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Magic Item List for Rogues

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 6:10 pm
by Jack_Lurch
A friend of mine does own a DMG. and I offered to make a list of Core (3.0) magic items that were must haves for a rogue. Aside from the obvious Gloves of Dex, and the Boots and Cloaks of Elven-kind, what are the must-haves?


Re: Magic Item List for Rogues

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 7:46 pm
by Username17
In 3rd edition, the headband of intellect is a must-have. In 3.5 it is roughly equivalent to a set of master work thieve's tools and can be safely dispensed with.

Sneak Attack does not work if your opponent has concealment - so the Helm of Vision (or the Gem of Seeing and a leather strap for the cheap) is a must-have. After all, there are CR 1/2 monsters who have Darkness on a stick - and that will ruin your whole day if you don't have True Sight.

Speaking of Sneak Attacking - if you have a Ghost Touch weapon the Ring of Blinking is all kinds of crazy hillarity. It's pretty hillarious even so, but even small miss chances are annoying. Remember that you can dispense with the whole "melee combat" thing altogether if you get a ghost touch short bow. Now, if only you could hang from the ceiling....

Note that you can't remove traps until you find them - Eyes of Minute Seeing are practically free and offer a substantial bonus.

Need Flanking? How about a frickin black bear? The Bag of Tricks can cheaply produce a number of small fuzzy animals that can help flank opponents. Squirtle, I choose you!

Speaking of small fuzzy animals... bugger the cloak of elvenkind - you need a thneed. Or rather, a cloak of the bat. Expensive, yes, but it comes with all the swag of the elven cloak and lets you hang from the ceiling, or simply transform into a creature small enough to fit through a drainage pipe (granting additional Hide Bonuses which are themselves hugely formiddable - to the tune of an additional +16).


Re: Magic Item List for Rogues

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 8:16 pm
by Jack_Lurch
Cool. Any other ideas?

Another character is an archer type. He already has the mighty bow, the Gloves of Dexterity, the Quiver of Elhonna, and the Bracers of Archery. Anything else?


Re: Magic Item List for Rogues

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 1:04 am
by Josh_Kablack
In 3.0 the Ring of Chameleon Power is a crazy-go-nuts +15 unnammed bonus to hide that comes with a smokeless ashtray full of at will change self.

Re: Magic Item List for Rogues

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:32 pm
by Mole_2
Cloak of arachnidae can be very entertaining, you are immune to web. You can wander through your wizard's webs sneak attacking anything caught up in it.
You even get to cast one yourself once a day. And it gives spiderclimb.

Re: Magic Item List for Rogues

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 7:48 pm
by Thoth_Amon
I would consider the Monks Belt to get Improved Unarmed Strike to get AoOs on suckers who think they can move through your threatened squares unimpeded.

I like Boots of Striding and Springing better than boots of elvenkind on my range rogues.

How much is a Helm of Vision? (37,500 gp? Half of a Gem of seeing because it is slotted?)

Is it in the Arms and Equipment Guide?



Re: Magic Item List for Rogues

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2004 10:03 pm
by Maj
I think Spiderclimb is best handed out in slipper form. The last time I checked, having spiderclimbing shoes allowed you to keep your hands free - which is a major bonus.