Pokedex Redone

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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Tiny Magical Beast, CR 1/2
11 13 12 3 10 8
1d6+1 (4 HP), Init +1, Speed 20' Climb 15'
BAB/Grab: +1/-7
-Bite +4 (1d3 plus Poison)
AC: 14 (+2 Size, +1 Natural Armour, +1 Dexterity), Flat 13, Touch 13
Fort +1 Ref +3 Will +0
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Weapon Focus (Bite)
Skills: Hide +13
Special Attacks: Poison Sting, String Shot, Absorb
Special Qualities: Bug and Poison Pokemon Traits, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision, Insomnia
Rare Traits: Sniper, Disable, Electroweb, Lunge, Megahorn, Night Slash, Rage Powder, Toxic Thread
Tutor Moves: Scary Face, Substitute, Trailblaze, Pounce, Lunge, Skitter Smack, Bug Bite, Stomping Tantrum, Cross Poison, Mimic
Advancement: 2-3 HD (Tiny); evolves into Ariados at 4 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This bright green spider, with various vivid markings, is the size of a house cat. It seems to have only six limbs, but is absolutely a spider.

Bug and Poison Traits: Spinarak is weak against [Fire], [Flying], [Psychic] and [Rock] attacks, and resist [Fairy], [Fighting] and [Grass] attacks. It's Bite is a [Poison] attack.

Poison Sting (Ex): Spinarak has a venomous bite. Anything damaged by its Bite is afflicted by Poison, with Primary and Secondary damage of 2 Dexterity and Constitution damage. The Save DC is Constitution-based, so for the standard Spinarak is 11.

String Shot (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Spinarak can spit a stream of silk string out as a Ranged Touch Attack to 15 feet. If it hits, the target becomes Entangled for three rounds. If already Entangled, they become Slowed for the same duration, which is reset to three rounds again. Future uses against a Slowed opponent reset the duration. This is a [Bug] attack.

Absorb (Su): once per three rounds, Spinarak can use a Standard Action to make a Melee Touch Attack against an adjacent creature. If this hits, it deals 1d4 damage per 2 hit dice (minimum 1d4, maximum 5d4) to the target, and regains lost hit points equal to half the damage dealt - although this cannot raise its hit points above the maximum. This is a [Grass] attack.

Insomnia (Ex): Spinarak is never Drowsy, and cannot be made to fall Asleep. It does sleep, for 2 hours per day, but is immune to effects that make it sleep (and cannot use the Rest move). This is a [Pokebility].

Rare Traits:
Sniper (Ex): the rare Spinarak with this ability delivers deadly critical hits. Any critical hit has a doubled multiplier. This is a [Pokebility].

Disable (Su): once per minute, Spinarak may curse an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action if it has this trait. Whichever special attack the opponent used most recently becomes disabled, blocked off in the target's mind for one minute. This [Normal] attack is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effect.

Electroweb (Su): once per hour, a Spinarak with this may create a Web effect, as the spell, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Additionally, every turn in which a creature is in the area of the web, they suffer 2d6 Electricity damage. This is an [Electric] effect.

Lunge (Ex): with a Standard Action, or as the attack at the end of a Charge, Spinarak can make a single Primary Gore attack that has a base damage of 1d6 for a Tiny creature, with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), and inflicts a -4 Penalty to the target's Strength for one minute. This is a [Bug] attack.

Megahorn (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, a Spinarak with this attack may ram its spiky head into a foe, making a single Gore attack as a Primary natural weapon, with a base damage of 2d6 (for a Tiny creature) plus two times its Strength Bonus. This attack may be directed at a pair of adjacent creatures if it wishes, providing both are within its reach, and it has a Critical value of 19-20/x4. This is a [Bug] attack.

Night Slash (Ex): at will, a Spinarak with this attack may unleash an attack originally used by evil samurai to murder people at a crossroads. It may make a single Claw attack with a Standard Action, treated as a Keen Katana wielded in two hands, sized appropriately (1d6, 17-20/x2 for a Tiny creature). This has an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), deals ongoing Bleed damage equal to the Enhancement Bonus, and the increased Threat Range can be increased further via Improved Critical and similar. This is a [Blade] [Dark] attack.

Rage Powder (Ex): once per hour, a Spinarak with this may use a Standard Action to unleash a cloud of powder that enrages all who inhale it. This extends ten feet in all directions, and all in the area must attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or be affected by a Rage effect for one minute. For this duration, every turn the target has a 50% chance of attacking the nearest target, and a 50% chance of attacking Spinarak. This is a [Powder] [Bug] effect.

Toxic Thread (Ex): whenever Spinarak uses String Shot or Gooey Thread, it also exposes the target to a poison. A target that is touched by either effect is potentially poisoned, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, Primary effects of 1d4+1 Strength Damage and suffering 1d4 Hit Point damage per round for the one minute duration, and Secondary effects of being Nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds. This is a [Poison] effect, but the webs themselves remain [Bug] effects.

At 2 hit dice, it learns Infestation and Scary Face
Infestation (Su): once per hour, Spinarak may deliver a horrifying infestation of something when it succeeds on a melee attack. For the next 5 rounds, the target is afflicted with a Swarm attack, dealing 2d6 damage, with a Distraction Save DC of 10 + half the attacker's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. After the 5 rounds, the swarm disippates. This is a [Bug] attack.

Scary Face (Ex): Spinarak may pull a scary face at a foe to Demoralise them with a Swift Action, and if successful they are Frightened for 1 round before the normal effects take place. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Night Shade, Gooey Thread and Spider Scram
Night Shade (Sp): once per minute, Spinarak may extend a spooky field of darkness, allowing it to cast Damning Darkness with a duration of three rounds, plus one round per hit die, as a [Ghost] attack.

Gooey Thread (Ex): once per hour, Spinarak can weave and throw a web that functions as the spell Web. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus. This is a [Bug] effect. A DC 20 Survival check may be made to harvest enough of this glue-like substance (expending an hourly use) to then render it into a dose of Sovereign Glue with a DC 20 Craft (Alchemy) check.

Spider Scram (Su): once per hour, Spinarak can use a Move-Equivalent Action to step into the Plane of Shadow. It remains there for up to one minute, at which point it is automatically shifted back, but may also use a Move-Equivalent Action to step back into its previous plane. While on the Plane of Shadow as a result of using this, it is partially able to view the plane it left, seeing ghostly silhouettes of objects and creatures. This is a [Ghost] effect.


Small Magical Beast, CR 4
15 10 15 7 16 12
4d8+8 (26 HP), Init +0, Speed 20' Climb 20'
BAB/Grab: +4/+2
-Bite +8 (1d6+3 plus Poison) and Gore +5 (1d6+1 plus Poison)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, +5 Natural Armour), Flat 16, Touch 11
Fort +6 Ref +4 Will +4
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Weapon Focus (Bite), Multi-Attack
Skills: Hide +11, Intimidate +8, Move Silently +7, Survival +10
Special Attacks: String Shot, Poison Sting, Absorb, Infestation, Scary Face, Night Shade, Gooey Thread, Poison Fang, Fell Stinger, Shadow Sneak, Venom Drench
Special Qualities: Bug and Poison Pokemon Traits, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision, Spider Lair, Spider Scram, Focus Energy, Swords Dance
Rare Traits: Sniper, Disable, Electroweb, Lunge, Megahorn, Night Slash, Rage Powder
Tutor Moves: Trailblaze, Pounce, Smart Strike, Leech Life, Lunge, Skitter Smack, Baton Pass, X-Scissor, Bug Bite, Stomping Tantrum, Psycho Cut, Mimic, Night Slash
Advancement: 5-7 HD (Small); 8-10 HD (Medium); 11-13 HD (Large); 14-16 HD (Huge); 17+ HD (Gargantuan)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Ref, 6 + Int skill points

This brightly coloured spider appears intelligent and intimidating. It is the size of a large dog, and although it only has six legs, it is still very much a spider. If not for the horn jutting from its head, the various markings and fact that the spinnerets look like fangs would make it hard to tell which side is the face.

Bug and Poison Traits: Ariados is weak against [Fire], [Flying], [Psychic] and [Rock] attacks, and resist [Fairy], [Fighting] and [Grass] attacks. It's Bite is a [Poison] attack.

Spider Lair (Su): wherever Ariados lurks is its lair, that is a fact. Whenever Initiative is first rolled for a combat that involves Ariados, or it emerges from its pokeball, it may instantly deploy a web (as a Monstrous Spider of equal hit dice) extending 20 feet from itself (30' if Ariados is larger than Large), as a Free Action not on its turn. The Escape Artist DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and the Strength check DC is 4 higher than that. This is a [Pokebility] that replaces Insomnia.

Poison Fang (Ex): Ariados' Bite becomes even more hazardous. This deals damage as though one Size Category larger, and carries a strong venom - the Save DC is 11 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus (+2 on a Critical Hit)), the Primary and Secondary damage is 4 points of Dexterity and Constitution damage, and failing the saving throw against the primary damage also renders the target Nauseated for one minute. This is a [Bite] [Poison] effect and replaces Poison Sting for the Bite attack. Poison Sting now applies to its Gore.

Fell Stinger (Su): with a Standard Action, Ariados can make a single Primary Bite attack against a target, without the benefits of Poison Fang. If this reduces the target below 1 hit point, Ariados is then fully empowered by the experience and the joy of murder, gaining a +8 Enhancement Bonus to Strength for one minute.

Shadow Sneak (Su): once per three rounds, Ariados may make a special Slam attack that deals 1d4 damage for a Small creature, as its choice of a Swift or Immediate Action. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Venom Drench (Su): with a Standard Action once per five rounds, Ariados may douse a Poisoned target within 20 feet with even more toxins, activating the existing ones and weakening the target. The target suffers a Penalty to Strength, Dexterity and Charisma for one minute, of -1 per 3 hit dice the attacker has (round up).

Focus Energy (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Ariados can enter a focused state that makes its attacks more dangerous. It enjoys a doubled critical threat range for all attacks it makes for the next minute.

Swords Dance (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Ariados may perform the legendary Swords Dance, providing its movement is unobstructed. For the next minute, it enjoys a +8 Enhancement Bonus to Strength. Furthermore, it may make a Perform (Dance) check, even untrained, as part of using this, and if a 15 or more is rolled, its Natural Weapons grow by one virtual Size category for the duration, or two virtual Size categories if a 25 or more is rolled. Increases from using this multiple times do not stack. This is a [Dance] effect and a [Normal] effect.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Neurotoxin and Substitute
Neurotoxin (Su): Ariados has a special poison that may be used once per three rounds as a Standard Action, directly targeting a creature within 30 feet, and with a Will Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Alternatively, once per three rounds this may replace an existing Poison it has on a natural weapon or special attack, with a Fort Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). The Primary damage is 2 points of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma damage, as well as being unable to use [Psychic] effects, Psionic powers and [Mind-Affecting] effects for three rounds, and the Secondary damage is 4 points of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma damage. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Poison] attack.

Substitute (Sp): once per hour, Ariados may suffer Non-lethal damage equal to a quarter of its Maximum Hit Points, as a Standard Action, and in doing so create a Project Image effect. Additionally, it is rendered Invisible for the duration of this effect. If a creature disbelieves the illusion, they also see through the invisibility. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 6 hit dice, it learns Sucker Punch and Spider Web
Sucker Punch (Ex): Ariados gains a Primary Slam attack that can only be used as an Immediate Action, to interrupt an attack. This has a base damage of 1d8 for a Small creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and the target is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against this. Instead of denying Ariados a Swift action on its next turn, it consumes next turn's Standard action. This is a [Dark] attack.

Spider Web (Ex): Ariados may spin webs exactly as a web-spinning Monstrous Spider of equal hit dice. This is a [Bug] effect.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Pin Missile and Psychic Fangs
Pin Missile (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Ariados may unleash a hail of needle-like stingers at targets within 30 feet. It makes three ranged attacks, plus one extra attack at eleven and sixteen hit dice respectively. Each one deals 1d4 Piercing damage (for a Small creature), plus half its Strength Bonus, and a 20/x2 Critical value, and damage is added together before applying Resistance or Weakness a single time. This is a [Bug] attack and does not carry its venom.

Psychic Fangs (Su): Ariados may use its Bite attack at normal damage for its Size, and without the Poison, but out to Close Range (with no Reach, but still using its choice of Strength or Dexterity for the attack roll), dealing an extra 1d6 points of damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up). This also destroys (and is unaffected by) Light Screen, Reflect and Aurora Veil. This is a [Bite] [Psychic] attack.

At 8 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Trapdoor
Trapdoor (Su): once per hour, Ariados may either cast Shadow Well, or may use a Swift Action to target a creature within Medium Range, and on a failed Will Save they are pulled through the Plane of Shadow to a point within 30 feet of it. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ghost] attack.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Poison Jab and Toxic Spikes
Poison Jab (Ex): with a Standard Action, or as the attack at the end of a Charge, Ariados can make a single Primary Sting attack that has a base damage of 2d6 for a Medium creature, with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), and carries the venom of its Poison Fang. The Enhancement Bonus even applies to the Save DC of the Poison (but not the ability damage). This is a [Poison] attack.

Toxic Spikes (Su): with a Standard Action, Ariados can scatter venomous spikes around. This creates a Spike Growth effect, with a duration of 1 round per hit die. Furthermore, any creature that takes damage from this must make a Fortitude Save against Poison at the end of their turn - the Save DC is Constitution-based, and the Primary damage is 2 Strength damage, followed by taking 1d4 damage per round for one minute. The Secondary damage is 2 Constitution damage. If it casts this on a new area, any existing instances of its Toxic Spikes vanish (although any damage is still done). It may, however, cast it on an already-affected area, in which case it deals damage as a Spike Stones effect, the Ability Damage is doubled, and the ongoing poison damage becomes 1d6 per round. This is a [Poison] effect.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Cross Poison and Toxic Nest
Cross Poison (Ex): with a Standard Action, Ariados may make two Primary Bite attacks against the same target, with a doubled Critical Threat range (17-20). If one attack hits, there is a chance of Poison (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, Primary and Secondary Damage of 2 Dex and Con). If both attacks hit, the Save DC and both types of Ability Damage are increased by 2. Each Critical Hit scored also increases the Save DC by 2. This is a [Poison] attack, and if it is Resisted, add the damage together before subtracting the defender's hit dice a single time.

Toxic Nest (Su): with a Swift Action at will, Ariados may activate latent poisons within all of its webs in Close Range. Any creature currently touching any of them is subject to Poison with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, and both Primary and Secondary effects of 4 Constitution Damage. This is a [Poison] attack.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Sticky Web
Sticky Web (Ex): when Ariados creates webs as traps (rather than throwing them at creatures), including via the Gooey Thread ability, they are completely invisible, and the DC to escape them (whether by Strength or Escape Artist) increases by 4. This is a [Bug] effect.

At 12 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Toxic Thread
Toxic Thread (Ex): whenever Ariados uses String Shot or Gooey Thread, it also exposes the target to a poison. A target that is touched by either effect is potentially poisoned, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, Primary effects of 1d4+1 Strength Damage and suffering 1d4 Hit Point damage per round for the one minute duration, and Secondary effects of being Nauseated for 1d4+1 rounds. This is a [Poison] effect, but the webs themselves remain [Bug] effects.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Super Poison Breath
Super Poison Breath (Su): once per day, Ariados may exhale a 20' Cone of toxic gas with a Standard Action. All in the area are subject to Poison with a Save DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and has Primary Damage Nausea for 1 round per 2 hit dice of Ariados (round up), and Secondary Damage of Unconsciousness for 1 minute. This is a [Poison] attack.

At 14 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Megahorn
Megahorn (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Ariados may ram its spiky head into a foe, making a single Gore attack as a Primary natural weapon, with a base damage of 8d6 (for a Huge creature) plus two times its Strength Bonus. This attack may be directed at a pair of adjacent creatures if it wishes, providing both are within its reach, and it has a Critical value of 19-20/x4. This is a [Bug] attack.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Silk Spinner
Maximum Silk Spinner (Su): once per minute, Mega Ariados may cast a Widened Web, with a duration of 5 rounds. Everything within the area is subject to 2d6 Swarm damage each round from thousands of crawling spiders, as well as Distraction and the Poison of regular Spider Swarms. Every Save DC is 10 + half of Mega Ariados' hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, as is the Escape Artist DC, and the Strength check DC is 4 higher than this. This is a [Bug] attack.

Mega Evolution: when Ariados becomes Mega Ariados, it becomes a terrifying monster that begins to resemble a Bebilith or Retriever Demon. Its Strength increases by 6, its Dexterity and Natural Armour increase by 4 each, and its Constitution, Wisdom and Charisma increase by 2 each. Its [Pokebility] becomes Merciless.

Merciless (Ex): any time Mega Ariados makes a successful attack against a creature that is Sickened, Nauseated, suffering from any kind of Poison or Disease, or suffering from Constitution Damage or Drain, the attack is upgraded to an automatic Critical Hit. This is a [Pokebility].

Tutor Moves:

Baton Pass (Su): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to pass the torch to an adjacent Pokemon, transferring all temporary effects. Any Bonus or Penalty it has that does not always apply, as well as any ongoing conditions that have a duration other than Permanent, Instantaneous or "until cured", is transferred from the Pokemon to the target. The durations continue as normal. This is a [Normal] effect.

Bug Bite (Ex): the Pokemon may make a Bite attack, without benefiting from other [Bite] attacks, as a Full Round Action. This deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature, and ignores all effects of Armour and Shields - the bonus to AC and any special effects - and allows it to eat any one item of food amongst the target's possessions as it swarms over them. This is a [Bite] [Bug] attack.

Leech Life (Ex): by making a Bite attack as a Standard Action once per minute, the Pokemon may deal damage as though one Size larger (if it lacks a Bite attack, it gains one for this, which is adjusted to 1d8 for a Medium creature), and 1 point of Constitution Drain (from blood loss) per 4 hit dice (round up), multiplied on a Critical Hit as though it were normal damage. The Pokemon regains lost hit points equal to the damage dealt, plus 5 for each point of Constitution Drain, but can't be healed above its maximum hit points in this way. This is a [Bite] [Bug] attack.

Lunge (Ex): with a Standard Action, or as the attack at the end of a Charge, the Pokemon can make a single Primary Gore attack that has a base damage of 1d6 for a Tiny creature, with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), and inflicts a -4 Penalty to the target's Strength for one minute. This is a [Bug] attack.

Mimic (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to study another creature within Close Range that has used an Extraordinary, Supernatural or Spell-Like Ability within the last round, providing it was an ability that is activated as its own action (as opposed to always-on auras or conditional effects such as the Improved Grab special attack). For the next hour, the Pokemon gains that ability, with the same usage limits as the target. This is a [Normal] effect.

Night Slash (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may unleash an attack originally used by evil samurai to murder people at a crossroads. It may make a single Claw attack with a Standard Action, treated as a Keen Katana wielded in two hands, sized appropriately (1d6, 17-20/x2 for a Tiny creature). This has an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), deals ongoing Bleed damage equal to the Enhancement Bonus, and the increased Threat Range can be increased further via Improved Critical and similar. This is a [Blade] [Dark] attack.

Pounce (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may Charge a foe using the usual rules and limitations for a charge. It has the Pounce special attack for this, able to make a Full Attack at the end of the charge, however no other special modifiers (such as Improved Grab or Poison) apply. A target hit by at least one of the attacks from this charge suffers a -4 Dexterity Penalty for 3 rounds. This is a [Bug] attack.

Psycho Cut (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to manifest and swing a blade composed purely of psychic energy. This is treated as a Keen Falchion wielded in two hands, sized appropriately, with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up). Furthermore, it is treated as a Reach Weapon that is able to target adjacent spaces, similar to a Spiked Chain. This is a [Blade] [Psychic] attack.

Skitter Smack (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may charge a foe, ignoring the usual movement and targeting restrictions and denying the foe their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class. It only ever makes a single attack at the end of the charge even if it has the Pounce ability, but if this attack hits, it deals an extra 1d6 damage per 5 hit dice (round up), and the target is sufficiently startled and battered about as to suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to Charisma for 3 rounds. This is a [Bug] attack.

Smart Strike (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may make a single Gore attack that simply hits, ignoring attack rolls, Mirror Images, Cover, Concealment and other forms of Miss Chance. It must still have Line of Effect, and must target a square the foe is in (meaning invisible foes have some safety), and the target must be on the same Plane (at least in part - an Astral creature that manifests onto the Material is vulnerable). This cannot break [Force] effects, so Protect or a Resilient Sphere would still provide complete safety. The base damage for this Gore is 1d8 for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, though if the creature has the Power Attack feat, it is likely to increase the damage quite a bit. This is a [Steel] attack.

Stomping Tantrum (Ex): once per three rounds, the Pokemon can stomp its feet repeatedly on the ground, angry about the unfairness of the universe. This hits every adjacent creature touching the ground for 1d8 damage (for a Small creature) plus its Strength Bonus, plus an additional 1d6 damage per 4 hit dice (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus). If the Pokemon attempted but failed to damage or otherwise afflict an opponent on its previous turn (such as missing with all attacks, all targets passing saving throws that Negate - including via Evasion or Mettle - enemies being completely immune, or Spell-Like Abilities failing to bypass Spell Resistance), the additional damage is instead 1d6 per hit die and everything that fails the saving throw suffers 1 point of Constitution Damage per 4 hit dice (round up). The added effects also apply if the Pokemon was unable to take any actions on its previous turn (such as from being Stunned), or failed to attack an enemy due to Confusion. This is a [Ground] attack.

Trailblaze (Su): at will, the Pokemon may Charge a foe using the normal rules and limitations for a charge - except when on Grassy Terrain, in which case it can move indirectly, turn corners and target foes other than the closest. It makes a single attack at the end of the charge, and then enjoys a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Dexterity for 3 rounds. This is a [Grass] attack.

X-Scissor (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may make two Primary Bite attacks against the same target, without carrying its venom. These have a doubled Critical Threat range (17-20), and if either of the attacks is a Critical Hit, both of them are (providing they both actually hit). This is a [Blade] [Bug] attack.
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Serious Badass
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Small Magical Beast, CR 2
15 15 14 3 6 12
2d6+4 (11 HP), Init +2, Speed 20' Climb 15' Fly 20' (Average) Burrow 15'
BAB/Grab: +2/+0
-2 Claws +5 (1d3+2) and Sting +3 (1d6+1 plus Poison)
AC: 17 (+1 Size, +4 Natural Armour, +2 Dexterity), Flat 15, Touch 13
Fort +5 Ref +5 Will +1
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Multiattack
Skills: Tumble +7
Special Attacks: Poison Sting, Sand Attack, Knock Off, Sharp Stinger, Sneak Attack +1d6
Special Qualities: Flying and Ground Pokemon Traits, Sand Veil, Harden, Iron Grip
Rare Traits: Immunity, Power Trick, Sand Tomb, Metal Claw, Night Slash, Poison Jab, Fire Fang, Cross Poison, Agility
Tutor Moves: Steel Wing, Sandstorm, Taunt, Torment, Aerial Ace, Spikes, Sand Tomb, Breaking Swipe, Bug Bite
Advancement: 3-5 HD (Small); evolves into Gliscor at 6 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Ref, 2 + Int skill points

The creature gliding about through the air on its webbed wings looks like a sand scorpion, albeit a pretty big one. It could be menacing and evil if not for the dopey look on its face.

Flying and Ground Traits: Gligar is weak against [Ice], [Rock] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fighting] and [Poison] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Electric] and [Ground] attacks, always resisting them. When it burrows, it can choose whether to leave tunnels behind it. It can swim through sand at its normal speed, takes no damage or effects from [Electric] attacks when burrowing or sand-swimming, and when touching the ground has Evasion against [Electric] attacks. It suffers no damage or impediments from sand storms, dust storms, loose sand, quicksand or rough stony terrain, and gains Resistance equal to its hit dice against all energy types in sand storms and dust storms.

Poison Sting (Ex): Gligar has a venomous sting. Anything damaged by its Sting is afflicted by Poison, with Primary and Secondary damage of 2 Dexterity and Constitution damage. The Save DC is Constitution-based.

Sand Attack (Ex): with a Standard Action, a Gligar standing on the ground can kick sand and dust at a creature within 10 feet. They must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Dexterity Bonus) or be rendered Blind for 3 rounds. This is a [Ground] effect.

Knock Off (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Gligar may make a Primary Slam attack that, if it hits, it may make a Disarm or Sunder check for free. The base damage is 1d6 (for a Small creature) plus its Strength Bonus, however this is doubled (and tripled on a critical hit) if its Disarm or Sunder check succeeds. This is a [Dark] attack.

Sharp Stinger (Ex): Gligar's Sting attack deals damage as though one Size Category larger than normal, and never receives any Penalty to damage other than reducing its Strength Bonus.

Sneak Attack (Ex): Gligar is great at catching things by surprise, and deals an extra 1d6 damage to foes that it flanks or that are denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class.

Sand Veil (Ex): any time Gligar is in a sandstorm or duststorm, it is completely Invisible. This is a [Pokebility].

Harden (Ex): any time Gligar takes a Full Defence, it gains a +8 Armour Bonus to Armour Class, and also gains DR 8/-. Both of these last until the start of its next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

Iron Grip (Ex): whenever Gligar hits the same target with both Claw attacks in the same turn, it may attempt a free Grapple check against them as though through the Improved Grab special attack. It also gains a +4 Bonus to maintain an existing Grapple, though not to initiate it or to escape one. At the end of every turn in which it holds a foe in a grapple, it may elect to deal automatic Claw damage for one Claw, as a Swift Action and a [Steel] attack.

Rare Traits:
Immunity (Ex): if it has this rare trait, Gligar cannot be Sickened, Nauseated or Poisoned. This is a [Pokebility].

Power Trick (Su): once per hour, a Gligar with this ability may use a Standard Action to convert its combined Armour, Shield and Natural Armour Bonus into an Innate Bonus to Strength, and to convert its Racial Bonus to Strength into a Natural Armour Bonus to Armour Class. This lasts for one minute and is a [Psychic] effect.

Sand Tomb (Su): with a Standard Action, Gligar may cast Haboob (It's Hot Outside) once per minute. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ground] attack.

Metal Claw (Ex): Gligar may make its Claw attacks as [Steel] effects, and they deal damage as though one size category larger. Additionally, they penetrate DR and Hardness as though made of Adamantium, and have an Innate +1 Enhancement Bonus (as though actual magic weapons). This is a [Steel] effect.

Night Slash (Ex): at will, a Gligar with this attack may unleash an attack originally used by evil samurai to murder people at a crossroads. It may make a single Claw attack with a Standard Action, treated as a Keen Katana wielded in two hands, sized appropriately (1d8, 17-20/x2 for a Small creature). This has an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), deals ongoing Bleed damage equal to the Enhancement Bonus, and the increased Threat Range can be increased further via Improved Critical and similar. This is a [Dark] attack.

Cross Poison (Ex): with a Standard Action, Gligar may make two Primary Claw attacks against the same target, with a doubled Critical Threat range (19-20). If one attack hits, there is a chance of Poison: DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, Primary and Secondary effect s 2 Dexterity and Constitution damage. If both attacks hit, the Save DC and both types of Ability Damage are increased by 2. Each Critical Hit scored also increases the Save DC by 2. This is a [Poison] attack, and if it is Resisted, add the damage together before subtracting the defender's hit dice a single time.

Agility (Su): by focusing as a Full Round Action, Gligar can cast Cat's Grace on itself at will. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Fire Fang (Su): Gligar has a secondary Bite attack that deals an additional 1d6 points of Fire damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up). This will set combustible things on fire and even pre-cook a lot of meals. A bitten target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer a Burn. A target will always catch fire on a Critical Hit. This is a [Fire] attack.

Poison Jab (Ex): with a Standard Action, or as the attack at the end of a Charge, Gligar can make a single Primary Sting attack that has a base damage of 1d8 for a Small creature (and thus 2d6 for the Sharp Stinger), with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up). The Enhancement Bonus even applies to the Save DC of the Poison (but not the ability damage). This is a [Poison] [Punch] attack.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Quick Attack and Fury Cutter
Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Gligar may make a Claw attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses.

Fury Cutter (Ex): Gligar may elect to make its Claw attacks as a [Bug] attack. If it does so on consecutive turns, then starting on the second turn the Threat Range increases by 1, and this continues to increase every consecutive round. These increases happen after any doubling from Improved Critical or whatever.

At 4 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Acrobatics
Acrobatics (Ex): at will, Gligar may unleash a leaping Charge, and after the attack may reposition to any square adjacent to the target. This uses any one natural weapon, and if Gligar is not holding any weapons or items and does not have anything else equipped, it may add its skill bonus in either Jump or Tumble to the damage roll. This is a [Flying] attack.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Slash and Sting Turn
Slash (Ex): with a Standard Action, Gligar may make a single Claw attack that has a base damage of 1d6 for a Small creature and a Critical value of 15-20/x2. If it has Improved Critical (Claw attacks), this does indeed become 9-20/x2. It ignores Hardness of 5 or less, and deals double damage against unattended objects (or triple on a critical hit). This is a [Blade] [Normal] attack.

Sting Turn (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Gligar may charge a target and deliver one Sting attack, and then withdraw the remaining distance after delivering the attack, as though using the Spring Attack feat. If it ends the movement in the same square as, or adjacent to, its pokeball, it may retreat into it and end its turn that way. This is a [Poison] attack.


Medium Magical Beast, CR 6
19 20 15 5 8 16
6d6+12 (33 HP), Init +5, Speed 30' Climb 20' Fly 30' (Average) Burrow 20'
BAB/Grab: +6/+10
-2 Claws +11 (1d4+4) and Sting +8 (1d8+2 plus Poison)
AC: 23 (+5 Dexterity, +8 Natural Armour), Flat 18, Touch 15
Fort +9 Ref +10 Will +5
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Multiattack, Weapon Focus (Claw), Great Fortitude
Skills: Tumble +14
Special Attacks: Sand Attack, Knock Off, Sharp Stinger, Sneak Attack +2d6, Quick Attack, Fury Cutter, Poison Tail, Acrobatics, Slash, Sting Turn, Poison Jab, Night Slash, Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang
Special Qualities: Flying and Ground Pokemon Traits, Sand Veil, Harden, Iron Grip
Rare Traits: Poison Heal, Power Trick, Sand Tomb, Metal Claw, Cross Poison, Agility
Tutor Moves: Steel Wing, Sandstorm, Taunt, Toxic, Torment, Fog, Bulldoze, Aerial Ace, Psychic Fangs, Spikes, Crunch, Sand Tomb, Breaking Swipe, Throat Chop, Bug Bite
Advancement: 7-12 HD (Medium); 13-16 HD (Large); 17+ HD (Huge)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Ref, 2 + Int skill points

What used to be a comical looking flying sand scorpion is now much more sinister in appearance. This thing is the size of a human if you don't include the tail, and has a malicious-looking face that suggests it's going to try to get you to smoke cigarettes.

Flying and Ground Traits: Gliscor is weak against [Ice], [Rock] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fighting] and [Poison] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Electric] and [Ground] attacks, always resisting them. When it burrows, it can choose whether to leave tunnels behind it. It can swim through sand at its normal speed, takes no damage or effects from [Electric] attacks when burrowing or sand-swimming, and when touching the ground has Evasion against [Electric] attacks. It suffers no damage or impediments from sand storms, dust storms, loose sand, quicksand or rough stony terrain, and gains Resistance equal to its hit dice against all energy types in sand storms and dust storms.

Sneak Attack (Ex): Gliscor is great at catching things by surprise, and deals an extra 2d6 damage to foes that it flanks or that are denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class.

Poison Jab (Ex): with a Standard Action, or as the attack at the end of a Charge, Gliscor can make a single Primary Sting attack that has a base damage of 2d6 for a Medium creature (and thus 3d6 for the Sharp Stinger), carrying its Poison Sting, with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up). The Enhancement Bonus even applies to the Save DC of the Poison (but not the ability damage). This is a [Poison] [Punch] attack.

Night Slash (Ex): at will, Gliscor may unleash an attack originally used by evil samurai to murder people at a crossroads. It may make a single Claw attack with a Standard Action, treated as a Keen Katana wielded in two hands, sized appropriately (1d10, 17-20/x2 for a Medium creature). This has an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), deals ongoing Bleed damage equal to the Enhancement Bonus, and the increased Threat Range can be increased further via Improved Critical and similar. This is a [Dark] attack.

Fire Fang (Su): Gliscor may make a Bite attack at normal damage for its Size (1d6 for Medium), dealing an extra 1d6 points of Fire damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up). This will set combustible things on fire and even pre-cook a lot of meals. A bitten target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer a Burn. A target will always catch fire on a Critical Hit. This is a [Fire] [Bite] attack.

Thunder Fang (Su): Gliscor may make a Bite attack at normal damage for its Size (1d6 for Medium), dealing an extra 1d6 points of Electricity damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up). This will shock the target, potentially leaving them unable to act. A bitten target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Paralyzed for 3 rounds. A target will always be Staggered for one round on a Critical Hit. This is an [Electric] [Bite] attack.

Ice Fang (Su): Gliscor may make a Bite attack at normal damage for its Size (1d6 for Medium), dealing an extra 1d6 points of Cold damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up). This will chill most meals, and can freeze an enemy solid. A bitten target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer from Frostburn. On a Critical Hit, they are automatically Slowed for one minute. This is an [Ice] [Bite] attack.

Rare Traits:
Poison Heal (Ex): if Gligor had Immunity as its [Pokebility] before evolving, it now has Poison Heal. It is Immune to being Sickened and Nauseated, as well as the effects of Poison - it can still be Poisoned (and indeed is always treated as failing the Saving Throw) but does not suffer any negative effects. Instead, this grants it Fast Healing equal to its hit dice.

At 7 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Screech and Pester
Screech (Ex): once per 3 rounds, Gliscor can unleash a horrifying screech with a Standard Action. All within 60 feet of it when it unleashes this [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] effect suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves for five rounds, and must also pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Shaken for the same duration. This fear can stack up to Frightened and then Panicked. This is a [Normal] attack.

Pester (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Gliscor may pinch a foe and add to their already-existing woes. This is a single Claw attack, however for each affliction or negative status condition affecting the foe (Poison, [Fear] effects, Disease, Level Drain, Confusion, ongoing Spells that cause penalties not already covered by status conditions etc), the damage increases in size (from d4 to d6 to d8 to 2d6 etc). Furthermore, the target then takes a Penalty on attack rolls, skill checks and ability checks until the end of their next turn, equal to the number of afflictions they had when this attack hit - in the case of multiple Gliscor ganging up on a foe, this penalty does not itself count as a condition for further uses of Pester in the same round. This is a [Bug] attack.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Submission Hold and X-Scissor
Submission Hold (Ex): whenever Gliscor has a foe in a grapple, it may use a Standard Action to wrench their limbs about, attempting to crank, rip and tear. It makes an opposed grapple check as normal, and if successful, it deals damage for both Claw attacks, plus additional Non-Lethal damage equal to the damage dealt, and 2 points of Ability Damage to either Strength or Dexterity. At 12, 16 and 20 hit dice, the Ability Damage increases by 1, and if Gliscor is larger than its prey, this also results in the target being Slowed for 3 rounds. This is a [Fighting] attack.

X-Scissor (Ex): with a Standard Action, Gliscor may make both Claw attacks against the same target. These have a doubled Critical Threat range (19-20), and if either of the attacks is a Critical Hit, both of them are (providing they both actually hit). This is a [Blade] [Bug] attack.

At 9 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Crabhammer and Poison Circle
Crabhammer (Ex): once per minute, Gliscor can slam its massive pincers upon a target with a Standard Action. This is a single Slam with a base damage of 1d6 per hit die, plus double its Strength Bonus, and in water it creates a strong wave radiating out to 30 feet, allowing a free Trip attempt (without needing a touch attack, or to reach them physically) against everything in the area. Power Attack may be used with this even if Gliscor lacks the feat, and must be used to take a penalty of at least 5, granting its bonus normally. The Trip attempt when used in water gains a bonus equal to the Power Attack penalty. This is a [Water] attack.

Poison Circle (Su): if you get too close to Gliscor, you can't escape it afterwards. If a creature leaves the 15' radius area around Gliscor (plus another 10 feet for every Size it grows beyond Medium), even by Teleportation or being returned to a Pokeball, it may use an Immediate Action to afflict them with poison. This has the same DC and damage as its Poison Sting, but without making an attack roll or doing normal HP damage. This is a [Poison] attack.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Swords Dance and Friction Heat
Swords Dance (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Gliscor may perform the legendary Swords Dance, providing its movement is unobstructed. For the next minute, it enjoys a +8 Enhancement Bonus to Strength. Furthermore, it may make a Perform (Dance) check, even untrained, as part of using this, and if a 15 or more is rolled, its Natural Weapons deal grow by one virtual Size category for the duration, or two virtual Size categories if a 25 or more is rolled. Increases from using this multiple times do not stack. This is a [Dance] effect and a [Normal] effect.

Friction Heat (Ex): if Gliscor Charges a foe and moves at least 50 feet in the process, it builds up enough friction to generate significant heat. Upon hitting the target, it sets them on fire, though they can put the flames out in the normal way. Alternatively, when it is engaged in a grapple with a foe (whether in control or not), it may use a Swift Action to force them to make a Reflex Save (DC 7 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Failure results in the opponent suffering a Burn. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 11 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Burning Poison and Dual Wing Beat
Burning Poison (Su): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Gliscor may make its Sting attack against an already-poisoned foe, and if it hits, they must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Failure by 1-5 results in them catching fire, and failing by more than that results in them being Burned. This is a [Poison] attack.

Dual Wing Beat (Ex): Gliscor gains two secondary Wing attacks, that deal 1d4 damage for a Medium creature, as [Flying] attacks. It may elect to use both of them together as a Standard Action, or in addition to other natural weapons for a Full Attack as normal. If it hits the same foe with both wings in the same turn, it gains a free Trip attempt against them. If this attempt fails, they do not get a trip attempt of their own. The trip attempt is also a [Flying] attack, should that matter.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Knock Off and Sky Uppercut
Knock Off (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Gliscor may make a Primary Slam attack that, if it hits, it may make a Disarm or Sunder check for free. The base damage is 1d8 (for a Medium creature) plus its Strength Bonus, however this is doubled (and tripled on a critical hit) if its Disarm or Sunder check succeeds. This is a [Dark] attack.

Sky Uppercut (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Gliscor may deliver a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus, plus an extra 1d6 damage per 3 hit dice (round up). It may then attempt a free Bullrush against the target, launching them directly upwards, or at an upward angle, and doubling the push distance. It does not need to move with them in order to move them more than 5 feet, but it may elect to do so. The target will typically suffer falling damage as normal. This is a [Punch] [Fighting] attack.

At 13 hit dice, its Sneak Attack increases by 1d6 and it learns Hurricane Shock and Drill Run
Hurricane Shock (Su): once per 3 rounds, an airborne Gliscor may use a Full Round Action to rotate in a sharp circle and hit everyone around it. It makes a single melee attack with any of its natural weapons, resolved against all foes within its reach, and generates Hurricane force winds until the start of its next turn. This is a [Flying] attack.

Drill Run (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Gliscor may tear through the ground, charging in a straight Line. It makes one attack roll, with a 15-20/x2 Critical value, and resolves this against every creature or object within the area - targeting creatures standing on or directly in the ground. This has a base damage of 4d6 + 1 and a half times its Strength Bonus for a Medium creature. This is a [Ground] attack.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Earthquake and Guillotine
Earthquake (Su): once per hour, Gliscor may cast Earthquake, however the damage (not including Non-Lethal damage for being trapped) is 1d6 per hit die, any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and anything considered Immune to [Ground] attacks can never be trapped in the fissures. This is a [Ground] attack.

Guillotine (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Gliscor can try to cut someone's head off, which is typically lethal. It makes a pair of Claw attacks, and if both hit, they are automatically upgraded to Critical Hits and the foe must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 5 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus). If they fail, their head is severed and they suffer the normal effects for that. This is a [Blade] [Normal] attack.

At 15 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Maximum Sand Tornado
Maximum Sand Tornado (Su): once per minute, Mega Gliscor may use a Standard Action to cast Sandstorm with an intensity of at least Hurricane force winds, but a duration of only 5 rounds. This also summons 4 dust devils (as from Storm Mote), which can be controlled and directed once per round with a Free Action. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ground] attack.

At 17 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and its Sneak Attack increases by 1d6

At 19 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1

Mega Evolution: when Gliscor becomes Mega Gliscor, it becomes a little bigger, but much sleeker and with greater wings, its tail becoming long and dangerous. The Reach of its Sting (and Poison Circle) increases by 10'. Its Dexterity increases by 8, and its Strength, Wisdom and Natural Armour increase by 4 each. Its [Pokebility] changes to Sand Rush.

Sand Rush (Ex): if Mega Gliscor is ever in a dust storm or sand storm or swimming through sand, it is Hasted for the duration.

Tutor Moves:

Aerial Ace (Ex): when flying as a Move Action, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action at any point during the movement to swoop a target - this allows it to move, attack and continue moving. It may perform this attack as a Charge, with all benefits (aside from doubled movement) and drawbacks (including targeting requirements) if it wishes, still moving afterwards. This ignores Cover and Concealment, providing it has actual line of effect, and is a [Flying] attack.

Breaking Swipe (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon whirls around, striking out at every foe it can reach. It makes one attack roll and applies it against every creature within its threatened area. If it hits, this attack deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus, and additionally deals 2 points of Strength Damage to each of them. This is a [Blade] [Dragon] attack.

Bug Bite (Ex): the Pokemon gains a Primary Bite attack that is made as a Full Round Action. This deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature. This ignores all effects of Armour and Shields - the bonus to AC and any special effects - and allows it to eat any one item of food amongst the target's possessions as it swarms over them. This is a [Bug] attack.

Bulldoze (Ex): with a Full Round Action once per three rounds, the Pokemon may make a Charge attack, that ends in a Slam of appropriate Size (1d6 for a Mediumn creature). If it ends this charge threatening multiple creatures or objects, it may elect to resolve the attack against any or all of them, not just the initial target (though the normal rules for charging apply, so it can't declare a target, charge them, and then forego attacking that target). Furthermore, anything hit suffers 2 points of Dexterity damage, and has their Initiative reduced by 4, although this cannot cause something to gain two turns (such as acting at 2 Initiative higher than the attacker, getting hit, then acting again at 2 lower). This is a [Ground] attack.

Crunch (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to use a Bite attack (1d6 for a Medium creature), as a magic weapon, with an innate Enhancement Bonus equal to a third of its hit dice (round down). This leaves serious punctures in the target, causing 4 points of Constitution damage. This is a [Dark] [Bite] attack.

Fog (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may cast Fog Cloud.

Psychic Fangs (Su): the Pokemon has a Bite attack (1d6 for a Medium creature), out to Close Range (with no Reach, but still using its choice of Strength or Dexterity for the attack roll), dealing an extra 1d6 points of damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up). This also destroys (and is unaffected by) Light Screen, Reflect and Aurora Veil. This is a [Bite] [Psychic] attack.

Sand Tomb (Su): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may cast Haboob (It's Hot Outside) once per minute. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ground] attack.

Sandstorm (Su): once per day per 5 full hit dice, the Pokemon may cast Sandstorm (It's Hot Outside) with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Keep in mind the various benefits it has in sandstorms and duststorms. This is a [Ground] effect.

Spikes (Su): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon can scatter sharp spikes around. This creates a Spike Growth effect, with a duration of 1 round per hit die. If it casts this on a new area, any existing instances of its Spikes vanish (although any damage is still done). It may, however, cast it on an already-affected area, in which case it adds a Spike Stones effect. If cast again on the same area, this adds a Briar Web effect on top of it. This is a [Ground] attack.

Steel Wing (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon can swipe with a wing so hard it's like steel, able to break a person's arm just like every swan in England. This is a Slam attack with a base damage of 1d8 + Strength Bonus for a Medium creature. This may also be used as a special Immediate Action in response to an attack - if the Slam attack roll is higher than the incoming attack, it is successfully parried. This is a [Steel] attack.

Taunt (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon can tease and harass a foe, goading them into violence. If the foe suffers a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), they fall for it, and for 3 rounds they can only use damaging effects, and movement that gets them in position to use damaging effects. A given creature can only be affected by this once per user per day. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Dark] effect.

Throat Chop (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to deliver a vicious strike to the voice box of a foe, rendering them unable to speak. This can be delivered as a Slam that deals 1d4 damage for a Medium creature, or use an existing natural weapon (without the benefit of a special Attack), whichever it prefers, and on a successful hit, the foe is rendered silent for three rounds, unable to speak, cast Spells with Vocal Components, or use [Sound] effects. A successful Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half the Pokemon's hit dice + its Strength Bonus) reduces this to one round. This is a [Dark] attack.

Torment (Su): with a Standard Action once per five rounds, the Pokemon may torment and frustrate a creature within 30 feet. If the target fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), then for three rounds they cannot perform the same actions, two turns in a row - for instance, if a Move Action and Gore were taken prior to receiving the effect, then on the first turn of it they could not take a Move Action or use their Gore attack. If they make a Full Attack on that first turn of this (minus the Gore), then on the next turn they could not make a Full Attack, nor attack with any of the natural weapons used in it, but could Gore and Move again. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] [Normal] effect, and completely overrides and replaces an Encore effect.

Toxic (Ex): the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to spit or squirt a stream of deadly toxins out to Close Range - this requires a Ranged Touch Attack to hit, and can be used once per ten minutes. If it hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save against Poison with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, or suffer 1d6 Con damage. Once poisoned, they must then save again every round at the end of their turn or suffer ability damage again, until either they die, the poison is neutralised, or they successfully save against it three rounds in a row, fighting the toxins off completely. This is a [Poison] effect. This can be harvested, producing a single dose that is administered by contact, with a value of 3,000 GP.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Small Magical Beast, CR 2
15 19 10 7 12 6
2d6 (7 HP), Init +8, Speed 30'
BAB/Grab: +2/+0
-2 Claws +5 (1d3+2)
AC: 15 (+1 Size, +4 Dexterity), Flat 11, Touch 15
Fort +0 Ref +7 Will +1
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative
Skills: Hide +13, Move Silently +9
Special Attacks: Leer, Taunt, Quick Attack, Faint Attack, Sneak Attack +1d6
Special Qualities: Dark and Ice Pokemon Traits, Keen Eye
Rare Traits: Infiltrator, Bite, Fake Out, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Pursuit, Defence Curl
Tutor Moves: Fake Tears, Low Kick, Thief, Aerial Ace, Fling, Endure, Shadow Claw, Foul Play, Ice Punch, Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Lash Out, Triple Axel, Throat Chop, Upper Hand, Power-Up Punch, Pursuit
Advancement: 3-5 HD (Small); evolves into Weavile at 6 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 4 + Int skill points

This critter looks somewhat like a weasel, albeit a bipedal one with black fuzzy fur, sharp claws and a bad attitude.

Dark and Ice Traits: Sneasel is weak against [Bug], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Fire], [Rock] and [Steel] attacks, and resists [Dark], [Ghost] and [Ice] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Psychic] attacks, always Resisting them, and furthermore its mind cannot be read or influenced as though it had a Mind Blank effect that cannot be dispelled. It cannot be frozen solid or suffer frostbite, frostburn or hypothermia, and is imune to Dexterity Damage (but not Drain). It suffers no damage or impediment from hail, ice storms, snow storms, naturally occurring blizzards, cold weather and similar - even things like Black Ice and Blood Snow - and enjoys DR 5/- in snow storms and 10/- in hail and heavy blizzards. It can move through slush at normal speed without penalty, and does not slip over on ice, instead being able to skate across at double speed.

Leer (Ex): when Sneasel attempts to Demoralise a foe that can see it, it is treated as having the maximum ranks in Intimidate for its hit dice, and a minimum Charisma of 10. Furthermore, any foe it Demoralises suffers a -2 Morale Penalty to Armour Class while Shaken. This is a [Normal] attack.

Taunt (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Sneasel can tease and harass a foe, goading them into violence. If the foe fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), they fall for it, and for 3 rounds they can only use damaging effects, and movement that gets them in position to use damaging effects. A given creature can only be affected by this once per user per day. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Dark] effect.

Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Sneasel may make a Claw attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses.

Keen Eye (Ex): Sneasel can see twice as far in all vision modes, and halves any penalties suffered to Spot and Search checks. Additionally, it ignores Concealment and suffers only a 20% Miss Chance from Total Concealment. This is a [Pokebility].

Faint Attack (Ex): Sneasel may approach a foe deceptively and attack them out of the blue, using a Full Round Action - it moves up to its movement speed directly towards the target (a minimum of 10 feet, however), does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity from the target from its movement, and makes a single Claw attack. This ignores Cover and Concealment, providing it has actual line of effect, denies the foe their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, and is a [Dark] attack.

Sneak Attack (Ex): Sneasel is great at catching things by surprise, and deals an extra 1d6 damage to foes that it flanks or that are denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class.

Rare Traits:
Infiltrator (Ex): if Sneasel has this rare [Pokebility], it doesn't provoke Attacks of Opportunity, sees through Substitute, and can ignore the effects of Reflect, Light Screen and Aurora Veil.

Bite (Ex): if Sneasel has this, it gains a primary Bite attack one die type larger than normal for its Size (1d6 for Small), made as a [Dark] attack. Any time it bites a foe with an Attack of Opportunity, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately.

Fake Out (Ex): in the first round of combat after Initiative is rolled or when it joins an existing combat, a Sneasel with this attack may use this to cut ahead, slapping an adjacent foe with a Free Action. This happens before any other actions anybody else takes, and it may make a normal Move Action as part of this in order to get up to a target. It resolves a Slam attack that deals 1d4 damage for a Medium creature (so 1d3 for Sneasel), and the target flinches if hit, even if it deals no damage: they are treated as Dazed on the round they are hit. This is a [Normal] attack.

Ice Shard (Su): once per minute, a Sneasel with this trait can hurl shards of sharp ice with an Immediate Action. This is a Ranged Attack (a thrown weapon) with 10' range increments and a maximum of 3 increments, dealing 2d6 Cold damage, plus its Strength Bonus, and has a 19-20 threat range. This is an [Ice] attack.

Defence Curl (Ex): any time a Sneasel with this takes a Total Defence action, the benefits of having done so remain until the end of its next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

Icicle Crash (Su): once per five rounds, a Sneasel with this trait may use a Standard Action to leap upon a foe and smash a supernaturally cold icicle upon their head. This doesn't require a Jump check despite that leap, but it fails if a condition prevents jumping at all. It makes a single attack, which is treated as being with an equipped melee weapon, with a base damage of 4d6 Bludgeoning for a Medium creature (so 3d6 for Sneasel), plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, plus 1d6 Cold damage per hit die. The target must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be knocked Prone. This is an [Ice] attack.

Pursuit (Ex): a Sneasel with this attack may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that leaves a threatened square even as a result of Teleportation or being returned to a Pokeball. When it makes an Attack of Opportunity that was provoked by leaving a threatened square, this deals an extra 4d6 damage and is treated as a [Dark] attack.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Corner and Flash Claw
Corner (Ex): if an adjacent creature makes a five foot step, Sneasel may do the same with an Immediate Action, but must end this movement adjacent to the same creature. Likewise, if an adjacent creature makes a Withdraw move, Sneasel may make a Move Action as an Immediate Action, striving to end its movement adjacent to them. Its movement happens at the same time as that of the target, so it does not ever leave a threatened square relative to them and does not Provoke from them. This is a [Dark] effect.

Flash Claw (Ex): once per 3 rounds, Sneasel may use a Swift Action to enhance all of its Claw attacks until the start of its next turn. They deal damage as though one Size larger (typically 1d4), increase their Enhancement Bonus by 1, and any target hit must attempt a Reflex Save (DC 7 + half its hit dice + its Dexterity Bonus) or be Blind for 2 rounds. Any given target need only attempt one saving throw in a round, and although the blindness is caused by a flash of light, this is still a [Blade] [Dark] attack.

At 4 hit dice, its Sneak Attack increases by 1d6 and it learns Metal Claw and Nyan Roll
Metal Claw (Su): Sneasel may make its Claw attacks as [Steel] effects, and they deal damage as though one size category larger (stacking with Enhanced Claws upon evolving). Additionally, they penetrate DR and Hardness as though made of Adamantium, and have an Innate +1 Enhancement Bonus (as though actual magic weapons). This is a [Steel] effect.

Nyan Roll (Ex): whenever Sneasel takes a Full Defence, it may make a free Feint attempt against all foes that can see it - one attempt that is rolled against all foes. If this succeeds against a given foe, then until Sneasel's next turn, it gains a degree of Resistance against [Bug], [Dragon], [Fighting], [Normal], [Rock] and [Steel] attacks made by that foe. In Sneasel's case, this negates the Weakness to [Bug], [Rock] and [Steel], grants Resistance to [Dragon] and [Normal], but doesn't affect the Weakness to [Fighting] (as it gains Weakness from both Types). This is a [Normal] effect.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Icy Wind, Moonlit Night and Hone Claws
Icy Wind (Su): once per three rounds, Sneasel may use a Standard Action to exhale a chilling wave of air. This functions as a Gust of Wind effect, however it also deals damage equal to its hit dice to all in the area (halved if they succeed on the Fortitude Save), and on a failed Save, afflicted creatures suffer a -4 Penalty to Dexterity for 3 rounds. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is an [Ice] attack and a [Wind] effect.

Moonlit Night (Sp): once per hour, Sneasel may darken the skies with a Standard Action, shrouding the area within 500 feet in shadowy illumination for one minute, suppressing any effects caused by sunlight. Additionally, the area is treated as being under a full moon for the purpose of all effects such as lycanthropy and certain [Fairy] abilities. This is a [Dark] effect.

Hone Claws (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Sneasel with this ability may sharpen its claws, honing their edges to improve their devastating cutting power. For the next minute, its natural weapons (including ones granted by Pokemon Attacks) all enjoy a +1 Enhancement Bonus, or their existing Enhancement Bonus is increased by 1. This can be performed multiple times, increasing the bonus and resetting the duration each time, to a maximum Enhancement Bonus of +6. This is a [Dark] effect.


Small Magical Beast, CR 6
21 26 13 9 12 10
6d6+6 (27 HP), Init +12, Speed 30'
BAB/Grab: +6/+7
-2 Claws +16 (1d6+5)
AC: 20 (+1 Size, +8 Dexterity, +1 Natural Armour), Flat 12, Touch 19
Fort +3 Ref +13 Will +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Claw), Improved Natural Weapon (Claw)
Skills: Survival +10, Hide +21, Move Silently +17
Special Attacks: Leer, Taunt, Quick Attack, Feint Attack, Corner, Flash Claw, Metal Claw, Icy Wind, Assurance, Beat Up, Slash, Ice Shard, Enhanced Claws, Sneak Attack +3d6
Special Qualities: Dark and Ice Pokemon Traits, Pickpocket or Tough Claws, Nyan Roll, Moonlit Night, Hone Claws, Agility, Claw Signals
Rare Traits: Predator, Bite, Fake Out, Ice Shard, Icicle Crash, Pursuit, Defence Curl
Tutor Moves: Fake Tears, Low Kick, Thief, Aerial Ace, Fling, Endure, Shadow Claw, Foul Play, Ice Punch, Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Lash Out, Triple Axel, Throat Chop, Upper Hand, Power-Up Punch, Snowscape, Frozen Terrain, Ice Spinner, Ice Fang, Swagger, Psycho Cut, Pursuit, Dual Chop
Advancement: 7+ HD (Small)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref and Will, 4 + Int skill points

This bipedal weasel-like creature is all claws and bad attitude. Its fur is just shy of being black, with bright pink highlights - almost feathers, even. Its eyes gleam with malice.

Dark and Ice Traits: Weavile is weak against [Bug], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Fire], [Rock] and [Steel] attacks, and resists [Dark], [Ghost] and [Ice] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Psychic] attacks, always Resisting them, and furthermore its mind cannot be read or influenced as though it had a Mind Blank effect that cannot be dispelled. It cannot be frozen solid or suffer frostbite, frostburn or hypothermia, and is imune to Dexterity Damage (but not Drain). It suffers no damage or impediment from hail, ice storms, snow storms, naturally occurring blizzards, cold weather and similar - even things like Black Ice and Blood Snow - and enjoys DR 5/- in snow storms and 10/- in hail and heavy blizzards. It can move through slush at normal speed without penalty, and does not slip over on ice, instead being able to skate across at double speed.

Assurance (Ex): any time Weavile threatens a foe, if the foe is damaged by anything that is not the Weavile or an Attack of Opportuniy, it may take an Attack of Opportunity against the target. This is a [Dark] attack.

Beat Up (Ex): with a Standard Action, Weavile may make a Slam attack that deals 1d4 damage for a Small creature, plus half its Strength Bonus, and then encourages everything nearby to join in. The target, upon having Beat Up declared against it (whether the initial attack hits or not), effectively provokes an Attack of Opportunity from every enemy that threatens its square, and additionally any enemy that has an effect that allows it to move, attack, then move (such as the Spring Attack feat or the U-Turn special attack), may also do precisely that as an Immediate Action against the target. This is a [Dark] attack, and for the purpose of Resistance and Weakness, is treated as one attack made by the pokemon that initiates the Beat Up.

Slash (Ex): with a Standard Action, Weavile may make a single Claw attack that has a base damage of 1d6 for a Small creature (and thus 2d6 for a Weavile with Improved Natural Attack, as it is still a Claw attack) and a Critical value of 15-20/x2. If it has Improved Critical (Claw attacks), this does indeed become 9-20/x2. It ignores Hardness of 5 or less, and deals double damage against unattended objects (or triple on a critical hit). This is a [Normal] attack.

Ice Shard (Su): once per minute, Weavile can hurl shards of sharp ice with an Immediate Action. This is a Ranged Attack (a thrown weapon) with 10' range increments and a maximum of 3 increments, dealing 2d6 Cold damage, plus its Strength Bonus, and has a 19-20 threat range. This is an [Ice] attack.

Sneak Attack (Ex): Weavile is great at catching things by surprise, and deals an extra 3d6 damage to foes that it flanks or that are denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class.

Enhanced Claws (Ex): Weavile's claws deal damage as though one Size category larger - the sample one has Improved Natural Weapon (Claw), so deals damage as though two sizes larger. Things like Flash Claw and Metal Claw would then increase this to three sizes (1d8).

Claw Signals (Ex): Weavile understands sign language and can communicate effectively via claw signals.

Rare Traits:
Predator (Ex): if Sneasel had Infiltrator as its [Pokebility], upon evolving it becomes Predator. Any time Weavile reduces a creature to negative hit points, it regains lost hit points equal to the number of hit dice the creature had.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Night Slash and Icicle Spear
Night Slash (Ex): at will, Weavile may unleash an attack originally used by evil samurai to murder people at a crossroads. It may make a single Claw attack with a Standard Action, treated as a Keen Katana wielded in two hands, sized appropriately (2d8, 17-20/x2 for a Small creature with Enhanced Claws and Improved Natural Attack). This has an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), deals ongoing Bleed damage equal to the Enhancement Bonus, and the increased Threat Range can be increased further via Improved Critical and similar. This is a [Dark] [Blade] attack.

Icicle Spear (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Weavile may unleash a flurry of sharp icicles at targets within 30 feet. It makes three ranged attacks, plus one extra attack at eleven and sixteen hit dice respectively. Each one deals 1d4 Piercing damage (for a Small creature), plus half its Strength Bonus, and a 20/x2 Critical value, and damage is added together before applying Resistance or Weakness a single time. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 8 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Fling and Vilify
Fling (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Weavile may hurl a held item at a foe. If the item is not a thrown weapon, it retains its normal damage but has a 15' range. If the item is a thrown weapon, it functions normally. If the item isn't a weapon at all, it has a 15' range and deals damage as an Improvised Weapon. If it is a Magic Item, any Enhancement Bonus it has (even if it is an Enhancement Bonus to a Shield Bonus or similar) applies to the attack and damage roll. The Pokemon stops being Attuned to a magic item it throws, after the attack is resolved. Regardless of the item used, this is a [Dark] attack.

Vilify (Ex): once per three rounds, Weavile may unleash its villainous nature and strike out at all around it, friend and foe alike. It uses a Full Round Action, and makes a pair of Claw attacks, with increased reach as though wielding a spiked chain, resolved against everything within this increased threatened area. For every target beyond the first in the area, the damage of the Claws increases by 1 step (the sample Weavile would deal 1d8 for two targets, 2d6 for three and so on). It may not choose to ignore certain targets, nor use non-lethal damage. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 9 hit dice, its Intelligence increases by 2 and it learns learns Punishment
Punishment (Ex): with a Standard Action, Weavile may lay into a target that benefits from too many buffs, turning their various temporary enhancements into ruinous pain and damage. With a successful melee attack, this deals a variable number of d10 of damage to the target. This number is equal to the total of all Enhancement, Resistance, Morale and Luck Bonuses they have to Ability Scores, attack rolls (not differentiating between different ones), damage rolls (not differentiating between different ones) and Saving Throws (whichever happens to be highest), minus the total of all Morale and Luck Penalties to the above. For instance, if they have a +2 Enhancement Bonus to two different ability scores, and a +1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls, but a -2 Luck Penalty to saving throws, this equals 2+2+1+1-2 = 4d10. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 10 hit dice, its Sneak Attack increases by 1d6 and it learns Nasty Plot and Tear Away
Nasty Plot (Ex): by concentrating on schemes and tactics as a Full Round Action, Weavile can grant itself an Eagle's Splendour effect at will. In addition, while this is in effect, it gains +1d6 Sneak Attack damage. This is a [Dark] effect.

Tear Away (Ex): if Weavile hits a target with both of its Claw attacks in the same turn, it may then either make a Rend against them, hitting automatically for damage equal to a single Claw attack plus double its Strength Bonus, or make a free Disarm attempt. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Screech and Rule of Evil
Screech (Ex): once per 3 rounds, Weavile can unleash a horrifying screech with a Standard Action. All within 60 feet of it when it unleashes this [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] effect suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves for five rounds, and must also pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Shaken for the same duration. This fear can stack up to Frightened and then Panicked. This is a [Normal] attack.

Rule of Evil (Su): with a Standard Action once per minute, Weavile may strike at a target's soul instead of their body. It makes a single Claw attack, and if it hits, then as well as dealing damage, it delivers a temporary Negative Level that lasts for one hour (two on a Critical Hit), and additionally disables the foe's [Pokebility] for five rounds. If the target's [Pokebility] is Multitype, Power Construct, Schooling, Shields Down, As One, or Tera Shift, it is not disabled, however the attack does three times as much damage (four times on a Critical Hit), and three temporary Negative Levels (four on a Critical Hit). This is a [Dark] effect.

At 12 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Shadow Charge and Shadow Connection
Shadow Charge (Su): once per minute (or at will when in supernatural darkness or a Moonlit Night effect), Weavile may declare a Charge against a foe who is not the nearest viable target, and can move through intervening objects, creatures and terrain in order to make the charge. A successful hit also deals 1d4 points of Strength Damage (1d4+2 when in supernatural darkness or a Moonlit Night effect). This is a [Dark] attack.

Shadow Connection (Su): at will, Weavile may use a Swift Action to unleash a pulse of shadow-infused energy that bestows Dark Pokemon Traits upon all allies within 50 feet. This lasts until the start of its next turn, and is a [Dark] effect. When in an area of supernatural darkness or a Moonlit Night effect, this uses a Free Action once per round.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Triple Axel and Swords Dance
Triple Axel (Ex): with a Full Round Action once per three rounds, Weavile may ice skate gracefully and deliver a trio of kicks, each hurting more than the last. It makes one Kick attack at its highest attack bonus, with a base damage of 1d6 for a Small creature, then must move at least 5 feet, then makes a second Kick attack at its highest attack bonus minus two, with the damage increased by one step (1d8 for a Small creature), then must move at least 5 feet before making a final Kick attack at its highest attack bonus minus four, increasing the damage one step more (2d6 for a Small creature). If a Balance or Perform (Dance) check of DC 15 is made as part of this, the penalties are reduced by 2 (to 0/0/-2), and if the check is 25 or more, they gain a bonus to damage of +2, +4 and +8. This is a [Kick] [Ice] attack.

Swords Dance (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Weavile may perform the legendary Swords Dance, providing its movement is unobstructed. For the next minute, it enjoys a +8 Enhancement Bonus to Strength. Furthermore, it may make a Perform (Dance) check, even untrained, as part of using this, and if a 15 or more is rolled, its Natural Weapons deal grow by one virtual Size category for the duration, or two virtual Size categories if a 25 or more is rolled. Increases from using this multiple times do not stack. This is a [Dance] effect and a [Normal] effect.

At 14 hit dice, its Sneak Attack increases by 1d6 and it learns Knock Off and Pursuit
Knock Off (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Weavile may make a Primary Slam attack that, if it hits, it may make a Disarm or Sunder check for free. The base damage is 1d6 (for a Small creature) plus its Strength Bonus, however this is doubled (and tripled on a critical hit) if its Disarm or Sunder check succeeds. This is a [Dark] attack.

Pursuit (Ex): Weavile may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that leaves a threatened square even as a result of Teleportation or being returned to a Pokeball. When it makes an Attack of Opportunity that was provoked by leaving a threatened square, this deals an extra 4d6 damage and is treated as a [Dark] attack.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Dark Pulse and Maximum Frostfell
Dark Pulse (Su): once per five rounds, Weavile may use a Standard Action to unleash a burst of malevolent energy, out in a wave. This is an emanation out to Close Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the saving through is Staggered for one round. This is a [Ballistic] [Dark] effect.

Maximum Frostfell (Su): once per minute, Mega Weavile may cast Polar Midnight with a duration of 5 rounds, however the area is also subject to Blizzard (It's Cold Outside) as well as a Moonlit Night effect, both for the same 5 rounds. Ice Type Pokemon do not suffer any damage (including Dexterity damage) from the Polar Midnight, and Dark and Ghost Pokemon do not suffer the Dexterity Damage. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 16 hit dice, its Wisdom and Intelligence each increase by 2

At 17 hit dice, it learns Wicked Blow and Icicle Crash
Wicked Blow (Ex): having mastered the Dark Style, Weavile may once per minute unleash an attack infused with utter malice and killing intent. This uses a Standard Action, and functions as a single Claw attack with a +6 Enhancement Bonus, and any hit is automatically upgraded to a Critical Hit. Furthermore, the target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 15 + half its hit dice) or be rendered Helpless until the end of Weavile's next turn (allowing a Coup de Gras attempt normally). This is a [Punch] [Dark] attack.

Icicle Crash (Su): once per five rounds, Weavile may use a Standard Action to leap upon a foe and smash a supernaturally cold icicle upon their head. This doesn't require a Jump check despite that leap, but it fails if a condition prevents jumping at all. It makes a single attack, which is treated as being with an equipped melee weapon, with a base damage of 3d6 Bludgeoning (for a Small creature), plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, plus 1d6 Cold damage per hit die. The target must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be knocked Prone. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 18 hit dice, its Sneak Attack increases by 1d6

At 20 hit dice, its Sneak Attack increases by 1d6

Mega Evolution: when Weavile becomes Mega Weavile, it doesn't grow much larger, although its claws and fangs certainly do, appearing more as a full set of combat blades. Its feathery hair becomes spiky, resembling a crown, and the ground freezes beneath every step, even the air chilling. Its Strength and Dexterity increase by 8 each, its Charisma increases by 4, its [Pokebility] changes to Tough Claws, and its Sneak Attack dice are all upgraded to 8-sided dice. If rolling physical dice and you don't have many d8s, you can just roll them each as d6+1 instead I suppose.

Tough Claws (Ex): all of Mega Weavile's natural weapons deal an additional 1d12 bonus damage, are treated as magic weapons with an Enhancement Bonus equal to +1 per 4 hit dice (round up), and ignore all Hardness and Damage Reduction (except for that caused by Pokemon Type Resistances). This is a [Pokebility].


Hisuian Sneasel
Small Magical Beast, CR 2
15 19 10 7 12 6
2d6 (7 HP), Init +8, Speed 30'
BAB/Grab: +2/+0
-2 Claws +5 (1d3+2)
AC: 15 (+1 Size, +4 Dexterity), Flat 11, Touch 15
Fort +0 Ref +7 Will +1
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative
Skills: Hide +13, Move Silently +9
Special Attacks: Leer, Taunt, Quick Attack, Rock Smash, Sneak Attack +1d6
Special Qualities: Fighting and Poison Pokemon Traits, Inner Focus
Rare Traits: Poison Touch, Fake Out, Night Slash, Quick Guard, Switcheroo, Ice Punch, Pursuit
Tutor Moves: Low Kick, Thief, Aerial Ace, Fling, Endure, Shadow Claw, Coaching, Gunk Shot, Poison Jab, X-Scissor, Lash Out, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Trailblaze
Advancement: 3-5 HD (Small); evolves into Sneasler at 6 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 4 + Int skill points

This weasel-like creature stands tall on its hind legs. It has long, slender limbs, rough claws, a bad attitude and lavendar-coloured fur.

Fighting and Poison Traits: Hisuian Sneasel is weak against [Flying], [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, and Resists [Bug], [Dark], [Fighting], [Grass], [Poison] and [Rock] attacks. It cannot be Poisoned, and thus is immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take (reduced) HP damage from [Poison] attacks. It harmlessly absorbs toxic spikes and sludge just by touching them, and when holding (or covered in) Black Sludge it doesn't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1.

Leer (Ex): when Hisuian Sneasel attempts to Demoralise a foe that can see it, it is treated as having the maximum ranks in Intimidate for its hit dice, and a minimum Charisma of 10. Furthermore, any foe it Demoralises suffers a -2 Morale Penalty to Armour Class while Shaken. This is a [Normal] attack.

Taunt (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Hisuian Sneasel can tease and harass a foe, goading them into violence. If the foe suffers a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), they fall for it, and for 3 rounds they can only use damaging effects, and movement that gets them in position to use damaging effects. A given creature can only be affected by this once per user per day. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Dark] effect.

Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Hisuian Sneasel may make a Claw attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses.

Rock Smash (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Hisuian Sneasel may unleash a devastating strike that can shatter boulders. This is a Slam that deals 1d6 damage for a Small creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is always Super-Effective against Rock Type Pokemon, even if they are considered Immune normally (such as being a Rock and Ghost Type Pokemon). This ignores Hardness, Damage Reduction and Immunity to Critical Hits. This is a [Fighting] attack.

Sneak Attack (Ex): Hisuian Sneasel is great at catching things by surprise, and deals an extra 1d6 damage to foes that it flanks or that are denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class.

Inner Focus (Ex): Hisuian Sneasel is never Staggered, cannot be Demoralised with the Intimidate skill, and it also automatically succeeds on any Concentration check it is required to make. This is a [Pokebility].

Rare Traits:
Poison Touch (Ex): if Hisuian Sneasel has this rare trait, anybody who touches it in any way (including hitting with a Natural Weapon or a non-reach Melee Weapon, or being hit by one of its Natural Weapons) is subject to Poison: DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, 2 Constitution Damage for both Primary and Secondary damage. This is a [Poison] effect and a [Pokebility].

Fake Out (Ex): in the first round of combat after Initiative is rolled or when it joins an existing combat, a Hisuian Sneasel with this may use this to cut ahead, slapping an adjacent foe with a Free Action. This happens before any other actions anybody else takes, and it may make a normal Move Action as part of this in order to get up to a target. It resolves a Slam attack that deals 1d4 damage for a Medium creature (so 1d3 for Sneasel), and the target flinches if hit, even if it deals no damage: they are treated as Dazed on the round they are hit. This is a [Normal] attack.

Night Slash (Ex): at will, a Hisuian Sneasel with this trait may unleash an attack originally used by evil samurai to murder people at a crossroads. It may make a single Claw attack with a Standard Action, treated as a Keen Katana wielded in two hands, sized appropriately (1d8, 17-20/x2 for a Small creature). This has an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), deals ongoing Bleed damage equal to the Enhancement Bonus, and the increased Threat Range can be increased further via Improved Critical and similar. This is a [Dark] [Blade] attack.

Quick Guard (Su): if Hisuian Sneasel has this rare ability, it may create a special protective field once per five rounds as an Immediate Action. This can only be used to interrupt a Swift or Immediate Action, or an Attack of Opportunity, in which case it is protected by a Resilient Sphere until the start of its next turn. This is a [Fighting] [Force] effect.

Switcheroo (Ex): with a Standard Action, a Hisuian Sneasel with this ability can attempt a Steal action (Pathfinder) without Provoking an Attack of Opportunity, or a Sleight of Hand check to attempt to steal an item, also without provoking. If successful, the item is no longer attuned to the target (if magical), and it may also elect to hand the target a held item - attuning it to them if it is magical. This is a [Dark] attack.

Ice Punch (Su): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, assuming it knows this rare trait, Hisuian Sneasel may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d4 Bludgeoning damage for a Small creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 Cold damage per 3 hit dice (round up), and a struck target must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer hypothermia. On a Critical Hit, a successful Charge, or during hail, the target instead must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Frostburned. This is an [Ice] attack.

Pursuit (Ex): if it has this rare attack, Hisuian Sneasel may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that leaves a threatened square even as a result of Teleportation or being returned to a Pokeball. When it makes an Attack of Opportunity that was provoked by leaving a threatened square, this deals an extra 4d6 damage and is treated as a [Dark] attack.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Poison Sting and Corner
Poison Sting (Ex): anything damaged by Hisuian Sneasel's Claw is afflicted by Poison, with Primary and Secondary damage of 4 Dexterity and Constitution damage. The Save DC is Constitution-based, and any creature only need make one saving throw per round, no matter how many times they are hit. This makes the claw a [Poison] attack.

Corner (Ex): if an adjacent creature makes a five foot step, Hisuian Sneasel may do the same with an Immediate Action, but must end this movement adjacent to the same creature. Likewise, if an adjacent creature makes a Withdraw move, Hisuian Sneasel may make a Move Action as an Immediate Action, striving to end its movement adjacent to them. Its movement happens at the same time as that of the target, so it does not ever leave a threatened square relative to them and does not Provoke from them. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 4 hit dice, its Sneak Attack improves by 1d6 and it learns Metal Claw and Nyan Roll
Metal Claw (Su): Hisuian Sneasel may make its Claw attacks as [Steel] effects, and they deal damage as though one size category larger (although not delivering the poison). Additionally, they penetrate DR and Hardness as though made of Adamantium, and have an Innate +1 Enhancement Bonus (as though actual magic weapons). This is a [Steel] effect.

Nyan Roll (Ex): whenever Hisuian Sneasel takes a Full Defence, it may make a free Feint attempt against all foes that can see it - one attempt that is rolled against all foes. If this succeeds against a given foe, then until Sneasel's next turn, it gains a degree of Resistance against [Bug], [Dragon], [Fighting], [Normal], [Rock] and [Steel] attacks made by that foe. In Hisuian Sneasel's case, this grants Resistance to [Dragon], [Normal] and [Steel], while the rest are already resisted. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Poison Jab and Hone Claws
Poison Jab (Ex): with a Standard Action, or as the attack at the end of a Charge, Hisuian Sneasel can make a single Primary Claw attack that has a base damage of 1d8 for a Small creature, with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), and delivers its Poison Sting. The Enhancement Bonus even applies to the Save DC of the Poison (but not the ability damage). This is a [Poison] attack.

Hone Claws (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Hisuian Sneasel may sharpen its claws, honing their edges to improve their devastating cutting power. For the next minute, its natural weapons (including ones granted by Pokemon Attacks) all enjoy a +1 Enhancement Bonus, or their existing Enhancement Bonus is increased by 1. This can be performed multiple times, increasing the bonus and resetting the duration each time, to a maximum Enhancement Bonus of +6. This is a [Dark] effect.


Medium Magical Beast, CR 6
21 26 13 9 12 10
6d6+6 (27 HP), Init +12, Speed 30'
BAB/Grab: +6/+15
-2 Claws +15 (1d6+5)
AC: 19 (+8 Dexterity, +1 Natural Armour), Flat 11, Touch 18
Fort +3 Ref +13 Will +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Improved Natural Attack (Claw), Weapon Focus (Claw)
Skills: Survival +10, Hide +17, Move Silently +17
Special Attacks: Leer, Taunt, Quick Attack, Rock Smash, Poison Sting, Corner, Metal Claw, Poison Jab, Dire Claw, Brick Break, Sneak Attack +3d6
Special Qualities: Fighting and Poison Pokemon Traits, Inner Focus, Nyan Roll, Hone Claws
Rare Traits: Poison Touch, Fake Out, Night Slash, Quick Guard, Switcheroo, Ice Punch, Pursuit
Tutor Moves: Low Kick, Thief, Fling, Endure, Shadow Claw, Coaching, Gunk Shot, X-Scissor, Lash Out, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Trailblaze, Acrobatics, U-Turn, Fire Punch, Throat Chop, Upper Hand, Bulldoze, Stone Edge, Thunder Punch
Advancement: 7+ HD (Medium)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref and Will, 4 + Int skill points

Hisuian Sneasel has grown much taller, with long, lanky limbs perfectly designed for lashing out and crippling people. It has a malicious grin.

Fighting and Poison Traits: Sneasler is weak against [Flying], [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, and Resists [Bug], [Dark], [Fighting], [Grass], [Poison] and [Rock] attacks. It cannot be Poisoned, and thus is immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take (reduced) HP damage from [Poison] attacks. It harmlessly absorbs toxic spikes and sludge just by touching them, and when holding (or covered in) Black Sludge it doesn't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1.

Dire Claw (Ex): with a Standard Action once per three rounds, Sneasler may make a single horrifying Claw attack designed to take foes out of action. This has the base damage and threat range of a Falchion sized for Sneasler, but still benefits from feats and effects that affect Claw attacks (such as Improved Natural Attack), and a struck target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). If they fail the saving throw, roll 1d4 - on a 1, the target is Paralyzed for 2 rounds and suffers 4 points of Dexterity damage, on a 2, they are Stunned for one round and suffer 4 points of Dexterity damage, on a 3, they fall Asleep for 2 rounds, and on a 4, they are Poisoned, suffering 4 Constitution damage and being Sickened for the next minute - the Secondary Damage is another 4 Constitution damage. This is a [Blade] [Poison] attack.

Brick Break (Ex): with a Standard Action, Sneasler may focus its anger into smashing a solid object with a precise martial arts strike. This is resolved as a Slam attack with a base damage of 1d8 plus its Strength Bonus (for a Medium Creature), ignoring Damage Reduction and Hardness, dealing full damage to objects, even able to shatter [Force] effects if it deals at least 10 points of damage. This bypasses (and indeed destroys) Light Screen and Reflect, and if it destroys an intervening object behind which someone is hiding, it may continue the attack against the creature. This is a [Fighting] effect.

Sneak Attack (Ex): Sneasler is great at catching things by surprise, and deals an extra 3d6 damage to foes that it flanks or that are denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Swords Dance and Aerial Ace
Swords Dance (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Sneasler may perform the legendary Swords Dance, providing its movement is unobstructed. For the next minute, it enjoys a +8 Enhancement Bonus to Strength. Furthermore, it may make a Perform (Dance) check, even untrained, as part of using this, and if a 15 or more is rolled, its Natural Weapons deal grow by one virtual Size category for the duration, or two virtual Size categories if a 25 or more is rolled. Increases from using this multiple times do not stack. This is a [Dance] effect and a [Normal] effect.

Aerial Ace (Ex): when making a Move Action, Sneasler may use a Standard Action at any point during the movement to leap and swoop a target - this allows it to move, attack and continue moving. It may perform this attack as a Charge, with all benefits (aside from doubled movement) and drawbacks (including targeting requirements) if it wishes, still moving afterwards. This ignores Cover and Concealment, providing it has actual line of effect, and is a [Flying] attack.

At 8 hit dice, its Strength and Natural Armour increase by 2 each and it learns Slash
Slash (Ex): with a Standard Action, Sneasler may make a single Claw attack that has a base damage of 1d8 for a Medium creature and a Critical value of 15-20/x2. If it has Improved Critical (Claw attacks), this does indeed become 9-20/x2. It ignores Hardness of 5 or less, and deals double damage against unattended objects (or triple on a critical hit). This is a [Normal] attack.

At 9 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Mach Punch
Mach Punch (Ex): once per two rounds, Sneasler may make a Slam attack, dealing 1d6 damage plus its Strength Bonus, as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses. This is a [Fighting] [Punch] attack.

At 10 hit dice, its Sneak Attack increases by 1d6 and it learns Drain Punch and Agility
Drain Punch (Su): with a Standard Action once per minute, Sneasler may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus, plus 1d6 bonus damage per 3 hit dice (round up). The Pokemon then restores lost hit points equal to half the total damage (round up), though any in excess is lost, it does not translate to gaining Temporary Hit Points. This is a [Punch] [Fighting] attack.

Agility (Su): by focusing as a Full Round Action, Sneasler can cast Cat's Grace on itself at will. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 11 hit dice, its Strength and Wisdom each increase by 2 and it learns Screech
Screech (Ex): once per 3 rounds, Sneasler can unleash a horrifying screech with a Standard Action. All within 60 feet of it when it unleashes this [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] effect suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves for five rounds, and must also pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Shaken for the same duration. This fear can stack up to Frightened and then Panicked. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 12 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Gunk Shot
Gunk Shot (Su): with a Standard Action once per five rounds, Sneasler may unleash a powerful blast of toxic goo from its throat. This is resolved as a Ranged Attack out to Medium Range, and if successful it deals 1d6 Acid damage per hit die as well as Blinding the subject until they spend a Standard Action wiping their face clear. Additionally, if the target is successfully hit, they are exposed to a deadly Poison, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and Primary and Secondary damage of 8 points of Constitution damage. This is a [Poison] attack.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Close Combat and Cross Poison
Close Combat (Ex): once per minute, Sneasler may step in close and unleash a strong-style combo that foregoes defence in favour of sheer offence. This uses a Full Round Action, and is resolved as single Slam that deals 2d6 damage per hit die, plus its Strength Bonus. This provokes an Attack of Opportunity before the attack, and after the attack, it foregoes its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class (allowing Sneak Attacks) until the start of its next turn. This is a [Punch] [Fighting] attack.

Cross Poison (Ex): with a Standard Action, Sneasler may make two Primary Claw attacks against the same target, with a doubled Critical Threat range (which stacks with Improved Critical). If one attack hits, there is a chance of Poison: DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, Primary and Secondary effect s 2 Dexterity and Constitution damage. If both attacks hit, the Save DC and both types of Ability Damage are increased by 2. Each Critical Hit scored also increases the Save DC by 2. This is a [Blade] [Poison] attack, and if it is Resisted, add the damage together before subtracting the defender's hit dice a single time.

At 14 hit dice, its Sneak Attack increases by 2 and it learns Poison Peak
Poison Peak (Su): with an Immediate Action at will, Sneasler may enhance the poison afflicting another creature within 30 feet. They suffer 3d6 damage and must make another saving throw against the DC of the original poison, with failure causing them to be Nauseated for one round. This is a [Poison] effect.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Ruination (super wide Dire Claw that creates toxic sludge)
Maximum Ruination (Ex): once per minute, Mega Sneasler may swing its claws around with such ferocity that it not only causes horrendous wounds on those in the area, it also scatters fragments of venomous claw shards on the ground. It may make a single Claw attack, functioning as Dire Claw, except targeting any foes it wishes within 15 feet. Furthermore, a layer of Toxic Spikes (see below) is left on every empty space within the area. This is a [Blade] [Poison] effect.

At 16 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2

At 18 hit dice, its Sneak Attack increases by 1d6

At 20 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2

Mega Evolution: when Sneasler becomes Mega Sneasler, it grows even deadlier in almost all aspects, becoming taller yet adopting more of a crouched stance, and with gleaming eyes and long, ribbonlike fur extending from its ears. Its Strength and Dexterity increase by 6 each, its Constitution and Natural Armour increase by 4 each, its natural Reach increases by 5 feet, and its [Pokebility] changes to Merciless.

Merciless (Ex): against a Poisoned, Diseased, Sickened or Nauseated foe, every successful hit Sneasler makes is upgraded to a confirmed Critical Hit. It may make Coup de Gras attempts against foes who are Stunned, Dazed or Nauseated as well. This is a [Pokebility].

Tutor Moves:

Acrobatics (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may unleash a leaping Charge, and after the attack may reposition to any square adjacent to the target. This uses any one natural weapon, and if the Pokemon is not holding any weapons or items and does not have anything else equipped, it may add its skill bonus in either Jump or Tumble to the damage roll. This is a [Flying] attack.

Aerial Ace (Ex): when making a Move Action, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action at any point during the movement to leap and swoop a target - this allows it to move, attack and continue moving. It may perform this attack as a Charge, with all benefits (aside from doubled movement) and drawbacks (including targeting requirements) if it wishes, still moving afterwards. This ignores Cover and Concealment, providing it has actual line of effect, and is a [Flying] attack.

Bulldoze (Ex): with a Full Round Action once per three rounds, the Pokemon may make a Charge attack, that ends in a Slam of appropriate Size (1d4 for a Small creature). If it ends this charge threatening multiple creatures or objects, it may elect to resolve the attack against any or all of them, not just the initial target (though the normal rules for charging apply, so it can't declare a target, charge them, and then forego attacking that target). Furthermore, anything hit suffers 2 points of Dexterity damage, and has their Initiative reduced by 4, although this cannot cause something to gain two turns (such as acting at 2 Initiative higher than the Pokemon, getting hit, then acting again at 2 lower). This is a [Ground] attack.

Coaching (Su): once per 5 rounds, the Pokemon may instruct an ally to help them fight. It uses a Full Round Action and selects an ally within 60 feet. That ally may then make a Full Round Action (or a Move Action and a Standard Action) as an Immediate Action. This is a [Fighting] effect.

Dual Chop (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may unleash a pair of sharp martial arts strikes with the furious power dragons use to destroy one another. It makes two Slam attacks as a Full Attack, each dealing 1d8 damage for a Medium creature. This is a [Dragon] [Punch] attack.

Endure (Ex): once per hour, the Pokemon may clench its muscles, growl, and prepare to accept an incoming attack. Providing it had more than 1 hit point before using this ability, it cannot be reduced below 1 hit point until the start of its next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

Fake Tears (Ex): once per minute, the Pokemon may pretend to cry, quivering and cowering in false fear directed at a target. It makes a Feint attempt against a foe, and if successful, this afflicts the target with a -4 Morale Penalty to Spell Resistance, Reflex and Will Saves for three rounds. This is a [Dark] effect.

Fire Punch (Su): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 Fire damage per 3 hit dice (round up), and a struck target must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or catch fire. On a Critical Hit, a successful Charge, or during harsh sunlight, the target instead must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) or suffer a Burn. This is a [Punch] [Fire] attack.

Fling (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may hurl a held item at a foe. If the item is not a thrown weapon, it retains its normal damage but has a 15' range. If the item is a thrown weapon, it functions normally. If the item isn't a weapon at all, it has a 15' range and deals damage as an Improvised Weapon. If it is a Magic Item, any Enhancement Bonus it has (even if it is an Enhancement Bonus to a Shield Bonus or similar) applies to the attack and damage roll. The Pokemon stops being Attuned to a magic item it throws, after the attack is resolved. Regardless of the item used, this is a [Dark] attack.

Foul Play (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may turn an opponent's strength against them in an underhanded manner. With a Standard Action, it makes a melee attack roll against a foe within reach, and if it hits, it deals damage based on the target's Size (1d8 if they are Medium), plus one and a half times the target's Strength Bonus. This is a [Dark] attack.

Frozen Terrain (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may flash-freeze the ground within Medium Range. This targets any one contiguous effect of Grassy Terrain, Electric Terrain, Misty Terrain, Psychic Terrain, Grease (or effects that reference Grease in how they function), Web (mundane or magical), or plant-based terrain (mundane or magical). This instantly destroys the effect, and then causes the same area to be frozen for three rounds, functioning as a Frost Fall effect (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If any of the above effects are cast on the area before the rounds expire, the effect fails and the three rounds reset. This is an [Ice] effect.

Gunk Shot (Su): with a Standard Action once per five rounds, the Pokemon may unleash a powerful blast of toxic goo from its throat. This is resolved as a Ranged Attack out to Medium Range, and if successful it deals 1d6 Acid damage per hit die as well as Blinding the subject until they spend a Standard Action wiping their face clear. Additionally, if the target is successfully hit, they are exposed to a deadly Poison, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and Primary and Secondary damage of 8 points of Constitution damage. This is a [Poison] attack.

Ice Fang (Su): the Pokemon has a secondary Bite attack that deals an additional 1d6 points of Ice damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up). This will freeze and shatter a lot of meals, making them even easier to digest. A bitten target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Frostburned. A target will always suffer 2 Dexterity damage on a Critical Hit. This is an [Ice] attack.

Ice Punch (Su): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 Cold damage per 3 hit dice (round up), and a struck target must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer hypothermia. On a Critical Hit, a successful Charge, or during hail, the target instead must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Frostburned. This is an [Ice] attack.

Ice Spinner (Ex): once per 3 rounds, the Pokemon may unleash a Charge that only allows a single attack to be made, and deals an extra 2d6 points of damage. This is completely unaffected by things like caltrops, Grease, web (magical or natural), plant growth (likewise), or any kind of Terrain effect. Furthermore, every square the Pokemon enters as part of this charge has all such effects removed from it. This is an [Ice] attack, even if the attack used in the charge normally isn't.

Lash Out (Ex): if something dares to inflict the Pokemon with Ability Damage, Ability Drain, or a Penalty of any kind, it may lash out as an Immediate Action, unleashing all of its frustration about the unfair situation. It makes a single melee attack at the target, which is considered to be a Slam and on a successful hit deals 1d10 damage per hit die. This is a [Dark] attack.

Low Kick (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may attempt to kick a foe's legs out with a Standard Action. This is resolved as a Slam attack that deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature, and on a successful hit allows a free Trip attempt to be made, inverting Size modifiers. This is a [Fighting] [Kick] effect.

Poison Jab (Ex): with a Standard Action, or as the attack at the end of a Charge, the Pokemon can make a single Primary Sting attack that has a base damage of 2d6 for a Medium creature, with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), and delivering a Poison, with Primary and Secondary damage of 4 Dexterity and Constitution damage. The Save DC is Constitution-based. The Enhancement Bonus even applies to the Save DC of the Poison (but not the ability damage). This is a [Poison] attack.

Power Up Punch (Su): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a strike that glows with power, raising its strength. This is a Slam that deals 1d4 damage (for a Medium creature) plus its Strength Bonus, and after it hits, the Pokemon gains a +1 Enhancement Bonus to its Strength and to its natural weapons. If it already has an Enhancement Bonus, the existing one increases by 1, though this cannot raise a bonus above +5. The effects last for one minute, and this is a [Fighting] effect.

Psycho Cut (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to manifest and swing a blade composed purely of psychic energy. This is treated as a Keen Falchion wielded in two hands, sized appropriately, with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up). Furthermore, it is treated as a Reach Weapon that is able to target adjacent spaces, similar to a Spiked Chain. This is a [Blade] [Psychic] attack.

Pursuit (Ex): the Pokemon may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that leaves a threatened square even as a result of Teleportation or being returned to a Pokeball. When it makes an Attack of Opportunity that was provoked by leaving a threatened square, this deals an extra 4d6 damage and is treated as a [Dark] attack.

Shadow Claw (Su): the Pokemon may elect to treat its claws as a [Blade] [Ghost] attack when it wants to. When doing so, the attack has an innate Threat Range of 18-20, bypasses non-magical armour and shields, and at 10 and 20 hit dice it deals damage as though one Size larger.

Snowscape (Su): once per day per 5 full hit dice, the Pokemon may cast Blizzard (It's Cold Outside) with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is an [Ice] effect.

Stone Edge (Ex): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to target a creature within Close Range, and cause jagged shards of rock to explode from underneath it. This is resolved as a Ranged Attack (not a Touch Attack), and a successful hit deals 1d6 damage per hit die, plus its Strength Bonus. This has a Critical Threat of 18-20, and is a [Blade] [Rock] attack.

Swagger (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to act with a lot of swagger and confidence, potentially luring the opponent into a trap. It makes a Feint attempt, and if successful, the opponent is Confused for 1 round per 3 hit dice (round up), but also gains a +4 Morale Bonus to attack and damage rolls for one minute. If a creature witnesses this in use (or is exposed to it directly), they cannot be targeted by this from the same Pokemon again that day. This is a [Normal] effect.

Thief (Ex): once per minue, the Pokemon may make a single melee attack as a Standard Action, and additionally attempt to steal an item, with its choice of a Steal Combat Maneuver or a Sleight of Hand check with a DC of the opponent's BAB plus 10. The attack becomes a [Dark] attack, and the entire move is a [Dark] effect.

Throat Chop (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to deliver a vicious strike to the voice box of a foe, rendering them unable to speak. This can be delivered as a Slam that deals 1d4 damage for a Medium creature, or use an existing natural weapon (without the benefit of a special Attack), whichever it prefers, and on a successful hit, the foe is rendered silent for three rounds, unable to speak, cast Spells with Vocal Components, or use [Sound] effects. A successful Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half the Pokemon's hit dice + its Strength Bonus) reduces this to one round. This is a [Dark] attack.

Thunder Punch (Su): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d4 Bludgeoning damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 Electricity damage per 3 hit dice (round up), and a struck target must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Staggered for one round. On a Critical Hit, a successful Charge, or on Electric Terrain, the target instead must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Stunned for one round. This is a [Punch] [Electric] attack.

Toxic (Ex): the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to spit or squirt a stream of deadly toxins out to Close Range - this requires a Ranged Touch Attack to hit, and can be used once per ten minutes. If it hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save against Poison with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, or suffer 1d6 Con damage. Once poisoned, they must then save again every round at the end of their turn or suffer ability damage again, until either they die, the poison is neutralised, or they successfully save against it three rounds in a row, fighting the toxins off completely. This is a [Poison] effect. This can be harvested, producing a single dose that is administered by contact, with a value of 3,000 GP.

Toxic Spikes (Su): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon can scatter venomous spikes around. This creates a Spike Growth effect, with a duration of 1 round per hit die. Furthermore, any creature that takes damage from this must make a Fortitude Save against Poison at the end of their turn - the Save DC is Constitution-based, and the Primary damage is 2 Strength damage, followed by taking 1d4 damage per round for one minute. The Secondary damage is 2 Constitution damage. If it casts this on a new area, any existing instances of its Toxic Spikes vanish (although any damage is still done). It may, however, cast it on an already-affected area, in which case it deals damage as a Spike Stones effect, the Ability Damage is doubled, and the ongoing poison damage becomes 1d6 per round. This is a [Poison] effect.

Trailblaze (Su): at will, the Pokemon may Charge a foe using the normal rules and limitations for a charge - except when on Grassy Terrain, in which case it can move indirectly, turn corners and target foes other than the closest. It makes a single attack at the end of the charge, and then enjoys a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Dexterity for 3 rounds. This is a [Grass] attack.

Triple Axel (Ex): with a Full Round Action once per three rounds, the Pokemon may ice skate gracefully and deliver a trio of kicks, each hurting more than the last. It makes one Kick attack at its highest attack bonus, with a base damage of 1d8 for a Medium creature, then must move at least 5 feet, then makes a second Kick attack at its highest attack bonus minus two, with the damage increased by one step (2d6 for a Medium creature), then must move at least 5 feet before making a final Kick attack at its highest attack bonus minus four, increasing the damage one step more (3d6 for a Medium creature). If a Balance or Perform (Dance) check of DC 15 is made as part of this, the penalties are reduced by 2 (to 0/0/-2), and if the check is 25 or more, they gain a bonus to damage of +2, +4 and +8. This is a [Kick] [Ice] attack.

Upper Hand (Ex): the Pokemon can unleash a lightning-fast palm strike against foes attempting speedy moves. If an enemy within its threatened area uses a Swift or Immediate Action, it provokes an Attack of Opportunity from the Pokemon, resolved as a Slam that has a base damage of 1d6 for a Medium creature. This is a [Fighting] attack.

U-Turn (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon may charge a target and deliver one natural weapon attack (even if it can normally make multiple attacks on a charge), and then withdraw the remaining distance after delivering the attack, as though using the Spring Attack feat. If it ends the movement in the same square as, or adjacent to, its pokeball, it may retreat into it and end its turn that way. This is a [Bug] attack, even if its natural weapon normally isn't.

X-Scissor (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may make both Claw attacks against the same target. These have a doubled Critical Threat range, don't carry any Poison it might normally have, and if either of the attacks is a Critical Hit, both of them are (providing they both actually hit). This is a [Blade] [Bug] attack.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Tiny Plant, CR 1/2
8 6 14 3 12 12
1d6+3 (6 HP), Init -2, Speed 10'
BAB/Grab: +0/-9
-Unarmed Strike +1 (1)
AC: 12 (+2 Size, -1 Dexterity, +1 Natural Armour), Flat 12, Touch 11
Fort +2 Ref +0 Will +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Toughness
Skills: Hide +10
Special Attacks: Hayfever, Toxic Flesh, Absorb, Acid
Special Qualities: Grass and Poison Pokemon Traits, Chlorophyll, Plant Diet
Rare Traits: Ingrain, Leech Seed, Strength Sap, Synthesis, Tickle
Tutor Moves: Acid Spray, Charm, Grass Knot, Magical Leaf, Rest, Sleep Talk
Advancement: 2-3 HD (Tiny); evolves into Gloom at 4 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Poor BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

What looked like some long grass in the ground stands up, revealing a creature that seems to be a happy little purple turnip.

Grass and Poison Traits: Oddish does not have any of the usual traits of Plants such as Immunity to Poison. Instead, it is weak against [Fire], [Flying], [Ice] and [Psychic] attacks, and resists [Electricity], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Grass] and [Water] attacks. It cannot be affected by the special attacks Cotton Spore, Leech Seed, Magic Powder, Poison Powder, Pollen Puff (apart from the healing application), Powder, Rage Powder, Sleep Powder, Spore, and Stun Spore. It also cannot be affected by Spells and effects that are described as being powder, pollen or spores - such as Gnome Blight. It also cannot be Poisoned, and thus is immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take damage from things like Gunk Shot. Oddish harmlessly absorb toxic spikes and sludge just by stepping on or in them, and when holding (or covered in) the Black Sludge item/substance, it doesn't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1.

Hayfever (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Oddish may release pollen to which almost everything is allergic. All within 5 feet must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or suffer 1 point of Non-Lethal damage and be rendered Sickened for 3 rounds. This is a [Powder] [Poison] effect.

Toxic Flesh (Ex): swallowing even a mouthful of the beet-like flesh of Oddish exposes the consumer to dangerous poisons. As soon as they swallow it, and at the start of each hour for the next eight hours, a Fortitude Save vs Poison must be made (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus), with failure resulting in the consumer becoming Fatigued (this stacks up as normal and can be cured normally), and being Sickened for the next hour. If more than a mouthful is eaten, the Save DC is 8 higher, and each failed save also causes 1 point of Constitution damage and one minute of Nausea.

Absorb (Su): once per three rounds, Oddish can use a Standard Action to make a Melee Touch Attack against an adjacent creature. If this hits, it deals 1d4 damage per 2 hit dice (minimum 1d4, maximum 5d4) to the target, and regains lost hit points equal to half the damage dealt - although this cannot raise its hit points above the maximum. This is a [Grass] attack.

Acid (Ex): once per two rounds, Oddish can cough up a splash of acid that functions as though it had thrown an acid flask. This is a [Poison] attack.

Chlorophyll (Ex): when in Harsh Sunlight, Oddish is faster - its movement speeds are doubled, and it gains a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Initiative and Reflex Saves. This is a [Pokebility].

Plant Diet: Oddish' diet consists 10% of sunlight and air, and 90% of soil, plant feed and so on.

Rare Traits:
Ingrain (Ex): once per hour, an Oddish with this trait may extend its roots into the ground beneath it, using a Standard Action. It then gains Fast Healing 5, doubled on Grassy Terrain, and cannot be Tripped or Bull Rushed. Additionally, it gains a +8 Bonus to Grapple checks to resist being lifted. However, it cannot move from its occupied space, not even making a 5' step. This may be dismissed with a Move-Equivalent Action. This is a [Grass] effect.

Leech Seed (Su): once per five rounds with a Standard Action, an Oddish with this rare trait can fire a magical seed at a foe within 30 feet as a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the seed implants itself and takes root. As long as the target is within 60 feet of Oddish, at the start of each of its turns it loses 1d8 hit points, ignoring DR and Resistances, and Oddish recovers an equal amount of lost hit points. As soon as the target is reduced to zero hit points or is more than 60 feet from Oddish, the effect ends and the seed crumbles into dust. This is a [Powder] [Grass] effect.

Strength Sap (Su): once per 5 rounds, an Oddish with this attack may use a Standard Action to drain the strength and power from another creature in Close Range. If the target fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), it suffers 2 points of Strength damage, and then Oddish regains lost hit points equal to double the target's (newly reduced) Strength score. This cannot heal it above its maximum hit points. This is a [Grass] effect.

Synthesis (Su): once per minute, an Oddish with this rare trait may use a Full Round Action to focus on absorbing light and air to heal itself. In normal light, this restores 1d8 hit points per 2 hit dice. In rain, hail, snow or sandstorms, or indoors or heavily overcast conditions or shadowy illumination, it only restores 1d6 hit points per two hit dice. In total darkness, it only restores 1d8 hit points. In strong sunlight or better, it restores 1d6 hit points per hit die. This is a [Grass] effect.

Tickle (Ex): with a Standard Action, Oddish may attempt a Touch Attack to tickle an adjacent creature, making their concentration a lot harder. For the purpose of Concentration checks and spellcasting, they are treated as Pinned during their next turn, and additionally, they suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to attack and damage rolls, and to their Armour Class, for three rounds.

At 2 hit dice, it learns Growth and Sweet Scent
Growth (Su): with a Full Round Action, Oddish can grow one size category larger, adjusting its Space, Reach, Natural Armour, Ability Scores, Natural Weapons and so on as though growing via hit dice. This lasts for one minute. In Harsh Sunlight, this instead causes it to grow two categories larger. In Rain, Hail or Dust, the growth only lasts for five rounds. This cannot be used multiple times in a row to grow more than once. This is a [Grass] effect.

Sweet Scent (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Oddish may allow its scent glands to release a sweet-smelling substance that carries easily on the breeze. All creatures within Medium Range of it are subject to a Calm Emotions effect (Save DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If used two rounds in a row, those in the area suffer as though inside a Mind Fog (same DC). If used for three consecutive rounds, those in the area must make a Will Save (same DC) or be Fascinated until either something distracts or threatens them as usual or until one round after Oddish ceases to use its Sweet Scent. This may be used a total number of rounds per day equal to double its hit dice, and individual uses can be extracted the same as with Poison Powder. One round's worth of this can be diluted into ten ounces of exotic perfume that sells for 100 GP per ounce and provides a +2 Alchemical Bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks in noble circles. This is a [Grass] effect.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Mega Drain and Poison Powder
Mega Drain (Su): once per minute, Oddish may use a Standard Action to pull nutrients and life force from another creature within 20 feet. This causes 1d6 damage per hit die (maximum 5d6) to a creature, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Oddish' hit points are then restored by an amount equal to half the damage dealt - though this cannot raise it above the maximum. This is a [Grass] effect.

Poison Powder (Ex): once per hour, Oddish may unleash a cloud of fine powder out to Close Range. All in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or be Poisoned, taking 1d6 Con damage and being Sickened for one minute. At the end of this minute, they must save again or suffer another 1d6 Constitution damage as the secondary damage. This is a [Poison] [Powder] effect. A DC 15 Survival check can harvest a dose from a cooperative (or dead) Oddish, rendering it unable to use it for the hour but providing a single dose that is administered by inhalation. A DC 25 Survival check can harvest the dose from an uncooperative Oddish as a Full Round Action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity. The poison sells for 1,500 GP, and a DC 20 Craft (Alchemy) check can then dilute and refine it into one thousand ounces of harmless exotic perfume, each selling for 5 GP.


Small Plant, CR 4
10 8 14 5 14 16
4d6+12 (26 HP), Init -1, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +2/-2
-Unarmed Strike +3 (1d2)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, -1 Dexterity, +6 Natural Armour), Flat 16, Touch 10
Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Toughness, Ability Focus (Stun Spore)
Skills: Hide +10
Special Attacks: Hayfever, Toxic Flesh, Absorb, Acid, Mega Drain, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder
Special Qualities: Grass and Poison Pokemon Traits, Chlorophyll, Growth, Sweet Scent
Rare Traits: Stench, Ingrain, Leech Seed, Strength Sap, Synthesis, Tickle
Tutor Moves: Acid Spray, Charm, Grass Knot, Grassy Terrain, Magical Leaf, Pollen Puff, Rest, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Sunny Day, Venoshock
Advancement: 5-9 HD (Small); evolves into Vileplume or Bellossom at 10 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Poor BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This purple-ish root vegetable looks either sad or asleep, drooling slightly. The flower growing from its head serves as an incredibly bad-smelling hat.

Grass and Poison Traits: Gloom does not have any of the usual traits of Plants such as Immunity to Poison. Instead, it is weak against [Fire], [Flying], [Ice] and [Psychic] attacks, and resists [Electricity], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Grass] and [Water] attacks. It cannot be affected by the special attacks Cotton Spore, Leech Seed, Magic Powder, Poison Powder, Pollen Puff (apart from the healing application), Powder, Rage Powder, Sleep Powder, Spore, and Stun Spore. It also cannot be affected by Spells and effects that are described as being powder, pollen or spores - such as Gnome Blight. It also cannot be Poisoned, and thus is immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take damage from things like Gunk Shot. Gloom harmlessly absorb toxic spikes and sludge just by stepping on or in them, and when holding (or covered in) the Black Sludge item/substance, it doesn't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1.

Stun Spore (Ex): once per hour, Gloom may unleash a cloud of paralytic neurotoxins, extending ten feet from it in all directions. All in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus; the sample one has +2 from Ability Focus) or be Paralyzed, Stunned and Dazed, for 1 round, then Stunned and Dazed for one round, then Dazed for the round thereafter. This is a [Poison] effect. A DC 15 Survival check can harvest a dose from a cooperative (or dead) Gloom, rendering it unable to use it for the hour but providing a single dose that is administered by inhalation. A DC 25 Survival check can harvest the dose from an uncooperative Gloom as a Full Round Action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity. The poison sells for 1,500 GP and is extremely obvious to anyone within 60' with a sense of smell. The same obvious smell applies to poison synthesised from its Poison Powder.

Sleep Powder (Ex): once per hour, Gloom may unleash a cloud of fine powder that extends ten feet from it in all directions. All in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or fall Asleep for ten minutes (or until woken up normally). This is a [Powder] [Poison] effect.

Rare Traits:
Stench (Ex): rarely, an Oddish evolves into a Gloom with this [Pokebility]. If so, it constantly emits a terrible smell. Living creatures within 30 feet of it must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or be Sickened for 10 rounds. Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected by the same creature's stench for 24 hours. A Delay Poison or Neutralize Poison spell removes the effect from the sickened creature. Creatures with immunity to being Poisoned are unaffected. The Scent ability is completely overwhelmed and nonfunctional within 60 feet of Gloom, but Tracking it by Scent is easier, receiving a +10 Bonus to the check.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Giga Drain and Toxic
Giga Drain (Su): once per hour, Gloom may use a Standard Action to pull nutrients and life force from another creature within 50 feet. This causes 1d6 damage per hit die to a creature, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Gloom's hit points are then restored by an amount equal to half the damage dealt - though this cannot raise it above the maximum. This is a [Grass] effect.

Toxic (Ex): Gloom may use a Standard Action to spit or squirt a stream of deadly toxins out to Close Range - this requires a Ranged Touch Attack to hit, and can be used once per ten minutes. If it hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save against Poison with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, or suffer 1d6 Con damage. Once poisoned, they must then save again every round at the end of their turn or suffer ability damage again, until either they die, the poison is neutralised, or they successfully save against it three rounds in a row, fighting the toxins off completely. This is a [Poison] effect. This can be harvested, producing a single dose that is administered by contact, with a value of 3,000 GP, which smells incredibly bad just like its Poison Powder.

At 6 hit dice, it learns Moonblast and Foul Odour
Moonblast (Su): once per three rounds, Gloom can unleash a powerful blast of magical energy from the moon, a 10' radius Blast anywhere in Medium Range that deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw also suffer 2 points of Charisma damage. When directly under the light of a full moon, the Blast is Widened. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Foul Odour (Ex): at will, Gloom may create a Cloud that extends fifteen feet from itself with a Full Round Action. Until the start of its next turn, it treats this area as a Stinking Cloud with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus. A terrible smell, like rotting meat, lingers for several rounds further, but does not have the nauseating effects. This is a [Poison] attack.

At 7 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Stinky Nectar
Stinky Nectar (Su): once per 5 rounds, Gloom can spit a glob of nectar out, functioning as a Sticky Web effect (Save DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). However, the area also smells terrible, causing all that attempt to enter it or are caught in it to be Nauseated if they fail a Fortitude Save (same DC). The duration is one round, but it must be attempted every round of exposure. This is a [Poison] effect.

At 8 hit dice, its Strength and Constitution increase by 2 and it learns Grassy Terrain
Grassy Terrain (Sp): once per hour, Gloom may use a Full Round Action to release Grassy Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Grass] effect.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Moonlight and Enervating Pollen
Moonlight (Su): once per hour, Gloom may call healing light down from the moon. This uses a Full Round Action, and if indoors it replicates a Cure Light Wounds effect. If outdoors during the day, it replicates Cure Serious Wounds, or Cure Moderate Wounds if the weather isn't calm. At night, this instead heals 1d6 HP per hit die, downgraded to 1d4 per hit die if the weather isn't calm, upgraded to 1d8 per hit die if there is a full moon overhead (if both apply at the same time, it remains 1d6 per hit die). This is a [Fairy] effect.

Enervating Pollen (Su): once per hour, Gloom may use a Full Round Action to create a horrendous cloud of pollen that functions as a Stinking Cloud, except that instead of the nausea, everything that fails the saving throw becomes Fatigued (which can stack as normal and be cured normally), and also suffers a temporary negative level that lasts for one hour. This is a [Powder] [Grass] attack.


Small Plant, CR 10
12 10 16 5 18 22
10d6+40 (75 HP), Init +0, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +5/+2
-Slam +7 (1d3+1)
AC: 19 (+1 Size, +8 Natural Armour), Flat 19, Touch 11
Fort +6 Ref +7 Will +11
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Toughness, Ability Focus (Petal Blizzard), Ability Focus (Toxic)
Skills: Hide +17
Special Attacks: Hayfever, Toxic Flesh, Absorb, Acid, Mega Drain, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Giga Drain, Toxic, Moonblast, Foul Odour, Stinky Nectar, Enervating Pollen, Petal Blizzard
Special Qualities: Grass and Poison Pokemon Traits, Chlorophyll, Growth, Sweet Scent, Grassy Terrain, Moonlight, Venomous Terrain
Rare Traits: Effect Spore, Ingrain, Leech Seed, Strength Sap, Synthesis, Tickle
Tutor Moves: Acid Spray, Charm, Dazzling Gleam, Grass Knot, Leaf Storm, Magical Leaf, Reflect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Sludge Wave, Solar Blade, Substitute, Sunny Day, Venoshock
Advancement: 11-16 HD (Small); 17+ HD (Medium)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Poor BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

The body of this plant is purple, with a smile on its face. The giant flower atop it looks like a rafflesia - imagine a massive, spore-infected butthole. As for how this creature smells, it is also like a rafflesia - imagine a massive, spore-infected butthole.

Grass and Poison Traits: Vileplume does not have any of the usual traits of Plants such as Immunity to Poison. Instead, it is weak against [Fire], [Flying], [Ice] and [Psychic] attacks, and resists [Electricity], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Grass] and [Water] attacks. It cannot be affected by the special attacks Cotton Spore, Leech Seed, Magic Powder, Poison Powder, Pollen Puff (apart from the healing application), Powder, Rage Powder, Sleep Powder, Spore, and Stun Spore. It also cannot be affected by Spells and effects that are described as being powder, pollen or spores - such as Gnome Blight. It also cannot be Poisoned, and thus is immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take damage from things like Gunk Shot. Vileplume harmlessly absorb toxic spikes and sludge just by stepping on or in them, and when holding (or covered in) the Black Sludge item/substance, it doesn't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1.

Petal Blizzard (Su): with a Standard Action, Vileplume may unleash a powerful attack, hurling razor-sharp flower petals all around it. Everything within 15 feet of it suffers 1d10 Slashing damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), all unattended objects in the way with a Hardness less than that of Iron are shredded (typically destroying Difficult Terrain), and until the start of its next turn, Vileplume has Concealment. This is a [Grass], [Wind] effect.

Venomous Terrain (Sp): once per hour, Vileplume may use a Full Round Action to cover the ground within a 60' radius with toxic black sludge. This overwrites any other Terrain effect, and is treated as a Caustic Mire effect, however [Poison] Pokemon suffer no penalties or damage from it, instead gaining Fast Healing 1. Any saving throw against Poison or Disease (the actual conditions, not just [Poison] effects) within this area is made with a -4 Penalty. This lasts for one minute, or until replaced by another Terrain effect, and is a [Poison] effect.

Rare Traits:
Effect Spore (Ex): if Gloom had the Stench [Pokebility], then upon evolving into Vileplume it changes to Effect Spore. Any creature that hits Vileplume with a natural weapon, any attack from an adjacent square, or a melee touch attack, risks being afflicted by fungal spores. They must succeed on a Fortitude Save against Poison (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus), with failure resulting in them becoming Drowsy for one minute, or being affected by Striped Toadstool Poison, or being Sickened for one minute (roll 1d3 to determine which).

At 11 hit dice it learns Disturbing Pollen and Pollen Puff
Disturbing Pollen (Su): once per hour, Vileplume may unleash a 10' radius Burst of strange pollen in Close Range. All in the area are subject to Fear (as the spell of the same name), with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] [Powder] [Grass] effect.

Pollen Puff (Su): with a Standard Action once per hour, Vileplume may hurl a clump of magical pollen at a target within Close Range. This requires a Ranged Touch Attack, and if it hits, it either deals 1d6 damage per hit die from Positive Energy, or heals 1d6 damage per hit die (Vileplume's choice). This may even be used to heal Undead. This is a [Bug] [Powder] effect.

At 12 hit dice it learns Petal Dance and Weather Ball
Petal Dance (Su): once per hour, Vileplume may use a Full Round Action to begin dancing about, hurling magical flowers everywhere. The dance lasts until it spends an entire round without damaging or being damaged by any enemies, at which point the spinning catches up with it and it becomes Confused for three rounds. During the dance, as soon as it is activated and with a Full Round Action each round, it may unleash an attack out to a 15' radius, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die to all in the area. Creatures are allowed a Reflex Save to negate this damage (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). On each turn it is dancing in this way, it may attempt a DC 25 Perform (Dance) check, with success allowing it to make a 10' step instead of a 5' step, and adding an extra 1d6 damage per 2 hit dice (round up). On a DC 35 check, it instead deals 2d6 damage per hit die, and can make a 15' step instead of a 5' step. This entire attack is a [Grass] [Dance] effect.

Weather Ball (Su): with a Standard Action at will, Vileplume may unleash a compressed sphere of atmospheric energy with a Ranged Touch Attack to Medium Range. This deals 1d8 Bludgeoning damage per 2 hit dice and is a [Normal] effect. In harsh sunlight, it is a [Fire] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In heavy rain, it is a [Water] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In a sandstorm, it is a [Ground] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In snow or hail, it is an [Ice] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In overwhelming winds, it is a [Flying] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. If no other weather applies and it is night time, this is a [Dark] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. Theoretically, the planar hellscapes of D&D could create other effects such as [Poison] in acid rain, and any such transformation increases the damage to 1d6 per hit die.

At 13 hit dice it learns Sludge Bomb and Fully Blooming Energy
Sludge Bomb (Ex): Vileplume may use a Standard Action once per minute to launch a glob of toxic sludge as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Close Range. If it hits, the target suffers 1d6 damage per hit die with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the save are also Nauseated for one round and suffer 2 points of Constitution damage. Whether it hits or not, the ball explodes into a blast of goo, and everything within ten feet of the target suffer 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice with a Reflex Save for half (same DC). This is a [Ballistic] [Poison] effect.

Fully Blooming Energy (Su): in the right circumstances, Vileplume can use a Full Round Action at will to regain an expended use of certain abilities. If it is standing on Grassy Terrain, it may use this to regain a use of Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Disturbing Pollen or Pollen Puff. If it is in harsh sunlight, it may use this to regain a use of Petal Dance or Giga Drain. If standing in Venomous Terrain, it may use this to regain a use of Toxic or Sludge Bomb. This is a [Grass] effect.

At 14 hit dice it learns Solar Beam and Allergy Storm
Solar Beam (Su): with a Full Round Action, Vileplume can absorb light energy around it, providing it is not in utter darkness. In harsh sunlight or on the Plane of Radiance or Positive Energy Plane, or in the same round as being hit by [Light] damage, this only takes a Swift Action. Upon gathering the energy, this can be unleashed as a Standard Action before the end of its next turn. Unleashing this fires an intense beam of light, still powered by the energy of plants, as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If this hits, it deals 1d10 damage per hit die and the target must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Blinded for one round. In snow, hail, rain, fog, partial darkness or sandstorms, this only deals 1d6 damage per hit die. This is a [Grass] effect.

Allergy Storm (Su): once per day per 10 full hit dice it has, Vileplume may create a Scouring Winds (Pathfinder) effect with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Everything caught in the area must also save against its Hayfever. Humanoids within the area, if they fail to save against Hayfever, are Stunned for three rounds. This is a [Wind] [Grass] effect.

At 15 hit dice it learns Maximum Allergy
Maximum Allergy (Su): once per minute, Mega Vileplume can use a Standard Action to release a massive explosion of hyper-allergenic pollen from itself. This extends out to Close Range and deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). All in the area that suffer damage must then attempt both a Fortitude Save and a Will Save (same DC as the initial effect). Failing the Fort Save results in being Nauseated for one round and Sickened for another three rounds, and failing the Will Save results in being Dazed for one round and also falling Asleep for five rounds. This is a [Grass] [Powder] effect.

Mega Evolution: when Vileplume becomes Mega Vileplume, its petals grow larger, draping around it in a protective curtain, as the body sprouts more and more grass, leaves and miniature vines. Its Constitution, Wisdom and Charisma each increase by 6, its Natural Armour increases by 2, and its [Pokebility] becomes Grassy Pelt.

Grassy Pelt (Ex): when Mega Vileplume stands on Grassy Terrain, it is especially well protected, gaining Damage Reduction 10/- and doubling its Natural Armour. This is a [Pokebility].


Tiny Plant, CR 10
16 10 16 5 18 16
10d6+40 (75 HP), Init +0, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +7/+2
-Leaf Blade +17/+12 (1d3+7, 18-20/x2)
AC: 20 (+2 Size, +8 Natural Armour), Flat 20, Touch 12
Fort +6 Ref +7 Will +11
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Toughness, Weapon Focus (Scimitar), Ability Focus (Petal Blizzard)
Skills: Perform (Dance) +16
Special Attacks: Hayfever, Absorb, Acid, Mega Drain, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Giga Drain, Toxic, Moonblast, Petal Blizzard, Leaf Blade
Special Qualities: Grass Pokemon Traits, Chlorophyll, Growth, Sweet Scent, Grassy Terrain, Moonlight, Quiver Dance
Rare Traits: Healer, Ingrain, Leech Seed, Strength Sap, Synthesis, Tickle
Tutor Moves: Charm, Dazzling Gleam, Grass Knot, Leaf Storm, Magical Leaf, Play Rough, Pollen Puff, Reflect, Rest, Sleep Talk, Sludge Wave, Solar Blade, Substitute, Sunny Day, Swords Dance
Advancement: 11+ HD (Tiny)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

Many plants mimic living creatures, but this one looks like a hula dancer. It even has a little skirt made of leaves, and flowers in its "hair".

Grass Traits: Bellossom does not have any of the usual traits of Plants such as Immunity to Poison. Instead, it is weak against [Bug], [Fire], [Flying], [Ice] and [Poison] attacks, and resists [Electricity], [Grass], [Ground] and [Water] attacks. Bollossom cannot be affected by [Powder] attacks. It also cannot be affected by Spells and effects that are described as being powder, pollen or spores - such as Gnome Blight.

Petal Blizzard (Su): with a Standard Action, Bellossom may unleash a powerful attack, hurling razor-sharp flower petals all around it. Everything within 15 feet of it suffers 1d10 Slashing damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), all unattended objects in the way with a Hardness less than that of Iron are shredded (typically destroying Difficult Terrain), and until the start of its next turn, Bellossom has Concealment. This is a [Grass], [Wind] effect.

Leaf Blade (Ex): at will, Bellossom may attack with a sharpened blade, which functions as a Scimitar sized appropriately for it, with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up). It benefits from all feats and abilities that apply to scimitars. This is a [Blade] [Grass] attack.

Rare Traits:
Healer (Su): if Gloom had Stench, then upon evolving into Bellossom, its [Pokebility] becomes Healer. At the end of each of its turns, every adjacent ally may make another saving throw against any affliction (providing the afflictions resulted from failed saving throws in the first place). Success causes the effect to end instantly, although damage already suffered still remains.

At 11 hit dice it learns Floral Spin and Fellowship
Floral Spin (Su): once per day, when using Petal Blizzard, Bellossom may spread sleepy pollen and petals about in the area, such that everything in the area must pass a Will Save (same DC as the Reflex Save) or fall Asleep for one minute. This is still a [Grass] [Wind] effect.

Fellowship (Su): once per hour, Bellossom can let others live vicariously through it, and rely on the power of friendship or something. Using the normal action type for the ability in question, it may use any one activated Special Attack or Special Quality possessed by an allied Grass Type Pokemon (they may have other traits as well, Grass just has to be one of them) within 30', even if they are inside their pokeball. This defies normal usage limits, and for all intents and purposes, Bellossom is the actual user, so its hit dice, ability scores etc. are used, and the ability originates from it. This is a [Grass] effect, but the resulting attack need not be.

At 12 hit dice it learns Full Bloom and Petal Dance
Full Bloom (Su): once per minute, Bellossom may dance about with a Full Round Action to build up power. If, before the end of its next turn, it uses Petal Blizzard, Petal Dance, Leaf Storm or Magical Leaf, the damage is Empowered and then the benefit of this effect ends. If standing on Grassy Terrain, this instead uses a Free Action, though the benefit still ends immediately. When it uses this ability, allies within 30' that have Grass Pokemon Traits may use an Immediate Action to lend their growth powers to it, each one allowing Bellossom to treat its hit dice total as one higher for the purpose of the activated ability. It may not increase its effective hit dice by more than a quarter of its actual hit dice in this manner. This is a [Grass] effect.

Petal Dance (Su): once per hour, Bellossom may use a Full Round Action to begin dancing about, hurling magical flowers everywhere. The dance lasts until it spends an entire round without damaging or being damaged by any enemies, at which point the spinning catches up with it and it becomes Confused for three rounds. During the dance, as soon as it is activated and with a Full Round Action each round, it may unleash an attack out to a 15' radius, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die to all in the area. Creatures are allowed a Reflex Save to negate this damage (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). On each turn it is dancing in this way, it may attempt a DC 25 Perform (Dance) check, with success allowing it to make a 10' step instead of a 5' step, and adding an extra 1d6 damage per 2 hit dice (round up). On a DC 35 check, it instead deals 2d6 damage per hit die, and can make a 15' step instead of a 5' step. This entire attack is a [Grass] [Dance] effect.

At 13 hit dice it learns Aqua Flower and Grassy Glide
Aqua Flower (Su): once per minute, Bellossom may unleash Petal Blizzard as a [Water] [Wind] effect rather than a [Grass] [Wind] effect. Upon doing this, Bellossom gains Water Pokemon Traits until the end of its next turn, negating its Weakness to [Fire] and [Ice] attacks as well as its Resistance to [Grass] and [Electricity] attacks, and granting it a Resistance to [Steel] attacks.

Grassy Glide (Su): at will, Bellossom may Charge a foe using the normal rules and limitations for a charge - except when starting on Grassy Terrain, in which case it can perform the Charge as its choice of a Swift or Immediate Action. It makes a single attack at the end of the charge, even if it has the Pounce ability. This is a [Grass] attack.

At 14 hit dice it learns Dance Til Dawn and Triple Axel
Dance Til Dawn (Sp): once per day, Bellossom may cast Otto's Irresistable Dance. Only the target dances as a result of this, so it is not a [Dance] effect. Instead, it is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] [Psychic] attack.

Triple Axel (Ex): with a Full Round Action once per three rounds, Bellossom may ice skate gracefully and deliver a trio of kicks, each hurting more than the last. It makes one Kick attack at its highest attack bonus, with a base damage of 1d4 for a Tiny creature, then must move at least 5 feet, then makes a second Kick attack at its highest attack bonus minus two, with the damage increased by one step (1d6 for a Tiny creature), then must move at least 5 feet before making a final Kick attack at its highest attack bonus minus four, increasing the damage one step more (1d8 for a Tiny creature). If a Balance or Perform (Dance) check of DC 15 is made as part of this, the penalties are reduced by 2 (to 0/0/-2), and if the check is 25 or more, they gain a bonus to damage of +2, +4 and +8. This is a [Kick] [Ice] attack.

At 15 hit dice it learns Maximum Flower Dance
Maximum Flower Dance (Sp): once per minute, Mega Bellossom may use a Full Round Action to unleash Grassy Terrain out to a 30' radius. Additionally, every creature in the area, other than itself, must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), or be affected by Otto's Irresistable Dance with no touch attack needed. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] [Grass] attack.

At 17 hit dice it learns Fiery Dance
Fiery Dance (Su): once per 3 rounds, Bellossom may dance about with a Full Round Action, throwing flames around it in a 30 foot radius. Everything else in the area suffers 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Save DC). Bellossom then gains a +2 Enhancement Bonus to Charisma for 1 minute. If a DC 25 Perform: Dance check is made as part of this, the duration is doubled and the damage increases by an extra 1d6, with each 5 beyond the 25 adding another minute and another 1d6. This is a [Fire] [Dance] attack.

Mega Evolution: when Bellossom becomes Mega Bellossom, its skirt whirls around almost like a sawblade, its flowers grow, and it moves and spins perpetually. Its Strength and Dexterity increase by 6 each, its Constitution and Charisma increase by 4 each, and its [Pokebility] becomes Dancer.

Dancer (Ex): if another creature within 100 feet of Mega Bellossom uses a [Dance] effect on their own turn, Bellossom may then use the same ability with an Imeediate Action, even if the ability is on cooldown for Bellossom, or it doesn't know the ability. It does not need to choose the same target as the original, and uses its own hit dice, ability scores etc in resolving the effect. This is a [Pokebility].

Acid Spray (Ex): once per five rounds, the Pokemon may spray deadly acid out in a Breath weapon, albeit only in a 25' Cone. All in the area suffer 1d4 points of Acid damage per 3 hit dice it has (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Additionally, this acid softens various protections for those who fail the saving throw, granting them a penalty to Armour Class, Damage Reduction and Saving Throws equal to the number of damage dice rolled, for 1 minute. This is a [Ballistic] [Poison] attack.

Charm (Sp): once per day, the Pokemon may cast Charm Monster with a Save DC of 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is [Mind-Affecting] [Charm] [Fairy] effect.

Dazzling Gleam (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to release a flash of bright magical light out in a 30' radius Burst from itself. This deals 1d10 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Additionally, anything that fails its save is also rendered Blind for 1 round, and then Dazzled for 2 more rounds. Creatures that have no eyesight take the minimum damage from this and are not blinded or dazzled. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Grass Knot (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may make a Trip attack anywhere within reach of any of its natural weapons (minimum 5'), with Size counting in reverse for both it and the target - a Small creature gains a +4 Size Bonus and a Large creature would receive a -4 Size Penalty. A tripped Medium creature suffers 1d10 points of damage, but damage scales up for larger targets (2d8, 3d8, 4d8, 6d8) and down for smaller targets (1d8, 1d6, 1d4, 1d3). This is a [Grass] attack.

Leaf Storm (Su): the Pokemon may use this attack once per hour with a Standard Action, unleashing a storm of leaves in a Cone out to Close Range (or Medium Range if the user is Huge or bigger). All in the area suffer 2d6 damage per hit die as a [Grass] attack and a [Wind] effect, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and are also hit by Strong Wind (Severe if Large, Windstorm if Huge, Hurricane if Gargantuan or Tornado if Colossal or bigger) for one round, potentially needing to save against it or suffer the effects. As soon as this attack resolves, the user suffers 4 points of temporary Charisma Damage from the overexertion and consumption of natural energy.

Magical Leaf (Sp): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may conjure leaves of a mystical, magical herb, and direct them unerringly against a target in Close Range. This automatically hits exactly in the same way as Magic Missile (and similarly can be prevented in the same ways), and deals 1d6 damage per 2 hit dice (maximum 5d6). This is a [Grass] effect.

Play Rough (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, the pokemon can play, very enthusiastically, with an adjacent creature. This allows a Bite attack sized normally for the creature (1d6 + Strength Bonus for a Medium creature), with Improved Grab and the Trip ability, and for each of the following maneuvers that succeeds, the target takes another 2d6 points of damage plus its Strength Bonus. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Pollen Puff (Su): with a Standard Action once per hour, the pokemon may hurl a clump of magical pollen at a target within Close Range. This requires a Ranged Touch Attack, and if it hits, it either deals 1d6 damage per hit die from Positive Energy, or heals 1d6 damage per hit die (the user's choice). This may even be used to heal Undead. This is a [Bug] [Powder] effect.

Reflect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may cast Wall of Force. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Rest (Ex): once per day, the Pokemon may simply fall Asleep of its own accord with a Full Round Action. This functions as a Heal effect, but also renders it asleep for its turn, and two more rounds afterwards. If anything prevents it from falling asleep, it also does not gain the benefits. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Sleep Talk (Ex): at will, the pokemon may use any activated Special Attack or Special Quality in its sleep that does not require moving its body more than turning its head and opening its mouth - actual movement cannot be performed, and it cannot make weapon attacks or natural attacks, but it could use a Breath Weapon, a Roar, or most Spell-Like Abilities, for instance. This also does not allow it to use any effect described as a Glare, a Glance, an Eye Ray or a Gaze Attack, because its eyes are still closed. This is a [Normal] [Sonic] effect (and as such, it will not work in an area of Silence or if the pokemon was rendered silent), although the resulting attack need not be.

Sludge Wave (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a powerful wave of toxic sludge. The wave begins adjacent, and is 10 feet wider than the Pokemon (so extends five feet out either side) and twenty feet high. It then launches forward as a Line, out to forty feet before disippating. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail the save are also knocked backwards until they leave the Area, and knocked Prone. If they collide with an object that stops their movement, they suffer an additional 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for every 5' of movement prevented. Creatures damaged by this are also subject to Poison: the Save DC is the same as the Reflex Save, the Primary damage is 1d8 Constitution damage, and the Secondary damage is 2d6 Constitution damage. This also leaves the entire area coated in a Caustic Mire effect (same DC) for one minute. This is a [Poison] attack.

Solar Blade (Su): with a Full Round Action, the pokemon can absorb light energy around it, providing it is not in utter darkness. In harsh sunlight or on the Plane of Radiance or Positive Energy Plane, or in the same round as being hit by [Light] damage, this only takes a Swift Action. Upon gathering the energy, this can be unleashed as a Standard Action before the end of its next turn. Unleashing this is resolved as a melee Touch Attack, dealing damage as a Keen Great Sword sized for the user but with an additional 1d10 damage per hit die as bonus damage (which is not multiplied on a critical hit). The target must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Blinded for one round. In snow, hail, rain, fog, partial darkness or sandstorms, this only deals 1d6 bonus damage per hit die. This is a [Grass] [Blade] effect.

Substitute (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may suffer Non-lethal damage equal to a quarter of its Maximum Hit Points, as a Standard Action, and in doing so create a Project Image effect. Additionally, it is rendered Invisible for the duration of this effect. If a creature disbelieves the illusion, they also see through the invisibility. This is a [Normal] effect.

Sunny Day (Su): once per day per 5 full hit dice, the Pokemon may change the weather to harsh sunlight out to a one mile radius, for one round per hit die. If it is night, this instead only affects a 10' radius spread, though it will still Dispel any magically created weather effects out to one mile. This is a [Fire] effect.

Swords Dance (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may perform the legendary Swords Dance, providing its movement is unobstructed. For the next minute, it enjoys a +8 Enhancement Bonus to Strength. Furthermore, it may make a Perform (Dance) check, even untrained, as part of using this, and if a 15 or more is rolled, its Natural Weapons grow by one virtual Size category for the duration (doing more damage), or two virtual Size categories if a 25 or more is rolled. Increases from using this multiple times do not stack. This is a [Dance] effect and a [Normal] effect.

Venoshock (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to blast an opponent with magical poison that makes other poison more dangerous. The target suffers 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target is already afflicted with Poison, Sickening, Nausea or any condition as a result of Poison, it instead deals 2d4 damage per hit die, causes 2 points of Constitution Damage, and if they are afflicted with a Poison that has Secondary Damage, they instantly suffer the Secondary Damage. This does not end the duration of the Poison, so they might very well suffer the damage again at the end of the duration. This is a [Poison] attack.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Somebody wants some specific pokemon statted out for a game, so here we have one of them.

Small Aberration, CR 3
11 12 14 13 16 17
3d8+6 (19 HP), Init +5, Speed 20' Climb 10'
BAB/Grab: +1/-3
-Slam +3 (1d6)
AC: 15 (+1 Size, +1 Dex, +3 Natural Armour), Flat 14, Touch 12
F +3 R +4 W +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (Confusion)
Skills: Spot +9, Listen +9, Concentration +8, Knowledge (The Planes) +7, Spellcraft +7
Special Attacks: Rock Throw, Confusion
Special Qualities: Rock and Psychic Pokemon Traits, Levitate, Harden, Psionics
Rare Traits: -
Tutor Moves: Hyper Beam, Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Sandstorm, Protect, Rock Blast, Trick Room, Psychic Terrain, Substitute, Baton Pass, Skill Swap, Calm Mind, Stored Power
Advancement: 4-10 HD (Small); 11-15 HD (Medium), 16+ HD (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Poor BAB, Good Ref and Will, 4 + Int skill points

This pokemon looks like the moon. Well, a crescent moon, the size of a child, and with facial features, but still, it resembles the moon.

Rock and Psychic Pokemon Traits: Lunatone is weak against [Bug], [Dark], [Ghost], [Grass], [Ground], [Steel] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Fire], [Flying], [Normal], [Poison] and [Psychic] attacks. It can communicate with other intelligent creatures via Telepathy to 100 feet, and is considered to have the [Psionic] subtype if that's ever relevant. It can activate Psionic devices such as Dorjes as though it had the relevant powers on its class list. It is not harmed or impeded by sand storms, dust storms or rough, stony terrain, and does not risk slipping on gravel and loose stones. Its Slam attack is considered a [Rock] attack.

Rock Throw (Ex): at will, Lunatone may throw a rock (usually via Mage Hand) at someone. This is an Attack action, and a thrown weapon with 15' range increments. It deals 1d6 damage and is a [Rock] attack.

Confusion (Sp): with a Standard Action once per hour, Lunatone may unleash a psychic blast of energy that fries the synapses of all in a 10' radius Burst within Medium Range. Those in the area suffer 1d8 non-lethal damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus; the sample one has +2 for Ability Focus). Those that fail the save are Confused for one round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

Levitate (Su): Lunatone is borne aloft. It can change its elevation up or down with a maximum height of 15 feet above the ground, and as long as it is not touching the ground, it is considered Immune to [Ground] attacks (similar to having Flying Pokemon Traits). This is not an actual Fly speed, however. This is a [Pokebility].

Harden (Ex): any time Lunatone takes a Full Defence, it gains a +8 Armour Bonus to Armour Class, and also gains DR 8/-. Both of these last until the start of its next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

Psionics (Sp): at will - Mage Hand, Control Object; 3/day - Precognition; 1/day - Clairvoyant Sense

At 4 hit dice, it learns Hypnosis, Telekinesis and Psybeam
Hypnosis (Su): once per hour, Lunatone may use a Full Round Action to attempt to hypnotise a creature within Close Range with Line of Sight, lulling it into sleep. At the end of the action, the foe must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Drowsy. If the saving throw is failed by more than 4, they instead fall Asleep for one minute (or until any damage is suffered). This is a [Psychic] effect.

Telekinesis (Su): Lunatone may cast Telekinesis at will, using the higher of its Intelligence or Charisma as the relevant ability score. It can only use the Sustained Force and Maneuver options, and is a [Psychic] effect.

Psybeam (Su): with a Standard Action, Lunatone may focus its psychic powers into a beam, unleashing it as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If it hits, this deals 1d6 non-lethal damage per hit die and forces the target to attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Failure results in Confusion for 2d4 rounds. This can be used once per hour, however it may be used a second time by expending the hourly use of Confusion and vice versa. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

At 5 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Cosmic Power and Rock Slide
Cosmic Power (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, Lunatone may call upon the great cosmos to protect it. This grants it a +2 Luck Bonus to all saving throws for the next minute. Using this again before the duration expires resets the duration and increaases the Bonus to +4, and future uses merely reset the duration. Additionally, while benefiting from Cosmic Power, Lunatone is immune to harmful planar traits. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Rock Slide (Su): once per three rounds, Lunatone may unleash a cascade of rocks careening across the field. This uses a Standard Action, and creates a Line adjacent to Lunatone that is 10' wider than Lunatone (so it extends 5' either side past the user's width), and 30 feet long. Everything in the area suffers 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice and is knocked Prone, however a successful Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) halves the damage and negates the prone status. This is a [Rock] attack.

At 6 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Rock Polish and Psychic
Rock Polish (Su): with a Full Round Action once per minute, Lunatone may shine itself up to a brilliant sheen, temporarily removing rough surfaces that cause air resistance. For the next five rounds, all of its movement speeds are doubled, it gains a +4 Bonus on Initiative, and it gains a +4 Deflection Bonus to Armour Class against rays and [Light] effects. This is a [Rock] effect.

Psychic (Sp): once per minute, Lunatone may use a Standard Action to target one creature within Medium Range and blast them with overwhelming psychic energy that hammers on their brain. They suffer 1d6 damage per hit die, as well as 4 points of Wisdom damage, with a Will Save to halve both of these (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and on a failed save they are also Dazed for one round. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] attack.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Embargo, Stone Edge and Moonlight
Embargo (Su): once per hour, Lunatone may magically declare an embargo against a creature within Medium Range with a Standard Action. For the next minute, the target cannot receive any magical effect from any of its equipment, with the exception of items that affect the form or Type of the holder (such as Arceus holding elemental plates, Giratina holding the Griseous Orb, or Mega Stones allowing for Mega Evolution). Even magical weapons will merely function as nonmagical weapons. This is a [Dark] effect.

Stone Edge (Ex): once per minute, Lunatone may use a Standard Action to target a creature within Close Range, and cause jagged shards of rock to explode from underneath it. This is resolved as a Ranged Attack (not a Touch Attack), and a successful hit deals 1d6 damage per hit die, plus its Strength Bonus. This has a Critical Threat of 18-20, and is a [Blade] [Rock] attack.

Moonlight (Su): once per hour, Lunatone may call healing light down from the moon. This uses a Full Round Action, and if indoors it replicates a Cure Light Wounds effect. If outdoors during the day, it replicates Cure Serious Wounds, or Cure Moderate Wounds if the weather isn't calm. At night, this instead heals 1d6 HP per hit die, downgraded to 1d4 per hit die if the weather isn't calm, upgraded to 1d8 per hit die if there is a full moon overhead (if both apply at the same time, it remains 1d6 per hit die). This is a [Fairy] effect.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Lunar Eclipse, Future Sight and Moonblast
Lunar Eclipse (Sp): when within 60 feet of a Solrock that is not inside a pokeball, Lunatone may eclipse the sun with a Free Action: its Type changes to Dark, and it radiates shadowy illumination (as a Darkness spell) out to 15 feet. It can see through its own darkness, and both of these effects last until it is no longer within 60 feet. This is a [Dark] effect.

Future Sight (Sp): once per day, Lunatone may cast Final Destination. The Save DC is 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Psychic] attack.

Moonblast (Su): once per three rounds, Lunatone can unleash a powerful blast of magical energy from the moon, a 10' radius Blast anywhere in Medium Range that deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw also suffer 2 points of Charisma damage. When directly under the light of a full moon, the Blast is Widened. This is a [Fairy] attack.

At 9 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1, and it learns Magic Room and Psyshock
Magic Room (Sp): once per day, Lunatone may use a Full Round Action to twist the dimensions out to a 120' radius. All within this area are, for the next five rounds, unable to receive any magical effect from equipment, with the exception of items that affect the form or Type of the holder (such as Arceus holding elemental plates). Even magical weapons will simply be treated as nonmagical. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Psyshock (Sp): once per minute, Lunatone may use a Standard Action to hammer a creature with telekinetic energy (and assorted hurled objects). This targets one foe within Medium Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Force] [Psychic] attack.

At 10 hit dice, its Intelligence increases by 2, and it learns Explosion and Power Gem
Explosion (Ex): once per day, Lunatone may use a Full Round Action to detonate. This erupts out to Close Range with an extra 15' radius, and all in the area (itself included) suffer damage equal to Lunatone's full maximum hit points, plus 3 per hit die. A Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) halves the damage, but regardless of Temporary Hit Points, saving throws etc, Lunatone can never remain with zero or more hit points after using this - adjust it down to -1 if necessary. Everything that fails the saving throw is hurled to the outside edge of the area and knocked Prone. This is a [Normal] effect.

Power Gem (Su): with a Standard Action at will, Lunatone may attack with a ray of light that sparkles as though made of gemstones. This ray is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Close Range, and if it hits, it deals 1d6 damage per hit die. It is a [Light] [Rock] attack.

At 11 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2, and it learns Moonlit Night and Gravity
Moonlit Night (Sp): once per hour, Lunatone may darken the skies with a Standard Action, shrouding the area within 500 feet in shadowy illumination for one minute, suppressing any effects caused by sunlight. Additionally, the area is treated as being under a full moon for the purpose of all effects such as lycanthropy and certain [Fairy] abilities. This is a [Dark] effect.

Gravity (Su): once per hour, Lunatone can create a field of enhanced gravity in a 60' emanation with a Standard Action. For the next minute, all in this area lose the ability to Fly, as well as Flying Pokemon Traits and the Levitate [Pokebility], nor can anything be launched into the air as the result of an attack. The result of any Jump check is halved (round down), as is the range (or range increment) of any ranged weapon (including Ray spells but not Area of Effect attacks). Everything within the area is treated as carrying twice as much weight as they are, and any Armour is treated as one grade heavier for the purpose of movement and mobility. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 12 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Moon Press
Moon Press (Su): once per hour, in a field of enhanced gravity, Lunatone may use a Standard Action to crush another creature within the area. They must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) to avoid this completely, although a crater will form around them, creating difficult terrain. If the saving throw is failed, they must attempt a Fortitde Save (same DC) or be reduced to -10 hit points. This is a [Rock] effect.

At 13 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Lunar Guidance
Lunar Guidance (Sp): once per day, Lunatone can manifest each of the Clairsentience powers from the SRD (not the expanded list thanks to splat books). Additionally, once per day it can cast Divination and it can cast Arcane Eye and Locate Creature at will.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Meteor Beam and New Moon
Meteor Beam (Su): once per hour, Lunatone may call upon the power of space to blast someone with all the energy contained in a meteoric impact. It must first spend a Full Round Action charging up, and in the process of doing so, it gains a +2 Luck Bonus to Charisma that lasts for one minute. On the following turn, it then unleashes the energy with a Standard Action, resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If it hits, it deals 2d6 damage per hit die. This is a [Rock] attack.

New Moon (Sp): once per month, Lunatone may restore itself with a Free Action that does not require the ability to take actions, providing it is awake and not dead. This grants it the effects of a Heal spell and a Greater Restoration effect. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 15 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Maximum Moon Phase
Maximum Moon Phase (Sp): once per minute, Mega Lunatone may cast Moonfire with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Additionally, this causes the effects of Moonlit Night. This is a [Fairy] attack.

At 18 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1

Mega Evolution: when it Mega Evolves, Lunatone fills out to resemble a full moon, glowing faintly and somehow appearing as though it is bigger but further away (which balances out to having no effect on AC etc). Its Natural Armour, Wisdom and Charisma each increase by 6, and its Dexterity increases by 2. Its [Pokebility] changes to Gravity Field:

Gravity Field (Su): Mega Lunatone constantly radiates strong gravity out to a radius of 60 feet, as though it had used the Gravity special attack. This is a [Pokebility].

Tutor Moves:
Baton Pass (Su): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to pass the torch to an adjacent Pokemon, transferring all temporary effects. Any Bonus or Penalty it has that does not always apply, as well as any ongoing conditions that have a duration other than Permanent, Instantaneous or "until cured", is transferred from the Pokemon to the target. The durations continue as normal. This is a [Normal] effect.

Calm Mind (Su): three times per day, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to grant itself a Calm Emotions effect. Additionally, for the duration, it gains a +4 Enhancement Bonus to both Wisdom and Charisma. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Hyper Beam (Su): once per day, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to unleash a powerful beam of energy. This 5' wide, 100' long Line deals 10 damage per hit die to all creatures in the Area, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This leaves the Pokemon Exhausted until it rests. If already Fatigued, Drowsy or Exhausted, the user collapses afterwards, falling Asleep. This is a [Normal] attack.

Light Screen (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may emit powerful light that forms an actual protective shield. This functions as a Wall of Light spell, however any creature attacking through it that cannot see through it treats all targets as having half Cover. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Protect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use magic to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a Wall of Force, it will leave the Pokemon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Psychic Terrain (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to release Psychic Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Psychic] effect.

Reflect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may cast Wall of Force. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Safeguard (Sp): with a Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon may chant and create a magical barrier out to 15 feet. For the next four rounds, it cannot be afflicted by Poison, Disease, Burn, Frostburn, Drowsiness, Sleep, Paralysis, Stun, Daze, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sickening, Nausea, Rage, Confusion or [Fear] effects, nor can any ally within the area. Existing effects are not suppressed, however. This is a [Normal] effect.

Sandstorm (Su): once per day per 5 full hit dice, the Pokemon may cast Sandstorm (It's Hot Outside) with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ground] effect.

Skill Swap (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to target a foe within Close Range, and force them to attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the save is failed, both Pokemon swap [Pokebility] with one another - if one of them has no [Pokebility], the other merely donates it to them and gains nothing in return. This lasts for one round per hit die, and is a [Psychic] effect.

Stored Power (Sp): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon can unleash the full power of its psychic potential, turning its various temporary enhancements into even more damaging energy. This deals a variable number of d10 of damage to all enemies within 10 feet. This number is equal to the total of all Enhancement, Resistance, Morale and Luck Bonuses it has to Ability Scores, attack rolls (not differentiating between different ones), damage rolls (not differentiating between different ones) and Saving Throws (whichever happens to be highest), minus the total of all Morale and Luck Penalties to the above. For instance, if it has a +2 Enhancement Bonus to two different ability scores, and a +1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls, but a -2 Luck Penalty to saving throws, this equals 2+2+1+1-2 = 4d10. A successful Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) halves this. This is a [Psychic] attack.

Substitute (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may suffer Non-lethal damage equal to a quarter of its Maximum Hit Points, as a Standard Action, and in doing so create a Project Image effect. Additionally, it is rendered Invisible for the duration of this effect. If a creature disbelieves the illusion, they also see through the invisibility. This is a [Normal] effect.

Trick Room (Sp): once per day, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to twist the dimensions out to a 120' radius. Starting at the beginning of the next turn, for the next 5 rounds the Initiative order is reversed within this area, with slower targets acting before faster ones. This is a [Psychic] effect.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Kaelik »

Truly you are a hero to all pokekind.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Small Aberration, CR 3
17 12 16 13 14 11
3d8+9 (22 HP), Init +5, Speed 20' Climb 10'
BAB/Grab: +3/+2
-Slam +7 (1d6+4)
AC: 17 (+1 Size, +1 Dex, +5 Natural Armour), Flat 16, Touch 12
F +6 R +4 W +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (Confusion)
Skills: Spot +8, Listen +8, Concentration +9, Knowledge (The Planes) +7, Spellcraft +7
Special Attacks: Rock Throw, Confusion
Special Qualities: Rock and Psychic Pokemon Traits, Levitate, Harden, Psionics, Flash
Rare Traits: -
Tutor Moves: Hyper Beam, Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Sandstorm, Protect, Rock Blast, Trick Room, Psychic Terrain, Substitute, Baton Pass, Skill Swap, Calm Mind, Stored Power
Advancement: 4-10 HD (Small); 11-15 HD (Medium), 16+ HD (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Ref, 4 + Int skill points

This pokemon looks like the sun. Stylised to some extent, sure, and it seems to be made of giant orange rock rather than plasma but you'd still say it's sun-like.

Rock and Psychic Pokemon Traits: Solrock is weak against [Bug], [Dark], [Ghost], [Grass], [Ground], [Steel] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Fire], [Flying], [Normal], [Poison] and [Psychic] attacks. It can communicate with other intelligent creatures via Telepathy to 100 feet, and is considered to have the [Psionic] subtype if that's ever relevant. It can activate Psionic devices such as Dorjes as though it had the relevant powers on its class list. It is not harmed or impeded by sand storms, dust storms or rough, stony terrain, and does not risk slipping on gravel and loose stones. Its Slam attack is considered a [Rock] attack.

Rock Throw (Ex): at will, Solrock may throw a rock (usually via Mage Hand) at someone. This is an Attack action, and a thrown weapon with 15' range increments. It deals 1d6 damage and is a [Rock] attack.

Confusion (Sp): with a Standard Action once per hour, Solrock may unleash a psychic blast of energy that fries the synapses of all in a 10' radius Burst within Medium Range. Those in the area suffer 1d8 non-lethal damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus; the sample one has +2 for Ability Focus). Those that fail the save are Confused for one round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

Levitate (Su): Solrock is borne aloft. It can change its elevation up or down with a maximum height of 15 feet above the ground, and as long as it is not touching the ground, it is considered Immune to [Ground] attacks (similar to having Flying Pokemon Traits). This is not an actual Fly speed, however. This is a [Pokebility].

Harden (Ex): any time Solrock takes a Full Defence, it gains a +8 Armour Bonus to Armour Class, and also gains DR 8/-. Both of these last until the start of its next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

Flash (Su): once per minute, Solrock may unleash a flash of bright light. All within 30 feet must succeed at a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Dexterity Bonus) or be rendered Blind for 1d4 rounds. Creatures beyond this but within 60 feet are merely Dazzled for the same duration if they fail. Undead suffer 1d8 damage on a failed save if they are within 30' and 1d6 if they are within 60' - although if they have Daylight Powerlessness, they are also rendered Helpless for one round on a failed save, up to the full 60 feet. This is a [Light] [Normal] effect.

Psionics (Sp): at will - Mage Hand, Control Object, Light; 3/day - Daylight; 1/day - Invisibility Purge

At 4 hit dice, it learns Hypnosis, Telekinesis and Zen Headbutt
Hypnosis (Su): once per hour, Solrock may use a Full Round Action to attempt to hypnotise a creature within Close Range with Line of Sight, lulling it into sleep. At the end of the action, the foe must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Drowsy. If the saving throw is failed by more than 4, they instead fall Asleep for one minute (or until any damage is suffered). This is a [Psychic] effect.

Telekinesis (Su): Solrock may cast Telekinesis at will, using the higher of its Intelligence or Charisma as the relevant ability score. It can only use the Sustained Force and Maneuver options, and is a [Psychic] effect.

Zen Headbutt (Su): once per three rounds, Solrock may utilise zen in order to have delivered a sharp headbutt that utilises its mind rather than its skull. But at no point does it actually decide to headbutt something, it merely ends up having headbutted them. If you don't understand, you're not enlightened. With a Standard Action, it uses its zen, and then at any point before the start of its next turn, the headbutt can be declared against a target that was adjacent to it. This is resolved as a Slam attack that has a base damage of 1d10 for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, plus its Concentration skill total. If not used during its own actual turn, this also forces the target to attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Stunned until the start of their next turn. This is a [Psychic] attack.

At 5 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Cosmic Power and Rock Slide
Cosmic Power (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, Solrock may call upon the great cosmos to protect it. This grants it a +2 Luck Bonus to all saving throws for the next minute. Using this again before the duration expires resets the duration and increaases the Bonus to +4, and future uses merely reset the duration. Additionally, while benefiting from Cosmic Power, Lunatone is immune to harmful planar traits. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Rock Slide (Su): once per three rounds, Solrock may unleash a cascade of rocks careening across the field. This uses a Standard Action, and creates a Line adjacent to Solrock that is 10' wider than Solrock (so it extends 5' either side past the user's width), and 30 feet long. Everything in the area suffers 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice and is knocked Prone, however a successful Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) halves the damage and negates the prone status. This is a [Rock] attack.

At 6 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Rock Polish and Psychic
Rock Polish (Su): with a Full Round Action once per minute, Solrock may shine itself up to a brilliant sheen, temporarily removing rough surfaces that cause air resistance. For the next five rounds, all of its movement speeds are doubled, it gains a +4 Bonus on Initiative, and it gains a +4 Deflection Bonus to Armour Class against rays and [Light] effects. This is a [Rock] effect.

Psychic (Sp): once per minute, Solrock may use a Standard Action to target one creature within Medium Range and blast them with overwhelming psychic energy that hammers on their brain. They suffer 1d6 damage per hit die, as well as 4 points of Wisdom damage, with a Will Save to halve both of these (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and on a failed save they are also Dazed for one round. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] attack.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Embargo, Stone Edge and Morning Sun
Embargo (Su): once per hour, Solrock may magically declare an embargo against a creature within Medium Range with a Standard Action. For the next minute, the target cannot receive any magical effect from any of its equipment, with the exception of items that affect the form or Type of the holder (such as Arceus holding elemental plates, Giratina holding the Griseous Orb, or Mega Stones allowing for Mega Evolution). Even magical weapons will merely function as nonmagical weapons. This is a [Dark] effect.

Stone Edge (Ex): once per minute, Solrock may use a Standard Action to target a creature within Close Range, and cause jagged shards of rock to explode from underneath it. This is resolved as a Ranged Attack (not a Touch Attack), and a successful hit deals 1d6 damage per hit die, plus its Strength Bonus. This has a Critical Threat of 18-20, and is a [Blade] [Rock] attack.

Morning Sun (Su): once per minute, Solrock may use a Full Round Action to focus on absorbing light and air to heal itself. In normal light, this restores 1d8 hit points per 2 hit dice. In rain, hail, snow or sandstorms, or indoors or heavily overcast conditions or shadowy illumination, it only restores 1d6 hit points per two hit dice. In total darkness, it only restores 1d8 hit points. In strong sunlight or better, it restores 1d6 hit points per hit die. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Reflected Light, Future Sight and Solar Beam
Reflected Light (Su): providing Solrock is within 100 feet of a Lunatone, has Line of Effect to it, and neither is in a pokeball, Solrock may have any of its effects and attacks, other than regular natural weapons, originate from the Lunatone instead of itself. It doesn't even have to be an allied or willing Lunatone.

Future Sight (Sp): once per day, Solrock may cast Final Destination. The Save DC is 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Psychic] attack.

Solar Beam (Su): with a Full Round Action, Solrock can absorb light energy around it, providing it is not in utter darkness. In harsh sunlight or on the Plane of Radiance or Positive Energy Plane, or in the same round as being hit by [Light] damage, this only takes a Swift Action. Upon gathering the energy, this can be unleashed as a Standard Action before the end of its next turn. Unleashing this fires an intense beam of light, still powered by the energy of plants, as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If this hits, it deals 1d10 damage per hit die and the target must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Blinded for one round. In snow, hail, rain, fog, partial darkness or sandstorms, this only deals 1d6 damage per hit die. This is a [Grass] effect.

At 9 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1, and it learns Wonder Room and Flare Blitz
Wonder Room (Sp): once per day, Solrock may use a Full Round Action to twist the dimensions out to a 120' radius. All within this area, for the next five rounds, have their defences swapped around: any time they are required or allowed to make a Fortitude Save, they instead make a Will Save, and vice versa. Furthermore, if a creature would be denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against an attack, the attack is instead resolved as a Touch Attack, and vice versa. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Flare Blitz (Su): at will, Solrock may use a Full Round Action to charge a foe, ending with a Slam that has a base damage of 1d8 Bludgeoning for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times the user's Strength Bonus. Additionally, it deals 1d10 Fire damage per hit die, plus its Charisma Bonus as a flat bonus, and the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer a Burn. This causes Solrock to suffer "recoil" damage equal to the amount of Bludgeoning damage dealt, plus an amount equal to its hit dice total. This also releases an explosion on impact, incinerating most terrain within ten feet. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 10 hit dice, its Intelligence increases by 2, and it learns Explosion and Scorching Heat
Explosion (Ex): once per day, Solrock may use a Full Round Action to detonate. This erupts out to Close Range with an extra 15' radius, and all in the area (itself included) suffer damage equal to Solrock's full maximum hit points, plus 3 per hit die. A Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) halves the damage, but regardless of Temporary Hit Points, saving throws etc, Solrock can never remain with zero or more hit points after using this - adjust it down to -1 if necessary. Everything that fails the saving throw is hurled to the outside edge of the area and knocked Prone. This is a [Normal] effect.

Scorching Heat (Su): once per 3 rounds, Solrock may use one of its Special Attacks as a [Fire] attack, with all damage changed to Fire damage. Creatures that are affected by the changed attack must then attempt both a Reflex Save and a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Failing the former results in being Blind for 2 rounds, and failing the latter results in them being Burned.

At 11 hit dice, its Constitution increases by 2, and it learns Sunny Day and Gravity
Sunny Day (Su): once per day per 5 full hit dice, Solrock may change the weather to harsh sunlight out to a one mile radius, for one round per hit die. If it is night, this instead only affects a 10' radius spread, though it will still Dispel any magically created weather effects out to one mile. This is a [Fire] effect.

Gravity (Su): once per hour, Solrock can create a field of enhanced gravity in a 60' emanation with a Standard Action. For the next minute, all in this area lose the ability to Fly, as well as Flying Pokemon Traits and the Levitate [Pokebility], nor can anything be launched into the air as the result of an attack. The result of any Jump check is halved (round down), as is the range (or range increment) of any ranged weapon (including Ray spells but not Area of Effect attacks). Everything within the area is treated as carrying twice as much weight as they are, and any Armour is treated as one grade heavier for the purpose of movement and mobility. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 12 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Falling Stars
Falling Stars (Sp): once per hour, Solrock may use a Standard Action to make burning stardust and meteorites fall from the sky. This works as a Call Lightning Storm effect, except the damage is half Fire, half Bludgeoning, calling stars beyond the first is a Swift Action (though stil uses Concentration), and damage is increased not from storms, but from being cast at night in clear/calm weather with an unobstructed path to the sky. This is a [Rock] attack.

At 13 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Swords Dance
Swords Dance (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Solrock may perform the legendary Swords Dance, providing its movement is unobstructed. For the next minute, it enjoys a +8 Enhancement Bonus to Strength. Furthermore, it may make a Perform (Dance) check, even untrained, as part of using this, and if a 15 or more is rolled, its Natural Weapons deal grow by one virtual Size category for the duration, or two virtual Size categories if a 25 or more is rolled. Increases from using this multiple times do not stack. This is a [Dance] effect and a [Normal] effect.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Meteor Beam and Sun's Guidance
Meteor Beam (Su): once per hour, Solrock may call upon the power of space to blast someone with all the energy contained in a meteoric impact. It must first spend a Full Round Action charging up, and in the process of doing so, it gains a +2 Luck Bonus to Charisma that lasts for one minute. On the following turn, it then unleashes the energy with a Standard Action, resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If it hits, it deals 2d6 damage per hit die. This is a [Rock] attack.

Sun's Guidance (Sp): Solrock gains additional Spell-Like Abilities: 1/hour - True Seeing, Sunbeam; 1/day - Sunburst, Timeless Body, Find the Path

At 15 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Maximum Solar Flare
Maximum Solar Flare (Sp): once per minute, Mega-Solrock may activate Psychic (separate from the usual usage limit on Psychic), with an added Power Word: Blind effect that takes place before the damage and saving throw. This also causes Mega-Solrock to glow brighter and hotter, granting it a Fire Shield (hot version) effect. The Fire Shield is a [Fire] effect, but the Psychic and Power Word part are [Psychic].

At 18 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1

Mega Evolution: when it Mega Evolves, Solrock has trouble containing the giant ball of plasma inside it. Its Strength, Constitution and Natural Armour each increase by 6, its Dexterity increases by 2, its Type changes to Fire (making it weak against Water, Ground and Rock, but resistant to Fire, Ice, Grass, Fairy and Steel), and its [Pokebility] changes to Shields Down.

Shields Down (Ex): Mega Solrock is a ball of blazing energy contained in a meteoric shell. While it has at least half of its hit points remaining, it cannot be Poisoned, Stunned, Dazed, Drowsy, Asleep, Diseased, Paralyzed, Burned or Frostburned. When its hit points drop below 50% the shell crumbles and burns away (until hit points are restored), at which point its Constitution, Wisdom and Natural Armour all decrease by 4 and its Strength, Dexterity and Charisma all increase by 4. This [Pokebility] cannot be replaced, swapped, copied, suppressed and so on, though it changes back when Mega-Evolution ends.

Tutor Moves:
Baton Pass (Su): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to pass the torch to an adjacent Pokemon, transferring all temporary effects. Any Bonus or Penalty it has that does not always apply, as well as any ongoing conditions that have a duration other than Permanent, Instantaneous or "until cured", is transferred from the Pokemon to the target. The durations continue as normal. This is a [Normal] effect.

Calm Mind (Su): three times per day, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to grant itself a Calm Emotions effect. Additionally, for the duration, it gains a +4 Enhancement Bonus to both Wisdom and Charisma. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Hyper Beam (Su): once per day, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to unleash a powerful beam of energy. This 5' wide, 100' long Line deals 10 damage per hit die to all creatures in the Area, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This leaves the Pokemon Exhausted until it rests. If already Fatigued, Drowsy or Exhausted, the user collapses afterwards, falling Asleep. This is a [Normal] attack.

Light Screen (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may emit powerful light that forms an actual protective shield. This functions as a Wall of Light spell, however any creature attacking through it that cannot see through it treats all targets as having half Cover. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Protect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use magic to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a Wall of Force, it will leave the Pokemon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Psychic Terrain (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to release Psychic Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Psychic] effect.

Reflect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may cast Wall of Force. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Rock Blast (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon may unleash a flurry of rock chunks at targets within 30 feet. It makes the same number of attacks, at the same penalties, as a PHB Monk of equal level performing a Flurry of Blows. Each one deals 1d6 damage (for a Medium creature), plus half its Strength Bonus, and has a 20/x2 Critical value. This is a [Ballistic] [Rock] attack.

Safeguard (Sp): with a Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon may chant and create a magical barrier out to 15 feet. For the next four rounds, it cannot be afflicted by Poison, Disease, Burn, Frostburn, Drowsiness, Sleep, Paralysis, Stun, Daze, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sickening, Nausea, Rage, Confusion or [Fear] effects, nor can any ally within the area. Existing effects are not suppressed, however. This is a [Normal] effect.

Sandstorm (Su): once per day per 5 full hit dice, the Pokemon may cast Sandstorm (It's Hot Outside) with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ground] effect.

Skill Swap (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to target a foe within Close Range, and force them to attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the save is failed, both Pokemon swap [Pokebility] with one another - if one of them has no [Pokebility], the other merely donates it to them and gains nothing in return. This lasts for one round per hit die, and is a [Psychic] effect.

Stored Power (Sp): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon can unleash the full power of its psychic potential, turning its various temporary enhancements into even more damaging energy. This deals a variable number of d10 of damage to all enemies within 10 feet. This number is equal to the total of all Enhancement, Resistance, Morale and Luck Bonuses it has to Ability Scores, attack rolls (not differentiating between different ones), damage rolls (not differentiating between different ones) and Saving Throws (whichever happens to be highest), minus the total of all Morale and Luck Penalties to the above. For instance, if it has a +2 Enhancement Bonus to two different ability scores, and a +1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls, but a -2 Luck Penalty to saving throws, this equals 2+2+1+1-2 = 4d10. A successful Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) halves this. This is a [Psychic] attack.

Substitute (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may suffer Non-lethal damage equal to a quarter of its Maximum Hit Points, as a Standard Action, and in doing so create a Project Image effect. Additionally, it is rendered Invisible for the duration of this effect. If a creature disbelieves the illusion, they also see through the invisibility. This is a [Normal] effect.

Trick Room (Sp): once per day, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to twist the dimensions out to a 120' radius. Starting at the beginning of the next turn, for the next 5 rounds the Initiative order is reversed within this area, with slower targets acting before faster ones. This is a [Psychic] effect.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Tiny Magical Beast, CR 1
12 15 11 8 7 12
1d8 (4 HP), Init +6, Speed 10' Fly 30' (Good)
BAB/Grab: +1/-6
-Bite +5 (1d3+1)
AC: 15 (+2 Size, +1 Natural Armour, +2 Dexterity), Flat 13, Touch 14
Fort +0 Ref +4 Will -2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative
Skills: Bluff +5, Hide +14, Move Silently +6
Special Attacks: Peck, Astonish, Gust
Special Qualities: Dark and Flying Pokemon Traits, Insomnia or Super Luck
Rare Traits: Prankster, Brave Bird, Drill Peck, Feather Dance, Flatter, Perish Song, Sky Attack, Whirlwind
Tutor Moves: Acrobatics, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Foul Play, Icy Wind, Nasty Plot, Scary Face, Snarl, Tailwind, Taunt, Thief, Thunder Wave, U-Turn
Advancement: 2-5 HD (Tiny); evolves into Honchkrow at 6 HD
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 4 + Int skill points

This certainly looks like a corvid of some kind. It seems to be a cunning bastard, to some extent. The feathers of its head look like a fancy hat.

Dark and Flying Traits: Murkrow resists [Dark], [Ghost] and [Grass] attacks and is weak against [Electric], [Fairy], [Ice] and [Rock] attacks. It is considered Immune to both [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, always resisting them, and its mind can never be read or influenced - as though it had a Mind Blank effect that cannot be dispelled.

Peck (Ex): Murkrow's Bite attack is a [Flying] attack

Astonish (Ex): Murkrow may resolve a natural weapon attack as a [Ghost] attack. If this hits a foe that is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, or Flanked by Murkrow, they are Shaken for three rounds as a [Fear] effect.

Gust (Su): once per five rounds, with a Standard Action, an airborne Murkrow may unleash a Gust of Wind effect, as the spell. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus (16 for the example one). This is a [Flying], [Wind] attack.

Insomnia (Ex): if Murkrow has this ability, it is never Drowsy, and cannot be made to fall Asleep. It does sleep, for 2 hours per day, but is immune to effects that make it sleep (and cannot use the Rest move). This is a [Pokebility].

Super Luck (Su): alternatively, if Murkrow has this ability, the Critical Threat Range for all of its attacks is doubled. Additionally, it may add its Charisma Bonus (if positive) as a Luck Bonus to its Fortitude Saves. This is a [Pokebility].

Rare Traits:
Prankster (Ex): if Murkrow has this rare [Pokebility], it is better at pulling tricks on people. The Save DC for any [Mind-Affecting] effect it makes against creatures denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class is increased by 2. Additionally, any ability that normally requires a Standard Action to use, if it does not deal any immediate hit point damage, non-lethal damage, ability damage/drain or level drain, can instead be used as a Swift or Immediate Action. However, such abilities automatically fail against Dark Pokemon, even if it elects not to use them as a Swift or Immediate Action.

Brave Bird (Ex): when making a Charge, a Murkrow with this may deliver a Slam instead of any other attacks, dealing 1d3 damage for a Tiny creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, plus an extra 1d8 damage per hit die. It may also elect to make a free Trip attempt against the target if this hits. At the same time as it hits the foe, it suffers "recoil" damage equal to the regular Slam damage (without the d8 per hit die), plus extra damage equal to the number of hit dice it has. This is a [Flying] attack.

Drill Peck (Ex): with a Standard Action, or an attack at the end of a Charge, a Murkrow with this may twist through the air and drill a hole clean through an enemy. This is a natural weapon that has a base damage of 1d6 per 2 hit dice (round down), unaffected by Size, and is a [Flying] attack with a 15-20/x2 Critical value.

Feather Dance (Ex): once per three rounds, a Murkrow with this rare trait may dance about, unleashing a giant cloud of feathers. Performing this actually grants a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Perform (Dance) checks it makes in the same turn, should that ever be relevant, but more importantly, it gains Concealment for one round and also directs a lump of feathers at a foe in Close Range with a Ranged Touch Attack. If this hits, the opponent is so completely covered in down that all of their physical melee attacks deal half damage until they spend a Full Round Action cleaning themselves off. This is a [Flying] [Dance] attack.

Flatter (Ex): with a Standard Action, a Murkrow that knows this may say unexpectedly nice things about a creature within 30 feet that is able to hear it. They must roll 1d20 + half their hit dice + their Intelligence Bonus, with a DC of 10 + half Murkrow's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Success results in them seeing straight through the unashamed flattery, whereas failure results in their ego being fed, granting a +4 Morale Bonus to Charisma for one minute, but also becoming Confused for the same duration. This is a [Sonic], [Language-Dependent], [Mind-Affecting] [Normal] effect.

Perish Song (Su): once per hour, a Murkrow with this rare trait may sing a deadly song, consisting of discordant sounds that work towards the natural frequency of all life. Or something. It uses a Full Round Action, and everything within 60 feet (itself included) takes a single point of Sonic damage. On the same Initiative Count next turn (even if Murkrow has fainted or disappeared), all creatures and objects that were affected suffer another point of Sonic damage if they are within 150 feet of the original location. One turn after that, all creatures and objects that were affected and are still within 150 feet suffer Sonic damage equal to their maximum hit points, plus any temporary hit points they have. This is a [Sound] [Normal] effect.

Sky Attack (Su): with a Full Round Action three times per day, the rare Murkrow may gather its internal energy, charging up and emiting light like a torch. On its following turn, it may unleash a special melee attack that deals 10 damage per hit die on a successful hit. This is a [Flying] attack.

Whirlwind (Su): by flapping its wings as a Full Round Action, a flying Murkrow that has this may hover in place but designate a 20' radius, 100' tall Column within Close Range. At the start of its next turn, anything in that area is subject to Severe winds, however any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Flying] attack and a [Wind] effect. At six hit dice, this increases to Windstorm. At nine hit dice it increases to Hurricane force winds, and at 12 hit dice it increases to Tornado force winds.

At 2 hit dice, it learns Haze and Evil Eye
Haze (Su): once per five rounds, Murkrow may use a Standard Action to exhale a gentle light haze across the field, either as a 60' Cone or everywhere in a 30' radius of itself. This clears away all magical hazards (as well as hazards created by Pokemon Attacks, such as Web and Stealth Rock), and also clears out any Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) to creatures in the area that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. For instance, drinking a potion of Bull's Strength and having Mage Armour cast on you would be wiped away, but wearing a belt of Strength would not be affected. This is an [Ice] effect.

Evil Eye (Su): once per hour, Murkrow may glare at someone within 60 feet a Swift Action. If the target fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), they are cursed for the next hour, being treated as Sickened and Shaken. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Curse] [Dark] effect.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Wing Attack and Attempted Murder
Wing Attack (Ex): Murkrow gains two secondary Wing attacks, each dealing 1d3 damage for a Tiny creature. These are [Flying] attacks.

Attempted Murder (Su): if at least ten Murkrows gather as a group, they may share the same space and function as a Swarm. If there are more than ten, excess take up extra space - 25 would function as 2 squares worth of swarm and then one square that just has some extra, but if it then took casualties equal to four of the Murkrows from one of the swarms, spares from the partial space would move in to keep the swarm intact. They have the Swarm attack and blindness of a Murder of Crows (Tome of Magic), with a Save DC of 10 + half the hit dice of the Murkrow with the highest hit dice + the highest Dexterity of the group. When damage is dealt to the swarm as an Area of Effect, the damage is applied once to each Murkrow (with potential casualties happening). When individual hits are scored, if the damage is at least equal to the hit points of one member of the swarm, it takes all the damage and is knocked out (knocking out the one with the most hit points still under the damage dealt). Otherwise, just apply the damage to the swarm as a whole. They do not form a hive mind. This is a [Dark] effect that lasts for as long as enough form the group together.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Night Shade and Blindside
Night Shade (Sp): once per minute, Murkrow may extend a spooky field of darkness, allowing it to cast Damning Darkness with a duration of three rounds, plus one round per hit die, as a [Ghost] attack.

Blindside (Ex): whenever a foe is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, or flanked by Murkrow, and Murkrow successfully hits them, it may treat the attack as a [Dark] attack if it so wishes. Additionally, whether the attack becomes [Dark] or not, the foe must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Dexterity Bonus) or be rendered Blind for 3 rounds as their eyes swell up.

At 5 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Assurance
Assurance (Ex): any time Murkrow threatens a foe, if the foe is damaged by anything that is not the Murkrow or an Attack of Opportuniy, it may take an Attack of Opportunity against the target. This is a [Dark] attack.


Small Magical Beast, CR 6
18 14 15 11 7 12
6d8+18 (45 HP), Init +6, Speed 20' Fly 40' (Good)
BAB/Grab: +6/+6
-Bite +11 (1d4+4) and 2 Wings +9 (1d4+2)
AC: 18 (+1 Size, +5 Natural Armour, +2 Dexterity), Flat 16, Touch 13
Fort +4 Ref +7 Will +0
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Improved Toughness, Multiattack
Skills: Bluff +10, Hide +15, Move Silently +11, Intimidate +10
Special Attacks: Peck, Astonish, Gust, Evil Eye, Wing Attack, Night Shade, Blindside, Assurance, Night Slash, Sucker Punch
Special Qualities: Dark and Flying Pokemon Traits, Insomnia or Super Luck, Haze, Attempted Murder, Quash, Swagger
Rare Traits: Moxie, Brave Bird, Drill Peck, Feather Dance, Flatter, Perish Song, Sky Attack, Whirlwind
Tutor Moves: Acrobatics, Confuse Ray, Foul Play, Heat Wave, Hurricane, Icy Wind, Lash Out, Scary Face, Snarl, Spite, Tailwind, Taunt, Thief, Thunder Wave, U-Turn
Advancement: 7-10 HD (Small); 11-16 HD (Medium); 17+ HD (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 4 + Int skill points

Sure, you could say this looks like a very big crow - albeit the boss of them. But honestly it looks more like a well-presented vulture, or maybe a pelican that became a mob boss.

Dark and Flying Traits: Honchkrow resists [Dark], [Ghost] and [Grass] attacks and is weak against [Electric], [Fairy], [Ice] and [Rock] attacks. It is considered Immune to both [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, always resisting them, and its mind can never be read or influenced - as though it had a Mind Blank effect that cannot be dispelled.

Night Slash (Ex): at will, Honchkrow may unleash an attack originally used by evil samurai to murder people at a crossroads. It may make a single Claw attack with a Standard Action, treated as a Keen Katana wielded in two hands, sized appropriately (1d8, 17-20/x2 for a Small creature). This has an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), deals ongoing Bleed damage equal to the Enhancement Bonus, and the increased Threat Range can be increased further via Improved Critical and similar. This is a [Blade] [Dark] attack.

Sucker Punch (Ex): Honchkrow gains a Primary Slam attack that can only be used as an Immediate Action, to interrupt an attack. This has a base damage of 1d8 for a Small creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and the target is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against this. Instead of denying Honchkrow's a Swift action on its next turn, it consumes next turn's Standard action. This is a [Dark] attack.

Quash (Su): at will, Honchkrow may use a Standard Action to oppress a foe within 30 feet and leave them vulnerable. This pushes the target to the end of the Initiative order, and until their next turn they are rendered flat-footed, as though they had not yet acted in combat. This is a [Dark] effect.

Swagger (Ex): at will, Honchkrow may use a Standard Action to act with a lot of swagger and confidence, potentially luring the opponent into a trap. It makes a Feint attempt, and if successful, the opponent is Confused for 1 round per 3 hit dice (round up), but also gains a +4 Morale Bonus to attack and damage rolls for one minute. If a creature witnesses this in use (or is exposed to it directly), they cannot be targeted by this from the same Pokemon again that day. This is a [Normal] effect.

Rare Traits:
Moxie (Ex): if Murkrow had Prankster before evolving, it now has Moxie instead. Any time it reduces a foe below zero hit points, providing Honchkrow has no more than four more hit dice than the target, Honchkrow gains a +2 Morale Bonus to Strength for the next ten minutes. Further applications of this reset the duration and increase the bonus, to a maximum of +8. This is a [Pokebility].

At 7 hit dice, it learns Dark Leadership and Nasty Plot
Dark Leadership (Ex): with a Standard Action once per three rounds, Honchkrow can issue an order, and all allied creatures with Dark Pokemon Traits can, if they are within 30 feet and can hear the order, perform a Standard Action as an Immediate Action. If a recipient of this ability is a Murkrow, it may instead perform a Full Round Action. This is a [Sonic] [Dark] ability.

Nasty Plot (Ex): by concentrating on schemes and tactics as a Full Round Action, Honchkrow can grant itself an Eagle's Splendour effect at will. In addition, while this is in effect, it gains +1d6 Sneak Attack damage. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 8 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Riot
Riot (Sp): once per day, Honchkrow may cast Rage, with up to one target per hit die. This is a [Dark] effect, and targets that are normally Immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects may elect to receive the effects anyway if they so wish.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Foul Play and Callous Wings
Foul Play (Ex): at will, Honchkrow may turn an opponent's strength against them in an underhanded manner. With a Standard Action, it makes a melee attack roll against a foe within reach, and if it hits, it deals damage based on the target's Size (1d8 if they are Medium), plus one and a half times the target's Strength Bonus. This is a [Dark] attack.

Callous Wings (Su): once per five rounds, Honchkrow may use an Immediate Action to swap places, via teleportation, with a Murkrow within 60 feet. The target need not be willing for this to occur. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Dark Restoration and Nightmare Mambo
Dark Restoration (Sp): once per day, Honchkrow can cast Restoration as a Spell-Like Ability, however anyone who elects to receive the effect also receives a Suggestion with no saving throw. This is a [Dark] effect, and the Suggestion is [Mind-Affecting] and [Language Dependent].

Nightmare Mambo (Ex): at will, Honchkrow may use a Full Round Action to dance about on an adjacent creature, pecking them horrendously. This allows it to make what is effectively a Swarm attack, dealing 4d6 damage regardless of Size, with no attack roll, however against a Helpless foe it instead deals 8d6 damage and 4 points of Strength damage as it picks the flesh from their bones. This is a [Dark] [Dance] attack.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Dark Pulse and Fog
Dark Pulse (Su): once per five rounds, Honchkrow may use a Standard Action to unleash a burst of malevolent energy, out in a wave. This is an emanation out to Close Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the saving through is Staggered for one round. This is a [Ballistic] [Dark] effect.

Fog (Sp): once per hour, Honchkrow may cast Fog Cloud. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Mean Look and Torment
Mean Look (Su): with a Full Round Action, Honchkrow can fix its spooky eyes on a creature that has Line of Sight to it. That foe is then subject to a Dimensional Anchor effect for 1 round per hit die, with no saving throw, and must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be unable to break Line of Sight of its own accord, and unable to move away from Honchkrow unless compelled by magic - if afflicted with a [Fear] effect that would cause them to be Frightened or Panicked, they instead Cower for the same duration. These effects also last for 1 round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] [Normal] effect.

Torment (Su): with a Standard Action once per five rounds, Honchkrow may torment and frustrate a creature within 30 feet. If the target fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), then for three rounds they cannot perform the same actions, two turns in a row - for instance, if a Move Action and Gore were taken prior to receiving the effect, then on the first turn of it they could not take a Move Action or use their Gore attack. If they make a Full Attack on that first turn of this (minus the Gore), then on the next turn they could not make a Full Attack, nor attack with any of the natural weapons used in it, but could Gore and Move again. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] [Normal] effect, and completely overrides and replaces an Encore effect.

At 13 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Comeuppance
Comeuppance (Ex): once per round, Honchkrow may make a single Bite attack as an Immediate Action in response to being damaged by an opponent, dealing damage as though one size larger than normal, or two sizes if the attack suffered was a Critical Hit. If the attack suffered was Super Effective, this automatically deals the maximum amount of damage without rolling. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Superpower and Moonlit Night
Superpower (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Honchkrow may slam into a foe at full force, putting all of its fighting spirit into one big attack. This is resolved as a Slam attack that deals 3d6 damage plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus (for a Medium creature), and grants a free Bullrush attempt on a successful hit. Honchkrow does not move with the target when doing this, but may still knock the target further away than 5 feet. Upon performing this, Honchkrow becomes Fatigued, or upgrades fatigue to Exhaustion until it rests for an hour. This is a [Fighting] attack.

Moonlit Night (Sp): once per hour, Honchkrow may darken the skies with a Standard Action, shrouding the area within 500 feet in shadowy illumination for one minute, suppressing any effects caused by sunlight. Additionally, the area is treated as being under a full moon for the purpose of all effects such as lycanthropy and certain [Fairy] abilities. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Night Cyclone
Maximum Night Cyclone (Sp): once per minute, Mega Honchkrow may spend a Standard Action whipping up a powerful windstorm, and at the start of its next turn, it creates Tornado strength winds in a cylinder within Long Range, 40' high and with a radius of 40' per hit die, remaining for 5 rounds. In Supernatural Darkness, including a Moonlit Night effect, this instead activates instantly, and all creatures other than itself are treated as though one Size Category lower by the winds. Honchkrow may choose which way the wind moves, as with the spell Control Winds. Upon activating this, Honchkrow may also elect to pass any temporary magical effect or bonus or penalty from itself to another creature within the area of the wind. The Save DC is either that of the wind, or 10 + half Honchkrow's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, whichever is better. This is a [Wind] [Flying] attack.

At 16 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Dark Bargain
Dark Bargain (Su): once per day, Honchkrow may make an evil pact with a Full Round Action. It gains a +4 Enhancement Bonus to every ability score and for 1 hour, but is cursed for the same duration: every round, it suffers damage equal to its hit dice (without Resistance or Weakness applying). This damage does not apply when Honchkrow is in its pokeball, but the [Curse] does not go away - it can only go away when the hour ends, Honchkrow dies, or receives a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment or Dispel Evil effect. This is a [Dark] effect.

Mega Evolution: when Honchkrow becomes Mega Honchkrow, it becomes bigger, fancier, and more regal looking. It is absolutely a mob boss, and people feel the need to show it respect or pay a bribe. Its Dexterity increases by 8, and its Strength, Charisma and Wisdom each increase by 4. If its [Pokebility] was not already Moxie, it now is.

Tutor Moves:

Acrobatics (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may unleash a leaping Charge, and after the attack may reposition to any square adjacent to the target. This uses any one natural weapon, and if the Pokemon is not holding any weapons or items and does not have anything else equipped, it may add its skill bonus in either Jump or Tumble to the damage roll. This is a [Flying] attack.

Confuse Ray (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, the Pokemon may unleash an eerie light to disorient and overwhelm the mind of a foe. Being a ray, this is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is rendered Confused for 2d4 rounds. However, a creature confused by this may attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half the Pokemon's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) at the start of every turn to end the effects early. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Foul Play (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may turn an opponent's strength against them in an underhanded manner. With a Standard Action, it makes a melee attack roll against a foe within reach, and if it hits, it deals damage based on the target's Size (1d8 if they are Medium), plus one and a half times the target's Strength Bonus. This is a [Dark] attack.

Heat Wave (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to unleash an emanation of terrible heat out to Medium Range - unless in Harsh Sunlight, in which case it extends out to Long Range. This spreads directly out from the Pokemon, melts snow and ice, and withers plant life, but is blocked entirely by cover. Everything that is caught in the area suffers 1d10 Fire damage per 4 hit dice (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw also suffer a Burn. This is a [Fire], [Wind] attack.

Hurricane (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may spend a Standard Action whipping up a powerful windstorm, and at the start of its next turn, it creates Hurricane strength winds in a cylinder within Long Range, 40' high and with a radius of 40' per hit die, remaining for 1 minute per hit die. In a Rain Storm, Torrential Downpour, or Overwhelming Winds, this instead activates instantly, and all creatures other than itself are treated as though one Size Category lower by the winds. The Pokemon may choose which way the wind moves, as with the spell Control Winds. At fifteen hit dice, it increases to Tornado strength winds. The Save DC is either that of the wind, or 10 + half the Pokemon's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, whichever is better. This is a [Wind] [Flying] attack.

Icy Wind (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to exhale a chilling wave of air. This functions as a Gust of Wind effect, however it also deals damage equal to its hit dice to all in the area (halved if they succeed on the Fortitude Save), and on a failed Save, afflicted creatures suffer a -4 Penalty to Dexterity for 3 rounds. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is an [Ice] attack and a [Wind] effect.

Lash Out (Ex): if something dares to inflict the Pokemon with Ability Damage, Ability Drain, or a Penalty of any kind, it may lash out as an Immediate Action, unleashing all of its frustration about the unfair situation. It makes a single melee attack at the target, which is considered to be a Slam and on a successful hit deals 1d10 damage per hit die. This is a [Dark] attack.

Scary Face (Ex): the Pokemon may pull a scary face at a foe to Demoralise them with a Swift Action, and if successful they are Frightened for 1 round before the normal effects take place. This is a [Normal] effect.

Snarl (Su): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may snarl and rant at an enemy, making disconcerting loud noises. This is unleashed in a 20' Cone, dealing 1d4 damage per hit die to a maximum of 5d4, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). On a failed save, targets also suffer a -2 Morale Penalty to Charisma for three rounds. This is a [Noise] [Dark] attack.

Spite (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may level a curse against an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. If the foe fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), any ability that has a cooldown after use is instantly put on cooldown as though used (without providing the effects of usage), and any ability with limited Daily (or Weekly or Hourly) uses has one of those uses expended. This [Ghost] attack is a [Curse] effect.

Tailwind (Su): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon may flap its wings extra hard and call upon the storms to grant a great tailwind. This sets the direction and strength of the wind (at the Pokemon's choice), without being able to create actual damaging storms, for the next minute. During that time, all movement speeds and projectile ranges moving in that direction are doubled, whereas those moving in the opposite direction are halved. This affects a five hundred foot radius, and can be performed once per hour. This is a [Flying], [Wind] effect.

Taunt (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon can tease and harass a foe, goading them into violence. If the foe suffers a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), they fall for it, and for 3 rounds they can only use damaging effects, and movement that gets them in position to use damaging effects. A given creature can only be affected by this once per user per day. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Dark] effect.

Thief (Ex): once per minue, the Pokemon may make a single melee attack as a Standard Action, and additionally attempt to steal an item, with its choice of a Steal Combat Maneuver or a Sleight of Hand check with a DC of the opponent's BAB plus 10. The attack becomes a [Dark] attack, and the entire move is a [Dark] effect.

Thunder Wave (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash electromagnetic waves in a Cone that is 15' long (and therefore 15' wide at the furthest point). All in the area must succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Paralyzed for one round, plus 1 more round for every 5 points by which they fail the save. This is an [Electric] effect.

U-Turn (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon may charge a target and deliver one natural weapon attack (even if it can normally make multiple attacks on a charge), and then withdraw the remaining distance after delivering the attack, as though using the Spring Attack feat. If it ends the movement in the same square as, or adjacent to, its pokeball, it may retreat into it and end its turn that way. This is a [Bug] attack, even if its natural weapon normally isn't.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

(Now with all regional variants)

Tiny Magical Beast, CR 1/2
9 15 10 7 10 10
1d6 (3 HP), Init +2, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +0/-9
-2 Claws +4 (1d2-1)
AC: 14 (+2 Size, +2 Dexterity), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +0 Ref +4 Will +2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Multi Attack
Skills: Survival +4, Bluff +4
Special Attacks: Fake Out, Growl
Special Qualities: Normal Pokemon Traits, Pick Up or Technician, Profit
Rare Traits: Unnerve, Flail, Hypnosis, Tail Whip
Tutor Moves: Agility, Amnesia, Body Slam, Charm, Fake Tears, Foul Play, Hyper Voice, Protect, Return, Sleep Talk, Take Down, Thief
Advancement: 2-5 HD (Tiny); evolves into Persian at 6 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Ref and Will, 4 + Int skill points

This bipedal creature is clearly a cat of some variety. It looks fairly clever and cunning, as animals go.

Normal Traits: Meowth can be affected as though an Animal, despite lacking the Animal Type. It does not get the usual traits of Animals. Meowth is weak against [Fighting] attacks, and is considered Immune to [Ghost] attacks, always resisting them regardless of other Types. Meowth is also completely immune to the [Ghost] attacks of creatures that are not manifest on the same Plane as they are - Ethereal creatures must manifest in order to target it with [Ghost] attacks. It is also immune specifically to possession (but not simple mind control and domination).

Profit (Ex): just having a Meowth around and ostensibly helping grants a +4 Bonus to any skill check made to determine income, such as a Profession check, or a Perform check made purely to earn money.

Pick Up (Ex): if it has this [Pokebility], at the end of Meowth's movement, including when sent out from a pokeball, it immediately picks up anything scattered around its own square, clearing it even of magical traps, Spike Growth, glyphs and similar. This happens before they would trigger or cause an effect, so it is safe - but if it moves across squares without deliberately stopping in them, they still have their effect. If an item is dropped in Meowth's square or any adjacent square, it may elect to pick the item up with a Free Action, even not on its own turn. Finally, it receives a +4 Racial Bonus on Search checks, and Survival checks made to scavenge food and supplies.

Technician (Ex): alternatively, if Meowth has this [Pokebility], then any attack that has base damage of less than 1d8 before bonuses (a single d8, not d8 per level or whatever) increases it by one step, and any attack that deals multiple dice but fewer than 1 per hit die increases all damage dice by one step if they are less than 1d6.

Fake Out (Ex): in the first round of combat after Initiative is rolled or when it joins an existing combat, Meowth may use this to cut ahead, slapping an adjacent foe with a Free Action. This happens before any other actions anybody else takes, and it may make a normal Move Action as part of this in order to get up to a target. It resolves a Slam attack that deals 1d4 damage for a Medium creature (so 1d2 for Meowth, or 1d3 if it has Technician), and the target flinches if hit, even if it deals no damage: they are treated as Dazed on the round they are hit. This is a [Normal] attack.

Growl (Ex): Meowth gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks made to Demoralise a foe able to hear it. This is a [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

Rare Traits:
Unnerve (Ex): if Meowth has this rare ability, any foe that can sense its presence is rendered too nervous to eat. This prevents the consumption of berries and use of potions, as well as any other magic item that specifically has to be eaten or imbibed, and even prevents the Swallow Whole special attack from being used, as well as the Swallow, Teatime and Stuff Cheeks abilities. It also gains a +2 Competence Bonus to the Intimidate skill. This is a [Pokebility].

Flail (Ex): a Meowth with this ability may flail about wildly in desperation, using a Full Round Action to unleash a Claw attack, without the poison, against every foe within its Reach. If it has suffered any damage at all, this gains a +1 Enhancement Bonus. If it is below half its maximum HP, it gains a +2 Enhancement Bonus and deals damage as though one size larger. If it is below a quarter of its maximum HP, it gains a +3 Enhancement Bonus and deals damage as though two sizes larger. If it is on precisely one hit point, it gains a +5 Enhancement Bonus and deals maximised damage as though three sizes larger (so typically 6, before adding bonuses).

Hypnosis (Su): once per hour, a Meowth with this may use a Full Round Action to attempt to hypnotise a creature within Close Range with Line of Sight, lulling it into sleep. At the end of the action, the foe must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Drowsy. If the saving throw is failed by more than 4, they instead fall Asleep for one minute (or until any damage is suffered). This is a [Psychic] effect.

Tail Whip (Ex): with a Move Equivalent Action at will, a Meowth with this may whip its tail about in a 180 degree arc. All adjacent creatures in that arc suffer a -4 Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves until their next turn.

At 2 hit dice, it gains +1d6 Sneak Attack, and learns Feint and Sudden Swipe
Feint (Ex): once per 3 rounds, Meowth may perform a Feint and then, if successful, a melee attack, all with the same Standard Action. This is a [Normal] attack.

Sudden Swipe (Ex): any time Meowth makes a Claw attack as an Attack of Opportunity, the foe is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against it.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Pay Day and Bite
Pay Day (Ex): as long as it has a handful of coins available to throw (at least ten coins of any denomination), Meowth may do so with an Attack Action. This is resolved as a Thrown Attack with 10' Range Increments, it denies the foe the benefits of partial Cover or Concealment, and deals 1d6 damage (1d8 if it has Technician). The coins also remain in the target's square: until the money is gathered up, anyone entering or leaving the square must pass a DC 10 Balance check or slip and lose the action. This is a [Normal] attack that, if using mostly silver or mithril coins, bypasses DR/Silver.

Bite (Ex): Meowth gains a Primary Bite natural weapon that deals damage as though one size larger than it is (typically dealing 1d4 plus its Strength Bonus, or 1d6 if it has Technician). Anything bitten with an Attack of Opportunity must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Taunt and Miraculous Comeback
Taunt (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Meowth can tease and harass a foe, goading them into violence. If the foe fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), they fall for it, and for 3 rounds they can only use damaging effects, and movement that gets them in position to use damaging effects. A given creature can only be affected by this once per user per day. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Dark] effect.

Miraculous Comeback (Su): once per minute, Meowth can defy the odds and turn the tide in its favour. It fires a ray of reflected light from the coin on its head as a Standard Action, resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and this deals 1d8 damage for every opponent within 60 feet. If Meowth's hit dice total exceeds that of a given foe by 6 or more, the foe does not contribute to this damage. This is a [Light] [Normal] attack.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Caturday and Assurance
Caturday (Ex): once per hour, Meowth may have a brief catnap with a Full Round Action, gaining a surprising burst of power. Providing it does fall asleep in this manner, and is not woken up before its next turn, it wakes up at the end of its next turn with a +2 Enhancement Bonus to all Ability Scores and Immunity to the Sickened, Shaken and Drowsy conditions, both lasting for 5 minutes.

Assurance (Ex): any time Meowth threatens a foe, if the foe is damaged by anything that is not the Koffing or an Attack of Opportuniy, it may take an Attack of Opportunity against the target. This is a [Dark] attack.


Small Magical Beast, CR 6
15 19 10 9 12 12
6d6+6 (27 HP), Init +4, Speed 30'
BAB/Grab: +4/+2
-2 Claws +10 (1d3+2) and Bite +7 (1d4+1)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, +1 Natural Armour, +4 Dexterity), Flat 12, Touch 15
Fort +2 Ref +9 Will +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Multi Attack, Improved Toughness, Weapon Focus: Claw
Skills: Survival +10, Search +9, Bluff +10
Special Attacks: Fake Out, Growl, Feint, Sudden Swipe, Sneak Attack +1d6 Pay Day, Bite, Assurance, Power Gem, Fury Swipes
Special Qualities: Normal Pokemon Traits, Limber or Technician, Taunt, Miraculous Comeback, Caturday, Profit, Switcheroo
Rare Traits: Unnerve, Flail, Hypnosis, Tail Whip
Tutor Moves: Agility, Amnesia, Body Slam, Charm, Dazzling Gleam, Fake Tears, Foul Play, Hyper Voice, Protect, Return, Sleep Talk, Take Down, Thief, U-Turn
Advancement: 7+ HD (Small)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Ref and Will, 4 + Int skill points

This sleek, cream-coloured cat looks quite clever and sinister, and the grace belies a certain muscular strength as well. It clearly remembers when cats were worshiped as gods.

Normal Traits: Persian can be affected as though an Animal, despite lacking the Animal Type. It does not get the usual traits of Animals. Meowth is weak against [Fighting] attacks, and is considered Immune to [Ghost] attacks, always resisting them regardless of other Types. Meowth is also completely immune to the [Ghost] attacks of creatures that are not manifest on the same Plane as they are - Ethereal creatures must manifest in order to target it with [Ghost] attacks. It is also immune specifically to possession (but not simple mind control and domination).

Power Gem (Su): with a Standard Action at will, Persian may attack with a ray of light that sparkles as though made of gemstones. This ray is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Close Range, and if it hits, it deals 1d6 damage per hit die. It is a [Light] [Rock] attack.

Fury Swipes (Ex): Persian may use a Full Round Action at will to swipe and claw at a target repeatedly. This functions as a Flurry of Blows as though performed by a PHB Monk with a level equal to Perians's hit dice, using its normal Claw for the damage. This is a [Normal] attack.

Switcheroo (Ex): with a Standard Action, Persian can attempt a Steal action (Pathfinder) without Provoking an Attack of Opportunity, or a Sleight of Hand check to attempt to steal an item, also without provoking. If successful, the item is no longer attuned to the target (if magical), and it may also elect to hand the target a held item - attuning it to them if it is magical. This is a [Dark] attack.

Limber (Ex): if Meowth had Pick Up before evolving, as a Persian it instead has Limber - it cannot ever be Anchored in place, nor Paralyzed. This is a [Pokebility].

At 7 hit dice, it learns Screech and Bullet Seed
Screech (Ex): once per 3 rounds, Persian can unleash a horrifying screech with a Standard Action. All within 60 feet of it when it unleashes this [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] effect suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves for five rounds, and must also pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Shaken for the same duration. This fear can stack up to Frightened and then Panicked. This is a [Normal] attack.

Bullet Seed (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Persian may unleash a flurry of hard, bullet-like seeds or nuts at targets within 30 feet. It makes the same number of attacks, at the same penalties, as a PHB Monk of equal level performing a Flurry of Blows. Each one deals 1d4 damage (for a Small creature), plus half its Strength Bonus, and has a 20/x2 Critical value. This is a [Ballistic] [Grass] attack.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Slash and Deceive
Slash (Ex): with a Standard Action, Persian may make a single Claw attack that has a base damage of 1d6 for a Small creature and a Critical value of 15-20/x2. If it has Improved Critical (Claw attacks), this does indeed become 9-20/x2. It ignores Hardness of 5 or less, and deals double damage against unattended objects (or triple on a critical hit). This is a [Normal] attack.

Deceive (Ex): any time an adjacent enemy misses Persian with an attack, Persian may elect to swap places with the enemy, who is then denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against Persian's attacks until their next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 9 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Shining Claws
Shining Claws (Ex): once per minute, Persian may reflect bright light off its Claws with a Swift Action. For the rest of its turn, any target hit by either of its Claw attacks must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be rendered Blind for one round. If it has any Sneak Attack damage, this will apply as well on a failed save. This is a [Light] [Dark] effect. Don't think too hard about that.

At 10 hit dice, its Intelligence increases by 2, its Sneak Attack damage increases by 1d6, and it learns Nasty Plot
Nasty Plot (Ex): by concentrating on schemes and tactics as a Full Round Action, Persian can grant itself an Eagle's Splendour effect at will. In addition, while this is in effect, it gains +1d6 Sneak Attack damage. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Play Rough and Captivate
Play Rough (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Persian can play, very enthusiastically, with an adjacent creature. This allows a Bite attack sized normally for Persian (1d4 + Strength Bonus), with Improved Grab and the Trip ability, and for each of the following maneuvers that succeeds, the target takes another 2d6 points of damage plus its Strength Bonus. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Captivate (Su): once per hour, Persian can use a Standard Action to captivate other creatures within 90 feet - everything within the area that can see it must make a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), with failure resulting in them being Fascinated until the end of Persian's next turn. On consecutive turns, Persian can continue to captivate those who are already affected, extending the duration by another round for each Standard Action taken in this maner. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Normal] ability.

At 12 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Headbutt
Headbutt (Ex): Persian has a strong skull that can be used to make a damaging headbutt. With a Standard Action, it may unleash a Slam attack that has a base damage of 1d6 for a Small creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus. On a Critical Hit, a struck target falls Prone from the impact. If this is used as a Readied Action, a struck target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Staggered for one round.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Mocking Shout and Knock Off
Mocking Shout (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Persian may say bad things to a foe, disheartening them. It makes its choice of a Bluff or Intimidate check against the opponent, with a DC of 10 + the opponent's hit dice + their Wisdom Bonus, and if this succeeds, the foe is subject to Slow and Crushing Despair effects for 3 rounds. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Sonic] [Normal] attack.

Knock Off (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Persian may make a Primary Slam attack that, if it hits, it may make a Disarm or Sunder check for free. The base damage is 1d8 (for a Medium creature) plus its Strength Bonus, however this is doubled (and tripled on a critical hit) if its Disarm or Sunder check succeeds. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 14 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Night Slash
Night Slash (Ex): at will, Persian may unleash an attack originally used by evil samurai to murder people at a crossroads. It may make a single Claw attack with a Standard Action, treated as a Keen Katana wielded in two hands, sized appropriately (1d8, 17-20/x2 for a Small creature). This has an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), deals ongoing Bleed damage equal to the Enhancement Bonus, and the increased Threat Range can be increased further via Improved Critical and similar. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 15 hit dice, its Sneak Attack damage increases by 1d6 and it learns Maximum Gold Rush
Maximum Gold Rush (Su): once per minute, Mega Persian may cause money to hammer down from the heavens. This uses a Full Round Action, but subjects everything within Medium Range to the falling money, dealing 1d4 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and subjecting all in the area to a Glitter Dust effect (same DC). Furthermore, this very real money covers the ground in the area: until the money is gathered up (at the rate of about 100 coins per square), anyone entering or leaving an affected square must pass a DC 20 Balance check (once per action) or slip and lose their action. This is a [Normal] attack, and it's up to you to figure out how much unnecessary extra wealth you get by doing this.

At 20 hit dice, its Sneak Attack damage increases by 1d6

Mega-Evolution: when Persian Mega-Evolves, it becomes only a little bigger, but a lot more lithe, graceful and majestic. You can really see the resemblance to panthers. Its Strength, Constitution and Wisdom each increase by 4, its Dexterity increases by 6, its Charisma increases by 2, and its Pokebility becomes Purrfectionist.

Purrfectionist (Ex): Mega Persian may upgrade any successful hit to a confirmed critical hit whenever it wants to, and if the attack in question deals less than 1d8 damage (plus bonuses), the damage die is increased by one and the Critical Multiplier is doubled. This is a [Pokebility].

Alolan Meowth
Tiny Magical Beast, CR 1/2
7 15 10 7 10 12
1d6 (3 HP), Init +2, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +0/-10
-2 Claws +4 (1d2-2)
AC: 14 (+2 Size, +2 Dexterity), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +0 Ref +4 Will +2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Skill Focus: Bluff
Skills: Survival +4, Bluff +8
Special Attacks: Fake Out, Growl
Special Qualities: Dark Pokemon Traits, Pick Up or Technician, Cat's Luck
Rare Traits: Rattled, Covet, Flail, Flatter, Spite
Tutor Moves: Agility, Amnesia, Charm, Confuse Ray, Fake Tears, Foul Play, Hyper Voice, Protect, Return, Sleep Talk, Snarl, Thief
Advancement: 2-5 HD (Tiny); evolves into Alolan Persian at 6 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Ref and Will, 4 + Int skill points

This bipedal cat looks rather fluffy and pudgy, and is a shadowy grey colour. It seems smug.

Dark Traits: Alolan Meowth is weak against [Bug], [Fairy] and [Fighting] attacks, and resists [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Psychic] attacks, always resisting them, and furthermore its mind cannot be read or influenced, as though it had a Mind Blank effect that cannot be dispelled. However it can still be moved by Telekinesis for instance.

Cat's Luck (Su): any time Alolan Meowth makes a saving throw of any kind, it rolls twice and picks the better result. Additionally, it can never be rendered Prone, always flipping to land on its feet.

Fake Out (Ex): in the first round of combat after Initiative is rolled or when it joins an existing combat, Alolan Meowth may use this to cut ahead, slapping an adjacent foe with a Free Action. This happens before any other actions anybody else takes, and it may make a normal Move Action as part of this in order to get up to a target. It resolves a Slam attack that deals 1d4 damage for a Medium creature (so 1d2 for Alolan Meowth), and the target flinches if hit, even if it deals no damage: they are treated as Dazed on the round they are hit. This is a [Normal] attack.

Growl (Ex): Alolan Meowth gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks made to Demoralise a foe able to hear it. This is a [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

Pick Up (Ex): if it has this [Pokebility], at the end of Alolan Meowth's movement, including when sent out from a pokeball, it immediately picks up anything scattered around its own square, clearing it even of magical traps, Spike Growth, glyphs and similar. This happens before they would trigger or cause an effect, so it is safe - but if it moves across squares without deliberately stopping in them, they still have their effect. If an item is dropped in Alolan Meowth's square or any adjacent square, it may elect to pick the item up with a Free Action, even not on its own turn. Finally, it receives a +4 Racial Bonus on Search checks, and Survival checks made to scavenge food and supplies.

Technician (Ex): alternatively, if Alolan Meowth has this [Pokebility], then any attack that has base damage of less than 1d8 before bonuses (a single d8, not d8 per level or whatever) increases it by one step, and any attack that deals multiple dice but fewer than 1 per hit die increases all damage dice by one step if they are less than 1d6.

Rare Traits:
Rattled (Ex): if Alolan Meowth has this rare [Pokebility], any time it is demoralised in combat or receives any [Fear] effect, or suffers damage from a [Bug], [Dark] or [Ghost] attack, it becomes Hasted for 2 rounds. Further activations of this can reset the duration but not add to it.

Covet (Ex): upon succeeding with a natural weapon attack, Alolan Meowth may elect not to apply any other secondary effects from Special Attacks, and instead make a Steal Combat Maneuver check, as though its Base Attack Bonus equalled its hit dice, and with its choice of Strength or Dexterity. This is a [Normal] attack.

Flail (Ex): an Alolan Meowth with this ability may flail about wildly in desperation, using a Full Round Action to unleash a Claw attack against every foe within its Reach. If it has suffered any damage at all, this gains a +1 Enhancement Bonus. If it is below half its maximum HP, it gains a +2 Enhancement Bonus and deals damage as though one size larger. If it is below a quarter of its maximum HP, it gains a +3 Enhancement Bonus and deals damage as though two sizes larger. If it is on precisely one hit point, it gains a +5 Enhancement Bonus and deals maximised damage as though three sizes larger (so typically 6, before adding bonuses, or 8 if it has Technician).

Flatter (Ex): with a Standard Action, Alolan Meowth may say unexpectedly nice things about a creature within 30 feet that is able to hear it. They must roll 1d20 + half their hit dice + their Intelligence Bonus, with a DC of 10 + half Alolan Meowth's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Success results in them seeing straight through the unashamed flattery, whereas failure results in their ego being fed, granting a +4 Morale Bonus to Charisma for one minute, but also becoming Confused for the same duration. This is a [Sonic], [Language-Dependent], [Mind-Affecting] [Normal] effect.

Spite (Su): once per minute Alolan Meowth may level a curse against an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. If the foe fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), any ability that has a cooldown after use is instantly put on cooldown as though used (without providing the effects of usage), and any ability with limited Daily (or Weekly or Hourly) uses has one of those uses expended. This [Ghost] attack is a [Curse] effect.

At 2 hit dice, it gains +1d6 Sneak Attack, and learns Feint
Feint (Ex): once per 3 rounds, Alolan Meowth may perform a Feint and then, if successful, a melee attack, all with the same Standard Action. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Pay Day and Bite
Pay Day (Ex): as long as it has a handful of coins available to throw (at least ten coins of any denomination), Alolan Meowth may do so with an Attack Action. This is resolved as a Thrown Attack with 10' Range Increments, it denies the foe the benefits of partial Cover or Concealment, and deals 1d6 damage (1d8 if it has Technician). The coins also remain in the target's square: until the money is gathered up, anyone entering or leaving the square must pass a DC 10 Balance check or slip and lose the action. This is a [Normal] attack that, if using mostly silver or mithril coins, bypasses DR/Silver.

Bite (Ex): Alolan Meowth gains a Primary Bite natural weapon that deals damage as though one size larger than it is (typically dealing 1d4 plus its Strength Bonus, or 1d6 if it has Technician). Anything bitten with an Attack of Opportunity must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Taunt and Spoil the Fun
Taunt (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Alolan Meowth can tease and harass a foe, goading them into violence. If the foe fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), they fall for it, and for 3 rounds they can only use damaging effects, and movement that gets them in position to use damaging effects. A given creature can only be affected by this once per user per day. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Dark] effect.

Spoil the Fun (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Alolan Meowth may take all the joy out of someone else's success. It makes a Bluff check opposed by a Will Save by the target, and if Alolan Meowth wins, any temporary non-damage effects the target granted itself within the last round is removed, as though a Dispelled spell. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Caturday and Assurance
Caturday (Ex): once per hour, Alolan Meowth may have a brief catnap with a Full Round Action, gaining a surprising burst of power. Providing it does fall asleep in this manner, and is not woken up before its next turn, it wakes up at the end of its next turn with a +2 Enhancement Bonus to all Ability Scores and Immunity to the Sickened, Shaken and Drowsy conditions, both lasting for 5 minutes.

Assurance (Ex): any time Alolan Meowth threatens a foe, if the foe is damaged by anything that is not the Meowth itself or an Attack of Opportuniy, it may take an Attack of Opportunity against the target. This is a [Dark] attack.


Alolan Persian
Small Magical Beast, CR 6
13 19 10 9 12 14
6d6+6 (27 HP), Init +4, Speed 30'
BAB/Grab: +4/+1
-2 Claws +9 (1d3+1) and Bite +7 (1d4)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, +1 Natural Armour, 4 Dexterity), Flat 12, Touch 15
Fort +2 Ref +9 Will +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Skill Focus: Bluff, Improved Toughness, Multi Attack
Skills: Survival +10, Search +9, Bluff +14
Special Attacks: Fake Out, Growl, Feint, Pay Day, Bite, Assurance, Sneak Attack +1d6, Power Gem, Fury Swipes
Special Qualities: Dark Pokemon Traits, Fur Coat or Technician, Cat's Luck, Taunt, Spoil the Fun, Caturday, Switcheroo
Rare Traits: Rattled, Covet, Flail, Flatter, Spite
Tutor Moves: Agility, Amnesia, Charm, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse, Fake Tears, Foul Play, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice, Protect, Return, Sleep Talk, Snarl, Thief
Advancement: 2-5 HD (Tiny); evolves into Alolan Persian at 6 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Ref and Will, 4 + Int skill points

This cat looks like if Garfield had an evil twin.

Dark Traits: Alolan Persian is weak against [Bug], [Fairy] and [Fighting] attacks, and resists [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Psychic] attacks, always resisting them, and furthermore its mind cannot be read or influenced, as though it had a Mind Blank effect that cannot be dispelled. However it can still be moved by Telekinesis for instance.

Power Gem (Su): with a Standard Action at will, Alolan Persian may attack with a ray of light that sparkles as though made of gemstones. This ray is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Close Range, and if it hits, it deals 1d6 damage per hit die. It is a [Light] [Rock] attack.

Fury Swipes (Ex): Alolan Persian may use a Full Round Action at will to swipe and claw at a target repeatedly. This functions as a Flurry of Blows as though performed by a PHB Monk with a level equal to Alolan Perians's hit dice, using its normal Claw for the damage. This is a [Normal] attack.

Switcheroo (Ex): with a Standard Action, Alolan Persian can attempt a Steal action (Pathfinder) without Provoking an Attack of Opportunity, or a Sleight of Hand check to attempt to steal an item, also without provoking. If successful, the item is no longer attuned to the target (if magical), and it may also elect to hand the target a held item - attuning it to them if it is magical. This is a [Dark] attack.

Fur Coat (Ex): if Alolan Meowth had Pick Up as its [Pokebility], it becomes Fur Coat upon evolving. All melee attacks deal half damage (round down) to an Alolan Persian with this ability.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Screech, Swift and Smug Face
Screech (Ex): once per 3 rounds, Alolan Persian can unleash a horrifying screech with a Standard Action. All within 60 feet of it when it unleashes this [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] effect suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves for five rounds, and must also pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Shaken for the same duration. This fear can stack up to Frightened and then Panicked. This is a [Normal] attack.

Swift (Su): with a Standard Action at will, Alolan Persian can unlesh multiple star-shaped beams of light that home unerringly on their target. Once per five rounds, it may produce an effect identical to Magic Missile, save that it is not a [Force] effect and in fact is a [Normal] attack, so bad against ghosts.

Smug Face (Ex): once per day, Alolan Persian may look smug with an Immediate Action and in doing so completely negate an attack that targets it or includes it in the initial area - this can protect allies as well, by negating the entire attack, or it could prevent an enemy from gaining some benefit that is a side-effect of an attack, but it couldn't wander into an already existing area and negate it. For every ten full hit dice it has, Alolan Persian gains another daily use of this. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Night Slash and Quash
Night Slash (Ex): at will, Alolan Persian may unleash an attack originally used by evil samurai to murder people at a crossroads. It may make a single Claw attack with a Standard Action, treated as a Keen Katana wielded in two hands, sized appropriately (1d8, 17-20/x2 for a Small creature). This has an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), deals ongoing Bleed damage equal to the Enhancement Bonus, and the increased Threat Range can be increased further via Improved Critical and similar. This is a [Dark] attack.

Quash (Su): at will, Alolan Persian may use a Standard Action to oppress a foe within 30 feet and leave them vulnerable. This pushes the target to the end of the Initiative order, and until their next turn they are rendered flat-footed, as though they had not yet acted in combat. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 9 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Empty Threat
Empty Threat (Ex): Alolan Persian may use Bluff checks to make Demoralise attempts, and if doing so against a foe that has more hit dice than it does, success renders the opponent Frightened for the duration. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 10 hit dice, its Intelligence increases by 2, its Sneak Attack damage increases by 1d6, and it learns Nasty Plot
Nasty Plot (Ex): by concentrating on schemes and tactics as a Full Round Action, Alolan Persian can grant itself an Eagle's Splendour effect at will. In addition, while this is in effect, it gains +1d6 Sneak Attack damage. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Play Rough and Captivate
Play Rough (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Alolan Persian can play, very enthusiastically, with an adjacent creature. This allows a Bite attack sized normally for Alolan Persian (1d4 + Strength Bonus), with Improved Grab and the Trip ability, and for each of the following maneuvers that succeeds, the target takes another 2d6 points of damage plus its Strength Bonus. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Captivate (Su): once per hour, Alolan Persian can use a Standard Action to captivate other creatures within 90 feet - everything within the area that can see it must make a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), with failure resulting in them being Fascinated until the end of Alolan Persian's next turn. On consecutive turns, Alolan Persian can continue to captivate those who are already affected, extending the duration by another round for each Standard Action taken in this maner. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Normal] ability.

At 12 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Headbutt and Dismissal
Headbutt (Ex): Alolan Persian has a strong skull that can be used to make a damaging headbutt. With a Standard Action, it may unleash a Slam attack that has a base damage of 1d6 for a Small creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus. On a Critical Hit, a struck target falls Prone from the impact. If this is used as a Readied Action, a struck target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Staggered for one round.

Dismissal (Sp): three times per day, Alolan Persian may cast Dismissal. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. It activates this by being literally dismissive of the target, and as such is a [Language-Dependent] [Sonic] [Dark] attack.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Mocking Shout and Dark Pulse
Mocking Shout (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Persian may say bad things to a foe, disheartening them. It makes its choice of a Bluff or Intimidate check against the opponent, with a DC of 10 + the opponent's hit dice + their Wisdom Bonus, and if this succeeds, the foe is subject to Slow and Crushing Despair effects for 3 rounds. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Sonic] [Normal] attack.

Dark Pulse (Su): once per five rounds, Alolan Persian may use a Standard Action to unleash a burst of malevolent energy from its cannons, out in a wave. This is an emanation out to Close Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the saving throw is Staggered for one round. This is a [Ballistic] [Dark] effect.

At 14 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Burning Jealousy
Burning Jealousy (Su): once per minute, Alolan Persian may unleash deep feelings of resentment towards a foe with a Standard Action. This targets a creature within 60 feet, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target gained a Bonus of any kind between the end of the Pokemon's previous turn and the start of its current one, and takes any damage from this, it is Burned. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 15 hit dice, its Sneak Attack damage increases by 1d6 and it learns Maximum Gold Rush
Maximum Gold Rush (Su): once per minute, Alolan Mega Persian may cause money to hammer down from the heavens. This uses a Full Round Action, but subjects everything within Medium Range to the falling money, dealing 1d4 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and subjecting all in the area to a Glitter Dust effect (same DC). Furthermore, this very real money covers the ground in the area: until the money is gathered up (at the rate of about 100 coins per square), anyone entering or leaving an affected square must pass a DC 20 Balance check (once per action) or slip and lose their action. This is a [Normal] attack, and it's up to you to figure out how much unnecessary extra wealth you get by doing this.

At 20 hit dice, its Sneak Attack damage increases by 1d6

Mega Evolution: when Alolan Persian Mega-Evolves, it becomes even chonkier, and yet somehow even more agile. Its smugness also increases by 48%. Its Dexterity and Constitution each increase by 4, its Wisdom and Charisma each increase by 6, and if its [Pokebility] wasn't Fur Coat, it now is.

Galarian Meowth
Tiny Magical Beast, CR 1/2
13 7 12 7 10 10
1d8+1 (5 HP), Init -2, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +1/-6
-2 Claws +4 (1d2+1)
AC: 14 (+2 Size, -2 Dexterity, +4 Natural Armour), Flat 14, Touch 10
Fort +3 Ref -2 Will +2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Multi Attack
Skills: Survival +4, Bluff +4
Special Attacks: Fake Out, Growl
Special Qualities: Steel Pokemon Traits, Pick Up or Tough Claws
Rare Traits: Unnerve, Curse, Double-Edge, Flail, Night Slash
Tutor Moves: Brick Break, Endure, Gyro Ball, Metal Sound, Protect, Rest, Substitute, Swords Dance
Advancement: 2-5 HD (Tiny); evolves into Perrserker at 6 HD
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Will, 4 + Int skill points

This cat seems to have firm, wiry hair, and also a beard and a deranged look.

Steel Traits: Galarian Meowth can be treated as Constructs even though it isn't. It is weak against [Fighting], [Fire] and [Ground] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Dragon], [Fairy], [Flying], [Grass], [Ice], [Normal], [Psychic], [Rock] and [Steel] effects. It is considered Immune to [Poison] attacks, always resisting them, and they can never be Poisoned or Diseased in any way (so tend to be immune to most forms of Poison attack in D&D). It suffers no damage or impediment from sand storms, dust storms, hail, ice storms similar, and is not harmed by rough stony terrain. It is considered to be made of magnetic metal for the purpose of spells and effects (and actual magnets for that matter), but as living creatures it is not simply destroyed by rust effects: it is always allowed a Fortitude Save to resist, with failure resulting in it suffering 1d6 damage per Caster Level (for spells) or hit die (for creatures). Its natural weapons are [Steel] attacks.

Fake Out (Ex): in the first round of combat after Initiative is rolled or when it joins an existing combat, Galarian Meowth may use this to cut ahead, slapping an adjacent foe with a Free Action. This happens before any other actions anybody else takes, and it may make a normal Move Action as part of this in order to get up to a target. It resolves a Slam attack that deals 1d4 damage for a Medium creature (so 1d3 for Galarian Meowth), and the target flinches if hit, even if it deals no damage: they are treated as Dazed on the round they are hit. This is a [Normal] attack.

Growl (Ex): Galarian Meowth gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks made to Demoralise a foe able to hear it. This is a [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

Pick Up (Ex): if it has this [Pokebility], at the end of Galarian Meowth's movement, including when sent out from a pokeball, it immediately picks up anything scattered around its own square, clearing it even of magical traps, Spike Growth, glyphs and similar. This happens before they would trigger or cause an effect, so it is safe - but if it moves across squares without deliberately stopping in them, they still have their effect. If an item is dropped in Galarian Meowth's square or any adjacent square, it may elect to pick the item up with a Free Action, even not on its own turn. Finally, it receives a +4 Racial Bonus on Search checks, and Survival checks made to scavenge food and supplies.

Tough Claws (Ex): alternatively, all of Galarian Meowth's natural weapons deal an additional 1d12 bonus damage, are treated as magic weapons with an Enhancement Bonus equal to +1 per 4 hit dice (round up), and ignore all Hardness and Damage Reduction (except for that caused by Pokemon Type Resistances). This is a [Pokebility].

Rare Traits:
Unnerve (Ex): if Galarian Meowth has this rare ability, any foe that can sense its presence is rendered too nervous to eat. This prevents the consumption of berries and use of potions, as well as any other magic item that specifically has to be eaten or imbibed, and even prevents the Swallow Whole special attack from being used, as well as the Swallow, Teatime and Stuff Cheeks abilities. It also gains a +2 Competence Bonus to the Intimidate skill. This is a [Pokebility].

Curse (Su): a Galarian Meowth with this ability may curse itself - a strange idea, but one that can be of benefit. This is a Standard Action that can be performed once per hour, and causes it to be Slowed for ten minutes. For the same duration, it gains a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Strength, Constitution and Natural Armour. This is an actual curse so can be removed in the usual ways, but is also a [Ghost] effect. If it passes this to a [Ghost] creature, or indeed gains the [Ghost] Subtype, this works completely differently: it can cast Bestow Greater Curse at will, but takes damage equal to double its hit dice total every time it does so.

Double Edge (Ex): when charging, a Galarian Meowth with this may make a Slam attack that deals maximum damage, doubled, sized three sizes larger than normal (so 2d8 = 16 for a Tiny creature), and dealing damage as though its Strength were ten points higher (so for the standard Galarian Meowth, two times a maximised 1d8+6 equals 28), and it may also make a free Trip attempt on the foe as part of this. At the same time, it takes maximised double damage for a standard Slam against itself (without the Size or Strength increases), so 8 damage for the standard one. This is a [Normal] attack.

Flail (Ex): a Galarian Meowth with this ability may flail about wildly in desperation, using a Full Round Action to unleash a Claw attack against every foe within its Reach. If it has suffered any damage at all, this gains a +1 Enhancement Bonus. If it is below half its maximum HP, it gains a +2 Enhancement Bonus and deals damage as though one size larger. If it is below a quarter of its maximum HP, it gains a +3 Enhancement Bonus and deals damage as though two sizes larger. If it is on precisely one hit point, it gains a +5 Enhancement Bonus and deals maximised damage as though three sizes larger (so typically 1d6, before adding bonuses).

Night Slash (Ex): at will, a Galarian Meowth with this attack may unleash an attack originally used by evil samurai to murder people at a crossroads. It may make a single Claw attack with a Standard Action, treated as a Keen Katana wielded in two hands, sized appropriately (1d6, 17-20/x2 for a Tiny creature). This has an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), deals ongoing Bleed damage equal to the Enhancement Bonus, and the increased Threat Range can be increased further via Improved Critical and similar. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 2 hit dice, it gains DR 2/Adamantine and learns Hone Claws
Hone Claws (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, a Galarian Meowth with this ability may sharpen its claws, honing their edges to improve their devastating cutting power. For the next minute, its natural weapons (including ones granted by Pokemon Attacks) all enjoy a +1 Enhancement Bonus, or their existing Enhancement Bonus is increased by 1. This can be performed multiple times, increasing the bonus and resetting the duration each time, to a maximum Enhancement Bonus of +6. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Pay Day and Metal Claw
Pay Day (Ex): as long as it has a handful of coins available to throw (at least ten coins of any denomination), Galarian Meowth may do so with an Attack Action. This is resolved as a Thrown Attack with 10' Range Increments, it denies the foe the benefits of partial Cover or Concealment, and deals 1d6 damage. The coins also remain in the target's square: until the money is gathered up, anyone entering or leaving the square must pass a DC 10 Balance check or slip and lose the action. This is a [Normal] attack that, if using mostly silver or mithril coins, bypasses DR/Silver.

Metal Claw (Ex): when making a Claw attack, Galarian Meowth may deal damage as though one size category larger. Additionally, they penetrate DR and Hardness as though made of Adamantium, and have an Innate +1 Enhancement Bonus (as though actual magic weapons). This is a [Steel] effect.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Taunt and Bullet Punch
Taunt (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Galarian Meowth can tease and harass a foe, goading them into violence. If the foe suffers a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), they fall for it, and for 3 rounds they can only use damaging effects, and movement that gets them in position to use damaging effects. A given creature can only be affected by this once per user per day. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Dark] effect.

Bullet Punch (Ex): once per two rounds, Galarian Meowth may make a Slam attack, dealing 1d3 damage (for a Tiny creature) plus its Strength Bonus, as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses. This is a [Steel] [Ballistic] [Punch] attack.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Caturday and Swagger
Caturday (Ex): once per hour, Galarian Meowth may have a brief catnap with a Full Round Action, gaining a surprising burst of power. Providing it does fall asleep in this manner, and is not woken up before its next turn, it wakes up at the end of its next turn with a +2 Enhancement Bonus to all Ability Scores and Immunity to the Sickened, Shaken and Drowsy conditions, both lasting for 5 minutes.

Swagger (Ex): at will, Galarian Meowth may use a Standard Action to act with a lot of swagger and confidence, potentially luring the opponent into a trap. It makes a Feint attempt, and if successful, the opponent is Confused for 1 round per 3 hit dice (round up), but also gains a +4 Morale Bonus to attack and damage rolls for one minute. If a creature witnesses this in use (or is exposed to it directly), they cannot be targeted by this from the same Pokemon again that day. This is a [Normal] effect.


Small Magical Beast, CR 6
17 11 16 9 10 10
6d8+18 (45 HP), Init +0, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +6/+5
-2 Claws +4 (1d2+1)
AC: 17 (+1 Size, +6 Natural Armour), Flat 17, Touch 11
Fort +8 Ref +2 Will +5
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Multi Attack
Skills: Survival +9, Bluff +9, Search +8
Special Attacks: Fake Out, Growl, Pay Day, Metal Claw, Bullet Punch, Iron Head, Metal Burst
Special Qualities: Steel Pokemon Traits, Battle Armour or Tough Claws, DR 2/Adamantine, Hone Claws, Taunt, Caturday, Iron Defense
Rare Traits: Steely Spirit, Curse, Double-Edge, Flail, Night Slash
Tutor Moves: Amnesia, Brick Break, Close Combat, Dig, Endure, Gunk Shot, Gyro Ball, Heavy Slam, Metal Sound, Play Rough, Protect, Rest, Substitute, Swords Dance
Advancement: 7-10 HD (Small); 11-18 HD (Medium); 19+ HD (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Will, 4 + Int skill points

Now looking less like a tramp, this crazy cat is a bit like a berserker, with its giant beard, wild expression and helmet.

Steel Traits: Perrserker can be treated as Constructs even though it isn't. It is weak against [Fighting], [Fire] and [Ground] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Dragon], [Fairy], [Flying], [Grass], [Ice], [Normal], [Psychic], [Rock] and [Steel] effects. It is considered Immune to [Poison] attacks, always resisting them, and they can never be Poisoned or Diseased in any way (so tend to be immune to most forms of Poison attack in D&D). It suffers no damage or impediment from sand storms, dust storms, hail, ice storms similar, and is not harmed by rough stony terrain. It is considered to be made of magnetic metal for the purpose of spells and effects (and actual magnets for that matter), but as living creatures it is not simply destroyed by rust effects: it is always allowed a Fortitude Save to resist, with failure resulting in it suffering 1d6 damage per Caster Level (for spells) or hit die (for creatures). Its natural weapons are [Steel] attacks.

Iron Defense (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Perrserker may harden its body as though covered in even more iron and steel. It gains an Armour Bonus of +6, plus one per three hit dice (round up, maximum of +5 for a total of +11 at fifteen hit dice) for the next minute. This also doubles its weight for the time being. This is a [Steel] effect.

Iron Head (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Perrserker can smash its metal skull into the less-metal head of someone else, going full Shibata on them. This is resolved as a Slam that deals 1d8 Bludgeoning damage (for a Small creature), plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and targets that are hit must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Failure results in them being Staggered for one round. This is a [Steel] attack.

Metal Burst (Su): once per round, Perrserker may make a single Claw attack as an Immediate Action in response to being damaged by an opponent, dealing damage as though one Size larger than normal for its Metal Claw (1d4), or two sizes (1d6) if the attack suffered was a Critical Hit. This is a [Steel] attack.

Battle Armour (Ex): if Galarian Meowth had Pick Up as its [Pokebility], then upon evolving, it changes to Battle Armour. A Perrserker with this is never affected by Critical Hits or Sneak Attack.

[u[Rare Traits:[/u]
Steely Spirit (Su): if Galarian Meowth had its Rare Ability, Unnarve, then upon evolving, it changes to Steely Spirit. A Perrserker with this radiates a 15' radius Aura, and all allies within this area (including itself) Empower the damage of all [Steel] attacks they make, even natural weapons and other things that can't be affected by Empower Spell.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Screech and Fury Swipes
Screech (Ex): once per 3 rounds, Perrserker can unleash a horrifying screech with a Standard Action. All within 60 feet of it when it unleashes this [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] effect suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves for five rounds, and must also pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Shaken for the same duration. This fear can stack up to Frightened and then Panicked. This is a [Normal] attack.

Fury Swipes (Ex): Perrserker may use a Full Round Action at will to swipe and claw at a target repeatedly. This functions as a Flurry of Blows as though performed by a PHB Monk with a level equal to Purrserker's hit dice, using its normal Claw for the damage. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Slash and Swagger
Slash (Ex): with a Standard Action, Perrserker may make a single Claw attack that has a base damage of 1d6 for a Small creature and a Critical value of 15-20/x2. If it has Improved Critical (Claw attacks), this does indeed become 9-20/x2. It ignores Hardness of 5 or less, and deals double damage against unattended objects (or triple on a critical hit). This is a [Normal] attack.

Swagger (Ex): at will, Perrserker may use a Standard Action to act with a lot of swagger and confidence, potentially luring the opponent into a trap. It makes a Feint attempt, and if successful, the opponent is Confused for 1 round per 3 hit dice (round up), but also gains a +4 Morale Bonus to attack and damage rolls for one minute. If a creature witnesses this in use (or is exposed to it directly), they cannot be targeted by this from the same Pokemon again that day. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 9 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Magnetic Muster
Magnetic Muster (Su): once per hour, Perrserker may use magnetic power to draw energy towards itself - or indeed to nearby allies. This uses a Full Round Action, and then either Perrserker regains an hourly (or faster) use of an ability or attack, or an adjacent ally of its choice does instead. This is a [Steel] effect.

At 10 hit dice, its Intelligence increases by 2, its Damage Reduction increases to 5, and it learns Metal Sound and Headbanger
Metal Sound (Ex): once per minute, Perrserker may release a terrible noise, like scraping blades together. Creatures within 30 feet suffer a -4 Penalty on Will Saves for three rounds, during which time any Mind Blank effects are suppressed. This is a [Sonic] [Steel] attack.

Headbanger (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Perrserker may attack with its Iron Head, but making iterative attacks for a high Base Attack Bonus, despite it being a natural weapon. Any given target need only save once per turn from this. It is still a [Steel] attack.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Thrash and Coin Shower
Thrash (Ex): once per hour, Perrserker may use a Full Round Action to begin thrashing about, tearing away at nearby foes. The frenzy lasts until it spends an entire round without damaging or being damaged by any enemies, at which point the frenzy catches up with it and it becomes Confused for three rounds. As a Swift Action upon activating it, and with a Full Round Action each round while this is active, it may make a Full Attack, directing each of its attacks against every foe within range - make one attack roll for each attack, and resolve it against the Armour Class of every foe within reach. During this time, every attack against every foe deals an extra 1d6 points of damage per 5 hit dice (round up). This entire attack is a [Normal] one.

Coin Shower (Ex): Perrserker may use its Pay Day ability, providing it uses at least one hundred coins, as a 10' radius 20' tall Column within Close Range. This deals 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Dexterity Bonus). The entire area is still covered in money like with Pay Day. This is a [Steel] attack.

At 12 hit dice, its Constitution increases by 2 and it learns Treasure Rush
Treasure Rush (Su): once per hour, Perrserker may rush about and rob everyone. It may move and "attack" everyone as though using the Improved Whirlwind feat, except instead of attacking it can make a Steal Maneuver attempt or Sleight of Hand skill check (to pick pockets) against every foe. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Mocking Shout and Baton Pass
Mocking Shout (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Perrserker may say bad things to a foe, disheartening them. It makes its choice of a Bluff or Intimidate check against the opponent, with a DC of 10 + the opponent's hit dice + their Wisdom Bonus, and if this succeeds, the foe is subject to Slow and Crushing Despair effects for 3 rounds. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Sonic] [Normal] attack.

Baton Pass (Su): at will, Perrserker may use a Standard Action to pass the torch to an adjacent Pokemon, transferring all temporary effects. Any Bonus or Penalty it has that does not always apply, as well as any ongoing conditions that have a duration other than Permanent, Instantaneous or "until cured", is transferred from Purrserker to the target. The durations continue as normal. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 14 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Steel Beam
Steel Beam (Su): once per day, Perrserker may use a Standard Action to unleash a powerful beam of energy that is powered by - and consumes - its steely resolve. This is a Ranged Touch Attack, used with a Standard Action, out to Medium Range. If it hits, it deals 10 damage per hit die, but Perrserker then takes unresisted damage equal to half of its maximum hit points (round up). This recoil damage is not increased if the target takes more damage (such as through weakness or a Critical Hit), but likewise is not reduced if the target resists the attack, or negates the damage in some manner. This is a [Steel] attack.

At 15 hit dice, its Damage Reduction increases to 8 and it learns Maximum Iron Beard
Maximum Iron Beard (Ex): once per minute, Mega Perrserker may cause its massive beard to expand outward in a mass of metal spikes and tendrils. This uses a Standard Action, and reaches out to a 15' radius, affecting all in the area with its Iron Head attack (make one attack against all). Beyond this, the area is then covered in caltrops for three rounds, as well as an Entangle effect (same DC as the Iron Head), and for this duration, Mega Perrserker's Damage Reduction is doubled. This is a [Steel] effect.

At 20 hit dice, its Damage Reduction increases to 10

Mega Evolution: upon mega-evolving, Perrserker grows extra large, and extra angry. It simply turns into a massive beard with a cat attached, and its claws resemble battle axes more than anything else. It grows one Size Category larger, but instead of "normal", its ability scores are modified as follows: +6 Strength, +6 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, and its Natural Armour increases by 6. Its [Pokebility] does not change.

Tutor Moves:
Agility (Su): by focusing as a Full Round Action, the Pokemon can cast Cat's Grace on itself at will. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Amnesia (Su): the Pokemon may, with a Standard Action, deliberately forget all of its worries in life. It just stops caring about problems, and as such gains a +8 Resistance Bonus to Will Saves, and the Slippery Mind ability of a Rogue. These last for one minute. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Body Slam (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may either use a Standard Action to deliver a Slam, or Charge an opponent and use a Slam instead of any other attacks. This increases the damage by two steps (so a Small creature with a Slam of 1d4 would deal 1d8 damage, but if they had Improved Natural Attack (Slam) it would instead deal 2d6). This adds one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and if the target takes any damage (after Resistance), they must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Stunned until the end of the attacker's next turn (during which time it cannot be stunned again). This is a [Normal] attack.

Charm (Sp): once per day, the Pokemon may cast Charm Monster with a Save DC of 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is [Mind-Affecting] [Charm] [Fairy] effect.

Confuse Ray (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, the Pokemon may unleash an eerie light to disorient and overwhelm the mind of a foe. Being a ray, this is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is rendered Confused for 2d4 rounds. However, a creature confused by this may attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half the Pokemon's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) at the start of every turn to end the effects early. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Dazzling Gleam (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to release a flash of bright magical light out in a 30' radius Burst from itself. This deals 1d10 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Additionally, anything that fails its save is also rendered Blind for 1 round, and then Dazzled for 2 more rounds. Creatures that have no eyesight take the minimum damage from this and are not blinded or dazzled. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Fake Tears (Ex): once per minute, the Pokemon may pretend to cry, quivering and cowering in false fear directed at a target. It makes a Feint attempt against a foe, and if successful, this afflicts the target with a -4 Morale Penalty to Spell Resistance, Reflex and Will Saves for three rounds. This is a [Dark] effect.

Foul Play (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may turn an opponent's strength against them in an underhanded manner. With a Standard Action, it makes a melee attack roll against a foe within reach, and if it hits, it deals damage based on the target's Size (1d8 if they are Medium), plus one and a half times the target's Strength Bonus. This is a [Dark] attack.

Hyper Beam (Su): once per day, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to unleash a powerful beam of energy. This 5' wide, 100' long Line deals 10 damage per hit die to all creatures in the Area, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This leaves the Pokemon Exhausted until it rests. If already Fatigued, Drowsy or Exhausted, the user collapses afterwards, falling Asleep. This is a [Normal] attack.

Hyper Voice (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may shout extremely loudly. This is a 50' Cone, and deals 1d10 Sonic damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and a Fortitude Save (same DC) to resist being rendered Deaf for one minute. This is a [Sonic] [Normal] attack.

Protect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use strange magic to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave the Pokemon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Return (Ex): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may put all of its happy feelings into a strong attack. This is a Slam that deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature, and deals an additional number of d12 of damage equal to the highest Morale Bonus it has. This is a [Normal] attack.

Sleep Talk (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may use any activated Special Attack or Special Quality in its sleep that does not require moving its body more than turning its head and opening its mouth - actual movement cannot be performed, and it cannot make weapon attacks or natural attacks, but it could use a Breath Weapon, a Roar, or most Spell-Like Abilities, for instance. This also does not allow it to use any effect described as a Glare, a Glance, an Eye Ray or a Gaze Attack, because its eyes are still closed. This is a [Normal] [Sonic] effect (and as such, it will not work in an area of Silence or if the pokemon was rendered silent), although the resulting attack need not be.

Snarl (Su): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may snarl and rant at an enemy, making disconcerting loud noises. This is unleashed in a 20' Cone, dealing 1d4 damage per hit die to a maximum of 5d4, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). On a failed save, targets also suffer a -2 Morale Penalty to Charisma for three rounds. This is a [Noise] [Dark] attack.

Take Down (Ex): the Pokemon can use a Slam attack at the end of a charge instead of other weapons, dealing damage as though three Size Categories larger (so 3d6 for a Medium creature), and as though its Strength were 10 points higher. It may also attempt a free Trip Attack on the foe as part of this. At the same time as it deals damage to the target, it also suffers regular Slam damage against itself (1d6 plus its normal Strength Bonus for a Medium creature). This is a [Normal] attack.

Thief (Ex): once per minue, the Pokemon may make a single melee attack as a Standard Action, and additionally attempt to steal an item, with its choice of a Steal Combat Maneuver or a Sleight of Hand check with a DC of the opponent's BAB plus 10. The attack becomes a [Dark] attack, and the entire move is a [Dark] effect.

U-Turn (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon may charge a target and deliver one attack with a natural weapon (even if it can normally make multiple attacks on a charge), and then withdraw the remaining distance after delivering its attack, as though using the Spring Attack feat. If it ends the movement in the same square as, or adjacent to, its pokeball, it may retreat into it and end its turn that way. This is a [Bug] attack, even if the natural weapon normally isn't.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Small Magical Beast, CR 1
12 10 12 3 12 8
1d8+1 (5 HP), Init +0, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +0/-3
-Bite +2 (1d3+1)
AC: 12 (+1 Size, +1 Natural Armour), Flat 12, Touch 11
Fort +3 Ref +2 Will +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Lightning Reflexes
Skills: Survival +5
Special Attacks: Itchy Nibble, Disable, Supersonic
Special Qualities: Bug and Poison Pokemon Traits, Compound Eyes or Tinted Lens
Rare Traits: Run Away, Agility, Baton Pass, Bug Bite, Rage Powder, Toxic Spikes
Tutor Moves: Acid Spray, Struggle Bug, Confuse Ray, Pounce, U-Turn, Leech Life, Skitter Smack, Psychic Noise
Advancement: 2-5 HD (Small); evolves into Venomoth at 6 HD
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fort and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This critter is certainly a bug of some kind, but it's also weird looking: it's a kind of circular critter, covered in long purple hair, with feet, teeth, antennae and multifaceted eyes.

Bug and Poison Traits: Venonat is weak against [Fire], [Flying], [Psychic] and [Rock] attacks, and resists [Fairy], [Fighting] and [Grass]. It's Bite is a [Bug] attack.

Itchy Nibble (Ex): any time Venonat deals damage with its Bite attack, the target suffers a -2 Penalty to Attack rolls and Armour Class for 3 rounds. This is a [Bug] effect.

Disable (Su): once per minute, Venonat may curse an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. Whichever special attack the opponent used most recently becomes disabled, blocked off in the target's mind for one minute. This [Normal] attack is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effect.

Supersonic (Ex): with a Standard Action once per minute, Venonat can emit a supersonic "screech" that impairs the functionality of those within 15 feet of it. All in the area must attempt a Will Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Confused for 1 round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

Compound Eyes (Ex): if Venonat has this ability, its two "eyes" are actually clusters of smaller eyes, working together to provide greater depth perception and visual information. It ignores Cover less than Full Cover, and gains a +2 Competence Bonus on attack rolls. This is a [Pokebility].

Tinted Lens (Ex): alternatively, the specially tinted and polarised lens of Venonat's eyes help it to overcome the weaknesses in its attacks, damaging even resistant foes. As such, if an attack it makes is Not Very Effective, increase the effectiveness by one degree - a regular resistance could thus hit neutrally, although a doubly-resisted attack would still be resisted. This is a [Pokebility].

Rare Traits:
Run Away (Ex): if Venonat has this rare [Pokebility], it is better at running away: when performing a Withdraw action, it can move as though Running, and provokes no Attacks of Opportunity from anyone.

Agility (Su): by focusing as a Full Round Action, a Venonat with this rare trait can cast Cat's Grace on itself at will. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Baton Pass (Su): at will, a Venonat with this may use a Standard Action to pass the torch to an adjacent Pokemon, transferring all temporary effects. Any Bonus or Penalty it has that does not always apply, as well as any ongoing conditions that have a duration other than Permanent, Instantaneous or "until cured", is transferred from the Pokemon to the target. The durations continue as normal. This is a [Normal] effect.

Bug Bite (Ex): a Venonat with this attack can make its Bite attack with a Full Round Action. This deals 1d4 damage for a Small creature and the Itchy Nibble still applies. This ignores all effects of Armour and Shields - the bonus to AC and any special effects - and allows it to eat any one item of food amongst the target's possessions as it swarms over them. This is a [Bite] [Bug] attack.

Rage Powder (Ex): once per hour, a Venonat with this may use a Standard Action to unleash a cloud of powder that enrages all who inhale it. This extends ten feet in all directions, and all in the area must attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or be affected by a Rage effect for one minute. For this duration, every turn the target has a 50% chance of attacking the nearest target, and a 50% chance of attacking Venonat. This is a [Powder] [Bug] effect.

Toxic Spikes (Su): with a Standard Action, a rare Venonat can scatter venomous spikes around. This creates a Spike Growth effect, with a duration of 1 round per hit die. Furthermore, any creature that takes damage from this must make a Fortitude Save against Poison at the end of their turn - the Save DC is Constitution-based, and the Primary damage is 2 Strength damage, followed by taking 1d4 damage per round for one minute. The Secondary damage is 2 Constitution damage. If it casts this on a new area, any existing instances of its Toxic Spikes vanish (although any damage is still done). It may, however, cast it on an already-affected area, in which case it deals damage as a Spike Stones effect, the Ability Damage is doubled, and the ongoing poison damage becomes 1d6 per round. This is a [Poison] effect.

At 2 hit dice, it learns Confusion and Psycho Waves
Confusion (Sp): with a Standard Action once per hour, Venonat may unleash a psychic blast of energy that fries the synapses of all in a 10' radius Burst within Medium Range. Those in the area suffer 1d8 non-lethal damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the save are Confused for one round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

Psycho Waves (Su): as long as Venonat has any kind of Enhancement Bonus, it may use a Standard Action to expend it in a burst of mental energy. It reduces any one Enhancement Bonus it has to zero, ending the effect that caused it, and in doing so releases psychic waves out to a 50' radius. All in the area must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Confused for 2d4 rounds, suffering 2 points of Non-Lethal damage per round of confusion. This is a [Psychic] [Sonic] effect.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Poison Powder and Radar Eyes
Poison Powder (Ex): once per hour, Venonat may unleash a cloud of fine powder out to Close Range. All in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or be Poisoned, taking 1d6 Con damage and being Sickened for one minute. At the end of this minute, they must save again or suffer another 1d6 Constitution damage as the secondary damage. This is a [Poison] effect. A DC 15 Survival check can harvest a dose from a cooperative (or dead) Venonat, rendering it unable to use it for the hour but providing a single dose that is administered by inhalation. A DC 25 Survival check can harvest the dose from an uncooperative Venonat as a Full Round Action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity. The poison sells for 1,500 GP, and a DC 20 Craft (Alchemy) check can then dilute and refine it into one thousand ounces of harmless exotic perfume, each selling for 5 GP.

Radar Eyes (Ex): as long as Venonat has not been rendered Blind, it has perfect Darkvision, even in magical darkness, and the ability to see Invisible creatures, out to Close Range.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Psybeam and Removal Beam
Psybeam (Su): with a Standard Action, Venonat may focus its psychic powers into a beam, unleashing it as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If it hits, this deals 1d6 non-lethal damage per hit die and forces the target to attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Failure results in Confusion for 2d4 rounds. This can be used once per hour, however it may be used a second time by expending the hourly use of Confusion, and vice versa. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

Removal Beam (Su): once per hour, Venonat may unleash a beam as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. This uses a Standard Action, and if it hits, it deals 2d6 points of Non-Lethal damage and automatically Dispels any one effect of Venonat's choosing. This is a [Bug] attack.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Stun Spore and Bug Buzz
Stun Spore (Ex): once per hour, Venonat may unleash a cloud of paralytic neurotoxins, extending ten feet from it in all directions. All in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or be Paralyzed, Stunned and Dazed, for 1 round, then Stunned and Dazed for one round, then Dazed for the round thereafter. This is a [Powder] [Poison] effect.

Bug Buzz (Ex): once per five rounds, Venonat may buzz extra loud, unleashing a Cone out to Close Range as a Standard Action. All in the area suffer 1d6 Sonic damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This also deals 1 point of Wisdom damage per 3 hit dice (round up), which is also halved on a successful save. This is a [Sonic] [Bug] effect.


Medium Magical Beast, CR 6
13 16 16 7 16 19
6d8+18 (45 HP), Init +7, Speed 20' Fly 40' (Average)
BAB/Grab: +4/+5
-Bite +7 (1d4+1)
AC: 16 (+3 Dexterity, +3 Natural Armour), Flat 13, Touch 13
Fort +8 Ref +7 Will +8
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (Bug Buzz)
Skills: Survival +12, Hide +12, Move Silently +12
Special Attacks: Itchy Nibble, Disable, Supersonic, Confusion, Psycho Waves, Poison Powder, Psybeam, Removal Beam, Stun Spore, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Sleep Powder, Silver Wind
Special Qualities: Bug and Poison Pokemon Traits, Shield Dust or Tinted Lens, Radar Eyes
Rare Traits: Wonder Skin, Agility, Baton Pass, Bug Bite, Rage Powder, Toxic Spikes
Tutor Moves: Acid Spray, Air Cutter, Confuse Ray, Defog, Energy Ball, Nightshade, Pounce, Psychic Noise, Skitter Smack, Sludge Wave, Struggle Bug, U-Turn, Venoshock
Advancement: 7-15 HD (Medium), 16+ HD (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fort and Will, 4 + Int skill points

This moth is the size of an adult human, and a pale lavender colour. As it flaps its wings, it scatters scales and dusty powder everywhere.

Bug and Poison Traits: Venomoth is weak against [Fire], [Flying], [Psychic] and [Rock] attacks, and resists [Fairy], [Fighting] and [Grass]. It's Bite is a [Bug] attack.

Air Slash (Su): with a Standard Action, a flying Venomoth may flap its wings to generate a slashing rush of winds. It makes one Ranged Touch Attack against a 10' radius Burst in Medium Range, dealing 2d4 damage plus its Charisma Bonus, with a critical value of 20/x4. This also clears all plant-based terrain in the area, slicing it apart and clearing the area as though professional lawn-mowing and bush-whacking services had been performed. At 12 and 18 hit dice, the damage increases by 2d4. This is a [Flying], [Wind] attack.

Sleep Powder (Ex): once per hour, Venomoth may unleash a cloud of fine powder that extends ten feet from it in all directions. All in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or fall Asleep for ten minutes (or until woken up normally). A DC 15 Survival check can harvest a dose from a cooperative (or dead) Venomoth, expending an hourly use but providing a single dose that is administered by inhalation. A DC 25 Survival check can harvest the dose from an uncooperative Venomoth as a Full Round Action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity. The poison sells for 1,500 GP, and a DC 20 Craft (Alchemy) check can then dilute and refine it into fifty ounces of relatively harmless sedatives to help people sleep, each selling for 50 GP. This is a [Poison] effect.

Silver Wind (Su): once per hour, Venomoth may unleash a collection of shiny bug scales, functioning as a Gust of Wind. This also deals 1d6 damage per 2 hit dice (round up, maximum 4d6 damage), and for every 6 rolled, Venomoth may apply a +2 Enhancement Bonus to an ability score of its choice for one minute. This is a [Wind] [Ghost] attack.

Shield Dust (Ex): if Venonat had Compound Eyes, it becomes Shield Dust on evolution. The "scales" on Venomoth will flake off like ablative armour, breaking free to protect it against harm. It has Damage Reduction x/- against attacks that have any secondary effect beyond damage, where x equals its hit dice (minimum 1/-). This is a [Pokebility].

Rare Traits:
Wonder Skin (Su): if Venonat had Run Away, it becomes Wonder Skin in evolution. Non-damaging attacks tend to slide harmlessly off its body, resulting in it having a 50% chance to negate such effects entirely - if they do not deal any damage (or are not "riders" on damaging attacks), and are not [Harmless], then regardless of hit rolls or saving throws or Spell Resistance, there is a 50% chance to have no effect on Venomoth. This is a [Pokebility].

At 7 hit dice, it learns Quiver Dance and Dizzying Dive
Quiver Dance (Su): once per five rounds, Venomoth may use a Move-Equivalent Action to dance about in a strange way that keeps it alert, building up its offences and defences. This grants it a +4 Morale Bonus to Dexterity, Wisdom and Charisma for five rounds, or +6 if it succeeds at a DC 30 Perform (Dance) check. For the same duration, all of its movement speeds are increased by 20 feet. This is a [Bug] [Dance] effect.

Dizzying Dive (Ex): when Venomoth begins its turn at a higher elevation than a target and declares a Charge against them, it may continue moving after resolving the attack (as though with the Spring Attack feat). Additionally, if the attack hits, the target must pass a Will Save (DC 5 + half its hit dice + its Dexterity Bonus) or be Dazed for one round. This is the same Type as the attack delivered on the charge.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Leech Life and Zen Headbutt
Leech Life (Ex): by making its Bite attack as a Standard Action once per minute, Venomoth may deal damage as though one Size larger (although this does not stack with the increase of Bite or Poison Fang), and 1 point of Constitution Drain (from blood loss) per 4 hit dice (round up), multiplied on a Critical Hit as though it were normal damage. Venomoth regains lost hit points equal to the damage dealt, plus 5 for each point of Constitution Drain, but can't be healed above its maximum hit points in this way. This is a [Bite] [Bug] attack.

Zen Headbutt (Su): once per three rounds, Venomoth may utilise zen in order to have delivered a sharp headbutt that utilises its mind rather than its skull. But at no point does it actually decide to headbutt something, it merely ends up having headbutted them. If you don't understand, you're not enlightened. With a Standard Action, it uses its zen, and then at any point before the start of its next turn, the headbutt can be declared against a target that was adjacent to it. This is resolved as a Slam attack that has a base damage of 1d10 for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, plus its Concentration skill total. If not used during its own actual turn, this also forces the target to attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Stunned until the start of their next turn. This is a [Psychic] attack.

At 9 hit dice, its Intelligence increases by 2 and it learns Poison Fang
Poison Fang (Ex): Venomoth may make a powerful bite attack as a Standard Action. This deals damage as though one Size Category larger (which does not stack with the Bite special attack) and carries a strong venom - the Save DC is 11 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, +2 on a Critical Hit, the Primary and Secondary damage is 4 points of Dexterity and Constitution damage, and failing the saving throw against the primary damage also renders the target Nauseated for one minute. This is a [Poison] [Bite] effect.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Sonic Distortion and Assassin's Flight
Sonic Distortion (Su): three times per day, Venomoth may use a Standard Action to release psychic sound waves out to a 50' radius. All in the area must succeed on a Will Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Stunned for 1d3 rounds, and suffer 1d6 points of Non-Lethal damage per 2 hit dice (round up). This is a [Psychic] [Sonic] effect.

Assassin's Flight (Ex): when performing its Dizzying Dive attack against a foe that is already afflicted with Sleep, Paralysis, Poison, Disease, Confusion, Dazing, Stunning, Burn, Freeze, Drowsiness, Fatigue, Exhaustion or a [Fear] effect, it deals 1d6 additional damage per 2 hit dice it has (round up). This is treated the same as Sneak Attack damage other than the triggering condition, and as such can be negated in the same ways. This is the same Type as the attack delivered on the charge.

At 11 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Psychic
Psychic (Sp): once per minute, Venomoth may use a Standard Action to target one creature within Medium Range and blast them with overwhelming psychic energy that hammers on their brain. They suffer 1d6 damage per hit die, as well as 4 points of Wisdom damage, with a Will Save to halve both of these (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and on a failed save they are also Dazed for one round. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] attack.

At 12 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Tailwind and Moonlit Night
Tailwind (Su): with a Full Round Action, Venomoth may flap its wings extra hard and call upon the storms to grant a great tailwind. This sets the direction and strength of the wind (at Venomoth's choice), without being able to create actual damaging storms, for the next minute. During that time, all movement speeds and projectile ranges moving in that direction are doubled, whereas those moving in the opposite direction are halved. This affects a five hundred foot radius, and can be performed once per hour. This is a [Flying] [Wind] effect.

Moonlit Night (Sp): once per hour, Venomoth may darken the skies with a Standard Action, shrouding the area within 500 feet in shadowy illumination for one minute, suppressing any effects caused by sunlight. Additionally, the area is treated as being under a full moon for the purpose of all effects such as lycanthropy and certain [Fairy] abilities. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 13 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Shinobi Mastery and Hurricane
Shinobi Mastery (Su): once per hour, Venomoth may use a Move-Equivalent Action to make a Hide check (as though it had Hide In Plain Sight) and then Teleport to a position it can see within 500 feet.

Hurricane (Su): once per hour, Venomoth may spend a Standard Action whipping up a powerful windstorm, and at the start of its next turn, it creates Hurricane strength winds in a cylinder within Long Range, 40' high and with a radius of 40' per hit die, remaining for 1 minute per hit die. In a Rain Storm, Torrential Downpour, or Overwhelming Winds, this instead activates instantly, and all creatures other than itself are treated as though one Size Category lower by the winds. Venomoth may choose which way the wind moves, as with the spell Control Winds. At fifteen hit dice, it increases to Tornado strength winds. The Save DC is either that of the wind, or 10 + half Venomoth's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, whichever is better. This is a [Flying] [Wind] attack.

At 14 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Rainbow Powder
Rainbow Powder (Su): once per hour, Venomoth may unleash a cloud of fine, multi-coloured glittery powder that extends ten feet from it in all directions. All in the area are rendered Blind for one round, and then randomly afflicted with one of the following (roll 1d8 for each creature or group of identical creatures, re-rolling an 8):
Red: 1d4 [Fire] damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half, failing the save resulting in being Burned
Orange: 1d6 Acid [Bug] damage per hit die with a Fortitude Save for half
Yellow: 1d4 [Electricity] damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half, failing the save resulting in three rounds of Paralysis
Green: Poison causing 1d6 Constitution damage immediately, then being Sickened for ten rounds (Fortitude negates)
Blue: 1d4 Cold [Ice] damage per hit die with a Fortitude Save for half, with a failed save resulting in being Frostburned
Indigo: 1d4 [Psychic] damage per hit die with a Will Save for half, with a failed save resulting in Confusion for one minute
Violet: [Ghost] effect forcing the target to attempt a Will Save, failure resulting in them being banished to another random plane for 2d6 rounds
Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus. At 20 hit dice, double all dice of damage, including Constitution damage. This is a [Bug] [Powder] effect, however any damage dealt is the listed type and thus deals more or less damage accordingly for the type.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Moth Dust
Maximum Moth Dust (Su): once per minute, Mega Venomoth may use Tailwind even if it is "on cooldown", and additionally create a 50' radius cloud of fog anywhere within the area. The fog will be moved in the direction the wind blows, and any creature that spends any time in the area, even if the fog moves completely across it in a turn, must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or be Nauseated for one round.

Mega Evolution: when Venomoth becomes Mega Venomoth, its ninjutsu becomes much more mentally focused, and it is surrounded in clouds of mystic fog and power. Its Typing changes to Psychic and Poison, meaning it is weak against Dark, Ghost and Ground attacks and resists Fairy, Fighting, Grass and Poison attacks. Additionally, its Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Charisma and Natural Armour each increase by 4, and its [Pokebility] becomes Psychic Surge.

Psychic Surge (Su): the area surrounding Mega Venomoth, out to thirty feet, becomes Psychic Terrain, lasting for as long as it is in the area and for three rounds afterwards.

Tutor Moves:
Acid Spray (Ex): once per five rounds, the pokemon may spray deadly acid out in a Breath weapon, albeit only in a 25' Cone. All in the area suffer 1d4 points of Acid damage per 3 hit dice it has (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Additionally, this acid softens various protections for those who fail the saving throw, granting them a penalty to Armour Class, Damage Reduction and Saving Throws equal to the number of damage dice rolled, for 1 minute. This is a [Poison] [Ballistic] attack.

Air Cutter (Su): with a Full Round Action, the pokemon can unleash a slashing blade of air out in a 20' Cone. A single Ranged Touch Attack is made, with a Critical Threat Range of 18-20, and deals 1d6 damage per 3 hit dice (round up). This is a [Blade] [Wind] [Flying] attack.

Confuse Ray (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, the pokemon may unleash an eerie light to disorient and overwhelm the mind of a foe. Being a ray, this is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is rendered Confused for 2d4 rounds. However, a creature confused by this may attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half Crobat's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) at the start of every turn to end the effects early. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Defog (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, the pokemon may unleash a powerful wave of air from its wings, clearing all mist or fog within 250 feet. This is a [Flying] ability.

Energy Ball (Su): with a Standard Action once per minute, the pokemon may unleash a glowing ball of green life energy infused with chlorophyl. This is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In harsh sunlight, it can be used at will. This is a [Ballistic] [Grass] attack.

Night Shade (Sp): once per minute, the pokemon may extend a spooky field of darkness, allowing it to cast Damning Darkness with a duration of three rounds, plus one round per hit die, as a [Ghost] attack.

Pounce (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may Charge a foe using the usual rules and limitations for a charge. It has the Pounce special attack for this, able to make a Full Attack at the end of the charge, however no other special modifiers (such as Improved Grab or Poison) apply. A target hit by at least one of the attacks from this charge suffers a -4 Dexterity Penalty for 3 rounds. This is a [Bug] attack.

Psychic Noise (Su): once per minute, the pokemon may release devastating psychic waves that rattle cellular matter and cripple the body's healing capabilities. This uses a Standard Action, and affects a creature within Medium Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit die + its Charisma Bonus). Failure results in the target being unable to regain hit points or gain temporary hit points in any way for three turns, as well as deactivating Regeneration for that duration so that all damage suffered is actual hit point damage. This is a [Sound] [Psychic] attack.

Skitter Smack (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may charge a foe, ignoring the usual movement and targeting restrictions and denying the foe their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class. It only ever makes a single attack at the end of the charge even if it has the Pounce ability, but if this attack hits, it deals an extra 1d6 damage per 5 hit dice (round up), and the target is sufficiently startled and battered about as to suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to Charisma for 3 rounds. This is a [Bug] attack.

Sludge Wave (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a powerful wave of toxic sludge. The wave begins adjacent, and is 10 feet wider than the Pokemon (so extends five feet out either side) and twenty feet high. It then launches forward as a Line, out to forty feet before disippating. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail the save are also knocked backwards until they leave the Area, and knocked Prone. If they collide with an object that stops their movement, they suffer an additional 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for every 5' of movement prevented. Creatures damaged by this are also subject to Poison: the Save DC is the same as the Reflex Save, the Primary damage is 1d8 Constitution damage, and the Secondary damage is 2d6 Constitution damage. This also leaves the entire area coated in a Caustic Mire effect (same DC) for one minute. This is a [Poison] attack.

Struggle Bug (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to shake about and not only batter the opponent's body, but fluster and overwhelm their mind. This is resolved as a Slam attack that deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus, and on a successful hit causes the target to suffer a -2 Penalty to any Save DC for 3 rounds. This is a [Bug] attack.

U-Turn (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon may charge a target and deliver one natural weapon attack (even if it can normally make multiple attacks on a charge), and then withdraw the remaining distance after delivering the attack, as though using the Spring Attack feat. If it ends the movement in the same square as, or adjacent to, its pokeball, it may retreat into it and end its turn that way. This is a [Bug] attack, even if its natural weapon normally isn't.

Venoshock (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to blast an opponent with magical poison that makes other poison more dangerous. The target suffers 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target is already afflicted with Poison, Sickening, Nausea or any condition as a result of Poison, it instead deals 2d4 damage per hit die, causes 2 points of Constitution Damage, and if they are afflicted with a Poison that has Secondary Damage, they instantly suffer the Secondary Damage. This does not end the duration of the Poison, so they might very well suffer the damage again at the end of the duration. This is a [Poison] attack.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Tiny Elemental [Air], CR 2
11 12 13 11 14 12
2d8+2 (11 HP), Init +5, Speed 10' Fly 20' (Average)
BAB/Grab: +1/-7
-Slam +6 (1d4)
AC: 15 (+2 Size, +1 Dexterity, +2 Natural Armour), Flat 14, Touch 13
Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative
Skills: Spot +7, Survival +7
Special Attacks: Water Gun, Ember, Powder Snow, Rock Blast, Sand Attack
Special Qualities: Normal Pokemon Traits, Forecast
Rare Traits: Amnesia, Clear Smog, Cosmic Power, Future Sight
Tutor Moves: Aurora Veil, Chilling Water, Defog, Earthquake, Energy Ball, Frost Breath, Ice Beam, Icy Wind, Scald, Scorching Sands, Shadow Ball, Solar Beam, Thunder, Thunder Bolt, Thunder Wave, Water Pulse
Advancement: 3+ hit dice (Tiny)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fort and Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This creature drifts slowly through the air, almost looking like a small cloud that has strayed too low.

Normal Traits: Castform can be affected as though an Animals, even though it lacks the Animal Type. It is weak against [Fighting] attacks, and is considered Immune to [Ghost] attacks, always resisting them in its normal state. Castform is completely immune to the [Ghost] attacks of creatures that are not manifest on the same Plane it is - Ethereal creatures must manifest in order to target it with [Ghost] attacks. It is also immune specifically to possession (but not simple mind control and domination).

Water Gun (Su): with a Standard Action, Castform can fire a high-pressure blast of water from its mouth, hitting like a fire hose. This reaches out to 25 feet and requires a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the target suffers 1d6 Bludgeoning damage. If the target is on fire, the fire is doused, and it also clears any fires out of that 5' cube, soaking it sufficiently to prevent most fires from starting there. This is a [Water] [Ballistic] attack.

Ember (Su): with a Standard Action, Castform can exhale a spray of embers and sparks from its mouth. This requires a Standard Action, and reaches out to 25 feet. If it succeeds on a Ranged Touch Attack, the target suffers 1d8 points of Fire damage, and must attempt a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or catch fire. This is a [Fire] attack, and causes objects and terrain to ignite.

Powder Snow (Su): with a Standard Action, Castform can exhale a puff of soft, powdery (but still very cold) snow from its mouth. This requires a Standard Action, and reaches out to 25 feet. If it succeeds on a Ranged Touch Attack, the target suffers 1d8 points of Cold damage, and must attempt a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or suffer a -4 Dexterity Penalty for one minute. This is an [Ice] attack.

Rock Blast (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Castform may unleash a flurry of rock chunks at targets within 30 feet. It makes the same number of attacks, at the same penalties, as a PHB Monk of equal level performing a Flurry of Blows. Each one deals 1d3 damage for a Tiny creature, plus half its Strength Bonus, and has a 20/x2 Critical value. This is a [Ballistic] [Rock] attack.

Sand Attack (Ex): with a Standard Action, Castform standing on the ground can kick sand and dust at a creature within 10 feet. They must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Dexterity Bonus) or be rendered Blind for 3 rounds. This is a [Ground] effect.

Forecast (Su): in any kind of weather, Castform's form changes. It hail or snow, its Type changes to [Ice]. In harsh sunlight or extremely harsh sunlight, its Type changes to [Fire]. In Overwhelming Winds, its Type changes to [Flying]. In Rain or a Torrential Downpour, its Type changes to [Water]. In a Sandstorm, its Type changes to [Rock]. At night, and under a Moonlit Night effect, its Type changes to [Dark] and [Fairy]. This changes its resistances, weaknesses, immunities and certain other traits - and in some cases means the weather also benefits it. Furthermore, in any of these weather types, its Ability Scores and Natural Armour all increase by 2. They return to normal when it changes back to Normal - when the weather ends. This is a [Pokebility].

Rare Traits:
Amnesia (Su): a rare Castform may, with a Standard Action, deliberately forget all of its worries in life. It just stops caring about problems, and as such gains a +8 Resistance Bonus to Will Saves, and the Slippery Mind ability of a Rogue. These last for one minute. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Clear Smog (Su): once per five rounds, a rare Castform may use a Standard Action to exhale a barely visible smog cloud. This is a 5' radius cloud that starts adjacent to it, then moves away in a straight line at a speed of 20 feet per round for 3 rounds. Anything in the area suffers 1d12 damage with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and anything that fails the save is also cleared of all Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. This is a [Poison] effect and a gas.

Cosmic Power (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, a rare Castform may call upon the great cosmos to protect it. This grants it a +2 Luck Bonus to all saving throws for the next minute. Using this again before the duration expires resets the duration and increaases the Bonus to +4, and future uses merely reset the duration. Additionally, while benefiting from Cosmic Power, Castform is immune to harmful planar traits. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Future Sight (Sp): once per day, a rare Castform may cast Final Destination. The Save DC is 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Psychic] attack.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Headbutt and Gust
Headbutt (Ex): with a Standard Action, Castform may unleash a Slam attack that has a base damage of 1d4 for a Tiny creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus. On a Critical Hit, a struck target falls Prone from the impact. If this is used as a Readied Action, a struck target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Staggered for one round.

Gust (Su): once per five rounds, with a Standard Action, an airborne Castform may unleash a Gust of Wind effect, as the spell. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Flying], [Wind] attack.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Rain Dance, Sunny Day and Snowscape
Rain Dance (Su): with a Full Round Action once per hour, Castform may dance about and summon the rains. If there are already clouds overhead, this takes effect immediately, otherwise it starts raining at the end of its next turn as clouds must first gather. For the next three rounds (in naturally dry environments), one minute (in normal environments) or minute per hit die (in damp environments where it was likely to soon rain anyway), the weather becomes rain out to a one mile radius. This is a [Water] [Dance] effect.

Sunny Day (Su): once per day per 5 full hit dice (minimum 1), Castform may change the weather to harsh sunlight out to a one mile radius, for one round per hit die. If it is night, this instead only affects a 10' radius spread, though it will still Dispel any magically created weather effects out to one mile. This is a [Fire] effect.

Snowscape (Su): once per day per 5 full hit dice (minimum 1), Castform may cast Blizzard (It's Cold Outside) with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is an [Ice] effect.

At 5 hit dice, every Ability Score increases by 1 and it learns Weather Ball
Weather Ball (Su): with a Standard Action at will, Castform may unleash a compressed sphere of atmospheric energy with a Ranged Touch Attack to Medium Range. This deals 1d8 Bludgeoning damage per 2 hit dice and is a [Normal] effect. In harsh sunlight, it is a [Fire] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In heavy rain, it is a [Water] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In a sandstorm, it is a [Ground] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In snow or hail, it is an [Ice] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In overwhelming winds, it is a [Flying] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. If no other weather applies and it is night time, this is a [Dark] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. Theoretically, the planar hellscapes of D&D could create other effects such as [Poison] in acid rain, and any such transformation increases the damage to 1d6 per hit die. This is a [Ballistic] attack regardless.

At 6 hit dice, it learns Sandstorm and Moonlit Night
Sandstorm (Su): once per day per 5 full hit dice, Castform may cast Sandstorm (It's Hot Outside) with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ground] effect.

Moonlit Night (Sp): once per hour, Castform may darken the skies with a Standard Action, shrouding the area within 500 feet in shadowy illumination for one minute, suppressing any effects caused by sunlight. Additionally, the area is treated as being under a full moon for the purpose of all effects such as lycanthropy and certain [Fairy] abilities. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Hydro Pump, Fire Blast and Blizzard
Hydro Pump (Su): once per hour, Castform may use a Full Round Action to fire a massive blast of high-pressure water from its mouth. This affects a 120' long Line, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Struck targets are also subject to a Bullrush - with no Size bonus, but able to push targets of any Size (though they still gain a Size bonus or penalty of their own). It uses Castform's Charisma Bonus in place of Strength for this, and can push more than 5 feet. The entire area is also soaked thoroughly, putting any fires out. This is a [Water] attack.

Fire Blast (Su): once per hour, Castform can unleash a 60' radius explosion of fire as a Blast in Medium Range. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail their saving throw are Burned. In harsh sunlight, a Reflex Save merely halves the damage, and creatures that fail the save catch fire as well as being burned. In any other kind of weather that isn't clear skies, creatures get a +4 Bonus on the saving throw. This is a [Fire] attack that destroys most terrain.

Blizzard (Su): once per hour, Castform can spend a Standard Action weaving a massive collection of ice and snow, and crush a 60' radius Blast within Medium Range. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail their saving throw are Frostburned. In snow or hail, a Reflex Save merely halves the damage, and creatures that fail the save are frozen solid, as an Icy Prison effect. In any other kind of weather that isn't clear skies, creatures get a +4 Bonus on the saving throw. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Ominous Wind and Moonblast
Ominous Wind (Su): once per hour, Castform may exhale a foul, eerie Gust of Wind as a breath weapon. This also deals 1d6 damage per 2 hit dice (round up, maximum 4d6 damage), and for every 6 rolled, Castform may apply a +2 Enhancement Bonus to an ability score of its choice for one minute. This is a [Wind] [Ghost] attack.

Moonblast (Su): once per three rounds, Castform can unleash a powerful blast of magical energy from the moon, a 10' radius Blast anywhere in Medium Range that deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw also suffer 2 points of Charisma damage. When directly under the light of a full moon, the Blast is Widened. This is a [Fairy] attack.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Hurricane, Liquidation and Fire Spin
Hurricane (Su): once per hour, Castform may spend a Standard Action whipping up a powerful windstorm, and at the start of its next turn, it creates Hurricane strength winds in a cylinder within Long Range, 40' high and with a radius of 40' per hit die, remaining for 1 minute per hit die. In a Rain Storm, Torrential Downpour, or Overwhelming Winds, this instead activates instantly, and all creatures other than itself are treated as though one Size Category lower by the winds. Castform may choose which way the wind moves, as with the spell Control Winds. At fifteen hit dice, it increases to Tornado strength winds. The Save DC is either that of the wind, or 10 + half Castform's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, whichever is better. This is a [Flying] [Wind] attack.

Liquidation (Su): at will, Castform may pull water into the shape of a massive weapon and codswallop a foe with it, using a Standard Action. This is resolved as a melee attack, and has the damage and critical value of a Maul sized one category larger than normal for Castform (1d8, 20/x3), ignoring all Hardness and Damage Reduction. Additionally, a struck target suffers a -2 Penalty to Armour Class and loses all Hardness and Damage Reduction until the end of Castform's next turn. For every 4 full hit dice Castform has, the weapon gains a +1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls, increases the size of the penalty by 1, and rolls an extra damage die - so when first gained, it has a +2 Enhancement bonus and rolls 3d8 base damage, and deals a -4 Penalty to Armour Class. This is a [Water] attack.

Fire Spin (Su): once per hour, Castform can use a Full Round Action to whirl up and unleash a fire tornado. This creates a blaze adjacent to Castform that is the same Size, except twice as tall with a minimum of 10' (so 10' tall and filling a 5' square normally but a theoretical Colossal Castform would create a 40x40' square that is 80' tall). This then travels 20' directly away from Castform, and will continue to do so every round for 1d4 rounds, plus one per 3 hit dice (round up) before petering out. If exposed to water, it ceases instantly. Anything that touches the flames suffers 1d8 Fire damage per 4 hit dice of Castform (round up) and, if the same size as Castform or smaller, must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be pulled in. Those that are pulled into the fire remain trapped until rescued by some stronger effect or the tornado ends. Flying creatures are allowed an additional Reflex Save each round to escape into an adjacent space (same DC) as a Move Action. Every round something remains trapped in the tornado, they suffer the Fire damage again, and while they can act normally (save for being unable to leave, carried with the flaming winds), they suffer a -4 Penalty to Dexterity, a -2 Penalty on attack rolls, and must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 10 + Charmeleon's hit dice + Spell Level) to cast a spell. A fire tornado can only hold as many creatures as actually fit in its area. This is a [Fire] attack, and pretty much incinerates plant-based terrain and melts snow and ice.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Freeze-Dry, Shore Up and Moonlight
Freeze-Dry (Su): with a Standard Action once per hour, Castform can direct its cold essence at a 30' radius spread in Medium Range, and freeze all the moisture out of the air - and the creatures within. This deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the save by more than 4 points (such as the Save DC being 20 and the target rolling 15 or lower) is Frostburned unless they are Water Type Pokemon, in which case they are frozen solid as the Entomb spell. This is an [Ice] attack, however this is Super-Effective against [Water] Pokemon instead of being Not Very Effective. As such, against Kingdra (Water/Dragon) it would be Super-Effective instead of Neutral, against Goldeen it would be Super-Effective instead of Not Very Effective, and against Lapras (Water/Ice) it would be Neutral instead of Not Very Effective.

Shore Up (Su): once per minute, Castform may pull sand and dust from its surroundings to heal its strange elemental body. This uses a Full Round Action, and in normal conditions it restores 1d8 hit points per 2 hit dice. In a sandstorm, it heals 1d6 hit points per hit die. In rain, hail or snow, it only restores 1d6 hit points per 2 hit dice. This is a [Ground] effect, and doesn't work if it is more than 10 feet from the ground.

Moonlight (Su): once per hour, Castform may call healing light down from the moon. This uses a Full Round Action, and if indoors it replicates a Cure Light Wounds effect. If outdoors during the day, it replicates Cure Serious Wounds, or Cure Moderate Wounds if the weather isn't calm. At night, this instead heals 1d6 HP per hit die, downgraded to 1d4 per hit die if the weather isn't calm, upgraded to 1d8 per hit die if there is a full moon overhead (if both apply at the same time, it remains 1d6 per hit die). This is a [Fairy] effect.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Aurora Dance, Stone Edge and Night Daze
Aurora Dance (Su): once per hour, Castform may perform a mystical dance with a Full Round Action, wreathing itself in the magic of an Aurora Polaris and drawing strength from the snow and ice. This only functions when the weather is snowing or hailing, and grants the Pokemon a +2 Enhancement Bonus to every Ability Score, as well as a +1 Resistance Bonus to all Saving Throws, a +1 Deflection Bonus to Armour Class and a +1 Enhancement Bonus to its natural weapons, for the next minute. This is a [Dance] [Ice] effect.

Stone Edge (Ex): once per minute, Castform may use a Standard Action to target a creature within Close Range, and cause jagged shards of rock to explode from underneath it. This is resolved as a Ranged Attack (not a Touch Attack), and a successful hit deals 1d6 damage per hit die, plus its Strength Bonus. This has a Critical Threat of 18-20, and is a [Blade] [Rock] attack.

Night Daze (Su): once per minute, Castform may unleash a shockwave of magical darkness that blinds and disorients foes. This uses a Standard Action and reaches out to a 10' radius. All in the area suffer 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice and are Blind and Dazed for two rounds, with a successful Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) reducing the damage by half and reducing the effect to Blind for one round. At night, or under a Moonlit Night effect, this increases the damage to 1d6 per hit die and the range increases to 20 feet, and in the case of a failed saving throw, the blindness lasts for 3 rounds. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 12 hit dice, every Ability Score increases by 1 and it learns Dark Pulse
Dark Pulse (Su): once per five rounds, Castform may use a Standard Action to unleash a burst of malevolent energy, out in a wave. This is an emanation out to Close Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the saving through is Staggered for one round. This is a [Ballistic] [Dark] effect.

At 13 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 2 (and by another 6 when Forecast is active) and it learns Tailwind
Tailwind (Su): with a Full Round Action, Castform may flap its cloudy essence extra hard and call upon the storms to grant a great tailwind. This sets the direction and strength of the wind (at Castform's choice), without being able to create actual damaging storms, for the next minute. During that time, all movement speeds and projectile ranges moving in that direction are doubled, whereas those moving in the opposite direction are halved. This affects a five hundred foot radius, and can be performed once per hour. This is a [Flying], [Wind] effect.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Frozen Terrain, Burning Terrain, Sandy Terrain and Swamp Terrain
Frozen Terrain (Su): once per minute, Castform may flash-freeze the ground within Medium Range. This targets any one contiguous effect of Grassy Terrain, Electric Terrain, Misty Terrain, Psychic Terrain, Grease (or effects that reference Grease in how they function), Web (mundane or magical), or plant-based terrain (mundane or magical). This instantly destroys the effect, and then causes the same area to be frozen for three rounds, functioning as a Frost Fall effect (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If any of the above effects are cast on the area before the rounds expire, the effect fails and the three rounds reset. This is an [Ice] effect.

Burning Terrain (Su): once per minute, Castform may ignite the ground within Medium Range. This targets any one contiguous effect of Grassy Terrain, Electric Terrain, Misty Terrain, Psychic Terrain, Grease (or effects that reference Grease in how they function[/i], Web (mundane or magical), Obscuring Mist, Fog Cloud, icy ground, snow drifts or plant-based terrain (mundane or magical). This instantly destroys the effect (in the case of snow or ice, melting it to create water and ending this effect instantly with no further effect), and then causes the same area to be on fire for three rounds, causing 1d6 damage (as though from a [Fire] attack) to all that enter the area. If any of the above effects are cast on the area before the flames go out, the effect fails and the three rounds reset. This is a [Fire] effect.

Sandy Terrain (Su): once per minute, Castform may look at the ground within Medium Range, and cover it with loose sand. This targets any one contiguous effect of Grassy Terrain, Electric Terrain, Misty Terrain, Psychic Terrain, Grease (or effects that reference Grease in how they function), Web (mundane or magical), or plant-based terrain (mundane or magical). This instantly destroys the effect, and then causes the same area to be covered in dust and loose sand for three rounds, functioning as Softsand (It's Hot Outside, page 26). If any of the above effects are cast on the area before the rounds expire, the effect fails and the three rounds reset. This is a [Ground] effect, and is cleared away by any [Wind] effect in the area.

Swamp Terrain (Su): once per minute, Castform may flood the ground within Medium Range. This targets any one contiguous effect of Grassy Terrain, Electric Terrain, Misty Terrain, Psychic Terrain, Grease (or effects that reference Grease in how they function), Web (mundane or magical), or plant-based terrain (mundane or magical). This instantly destroys the effect, and then causes the same area to be deluged in a swamp for three rounds, functioning as a Deep Bog (DMG, page 88), and increasing the DC of any Poison or Disease in the area by 2. If any of the above effects are cast on the area before the rounds expire, the effect fails and the three rounds reset. This is a [Water] effect.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Weather Event
Maximum Weather Event (Su): once per minute, Mega Castform may unleash its Weather Ball as a 30' radius Blast within Medium Range. Instead of making an attack roll, targets simply take damage, with a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) for half. Furthermore, on a failed saving throw, different adverse effects are suffered depending on the weather: if this becomes a [Fire] attack, a failed saving throw results in being Burned. If it becomes an [Ice] attack, a failed saving throw results in being Frostburned. If this becomes a [Ground] attack, a failed saving throw results in being rendered Blind for 3 rounds. If this becomes a [Water] attack, a failed saving throw results in being Nauseated for one round. If this becomes a [Dark] attack, a failed saving throw results in the target becoming Frightened for three rounds. This is still a [Ballistic] attack with a Type that varies based on the weather.

Mega Evolution: upon becoming Mega Castform, the creature becomes larger, a massive whirl of clouds that very quickly reshapes into clusters of elemental weather energy based on what is happening around it. Its Wisdom and Charisma each increase by 4, every other Ability Score increases by 2, and its Natural Armour increases by 4 as well. Additionally, its [Pokebility] changes to Power of Astrophysics.

Power of Astrophysics (Su): this [Pokebility] functions the same as Forecast, except with even greater effect. In any form other than Normal, Mega Castform gains a +5 Deflection Bonus to Armour Class and +5 Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws (these increase to +7 in a Torrential Downpour, Extremely Harsh Sunlight or Overwhelming Winds).
When in fiery form with the [Fire] Type, it does not gain the usual increase to Constitution, but all energy damage it deals increases by 1 point per die.
When in liquid form with the [Water] Type, it cannot be rendered Drowsy, Burned, Asleep, Frostburned, Paralysed, Dazed, Stunned, Frozen, Diseased, Poisoned, Shaken, Sickened, Frightened, Cowering, Panicked or Nauseated.
When in dusty rock form with the [Rock] Type, it gains a 50% Miss Chance due to Concealment.
When in snowball form with the [Ice] Type, the Damage Reduction from snow or hail is doubled, and it gains Fast Healing of 5 in snow, and Fast Healing 15 in hail or blizzard-strength snow.
When in moonlit form with the [Fairy] and [Dark] Types, it gains a single Mirror Image every round, though they all vanish when its Type changes.
When a tornado of air with the [Flying] Type, any time it is within the area of a [Wind] effect it becomes Hasted for three rounds.

Tutor Moves:

Aurora Veil (Su): when the surrounding weather is snow or hail, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action once per hour to call up a magical wall of fascinating light. This functions as a Wall of Light spell, however any creature attacking through it that cannot see through it deals half damage. Any effect that can destroy (or bypass) Reflect or Light Screen affects this the same. This is an [Ice] effect.

Chilling Water (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a rush of icy cold water at an opponent. This deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die, to a maximum of 5d6, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). A failed saving throw also results in the target being Fatigued, which can stack up to Exhaustion. This is a [Water] attack.

Defog (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a powerful wave of air from its wings, clearing all mist or fog within 250 feet. This is a [Flying] ability.

Earthquake (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may cast Earthquake, however the damage (not including Non-Lethal damage for being trapped) is 1d6 per hit die, any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and anything considered Immune to [Ground] attacks can never be trapped in the fissures. This is a [Ground] attack.

Energy Ball (Su): with a Standard Action once per minute, the pokemon may unleash a glowing ball of green life energy infused with chlorophyl. This is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In harsh sunlight, it can be used at will. This is a [Ballistic] [Grass] attack.

Frost Breath (Su): once per three rounds, the pokemon can unleash a mighty breath weapon, a Cone that reaches out to Close Range and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw catch on cold fire (like normal fire except Cold damage) if they are not subject to Critical Hits. If they fail the save and are subject to Critical Hits, they suffer from Frostburn. This is an [Ice] attack that freezes the surface of water.

Ice Beam (Su): once per three rounds, the pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a beam of super-cold frosted air at a target in Long Range. This is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack, and deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die. A struck target must also succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be encased in ice, as per the Icy Prison spell. This is an [Ice] attack.

Icy Wind (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to exhale a chilling wave of air. This functions as a Gust of Wind effect, however it also deals damage equal to its hit dice to all in the area (halved if they succeed on the Fortitude Save), and on a failed Save, afflicted creatures suffer a -4 Penalty to Dexterity for 3 rounds. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is an [Ice] attack and a [Wind] effect.

Scald (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may unleash a burst of boiling water that burn and blister the skin. This extends out to a 30' Cone, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die (maximum 15d6) with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail the Reflex Save must then succeed at a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Burned. This is a [Water] attack.

Scorching Sands (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may unleash a burst of superheated sands that burn and abrade the skin. This functions as a Scalding Mud effect, except instead of the ongoing damage, creatures that fail the Reflex Save must succeed at a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Burned. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ground] attack.

Shadow Ball (Sp): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to launch a sphere of terrifying spectral essence out to Medium Range. This hits all in a 10' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Furthermore, on a failed saving throw, targets suffer one temporary Negative Level (lasting one hour), or two if they are Weak against the attack. This is a [Ballistic] [Ghost] attack.

Solar Beam (Su): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon can absorb light energy around it, providing it is not in utter darkness. In harsh sunlight or on the Plane of Radiance or Positive Energy Plane, or in the same round as being hit by [Light] damage, this only takes a Swift Action. Upon gathering the energy, this can be unleashed as a Standard Action before the end of its next turn. Unleashing this fires an intense beam of light, still powered by the energy of plants, as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If this hits, it deals 1d10 damage per hit die and the target must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Blinded for one round. In snow, hail, rain, fog, partial darkness or sandstorms, this only deals 1d6 damage per hit die. This is a [Grass] effect.

Thunder (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to summon a mighty blast of destructive lightning from the skies. This creates a 10' radius Column anywhere in Medium Range, with a height of "from the cloud level to the ground". All in the area suffer 1d10 Electricity damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Failure results in the targets being Paralyzed for one round per hit die. In rain, the Save DC is 4 higher, but in harsh sunlight or a sandstorm, it is 4 lower. This is an [Electric] attack.

Thunderbolt (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may unleash a blast of electricity that functions as the spell Lightning Bolt, except there is no cap on the damage and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Those that fail the saving throw are Staggered for one round if they only failed by 1-3, and are Stunned for 2 rounds if they failed by more than this amount. This is an [Electric] attack.

Thunder Wave (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash electromagnetic waves in a Cone that is 15' long (and therefore 15' wide at the furthest point). All in the area must succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Paralyzed for one round, plus 1 more round for every 5 points by which they fail the save. This is an [Electric] effect.

Water Pulse (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon can unleash a powerful burst of water that hits with incredible hydrostatic pressure. This uses a Standard Action, and targets the first target in a 30' long Line if smaller than Medium (60' if it grows to Medium or Large, 90' if it grows to Huge or Gargantuan, and 120' if it becomes bigger than that). The target takes 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target suffers any damage, they must also pass a Will Save (same DC) or become Confused for one round per hit die. This is a [Ballistic] [Water] attack.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Starting the eeveelutions here. I swear to Arceus, if they add Dirteon or Toxeon or whatever for 11Gen Pokemon Cheese & Pokemon Winston...

Tiny Magical Beast, CR 1/2
9 12 11 4 12 11
1d8+1 (5 HP), Init +1, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +0/-9
-2 Claws +3 (1d2-1)
AC: 14 (+2 Size, +1 Dexterity, +1 Natural Armour), Flat 13, Touch 13
Fort +0 Ref +3 Will +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Toughness
Skills: Survival +5
Special Attacks: Covet, Sand Attack
Special Qualities: Normal Pokemon Traits, Adaptability, Helping Hand
Rare Traits: Anticipation, Curse, Double Kick, Tickle, Yawn
Tutor Moves: Alluring Voice, Body Slam, Calm Mind, Charm, Dig, Facade, Fake Tears, Protect, Stored Power, Substitute, Take Down
Advancement: 2-7 hit dice (Tiny); almost always evolves into one of many different creatures at 8 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

The creature you see before you is basically a fox, except extra fluffy.

Normal Traits: Eevee can be affected as though an Animal, but does not get the usual traits of Animals. It is weak against [Fighting] attacks, and is considered Immune to [Ghost] attacks, always resisting them. Eevee is completely immune to the [Ghost] attacks of creatures that are not manifest on the same Plane as it is - Ethereal creatures must manifest in order to target it with [Ghost] attacks. It is also immune specifically to possession (but not simple mind control and domination).

Covet (Ex): upon succeeding with a natural weapon attack, Eevee may elect not to apply any other secondary effects from Special Attacks, and instead make a Steal Combat Maneuver check, as though its Base Attack Bonus equalled its hit dice, and with its choice of Strength or Dexterity. This is a [Normal] attack.

Sand Attack (Ex): with a Standard Action, an Eevee standing on the ground can kick sand and dust at a creature within 10 feet. They must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 11) or be rendered Blind for 3 rounds. The Save DC is Dexterity-based. This is a [Ground] effect.

Adaptability (Ex): whenever Eevee uses a damaging attack, ability or natural weapon that shares a Type with it (typically a [Normal] attack), the attack's base damage is doubled - this includes static bonuses but not extra dice, and this base damage is still multiplied on a critical hit - for instance an attack that would deal 1d6+3 damage and has a x2 Critical would become 2d6+6 and, on a Critical hit, would deal 4d6+12 damage. This is a [Pokebility].

Helping Hand (Su): when Eevee uses the Aid Other action, it grants a +4 Bonus, and this applies to Attack rolls, opposed checks, Save DC and Caster Level for the first ability used by the recipient on their next turn, as well as Empowering any damage rolled. This is a [Normal] effect.

Rare Traits:
Anticipation (Su): the rare Eevee with this [Pokebility] is particularly aware of threats and dangers. In the first round of combat, or the first round after it emerges from its pokeball, it has a 50% Miss Chance against damaging effects. Additionally, it knows if any enemy within 60 feet possesses a Super-Effective attack or a [Death] effect.

Curse (Su): Curse (Su): an Eevee with this ability may curse itself - a strange idea, but one that can be of benefit. This is a Standard Action that can be performed once per hour, and causes Eevee to be Slowed for ten minutes. For the same duration, it gains a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Strength, Constitution and Natural Armour. This is an actual curse so can be removed in the usual ways, but is also a [Ghost] effect. If it passes this to a [Ghost] creature, or indeed gains the [Ghost] Subtype, this works completely differently: it can cast Bestow Greater Curse at will, but takes damage equal to double its hit dice total every time it does so.

Double Kick (Ex): with a Full Round Action, a rare Eevee may unleash a pair of kicks at a given foe. This is resolved as two primary Slams (1d3 + Strength Bonus for a Tiny creature) at its highest attack bonus, both against the same target. This is a [Fighting] attack.

Tickle (Ex): with a Standard Action, a rare Eevee may attempt a Touch Attack to tickle an adjacent creature, making their concentration a lot harder. For the purpose of Concentration checks and spellcasting, they are treated as Pinned during their next turn, and additionally, they suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to attack and damage rolls, and to their Armour Class, for three rounds. This is a [Normal] effect.

Yawn (Su): the rare Eevee may use a Standard Action to yawn, passing the yawn to another creature within 50 feet. The creature automatically becomes Drowsy for three rounds, and if they do not spend a Full Round Action on their next action yawning and clearing their head, they then must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or fall Asleep for one minute. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 2 hit dice, it learns Tail Wag and Quick Attack
Tail Wag (Ex): by using an Immediate Action at will in response to being attacked by a foe who flanks it, Eevee can wag its tail about and not only deny the foe the benefits of Flanking, but also gain a +5 Dodge Bonus to Armour Class against that attack. This is a [Normal] effect.

Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Eevee may make a Claw attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Baby-Doll Eyes and Cheer Up
Baby-Doll Eyes (Ex): Eevee may stare at an attacker with its innocent puppy eyes with an Immediate Action. If it does so, the attacker suffers a Morale Penalty on the attack and damage roll, of -1 per 4 hit dice Eevee has (round up). This is a [Fairy] effect.

Cheer Up (Su): once per day, Eevee may cast Good Hope as a [Normal] effect.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Swift & Refresh
Swift (Su): with a Standard Action at will, Eevee can unleash multiple star-shaped beams of light that home unerringly on their target. Once per five rounds, it may produce an effect identical to Magic Missile, save that it is not a [Force] effect and in fact is a [Normal] attack, so bad against ghosts.

Refresh (Su): once per hour, Eevee can use a Full Round Action to remove all harmful afflictions from itself that could be removed by a Heal effect, aside from the hit point damage. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Bite & Evoboost
Bite (Ex): Eevee gains a primary Bite attack one die type larger than normal for its Size (1d4 for Tiny), made as a [Dark] attack. Any time it bites a foe with an Attack of Opportunity, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately.

Evoboost (Su): once per day, Eevee may draw power from those around it, awakening its evolutionary potential by resonating with nearby creatures that have already evolved from Eevee. With a Full Round Action, it powers up, gaining a +4 Enhancement Bonus, assigned to an ability score of its choice, for each of the following creatures (maximum 6 for all six ability scores) within 100 feet: Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Espeon, Umbreon, Glaceon, Leafeon, Sylveon. This lasts for ten minutes, unless all eight of the creatures are within range, in which case it lasts for one hour. This is a [Normal] effect, and when Eevee evolves, it loses this ability.

At 6 hit dice, it learns Copycat & Palette of Friends
Copycat (Su): once per hour, Eevee may think back to the previous round, and use whichever attack was used most recently - by anyone within 30 feet - in this timeframe. It uses the same action as the emulated ability, and uses its own ability scores etc. This is a [Normal] effect, although the ability copied might not be.

Palette of Friends (Su): once per minute, Eevee may use a Standard Action to unleash a special ray of energy out to Medium Range, resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack. This normally deals 1d6 damage as a [Normal] effect, however it is powered up by the presence of other pokemon within 30 feet: every other Type adds 1d6 and adds their Type to it (so being within 30' of a Charizard, a Pikachu with Trick or Treat used on it, Espeon and Haunter would add 6d6 damage and the [Fire], [Flying], [Electric], [Ghost], [Psychic] and [Poison] types). Against a given target, the damage is dealt as though it were the most effective of the given types. This attack is lost when Eevee evolves.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Baton Pass & Maximum Cuddle
Baton Pass (Su): at will, Eevee may use a Standard Action to pass the torch to an adjacent Pokemon, transferring all temporary effects. Any Bonus or Penalty it has that does not always apply, as well as any ongoing conditions that have a duration other than Permanent, Instantaneous or "until cured", is transferred from the Pokemon to the target. The durations continue as normal. This is a [Normal] effect.

Maximum Cuddle (Ex): at the end of any turn in which Eevee is in a grapple, whether as the attacker or defender, its foe suffers 1d12 points of Non-Lethal Damage per 4 full hit dice it has, or 1d12 per 2 hit dice against a Mega-Evolved Pokemon, and must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Fascinated for 1 round. This is a [Normal] attack, and is lost when Eevee evolves.

If Eevee does not evolve further, and just continues to advance as Eevee, then at 8, 11, 14, 17 and 20 hit dice, its Dexterity and Charisma increase by 2, at 9, 12, 15 and 18 hit dice, its Wisdom and Constitution increase by 2, and at 10, 13, 16 and 19 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and its Strength increases by 2. Additionally, at 10, 15 and 20 hit dice it automatically learns one Tutor Move of choice, chosen from those it can normally learn.


Small Magical Beast [Amphibious], CR 8
9 12 17 4 14 17
8d10+32 (76 HP), Init +1, Speed 20' Swim 30'
BAB/Grab: +6/+1
-Bite +8 (1d6-1)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, +1 Dexterity, +4 Natural Armour), Flat 15, Touch 12
Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +10
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Toughness, Iron Will, Ability Focus: Water Pulse
Skills: Survival +13
Special Attacks: Covet, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Swift, Bite, Water Pulse, Muddy Water
Special Qualities: Water Pokemon Traits, Water Absorb, Helping Hand, Tail Wag, Baby-Doll Eyes, Cheer Up, Refresh, Copycat, Baton Pass, Haze
Rare Traits: Hydration, Curse, Double Kick, Tickle, Yawn
Tutor Moves: Alluring Voice, Body Slam, Calm Mind, Charm, Dig, Facade, Fake Tears, Hyper Beam, Protect, Stored Power, Substitute, Take Down, Flip Turn, Chilling Water, Rain Dance
Advancement: 9+ hit dice (Small)
Hit Dice: 1d10 HP, Medium BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This creature looks like a cross between a dog, a cat and a fish. It's really a cat-like face, but with a big fish tail and a certain dogginess all around. It could quite possibly be made of water.

Water Traits: Vaporeon is always treated as having the [Water] Subtype, but does not have the usual traits of it, or the Elemental Type. It is weak against [Electric] and [Grass] attacks, and resists [Fire], [Ice], [Steel] and [Water] attacks.

Water Pulse (Su): once per minute, Vaporeon can unleash a powerful burst of water that hits with incredible hydrostatic pressure. This uses a Standard Action, and targets the first target in a 30' long Line (60' if it grows to Medium or Large, 90' if it grows to Huge or Gargantuan, and 120' if it becomes bigger than that). The target takes 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target suffers any damage, they must also pass a Will Save (same DC) or become Confused for one round per hit die. This is a [Water] attack.

Muddy Water (Su): once per hour, Vaporeon may use a Standard Action to unleash a wave of what is just about water, but could easily be called mud. The wave begins adjacent, and is 10 feet wider than Vaporeon (so extends five feet out either side) and twenty feet high. It then launches forward as a Line, out to forty feet before disippating. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail the save are also knocked backwards until they leave the Area, and knocked Prone. If they collide with an object that stops their movement, they suffer an additional 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for every 5' of movement prevented. Creatures damaged by this are also Blinded for 3 rounds, though a Full Round Action can be spent wiping their eyes clear. This is a [Water] attack.

Water Absorb (Ex): instead of merely resisting [Water] attacks, Vaporeon is healed by them, as the water simply adds to its own watery body. Whenever Vaporeon is subject to such an attack, it suffers no damage, penalties or other effects and instead regains lost hit points equal to 1d12 plus its hit dice. Simply being in rain does not provide enough water to heal, but being submerged in water or a Torrential Downpour grants Fast Healing 5. This is a [Pokebility].

Haze (Su): once per five rounds, Vaporeon may use a Standard Action to exhale a gentle light haze across the field, either as a 60' Cone or everywhere in a 30' radius of itself. This clears away all magical hazards (as well as hazards created by Pokemon Attacks, such as Web and Stealth Rock), and also clears out any Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) to creatures in the area that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. For instance, drinking a potion of Bull's Strength and having Mage Armour cast on you would be wiped away, but wearing a belt of Strength would not be affected. This is an [Ice] effect.

Rare Traits:
Hydration (Su): if Eevee had Anticipation, then upon becoming Vaporeon its [Pokebility] becomes Hydration: whenever in rain or Torrential Downpour, or submerged in water, Vaporeon is completely healed of all status conditions and afflictions except for hit point damage, and cannot be given such conditions either.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Acid Armour & Aurora Beam
Acid Armour (Su): with a Standard Action once per minute, Vaporeon may change the elemental consistency of its body, increasing the acidity while not becoming a full-on Ooze. For the next five rounds, it gains a +5 Resistance Bonus to Reflex and Will Saves, a semi-amorphous form that grants a +10 Racial Bonus on Escape Artist checks, Acid Resistance 20, and the Engulf ability of a Gelatinous Cube, affecting creatures of equal or smaller size, dealing 1d6 Acid damage plus potential Paralysis. Every aspect of this ability is a [Poison] effect.

Aurora Beam (Su): with a Standard Action once per three rounds, Vaporeon may release an amazing ray of spectacular chilling light. This is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Close Range, and on a successful hit it deals 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice. A struck target must also succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or suffer 2 points of Strength Damage. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Hydro Pump & Aqua Ring
Hydro Pump (Su): once per hour, Vaporeon may use a Full Round Action to fire a massive blast of high-pressure water from its mouth. This affects a 120' long Line, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Struck targets are also subject to a Bullrush - with no Size bonus, but able to push targets of any Size (though they still gain a Size bonus or penalty of their own). It uses Vaporeon's Charisma Bonus in place of Strength for this, and can push more than 5 feet. The entire area is also soaked thoroughly, putting any fires out. This is a [Water] attack.

Aqua Ring (Su): once per hour, Vaporeon can summon a circle of healing water around itself like a wet halo. This remains in effect for one minute per hit die, restoring 1 HP every round for the duration. This is a [Water] ability.

At 11 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Mist & Last Resort
Mist (Ex): with a Standard Action, Vaporeon can replicate an Obscuring Mist effect. This can be used once per five rounds, and is an [Ice] effect.

Last Resort (Ex): this is the absolute best attack available, but is kept in reserve for when everything else has been tried. If Vaporeon has used each of its other Special Attacks at least once each in the same encounter, it may use a Standard Action to make a single melee attack. This deals 15 damage per hit die and is a [Normal] attack that can only be used once per hour.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Hypnosplash, Swamp Terrain & Yawn
Hypnosplash (Su): once per 3 rounds, Vaporeon may use a Standard Action to splash a creature within Close Range. This is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack, dealing 1d6 damage plus its Charisma Bonus, and if hit, the target must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Drowsy for three rounds. This is a [Water] attack.

Swamp Terrain (Su): once per minute, Vaporeon may flood the ground within Medium Range. This targets any one contiguous effect of Grassy Terrain, Electric Terrain, Misty Terrain, Psychic Terrain, Grease (or effects that reference Grease in how they function), Web (mundane or magical), or plant-based terrain (mundane or magical). This instantly destroys the effect, and then causes the same area to be deluged in a swamp for three rounds, functioning as a Deep Bog (DMG, page 88), and increasing the DC of any Poison or Disease in the area by 2. If any of the above effects are cast on the area before the rounds expire, the effect fails and the three rounds reset. This is a [Water] effect.

Yawn (Su): Vaporeon may use a Standard Action to yawn, passing the yawn to another creature within 50 feet. The creature automatically becomes Drowsy for three rounds, and if they do not spend a Full Round Action on their next action yawning and clearing their head, they then must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or fall Asleep for one minute. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 13 hit dice, its Constitution increases by 2 and it learns Cleanse Away & Bouncy Bubble
Cleanse Away (Su): once per 5 rounds, Vaporeon may grant every adjacent creature besides itself a Cure Serious Wounds effect, as a Standard Action.

Bouncy Bubble (Sp): with a Full Round Action once per minute, Vaporeon may unleash a powerful wobbly bubble of magical water at a target within Close Range. This is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack, and if successful it deals 1d6 damage per hit die as a [Water] attack. Afterwards, providing it hit, Vaporeon makes a Ranged Touch Attack against itself (and may deny itself its Dexterity Bonus if it wishes), and on a successful hit it regains lost hit points equal to half the damage dealt.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Refreshing Rain & Hyper Whirlpool
Refreshing Rain (Su): whenever the weather is raining, Vaporeon may use a Standard Action to enchant the rain and make it magical. All creatures exposed to the rain are granted a Cure Moderate Wounds effect. This is a [Water] effect.

Hyper Whirlpool (Su): once per day, Vaporeon may use a Full Round Action to create a Minor or Major Maelstrom (its choice) in a body of water within Long Range, providing the body is big enough to contain it. At 18 hit dice, it may instead create a Greater Maelstrom, and at 20 hit dice it may create an Immense Maelstrom that ejects targets into the Elemental Plane of Water. This lasts for one round per hit die, and is a [Water] attack.

At 15 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Maximum Torrent

Maximum Torrent (Su): once per minute, Mega Vaporeon may unleash a special variation of Hydro Pump that covers the entire area, in addition to Mega Vaporeon's space, in Swampy Terrain for 3 rounds.


Mega Evolution:
When Vaporeon becomes Mega Vaporeon, it becomes a sturdier, more resilient-looking ooze-blob, kind of like a seal perhaps. Its Constitution and Wisdom each increase by 6, and its Charisma and Natural Armour increase by 4 each. Its Pokebility becomes Deluge.

Deluge (Su): when underwater, or at least half-submerged in water, or standing in Swampy Terrain, Mega-Vaporeon has Damage Reduction 10/- and Regeneration 5 (overcome by [Electric] and [Grass] attacks). This is a [Pokebility].


Small Magical Beast [Fire], CR 8
17 12 9 4 17 14
8d8 (36 HP), Init +1, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +8/+7
-Bite +12 (1d6+4)
AC: 15 (+1 Size, +1 Dexterity, +3 Natural Armour), Flat 14, Touch 12
Fort +1 Ref +7 Will +11
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Toughness, Iron Will, Power Attack
Skills: Survival +14
Special Attacks: Fire Fang, Bite, Smog, Fire Spin, Covet, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Swift
Special Qualities: Fire Pokemon Traits, Flash Fire, Helping Hand, Tail Wag, Baby-Doll Eyes, Cheer Up, Refresh, Copycat, Baton Pass
Rare Traits: Guts, Curse, Double Kick, Tickle, Yawn
Tutor Moves: Alluring Voice, Body Slam, Calm Mind, Charm, Dig, Facade, Fake Tears, Hyper Beam, Protect, Stored Power, Substitute, Take Down, Sunny Day, Scorching Sands, Fire Blast, Iron Tail
Advancement: 9-15 hit dice (Small); 16+ hit dice (Medium)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This fluffy-tailed dog resembles a fire, if you squint. Perhaps it's like a fox, or a pomeranian.

Fire Traits: Flareon is weak against [Ground], [Rock] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy], [Fire], [Grass], [Ice] and [Steel] attacks. It suffers no damage from being set on fire, suffers no harm from naturally occurring hot weather (such as nonlethal damage, sunburn and heatstroke), and cannot be Burned.

Flash Fire (Su): if Flareon is hit by a [Fire] attack, whether or not the attack normally does damage, it deals the minimum possible damage to Flareon (before Resistance) and has no other effects on it, and additionally amplifies its own heat. If it unleashes a [Fire] attack on its own following turn, the attack deals an extra 2 points of damage per die rolled. This is a [Pokebility].

Fire Fang (Su): Flareon may augment its Bite attack to deal an additional 1d6 points of Fire damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up). This will set combustible things on fire and even pre-cook a lot of meals. A bitten target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer a Burn. A target will always catch fire on a Critical Hit. This is a [Fire] attack.

Smog (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Flareon may unleash exhaust fumes at a target in Close Range. This deals 1d12 damage, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and on a failed save the target is also poisoned, with Primary and Secondary damage of 3d6 additional hit point damage, as well as being Sickened for one minute. This is a [Poison] attack and a gas.

Fire Spin (Su): once per hour, Flareon can use a Full Round Action to whirl up and unleash a fire tornado. This creates a blaze adjacent to Flareon that is the same Size, except twice as tall with a minimum of 10' (so 10' tall and filling a 5' square normally and when Medium). This then travels 20' directly away from Flareon, and will continue to do so every round for 1d4 rounds, plus one per 3 hit dice (round up) before petering out. If exposed to water, it ceases instantly. Anything that touches the flames suffers 1d8 Fire damage per 4 hit dice of Flareon (round up) and, if the same size as Flareon or smaller, must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be pulled in. Those that are pulled into the fire remain trapped until rescued by some stronger effect or the tornado ends. Flying creatures are allowed an additional Reflex Save each round to escape into an adjacent space (same DC) as a Move Action. Every round something remains trapped in the tornado, they suffer the Fire damage again, and while they can act normally (save for being unable to leave, carried with the flaming winds), they suffer a -4 Penalty to Dexterity, a -2 Penalty on attack rolls, and must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 10 + Flareon's hit dice + Spell Level) to cast a spell. A fire tornado can only hold as many creatures as actually fit in its area. This is a [Fire] attack, and pretty much incinerates plant-based terrain and melts snow and ice.

Rare Traits:
Guts (Ex): if Eevee had Anticipation, then upon evolving its [Pokebility] is Guts. It doesn't suffer the reduced damage output when Frostburned, although it still takes damage as normal. In addition, whenever it is Burned, Drowsy, Asleep, Anchored, Paralyzed, Frostburned, Poisoned, Diseased, Confused, Charmed, Stunned, Fascinated, Dazed, Petrified, Sickened, Nauseated, Shaken, Cowering, Frightened, Panicked or Cursed, or suffering Bleed damage, its Strength score is considered to be 8 points higher. Note that some of these conditions still prevent it from taking any kind of action.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Scary Face & Burst Tail
Scary Face (Ex): with a Standard Action once per minute, Flareon may activate a form of Gaze attack that works for one round - all creatures that can see it must pass a Will Save against a [Fear] effect (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Slowed with fear for three rounds. This is a [Normal] ability.

Burst Tail (Su): whenever Flareon uses its Tail Wag ability, the attacker catches fire with no saving throw. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Flare Blitz & Sizzly Slide
Flare Blitz (Su): at will, Flareon may use a Full Round Action to charge a foe, ending with a Slam that has a base damage of 1d6 Bludgeoning for a Small creature, plus one and a half times the user's Strength Bonus. Additionally, it deals 1d10 Fire damage per hit die, plus its Charisma Bonus as a flat bonus, and the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer a Burn. This causes Flareon to suffer "recoil" damage equal to the amount of Bludgeoning damage dealt, plus an amount equal to its hit dice total. This also releases an explosion on impact, incinerating most terrain within ten feet. This is a [Fire] attack.

Sizzly Slide (Ex): once per minute, when Flareon makes a 5' step, it may scorch a target that is adjacent to the square it moves to - the foe is instantly Burned with no saving throw. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 11 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Last Resort & Play With Fire
Last Resort (Ex): this is the absolute best attack available, but is kept in reserve for when everything else has been tried. If Flareon has used each of its other Special Attacks at least once each in the same encounter, it may use a Standard Action to make a single melee attack. This deals 15 damage per hit die and is a [Normal] attack that can only be used once per hour.

Play With Fire (Sp): at will, Flareon may use a Standard Action to move and control any fires within Medium Range. Any ongoing [Fire] effect or area of flames within this range can be moved up to 5' away per hit die, likewise if one creature is on fire, the flames may be moved to a different target - the burning target is no longer on fire, and the new target catches fire if they fail a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half Flareon's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus).

At 12 hit dice, it learns Flame Screen & Superpower
Flame Screen (Su): once per hour, Flareon may cast Wall of Fire, however it is even more defensive: any projectile that moves through the Wall is destroyed harmlesslyif it is nonmagical, and is Resisted if it is magical. Natural weapons with reach made through this are also Resisted, with the attacker taking damage normally from the Wall, and purely supernatural effects that pass through the Wall (such as spells and many Pokémon attacks) are Resisted - this is a single degree of Resistance, so cancels normally with Weakness. This is a [Fire] effect.

Superpower (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Flareon may slam into a foe at full force, putting all of its fighting spirit into one big attack. This is resolved as a Slam attack that deals 2d6 damage plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus (for a Small creature), and grants a free Bullrush attempt on a successful hit. Flareon does not move with the target when doing this, but may still knock the target further away than 5 feet. Upon performing this, Flareon becomes Fatigued, or upgrades fatigue to Exhaustion until it rests for an hour. This is a [Fighting] attack.

At 13 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Scorching Column & Temper Flare
Scorching Column (Sp): once per hour, Flareon can cast Scorching Column as a [Fire] attack.

Temper Flare (Ex): once per three rounds, Flareon can unleash fire all around itself, angry about the unfairness of the universe. This hits every adjacent creature for 1d8 damage (for a Small creature) plus its Strength Bonus, plus an additional 1d6 damage per 4 hit dice (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus). If Flareon attempted but failed to damage or otherwise afflict an opponent on its previous turn (such as missing with all attacks, all targets passing saving throws that Negate - including via Evasion or Mettle - enemies being completely immune, or Spell-Like Abilities failing to bypass Spell Resistance), the additional damage is instead 1d6 per hit die and everything that fails the saving throw suffers 1 point of Constitution Damage per 4 hit dice (round up). The added effects also apply if Flareon was unable to take any actions on its previous turn (such as from being Stunned), or failed to attack an enemy due to Confusion. This is a [Ground] attack.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Raging Fury & Burning Terrain
Raging Fury (Su): once per hour, Flareon may use a Swift Action to enter a fearsome fiery rage. The rage lasts until it spends an entire round without damaging or being damaged by any enemies, at which point the exertion catches up with it and it becomes Fatigued until it rests, and Confused for three rounds. During the rage, it gains a +2 Morale Bonus to attack rolls and Fort and Will Saves, but takes a -2 Penalty to Armour Class and Ref Saves, it can make a Full Attack as a Standard Action, and each attack becomes a [Fire] attack and deals an extra 2d6 damage, +1d6 at 15 and 20 hit dice. It also gains a +10 Bonus on all Break Attempts, can make a single Break Attempt once per round as a Free Action, and is treated as one Size Category larger for the purpose of all Size-based manoeuvres. Entering a raging fury is a [Fire] effect.

Burning Terrain (Su): once per minute, Flareon may ignite the ground within Medium Range. This targets any one contiguous effect of Grassy Terrain, Electric Terrain, Misty Terrain, Psychic Terrain, Grease (or effects that reference Grease in how they function[/i], Web (mundane or magical), Obscuring Mist, Fog Cloud, icy ground, snow drifts or plant-based terrain (mundane or magical). This instantly destroys the effect (in the case of snow or ice, melting it to create water and ending this effect instantly with no further effect), and then causes the same area to be on fire for three rounds, causing 1d6 damage (as though from a [Fire] attack) to all that enter the area. If any of the above effects are cast on the area before the flames go out, the effect fails and the three rounds reset. This is a [Fire] effect.

At 15 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Maximum Detonation
Maximum Detonation (Ex): once per minute, Mega Flareon may unleash a Temper Flare that is unleashed in a 30' radius Blast, and causes Burning Terrain in the entire area. All in the area that take damage must then attempt a Reflex Save (same DC as the Fortitude Save), with success resulting in them being ejected from the Area and standing directly outside it, and failure resulting in them falling Prone within the area.


Mega Evolution:
When Flareon becomes Mega Flareon, it grows even bigger and fluffier, with the tips of its fur and whiskers glowing with fire. Its Strength and Natural Armour each increase by 2, its Wisdom and Charisma each increase by 4, and its Dexterity increases by 8. Its Pokebility becomes Turboblaze.

Turboblaze (Su): The attacks of Mega Flareon completely ignore the [Pokebility] of the target when it would be beneficial to do so - its Fire attacks still deal more damage to those with Dry Skin, but would not do reduced damage to those with Flash Fire or Thick Fat, and its attacks would not trigger Cursed Body for instance. Additionally, Dragon Pokémon do not Resist its [Fire] attacks (although other Types resist it normally so a Water/Dragon one would still have Resistance). This is a [Pokebility].


Small Magical Beast, CR 8
12 17 9 4 14 17
8d8 (36 HP), Init +7, Speed 30'
BAB/Grab: +6/+3
-Bite +8 (1d6+1)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, +3 Dexterity, +2 Natural Armour), Flat 13, Touch 14
Fort +1 Ref +11 Will +8
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Toughness, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes
Skills: Survival +13
Special Attacks: Bite, Covet, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Swift, Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Double Kick, Pin Missile
Special Qualities: Electric Pokemon Traits, Volt Absorb, Helping Hand, Tail Wag, Baby-Doll Eyes, Cheer Up, Refresh, Copycat, Baton Pass
Rare Traits: Quick Feet, Curse, Double Kick, Tickle, Yawn
Tutor Moves: Alluring Voice, Body Slam, Calm Mind, Charm, Dig, Facade, Fake Tears, Hyper Beam, Protect, Stored Power, Substitute, Take Down, Electric Terrain, Volt Switch, Shadow Ball, Rain Dance
Advancement: 9+ hit dice (Small)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This spiky fox is bright yellow, almost like its hair is made of conductive wires.

Electric Traits: Jolteo is weak against [Ground] attacks, and resists [Electric], [Flying] and [Steel] attacks. It cannot be Staggered or Paralyzed. It can generate sufficient electricity to power machines up to Small Size, such as a desktop computer.

Thunder Shock (Su): with a Standard Action, Jolteon can electrify a nearby foe, dealing 1d6 Electricity damage to a target within 15 feet. This damage is halved on a successful Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is an [Electricity] effect.

Thunder Wave (Su): with a Standard Action at will, Jolteon may unleash electromagnetic waves in a Cone that is 15' long (and therefore 15' wide at the furthest point). All in the area must succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Paralyzed for one round, plus 1 more round for every 5 points by which they fail the save. This is an [Electric] effect.

Double Kick (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Jolteon may unleash a pair of kicks at a given foe. This is resolved as two primary Slams (1d4 + Strength Bonus for a Small creature) at its highest attack bonus, both against the same target. This is a [Fighting] attack.

Pin Missile (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Jolteon may unleash a hail of needle-like hairs at targets within 30 feet. It makes three ranged attacks, plus one extra attack at eleven and sixteen hit dice respectively. Each one deals 1d4 Piercing damage (for a Small creature), plus half its Strength Bonus, and a 20/x2 Critical value, and damage is added together before applying Resistance or Weakness a single time. This is a [Bug] attack.

Volt Absorb (Su): Jolteon does not take damage or other harmful effects from [Electric] attacks. Instead, any time it is subject to such an attack, it regains hit points equal to its hit dice total, and it has Fast Healing 1 when standing on Electric Terrain. This is a [Pokebility].

Rare Traits:
Quick Feet (Ex): if Eevee had Adaptibility before evolving, as Jolteon it has Quick Feet for its [Pokebility]. Any time Jolteon suffers from a status condition, it is Hasted.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Agility & Bug Buzz
Agility (Su): by focusing as a Full Round Action, Jolteon can cast Cat's Grace on itself at will. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Bug Buzz (Ex): once per five rounds, Jolteon may buzz extra loud, unleashing a Cone out to Close Range as a Standard Action. All in the area suffer 1d6 Sonic damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This also deals 1 point of Wisdom damage per 3 hit dice (round up), which is also halved on a successful save. This is a [Sonic] [Bug] effect.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Thunder & Energize
Thunder (Su): once per hour, Jolteon may use a Full Round Action to summon a mighty blast of destructive lightning from the skies. This creates a 10' radius Column anywhere in Medium Range, with a height of "from the cloud level to the ground". All in the area suffer 1d10 Electricity damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Failure results in the targets being Paralyzed for one round per hit die. In rain, the Save DC is 4 higher, but in harsh sunlight or a sandstorm, it is 4 lower. This is an [Electric] attack.

Energize (Su): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Jolteon may add electrical energy to another Pokemon within 50 feet. They gain Electric Pokemon Traits for 3 rounds, and on their next turn, may act faster - if an ability requires a Full Round Action to use normally, it instead requires a Standard Action, and if an ability requires a Standard or Move-Equivalent Action to use normally, it instead requires a Swift Action. This is an [Electricity] effect.

At 11 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Last Resort & Stun Needle
Last Resort (Ex): this is the absolute best attack available, but is kept in reserve for when everything else has been tried. If Jolteon has used each of its other Special Attacks at least once each in the same encounter, it may use a Standard Action to make a single melee attack. This deals 15 damage per hit die and is a [Normal] attack that can only be used once per hour.

Stun Needle (Su): once per minute, Jolteon may partially electrify its Pin Missile. This changes the damage per needle to 1d6 plus half its Charisma Bonus (round down), and a creature hit by one or more needles suffers a -4 Penalty to Attack rolls, Armour Class and Saving Throws for one round. This is still a [Bug] attack.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Discharge & Attract Current
Discharge (Su): with a Standard Action at will, Jolteon may unleash a blast of lightning all around it. This extends out as a 30' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 Electricity damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw are Staggered for one round. This is an [Electric] attack.

Attract Current (Su): with an Immediate Action once per minute, Jolteon may redirect electricity towards itself - if an [Electric] attack could target it, it now does, or if the Area of Effect could be placed to include it, it now does (so it can cause something to rotate a cone in a different direction, but couldn't extend the cone further than its maximum range). If this successfully draws electricity to Jolteon, it gains a Heroism effect for 3 rounds. This is an [Electric] effect.

At 13 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Electromagnetic Wall & Rising Voltage
Electromagnetic Wall (Sp): once per hour, Jolteon can cast Wall of Fire, except as an [Electric] effect, dealing Electricity damage instead of Fire. Additionally, all physical projectiles and [Steel] attacks are completely negated if they travel through it, and Steel Pokémon that move through are Slowed for 3 rounds.

Rising Voltage (Su): once per five rounds, Jolteon may pull electrical power up from the ground into the sky. All creatures within a 5' radius 30' tall Column within Close Range suffer 1d4 Electricity damage per hit die, unless it targets an area of Electric Terrain, in which case the Column rises from the entire area of terrain and its Charisma bonus is added to every die of damage. Either way, a successful Reflex Save halves the damage (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is an [Electric] attack.

At 14 hit dice, it learns High Voltage & Flash Ray
High Voltage (Su): once per hour, or at will by dismissing a Heroism effect on itself, Jolteon may use a Swift Action to release extra energy into the surrounding atmosphere. Until the start of its next turn, everything with Ground Pokemon Traits within 100 feet loses those traits in regards to [Electric] attacks, and additionally, all [Electric] attacks in the area are treated as being in Electric Terrain - with the exception of the expanded Area of Rising Voltage. This is an [Electric] effect.

Flash Ray (Su): once per hour, Jolteon may use an Immediate Action to move up to 30 feet away via Teleportation. This is an [Electric] effect.

At 15 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Maximum Thunder Rumble
Maximum Thunder Rumble (Sp): once per minute, Mega Jolteon may cast Chain Lightning as an [Electric] attack (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the Reflex Save must then pass a Will Save (same DC) or be Stunned for 1 round.


Mega Evolution:
When Jolteon becomes Mega Jolteon, its hairs become longer and spikier, with its eyebrows looking more like antennae. Its Strength increases by 2, its Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom each increase by 4 and its Charisma increases by 6. Its Pokebility becomes Electric Surge.

Electric Surge (Su): the area surrounding Mega Jolteon, out to thirty feet, becomes Electric Terrain. This lasts for as long as it is in the area, and for three rounds afterwards. This is a [Pokebility].


Small Magical Beast, CR 8
8 17 9 8 14 17
8d8-8 (28 HP), Init +7, Speed 30'
BAB/Grab: +3/-2
-Bite +7 (1d6-1)
AC: 15 (+1 Size, +3 Dexterity, +1 Natural Armour), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +1 Ref +9 Will +10
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Ability Focus (Psychic)
Skills: Survival +13, Concentration +10, Listen +13
Special Attacks: Bite, Covet, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Swift, Confusion, Power Swap
Special Qualities: Psychic Pokemon Traits, Synchronise, Helping Hand, Tail Wag, Baby-Doll Eyes, Cheer Up, Refresh, Copycat, Baton Pass, Morning Sun, Psych-Up
Rare Traits: Magic Bounce, Curse, Double Kick, Tickle, Yawn
Tutor Moves: Alluring Voice, Body Slam, Calm Mind, Charm, Dig, Facade, Fake Tears, Hyper Beam, Protect, Stored Power, Substitute, Take Down, Psychic Terrain, Stored Power, Expanding Force, Psychic Noise, Gravity
Advancement: 9+ hit dice (Small)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Poor BAB, Good Ref and Will, 4 + Int skill points

What stands before you is something between a cat, a fox, and an alien. It has wide black eyes, a red gem on its forehead, two tails, and radiates faint pinkish light.

Psychic Traits: Espeon is weak against [Bug], [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks, and resists [Fighting] and [Psychic] attacks. It can communicate with other intelligent creatures within 100 feet via Telepathy, and is considered to have the [Psionic] Subtype.

Synchronize (Su): any time another creature afflicts Espeon with any kind of status condition, they must also save against the effect (at the same DC). If there was no saving throw for the effect, they do not get one and are just affected. This does not bypass any immunities to conditions they might have. This is a [Pokebility].

Confusion (Sp): with a Standard Action once per hour, Espeon may unleash a psychic blast of energy that fries the synapses of all in a 10' radius Burst within Medium Range. Those in the area suffer 1d8 non-lethal damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the save are Confused for one round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

Power Swap (Su): once per hour, Espeon may target another creature in 60 feet with a Standard Action, and forcibly swap its offensive power with them. For the next minute, exchange Espeon's Strength score (after any modifiers) with that of the target, and likewise exchange their Charisma scores. At the end of this, the scores are swapped back - any changes to the scores in the meantime (such as taking Ability Damage) are also swapped. The effects of this can be cancelled for one creature and not the other (such as by walking into an Anti-Magic Field), reverting them to their normal scores but not affecting the other. This is a [Psychic] attack.

Morning Sun (Su): once per minute, Espeon may use a Full Round Action to focus on absorbing light and air to heal itself. In normal light, this restores 1d8 hit points per 2 hit dice. In rain, hail, snow or sandstorms, or indoors or heavily overcast conditions or shadowy illumination, it only restores 1d6 hit points per two hit dice. In total darkness, it only restores 1d8 hit points. In strong sunlight or better, it restores 1d6 hit points per hit die. This is a [Normal] effect.

Psych-Up (Su): with a Standard Action once per hour, Espeon may look at another creature within 60 feet and focus on them, working itself up to match them. Espeon then gains every Deflection, Resistance, Enhancement or Morale Bonus or Penalty that the target has, which remain for the next minute. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Rare Traits:
Magic Bounce (Su): if Eevee had Adaptability as its [Pokebility], then upon evolving, it has Magic Bounce. An Espeon with this is completely Immune to attacks and effects that do not directly cause damage, and indeed if the attack is not resolved as an Area of Effect, it bounces back at the attacker. If Espeon enters an ongoing Area of Effect, it is still unaffected.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Psychic & Confuse Ray
Psychic (Sp): once per minute, Espeon may use a Standard Action to target one creature within Medium Range and blast them with overwhelming psychic energy that hammers on their brain. They suffer 1d6 damage per hit die, as well as 4 points of Wisdom damage, with a Will Save to halve both of these (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and on a failed save they are also Dazed for one round. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] attack.

Confuse Ray (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Espeon may unleash an eerie light to disorient and overwhelm the mind of a foe. Being a ray, this is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is rendered Confused for 2d4 rounds. However, a creature confused by this may attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half Espeon's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) at the start of every turn to end the effects early. This is a [Ghost] attack.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Future Sight & Sunlight Veil
Future Sight (Sp): once per day, Espeon may cast Final Destination. The Save DC is 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Psychic] attack.

Sunlight Veil (Su): when the surrounding weather is strong sunlight, Espeon may use a Standard Action once per hour to conjure a magical wall of brilliant light. This functions as a Wall of Light spell, however any creature attacking through it that cannot see through it deals half damage. Any effect that can destroy (or bypass) Reflect or Light Screen affects this the same. This is a [Fire] effect.

At 11 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Last Resort & Psyshock
Last Resort (Ex): this is the absolute best attack available, but is kept in reserve for when everything else has been tried. If Espeon has used each of its other Special Attacks at least once each in the same encounter, it may use a Standard Action to make a single melee attack. This deals 15 damage per hit die and is a [Normal] attack that can only be used once per hour.

Psyshock (Sp): once per minute, Espeon may use a Standard Action to hammer a creature with telekinetic energy (and assorted hurled objects). This targets one foe within Medium Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Force] [Psychic] attack.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Psychic Report & Glitzy Glow
Psychic Report (Sp): Espeon may cast Arcane Sight at will, but can end the effect with a Full Round Action to instead cast Identify or Legend Lore. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Glitzy Glow (Sp): once per hour, Espeon can use a Standard Action to unleash a blast of bright psychokinetic energy. This creates a Wall of Light effect, however any creature attacking through it that cannot see through it treats all targets as having half Cover. Furthermore, the instant it is placed, every creature adjacent to the wall suffers 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Psychic] attack that is affected by strong sunlight as though it were a [Fire] attack.

At 13 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Solar Revelation & Psychic Solaire
Solar Revelation (Sp): Espeon gains the following Spell-Like Abilities as [Psychic] effects: at will - Invisibility Purge; 1/hour - True Seeing, Symbol of Revelation; 1/day - Find the Path, Scrying

Psychic Solaire (Su): once per minute, Espeon may grasp a foe with psionic energy and lift them helplessly into the air. This functions as Grasping Hand (using its Charisma as though it were a Sorcerer), and any foe grappled by this is held above the ground and automatically fails all Reflex Saves for the duration. This is a [Psychic] attack.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Psychic Loop & Solar Flash
Psychic Loop (Su): once per hour, Espeon may cast Chain Lightning with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, and dealing damage as a [Force] effect. This is a [Psychic] attack.

Solar Flash (Sp): once per day, Espeon may cast Sunburst with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 15 hit dice, its Intelligence increases by 2 and it learns Maximum Mindstorm
Maximum Mindstorm (Su): once per minute, Mega Espeon may unleash a blast of powerful psionic energy out to a 60' radius. Everything (other than itself) in the area suffers 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This additionally creates Psychic Terrain in the area for 3 rounds, and those that fail the saving throw are Stunned for one round. This is a [Psychic] attack.


Mega Evolution:
When Espeon becomes Mega Espeon, its eyes grow even wider, with the forehead "gem" opening into another eye, and its ears grow even longer. It starts to radiate bright light as well. Its Charisma increases by 6, its Dexterity, Intelligence and Wisdom each increase by 4, and its Constitution increases by 2. Its [Pokebility] changes to Wit's End.

Wit's End (Ex): whenever Mega Espeon stands in Psychic Terrain, it gains a +5 Resistance Bonus on Reflex and Will Saves, and Improved Evasion.


Small Magical Beast, CR 8
12 14 17 4 17 9
8d8+32 (68 HP), Init +2, Speed 30'
BAB/Grab: +6/+3
-Bite +9 (1d6+1)
AC: 17 (+1 Size, +2 Dexterity, +4 Natural Armour), Flat 15, Touch 13
Fort +9 Ref +4 Will +11
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Toughness, Iron Will, Ability Focus (Snarl)
Skills: Survival +14
Special Attacks: Bite, Covet, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Swift, Snarl, Assurance, Confuse Ray
Special Qualities: Dark Pokemon Traits, Synchronise, Helping Hand, Tail Wag, Baby-Doll Eyes, Cheer Up, Refresh, Copycat, Baton Pass, Moonlight
Rare Traits: Inner Focus, Curse, Double Kick, Tickle, Yawn
Tutor Moves: Alluring Voice, Body Slam, Calm Mind, Charm, Dig, Facade, Fake Tears, Hyper Beam, Protect, Stored Power, Substitute, Take Down, Moonlit Night, Thief, Foul Play, Lash Out, Reflect, Light Screen
Advancement: 9+ hit dice (Small)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fort and Will, 2 + Int skill points

You barely spot a small creature, like a cat crossed with a fox crossed with a shadow. It has big ears, and though most of the body is devoid of light, several circular marks on it glow like moonlight.

Dark Traits: Umbreon is weak against [Bug], [Fairy] and [Fighting] attacks, and resists [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Psychic] attacks, always resisting them, and furthermore its mind cannot be read or influenced, as though it had a Mind Blank effect that cannot be dispelled. However it can still be moved by Telekinesis for instance.

Synchronize (Su): any time another creature afflicts Umbreon with any kind of status condition, they must also save against the effect (at the same DC). If there was no saving throw for the effect, they do not get one and are just affected. This does not bypass any immunities to conditions they might have. This is a [Pokebility].

Snarl (Su): with a Standard Action, Umbreon may snarl and rant at an enemy, making disconcerting loud noises. This is unleashed in a 20' Cone, dealing 1d4 damage per hit die to a maximum of 5d4, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). On a failed save, targets also suffer a -2 Morale Penalty to Charisma for three rounds. This is a [Noise] [Dark] attack.

Assurance (Ex): any time Umbreon threatens a foe, if the foe is damaged by anything that is not the Umbreon or an Attack of Opportuniy, it may take an Attack of Opportunity against the target. This is a [Dark] attack.

Confuse Ray (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Umbreon may unleash an eerie light to disorient and overwhelm the mind of a foe. Being a ray, this is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is rendered Confused for 2d4 rounds. However, a creature confused by this may attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half Umbreon's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) at the start of every turn to end the effects early. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Moonlight (Su): once per hour, Umbreon may call healing light down from the moon. This uses a Full Round Action, and if indoors it replicates a Cure Light Wounds effect. If outdoors during the day, it replicates Cure Serious Wounds, or Cure Moderate Wounds if the weather isn't calm. At night, this instead heals 1d6 HP per hit die, downgraded to 1d4 per hit die if the weather isn't calm, upgraded to 1d8 per hit die if there is a full moon overhead (if both apply at the same time, it remains 1d6 per hit die). This is a [Fairy] effect.

Rare Traits:
Inner Focus (Ex): if Eevee had Adaptability before evolving, upon becoming Umbreon its [Pokebility] is Inner Focus. It is never Staggered, cannot be Demoralised with the Intimidate skill, and it also automatically succeeds on any Concentration check it is required to make. This is a [Pokebility].

At 9 hit dice, it learns Guard Swap & Dark Pulse
Guard Swap (Su): once per hour, Umbreon may target another creature in 60 feet with a Standard Action, and forcibly swap its defensive power with them. For the next minute, exchange Umbreon's Constitution score (after any modifiers) with that of the target, and likewise exchange their Wisdom scores, and their Natural Armour Bonuses. At the end of this, the scores are swapped back - any changes to the scores in the meantime (such as taking Ability Damage) are also swapped. The effects of this can be cancelled for one creature and not the other (such as by walking into an Anti-Magic Field), reverting them to their normal scores but not affecting the other. This is a [Psychic] attack.

Dark Pulse (Su): once per five rounds, Umbreon may use a Standard Action to unleash a burst of malevolent energy out in a wave. This is an emanation out to Close Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the saving through is Staggered for one round. This is a [Dark] [Ballistic] effect.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Baddy Bad & Mean Look
Baddy Bad (Su): once per hour, Umbreon may focus ill will against attackers with a Full Round Action, and in doing so cast Wall of Force. Additionally, every creature adjacent to the wall when it is created suffers 1d6 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Dark] attack, and the wall is treated as that created by the Reflect special ability.

Mean Look (Su): with a Full Round Action, Umbreon can fix its spooky little eyes on a creature that has Line of Sight to it. That foe is then subject to a Dimensional Anchor effect for 1 round per hit die, with no saving throw, and must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be unable to break Line of Sight of its own accord, and unable to move away from Umbreon unless compelled by magic - if afflicted with a [Fear] effect that would cause them to be Frightened or Panicked, they instead Cower for the same duration. These effects also last for 1 round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] [Normal] effect.

At 11 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Last Resort & Pursuit
Last Resort (Ex): this is the absolute best attack available, but is kept in reserve for when everything else has been tried. If Umbreon has used each of its other Special Attacks at least once each in the same encounter, it may use a Standard Action to make a single melee attack. This deals 15 damage per hit die and is a [Normal] attack that can only be used once per hour.

Pursuit (Ex): Umbreon may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that leaves a threatened square even as a result of Teleportation or being returned to a Pokeball. When it makes an Attack of Opportunity that was provoked by leaving a threatened square, this deals an extra 4d6 damage and is treated as a [Dark] attack.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Dark Gaze & Shadow Cage
Dark Gaze (Su): once per 5 rounds, Umbreon may activate a Gaze Attack with a Free Action that lasts until the start of its next turn. The Reflex Save to avoid meeting its gaze has a DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, and those that fail have their [Pokebility] disabled while in the area. This is a [Dark] effect.

Shadow Cage (Sp): once per day, Umbreon may cast a shadowy version of Force Cage. It has a Will Save to disbelieve (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Wisdom Bonus), but is still 50% real to those who disbelieve, thus having a 50% chance to stop their movement completely or block effects. If used to make a windowless cell, it is completely dark inside, as the Utterdark spell. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 13 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 2 and it learns Moon Mirage & Shadow Drain
Moon Mirage (Su): once per hour, Umbreon may cast Mirror Image, however the twisting mirages can befuddle those that attack. Any target that strikes one of the images must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Wisdom Bonus) or be Confused for 1d4 rounds. This is a [Dark] effect.

Shadow Drain (Su): once per 5 rounds, Umbreon may use a Standard Action to drain the strength and power from another creature in Close Range. If the target fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Wisdom Bonus), it suffers 2 points of Strength damage, and then Umbreon regains lost hit points equal to double the target's (newly reduced) Strength score. This cannot heal it above its maximum hit points. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Moonlight Fang & Pitch-Black Blade
Moonlight Fang (Su): when using a Standard Action to deliver its Bite attack, Umbreon may elect to have its teeth gleam with ghostly light. The attack is resolved as a Melee Touch Attack, forces the target to revert to their true form if they are transformed in any way, and if the foe had used a Special Attack on their previous turn, that attack is disabled for their next turn. This is a [Dark] [Bite] attack.

Pitch-Black Blade (Sp): once per day, Umbreon may cast a Shadow version of Black Blade of Disaster. It uses its Strength like with a normal weapon, and the Fortitude Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus. The first time something is hit by the blade, they are allowed a Will Save to disbelieve (same DC as above), however it is still 50% real so still deals half damage to nonbelievers. This is a [Dark] [Blade] attack.

At 15 hit dice, its Constitution increases by 2 and it learns Maximum Darkness
Maximum Darkness (Su): once per minute, Mega Umbreon may use a Standard Action to cause the sky to fall, creating a Moonlit Night effect, and cause up to one target per hit die to be struck, suffering 1d6 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus).


Mega Evolution:
When Umbreon becomes Mega Umbreon, it grows larger and bulkier, and becomes even more of a contrast of light and dark. Its Strength increases by 6, its Dexterity, Intelligence and Charisma each increase by 4, and its Wisdom increases by 2. Its [Pokebility] becomes Moonlight Veil.

Moonlight Veil (Su): while in a Moonlit Night effect, or under actual moonlight, Mega Umbreon suffers half damage from all direct attacks, and has no Weaknesses.


Small Magical Beast, CR 8
9 12 17 4 14 17
8d8+32 (68 HP), Init +1, Speed 30'
BAB/Grab: +6/+1
-Bite +10 (1d6-1)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, +1 Dexterity, +4 Natural Armour), Flat 15, Touch 12
Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +8
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Lightning Reflexes, Improved Toughness, Ability Focus (Icy Wind)
Skills: Survival +13
Special Attacks: Bite, Covet, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Swift, Ice Shard, Icy Wind, Cold Nose
Special Qualities: Ice Pokemon Traits, Snow Cloak, Helping Hand, Tail Wag, Baby-Doll Eyes, Cheer Up, Refresh, Copycat, Baton Pass, Snowscape
Rare Traits: Ice Body, Curse, Double Kick, Tickle, Yawn
Tutor Moves: Alluring Voice, Body Slam, Calm Mind, Charm, Dig, Facade, Fake Tears, Hyper Beam, Protect, Stored Power, Substitute, Take Down, Ice Beam, Weather Ball, Haze, Chilling Water
Advancement: 9+ hit dice (Small)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fort and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This delicate blue fox seems almost made out of ice and snow. It has a very cold nose.

Ice Traits: Glaceon is weak against [Fighting], [Fire], [Rock] and [Steel] atacks, and resists [Ice] attacks. It cannot be frozen solid or suffer frostbite, frostburn or hypothermia, and is also immune to Dexterity damage (but not drain). It suffers no damage or impediment from hail, ice storms, snow storms, naturally occurring blizzards, cold weather and similar - even things like Black Ice and Blood Snow - and enjoys DR 5/- in snow storms and 10/- in hail and heavy blizzards. It can move through slush at its normal speed without penalty, and does not slip over on ice. Indeed, it can move at double its normal movement speed when moving across ice.

Snow Cloak (Ex): any time Glaceon is in snowfall or hail, it is completely Invisible.

Ice Shard (Su): once per minute, Glaceon can hurl shards of sharp ice with an Immediate Action. This is a Ranged Attack (a thrown weapon) with 10' range increments and a maximum of 3 increments, dealing 2d6 Cold damage, plus its Strength Bonus, and has a 19-20 threat range. This is an [Ice] attack.

Cold Nose (Ex): at will, Glaceon may use a Standard Action to poke an adjacent creature with its very cold nose. This deals 1d6 points of damage, plus its Charisma Bonus. Against a Sleeping creature, this is doubled but also causes them to wake up. It may be used as a Coup de Gras against a sleeping foe (typically increasing the attack time to a Full Round Action), in which case the critical hit results in the damage being tripled (3d6 + three times its Charisma Bonus). This is an [Ice] attack.

Icy Wind (Su): once per three rounds, Glaceon may use a Standard Action to exhale a chilling wave of air. This functions as a Gust of Wind effect, however it also deals damage equal to its hit dice to all in the area (halved if they succeed on the Fortitude Save), and on a failed Save, afflicted creatures suffer a -4 Penalty to Dexterity for 3 rounds. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is an [Ice] attack and a [Wind] effect.

Snowscape (Su): once per day per 5 full hit dice, Glaceon may cast Blizzard (It's Cold Outside) with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Keep in mind the various benefits it has in snow storms. This is an [Ice] effect.

Rare Traits:
Inner Focus (Ex): if Eevee's [Pokebility] was Adaptability, when it evolves it becomes Inner Focus. It is never Staggered, cannot be Demoralised with the Intimidate skill, and it also automatically succeeds on any Concentration check it is required to make.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Freeze-Dry & Mirror Coat
Freeze-Dry (Su): with a Standard Action once per hour, Glaceon can direct its cold essence at a 30' radius spread in Medium Range, and freeze all the moisture out of the air - and the creatures within. This deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the save by more than 4 points (such as the Save DC being 20 and the target rolling 15 or lower) is Frostburned unless they are Water Type Pokemon, in which case they are frozen solid as the Entomb spell. This is an [Ice] attack, however this is Super-Effective against [Water] Pokemon instead of being Not Very Effective. As such, against Kingdra (Water/Dragon) it would be Super-Effective instead of Neutral, against Goldeen it would be Super-Effective instead of Not Very Effective, and against Lapras (Water/Ice) it would be Neutral instead of Not Very Effective.

Mirror Coat (Su): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Glaceon can become incredibly reflective until the start of its next turn - until then, it reflects non-physical damaging attacks back at the attacker, as though by Spell Turning. This only affects directly damaging effects (whether Spells or not), and not weapon (or natural weapon) attacks. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Blizzard & Aurora Dance
Blizzard (Su): once per hour, Glaceon can spend a Standard Action weaving a massive collection of ice and snow, and crush a 60' radius Blast within Medium Range. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail their saving throw are Frostburned. In snow or hail, a Reflex Save merely halves the damage, and creatures that fail the save are frozen solid, as an Icy Prison effect. In any other kind of weather that isn't clear skies, creatures get a +4 Bonus on the saving throw. This is an [Ice] attack.

Aurora Dance (Su): once per day, Glaceon can spend a Full Round Action dancing about, providing it is in snow or hail. This grants it a +2 Enhancement Bonus to every Ability Score, and to Natural Armour, for one hour. It may attempt a DC 20 Perform (Dance) check when doing this, and if successful, it also gains a +2 Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws and +2 Deflection Bonus to Armour Class for the same duration. This is a [Dance] [Ice] effect.

At 11 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Last Resort & Frozen Terrain
Last Resort (Ex): this is the absolute best attack available, but is kept in reserve for when everything else has been tried. If Glaceon has used each of its other Special Attacks at least once each in the same encounter, it may use a Standard Action to make a single melee attack. This deals 15 damage per hit die and is a [Normal] attack that can only be used once per hour.

Frozen Terrain (Su): once per minute, Glaceon may flash-freeze the ground within Medium Range. This targets any one contiguous effect of Grassy Terrain, Electric Terrain, Misty Terrain, Psychic Terrain, Grease (or effects that reference Grease in how they function), Web (mundane or magical), or plant-based terrain (mundane or magical). This instantly destroys the effect, and then causes the same area to be frozen for three rounds, functioning as a Frost Fall effect (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If any of the above effects are cast on the area before the rounds expire, the effect fails and the three rounds reset. This is an [Ice] effect.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Ice Bind & Freezy Frost
Ice Bind (Su): once per minute, Glaceon may call frost around something in an effort to hold it in place. It targets a creature within Close Range with a Standard Action, and if they fail a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) they are Paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. This is an [Ice] attack.

Freezy Frost (Su): once per hour, Glaceon may create a 15' radius Burst of cold within Medium Range, as a Standard Action. All in the area suffer 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Everything within 50 feet of the central point of impact (so within 35' of the blast) is subject to a haze that clears magical hazards (as well as hazards created by Pokémon Attacks), and any temporary Bonuses or Penalties. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 13 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 2 and it learns Crystal Ray & Frosty Typhoon
Crystal Ray (Su): once per hour, Glaceon may cast Polar Ray, and if a target is hit, they are partially crystalised. Such a creature suffers two points of Dexterity damage and, until the end of Glaceon's next turn, gain a Weakness to Fighting, Rock and Steel attacks. This is an [Ice] attack.

Frosty Typhoon (Su): once per day, Glaceon can cast Greater Whirlwind with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, and all damage taken (aside from landing after being ejected from it) is Cold damage. This is a [Wind] [Ice] attack.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Hypnotic Blizzard & Crystal Veil
Hypnotic Blizzard (Su): once per hour, Glaceon can cast Ice Storm, and all in the area must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Drowsy, as well as being Fascinated for one round. This is an [Ice] attack.

Crystal Veil (Sp): once per day, Glaceon can coat itself in magical shimmering light. This uses a Swift Action, and until the start of its next turn, it is completely immune to all forms of damage. This is an [Ice] effect.

At 15 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Maximum Icicle
Maximum Icicle (Su): once per minute, Glaceon can use a Standard Action to call massive icicles to fall from the sky and impale foes. This replicates a Rain of Arrows effect, dealing Cold damage, and then causes hail in a 100' radius spread for 3 rounds. This is an [Ice] attack.


Mega Evolution:
When Glaceon becomes Mega Glaceon, it shimmers, almost invisible like a block of ice, other than where it frosts over. Its Dexterity increases by 6, its Constitution, Wisdom and Charisma each increase by 4, and its Natural Armour increases by 2. Its [Pokebility] becomes Aurora Guard.

Aurora Guard (Su): whenever in snow or hail, Mega Glaceon is immune to all harmful status conditions such as Poison, Disease, Confusion, Burns, Paralysis, Stunning, Dazing, Nausea, Sickening, Drowsiness, Sleep and [Fear] effects.


Small Plant, CR 8
17 14 17 4 12 9
8d8+32 (68 HP), Init +6, Speed 30'
BAB/Grab: +6/+5
-Bite +10 (1d6+4)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, +2 Dexterity, +3 Natural Armour), Flat 14, Touch 13
Fort +9 Ref +8 Will +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Toughness, Improved Initiative, Power Attack
Skills: Survival +12
Special Attacks: Bite, Covet, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Swift, Razor Leaf, Magic Leaf, Leech Seed
Special Qualities: Grass Pokemon Traits, Leaf Guard, Helping Hand, Tail Wag, Baby-Doll Eyes, Cheer Up, Refresh, Copycat, Baton Pass, Synthesis
Rare Traits: Chlorophyl, Curse, Double Kick, Tickle, Yawn
Tutor Moves: Alluring Voice, Body Slam, Calm Mind, Charm, Dig, Facade, Fake Tears, Hyper Beam, Protect, Stored Power, Substitute, Take Down, Grassy Terrain, Trailblaze, Sunny Day, Seed Bomb, X-Scissor, Grassy Glide, Solar Blade
Advancement: 9-15 hit dice (Small); 16+ hit dice (Medium)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fort and Ref, 2 + Int skill points

The foxlike creature standing before you is a pale yellow colour, with the ears and tail growing into green leaf-like extensions.

Grass Traits: Leafeon does not have any of the usual traits of Plants such as Immunity to Poison. Instead, it is weak against [Bug], [Fire], [Flying], [Ice] and [Poison] attacks, and resists [Electricity], [Grass], [Ground] and [Water] attacks. Leafeon cannot be affected by [Powder] attacks. It also cannot be affected by Spells and effects that are described as being powder, pollen or spores - such as Gnome Blight.

Leaf Guard (Ex: whenever in bright or overwhelming sun, Leafeon is immune to all harmful status conditions such as Poison, Disease, Confusion, Burns, Paralysis, Stunning, Dazing, Nausea, Sickening, Drowsiness, Sleep and [Fear] effects.

Razor Leaf (Ex): once per three rounds, Leafeon may use a Full Round Action to fire a spray of razor sharp leaves out to Close Range. It makes one ranged attack roll, with a successful hit dealing 1d6 Slashing damage per 3 hit dice (round up). It has a threat range of 15-20, with a x2 Critical Multiplier. This can be used to target objects and 5' cubes of terrain, slashing through things like bushes, snow clumps, packed earth and mud, small trees and heavy undergrowth. This is a [Grass] effect.

Magic Leaf (Sp): with a Standard Action at will, Leafeon may conjure leaves of a mystical, magical herb, and direct them unerringly against a target in Close Range. This automatically hits exactly in the same way as Magic Missile (and similarly can be prevented in the same ways), and deals 1d6 damage per 2 hit dice (maximum 5d6). This is a [Grass] effect.

Leech Seed (Su): once per five rounds with a Standard Action, Leafeon can fire a magical seed at a foe within 30 feet as a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the seed implants itself and takes root. As long as the target is within 60 feet of Leafeon, at the start of each of its turns it loses 1d8 hit points, ignoring DR and Resistances, and Leafeon recovers an equal amount of lost hit points. As soon as the target is reduced to zero hit points or is more than 60 feet from Leafeon, the effect ends and the seed crumbles into dust. This is a [Powder] [Grass] effect.

Synthesis (Su): once per minute, Leafeon may use a Full Round Action to focus on absorbing light and air to heal itself. In normal light, this restores 1d8 hit points per 2 hit dice. In rain, hail, snow or sandstorms, or indoors or heavily overcast conditions or shadowy illumination, it only restores 1d6 hit points per two hit dice. In total darkness, it only restores 1d8 hit points. In strong sunlight or better, it restores 1d6 hit points per hit die. This is a [Grass] effect.

Rare Traits:
Chlorophyll (Ex): if Eevee had Adaptability before evolving, it becomes Chlorophyll. When in Harsh Sunlight, its movement speeds are doubled, and it gains a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Initiative and Reflex Saves. This is a [Pokebility].

At 9 hit dice, it learns Swords Dance & Giga Drain
Swords Dance (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Leafeon may perform the legendary Swords Dance, providing its movement is unobstructed. For the next minute, it enjoys a +8 Enhancement Bonus to Strength. Furthermore, it may make a Perform (Dance) check, even untrained, as part of using this, and if a 15 or more is rolled, its Natural Weapons deal grow by one virtual Size category for the duration, or two virtual Size categories if a 25 or more is rolled. Increases from using this multiple times do not stack. This is a [Dance] effect and a [Normal] effect.

Giga Drain (Su): once per hour, Leafeon may use a Standard Action to pull nutrients and life force from another creature within 50 feet. This causes 1d6 damage per hit die to a creature, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Leafeon's hit points are then restored by an amount equal to half the damage dealt - though this cannot raise it above the maximum. This is a [Grass] effect.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Leaf Blade & Sappy Seed
Leaf Blade (Ex): at will, Leafeon may attack with a sharpened blade, which functions as a Scimitar sized appropriately for it, with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up). It benefits from all feats and abilities that apply to scimitars. This is a [Blade] [Grass] attack.

Sappy Seed (Ex): once per hour, Leafeon may slam an adjacent foe in the head with a gooey bundle of seeds. This is treated as a weapon attack, resolved as a Standard Action, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die on a successful attack roll. Additionally, the target is afflicted with Leech Seed (see above) if this hits. This is a [Grass] attack.

At 11 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 2 and it learns Last Resort & Garden of Energy
Last Resort (Ex): this is the absolute best attack available, but is kept in reserve for when everything else has been tried. If Leafeon has used each of its other Special Attacks at least once each in the same encounter, it may use a Standard Action to make a single melee attack. This deals 15 damage per hit die and is a [Normal] attack that can only be used once per hour.

Garden of Energy (Su): once per day, Leafeon may use a Full Round Action to cause greater growth and energy within an area of Grassy Terrain on which it is standing. All in the area gain a Good Hope and Haste effect for one round per hit die. This is a [Grass] effect.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Verdant Dance & Miasma Wind
Verdant Dance (Su): with a Full Round Action, Leafeon can unleash the full power of its vast leafy energy in a magic dance, turning its various temporary enhancements into even more damaging energy. This deals a variable number of d10 of damage to all adjacent enemies - or all enemies out to 15 feet if it succeeds on a DC 20 Perform (Dance) check as pert of using this ability. This number is equal to the total of all Enhancement, Resistance, Morale and Luck Bonuses it has to Ability Scores, attack rolls (not differentiating between different ones), damage rolls (not differentiating between different ones) and Saving Throws (whichever happens to be highest), minus the total of all Morale and Luck Penalties to the above. For instance, if it has a +2 Enhancement Bonus to two different ability scores, and a +1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls, but a -2 Luck Penalty to saving throws, this equals 2+2+1+1-2 = 4d10. A successful Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) halves this. This is a [Dance] [Grass] attack.

Miasma Wind (Su): at will, Leafeon can cast Gust of Wind as a breath weapon, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus. All creatures that fail the saving throw suffer 3d6 points of damage, with another 2d6 for every affliction or negative status condition on them, and another 3d6 if they are in Swamp Terrain (or naturally occurring swamp) or a Malevolent Miasma effect, all creatures in the area are also exposed to Mindfire disease, with the same Save DC as the initial save. This is a [Wind] [Poison] attack.

At 13 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Nature's Breath & Strength Sap
Nature's Breath (Su): once per hour, Leafeon may exhale a breath weapon out in a 15' cone, causing all in the area to regain 1d6 hit points per hit die - Leafeon also benefits from this, despite not being in the area. This also grants a Cure Disease effect to all in the area. This is a [Wind] [Grass] effect.

Strength Sap (Su): once per 5 rounds, Leafeon may use a Standard Action to drain the strength and power from another creature in Close Range. If the target fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), it suffers 2 points of Strength damage, and then Leafeon regains lost hit points equal to double the target's (newly reduced) Strength score. This cannot heal it above its maximum hit points. This is a [Grass] effect.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Leafy Cyclone & Grass Whistle
Leafy Cyclone (Su): once per day, Leafeon can cast Greater Whirlwind with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, and all damage taken (aside from landing after being ejected from it) is Grass damage. This is a [Wind] [Grass] attack.

Grass Whistle (Ex): once per minute, Leafeon can use a Standard Action to whistle through a leaf or blade of grass, and all creatures within 50 feet that can hear it must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or fall Asleep for 3 rounds. This is a [Sonic] [Grass] effect.

At 15 hit dice, its Constitution increases by 2 and it learns Maximum Topiary
Maximum Topiary (Su): once per minute, Mega Leafeon may cause the plants to rise up and hamper everything nearby with a Standard Action. Everything within 50 feet of it is subject to an Entangle effect, and surrounded by a Wall of Thorns effect. Furthermore, it may instantly place holly bombs (as though through casting the Mythic version of Fire Seeds) all throughout this area. All of these effects dissipate after five rounds, and it is immune to its own maximum topiary. The explosions of the holly bombs are Grass damage, and this entire attack is a [Grass] attack.


Mega Evolution:
When Leafeon becomes Mega Leafeon, it grows larger and more intimidating, with the leafy extensions becoming rough and almost thorny. Its Strength, Dexterity, Wisdom, Charisma and Natural Armour each increase by 4 and its [Pokebility] becomes Grassy Surge.

Grassy Surge (Su): the area surrounding Mega Leafeon, out to thirty feet, becomes Grassy Terrain. This lasts for as long as it is in the area, and for three rounds afterwards.


Small Fey, CR 8
9 12 14 4 17 17
8d10+24 (68 HP), Init +1, Speed 30'
BAB/Grab: +3/-2
-Bite +5 (1d6-1)
AC: 14 (+1 Size, +1 Dexterity, +2 Natural Armour), Flat 13, Touch 12
Fort +4 Ref +7 Will +9
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Toughness, 3, 6
Skills: Survival +14
Special Attacks: Bite, Covet, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Swift, Disarming Voice
Special Qualities: Fairy Pokemon Traits, Cute Charm, Helping Hand, Tail Wag, Baby-Doll Eyes, Cheer Up, Refresh, Copycat, Baton Pass, Light Screen, Misty Terrain, Skill Swap
Rare Traits: Pixilate, Curse, Double Kick, Tickle, Yawn
Tutor Moves: Alluring Voice, Body Slam, Calm Mind, Dig, Facade, Fake Tears, Protect, Stored Power, Substitute, Take Down, Moony Night, Reflect, Dazzling Gleam, Rest, Hyper Voice, Misty Explosion
Advancement: 9+ hit dice (Small)
Hit Dice: 1d10 HP, Poor BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

Is it a cat? Is it a fox? Well it's a dainty pink-and-white creature that appears to be growing its own ribbons with pale blue tips.

Fairy Traits: Sylveon can be affected as a Spirit (such as for Spirit Shaman abilities). It is weak against [Poison] and [Steel] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Dark] and [Fighting] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Dragon] attacks, meaning it always resists them, and has Evasion against anything described as a Breath Weapon, and immunity to the Frightful Presence ability of dragons.

Cute Charm (Su): Sylveon is really cute. Any creature that attacks it must first attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or fail to do so, instead being Charmed for one round. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Charm] effect, and a [Pokebility].

Disarming Voice (Su): with a Standard Action once per three rounds, Sylveon may shout loudly and startle its foes. All enemies within 30 feet that are not deaf suffer 1d6 Sonic damage, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Sonic] [Fairy] attack.

Light Screen (Su): once per hour, Sylveon may emit powerful light that forms an actual protective shield. This functions as a Wall of Light spell, however any creature attacking through it that cannot see through it treats all targets as having half Cover. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Misty Terrain (Sp): once per hour, Sylveon may use a Full Round Action to release Misty Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Fairy] effect.

Skill Swap (Sp): once per hour, Sylveon may use a Standard Action to target a foe within Close Range, and force them to attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the save is failed, both Pokemon swap [Pokebility] with one another - if one of them has no [Pokebility], it merely donates it to the other and gains nothing in return. This lasts for one round per hit die, and is a [Psychic] effect.

Rare Traits:
Pixilate (Su): if Eevee had Adaptability before evolving, it instead has Pixilate when becoming Sylveon. Any [Normal] effect created by Sylveon is changed to a [Fairy] effect, and in the case of a damaging attack, the die size is increased one step - for attacks that simply deal a flat amount of damage per hit die, simply add 2 damage per hit die as though the flat damage were actually a maximised dice roll (so Hyper Beam would go from 10 per hit die to 12 per hit die). This is a [Pokebility]

At 9 hit dice, it learns Draining Kiss & Psych Up
Draining Kiss (Su): once per hour, Sylveon may cast Vampiric Touch. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Psych-Up (Su): with a Standard Action once per hour, Sylveon may look at another creature within 60 feet and focus on them, working itself up to match them. Sylveon then gains every Deflection, Resistance, Enhancement or Morale Bonus or Penalty that the target has, which remain for the next minute. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Moonblast and Charm
Moonblast (Su): once per three rounds, Sylveon can unleash a powerful blast of magical energy from the moon, a 10' radius Blast anywhere in Medium Range that deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw also suffer 2 points of Charisma damage. When directly under the light of a full moon, the Blast is Widened. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Charm (Sp): once per day, Sylveon may cast Charm Monster with a Save DC of 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is [Mind-Affecting] [Charm] [Fairy] effect.

At 11 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Last Resort & Tricky Ribbon
Last Resort (Ex): this is the absolute best attack available, but is kept in reserve for when everything else has been tried. If Sylveon has used each of its other Special Attacks at least once each in the same encounter, it may use a Standard Action to make a single melee attack. This deals 15 damage per hit die and is a [Normal] attack that can only be used once per hour.

Tricky Ribbon (Ex): Sylveon may use its natural ribbons to make Trip, Drag, Reposition and Dirty Trick attempts at a range of up to 15 feet. It treats its Base Attack Bonus as being equal to its hit dice, and uses its Dexterity instead of Strength for this. The various manoeuvres are treated as [Fairy] effects.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Magic Coat & Kaleidostorm
Magic Coat (Su): once per minute, Sylveon may use a Standard Action to shield itself in mystical energy. This grants it Spell Turning, with no limit on the number of Spell Levels, for one round, but only against effects that do not directly deal damage. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Kaleidostorm (Sp): once per day, Sylveon may cast Prismatic Spray with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Additionally, when performing this, it may "donate" any temporary spell effects or bonuses from itself to willing allies within 15 feet, without affecting their durations. This is a [Fairy] effect, but the resulting damage and effects are not: Red causes [Fire] damage, Orange causes [Poison] damage (and the Green effect is also [Poison]), and Yellow causes [Electricity] damage.

At 13 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Dream Gift & Sparkly Swirl
Dream Gift (Sp): once per day, Sylveon may pluck a gift from someone's dream and make it come true - this creates any nonmagical object that costs up to 500 GP, or a magic item that costs up to 100 GP, or can temporarily change the target's [Pokebility] to the one offered as a Rare Trait (if any), lasting for 1 hour. The target chooses the benefit received, from those available. This is a [Fairy] effect, and works even if the target can't literally dream.

Sparkly Swirl (Su): once per hour, Sylveon can unleash a dazzling spray of sparkles in a dome around itself. Every enemy within a 20' radius of it suffers 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) and is coated in Glitterdust, and every ally within the area is cured of Poison, Disease, Stunning, Dazing, Burns, Frostburn, Paralysis, Sickening, Nausea, Confusion, Fascination, Blindness and all [Fear] effects. This is a [Fairy] effect.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Mystical Fire & Fairy Frolic
Mystical Fire (Sp): once per three rounds, Sylveon may call upon a magical flame to damage its foe, almost homing on their position. This deals 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and any target that suffers damage from this also suffers a -4 Luck Penalty to Charisma for three rounds. This is a [Fire] attack.

Fairy Frolic (Su): once per hour, Sylveon may glow with a magical protective aura, using a Standard Action. Until the start of its next turn, it is Immune to all attacks and effects as it partially enters the land of dreams and harmony. Any attack that targets it (or includes it in the Area) during this time instead heals it for half of any damage that would normally be dealt. This is a [Fairy] effect.

At 15 hit dice, its Constitution increases by 2 and it learns Maximum Harmony
Maximum Harmony (Su): once per minute, Mega Sylveon may unleash a Moonblast effect that is resolved as a [Sonic] [Fairy] attack. Everything in the area that fails the Will Save is then subject to a Hymn of Peace effect.


Mega Evolution:
When Sylveon becomes Mega Sylveon, the ribbons become even longer and more entangling, and it sparkles with shiny light. Its Strength and Natural Armour each increase by 2, and its Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom and Charisma each increase by 4. It also gains a +4 Bonus on Trip, Drag, Reposition and Dirty Trick checks. Its [Pokebility] becomes Misty Surge.

Misty Surge (Su): the area surrounding Mega Sylveon, out to thirty feet, becomes Misty Terrain. This lasts for as long as it is in the area, and for three rounds afterwards.


Tutor Moves:

Alluring Voice (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokémon may sing out in such an angelic voice that it damages and befuddles foes. This targets a single non-deaf creature within Medium Range, and deals 1d10 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Additionally, if the target had received any temporary bonus on their turn prior to receiving the damage, then whether they save or not, they are Confused for five rounds. This is a [Sonic] [Fairy] attack.

Body Slam (Ex): at will, the Pokémon may either use a Standard Action to deliver a Slam, or Charge an opponent and use a Slam instead of any other attacks. This increases the damage by two steps (so typically 1d8 for a Tiny creature or 2d6 for a Small one). This adds one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and if the target takes any damage (after Resistance), they must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Stunned until the end of the attacker's next turn (during which time it cannot be stunned again). This is a [Normal] attack.

Calm Mind (Su): three times per day, the Pokémon may use a Full Round Action to grant itself a Calm Emotions effect. Additionally, for the duration, it gains a +4 Enhancement Bonus to both Wisdom and Charisma. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Charm (Sp): once per day, the Pokémon may cast Charm Monster with a Save DC of 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is [Mind-Affecting] [Charm] [Fairy] effect.

Chilling Water (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokémon may unleash a rush of icy cold water at an opponent. This deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die, to a maximum of 5d6, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). A failed saving throw also results in the target being Fatigued, which can stack up to Exhaustion. This is a [Water] attack.

Dazzling Gleam (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokémon may use a Standard Action to release a flash of bright magical light out in a 30' radius Burst from itself. This deals 1d10 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Additionally, anything that fails its save is also rendered Blind for 1 round, and then Dazzled for 2 more rounds. Creatures that have no eyesight take the minimum damage from this and are not blinded or dazzled. This is a [Fairy] attack.

[b[Dig (Ex):[/b] the Pokémon gains a Burrow speed equal to its Base Speed minus ten (minimum five), unless it already has a better Burrow speed. While digging, the Pokémon has Tremorsense out to its Burrow Speed, and may use a Full Round Action to charge a creature that stands above it, even if the distance is less than ten feet. The foe is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against this attack, which gains 1d6 Sneak Attack, +1d6 more at 6 hit dice, and every 5 hit dice thereafter. This is a [Ground] attack.

Electric Terrain (Sp): once per hour, the Pokémon may use a Full Round Action to release Electric Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is an [Electric] effect.

Expanding Force (Sp): once per five rounds, the Pokémon may unleash a widening bubble of telekinetic energy. This targets a single 5' square within Close Range, dealing 1d4 damage per hit die as a [Force] effect. However, if cast upon Psychic Terrain, it instead affects a 10' radius Burst, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die. All in the area are allowed a Reflex Save for half damage (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Psychic] attack.

Facade (Ex): once per three rounds, the Pokémon may unleash an attack that shocks foes with how powerful they really can be when allegedly at a disadvantage. Normally, this is a Slam attack that deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, plus their Strength Bonus, however if the Pokémon is suffering from any affliction or negative Status condition, the damage increases to 1d8 per 2 hit dice, plus their Strength score. This is a [Normal] attack.

Fake Tears (Ex): once per minute, the Pokémon may pretend to cry, quivering and cowering in false fear directed at a target. It makes a Feint attempt against a foe, and if successful, this afflicts the target with a -4 Morale Penalty to Spell Resistance, Reflex and Will Saves for three rounds. This is a [Dark] effect.

Fire Blast (Su): once per hour, the Pokémon can unleash a 60' radius explosion of fire as a Blast in Medium Range. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail their saving throw are Burned. In harsh sunlight, a Reflex Save merely halves the damage, and creatures that fail the save catch fire as well as being burned. In any other kind of weather that isn't clear skies, creatures get a +4 Bonus on the saving throw. This is a [Fire] attack that destroys most terrain.

Flip Turn (Ex): by changing the attack at the end of a charge to a [Water] attack, the Pokémon may move up to its base move speed away from the target after the charge, without provoking an attack of opportunity from the target, as though using the Spring Attack feat. If the attack hits, this also splashes the target's eyes such that they are rendered Blind for one round. This is a [Water] attack.

Foul Play (Ex): at will, the Pokémon may turn an opponent's strength against them in an underhanded manner. With a Standard Action, it makes a melee attack roll against a foe within reach, and if it hits, it deals damage based on the target's Size (1d8 if they are Medium), plus one and a half times the target's Strength Bonus. This is a [Dark] attack.

Grassy Glide (Ex): at will, the Pokémon may Charge an opponent and deliver a Slam that deals 1d10 damage for a Medium creature. If the Pokémon is standing on Grassy Terrain when beginning the movement, this may be performed with a Swift or Immediate Action. This is a [Grass] attack.

Grassy Terrain (Sp): once per hour, the Pokémon may use a Full Round Action to release Grassy Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Grass] effect.

Gravity (Su): once per hour, the Pokémon can create a field of enhanced gravity in a 60' emanation with a Standard Action. For the next minute, all in this area lose the ability to Fly, as well as Flying Pokémon Traits and the Levitate [Pokebility], nor can anything be launched into the air as the result of an attack. The result of any Jump check is halved (round down), as is the range (or range increment) of any ranged weapon (including Ray spells but not Area of Effect attacks). Everything within the area is treated as carrying twice as much weight as they are, and any Armour is treated as one grade heavier for the purpose of movement and mobility. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Haze (Su): once per five rounds, the Pokémon may use a Standard Action to exhale a gentle light haze across the field, either as a 60' Cone or everywhere in a 30' radius of itself. This clears away all magical hazards (as well as hazards created by Pokémon Attacks, such as Web and Stealth Rock), and also clears out any Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) to creatures in the area that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. For instance, drinking a potion of Bull's Strength and having Mage Armour cast on you would be wiped away, but wearing a belt of Strength would not be affected. This is an [Ice] effect.

Hyper Beam (Su): once per day, the Pokémon may use a Full Round Action to unleash a powerful beam of energy. This 5' wide, 100' long Line deals 10 damage per hit die to all creatures in the Area, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This leaves the Pokemon Exhausted until it rests. If already Fatigued, Drowsy or Exhausted, the user collapses afterwards, falling Asleep. This is a [Normal] attack.

Hyper Voice (Ex): at will, the Pokémon may shout extremely loudly. This is a 50' Cone, and deals 1d10 Sonic damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and a Fortitude Save (same DC) to resist being rendered Deaf for one minute. This is a [Sonic] [Normal] attack.

Ice Beam (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokémon may use a Standard Action to unleash a beam of super-cold frosted air at a target in Long Range. This is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack, and deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die. A struck target must also succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be encased in ice, as per the Icy Prison spell. This is an [Ice] attack.

Iron Tail (Ex): the Pokémon gains a Secondary Tail natural weapon that deals 1d8 damage if Medium, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is a [Steel] attack. If it already has a Tail attack, this can be used in place of, but not in addition to, the existing one. This attack automatically Power Attacks (even if the Pokémon normally lacks the feat) as a two-handed weapon for a minimum of half the Pokémon's Base Attack Bonus, but on a successful hit, the target's defences are cracked, suffering a -4 Penalty to Armour Class for one minute.

Lash Out (Ex): if something dares to afflict the Pokémon with Ability Damage, Ability Drain, or a Penalty of any kind, it may lash out as an Immediate Action, unleashing all of its frustration about the unfair situation. It makes a single melee attack at the target, which is considered to be a Slam and on a successful hit deals 1d10 damage per hit die. This is a [Dark] attack.

Light Screen (Su): once per hour, the Pokémon may emit powerful light that forms an actual protective shield. This functions as a Wall of Light spell, however any creature attacking through it that cannot see through it treats all targets as having half Cover. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Misty Explosion (Su): once per day, the Pokémon may super-compress all of the fey energy and mist inside itself and explode, deflating instantly with destructive force. Everything within Close Range (the Pokémon included) suffers damage equal to the Pokémon's full maximum hit points. On Misty Terrain, bonus damage equal to its hit dice multiplied by its Charisma Bonus, is also dealt. A Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) halves the damage, but regardless of Temporary Hit Points, saving throws etc, the attacker can never remain with zero or more hit points - adjust it down to -1 if necessary. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Moonlit Night (Sp): once per hour, the Pokémon may darken the skies with a Standard Action, shrouding the area within 500 feet in shadowy illumination for one minute, suppressing any effects caused by sunlight. Additionally, the area is treated as being under a full moon for the purpose of all effects such as lycanthropy and certain [Fairy] abilities. This is a [Dark] effect.

Protect (Su): once per hour, the Pokémon may use strange magic to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force specifically, it will leave the Pokemon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Psychic Noise (Su): once per minute, the Pokémon may release devastating psychic waves that rattle cellular matter and cripple the body's healing capabilities. This uses a Standard Action, and affects a creature within Medium Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit die + its Charisma Bonus). Failure results in the target being unable to regain hit points or gain temporary hit points in any way for three turns, as well as deactivating Regeneration for that duration so that all damage suffered is actual hit point damage. This is a [Sound] [Psychic] attack.

Psychic Terrain (Sp): once per hour, the Pokémon may use a Full Round Action to release Psychic Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Psychic] effect.

Rain Dance (Su): with a Full Round Action once per hour, the Pokémon may dance about and summon the rains. If there are already clouds overhead, this takes effect immediately, otherwise it starts raining at the end of its next turn as clouds must first gather. For the next three rounds (in naturally dry environments), one minute (in normal environments) or minute per hit die (in damp environments where it was likely to soon rain anyway), the weather becomes rain out to a one mile radius. This is a [Water] effect.

Reflect (Su): once per hour, the Pokémon may cast Wall of Force. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Rest (Ex): once per day, the Pokémon may simply fall Asleep of its own accord with a Full Round Action. This functions as a Heal effect, but also renders it asleep for its turn, and two more rounds afterwards. If anything prevents it from falling asleep, it also does not gain the benefits. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Scorching Sands (Su): once per minute, the Pokémon may unleash a burst of superheated sands that burn and abrade the skin. This functions as a Scalding Mud effect, except instead of the ongoing damage, creatures that fail the Reflex Save must succeed at a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Burned. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ground] attack.

Seed Bomb (Su): with a Full Round Action, the Pokémon can compress a cluster of seeds within the bulb on its back then launch it at high pressures. This is resolved with a Ranged Attack out to Medium Range, and on a successful hit it explodes apart, dealing 1d6 Bludgeoning damage per hit die. This is a [Ballistic] [Grass] attack, and can be used to plant clusters of actual seeds deep into the ground, allowing for various plants to grow later.

Shadow Ball (Sp): once per three rounds, the Pokémon may use a Standard Action to launch a sphere of terrifying spectral essence out to Medium Range. This hits all in a 10' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Furthermore, on a failed saving throw, targets suffer one temporary Negative Level (lasting one hour), or two if they are Weak against the attack. This is a [Ballistic] [Ghost] attack.

Solar Blade (Su): with a Full Round Action, the Pokémon can absorb light energy around it, providing it is not in utter darkness. In harsh sunlight or on the Plane of Radiance or Positive Energy Plane, or in the same round as being hit by [Light] damage, this only takes a Swift Action. Upon gathering the energy, this can be unleashed as a Standard Action before the end of its next turn. Unleashing this is resolved as a melee Touch Attack, dealing damage as a Keen Great Sword sized for the user but with an additional 1d10 damage per hit die as bonus damage (which is not multiplied on a critical hit). The target must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Blinded for one round. In snow, hail, rain, fog, partial darkness or sandstorms, this only deals 1d6 bonus damage per hit die. This is a [Grass] [Blade] effect.

Stored Power (Sp): with a Full Round Action, the Pokémon can unleash the full power of its psychic potential, turning its various temporary enhancements into even more damaging energy. This deals a variable number of d10 of damage to all enemies within 10 feet. This number is equal to the total of all Enhancement, Resistance, Morale and Luck Bonuses it has to Ability Scores, attack rolls (not differentiating between different ones), damage rolls (not differentiating between different ones) and Saving Throws (whichever happens to be highest), minus the total of all Morale and Luck Penalties to the above. For instance, if it has a +2 Enhancement Bonus to two different ability scores, and a +1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls, but a -2 Luck Penalty to saving throws, this equals 2+2+1+1-2 = 4d10. A successful Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) halves this. This is a [Psychic] attack.

Substitute (Sp): once per hour, the Pokémon may suffer Non-lethal damage equal to a quarter of its Maximum Hit Points, as a Standard Action, and in doing so create a Project Image effect. Additionally, it is rendered Invisible for the duration of this effect. If a creature disbelieves the illusion, they also see through the invisibility. This is a [Normal] effect.

Sunny Day (Su): once per day per 5 full hit dice, the Pokémon may change the weather to harsh sunlight out to a one mile radius, for one round per hit die. If it is night, this instead only affects a 10' radius spread, though it will still Dispel any magically created weather effects out to one mile. This is a [Fire] effect.

Take Down (Ex): the Pokémon can use a Slam attack at the end of a charge instead of other weapons, dealing damage as though three Size Categories larger (so 3d6 for a Medium creature), and as though its Strength were 10 points higher. It may also attempt a free Trip Attack on the foe as part of this. At the same time as it deals damage to the target, it also suffers regular Slam damage against itself (1d6 plus its normal Strength Bonus for a Medium creature). This is a [Normal] attack.

Thief (Ex): once per minute, the Pokémon may make a single melee attack as a Standard Action, and additionally attempt to steal an item, with its choice of a Steal Combat Maneuver or a Sleight of Hand check with a DC of the opponent's BAB plus 10. The attack becomes a [Dark] attack, and the entire move is a [Dark] effect.

Trailblaze (Su): at will, the Pokémon may Charge a foe using the normal rules and limitations for a charge - except when on Grassy Terrain, in which case it can move indirectly, turn corners and target foes other than the closest. It makes a single attack at the end of the charge, and then enjoys a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Dexterity for 3 rounds. This is a [Grass] attack.

Volt Switch (Su): with a Full Round Action once per five rounds, the Pokémon may cast Lightning Leap (Save DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If it ends the movement in the same square as, or adjacent to, its pokeball, it may retreat into it and end its turn that way. This is an [Electric] attack.

Weather Ball (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokémon may unleash a compressed sphere of atmospheric energy with a Ranged Touch Attack to Medium Range. This deals 1d8 Bludgeoning damage per 2 hit dice and is a [Normal] effect. In harsh sunlight, it is a [Fire] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In heavy rain, it is a [Water] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In a sandstorm, it is a [Ground] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In snow or hail, it is an [Ice] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In overwhelming winds, it is a [Flying] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. If no other weather applies and it is night time, this is a [Dark] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. Theoretically, the planar hellscapes of D&D could create other effects such as [Poison] in acid rain, and any such transformation increases the damage to 1d6 per hit die.

X-Scissor (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Pokémon may make two Primary Sting attacks (1d6 for a Medium creature if it doesn't have a Sting attack normally) against the same target, without carrying any venom. These have a doubled Critical Threat range (17-20), and if either of the attacks is a Critical Hit, both of them are (providing they both actually hit). This is a [Bug] attack, and if it is Resisted, add the damage together before subtracting the defender's hit dice a single time.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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