[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 22 - Robot Commando (Take 2)

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 22 - Robot Commando (Take 2)

Post by SGamerz »

So we actually explored a good portion of the book. I've mentioned before that there are 3 different ways win, and we were actually quite close to the other 2. In fact, we were only missing 1 crucial item for each of the other 2, and by now you know what those items are.

In fact, both items we're missing are found at the City of the Jungle. Both in the jungle, in fact. I already revealed how we missed the Man-trap plant (simply by not picking it while we had the chance). With that, we would have turned the Blue Potion into a Lavender Potion. Then we'd need a flying robot at the City of Storms and spread the potion throughout city through the storm to wake everyone up. This path only requires you to fight the Man-trap plant (although if you roll badly at certain points, like failing a Luck roll in the lab, there may be extra combats (against Giant Lizards in this case). And since the Man-trap plant combat is a robot combat, you can easily win that one if you find a good robot, even with minimum SKILL.

To get the Tangler Field, we actually need to turn right on the first fork (also to get get any items from the jungle at all we need to have a walker robot - flyers can't get through, and having no robots leads to being squashed by wild dinosaurs), which was why our anti-fascist tendencies caused us to miss it. We would also have to fight this dinosaur first:


The Ankylosaurus' special attack is that can knock us (or rather, our robot) off our feet if it hits us, so that we can't do any damage to it even if we win the next round.

If we beat it, we can find loot a nearby Crawler Robot (with its crew asleep). We can't take the robot (because it's occupied and we don't want to leave the crew defenseless against wild dinosaurs), but we can take the Tangler's Field from it. It's an experimental item that's supposed to be deal with flying machines, although there's a note saying that it didn't work out in the experiment against flying dinosaurs. Despite this, it does work at the endgame sequence, and once we use it to deal with the Karossean fliers, we go straight to the Boss Fight, against Minos' Supertank:


This thing also fights at SKILL 12, and has 16 ARMOUR like the Robotank but it's less demanding on our starting stat requirements compared to the personal duel path because 1) good robots can give us combat bonus, 2) there are more extra robot combat bonuses to be found in the book compared to personal combat bonuses (we found the only 2 available, the sword and the Temple of Glory blessing) and 3) the Seeker Missile can take out more than half its ARMOUR immediately and the Sonic Gun can take care of most of the remaining. It's special ability is that it will damage us every round, even when it loses Attack Rounds. It will do only 1 damage if it loses,

There aren't that many useful things that we missed in our explorations. The tunnels under the City of Industry really is just a trap option, and one of the elevators contain an instant death section which we fortunately avoided. For general exploration of the city, though we actually picked the worse of the 2 directions (though both are beneficial). The ape in the junkyard can only restore a fixed number of ARMOUR point to our robot, but the other direction has a repair shop that can restore all damages and bring ARMOUR back to max.

Not crossing the electro-fence in the Dinosaur Preserve is the right move, I think, since it only leads to combat with 2 Triceratops. It does give us a nice Robot vs Dinosaur picture similar to the cover, through:


Playing Wasp Fighter in the arcade at the City of Pleasure would actually have a good outcome. First, we actually can't take advantage of the Wasp Fighter robot's combat bonus without playing it, and secondly, we can gain a general +1 combat bonus for all robot combats after we unlock the bonus extra time in the game and play that as well.

The Temple of Nothingness literally offers nothing, and in fact can sap our STAMINA if we fail a LUCK test (we regain the LUCK point if we pass it). The Temple of Fear is a SKILL point sink each time we enter it, BUT we can find a robot outside it (and for this playthrough, an extra save point). It's a Hedgehog robot that gets +3 bonus against flyer opponents (but none against non-flyers).

The hospital in the Capitol City is potentially beneficial, but with its own risks. If we use up the Cloak of Invisibility here, we can get a full STAMINA restore from a robot surgeon and gain 2 medikits. If we stole some Karossean uniform from museum at the City of Knowledge and disguise ourselves, we run into Karossean doctors. They will give us a full STAMINA restore if we pretend to faint in front of them. If we have no way to hide or disguise, we can only steal 2 extra medikits (but that would have been enough to give us a full restore for the Boss fight against Minos).

The National Treasure House was mostly a trap - not immediately deadly, in fact, we can find another robot there, the Cargo Crab:


It's a slow machine, with 12 ARMOUR and no combat bonus. It's only special function is that it can carry a lot of load, which means it's the only way we get the option to loot the Treasure House...except that's a trap option, and we get caught by the Karossean while we're busy hoarding gold (Game Over).

And I think that's most of the good stuff I can think of. To end this, I'd just post one more picture. This one is of the Mechanical T-Rex that we may potentially encounter if we'd visited the museum after a certain sequence (can't remember the detail). The Karosseans accidentally activated, but it's mostly just an extra combat encounter (SKILL 10, ARMOUR 11, Fast Speed):

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