Nychthemeron Mage

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Nychthemeron Mage

Post by Kaelik »

Just putting this here in an incomplete state so I can play a level 3 character in a game, may eventually finish it, may not.

Nychthemeron Mage
"The Sun watches everything I do, but the Moon knows all my secrets."

Nychthemeron Mages find their power in the cycle of the day and night, and as such their power is derived from both Solar and Lunar power. Each of these is tracked differently and modified at a different time. If you have a non standard cosmology, feel free to just let them change their powers 12ish hours apart instead. Or make them do weird stuff like adventure during the eternal night, that's also fun. Their powers are based on the Wisdom stat, because that's the in touch with the nature of greater powers stat in D&D.

Hit Die: d8
Base Attack Bonus: 1/2
Good Saving Throws: Good Will
Skill Points: 6+Int
Class Skills: Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Dex), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge Geography/Arcana/Planes (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Speak Language, Spellcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis)
[row][b]Level:[/b][col][b]Abilities:[/b][col][b]Maximum Solar and Lunar Points[/b] [row][b]1:[/b][col]Solar Pool, Lunar Pool, Mental Conceptual Space, Solar and Lunar Powers [row][b]2:[/b][col] [row][b]3:[/b][col]Level 2 Solar and Lunar Powers [row][b]4:[/b][col] [row][b]5:[/b][col]Level 3 Powers [row][b]6:[/b][col] [row][b]7:[/b][col]Level 4 Powers [row][b]8:[/b][col] [row][b]9:[/b][col]Level 5 Powers [row][b]10:[/b][col] [row][b]11:[/b][col]Level 6 Powers [row][b]12:[/b][col] [row][b]13:[/b][col]Level 7 Powers [row][b]14:[/b][col] [row][b]15:[/b][col]Level 8 Powers [row][b]16:[/b][col] [row][b]17:[/b][col]Level 9 Powers [row][b]18:[/b][col] [row][b]19:[/b][col]Level 10 Powers [row][b]20:[/b][col]

Proficiencies: A Nychthemeron Mage is proficient with all armors, even exotic ones, all shields, even exotic ones, Scythes, and Shuriken.

Solar and Lunar Pools (Ex): A Nychthemeron Mage has a Solar Pool and a Lunar Pool. Each of these is tracked separately. Points can be converted as a free action that you can even take not on your turn between the two separate pools. However, it takes 4 points of one to make 1 point of the other this way.

The maximum number of points that Pool can have is equal to 1+Levels in Nychthemeron Mage. So 2 at level 1. Each Pool can separately have that many points, so a level 4 Nychthemeron Mage could have 5 Solar Points and 5 Lunar Points.

Every 1 minute a mage gains 1 point in the Solar Pool if the sun is up, and 1 point in the Lunar Pool if the moon is up. During an Eclipse (either kind) this becomes a total refresh of both Pools every 1 minute.

Mental Conceptual Space (Ex): A Nychthemeron Mage has the Mental Conceptual Space to choose 8 powers. They can be any combination of powers known, Lunar or Solar, but it's always exactly 8. They can only use those 8 powers currently in their conceptual space, no matter how many they know. If they want to have multiple copies of the same Power active they must have the same number of Spaces assigned to that power.

So for example, a Mage could have two Sun Torches at once, but to do so, they would need to Know Sun Torch, and then commit two of their 8 Spaces to Sun Torch. They would also need to keep powering their Sun Torches to keep them both active.

At Sunrise a Mage can fill any Mental Conceptual Space with a Solar Power they know, removing what was there. At Moonrise they can fill any Mental Conceptual Space with a Lunar Power they know, removing what was there.

Solar and Lunar Powers (Sp): A Nychthemeron Mage starts at level 1 Knowing three Solar Power and three Lunar Powers from the level 1 list. At each level they learn one new Solar and one new Lunar Power adding them to their powers Known. They can also, once per level up, exchange one Power they know for another power they could learn, effectively forgetting the first power and knowing the second power.

At level 3, and each odd level thereafter the Nychthemeron Mage can choose to learn and Know Powers from the next higher level list. Level 2 powers at class level 3, level 3 powers at class level 5, ect.

All Solar and Lunar Powers are spell like abilities that have a DC equal to 10+1/2 Character level+Wisdom Mod and a Caster Level equal to levels in the Nychthemeron Mage class until modified by items or feats or whatever. They all allow spell resistance. Their durations are all either Instantaneous or Until no longer powered.

In general, activating or sustaining a Power costs a number of Solar or Lunar Points equal to the Power's level for each instance each round or activation. If two instances exist, then each must be powered separately. There are many exceptions, they are specifically tagged and explain how they interact with the Solar and Lunar Power pools.

Activating a Power costs the Power level in points of the appropriate type.

At the end of each turn a Nychthemeron Mage must supply any ongoing power that wasn't activated this turn with the appropriate number of Lunar or Solar points or else the effect ends. This is called the Upkeep. The Mage can freely choose the order that each Power is supplied in, which will be important because some powers GRANT additional points during the Upkeep Step.

The Mage can be above the maximum for their Solar and Lunar Power Pools during this step, but at the end of the Upkeep any points over the Maximum disappear.

Solar Powers
Level 1:
Fire Ray: Fire Ranged Touch Attack out to Close Range doing 1d6 Fire damage per Caster level.
Sun Torch: Touched Object gives off light like a torch, but it's sunlight when that matters (fuck with undead) and the object does 1d8 Fire damage extra on attacks.
Suns Fire: Faerie Fire, but the visual effect is different.
Skills of the Sun Avatar: The Mage gets +10 Enhancement bonus to Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Heal, Intimidate, Search, Sense Motive, and Spellcraft.

Level 1 Exceptions:
Photosynthesis: Costs zero points. If in direct sunlight such as out during the day or standing near a window with sunlight coming in, you gain 3 Solar Points during Upkeep.
Reflected Light: Costs zero points. If sunlight is reflected onto you, you gain 3 Solar points during Upkeep. In addition to mirrors, the moon also reflects sunlight.

Level 2:
Fiery Burst: 10-20ft Burst does 1d8 Fire Damage per Caster level, ref half to everyone but you. Your choice on range.
Solar Defense: Touched creature is Immune to Fire.
Blinding Light: 10ft radius burst medium range of light that Fort or Blinds. This is instantaneous in creating the light (and paying for it) but Blinds for 1 minute.
Eyes of the Sun: See Invisibility effect, and Darkvision 60ft.

Level 2 Exceptions:
Light Conversion: Costs Zero. All Light Counts as Sunlight for the purposes of any other effects you have. You gain 1 Solar Point during the Upkeep if you are in any light in addition to any other effects from other Powers.
Warmth of the Sun: Costs Zero. Heat is also associated with the Sun, So if you are in any room above the freezing point of water you gain 2 Solar Points during the Upkeep. Unless it's above 90 degrees in which case you get 5 Solar Points.

Level 3:
Shroud of the Sun: Touched Target is cloaked in light which burns any attacker for 1d4 damage per Caster level of fire damage.
Fireball: Casts Fireball.
See As The Sun: Casts Clairvoyance but only to locations in sunlight.
Wall of Fire: Casts Wall of Fire.

Level 3 Exceptions:
Solar Battery: Costs 1 point. While Active Solar Points can be moved to the Solar Battery which has a total maximum of 100 points. Once stored points remain even if the battery is dismissed so long as it maintains Mental Conceptual Space. Can be activated later and the stored points can be used to pay for any activation or maintenance of powers as if they were in your Solar Pool while it is active.
Improved Photosynthesis: Costs zero. Under direct sunlight gain 8 Solar Points.

Level 4:
Reveal Sun's Truth:
Become Sun:
Spreading Flames:
The Sun Will Rise:

Level 4 Exceptions:
Improved Reflected Light:
Improved Warmth:

Lunar Powers
Level 1:
Shroud of Darkness: You are covered in a cloak of darkness which gives you a 20% miss chance from concealment on all attacks.
Silent Image: You do Silent Image, like the spell.
Charm: You cast Charm Person on something.
Animate Water: You turn some water into a Small Water Elemental that does whatever you direct it to. You can use crude gestures as a move action to mimic any of the tricks an animal can be pushed to with no roll. Or you can speak Aquan as a free action to do anything. I recommend Aquan.
Skills of the Moon Maiden: The Mage gets a +10 Enhancement bonus to Balance, Bluff, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Hide, Move Silently, and Sleight of Hand.

Level 1 Exceptions:
Moons Light: Costs Zero. Under the light of the moon you gain 3 Lunar Points during the Upkeep if you are in moonlight, such as outside at night or near a window, or if the moon is out during the day.
Total Darkness: Costs Zero. If you are in a location with no light, you get 3 Lunar Points during the Upkeep.

Level 2:
Wall of Shade: You create a 10ft long per caster level by 10ft tall wall of shadow. Everything on each side has concealment from the other side. Creatures passing through or in the wall when summoned must make a Fort Save or be slowed.
Moon's Protection: Touched recipient can breathe water and is immune to attacks that require the recipient to breath, charms, and compulsions.
Dark Bolt: You Fire a bolt of Dark Energy as a ranged touch attack out to Medium Range which causes a Fort Save. Failure results in being Nauseous for Two Turns.
Minor Image: You can do the Minor Image spell.
Invisibility: You cast the Invisibility spell.

Level 2 Exceptions:
Darkness Personified: Costs Zero. You cloak yourself in a sheet of darkness that is eerily creepy. You can somehow perceive through it exactly as if it wasn't there, but you look spooky, give off no light, and are always considered in Total Darkness for any effects besides your ability to perceive things. You also gain 2 Lunar Points during the Upkeep.
Moons Embrace: Costs 2 Points to Activate and sustain, but if you are in Moonlight, gives you 9 Lunar Points during the Upkeep.

Level 3:
Thought Connections:
Improved Darkbolt:
Major Image:

Level 3 Exceptions:
Reflect as the Moon:
Improved Darkness:

Level 4:
Dominate Person:
Phantasmal Killer:
Wall of Water:
Become Moon:
Short Shadow Steps:

Level 4 Exceptions:
Moon's Orbit:
Day Moon:

Solar: Fire Magic, Light Magic, ect. Revealing truths and piercing illusions
Lunar: Water Magic, Shadow Magic, Illusions.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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