[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Stories about games that you run and/or have played in.

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Which of the below are you most interested in completing?

Island of the Undead (FF51)
Deathmoor (FF55)
Total votes: 3

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to return to the main passageway and search somewhere else.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by Thaluikhain »

Search the room.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by SGamerz »

Searching through the room, you notice various small items that were left over when the restraints were installed: some lengths of leather strappings, a few metal bolts and the like. The only article that looks useful, though, is a bag full of metal spikes and rods, so you take these. Now you can either kill the creature in this room, if you haven't done so already, or leave this chamber and search elsewhere.
We've already killed the creature, so the only thing left to do is leave.
Choose somewhere else to search (where you have not been before) in this dungeon level. Will you try:

The central door in the main passage?
The left hand door in the main passage?
The right-hand door in the main passage?
Th€ right-hand side-passage?

The left-hand side-passage?
Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Fred
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 11/12
Equipment: Knife, Backpack, Waterskin, Leather Jerkin, Sword, Bottle of Blade Venom (+1 damage for one combat), Rope (x2), Wooden Pole, Gold Key (found in section 40), Potion of Stamina x2 (restores lost STAMINA points up to one-half of Initial STAMINA when drunk, rounding fractions up), Flask of Grog (+4 STAMINA, +1 Attack Strength for next combat after drunk), Magic Sword (+1 Attack Strength in combat), Shield (x2), Lantern, Bottle of Monks’ Herbal Liqueur x2 (4 doses in total, each restores 4 STAMINA when drunk), pestle and mortar, Herbiary (dog-eared pages: page 311 on the Rat-tailed Fungus, page 175 on the Pitcher Plant, page 266 on the Axeplant), Sapphire (50 facets), Topaz (24 facets), Skeleton Key, Small Pearl, Brass Orb (picked up in section 63), Ruby (36 facets), Tiger Eye stone, stone axe, Tomb Dust, Empty Bottle. Diamond (280-carat), Ethereal Oil (1 dose), Sprectrebane (1 dose), Potion of Luck (restore 1-3 lost LUCK points (roll one die and divide by 2, rounding fractions up), Blue Potion (turn to 237 to find out effect when drunk), Bottle of Acid (x2), bag of metal spikes and rods
Provisions: 4/12
Gold: 8
Afflictions: Lung Rot
Extra Lives remaining: 18/21
1) Message pieced together from torn scraps of paper found in monastery: "There is conflict between the wizards, Caltarelair has certainly quarrelled with one of his fellows and a magic duel cannot be far away. One of them has begun to dabble in magic other than elementalism. Ralsteen the Hermit may have sensed any disturbance at the Circle; I am too weak to risk visiting it. I must hasten to hide the Crystals, and I will hide them in pairs, one pair in..."
2) Parraine will do us a service three times before we bury his bones. He can perform any of the following acts at any time as one service: cure one disease, strengthen our sword so that it inflicts 6 points of damage to the STAMINA of an enemy as the result of a successful hit in combat (can choose this service after we hit the enemy), and he can heal for up to 8 points of lost STAMINA (this cannot be carried out during a combat).
3) The magical password to a door without a lock or handle somewhere below in the dungeons is 'elementarae'.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to go to the left hand side passage.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by Thaluikhain »

May as well.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by SGamerz »

The passageway turns right here and leads down until it comes to a door at the end, with a second door about half-way along on the left. Will you open the door that is nearer to you or try the door at the end of the passage?
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by Thaluikhain »

Nearer door on the left, as it is on the left, and seems like it might be a sideroom.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to open the door that is nearer to Fred to further the cause against fascism.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by SGamerz »

Surprisingly enough, this door opens readily to your touch, and you stand at the top of a flight of stone steps that lead down. A dim red glow is reflected along the walls of the staircase and a blast of heat strikes you in the face even from this distance. You guess that this must be the correct route to reach your final destination: a confrontation with the Master of Fire. If you are ready to descend now and face him, turn to 397. If you would rather close this door and try the one at the end of the passage, turn to 49. If you wish to search elsewhere in the dungeon, turn to 106; make a note that, when you are ready to go down to the deepest dungeon level, you can do so by turning to 397.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to eat a Provision, and then descend now and face him.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by Thaluikhain »

Makes sense.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by SGamerz »

You descend the slairs for what seems an eternity, sweating in the increasing heat of the air that rises towards you from the dungeons of the Master of Fire. Your hair sticks to your scalp and your hand, resting on the hilt of your sword, grows moist; but at last you see before you a single door on the landing at which the stairs terminate. You have no choice but to fling it open, and you stand in the doorway, gazing open-mouthed at a bizarre chamber beyond. The floor is slightly concave, as is the ceiling, and a forest of red-veined, stony, rib-like protrusions litter them both. The walls glow red and in the centre of the chamber stands a motionless undead creature which looks like the skeletal result of some dreadful splicing-together of various creatures. A human torso and arms are topped by a Lizard Man's head and neck but the powerful legs the thing stands on look like those of a great horse, and the skeletal tail of the monster ends in a bony spike. The monstrosity is armed with a barbed bone hook which it is holding in front of it, and now it is moving towards you, cutting an arc through the air as if with a scythe. You must fight the Skeletal Mutant before you can progress any further.


If you win, you can see doors on either side of the room, in addition to the one you entered by. Will you open:

The door to your right?
The door to your left?
The door ahead of you?
Skeletal Mutant 18, Fred 22. SM is at 10.
SM 16, Fred 17. SM is at 8.
SM 15, Fred 17. SM is at 6.
SM 16, Fred 19. SM is at 4.
SM 19, Fred 17. Fred is at 16.
SM 18, Fred 21. SM is at 2.
SM 17, Fred 20. SM is defeated.

Now pick another random door!

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Fred
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 11/12
Equipment: Knife, Backpack, Waterskin, Leather Jerkin, Sword, Bottle of Blade Venom (+1 damage for one combat), Rope (x2), Wooden Pole, Gold Key (found in section 40), Potion of Stamina x2 (restores lost STAMINA points up to one-half of Initial STAMINA when drunk, rounding fractions up), Flask of Grog (+4 STAMINA, +1 Attack Strength for next combat after drunk), Magic Sword (+1 Attack Strength in combat), Shield (x2), Lantern, Bottle of Monks’ Herbal Liqueur x2 (4 doses in total, each restores 4 STAMINA when drunk), pestle and mortar, Herbiary (dog-eared pages: page 311 on the Rat-tailed Fungus, page 175 on the Pitcher Plant, page 266 on the Axeplant), Sapphire (50 facets), Topaz (24 facets), Skeleton Key, Small Pearl, Brass Orb (picked up in section 63), Ruby (36 facets), Tiger Eye stone, stone axe, Tomb Dust, Empty Bottle. Diamond (280-carat), Ethereal Oil (1 dose), Sprectrebane (1 dose), Potion of Luck (restore 1-3 lost LUCK points (roll one die and divide by 2, rounding fractions up), Blue Potion (turn to 237 to find out effect when drunk), Bottle of Acid (x2), bag of metal spikes and rods
Provisions: 3/12
Gold: 8
Afflictions: Lung Rot
Extra Lives remaining: 20/23
1) Message pieced together from torn scraps of paper found in monastery: "There is conflict between the wizards, Caltarelair has certainly quarrelled with one of his fellows and a magic duel cannot be far away. One of them has begun to dabble in magic other than elementalism. Ralsteen the Hermit may have sensed any disturbance at the Circle; I am too weak to risk visiting it. I must hasten to hide the Crystals, and I will hide them in pairs, one pair in..."
2) Parraine will do us a service three times before we bury his bones. He can perform any of the following acts at any time as one service: cure one disease, strengthen our sword so that it inflicts 6 points of damage to the STAMINA of an enemy as the result of a successful hit in combat (can choose this service after we hit the enemy), and he can heal for up to 8 points of lost STAMINA (this cannot be carried out during a combat).
3) The magical password to a door without a lock or handle somewhere below in the dungeons is 'elementarae'.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Let's try going the fascist route to see if our hero gets killed here, just for giggles.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by Thaluikhain »

May as well.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by SGamerz »

The plain wooden door here has a spider's web pattern traced across it in a fine silvery metal; the tracery appears to be growing on the wood like mould on stale bread. You cannot be certain, but you think that it is glowing faintly and you suspect a magical trap may be laid upon this door. If you wish to open it anyway, turn to 349. If you want to open the door opposite you instead, if you have not done it before, turn to 211. If you prefer to open the door opposite the one through which you entered, turn to 310.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to open it anyway.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by Queen of Swords »

We have enough stamina to take a hit or two, so open it.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by SGamerz »

Sorry guys, there may not be updates for a couple of days, as I'm currently sick. Been kind of sick for a past couple weeks, really, but the cough and blocked nose was so minor that I figured I can last it out (after making sure it's not Corona). The fever came today, though, so I'm going to stay in bed for a while.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Please take care of yourself, SGamerz. I have been in that scenario twice over the past 12 months.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by SGamerz »

Sorry for the long wait....
If you have a ruby, multiply the number of facets on that gem by ten then turn to the paragraph with that number. If you do not possess a ruby, turn to 282.
As you force open the door, the metal of the web turns a dull red; at the same time the ruby you are holding starts to glow, as if absorbing something into itself. This gem is now transformed in to a Fire Ruby; it has expanded greatly in size, with a full 6o facets (make a note of this!). You step into the room beyond the door.
You have entered a very luxurious and well-appointed study. The plush tapestries, the carpets and furniture are all valuable - but you re not here to admire their beauty and worth. An everlasting magical fire burns in a large fireplace and above it two excellent swords are mounted on the wall; they may be worth looking at. A swift inspection of the bookcase reveals some arcane works which aren't going to be of any use to anyone but a wizard. Tucked away under a mahogany table you spot a small locked chest; this too may be worth investigating. Will you:

Take down a sword in order to examine it closely?
Force open the chest?
Leave and search elsewhere?
Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: Fred
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 11/12
Equipment: Knife, Backpack, Waterskin, Leather Jerkin, Sword, Bottle of Blade Venom (+1 damage for one combat), Rope (x2), Wooden Pole, Gold Key (found in section 40), Potion of Stamina x2 (restores lost STAMINA points up to one-half of Initial STAMINA when drunk, rounding fractions up), Flask of Grog (+4 STAMINA, +1 Attack Strength for next combat after drunk), Magic Sword (+1 Attack Strength in combat), Shield (x2), Lantern, Bottle of Monks’ Herbal Liqueur x2 (4 doses in total, each restores 4 STAMINA when drunk), pestle and mortar, Herbiary (dog-eared pages: page 311 on the Rat-tailed Fungus, page 175 on the Pitcher Plant, page 266 on the Axeplant), Sapphire (50 facets), Topaz (24 facets), Skeleton Key, Small Pearl, Brass Orb (picked up in section 63), Fire Ruby (60 facets), Tiger Eye stone, stone axe, Tomb Dust, Empty Bottle. Diamond (280-carat), Ethereal Oil (1 dose), Sprectrebane (1 dose), Potion of Luck (restore 1-3 lost LUCK points (roll one die and divide by 2, rounding fractions up), Blue Potion (turn to 237 to find out effect when drunk), Bottle of Acid (x2), bag of metal spikes and rods
Provisions: 3/12
Gold: 8
Afflictions: Lung Rot
Extra Lives remaining: 20/23
1) Message pieced together from torn scraps of paper found in monastery: "There is conflict between the wizards, Caltarelair has certainly quarrelled with one of his fellows and a magic duel cannot be far away. One of them has begun to dabble in magic other than elementalism. Ralsteen the Hermit may have sensed any disturbance at the Circle; I am too weak to risk visiting it. I must hasten to hide the Crystals, and I will hide them in pairs, one pair in..."
2) Parraine will do us a service three times before we bury his bones. He can perform any of the following acts at any time as one service: cure one disease, strengthen our sword so that it inflicts 6 points of damage to the STAMINA of an enemy as the result of a successful hit in combat (can choose this service after we hit the enemy), and he can heal for up to 8 points of lost STAMINA (this cannot be carried out during a combat).
3) The magical password to a door without a lock or handle somewhere below in the dungeons is 'elementarae'.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 51 - Island of the Undead (Take 2)

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to leave and search elsewhere.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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