)
Signature Moves: Knuckle Arrow Rush, Falcon Arrow Crush, Sniper Crossface, Bow and Arrow Hold

Mew Zakuro (Mew Mew - junior)
Finisher: Diving Double Knee Drop
Signature Moves: Tiger Tail, Shining Wizard, Fujiwara Armbar, Release Front Suplex



Left - Cure Black (Max Heart - junior)
Finisher: Marble Screw (Knuckle Pat Counter)
Signature Moves: Dashing Straight Punch, Mach Punch Rush, Body Punch Rush, Shoutei Rush

Right - Cure White (Max Heart - juniot)
Finisher: Marble Screw (Knuckle Pat Counter)
Signature Moves: Neck Hanging Choke, Tiltawhirl Backbreaker, Technical Spin, Foot Hold Arm Hold



Sailor Chibi Moon (New Moon - junior)
Finisher: Future Shock DDT
Signature Moves: Feint Stunner, Forehead Biting, Pegasus Kid Diving Headbutt, Heart Breaker

- ... 0311032607

Top-Left: Ves Ves (New Moon - junior)
Finisher: Lion Tamer
Signature Moves: Reincarnation, Tiger Tail, Tiger Suplex, Ruby Cutter

Top-Right: Jun Jun (New Moon - junior)
Finisher: Amazon Driver (King's Emerald Flowsion)
Signature Moves: Reincarnation, Danielson Stomps, Corkscrew Cannonball, Rodeo Stretch

Bottom-Left: Palla Palla (New Moon - junior)
Finisher: Big Bounce (Dodon!)
Signature Moves: Reincarnation, Flying Body Press, Corkscrew Cannonball, Ballin' Elbow

Bottom-Right: Cere Cere (New Moon - junior)
Finisher: Fly Trap (Hydrangea)
Signature Moves: Reincarnation, Diamond Cutter, Octopus Hold, Torture Texas Cloverleaf

- ... 0423073632

Mishima Akane (Ring Kampfer)
Finisher: Two to the Chest (Cipher Utaki)
Signature Moves: Hollow Point (Ganso Bomb), Fireball Bomb, Double Knee Backbreaker, Jumping Knee Kick

- ... 1225000929

Kondou Mikoto (Ring Kampfer)
Finisher: an actual sword to the face
Signature Moves: Indian Deathlock, Wheelbarrow Driver, Diamond Cutter, Burning Sword



Left to Right:

Ryouka Yamakawa (Kampfer White)
Finisher: Gun Stun
Signature Moves: Afterimage Attack, Microphone Attack, Torture Rack, Small Kokeshi

Ueda Rika (Kampfer White - junior)
Finisher: Sickle Hold
Signature Moves: Airplane Spin, Mexican Stretch, Reverse Drop Facebuster, Dodonce's Throne

Minagawa Hitomi (Kampfer White)
Finisher: Zauber Light (Nothern Lights Suplex)
Signature Moves: Play Maker, Magic Spell, Ninja Choke Ambush, Dodonce's Throne

Sayaka Nakao (Kampfer White)
Finisher: Sabre Driver
Signature Moves: Burning Sword, Diving Senton, Afterimage Attack, actual real sword attack to the actual face



Kekko Kamen (free agent)
Finisher: Opporoge Jump (High Hip Slam)
Signature Moves: four different "smash crotch into opponent's face" moves


And finally, the mysterious commissioner has assigned a new referee, agent of the Moderators in Kampfer (and thus totally unbiased), Sakura Kaede ... 0110190920
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

5/9/22, Monday Night Senshi Wars

Welcome to Monday Night Senshi Wars where the fun and violence never stop! As a reminder, both Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus are sitting out a two-week suspension for their antics at the Galaxy-1 Climax final night, but Papillon Rose will continue her battle against the Inner Senshi, teaming up with Agent Aika against the formidable duo of Mercury and Jupiter. After this, Sailor Mars battles Sailor Neptune, with the moderators clearly wanting to promote battle between the Sailor Soldiers. After this, Ueda Rika of the White Kampfers faces Bu Ling of Tokyo Mew Mew. And for the main event, She-Ra takes on Dream Hunter Rem!

Our match starts off with some neutral exchanges and then a quick tag into Aika, who unleashes the first real violence - that's a great backflip kick followed by a stiff elbow to the face.


Mercury turns the tide though with a fantastic flying head-scissors, throwing Aika into the Sailor Senshi corner. She tags Jupiter in, who fells Aika with a single high heel kick.


Now it's Jupiter's turn to get caught in enemy territory, and they level her with a double-team powerbomb! And then... ow! Papillon Rose delivers a headbutt straight to the squish-mitten!


Mercury and Aika are fighting once again, and after a takedown Ami delivers a running Senton - great execution there! And then it's the Blizzard Suplex, but Tsubomi breaks the pin attempt.


Aika is in trouble, she's isolated by the Sailor Senshi, now Jupiter is in control... LAST OF THE DRAGON!


Papillon Rose hits the diving Hurricanrana to Sailor Mercury, but that's a very relaxed pin attempt, it doesn't even get a two count.


Another running Senton by Mercury, but Rose is on her feet straight away... and goes right for the Sniper Crossface! And she gets the submission right there in the middle of the ring! This match is over, and Papillon Rose is technically 2 for 2!



It's nice to see there was no blood in that match, no weapon use, no outside interference - the action all took place in the ring, even! Aside from one low blow, that was a by the books match.

Here we are with our second match, and Michiru is quick to take over, landing punches to Rei's face. It looks like she's fully recovered from the semi-finals and is ready for another victory.


Heavy Rain! This is usually the beginning of the end, but it's so early in the match. She covers, one... two... and Mars kicks out! This is still anyone's game!


Oh! Burning Hammer by Sailor Mars! And Neptune bounces out of the ring! She might be out cold!


Neptune manages to get back into the ring at the count of 13, and she brings a baseball bat! One quick jab with it, but Mars pays it no mind and does more damage with a single slap! That Burning Hammer really took it out of Sailor Neptu- oh, Fisherman Suplex! One! Two! Th-not quite!


Mars hits with the fire breath, and takes a moment to pose! She's feeling cocky, but she really does seem to have done the most damage so far.


Another Burning Hammer! Wait- oh no, here comes Sailor Uranus! Haruka is here with a kendo stick, and she wallops Mars, giving her the disqualification victory!


And now Haruka is just unloading on Mars, punching her in the back of the head - she's out cold, the bell is still ringing, this match has been thrown out! You can be sure that the Outer Senshi are going to be in trouble for this.



The ring is finally clear and it's time for match three. Remember, it will be a VIEWERS' VOTE on which two Junior competitors will face each other in November for the new Junior Championship, so everyone will want to put on a good show. We've already seen PreCure Black and White, Mew Ichigo, Mew Zakuro, and Sailor Chibi Moon, so we have two more about to show their potential.

This is a rapid match, going back and forth with counters and escapes - there's a quick stomp by Bu Ling, a whip to the turnbuckle by Rika but Bu Ling backflips to safety... she then whips Rika to the ropes, but she slides to safety, oh not that time! Clothesline! And a splash!


Great Tiger Tail kick there by Bu Ling, and Rika tumbles out of the ring to the floor. We have a sleeper... oh, Penalty Kick to the chest! And another Tiger Tail! Now - wait no, Rika delivers a kangaroo kick! This match is just going back and forth!


Oh! What a shame, this was going so well but then Mew Pudding delivered a punch with the brass knuckles! That's disappointing... then it's an elbow drop, and... APE SHIT! APE SHIT! She calls that the Tambo Trench! One! Two! Three! And she wins the match, but I'd say both have displayed great moves!



Here we are with the main event, and She-Ra is in firm control with a scoop slam, before going straight for the Texas Cloverleaf. Rem escapes, but her back and legs have surely been stretched out.


Rem pulls She-Ra into her guard, then locks in a front headlock, she wants dreamtime to start... She-Ra escapes, and then Rem follows with a Fireman Carry.


A few firm strikes by She-Ra take Rem to the ground, and then she climbs up top for a diving splash! One! Two! And a kickout!


Another display of strength by She-Ra here, lifting Rem up then slamming her with a cover... one, two, oh so close!


And here's some new offence! She-Ra lifts Rem onto the turnbuckle, then takes her down with an Avalanche Crucifix Powerbomb! One! Two! Three!



Post-Match Interviews:

Papillon Rose:
"Victory, victory, that's two-zero! It should be three or four zero really, if you consider the number of senshi I defeated! I'm glad I can help take down these villains while also introducing some sex appeal, only old women are fans of the Sailor Senshi any more."

"They're all so annoying, these kids... I'm all for helping Rose fight the Senshi, this is a worthy cause, but she still talks too much. Oh well, I'm getting a beer."

Sailor Mercury:
"Having to submit that soon... that was embarrassing, but that's the thing with submission holds: you can just feel this sudden burning pain as a muscle tears, and you know you have to stop before any more damage happens. Sorry Mako-chan."

Sailor Jupiter:
"No, I should have been there to prevent the hold in the first place. It's okay, we can still get some revenge."

(Sailor Mars is being treated for concussion)

Sailor Neptune:
"Two weeks?! We're joining Moon and Venus in the naughty bin? Whatever, I think we sent a firm message - and I withstood TWO burning hammers in one match, show me any other person who has done that."

Mew Pudding:
"VICTORY! Oh yeah baby, check out my great moves! That was all action all the way - I didn't actually want to cheat, but hear me out: the goal here isn't just winning, it's impressing people and getting the audience excited. I want to win the votes, so I had to pull out something fancy there. I'm surely a shoe-in for the title match!"

Ueda Rika:
"Even with that loss, I think I still impressed people and put on a good showing. I was doing well right up until the brass knuckles came out. I understand I am splitting my attention - supporting my faction and also pursuing gold. But this is important."

"Now that we have a champion, I need to earn my way back up to the top - and that victory was part of it. It will take a number of wins, but eventually my record will put me in the picture."

"That really wasn't a good showing. I was kind of outmatched all the way through, save for a couple of moments, but I need to start racking up wins and earning a title shot..."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

12/9/22, Monday Night Senshi Wars

Welcome to Monday Night Senshi Wars where the fun and violence never stop! Sailor Moon and Sailor Venus are on the second week of their suspension, and Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune are on the first week of their suspension! But even at four down, we have a packed schedule tonight! Papillon Rose moves forward in her war against Lunar Club, taking on Sailor Mars, before Mercury does battle against Saturn - the Moderators are still trying to keep the senshi worn down. After this they're trying to break Ring Kampfer, pitting faction-mates Natsuru and Shizuka against each other. And for our main event, Team UFO will face Galaxia-gun in tag-team action!

Our first match starts almost normally - some circling, a hard slap to the face by Tsubomi, and then a kick to the lower back. She's not backing down from Mars' well-known aggression.


Big boot by Papillon Rose! And then she applies the head-scissors double arm lock - each of those holds preventing Mars from rolling away to reduce the pressure of the other hold. But somehow Rei powers out.


Now Mars is firmly in control, shoving Papillon Rose into the turnbuckle, then just throwing her across the ring by the hair!


The action is going back and forth, and- wait, what's this? Oh no, Sailor Jupiter is heading to the ring, she's not even in wrestling attire! She breaks the pin with a solid kick, and once again a match has ended in a DISQUALIFICATION!


Rose is still putting up a good fight, even in 2-on-1 battle! She's bleeding from the face, but keeps- oh, I spoke too soon, BURNING HAMMER! And now this is over, and you can be sure the Moderators will be taking action.



Now we have the second match, and hopefully this will be a more orderly affair. Saturn begins by taking Mercury to the ground, then goes for closed-fist punches to the face. Her striking game is probably better, but she doesn't want to get caught in a hold.


Death Valley Driver! In these early stages, Sailor Saturn is in control. She goes for the Gedo Clutch, but only gets a one count, it's still early.


And now we have an early attempt at the Rings of Saturn, but Mercury is able to escape. She then knocks Saturn down and locks in a kata-hajime choke.


Sailor Mercury is getting back into this, with an elbow, then a deadlift German Suplex! Not even a one-count, but she follows up with another throw, and then the heel hook! We've seen injuries from that move, but Hotaru manages to escape quickly.


Saturn goes up top and leaps off, but crashes to the mat as Mercury dodges. And that allows for a Blade Runner! And a Blizzard Suplex!


Another Death Valley Driver! And now Saturn locks in the Code of Silence, choking Ami out! She needs to break free from this soon.


Hotaru rolls free from an attempt at the octopus stretch, then straight away lifts Mercury up... Darkness Falls! One... two... just a two count!


Sailor Mercury was about to go for the green mist, but Saturn has that scouted and catches her with the paydirt! They're both down, but Mercury got the worst of it and probably just swallowed the goo she was going to spit.


Shine Illusion, right in the centre of the ring! One! Two! Two point nine nine, surely!


They're both going to the ropes, and... Mercury gets the best of it, spinning around Saturn with the Reincarnation, into a pinning predicament! One! Two! Three! She wins with a lucha pinning hold!



Here we are for our third match, and keep in mind they're teammates, but they both have a lot to prove. Neither one wants to back down or be seen as the weaker, so we have elbow shots, eye poking, shoves...


Another poke to the eyes and... and then it's magic! Natsuru is a Schwertz , she's demonstrating her magical powers! But it's no good, Shizuka shoves her into the turnbuckle and goes for a nipple cripple!


Natsuru is starting to take control with that double arm stretch, but now they're going for an exchange of forearms, just walloping each other in the face. I don't know who got the best of that, but they're proving this is no casual affair, they're here to earn each others' respect.


Natsuru slams Shizuka with a scoop slam, but straight away Shizuka retailiates with a swinging neckbreaker, and then takes her down again with a hard chop.


More chops to the chest from Shizuka, she's utterly relentless. And then... the hidden blade!


Sabre Driver by Natsuru! She holds on for the cover... so close! It was nearly three! But Shizuka has a burst of energy, she throws Natsuru to the ropes, then takes her down with a spinning armbreaker! And then she goes for the reverse arm breaker hold! Natsuru barely manages to escape, and the damage might be done.


Oh! Blue Thunder Bomb! Shades of Sami Zayn! One! Two! Three! Natsuru finishes with some new offence we have not seen before here! You have to think they've both earned each others' respect, they've certainly earned mine!



Now it's our main event, and you know it's going to get bloody. In the early stages, we've had some back and forth, but the double-teaming quickly begins - that's the 3D from Galaxia-gun, knocking Valkyrie silly.


Siren has already done some biting, and Hydra is bleeding from the face, but Team UFO are back in this, hitting a double dropkick on Lead Crow, then straight away taking the fight back to Aluminum Siren. They're not backing down from the champion and her teammate.


Here we go, Hydra is still bloodied but she's just taking control, slamming Crow to the ground and landing hard punches!


Oh, flapjack-paydirt combo by Team UFO, driving Siren's face into the mat! These two might just have what it takes!


Val-Q is now taking control of Siren, who seems to have a knee injury. She lifts her into the spiral powerbomb- oh, but Crow kicks her to break the fall! She then lands a knee-buster to spread the knee injuries around, and straight away, Siren locks in the Fish Stretch!


Siren breaks up that assault of face punches by Hydra, and even as Hydra shifts her attention to Siren, Crow rolls into a gut stomp! There is some good teamwork going on here with these two, even if it's not exactly sporting.


Doubleteam Powerbomb by Galaxia-gun! And then a rolling splash from the top rope by Crow! Siren stops Hydra from interrupting the pin... but we have a kick-out at 2!


Oh! Val-Q has Crow trapped in the side kneebar as the other two get to their feet! We have a big boot by Hydra even as Lead Crow and Valkyrie are forced to leave the ring, she takes that opportunity for a bold pin... and three! Just like that, Hydra has pinned Aluminum Siren and secured victory for her team - and technically handed a defeat to the champion!



Post-Match Interviews:

Papillon Rose:
"Haha, my face got bloodied a bit... I was really in control there, you all saw I was going to win. And then we had that disqualification. What, do they think that saves her reputation? Well, I've pretty much beaten all of Lunar Club now."

Sailor Mars:
"Thanks, Jupiter. I may have lost the match, we may have been suspended, but look at who was standing at the end of that, look who was covered in blood. WE came out on top there, nobody cares about wins and losses."

Sailor Mercury:
"I'll hand it to Sailor Saturn - despite almost being a Juniorweight, she has some good fighting ability. She can do stand-up combat, groundwork and a little proper wrestling on top of it... but I won there, didn't I? I'm going to defeat everyone who claims to be a real fighter, and prove myself as the best real wrestler here, the best technical fighter."

Sailor Saturn:
"I was close, I think. I caught her in my best holds several times, I escaped the heel hook, I landed some powerful moves... I didn't get there in the end, but I held my own for a while. I'll accept the results for what they are, but one day I want a rematch under street fight rules."

"No surprise that the Moderators are pitting us against each other - I honestly expected that to happen in the tournament itself. The real surprise is that Shizuka took that seriously. I had to go all-out in that, I'm proud of my victory and feel like I've really earned my place here and shown I have main character potential."

"Well I put a good effort in, I threw some unexpected moves, some hard-hitting offence... I grabbed those giant boobs just a bit, but I didn't have what it took. In the end, Natsuru will always win, maybe, I couldn't pick up the victory. But that's fine, because we're a team, it just means I'm aligned with a powerhouse."

Princess Hydra:
"VICTORY motherfuckers! Oh yeah, we won this, hell, I won this, and defeated the Galactic Champion! I'm sure a title match is in my future now, right? That's how it works, surely?"

Princess Valkyrie:
"I don't know, you didn't actually pin the champion, but come on - we're the winners there, standing tall at the end. We've shown that Galaxia-gun CAN be beaten, so I think that has to count for something."

Sailor Lead Crow:
(Lining up about eight beers on the table)
"Pfeh, that was a meaningless result. I can see you interviewers there, the questions on your mouths. No, there won't be a title match! If you want to prove yourself against me, you have to beat ME, not my teammate. I'm still all but undefeated here, and only the Witchblade actually gets a chance to take the title. Nice try you little brats."

Sailor Aluminum Siren:
"I'm sorry for letting you down, Lead Crow. I made sure my friend didn't take the fall, but I got so caught up in doing that, I didn't pay attention to my own situation and got caught by surprise. It's fine, tag team matches aren't worth anything, they're just crowd-pleasing gimmicks put forward by these so-called Moderators who couldn't even manage a fucking Target."

Sailor Lead Crow:
"Woah woah woah, we don't reference that incident! Also teammate, not friend. Teammate."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

19/9/22, Monday Night Senshi Wars

Everyone, welcome to Monday Night Senshi Wars, where the fun and violence never stop! Sailors Moon and Venus are no longer suspended, but Uranus and Neptune still are, and of course Mars and Jupiter have only started theirs. Tonight we start with a 3-a-side tag team match between three of the Amazoness Quartet and three of Tokyo Mew Mew. After this, Papillon Rose seeks vengenace against Sailor Venus. Afterwards, Nonon takes on Moka in an effort to get Team Kill another victory - against one of the most dangerous in the league - and for the main event, newcomer Mikoto will have Shizuka in her corner as a manager against Chacha - who has none other than She-Ra in her corner!

Our first match starts with a lot of back and forth, and Jun Jun is taking the fight to Mew Mew Mint. She seems mostly in control here.


Now Cere Cere is stomping on Mew Mew Zakuro, but she tags in Mew Mew Retasu, who slams her arm... but Cere Cere is still in charge.


Cere takes Retasu to the mat then locks in a crucifix, now she's just delivering hard elbow strikes to the head! Retasu escapes, they're both up... and now they're just exchanging blows, trying to knock each other down!


Now Retasu has Cere in the modified front headlock, I think some call that the front octopus, nobody is running in to help, but Cere Cere escapes. Still, that can't have been comfortable, she's backing towards her corner for a tag.


Here's Ves Ves, taking over and locking in the Lion Tamer! The Lion Tamer! But Zakuro and Minto are both here to interrupt it, but that just earns them some kicks, and then she hits Retasu with an axe kick! Ves Ves might be the most violent of this faction and she's showing it.


Now she has a reverse armlock applied, cranking the shoulder, and once again they run in to break it up. Even so, she stomps on Retasu again, ignoring them - oh but that was a mistake, she gets caught by a sandwich jump kick!


Zakuro is in here, and she might be of Fujiwara lineage but she fights more like Kris Wolf. She's taking the fight straight to Ves Ves who tags out, she just boots both her and Jun Jun down, she's retaliating fully!


Uh-oh, Jun Jun is getting really serious here, she's trying to Pilmanize Mew Mew Minto's leg! But Minto is back to her feet pretty quickly and happy to throw some kicks! But she gets a DDT for her troubles!


Now the fight leaves the ring and it's just chaos! We have a chair, a baseball bat, a side headlock, a front octopus... and the referee is just trying to maintain order!


Wait what's this? The DOOMSDAY DEVICE! Cere Cere and Ves Ves hit the Doomsday Device on Retasu in her own corner! We then have a Fly Trap attempt, but it's broken up quickly.


Rolling Senton by Cere Cere, and once again she locks in the Fly Trap, everyone runs in... but it's too late, Mew Mew Retasu has had enough, she submits! The New Moon faction pick up a solid win here!



Here we are in match two, and you have to think Papillon Rose wants some revenge here - even more than she just wants to rack up victories against Lunar Club. There's a series of dodges here, Venus jumps up for the head-scissors- oh but Tsubomi powerbombs her out of the attempt!


And now it's the Sniper Crossface, but Venus slips out quickly. They keep mixing up with strikes, but then Rose lifts Venus for a running DVD!


One day she might succeed with that kick, but not yet. Oh! Here's her finisher, Rose Pinkish Viagra! That's no normal piledriver, she stuffed Minako's head into the front of her tights for it! And then a very lazy, unbecoming pin, and she pays for that, it's only a two count.


They circle a bit, they lock up, oh, Heart Breaker by Sailor Venus! And then she tries twisting Rose into a pinfall but she's too close to the ropes.


Now it's Minako's turn to go for her finisher, locking in the Love-Me Chain, but her foot is under the ropes so she has to let go.


Papillon Rose escapes a scarf hold, and oh my! She goes for that low mandible claw variant, but the referee demands she release the hold. And then she ends up back in Venus' scarf hold.


It's another attempt at the Love-Me Chain, and once again they're too close. She breaks the hold, then hits the Heart Breaker again! Tsubomi had a great start, but things are balancing out now.


Maybe third time is the charm here, she has her finisher locked in, and they're away from the ropes... no, Tsubomi holds on, she refuses to give up and somehow she wriggles free!


Wait, what's this? Goddamnit can we have a classical finish to one of her matches? If it's not a DQ it's something like this! Well, Papillon Rose wins by submission, and Sailor Venus certainly has something to live down.



Here we are with the third match - it's been a blood-free affair so far, but I wonder if that can possibly continue with a vampire in the ring. Nonon is taking control to start with, and look at that headbutt!


Now Moka is overpowering Nonon, she hits a mighty axe kick and a solid punch, and now she has that kama out! Just no chill here from True Moka.


Nonon has a few tricks up her sleeve, and shouts at Moka through a microphone. Moka is ejected from the ring, and now the fight goes outside.


Now Moka's helping herself to a quick snack, but Nonon gets right back into it and levels her with another headbutt!


Another great axe kick by Moka! And a high kick to the face- oh but Nonon counters with a double-arm suplex!


Running clothesline by True Moka, and then she goes back to the kama - but Nonon still isn't bleeding!


FLIGHT OF THE VALKYRIES! But Nonon doesn't want to pin Moka, she lifts her up- oh and eats a chokeslam! And then a kick to the face!


Nonon suplexes Moka, but they're close to the turnbuckle there, I think her head bounced off the post! Then it's a headbutt, and I think Moka might be out cold! Nonon locks in a Boston Crab, but the referee says it's over - Moka didn't tap out, she passed out!



It's time for the main event, and Mikoto has a lot to prove here. She delivers a good punch, throws Chacha to the ropes, and then delivers a diving Kokeshi headbutt! But Chacha isn't taking this one lying down, she slams Mikoto to the mat then dives onto her.


(We will soon see why the idea of managers was a mistake and I won't be doing much of this in future. Watch that crazy camera!)

Mikoto locks in a hanging triangle - that's an illegal hold, and She-Ra makes sure the ref knows it but she doesn't interfere. Mikoto breaks the hold, then hits a great cross-arm brainbuster!


Pop-up powerbomb by Mikoto! But Chacha still has enough fight in her to trip Mikoto then hit a jumping Senton again.


Now we have an overhead release suplex by Chacha, she's taking over this match, and then it's the Blade Runner to lay Mikoto out flat!


Great backflip kick by Chacha, then a grab from behind... a reversal, another reversal, then a reverse DDT. Chacha then locks in the Bow and Arrow stretch - Shizuka is calling out advice, and Mikoto does manage to struggle free.


DESTINO! And once again she goes for the Bow and Arrow, but they're practically in the ropes there, it's too close.


Eiffel Parachute by Chacha, and she gets the three-count! It was a good showing by Mikoto for her debut match, but Chacha has shown that she certainly does have what it takes here.



Post-Match Interviews:

Jun Jun: "Victory for the New Moon, the Amazoness Quartet are here making an impact! I want you to know, if any of us wins the Junior Title, we're free-birding that thing!"
Cere Cere: "I'm sure you'll agree that our match there was more entertaining than any Heavyweight match. We have all the aspects of entertainment you need - high-flying, technical prowess, big lifts and throws because we're lighter, shocking violence..."
Ves Ves: "Take note of this match, everyone, because there's more of it in the future. You'll see plenty of us laying waste to everyone, and everyone else in the Junior league should get used to picking up losses."

Retasu: "Sorry everyone, we didn't do badly but they just had a greater impact. They hit harder, and maybe worked together a little better, but I'm sure we'll win next time - don't feel down."
Mint: "Don't be so polite about it - those stuck-up brats were lucky they won this time. We'll meet them again, and throw them the beating of a lifetime! Chair shots to every head, powerbombs outside the ring, we're going to hurt them next time."
Zakuro: "I wouldn't go that far, but I agree we need some payback. We can wait a bit though, rest up and get our strength back. I don't want you guys getting hurt, even though I do want to slam my knees into a few faces out there."

Papillon Rose: "Check it out, another win for me! This is just a clean sweep at this point, I've beaten ALL of the Inner Senshi! And as important as it is to defeat Sailor Moon, I think Venus is the one I hate the most, my real enemy, so I'm glad I could hand her that humiliating defeat. She won't be interfering when I face Sailor Moon in a cage - I guarantee there will be blood, and I will stand victorious."

Sailor Venus: "I can't believe it... I was the one who innovated that technical submission hold! Obviously you don't win by pain with that, when we kick each other in the head and dislocate shoulders for other stuff... but with an audience looking on, and cameras pointed at you, it's so shameful to be caught in that hold. I need to regain my composure, pick up an easy win against some other loser... but I'll get my payback, and it'll be more traditional. With a barbed wire baseball bat."

Nonon: "There we go, losing the tag match earlier was my fault, but I redeemed myself there. I just needed a power up, a shift from white uniform to red, and I could go all out there. People say Moka is one of the scariest foes even if she didn't win the tournament, the fact is I was able to defeat her with a mixed offence. And I did it in style, with the grandest of music!"

Moka: "...yeah, I didn't see that coming either. I don't even remember my head hitting the post, but what can you do? There's no shame in losing like that. Interview over, I need a drink and blood doesn't come in these cans."

Chacha: "Another great victory for me! Did I go to the same well too many times with some of those moves? Sure, but She-Ra was there to provide useful advice, she kept me in the game there and made sure the referee paid attention. Then when we were close to the middle of the ring, that was when I could grab the victory! Sorry Mikoto, I know you're a newcomer, but you'll grab some wins soon enough - against someone else though."

Mikoto: "Not a good start for a member of Ring Kampfer, is it? I'm on a team with some of the best and strongest, and I lost my first match. I can get back into it, surely, but still, that's hurting my momentum. Oh well, at least Shizuka actually gave the right advice in escaping that hold."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

26/9/22, Monday Night Senshi Wars

Welcome to Magical Girl Pro Wrestling, this is the Monday Night Senshi Wars! We have Kurumi and Honey facing each other in singles action, we have a tag-team battle between Ring Kampfer and Kampfer White, Aika takes the fight to Crimson Homura, and for the main event, fresh off their suspensions, Sailors Uranus and Venus go one on one! We're getting closer to the pay-per-view, and everyone wants to look strong leading into this.

Almost right off the bat, Honey delivers the Honey Flash! She's wasting no time here, tripping Kurumi into the ropes before delivering that kick to the face!


Now it's Kurumu's turn to land a powerful move, that's an Air Raid Crash! But Honey is straight back up, and suplexes her for her troubles.


Honey ends up in the corner, and Kurumi delivers a dropkick to the face. Then she gets the rear mount and just starts raining punches to the back of the head! Kaede is quick to start counting, she's risking a disqualification there.


Soulful Powerbomb by the steel angel here, and she goes in deep for the pin, but Honey has a hand under the ropes. And then Honey hits the Canadian Destroyer! Two point nine! That was close, but the match is still going.


Incredible, I don't think we've seen that move before - the Ruby Cutter! And then Honey dives off the turnbuckle for a rolling Senton to the back.


A high kick, a moment to pose... then a leaping cutter! And once again, Cutey Honey climbs up top, this time hitting the Phoenix Splash!


The fight goes outside, Honey is reaching for a weapon but Kurumi spears her out of her boots! And then a simple hip drop, but remember, Kurumi is made of steel, that's probably a heavy weight slamming to the face, without implying anything.


Kurumi lands a good combo of strikes here - wait, but Honey recovers straight away, and hits the Super Rana! One, two, three! It was a great show of sportsmanship between them, a hard-fought mostly-legal match, but Honey stands victorious!



Here we are with the tag match, and it'll be interesting to see if Kaede is completely unbiased in this. Natsuru backs Hitomi into a corner, but she tags Rika in before hitting a suplex, and now Rika is in charge. Wait no, Natsuru uses her strength advantage, but never mind, her arm is getting twisted about.


Natsuru tags Shizuka in, and Kaede is being even-handed here, forcing people on both sides to leave the ring quickly after a tag. Rika just slaps Shizuka to the ground, then lifts her for an airplane spin!


Hitomi is back in, and she uses her magic to control Shizuka's arm! That's definitely a legit spell! Then they're exchanging strikes back and forth.


Shizuka tags Natsuru back in, and they hit a double chokeslam! She's laid out flat, then Shizuka locks in a Boston Crab - but she's not legal in this match, she can't get the win! And as soon as she stands, Hitomi suplexes Natsuru!


Rika is back in, and Natsuru starts using her strength AND her speed - there's a big boot, and she runs to the ropes before leaping for a crash onto the smaller foe. And then a great DDT!


Natsuru lifts Rika, but she gives a Fisherman DDT in return! And then... oh no, don't do it - Kaede, stop her! OH! Rika Pilmanizes the leg with two chairs there, and the referee just allowed it in plain sight!


The fight spills outside, and Shizuka eats a double-team suplex to the floor! Natsuru takes a hard hit, and even as she's forced to leave back to her corner, Shizuka is grabbed, Twist and Shout! And another.... and a third one!


Shizuka needs time to recover, Natsuru is here fending the other two off - but Hitomi catches her in a crucifix and just delivers elbow after elbow to the head! FINALLY Kaede suggests she leave the ring, and Rika takes over, only to take a suplex!


Shizuka goes for a kick, Hitomi catches her foot, then- oh! BLATANT low blow, and the Gedo Clutch for the pin- but Natsuru breaks it up. Still, Kaede needs to stop these illegal moves by her faction! Now we have a torture Kabel Maria stretch by Hitomi, Natsuru tries saving again but Rika intercepts her, and lands another Fisherman DDT!


Here we are, just as Natsuru is forced to exit the ring, Hitomi hits her finisher, ZAUBER LIGHT! One! Two! Three! This farce of a match is over!



Now it's time for match three, and let's assume it will be violent. We have a clothesline, a kick, an axe kick, grab, throw- it's starting fast!


Homura takes Aika down, and starts landing vicious headbutts! They get back up, she goes for another takedown straight away, but Aika catches her in the front headlock.


There's that great backflip kick by Aika, but Homura counters by jamming a fork into her head! Aika's bleeding - Kaede counts them down quickly, but Homura lets go before 5... then just starts doing it again!


Blood is pouring down Aika's face from her crown, and Homura is really in charge. She locks in the anaconda vice, squeezing the neck there and just forcing more blood to pour out! Aika is looking like the Great Muta here.


Aika is dazed, gathering her senses- and Homura vanishes, then catches her from behind! Saka-Otoshi by the crimson ninja!


Once again she has that damn fork! She stops just shy of 5, but this time Aika counters straight away with an Ultrinate Driver! Then lifts her, and hits the backdrop!


They leave the ring, and Aika slams Homura head-first into the ring post! then she tackles her down, lifting her into- DANGEROUS BACKDROP! But she's lost so much blood, Homura stands up first... they both slide into the ring before 20.


Homura catches Aika running, and... Spinebuster! One! Two! Three! That's a solid albeit bloody victory for Crimson-gun!



Okay, the blood has been sprayed away, the referees have changed, and it's time for our main event. Minako takes Haruka down into a scarf hold, but it doesn't last. She then goes for a side headlock, but the stronger competitor backdrops her out of it.


Oh, there's the Wink Chain Sword by Sailor Venus!


Venus is still in charge here, with the head-scissors takedown and choke, then a side neck crank, but Sailor Uranus counters it with a stiff punch to the midsection. Never rule out a hard punch!


Spear! Incredible spear tackle by Haruka, then she lands the Blade Runner!


Space Tornado by Sailor Uranus, but they're too close to the ropes!


Now she stomps Venus into the corner, before hitting a running cannonball! Minako may have started strong, but Haruka is just taking completely over here. I almost feel sorry for Sailor Venus.


Now Haruka shows off her own submission holds, locking in the Full Nelson - it may look simple, but that cranks the neck and reduces your breathing capacity, it's finished matches and even killed a man.


Whatever Venus was going for there, it's cut short as she eats a boot to the face! Another Blade Runner by Sailor Uranus.... then Pimp Juice on top of it! She's running roughshod over her more technically-inclined opponent.


Oh! Haruka went for another spear, but crashed shoulder-first into the turnbuckle! And Minako takes advantage of this, going straight for the reverse triangle. It's not just a choke, it's an arm lock as well, and with the shoulder already injured....


Sailor Uranus manages to escape, they both stand, and straight away she hits with the Space Sword! And just like that, she covers with one foot, and that's three! The Outer Senshi close us out looking strong!



Post-Match Interviews:

Honey: "It's good to be doing normal wrestling again - some regular matches where we can display our skills and I can win in the face of adversity, not all this other garbage with factions and weapons. As you can see, when we fight normally, I come out on top."

Kurumi: "Right from the start, when she caught me with that move, I knew I was in trouble. It knocked me silly, and I just couldn't really get back into it, not properly. They say you should FINISH with a finisher, but honestly, if you can land it early, well... that really worked on me."

Hitomi: "Yo losers, looks like we kicked your asses quite handily there. I can't believe they thought they had a chance in that dumb tournament, even without having to fight each other... well you saw who was left standing after that. We work together better, and we're simply better fighters, so find something else you're good at, maybe selling merch for us."

Rika: "Haha, nice one. Here's another good joke: Shizuka. People shouldn't believe all that hype when the match results speak for themselves. If that faction hadn't formed to begin with, if Red and Blue had fought each other like they're supposed to, none of this would have been necessary. But the beatings will continue until you disband."

Natsuru: "Ah, damn it! I can't believe Sakura screwed us like that! She just watched as they broke the rules right in front of her, and completely allowed that to go ahead. That's worse than Red-Shoes, at least he's just incompetent! This sucks."

Shizuka: "I'm surprised that you're surprised. I went into that expecting it to be a three on two - or worse, I kind of figured the whole lot of them would come out there. They can't fight us in a fair contest, so we need to expect cheating."

Homura: "Just in case anyone thought I was all about group fighting - I think I proved a point tonight. I left the mighty, scary Agent Aika in a bloody heap. And there will be more. My transformation might not be as fancy and extreme as others here, but as you can see, I have enough power to match anyone."

Aika: "Really should have seen that coming. I knew it was going to be violent, and a little bit bloody, but I just walked into it. By all rights I should have been in charge and thrown her from one corner to the other... I need a beer, I'll be fine to wrestle next week, maybe get some payback."

Sailor Uranus: "I remind you all, we were the ones who gave Lunar Club its dominance and victories at the start. And when we split away, we were the ones with all the strength. The Inner Senshi are still just a bunch of kids, they need to toughen up and start getting serious. She could be a real catch wrestler with a killer instinct... if she stopped messing around."

Sailor Venus: "Two losses in a row there. Things haven't been going so well since returning from that ban. Maybe I need to get back to my former glory, the spirit that gave me strings of wins in the past. I need to think about who my opponent is, and how to defeat her - as they say, there's more than one way to let the cat out of the bag!"
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

03/10/22, Monday Night Senshi Wars

Welcome to Magical Girl Pro Wrestling, this is the Monday Night Senshi Wars where the violence never stops! We're beginning with a tag match between Ring Kampfer and the Kampfer Whites, this time without their own handpicked referee. After that we have Sailor Jupiter versus Sailor Pluto, then Kekko Kamen makes her first appearance, fighting Hikage from Crimson-gun. And the main event: Utena against Sailor Aluminum Siren!

Ring Kampfer are firmly in control at the start of our first match, with Natsuru scoop-slamming Ryouka, then getting a side headlock before landing a sharp elbow. This looks good for Natsuru and Akane.


Natsuru makes it clear she doesn't care too much about the rules, poking Ryouka in the eyes - but then her opponent pulls her to the ground and locks in an arm triangle, an anaconda choke.


Now everyone is in the ring - Natsuru, Akane, Ryouka and Sayaka! We have a double-team move there, they hit the Golden Trigger! Sayaka then starts landing kicks to the side of Akane.


Akane is on top of things again, with a firm strike, then she locks in the Sniper Crossface! Ryouka just stands there looking at the pain on her teammate's face!


TWO TO THE CHEST by Akane! And then the GTR! Ryouka might be out cold there!


Now it's a double knee-buster by Akane. Then a rib breaker... an elbow to the face... Ring Kampfer are in top form tonight.


Akane keeps landing those kicks, and stomps, wait she turned her back to Sayaka and now she eats some kicks of her own


Natsuru goes for a chokeslam, but Sayaka breaks the effort and tags in Ryouka... then they both hit the double-team chokeslam on her!


Sayaka hits a vicious low dropkick to the knee, taking Akane down. Then she drops her knees to the lower back, before slamming her easily. This match keeps going back and forth!


Akane hits Sayaka with a Fisherman Buster, then Natsuru helps with a double suplex, before locking in the heel hook! Ryouka rushes in but eats a Switchblade Kick from Akane!


TWO TO THE CHEST! But Akane takes a long time standing back up, and she goes for more violence rather than pinning. One good punch, but then she takes another dropkick to the knee.


Big moves all around! Muscle Buster by Ryouka, Akane hits her finisher again, then it's a double-team chokeslam! But Natsuru is here, she lands the Backstabber on Sayaka but Ryouka keeps attacking Akane.


Sayaka just hits Natsuru with her sword in plain view of the referee! And then she goes for hard chops to the chest!


And is that the fourth time? Akane gives Ryouka two to the chest just as Sayaka is forced to leave the ring, and that's one, two, THREE!



Here we go, second match and Sailor Jupiter is back from her suspension with fire inside her! Axe kick, Golden Knee, and then a knee to the head- wait she just drew blood! This early, Sailor Pluto is bleeding from the face!


That offence continues, with an Enzigiri kick, then a knee, and a guillotine leg drop! Makoto is really walloping Setsuna in the head over and over!


Sailor Pluto isn't taking this lying down though - she hits the Death Valley Driver Then locks in a sleeper hold, but Jupiter gets one of her long legs out far enough to get a rope break.


Twist of Fate by Sailor Pluto! And then the Time Bomb! Then the Dead Scream Piledriver, she's just going all out there with big moves in a row. Once she saw her own blood, she just went ballistic.


Oh, Pluto hits Jupiter with her own finisher, the Storm Breaker! And then a falling chop to the neck, but Jupiter gets back up and delivers a Kinniku Buster, showing off her strength!


The fight spills outside the ring, and the mat there is being stained red with Sailor Pluto's forehead blood. Lightning Spiral from Jupiter, but Pluto responds with a Time Bomb!


Last of the Dragons! One! Two! Pluto kicks out!


Pluto reverses an Irish Whip to the corner, then lifts Jupiter... hanging neckbreaker! Then she lifts her into the Futureshock DDT!


A good clothesline by Pluto, then she gets that Nagata-influenced figure-4 locked in, and Jupiter submits! The referee calls for the bell, and the winner of the match is the one covered in her own blood!



The ring has been cleaned, and now we have match three. Kekko Kamen gets a good start, locking in a crooked headscissors, and I doubt Hikage appreciates her opponent's ring attire at this moment.


Tiger Tail kick! Still early stages but things are looking good for our masked warrior.


Now it's a hurricanrana into a head-and-arm scissors, but Hikage refuses to give in. As soon as they lock up again, she rolls into a calf crusher, a painful hold there that can blow the entire knee out!


Ow! Liver kick by Hikage! That may have just ended the match there, the referee really needs to consider stopping this. Look at how Kekko Kamen collapsed and folded up there.


Now Hikage is biting, and she tore part of the mask open - and there's the blood! You wouldn't even know the mask is torn now, with all the red! Kekko gets another triangle choke locked in, but she's clearly suffering from the previous offence.


It takes them both a while to stand after a hard slam, and now... that's it, Hikage gets another calf crusher locked in, and straight away our referee calls for the bell! Not a good start for Kekko Kamen!



Again, we've cleaned the ring, and swapped referees for our main event. Siren misses with the Green Mist, Utena tackles her to the ground, but Siren counters with an Ezekiel choke.


Now it's the double arm trap half crab! Utena is crying out in pain as Siren practically ties her into a knot!


Wait, a straight punch and- it looks like Siren might be knocked out! Wendy gets in there and checks on Siren and yes, she calls for the bell - Utena wins by knockout!



Post-Match Interviews:

Natsuru: "And there you have it - as soon as we have a neutral referee? Look at the results. The situation with Kaede is complicated, but... but I think it's for the best that we do it this way. We can pick up wins fairly."
Akane: "It's not complicated, she's a fucking asshole. She should be booted out - and then we'll sweep the whole White faction and boot them out too! Bam, checkmate motherfucker!"

(TN: Schniezel made an illegal move in chess, so it's weird that he would say che- oh wait, wrong anime)

Ryouka: "...I have no comment."
Sayaka: "I have a fucking comment or two. That match was bullshit! And now they're claiming the previous one was because of the referee? How about accepting that we're pretty much your equals - or maybe that certain members of your faction are dragging you down. Go on, let us face Shizuka and Mikoto, or go four v four, and we'll end up on top!"

Sailor Pluto: "I feel a little ashamed of how violent I became. A lucky strike opened me up, I saw red, and then I became a monster. But I did win. I became the kind of monster that all of us are supposed to be. If Jupiter doesn't reach down and find the beast within, then she'll never triumph."

Sailor Jupiter: "I really thought I had it at the start there. But then she went all Great Mutah. It's not like I suddenly became crap though, I fought hard... but she fought harder and just went relentless with those big moves. I'm still kind of in a daze after landing head-first so many times."

Hikage: "I'm sorry, was there supposed to be some kind of new challenger to face our evil and villainy? There was just this naked chick with a mask, and pretty soon she was all covered in red to match it... so much blood, heheheh... you've only seen the beginning. We're going to go out there and commit crimes in the ring, I tell you!"

Kekko Kamen: "That was a terrible first match. I really thought I'd make a great showing and pick up the win, send those villains scurrying to lick their wounds while I explained the benefits of fighting the way I do. But she took so many liberties with the rules - why even have rules in that case? Should we perhaps consider a street fight? Death match wrestling, no disqualifications, no count-outs! They'll cheat anyway, so let's cut out the middleman and allow full violence! Meanwhile, I need to get checked by a doctor. That kick..."

Utena: "Yeah, of course I throw a good punch. I didn't expect it to turn around that quickly, but come on, there's a reason they don't let people punch each other outside of a match, right?"

Sailor Lead Crow: "Aluminum Siren is being checked for concussion, but in the meantime let me assure all of you: that was a freak accident. She was in charge until that lucky punch. My rival and coworker is usually up to the challenge, and this defeat will not reflect on Galaxia-gun. Be very careful, Utena, you have a crosshair on you."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

10/10/22, Monday Night Senshi Wars

Ahead of tonight's event, allow me to introduce three new wrestlers:
Cure Bloom (Junior - Pretty Cure Splash Star Faction)
Finisher: Spiral Star Splash (Shooting Star Press)
Signature Moves: Saka Otoshi, Stretch Plum, Sharpshooter, Torture Texas Cloverleaf

Cure Egret (Junior - Pretty Cure Splash Star Faction)
Finisher: Spiral Star Splash (Shooting Star Press)
Signature Moves: High Angle Hurricanrana, Flying Tornado DDT, Eiffel Parachute, Swinging Sleeper

Sailor Iron Mouse (Galaxia-gun Faction)
Finisher: Mouse Trap (Indian Death Lock)
Signature Moves: Galactic Crunch (Triangle Lancer), Iron Glove, Cobra Clutch Backbreaker, Chaotic Victory Star Drop

Welcome to Magical Girl Pro Wrestling, this is the Monday Night Senshi Wars where the violence never stops! We're starting with a Junior tag-team match, Pretty Cure vs Pretty Cure. Shizuka then faces Sayaka one-on-one, before another tag team match, with Satsuki and Nonon battling Sailors Mars and Venus. And for the main event, the Witchblade needs to face Iron Mouse to prove herself against Galaxia-gun ahead of the upcoming title match!

Things start off violently, with fierce strikes! Pretty Cure is a lot more brutal than I've been led to believe!


Here we go, Bloom and Egret land the Golden Trigger to the face!


It's a back-and-forth, with harsh strikes going in both directions.


Cure Black is just unloading with vicious strikes!


There's her finishing move! But Bloom gets right back up and fights back!


Black and White are definitely on top here, just beating their opponents down.


Military Press Cutter from Bloom! She then climbs out, and Egret hits the moonsault... for the win! She gets a three-count!



Right from the start of our second match, Shizuka is taking the fight to Sayaka. But Sayaka counters with a dragon screw, and things are even again.


The fight leaves the ring, and now they're just throwing each other into the crowd barrier! They both eat metal, and Shizuka nearly gives the front row an inadvertent lap dance!


Oh, it's so close! Sayaka covers but gets JUST shy of three! And then there's a dropkick to the knees, and a punch to the head! She's now on top.


Sayaka rolls into a pin attempt, but Shizuka kicks out... only to be caught in the mandible claw! I think she's fading... yes, she goes limp, and the referee calls for the bell!



Here we go for our third match, and Satsuki definitely wants to pick up a win. Oh! A ferocious liver kick there, that may have just won the match fro- oh never mind, now she's getting cocky, that's cost her before!


Now Nonon is in the ring, but she falls prey to the double team, locked in the Figure-44!


Oh! A sneaky mule kick by Sailor Mars takes Satsuki down! Then she tags Venus in before going for the crucifix elbows! Lunar Club are firmly in control.


Oof! Heart Breaker by Venus to Satsuki while Nonon backdrops Mars! Then we have a reverse triangle and... what kind of elbow drop is THAT?


Leaping cutter out of nowhere by Satsuki! She then goes for a punch, but Venus traps the arm and goes for the cross armlock, trying to hyperextend the elbow!


Oh no, it's weapons all around now, a baseball bat and a chair, but Venus lands another Heart Breaker to equalise things- then Nonon takes her legs out from behind!


Half of the fight is outside the ring, with Venus just laying into Nonon with that chair! And then the Heart Breaker, and Mars hits the Burning Hammer on Satsuki!


Nonon repels Sailor Venus by shouting into the microphone! Satsuki leaps onto her for the cover, but Mars intervenes. And just as Satsuki lifts Mars for a Death Valley, Venus interrupts. The cheating and teamwork are just too much with these two!


Double-team powerbomb to equalise things! Then Nonon locks in the katahajime, but Sailor Venus is there to break the hold!


Oh come on! What a ridiculous taunt by Sailor Venus! then she goes for the pin, Satsuki climbs in- wait! There's Sailor Moon! She doesn't interfere but the distraction works, that's the three-count! Oh and a stomp to the head by Sailor Mars!



All right, now it's time for the main event, with a new wrestler having to face our number one contender. It looks fairly even here in the early stages, a few strikes either way.


And it's another liver kick! Has this become everyone's favourite attack lately?


There's the Galactic Crunch by Iron Mouse! Witchblade manages to escape, but then it's a headlock, punch to the head and then a half crab! She's really showing her aggressive side!


Oh no! Here's a move Witchblade knows all about! The iron glove! Right to the jaw!


There's a great boomerang kick by Witchblade, getting back in control, but who's this? It's Aluminum Siren!


OH MY GODDESS! That's the Galactic Tsunami RIGHT ONTO THE CHAIR! The referee calls for the bell - this match is now over, what a disgraceful way to close out the night.


The bell keeps ringing, but the beat-down continues. Good night viewers, we'll see you next week but two of these wrestlers will be sitting out for a fortnight!



Post-Match Interviews:

Cure Bloom: "That was awesome! I'm so glad we won for our debut match! Did you see how well we worked as a team?"
Cure Egret: "I promise everyone in the audience, there will be more victories in future. Keep watching!"

Cure Black: "I can't fault them the win... but damn do I WANT to. We gave it everything, but they just came out on top at the end there. Maybe if it were tornado rules... well, no use talking about what-ifs, right?"
Cure White: "Honestly, looking at the numbers, chances are we're just going to be teamed up WITH those two soon enough. Other factions have bigger groups, you know they'll do that out of convenience."

Sayaka: "Ta-da! We may have eaten a loss last time, but now in a one on one battle, it has become that much clearer who the strong and weak members of our teams are, right? I picked up a win for us, and more importantly, Shizuka has been left limp on the ground!"

Shizuka: "Urk... it wasn't the nerve hold that did it, it was the TASTE. I swear, it's like she soaked her hands in potato juice and fish oil before the match... I feel sick still..."

Sailor Venus: "V for Victory, bitches! That's right, we're still on top of the world, and any team that has that student council president... is going to be the LOSER team! Come on Rei, let's go celebrate our clean victory, drinks all round!"
Sailor Mars: "To be honest, I wanted even more violence than that. We didn't even leave them in a bloody pile, but I guess that humiliating defeat should be enough. At what point do you just tally your losses and realise you don't belong?"

Nonon: "That is so infuriating! I want to strangle those absolute fu-"
Satsuki: "This needless interview is over, we have no comment."
Nonon: "-unts!"

(There is nobody to interview following the final match, as Witchblade is stretchered out and Iron Mouse + Aluminum Siren have been placed in detention.)
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

(Time to catch up on reposting from the Discord, including the "I got lazy, just have a recap" I did.)

17/10/22, Monday Night Senshi Wars

Welcome to Magical Girl Pro Wrestling, this is the Monday Night Senshi Wars where the violence never stops! The Witchblade will face She-Ra in a battle for redemption to prove her might, then a newly inspired Chacha will battle against Sailor Saturn. Cure Bloom will then take on Sailor Chibi-Moon, and finally, it will be Team Kill against Crimson-gun!

Right from the start, there's a firm exchange of blows, and it looks like Witchblade might be on top of things but then She-Ra just grabs her and delivers a hard vertical suplex!


Witchblade takes over, knocking She-Ra down, then begins wailing on the back of her head! The referee warns her to stop, and as soon as they're on their feet again, She-Ra delivers a hard European uppercut!


Witchblade is just squeezing the life out of She-Ra with that bear hug! It crushes the ribs, the kidneys, the spine, and it restricts breathing as well - don't look down on that simple-looking move.


But Greyskull's finest still has plenty of fight in her, and lands a vertical brainbuster, driving her foe head-first into the mat!


Fierce backbreaker! And then a diving headbutt to the lower back! That's a targeted attack, homing in on the damage she's already done.


She-Ra throws Witchblade over the top rope, then leaps over for a dropkick! Oh, but there's a chokeslam for her troubles, and outside the ring! That has to hurt... Witchblade lifts She-Ra and grabs her from behind- but there's a Stunner! Grey Skull Stunner!


Crystal Crash by She-Ra! However Witchblade stands right up from that and lands an elbow to the face!


Witchblade lifts She-Ra... OH! That's the Ganso Bomb! One, two, it's only two!


And here's the Iron Claw! Witchblade is firmly in control at this point!


Overhead suplex by She-Ra! Then a wrist-clutch suplex, and she holds on... but Witchblade kicks out! Then she delivers another chokeslam, then a cross-arm German Suplex, she rolls and keeps holding... knee to the face!


We have another chokeslam attempt by Witchblade, but She-Ra blocks it, then unleashes a series of hard strikes for the knockdown, turning the tide.


Massive clothesline by She-Ra! She lifts Witchblade... but gets caught in another bear hug! And... it looks like that's it! After all the previous damage, that hold wins the match!



Match two starts off with a few counters, but here's our first big move, a Suplex De La Luna!


Now cha Cha whips Saturn into the ropes, then hits a drop toe hold, Saturn's head nearly bounces off the bottom rope! Now she goes for a sleeper, but Hotaru barely manages to escape.


Saturn misses a leap there, and Cha Cha responds by throwing her overhead in a suplex.


Destino~! And then we have the bow-and-arrow hold, stretching the back out painfully!


Now Saturn goes for an early Death Valley Driver, but Cha Cha rolls out and rolls her up, one, two, three! That's three! The match is already over!



Match three starts with a takedown, then Bloom rolls back into a toe-hold, attacking Chibi-Moon's ankle.


Great kick combo from Bloom, then she misses a slide attempt, and Chibi-Usa hits an elbow drop!


The Future-Shock DDT from the princess of the future! Then an arm-wrench!


Manhattan Drop by Chibi-Usa! That impact dazes Bloom, who fails a leap attack. Chibi Moon then delivers a dragon screw, then... oh, a hard stomp between the legs!


Chibi-Moon is firmly in control here, taking Bloom down with a punch, then she runs to the turnbuckle for a leaping moonsault... and a two count!


Now Chibi-Moon is biting the face, and has drawn blood! She then goes for a backslide, and it's another two-count!


Now Cure Bloom gets back into the fight, taking Chibi Moon down then locking in an STF... but her opponent manages to struggle free, before hitting a kick combo much like the one she received earlier!


Bloom is out on her feet, completely dazed here and Chibi-Moon's strikes keep knocking her down. She finally goes for a cover... and that's three, the match is over and Small Lady has once again shown her dominance!



The ring has been cleaned, the referees swapped over, and now the main event starts. But already we have blood again - a stray punch by Ryuuko cuts Homura's brow!


Now she rolls through into the TTO, but Haruka is already here to interfere.


Nonon has levelled up her outfit to her final form, and is here to prove her strength - but unfortunately, she gets hit by a double chokeslam! Then Hikage just chokes her blatantly in front of the referee.


Homura backs Satsuki into her corner, and that doesn't work well for her - Satsuki tags Ryuuko in and they hit a 3D! Then it's another attempt at the TTO!


Oh, liver kick by Satsuki to Hikage! She's low on chill these days, and here's Ryuuko with a hidden blade!


Haruka uses some ninja magic to catch Satsuki off-guard, then traps her in a reverse heel hook! She's trying to keep her hips mobile, maintain rotation... it looks like she escapes, but how much damage has been done?


Nonon delivers a great backdrop to Haruka, and now they're just exchanging strikes... but Haruka simply goes for the barely-covered nipples as a way to stop her momentum!


Nonon tags Ryuuko in, then swings Homura around before dropping into the Skull End! However Homura has enough energy to throw Ryuuko to the ropes and drop her face-first.


Haruka tries fighting both sisters, but Satsuki has had enough of this shit and breaks out her sword! That's one way to make a difference.


Saka Otoshi by Haruka! Flight of the Valkyries by Nonon! Abdominal stretch by Satsuki! Headbut and powerbomb by Nonon! Everything is happening here, and the poor referee is trying to restore order!


Oh no! Homura is just stabbing Nonon in the head with that fork! That's blatantly illegal! Still, she kicks her foes down and makes it to her corner, tagging Ryuuko in... and they deliver a double power bomb!


Now Ryuuko is trying to fight two at once, she drops back into an Achilles Lock... but now everyone is in the right and fighting! 3D by Satsuki and Nonon! Now Homura is stabbing Ryuuko with the fork, and there's blood all over the place!


Once again all order has broken down - we have a sleeper, we have biting, we have a cobra clutch... Destino by Satsuki as the others clear out!


Ruby Cutter by Homura! The ring is painted red here, and she's managed to get momentum going for her side again...


Oh! Look at that... unique... double team move by Ryuuko and Satsuki, and Nonon dumps Homura onto the back of her head with a powerbomb!


Flight of the Valkyries by Nonon! And then a Styles Clash! Then she locks in the Boston Crab... and Hikage submits! The match is over!

Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

24/10/2022 Recap:

To begin with, the Amazoness Quartet faced four members of Tokyo Mew Mew in tag-team action, and things rapidly turned into a real fight, with more people in the ring than there was supposed to be...


In the end, with Bu Ring knocked out in the ring, a brawl broke out in her corner, and even as Retasu locked the double wrist lock on Cere Cere, Jun Jun wrenched Minto's arms back and got the submission win for her team - clearly establishing the dominance of New Moon in the junior division.


Next, riding on her various successes, Papillon Rose battled another "old lady" in her books, Cutey Honey - in her new garb. Papillon fought dirty and had time for a lot of insults, trash-talk and taunting, making us question if she's really a face.


Honey was quick to get back into this with a series of brutal kicks, and then a leaping cutter, before connecting with another kick - her boots kept her in this fight.


And with one Super Rana, it's all over - Cutey Honey collects the three count for the win!


After this we had a great technical wrestling match between Punie and Sailor Venus, with a lot of groundwork and various counters.


Punie locked in a great hold, albeit an illegal one, but each had some counter move for whatever the other had, with no clear advantage.


And it ended with a Heart Breaker, and then a reverse triangle, as Venus choked Punie out cold.


Finally, Cha Cha took on another strong contender in her efforts to climb the ladder, taking on True Moka. She brought out some unexpected offence with that charging Kokeshi, before going to her more standard Bladerunner.


All throughout this, we had biting and scythework by Moka, bringing out a lot of blood, alongside some chokeslams and hard kicks. Meanwhile, Cha Cha used a variety of takedowns, the Destino, several Bladerunners, multiple submission attempts. And at this point, it looks like the Nail in the Coffin - the tombstone, but Cha Cha reverses it! But moments later, Moka hit a tombstone for real!


And the match ended on a blood-stained floor, as Cha Cha, in a desperate surge, locked in her Bow and Arrow stretch, and picked up a submission win!



31/10/2022 Recap:

Things changed up for the start of the night, with Punie and Utena facing off in a Floorboards Match! That's not a dig at boob size, that's a match with no padding on the ring, every landing had extra impact to it! Utena brought her striking game, whereas Punie went for repeated submission attempts, even locking in the Princess Toe Hold at one point!


In the end, it finished with an impressive rolling Princess Knee-bar, and Utena was left with no option but to submit.


There was a pause after that so the padding could be put on, and then Iron Mouse represented Galaxia-gun against Ring Kampfer's Natsuru. She styled, profiled, and definitely showed off, but it wasn't very effective.


However, Natsuru fell victim to the Mouse Trap, with Iron Mouse wrenching on her arms and neck there!


Several times through the match, Iron Mouse went for the whizzer, the wrestler's guillotine, and eventually it paid off - after about the sixth attempt, finally she earned the submission win!


The third match was Kurumi vs Valkyrie, and it had a surprise twist early in - with Kurumi accidentally knocking our referee out. She then went for a cover, but nobody was there to count it!


The fight went outside, and Val-Q delivered a devastating Space Raid Crash on the barely-padded floor out there! But even so, the Steel Angel was the first back to her feet.


Back in the ring, Valkyrie took control again, with a constant barrage of offence. But then, Kurumi delivered a heavy scoop slam, then dropped seated on her opponent - with all the weight of someone made from steel - for the three count.


For the main event, Kekko-Kamen battled Valkyrie's more villainous ally, Hydra, with a fresh referee to look over things. This variant on the top-rope hurricane was a bit insulting, but after all the closed fist strikes to the face Hydra delivered, maybe it's warranted.


Amazing pop-up hurricanrana - and again, it's really not great for Hydra! They've both delivered low blows at this point, and Hydra has been going repeatedly for the head with harsh strikes, but Kekko is gradually taking over.


And that's the end - the Ruby Cutter, and then Kekko locked in the Mexican Surfboard, with Hydra having to give up and grant Kekko her first victory!



7/11/2022 Recap:

Our most recent night started with tag-team action - sisters Ryuuko and Satsuki taking on Sailors Uranus and Neptune of the Outer Senshi. A common theme here was the overall dominance of the Outer Senshi, and their overwhelming double-team moves, but the excellent interruptions and disruption tactics by Team Kill.


For a while, Satsuki delivered repeated elbows to Haruka in the crucifix position, and when Michiru tried to break it up, she took a rather unique double-team move for her troubles.


With all the swords in play, it was only a matter of time before blood was drawn, and a chair was brought into the ring by Haruka, and then we had this great flurry - doubleteam superkick, Destino, burning cut, so much going on!


The match had a surprising end: Neptune hit the Heavy Rain, on Satsuki but Ryuuko broke up the pin, sacrificing her own safety. Sailor Uranus took a sword to her, but Satsuki took the opportunity to cover Michiru for a pin as Haruka was forced out of the ring, getting the three-count victory!


Match two was a Juniorweight battle, with Rika of Kampfer White versus Honoka of Splash Star. As expected of the junior division, there were many counters and reversals in this match.


It wasn't all high-flying, although there obviously was a lot, we still had things like the traditional double wrist lock.


The submission attempts got very fancy and smooth, and the offence was more or less even throughout it.


In the end, Rika rolled through into this pin for the victory, but it has to be said that Kaede was the referee - was there any favouritism going on?


The third match was a No Disqualification match between Asuka of Hanzo-gumi and Crimson Homura of Crimson-gun. It did not take long for the blood to flow freely in this match, staining the floor as they both used weapons quite happily.


For once, the referee wasn't saying "Hey stop that", she was simply asking "Do you give up?" With both wrestlers bleeding from the face, it was a brutal battle.


As good as that kick from Asuka was, Homura saw an easy pair of targets and kept striking until she could get a dominant pinfall.


The final match pitted Rem against Akane of Ring Kampfer. Both are known for their use of guns, though there are strictly no actual firearms in the ring. They both delivered rough kicks and eye pokes, but overall, Rem was the dirtier fighter.


If it's not enough to receive one Hollow Point from Rem, Akane managed to take two in one match!


Akane brought out the brass knuckles to crack Rem in the head, but she was already bleeding from sword attacks, running low on energy, and in the end, the Dream Hunter managed to send her to the land of dreams, with Akane blacking out to a forearm choke.



Pre-Event Interviews:

And so, next week we will have eight matches, including two title matches, at our new Pay-Per-View event, Princess' Road. Let's talk with everyone, and look at the matches involved. First up, Moka and Kurumi will face off again, in a rematch of their Galaxy-1 match. Then, Agent Aika will face Sailor Jupiter under DEATHMATCH rules - no disqualifications, no count-outs, victory only through pinfall, submission or knock-out. After this, Sailor Saturn will fight Punie in a floorboard match, contested under PRIDE rules. Shizuka and Mikoto of Ringkampfer will then take on Ryouka and Hitomi from the White Kampf. After this, we have another tag team match, with Rem and Kekko Kamen teaming up against Sailors Neptune and Uranus of the Outer Senshi. Next up, Papillon Rose faces Sailor Moon in a steel cage deathmatch. For the semi-final event, Sailor Chibi Moon and Cure Egret will compete for the Junior Heavyweight Championship, before the main event, with Witchblade challenging Sailor Lead Crow for the Galactic Championship!

Moka: "...we had a good match last time, and Kurumi defeated me. I have lost quite a few matches lately, and so I want to change things - if I can win this rematch, maybe I can take us along a new path."

Kurumi: "Things have obviously gone well for me lately, and I assure you all, I intend on it still going well as we continue. You can't drink the blood of a robot, can you? At the end of the day, I think that's my advantage here."

Aika: "I've said it enough times that these kids are so annoying. Jupiter fancies herself as the powerhouse of Lunar Club, so in this no-rules environment, we'll see how it goes. I make no apologies for what happens, going forward."

Sailor Jupiter: "I can generally win just with my strength alone - we don't need to add weapons to the mix. But hey, I'm not complaining. Let me powerbomb her through a table and see how it all goes!"

Sailor Saturn: "...I promise to win this match."

Punie: "You don't need to remind me of my losses, how when it came to the run-offs and ever since then, I've been on a downward trend. But I'm not going to change my style here, all the way until then it was my strength! Let's see how this works out, all right?"

Shizuka: "Hmm, interesting. You know what really determines how this will work out though, don't you? It's all in the referee. If that bitch Kaede runs it, we may as well not show up. But if anyone else wears the stripes, then we have it in the bag."

Mikoto: "Don't worry everyone, we promise to kick some ass. My goal here is to leave the White Kampfers lying in a heap - and Kaede too if need be."

Ryouka: "...I'm sorry. I don't want to hurt them, but we have to do it, don't we? This is really going to be violent."

Hitomi: "Oh relax - you can leave the real violence to me, just believe in yourself a bit. You don't have to watch when it comes to head-stomping if you don't want, but remember what we're fighting for."

Rem: "I'm going into this right off the back of another big win, so I'm extremely confident here. Indeed, we're BOTH walking into this as winners, and walking OUT as winners too!"

Kekko: "As a champion of justice, I had to step into this company. There are a lot of wrongs that need righting, This looks like a really good starting point."

Sailor Uranus: "Ha! You hear them talk about their recent wins, but the records don't actually reflect that. Oh, our last match turned out poorly, but these two shouldn't expect it to be the same unless they're going to bring exceptional violence."

Sailor Neptune: "Precisely. We brought something out in those two, something we've been trying to bring out with the Inner Senshi. The only way for our opponents to win is to play by our rules, and change the game."

Papillon Rose: "Finally... I've stomped all over all of the Inner Senshi, I've racked up wins, and now I have caught Sailor Moon - she's trapped, no interference or help this time. And no escape."

Sailor Moon: "No escape? How big an idiot IS she? One of the entire VICTORY conditions of a cage match is to climb out and escape! Remember everyone, if you encounter a weirdo sex pest, you should always try to distance yourself and get away - Sailor Moon Says!"

Sailor Chibi-Moon: "Walking into this, I have the most wins, and zero losses. I know this is a new division, but even so it's clear that I'm the best in it. So even if the older ones of Lunar Club are losers, don't worry, because I'll hold this title and carry the brand forever!"

Cure Egret: "I am looking forward to this match, because while I don't have a perfect record here, and yes I'm more a tag team wrestler, I have studied the way Chibi-Moon fights and will definitely be using this knowledge to my advantage. I think I know how to win this one."

Sailor Lead Crow: "It all comes down to this. Ooh, she is the only person to defeat me - once. Don't worry, I'll prove my dominance here and everyone will have to look at me holding the title at the end of the day, because Galaxia-gun... ICHIBAN!"

Witchblade: "Uh, so many catch-phrases here... do they ever shut up? Whatever, I beat her before and will do it again. Yes we all know how violent this will be. But whatever, I'll win."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

23/11/22 - Princess Road
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live at the Big Garden Arena! This is Magical Girl Pro Wrestling: Princess' Road, and we have a solid line-up of matches ahead of us. Let's get into the action straight away!

Vampire versus robot, Kurumi takes an aggressive start to this, desperate to repeat her previous victory.


You can't forget the power of Moka however. She has devastating kicks, and those big power moves, and we still don't really know if robots breathe, but if Kurumi can, then Moka wants to stop it.


So much for claiming robots don't bleed, but maybe whatever counts for blood doesn't taste good or energise vampires. Still, Kurumi is bleeding and dazed.


That seems to have lit a fire under Kurumi though, as she goes wild with those strikes - and then a mighty spear!


A great backflip kick there, and another spear! And then Kurumi lifts Moka for a powerbomb, leaning in afterwards for a near-fall.


There's a bear hug, but they're practically in the ropes so Kurumi has to let go... and that allows Moka the chance to deliver a tombstone piledriver!


Moka has been using her kama, and Kurumi briefly considered countering with a chair, but dropped it instead of getting disqualified. But that landed her a chokeslam and a kick to the face- wait, she still has the strength to deliver an air raid crash!


Vertical brainbuster by Kurumi! And then it's another soulful powerbomb... and she gets the three count! Steel Angel Kurumi wins!



Here we are with our second match - in which there will be no disqualifications! Sailor Jupiter wants to make her strength known, and takes the offence to Aika, not wanting to let her get going.


But now it's a piledriver bonanza by Aika, repeatedly dropping Jupiter on her head! I know that no holds barred originally referred to piledrivers being banned, often along with certain chokes, neck cranks and in modern times occasionally the heel hook, but all of those are legal anyway here - we have not yet seen a banned maneuver!


Last of the Dragons by Sailor Jupiter, but Aika gets back up straight awway, and goes for a heel hook, trying to blow out the knee.


There's a DDT by Aika, but Makoto responds straight away with a Lightning Spiral! She bridges for the pin, one... two... that was close!


Back to those drivers by Aika, but Jupiter can still respond, hitting a Blue Thunder Bomb for a two-count!


Here we go - Storm Breaker by Sailor Jupiter! One! Two! Three! Jupiter wins!



Now it's time for our PRIDE rules floorboard match, and we have a change of referees. The match quickly goes to the ground, with Punie focusing on the legs, but Sailor Saturn is attacking the neck.


Solid takedown by Punie, going straight into a straight armlock, but Hotaru is quick to escape then deliver a suplex right onto the boards!


Saturn started getting the advantage, but then she ran straight into that facelock, and it seems to have hurt Hotaru's neck, we might have an injury here. Punie goes for a double wrist lock, and she has the neck twisted still... Saturn has no option other than to submit!



Now it's our first tag-team match for the night, with the Red and Blue Ringkampfer faction against Kampfer White. There's Hitomi with the crucifix elbows, but Mikoto gets to the corner and tags Shizuka in... they land a 3D!


There are frequent tags here, with all four combatants trying to stay fresh and energised. It's hard to tell who has the advantage so far.


Quick takedown by Shizuka, then- oh! That move shouldn't be allowed!


Double-team chokeslam by Hitomi and Ryouka! Mitoko breaks up the double-team, but Shizuka is still dazed.


Dangerous backdrop by Mitoko on Hitomi! But then she's thrown to the turnbuckle, and Ryouka chucks her back into the centre!


All chaos has broken down, with Hitomi trying a chair illusion but the referee sees it for what it is, and focuses on the unique submission hold in front of her.


Another failed attempt at the chair illusion, but then Ryouka delivers a Kinniku Buster!


Oh! Low blow by Hitomi, then she rolls through to a Gedo Clutch. Shizuka manages to kick out even as Ryouka dropkicks Mitoko in the knees!


But then... Shizuka makes Ryouka back away, as Mitoko rolls Hitomi up for the three-count! Ringkampf win again!



Here is the next tag team match, and right off the bell, Sailor Uranus begins punching Rem in the face, drawing blood in the first few seconds!


Kekko focuses on Haruka, allowing Michiru to get behind her and... RRRRRAINMAKER!!!


Kekko-Kamen is now showing some weird offence - the hip bones can certainly bash people and hurt them, but I don't think that's the point here. Sailor Neptune doesn't appreciate that and responds with a kick to the face.


Now Kekko tries to catch Neptune in the head-and-arm scissors, but Uranus is right there, and just starts pummelling the back of her head!


Sailor Uranus leaps for the paydirt, but Kekko vanishes and hits Neptune with the Saka-Otoshi! However, the Outer Senshi still take over, and then Haruka lands a fantastic flying splash!


Sailor Uranus is completely taking control here, a driver, a suplex... then she attacks Rem with her sword!


Rem goes for the big swing, but Uranus is here to break it up. Now we have a pair of suplexes and order breaks down.


Oh! TWO klunge plunges by Rem, Neptune isn't going to like that! And then she uses her own sword! Before going for that deep jab to parts unknown!


Kekko-Kamen lands an amazing high-hurricanrana to Haruka, but Michiru breaks it up, then lands the King's Emerald Flowsion to Rem!


Kekko now hits a facebuster, then the twisted headscissors - normally you want to turn your head towards your opponent but in this case maybe Sailor Uranus isn't too keen on doing that, she gets the double wrist lock... and Haruka taps out! She submits even as Michiru arrives to break it up!



Now it's time for the cage match - remember, victory by pinfall, submission or successful escape with both feet touching the ground. Sailor Moon is in charge to begin with, delivering a trio of Twist & Shouts. Then it's the Suplex de la Luna!


The Eclipse! Then a moonsault! One! Two! No, Rose kicks out!


Now Papillon Rose locks in the Indian deathlock but Usagi escapes. Sailor Moon hits the Heart Breaker, then straight away goes into the sharpshooter!


Shining Wiza- wait no, Shining Bum by Papillon Rose! Then she hits the leaping hurricanrana, one, two, THREE!



Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL! And will determine the first ever Junior Heavyweight Champion. Chibi-Moon is undefeated going into this, but she's never battled Cure Egret, and they're both going all out from the start.


Egret is not letting Chibi-Moon control this like she usually does, and launches her to the floor with that suplex! They battle outside the ring, right in front of commentary!


Amazing crescent moon kick there, and straight after that Chibi-Usa goes for the Butterfly lock... it's not enough to get the win right away, but it does some damage.


Diving splash from Cure Egret, then a standing Shooting Star! But straight away, Chibi Moon goes for a striking combo, getting right back into this!


Shooting Star Press! One, two, three! Cure Egret gets the win and is our first ever Junior Queen!



And now for the main event. The following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL and will determine the IWGP Galactic Champion. Introducing first the challenger, making her way from Tokyo Japan, she is the Witchblade!

Now the champion, from the far reaches of space, representing Galaxia-gun, she is... Sailor Lead Crow!

Right off the bat, Witchblade is on the offence, not letting Crow get even a moment to begin with.


Lead Crow goes for an early F5 attempt, but Witchblade rolls free into a cross armlock. Lucky for the champion, her feet are under the ropes there, but even so Witchblade gets a bear hug. Crow manages to get some measure of control going for heavy stomps to the face!


This exchange of blows ends with a superkick, and then Lead Crow climbs up top, then hits the Starlight Press! It's only good for a two-count, but the impact leaves Witchblade shaken.


Witchblade has had enough, and tries to Pilmanize Lead Crow's knee! The referee is taking a fairly light touch here, and doesn't disqualify her.


Now it's the iron claw by Witchblade, but even that won't get three!


Grenade! And the F5! Now Sailor Lead Crow is in control, and her viciousness is really showing through!


There's another superkick! And a neck chop, a sharpshooter... and another F5!


They're both getting tired at this point, but Lead Crow manages to take Witchblade down with a Manhattan drop! Then she goes back to the stomping... and the match is over! I think she knocked Witchblade out cold! Sailor Lead Crow has retained her championship through referee stoppage!



Post-Match Interviews:

Kurumi: "Ha.... ha... I did it. It was exhausting, but I managed to prove my worth. I don't know what's next... a title shot?"

Moka: "I keep losing lately... why is it? I was supposed to show Kurumi her place, but I was the one humbled there. What am I doing wrong?"

Sailor Jupiter: "And the strongest wins again! I've picked up a win for Lunar Club, we can still run riot over this whole thing."

Aika: "Oh boy, everything hurts after that match. Including my ego. I was supposed to teach the brat a lesson, that whole faction kind of remind me of me when I was younger. And I was a pain in the ass. Is this just the receipt, my past coming back to haunt me?"

Punie: "Here we go, I'm on the rise again! I've beaten one of the other Lunar Club punks, and can work towards a bright future of being crowned queen of the whole division! Maybe I get that rubber match, or maybe I just take out everyone else who calls herself a queen or princess?"

Sailor Saturn: "..."

Shizuka: "VICTORY! See that? they didn't get to pick their referee, and we won that one handily. That's the only trick to it: be better than them and don't let them have their own hand-picked referee. But come on, there's no special prize for the best team, either introduce one or let us aim for the big title."
Mitoko: "Man, my neck hurts... but we won! Throw a new tournament, let us compete and rack up some wins! I want gold!"

Hitomi: "Man, my butthole hurts... ugh, and we didn't even win. Come on, give us a rematch. Or go all four versus four, none of this small stuff."
Ryouka: "I'm not sure that is such a great idea... but if you insist. Maybe if we all team up, it's different."

Rem: "Sweet dreams, you two. You're some kind of perfect team? Then how is it that we just teamed up on a whim and beat you. Team Sleep-Mask reigns supreme!"
Kekko-Kamen: "Finally, a victory over some REAL villains! Between your weaponry and my muff, we have everything that is needed to win. And also the actual wrestling skills I suppose."

Sailor Uranus: "Idiots - we already did what we said we would. We brought them to OUR level. Now they're using weapons, they're poking eyes, they're fighting dirty, they're completely merciless. We covered that ring in blood, and THIS is what is needed!"
Sailor Neptune: "I really would have preferred a win, but it is true that we brought out more violence. But it might be time to get our faction together and start earning more victories, rising back to the top."

Papillon Rose: "That was a good match... I know, you expect me to talk some trash. But I'll be honest: Sailor Moon earned my respect tonight. She didn't try to escape even once. Cutey Honey taught me a lesson last week, and this week it was a hard win, so I will acknowledge Sailor Moon's power and skill. Well done."

Sailor Moon: "I still can't believe the copy defeated the original... but she had an answer for everything I brought. I'll recognise that she's good, but... what do I do now? Where's the path to the championship?"

Cure Egret: "...this is awkward. I'm a tag team wrestler. Having a singles title doesn't really suit me - what if we just freebird this thing and make it a de facto tag title?"

Sailor Chibi-Moon: "Ugh, like mother like daughter is it? We BOTH lost tonight. That sucks, I was undefeated until this. I was so confident I'd win. Time to get my gang together - starting soon, we're going to break every Cure, and run roughshod over the whole division."
Sailor Lead Crow: 'I just want to say... after that incredible battle, where we both went all out... HAHAHAHA, you lose, bitch! I'm still reigning supreme as the champion, now AND FOREVER! You may as well forget about other tournaments for a number one contender - just invent some new Second Place Championship to fight over! I'm going home for a drink, but just remember: this year it's the company, next year it's the whole world and you can suck a dick forever. Galaxia-gun... ICHIBAN!"

(The Witchblade is being checked for concussion, and is not available for comment)


But what could the future hold? This may have been the last big event for the year, but it's not the end altogether. Coming up next, pyramid tournaments for the number one contender for BOTH championships! New wrestlers join the fray! Stay tuned for MGPW - Queen of Wrestling!
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Ahead of the new tournaments for the new year, we introduce you to the new wrestlers added to the roster! First, in the Alleged Heavyweight Division...

Mano Yohko (Demon Hunter Yohko)
Finisher: Exorcist Bomb
Signature Moves: Binding Suplex/Pentagram Suplex, Phoenixplex Hold, Hell Backdrop, Binding Clutch/Paradise Lock

Majiba Kayo
Finisher: F.U.
Signature Moves: S.T.F.U., Five Knuckle Shuffle, Kick to the Groin, Kenka Punch Rush

And now, for the Junior Division...

Souji Mitsuka (Tail Red)
Finisher: Rising Blazer (OG Burning Hammer)
Signature Moves: Slingblade, Fire Star Splash, Burning Lariat, Burning Sword

Isshika Akane (Vivid Red)
Finisher: Code Red
Signature Moves: Boomerang Kick, Red Ink, Ripcord Rear View, Cannonball Crush

Futaba Aoi (Vivid Blue)
Finisher: Blue Hammer (Jackhammer)
Signature Moves: Forearm Hammers, Pole Shift Flowsion, Blue Impulse, Cannonball Crush

Shinomiya Himawari (Vivid Yellow)
Finisher: Yellow Collider (Deep Impact)
Signature Moves: Superman Punch, Cazadora Foot Stomp, Diamond Cutter, Cannonball Crush

Saegusa Wakaba (Vivid Green)
Finisher: Green Blade (Sword attack)
Signature Moves: Slingblade, Green Killer, Back Spin High Kick, Cannonball Crush

We look forward to seeing all of these in action as we welcome you into a new year of violence, steel and sex appeal, with Magical Girl Pro Wrestling!
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »


Ladies and gentlemen, it's night 1 of the Princess Road tournament to decide the new number one contenders for the titles! Right off the bat tonight, we have a story of revenge and respect, with Sailor Moon and Sailor Uranus facing each other once again. After that, Cutie Honey will do battle against Aika in what is sure to feature a lot of hard strikes. Mattoi Ryuuko will then try to get back on top of things against the runner up of Galaxy-1, Sailor Aluminum Siren, and finally, the ninja Haruka and Kekko Kamen face off! Let's get things underway!

Our first match starts with a lot of give and take - a dropkick by Sailor Moon, then a snap suplex by Uranus, followed by a deadlift German. Both are going all-out from the start.


Usagi tries a few more kicks, but Sailor Uranus has her number in that respect, taking her down with the big boot. And then... Blade Runner!


The chairs are in play! the very first match of the tournament and we've already had a Chair-Related Incident! And then a sharp elbow to the skull! Sailor Uranus is taking charge!


Twist and Shout by Sailor Moon! And another... and a third! Now she applies the cross-arm camel clutch, and she's really taking ove- wait, a reversal! Sailor Uranus just hit Sailor Moon with her own finisher... 1, 2, 3! Haruka has just pinned Usagi to move on to the next round, with a complete lack of respect!



That was a great match, and now we're onto the next - and we're not even a minute in and already Aika goes for the Ultrinate Driver! And then the heel hook, she's trying to ground Honey and prevent her from landing fierce kicks.


Honey gets Aika in the corner, takes her down with a scoop slam, then a great two-stage moonsault! But it's only good for a one count, and then Aika hits that devastating reverse piledriver a second time!


Honey is all over Aika here, just going to town with all of those kicks! She levels her foe, then hits a sunset roll, but Aika is back... and a THIRD Ultrinate Driver!


Pele kick by Honey, and a stomp... no, Aika just takes over again, this time pulling the tights for a piledriver. This is a very targeted, dangerous approach... and it still isn't enough for three!


Cutey Honey is back in the game! Canadian Destroyer, then a Frankensteiner! Now she's backing into the corner, and... thrust kick!


But just like that, Aika took over again, still driving Honey's head into the matt! And again with the reverse dangerous brainbuster, then she just suplexes her right out of the ring!


Honey manages to climb onto Aika with a sleeper, but Aika escapes. Still, that took energy from her, allowing for another Frankensteiner, then a standing moonsault... 1, 2, and 3! After all of that, Cutey Honey gets the win!



Here we are with the third match, and look at this! Siren is just going to town on Ruuko, repeatedly poking her in the eyes! Surely that's against the rules, but the referee is doing nothing about it!


Fisherman Suplex by Siren! It isn't enough for a pinfall, and now Ryuuko counters with a suplex of her own! But this is what happens when you leave your nips halfway exposed in a fight, Siren goes for the cripple!


GALACTIC FLOWSION! Oh no, Ryuuko isn't moving, it looks like she was knocked out cold. The referee checks on her... and calls for the bell! Aluminum Siren has just won the match by knockout!



Here we are with tonight's main event, and Haruka is taking control. She throws Kekko to the turnbuckle, but that's a beautiful running flip - it doesn't do her any good though, Haruka kicks Kekko, pulls guard then applies the ninja choke!


Here is Kekko Kamen with some ninja tricks of her own, a vanishing act into a choke. But then Haruka manages to reverse a grab into the double wrist lock, she's a bit of a submission expert here.


Frankensteiner by Kekko Kamen, and then she rolls into a... uh... into THAT hold! Unique submission attempt here!


Haruka is just slapping Kekko's nipples off, and then - oh! She goes for a terrifying claw hold, and back to the chops. She practically has the perfect opponent for her unorthodox techniques.


More reaching for Parts Unknown, but then Kekko Kamen suddenly twists Haruka into her own Experimental Hold! We've seen a surprising amount of theft tonight!


Oh, and here we go! Hurricanrana by Kekko Kamen, and Haruka is pinned with a face full of muff! Kekko makes it to round two against Aluminum Siren!



Post-Match Interviews:

Sailor Uranus: "Well, that was that. Game over for Sailor Moon, in the first match. I didn't even have to take her seriously there... pathetic. Next up is Honey, so I can just sleep through that too, right?"
Sailor Moon: "I can't believe my adventure ended this early... I have to put my faith in the rest of my team now. The Outer Senshi are as obnoxious as ever now!"

Cutey Honey: "Ow, my head and neck hurt... Aika gave me such a run for my money, I'm not going to lie. But it's in a heroine's nature to withstand all damage and turn things around! I suppose Sailor Uranus will be next to learn that lesson."
Aika: "Am I losing my touch? I used to be the one who could take a beating then come back with an explosion of offence, or who could just go through any number of foes without breaking a sweat. Have I just been getting lazy?"

Sailor Aluminum Siren: "Another victory for Galaxia-gun. This thing can just end in a rematch for us, and we'll close the title off from everyone else forever! That brat didn't even last ten minutes! So it's the masked freak next?"
(Ryuuko is being checked for possible concussion)

Kekko Kamen: "I have a feeling that was my worst match so far. She fought dirty and made use of illegal holds, and I still came out on top. Hmm, Siren also cheats a bunch, but I'll be fine - I have justice on my side!"
Haruka: "I think I got carried away. I was there just to torture her and twist her about, discover weaknesses to exploit, and leave my opponent broken. I lost track of the big picture, and I paid for it. I apologise to my team."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »


Ladies and gentlemen, it's night 2 of the Princess Road tournament and the action continues! This will start with She-Ra doing battle against Sailor Mercury, followed by Papillon Rose facing her sister in pink hair, Steel Angel Kurumi. Next we have the debut of Majiba Kayo against Sailor Saturn, and lastly Punie tackles Princess Hydra. Let's get into the action!

Things start off with some flair and styling by Ami with the Reincarnation. Straight away, she goes from there into the Fish Stretch Sleeper, but She-Ra powers out.


She-Ra takes Sailor Mercury to the ground with her overwhelming power, and then goes for a submission of her own, with the shoulder lock and cross-face. I don't know if fighting Mercury on her own terms is a good idea though.


Mercury locks in the kata-hajime and... oh! It looks like she's actually done something serious there! The referee calls for the bell, and I can't tell but She-Ra seems to have an injured neck or windpipe. Ami flexes a bit by spitting mist, then locks the hold back in! Somebody stop her!



Match two, and Kurumi gets an early lead with the takedown and rolling senton. It looks a moment like Papillon recovers, but now we have the Air Raid Crash!


Soulful powerbomb by the Steel Angel, but she can't quite get the three-count. And NOW Papillon Rose is back in the game with a kick to the head, then an Indian Deathlock! Still, Kurumi escapes, and manages a backflip kick, though Rose counters with a hard slap.


Papillon Rose goes for a low grab, I think she's looking for Kurumi's power button! But straight away Kurumi counters with a half-hatch suplex.


Oh no! The tights piledriver! And then Papillon Rose goes straight for the Indian Deathlock again!


Oof, deadlift German suplex by Kurumi! But again, she just barely falls short of the three-count! But then Rose gets a leg-twist buster, then practically collapses onto Kurumi for the three count! Papillon Rose will advance to face Sailor Mercury!



Here we are for match three, with the Delinquent Heroine taking on the Silent Senshi. Kayo goes for an early chokeslam, but Saturn rolls through into a cross armlock! Once Kayo escapes, they lock up, Hotaru tries for a vertical suplex but Kayo reverses it!


Vicious knee stomp by Kayo, then she just bullies Hotaru into the corner there! She stomps all over Saturn!


Sailor Saturn goes for a kick, Kayo catches it... OH! Blatant kick to the groin there! And then she just hammers at Saturn's head, and drops an elbow on her.


Kayo runs up with a headbutt to the back, and now that Saturn is weakened, she hits the chokeslam this time! And then it's time for a little FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE! (That's a masturbation reference, thanks Cena!)


DEATH VALLEY DRIVER by Sailor Saturn! And then it's a C.R.I. to the knee! This was always going to be a vicious fight, there's no pretending otherwise!


Sailor Saturn starts slicing Kayo's face with the kama, she draws blood... and then OW! Right to the face with the brass knuckles! And then she locks in a sickle hold. Things are really turning around for Sailor Saturn here, and Kayo might not be ready for this league.


F.U! F.U! F.U! Kayo hits her finisher, but only gets a two-count! But never mind what I said earlier - she delivers a stiff punch to the gut, goes for another knee stomp, then covers for the three count. Kayo is advancing to the next round!



So it's matchfour, and Punie pulls guard but it doesn't work out for her - Hydra just lays into her with hard forearms to the face! She escapes, gets some breathing room, then applies a shoulder lock.


I think Punie was going for a triangle-choke attempt, but Hydra just slams her down! She then goes for her own submission attempt with a Boston crab.


Now they're both just going for vicious punches to the head, back and forth, it's like Takayama vs Fry! Hydra gets the best of it, then locks in a Mexican surfboard! She's done a lot of travel for this match.


Hard lariat by Hydra! She then runs to the ropes- OH! The ref goes down!


Hydra lifts Punie to her feet, and Punie catches her in the double hatch armlock! It's not enough though, as Hydra delivers the Hydra Bite, and covers - one, two, three!



Post-Match Interviews:
Sailor Mercury: "I think people have been forgetting that we're not nice - we're here to take victories. I went out there and made a statement on behalf of Lunar Club, this isn't all fun and games. Sailor Uranus, I have my sights set on you, I'm going to extract vengeance when we meet up."

(She-Ra is currently at a nearby medical facility.)

Papillon Rose: "I like the robot, she's a great fighter... we'd make a good tag team, with our pink hair. But tournaments don't allow for playing favourites, they don't even allow for friendships. You do what you have to, you win, you advance."

Kurumi: "I really thought there were rules, going into this. There are some places you just shouldn't be grabbing at in a match!"

Kayo: "Ehh? I have to give an interview too? What a pain in the ass. Look, I'm taking a smoke break, you piss off."

Sailor Saturn: "I was the first to draw blood, but even so, that wasn't enough... I am meant to be the violent soldier of destruction! How could she overcome my use of weaponry like that?"

Princess Hydra: "Pro wrestling has more than one royal family after all... yeah, people have been sleeping on my performance for a while. Now it's time I go right to the top, and make a statement!"

Punie: "I can't believe it... I used to be unbeatable, on a wild winning streak! Now what has happened? Do I need to go back to my roots? I think I need to find what went wrong, and make a change..."



Ladies and gentlemen, after a real delay we're onto night three of the tournament! Things are starting hot with Iron Mouse taking on a new contender, Devil Hunter Yohko. After that, it's Sailor Mars versus the beast of Hanzo-gumi, Daidoji! Nonon will then do battle against the White Kampfer Hitomi, and for the main event, we have Cha-cha versus Hikage of Crimson-gun.

Onto the first match, it starts with an exchange of strikes, neither competitor wants to give up any ground but it looks like Iron Mouse may have the best of this.


Mouse throws Yohko to the ropes, but the Devil Hunter knocks her down on the rebound! And then it's the Blade Runner! We've seen a lot of wrestlers break that move out, and it looks like she's following suit.


Ouch! Low dropkick to the knees by Iron Mouse! Yohko briefly recovers and takes over with knee shots to the ribs there, but she collapses midway, allowing for Iron Mouse to hit the Ballin' Elbow! And then she locks in a Boston Crab for good measure.


Yohko gives a short prayer, then nails the SOULFUL POWERBOMB! She covers, one! Two! Kick out at the last second!


OH MY LORD! Iron Mouse locks in the Galactic Crunch! She's laughing as she does it! I don't know how the Devil Hunter managed to escape that, but she has to be hurting, surely!


Yohko brings Iron Mouse to her knees, then it's a short superkick, and then... yes, she locks it in, that's the Binding Clutch, the Paradise Hold! Iron Mouse can't take any more, the match is over and Yohko will advance to the next round!



Here we are with the second match, and right from the start Sailor Mars is looking to make a statement, hitting a big powerbomb then choking Daidoji!


Now Daidoji is in charge, with a hard fallaway slam an- never mind, BURNING HAMMER! This match might have already ended! But Mars goes for a chop to the back of the head- AND DAIDOJI STANDS BACK UP!


And now Mars steals Daidoji's Tiger Driver! So many attacks to the back of the head and neck, but Daidoji kicks out at two! And then she hits back with the Air Raid Crash!


Muscle Buster by Daidoji! And she flops onto Mars for the cover, one, two, oh not quite!


Tiger Bomb by Daidoji, one, two, kick-out! And then straight away, another Tiger Bomb! And Mars kicks out again!


It looks like both athletes are running out of energy here, they're clearly worn out from this back-and-forth fight and all of those heavy-hitting moves. Daidoji locks in the torture rack... and Rei submits! Sailor Mars has given up, and Daidoji is moving forward in the tournament!



Our third match wastes no time getting underway, and Nonon is thrown to the corner. Hitomi charges in, it looks like Nonon scouts it and counters, but no, a counter by Hitomi drives Nonon head-first into the mat!


Nonon manages to bust Hitomi open there with a right hook, but Hitomi counters with a blatant low blow! She goes for the cover, but it's too close to the ropes - the ref says nothing about the kick though. Nonon throws Hitomi out the ring and follows.


Hitomi locks in the torture surfboard, it looks agonising, but somehow Nonon is able to struggle free! then we have a high kick, followed by blatant choking, and you have to think Hitomi was moments away from disqualification there.


Twist and Shout from Hitomi... and another one... and she maintains the hold and goes for a third! And now, blood dripping from her head, she rolls Nonon into a cradle for one, two... three! That's the three count! But I swear it looked like Nonon's hand was under the rope there! It looks like our referee either didn't see, didn't think so from her angle, or didn't care!



Match four, and Cha-cha is leaping straight into this! She goes for an early bow and arrow attempt, but it's not paying off just yet! And whatever she has planned next, Hikage pulls her into a ninja choke!


Overhead belly to belly suplex by Cha-cha! And then she goes for her finisher again, just looking for a rapid conclusio- OH! And a liver kick by Hikage!


Now Hikage is biting the forehead, just completely blatant cheating here! The referee counts and she stops before four... oh and Cha-cha can still fight back with a scoop slam!


Dragon Screw by Cha-cha! And the Blade Runner! She might be taking control! Oh and just as I say that, Hikage takes over, and locks in a heel hook! Cha-cha struggles to the ropes.


Hikage delivers a hard knee to the head there, drawing blood, and Cha-cha rolls through into a pinning predicament... but only a two-count! And she's down, I think that might have been the last strength our brave warrior had, as Hikage locks in the anaconda vice and the referee calls for the bell immediately - I think Cha-cha has passed out!



Post-Match Interviews:
Devil Hunter Yohko: "Just like that, my first match is in the bag! I want to make myself known as the daughter of Strong Style, and if you meet me in the ring, you're going to lose just like Iron Mouse!"

Sailor Iron Mouse: "Ugh, even now I can't tell you how that hold worked. I tried to replay it in my head, but it's a tangle of limbs... that really sucks. And I studied wrestling so much, watching so many videos of Kota Ibushi, or of Hiroshi Tanahashi taking his jacket off!"

Daidoji: "Oh, what's this? People forgot about the ninjas in the face of all the Sailor This and That? We still have transformations, you know, and as the powerhouse of transforming ninja, I'm excited to advance to the next round!"

Sailor Mars: "...and just like that, my dreams end a second time. There's always someone snatching it away. I gave EVERYTHING for that match! It's never enough, you idiots are never satisfied, my opponents keep standing, what's even the point of sticking around here?"

Hitomi: "Here, can someone hand me a towel? My face is still bleeding after that. Look, credit where it's due, she put up a good fight, but I had everything needed in that match - the skill, the killer instinct... and a referee on my side!"

Nonon: "So, we all know she cheated there, right? It's plain as day? I'm beginning to see why some referees get knocked out on a regular basis. Maybe we need to arrange a retirement and replacement, yeah?"

Hikage: "Look at the canvas there - painted with blood! All will behold my art! And you can be sure it's just getting more violent from here. Everybody, look forward to new artworks painted across the ring, encapsulating the suffering of my foes!"

(Cha-Cha is currently being checked by medical professionals.)



Here we are, folks, with night four - at the end of this, we'll know who has made it from the first round and advanced to the second round in the heavyweight division! We already know Sailor Uranus, Cutey Honey, Sailor Aluminum Siren, Kekko Kamen, Sailor Mercury, Papillon Rose, Kayo, Hydra, Yohko, Daidoji, Hitomi and Hikage will be there, but what about the last four entrants? Tonight will decide that, with Sailor Pluto versus Akane, Witchblade versus Rem, Mitoko versus Satsuki, and Utena versus Sayaka!

The first match is underway, and we start with a hard takedown, and straight away in the early seconds, Pluto goes for the tombstone piledriver! I guess they're not getting paid by the minute here. She then locks in a sleeper, trying to put Akane away by submission.


Pluto tries for the Futureshock DDT, but Akane counters. It's then a rib breaker, before locking in the stretch muffler - the Brock lock! She really cranks at the knee joint there!


DEATH VALLEY DRIVER! And then an Urinage suplex to her dizzied foe, and then- yes this time she hits the Futureshock!


Oh no, it's the Skull End! Pluto is going for another sleeper variant, trying to choke the life out of Akane... but when that doesn't work, it's the Twist of Fate!


Akane's making a comeback! I don't know if it's too late, but she's on fire, just stomping Pluto's head into the canvas after that kick combo... and it's another pair of kicks! Akane is picking up steam and- oh no! And Sailor Pluto is picking up Akane, and it's another Tombstone piledriver!


Now Akane turns Sailor Pluto upside down, is she going for the tombsto- no, it's TWO TO THE CHEST! Sailor Pluto is down, but Akane is too exhausted to capitalise. But there's a big left fist and Pluto is yet again down. This is anyone's game!


Sailor Pluto lifts Akane once again, and delivers the Ticking Time Bomb! Then it's another Future Shock! She's hit just about all of her big moves here! There's a bit of a taunt for the crowd, and- oh, reversal! Akane throws her to the ropes and delivers a firm kick! But there's a Death Valley Driver!


Blatant low blow by Sailor Pluto! I can't believe the referee allowed that! And a chop to the head, then the Bleeding Edge elbows! But Akane escapes, she fires up, and that's the Trigger Finger, the Fisherman Buster! One! Two! Three! Akane somehow powered through all of that offence and pulled out the win! CHECKMATE MOTHERFUCKER!


(TN: Schniezel made an illegal move in chess, so it's odd that- oh wait, wrong anime)


Match two starts off explosively, with the Witchblade delivering a Ganso Bomb! And then it's a cross-arm German suplex, and a knee to the face! This is a huge start for her, but Rem, possibly out of desperation, pulls her into closed guard - back in my day we called it Missionary Position - and gets a front sleeper locked in.


The Dream Hunter is fighting out of desperation here, twisting the nipples just to create some space - or maybe she just can't help but grab those melons, I'd understand! And then she creates more distance, throwing Witchblade to the ropes, and lands a standing Hurricanrana! But it's only good for a one-count!


Gourdbuster by Rem, and then she goes for a rear-mount sleeper! She's managed to turn things around, and is trying to send Witchblade to the land of dreams.


Rem hops up for some kind of move but Witchblade slams her face down - and then it's her turn for a sleeper attempt! Witchblade is one of the original monsters here, and she can choke the life out of anyone.


Oh! Rem uses her sword, slicing Witchblade open! ...and a SECOND time! There's blood everywhere, this just went to a new level!


Backbreaker by Witchblade, but she's too exhausted to cover. Rem recovers and... THAT'S THE HOLLOWPOINT! She covers, ONE! TWO! THREE!



Here we go with match three, and both competitors wasted a lot of energy in the early stages. Already they're getting worn out and-oh, first big game changing move, the liver kick by Satsuki! She thinks there's time for a disrespectful taunt here, then rolls into the modified calf crusher!


Satsuki with the sword attack! And she covers for... that's it! She gets a three count off the sword strike!



Here's our last match for the evening, and we have a lot of back and forth with the strikes from these two- oh, SABRE DRIVER! But it's only a two count, Utena won't be put away that easily!


Utena is firmly in control of the match now - Coup de Gras stomp, and a sliding kick to the face! Oh, dropkick to the knee, that could slow things down.


Sayaka takes Utena down again but it doesn't last - there's a backhand chop to the head, and then the sword comes out! Sayaka is bleeding, and Utena goes up top for a diving leg drop!


Utena ties Sayaka into the tree of woe... oh, hanging neckbreaker! And another sword strike, there's blood everywhere here! She goes up top again... Leaping frog splash! Utena makes the cover, and one! Two! THREE!



Post-Match Interviews:
Akane: "I... I did it. Through all of that, even her illegal move... I manage to get the victory regardless! I haven't done much one on one combat, but I'm glad I can prove myself."

Sailor Pluto: "I did everything right, but she stole victory at the end. What's done is done, there's no use talking about how it could have gone differently. I can't even claim referee bias, Kaede hates Ring Kampfer as much as she hates us."

Rem: 'I needed that victory. My track record hasn't been good, so now with a violent display, everyone can see I really do have what it takes. A victory over a serious threat there!"

Witchblade: "One day I'm the number one contender, the next day I'm knocked out of the tournament in round one. How embarrassing. I came in here declaring that ALL of you would breathe with the Witchblade, that it's my era! And now those kids are pinning me..."

Satsuki: "I feel like I really have turned the corner since the Galaxy 1 Climax. All those losses came to an end, and now here I am, picking up wins the way I'm supposed to do as a leader!"

Mitoko: "It was never really a question, was it? Here I am, a tag-team wrestler in a faction the referee wants to see crushed, against someone who takes a sword into battle."

Utena: "I feel a little bad about the violence there. All that blood, it's not what I came into this for. But it's already been made clear that nobody is holding back, that these are just the new rules... and they're rules I do just fine in."

Sayaka: " comment. I'm ashamed of my loss."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:54 pm
Location: South Ausfailia

Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Night 5 of the Princess Road tournament, where we begin round 1 of the Junior division matches. We'll start with Sailor Chibi-Moon against newcomer Tail Red, then it's another new arrival, Vivid Green, versus Ueda Rika of Kampfer White. Third match is Mew Zakuro versus Cure Bloom, and for the main event, we have Mew Mint and Cere Cere, reigniting the war between Tokyo Mew Mew and New Moon!

Chibi-Moon is starting this match violently, with a rapid onslaught of strikes, and then the Suplex dela Luna! She wants that title, and she wants to regain her former glory where she was nigh undefeatable.


Chibi-Moon goes for another arm-breaker but as soon as she turns her back, Tail Red locks in a sleeper, great counter there! But Chibi sends her to the ropes, hits the clothesline, then picks her up- oh! DDT by Red!


Blazing Sword by Red, and then she locks in the Achilles lock! Chibi Moon escapes quickly though- only to be hit by the BURNING HAMMER!


Leg trip by Tail Red, then a grounded dragon screw to hurt the knee. Then another! She's really looking to take the legs out! Chibi Moon stands, but gets taken down with a Frankensteiner, then a kick combo! Tail Red is looking dominant here and putting on such a good showing!


Now Chibi Moon is in charge, slamming the knees into the mat. And then... Future Shock DDT! And a dragon screw, now she's going for the knees, oh but Tail Red twists her around into a backslide pinfall attempt.


Sword strike by Red, and she draws blood! And a flying cross body! But Chibi Moon starts biting the face, drawing blood as well, and she just barely stops before the five-count. Welcome to MGPW! Red is still in this though, countering with a series of kicks.


Pele kick by Chibi Moon, and they're both down! She eventually gets up, she makes the cover... 1, 2, 3! Chibi Moon advances to round 2, but there's no shame for Tail Red, she had a great first match.



A bit of careful circling at the start of the second match, then Rika takes over with an enziguri kick, before locking in the reverse Indian deathlock!


Oh, ground octopus stretch by Rika, what a complex hold! Vivid Green is in no mood to tap out though, and powers out, before throwing Rika into the turnbuckle... and then hits the Green Killer! But Rika is able to stand, and goes for the airplane spin.


The fight moves outside of the ring, and Green takes Rika down with a series of kicks... oh, Ueda gets back into the ring at the count of 17, that was nearly a countout!


Low kick by Green, then a deadlift German, one! Two! Thr- no, almost! Rika then takes advantage of a slow rise to lock in the figure four, she's really going for the submissions here.


Rika takes the run up... but Green counters with a low kick, then grabs the hands... KAMEGOYA! She starts putting the boot in, then drops into an Achilles lock. They both get up, but she rolls into another Achilles, this time the reverse!


Running knee by Green, kangaroo kick by Rika, now Rika goes for a rear grab- but Green rolls into a pin attempt, one! Two! Three! She gets the three count by surprise!



Match three starts explosively, and we have a rolling kneebar attempt in the early stages. Then a double foot stomp to the midsection. Cure Bloom is on fire here.


Running knee by Zakuro! Bloom slumps into the corner... oh but then counters with a hanging triangle from the ropes! She releases before the count of five, and then Zakuro lands a series of kicks, knocking Bloom straight out of the ring!


German suplex by Zakuro, one-two- so close! They lock up, and Bloom takes Zakuro to the ground. They lock up a second time, and Zakuro performs a backslide, Bloom's shoulders are down, one... two... three! We have a pinfall!



This is our final match for the night, and we have a sharp kick to the midsection, a backbreaker... clothesline by Mint - she is completely in charge so far!


They're out of the ring, and Mint is just unloading on Cere with those kicks, taking her down completely! She gets back into the ring... oh, but Cere grabs a chair before following.


The chair is currently out of play, but Cere Cere managed to take over, locking in the spiderweb stretch - but you can't win with that hold! Oh and as soon as she releases it, Mint unleashes another flurry of strikes! Then she goes up top... twisting Senton!


Cere throws Mint into the ropes, then spins into a death spiral to take her down! And then she locks it in, the torture cloverleaf!


Springboard splash by Cere, she's fully in charge! And once again she goes for the cloverleaf... Mint fights her way out! They both lock up again- oh and Mint forces Cere straight down into a crossface! I can't believe it, Cere tapped out! We have a submission!



Post-Match Interviews:
Sailor Chibi-Moon: "I promised I was going to regain my former glory and go back on the winning streak! I'm taking this thing to the end, I'm getting a second title match and this time I'm doing what the old bitches of Lunar Club never could, and taking it home!"
Tail Red: "Oh boy, what a first match... I guess I made an impression, right? Even though I didn't win, I showed that I'm serious. Hey can I get a cloth for this blood?"
Vivid Green: "I feel like I got a lucky break there, that could have gone either way. I came out on top this time, but I definitely need to work on my striking game and counter-play if I want to take it to the end."
Ueda Rika: "Bleh, how lame. So much for round two being pink twintails on both sides, confusing those idiots in the audience. It was a lucky break, rerun that a hundred times and I'll win ninety of them... but I didn't win the one that actually played out."
Mew Zakuro: "Arooo~! Yeah that's what I'm talking about! I had a lot of fun out there unleashing those kicks and getting tangled up! I assure you, you can expect more from the high speed heroine of the Mew Mew wolfpack!"
Cure Bloom: "Ah, I guess we know who the powerhouse of my duo is. One holds the title, the other gets knocked out of round one... it's fine, I can support my tag partner. I just need to get some more training in."
Mew Mint: "I won, I won! Wait, that means round two I'll be fighting Zakuro, can we really do that? I know it was always a possibility, but I really don't want to hurt my teammate..."
Cere Cere: "Aaaah! I think she tore something in my shoulder! Even so, what's this talk? Doesn't want to hurt a teammate? That's loser talk! If she can't do it, let me fight in round two, one-armed and all!"



Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, welcome to night 6 of Princess Road, where we finish round one of the Junior Heavyweight tournament! We'll start with Jun Jun of the Amazoness Quartet against Mew Bu Rin of Tokyo Mew Mew, then it's Palla Palla against Vivid Red. After that we have another New Moon versus Mew Mew match, with Ves Ves facing Mew Ichigo, and for the last match we have Mew Retasu and Vivid Blue.

Here we are in match one, and Jun Jun starts with a side cravat to assert her dominance - but Bu Ring knocks her back and down with a series of hard kicks! Oh, low blow by Jun Jun! And then a step-up shotei to regain control!


The fight breaks to the outside, a baseball bat is very nearly involved but Bu Rin has the presence of mind to get things back in the ring, then performs a great athletic move here, an impressive takeover.


Jun Jun throws Bu Rin headfirst into the corner- oh! Bu Rin hits the Tamba Trench, the Ape Shit, practically out of nowhere!


They both run to the ropes, and Reincarnation by Jun Jun, one! Two! SO CLOSE! And then- KING'S EMERALD FLOWSION! One, two, three! Jun Jun closes this match with her finisher and advances to round two!



Match two starts off explosively, with Palla Palla just taking her opponent down to the mat and bashing her head! Red gets a side headlock, but Palla Palla backdrops her... oh, now it's a Rodeo Stretch, this is anyone's game this early on.


Tremendous dropkick by Palla Palla, sending Vivid Red flying! But then Red takes Palla to the ground and gets the Achilles locked in. We could see a submi- no, Palla Palla kicks out - but straight away, Vivid Red takes over with a headlock into the scarf hold.


We're seeing a real mix of styles here, with Vivid Red - known for her fear of heights - being a real ground fighter, and Palla Palla displaying more acrobatics and high-risk offence. We have a reverse Achilles by Red, but Palla escapes, creates some distance then goes for the headscissors. And now she's back to bashing Red's head against the mat, and now she draws blood!


Red Ink! Red Ink! There's blood all over the place, and now Vivid Red locks in the Red Ink, but Palla Palla manages to escape!


Superkick by Palla Palla! And then a series of headbutts to the midsection. This might be all over at this poi- wait, shut my mouth, Vivid Red gets a triangle, and transitions it into a side armbar!


Oh my god! Vivid Red lands an exploder suplex into the turnbuckle, and Palla Palla lands right on her head! Now Red is going for an arm lock, and Palla Palla might be knocked out!


Vivid Red has the double wrist lock applied, but Palla Palla escapes, she hits another headbutt... oh, CODE RED by Vivid Red! One! Two! Three!



Match three begins with Mew Ichigo taking Ves Ves down with a headscissors, then Ves Ves goes for a low tackle, Ichigo counters but Ves Ves still gets behind for a hammerlock. Ichigo escapes, but then gets thrown - this is a fast bout!


Ves Ves throws Ichigo to the ropes, then puts her on the turnbuckle- oh! Mew Ichigo knocks her down, then throws her with a terrifying phoenixplex into the turnbuckle!


Twisting somersault splash by Ves Ves onto Mew Ichigo! And then she locks in her finisher, the LION TAMER! This might be it... no, Ichigo escapes!


Ichigo has taken contol now, swinging Ves Ves around in circles! And then a Spinebuster, one- no just a one count. And as soon as they stand up, Ves lands a Ruby Cutter!


Once again we see head slamming, and once again we see blood. Ves has bust the back of Mew's head open and left her dazed- slingblade by Ves Ves!


Dropkick to the back of the head, then a great kick combo there! I think Ichigo is out... Ves runs to the ropes, then hits a standing shooting star press, one, two, three! This one's over!



Match four starts off fairly sensibly here, we have an elbow, a roll-up attempt- OH! Vicious Shibata style headbutt from Retasu, forehead to forehead, and someone is bleeding, I can't tell who. It might be both!


Great takeover by Retasu, she's fully in control here, then a running bulldog! And yes, both competitors are bleeding from that headbutt, we can confirm.


Sliced Bread by Vivid Blue, and now she's getting back into the game, with a side headlock and a solid punch to the forehead.


Retasu tries locking in the octopus stretch but they're too close to the ropes. The referee calls for the break, that's enough for Blue to get a headlock but Retasu backdrops her. Another elbow from Mew Retasu, and then a devastating backfist!


Double wrist lock from Retasu, great counter there, but again, Vivid Blue gets a foot under the ropes and we have a break. Blue takes over this time, just delivering strikes to the face from mount, but Retasu escapes, she knocks Blue down... leaping frog splash!


Mew Retasu puts Vivid Blue's arm through the wringer there, then takes her down with a dragon screw. A standing splash... and that's the three count! Vivid Blue just didn't have the energy to get a shoulder up after that hellacious match!



Post-Match Interviews:
Jun Jun: "yawn, let's tick this one off, shall we? And onto my next glorious victory!"
Mew By Ring: "ow, my head... I have to admit she's strong, but I just didn't expect the outright violence there. I know we've fought them before, but it's like someone lit a fire under her!"
Vivid Red: "Haha, VICTORY! Yeah, I knew we could do it, even without our fusion powers, even if I have to fight on my own, I still have what it takes to make a difference here. Sorry about the mess, eheh."
Palla Palla: "Uwaaaa, everything hurts... I need ice cream..."
Ves Ves: "I'm getting tired of fighting these punks over and over. Can we just get an automatic win against that team from now on?"
Mew Ichigo: "So much blood... she just wailed on my head there, I think I'll need scalp stitches!"
Mew Retasu: "Okay, that early headbutt was dangerous, I know, I don't want to Shibata myself. And my opponent was very skilled, but I knew I had it in me, deep down. I found what I needed to prevail... and I hear my opponent for the next round has been talking a lot of crap, I guess I'll need to shut her mouth."
Vivid Blue: "Yeah, I'm not used to solo matches. Singles bouts are fun, they're exciting... but they're new and unfamiliar to me. I'm not ashamed of how I did for my debut, I just wish I could have lasted longer out there."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Night 7 of Princess Road, and the start of round 2 for the Heavyweight tournament. We'll start off strong with Honey versus Sailor Uranus, followed by Kekko-Kamen battling Sailor Aluminum Siren. Match three pits Sailor Mercury against Papillon Rose, and for the final, Kayo the delinquent will face Princess Hydra!

Haruka is wasting no time here, landing a devastating spike there, followed by the Pimp Juice - but to her credit, Honey is getting right back up after it.


Spin-out gutwrench powerbomb by Sailor Uranus, and she gets- no, so very close though! Honey kicks out at the last possible moment!


Wheel kick by Cutey Honey, that might bring her ba- oh! Never mind, clothesline by Sailor Uranus, and then the Blade Runner! And another spin-out powerbomb! This match has been all Haruka.


Cutey Honey might be getting into this finally, with a good kick there, some basic offence, and- oh no! Space Tornado! Haruka covers, one! Two! Three! Sailor Uranus advances to round three!



Match two begins and right off the bat we have an illegal move, and bloodshed! Siren bites Kekko's face, drawing blood even through her mask!


Incredible ruby cutter there by Kekko, still dripping blood! And then- oh, this is not the time for taunting, we've seen that work out poorly for many wrestlers!


And yet more of the taunting, the absolute disrespect! Besides, we've already seen Siren is willing to bite, this could really come to bite Kekko in the ass!


Kekko throws Siren into the ropes, she runs, jumps overhead... that's a great athletic maneuver, but only good for a one-count. And suddenly a RRRRRRAINMAKER from Aluminum Siren!


We have already had a Chair Related Incident, Kekko Kamen is still bleeding...oof, solid Fisherman suplex by Siren! She goes for a kick, Kekko grabs the leg- oh! A cheap shot from the alleged heroine here! Gedo Clutch, and Siren kicks out.


Blizzard Suplex by Sailor Aluminium Siren, one! Two! Oh so close! But then she lands another Fisherman suplex and one... two... three! That's three, Sailor Aluminum Siren wins! She might face her teammate for the title once again, at this rate!



The floors have been mopped, and now it's time for match three. Papillon Rose gets Mercury into the corner... oh no, we've already seen how cocky taunts play out, tonight, and Mercury lands a snap suplex in response.


Clever takedown there by Sailor Mercury, and then a deadlift German, once, two- no, Rose kicks out at two. Oh! Mercury goes for the heel hook, the heel hook! She has that knee isolated just about... Rose somehow manages to roll free.


Now Ami-chan is just unloading with those hard punches directly to the face, she might be losing her cool - oh and that gives Rose the chance to catch her off-guard. SHINING WI- er, shining... bum? And then a hurricanrana, and- no, just a two-count.


They both get to their feet, they lock up- oh and Sailor Mercury straight away locks the Octopus Stretch in, and it's just too much for Papillon Rose, she submits - Sailor Mercury is regaining her former glory, one broken foe at a time.



Match four started violently - that was predictable. We have forearm shots by Hydra, then a stiff elbow, a kick, and now a Mexican surfboard!


They lock up again, Kayo goes for a chokeslam but Hydra ducks, and kicks her between the legs! Then she lands the knees to the head. They're both up, Kayo throws Hydra to the ropes, she also runs... SPEAR! That spear almost knocked Hydra out of her shoes!


Princess Hydra is on a rampage here, one Michinoku Driver after another! But still, Kayo kicks out in the nick of time!


Now both athletes are just punching the hell out of each other, it's like Don Fry and Takayama! Hydra manages to come out on top, and- and she hits the Dominator! This has won her matches in the past, can it do the same this time?


Turnabout is fair play, this time it's Kayo with the low blow, and the knee to the head. And now she's just punching and stomping on Hydra, who is almost starting to look helpless under the onslaught!


BURNING LARIATO! Then Kayo backs off to the turnbuckle, she's waiting for Hydra to rise... another tremendous spear!


Chokeslam by Kayo! And then a bit of five knuckle shuffle! She lifts Hydra, goes behind- but Hydra counters! These might be desperation moves here, but it's keeping her in the game.


Rolling lariat by Hydra, then a solid punch to the midsection by Kayo, they're both on their last legs... oh but Hydra reaches into her reserves and lands one last Hydra Bite, one! Two! Three! Hydra wins!



Post-Match Interviews:
Sailor Uranus: "There wasn't any doubt, was there? Look, I've woken up, heralded by a new age, this is Sailor Fucking Uranus, appearing gracefully! I'll be winning this tournament and then winning the title!"
Cutey Honey: "I wish I could say I came close there... but as soon as I managed to mount any real offence, get on a roll... bam, that finisher. I don't know if I have a weapon in my arsenal to stop her. Yet. Stay tuned for my return, folks!"
Sailor Aluminum Siren: "Did you forget who came second place in the first Galaxy-1 Climax? I've always had a good win-loss record, and she comes at me with THAT weak nonsense? Comedy match gimmicks? Well that's an easy victory for me, I guess I shouldn't complain - and next is one of the Outer senshi, a real challenge and a hated enemy. I look forward to this one. You had best bring your A-game Haruka, because if you're anything like that foe, you're going out on a stretcher!"
Kekko Kamen: 'I have no comment on this occasion."
Sailor Mercury: "Oh yes, we had a good rematch there. Rose might have shown her respect for us- and that lasted right until the start of this match, didn't it? You play stupid games, you get taught serious lessons. I AM! The submission master. I AM! Mizuno Ami! I AM! Sailor... MERCURY! JUST! TAP! OUT! Give up-aru."
Papillon Rose: "Was that really how I lost? At the start? Could it have been different if I didn't taunt her? But I have fun on the battlefield, it's what I do, there can't be any other way to do things... maybe I need a faction."
Princess Hydra: "Victory, victory, la-la-la-la-la~ Can we all agree that there's no better violent rule breaker than me? Surely I proved it here!"
Kayo: "Oh fuck off, I'm not in a talking mood."


Princess Road Night 8, 21/03
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to night 8 - the end of round two for the heavyweight division. When this night is complete, we'll know what the match lineup is for night 10. So we start with Daidouji of Hanzo-gumi versus Devil Hunter Yoko, then Crimson-gun's Hikage takes on Hitomi from Kampfer White. Ring Kampfer's Akane will then do battle against Dream Hunter Rem, with a final match of Satsuki the Queen of Honnouji versus the Revolutionary Girl, Utena!

Right off the bat, we have a lock-up, and Yoko takes Daidouji down and turns into a gator roll, going for the chokehold against the larger opponent.


Oh! When it comes to the power game, Yoko can't compete with Daidouji - she just throws her away with a fallaway slam there. Yoko attempts a powerbomb, but can't lift her, and is dropped backwards. Then Daidouji takes a run up... diving headbutt!


Incredible spiral powerbomb there by Daidouji! But it's only good for two! But then she dumps Yoko on her head with a vicious Tiger Driver - but look, Yoko's foot is on the rope, you have to think that break saved her from a three-count!


A diving splash by Yoko took some breath out of Daidouji, but wasn't enough for three. But straight away she shoots low for a double-leg tackle and goes into a stockade, compressing the neck. Daidouji powers her way out, and looks no worse for wear - she throws Yoko to the ropes then hits a clothesline!


Binding suplex attempt by Yoko, but now it's Daidouji who has a leg across the ropes! But she doesn't let up, she offers up a prayer then tries for the powerbomb again - and this time it connects! One! Two! Three! Yoko advances to round three!



Here we are for match two, the green-hair showdown, and you have to assume this won't be as clean and rule-abiding as the last one- oh, case in point, Hitomi goes straight for the nipples! But that's not going to win you a match, and Hikage hangs her from the turnbuckle for a neckbreaker!


It looks like Hikage is going for an STF there, wait no, that's the Cross Viper Hold! Hitomi escapes, and in an act of desperation she throws a chair to her opponent - but there's no disqualification there, it was right in front of the referee!


Low dropkick to the knee by Hitomi, but she doesn't have the energy to capitalise - oh, and now Hikage starts biting her face, opening her up! But Hitomi counters straight away with a brainbuster!


Now Hitomi is bleeding from the head, and she just goes for those illegal closed-fist punches, again and again! She's very close to getting disqualified at this point!


Oof! Hard punch to the gut by the villainous ninja, and now she goes for a ki- blocked by Hitomi, oh illegal kick as well! And Hitomi rolls into the Gedo Clutch, one-two-three! Kaede didn't even warn her for that blatant low blow, she just counted the pinfall! Hitomi will be facing Yoko at night 10!



Match three starts with Rem pulling guard, then straight away locking in the reverse sleeper, it looks like she is indeed hunting for dreams.


And now we have a regular sleeper attempt, she really wants to put Akane to sleep - oh, gourdbuster! And then another sleeper! Akane has had no offence so far, and is in danger of passing out!


HOLLOW POINT! That's the Ganso bomb by Rem, dumping poor Akane right onto her head and neck! She helps her up, hits the ropes... rolls into a pin, one! Two! OH! So close! You have to think it would be three if she just covered normally!


Good goddess, another one! Another hollowpoint! And this time she makes the cover, going for the European Clutch, one! Two! Three! Rem advances!



Here we are with the final match of the night. Ooh, hard headbutt by Satsuki, then a snap suplex! She lifts Utena to her feet, but Utena counters with a suplex of her own!


Utena grabs Satsuki from behind, Satsuki counters with an elbow, and a diamond cutter! But Utena is first to her feet, hits another suplex, she climbs up top... and there's the coup de grace!


Drop toe hold by Satsuki to take control of the situation, then she applies a bow-and-arrow hold. Utena escapes, she hits a spear, but Satsuki escapes with another drop toe hold.


DESTINO by Satsuki! Then she climbs up top... she's spending a bit of time up there, gives Utena time to stand, then hits a somersault dropkick! But she's too exhausted to cover, Utena stands again, they lock up... Northern Lights Suplex by Utena, one... two... three! Utena pulls it out and wins the match, she's facing Rem at night ten!



Post-Match Interviews
Devil Hunter Yoko: "She's a real powerhouse, not gonna lie... that was a hard match. But I managed to find the strength I needed, I just hope my neck stops aching by night ten..."
Daidouji: "...yeah I'll hand it to the kid. Anyone that small who can powerbomb me really does have some hidden strength. I guess it's just back to focusing on taking Crimson-gun out as a team for now."
Hitomi: "There... there, I did it. Even with her blatant cheating, I managed to grab a clean win and progress. Who's next... Yoko? Piece of piss, I'll have it done in five minutes."
Hikagi: "...what, you want me to comment on the results? You expect me to denounce the rule breaches? Are you fucking blind? I went in there looking for a no holds barred contest... I guess I found it, heheh."
Rem: "...night-night, Asuka. Where others bring magic sticks and bubble sprays, I bring bullets. Well, I understand she does too, but I was first to pull the trigger. First and last."
Asuka: "...motherfucker. I didn't even get rolling there, she just steamrolled me. The fuck is wrong with me here?"
Utena: "Ah yeah, I know a lot of people bet on me these days. It's not like it was easy though, you saw how it went down there, maybe it's my experience in fighting student councils? Anyway, I look forward to battling Rem next, sword versus gun I suppose."
Satsuki: "I went in there confident... too confident. That was my problem. Look at how I wore myself out. I burned my energy up, and left myself as easy pickings. Sorry team..."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Princess Road Night 9, 28/03

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Magical Girl Pro Wrestling, the land of blood, steel and sex appeal! We are on night nine of the Princess Road tournament, round two of the Junior Heavyweight Tournament. We will start with Vivid Green battling Sailor Chibi-Moon. Then it's Mew Minto versus Mew Zakuro, an in-faction battle! Vivid Red then faces Jun Jun, before we close the night with Ves Ves against Mew Retasu!

We start explosively, with Green throwing Usa into the corner then landing a cannonball! She then swings her around for good measure!


Once again, Chibi Moon is in the corner, and now Green charges in with a superman punch! And then she hangs her off the middle rope, GREEN KILLER!


Finally, Chibi Moon starts taking over! She gets a solid punch to the midsection, then delivers a firm stomp to the stomach! And a dragon screw after that, she's completely on the offence now.


Oh! Vivid Green turns things around with an Emerald Flowsion! She then starts driving her knee into Chibi Moon's head, taking over once more! And then a gut-wrench suplex!


Now it's Green in the corner, and Sailor Chibi Moon runs in for a backflip kick- oh but Vivid Green now stomps a mudhole into her foe, before landing a big clothesline!


Chibi-Usa starts taking over, but Vivid Green takes her down, moves to the other side and goes back to those knees... and Sailor Chibi-Moon submits! Green is advancing to the semi-finals!



Here we are for match two, with Minto versus Zakuro. Zakuro goes for her finisher but Minto avoids it, Zakuro is still in charge here, hitting a kitchen sink.


Oof, double-barrel dropkick! And then a sliding kick to the face! It looks like they ARE taking this seriously! But Minto comes back with a hard headbutt!


Again and again, Zakuro goes for those double knees! And then it's a facebuster, a pin attempt... and three! She does it! Mew Zakuro makes quick work of her teammate and advances to night eleven where she will face Vivid Green!



Match three begins with some technical wrestling - Jun Jun stuffs a tackle attempt by Red, but Vivid Red still gets the best of the situation and catches her in a front sleeper. But as soon as they're on their feet again and violence can resume, Jun Jun is in charge. Red goes for a side headlock, but there's a backdrop by Jun!


Oof! Elbow to the back of the head by Jun Jun! And then a Shoutei! Now they're just delivering strikes back and forth, but again, Jun Jun ends up in charge, Red is not going to beat her in a stand-up striking game.


Oh, spinning takeover headscissors by Red there, beautiful stuff! And then she goes into her specialty, groundfighting, with a reverse Achilles hold!


Jun Jun takes Vivid Red down, then goes for a side cobra clutch - but Red soon counters with a twisted cravat... they both stand, and rapid dragon screw by Jun!


Unorthodox jumping hip attack there by Jun Jun, and she then rolls into a neck crank, but they're too close to the ropes and Kaede calls for the break.


Uh oh, we've seen this before, Jun Jun is done messing around and Pilmanizes the leg! And now it's a kick combo- oh but Red still takes over, and locks in the Red Ink! Red Ink! This could be the break she needs!


It looks like Jun Jun is going for something here, but Vivid Red reverses it into a reverse Achilles! Jun Jun manages to escape, they circle, they lock up, Jun Jun gets a side neck crank... and Vivid Red submits! She doesn't want to risk a broken neck there, or the pain might just be too much, but either way, Jun Jun is going to night 11!



It's the final match of the night - so far things have been violent but bloodless, let's see if it stays that way. In the early stages we get a tarantula attempt by Ves Ves - an illegal hold, but she clearly doesn't care. Retasu then makes a come back with a series of strikes, before landing a great cross-body - only good for two though.


Ves throws Retasu down, then locks in- that's the lion tamer! She has the lion tamer locked in! But Retasu manages to escape, it might be too early for big moves like that. And now it's a great takeover from the turnbuckle by Retasu, this is still anyone's game.


Great side headlock by Retasu, reminiscent of the British Bulldog there with how she takes Ves down to prevent a backdrop. It still isn't enough, but straight away she goes into the standing Mexican Octopus Stretch- but almost straight away, Ves Ves lands a Ruby Cutter!


They both go to the ropes, and we have another cross body from Retasu, one! Two! Oh, nearly three! But Ves Ves kicks out, then goes for the slingblade!


Retasu locks in an octopus stretch, but again, Ves Ves breaks free of it. She goes up top... oh! MX! It's the leaping codebreaker from the top turnbuckle, I hope she didn't need all those teeth!


Diving tackle by Retasu, that almost looked like a desperation move there. They both rise slowly- oh another Ruby Cutter, almost out of nowhere by Ves Ves! She covers, one! Two! Three! Ves Ves is going to face her teammate Jun Jun in the semi-finals!


Post-Match Interviews
Vivid Green: "Yeah, my debut for this tournament and already I've beaten someone who used to be at the top of the division! I'm going to take it home for the team!"
Chibi Moon: "...hmmph. That wasn't how things were meant to go. At least the New Moon has some Aces up our sleeve."
Mew Zakuro: "Sorry there Minto, but we all have to compete all-out. There's no room for going easy on each other here."
Mew Minto: "'s okay, I'm the one who lacked the killer instinct there. You deserve to advance, I should have fought back more."
Jun Jun: "Don't worry, Usa, I got you covered! That's a little revenge, and I can bring the title home for us too!"
Vivid Red: "Ow... my neck hurts so much..."
Ves Ves: "So... next time it's you and me, Jun Jun. We're going to go all-out and show people how an in-faction match works out. I hope they bring enough mops for afterwards..."
Mew Retasu: "I was so close there... and we usually have their number! Tonight just wasn't my night I guess."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Bigdy McKen
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Bigdy McKen »

Isn’t this the premise of Metal Fighter Miku?
Serious Badass
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Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:54 pm
Location: South Ausfailia

Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World: Magical Girl Pro Wrestling

Post by Koumei »

Probably? I'ven't seen that one.

Princess Road Night 11, 09/05
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Magical Girl Pro Wrestling, where the violence never ends! This is night 11 of the Princess Road tournaments, with the semi-finals matches for both divisions! We start with Vivid Green versus Mew Zakuro, then Jun Jun takes on Ves Ves in an in-faction battle! After that, it's Sailor Uranus versus Sailor Mercury, with our old war being re-ignited, and for the finals, Devil Hunter Yohko versus the Dream Hunter, Rem! Hunter versus Hunter!
Match one starts off explosively, and Green gets an early advantage with a kamigoye knee, but Zakuro launches her straight out of the ring by shouting into her microphone! That's technically not allowed and she is warned for the rules breach!


They continue fighting on the floor, with Zakuro tackling Green to the ground and cranking her neck. But Green hits a DDT, then she grabs a chair and goes back to the ring. This is looking less like a match, more like a fight!


Finally they get back to the ring, and Green doesn't even end up using the chair, she just catches Zakuro in a cross Achilles lock, trying to keep her grounded. It doesn't seem to work though, Zakuro escapes, she throws Green to the turnbuckle and knocks her down, she climbs up... Diving Knees to the spine! One! Two! Three! Mew Zakuro will go to the finals!


Here we go for match two, and this starts off no less violently than normal for anything involving the New Moon. We have a handspring splash into the turnbuckle, a shoulder throw, then a kneeling figure-4 variant by Ves Ves.


Both competitors lock up in the middle, and Ves Ves throws Jun Jun to the ropes, before hitting a massive spinebuster! Then she drops an elbow! Jun Jun manages to get back into things, and lands a slingblade!


King's Emerald Flowsion! And Jun Jun rolls Ves Ves up, one! Two! Throoooh so close! That one move just changed the complexion of this match!


Ves Ves gets back into the game and locks in a vicious side headlock here, weakening Jun Jun... she throws her into the turnbuckle- wait, Jun Jun counters by hitting her Flowsion a second time, out of nowhere! They're in the middle of the ring! One! Two! Three! We know what the finals will look like!



Here we go, match three is violent right off the bat - they collide, Ami is up first, and she just stomps Haruka's head repeatedly! But Sailor Uranus gets back up... and in the first minute, the Space Tornado! But only a two count!


Blade Runner by Sailor Uranus! And then another Space Tornado! She's not paid by the hour I guess, one! Two! Two point nine!


Oh here we are, it's finisher central! Mercury lands the Shine Illusion, she covers, but it's not quite three. But she takes Haruka to the ground and starts landing punches to the face, she's not backing down!


Tornado powerbomb by Sailor Uranus- then she attacks with the space sword! And then she lifts Mercury up, and delivers some kind of modified F5 there, landing Ami right on her head!


Sailor Mercury is dazed, and Sailor Uranus knocks her almost out of her boots with a mighty spear! A lazy cover doesn't pay off there, but you can tell Haruka is winning. She lifts Ami onto the turnbuckle and launches her off with a hurricanrana!


Boot to the back of the head by Haruka, and then she rolls Ami over for the cover, one, two, it's three! After all those high-impact moves, she only needed one last kick to win the match!



Yohko gets a good takedown on Rem there, and turns around into a stockade, compressing the neck. But it doesn't look like it's going to work, so she lets go, they lock up again... oh, a powerbomb and then a splash to cover, one! Two! Close! It was nearly over this early!


Rem is back in the game, and lands a GO TO SLEEP! And then she applies the sleeper, determined to send Yohko to sleep!


Choke attempt by Rem there, but they lock up after- oh! Incredible binding phoenixplex by Yohko! That's the move that broke Hiromu's neck! But it's not enough for a three count!


We have a side neck crank by Rem, but it doesn't take Yohko long to get back up. They lock up, back kick by Yohko, and Pele kick! Now she locks in the binding clutch, the paradise lock... and Rem submits! She's had enough, and the Devil Hunter will be fighting Sailor Uranus next week!



Post-Match Interviews
Mew Zakuro: "And your winner! Sorry Vivid team, but don't worry: I'll take this one home for you, I'll go through and win the big one and remember your sacrifice. Awooo!"
Vivid Green: "Nobody asked you to do that. I really don't feel like this is the next best thing... damn it! I know, it was good for a first showing but still, so close.."
Jun Jun: "What, people thought we'd take it easy? Oh no, we used this as good practice for how much the winner will hurt Zakuro. I'm all warmed up, and had a lot of practice in giving head injuries! I welcome you to bring your best - because I'll be using THAT as practice for the title match!"
Ves Ves: "Ah, I gave it my all, I really wanted to be the one to take this to the end. But oh well, as long as I could be violent... Jun Jun, make sure you don't squander this or I'm changing your locker to say loser."
Sailor Uranus: " know, I kind of can respect that fighting spirit. You didn't just play to your strengths, you met me on my terms. But I'm still better. Don't feel bad, I'm better than everyone."
Sailor Mercury: "I still can't see straight. Those heavy hits were just too much, I can't believe I got suckered into her game. That really was smart."
Devil Hunter Yoko: "I'm just one step away from winning the whole tournament, two steps away from winning the title! Wouldn't that be amazing, to do this off such a late arrival! I'll be the talk of the town!"
Dream Hunter Rem: "I thought I had that one - when I landed the GTS, I was sure that was my chance... always so close, but never quite getting the job done. I need to think about how to get back into things."

Princess Road Night 12 - the Finals! 16/05
This is it, the finals of Princess Road! It's blood, steel and sex appeal as it all comes to an end and we determine the winners, and therefore the number one contenders to both the titles! Match one is Twin Tail Red returning for another match, this time facing Vivid Yellow, and match two is another exhibition match, this one between Moka and Kayo.
Then it's the finals for the Junior division, with Mew Zakuro representing Tokyo Mew Mew against Jun Jun of the New Moon faction! And for the finals... Sailor Uranus of the Outer Senshi will face the Devil Hunter, Yoko!
Match one starts off at a technical level with a lot of leg trips and take-downs here. We even get a good defensive effort by Tail Red, but Vivid Yellow is a technical wrestler and has the skills to take her back with a hammerlock.


Yellow remains in control with a headlock-armlock here - oh! And then displays some athleticism with a headscissors throw!


Takedown by Yellow - and then another takedown, into an Achilles lock! She's all over Twin Tail, who just can't keep up with the sustained offence.


OH THERE'S A RETALIATION! Red hits the sword strike! But Yellow pays homage to the Great Muta with a Shining Wizard! And then an enzigiri by Red Tails - things are starting to even out.


Now Red Tails lands the headscissors takedown, and follows up with a phoenix splash! But Yellow gets straight up, then locks in an STF!


DDT by Vivid Yellow, dropping Twin Tails on her head! And then she locks in another STF, but Red fights her way out. She goes for a rear grab- oh, rollup counter by Yellow, one! Two! Three! What a great showing by two excellent competitors!



Here we go with match two- ooh! Punch to the gut by Kayo! Then a vicious knee stomp, and the assault just keeps going! Look at that, a chokeslam! She just manhandled True Moka! And then it's the Five Knuckle Shuffle!


The delinquent is just stomping all over her vampiric foe here, then mounts her for repeated punches... but here we go, Moka retaliates, with a chokeslam right out of the blue! And then a backbreaker - they're both bringing the violence!


TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER from Moka! And now she's the one in charge - and look, that axe kick just cut the back of Kayo's head and she's bleeding! She'll be a filthy ranga by the time this match is over, and those kicks just keep coming!


Kayo may be bleeding, but she still takes charge here, with a firm punch, she covers, one! Two! So close! And then she grabs Moka... F.U!! F.U!!! One! Two! Thr-oh! Moka kicks out again!


Both wrestlers are down, this match is taking everything out of them. Moka is up, Kayo is up, and now we have another axe kick. And more kicks after that - Know Your Place! And there's another F.U by Kayo, and this time she-no, still just shy of three! What will it take?


BLOODY CROSS! And a running clothesline, and then Moka brings out a kama to counter the barbed wire bat Kayo previously brought in. She turns her around for another tombstone... OH AND THAT'S THE BELL! They wrestled to a thirty minute time limit draw! And you know this isn't over between them, they will meet again one day!



(There is a break for the cleaning of the ring, and disposal of various weapons - why do we store these things under the ring?)
Here we are, folks, the final match for the Junior Heavyweight tournament. Right from the word go, Zakuro takes the fight to Jun Jun, with the back wheel kick and the knees. But Jun Jun lands a DDT, then a grounded dragon screw!


Scoop slam by Zakuro, she climbs the turnbuckle... OH! Jun Jun rolled out of the way and Zakuro slammed to the ring! Now Jun Jun climbs up, and hits the moonsault! Now she locks in a surfboard, but Zakuro slips out, then delivers another scoop slam - there's no slowdown here.


Another attack to the legs by Jun Jun... then the leaping King's Emerald Flowsion! Then a shotei, and she throws Zakuro out of the ring!


Zakuro escapes the double wrist lock, then lands a jumping facebuster! That could reset the momentum here. She lifts Jun Jun to her feet, gives a howl... oh, but that gave Jun Jun just enough time, another Flowsion! She covers this time, One! Two! Three! Jun Jun has won the inaugural Junior Heavyweight Princess Road tournament and become the number one contender!



Here's our final match for the night, the final of the Heavyweight tournament. Sailor Uranus is relentless in her attack on Yoko, even landing closed fist punches to the back of the head and picking up a warning.


Haruka already has a chair - she needs to watch out, you CAN be disqualified! Yoko knocks it from her hands and the fight resumes, but Sailor Uranus is still firmly in control with her strength advantage.


Psycho Driver by Haruka, nearly landing the devil hunter head-first on the chair! She then climbs up top... hurricanrana! One! Two! No, Yoko just barely kicks out! She can thank that somewhat lazy pin attempt.


Sailor Uranus takes the devil hunter down, gives a little 2sweet to the crowd, and then... Blade Runner! And yes, she follows up with Pimp Juice! It's beginning to look like Yoko isn't ready.


Yoko launches Haruka out of the ring, and they BOTH grab weapons. It looks like it might be a duel- no, Yoko gets the best of this, walloping Sailor Uranus hard with that sledgehammer! But Haruka counters almost straight away with the tornado powerbomb!


Yoko managed to gain her momentum back, but as soon as they're back in the ring, Haruka slices her with the sword! Then it's a hard boot, and another spin-out powerbomb! She makes the cover, one, two, three, that's it! Sailor Uranus has won the finals, and next week she will challenge Sailor Lead Crow for the heavyweight title! It looks like heels have won both finals, and you just can't take the Lunar Club out of the running...



Post-Match Interviews:
Vivid Yellow: "I don't actually like fighting that much... I'm not really made to be an athlete, it's hard to keep up with the others and I'm so short... but I studied the tapes, I did a lot of learning. And that knowledge is what carried me to victory."
Twin Tails Red: "I thought I had this in the bag at the start, but quickly realised I was floundering. That's embarrassing, to lose like that, but what can I say? I just hope I pick up some more wins elsewhere."
Moka: "Yes, it was a draw - but I was in control at the end there, you were literally saved by the bell. That was YOUR blood that was being mopped up off the floor, delinquent - next time you face me, you will know. Your. Place."
Kayo: "Okay okay I don't need you medics looking over me, put a staple in and fuck off. I need a smoke... whatever, we're having a rematch, and I want it sooner than later. Next time I'll break her fucking neck - put that on the record."
Jun Jun: "Mission complete there, baby! Yeah that's right, I'm going to represent our faction and get that win for Chibi Moon, I'll take the title home for all of us. And then maybe we'll freebird it, maybe we'll just give each other title matches and swap it around a bunch, but nobody else is ever seeing it again!"
Mew Zakuro: "Ah nuts... close but no cigar, right? I got too cocky at the end there, and paid the price. I'm sorry guys."
Sailor Uranus: "And that's that - it's my destiny to win this thing. From the start, everyone knew I would win, and everyone knows I'm overcoming our nemesis next week and taking the title. And Crow? You saw how convincingly I won every match. There's no escape for you."
Devil Hunter Yoko: "...I can't say I'm too new here, I mean I made it as far as the finals. Sure, maybe more experience in the ring could have given me the knowledge to beat her, but I suppose there are no excuses: I lost. She's going on to the title match and she's even getting laid after all this! Damn, this sucks..."

Champion Statements:
Cure Egret: "I know I said this doesn't suit me, because I'm a tag team wrestler, but now that I am champion, I'm going to be a fighting champion, I'm going to defend my title. If anything, just to stop it from falling into the hands of a villain like Jun Jun. I promise next week I will fight with honour, and stand tall... tall-ish... as the Junior Heavyweight Champion."

Sailor Lead Crow: "Hmm? Oh, it's her is it? I really thought I had stamped Lunar Club out, that they were behind us. Well, they never truly go away, do they? And I suppose all roads lead to the champion, so if you're the champion you have to expect everyone to challenge you, right? Okay, next week it is - we fight again, in the climactic battle everyone wanted to see anyway. I warn you all: there will be blood, sweat and tears. Bones will be broken. Rules will be broken. And her spirit will be broken."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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