Mythic Ascendants

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Mythic Ascendants

Post by Koumei »

So, let me explain what this is: I take a Mythic Progression from the WotR PC game, with its various mechanics. I take the base class it most obviously matches (particularly in regards to spellbooks, similar/identical class features etc) with. And then I fuse them together. I won't do this with the Lich, because it matches best to the Wizard, a class that needs no help. The "Prestige" ones also probably won't get anything because they're very late-game (so have just a handful of powerful abilities, not a progression really), and also aren't designed with specific classes in mind. But for instance, the Demon progression sort of matches anything that can Rage, but fits really well with the Bloodrager, a Pathfinder class that certainly... exists. It is locked to the Demonic Bloodline too, because obviously. And then basically you get something that enters a rage and has some really big numbers, but at least gets a few non-boring things on the side, maybe?

And then there's the Aeon, which is a perfect match for the Inquisitor, a class that isn't terrible but doesn't get ninth level spells. Likewise the Azata matches the PF Bard, and that also is no slouch but not part of the "super top tier cool kids club with bonus awesome". Also it doesn't get an automatic Havoc Dragon cohort, because A) that's a bonus character with a voice and thus is more an imposition for "not combat stuff" than just having a pet bear or undead creation, and B) I do understand the power difference of having a dragon join your side all the time, on top of summons.

I'll probably pair Angel (arguably the most powerful Mythic progression) with the Healer, and the PF Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) could pair reasonably well with the Trickster, except that A) the Trickster-specific spells are the stupid joke ones like "Summon Beer Elemental" and "Summon Perpetually Annoyed Wizard", and B) the PC games don't use the same skills as PF which doesn't use the same skills as D&D, and it gains special skill powers based on the PC games so would require some amount of changes.

Note: you generally can take Archetypes that modify these. The Demon Ascendant is still basically a Bloodrager (Abyssal), just ostensibly gestalted/fused with the Demon Ascension in WotR. So most Archetypes still apply, although not anything that forces you to have some other bloodline. Does Cross-Blooded exist for this? If so, that wouldn't be viable. Note that the rage has a different (better) usage schedule, so maybe that changes things - if an Archetype reduces the amount of raging you can do, don't ask me how it changes this, I don't care. Yes I changed some of the demonic aspects. Likewise, the Aeon Ascendant is basically still an Inquisitor, just fused with the Aeon Ascension and with a bit more "basically at will, but locked in for the whole fight" going on. Yes I changed some of the enforcing gaze powers. The Azata Ascendant is still a Bard, just with limitless (but less free-to-change) performance and fused with the Azata Ascendant. Yes I deliberately excluded the "recharge all your spells" spells and seriously changed the powers. At time of writing, these are all that exist, but if the Trickster exists, it will be an Eldritch Scoundrel PF Rogue fused with Trickster Ascension, so will have already traded some stuff out - but can still trade other things out and do the "PF Book of Nine Swords" archetype if they want to.

Anyway, on with the stuff.

Demon Ascendant
"You're the one who cut me open and stitched a demon's soul to mine. How did you not expect me to eat your face?"

(This probably brings the class to "High" balance, in that Pathfinder kind of way where they get BIG NUMBER in combat but lack a lot of interesting abilities and indeed answers to various questions in battle, and also out of battle.)

HD: d10
BAB: Good
Saving Throws: Good Fort
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Climb, Craft, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana, Planes), Listen, Ride, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble
Proficiencies: Simple and Martial Weapons, Light and Medium Armour, Shields (not Tower)
01Physical Transformation, Demonic Rage, Fast Movement
02Uncanny Dodge, Hard to Kill
03Abyssal Sanctuary, Demonic Resistances
04Demonic Bulk, Abyssal Spellcasting, Magic Claws
05Improved Uncanny Dodge, Demonic Charge
06Bonus Feat, Improved Demonic Rage
07Bonus Spells (1st), DR 1/-, Greater Resistances
08Demonic Summons, Lesser Demonic Aspect, Larger Claws
09Bonus Feat, Lesser Demonic Aspect
10Bonus Spells (2nd), DR 2/-, Extra Aspect, Demonic Immunities
11Greater Demonic Rage, Lesser Demonic Aspect, Greater Demonic Aspect
12Fiery Claws, Taste for Blood +2, Greater Demonic Aspect, Bonus Feat
13Bonus Spells (3rd), DR 3/-, Lesser Demonic Aspect
14Indomitable Will, Deadly Claws, Greater Demonic Aspect
15Bonus Feat, Extra Aspect, Lesser Demonic Aspect
16Fiery Aura, Taste for Blood +4, Bonus Spells (4th), DR 4/-
17Living Rage, Lesser Demonic Aspect, Demon Lord Aspect
18Bonus Feat, Mighty Demonic Rage
19DR 5/-, Demon Lord Aspect, Lesser Demonic Aspect
20Supreme Demonic Rage, Tanar'ri Transformation, Taste for Blood +6

Physical Transformation (Ex): the Demon Ascendant has a number of natural weapons, whether he wants them or not. He has two Primary Claw attacks, each with a base damage of 1d6 + Strength Bonus for a Medium creature, and 1 Secondary Gore that deals 1d8 plus one and a half times his Strength Bonus.

Demonic Rage (Su): upon receiving or dealing damage, the Demon Ascendant may enter the Demonic Rage as a Free Action. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution Bonus plus one (minimum 1), extended by 1 round each time damage is dealt or suffered. When it ends, he cannot enter Demonic Rage again for 3 rounds. While it is in effect, he gains a +4 Morale Bonus to Strength and Constitution, a +2 Morale Bonus on Will Saves, and a -2 Penalty to Armour Class. During the rage, he cannot use Charisma, Dexterity or Intelligence based skills (except Balance, Tumble, Intimidate and Ride), or anything that requires concentration. Upon entering Demonic Rage, he gains 1 point of temporary Mythic Power that can be expended specifically for powers granted by this class. If unspent, it vanishes when the rage ends.

Fast Movement (Ex): at first level, the Demon Ascendant's base speed increases by ten feet.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): at level two, the Demon Ascendant gains Uncanny Dodge. At level five, he gains Improved Uncanny Dodge.

Hard to Kill (Ex): starting at level two, the death threshold of the Demon Ascendant is doubled - typically this means he dies at -20 HP instead of -10, but any house rules or other modifiers also apply, so if you instead use "a negative number equal to your Constitution Score" then it would become double that.

Abyssal Sanctuary (Su): at third level, the Demon Ascendent gain gains a +2 Bonus to Save against his own Spells when he casts them, the Spells of allies, and the Spells and Spell-Like Abilities of Demons.

Demonic Resistances (Ex): starting at level three, the Demon Ascendant starts to resemble a Demon, so gains Electricity Resistance 10, Acid, Cold and Fire Resistance 5, and a +4 Bonus to Save vs Poison. Select some cosmetic demonic feature as well - this can also be used to recognise him more easily, granting a -4 Penalty to Disguise checks, and granting others the same penalty when trying to disguise themselves as him without also having those traits, but a +4 Bonus if they do. Examples are red, scaled skin, ragged useless wings, a sheen of goo, bones jutting out of the flesh or whatever.

Demonic Bulk (Su): upon reaching level four, any time the Demon Ascendant enters a Demonic Rage, he may choose to grow one size category larger as though by Enlarge Person (regardless of his actual Type). This ends when the rage does.

Abyssal Spellcasting: the Demon Ascendant can cast a small number of spells, however he can cast them even while raging, even doing so defensively, and can make concentration checks and maintain concentration of them. He benefits from the Eschew Materials feat for these spells. He uses the Spells Known, Spells Per Day, and key Ability Score of the Bloodrager, drawing from the Bloodrager class list, plus the Demon Mythic Path spell list, with spells from the latter class being added at one lower than their normal level (minimum 1), so for instance first and second level Demon spells become first level Bloodrager spells. If a spell would appear twice on the list in this manner, it can be selected as either, using spell slots, base Spell Level (for Spell Turning and so on) of the level chosen. When in a Demonic Rage, he may spend his Mythic Power to cast a Mythic version of a Spell (at the highest Mythic power, even if that normally requires multiple expenditures of normal Mythic Power). Any time he takes a prestige class that advances spellcasting, he can only draw new Spells Known from the regular Bloodrager list.

Magic Claws (Su): upon reaching level four, all natural weapons of the Demon Ascendant are considered to be Magic and Cold Iron.

Demonic Charge (Su): with a Move-Equivalent Action, the fifth-level Demon Ascendant may spend Mythic Power to Teleport to anything in Charge range (typically double his movement speed), additionally causing a burst of 1d6 Unholy damage per level to all creatures in 10', with a Reflex Save for half. The Save DC is Charisma-based.

Bonus Feats: at level six, and every three full levels thereafter, the Demon Ascendant gains a Bonus Feat, which may be chosen from among the following: Cleave, Great Cleave, Cleaving Finish, Improved Cleaving Finish, Great Fortitude, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Intimidating Prowess, Dreadful Carnage, Power Attack, Toughness, Mythic Cleave, Mythic Dazzling Display, Mythic Dreadful Carnage, Mythic Bull Rush, Mythic Critical, Mythic Disarm, Mythic Drag, Mythic Grapple, Mythic Overrun, Mythic Reposition, Mythic Sunder, Mythic Trip, Mythic Intimidating Prowess, Mythic Power Attack, Mythic Shatter Defences. He must still meet all prerequisites, treats his Mythic Rank as being equal to half his level (round down) for the purpose of these feats, and any feat that requires the expenditure of Mythic Power uses his temporary Mythic Power gained in a Demonic Rage.

Improved Demonic Rage: at level six, the Demon Ascendant gains even more bonuses while in a Demonic Rage. He gains a +2 Profane Bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, Caster Level checks, Reflex Saves and the Save DC for all of his effects. A Dispel Chaos or Dispel Evil effect will completely negate these bonuses until he next enters a Demonic Rage.

Bonus Spells: at certain levels, the Demon Ascendant gains a certain number of bonus spells - both as Spells Known, and also specifically added to his class list. At level seven, he gains the following as First Level Spells: Quickened Ray of Enfeeblement, Blood Haze, Consume Fear, Demonic Form 1 (character replacement), Flames of the Abyss. At level ten, he gains the following as Second Level Spells: Quickened Bull's Strength, Channel Rage, Demonic Form 2 (character replacement), Morbid Restoration (only counts corpses of creatures with multiple hit dice), Profane Hymn, Telekinetic Strike. At level thirteen, he gains the following as Third Level Spells: Quickened Rage, Abyssal Chains, Abyssal Skin, Communal Channel Rage, Demonic Form 3 (character replacement), Demonic Teleport, Infectious Rage. Finally, at level sixteen, he gains the following as Fourth Level Spells: Quickened Stoneskin, Abyssal Storm, Demonic Form 4 (character replacement), Devour, Lifebane, Telekinetic Burst. These bonus spells are only gained by gaining actual levels of Bloodrager - you don't get them early via "Sorcerous Prodigy", you don't get them at all through prestige classes that advance casting ability.

Damage Reduction: at level seven, the Demon Ascendant gains DR 1/-. Every three full levels thereafter, it increases by 1.

Greater Resistances: upon reaching level seven, the Demon Ascendant's Electricity Resistance increases to 20, and his Bonus to Save against Poison becomes +8.

Demonic Summons (Sp): once per day, the eighth-level Demon Ascendant may, even in a Demonic Rage, use a Full Round Action to Summon a single creature with a CR up to his own level minus two, providing it is a Fiendish Animal or has the [Demon] (or [Tanar'ri]) Subtype. It lasts for one hour or until slain, and cannot use any summoning ability of its own for this duration. Additionally, he gains Army of Demons as a bonus feat providing he is actually campaigning in some kind of greater war, which he obviously should be.

Lesser Demonic Aspects: at levels eight, nine, eleven, thirteen, fifteen, seventeen and nineteen, the Demon Ascendant "learns" how to take on the aspects of a specific type of lesser Demon - or a lesser aspect of a mid-rank demon. To begin with, he may only have one of these active at a time, however at levels ten and fifteen, he may have another active at the same time. Changing which aspects are active requires a Standard Action, but it lasts until he decides otherwise, is in an Anti-Magic Field, or is subject to a Dispel Chaos or Dispel Evil effect.
  • Babau: the Ascendant gains a Competence Bonus to Mobility, Sleight of Hand, Disable Device and Stealth checks equal to half his effective Mythic Rank, plus 1. Additionally, he gains 2d6 Sneak Attack (like a third level Rogue), and when in a Demonic Rage, any creature that strikes him with a non-reach melee weapon suffers 2d6 Acid damage. Both of these increase by 1d6 at levels 12 and 18. He may cast Darkness as a bonus first level spell, and Dispel Magic as a bonus second level spell.
  • Brimorak: the Ascendant gains a Competence Bonus to Mobility, Sleight of Hand, Disable Device and Use Magic Device checks equal to half his effective Mythic Rank, plus 1. During a Demonic Rage, any creature that strikes him with a non-reach melee weapon suffers 2d6 Fire damage, increasing by 1d6 at levels 12 and 18. Additionally, whenever he casts a Spell in Demonic Rage, any time those spells deal damage, the damage is increased by +2 per die rolled. This increases by +1 per die at levels 12 and 18. He may cast Heat Metal as a bonus first level spell, and Air Walk as a bonus second level spell.
  • Incubus: the Ascendant gains a Competence Bonus to Diplomacy, Bluff, Athletics, Knowledge (Nature) and Survival checks equal to half his effective Mythic Rank, plus 1. During his Demonic Rage, the Save DC of all of his spells and abilities increase by 1, with further increases of +1 at levels 12 and 18. Additionally, anybody damaged by his weapon or natural weapon attacks in Demonic Rage becomes Sickened with pain for three rounds, +2 at levels 12 and 18. He may cast Charm Person as a bonus first level spell, and Crushing Despair as a bonus third level spell.
  • Kalavakus: the Ascendant gains a Competence Bonus to Perception, Athletics and Use Magic Device checks equal to half his effective Mythic Rank, plus 1. Additionally, when in a Demonic Rage, he gains a +2 Bonus to Natural Armour, and to CMD and CMB. These increase by +1 at levels 12 and 18. Whenever he succeeds at a combat maneuver during a Demonic Rage, he may make an attack against the target as a Free Action, and whenever he hits with a Charge attack during a Demonic Rage, he may attempt to Disarm the target as a Free Action. He may cast Command as a bonus first level spell, and Telekinesis as a bonus third level spell.
  • Nabasu: the Ascendant gains a Competence Bonus to Knowledge (Religion), Heal, Perception and Use Magic Device checks equal to half his Mythic Rank, plus 1. While in a Demonic Rage, he gains a +2 Bonus on all Saving Throws (+1 at levels 12 and 18). Additionally, during a Demonic Rage, he gains one round of a Nabasu's Death-Stealing Gaze (DC 10 + half his level + his Charisma Bonus), plus one round at levels 12 and 18. He may cast Silence as a bonus first level spell, and Regenerate as a bonus fourth level spell.
  • Schir: the Ascendant gains a Competence Bonus to Knowledge (Nature), Survival, Mobility and Athletics checks equal to half his Mythic Rank, plus 1. While in a Demonic Rage, he gains a +2 Bonus on melee attack rolls, increasing by +1 at levels 12 and 18, and he gains a Powerful Charge: the attack deals twice as many dice of damage, and gains an additional one and a half times his Strength Bonus to the damage (so for instance, three times his Strength Bonus for his Gore or a two-handed weapon). He may cast Expeditious Retreat as a bonus first level spell and Tongues as a bonus second level spell.
  • Succubus: the Ascendant gains a Competence Bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Perception and Knowledge (World) checks equal to half his Mythic Rank, plus 1. During a Demonic Rage, all enemies within 30 feet suffer a -1 Penalty to Will Saves and attack rolls, while all allies (including himself) within 30' gain a +1 Bonus to the same, and Immunity to [Compulsion] and [Fear] effects. The penalties and bonuses increase by 1 at levels 12 and 18. He may cast Detect Thoughts as a bonus first level spell, Suggestion as a bonus second level spell, and Charm Monster as a bonus fourth level spell.
  • Vrock: the Ascendant gains a Competence Bonus to all Knowledge checks equal to half his Mythic Rank, plus 1. While in a Demonic Rage, he gains a +2 Bonus on ranged attack rolls, increasing by +1 at levels 12 and 18. Additionally, all Spells he casts during the Rage may increase their range (from Touch to Close, Close to Medium, Medium to Long), and enemies within 30' suffer a -1 Penalty to Reflex Saves and move as if on Difficult Terrain. The penalty increases by 1 at levels 12 and 18. He may cast Heroism and Mirror Image as bonus second level spells.
Larger Claws: at level eight, the Demon Ascendant's Claws grow larger, increasing their base damage to 1d8 for a Medium creature. The horns also become sharper and longer, and gain a x3 Critical multiplier. The Penalty on Disguise checks (likewise the Penalty or Bonus for others impersonating him) increases to 8.

Greater Demonic Aspects: at levels eleven, twelve and fourteen, the Demon Ascendant "learns" how to take on the aspects of a specific type of greater Demon - or a greater aspect of a mid-rank demon. He may only have one of these active at a time, but this is separate from the limit on lesser aspects. Changing which aspects are active requires a Standard Action, but it lasts until he decides otherwise, is in an Anti-Magic Field, or is subject to a Dispel Chaos or Dispel Evil effect.
  • Balor: the Ascendant gains a Competence Bonus to Constitution equal to half his effective Mythic Rank, plus 1, and when in a Demonic Rage, he "shares" the Demonic Rage with all allies within 50 feet. They may choose not to accept it, and they gain all of the effects that are not related to Demonic Aspects. He may cast Fire Storm and True Seeing as bonus fourth level spells.
  • Coloxus: the Ascendant gains a Competence Bonus to Intelligence equal to half his effective Mythic Rank, plus 1, and when in a Demonic Rage, any Spell or Ability that requires a Standard Action may instead be used with a Move-Equivalent Action if he prefers. He may cast Contagion as a bonus second level spell, and Giant Vermin as a bonus third level spell.
  • Omox: the Ascendant's Damage Reduction increases by an amount equal to half his effective Mythic Rank, plus 1. Additionally, when in a Demonic Rage, any creature he hits with an attack or affects with a Spell or Spell-Like Ability must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus) or become grappled by magical goo until the start of his next turn, treated as Anchored and Entangled. Freedom of Movement and similar effects still bypass this. He may cast Stinking Cloud and Gaseous Form as bonus third level spells.
  • Shadow Demon: the Ascendant gains a Competence Bonus to Wisdom equal to half his effective Mythic Rank, plus 1. Additionally, he is Incorporeal during his Demonic Rage. He may cast Fear and Shadow Conjuration as bonus third level spells.
  • Vavakia: the Ascendant gains a Competence Bonus to Strength equal to half his effective Mythic Rank, plus 1. Additionally, while in his Demonic Rage, he gains the Smoking Wound special attack of the Vavakia, applying it to his Gore. He may cast Earthquake as a bonus third level spell, and Blasphemy as a bonus fourth level spell.
  • Vrolikai: the Ascendant gains Fast Healing equal to half his effective Mythic Rank, plus 1. Additionally, when in a Demonic Rage, all of his damaging Spells and melee attacks also deal one Negative Level on enemies who are affected, with a Will Save to negate (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus). He may cast Mass Hold Monster and Symbol of Death as bonus fourth level spells.
Demonic Immunities: at level ten, the Demon Ascendant truly resembles Demons when it comes to arbitrary immunities. He gains immunity to Electricity and Poison.

Greater Demonic Rage: at level eleven, the Profane Bonuses in the Demonic Rage improve by +1 each, the Morale Bonuses to Strength and Constitution increase to +6, and the Morale Bonus to Will Saves increases to +3. Additionally, as part of the action of entering a Demonic Rage, the Demon Ascendant may cast a first or second level spell on himself, providing he is the only target, there is no Area of Effect, and it normally has a Casting Time of one Standard Action or less.

Fiery Claws (Su): at level twelve, when in a Demonic Rage, all Natural Weapons of the Demon Ascendant gain the Flaming property - even those that were not granted by this class. He just constantly emits fire.

Taste for Blood: the twelfth-level Demon Ascendant may increase his Rage's Morale Bonus to Strength by 2, but his AC Penalty becomes -4. At level 16 the Strength Bonus is instead increased by 4 (without increasing the AC Penalty further), and at 20 it is increased by 6 (for a total of +14). Additionally, accepting this trade-off grants one additional point of temporary Mythic Power at level twelve, two at level sixteen, and three at level twenty.

Indomitable Will (Ex): at level fourteen, the Demon Ascendant gains a +4 Bonus on Will Saves to resist Enchantment spells and effects while in a Demonic Rage, and just really likes adding lists of bonuses to things and having big numbers.

Deadly Claws (Su): all natural weapons of the fourteenth-level Demon Ascendant - even those not gained from this class - bypass all Damage Reduction, have a minimum of a +2 Enhancement Bonus (actually applied to attack and damage rolls), and are all treated as Primary natural weapons.

Fiery Aura (Su): starting at level sixteen, when in the Demonic Rage, the Demon Ascendant can emit a 5' aura of fire if he wants, and he usually does want. Creatures that end their turn adjacent to him suffer Fire damage equal to 2d6 plus his Constitution Bonus.

Living Rage (Ex): upon reaching level seventeen, the Demon Ascendant can enter Demonic Rage at any time regardless of restrictions, and can act normally in the rage. Bonuses and Penalties still apply.

Demon Lord Aspects: at levels seventeen and nineteen, the Demon Ascendant "learns" how to take on the aspects of a specific type of Demon Lord. These are both active at the same time, and this is separate from the limit on lesser aspects, and the limit on greater aspects. Activating it (if deactivated) requires a Standard Action, but it lasts until he decides otherwise, is in an Anti-Magic Field, or is subject to a Dispel Chaos or Dispel Evil effect.
  • Areshkagal: any attack that targets the Ascendant during a Demonic Rage has a 50% Miss Chance. He can cast Winds of Vengeance and Project Image as bonus fourth level spells.
  • Deskari: the Demon Ascendant is completely immune to Swarms in Demonic Rage, and any target damaged by the Demon Ascendant in a Demonic Rage becomes infested: with a Swift Action, the Ascendant can accelerate the creeping swarm inside them, dealing 20d6 points of damage and spawning a Fiendish Locust Swarm in their space, with a Fortitude Save to negate (Charisma-based). A failed save ends the infestation, as does a Remove Disease, Dispel Evil or Heal effect. He can cast Disintegrate and Creeping Doom as bonus fourth level spells.
  • Kabriri: every time the Ascendant kills an enemy of at least equal hit dice during a Demonic Rage, he regains up to 150 lost hit points, as well as removing any effects that are removed by a Heal spell. This is not positive energy, so still heals him even if undead. He may cast Moment of Prescience and Mass Suffocation as bonus fourth level spells.
  • Nocticula: once per Demonic Rage, the Demon Ascendant may grant one willing ally within 50 feet the benefits of Nocticula's Profane Ascension - this only lasts while the Demonic Rage does, and can be removed in the usual ways for the ability, although it cannot be revoked in the way Nocticula can remove hers. He may cast Soul Bind and Astral Projection as bonus fourth level spells.
  • Pazuzu: the Ascendant's movement speeds all increase by 30 feet during Demonic Rage, and he gains a Crown of Vermin effect for the duration, save that creatures only take 10d10 damage on a failed save, and 6d6 on a successful one. The Save DC is 10 + half his level + his Charisma Bonus. He may cast Whirlwind and Wish as bonus fourth level spells.
  • Socothbenoth: as a Swift Action every turn in a Demonic Rage, the Demon Ascendant may either cast one of his Demonic Form spells, albeit with a range of Close and a target of One Willing Creature, or may cast Baleful Polymorph. In either case this is a Spell-Like Ability and does not use a Spell Slot. He may cast Euphoric Tranquility and World Wave as bonus fourth level spells.
Mighty Demonic Rage: at level eighteen, the Profane Bonuses of the Demon Ascendant's Demonic Rage improve by +1 each.

Tanar'ri Transformation: at level 20, the Demon Ascendant gains the full [Tanar'ri] Subtype, and increases his Acid, Cold and Fire Resistances to 10. He already has a Summoning ability, so does not gain another. His form is truly demonic at this point, and he should probably be considered a demon lord in his own right. If he does not have his own realm, acquiring one becomes a compulsion for him.

Supreme Demonic Rage: at level twenty, the Demon Ascendant's Demonic Rage channels the power of the Abyss itself into reality. The Morale Bonus to Strength and Constitution increases to +8, and the Morale Bonus to Will Saves increases to +4. He is no longer limited to casting spells of level 1 or 2 on himself as part of entering the rage.

Spells added by Demon Mythic Path:
First Level: Acid Arrow, Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Burning Hnads, Cat's Grace, Cause Fear, Corrosive Touch, Ear-Piercing Scream, Enlarge Person, Frigid Touch, Mirror Image, Molten Orb, Ray of Enfeeblement, Ray of Sickening, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility, Shocking Grasp, Snowball
Second Level: Fireball, Greater Magic Weapon, Haste, Hold Person, Lightning Bolt, Rage, Stinking Cloud, Vampiric Touch
Third Level: Bestow Curse, Contagion, Controlled Fireball, Crushing Despair, Dragon's Breath, Enervation, Mass Enlarge Person, Fear, Shout, Stoneskin, Touch of Slime
Fourth Level: Call Lightning Storm, Cone of Cold, Dominate Person, Profane Nimbus, Song of Discord, Wracking Ray
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Apr 03, 2023 7:39 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Serious Badass
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Re: Mythic Ascendants

Post by Koumei »

Aeon Ascendant
"Above all else, I now exist to bring things into the balance, return the multiverse to its natural state. Speaking of which, your natural state is dead. Let me remedy the situation."

(This might be High balance, it might be Very High. I'm leaning towards the latter.)

HD: d8
BAB: Medium
Saving Throws: Good Fort and Will
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Profession, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim
Proficiencies: Simple and Martial Weapons, Light and Medium Armour, Shields (not Tower)
01Domain, Judgment 1/day, Monster Lore, Orisons, Stern Gaze
02Cunning Initiative, Detect Alignment, Track, Force Reality
03Solo Tactics, Teamwork Feat, Hard to Kill
04Judgment 2/day, Dispel Anomalies, Bonus Spells (1)
05Bane, Discern Lies, Aeon Resistances
06Teamwork Feat, Enforcing Gaze, Summon, Bonus Spells (2)
07Judgment 3/day, Aeon's Bane
08Second Judgment, Bonus Spells (3)
09Teamwork Feat, Enforcing Gaze
10Judgment 4/day, Aeon Immunities
11Stalwart, Improved Aeon's Bane, Bonus Spells (4)
12Greater Bane, Teamwork Feat, Enforcing Gaze, Second Gaze
13Judgment 5/day, Shared Immunities
14Exploit Weakness, Enforcing Gaze, Bonus Spells (5)
15Teamwork Feat, Perpetual Gaze
16Judgment 6/day, Third Judgment
17Slayer, Enforcing Gaze, Greater Shared Immunities
18Teamwork Feat, Greater Aeon's Bane, Bonus Spells (6)
19Judgment 7/day, Third Gaze
20True Judgment, Aeon's Perfection

Domain: the Aeon Ascendant gains one Domain, and gains access to the abilities granted. No Bonus Spells or Domain Slots are granted. An Inquisition may be chosen instead of a Domain.

Judgment (Su): at will, but no more than once per encounter, the Aeon Ascendant may use a Swift Action to activate a Judgment, which lasts until the situation is resolved (combat is over, characters are able to take 20 on actions etc). Bonuses do not apply if Frightened, Panicked, Paralyzed, Stunned, Unconscious or otherwise prevented from participating in combat. He gains one of the following effects, which cannot be changed while active:
  • Destruction: he gains a +1 Bonus on all damage dealt, plus 1 per 3 levels
  • Healing: he gains Fast Healing 1, plus 1 per 3 levels
  • Justice: he gains a +1 Bonus on attack rolls, plus 1 per 5 levels, and starting at level ten, this bonus is doubled on rolls to confirm Critical Hits
  • Piercing: he gains a +1 Bonus on Concentration and Caster Level checks, plus 1 per 3 levels
  • Protection: he gains a +1 Bonus to AC, plus 1 per 5 levels. Starting at level ten, this bonus is doubled against rolls to confirm Critical Hits.
  • Purity: he gains a +1 Bonus to Saving Throws, plus 1 per 5 levels. Starting at level ten, this is doubled against Curses, Diseases and Poisons.
  • Resiliency: he gain DR 1/Magic, plus 1 per 5 levels. At level 10 it instead becomes N/Chaos.
  • Resistance: he gains Energy Resistance 2, +2 per 3 levels, against one of the five basic types of energy damage. Starting at level ten he can instead choose any element.
  • Smiting: all of his weapons and natural weapons are treated as Magic. Starting at level 6, they are also treated as Lawful, and at level 10 as Adamantine.
Monster Lore (Ex): the Aeon Ascendant adds his Wisdom Bonus to all Knowledge checks made to identify creatures.

Orisons: the Aeon Ascendant can cast Orisons just like an Inquisitor.

Stern Gaze (Ex): the Aeon Ascendant gains a Morale Bonus of half his level (round down, minimum +1) to Intimidate and Sense Motive checks.

Spellcasting: the Aeon Ascendant casts spells, and does so in a manner almost identical to an Inquisitor. He uses his Wisdom Bonus to determine Bonus Spell Slots, minimum ability score requirements and the Save DC, he has the same base number of Spells per Day and Spells Known as the Inquisitor, and he primarily draws his spells from the Inquisitor Spell List - certain bonus spells are gained later on. By spending a point of Mythic Power gained from Enforcing Gaze, he may cast the Mythic version of a spell - casting it in the most powerful way, even if doing so normally requires multiple points of normal Mythic Power be spent.

Cunning Initiative (Ex): starting at second level, the Aeon Ascendant may add his Wisdom Bonus to his Initiative.

Detect Alignment (Sp): upon reaching level two, the Aeon Ascendant may cast Detect Chaos, Detect Evil, Detect Good and Detect Law at will.

Track (Ex): the second-level Aeon Ascendant adds half his level, round down, to Survival checks made to track creatures.

Force Reality (Su): starting at level two, the Aeon Ascendant can use a Standard Action to impose reality on all within 30 feet. This is treated as a targeted Greater Dispel Magic (with no maximum bonus to the check) on all Illusions that were not specifically cast by him or his allies. The Caster Level of this is greater than normal for a spell he casts, and is equal to one and a half times his class level (round down). This may be performed a number of times per day equal to half his level (round down), plus three, or he may use it an extra time by expending a point of Mythic Power.

Solo Tactics (Ex): starting at level three, all allies within 100' of the Aeon Ascendant count as having the same Teamwork Feats as he does for the purpose of the Ascendant benefiting. But not for the purpose of gaining any benefits themselves.

Teamwork Feats: one bonus Teamwork feat is gained at level 3, then every 3 levels thereafter. Starting at level nine, he may select Legendary Teamwork as one of these, despite it being a Mythic Feat and not a Teamwork feat in its own right.

Hard to Kill (Ex): starting at level three, the death threshold of the Aeon Ascendant is doubled - typically this means he dies at -20 HP instead of -10, but any house rules or other modifiers also apply, so if you instead use "a negative number equal to your Constitution Score" then it would become double that.

Dispel Anomalies (Su): the fourth-level Aeon Ascendant can expend a daily use of Force Reality to instead target an ally in Close Range, and cleanse them of effects that clearly shouldn't normally be on them. This is still treated as a Greater Dispel Magic with the higher caster level and no limit, but instead of Illusions in an area, it merely targets all negative magical effects on the ally. This still cannot undo effects that cannot be Dispelled in such a manner, such as "being afflicted by poison" or most curses.

Bonus Spells: upon reaching level four, the Aeon Ascendant adds Crystal Mind, Edict of Retaliation and Equal Force to his Spells Known and class list as bonus first-level spells. At level six, he adds Edict of Nonresistance, Relativity and Starlight as bonus second level spells. At level eight, he adds Edict of Predetermination, True Form and Uncertainty Principle as bonus third level spells. At level eleven, he adds Supernova and Zero State as bonus fourth level spells. At level fourteen, he adds Edict of Impenetrable Fortress, Embodiment of Order, Freezing Nothingness and Zone of Predetermination as bonus fifth level spells. Finally, at level eighteen he adds Edict of Invulnerability as a bonus sixth level spell. Any mention of Mythic Rank instead uses half of the Ascendant's level. These can only be gained through gaining actual levels of this class, not through prestige classes that advance spellcasting ability.

Bane (Su): with a Swift Action, the fifth-level Aeon Ascendant may grant one wielded or natural weapon the Bane quality against one Type (or Subtype, depending on the Type chosen), until the end of combat. He may even point it at an enemy, declare them the target, and the weapon magically knows what Type to target. This may be used at will, however once it has been activated, it can't be activated again until the battle is over and the effect fades - as such it is ostensibly "once per combat, every combat" but against mixed groups of enemies doesn't just apply to all attacks ever.

Discern Lies (Sp): upon reaching level five, the Aeon Ascendant may cast Discern Lies as an Immediate Action. This has a duration of one full round, however he may prolong the effects on a round by round basis if he wishes. He can use it for a total number of rounds per day equal to his class level.

Aeon Resistances (Ex): at level five, the Aeon Ascendant starts to resemble a true Aeon. He gains Immunity to Confusion, Poison and Disease, even magical ones, and gains a Bonus equal to half his level (round down) on all Saving Throws against [Chaos] effects. He also seems, at a glance, to be somehow "evened out" or "normalised", his skin having one equal tone that is the average of what it once was, gaining greater facial symmetry, and so on.

Enforcing Gaze (Su): starting at level six, the Aeon Ascendant is able to activate a powerful Gaze that has effects to allies and enemies. This may be activated with a Standard Action, a number of times per day equal to half his level (round down), plus 1, and it lasts for the duration of a stressful event. Upon activating this, he also gains a point of temporary Mythic Power which may only be used to fuel class features from this class - if unspent when the Gaze ends, it is lost. Foes can attempt a Will Save to resist the effects (DC 10 + half his level + his Wisdom Bonus), with a -2 if they are of Chaotic alignment or have the [Chaotic] Subtype. He selects one Gaze at level six, another at level nine, a third one at level twelve, a fourth at level fourteen, and a fifth at level seventeen. To begin with, he may only maintain one at a time. Gazes are chosen from the following list:
  • Accuracy: attack rolls made by the Ascendant and his allies gain a Bonus equal to +1 per four levels, plus one. Attack rolls made by enemies who fail the saving throw suffer the same number as a penalty.
  • Opportunity: the Ascendant and all allies may make an extra Attack of Opportunity per round, and all Attacks of Opportunity gain a bonus on attack and damage rolls of +1 per two levels. Enemies who fail their saving throw can never make more than one Attack of Opportunity in a round, and suffer the same number as a penalty on their attack and damage rolls for Attacks of Opportunity.
  • Spellcasting: Spells and Spell-Like Abilities cast by the Ascendant and his allies gain a bonus to Caster Level of +2, plus one more at levels 12 and 18. Spells and Spell-Like Abilities used by enemies who fail their saving throw have their Caster Level reduced by the same amount.
  • Maneuvers: the Ascendant and all allies gain a bonus on all Combat Maneuver checks equal to +1 per four levels, plus one. Enemies who failed their saving throw suffer an equal penalty on their Combat Maneuver checks.
  • Damage: the Ascendant and all allies gain a bonus to their damage rolls, even through magic and auras and similar, equal to a quarter of the Ascendant's level, plus one. All damage rolls made by enemies who failed their save suffer an equal penalty.
  • Damage Reduction: the Ascendant and all allies gain Damage Reduction equal to his level, overcome by Chaotic effects, and enemies who failed their save see their own Damage Reduction reduced by an equal amount.
  • Energy Resistance: the Ascendant and all allies gain Energy Resistance against Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire and Sonic damage equal to half his level, multiplied by 5. Enemies who fail their saving throw have their own Energy Resistances against those damage types reduced by an equal amount (minimum 0).
  • Saving Throws: the Save DC for all effects created by the Ascendant and all allies is increased by 2, plus one at levels 12 and 18. Enemies who fail their saving throw see the Save DC for their own effects lowered by an equal amount.
  • Concentration: the Ascendant and all allies gain a Bonus to Concentration checks equal to half his level. Enemies who fail their Saving throw have to make Concentration checks in order to cast their spells successfully, as though trying to Cast Defensively.
  • Encroaching Upon Space: this may only be chosen at level 12 or higher. The Ascendant and his allies are immune to all non-Instantaneous area effects created by themselves and each other. If any of them should enter a non-Instantaneous Area of Effect not created by any of them, they automatically try to Dispel it by making a Dispel check equal to 1d20 + the Ascendant's level.
  • Balance of Life: this may only be chosen at level 12 or higher. The Ascendant and all allies gain Temporary Hit Points equal to his level (not stacking with other Temporary Hit Points - keep the larger amount). Enemies who fail their saving throw suffer 2d6 damage, +1d6 at level 18, any time they hit any target with an attack.
  • Normalize Size: this may only be chosen at level 12 or higher. The Ascendant and all allies become Medium Size for the purpose of fitting in space, base damage, Ability Scores, Natural Armour and how much Reach they have, lose all Size Penalties, but retain all Size Bonuses. Enemies who fail their save become Medium Size for the same purposes, however they lose all Size Bonuses and retain all Size Penalties.
  • Power of Law: this may only be chosen at level 12 or higher. Whenever the Ascendant or any of his allies makes an attack roll, skill check or saving throw, if the d20 rolls less than a 5, treat the base roll as a 5. At levels 16 and 20, increase this number by 1. Enemies who failed their saving throw will treat any roll of the d20 on an attack roll, skill check or saving throw as merely 17 if it is actually higher than this. At levels 16 and 20, reduce this number by 1. The base Save DC for this Gaze is 5 lower.
  • Primordial Magic: this may only be chosen at level 12 or higher, and grants three separate abilities, no two of which may be active at the same time. Either the spells of the Ascendant and his allies may all deal bonus damage equal to half his level to all targets (while enemies who failed their save suffer the same as a penalty to the damage of Spells and Spell-Like Abilities), or the Ascendant and allies may use a Move-Equivalent Action to cast a spell that normally has a Casting Time of a Standard Action, providing the spell is [Harmless] and enemies that failed their save see all [Harmless] spells with a Casting Time less than a Full Round Action increased to that, or all healing caused by spells cast by the Ascendant and his allies restore extra HP to all targets equal to his level, while enemies who fail their save see an equal reduction in healing from magic.
  • Relativity of Space: this may only be chosen at level 12 or higher. All attacks against the Ascendant or his allies have a Miss Chance of 30%, plus 5% at levels 14, 16, 18 and 20. Additionally, any Miss Chance their own attacks suffer is reduced by an equal amount (minimum 0%).
  • Summoner's Gaze: this may only be chosen at level 12 or higher. All Summoned creatures that are allies of the Ascendant gain a Bonus to their Strength, Dexterity and Constitution equal to a quarter of the Ascendant's level. Enemy summoned creatures that fail their saving throw are instantly banished.
  • Temporal Jump: this may only be chosen at level seventeen. The Ascendant and his allies may each, once per round, re-roll a failed attack roll, keeping the better result. Enemies who fail the saving throw must re-roll their first successful attack roll each turn, keeping the worst result.
Summon (Sp): once per day, the sixth-level Aeon Ascendant may summon a single Construct (granting it the [Extraplanar] Subtype), Axiomatic Animal, Aeon or Inevitable with a CR no higher than his level minus 2. It remains for one hour and can do no summoning of its own in the meantime. He also gains Army of Demons as a bonus feat providing he is fighting an actual planar crusade or similar - which he should be doing.

Aeon's Bane (Ex): at level seven, against the targets of his Bane ability, the Aeon Ascendant may add half his level (round down) to Caster Level checks made to penetrate Spell Resistance, and every successful attack against them also delivers a targeted Dispel Magic, using his normal Caster Level.

Second Judgment (Ex): starting at level 8, when the Aeon Ascendant uses his Judgment ability, he may select two effects instead of 1, although it still is considered only one use.

Aeon Immunities (Ex): upon reaching level ten, the Aeon Ascendant gainst Immunity to Bleed, [Mind-Affecting] effects, and Ability damage (but not Drain). He begins to appear more "real" than previously. He is considered increasingly disturbing.

Stalwart (Ex): whenever the eleventh-level Aeon Ascendant is not Helpless or clad in Heavy Armour, he benefits from the Mettle ability.

Improved Aeon's Bane (Su): starting at level eleven, the Bane bonuses increase by 1 for the Aeon Ascendant, and all targeted Spells and attacks that hit now carry a targeted Greater Dispel Magic effect, still at the normal Caster Level. Furthermore, all of his Summoned creatures also have the basic Bane ability of a fifth-level Aeon Ascendant.

Greater Bane (Su): at level twelve, the damage bonus from Bane increases to 4d6.

Second Gaze (Su): starting at level twelve, the Aeon Ascendant can not only have two Enforcing Gazes active at the same time, he can activate two with the same action, and counting them as the one usage.

Shared Immunities (Su): at level thirteen, the Aeon Ascendant radiates a 30 foot aura of perfection. All allies within this area have Immunity to Poison, Disease and Confusion while they remain there. If already afflicted by one of these effects, it will not do any more damage or cause more effects for the duration (and thus may harmlessly run its course), but existing damage is not healed or suppressed.

Exploit Weakness (Ex): starting at level fourteen, any Critical Hit made by the Aeon Ascendant ignores Damage Reduction, and suppresses all Regeneration for 1 round, dealing actual damage and allowing further attacks to do so for a brief time. Additionally, when dealing Energy Damage to a creature with a Vulnerability to such, it deals +1 damage per die.

Perpetual Gaze (Su): upon reaching level fifteen, the Aeon Ascendant may use Enforcing Gaze at will, with no usage limit.

Third Judgment (Ex): at level sixteen, when the Aeon Ascendant uses his Judgment ability, he may select three effects, although it still is considered only one use.

Slayer (Ex): when the seventeenth-level Aeon Ascendant activates his Judgment ability, he must select one of the Judgment effects as the primary one for that activation. It treats his level as five higher.

Greater Shared Immunities (Su): all allies within 30 feet of the seventeenth-level Aeon Ascendant are Immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects. If already afflicted by them, the effects are suppressed for this duration (and thus able to run their duration with no ill effect) but not automatically healed.

Greater Aeon's Bane (Su): at level eighteen, all Bane bonuses of the Aeon Ascendant increase by +1, the first attack per round against the nominated type of target automatically dispels one magical effect (if any), the bonus damage increases to +6d6, and if he so chooses, he may reduce the casting time of a Spell with a normal Casting Time of a Standard Action, changing it to a Move-Equivalent Action providing it targets the chosen type of foe, or includes one in the Area of Effect. Likewise, he may activate his Enforcing Gaze or Force Reality with a Move-Equivalent Action if he wishes, providing the type of target is within the area.

Third Gaze (Su): upon reaching level nineteen, the Aeon Ascendant can activate three gazes with the same action, and have up to three active at the same time.

True Judgment (Su): at level twenty, when using Judgment, the Aeon Ascendant can invoke True Judgment on one foe with Swift Action, making one attack (either melee or ranged up to 30') against them. A successful hit deals damage as normal and forces the target to attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half his level + his Wisdom Bonus). If failed, they are instantly slain. This is a [Death] effect. Whether successful or not, this cannot be used again for 1d4 rounds. A successful saving throw provides immunity to further uses by that Aeon Ascendant for 24 hours.

Aeon's Perfection (Ex): when the Aeon Ascendant reaches level 20, he automatically rolls 20 for Initiative, and for Saving Throws vs [Chaos] effects. If a foe is of Chaotic alignment or has the [Chaotic] Subtype, his spells and attacks ignore all Damage Reduction, Energy Resistance and Immunities. He should probably go off to impose order on the universe somewhere else at this point, or maybe turn into a star.
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Apr 03, 2023 7:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Mythic Ascendants

Post by Koumei »

Azata Ascendant
"With a song in my heart and a sword in my hand, I will undo all that is wrong in this world!"

(I would assume this class is Very High balance.)

HD: d8
BAB: Medium
Saving Throws: Good Ref and Will
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Acrobatics, Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Linguistics, Perception, Perform, Profession, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Stealth, UMD
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons plus Longsword, Rapier, Sap, Shortsword, Shortbow and Whip. Light Armour and Shields (not Tower)

01Bardic Knowledge, Bardic Performance, Cantrips, Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate, Inspire Courage +1, Bardic Spellcasting
02Versatile Performance, Well-Versed, Instrument of Freedom
03Inspire Competence +2, Bonus Spells (1st)
04Resistance of Elysium
05Inspire Courage +2, Lore Master 1/day, Bonus Spells (2nd)
06Suggestion, Versatile Performance, Summon, Song of Heroic Resolve
07Inspire Competence +3, Faster Performance, Azata Power
08Dirge of Doom, Bonus Spells (3rd)
09Inspire Greatness, Song of Broken Chains
10Jack-of-all-Trades, Versatile Performance
11Inspire Competence +4, Inspire Courage +3, Lore Master 2/day, Bonus Spells (4th)
12Soothing Performance, Song of Defiance, Azata Power
13Song of the Courageous Defender, Fastest Performance
14Frightening Tune, Versatile Performance, Bonus Spells (5th)
15Inspire Competence +5, Inspire Heroics
16Azata Power
17Inspire Courage +4, Lore Master 3/day, Bonus Spells (6th)
18Mass Suggestion, Versatile Performance
19Inspire Competence +6, Azata Power
20Deadly Performance, Azata Transformation

Bardic Knowledge (Ex): An Azata Ascendant adds half her class level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge skill checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.

Bardic Performance: the Azata Ascendant can use Bardic Performances, gaining the same ones as a Bard at the same levels. There is one important difference: instead of counting bullshit rounds per day, they can be used ostensibly at will, but with limits based more on a per-encounter basis: no Bardic Performance may be started more than once in a given encounter, and after ending one performance, the Ascendant must wait an entire round before starting a new one. She can happily wander into an encounter already playing one, though must make that decision beforehand, and can't just pick one the moment Initiative is rolled. Upon starting any Performance (including special ones added later by this class), the Ascendant gains one temporary point of Mythic Power which may be used to fuel certain class features. If unspent, it vanishes when the Performance ends.
  • Countersong (Su): this may be performed without waiting a round - the Ascendant instantly ends an existing performance to use this.
  • Distraction (Su): this may be performed without waiting a round - the Ascendant instantly ends an existing performance to use this.
  • Fascinate (Su): no change
  • Inspire Courage (Su): no change
  • Inspire Competence (Su): no change
  • Suggestion (Sp): this may be performed without waiting a round - the Ascendant instantly ends Fascinate to use this.
  • Dirge of Doom (Su): no change
  • Inspire Greatness (Su): no change
  • Soothing Performance (Su): this requires performing for four uninterrupted rounds, then ends when the effect is activated
  • Frightening Tune (Sp): no change
  • Inspire Heroics (Su): no change
  • Mass Suggestion (Sp): this may be performed without waiting a round - the Ascendant instantly ends Fascinate to use this.
  • Deadly Performance (Su): no change
Cantrips (Sp): the Azata Ascendant casts Cantrips just like a Bard.

Bardic Spellcasting: the Azata Ascendant can cast spells almost exactly the same way a Bard can. She uses her Charisma Bonus to determine Bonus Spell Slots, minimum ability score requirements and the Save DC, she has the same base number of Spells per Day and Spells Known as the Bard, and she primarily draws her spells from the Bard Spell List - certain bonus spells are gained later on, and certain other spells are added to the Azata's class list as optional spells that may be selected. By spending a point of Mythic Power gained from her Performance, she may cast the Mythic version of a spell - casting it in the most powerful way, even if doing so normally requires multiple points of normal Mythic Power be spent.

Versatile Performance (Ex): at second level, an Azata Ascendant can choose one type of Perform skill. She can use her bonus in that skill in place of her bonus in associated skills (even if she is untrained in the associated skills). At sixth level, and every four levels thereafter, she can select an additional type of Perform to substitute, or may select an Advanced Versatile Performance or a Masterpiece (once again, the same as the Bard).

Well-Versed (Ex): at second level, the Azata Ascendant becomes resistant to the bardic performances of others, and to sonic effects in general. She gainst a +4 bonus on saving throws made against bardic performance, [Sonic] and [Language-Dependent] effects.

Instrument of Freedom (Su): starting at level two, the Azata Ascendant gains the ability to channel energy from Elysium. This uses a Standard Action, and is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to fifty feet, manifesting as a bolt of flowing silvery light. She may choose whether it is aimed to damage the target, in which case a successful hit deals 1d6 Holy/Sonic damage (half each) per level, plus 2d6, or is aimed to infuse the target with power, in which case for a number of rounds equal to half her level (round down) plus two, their weapons and natural weapons deal an extra 2d6 Holy damage and count as Good for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction. She may use this three times per day, but may also use it without counting against this limit (or when the limit is already used up) by spending a point of temporary Mythic Power. There is always the faint sound of music near her, though only audible to those adjacent, but this music can be suppressed normally by Silence.

Bonus Spells: at certain levels, the Azata gains bonus spells known - these are automatically added to her spells known, and also to her class list. At level three, she gains Ode to Miraculous Magic, Rejuvenating Poem, Field of Flowers and Voice of Renewal as first level spells. At level 5, she learns Nature's Grasp, Optimistic Smile and Rainbow Dome as second level spells. At level eight, she learns Chaotic Healing, Deadly Beauty and Waterfall as third level spells. At level eleven, she learns Friendly Hug, Second Breath and Sudden Squall as fourth level spells. At level fourteen, she gains Protection of Nature, Songs of Steel, Winds of the Fall and Rainbow Starfall as fifth level spells. At level seventeen, she learns Water Torrent, Rainbow Arrows, Revolt and Unbreakable Bond as sixth level spells. Despite being spells, these are never granted by prestige classes that advance spellcasting ability - they are only ever gained through actual class levels of Azata Ascendant. Second Breath does not restore Spell Slots, Power Points or anything else that is basically spellcasting ability, nor Mythic Power or anything that can specifically be used as Mythic Power - it can restore things like the Ki pool for a Ninja, bombs per day for an Alchemist, Smite Evil uses for a Paladin, rounds per day of assorted Pathfinder classes that demand you count rounds per day of abilities, the number of times various Bloodline powers can be used and so on. Spell-Like Ability uses are probably okay if they're just part of a racial package (see: Drow, Tiefling) and not part of some "scaling to be relevant at all levels as the main progression of your character" (Spheres, assorted monstrous prestige classes that let "caster" monsters keep casting level appropriate things).

Resistance of Elysium: upon reaching level four, the Azata Ascendant gains a +4 Bonus to save against [Mind-Affecting] effects, and Electricity Resistance 20.

Lore Master (Ex): at 5th level, the Azata Ascendant becomes a master of lore and can take 10 on any Knowledge skill check that he has ranks in. She can choose not to take 10 and can instead roll normally. In addition, once per day, she can take 20 on any Knowledge skill check as a standard action. She can use this ability one additional time per day for every six levels she possesses beyond 5th, to a maximum of three times per day at 17th level.

Summon (Sp): once per day, the sixth-level Azata Ascendant may Summon an allied creature: a Faerie Dragon, Havoc Dragon or Azata, providing its Challenge Rating is no higher than her level minus two. It lasts for one hour, during which time it cannot summon anything of its own. As long as she is part of some great crusade (which she should be), she gains Army of Demons as a bonus feat.

Song of Heroic Resolve (Su): starting at level six, the Azata Ascendant gains access to a new special type of Performance. All allies within 50 feet of her gain a Luck Bonus on Saving Throws equal to her level, divided by four (round down). She is included within this effect. Any time an ally under this effect makes a successful saving throw against something that is actually a risk to them (not friendly "attacks" repeated between allies), they regain hit points equal to 2d6 plus half her level (round down).

Faster Performance: starting at level seven, it requires the Azata Ascendant only a Move-Equivalent Action to start a Performance.

Super Power: at levels seven, twelve, sixteen and nineteen, the Azata Ascendant is gifted a super power from Elysium, chosen from the following list:
  • All-Skilled: the Ascendant gains a bonus on all skill checks equal to half her level (round down). Whenever she makes a skill check, she rolls the die twice and chooses the best result. She is also proficient with all weapons and armour, and ignores all forms of Arcane Spell Failure. She also may add a bonus first or second level spell known and to her Class List from each of the following Spell Lists: Cleric, Druid, Psychic, Sorcerer/Wizard, Witch.
  • A Place On Earth: the Ascendant gains the Planar Infusion ability of an Ancient Havoc Dragon, including the Planar Artist ability. Furthermore, once per day while in this Planar Infusion, she may cast any of the following providing a Druid of equal level could cast it: Fey Gate, Lesser Entice Fey, Entice Fey, Greater Entice Fey, Fairy Ring Retreat, Siege of Trees, Greater Siege of Trees.
  • Elysian Might: the Ascendant is proficient with the Star Knife, which gains the Psychic Starknife ability of an Uinuja when used by her as well as the Returning quality, and may unleash a Whirlwind Blast as a Bralani at will (DC 10 + half her level + her Charisma Bonus). Additionally, with a Full Round Action at will, she may form both an Obsidian Blade of a Brijidine (with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per four levels, round up) and a Winter Sickle of a Veranallia (same Enhancement Bonus). She is considered proficient with these and suffers no penalties for dual-wielding them together, but if one leaves her hands, they both melt away into nothingness. She adds Grove of Respite and Spike Stones as bonus fourth level spells, and Shambler and Firestorm as bonus sixth level spells.
  • Champion of the Written Word: the Ascendant gains the Word Caller ability of the Realis, and adds Explosive Runes, Glyph of Warding and Sepia Snake Sigil to her Spells Known and class list as Bonus third level spells, and Symbol of Sleep and Symbol of Pain as bonus fifth level spells. She is immune to these spells, and increases their Save DC by 1.
  • Marvelous Endurance: the Ascendant gains Fast Healing equal to her level. Whenever she suffers a critical hit, her inner endurance is unleashed, granting 1d6 temporary HP per 2 levels (round down), and if she is at 25% of her maximum HP or less, Damage Reduction 10/-. These last until she gains a new source of temporary HP, or the end of battle, whichever comes first.
  • Zippy Magic: whenever the Ascendant casts a spell that targets a number of creatures, rather than an Area or some other effect, it may target one extra creature within range, arcing out to them. Further more, when casting spells on enemies, she may have the spells deal an extra 2d6 damage even if the spell didn't originally deal damage - this is added to the base damage (if any) before any kind of reduction, and if the spell didn't originally deal damage, the type is Sonic and it is negated on a successful save (if any).
  • Life-Bonding Friendship: the Ascendant gains two Teamwork feats. Any ally within 50 feet of her is also considered to have these feats. Furthermore, she may cast all Personal spells as Range: Touch spells if she wants, and upon being exposed to an effect, can offer it to an ally within 50 feet instead. If they accept, they suffer all effects in her stead, and if they're immune then nobody is affected.
  • Joyful Magic: the Ascendant gains an extra spell slot of each Spell Level from which she can already cast spells (this upgrades as she gains access to new Spell Levels). Furthermore, the following Spells are added to her Spells Known and class list as bonus spells: Cantrips - Vision of Heaven, Remove Fear; 1st level - Elation, Lastai's Caress; 2nd level - Distilled Joy, Heart's Ease; 3rd level - Good Hope, Perfect Summons; 4th level - Chaav's Laugh, Energetic Healing; 5th level - Greater Heroism, Starmantle; 6th level - Empyreal Ecstasy, Rain of Roses.
Song of Broken Chains (Su): starting at level nine, the Azata Ascendant gains access to a new type of Performance. While it is in effect, she and all allies within 50' benefit from Freedom of Movement, and furthermore are Immune to [Compulsion] effects.

Jack-of-all-Trades (Ex): starting at level ten, the Azata Ascendant can use any skill untrained. At level sixteen, she considers all skills to be class skills. At level nineteen, she can take 10 on any skill check, even if it is not normally allowed.

Song of Defiance (Su): at level twelve, the Azata Ascendant gains accessto a new type of Performance. While it is in effect, she and all allies within 50' have Damage Reduction 5/Lawful, and Regeneration 5 (overcome by [Lawful] effects, Chaos-Bane weapons and the attacks of creatures with the [Lawful] subtype).

Song of the Courageous Defender (Su): at level thirteen, the Azata Ascendant gains access to a new type of Performance. She nominates a willing target within 50 feet, and while this is in effect the target has Damage Reduction 5/- and Immunity to [Fear] effects. Furthermore, all enemies within 50' of her must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half her level + her Charisma Bonus) or be driven to attack only the chosen target, nobody else. They may take actions that do not attack anyone, they just can't take hostile actions that don't target the nominated defender or include them in the area of effect.

Fastest Performance: from level thirteen onwards, it takes the Azata Ascendant only a Swift Action to begin a Performance.

Azata Transformation: at level 20, the Azata Ascendant becomes a true Azata. She gains all of the effects of the Subtype.

Regular Spells Added to the Bard list for the Azata Ascendant:
First Level: Aid, Bane, Bless, Blessing of Luck and Resolve, Castigate, Challenge Evil, Command, Hold Animal
Second Level: Dominate Animal, Litany of Eloquence, Prayer
Third Level: Forced Repentance, Greater Animal Aspect, Oath of Peace
Fourth Level: Burst of Glory, Constricting Coils, Feeblemind, Greater Command, Mass Castigate
Fifth Level: Litany of Madness, Mass Blessing of Luck and Resolve, Primal Regression
Sixth Level: Insanity, Mass Hold Person, Power Word: Blind, Power Word: Stun, Heroic Invocation
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Apr 03, 2023 7:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Mythic Ascendants

Post by Koumei »

Angel Ascendant
"More and more demons enter this world, yet I have arisen as a new angel to combat them."

(This definitely brings it up to High balance, but I don't know if the new spells and powers push it into Very High - the Healer is just that bad to begin with.)

HD: d8
BAB: Poor
Saving Throws: Good Fort and Will
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft (any), Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge (any), Profession, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Survival
Proficiencies: Simple Weapons and Light Armour. Unlike the normal Healer, the Angel Ascendant can use metal armour and shields just fine.
01Spellcasting, Healing Hands
02Battlefield Surgeon, Close to the Heavens
03Cleanse Paralysis, Hard to Kill
04Cleanse Disease, Heaven's Breath, Bonus Spells (2nd)
05Cleanse Fear, Angelic Halo, Summon
06Cleanse Poison, Sword of Heaven, Bonus Spells (3rd)
07Effortless Healing, Improved Sword of Heaven
08Unicorn Companion, Bonus Spells (4th)
09Cleanse Blindness, Improved Angelic Halo
10Cleanse Spirit, Bonus Spells (5th)
11Improved Sword of Heaven
12Sword of Holy Damage, Bonus Spells (6th)
13Cleanse Petrification, Improved Angelic Halo, Improved Sword of Heaven
14Halo's Holy Aura, Bonus Spells (7th)
15New Limb, Greater Sword of Heaven
16Bonus Spells (8th)
17Improved Angelic Halo
18Bonus Spells (9th)
19Greater Sword of Heaven
20New Life, Angel Transformation

Spellcasting: the Angel Ascendant casts divine spells, in a manner very similar to the Healer. Wisdom is used entirely for all aspects of the casting, extra spells are added to the class list (and thus Spells Known), and there is no penalty for wearing metal armour or using shields. If a spell has a Mythic version, she may expend a daily use of Close to the Heavens to cast it as such, Augmented to the highest degree even if this normally requires more than one point of Mythic Power.

Healing Hands (Ex): whenever an Angel Ascendant casts a spell that cures hit point damage, she adds her Wisdom bonus to the amount of damage healed. By spending a daily use of Close to the Heavens, she may instead add her total Skill Bonus for Heal to the amount restored.

Battlefield Surgeon: at level two, the Angel Ascendant gains the scaling Tome [Skill] feat Battlefield Surgeon as a Bonus Feat.

Close to the Heavens: starting at level two, the Angel Ascendant is able to unleash rays of heavenly light three times per day, plus one additional daily use at every even level beyond this. It requires a Standard Action and fires the ray as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 50 feet. She may allow it to deal 1d6 damage per level, plus 2d6, of Holy damage, or instead may have it heal the target (as by Positive Energy, so Undead are hurt either way). Any time she restores a dying character to positive hit points, providing she did not contribute to them entering the dying state, she regains a spent daily use of this (but can't stock up on extras beyond the maximum).

Cleanse Paralysis (Su): starting at level three, any time the Angel Ascendant casts a spell that restores hit points, she may choose to reduce the amount of HP restored by five points in order to restore movement to the target, as though by casting Remove Paralysis on them. This can affect multiple people if the healing spell does, although the reduction in healing will apply even to those who aren't paralyzed.

Hard to Kill (Ex): starting at level three, the death threshold of the Angel Ascendant is doubled - typically this means she dies at -20 HP instead of -10, but any house rules or other modifiers also apply, so if you instead use "a negative number equal to your Constitution Score" then it would become double that.

Cleanse Disease (Su): starting at level four, any time the Angel Ascendant casts a spell that restores hit points, she may choose to reduce the amount of HP restored by ten points in order to remove a disease afflicting the target, as though by casting Remove Disease on them. This can affect multiple people if the healing spell does, although the reduction in healing will apply even to those who aren't diseased.

Heaven's Breath (Ex): the fourth-level Angel Ascendant breathes the air of the heavens and constantly draws upon the power of Good. Becoming more like an actual Angel, she gains Acid and Cold Resistance of 20, and Immunity to Petrification.

Bonus Spells: at various levels, the Angel Ascendant gains special bonus spells, added to her Spells Known and her Class List. At level four, she gains Grant Repose, Shield From Demonkind and Ward Against Disease as Second-Level Spells. At level six, she gains Blade of the Sun, Pure Form, Repel the Profane and Communal Ward Against Disease as Third-Level Spells. At level eight, she gains Cleansing Flames, Ward Against Harm and Communal Ward From Unclean as Fourth-Level Spells. At level ten, she gains Aegis of the Faithful, Bolt of Justice, Holy Hymn, Communal Ward Against Harm, and Ward Against Weakness as Fifth-Level Spells. At level twelve, she gains Radiant Ground, Sun Marked, Wall of Light and Communal Ward Against Weakness as Sixth-Level Spells. At level fourteen, she gains Avenger's Blessing, Gale of Life, Solar Chains and Storm of Justice as Seventh-Level Spells. At level sixteen, she gains Bring Back, Fortress of the Faithful, Sun Form and Wrath of the Righteous as Eighth-Level Spells. At level eighteen, she gains Army of Heaven, Eye of the Sun, Phoenix Gift and Rekindle as Ninth-Level Spells. All of the damaging Spells, Eighth-Level Spells and Ninth-Level Spells require the expenditure of a daily use of Close to Heaven. These spells are only granted by actual levels of this class, not by prestige classes that advance casting ability.

Cleanse Fear (Su): starting at level five, any time the Angel Ascendant casts a spell that restores hit points, she may choose to reduce the amount of HP restored by ten points in order to remove all [Fear] effects afflicting the target, as though by casting Remove Fear on them. This can affect multiple people if the healing spell does, although the reduction in healing will apply even to those who aren't afflicted by [Fear] effects.

Angelic Halo (Su): at level five, the Angel Ascendant has a true halo of holy power. Against the attacks of and effects created by Evil creatures and those with the [Evil] subtype, she has a Sacred Bonus to Armour Class and Saving Throws of +1 per four levels (round down), as do all allies within 50 feet. She may suppress or resume this ability with a Swift Action at will.

Summon (Sp): with a Full Round Action, the fifth-level Angel Ascendant can Summon a Celestial Animal, an Angel, a Deva or an Archon once per day, providing the creature has a CR no higher than her level, minus two. It lasts for one hour, during which time it cannot use any summoning abilities of its own. Providing she is part of some great crusade, and she should be, she gains Army of Demons as a bonus feat.

Cleanse Poison (Su): starting at level six, any time the Angel Ascendant casts a spell that restores hit points, she may choose to reduce the amount of HP restored by fifteen points in order to remove a poison afflicting the target, as though by casting Neutralize Poison on them. This can affect multiple people if the healing spell does, although the reduction in healing will apply even to those who aren't poisoned.

Sword of Heaven (Su): upon reaching level six, the Angel Ascendant gains the ability to imbue a held weapon with holy power. This requires a Standard Action, and lasts until she drops or sheaths the weapon, or imbues a different weapon, or for one round per level - whichever is first. The weapon itself deals an additional 2d6 Holy damage, and any damage or healing she deals via spells is increased by 2d6 as well. There is no limit to how often she may do this besides the number of Standard Actions available in a day, and upon activating this, she gains a temporary bonus use of Close to the Heavens, which disappears if not used by the time the effect ends.

Effortless Healing (Ex): at seventh level, an Angel Ascendant has learned to cast spells of the [Healing] subschool with minimal effort. She may cast such spells without provoking Attacks of Opportunity, and by expending a daily use of Close to the Heavens she may cast them with a Swift Action.

Improved Sword of Heaven (Su): at levels seven, eleven and thirteen, the Angel Ascendant may select one of the following enhancements to her Sword of Heaven:
  • Abolish Disease: the bearer of the weapon is Immune to disease. Additionally, assuming she is the bearer, the Angel Ascendant's Cleanse Disease ability is applied to her healing for free, with no reduction in HP healed. Furthermore, anybody who receives any amount of healing from her also removes the Fatigued, Exhausted, Sickened and Nauseated conditions. Creatures that deliver a disease on any of their attacks, or that possess Spell-Like or Supernatural Abilities that inflict disease, are Vulnerable to the weapon in question, suffering an extra 50% damage from it.
  • Abolish Guile: the bearer of the weapon is Immune to [Compulsion] effects. Additionally, assuming she is the bearer, the Angel Ascendant's healing spells now remove all [Mind-Affecting] effects from the targets as well. Creatures that have Spell-Like or Supernatural [Charm] or [Compulsion] effects are Vulnerable to the weapon in question, suffering an extra 50% damage from it.
  • Abolish Poison: the bearer of the weapon is Immune to poison. Additionally, assuming she is the bearer, the Angel Ascendant's Cleanse Poison ability is applied to her healing for free, with no reduction in HP healed. Furthermore, anybody who receives any amount of healing from her also removes all Ability Damage and Ability Drain. Creatures that deliver poison on any of their attacks, or that possess Spell-Like or Supernatural Abilities that inflict poison, are Vulnerable to the weapon in question, suffering an extra 50% damage from it.
  • Abolish Undeath: the bearer of the weapon is Immune to [Death] effects and Energy Drain. Additionally, assuming she is the bearer, the Angel Ascendant's Cleanse Paralysis ability is applied to her healing for free, with no reduction in HP healed. Furthermore, anybody who receives any amount of healing from her also removes all Negative Levels. Undead, Nabassu and Vrolikai are Vulnerable to the weapon in question, suffering an extra 50% damage from it.
  • Bestow the Divine: instead of imbuing her own weapon and attacks, the Angel Ascendant may nominate another creature within 50 feet and grant them all effects of the Sword of Heaven.
  • Everlasting Flame: there is no longer a round-per-level duration to the Sword of Heaven - it lasts until the weapon is dropped or sheathed, or she applies it to another weapon.
  • Grand Blessing: all bonus damage and healing from the Sword of Heaven ability is maximised. It is now a flat 12 (or 18 for Vulnerable targets).
  • Guide the Faithful: any successful attack made with the imbued weapon leaves the target glowing for one minute, during which time they are perfectly visible (and cannot be made Invisible through any means), suffer a -4 Penalty to Armour Class, and a Penalty to Hide checks equal to the Angel Ascendant's level times two.
Multiple Vulnerabilities from Abolish enhancements do not stack.

Unicorn Companion: at level eight, the Angel Ascendant gains the ability to call upon a Unicorn as a trusted companion and ally. This functions just like the Healer class feature.

Cleanse Blindness (Su): starting at level nine, any time the Angel Ascendant casts a spell that restores hit points, she may choose to reduce the amount of HP restored by fifteen points in order to remove blindness and deafness, even permanent ones, afflicting the target, as though by casting Remove Blindness/Deafness on them. This can affect multiple people if the healing spell does, although the reduction in healing will apply even to those who aren't blind or deaf.

Improved Angelic Halo (Su): at levels nine, thirteen and seventeen, the Angel Ascendant may select one of the following enhancements to her Angelic Halo:
  • Blinding Light: the first time each round that somebody within 50 feet attacks the Angel Ascendant, they must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Wisdom Bonus) or be Blind for 1d4+1 rounds. On a successful save they are merely Dazzled for one round.
  • Burning Bright: Outsiders with the [Evil] Subtype, and Undead, suffer Holy damage equal to 2d6 plus half her level at the end of each of their turns while within fifty feet of the Angel Ascendant.
  • Flame of Life: any ally within 50 feet (including the Ascendant), upon taking damage, gains Fast Healing equal to half the Angel Ascendant's level for one round. Taking damage multiple times in one round can extend this.
  • Piercing Rays: against enemies within 50 feet of the Angel Ascendant, anybody attempting to pierce Spell Resistance rolls twice and takes the higher result.
  • Solar Winds: the Angel Ascendant and allies within 50 feet all gain Resistance to Fire, Cold, Acid and Electricity equal to double her level, plus ten. They also gain Resistance to Sonic and Negative Energy damage equal to her level plus five, and Resistance to Force, Holy, Unholy and Divine damage equal to half her level.
  • Unfailing Beacon: the Angel Ascendant is unaffected by the Area of Effect spells of her allies, and if she is included in the Area of such a spell or effect, may spend a use of Close of Heavens as an Immediate Action to Empower the effect and add 2 to the Save DC.
Cleanse Spirit (Su): starting at level ten, any time the Angel Ascendant casts a spell that restores hit points, she may choose to reduce the amount of HP restored by twenty points in order to add the effects of Greater Restoration to them. This can affect multiple people if the healing spell does, although the reduction in healing will apply even to those who aren't affected by the Greater Restoration.

Sword of Holy Damage (Su): starting at level twelve, any time the Angel Ascendant's Sword of Heaven is active, she may choose to deal all of her damage as Holy damage. This includes weapon attacks, unarmed strikes, natural weapons, Spells, Spell-Like Abilities and even chucking flasks of acid at people.

Cleanse Petrification (Su): starting at level thirteen, any time the Angel Ascendant casts a spell that restores hit points, she may choose to reduce the amount of HP restored by twenty points in order to remove petrification from the target, as though by casting Stone to Flesh on them. This can affect multiple people if the healing spell does, although the reduction in healing will apply even to those who aren't petrified.

Halo's Holy Aura (Su): the fourteenth-level Angel Ascendant may, with a Swift Action, spend a daily use of Close to the Heavens in order to cast Holy Aura, except affecting herself and also all allies within 50 feet. This has a Caster Level equal to her hit dice and a Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Wisdom Bonus.

New Limb (Su): starting at level fifteen, any time the Angel Ascendant casts a spell that restores hit points, she also autoamtically reattaches severed limbs (as though through the Regeneration special quality), and may choose to reduce the amount of HP restored by twenty points in order to regrow lost limbs as though by casting Regenerate on them. This can affect multiple people if the healing spell does, although the reduction in healing will apply even to those who aren't missing limbs.

Greater Sword of Heaven (Su): at levels fifteen and nineteen, the Angel Ascendant may select an enhancement for her Sword of Heaven, either from the Improved Sword of Heaven list, or from the following:
  • Demon Bane: all weapons wielded by the bearer of the imbued weapon gain the Demon Bane quality.
  • Heavenly Host: this requires Bestow the Divine. It grants the effects to all allies within 50' at the same time.
  • Overwhelming Flames: attacks made with the imbued weapon are resolved not only against the target, but against all other enemies within 5' of the target.
  • Speed of Light: the bearer of the imbued weapon is Hasted, and she can spend a use of Close to Heavens as part of the casting process to Quicken any spell of level 6 or lower.
New Life (Su): starting at level twenty, the Angel Ascendant can cast True Resurrection once per day.

Angel Transformation: at level twenty, the Angel Ascendant gains the [Angel] Subtype.

Spells added by Angel Mythic Path:
First Level: Bless, Divine Favour, Remove Sickness, Unbreakable Heart
Second Level: Aid, Arrow of Law, Blessing of Courage and Life, Blessing of Luck and Resolve, Remove Paralysis, Sound Burst
Third Level: Archon's Aura, Communal Delay Poison, Prayer
Fourth Level: Divine Power
Fifth Level: Breath of Life, Burst of Glory, Cleanse, Flame Strike, Pillar of Life, Sacred Nimbus, Serenity, Vinetrap
Sixth Level: Blade Barrier, Chains of Light, Eaglesoul, Inspiring Recovery, Joyful Rapture, Mass Blessing of Luck and Resolve
Seventh Level: Holy Word, Jolting Portent
Eighth Level: Euphoric Tranquility, Fire Storm, Stormbolts
Ninth Level: Overwhelming Presence
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Mythic Ascendants

Post by JonSetanta »

I love these and want to play as a Demon Ascendant next chance I get.
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