Carthaz Conduit

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Carthaz Conduit

Post by Kaelik »

Carthaz Conduit
"My powers are more than enough to deal with the likes of you!"

A fiend is more than an individual; he is a representative of a particular brand of evil, and that role carries power with it. To become a Conduit of the Lower Planes is to embrace that role and become a living pathway by which the energies of the Lower Planes can be made manifest. Raw magical power is the result of this process, and a fiend that walks this route refines his mastery of his innate mystical arts to a terrible degree.

Alignment: A character must be non-good to take any levels in Conduit of the Lower Planes. Nothing happens to a Conduit of the Lower Planes if he becomes Good, save that he must look elsewhere for class advancing.

Races: The Conduit of the Lower Planes is only available to creatures with a plane of origin in the Lower Planes. Creatures from the prime material plane whose ancestors were from a Lower Plane may take this class.

Starting Gold: 4d4x10 gp (100 gold)

Starting Age: As Wizard.

Hit Die: d6
Class Skills: The Conduit of the Lower Planes 's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal(Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int). As well as whatever his Planar skill is.
Skills/Level: 4 + Intelligence Bonus
BAB: Medium (3/4), Saves: Fort: Poor; Reflex: Poor; Will: Good

Level, Benefit
1Petitioner Immunities, Petitioner Channel
2 Sphere
3 Enhanced Sphere Access
4 Sphere
5 Expert Sphere Access
6 Sphere
7 Petitioner Skills, Petitioner Locomotion
8 Sphere
9 Bonus Feat (Magical Training? Yes/no?)
10 Sphere
11 Planar Bubble
12 Sphere
13 Bonus Feat
14 Sphere
15 Planar Apotheosis

All of the following are Class Features of the Conduit of the Lower Planes class:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Conduits of the Lower Planes are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as the whip, the scourge, and the dire flail. Conduits are proficient with light armor but not with shields of any kind.

Petitioner Channel (Su): The Petitioner may make a ranged touch attack against a single target within close range, they are subject to the effects of a petioners plane as follows, with any saving throws being DC 10+Half HD+Cha mod:
  • Pandemonium: A wave of sound does 1d8 damage and forces a Fort Save against Deafening.
  • Abyss: A line of electricity arcs to the target, doing 1d6+Cha damage and arcing to another target within 30ft.
  • Carceri: An Area is coated in Ice. Treat this a Grease Spell cast with CL equal to CL, but doing one cold damage each round to all occupants.
  • Hades: A surge of negative energy does Cha mod damage, and forces a Will save. If failed, they take one Wisdom damage. This is Mind Affecting.
  • Gehenna: A ball of acid strikes doing 2d4 Acid damage, to repeat on the following round unless they spend a full round action removing it.
  • Baator: (No ranged touch attack required) A Gout of flame appears in a square, doing an automatic 1d6 Fire damage to the occupant, and doing the same damage to any adjacent creatures if the fail a reflex save.
  • Acheron: A stream of sharp metal shoots out, doing 2d6+Cha mod slashing damage.
Petitioner Immunities: A Conduit of the Lower Planes gains his power from a specific lower plane, and is protected by the nature of that plane:
  • Pandemonium: Sonic Immunity
  • The Abyss: Immunity to Electricity
  • Carceri: Immunity to Cold
  • Hades: Immunity to Fear and Morale Effects.
  • Gehenna: Immunity to Acid
  • Baator: Immunity to Fire
  • Acheron: Immunity to [Compulsion] effects.
Sphere: The Conduit of the Lower Planes gains basic access to a sphere at every even numbered level. If the Conduit of the Lower Planes selects a sphere that he already has basic access to, he upgrades it to advanced access. If he already had advanced access, he gains expert access.

Enhanced Sphere Access: At 3rd level, the Conduit of the Lower Planes gains extra uses of the spell-like abilities that he gains from his Spheres. The Conduit of the Lower Planes gains a number of extra uses of any spell-like ability equal to half the number his character level exceeds the minimum character level to use the spell-like ability (rounded up). So if the Conduit of the Lower Planes has a character level of 4, he would gain 1 extra use of a spell-like ability that is granted by one of his spheres at character level 3 and 2 extra uses of any spell-like from one of his spheres with a minimum level of 1. Upon gaining this ability, the Conduit of the Lower Planes immediately gains a number of extra feats that must all have the [Fiend] tag equal to the number of spheres he has expert access to. If he ever gains expert access to another sphere, he also gains an extra [Fiend] feat.

Expert Access: At level 5 The Conduit gains Expert Access in a single Sphere he already has access to. If he had Advanced Access to this sphere, he gains another sphere at Basic Access.

Petitioner Skills: A Conduit of the Lower Planes gains his power from a specific lower plane, and at 6th level gains abilities from the nature of that plane (this must be the same plane as was chosen at 1st level):
  • Pandemonium: +10 to Listen checks.
  • The Abyss: +10 bonus to Survival checks.
  • Carceri: +10 bonus to Bluff checks.
  • Hades: +10 bonus to Hide checks.
  • Gehenna: +10 bonus to Climb checks, if he doesn't already have a climb speed, he gains one equal to half his normal ground speed (bonuses to Climb from having a Climb speed gained in this way would be included in the +10 bonus)
  • Baator: +10 bonus to Disguise checks.
  • Acheron: +10 bonus to Intimidate checks.
Planar Locomotion (Su):At 6th level a Conduit gains a movement ability defined by his plane:
  • Pandemonium: A Conduit of Pandemonium may use Gaseous Form at will as an SLA with CL equal to his character level, with a range of personal. However, he is an area of strong wind, not a cloud for appearance sake, and his DR is 10/- not 10/magic.
  • Abyss: A resident of the Abyss gains a Perfect Fly speed of 30ft per round. If he already has a fly speed, it becomes Perfect Maneuverability and increases in speed by 30ft.
  • Carceri: A Conduit of Carceri may affix themselves relative to another creature as an immediate action. This may be any creature within Close Range. The Conduit will then stay in a fixed position relative to that creature until he uses a swift action to dismiss the effect. While affixed, if the creature moves, he may follow the creatures movement pattern exactly. He is treated as having a Perfect fly speed for the purposes of staying aloft. Additionally, if any magic should cause that creature to move to another location on the current plane, or to send it to another plane, the Conduit may choose to follow to that position or plane. He may only be affixed to a single creature at a time, but otherwise, the duration is permanent.
  • Hades: A Conduit of Hades may become incorporeal for up to 20 rounds per day. It is a free action to begin or end this effect. If it is activated at all, a minimum of one round is expended, regardless of how long it stays active.
  • Gehenna (Ex): A Conduit of Gehenna is treated as being under the effect of a Spider Climb spell at all times, except that this is an Extraordinary ability instead of a Supernatural or Spell. He also gains a burrow speed equal to his land speed.
  • Baator: A Conduit of Baator is so in touch with the natural teleporters of his Planar home that he gains Greater Teleport as a bonus feat. If he already has this feat, he may use the ability as a swift action 3 times per day.
  • Acheron: A Conduit of Acheon always operates under subjective directional gravity, no matter what plane he is on.
Bonus Feat: At 9th level, the Conduit of the Lower Planes gains a bonus feat. This feat may be any [Fiend], [Monstrous], or [Item Creation] feat, and the Conduit of the Lower Planes must meet the prerequisites. He gains another such feat at level 13.

Planar Bubble (Su):A Conduit may create a location on any Plane that reflects an area of his Plane of Power. He may have no more than one such area active at any time, and the creation of a second removes the first. However, when he dies, the area remains.

This area is in all respects treated as a Planar Bubble, which has all the traits of the Conduit's Plane, and many of the common features, such as fiery explosions of baator or cliffs of gehenna.

This Area may be of a radius of half a mile per day spent creating it. Creating it requires 8 hours of channeling each day, and is so exhausting that it cannot be done if you have engaged in combat during the last 8 hours. The Maximum Size of the Planar Bubble is a radius of 5 miles per Character Level.

During it's creation, the Bubble expands, deforming and destroying all terrain and replacing it with a replica of the Conduit's Plane and subjecting creatures to the new effects.

If the process is halted by any means, including interruption or combat, it ceases expansion and maintains itself. The next day spent creating the bubble does not increase the radius, but the day after does.

Planar Apotheosis (Ex): The Conduit takes on an aspect of his Plane:
  • Pandemonium: The Conduit cannot be heard by anyone he does not want to hear him. He can also use a swift action to intimidate everyone who hears a very loud noise, the whipping of the winds around him.
  • The Abyss: Each Denizen of the Abyss is permanently effected by magic, up to five spells cast on an Abyssal Conduit can last until they are dispelled, as if effected by the Permanency spell (even if they would not normally be a legal target).
  • Carceri: The Conduit may prevent Planar Travel by the means of spells, including those that use the Astral such as Teleport, within his line of sight. This ability is either on, and no one can use any such spell, or off, and anyone can use such spells. Switching state requires a free action.
  • Hades: ......
  • Gehenna: A Conduit of Gehenna may....
  • Baator: A Conduit may invoke the right of contract on any agreement he and another make, verbal or written. If he does so, he is compelled to honor the agreement, and he will be notified via magic if the opposing party does not abide by the agreement, at which time, he may use Gate as an SLA at Cl equal to Character level to call a Devil from Baator who will agree to a long term service without payment, so long as that service takes no longer than one day per Character Level and involves the punishment of the deal breaking party. If the Conduit shall break the agreement, then a Balor will attack him and fight to the death in 1d4 days.
  • Acheron: A Conduit of the Plane of Battle is hardened beyond imagination. He gains immunity negative mind affecting effects and he creates a battle aura. The aura gives himself and all allies a +5 Moral Bonus to saving throws and attack rolls.
Last edited by Kaelik on Sun Sep 11, 2016 6:19 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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For Valor
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Post by For Valor »

Under Planar Locomotion:

you should spell it "ACHERON"

not "archeron" or "archeon"... I mean, twice in one line... christ.

Other than that, I've always liked this class. It's rather pretty.
Last edited by For Valor on Sun Apr 25, 2010 4:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Mask wrote:And for the love of all that is good and unholy, just get a fucking hippogrif mount and pretend its a flying worg.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

I'm flattered.

I do have some comments I didn't make in the other thread:

Is the Hades eldritch blast set up to avoid infinite healing? If so, kudos, but I don't think it's really necessary. The Gehenna ability is probably a bit too weak. In all I could see them scaling up at later level, but that isn't especially vital.

"Planar bubble" is already the name of a spell. The class ability is very similar to the Planeshifter's "planar area swap" ability, so you could call it that. "found gate town", "hurl into hell", "hell on earth", and "corrupt the land" are are fairly evocative names (although "hurl through hell" might already be a spell).

I'd change "expert sphere access" at 5th to "upgrade sphere", and upgrade by one degree one the spheres she has access two. It's important to make the otherwise crappy 5th level worthwhile, but I think that a bonus feat + extra uses of an existing sphere or a heavily invested sphere at will is enough.

As for magical training...I dunno. It's an important ability for the 10 level Tome of Fiends conduit, but maybe not so much for this one.
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Post by Kaelik »

CatharzGodfoot wrote:The Gehenna ability is probably a bit too weak. In all I could see them scaling up at later level, but that isn't especially vital.
Meh, they shouldn't need to scale, because you'll have spheres by that point.
CatharzGodfoot wrote:"Planar bubble" is already the name of a spell. The class ability is very similar to the Planeshifter's "planar area swap" ability, so you could call it that. "found gate town", "hurl into hell", "hell on earth", and "corrupt the land" are are fairly evocative names (although "hurl through hell" might already be a spell).
Everything is already a spell name. This ability effectively creates Planar Bubbles, like the kind that are called Planar Bubbles in Manual of the Planes.
CatharzGodfoot wrote:I'd change "expert sphere access" at 5th to "upgrade sphere", and upgrade by one degree one the spheres she has access two. It's important to make the otherwise crappy 5th level worthwhile, but I think that a bonus feat + extra uses of an existing sphere or a heavily invested sphere at will is enough.
The point of Expert Sphere Access is to make them have a goddam Expert Sphere, so I don't have to deal with people with seven basic access Spheres pissing me off.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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