[3.5e] Werewolf

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[3.5e] Werewolf

Post by JonSetanta »

My take on the failed d20 WoD Werewolf class (ew) and SKR's pitiful monster class.
Warning: Might be too powerful as a Closet Monster, but my inspirations were the Tome Barbarian and the Monster Manual "Lycanthrope".


d8 HP
3/4 BAB
Saves: Fort, Ref
6 sp
no armor
natural weapons
Class Skills: Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival, Knowledge (Nature)

1: Alternate Forms (change as a Standard action, normal wolf and hybrid humanoid-wolf, both grant STR +2 and DEX+4, normal wolf move speed 50 but no claw attacks, +2 racial bonus to Hide/Listen/Move Silently/Spot, 2 Claws 1d4+STR, 1 Bite 1d6+STR (primary), Trip (bite)), DR (Level)/silver, Weapon Focus (bite), WIS+2, Low Light Vision, Scent
2: CON+2, Natural Armor +4, Fast Healing 1 (stopped by damage from silver weapons until an 8 hour rest), Track
3: STR+2, Improved Natural Attack (claw 1d6, bite 1d8)
4: CON+2, Weapon Specialization (bite), Fast Healing 2
5: Swift Change (Alternate Form change as a Swift action), Alternate Forms: Size Large (+4 STR, +2 CON, increase nat. att. by 1 step each claws 1d8 bite 1d10, AC -1), Pounce (full attack and 2 Rake attacks when Charge), Rake (2 Claw attacks when Grapple)
6: Improved Grab (bite), Rend (when 2 claws hit, deal claw damage x2 +1.5 STR), Fast Healing 3
7: Improved Critical (bite), Nondetection (constant)
8: Improved Critical (claw), Fast Healing 4
9: Beast Within (gain all Alternate Forms and Size features even when not transformed), Pass Without Trace (constant), Locate Creature (at will)
10: Throat Rip (when rolling a critical on a Bite attack, enemy makes Fortitude Save vs DC 10 +1/2 level +STR or take Precision damage equal to half maximum HP), Fast Healing 5
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