Sundown in Chicago

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Sundown in Chicago

Post by Orion »

There's a department at the University of Chicago called the Committee on Ideas & Methods. Nobody's entirely sure what they do, and everyone's eyes glaze over halfway through the grad students' earnest attempts to explain it. But nobody can do anything about it because the professors who run the department have been around for a very long time.

Some of them have been around for a *very* long time. The current department head, one Dr. Kaspar, has been a professor at the University of Chicago for more than thirty years. Before that, he taught in Germany, though there aren't any good records of where and when. There are a few papers with his name on them. When asked for more details, he says that his records got lost during "the war." Nobody is quite sure which ward he is talking about. Intriguingly, there are also papers by a Doctor Kaspar from die Freiuniversitaet Freiburg from 1460.

Today it is about noon on a third Friday of the month (June), and so the faculty in Ideas & Methods are meeting. There's not really much department business to discuss (there never is), but the university requires you to meet. So as usual, the meeting has turned into Daziban shop talk.

Profs. Baade and Mitriov, you're both required as faculty to attend. Mitriov, you're invited sometimes as a grad student (or maybe I should say the grad student) in the department, but I imagine you're probably not there today. It's just easier for them when they don't have to worry about keeping Daziban secrets.

So you sit with your wine and your ultrathin pizza and gossip about the Chicago monster scene with Mehtar Codicier Kaspar. Feel free to post any questions you have for him about the local scene, or plans or proposals you want to run by him. In the meantime, you get a number of interesting tidbits of information. I'm running short on time before dinner, so I'll come back later and post the rest of the gossip. Here's the most interesting bit:

Down on 69th street, about 15 blocks from campus, there's a used bookstore. One of Kaspar's apprentices happened to be browsing there, and he found that the man had recently acquired a copy of Ruhige Machten, a German occult manual. Although it's primarily a description of the Symphony of Silence, it also has a sketchy account of Necromancy which is interesting, because while most German-language tomes are based on recovered Mesopotamian cultures, this book appears to be the only record of Germanic folk necromancy going back to the times of the Etruscans. Therefore the apprentice tried to buy the book. Unfortunately, the shopkeeper figured out that he had something valuable, and refused to sell until he did some more research.

Kaspar doesn't precisely ask, but you get the feeling he'd love to have that book for the Daziban collection. Apart from dealing with the shopkeep, there's one other complication. That neighborhood is run by a drug gang, and that gang reports to the Order of Marduk.


OOC Notes:

First of all, I'm going to get up a separate introduction post for Zachary Summers soon, so hold tight for that. Which isn't to say he can't get involved in this affair.

Second, if you don't want to do the fetch quest, don't do the fetch quest. I'll keep posting hooks at at least one a day until you get involved in some kind of action.

Third, work with me on the amount of secrecy you guys want for your characters. I'm currently erring on the side of posting everything publicly because I figure it's interesting for everyone to read. But obviously I can use PMs for information only some of you would logically know. For instance, some prophecies that Summers is going to be reading.

Finally, please try to keep this thread focused on the game. I'm not saying no out-of-character speech, but rules questions, scheduling IRC time, and the like should stay on the other thread
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Post by Kaelik »

I'm both a graduate student and a professor? I think you might mean something else there, but not sure what.

I trust everyone to mostly not worry about my character being a backstabbing jackass, and keep their knowledge separate. So for example, when this book goes into my library, or takes a really long time to be obtained, during which time the department copier is hard at work, well... things happen.
After the session, in which things might or might not be talked about, Alexsey decides to swing over by the book shop. He walks the streets, all normal like, and if any of his fellows decides to follow him on his diversion he lets them. Every 10 minutes or so, he whispers Ruhige Machten and looks down at a compass that hangs from a chain around his neck.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Orion »

Okay. It's a two-story building, but it looks like the upper floor is apartments. You know you've found the bookstore because there's a really colorful sign painted on the red brick side of the building. Other business on this block include a nail salon and a Chicken Shack (tm), but the area is mostly residential. A couple of Scary Black People(tm) are loitering on the corner, by which I mean a couple of twentysomething men are waiting for a bus to go to work. Being a veteran Chicagoan you know that Scary Black People are generally not actually scary. However, you also know that it's difficult to say who is reporting to Marduk.

Your compass has registered the book. If you walk around and triangulate, you discover that the book is nearer the back of the building than the front. There's a back door for deliveries, if you want to break in and search the stockroom. Of course, you can also go in the front door like a normal person. It's currently early evening, the sun is still up, and a dusty wind is blowing.
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Post by Kaelik »

Will go buy a sweet tea from Chicken Shack, and while drinking it, make a habit of putting lots of spit/backwash into it, as I head back over to the book store, and walk in the front door.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Orion »

It doesn't have a lot of square footage, but manages to display an impressive amount of inventory by making everything cramped and twisty. The owner has clearly never read a smarmy business manual about making your business a space customers like to be in. An eclectic collections of rickety bookshelves jabs titles in all directions like a porcupine's spine, with the only relatively clear place besides the register being the children's corner, which is open floor with a couple of tiny chairs, and some cardboard boxes full of picturebooks and plastic trains.

The only employee in evidence is an oldish gentlemen you immediately assume to the be the owner (if you ask, he is the owner). The books are sorted into four basic sections: children's, traded-in mysteries and romances, intellectual (politics, poetry, plays, and other leftist-activist 80s-culture stuff), and christian kitsch. The only customer in the store when you come in is a harried woman with two girls in tow, buying an impressive amount of christian kitsch and children's books. You can easily wait for her to leave before doing anything.
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Post by Orion »

Professor Baade,

Prior to the meeting, you worked out that a particular stellar conjunction is now amplifying the influence of Mars. During this stellar arrangement, uncontrolled fires are substantially more likely to burn through to Limbo, and it will be easier for supernaturals to pass through those fires. This effect will get stronger until it peaks 2 weeks from now, then rapidly wear off.

When you mention this to Kaspar, he tells you that this happened 2 years ago, and Fulad Zerah, a Baron of the three-shadowed court, nearly escaped through a fire at a steelworks. Apparently, the Prince of Chicago had one of his Harpies infiltrate local news stations to report on all Chicagland Fires and give coded reports on supernatural activity.
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Post by Orion »

Zachary Summers,

It's Friday afternoon and you're at your apartment doing..whatever it is that you do. (Do you keep an apartment on earth prime? Also: I'm assuming you're a grad student to tie you in to the others, but it's up to you how serious you are about it.)

There's a restaurant in Chicago's Chinatown called Joy Kitchen. You order takeout from there a lot, so you're a valued customer. So valued in fact, that you sometimes receive food without even having to order. This may have something to do with the fact that Joy Kitchen is a front for the Oracles.

Today you're surprised when your doorbell rings, but when you get down to your doorstep there's no one there. A plate of fortunes cookies is sitting there, each cookie nestled in an intricately folded napkin. These are your fortunes:

--It's easy for parents to forget how unimportant their children are

--The CIA is bad news

--Summer means increased rates of fire, murder, and ice cream.

--Sometimes you have to get high before you can get down

--Miles Davis once said: Don't play what's there, play what's not there

--The bathroom in Social Sciences is really nice. I hear it gets a lot of traffic on the weekend
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Orion wrote:Professor Baade,

Prior to the meeting, you worked out that a particular stellar conjunction is now amplifying the influence of Mars. During this stellar arrangement, uncontrolled fires are substantially more likely to burn through to Limbo, and it will be easier for supernaturals to pass through those fires. This effect will get stronger until it peaks 2 weeks from now, then rapidly wear off.

When you mention this to Kaspar, he tells you that this happened 2 years ago, and Fulad Zerah, a Baron of the three-shadowed court, nearly escaped through a fire at a steelworks. Apparently, the Prince of Chicago had one of his Harpies infiltrate local news stations to report on all Chicagland Fires and give coded reports on supernatural activity.
Herr Doktor Kaspar, who do we have in the Fire Department? Who is scanning Fire Department radio?
I suppose I'll try to Learn Kaspar's Heart's Pain, 'cause why not? 14 dice; I'll ask you to roll them since I don't know how we're rolling yet.
Last edited by CatharzGodfoot on Tue Jun 07, 2011 5:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
-Anatole France

Mount Flamethrower on rear
Drive in reverse
Win Game.

-Josh Kablack

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Post by Orion »

Kaspar is ruled by Fear and the desire to shape the minds of the gifted and the beautiful. He is a Fallen, a Mehtar, a Codicier, and a professor.

You guys have a Baali cultist in the fire department, who mainly uses Suggestions to cover up fires related to Daziban activities. But if you want to get his reports, that's fine.
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Post by Quantumboost »

Zachary puzzles through the fortunes for a minute and inputs the contents into his PDA. He leaves a note for his cousin Katie (and a Small Witness to keep a compound eye on things), takes an handful more of sand than usual, and takes the most obviously actionable of the clues - dropping by the Social Sciences department.

He takes a quick glance around the area through the veils between the mortal world and the Dreamlands and Dark Reflection, paying special attention to any very nice bathroom mirrors, and plants a bug hidden in the corner of the ceiling.

Telepathically to any of the others who're within a kilometer whose Name I know: "Had some tipoffs about some Fate that's going down. Sounds like increased Three Shadows activity, definitely Infernal stuff, bugged a location I suspect is due for some activity this weekend. Are you ready to dispense some JUSTICE?" *kaminashades*

(Catharz, I'll leave it up to you whether Zachary and Heinrich have traded True Names. Since Dr. Mitriov doesn't appear to have Names of the Blasphemies the only question is if he's in range.)
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:I'm not going to go full-asshole, but I'm turning up the dial about 50 millikaeliks.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Orion wrote:You guys have a Baali cultist in the fire department, who mainly uses Suggestions to cover up fires related to Daziban activities. But if you want to get his reports, that's fine.
Professor Baade puts out his cigarette and leans closer.
"Herr Doktor, I'd like to speak with this man myself. These are dangerous times, and you can't be too careful. We have to make sure that agents of the King haven't already infiltrated us."

I'll head down to see the Baali firefighter, then the plan is to see what's going on with the book.
Quantumboost wrote:Telepathically to any of the others who're within a kilometer whose Name I know: "Had some tipoffs about some Fate that's going down. Sounds like increased Three Shadows activity, definitely Infernal stuff, bugged a location I suspect is due for some activity this weekend. Are you ready to dispense some JUSTICE?" *kaminashades*
"I heard something to that effect. Where did you say the location was?
Oh, and watch out for fires. Good luck, Zach; let me know if you see anything...strange..."
Last edited by CatharzGodfoot on Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
-Anatole France

Mount Flamethrower on rear
Drive in reverse
Win Game.

-Josh Kablack

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Post by Quantumboost »

CatharzGodfoot wrote:"I heard something to that effect. Where did you say the location was?
Oh, and watch out for fires. Good luck, Zach; let me know if you see anything...strange..."
"The Social Studies department restroom. Supposed to have a lot of traffic on weekends, or so the cookie claims. Suspect mirrors.
Will do... same for you, Doc Heinrich."
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:I'm not going to go full-asshole, but I'm turning up the dial about 50 millikaeliks.
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Post by Kaelik »

Alexsey will make his way around the store, looking at books, and occasionally triangulating the book he is looking for.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Quantumboost »

IRC transcript:
A bunch of stuff about feminism and liberal arts majors.
<MisterCavern> So you were each sort of following your own leads previously
* Heinrich_Baade puts on his RP hat.
<MisterCavern> would you like to start doing separate things (which will quickly become connected?)
<MisterCavern> or would you like to meet up first and tackle leads one at a time?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I am currently at a book store after leaving the meeting
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I am totally okay with retroactively bringing people with me, to make the stealing easier
<Alexsey_Mitriov> or I can just do my thing
<MisterCavern> Okay Kaelik, I can re-describe the bookstore setting if you've forgotten
<Heinrich_Baade> I said that I'd check out the fire dept. first, but instead I'll go to the portentous bathroom.
<MisterCavern> otherwise: go!
<Heinrich_Baade> Unless everyone wants to stick together.
<MisterCavern> Okay, Mc Decree: Myrmidon and Baade are in the bathroom, Kaelik is in the store
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I was trying to triangulate the book while inside the store, and pretending to be browsing
<Myrmidon> I look into the Dark Reflection. And Dreamlands, while I'm at it.
<MisterCavern> Book is in some back room. If you want to steal it you need to either go break in through the back door or get past the owner somehow
<MisterCavern> Bathroom: Is really super nice. Like three stalls, each of which is HUGE (handicap-sized), everything is clean, *enormous* mirror over the wide sink.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I think I will move to where he can't see me, and start a fire in one of the front corners
<Heinrich_Baade> I'll reach into the mirror.
<MisterCavern> Dark Reflection: Largely same. But, a bunch of cigaretta butts on the floor
<Alexsey_Mitriov> wait no
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I didn't do that
<MisterCavern> Is there an easy way to whisper?
<MisterCavern> (IRC noob)
<Myrmidon> right-click name and click query should work in most clients
<Myrmidon> or at least one client
*** Myrmidon is now known as Zachary_Summers
<MisterCavern> Okay so you light some books on fire?
<MisterCavern> Alright, smoke detector goes off I guess. Shopkeep runs over to see what's going on. Begins trying to stomp them out. I'm not sure how big a fire you wanted, he'll go get an extinguisher if he's not having luck.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> hey
<Alexsey_Mitriov> no
<Alexsey_Mitriov> bad
<Alexsey_Mitriov> over in the other one
<MisterCavern> okay
<Heinrich_Baade> Any footprints in TDR near the butts?
<MisterCavern> survival?
<MisterCavern> Yeah, something's disturbed the dust recently
<MisterCavern> if you want more roll some kind of skill for me
<MisterCavern> I don't care what dice roller
<Heinrich_Baade> Is Perception OK?
<MisterCavern> Um... sure
<Heinrich_Baade> Intuition-based, I assume.
<MisterCavern> Yup. Tracking is normally done with Intuitin+Survival
<Zachary_Summers> If he doesn't get it, I have plenty of both
<MisterCavern> so yeah, actually just roll intuition if you don't have it
<MisterCavern> okay, both go ahead
<Zachary_Summers> gonna grab my six-siders real quick
<Heinrich_Baade> -- 9 dice, 4 hits.
<Zachary_Summers> 11d6... 5 hits
<MisterCavern> Okay, so you spot some child-sized footprints with several distinct shoe styles in the TDR.
<MisterCavern> And a note in the trash reading "sink running sludgy again, please get maintenance in"
<Zachary_Summers> So. Children in the Dark Reflection - or Mirror Goblins with shoes - and there's been active infernal magic.
<Zachary_Summers> Judging by the comment about the sink.
<Heinrich_Baade> Demonology 3 -- do goblins wear shoes?
<Heinrich_Baade> You can roll if you care.
<Zachary_Summers> Probably safe to assume the mirror's been "active" recently.
<Heinrich_Baade> Not really sure how backgrounds work.
<Heinrich_Baade> Huh.
<Heinrich_Baade> Can we try to get through?
<MisterCavern> Mirror Goblins: a lot of goblins wear low-tech sandals or boots or whatever
<MisterCavern> but they take sneakers when they can get them
<MisterCavern> every now and then they get a shipment of cheap goods from stuff like the Tirangle Shirtwaist fire
<Zachary_Summers> Search "Sample Backgrounds" to locate the part where it talks about using Backgrounds for "knowledge" type checks
<Heinrich_Baade> So probably not kids smoking on a stakeout.
<Zachary_Summers> In an infernal hellscape? O_o
<Zachary_Summers> Probably not
<Heinrich_Baade> The King takes changelings of all ages.
<Zachary_Summers> true
<Heinrich_Baade> Zach, can you see where those footprints lead?
<Zachary_Summers> Sure, this side or that?
<Heinrich_Baade> If they're on this side too, that's probably easier to follow.
<Zachary_Summers> I mean with us on this side or that side.
<Zachary_Summers> ((Most of this should probably be telepathic, btw))
<MisterCavern> The footprints in the reflection come from outside and lead up to the mirror
<MisterCavern> the real-world bathroom was recently washed
* Heinrich_Baade thinks "Good to know."
<Zachary_Summers> ((This is OOC))
<Zachary_Summers> Okay, I think I can follow the footprints which are on that side. If we want to interact with anyone, instead of just watching, we'll have to go through.
* Heinrich_Baade thinks "Let's meet up with Aleksey first."
<MisterCavern> You're not sure you can go through even if you want to
* Zachary_Summers thinks "Good plan."
<MisterCavern> ((some are two-way permanenet gates.))
<MisterCavern> ((but a mirror crafted to allow a specific type of person in or out might not be useful to others))
* Heinrich_Baade thinks, "Cab or subway?"
<Zachary_Summers> ((Dang, none of us has deny the gauntlet, do we))
<Heinrich_Baade> ((Nope :())
<Zachary_Summers> ((Is there probably daylight out?))
<Zachary_Summers> ((Daylight makes bugman sad))
* Zachary_Summers thinks "Let's, uh, go underground. Less unpleasant weather that way."
<MisterCavern> There's no underground in Hyde Park
<MisterCavern> This is Chicago, you get the El
<Heinrich_Baade> ((The L is mostly elevated anyway))
<MisterCavern> It's still daylight yeah
<MisterCavern> like 6:30 or something
<MisterCavern> sun going down in an hour or two
<Zachary_Summers> :(
<Zachary_Summers> ((bugman is sad))
<Heinrich_Baade> ((You still get your body colony, BTW. It's constant/passive. ))
<Zachary_Summers> ((yes. but still sad.))
<Heinrich_Baade> ((Yeah, well, you don't have to panic when it rains.))
<Heinrich_Baade> Anyway, we'll grab a cab to the bookstore.
<Zachary_Summers> yus
<MisterCavern> Okay. Just so you know it's like a 10 -15 minute walk
<Heinrich_Baade> Oh
<MisterCavern> Small neighborhood.
<Heinrich_Baade> I guess we can walk.
<MisterCavern> Okay, he looks at you funny for a moment, then starts to brush past you into the store, then falls down
<MisterCavern> out of the corner of your eye you can see the other guy has been talking on a headset
<MisterCavern> he's got his hand in his jacket pocket and he's ambling towards you
<MisterCavern> crap wrong window
<Heinrich_Baade> ((I'll pretend I didn't just read that.))
<Zachary_Summers> ((I will pretend the same assuming nobody beams me teh dataz))
<MisterCavern> Okay the walk over is uneventful if you don't make it eventful
<Heinrich_Baade> ((Run for it, Kaelik! HE HAS A GUN!!!))
<MisterCavern> but I'm not quite ready for you to walk on the scene
<MisterCavern> so if you wanna take a moment to ask questions or decsribe preparations or what you're wearing that's cool
<Heinrich_Baade> ((Alright. Along the way, I don't offer Zach the use of my umbrella. Because I'm a jerk.))
<Zachary_Summers> ((I am discontent. Also wearing the kamina shades.))
<Heinrich_Baade> ((And I suppose I have my water vial wrapped around my wrist.
<Heinrich_Baade> ))
<Heinrich_Baade> ((Briefcase & umbrella in the other hand))
<MisterCavern> okay one sexc
<MisterCavern> Okay so you walk around the corner to the bookstore and you see...
<MisterCavern> a dude lying face down in the doorway
<MisterCavern> Alexsei standing over him waving his hands around
<MisterCavern> and a young man in a leather jacket shooting at him from the cover of the bust stop
<Heinrich_Baade> Has anyone else noticed this yet?
<Heinrich_Baade> Like, is there a panic?
<MisterCavern> none that you can see
<MisterCavern> (I'm finishing resvolving this round of combat right now)
<Heinrich_Baade> Shout at the guy with the gun to drop it. Command, 14 dice.
<Zachary_Summers> Boost senses of smell, taste, and touch to try and pierce any Veils while in the shadow of the building.
<Heinrich_Baade> Rather, "That gun is about to jam and explode! Drop it!".
<MisterCavern> Okay update
<MisterCavern> You walk on the scene as the dude sprays alexsei's twitching body full of lead
<MisterCavern> roll for initiative
<Zachary_Summers> D:
<MisterCavern> Baade, your Command is noted, I'll resolve it in initiative order
<MisterCavern> although I guess actually he doesn't recognize you as an enemy so nevermind
<MisterCavern> he drops the gun
<Heinrich_Baade> ((fuck yeah!))
<Zachary_Summers> No hits.
<MisterCavern> Your super-hearing pays off though
<MisterCavern> as you rounded the corner he was talking superquietly to a throat mic
<MisterCavern> you caught "one bogey neutralized. Get Mr. Qen
<MisterCavern> err, endquote
<MisterCavern> so Zach, anything you would immediately do?
<MisterCavern> otherwise I'm gonna declare that the end of the round and then let you, gunman, and Baade all start doing stuff
* Heinrich_Baade thinks, "Grab the gun!"
<Zachary_Summers> Hm. Do I recognize this person in any way? Possibly relevant backgrounds are Stellar Oracle politics, Demon Hunting, Robots
<Zachary_Summers> Yeah, I'll go get the gun
<Zachary_Summers> keep my eyes on the guy
<Zachary_Summers> telepathically relay the info to Heinrich and inquire if he has any idea who that is
<MisterCavern> Roll Oracle Politics + Intuition
<MisterCavern> Okay you have the gun
<Zachary_Summers> Politics 4 + Intuition 5 = 3 hits
<MisterCavern> Meanwhile, you hear a metal clinking sound
<Zachary_Summers> Do I have any idea what the clinking sound is?
<MisterCavern> and look over to see the smoking bullets opping out of Alexsei's body one by one and falling on the street
<MisterCavern> *Popping
<Zachary_Summers> O:
<MisterCavern> Mr. Qin is an elder in the Chicago Marduk
<Zachary_Summers> O:
<MisterCavern> he does astral magic
<Heinrich_Baade> ((Does this mean I don't need to use firse aid?))
<MisterCavern> yes
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I will, when conscious, request that MR shoots me be incapacitated
<Alexsey_Mitriov> via telepathy
<MisterCavern> Well, Mr Shoots Kaelik is gonna run like hell if nobody stops him
<Alexsey_Mitriov> it will probably occur after you have finished your next combat round
<MisterCavern> that is the action that he is taking
<MisterCavern> alexsey is still being a blood pinata
<Zachary_Summers> Are there bystanders who would notice a giant swarm of bugs bursting from my body?
<MisterCavern> no
<Heinrich_Baade> ((I'll probably tell him that his shoes are full of snakes))
<Zachary_Summers> A giant swarm of bugs will burst from my body and start biting at him
<MisterCavern> okay what does that do?
<Heinrich_Baade> ((Oh christ. Guess that works too.))
<MisterCavern> Baade, that's a Command: Stop running?
<Heinrich_Baade> ((Yep.))
<MisterCavern> I don't remember what poisons and diseases you have going
<MisterCavern> Zach
<Zachary_Summers> 1 damage strike as long as he's in the swarm, and possibly disease if I'm reasonably confident we can keep him *alive* long enough to extract relevant information
<Zachary_Summers> damage automatically hits, though can be soaked
<MisterCavern> Doom Flies is increidbly slow death
<MisterCavern> okay well command trips him up
<MisterCavern> you infect him successfully
<MisterCavern> the bugs aren't really gonna do any damage though
<Heinrich_Baade> ((It's a good threat, though, isn't it? >:-) ))
<Zachary_Summers> (( :) ))
<MisterCavern> ((doom flies kills most people in about 20 hours)
<Heinrich_Baade> ((Bees and Disease))
<Zachary_Summers> ((OH))
<Zachary_Summers> ((Do we want to speed it up?))
<MisterCavern> in the meantime you guys gonna shoot him or grab him or what?
<Zachary_Summers> ((Also, I think I have to do a test against Strength to actually infect))
<Zachary_Summers> ((I am going to READ HIS MIND))
<MisterCavern> I'm still looking for the part where you prevent him from going around a corner
<Heinrich_Baade> ((Need touch and time for that))
<MisterCavern> command lasts one round, right?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> you guys could try restraing him in some way with your leftover simple actions
<Heinrich_Baade> ((Oh, LTHP?)
<MisterCavern> Command is complex
<Zachary_Summers> ((Nah meant telepathy))
<MisterCavern> I don't know what action releasing the swarm is
<Zachary_Summers> ((Bugs take a whole round to crawl out, but don't actually take actions))
<Alexsey_Mitriov> magnify doesn't specify an action anywhere
<MisterCavern> Okay whatever
<Alexsey_Mitriov> maybe it's free?
<MisterCavern> Magnify is Complex, read ti again
<MisterCavern> but you don't need it to attack one person
<Alexsey_Mitriov> oh, yeah, I missed it
<MisterCavern> anyway I guess Baade can just chain-command him
<Zachary_Summers> Learn the Heart's Pain
<MisterCavern> your dicepool is high enough he won't get free for a while
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I thought it was complex, but I couldn't find anything
<Zachary_Summers> ((I didn't magnify, this is just Body Colony))
<Zachary_Summers> ((It can swarm "one person"))
<Zachary_Summers> ((which is all we need))
<MisterCavern> LTHP hits?
* Heinrich_Baade thinks, "You could kneecap him."
<Zachary_Summers> Intuitoin 5 + Larceny 5 = 2 hits
<Zachary_Summers> Master and Driving passions, if any
<MisterCavern> Protect the neighborhood from evil
<MisterCavern> Okay so you guys surround him or whatever and he stops running
<Alexsey_Mitriov> do I get to go now?
<MisterCavern> you can all be up and out of combat time
<Zachary_Summers> ((No Master Passion, then. This guy's mortal.))
<MisterCavern> combat encounter is over
<MisterCavern> and alexsei finishes healing up
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I theft of Vitae him for 4 hits by moving at normal
<MisterCavern> kay
*** Heinrich_Baade has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
<Alexsey_Mitriov> takign 10 whatever it's called
<Zachary_Summers> ((Buying hits))
<MisterCavern> 1 hit to resist
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so I do 3 hits each time?
<MisterCavern> yup
* Zachary_Summers telepathically notes "Don't kill him. He still has answers."
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay, I do 9 lethal, and if he has any power points (I believe mortals start with 10, and just often can't spend or replenish them)
<MisterCavern> He says "You don't want to kill me. Mr. Qin wouldn't take kindly to that."
<MisterCavern> Mortals don't have power points
<Zachary_Summers> "Mhm."
* Zachary_Summers gets physical contact by touching the back of his head and concentrating. If he doesn't have Telepathy, he doesn't resist.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah, well I miscalculated on max power points anyway, so I can heal 10, and still have one left
<Zachary_Summers> Intuition 5 + Empathy 6 = 6 hits
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and I still do 9 lethal
<Alexsey_Mitriov> If Mr Paralyzed is inside, I'll ask whichever one looks more incognito to go pull the body out
<MisterCavern> Don't think he needs to have Telepathy to resist
<Zachary_Summers> ((If I have 20 minutes, I'll pull the narrative of what exactly he's doing here shooting Alexsey))
<MisterCavern> he just needs to know it exists
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and Zach can LTHP and telepathy him too
<Zachary_Summers> ((Hm. Okay.))
<MisterCavern> But his resistance is not enough
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'll create some Solid Darknesses to pin both guys
<MisterCavern> that said, you probably don't have 20 minutes
<MisterCavern> considering that he may have called backup
<Zachary_Summers> ((...yes))
<MisterCavern> and a paralyzed dude is in the door
<MisterCavern> and someone may have heard the gun
<Zachary_Summers> ((Okay I'll pull just a 1-minute datagrab)_
<Zachary_Summers> ((On what his goal is here))
<MisterCavern> and as Alexsei might mention, he was in the process of tentacle-raping the shopkeeper when he got shot up
*** Heinrich has joined #aftersundown
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah, I'll cart both of them off in Solid Darknesses, and we can go hide in an alley and I can rob this joint
<Heinrich> Hey, not sure what happened.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Can Heinrich Command someone to forget something?
<Heinrich> Got disconnected.
<MisterCavern> That's Cloud Memory. Which he also has
<Heinrich> I can use Cloud Memory...
<MisterCavern> you didn't miss much
<Alexsey_Mitriov> or that, if so, I'm going to go steal that book, and you can muck with the SHop keepers memory
<Heinrich> But if I do I'm torturing the fuck out of him first...
<Alexsey_Mitriov> kay
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I have all three people pinned in Solid Darknesses
<Zachary_Summers> ((He's already down 9 wounds))
<Heinrich> Oh.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and one had 9 lethal, and the other is paralyzed
<MisterCavern> I would have assumed that being knocked out would have freed the shopkeeper
<Zachary_Summers> ((Although you might be able to soak up his existing torment))
<Alexsey_Mitriov> hmm
<Heinrich> Actually, I'm at full.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I vaguely remember some rule about powers dismissing let me check that out
<Zachary_Summers> ((...oh. Torture for its own sake.))
<Heinrich> No
<Heinrich> (I mean nevermind, no torture.)
<MisterCavern> I don't think there's any discussion of unconsciousness. If you die all your stuff goes boom
<Heinrich> If you've interrogated them, I'll cloud memory.
<MisterCavern> Baade can indeed feed on his existing wounds
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah, I must be remembering the dieing line
<MisterCavern> However, the darkness are described as thigns you "use" and "direct" as opposed to "shape" "place" or "conjure"
<MisterCavern> so I'm thinking that only your active will keeps them going
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah
<MisterCavern> which means that the shopkeeper has has a couple of rounds of freedom
<Alexsey_Mitriov> that's cool, let's go mug the shopkeeper, now that I don't have to keep him from pointing me out in a line u[
<MisterCavern> front door, back door, or both?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I still want the other two Solided up and floating behind me
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and I'll run in the front door
<MisterCavern> what are the other two doing?
<Heinrich> I can make an illusion to hide the shadow & hostages, I suppose.
<Heinrich> Sound good?
<Zachary_Summers> If a minute hasn't passed, I'm still grabbing the Marduk operative's goal from his mind
<MisterCavern> okay
<MisterCavern> Alexsey, you barge into the store to find it empty. The shopkeeper has grabbed the book and run out the back
<MisterCavern> obviously he's only a few seconds ahead of you
<Alexsey_Mitriov> will run out back and see if I can see him
<MisterCavern> how are you in a footrace?
<MisterCavern> agility + choice of stealth, athletics
<Alexsey_Mitriov> 3
<Alexsey_Mitriov> dice
<Alexsey_Mitriov> just trying to get line of sight, so I can capture him from his own shadow
<MisterCavern> Okay.
<MisterCavern> Okay. You catch up with him
<MisterCavern> well
<MisterCavern> roll your chase dicepool actually
<MisterCavern> fortunately his is equally sucky
<MisterCavern> can you beat 0 hits?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> fuck yes
<Alexsey_Mitriov> 3 hits
<Alexsey_Mitriov> on three dice
<MisterCavern> okay you run him down, shadow grab him
<MisterCavern> retrieve the book
<MisterCavern> meanwhile
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yay!
<MisterCavern> Zach: This guy apparently has been staking out this shop for a while
<MisterCavern> Apparently he knew there was an occult book in there
<MisterCavern> and he was ordered to find out who would go after it
<MisterCavern> and call Mr. Qin
<Zachary_Summers> Interesting.
<Zachary_Summers> I relay this information to the others.
<MisterCavern> Apparently Mr. Qin is well-known among Marduk circles for setting traps for enemy supernaturals
<Zachary_Summers> I suspect I would very much NOT like to meet Mr. Qin.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'm going to bring him back to Henirich, for Cloud Memory, and then leave the shop keeper, but take the twins with me
<Heinrich> Should check out the earbud.
<MisterCavern> that, and for traveling with several vans full of brainwashed militiamen
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah, remove that thing, and anything else I can find
<Zachary_Summers> Yes. Grab his electronics, vamoose. If there's a nearby Hell Mouth... that would be convenient.
<MisterCavern> I forget, does any of you have a hellmouth as a resource?
<Zachary_Summers> Resource no
<Zachary_Summers> I have Hell Mouths 1 as a Background, and Maya Gates 3 also as a Background
<Zachary_Summers> One particular Maya Gate near my secret Dreamlands hideout in particular as a resource
<Alexsey_Mitriov> was it Praetor who had the Dreamlands hideout?
<MisterCavern> Okay you guys can walk away carrying them with tantacles and covering them with an illusion
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yay
<MisterCavern> Oh right I think I said that your circle was in Botany pond
<MisterCavern> so you can go hide there
<MisterCavern> nobody challenges you
<Zachary_Summers> Okay, cool. I will direct the other two there and we go hide in my SECRET JUNGLE BASE.
<Heinrich> Alright, that means I'm down to 10 points. Three hits
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay, I assume I will keep them pinned while Zach telepathies hardcore
<Zachary_Summers> Soak up the torment, man, soak up the torment :D
<MisterCavern> it's good thing you left when you did though, as you hear sirens behind you
<Zachary_Summers> Yes. I telepathy both of them.
<Zachary_Summers> In my secret base.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> And meanwhile, I will pull out some bones, and alas poor yoric
<Zachary_Summers> Sadly, not a secret moon base.
<MisterCavern> Oh? Somehow I assumed that you would take a plutonium bath or something
<MisterCavern> Okay so what more do you want to know Zach?
<Heinrich> Snorts Americanium from fire extinguishers.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> if plutonium is okay
<Alexsey_Mitriov> as I recall you rejected my non magic system
<Heinrich> *fire detectors
<Zachary_Summers> From the Marduk operative, anything odd about Mr. Qin, to try and identify what sort of supernatural we're dealing with, if he is supernatural.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> but I would certainly prefer plutonium bath
<Zachary_Summers> From the bookseller, where he got the book.
<Zachary_Summers> Oh, and if Heinrich could try and suspend the Doom Flies, that would be nifty.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I didn't take the bookseller
<Zachary_Summers> With his medicine...
<Alexsey_Mitriov> did you want me too?
<Zachary_Summers> who's the other guy then?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> both thugs
<Zachary_Summers> Or is Alexsey the medical doctor...
<Zachary_Summers> Hm
<Zachary_Summers> Okay
<Heinrich> Alexsey.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'm a doc too
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'll take care of the doom flies
<Heinrich> I'm an astronomer.
<Zachary_Summers> If you guys want me to grab anything from their brains, let me know :P
<MisterCavern> Okay. Consider the flies: removed
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I have like 15 dice
<Heinrich> I'll LtHP on the operative while we're at it.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I want to grab if the guy I poisoned is a supernatural
<Zachary_Summers> Telepathizing the guy for Mr. Qin's data: 3 hits
<Heinrich> Ugh, only two hits. Useless.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> also, If you can find out their stats, that would be great, cause I think they might be prime Shamblers
<Alexsey_Mitriov> PS
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I check them with Discern Aura
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so I know if they are Luminaries
<MisterCavern> They are S 3 A 4
<MisterCavern> extras
<MisterCavern> err... no, S3 A3
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay
<MisterCavern> humans
<Alexsey_Mitriov> when everyone is done, I'm going to A) copy the book B) take these two to my cage truck, and turn them into soulless
<MisterCavern> Mr Qin. They don't know him especially well. They think he's newer in Chicago than their other bosses, but they don't totally understand the power structure.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> unless mind reading changes my mind
<MisterCavern> He is apparently a huge hispanic dude. Also a wiry white dude. Usually wearing a rain coat or a trench coat or something bulky
<Heinrich> I should erase their memories. Right this instant, because in a little while the time frame might get too long.
<MisterCavern> Apparently every time they talk to them half the music on their iPods gets corrupted
<Zachary_Summers> Go ahead, it's probably safe to remove the most recent stuff.
<Heinrich> Od
<Heinrich> Oh
<Heinrich> If they're going to be zombies, it's not an issue
<Zachary_Summers> So, what we can conclude from this: He is *probably* susceptible to rain. He is *very likely* to have Mask of a Thousand Faces. He has Astral Magic.
<Heinrich> Alexi you crazy bastard.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> what?
<Heinrich> So he's probably an Icharid.
<Zachary_Summers> Icarid, or Verbena with Mask.
<Zachary_Summers> Either is possible.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'm just wating for the say we need to inflitrate shadowrun style a place that takes delivery trucks
<MisterCavern> They usually meet him in someone's basement
<Heinrich> Verbena does seem more like their type.
<Zachary_Summers> ...sunlight weakness is also possible then.
<MisterCavern> he has them stalk or stake out a supernatural hideout
<MisterCavern> he's never sent them into combat, apparently he only trusts his personal men for that
<Alexsey_Mitriov> who are their other bosses/
<MisterCavern> his personal men don't talk much, all wear matching shades, and seem to have no interests outside the cause
<MisterCavern> They normally get orders from a local drug dealr via dreams
<Zachary_Summers> THAT is interesting.
<Heinrich> You know, rather than killing this operative, I could Mesmerize him.
<Zachary_Summers> We may want to hold off on zombificatoin.
<MisterCavern> who was an old friend of theirs from childhood
<Alexsey_Mitriov> like I said, unless mind reading changes my mind
<MisterCavern> and got info and magic training from someone he doesn't talk about
<MisterCavern> except to say that she doesn't really like Mr. Qin but they should follow his orders anyway
<Heinrich> Well, I suppose we should find this dealer.
<Zachary_Summers> Yes. Definitely.
<MisterCavern> he lives in a big house guarded by a bunch of trigger-happy mutants
<Zachary_Summers> Hm. We may wish to contact him more... discreetly then.
<MisterCavern> probably nothing you couldn't handle but it's down on 95th street which is well inside "marduk turf"
<Heinrich> What is the operative's name?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> If I swing by a copier, make a copy, drop the original book off with MR what's his name
<MisterCavern> Raeshawn
<MisterCavern> *shaun
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I think I will still cage the men in the soulless cage truck
<Zachary_Summers> I can project myself into their dreams, so we could contact the guy that way when he sends their next orders.
<Heinrich> Ray could also take us there. Just to scope the place out.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> but not undead, and move a shambler over with orders to open all the cages if they open that cage door
<Zachary_Summers> He might have Horrid Reality if he's a full-fledged Luminary
<MisterCavern> Out of curiosity can I get more detail on what happened to the bookseller?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> sure, I took him over to Heinrich, who CLouded Memory, then we left him unconscious in the book store
<Alexsey_Mitriov> or paralyzed face down
<Alexsey_Mitriov> after the memory cloud
<MisterCavern> I was hoping for more information about he now thinks happened
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so, if I understand cloud memory right, that means he doesn't know any of us
<MisterCavern> was it just a blackout or did you insert a false story?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay, have to ask Mr what's his name for it
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Baade
<Heinrich> Well, background: bibliophile. Do I know him?
<Heinrich> 3
<MisterCavern> Yeah, you've probably at least taken a look around his shop before
<Heinrich> Some asshole ran into the store and tried to steal his cash. Ran off when I showed up.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> book
<Heinrich> And, no, he wasn't unconscious.
<MisterCavern> okay
<Heinrich> He doesn't remember the book at all.
<Heinrich> Other guys weren't there.
<MisterCavern> okay
<Heinrich> He owes me a bit, now :)
<Heinrich> That's all.
<MisterCavern> So as far as I can tell, nobody can get in touch with you while you're in your hideout
<Zachary_Summers> Hm. Did these guys transmit info about who exactly went for the book?
<MisterCavern> which means that I cannoy prod anyone into action
<Alexsey_Mitriov> depends how phones work
<MisterCavern> so strategize as mucha s you like
<Zachary_Summers> Yeah. Unless they drop into the Shallow Maya and send a telepathic message, which I can receive if I know their name.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> well, when I go back to put people in cages and make copies, it involves going back to RL
<Zachary_Summers> So: if we rewrite these guys' memories about who went for the book, then I can monitor their dreams and wait for when they get new orders.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay
<MisterCavern> Well, they described Alexsei to Mr. Qin during the fight
<Heinrich> Fair enough. Do we at least have the address of the mansion?
<Zachary_Summers> It currently seems *most* likely that Mr. Qin is a Deep One with Mask of a Thousand Faces, based on his mindslaves, astral nature, and possible sunlight weakness.
<MisterCavern> yes
<Heinrich> Agreed
<Heinrich> Probably an ugly-ass fishface under all that magic.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> is he an elder level Deep One, cause I want to Titan
<Zachary_Summers> XD
<MisterCavern> You guys have no idea
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I know, I was just saying
<Heinrich> Well, Qin apparently told Ray to lay low for the time being, and that we were new allies for him to take orders from.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Expressing my desire to Titan
<Heinrich> All over that little earbud.
<Zachary_Summers> XD yay minions
<MisterCavern> okay
<MisterCavern> meanwhile
<MisterCavern> Alexsei pops out to make copies
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yes
<MisterCavern> your phone clicks off "roaming" back to "found network"
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and he has a phone, does he have voicemails?
<MisterCavern> and you have a text from Kaspar
<Alexsey_Mitriov> or that
<MisterCavern> saying: "Reporter says bookseller kidnapped during apparent burglary. Suppressing story til I hear from you."
<Heinrich> ((Isn't the bookseller in the bookstore?))
<Zachary_Summers> ((OHSNAP))
<MisterCavern> ((that's where you left him))
<Zachary_Summers> ((MARDUKS))
<Alexsey_Mitriov> "We stole the book, but he was left in good condition, unaware of it"
<Zachary_Summers> ((*MARDICKS))
<Heinrich> ((Goddammit))
<Heinrich> ((Now they know me too))
<Zachary_Summers> ((I don't relish this expanding to the whole group. I like my tissues not-eaten.))
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I still do the drop offs as planned
<MisterCavern> Okay
<Alexsey_Mitriov> copy in my library
<Alexsey_Mitriov> original to him, and stuff
<Alexsey_Mitriov> people in cages
<Zachary_Summers> ((Note: magicness probably won't work with just a photo copy, based on magic item crafting system))
<Alexsey_Mitriov> or not, since we have them memed
<MisterCavern> Just so you know, you can't learn magic from the copies. But you can obviously use them as historical references
<Alexsey_Mitriov> it doesn't seem to be magic, just magic info, but I might have made a by hand copy i f that matters
<MisterCavern> during copying you discover that this edition has some very old marginalia
<Heinrich> Zach, do we have any bugs that you can put on Ray?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> marginalia?
<Zachary_Summers> Yes
<Zachary_Summers> I have many bugs
<Zachary_Summers> they go ALL KINDS of places
* Zachary_Summers puts a bug on Ray. It is an insect.
<MisterCavern> The text itself covers Necromancy and Symphony of Silence, but there's notes scribbled all over the margins, inside covers, and the like which collectively cover Names of the Blasphemies as well
<MisterCavern> the text is in German, but the margin notes in Latin. (and likely ver yold, since they seem to be quill-penned)
<Heinrich> I can mesmerize him to find Qin, or to go see his dealer. Either one could be useful.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> dealer
<Heinrich> Alexsey, aren't you out of telepathy range?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> out of telepathy dimension
<Heinrich> Or have we left the hideout?
<MisterCavern> Alexsey can do his thing and get back
<Heinrich> Cool beans.
<Zachary_Summers> We're reasonably sure it's safe to go mortal world?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I didn't die
<Zachary_Summers> If so, may as well go back
<Alexsey_Mitriov> again
<Zachary_Summers> Okay, not-dying is a good sign
<Heinrich> As safe as it ever is. It's, what, 7:20-ish?
<MisterCavern> Marduk agents avoid the UChicago police
<MisterCavern> many of whom are under Kaspar's influence one way or another
<MisterCavern> probably 8:00 or something
<MisterCavern> all that dragging, and mind-reading, and ritualizing
<Heinrich> Sundown is 8:30.
<Heinrich> This is very relevant for Zachary.
<Zachary_Summers> yes
<Zachary_Summers> though even having it low is good shadow-wise
<Heinrich> I'm willing to bet that the moon casts sufficient shadows.
<Zachary_Summers> ...are we expecting an eclipse?
<MisterCavern> nope
<Zachary_Summers> Why would moon shadows be relevant then?
<Zachary_Summers> Anyway. Anything interesting happen at the bathroom? Or my apartment?
<MisterCavern> you go check the bathroom again?
<MisterCavern> alone or as a group?
<Heinrich> He has a bug.
<Heinrich> In the bathroom.
<MisterCavern> oh
<Zachary_Summers> also my apartmnet
<Zachary_Summers> Small Witness = win
<MisterCavern> you have to pop back to reality to check on it I assume
<MisterCavern> and I assume the bug doesn't "remember" anything that happened while you're weren't using it, correct?
<Zachary_Summers> It maintains the Witness within a kilometer
<Zachary_Summers> no, they're purely sensory watching devices
<MisterCavern> Looks like more infernal magic was used while you were out
<MisterCavern> nothing major
<Zachary_Summers> Okay. Probably mirror access, though it wouldn't hurt to go back and check. I'll do that assuming no more pressing matters intervene.
<MisterCavern> "check"?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I will go with him
<MisterCavern> yeah, okay
<Zachary_Summers> Go physically there and look at the scene. Both the mortal world and Limbo.
<MisterCavern> sur you do your dousing thing
<MisterCavern> the mirror was indeed accessed
<MisterCavern> and whoever came out of it has some infernal power of their own
<Zachary_Summers> Innnnteresting
<Zachary_Summers> *might* be mirror goblins, but less than likely. Trolls would be way too conspicuous. Perhaps a Fallen servant of the King?
<Zachary_Summers> I will look at the scene in the Dark Reflection for footprints
<MisterCavern> Mirror Goblins have Mask of a Thousand
<Zachary_Summers> true
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'll check the gloom, just to cover the bases
<MisterCavern> That would be enough to leave the signature
<Heinrich> Hard to say, there are a lot of demons out there.
<MisterCavern> nothing exciting in gloom
<Heinrich> Any messages on my phone?
<MisterCavern> nope.
<MisterCavern> You can try to trail them by their magic signature
<MisterCavern> or you can camp their spawn flag
<Zachary_Summers> Okay, if the most recent footprints in the Dark Reflection are going *to* the mirror, I'll try to sniff out a path in the real world with my smell turned up to canine-level. If they're going *from* the mirror, time for an extraplanar excursion >:)
<Alexsey_Mitriov> let me check the types
<Zachary_Summers> or higher. Higher smell is also good.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I can dowse Astral like no one's businees
<MisterCavern> Inernal if what's called for
<MisterCavern> but super-smell works well too
<MisterCavern> Zach gimme a perception roll
<MisterCavern> int/per
<Zachary_Summers> Okay, perception + intuition is 15 dice...
<MisterCavern> okay you win
<MisterCavern> it's mirror goblins
<Zachary_Summers> Cool
<Zachary_Summers> So, tracks, do I have reason to believe they are currently on this side?
<MisterCavern> Yes
<Zachary_Summers> I will attempt to follow their trail
<Zachary_Summers> With my super-smell
<MisterCavern> They apparently walked to a bus stop and got on a bus
<MisterCavern> you can follow the scenct nonetheless but it'll take a long time walking
<MisterCavern> you can do it from a car with the windows down
<MisterCavern> does someone have a car?
<Heinrich> No sir.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I say we spawn camp them
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I have like forty trucks
<Heinrich> Could steal a bike.
<Zachary_Summers> I have an apartment. I *could* have a car.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I have forty trucks
<MisterCavern> Car is either the "big item" from finances 1 or a freebie with finances 2
<Alexsey_Mitriov> one of them has an entire medical facility in the back, and four shamblers
<MisterCavern> okay so you get a truck and you follow the trail
<Alexsey_Mitriov> or six, or something like that
<MisterCavern> they went to target
<Alexsey_Mitriov> whatever my max is
<MisterCavern> Target
<MisterCavern> and rifled through glassware
<MisterCavern> then they came back to the Hyde Park
<Alexsey_Mitriov> they have bad taste
<MisterCavern> and headed south
<Alexsey_Mitriov> they should really go to kroger for glass
<MisterCavern> actually the trail is leading you right back down the street with the bookshop
<Zachary_Summers> O-o
<MisterCavern> how close to the store are you willing to go?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> not very
<Heinrich> Send a spy-bug.
<Heinrich> ((That power is awesome))
<Zachary_Summers> Yes. I send a spy-bug ahead. We will probably have to slow down.
<Zachary_Summers> ((I know!))
<Zachary_Summers> For it to get ahead.
<Zachary_Summers> Since it is, for all intents and purposes, a regular bug that happens to be evil and controlled by me
<Heinrich> Can it fly?
<Zachary_Summers> yes
<MisterCavern> Okay. The bookshop is a crime scene with police tape and everything
<MisterCavern> there's a police car parked there to look ominous but no law enforcement currently around
<MisterCavern> however the shop *is* being staked out by what you strongly suspect are more Marduk agents
<Heinrich> 6 hits on Distant reflection.
<Heinrich> Brings down timeframe from an hour to a round.
<MisterCavern> using the bug to check corners you can sneak close enough to find that the goblins came right up to the corner that the shop is on
<Heinrich> Front window of the shop
<MisterCavern> and you can find a few drops of goblin blood on the ground
<MisterCavern> Baade, what do you want to know?
<Zachary_Summers> D:
<Heinrich> Anyone in the store?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> brb 3 minutes, go on without me
<MisterCavern> how's your perception?
<Heinrich> 8 dice with Int.
<MisterCavern> and you have Discernment, right?
<Heinrich> 2 hits.
<Heinrich> Yeah
<MisterCavern> no one in the shop
<Heinrich> And where are the spooks?
<MisterCavern> in a parked car a good distance away from the sotrefront but with line of sight
<MisterCavern> anyway
<Heinrich> Zach, I could slap a phantasm on the spooks. What do you think?
<MisterCavern> the scent trail continues away from the store
<MisterCavern> down a different street
<Heinrich> Otherwise we can take a different route.
<MisterCavern> (sorry, only just realized I didn't make that clear)
<Zachary_Summers> Ah.
<Heinrich> MC, I'm gonna call up the fireman Baali in the mean time. See if there are any fires...
<Zachary_Summers> Okay, we should continue following the scent trail. I'll leave my witness there to monitor the situation.
<Zachary_Summers> Have 3/5 active so far
<MisterCavern> no fires yet
<MisterCavern> trail leads to a bar called "jimmys" generally frequented by college kids
<MisterCavern> goblins are apparently still inside
<Zachary_Summers> Hmm
<Alexsey_Mitriov> ps back
<MisterCavern> you can send a spyfly in
<Zachary_Summers> *Being* a grad student, I'm going to go in and get a drink, and see if my enhanced senses let me "see" past their veil. Switching enhanced sense to sight to avoid overstim if possible.
<MisterCavern> They are just sitting at a table in the back room disguised as a pair of chinese econ students
<Zachary_Summers> Plus, hey, tequila
<MisterCavern> drinking a pitcher of Harp
<Heinrich> LtHP.
<Zachary_Summers> yessss
<Zachary_Summers> I do that
<Heinrich> I'll hit the other one with it.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I am staying outside
<Heinrich> 4 hits.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> in the getaway van
<Alexsey_Mitriov> truck
<Zachary_Summers> :/ 2 hits
<Heinrich> *rape van
<Zachary_Summers> *werewolf rape van
<MisterCavern> they are lackies of a demon
<MisterCavern> who basically just want to drink and party
<MisterCavern> that is their fondest ambition
<MisterCavern> brb
<MisterCavern> also: gonna wrap up in about 20 mins
<Heinrich> I wander up to them. "Kids like you sicken me. Wasting time drinking when you should be bettering yourselves" (Poison heart, morale penalty of 3 to all skill tests)
<Heinrich> Also, wrap up early if we hit a good stopping point.
<MisterCavern> oh right I forgot they're goblins
<MisterCavern> so they have a Fear passion
<MisterCavern> but anyway
<MisterCavern> okay you have poisoned them
<MisterCavern> metaphorically
<MisterCavern> now what?
<Heinrich> Is anyone lurking in TDR?
<Heinrich> And Zach, you still here?
<Zachary_Summers> I am here
<Heinrich> What should we do with these clowns?
<Zachary_Summers> Hmmm
<MisterCavern> no one in TDR
<MisterCavern> oh I forgot to mention
<MisterCavern> most of thier clothing is illusory, obviously. they're basically wearing rages, except one has a bright red tricorn hat and the other has a red-and-yellow wool cap
<Heinrich> ?
<MisterCavern> and they have backpacks
<Zachary_Summers> Question - or mindread - them about their master, what they do for him, and who else uses the bathroom mirror. We *did* receive a True Prophecy regarding the means they use to enter the mortal world.
<Heinrich> Demonology 3: are the hats signs of allegiance or something?
<MisterCavern> nope
<MisterCavern> roll logic/demonology
<Heinrich> 2 hits
<MisterCavern> you're not sure
<Heinrich> I guess I'll ask them what's in the packs?
<Zachary_Summers> Would my demon hunting 4 background be relevant?
<MisterCavern> nope
<MisterCavern> They don't want to talk to you
<MisterCavern> they try to brush off your question and return to their beer
<Heinrich> "You should really show me what's in the pack". (command, 5 hits)
<MisterCavern> on top of the back pack: lots of red wool hats
<MisterCavern> after that they rise from the table and go to the bar to try to order more drinks/ask that you be kepy away from them
<Heinrich> *sigh*
<Heinrich> That always seems to happen...
<Heinrich> What do you think? Research what's up with these hats, and wait for a dream?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Wait for a dream
<MisterCavern> okay so you guys go back to base/back to your homes?
<MisterCavern> and the goblins are free to go about their business?
<Heinrich> Zach, leave a bug on them?
<Zachary_Summers> Yeah, I'll do that
<Heinrich> I really need to finish preparing for my lecture tomorrow.
<Zachary_Summers> Going back home to check up on my cousin, I'll monitor their status and try a Denial of Privacy whenever they seem to go to sleep/REM to watch their dreams
<MisterCavern> okay
<MisterCavern> I think that's it for tonight
<Heinrich> Alright. I'll take the L back to my apartment.
<MisterCavern> people can use the thread to post any further questioning or investigation they want to do
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I will be driving a truck around and parking it somewhere in a warehouse
<MisterCavern> if you research the hats
<Heinrich> K.
<MisterCavern> you eventually learn that there exist a number of mirrors which can only be used by fey wearing red caps
<MisterCavern> and apprently U of C bought one
<Heinrich> No kidding
<MisterCavern> there were several requests from the Den for a transcript to be posted.
<MisterCavern> I don't feel like doing it but I will if no one else does.
<MisterCavern> Any volunteers?
<Zachary_Summers> I can do it
<MisterCavern> yay!
<MisterCavern> I haven't decided exactly how to do advancement
<MisterCavern> if any cards have been earned, I'll post it
<MisterCavern> good night everyone
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay
<Alexsey_Mitriov> nigth
<Zachary_Summers> kk, g'night
*** Alexsey_Mitriov has left #aftersundown
*** MisterCavern has quit IRC: Quit:
<Heinrich> Night
*** Heinrich has left #aftersundown
*** Disconnected.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:I'm not going to go full-asshole, but I'm turning up the dial about 50 millikaeliks.
Posts: 968
Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:54 pm

Post by Quantumboost »

Last week
Session Start (After Sundown:#aftersundown): Sat Jul 02 11:28:19 2011 -0700
*** Myrmidon has joined #aftersundown
*** Topic on #aftersundown is:
*** Topic set by ChanServ (2 hours ago at 9:06 AM)
<MisterCavern> welcome!
<Myrmidon> hullo
<Heinrich_Baade> Hi there.
*** Myrmidon is now known as Zachary_Summers
<MisterCavern> So my understanding is that you guys have some convoluted master plan. I'm just gonna sit here and let you guys do the talking for a second
<Heinrich_Baade> Uhh...
<Heinrich_Baade> Apparently the plan was made without me.
<Zachary_Summers> News to me
<Heinrich_Baade> I wouldn't put it beyond Alexsey to have a master plan.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Umm...
<MisterCavern> Oh, okay.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> So you guys, I'm the only guy who didn't come up with the plan
<Alexsey_Mitriov> the plan was, that we were going to dream dive the two captives that we had brainwashed
<MisterCavern> I thought you were doing some thing with like hypnotized dudes and dream spying and some kind of "sting" for magic dealers and stuff
<MisterCavern> I couldn't really follow it
<Zachary_Summers> Oh right
<Heinrich_Baade> Oh, that's right.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and find their boss that isn't the one that is elder, and can murder us
<MisterCavern> I mean, if you'd rather just sleep, it'll be the next day and more stuff will happen
<MisterCavern> either way
<Zachary_Summers> So the guy who gives them orders does it through dreams, and I can spy on dreams
<Zachary_Summers> so the plan was basically just I spy on their message dreams when they happen
<Alexsey_Mitriov> have at it
<Heinrich_Baade> Yep.
<Heinrich_Baade> The hypnotized guy was for backupy
<Heinrich_Baade> If we need to get in physically
<Heinrich_Baade> Also to plant a bug.
<MisterCavern> Okay so what do you do with your dream subject
<Heinrich_Baade> Zach, are you just staying sacked out until dreams come to our hypnotized subject?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> He's in a cage in my truck
<Zachary_Summers> Yeah I guess
<Zachary_Summers> I don't think I need to be asleep during it, but being asleep isn't a big detriment to me
<Heinrich_Baade> I'll have to do some legwork at the U to learn the thing about red hats, which is apparently glossed over.
<MisterCavern> Ah, okay. I had assumed you were plannign something more complicated, like modifying his memory and dropping him back outside so he could go home and await orders.
<Heinrich_Baade> We were considering that, but the dream bit is easier if it come quickly.
<MisterCavern> okay so you have him in the truck
<MisterCavern> and around 5 AM
<Heinrich_Baade> Like the night after we stopped.
<MisterCavern> he's dreaming of a bseball field. he's at bat, he's terrified of being struck out.
<MisterCavern> you're watching from the front row seats, I guess
<MisterCavern> it's little league, although somehow he's an adult
<MisterCavern> and the pitcher walks up to him and says "It's me, Eric."
<MisterCavern> and he shows him a badge with a big M in a circle
<MisterCavern> you can't see the abdge from where you're sitting but somehow you kow what it looks like anyway
<MisterCavern> "Erik. Help me. I've been captured"
<MisterCavern> (stop me if I have him saying something he shouldn't remember)
<MisterCavern> Erik is a skinny white dude with a belly, if that makes sense. A deeply unatheltic beer drinker with a slender frame.
<MisterCavern> He's wearing what has to be like a $300 leather jacket and $200 jeans
<MisterCavern> "Not sure there's much I can do for you, friend."
<MisterCavern> "What happened?"
<Zachary_Summers> ((Did we want to meet with this guy?))
<Heinrich_Baade> This is the dealer.
<Heinrich_Baade> ( We wanted to know his deal )
<MisterCavern> ((dunno. somebody tell me what your prisoner thinks happened to him. I assume you're not letting him describe you))
<Heinrich_Baade> (( Probably doesn't remeber anything except waking up in a trailer ))
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Alexsey would make sure he was not being referenced, and that his truck wasn't mentioned, and the zombies
<Alexsey_Mitriov> by telling Heinrich
<MisterCavern> ((I thought the dude was currently IN the truck full of zombies. How are you going to avoid that being mentioned?))
<Heinrich_Baade> (( Multiple trucks, IIRC ))
<MisterCavern> okay so he's in a truck with no zombies
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I thought we were brainwashing him in the first place, so he doesn't need to remember getting in a truck, and I have tons
<MisterCavern> well okay
<MisterCavern> but he can say "help me I am trapped in a truck somewhere"
<MisterCavern> which is what he says
<Alexsey_Mitriov> but how does he know he's in a truck?
<MisterCavern> what is he blindfolded or something?
<MisterCavern> I guess that would be logical
<MisterCavern> okay he says "I don't know where the fuck I am"
<MisterCavern> and the dealer says 'sucks to be you bro"
<MisterCavern> and then walks out
* Zachary_Summers appears in front of Eric
<Heinrich_Baade> (( You can tell if you're in a truck. ))
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I can see perfectly in zero light, if he can't, the fact that I don't have lights on at all would usually be sufficient
<Zachary_Summers> Learn the Heart's Pain, first
<MisterCavern> roll em
<Zachary_Summers> Intuition 5 + Larceny 5: 3 hits
<MisterCavern> Erik Jensen. Drug and info dealer. Greed and owning beautiful things
<Zachary_Summers> Hm. Okay. From there, I can either talk to him within the dream, or telepathize in mortalland
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<MisterCavern> so your plan would be?
<Zachary_Summers> Say
<Zachary_Summers> "Mr. Jensen. My colleagues and I have some matters we'd like to discuss with you."
<MisterCavern> okay
<MisterCavern> He's startled, nods slowly, doesn't speak
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<Heinrich_Baade> (( Dammit! Got disconnected and miranda didn't tell me. ))
<Heinrich_Baade> What's going on guys?
<MisterCavern> they're talking to Jensen
<Zachary_Summers> I've got 3 hits on his info
<Heinrich_Baade> (( Nice ))
<Zachary_Summers> "When would be convenient for you to set up a meeting?"
<MisterCavern> Tomorrow night
<Heinrich_Baade> (( These dream powers need a way to drag people into others' dreams. ))
<Zachary_Summers> "Excellent. I'll inform them. I look forward to meeting you in person."
* Zachary_Summers exits the dream
<Zachary_Summers> ((You should suggest that for the Dreamlands book))
<MisterCavern> So! Any other fuckery happening friday night?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> not that I have planned
<Heinrich_Baade> (( Fast forward to Heinrich finishing up 8AM lecture, Alexsey doing watever in the morning, and Zachary waking up? ))
<MisterCavern> Sounds good
<MisterCavern> I was gonna forward straight to like 9 PM
<MisterCavern> but if you want to do stuff during the day that's cool
<Heinrich_Baade> (( No arguments with evening here. ))
<Zachary_Summers> ((that's fine))
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I am content, I have no big plans short term
<Heinrich_Baade> (( Still had to research the hats. ))
<MisterCavern> Okay so you can pull records and find that he has a lakeside penthouse down on 79th street
<Heinrich_Baade> So, Zach, you set up a meeting?
<Zachary_Summers> yes
<MisterCavern> Were you planning to go there or to ask him to meet you somehwere
<Zachary_Summers> Planned to go there.
<Heinrich_Baade> We could let our hostage 'escape'
<Heinrich_Baade> He isn't much use to use at the moment.
<Heinrich_Baade> Put a bug on him, re-write his memory so that he fought off some kidnappers when they came into the truck to get him.
<Heinrich_Baade> Send him to that address first.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> no truck
<Zachary_Summers> Alright, let's do that.
<Heinrich_Baade> No truck?
<MisterCavern> okay so he fought his way out of a warehouse
<Heinrich_Baade> Alright, he wakes up at the docks in a shipping container. Or so he thinks.
<MisterCavern> what do you mean "send him to that address"?
<MisterCavern> with suggestion or something?
<Zachary_Summers> Ooh, make there be a swarm of evil robots
<Heinrich_Baade> That works :)
<Heinrich_Baade> With mesmerism
<MisterCavern> Okay. He'll be obviously mesmerised when he gets there
<MisterCavern> but you can do that
<MisterCavern> are you tailing him or something?
<Heinrich_Baade> We'll let him snap out of it as soon as he arrives.
<MisterCavern> or just showing up on your own later?
<Heinrich_Baade> Zach put a bug on him
<Zachary_Summers> yes :D
<MisterCavern> okay so he goes to the apartment building
<MisterCavern> shambles into the lobby
<Heinrich_Baade> I guess we could have Alexsey et al follow in the truck at a distance.
<MisterCavern> all glassy-eyed. fortunately it looks like the receptionist knows him, he just opens the door without saying a word
<MisterCavern> he goes up on the elevator to some high floor
<MisterCavern> (it's not really a penthouse, it's like a 21st floor apartment)
<MisterCavern> nice furnishing, dark wood and green upholstery
<MisterCavern> He walks into a big spacious apartment
<MisterCavern> absoultely cluttered with handmade art
<MisterCavern> african masks and sculptures, ironwood carvings
<MisterCavern> blown-glass unicorns
<MisterCavern> tiny quartz animal figures
<MisterCavern> every bookshelf is covered with it, as are the center of the dinner table and little shelves above the stove and along the walls
<MisterCavern> A horrible fishmutant answers the door
<MisterCavern> you can see Jensen seated at the table with a glass of red
<Heinrich_Baade> (( Hot damn! Does aura sight work with bugs? ))
<MisterCavern> I would assume not
<Zachary_Summers> ((I don't have it anyway))
<MisterCavern> Anyway Jensen snaps his fingers and the dude shambles onto a spread-out tarp enxt to a giant closet
<MisterCavern> the fishbutler approaches from behind with a giant bucket of sand
<MisterCavern> <Flyspoy1 has disconnected. Reason: Ping Timeout>
<MisterCavern> *spy
<Zachary_Summers> D:
<Heinrich_Baade> Hmm...
<Heinrich_Baade> Describe the room.
<Heinrich_Baade> Were there any mirrors in it?
<Heinrich_Baade> Or reflective surfaces?
<MisterCavern> There's a big mirror in the hallbut it doesn't see much
<MisterCavern> and there's a bowl fo water and a bowl of sand resting under it
<MisterCavern> other reflective surfaces... silverware, I guess?
<MisterCavern> There's the living/dining room with the big table and the wine and shit
<Heinrich_Baade> Hmm.
<MisterCavern> there's a kitchen separate by a halfwall
<Heinrich_Baade> Probably high distortion.
<MisterCavern> there's a bedroom, bathroom, and at least 2 big closets
*** Heinrich_Baade has quit IRC: Quit: (Link: ajax IRC Client
*** Heinrich_Baade has joined #aftersundown
<Heinrich_Baade> You know, one of us should really lurk like a creep in the bathroom.
<Heinrich_Baade> The U one, I mean.
<Heinrich_Baade> I'll volunteer while you run recon here.
<Heinrich_Baade> Unless you'd rather do it, Alexsey.
<MisterCavern> man you need minions I guess
<Heinrich_Baade> Yeah, well..
<Heinrich_Baade> Zombies don't make good spies :(
<Alexsey_Mitriov> not me
<Heinrich_Baade> Alright. I'll head there unt make a phantasm to hide myself.
<Zachary_Summers> not Shamblers or Soulless anyway
<MisterCavern> okay so Heinrich is creepin'
<MisterCavern> what are you two doing?
<Heinrich_Baade> Hell, I'll prop the door open and then make a phantasm of there being a wall there.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'm with Zach on the streets relatively nearby
<MisterCavern> heinrich what is your perception pool>
<Alexsey_Mitriov> not sure what we should do about this, seeing as that was my plan
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I suppose we could send in Zach, and have him threaten a zombie army that will be really loud, and Vow of Silence Breaking in their face if they betray him. Thus attracting lots of unwanted attention
<Heinrich_Baade> 3 hits. Make it permanent for 3 power.
<Heinrich_Baade> That might come back to bite us.
<MisterCavern> So to be clear you're hiding the existence of the bathroom entirely
<Heinrich_Baade> From the outside, yeah.
<MisterCavern> heinrich make a perception/intuition roll
<Heinrich_Baade> 8 dice, 2 hits. Waching TDR as well, of course.
<MisterCavern> nothing much happens
<MisterCavern> people walk past
<MisterCavern> no activity in the bathroom
<MisterCavern> although if you dowse you can find that it was used while you were in your hideout
<Heinrich_Baade> What, someone came through while invisible? Damn.
<MisterCavern> hmm?
<MisterCavern> no, someone used it while you were busy brainwashing captives and shit
<Heinrich_Baade> Oh, gotcha.
<Heinrich_Baade> Well, I'll sit tight and stay in telepathic contact.
<MisterCavern> So are you guys actually going to go fuck around with Jensen?
<MisterCavern> or are you all spawncamping the mirror
<MisterCavern> and if so at what time do you plan to go to your meeting
* Heinrich_Baade sends his thoughts out to Zach: "The gate was used again. Should I try to track or sit tight?"
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I put this totally on Zach, I ain't walking into a compound full of people who can murder me
<Heinrich_Baade> Don't you have restoration or something?
<Zachary_Summers> Pretty sure that's me
<Heinrich_Baade> Oh, that's convenient.
<MisterCavern> oh there's more cigaretta butts in TDR
<MisterCavern> and but so okay
<Heinrich_Baade> And now there are a few in the waking world as well...
<Heinrich_Baade> Hey, zach
<Zachary_Summers> ja?
<Zachary_Summers> Thinking
<MisterCavern> At around 11 PM you get a text from your contact at the fire department
<Heinrich_Baade> Not sure if this will work, but if you wear some kind of mirrored amulet I might be able to watch.
<Zachary_Summers> "Go ahead and track it. May as well see what's going on."
<MisterCavern> saying that a large but mostly-uninhabited apartment building down south is burning
<Heinrich_Baade> Not sure what happens if the mirror goes out of range.
<Zachary_Summers> Ooh, good idea
<Heinrich_Baade> Well, Alexsey is immune to fire
<Heinrich_Baade> And has a truck
<MisterCavern> and the fire department is being dispatched now
<MisterCavern> and that he'll be on the scene in 10 minutes to check it for magic
<Heinrich_Baade> So, Alexsey, I'll give you a ring and let you know.
<Heinrich_Baade> Cool.
<Heinrich_Baade> Hopefully we can trust this guy
<Heinrich_Baade> (( I don't say that out loud ))
<MisterCavern> that went to both of you anyway since you were both at that meeting
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Okay, I think I'll head over to the building, and scope it out from the outside
<Heinrich_Baade> Alright. I'll thank him and hang up.
<Heinrich_Baade> Then follow the tracks.
<Heinrich_Baade> If there are any new ones.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> 4 hits on perception, when I get there, and look it over
<Alexsey_Mitriov> not sure what I would see, but I assumed I'd need to roll that at some point
<MisterCavern> Okay so you get there around the same time as your contact
<MisterCavern> it's like a 10-story building, pretty trashy looking
<MisterCavern> apparently the developer wanted to do something else with it and was slowly squeezing the tenants out
<MisterCavern> according to your contact
<MisterCavern> most of the residents have already been evacuated, a few are on the upper floors\
<MisterCavern> fire department is preparing to go after them with ladders as the ground floor seems to be an ifnerno
<MisterCavern> you have any dowsing tools?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I have a set for each kind
<MisterCavern> you get faint races of astral and infernal
<MisterCavern> *traces
<MisterCavern> there might be more powerful magic going on currently inside
<MisterCavern> or it might all be over
<MisterCavern> you're not sure
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'm going to get as close as I can on a side where there are no firefighters if I can, and find an unobserved way in.
<MisterCavern> sure you can go in through a ground floor window
<MisterCavern> you gonna track astral or infernal?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> infernal, and aura sight, which shows me Limbo
<MisterCavern> okay
<MisterCavern> the infernal version of this building is already gutted and burned out of course
<MisterCavern> but there are some old jeeps parked in the blasted-open lobby
<MisterCavern> stacked with boxes of ammo
<MisterCavern> and giant clawprints in the thick layer of ash
<Heinrich_Baade> (( Wouldn't it be getting progressively better as bits fall out of the waking world?
<MisterCavern> (nah, either it didn't exist in limbo at all before the fire
<MisterCavern> or there was always a burned version parallel to the unburned version
<MisterCavern> )
<Heinrich_Baade> (( Ah, I see. Sorry for interrupting ))
<MisterCavern> you can follow the ifnernal signature up the stairs if you want
<MisterCavern> clawprints went the same way
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Nope, going to reverse back out the way I came, making sure to get a sleeve caught on fire or something on my way out
<MisterCavern> okay
<MisterCavern> nobody stops you or questions you
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Will find a place nearby to watch the building as it burns
<MisterCavern> so I just remembered you have aura perception
<MisterCavern> back during the first session I should have mentioned that the bookseller was magic
<MisterCavern> but I figure that was obvious by now
<Alexsey_Mitriov> that dick
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I would have murdered him
<MisterCavern> I tried to clue you in by howing that he had been studying the book
<MisterCavern> so he's a cultist
<MisterCavern> anyway
<MisterCavern> as you stumble out of the building you notice that a police officer on the scene has an astral luminary aura
<MisterCavern> she's organizing the escaping people and coordinating with EMTs and shit
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Will track her
<Alexsey_Mitriov> by which I mean, keep an eye on her
<MisterCavern> okay. she does boring rescue stuff for another 10 or 15 minutes at least
<MisterCavern> ((in the meantime, what are the others up to?))
<MisterCavern> ((actually fuck it))
<Heinrich_Baade> (( Zach was going to his meeting ))
<MisterCavern> ((actually, un-fuck it))
<Zachary_Summers> ((yes, meeting at "night"))
<Heinrich_Baade> (( I was going to unsuccessfully try to track from the mirror. ))
<MisterCavern> Zack, you've gone to meet Jensen now?
<Zachary_Summers> Sure
<MisterCavern> okay so Baade, you're chilling in the bathroom alone when you hear the clicks of several guns being loaded
<MisterCavern> or cocked rather
<Heinrich_Baade> Well that's fucked up.
<MisterCavern> and 4 mirror goblins step through your magic-wall into the bathroom
<MisterCavern> you recognize 2 of them
<MisterCavern> they just have light pistols
<Heinrich_Baade> So they were invisible until they stepped through?
<MisterCavern> some combination of invisible and just, you know, creeping along the real wall and then jumping around the corner
<MisterCavern> I have your perception dicepool written down
<MisterCavern> there's a mean-looking one with a shotgun and a crazy-looking one who smells like magic
<MisterCavern> what do?
<Heinrich_Baade> Alright. The sinks rip off the walls and fly threatening towards the goblins "Drop those guns right now!".
<MisterCavern> hmm?
<Heinrich_Baade> Stall doors too I guess.
<Heinrich_Baade> I have the whole room covered by an illusion.
<MisterCavern> is that a Command?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> You should illusion yourself to be somewhere you are not, if possible
<Heinrich_Baade> That would make a lot of sense.
<Heinrich_Baade> Wish I had thought of that.
<MisterCavern> shotgun guy throws down his gun, assuming you targeted him with your command
<MisterCavern> the other don't look impressed
<Heinrich_Baade> MC, what do you say to displacement?
<Heinrich_Baade> And are they trying to kill me?
<MisterCavern> displacement is fine
<Heinrich_Baade> Oh, and moving the illusion is a simple action
<MisterCavern> if you shoot a gun people will know where it comes from
<Heinrich_Baade> No time for command.
<MisterCavern> and you can't use Authority without letting them see your eyes
<Heinrich_Baade> But I can still concentrate and light the fucker with the shotgun on fire.
<MisterCavern> anyway they two from earlier open their coats to reveal bags of sand
<Heinrich_Baade> Simple action.
<MisterCavern> crazy one says "You don't want to start shit."
<MisterCavern> anyway you can shoot fire at the mif you want
<MisterCavern> we'll have to roll initiative for it though
<Heinrich_Baade> So my final choice of actions is to move the illusion to displace myself, then roll for initiative.
<MisterCavern> Okay
<Heinrich_Baade> Not shooting fire, though.
<Heinrich_Baade> I'll ask them what they want.
<MisterCavern> Crazy guy says "Just passing through. You don't make trouble with us, you don't get trouble from the Baron."
<Heinrich_Baade> What is initiative? I'm almost certainly going to fail.
<Heinrich_Baade> Against celerity.
<MisterCavern> their initiatives are between 3 and 1
<Zachary_Summers> Intuitoin + Agility
<MisterCavern> 3 2 2 1 to be exact
<Zachary_Summers> I believe
<MisterCavern> oh, yes zach is right
<Heinrich_Baade> 4 dice, one hit.
<Heinrich_Baade> "Why do you keep sneaking through my campus?"
<MisterCavern> "This is our portal. Used to sit in a human collector's house. He sold it."
<Heinrich_Baade> I'll pop Light of Ennui; free action.
<Heinrich_Baade> Don't want to worry about frenzy if these guys get to annoying.
<MisterCavern> okay
<Heinrich_Baade> Three hits if it matters.
<Heinrich_Baade> Any connection to the burning building? Did you set that fire?"
<MisterCavern> If you don't have anything more to say they'll just elbow past you to the mirror and go through
<MisterCavern> "Nope."
<MisterCavern> you can use some kind of dicepool if you want
<Heinrich_Baade> "Tell me the truth" (( a command, 3 hits ))
<MisterCavern> who do you command?
<Heinrich_Baade> One of the assholes I talked to last night.
<MisterCavern> "I did not set that fire."
<MisterCavern> shotgun man says: "Stop that. We're going."
<Heinrich_Baade> "Look, I know something is going down, and I want in!"
<Heinrich_Baade> "I know I can help you."
<MisterCavern> "You want to work for the Baron?"
<Heinrich_Baade> (Persuasion (insinuation)?)
<MisterCavern> sure
<Heinrich_Baade> "I want to work with *you*. After all, you're the guy directly controlling this operation." (to the guy with the shotgun)
<Heinrich_Baade> 4 hits, if it matters.
<MisterCavern> He's intrigued. "What do you want from us?"
<Heinrich_Baade> I know something big is going down. I know there opportunities available to those who are willing to get their hands dirty right now.
<Heinrich_Baade> So lets make a deal.
<MisterCavern> Go on.
<Heinrich_Baade> I'll (1) keep my friends out of your hair and (2) toss my lot in with you. But you have to deal me in, and tell me what's going on.
<Zachary_Summers> ((Guys what did we actually want to know about the dealer guy who did the dream-IMs?))
<Heinrich_Baade> His name is Jenson.
<Heinrich_Baade> Which reminds me.
<Heinrich_Baade> "You've been having problems with Jenson, yes?
<Heinrich_Baade> Oh, and I'll telepathically summarize this conversation for Zach.
<Heinrich_Baade> Do with it what you will.
<MisterCavern> He considers for a long moment. "The bookseller who disappeared. Bring him to me and we'll talk. You'll get him back unharmed."
<Heinrich_Baade> You want me to bring him here?
<Heinrich_Baade> I guess Zach can just be watching this all via bug.
<Heinrich_Baade> right?
<Zachary_Summers> yes
<Zachary_Summers> that is an action I can take due to it being there
<MisterCavern> Here or to a neutral meeting space. The Midway, perhaps.
<Heinrich_Baade> (( Is the midway a neutral place? ))
<MisterCavern> ((Not in any deep "sacred ground" sense, but yeah it's not "home turf" for either of you.))
<Heinrich_Baade> Alright, if that is your condition. I reach out to shake his hand, keeping at a slight angle from the illusion.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> um
<Heinrich_Baade> But please, don't try to cross me. I can make your lives worth less than nothing.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> you do remember that we don't have the book seller right?
<Heinrich_Baade> Right, but we can ambush these guys.
<Heinrich_Baade> I have the 'disloyal' flaw, what can I say.
<MisterCavern> okay, they bugger off
<Heinrich_Baade> (( I will fucking smash their mirror if they mess with me. ))
<Heinrich_Baade> (( Anyway... ))
<Heinrich_Baade> Guess I'll go find Zach.
<Heinrich_Baade> Um. At a discrete distance.
<MisterCavern> okay you can all three meet up or whatever
<Heinrich_Baade> Since he's at/headed te the meeting.
<MisterCavern> I think he got cold feet
<Heinrich_Baade> No way!?
<MisterCavern> but I guess we need to stop for an OOC discussion of
<MisterCavern> whether he in fact is going or has already gone
<MisterCavern> and what he's trying to accomplish
<Zachary_Summers> yes
<Zachary_Summers> the "trying to accomplish" is not something I'm quite clear on
<Heinrich_Baade> Find out who they are, find out what their capabilities are, and find out what the hell they're trying to do.
<Heinrich_Baade> And then turn them all into zombies? Alexsey?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> possibly
<Zachary_Summers> Alrighty
<Zachary_Summers> brb bio
<Zachary_Summers> So, Heinrich and I are planning to go to the meeting, is Alexei or is he trying to avoid being associated?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> avoid being associated
<Zachary_Summers> Okay, just Heinrich and I then
<Heinrich_Baade> K.
<MisterCavern> Okay so Alexsey is presumably camping outside with a truck full of zombies
<MisterCavern> or something
<Alexsey_Mitriov> sounds good, although, not right outside
<Heinrich_Baade> Cool beans.
<MisterCavern> Okay shall we cut to you walking into the lobby of his building?
<Zachary_Summers> yes
<Heinrich_Baade> Sure.
<MisterCavern> okay you walk in, tell the receptionist you're here to see Jensen
<MisterCavern> he asks you to check in any firearms you're carrying with him
<Heinrich_Baade> (( Watching the astral and infernal ))
<Zachary_Summers> ((Same))
<MisterCavern> do you guys surrender yours or have them concealed?
* Zachary_Summers is probably not carrying his gun with him at teh moment
<Heinrich_Baade> Mine is concealed in a mirror pocket.
<Heinrich_Baade> I open up my briefcase and show that it's empty, without saying anything.
<MisterCavern> okay
<MisterCavern> you go on up in the escalator
<MisterCavern> *elevator
<MisterCavern> and can walk to his door, knock
<Heinrich_Baade> ( I guess there was a bag of sunflower seeds )
<MisterCavern> fishbutler opens it
<Heinrich_Baade> ( probably wasn't taken )
<MisterCavern> (you can keep your sunflower seeds)
<Heinrich_Baade> 'Good evening. We're here to see what's-his-name.
<Heinrich_Baade> Oh, and LtHP.
<MisterCavern> Jensen is sitting with his back to the wall, wearing the same outfit as before with the addition for a slick pair of mirrorshades
<Heinrich_Baade> 4 hits
<Heinrich_Baade> Guess I'll do both of them.
<Heinrich_Baade> Only 3 hits on jenson.
<MisterCavern> Fishbutler's name is Otto. His passions are Hunger and eating people
<Heinrich_Baade> :)
<MisterCavern> be was one a veteran solider of marduk
<MisterCavern> His team brought down a deep one and he ate. It didn't end well for him.
<Heinrich_Baade> Heh.
<Heinrich_Baade> Well, at least he's not spawn.
<MisterCavern> yeah, he's a deepspawn
<Heinrich_Baade> Oh, that doesn't bode well.
<MisterCavern> Erik Jensen's passion is Fear, his other passion is slaying monsters, and his name is Tongfei Qin
<MisterCavern> *door shuts behind you*
<Heinrich_Baade> And what the heck kind of creature is he?
<MisterCavern> looks like a human wearing a leather jacket and thick mirrorshades
<Zachary_Summers> well shit
<Heinrich_Baade> Aura perception; 3 hits? Probably not enough, would have to be potency 2.
<Heinrich_Baade> "Where is the bookseller?"
<MisterCavern> His aura is a chaotic whirl of energy. It looks deeply wrong even for a monster.
<MisterCavern> In fact it looks twice as wrong
<Zachary_Summers> Which probably means he's titaned at least once
<MisterCavern> He leans forward and says "You'll never find out."
<MisterCavern> Roll for initiative
<Heinrich_Baade> Oh, and he's probably using fictional self.
<Heinrich_Baade> 1 hit.
<Heinrich_Baade> Bring me back if I die, guys!
<Zachary_Summers> We'll *try*, but...
<Alexsey_Mitriov> want tobe a revant?
<Heinrich_Baade> Err...
<MisterCavern> zach you're rolling too
<Heinrich_Baade> Well, I'd rather be *alive*
<Heinrich_Baade> But it's better than nothing.
<Zachary_Summers> 1 hit on initiative
<Heinrich_Baade> Send in the zombies!
<MisterCavern> He makes some quick mantras with his hands
<Heinrich_Baade> The'll be faster than us!
<MisterCavern> then thrusts his fingers forward and shoots dazzling arcs of lightning through the air at you
<MisterCavern> you can both make soak rolls now
<Heinrich_Baade> I knew I should have worn my faraday cage today.
<Heinrich_Baade> Just normal soak?
<MisterCavern> yeah, STR +Fort bonuses +Edge
<Zachary_Summers> 4 hits on soak
<MisterCavern> terminal wounds, baby
<Heinrich_Baade> 2 Hits. Guess I'm burning edge.
<Zachary_Summers> D:
<Zachary_Summers> yeah...
<Zachary_Summers> I'm not sure I can actually manage to soak that even with edge
<MisterCavern> Well zach is only "dying"
<MisterCavern> Baade would be instantly dead
<Heinrich_Baade> Not using Edge to soak.
<Heinrich_Baade> To avoid death.
<Zachary_Summers> ...oh. Right.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> waste of time
<Alexsey_Mitriov> you are right in the middle of their base, you live, you still lose
<MisterCavern> Well
<MisterCavern> Alexsey
<Heinrich_Baade> Let's just say that the explosive power of the blast conducting off of my umberella blasts me out the window ;)
<Heinrich_Baade> Terminal wounds on the pavement.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Can attempt to solo a Potency 3+ super, and his entire base full of people with guns that beat me in init
<MisterCavern> Yup! actually if either of them lived long enough to report you could probably take him
<MisterCavern> with preparation
<Zachary_Summers> Wait...
<Heinrich_Baade> Probably breaks my mirrors, which sucks, but oh well.
<MisterCavern> hey Zach do you have aura perception?
<Zachary_Summers> no
<Zachary_Summers> I have noted this before
<Zachary_Summers> I can see into limbo and maya, but do not have actual aura perception
<MisterCavern> ah
<MisterCavern> where is the paragraph on burning edge
<Heinrich_Baade> page 21.
<Heinrich_Baade> Edge is an amusing attribute.
<MisterCavern> wait nevermind you don't need ot burn edge
<MisterCavern> I fucked up my airthmetic
<MisterCavern> you're actually terminal wounds
<MisterCavern> and zach is... whatever "4" unsoaked is
<MisterCavern> Incapacitatting
<Zachary_Summers> okay
<MisterCavern> I forgot about the to-hit threshold
<Zachary_Summers> that's... still pretty bad.
<Heinrich_Baade> Lightning is 5 wounds, right?
<MisterCavern> that is indeed still pretty bad
<Zachary_Summers> Since they can basically do whatever with our bodies at that point.
<Heinrich_Baade> Plus one die?
<Heinrich_Baade> So 5 or 6?
<MisterCavern> yeah but he got 5 hits
<MisterCavern> minus threshold 2 ot hit
<MisterCavern> that means you're soaking 8 damage
<MisterCavern> so soaking 2 = 6, terminal
<MisterCavern> and soaking 4 = incapacitating
<Heinrich_Baade> Right, so still burning Edge.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I am so confused, if they are taking less than 10 damage, they should be fine
<MisterCavern> Raw damag,e not boxes
<Heinrich_Baade> Damage and wounds are on a different scale.
<Zachary_Summers> there's a lookup table for how many boxes a given damage amount deals
<MisterCavern> Okay well this is a little depressing but maybe we should just break here?
<MisterCavern> I wanted to end between 4 and 5 anyway
<Zachary_Summers> k
<Heinrich_Baade> I'm not too worried, but sure.
<MisterCavern> and that gives us some time to figure out how to proceed
<Alexsey_Mitriov> wait
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so my doing 10 damage, is actually like, super death?
<Heinrich_Baade> Pretty much.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay
<MisterCavern> How do you do 10 damage?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> carry on then
<Alexsey_Mitriov> when I roll well and/or they have low soak
<MisterCavern> *shuffles tarot deck
<MisterCavern> Okay everyone has 6 bidding chips
<MisterCavern> here comes the advancement deal
<MisterCavern> Queen of Swords. & of Staves
<MisterCavern> 7 of staves
<MisterCavern> not queen of staves
<MisterCavern> stupid shift key
<MisterCavern> 3 of staves
<Heinrich_Baade> Hey, alexsey. I'll give you my discretionary if you pick my smoking body off the pavement and drive off.
<MisterCavern> ace of staves
<MisterCavern> star
<MisterCavern> wheel of fortune
<MisterCavern> 5 of swords
<MisterCavern> 4 of sword
<MisterCavern> done
<Alexsey_Mitriov> let's worry about this right now
<Alexsey_Mitriov> but I definately intend to try to save you guys, if DM allows me to have telepathied the whole thing from Zack
<Zachary_Summers> sure
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and if I die, I'm making a Bagheera
<Zachary_Summers> you can subscribe to my sense RSS feed
<MisterCavern> ((He's talking about the discretionary bidding chips. Technically everyone should have 4, plus two to award ot others. I was just going to assume that it worked out and everyone had 6 since no one bothered giving any out during the past sessions)
<MisterCavern> and yeah you can have substantial information from the other two
<Alexsey_Mitriov> oh yeah, I totally forgot that rule
<Heinrich_Baade> I'm pretty sure you *have* to give them away.
<MisterCavern> Yes you do but since no one did I just figured everyone gives them to the player to their left
<Heinrich_Baade> OK.
<MisterCavern> if people *want* to specific what they did with their award chips that's fine too
<MisterCavern> Okay game mechanically here's the offerings:
<Zachary_Summers> What is "staves"? As far as the advancement section key goes.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah, when you say staves, is that wands in the document?
<Heinrich_Baade> wands
<MisterCavern> Wands
<MisterCavern> I'm gonna roll a die for first bid.
<MisterCavern> Baade wins
<Heinrich_Baade> Cool
<Zachary_Summers> So, we have:
<Zachary_Summers> +1 any skill
<Zachary_Summers> +1 two backgrounds of your choice
<Zachary_Summers> a new background at rating 2
<Zachary_Summers> +1 any skill or a new skill at 1
<Zachary_Summers> +1 physical, mental, or social attribute (greater)
<Zachary_Summers> +1 edge (greater)
<Zachary_Summers> +1 stealth
<Zachary_Summers> +1 perception
<Heinrich_Baade> I'll bid on the edge.
<Heinrich_Baade> Since it's all that can save me.
<Heinrich_Baade> Is bidding one bit at a time or all at once?
<MisterCavern> Heh. I mean, if you want to burn edge to make your way to the window and crash through you can do that either way. But I understand if you want ot replace that edge.
<Zachary_Summers> One at a time, though I think we can discuss what we're interested in beforehand
<MisterCavern> Yeah, discussion is free but bidding is a formal turn order and one card at a time.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so, I want the edge, but so does everyone
<MisterCavern> after a card is one, bidding rights go to the player to your "left"
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I want the attribute, but so does everyone
<MisterCavern> or in this case, to the next player on the list to the right of the chat
<Heinrich_Baade> What, so one person should get the edge, one the attribute, and one everything else?
<Zachary_Summers> Not necessarily
<Alexsey_Mitriov> we have 2 +any skills
<Heinrich_Baade> True.
<Heinrich_Baade> Edge currently limits skills to 7, though.
<Heinrich_Baade> So an attribute is strictly better.
<Zachary_Summers> Potency limits attributes to 6, so not strictly
<Alexsey_Mitriov> 7
<Zachary_Summers> ah, rounds up?
<Zachary_Summers> okay
<Alexsey_Mitriov> 6 is natural, +1 potency
<Zachary_Summers> or not halved
<Alexsey_Mitriov> potency isn't halved
<Zachary_Summers> anyway, still capped in some fashion
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah
<Heinrich_Baade> Skills are 6 + 1/2 Edge capped.
<Zachary_Summers> yes
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I probably don't need attribute as much as anyone else
<Heinrich_Baade> Right
<Heinrich_Baade> Because you're at Logic 7.
<Zachary_Summers> Okay, easiest question: Do any of us actually care about getting more Perception/Stealth?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> since I have 7 logic, and that covers most of my stuff
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I certainly wouldn't mind, but it's by no means worth anything at all compared to an edge
<Heinrich_Baade> Oh, and +1 to one new skill ain't that great.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> well, +1 to research and medicine sounds great to me
<MisterCavern> It's +1 to an existing skill OR a new skill
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I know it's not much, but I want my dice pools as high as possible
<Heinrich_Baade> Oh!
<Heinrich_Baade> That's a lot better.
<Zachary_Summers> I have Advanced Auspex so my perception pools are already fucktardedly good, and it doesn't power my current disciplines. Stealth also doesn't power my abilities, but I might actually use it as a raw skill (would go from 4 to 5)
<MisterCavern> If you're not committed to total communism you can smooth over slightly unequal distributions by decreeing that some character pay more chips
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay, so you should probably get stealth then, let me check my sheet
<Heinrich_Baade> I still maintain, though, that all the minor vs. attribute vs. edge is a fair split.
<Heinrich_Baade> I'd be fine with any.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> wait, so who actually wants attribute?
<Heinrich_Baade> I'd take it.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah, I have no use of stealth
<Heinrich_Baade> Need both Charisma and Logic.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Zach?
<Heinrich_Baade> Thoughts? Does anyone lust over Edge as much as Alexsey?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> any preference for edge vs attribute?
<Zachary_Summers> Hm. I could use an attribute obviously, but even having two skill boosts would probably be roughly similar
<Zachary_Summers> if they were magic-linked skills
<Zachary_Summers> I would probably prefer attribute to edge though
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Heinrich do you need perception at all?
<Heinrich_Baade> Well, I'd like it to be better.
<Heinrich_Baade> It's kind of middling right now.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> what is it now, and what's you intuition?
<Heinrich_Baade> Intuition 2, perception 6.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay, you take perception
<Alexsey_Mitriov> stealth to Zach
<Heinrich_Baade> You know what? Fuck it. I'll go with the bidding.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> anyone besides me can have the backgrounds
<Heinrich_Baade> 1 on the +1 to a skill!
<Heinrich_Baade> Bam!
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'll take edge, and you guys can fight over who gets the +1 to two skills, and who gets the +1 attribute
<Zachary_Summers> where does +1 to 2 skills come from?
<Heinrich_Baade> Sorry
<Alexsey_Mitriov> one is +1 to any skill, the other is +1 to any skill or a skill at +1
<Heinrich_Baade> Yeah.
<Zachary_Summers> ah, okay, so we're lumping those together
<Zachary_Summers> conceptually
<Heinrich_Baade> Hey MC. I'm actually following the spirit of the rules.
<Zachary_Summers> well I guess I'm going for the attribute then :P
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah, I mean, if you want to give me both of them to go with my edge, so I can get fire up to 17 dice, I won't say no
<Heinrich_Baade> Anyone else bidding on +1 to a skill?
<MisterCavern> Okay guys Baade has 1 on "+1 to a skill"
<MisterCavern> Anyone going to outbid?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> oh, I see
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so we bid on them in any order?
<MisterCavern> yeah whoever has first bid picks a card
<Heinrich_Baade> It's in a circle.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so, zach then me
<Heinrich_Baade> Say, top down
<Heinrich_Baade> Yeah
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I think we both pass
<MisterCavern> then whoever comes after the *winner* in turn order picks a card
<MisterCavern> okay, +1 to a skill to Baade for 1 chip
<MisterCavern> Zach's bid
<Zachary_Summers> I will bid 1 on +1 to an attribute
<Alexsey_Mitriov> pass
<Heinrich_Baade> Uh
<Heinrich_Baade> Just 1?
<MisterCavern> he can reraise if you raise
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yes, because we are commies
<Heinrich_Baade> Oh
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and you will not break our commieness
<MisterCavern> but if you want to make him pay for it you certainly can
<Alexsey_Mitriov> not if you want a rescue
<Zachary_Summers> XD
<Heinrich_Baade> Well, the problem with only bidding 1 is he can then grab all the other stuff too :)
<Heinrich_Baade> Or at least try.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> which he won't do if he wants a rescue
<Zachary_Summers> yeah
<Heinrich_Baade> Heh.
<Heinrich_Baade> Alright, I'll pass.
<Zachary_Summers> As a Leviathan, I am well aware of the power of social consensus
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I like being the only one alive, because this way I get to enforce communism with threats
<Zachary_Summers> *rimshot*
<MisterCavern> lol
<Heinrich_Baade> Bees and disease.
<MisterCavern> okay +1 attribute to zach for 1
<MisterCavern> alexsey's bid
<Alexsey_Mitriov> bid 1 on edge
<Heinrich_Baade> pass
<Zachary_Summers> pass
<MisterCavern> ((Is playing DDR and checking back between songs))
<MisterCavern> edge to alexsey for 1
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I annonce that I am now passing on all bids
<MisterCavern> baade's bid
<Heinrich_Baade> Bid 1 on +1 skill
<Alexsey_Mitriov> but will be watching to see who gets rescued
<MisterCavern> baade scoops up everything left?
<Zachary_Summers> pass
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Zach is probably the person who should get stealth
<Heinrich_Baade> K
<MisterCavern> Okay so let's ee if I have this right
<MisterCavern> Alexsey: Edge, 5 banked
<Heinrich_Baade> Anyone desire a background?
<MisterCavern> oh whatever
<MisterCavern> you guys can figure it out
<Heinrich_Baade> Ahahahaha!
<Heinrich_Baade> Alright
<Heinrich_Baade> Have a good 4th, MC.
<Zachary_Summers> I don't have any particular new backgrounds I specifically want
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so yeah, Heinrich want stealth, or give it to Zach?
<Zachary_Summers> to answer the question
<Heinrich_Baade> Zach can have it.
<Zachary_Summers> kk
<Heinrich_Baade> I have no stealth
<Heinrich_Baade> Wouldn't help me now
<Zachary_Summers> you could get stealth
<Zachary_Summers> at 1
<Alexsey_Mitriov> me neither that's why I said he should probably get it
<Alexsey_Mitriov> you and I are not terribly stealthy... ever
<Heinrich_Baade> What's your stealth pool, Zach?
<Zachary_Summers> D:
<Alexsey_Mitriov> you just Mindrape, and I just zombify
<Zachary_Summers> Currently I have Stealth 4
<Heinrich_Baade> Yeah
<Heinrich_Baade> Take the stealth.
<Zachary_Summers> Intuition is 5, Agility is 3
<Zachary_Summers> kk
<Zachary_Summers> stealth upgrade achieved
<Zachary_Summers> Heinrich gets the perception
<Zachary_Summers> that leaves +1 to two backgrounds and new background at 2
<Zachary_Summers> which are heinrich's if he wants them
<Heinrich_Baade> Sure
<Zachary_Summers> kk
<Heinrich_Baade> I have uses for them >:-)
<Heinrich_Baade> That was supposed to be an evil smilie.
<Zachary_Summers> final banking numbers look like Alexei 5, Zach 4, Heinrich 1
<Alexsey_Mitriov> SO yeah, I'm totally grabbing +skills next time, to take advantage of my edge
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I will be rolling 17 dice of death
<MisterCavern> okay well
<MisterCavern> great session everyone
<MisterCavern> feel free to use the thread to discuss plans
<MisterCavern> ask questions
<Zachary_Summers> summon giant robots?
<MisterCavern> and figure out exactly what happened to you two
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I am going to set out the plans for a death assualt of death
<Heinrich_Baade> New background: Marduk assholes.
<Heinrich_Baade> 2
<Heinrich_Baade> Fool me once, shame on you.
<MisterCavern> nice
<Heinrich_Baade> Fool me twice, you can't fool me again!
<Zachary_Summers> Isn't that redundant except for one guy who's, like, dead?
<Zachary_Summers> For millenia?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so wait
<Alexsey_Mitriov> does that mean
<Alexsey_Mitriov> that if I do 3 net damage
<Alexsey_Mitriov> they are unconscious, and I win?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> damn
<Zachary_Summers> yeah life is cheap
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I really hope that fucker doesn't have fire walking
<Alexsey_Mitriov> because I am going to murder his face
<Zachary_Summers> I am going to plan to learn how to heal myself with magic powers
<MisterCavern> 4 net damage
<MisterCavern> KO is 4 net
<Alexsey_Mitriov> right, but 3 is incapacitate, and they can't do anything
<MisterCavern> err... no
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and technically, if he has revive, then I need even more than 4
<MisterCavern> 3 is 6 damage boxes which will give most people about a -4 wound penalty to their coutnerattacks
<Alexsey_Mitriov> 3Incapacitating Wounds All 10 Boxes
<Alexsey_Mitriov> goddam Frank Trollman
<Alexsey_Mitriov> edit the post if you are going to change it in the pdf
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I am trying to track all the changes, but it's getting ridiculous
<MisterCavern> it's been that way for forever
<MisterCavern> POSIT damage
<Alexsey_Mitriov> no I mean
<MisterCavern> petty ordinary serious incapacitating
<Alexsey_Mitriov> if you read the online post in TGD
<Alexsey_Mitriov> 3 net damage is incapacitating wounds
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'm looking at it right now
<MisterCavern> which post, the "after sundown" post?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah
<MisterCavern> that must be a new typo
<Alexsey_Mitriov> hence my statement, about editing the post
<Zachary_Summers> The table does in fact start at 0 net hits
<MisterCavern> if you look at the aWoD post it's correct there
<Zachary_Summers> uh
<MisterCavern> I think
<MisterCavern> Anyway I'm running with 4 as incapacitating which is quite deadly enough
<Zachary_Summers> hang on what was that site to get the pdf...
<Alexsey_Mitriov> aftersundown is the "real" post in the sense that I'm not going to spend time trying to find out what parts of the Awod thread have and haven't been changed
<MisterCavern> just rmember cover fucks your fire
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah, I remember
<Zachary_Summers> nvm found it
<MisterCavern> so if someone wins initiative you can just salt to soak or cancel his lightning attack
<MisterCavern> *use salt
<MisterCavern> or obviously just try to murder his in the face
<MisterCavern> or hit him with a bucket full of water/vodka/sunlight
<MisterCavern> By the way, Zach and Baade
<MisterCavern> if you guys wanna stick with the "daring escape" angle that's fine
<Zachary_Summers> ja
<MisterCavern> if you would rather be forced to work for Marduk for a little while that's also an option
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I have a special super plan to arrange to automatically win Init
<MisterCavern> cool
<Alexsey_Mitriov> PS
<Alexsey_Mitriov> pretty sure the table is a typo, and you are right about that
<Alexsey_Mitriov> becuase 4 raw damage is called incapacitating in the electric section
<Heinrich_Baade> Gonna have to think on the escape vs captured angle.
<Heinrich_Baade> Any thoughts, Zach?
<Zachary_Summers> hrm
<Heinrich_Baade> Captured is certainly more plausible.
<Zachary_Summers> Plausible for you, at least
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I don't know how you will be saved, because for very complex reasons involving murder and vengance, I'm going to have to wait a little bit.
<Zachary_Summers> note that Zach is a naturally-born leviathan, I'm having a bit of cognitive dissonance about the Marduk leaving him alive and intact
<Heinrich_Baade> Good point.
<Heinrich_Baade> Hmm...
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay, expect a fleshed out plan for murderization/saving you guys posted sometime tomorrow or later tonight
<Alexsey_Mitriov> see ya
*** Alexsey_Mitriov has quit IRC: Quit:
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:I'm not going to go full-asshole, but I'm turning up the dial about 50 millikaeliks.
Posts: 968
Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2008 7:54 pm

Post by Quantumboost »

This week
Session Start (After Sundown:#aftersundown): Wed Jul 06 19:05:16 2011 -0700
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<Alexsey_Mitriov> spend 1 edge to roll 19 dice 7 hits, then reroll with more edge
<Thomas_Garlan> Oh man! You're the bee guy, right!
<Myrmidon> No
<Myrmidon> Antlions :P
<Thomas_Garlan> Bu-but..
<Thomas_Garlan> Bee guy.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> 9 hits
<Alexsey_Mitriov> PS for what it's worth, I got 6 hits on my Logic + Tactics to catch him by surprise, and if I rolled init, I forgot it by now
<Alexsey_Mitriov> not that it matters, because see: rolls 4 dice for init
<MisterCavern> okay
<Heinrich_Baade> So, Alexsey, what's your new Driving Passion?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> my new Driving Passion?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> to murder the fuck out of this guy
<MisterCavern> so assuming his TN to be hit was 4
<MisterCavern> no
<MisterCavern> 5
<MisterCavern> what's your net damage?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> 7+ net hits
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so 13
<MisterCavern> okay
<Alexsey_Mitriov> no
<Alexsey_Mitriov> 11
<MisterCavern> boom
<MisterCavern> okay
<Myrmidon> Was that Qin?
<MisterCavern> he falls down
<Heinrich_Baade> Now that you're going to go all Chronos on Qin.
<MisterCavern> charred beyond recognition
<MisterCavern> flesh melting from his bones
<Thomas_Garlan> nice.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> how do you want to deal with Mr Lobster?
<MisterCavern> does anyone know if dead people have auras?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I assume he hears this, but you said he left the room, so maybe not
<Alexsey_Mitriov> is the door closed, should I act?
<MisterCavern> he comes back in and your fireball him
<MisterCavern> he dies
<MisterCavern> okay so you're free to look around the apartment
<Alexsey_Mitriov> man, my whole plan revolved around this guy being a luminary, this makes things wayeasier
<MisterCavern> I did explicitly call him a spawn last night
<MisterCavern> but nobody noticed
<Alexsey_Mitriov> just sec, need to check the rules
<MisterCavern> among the interesting things you find
<MisterCavern> A jar labeled: "fun" dreams
<MisterCavern> (secrets 1)
<Myrmidon> "A character with active Aura Perception can also see clear halos around active Sorceries, supernatural creatures, magic items, and Luminaries (this property may even be why Luminaries are called that)."
<Alexsey_Mitriov> ooh, take that
<MisterCavern> a box full of cocaine
<MisterCavern> (finances 1)
<Myrmidon> from the thread rather than the pdf, but should be roughly the same
<MisterCavern> and a book of dream, water, and plant magic
<MisterCavern> (destiny 1)
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah, take all the glowy things, and also, looking for documents that might refer to Zach
<MisterCavern> you also find that the bedroom closet contains (1) werewolf impaled on a silver spike
<MisterCavern> and (2) bound and gagged mirror goblins you recognize from Jimmy's
<Heinrich_Baade> ( What the heck is going on with the zombies, anyway? )
<MisterCavern> oh and zach's body
<Myrmidon> Am I dead?
<MisterCavern> yup
<Myrmidon> k cool
<MisterCavern> they were eating you
<Myrmidon> not so cool
<MisterCavern> oh right the zombies
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Okay, I'm going to start summoning up some serious shadow tentacles
<Heinrich_Baade> You can probably use restoration when ever.
<Heinrich_Baade> Lunar power source.
<MisterCavern> well do you have any way of checking on them?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> what was Zach's power source?
<Myrmidon> Infernal
<MisterCavern> infernal
<Alexsey_Mitriov> sorry
<Alexsey_Mitriov> power schedule
<MisterCavern> lunar
<Thomas_Garlan> Oh.
<Thomas_Garlan> I'm on a spike.
<Thomas_Garlan> Ouch.
<MisterCavern> yup
<MisterCavern> but it's not going through any vital organs
<Thomas_Garlan> Am I conscious?
<Heinrich_Baade> At least it's a good nickname.
<MisterCavern> in and out
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay, I shadow bind the Fish body
<Thomas_Garlan> So do I see them right now?
<MisterCavern> Thomas can be conscious now if he wants
<MisterCavern> you got picked up by the Marduks about a week ago
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and also the werewolf
<MisterCavern> when Mr. Qin showed up in your dreams and knocked you out
<Alexsey_Mitriov> then I remove whatever is preventing Zach from coming back
<Thomas_Garlan> "Ugh...I've had more pleasent impalings. Shorter, too, usually."
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Silver spyke?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> hey, I didn't remove yours yet
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Zach?
<Myrmidon> It takes 4 hours
<MisterCavern> And for the past week a wizard has been coming in to cut you all up and watch you grow back together
<Myrmidon> still dead
<Thomas_Garlan> Oh.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> wait, Restoration take 4 hours?
<Thomas_Garlan> Ouch.
<MisterCavern> So sorry, did we decide that dead monsters retain their auras?
<Thomas_Garlan> This isn't a friendly game. XD
<Myrmidon> Yep, 4 hours after anything interfering is removed
<MisterCavern> I'm just gonna go ahead and saw they do
<Alexsey_Mitriov> nevermind I remove, and then shadowbind both of them
<MisterCavern> so when he died
<Myrmidon> If a moonrise has occurred since I last died, though, it can be exactly 4 hours after
<MisterCavern> This bit is important
<Alexsey_Mitriov> what's his name is still glowing?
<MisterCavern> When he died his aura shifted from "high-potency deep one titanizer"
<MisterCavern> to "no-potency cultist"
<Myrmidon> :O
<Myrmidon> something
<Alexsey_Mitriov> it would have to be more complex than Mind Control
<MisterCavern> ((read Elder Authority))
<Myrmidon> yes the possessing thing
<Myrmidon> could also have been Elder Animalism
<Thomas_Garlan> So wait, I'm okay? Not one of the bodies?
<Thomas_Garlan> He's binding Zach and Jensen?
<MisterCavern> I think we are referring to you as one of the bodies
<Thomas_Garlan> Ah.
<Thomas_Garlan> I am sort of hurt..
<MisterCavern> okay so you you grab everyone you wanna grab with your shadow tentacles
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Okay, so... I have Fish body, Zach, and Werewolf Shadowbound, also, I stole all the items
<MisterCavern> yup
<MisterCavern> oh there's also a little chemistry kit thing
<MisterCavern> with some vials of blood
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and I pull out the spike, and if he's conscious, I talk to THomas
<Thomas_Garlan> I am.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> taking that too
<MisterCavern> (are you bringing the goblins?)
<Thomas_Garlan> "Are you here to bail me out?"
<Alexsey_Mitriov> oh yeah, Golbins, need those
<Heinrich_Baade> ( Let me have one please. )
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I guess, I killed the guy who probably did that to you, so, you want to try to leave his compound?
<Thomas_Garlan> yes yes yes
<Thomas_Garlan> just get me out of here.
<Thomas_Garlan> Okay, so my wounds are pretty bad, I take it.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay, try not to start any fights if you can, the guards might not know what's happened here, and there will be zombies downstairs, I recommend ignoring them
<Thomas_Garlan> How long until I recover?
<Thomas_Garlan> Oh yeah, four hours.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> do you have Revive the Flesh?
<Thomas_Garlan> yeah.
<Thomas_Garlan> all werewolves do.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> like one seconds
<MisterCavern> well except from silver damage
<Alexsey_Mitriov> you are fine, but you are short some power points, depending how much damage you had
<MisterCavern> that takes hours
<Thomas_Garlan> oh.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> oh yeah
<Alexsey_Mitriov> forgot that
<Thomas_Garlan> how hurt am I?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so yeah, how much damage, and how much is silver MC?
<MisterCavern> Mmm... let's say 3 boxes
<Thomas_Garlan> Kay.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay, let's rock
<MisterCavern> I hadn't thought about it because I wasn't expecting you to get intro trouble immediately after
<Alexsey_Mitriov> but before I go, I want to check
<Alexsey_Mitriov> oh wait
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I got this so good
<Thomas_Garlan> 3 aggravated?
<MisterCavern> yup
<Alexsey_Mitriov> outside
<Thomas_Garlan> got it
<MisterCavern> so I assume you have some brilliant escape plan?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> where is the sun?
<MisterCavern> the lobby is still a zombie vs. fishmen firefight
<Alexsey_Mitriov> relative to the window I am looking out of
<MisterCavern> well let's see
<MisterCavern> room faces east toward the lake
<MisterCavern> it's 2 PM
<MisterCavern> so I guess... sun is behind you?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> victory
<Alexsey_Mitriov> we shadow slide
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I summon up another shadow for me, and all the bodies + Me + Thomas, go out the window
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and my Shadow tentacles slide down the shadow of the building, until we get to the ground, and then we run the fuck away
<Alexsey_Mitriov> oh wait, how long has it been since the truck?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> because, as per master plan, that thing is going to explode very soon
<Alexsey_Mitriov> if it hasn't already
<MisterCavern> oh it has
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and the building didn't fall over?
<MisterCavern> it's probably going to eventually
<MisterCavern> but it has not during the 3 or 4 minutes this all took
<Alexsey_Mitriov> we shadow slide down the face of the building, as described
<MisterCavern> awesome
<Alexsey_Mitriov> but before I go
<MisterCavern> do a victory dance in the endzone and grab a beer at your beer-vendor of choice
<Heinrich_Baade> That is a great plan.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> are there any extra pairs of glasses, like the ones MR Jenson wore?\
<MisterCavern> mm... you could steal his glasses
<Alexsey_Mitriov> if they weren't combusted, I'll take them
<MisterCavern> er... I guess the fishman also had a pair
<Thomas_Garlan> As a trophy.
<MisterCavern> which he was not wearing
<Heinrich_Baade> He wasn't wearing them.
<MisterCavern> okay sweet
<Alexsey_Mitriov> as long as they look exactly like the one Mr Jenson wore when they got hit, I'll take them
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and then Shadow SLide
<Thomas_Garlan> Do we get away safe?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so... we escape
<MisterCavern> ((OOC, the fishman's contingency for "oh shit the building's under attack" was to Authority you into not starting trouble and then go investigate. If you had rolled initiative and lost, he would have grabbed for your glasses and then not done anything to you because both Authority and Lightning Bolt are complex actions. Then you would have fireballed him, and then we would get an extra
<MisterCavern> turn from celerity except not because he would be dead))
<Alexsey_Mitriov> cool, I take the new guy to go see Mr person who's name I forgot
<MisterCavern> Kaspar?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> thast's the one
<MisterCavern> Thomas, you remember the 4 syndicates I mentioned?
<MisterCavern> which one are you in?
<Thomas_Garlan> I don't really object.
<Thomas_Garlan> Yeah.
<Thomas_Garlan> Let's say the..I forget their name. They're the ecologist ones?
<Heinrich_Baade> Uh. What's my wound level, BTW?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> And Heinrich is back at base, or driving our getaway truck, so he's with uas
<Alexsey_Mitriov> us
<MisterCavern> okay, Thomas is in the Carthians
<MisterCavern> Baade, you have revive, right?
<MisterCavern> *revive the flesh
<Heinrich_Baade> Nope.
<MisterCavern> oh
<Thomas_Garlan> Not out of loyalty or anything, mind.
<Heinrich_Baade> No healing at all.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I have pretty good heal dice
<Thomas_Garlan> It pays the bills.
<MisterCavern> well then you have 10 boxes of lethal
<MisterCavern> but none of normal because that has gone away
<Alexsey_Mitriov> well, I rescued him a couple days ago
<Alexsey_Mitriov> sorry
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yesterday
<Heinrich_Baade> I'll make the appropriate rolls.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I have like
<Thomas_Garlan> So I assume I was poking about in...whatever organization we just escaped from
<Thomas_Garlan> And got caught?
<MisterCavern> Rolnicy asked you to capture a Behemoth for them
<MisterCavern> Mardicks got ot it first
<Alexsey_Mitriov> 13 dice for his healing test, + him assisting with his own dice
<Thomas_Garlan> I assume the "dick" in that is accurate.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah, they are dicks
<Thomas_Garlan> I assume also that someone already made that joke.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I think we've been calling them that ever since first session
<Myrmidon> It's a portmanteau of Marduk and dick
<Myrmidon> That's not their actual name
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yes it is
<Myrmidon> 9_9
<MisterCavern> okay
<Thomas_Garlan> So we're at your hideout?
<MisterCavern> yeah
<Alexsey_Mitriov> well, I think the hideout is Kaspars
<MisterCavern> no, it's Zach's
<MisterCavern> he found it
<Alexsey_Mitriov> but we can transition to ours later
<MisterCavern> oh right
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I was bringing in the new guy
<MisterCavern> okay, the team's hideout is in the Dreamlands, accessible through Botany pond
<MisterCavern> Kaspar is a department head at Uchicago and an extremely old wizard
<MisterCavern> he's also running the coverup on this exploding building
<Thomas_Garlan> Ah.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah, did he get there with a cleanup crew
<MisterCavern> right now his pet government officials are calling it a mix of fire and structural damage
<Thomas_Garlan> So I'm introduced to this Kaspar chap.
<MisterCavern> but his pet reporters insist they found traces of thermite
<MisterCavern> Kaspar mentions, with maximal bonhomie, that you now owe him a favor
<Alexsey_Mitriov> they totally did :)
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I tell him that it can't be paid of in zombie form for a few days
<Thomas_Garlan> Bonhomie?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I think it means, that's he not being an asshole about it
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Also, I remind him about the book
<Heinrich_Baade> ( I assumed that Alexsey performed first aid. Rolled 7 hits (nice pool, BTW). That removes 5 wounds of each type. )
<Alexsey_Mitriov> in my ever so charming Cha 1 way
<MisterCavern> bonhomie is affected masculine cheeriness
<Alexsey_Mitriov> remember that you can assist me with your own dice
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I will inform Zach that he owes Kaspar a favor in four hours
<Thomas_Garlan> Oh.
<Thomas_Garlan> Do I owe him a favor too?
<MisterCavern> shall we just cut to there?
<Thomas_Garlan> His guys did rescue me.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> you owe me a favor
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Zach would owe me a favor, but I sold it to Kaspar
<Alexsey_Mitriov> You are going to be doing me the favor of winning init
<Thomas_Garlan> Okay.
<Thomas_Garlan> Fair enough.
<MisterCavern> okay so you're all in your secret war room drinking your secret war PBR or whatever
<Thomas_Garlan> So yeah, I introduce myself to Kaspar
<MisterCavern> oh okay
<Thomas_Garlan> And say I'd like to help you guys out, since you saved me.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I aint't no fucking hipster
<Myrmidon> Tell me when it's 6:00
<MisterCavern> You have a scret base
<MisterCavern> in a pond
<MisterCavern> that's pretty hipster
<Thomas_Garlan> yeah.
<Thomas_Garlan> not gonan lie.
<MisterCavern> besides presumably Zach stocked the fridge
<Alexsey_Mitriov> not my base
<Alexsey_Mitriov> my base is an 18 wheeler
<Thomas_Garlan> My base is
<Thomas_Garlan> an apartment
<MisterCavern> Okay look let's cut to the part where you're in your base and Zach is awake
<Myrmidon> uh
<MisterCavern> Garlan
<Myrmidon> I kind of
<Myrmidon> don't need to eat <_<
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah, Zach, start mindprobing Mirror Goblins
<Heinrich_Baade> ( K, so I'm at 3 normal wounds. )
<Myrmidon> am I up?
<MisterCavern> Garlan can interact with Kaspar simultaneously even though it happened earlier
<MisterCavern> yes, zach is alive
<MisterCavern> that is the whole point
<Myrmidon> orite
<Myrmidon> Okay, presuming I've had time to get down to a "mere" 6 boxes of Normal then
<MisterCavern> sure
<Myrmidon> 5 hits on telepathy probing - can we burn 5 hours on it?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> we have no time constraints
<Myrmidon> Okay. Getting "the whole story"
<Thomas_Garlan> Alright. I ask what exactly we're up to.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> "Well, there are some goblins, doing stuff, that may or may not be a big deal, and so we are reading their minds in order to know... well, Zach is mind reading."
<Thomas_Garlan> "Uh...huh. Who do I punch?"
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'm going to have to take some time off to rebuild my soulless truck
<MisterCavern> Okay
<MisterCavern> So here's the deal with the goblins
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I need to go dig up some graves, and murder some people, but I do have a 5/3 Shambler
<MisterCavern> they live in city in the Deep Reflection
<MisterCavern> well, a shanty-town really
<MisterCavern> there's a really nice temple there but the rest f the structures are crap
<MisterCavern> oh, there's a barracks too
<MisterCavern> full of nazi changelings with pet Akuma
<Myrmidon> D: we need some fedoras now
<MisterCavern> The whole area is ruled by Baron Comus
<Thomas_Garlan> Alright.
<MisterCavern> an Asura who's been around since the Roman Empire
<MisterCavern> but lost most of his power in the middle ages
<MisterCavern> and has been slowly regaining it
<MisterCavern> He's got a bunch of human worshippers whom he supplies with epic quantities of drugs and STDs
<MisterCavern> and a bunch of goblin lackeys
<Alexsey_Mitriov> STIs
<MisterCavern> and the nazis run security
<Thomas_Garlan> Quick summary of an Asura?
<MisterCavern> flying, charismatic demon
<MisterCavern> human sized
<MisterCavern> usually
<MisterCavern> and he's a Baron in the Kingdom of Three Shadows
<MisterCavern> these goblins are lackeys of his who were ordered to use the redcap portal to set fires and bring akumas and nazis through to earth
<MisterCavern> when they're ready they're supposed to spread havoc and mayhem through the city
<MisterCavern> the goblins don't know why
<MisterCavern> all they did was hire that goblin wizard to burn shit for them and then get captured by Marduk
<MisterCavern> any questions?
<Thomas_Garlan> Yeah, how does Marduk fit into this?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> any questions we could actually get answered?
<MisterCavern> Oh right
<MisterCavern> They were the ones who sold the book to the shopkeeper
<MisterCavern> in hopes of converting him to a cultist
<MisterCavern> and then forcing him to use Open the Gauntlet for them
<Heinrich_Baade> Any idea where the shopkeeper is?
<MisterCavern> But then Marduk staked out the shop so they couldn't get him
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so, how do we get to be Elder
<MisterCavern> they trailed the Marduk's after you robbed the store and are pretty sure he's being held in a warehouse in the south suburbs
<Alexsey_Mitriov> sorry, how do we get Elder powers again:?
<Thomas_Garlan> So...Do we want to stop the goblins? Help them?
<Myrmidon> Consume special artifacts
<Thomas_Garlan> I'm not clear on it.
<MisterCavern> Either by killing an Elder or breaking an artifact
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so, Artifacts
<Alexsey_Mitriov> are... what exactly? Like, Secret 6?
<MisterCavern> Either Secrets or Destiny, depending on whether they're useful for anything other than eating
<MisterCavern> I'm not sure of the exact rating required
<MisterCavern> 5 might work
<MisterCavern> the book doesn't really say
<Alexsey_Mitriov> what about 4?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah, that;s why I'm asking
<Myrmidon> It may or may not be just the colloquial English meaning of "artifact"
<MisterCavern> oh look
<MisterCavern> "the blood of an elder" is rating 5
<MisterCavern> so I'm assuming that's meant to be the threshold
<MisterCavern> oh!
<Alexsey_Mitriov> oh yeah, so would that mean that supernatural blood glows? and if so, do any of my blood vials glow?
<MisterCavern> you have supernatural forensics, right?
<MisterCavern> it's the blood of various marduk prisoners
<MisterCavern> there's blood from the goblins and from zach
<MisterCavern> even a vial of Baade's blood they scraped up
<Thomas_Garlan> Any from Tom?
<MisterCavern> No.
<Thomas_Garlan> K.
<MisterCavern> They took your blood
<Alexsey_Mitriov> what can people do with blood, aside from drinking it again?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> like, powers and such?
<Heinrich_Baade> They can gank you.
<MisterCavern> Well Forensics lets you learn thigns about the blood's sourc,e like where the dude currently is
<Heinrich_Baade> With Path of Blood.
<MisterCavern> also elder blood can kill you
<Alexsey_Mitriov> PS, I create my 6th Shambler, of Fish guy
<MisterCavern> sure
<Alexsey_Mitriov> also, I don't tell anyone about the blood, and it goes in my medical truck.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> muahahahahaha!
<Alexsey_Mitriov> carry on
<Thomas_Garlan> Right so.
<Heinrich_Baade> Do we want to check out this infernal village?
<Thomas_Garlan> Are we gonna go break into that warehouse?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> PS, rememeber how all three of you gave me all your discretionary bid points for this session?
<Heinrich_Baade> Ahahahaha.
<Thomas_Garlan> I did?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I did rescue you from worse than death
<Alexsey_Mitriov> It was a precondition to Heinrich and Zach being alive that they agree to this, it's in the thread
<MisterCavern> well if you're dividing that shit communistically you should give the points to baade since he has the fewest left
<MisterCavern> in case you want to dump all the skills on him again
<Heinrich_Baade> You already held that over my head last time.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> no we divide cards communistically
<Alexsey_Mitriov> but you are right
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I need to give both my discretionary points to Heinrich
<MisterCavern> both?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> once for driving the getaway truck, and the other time for modifying memories
<Alexsey_Mitriov> don't you get two each person per session?
<MisterCavern> no just 1
<Alexsey_Mitriov> oh, man, that sucks
<MisterCavern> you get 2 for yourself and 1 discretionary
<MisterCavern> so like
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay, I give Heinrich mine, and he gives me his, and Zach gives his to Thomas, and Thomas gives his to me
<MisterCavern> So like, do people intend to adventure more?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> because I'm going to be buying all the skills this time around
<Thomas_Garlan> Yeah.
<Thomas_Garlan> Can we kill something?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I want to
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah
<Thomas_Garlan> I'm a werewolf, man, I get impatient.
<Heinrich_Baade> Yeah, seeing as no one else has done anything yet.
<MisterCavern> If you guys are content and need a plothook let me know when you have run out of thigns to do
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I just want to be clear on this, while everyone else decides who we are going to murder
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I did my murdering
<Heinrich_Baade> What's with the warehouse?
<Thomas_Garlan> Yeah.
<Thomas_Garlan> What Baade said.
<Thomas_Garlan> I think that's a good next step.
<Thomas_Garlan> Since, um, we want to rescue the guy being held there?
*** MisterCavern has quit IRC: Ping timeout
<Alexsey_Mitriov> brb restroom
<Thomas_Garlan> ah, he's having connection issues
<Alexsey_Mitriov> nope
<Alexsey_Mitriov> capture
<Heinrich_Baade> Ugh.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> capture guy there
<Heinrich_Baade> Oh. The bookseller.
<Heinrich_Baade> Right?
<Thomas_Garlan> Ah.
<Thomas_Garlan> Okay.
<Thomas_Garlan> So, I'm really good at fighting.
<Thomas_Garlan> Like, really good.
<Thomas_Garlan> If I hit something it'll probably stay down.
<Thomas_Garlan> Factor that into your strategy as you see fit.
<Myrmidon> You are a werewolf, this is noted.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Look, your sole purpose on this team is to win init
<Alexsey_Mitriov> do that, and we are golden
<Thomas_Garlan> Got it.
<Thomas_Garlan> So for now we wait for orion to reconnect.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> PS chaning my Driving Passion
<Thomas_Garlan> so, how long does Aggravated heal on its own?
<Myrmidon> 3 days per box
<Alexsey_Mitriov> first it turns to lethal, and doubles, then it does other stuff
<Myrmidon> No, normal -> lethal -> aggravated
<Alexsey_Mitriov> You can heal it with Revive, so assume you did that and are three PP short
<Myrmidon> aggravated takes hellishly long but goes away completely
<Thomas_Garlan> Okay, I'll just revive my flesh.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> sorry
<Alexsey_Mitriov> 6 PP
<Alexsey_Mitriov> it costs double
<Thomas_Garlan> yeah.
<Heinrich_Baade> In the future, Alexsey is great at first aid.
<Thomas_Garlan> I wonder when the next full moon is.
<Heinrich_Baade> It's not full moon.
<Heinrich_Baade> It's any moon.
<Myrmidon> moonrise
<Myrmidon> which may or may not be at night
<Myrmidon> So, you recharge on a daily basis at specific times which are unrelated to the solar cycle
<Myrmidon> except at the north and south poles
<Thomas_Garlan> Alright.
*** OrionJA has joined #aftersundown
<Heinrich_Baade> Anyway, it'll set in an hour, and then it rises at 12:41 tomorrow.
<Heinrich_Baade> AM
<Thomas_Garlan> Hey, welcome back.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> 5 disciplines
<Myrmidon> I need to pick up Revive the Flesh at some point >_< or possibly Cleanse the Body
<Heinrich_Baade> Hey orion. We just solved the mystery ond won the game.
<Heinrich_Baade> Might as well do Cleanse, Zachary.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I am missing 5 disciplines from my nearly complete library
<Heinrich_Baade> Which ones?
<OrionJA> hey
<Myrmidon> yeah
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Lure of Destruction, Play of Shadows, Path of Blood, Chasing the Storm, Call of the Wild
<Heinrich_Baade> Ah.
<Heinrich_Baade> I'll be no help then.
<OrionJA> so
<OrionJA> supposedly Marduk has a faerie circle to the south
<Myrmidon> I *can* provide some access to Chasing the Storm and Call of the Wild, as possible repayment for a future favor :P
<OrionJA> nad built a warehouse on it
<OrionJA> people aren't sure fo the details
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Future favor you dick
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I saved you from being eaten
<Heinrich_Baade> So, Orion, the warehouse is supposed to contain a bookseller?
<Myrmidon> Which you then ousted onto Kaspar ;?
<Myrmidon> *;)
<OrionJA> but it's supposed to have a couple of luminary-grade monsters on staff
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Wait, does that mean we can get into the Warehouse by going through Maya?
<OrionJA> yes
<Myrmidon> We're *in* Maya O:
* Heinrich_Baade looks at Zachary.
* Myrmidon looks back
<Alexsey_Mitriov> exactly
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so we take a short cut
<Myrmidon> Okay, but I'm currently rocking 4 lethal wounds, just so you know
<OrionJA> not convinced it's a shortcut
<Heinrich_Baade> How, exactly, are we going to find the way?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> wait let me check path of blood real quick
<Myrmidon> so I'm making full use of my Stealth skill
<OrionJA> chicago streets may be bad, but they're no worse than Maya
<Myrmidon> until my heroic nature takes over
<Alexsey_Mitriov> damn it
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I can't do anything to Behemoths
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Heinrich, that's on you
<OrionJA> hmm?
<Myrmidon> They can totally be poisoned
<Heinrich_Baade> You can kill it with fire.
<OrionJA> surely fire > animals
<Alexsey_Mitriov> they roll like 35 resistance dice
<Myrmidon> ...that's Kaiju I think
<Alexsey_Mitriov> oh well, them
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I can't do anything to them
<OrionJA> a Behemoth has probably like 16 strength
<OrionJA> and thus 16 resistance dice
<OrionJA> since they lack edge and fortitude
<Heinrich_Baade> The guy to deal with Behemoths is Thomas.
<Heinrich_Baade> Mr. Beast Speech.
<OrionJA> actually, wait
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so... I still can't do anything to them
<OrionJA> a lot of behemoth will have like 11 strengths
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay, that's better, though they should have edge1 right?
<OrionJA> nope
<Myrmidon> Behemoths are just your typical "OH SNAP THAT WOLF IS HUGE"
<Myrmidon> They aren't super special awesome
<Thomas_Garlan> yeah, I can talk to them.
<Myrmidon> Except for the Luminary equivalents
<OrionJA> Yeah it's base strength of animal +11 when they powerup
<Thomas_Garlan> But um.
<Thomas_Garlan> Are you sure you want to go through the dangerous jungle world rather than a chicago street?
<OrionJA> oh yeah, a werewolf can also totally punch one out a couple times a day
<Thomas_Garlan> Unless Maya gives us a way to get in and bypass some defenses.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah
<Alexsey_Mitriov> go in the back, less likely to be shot at
<Alexsey_Mitriov> trust me, having been shot, it's not pleasent
<Myrmidon> more likely to be eaten by evil plants <_< >_>
<Thomas_Garlan> 11 Strength and you think I can punch one out?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> what if they have silver bullets>?
<Thomas_Garlan> Yeah but you're a bee.
<Thomas_Garlan> You'll be fine.
<Thomas_Garlan> You can just buzz off
<Myrmidon> uh no
* Thomas_Garlan thinks he's awfully clever
<Myrmidon> I don't have flight yet
<Myrmidon> also, antlions
<Heinrich_Baade> Are we *all* silver vulnerable?
<Myrmidon> No, I have an iron weakness
<Thomas_Garlan> sadly.
<Myrmidon> I made a mistake when I made that post <_<
<Thomas_Garlan> Okay.
<Thomas_Garlan> So we have a way into Maya?
<Heinrich_Baade> Well, let's scope the place out on the Maya side.
<Thomas_Garlan> Sure.
<Heinrich_Baade> Myrmidon can use a bee spy.
<OrionJA> Werewolf Guy: Yeah, you have substantially less strength than a big tiger, but you have weapons and edge and higher skills
<OrionJA> and most importantly: super speed
<Thomas_Garlan> Right, I'm really fast.
<Myrmidon> >_< I don't command bees
<OrionJA> you have no idea how important that is
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I do
<OrionJA> Okay so you go through Maya
<Myrmidon> I'm totally picking up Celerity as my first discipline after getting my healy powers online
<Myrmidon> or possibly right after Clinging for flight
<OrionJA> Can I get an intuition+survival from whoever is leading?
<Thomas_Garlan> Ah, my survival's 6.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> So I have like...9 dice for that
<Myrmidon> I think I can handle this part
<OrionJA> 2 of you can teamwork it I guess
<Myrmidon> Int 5 + Survival 6
<Thomas_Garlan> Ah.
<Myrmidon> I presume that "gathering" specialization isn't relevant
<Thomas_Garlan> Yeah, let the bee guy lead.
<OrionJA> okay fuck it
<Alexsey_Mitriov> actually, I have tactics 6, so we can all join in
<Thomas_Garlan> (it's canon)
<OrionJA> you buy hits
<OrionJA> none of the local behemoths bother you
<Alexsey_Mitriov> fuckers
<Alexsey_Mitriov> know not to mess with this bitch
<OrionJA> Question: how do you plan to find it?
<Thomas_Garlan> Do we head in the same direction it is on Earth?
<Heinrich_Baade> This is what I am wondering too.
<OrionJA> I've been assuming that that works in the Shallows
<Myrmidon> We're in the shallows, it should be a 1-to-1 correspondance yeah
<OrionJA> oh you're in the shallows
<Heinrich_Baade> Thomas could just ask a behemoth.
<OrionJA> well their portal goes to the deeps, so...
<Heinrich_Baade> Or something...
<Heinrich_Baade> OH
<Heinrich_Baade> Let's do this the mundane way then.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> wait, how do we transition between the two?
<OrionJA> Okay, we need to ask Trollman about this
<Myrmidon> circles <_<
<OrionJA> but I suppose a portal to the deeps
<Heinrich_Baade> Wander deeper into the shallows.
<OrionJA> must be accessible from the shallows
<OrionJA> so logically the mundane side should also be accessible from the shallows
<Heinrich_Baade> Space is folded in the Other Worlds.
<Myrmidon> I thought that transitioning between the shallows and deeps is like between the mortal world and shallows
<Myrmidon> i.e. portals
<OrionJA> something should be added to that effect
<OrionJA> Yeah but here's the thing
<OrionJA> Okay, you're standing in the Shallows of the warehouse
<Heinrich_Baade> Myrmidon: You can just wander deeper.
<OrionJA> the warehouse contains a portal from earth to deep maya
<Heinrich_Baade> Right.
<OrionJA> the question is: can you get to the deeps from the shallows? can you get to earth from the shallows without going through the deeps?
<Thomas_Garlan> I would assume so.
<OrionJA> I'm definitely ruling "yes" on the first, but it should be in the book
<Heinrich_Baade> Does the portal exist in the shallows as well?
<Heinrich_Baade> Becasue otherwise no.
<OrionJA> I'm also gonna rule "yes" on the second if no one disagrees
<OrionJA> Well it would just be silly for the portal to not exist in the shallows
<Myrmidon> Why?
<Myrmidon> It's a portal
<OrionJA> Yeah but if the shallows are literally supposed to be "between" earth and the deeps
<OrionJA> you should be passing through them when you use the portal anyway
<Heinrich_Baade> For example, a big magic mirror that only exists in the normal world *at the moment* is only in the normal world.
<Heinrich_Baade> A portal bypasses that crap.
<OrionJA> well okay
<Heinrich_Baade> Like a wormhole in DS9
<OrionJA> you can either accept my ruling or avoid the issue by using mundane roadsfor now
<OrionJA> and discuss it in the threads
<Thomas_Garlan> I mean, what he said makes sense.
<Thomas_Garlan> We should just go for it.
<Heinrich_Baade> Sounds good to me.
<Heinrich_Baade> So, Myrmidon, what do your bee-eyes see?
<Myrmidon> Nothing, because I don't have them :P
<OrionJA> okay so it's well away from everything else
<OrionJA> and there's a bunch of Mantraps planted around it
<OrionJA> it's mostly a boring ugly metal shack thing
<OrionJA> but part of it is a greenhouse with glass roof
<OrionJA> the portal is on the floor of the greenhouse surrounded by more plants
<Alexsey_Mitriov> "Should I just start murdering plants?"
<OrionJA> there's a couple of guards at the front and back doors
<Thomas_Garlan> Ah.
<Thomas_Garlan> Guards.
<Thomas_Garlan> Shall I deal with them?
<OrionJA> Also rumor has it this place is a pretty major base of operations
<Alexsey_Mitriov> SHould I just start murdering guards?
<OrionJA> with 2-3 luminaries hanging out at any given time
<Heinrich_Baade> "I don't think that my phantasms will work on the plants. But we might be able to get the guards to attack them."
<Thomas_Garlan> Hrm.
<Thomas_Garlan> We need to attack carefully then.
<Myrmidon> I don't think the plants are particuarly resistant to illusions...
<Myrmidon> Like at all
<Thomas_Garlan> They're kind of just like
<Thomas_Garlan> "bitch I'm a plant"
<Thomas_Garlan> "get that mess out of here"
<Heinrich_Baade> I assumed that they use some kind of strange senses.
<Thomas_Garlan> You know what plants don't usually like?
<Thomas_Garlan> Fire.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> See "Should I just start killing plants?"
<Myrmidon> They don't specifically use alternate senses to humans, so I believe it's presumed they use similar sensory suites to humans
<Thomas_Garlan> Okay. Alexsey should burn the plants.
<OrionJA> starting anywhere in particular?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so, we kill the guards, then the plants?
<Heinrich_Baade> In that case, I'll command one of the guards to shoot the other.
<Myrmidon> I can Magnify and bugspam the hell out of whoever from far away. And I'm staying incognito
<Myrmidon> by which I mean in a non-person-eating tree or somesuch
<Heinrich_Baade> Nice.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> you have to look them in the eyes to command
<Thomas_Garlan> I think you might want to let me kill the guards.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so how about we simultaneously fireball the guards
<Heinrich_Baade> Yeah, I guess it's a bit far for that.
<Thomas_Garlan> I could probably do that really quickly.
<Heinrich_Baade> The question is getting past the plants first.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> well, you have to run up to them, but you are certainly willing to try
<Heinrich_Baade> We could burn a path in the plants.
<Heinrich_Baade> For Thomas to run up.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> but at that point, we could just burn the guards
<Alexsey_Mitriov> there are two of them
<Thomas_Garlan> Can you get them too?
<Thomas_Garlan> if so, be my guest.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> If I get both my simple actions as surprise, I can murder them both
<Alexsey_Mitriov> or you and I could surprise together
<Alexsey_Mitriov> or we could roll init and hope we don't get shot
<OrionJA> you guys can take surprise
<Thomas_Garlan> Okay. Should I warform?
<Myrmidon> I can send in the swarm beforehand if you want
<Heinrich_Baade> OK, so we kill the guards and Thomas kills the plants?
<Heinrich_Baade> Know how to use a gun
<Heinrich_Baade> ?
<Heinrich_Baade> That would be nice, Zach.
<Myrmidon> Okay, I'll give in for a moment
<Alexsey_Mitriov> no we kill the guards, then the plants
<Alexsey_Mitriov> because the plants can't attack us
<Thomas_Garlan> And the guards have gones.
<Thomas_Garlan> I don't like guns.
<OrionJA> okay so round zero: Alexsey nukes two guards
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay, so I fire off two fireballs, and so does Heinrich
<Heinrich_Baade> But the other guards will get alerted, most likely. So we need to move faste once we attack.
<Myrmidon> 3 hits, all guards and any plants within 3 10m cubes are swarmed
<OrionJA> Alexsey can one shot them both
<Alexsey_Mitriov> how many guards are there?
<Heinrich_Baade> Sure.
<OrionJA> two at the front, two and the back
<OrionJA> more inside you assume
<Myrmidon> no my beez they are on fire D:
<Heinrich_Baade> We're probably going to torch the swarms too, then.
<Heinrich_Baade> Sorrp.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so heinrich, you go take out the other two? what are your dice?
<Heinrich_Baade> 14 dice
<Heinrich_Baade> 6 Logic.
<OrionJA> okay yeah
<OrionJA> you two can take out all 4 guards
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah, I'll nuke front, you nuke back
<OrionJA> what does wolfboy do?
<Thomas_Garlan> War form into werewolf shape, and wait for the luminaires to react so I can go after them?
<OrionJA> okay
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I get 7 hits on first guy
<OrionJA> alright round zero is over
<OrionJA> all the guards are dead
<OrionJA> dude you can buy hits
<Thomas_Garlan> I'm a werewolf now.
<Myrmidon> you already were
<OrionJA> round 1:
<Alexsey_Mitriov> oh right
<Myrmidon> you're just toothier now
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I guess
<OrionJA> what do?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> start burning planst
<Myrmidon> BEEZ
<Alexsey_Mitriov> plants
<Heinrich_Baade> 1 hit on initiative.
<OrionJA> okay
<Heinrich_Baade> I could just set the warehouse on fire.
<Thomas_Garlan> Just a sec, rolling init
<OrionJA> if you buy hits you get what 4?
<OrionJA> 5?
<Myrmidon> 2 on init
<Alexsey_Mitriov> 3 hits?
<OrionJA> you don't even need initiative against plants
<Alexsey_Mitriov> 15/4=3...
<OrionJA> I'm just trying to figure out how long it takes you to kill them
<OrionJA> They soak 4 per shot
<Thomas_Garlan> Five hits.
<OrionJA> and they have 23 health boxes with healing
<Thomas_Garlan> oh.
<OrionJA> err... 20
<OrionJA> so yeah, you can kill one plant per turn
<OrionJA> unless you roll high enough for instant death, which is unlikely
<OrionJA> you can try for it if you want or just accept that you killed one
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I have 7 raw before soak, and threshold to hit is like, 2 if we get closer
<OrionJA> (there are 2 plants per door)
<Myrmidon> How long does it take me to get Doom Flies down to 3/round...
<OrionJA> Myrmidon, i don't understand what you're asking
<Heinrich_Baade> We don't have to kill them all. We just need enough room to get to the door.
<Myrmidon> With Abyss of the Body, net hits reduce the duration of the disease
<Myrmidon> and I think you can shorten it with more applications
<OrionJA> well there are two plants ready to attack people who go through is more the point
<Myrmidon> so with enough hits from swarms, I can potentially get Doom Flies down to doing as much damage as a typical dose of Soulless venom
<Thomas_Garlan> Okay.
<Thomas_Garlan> So let's kill those two plants.
<OrionJA> doom flies takes an incredibly long times
<Heinrich_Baade> Go for it.
<OrionJA> if you want to deal combat-time damage, pick a different disease
<OrionJA> I'll let you respec
<OrionJA> okay
<OrionJA> so that's rounds 1 and 2
<OrionJA> round 3: what do?
<Myrmidon> :/
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Okay, how do we want to go in now?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I should have brought a zombie or 5
<Myrmidon> Actually cooties sounds more useful than doom flies, especially since I'm already close to just being this group's face :/
<Heinrich_Baade> I assume that I can't make a Phantasm of us not being there.
<Myrmidon> Even though it does zero damage :/
<OrionJA> Seriously with like 4 net hits
<OrionJA> it would still take 20 minutes to KO someone
<Myrmidon> yeah true
<Myrmidon> I"m mostly thinking of the "you hit a second time? Add more hits!"
<Myrmidon> From DoTs
<OrionJA> Baade: I'd let you make a phantasm that obscured you
<OrionJA> but yeah
<OrionJA> oh
<OrionJA> well then
<Heinrich_Baade> Cool. Invisibility sphere.
<Myrmidon> Disguise us in a Godzilla party float
<OrionJA> with 2 to 3 hits you could get it doing a box per turn
<Heinrich_Baade> Seriously?
<Myrmidon> <_<
<OrionJA> Sorry, I meant to be more clear
<Myrmidon> Maybe actual Godzilla
<OrionJA> You can make a phantasm of something solid and nhide behind it
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so... murder people inside how?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> burn down the Dreamlands side barn?
<OrionJA> well, the doors are heavy steel and padlocked, but your werewolf could bash it in
<Thomas_Garlan> Isn't there a guy inside we want to drag out?
<OrionJA> alternately he could smash through the wall or roof of the greenhouse
<Alexsey_Mitriov> but is he on Dreamlands side?
<OrionJA> you don't know
<Alexsey_Mitriov> that was my point
<Alexsey_Mitriov> we could burn down this side, then portal in
<Heinrich_Baade> Alright, the dew in the grass darkens temporarily as Heinrich draws upon his infernal power, and then he disapperas from view along with anyone standing next to him.
<Thomas_Garlan> If he's on this side.
<OrionJA> I don't know how well you can burn down a steel and glass structure
<Thomas_Garlan> He dies in the fire.
<OrionJA> but Thomas has devastation
<Myrmidon> A 50% chance of mission failure by our own actions are not good odds :/
<OrionJA> so getting in is not difficult
<Alexsey_Mitriov> Devestate away
<Heinrich_Baade> You hear a voice whisper in your ears: Lets do this quietly. Stick close.
<Heinrich_Baade> You coming in with me?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I stay the fuck to the side of the door, Phantasm a door on this side of the door
<Alexsey_Mitriov> then when he breaks the door, and we open it, it will look like there is still a door there
<OrionJA> oh okay so you are using a door
* Myrmidon dials up smell to sense through illusions and hides inside the illusion
<OrionJA> front or back?
<Heinrich_Baade> OK. I can do that too.
<Thomas_Garlan> typically we want to go in through the back.
* Heinrich_Baade slowly walks to the back door.
<Thomas_Garlan> Okay.
<Thomas_Garlan> Is the back also heavily fortified?
<OrionJA> same defense
<OrionJA> already removed
<Alexsey_Mitriov> hmm
<OrionJA> so you bust down the door and move in
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I don't move in
<Thomas_Garlan> Awesome.
<Thomas_Garlan> I move in.
<OrionJA> there's a vestabule with a mix of civilian clothes and militia gear on racks...and strewan around
<OrionJA> you can hear footsteps
<Heinrich_Baade> Rip the door back off the frame, leaving an illusion.
<OrionJA> there's a hall that connects to a big room that should border on the greenhouse. you can hear several people breathing on the other side of the door, and a weir electrical hum
<Heinrich_Baade> Oh, and I pull out my gun, sand, seeds, etc.
<Thomas_Garlan> Oh.
<Thomas_Garlan> Okay.
<Thomas_Garlan> I'm gonna break the door down. That cool?
<OrionJA> sure
<Alexsey_Mitriov> are there shadows inside?
<Heinrich_Baade> Be my guest.
<Thomas_Garlan> Hope it wasn't expensive.
<Thomas_Garlan> Oh wait.
<Thomas_Garlan> Yes I do.
* Myrmidon pulls out whatever of his salt can isn't already tainted
<Thomas_Garlan> Yeah, I ready my counterspell stuff first.
* Myrmidon also sends in bug spies
<Thomas_Garlan> Then give the door a taste of werewolf shoulder.
<OrionJA> I mean, it's a room with no windows lit by overhead lighting
<OrionJA> but at the veyr least the people have shadows
<Alexsey_Mitriov> well, ambient light
<Alexsey_Mitriov> from Dreamlands yes?
<OrionJA> okay you send a bug spy in
<OrionJA> there's five fishmen with uzis
<Myrmidon> Telepathically relay that
<OrionJA> did we rule on whether flyspies get your Discernment?
<OrionJA> I'm assuming they do not
<Alexsey_Mitriov> You gave them it before
<Myrmidon> I also assume they do not
<OrionJA> oh okay
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I think you gave them super senses
<Myrmidon> though I do get my Perception bonus since I use my Perception through them
<Alexsey_Mitriov> but not aura sigt
<OrionJA> okay
<OrionJA> well I'll make a consistent ruling later
<OrionJA> anyway
<Heinrich_Baade> Your body colony should be treated as 'you' anyway.
<Heinrich_Baade> So, uzis.
<Thomas_Garlan> Ha, just uzis?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'm going to ask real quick for my standard loadout
<Alexsey_Mitriov> that I forgot to mention
<Alexsey_Mitriov> also, remember that phone I preped before, but never used
<Heinrich_Baade> How big is the room?
<Myrmidon> I have my "oh man mission" loadout D:
<Thomas_Garlan> I have my...only loadout.
<Myrmidon> Which also means I'm in my power rangers ripoff outfit
<Thomas_Garlan> Which is WOLF
*** MisterCavern has joined #aftersundown
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I think I still have that, I'm going to give it to Zach and have him toss it in there where it will do the most damage
<Myrmidon> with a "respirator" that actually blocks everything
<Myrmidon> including air
<MisterCavern> I missed something clearly
<Myrmidon> ...please tell me it doesn't have Rick Astley on it
*** OrionJA has quit IRC: Ping timeout
<Alexsey_Mitriov> it blows up
<Alexsey_Mitriov> my phone
<Heinrich_Baade> Ah, so how big is the room?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> it has C4,and Zach can toss it in, to blow up
<MisterCavern> okay so you open the door and throw the phone in real quick?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'
<Myrmidon> I have my bugs fly-toss it in and retreat
<Myrmidon> then give the mental thumbs-up
<MisterCavern> okay
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'm giving the phone to zack, since he can aim well before the door is opened
<MisterCavern> Zach can I get a perception check from you?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'm standing around the corner
<Myrmidon> int-based?
<MisterCavern> Alexsey approximately what kind of damage do you think this should do?
<MisterCavern> yeah
<Myrmidon> 7 hits
<Alexsey_Mitriov> well, it does 8 raw damage, with no resistance to everyone within 50cm of the explosion, then it does 4 damage to everyone outside 50cm but within 100cm
<Alexsey_Mitriov> then 2, then 1
<Myrmidon> I do the impossible
<Myrmidon> and possibly see the invisible
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so aimed well, depending on how close they are clustered, it could kill 1 or 2
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and hurt maybe a third
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<OrionJA> I keep getting DCed
<Thomas_Garlan> I need to go to bed.
<Thomas_Garlan> Since I'm sick.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> you have two accounts on MC
*** MisterCavern has quit IRC: Ping timeout
<Thomas_Garlan> Okay, so I have to go.
<Thomas_Garlan> See you all later.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay
<Heinrich_Baade> See ya
*** OrionJA has quit IRC: Ping timeout
<Alexsey_Mitriov> call it a night?
<Heinrich_Baade> Hopefully you'll get to do more next time.
*** MisterCavern has joined #aftersundown
<Myrmidon> yus
<Myrmidon> good night new person
<Heinrich_Baade> MC, people are talking about calling it a night.
<Heinrich_Baade> Is there a good stopping point in sight?
<MisterCavern> Not really
<MisterCavern> Let's break
<MisterCavern> I can deal cards now if people want
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I like cards
<MisterCavern> or reserve them for a more natural breakpoint
<Myrmidon> let's deal 'em
<MisterCavern> Death, Hanged Man, Seven of Swords
<Alexsey_Mitriov> can we confirm previous arrangment of me to heinrich, heinric to teen wolf, zach to heinrich, and teen wolf to me
<MisterCavern> King and Page of Pentacles
<Myrmidon> sure
<Thomas_Garlan> um
<Thomas_Garlan> tom is 29
<Alexsey_Mitriov> but you are a teen, and a wolf
<Alexsey_Mitriov> seriously, you are complaining about a nickname? bee guy?
<MisterCavern> my fault
<MisterCavern> I always refers to mi go as "dude made of bees"
<Heinrich_Baade> Bees and Disease.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> antlions
<Heinrich_Baade> To quote the Wu Tang Clan.
<Myrmidon> Okay: Basic or advanced Orphic Sorcery
<Myrmidon> +1 physical, mental, or social attribute
<Myrmidon> +1 Drive
<Myrmidon> +1 any skill
<Myrmidon> specialization in any skill
<Alexsey_Mitriov> was that all of them?
<Myrmidon> yep, 5 cards
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay
<Alexsey_Mitriov> anyone besides me capable of using an advanced orphic?
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<Heinrich_Baade> Don't think so.
<Myrmidon> Not me
<Alexsey_Mitriov> actually, looiking at it, none of the advanced orphics I have are terribly useful to me
<Heinrich_Baade> Cloak of Shadows?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> oh shit
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah, that ones good
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so
<Alexsey_Mitriov> it's between that, or I take it and get the basic gift of health
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and then gifth + revive allows me to heal everyone to full all the time
<OrionJA> there are some decent orphics for the teen wolf also
<Myrmidon> Yeah. My interest in basic Orphics is limited to expanding my vision into the Gloom or Shadow Casting. Or maybe bug poison.
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<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay, then maybe he should get it
<OrionJA> if you give him Gift of Health you can heal up OR power up by drinking his blood
<OrionJA> giving him poison would be amusing
<OrionJA> but probably worse than giving it to zach
<Alexsey_Mitriov> well, the issue is
<Heinrich_Baade> Glimpse the Abyss.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I don't have Str or Willpower
<Heinrich_Baade> I mean for the werewolfp
<Alexsey_Mitriov> or Athletics or Expression
<OrionJA> the werewolf doesn't have any orphic yet
<OrionJA> so you could only give him a basic
<Heinrich_Baade> Oh, right.
<Heinrich_Baade> That's bagheera
<Myrmidon> What *does* our fine furry friend have for his added disciplines?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> okay, so heres the thing
<OrionJA> Nimble Feet, Devastation, Hide From Notice, and...
<OrionJA> umm...
<Heinrich_Baade> Gift of Blood is honestly a great idea.
<OrionJA> Restoration?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I have a better source of power points than the werewolf
<OrionJA> that's true
<Heinrich_Baade> True.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I have power sucking, and ritual
<OrionJA> and he doesn't really have enough power points to make it practical to use him for Vigor buffs
<Alexsey_Mitriov> yeah
<OrionJA> unless you have a way to feed him power points
<Heinrich_Baade> Gift of Blood would do that
<Heinrich_Baade> ..
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so, I think I should take either Gift of Blood, or Shadow CLoak thing
<Myrmidon> Gift of Health
<Myrmidon> is the name
<Myrmidon> Oh, if you did Shadow Cloak you and wolfy could be super action ninja team
<Heinrich_Baade> Is there any equitable way to allocate these cards?
<Myrmidon> Not really
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I think, that someone besides me takes the attribute, again
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and I take the Sorcery
<Myrmidon> We should probably not have the Lycanthrope drive.
<OrionJA> oh
<Heinrich_Baade> So you don't want the skill this time?
<OrionJA> he doesn't have resto
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and someone else takes the skill point, anyone need that for their main stick?
<OrionJA> he has Dismissal
<Alexsey_Mitriov> So... the thing is
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'd take the skill, but who else can make a better use of the Orphic Sorcery?
<OrionJA> you guys work it out
<OrionJA> I'm done for the night
<OrionJA> thx
<Alexsey_Mitriov> night
<Heinrich_Baade> Night.
*** OrionJA has quit IRC: Quit:
<Alexsey_Mitriov> oh shti
<Alexsey_Mitriov> sit
<Alexsey_Mitriov> shit
<Heinrich_Baade> The only thing I'd use the sorcery for is Gift of Life.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> hey guys
<Heinrich_Baade> ?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> that's what I'd use it for, and I have the best power point
<Alexsey_Mitriov> thing
<Heinrich_Baade> K
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so here's the issue
<Alexsey_Mitriov> if we actually play by the rules
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I think that we can only give Lure of Destruction to someone
<Alexsey_Mitriov> because I have a book of that, but no one else has a book of anything
<Myrmidon> Oh. Yeah. There is that limitation.
<Heinrich_Baade> I don't think you need a book for karmic advancement.
<Myrmidon> I think you do.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I mean, I also have Necromancy, but no on wants a basic of that, and I don't want Nightcry
<Myrmidon> You don't otherwise *get* sorceries.
<Heinrich_Baade> You do have Path of Blood.
<Heinrich_Baade> Already.
<Myrmidon> That is the *only* thing that the book restriction could possibly have anything to do with.
<Heinrich_Baade> So there's not really a problem.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> SO I could take an advanced that I would suck at
<Myrmidon> Yeah, any of us who have Orphics can teach each other those Orphics I suspect.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> no, i don't have a book of Path of Blood
<Heinrich_Baade> You don't need a book to learn Path of Blood when you already have Path of Blood!
<Myrmidon> You could teach someone else Thaum. Forensics, but that isn't really something that benefits from having more than one person have it
<Heinrich_Baade> You only need the book to learn it if you don't already have it.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I do need a book to learn a Path of Blood I don't have
<Heinrich_Baade> Luckily, it doesn't work that way.
<Myrmidon> Uh
<Alexsey_Mitriov> anyway, so, Tongue of Serpent give poison to either bug guy (and by extension all his bugs) or touch of darkness or poison to werewolf guy, who can then use that to get Glimpse of Abyss or Withering later
<Myrmidon> Why do you suppose it doesn't work that way?
<Alexsey_Mitriov> because he's Carthaz, and the rules are beneath him
<Myrmidon> I still want a neural stack trace :D
<Heinrich_Baade> Because the way the game is set up, it only looks at whether you have a discipline. You are considered to have "Song of Swarms" as soon as you have Swarm Body.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> so, let's post this issue in the after sundown bug list thread
<Heinrich_Baade> You don't have to learn Song of Swarms because you already have it.
<Alexsey_Mitriov> and copy paste the things we won, and we'll figure it all out later, after we have a ruling on this issue
<Heinrich_Baade> And you don't need a book to learn specific powers; just diciplines.
<Myrmidon> If we're going with that limitation, though, I wouldn't mind my one combat power having a bit more usefulness.
<Heinrich_Baade> Poison would be cool...
<Alexsey_Mitriov> like I said, make the decision later
<Alexsey_Mitriov> I'm bailing, someone post the list
<Myrmidon> Roger that.
*** Alexsey_Mitriov has left #aftersundown
*** Thomas_Garlan has left #aftersundown
<Heinrich_Baade> Alright, goodnight.
<Myrmidon> I need to post previous session as well.
<Myrmidon> g'night
*** Disconnected.
Session Close (#aftersundown): Wed Jul 06 21:55:22 2011 -0700
Cards yet to be distributed are a basic or advanced Orphic, an attribute, +1 Drive (not the werewolf), +1 any skill, and a specialization in any skill.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:I'm not going to go full-asshole, but I'm turning up the dial about 50 millikaeliks.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

So, Alexsey is probably getting the Orphic. Thomas should probably get the attribute, because he hasn't had any advancement yet. Zach can take whatever else he wants (most likely skill & specialization). I probably have the highest Drive skill, owing to Progress of Glass, so if you want me to specialize I'll take it. Otherwise Alexsey probably needs it to drive his trucks.

[Edit] Any objection to using #aftersundownOOC as well next time? All of the OOC stuff kind of detracts from the narrative. [/Edit]
Last edited by CatharzGodfoot on Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
-Anatole France

Mount Flamethrower on rear
Drive in reverse
Win Game.

-Josh Kablack

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Post by Kaelik »

So yeah, I'm taking the Orphic at one, and everyone else can commie there way to whatever, and buy it all for one too. I'll take Gift of Health, and you can all be a full health, tell me how much damage you had of what type, so I can appropriately subtract Power points.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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