[Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

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Which of the below are you most interested in playing?

Hand of Fate (Issue 10 adventure)
Dreams of Darkness (Issue 14 adventure)
No votes
Barbarian Warlord (Issue 17 adventure)
Total votes: 5

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[Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

Any interest in the remaining unplayed adventures from my last poll?

For the synopsis of each adventure, please refer to the first post in the last poll topic:

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure...?

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Going to tentatively vote for Hand of Fate.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure...?

Post by SGamerz »

So Barbarian Warlord won by 1 vote, so that's coming next. Hopefully, the 5 voters are actually going to be players, since I don't think I seldom get more than 3 actual players these days...



Standard FF Boilerplate Rules

Skill, Stamina, & Luck
[spoiler]SKILL score: Roll one die. Add 6 to the result.

STAMINA score: Roll two dice. Add 12 points to the result.

LUCK score: Roll one die. Add 6 to the result.

SKILL score reflects your expertise in combat, your ability with weapons, and your dexterity. STAMINA is your general constitution and "Life points". LUCK score shows how lucky you are. None of them may exceed their Initial score unless specifically stated.

Testing your Luck: When instructed by the book to Test your Luck, roll two dice. If the result is equal to or less than your current LUCK score, you are Lucky. If the result exceeds your current LUCK score, you are Unlucky. Whatever the outcome, you must deduct one point from your current LUCK score every time you Test your Luck. The more you use your LUCK, the less likely you are to be Lucky.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]SKILL and STAMINA scores are given in the text for each adversary that you face.

The combat sequence is then:
1. Roll two dice for your opponent. Add the total rolled to its SKILL score. This is the Attack Strength of your enemy.
2. Roll two dice and add the total to your own current SKILL score. This is your Attack Strength.
3. If your Attack Strength is the higher, you have wounded your opponent: deduct 2 points from your opponent's STAMINA..
If your opponent's Attack Strength is higher, it has wounded you: deduct 2 points from your own STAMINA.
If both Attack Strengths are equal, you have avoided each other's blows.
4. Begin the next Combat Round, starting again at step 1. This procedure continues until either you or your opponent has a STAMINA score of zero. If your opponent's STAMINA score reaches zero, you have killed it and can continue with your adventure. If your own STAMINA score reaches zero, you are dead.

Using Luck in Combat

You can use your LUCK in combat to inflict a particularly serious wound, or to minimize a wound that has been inflicted on you.

Whenever you wound an opponent, you may Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, you have inflicted a severe wound: deduct an extra 2 points from your opponent's STAMINA. If you are Unlucky, you have merely grazed it, and you deduct 1 point less than normal from its STAMINA.

If you have been wounded, you can Test your Luck in exactly the same way. If you are Lucky, the wound upon you was only a glancing blow and you can deduct 1 less point of STAMINA than usual. If you are Unlucky, the wound is serious: deduct 1 extra point from your STAMINA.[/spoiler]

New Stuff for this book:


This is a new stat that's generated by just rolling 1 die at the beginning, so it starts lower than our other stats, but there's no Initial/cap value for this, and of course there will be chances to gain (or lose) points on this like all other stats. Honour can tested similar to SKILL, by rolling 2 dice and comparing the value rolled to the stat, and we are deemed 'Honourable' if we roll below or equal to the stat.

Horde Stats:

These are similar to SKILL and STAMINA respectively, except they are used for mass combat. HORDE STRIKE is 1d6 + 6, just like SKILL. HORDE STRENGTH is 2d6 + 12, like STAMINA.

Large-scale Battles:

Conducted just like individual combats, just substitute HORD STRIKE for SKILL and HORDE STRENGTH for STAMINA. You can also use LUCK in Large-scale battles, and once again, it works exactly the same except with the above stats substituted.

Escape from combats also work the same for both Individual and Large-scale battles: you automatically lose and Attack Round while you disengage and lose 2 STAMINA/HORDE STRENGTH.

Equipment and Gold:

We start with literally the bare minimum: only a sword. We also record the amount of gold we can loot from the places we conquered, and those are calculated in units of "talent". We start with 1 talent of gold by default.

There are no Provisions in this adventure. STAMINA restoration only happens by resting (in specific locations where it's allowed - usually places you've conquered), or by usage of specific items with healing abilities.

(Note that restoration from resting only applies to STAMINA - CREW STRENGTH is actually even harder to regain, so keep that in mind.(


After we conquer each locale, we usually have the option to either keep it as a garrison or raze it to the ground. Having a garrison means that we must leave troops behind to guard it (and therefore reduce our HORDE STRENGTH) but the benefit is that we can always come back and rest and collect extra talents of gold as taxes. Razing it means we loot everything at once and leave it destroyed and can't gain anything else from repeat visits. For certain places, garrisons also carry potential hazards of rebellion (which is when the amount of troops you leave behind comes in when determining whether or not they succeed).

Code Words and Tick Boxes:

As stated above, we can revisit places, so there will be ticked boxes used to indicate such situations are determine whether something different happens. Code Words, of course, are use to marked events/accomplishments and also trigger different events according to those. We start with none of each but will definitely be collecting them throughout the LP. The places we conquer (and whether we retain them as garrison or destroy them) are also recorded via codewords.

Although the adventure mostly plays like a sandbox game, there's still an actual ending that will be triggered once we conquer the most challenging city on the map. That's when our codewords will be tabulated and exchanged for points, and those points (in conjunction with our Honour score at the endgame), will be used to determine our final rating on our level of success.

Name and Tribe:

The adventure provides 2 simple tables for us to randomly generate the name of our tribe and our PC (the barbarian chieftain). Of course, you are still free to suggest your own names for both if you prefer.


So, before we begin, there are 6 different stats to be generated using 8 dice. This will not be and easy adventure, and I will be providing "save points" for each place we succeed in conquering, plus 1 we will start with by default. I will also allow player assignation of dice values to each stat.

The values rolled for 8 dice are: 2, 2, 3, 5, 6, 6, 3, 4.

Please assign these 8 values to your:

LUCK (1)

And please also decide whether you wish to use the provided table to determine the names of our tribe and chieftain randomly. If not, please suggest your own name.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

It has potential, but I can see this being a meatgrinder.

I vote to provide our hero with the following initial stats:
Skill: 12
Stamina: 17
Luck: 11
Honour: 2
Horde Strike: 12
Horde Strength: 19

For the name of tribe and chieftain, I nominate the name Attila and the Huns as the names for the hero and tribe respectively.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

I'd suggest using the 6 for skill and horde strike, 5 for luck, as above but I think it might be an idea to not just give 2 to Honour.

I'm holding back on name until we get some information about who and what we are.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

Thaluikhain wrote:
Tue Dec 26, 2023 7:13 am
I'm holding back on name until we get some information about who and what we are.
I guess I can post the "prologue" part of the adventure first:

The Flatlands of Allansia are a vast expanse of near-endless steppes where the wind rustles through seas of grass, and nomadic tribes stalk the plains. These ragged clans wander far and wide in search of food and water, as well as loot to plunder and caravans to raid. For it is the very nature of these savages to be judged solely upon their warrior prowess, as it is this that distinguishes nomad heroes from mere mortals, and holds them up as the example all others must follow.

Consider now an encampment of such Barbarians on the western fringes of the Flatlands, before the terrain rises up into the sinister crags of the Moonstone Hills. Here, alongside yurts and tents, is a circle of ancient, rune-inscribed stones, and within the circle a blazing fire, upon which
have been heaped rare herbs and strange fungi. Seated around the flames are three figures: a shaman with the antlers of a deer bound to a leather cap atop his head; a grizzled and scarred warrior who nevertheless defers to the third participant – an even greater warrior, with a fine iron broadsword laid across his lap.

However, this mighty hero is in the throes of a narcotic-fueled vision, his eyes white, pupil-less and rolled back into their sockets, his body spasmodically twitching. Peering into his drug-addled mind reveals he is wandering the Spirit Steppes, an otherworldly place at once like the
Flatlands and at once very different. The grass is black, the sky is red, and the land littered with bones, skulls and weapons of the fallen. Horrific skeletal birds wheel across the sky, crying out in hoarse screams, while beneath the earth even worse things tunnel and move, sending up clouds of dust as whales would spout plumes of spray.

Here are the Ancestors, the spiritual advisors of the Tribe, the ghostly remnants of previous chieftains and chieftesses, shamen and wise-women, warriors and amazons. Their spectral forms flit across the dark steppes to form a circle around the current Barbarian chief (or at least his manifestation on the Spirit Plane), who stands transfixed, his face a combined paradoxical rictus of terror and courage.

"Chief!" moan the Ancestors. "We bring a message from the Spirit World. Destiny is stirring. The Time of Slaying is at hand. Unite the Tribe. Attack the lands of Allansia. The pickings will be rich."

The Ancestors fade away into the blackness of the Spirit Steppes, and darkness descends across the vision of the Barbarian chief.

"Wake up, chief!" says a gruff voice, at the same time as a hand lightly slaps your face. It is Nharog, your second-in-command and war-brother, a veteran, like you, of a thousand bloody conflicts.

"Careful!" says a second, older voice, that of Druzgar the Shaman. "The Ceremony of Visions takes the mind to the Spirit Plane to talk to the Ancestors. We do not wish it to be interrupted when it reconnects with the body."

"I’m fine," you say, rubbing your eyes. "I saw the Ancestors! They talked to me!"

"What did they say?"

"They said it is the Time of Slaying. It is time to raise a horde of warriors and attack the western lands of Allansia. Many great events are in motion, and if we strike first we will become victors over all!"

"So be it. Let us rally the Tribe!"

Within days, the horde is ready. You have hand-picked your best warriors and equipped them with weaponry and armour. They are loosely divided into units of fast light cavalry armed with shortbows, and heavy infantry wielding battleaxes, two-handed swords and morning stars. Your baggage train consists of great wooden wagons drawn by steppes bison, carrying your supplies but also with plenty of space for the loot you hope to acquire.

On the day of leaving the entire Tribe turns out to see you depart.

"May the Ancestors grant you luck and honour on the great journey ahead!" intones Druzgar the Shaman, ceremonially smearing your brow with the ashes of a burnt offering.

You raise your broadsword above your head and wave it in circles while shouting, "For the Tribe and with the Tribe! We shall bring you glory or die trying!"

To the massed cheers of the nomads, your horde turns and departs, leaving your ancestral lands behind.

Onwards, to adventure!

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

Hmmm...the FF wikia says Throm was from the Moonstone Hills.

Stonemoon tribe, perhaps?
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

It's been a full day, and while there is reservations expressed for low starting Honour, there was no alternative suggestions, so effectively there was only 1 real vote for actual assignation of all stats, so we shall proceed with what the sole vote suggests.

Let's begin our campaign...
With the Flatlands at your back, you and your horde head west, towards the teeming plains of Allansia. Days of glory lie ahead of you, days of plundering booty from the rich cities and carving a bloody swathe through cultures and territories that for too long have looked down upon you and your people as primitive savages. It is time for war and conquest!

"Where are we headed, chief?" says Nharog, breaking your reverie.

If you want to go west into the Moonstone Hills, turn to 100.
If you want to go northwest to the city of Zengis, turn to 150.
If you want to go southwest to Trolltooth Pass, turn to 50.
As the map shows, we start at the right edge of the map. Which way shall we begin our expansion?

The name of our tribe and chieftain is still yet to be decided.

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: ??
Tribe: ??
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 11/11
Equipment: Sword
Gold: 1 talent
Garrison Strength:
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Queen of Swords »

Not the Trolltooth Pass. From reading that novel, it sounds too dangerous. And the city is probably large and well-defended, so we might need more equipment before taking that on. So my vote's for the Moonstone Hills.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

Conquer the Moonstone Hills and we can call ourselves the Moonstone Hills tribe.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Sure I also vote for the Moonstone Hills.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Queen of Swords »

Thaluikhain wrote:
Wed Dec 27, 2023 3:31 pm
Conquer the Moonstone Hills and we can call ourselves the Moonstone Hills tribe.
Too bad we can’t be the Bearbones Tribe, wreaking havoc and minimalism throughout the land.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

Trolltooth Pass is the true gateway to Allansia, connecting the Windward Plain to the Flatlands, and bordered by the
Moonstone Hills to the north and the Craggen Heights to the south. It is a dangerous place, only three leagues across
at its narrowest point, and dotted with the ghost-haunted ruins of watchtowers, fortresses, walls and gatehouses.
Scavengers such as bandits, Goblins, jackals and hyenas scrabble among the rubble.

"Eyes open and axes ready!" bawls Nharog, clouting a Barbarian with the flat of his blade. "We shall not be surprised by
the weak and cowardly!"

Roll one die to see what you and your horde encounter:

1-2 Turn to 68.
3-4 Turn to 37.
5-6 Turn to 23.

Moonstone Hills is actually one of the few places we don't have to attack and conquer, since it's not really under any particular ruler. But do we have to go through a fight nonetheless...?

Die roll = 3

Your horde comes to the heavily guarded encampment of a merchant caravan, where Strongarms with gleaming weapons watchfully patrol the perimeter. The merchant leader is a Dwarf and a warrior too, clad in black chainmail and pointing a repeating crossbow casually in your direction as he rides out atop a sturdy mule to parley with you.

"Chief of the Flatlanders!" shouts the Dwarf. "I am Ganga of Mirewater. I profit from danger, but not stupidity. You, chief, are welcome to enter our compound and trade, but your men must remain outside."

If you wish to trade with the merchant Ganga, turn to 53. If you wish to leave him alone, turn to 41.

Not this time, it seems, as surprisingly we're not given any option to try and attack and seize his goods.

Do we want to trade with him?
Last edited by SGamerz on Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

Queen of Swords wrote:
Wed Dec 27, 2023 7:05 pm
Too bad we can’t be the Bearbones Tribe, wreaking havoc and minimalism throughout the land.
We can if enough players vote for that!
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to trade with the merchant.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Queen of Swords »

Sure, trade, though I'm not sure how much one talent of gold will get us.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

You enter the merchant’s compound, watched warily by his Strongarm guards. Ganga of Mirewater is renowned as one of Allansia’s greatest traders, and he is always on the lookout to both buy and sell.

You can sell any of the following items to Ganga; cross them off your Adventure Sheet and add the selling price to your Gold box:

Item - Talents of Gold
Gillibran’s Hammer - 4
Enchanted Broadsword - 3
Golden Hauberk - 3
Eyepatch of Throm - 3
Sword of Kull - 2
Crystal Club - 2
Diamond Shield - 2
Eye of the Cyclops - 2
Eye of the Dragon - 2
Yellowstone Ore - 1
Green Metal Ore - 1
A Diamond - 1

You can buy any of the following items from Ganga if you have enough Gold. Subtract the price from the Gold box on
your Adventure Sheet and tick the box for the item you have bought. Once the box is ticked the item has been sold and you cannot buy it again. Turn to the number indicated to find out more about your purchase, but note the paragraph number you are on at the time, as the item’s paragraph number will not direct you back there.

Item - Talents of Gold
The Axe of Souls - 3 (tick the box and turn to 119)
Horned Helmet - 2 (tick the box and turn to 69)
Dragonscale Shield - 2 (tick the box and turn to 145)
Potion of Skill - 2 (tick the box, and turn to 44 if you want to drink it now; otherwise just note the number ‘44’)
Potion of Strength - 1 (tick the box, and turn to 193 if you want to drink it now; otherwise just note the number ‘193’)
Potion of Fortune - 1 (tick the box, and turn to 97 if you want to drink it now; otherwise just note the number ‘97’)
Deathtrap Dungeon Map - 1 (tick the box and turn to 15)

When you have finished trading with Ganga, you return to your horde and leave Trolltooth Pass. Turn to 41.

While it's true that there isn't much that we can afford yet (and we have nothing to sell), remember this encounter can be repeatable each time we visit here (although it's randomly determined, so we need some luck on the dice), so at least it may not be a waste of time to just check out what he has for sale and what we may eventually pick up that he'd be willing to buy later.

For now, we can only afford the map or one of the last 2 potions. Do we want to buy any of that yet?
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to get the Deathtrap Dungeon Map, as we could possibly get some more gold if we have the chance to complete it.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

Ugh, this LP has gotten off a bad start due to my carelessness. I'd actually made the wrong updates yesterday, and posted the sections for the Trolltooth Pass when we should have gone to the Moonstone Hills. Sorry for the blunder. :screams:

Here's where we should have gone yesterday:
The Moonstone Hills are a series of rugged uplands in central Allansia, cut through with deep river-valleys, whose grassy hilltops are occasionally surmounted with patches of tangled woodland. If you have the Code word Trollslayer, turn to 115. If not, read on below.

The hills are home to all manner of dangerous monsters, but creatures more prone to menacing lone travellers than your Barbarian horde. Except Hill Trolls. These savage brutes resent any intrusion into their territory, including you and your forces. Word of your incursion travels rapidly through the dales, and the response of the Hill Trolls is swift and aggressive.

“To arms! To arms!” howls Nharog as your forces crest a low hill and see a bristling host of heavily armed Troll warriors before you. Turn to 173.
So, contrary to what I said in my previous (wrong) update, we DO have to go through a fight at the Moonstone Hills, immediately.
Although not numerous, the mob of Hill Trolls are big, brutish, and armed with a bewildering array of weaponry, from iron broadswords, barbed spears and notched axes, to stone mattocks and huge bronze knives. Their bodies are brown and scarred, and adorned with bones, skulls, furs and leather. Their fangs and claws glint in the sunlight as they howl for the blood of your warriors. Your armies meet in a shallow valley, by an old ford of mossy stepping stones that cross a bubbling stream.

”Hold your lines! Withstand the charge!“ you yell at your horde as the Hill Trolls come thundering down the grassy slopes. With a crash, the two forces collide, and the waters of the stream that flows through the valley soon run red and green with the blood of the fallen.

This will be a legendary battle!


If you wish to Escape, you order the retreat and flee from the Hill Trolls; deduct 1 point of HONOUR and turn to 91. If the Trolls reduce your HORDE STRENGTH to zero or less, turn to 13. Otherwise, after two Attack Rounds, turn to 194.
Hill Troll Horde 15, Babarian Tribe 21. HTH is at 7.
HTH 15, BT 19. HTH is at 5.
The fighting has surged across both sides of the stream, and the stepping stones of the ford are slippery with blood and entrails. At a momentary lull, you find yourself opposite King Nurm and his cronies, and, spying you, the brutish Troll picks up a boulder and hurls it in your direction.

Test your Luck; if you are Unlucky, the boulder smashes into your chest and you must deduct 3 STAMINA points. If you are Lucky, you dodge aside and the boulder misses you completely, embedding itself in the grassy hillside with a thump. The TROLL KING hefts his battle-axe and charges across the stream towards you, intent on separating your head from your body.

"By Hashak’s magic clay, you will die now, yooman!" rages King Nurm, drool dripping from his tusk-lined maw. "The price for entering the Moonstone Hills without our permission is death!" This is a battle to the bitter end!


You cannot Escape. If King Nurm reduces your STAMINA to zero or less, turn to 13. If you slay King Nurm, turn to 182.
Luck test roll = 8 (Lucky). We dodge the boulder.

Nurm 17, Cheftain 20. Nurm is at 13.
Nurm 22, Cheftain 19. Cheftain is at 17.
Nurm 19, Cheftain 16. Cheftain is at 15.
Nurm 17, Cheftain 20. Nurm is at 11.
Nurm 16, Cheftain 21. Nurm is at 9.
Nurm 17, Cheftain 16. Cheftain is at 13.
Nurm 16, Cheftain 17. Nurm is at 7.
Nurm 16, Cheftain 18. Nurm is at 5.
Nurm 18, Cheftain 19. Nurm is at 3.
Nurm 20, Cheftain 19. CHeftain is at 11.
Nurm 20, Cheftain 16. CHeftain is at 9.
Nurm 19, Cheftain 20. Nurm is at 1.
Nurm 15, Cheftain 18. Nurm is killed.

Some bad roll means that our Cheftain came out with a lot of wounds, but he does win the battle.
Add 1 point to your HONOUR score for slaying the fearsome Nurm, King of the Hill Trolls.

His army, however, is so far gone into berserk battle-lust that it barely notices his death, and instead continues to hurl itself at your warriors, intent on defending its territory from any invasion. These brutish Trolls are strong and savage, and just as likely to bite at their foes with snapping fangs as they are to cleave a victim’s skull with an iron battle-axe. Resume the conflict!


The HORDE STRENGTH score of the Trolls is the same as it was after the two Attack Rounds you fought. You cannot Escape. If the Trolls reduce your HORDE STRENGTH to zero or less, turn to 13. If you defeat the Hill Trolls, turn to 158.
Hill Troll Horde 13, Babarian Tribe 17. HTH is at 3.
HTH 16, BT 17. HTH is at 1.
HTH 16, BT 21. HTH is defeated.

Our tribe does much better than its cheftain in battle, and emerge victorious with either no losses, or at least not sufficient losses to cause any noticeable change in strength!
Your horde has defeated the savage tribes of Trolls from the Moonstone Hills! Add 1 point to your HONOUR score for your victory and write the Code word Trollslayer in the Code words box on your Adventure Sheet.

The few survivors flee into the hills, dragging their wounded with them. Searching the bodies of the dead yields almost nothing of value. Roll a die, and if you roll a 5 or 6 you can add 1 talent to the Gold box on your Adventure Sheet.

"By Gurrang, we showed them what a real horde looks like!" says Nharog, wiping green trollish blood and other gore from his weapon.

There is little else to do here, other than leave.
Die roll = 1. No extra gold for us, sadly
Your horde descends from the Moonstone Hills back into the lowlands, and you are not sorry to be leaving their weird monster-haunted heights behind. All too often you felt that you were being watched by unseen eyes and unknown entities, waiting for any slight mistake or weakening of resolve in order to pounce and strike.

"All Allansia lies before us, chief," says Nharog, indicating with a sweep of his hand a broad expanse of territory dotted with walled cities, tangled forests and other landmarks.

Where will you take your horde?

If you want to go north to the city of Zengis, turn to 150.
If you want to go east to the Flatlands, turn to 10.
If you want to go south to Trolltooth Pass, turn to 50.
If you want to go northwest to Firetop Mountain, turn to 30.
If you want to go west to Darkwood Forest, turn to 160.
If you want to go southwest to the Forest of Spiders, turn to 170.
If you want to pay a visit to the nearby town of Chalice, turn to 120.
We're kind of at the centre of the map, so lots of directions we can proceed!

Adventure Sheet:
[spoiler]Name: ??
Tribe: ??
SKILL 12/12
LUCK 10/11
Equipment: Sword
Gold: 1 talent
Codewords: Trollslayer
Garrison Strength:
Last edited by SGamerz on Fri Dec 29, 2023 6:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

New (and corrected) update posted in the last post!
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to continue west into the Darkwood Forest.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

I don't see why not.

(I suggest Trollslayer being in our name somewhere)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by SGamerz »

Darkwood Forest is a primordial stretch of woodland whose green depths conceal all manner of hidden terrors. If you have the Code word Destroyer, turn to 185. If not, read on below.

The woods themselves are home to many sorts of creatures, including Elves and Forest Goblins, and are watched over by the wizard Yaztromo, who sees all from his lonely white-stone tower on the southern edge of the forest, which is where you and your horde are now. A solitary crow caws from overhead. It is a deceptively bucolic scene, but you cannot help feel you are being watched by hundreds of eyes from beneath Darkwood’s leafy boughs.

"They say Yaztromo is naught but an imposter who swaps trinkets for sweetcakes," says Nharog. "I think we can take him down and his friends with him, boss!"

If you want to attack Yaztromo, turn to 197. If you want to leave this area, turn to 151.
Well, whatever Nharog thinks, players who are familiar with FF lore know that Yaztromo is no imposter...or at least not as a wizard. Although he'd probably be happy to swap trinkets for sweetcakes whenever he can.

Do we think we're ready to take him on?
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure #17 - Barbarian Warrlord!

Post by Thaluikhain »

I reckon we could totally take this Yaztromo person, but we've got lots of other things to do, busy you know, so leave area.
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