[Tome] Rogue

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[Tome] Rogue

Post by erik »

I know, I know. There's not a dramatic need to update the Rogue since it handles well. But there are 3.x things that bug me and should bug everyone about the Rogue.

1. Sneak attack is totally hit or miss depending upon creature type and this is not a good thing. Just drop the shit about it only affecting the crittable critters. This should've been a change made by Tomes.
2. Trap sense is shit. And as shit, it shall be flushed away.
3. Flask throwering is cool, but not everyone's cuppa.
4. Rather than strongly suggesting every Rogue get a ring of greater blink or somesuch, hardcode it in.
5. Bonus feat shenanigans while funny, are probably too out there.
6. Rogue specials come online so late that nobody would care.
7. The skills schtick could use some additional relevance.
8. The Shadow Dancer is pointless and may as well gestalt into Rogue because it would be a pity to lose the cute powers it has (minus the infinite Shadow minion chain). This will also reinforce that Rogues are not mundane with some minor abilities that don't spoil the pot.
9. I added level appropriate spell-like's themed to the Shadow schtick since the upper levels were pretty barren.

I offer bumps by giving extra Rogue specials earlier and I parsed them out basically into skill/combat abilities.

[edit: the class was left alone for like 7 months and I noticed a typoe and then decided to give something more to level 20 because just a native outsider type was a rather underwhelming a capstone. Perma-concealment and freebie illusions are the least I could do.]

"You spit on a petty thief, but you can't deny a kind of respect for a great criminal."

The Rogue is an elusive combatant and master of misdirection who is able to actively avoid or disrupt the activities of his enemies while dispensing deadly harm. Rogues represent plucky swashbucklers and hardened criminals who tend to come out on top.

Playing a Rogue: Rogues are not front line fighters nor controllers of a battle field. Instead they are precision instruments of death and disruption. Infiltrating defenses, performing sabotage, assassination or gathering intelligence.

A level or two of Rogue can give some stealth and evasion to a martial build, but it offers decreased BAB progression which makes it a niche multiclassing dip.

Alignment: Every alignment has its share of Rogues, however most Rogues are of non-Lawful alignment.

Races: Every humanoid race has sneaks, but actual Rogues are rarer in societies that value conformity and detest trickery. While there are many Rogues among the Halflings, Gnomes and Goblins, a Rogue is rarely seen among the ranks of the Dwarves, Elves or Ogres.

Starting Gold: 4d6x10 gp (140 gold)

Starting Age: As Rogue.

Hit Die: d6
Class Skills: The Rogue’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex).
Skills/Level: 8 + Intelligence Bonus
BAB: Medium (3/4), Saves: Fort: Poor; Reflex: Good; Will: Poor

Level, Benefit
1 Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding, Combat Style
2 Evasion
3 Sneak Attack +2d6, Skill Special
4 Uncanny Dodge, Combat Style
5 Sneak Attack +3d6, Shadow Illusion
6 Skill Special, Shadow Blade
7 Sneak Attack +4d6, Combat Style
8 Improved Uncanny Dodge, Shadow Step
9 Sneak Attack +5d6, Skill Special
10 Improved Evasion, Combat Style
11 Sneak Attack +6d6, Shadow Craft
12 Skill Special
13 Sneak Attack +7d6, Shadow Walk
14 Defensive Roll, Shadow Binding
15 Sneak Attack +8d6, Skill Special, Shadow Portal
16 Iron Will, Shadow Double
17 Sneak Attack +9d6, Speed of Thought
18 Skill Special, Opportunist, Shadow Clone
19 Sneak Attack +10d6, Shadow Horror
20 Shadow Soul

All of the following are Class Features of the Rogue class:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Rogues are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. Rogues are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Sneak Attack (Ex): If a Rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can make a precision strike for extra damage.

The Rogue’s attack deals extra damage any time her target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the Rogue flanks her target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 every two Rogue levels thereafter. Should the Rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.

Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a Rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. She cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty.

A Rogue can sneak attack even against creatures without discernible anatomies. Immunity to critical hits does not grant immunity to sneak attack damage. The Rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A Rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment.

Trapfinding (Ex): Rogues (and only Rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20.
Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.

Rogues can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.
A Rogue who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with her party) without disarming it.

Combat Style (Ex):
At 1st level, a Rogue must select one of two combat styles to pursue: ranged or melee combat. This choice affects the character’s class features but does not restrict his selection of feats or special abilities in any way. If a Rogue already possesses a [Combat] feat awarded at a given level she may select a different [Combat] feat instead.

If the Rogue selected ranged combat, he may resolve ranged attacks as touch attacks if he forgoes any strength-based damage bonuses.
If the Rogue selected melee combat, he is treated as having the Weapon Finesse feat.

At 4th level the Rogue's aptitude in his chosen combat style (ranged or two-weapon combat) improves again.
If the Rogue selected ranged combat, he is treated as having the Sniper feat.
If the Rogue selected melee combat, he is treated as having the Two-Weapon Fighting feat.

At 7th level the Rogue's aptitude in his chosen combat style (ranged or two-weapon combat) improves again.
If the Rogue selected ranged combat, he is treated as having the Point Blank Shot feat.
If the Rogue selected melee combat, he is treated as having the Expert Tactician feat.

At 10th level the Rogue's aptitude in his chosen combat style (ranged or two-weapon combat) improves again.
If the Rogue selected ranged combat, he is treated as having the Hunter feat.
If the Rogue selected melee combat, he is treated as having the Whirlwind feat.

Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level and higher, a Rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the Rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless Rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Skill Special: On attaining 3rd level and at every 3 levels thereafter (6th, 9th, 12th, 15th and 18th) a Rogue may gain a [Skill] feat or skill ability from the list below.
  • Forge Goods (Su): The Rogue can use Forgery to create amazing knock-offs. As a full round action the Rogue may make a Forgery check to transform raw materials magically into the desired arrangement, as though using Fabricate with a limitation of cubic foot per class level.
    Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): The Rogue can hide in unusual locations, and may hide in areas without cover or concealment without penalty. The Rogue may even hide while being observed. This ability does not remove the -10 penalty for moving at full speed, or the -20 penalty for running or fighting.
    Nondescript (Ex): The Rogue is easily forgotten and never stands out. Whenever determining initial attitudes towards the Rogue always shift one step towards Indifferent. The Rogue is treated as an opponent having no knowledge of them for purposes of Scrying (thus gaining a +10 Will Save Modifier vs. Scry). When an opponent attempts a spot check vs. the Rogue they roll as though distracted (-5 to spot check).
    Simple Deduction (Ex): As a standard action the Rogue may make a Spot check to learn details about another person's personal life, including marital status, profession, recent activities, recent places visited and vices. DC 20 or opposed by the opponent's Disguise check whichever is higher.
    Skill Mastery (Ex): The Rogue becomes so certain in the use of skills that she can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. When making a skill check she may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent her from doing so.
    Wall Walker (Ex): The Rogue gains a climb speed equal to half their movement speed. Having a climb speed grants a +8 enhancement bonus on all Climb checks. The Rogue must make a Climb check to climb any wall or slope with a DC of more than 0, but they always can choose to take 10 even if rushed or threatened while climbing. The Rogue climbs at the given speed while climbing. If they choose an accelerated climb they move at double the given climb speed and makes a single Climb check at a -5 penalty. Rogues cannot run while climbing. The Rogue retains their Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus on their attacks against the climbing Rogue.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a Rogue can react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She retains her Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if she is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, she still loses her Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
If a Rogue already has uncanny dodge from a different class she automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead.

Shadow Illusion (Sp): When a Rogue reaches 5th level, she can create visual illusions. This ability’s effect is identical to that of the arcane spell Silent Image and may be employed once per day per Rogue class level. DC is 10 + 1/2 Rogue level + Dex mod.

Shadow Blade (Su): At 6th level the Rogue gains the ability to conjure a magical dagger made from shadows. As a free action the rogue may make a Shadow Blade appear in her hand. A Shadow Blade has an enhancement bonus to attack and damage equal to 1/6 the Rogue's level and deals 1d4 base damage. A Shadow Blade will disappear after 1 round if not held by the Rogue.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A Rogue of 8th level or higher can no longer be flanked.
This defense denies another Rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking her, unless the attacker has at least four more Rogue levels than the target does.
If a character already has uncanny dodge from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum Rogue level required to flank the character.

Shadow Step (Sp): At 8th level the Rogue gains the ability to step back and forth between the ethereal plane. The Rogue can use Greater Blink as a spell-like ability. This may be employed once per day per Rogue class level.

Improved Evasion (Ex): This ability gained at 10th level works like Evasion, except that while the Rogue still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks henceforth she takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless Rogue does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

Shadow Craft (Sp): At 11th level the Rogue can use Minor Creation as a spell-like ability to create temporary objects from shadows. The Rogue may use an appropriate craft skill or a Forgery check in order to create the object. This may be employed three times per day.

Defensive Roll (Ex): At 12th level the Rogue can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than she otherwise would. Once per day, when she would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), the Rogue can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this ability, the Rogue must attempt a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If the save succeeds, she takes only half damage from the blow; if it fails, she takes full damage. She must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute her defensive roll—if she is denied her Dexterity bonus to AC, she can’t use this ability. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the Rogue’s evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll.

Shadow Walk (Sp): At 13th level the Rogue gains the ability to travel between shadows as if by means of a Shadow Walk spell. The Rogue may employ this ability once per day.

Shadow Binding (Su): At 14th level the Rogue is able to disrupt magical movement with her precision strikes. When a Rogue deals Sneak Attack damage against a target it is as though the target was struck by a casting of Dimensional Anchor.

Shadow Portal (Sp): At 15th level the Rogue gains the ability to create shadow portals through walls as if by means of a Phase Door spell. The Rogue may employ this ability three times per day.

Iron Will (Ex): At 16th level the Rogue gains the Iron Will feat including Slippery Mind-
Slippery Mind (Ex)
This ability represents the Rogue’s ability to wriggle free from magical effects that would otherwise control or compel her. If a Rogue with slippery mind is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails her saving throw, she can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. She gets only this one extra chance to succeed on her saving throw.

Shadow Double (Sp): At 16th level the Rogue gains the ability to create an illusionary double as the spell Mislead. DC is 10 + 1/2 Rogue level + Dex mod. The Rogue may employ this ability three times per day.

Speed of Thought (Sp):At 17th level the Rogue gains the ability to stop time as the spell Time Stop. The Rogue may employ this ability twice per day.

Opportunist (Ex): At 18th level the Rogue gains the ability to once per round, make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character. This attack counts as one attack of opportunity for that round. Even a Rogue with the Combat Reflexes feat can’t use the Opportunist ability more than once per round.

Shadow Clone (Sp):At 18th level the Rogue gains the ability to create an inert duplicate of her body as a soul-receptacle per the spell Clone. The Rogue may only have one Shadow Clone at a time and the Rogue may employ this ability once per week.

Shadow Horror (Sp):At 19th level the Rogue gains the ability to summon deadly horrors as the spell Weird. DC is 10 + 1/2 Rogue level + Dex mod. The Rogue may employ this ability once per day.

Shadow Soul (Su): At 20th level, a Rogue ascends into being a magical creature of shadow. She is forevermore treated as a native outsider rather than as a humanoid (or whatever the Rogue's creature type was) for the purpose of spells and magical effects. Additionally, the Rogue gains damage reduction 10/magic, which allows her to ignore the first 10 points of damage from any attack made by a nonmagical weapon or by any natural attack made by a creature that doesn’t have similar damage reduction.

Shadows cling to the Shadow Souled Rogue. The Rogue can choose to become as a shade and benefit from concealment as a swift action. This may be rescinded as a swift action as well.

The Shadow Souled Rogue can use Shadow Illusion as a swift action at will.
Last edited by erik on Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:06 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Post by ubernoob »

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Post by erik »

That's fair. I figured it was easier to trim than add more so started on the heavy side. I don't think that 8 feats is too powerful per se, but it is a lot of crap to write down and remember. I was torn on the skill specials for that very reason since they are mostly fluff abilities, but some folk like that.

Does 6 seem proper (4,7,10,13,16,19) and just combine Combat/Avoidance for a more comprehensive list?

I'm resistant to going to the old model of having only 4 mostly because they started at level 10 and that's too damned late to start making choices that matter.
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Post by ubernoob »

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Post by Kaelik »

Honestly, you complain about not giving Rogues Blink as part of the class even though they will all have it, and dumpster diving to beat immunities when they should just get it in the class.

On a compound note, I really feel like Rogues should get a variation of the Ranger fighting styles thing. SA is either going to be used with TWFing or at range, because that is how it does damage. So just give them a choice (or hell, give them both) at level 4 or 6 or something (because I'm not sure a one level dip for Rogue Combat styles is a good thing) and have that work for one of their features, then at level 8 give them the deny dex ability, but give it some counterplay, so like Blink has at least see invis that deals with it.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by OgreBattle »

How about making ability damage a shtick of theirs. Not just STR but also DEX, CON, then a way to stab stuff in the INT, WIS, CHA later on. It's thematically appropriate that a Rogue can attack a target in its weakest stat to kill it (say, reducing a dragon's dex to 0), so sneak attack graduates from being just hitpoint damage focused and the guards can find the king's shriveled corpse and go "ye gawds he died of FRIGHT!" and James Bond can slap a woman until her WIS is low enough to get her to spill the beans.

Are you planning this Rogue to be used with skill feats too? If so, getting free skill feats at X levels would fit in. So TOME Fighter focuses on [combat], TOME Rogue focuses on [skill]

Any way Trap Finding can morph into something cooler like "Spidey Sense" where the Rogue just knows something awful is about to happen or when the doomsday weapon is going to be deployed.
Last edited by OgreBattle on Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:45 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by erik »

Did [Skill] feats ever get finalized? The only one I remembered was Mounted Combat. Ah, nevamind. I just downloaded a Tome PDF that has skill feats. I'm not super-impressed with them, but even still, having bonus [skill] feats is probably better than my hack job of throwing minor spell effects on. And my plan was to make it Tome compatible so that'll do.

For Dex damage the Rogue can take the Subtle Cut feat and at +6 BAB deal 2d4 Dex damage as a standard action. That's probably sufficient and can leave that to the player to grab it at level 9 with a normal feat if they felt like it.

A side note about Tome [Combat] feats on Rogues, they're less impressive than on a Fighter due to BAB advancement. 6 Rogue Combat feats may well be comparable to 4 Fighter Combat feats.

I'll rejigger this with Skill feats, less Combat feats and offering a limited set of tracks (Ranged vs. TWF) as Kaelik suggested. It'll hafta wait a bit tho, sleep calls and work thereafter.
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Post by ubernoob »

Last edited by ubernoob on Tue Jun 09, 2015 1:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by erik »


Added Combat Styles
Removed the horde of selectable abilities, and hard-coded mostly the rogue defensive abilities which matched with the Shadow Dancer to give a coherent magical theme to the rogue.
Added Shadow Illusion and Shadow Double (Mislead SLA)
Removed the Leadership gain.

By the by Ubernoob, it's moot but I'll splain myself. I wasn't adding Combat feats for no reason. I was adding them as a replacement for the 4 Bonus feats rogues already got (i.e. better than just Combat feats). I was annoyed that they came so late that nobody should really bother to care. They could have a level 20 ability "All Da Feat" where a class gets every single Combat feat and nobody would care because it is 20th damn level.

Anywho, I was going to move them earlier because they should be earlier, and wanted to compensate for the decrease from being full Bonus feats to being only a thematic selection from a drastically smaller list which is why I initially increased the number.

I have now scaled it back not because I am concerned about the power level but rather the messy character sheet and messy class write-up. I would rather the Rogue use their extra character sheet space to manage their spell-items instead.

A wand of Divine Power is a trick available to every Rogue's bag, sure, but wasting a combat round to cast it is a choice, not an imperative (unlike a means of almost guaranteeing SA capability every round). Likewise using a scroll of Tenser's Transformation. I would not give full BAB just because characters can spend a combat action via a magic item in order to gain full BAB.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

I like the idea of a 'shadow thief' class for lazy rogue players, but I'd probably try to bring it more obviously into line with a min-maxed rogue.

Level 1 -- Weapon Finesse (because they are supposedly Dex-based)
Level 2 -- Assassin's Aim: A shadow thief can resolve attacks made with weapons on their class list as touch attacks if they forgo adding their strength bonus to damage (because flasks & wraithstrike).
Level 4 -- Assassin's Eye: By making a spot check as a move action, a shadow thief becomes able, for one minute, to sneak attack a type of creature that is normally immune (because golem strike, grave strike, and vine strike).
Level 6 -- Shadow Step: A shadow thief can can use Blink as a spell-like ability (because that is about when they would buy the wand to UMD).
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Post by ubernoob »

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Post by erik »

I rejiggered things a bit on the front end with Catharz's suggestions in mind.

I didn't give touch attacks to melee because I'd rather not assume people use Wraith Strike. I dunno. Besides if they want they can take Whispers of the Otherworld and Ghost Cut Technique, then they can get shadow minions and Wraith Strike.

I wanted to erratify Sneak Attack not just for the Rogue via a patch ability, but for any class that references Sneak Attack a la Rogue (Jester, Thief Acrobat, etc.) which is why I want to include in the description of Sneak Attack itself that it is not contingent upon the target being crittable.

On the back end, things were pretty barren so I added a bunch more Shadow Schtick abilities, pulling from level and theme appropriate spells. My process was:

1) Is this worth putting on your character sheet?
2) Does this fit with the theme?
3) Is this stepping on the toes of another class too heavily?
4) Does this leave anything worthwhile for the character to do with their non-class features? (Character Level Feats, Items)
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Post by erik »

Any thoughts on whether Underworld Connections are worth including? I'm on the fence.

I think those kind of benefits are best left off the class and instead should anyone ever write up perks of organization membership that might be a good place to put em.

I'm removing them from the class but leaving them here for my own reference for later some day
Underworld Connections (Ex): Through various guilds and networks a Rogue can send messages and packages quickly when in areas with an active thieves guild or similar organization.

At 2nd level the Rogue may send a brief message through the network reaching an intended recipient within 24 hours so long as that recipient is within the local area and not actively hidden or disguised.

At 6th level the Rogue may tap the local information network for a contact who can provide the results of a gather information check DC 25 within 10 minutes rather than 1d4+1 hours.

At 12th level the Rogue may requisition a magic item worth up to 4000 gp x their level. The item is typically delivered within 24 hours. If the item is not paid for or returned in the same condition it was presented within 7 days of being accepted then the Rogue loses all Underworld Connection benefits and is treated as Hostile by default among underworld organizations until double the price is repaid.
Last edited by erik on Mon Mar 31, 2014 3:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by OgreBattle »

erik wrote:Any thoughts on whether Underworld Connections are worth including? I'm on the fence.
sometimes somene wants Batman to be a Rogue, so you could leave it out or make it one of various options. Yeah just give the rogue full BAB, the only partial BAB classes in Tomes are magic users.
Last edited by OgreBattle on Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by erik »

I am not sold on full BAB. I would need convinced on the numbers that rogues need to hit more often and need more attacks. I get that they want more but I do not buy that they need more.

I think their damage output is sufficient so long as they can expect to be be dealing sneak attacks. To make up the couple missing BAB a rogue will maneuver for flank or get flatfootedness on the target.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Underworld connections; yes.

The "shadow" aspects... I'm not so sure. I see rogues as being more about 'independance', 'urban', '(pseduo-)sophistication'/'charlatanery', than specifically a singular character whose main powers are "shadow manipulation".

Seriously; all it takes is one player who: wants to set things on fire (any rogue who fell in love with Alchemist's Fire; or who generally likes using firebombs to deal with crowds of monsters), larcenize every NPC they think is worth it (this is almost a Trope for the class; see Haley from Order of the Stick, and Theif from 8-Bit Theatre), or who simply plays a diplomat (or Diplomancer, even) to make the "shadow" flavour seem incongruous.

I can't say that I have a proper replacement however. Pragmatic brutality, limitless greed, and sophisticated urbanism, are all viable directions to have a "rogue" be defined as.

To be fair, this isn't a new or immediate, issue. People have been trying to define "rogue" since, well "Rogue" in the 1980's. That image of a rogue is one that is both indelible, and incongruous with most presentations of the character type. In original Rogue, the PC wears a chain shirt, wields a mace; has no stealth abilities of note; and casts magic spells off of scrolls without any mishap or even knowing what the spell on the scroll is.

Ubernoob, and Kaelik's, assessments on [Combat] Feats being more powers than most people initially assume is straight on the money. They, and myself, witnessed what happens when a "Character Optmization Challenge" human rogue 1/Tome Monk 1/Frank Bard 1/RoW Fighter 11 (or RoW Fighter 17) has in terms of "always on powers" due to feats.

Playing the character myself, I'd compare it with my experience in DMing. the lists of powers that are seemingly small, but collectively massive feels sort of like reading a monster entry where the monster has not two or five powers; but forty plus. With that many options, you're sure to miss something vital; and if you voltron everything together, the resulting actions that are possible will be greater than merely their summation.

Which I've seen result in vast arrays of potential synergies that makes them game-breaking.

When I re-visited the character, at a higher level; their in game shenanigans involved ignoring basic D&D notions such as killing monsters (however, that's me speaking as a wargamer); or believing that your alignment == your moral compass. Mostly because the character was far enough removed from the concerns of the other players, and their characters, that they were able to philosophize and strategize the "truly" most effective ways to wage an infinitely long war between Good and Evil (most of said strategies being: make Evil look like a joke/useless/a dead end for ambitions).

In any case, managing dozens of power entries is a nightmare; watching them in play is like watching the Full BaB equivalent of a Wizard dropping their most cunning spells combinations. Which is incrediblyproblematic because while the Wizard's spell slots run out, the [Combat] feats are on-going. Only gaming groups where the Wizard routinely takes in-adventure breaks to recharge spell slots are going to remotely as overpowered seeming.

In conclusion, [Combat] feats have a tendency to work exactly for Martial characters the way that Spells work for spellcasters. When they are combined they Katamari Damacy together into something that has game-breaking powers in some aspects of the game (in this case, 'combat'). Even if half of the feats are used on "defensive" [Combat] feats, having half a dozen feats that synergize, even tangentally with other Class abilities or Feats, is going to be crazy in combat.

However, even a character with multiple "combat enders" is going to have weaknesses; and a characters weaknesses help to define who they are, just as much as their strengths. The most important thing is for the Mister Cavern to be competent enough to realize where a PC has glaring weakpoints, even in the face of their seemingly overwhelming strengths.

I tend to run games with people who aren't amazing at optimization; the encounters I select and structured with them tended to be ones whose difficulty was just a bit shy of where the PCs could achieve at their best. Specifically to maintain a sufficiently high illusion of potential failure. Players will remember the encounter where if took everyone in the party to grapple a single baddie, before the PCs could facestab them over and over until they died... than they will a bunch of monsters that they are fighting in room after room of faceless monsters that they're wasting and moving on from.
Last edited by Judging__Eagle on Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:15 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by erik »

I could completely de-shadow it and instead make a 10 level Shadow Dancer Rogue class that was worth taking. Maybe I'll make two versions, vanilla rogue and a shorter shadow rogue class. That will have to wait until I am up to putting in an extra effort tho.
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Post by Judging__Eagle »

Don't get too worked up trying to do so. Overall, this class works, which is the intent, and flavour is totally mutable.

I just wanted to indicate that "shadow" flavour is better suited for a type of character, but not necessarily for a type of class.
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Post by Koumei »

I'm all for making Shadow Dancer part of the Rogue class. And this one pretty much works. It looks good enough that I'd use it as a standard character option.
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Post by TarkisFlux »

If it's not particularly shadow themed until level 6 (and I haven't read through recent changes to actually know if it is), then it doesn't matter. People who don't want shadow powers will PrC out, and everyone else gets mandatory phlebotinum and is better for it.
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Re: [Tome] Rogue

Post by erik »

An update. Or Tome Shadow Rogue 2.0 if you will...

Rogue 2.0
I've been playing rogues and such and their damage per round with TWF is just stupidly high. And in the last years I grew disillusioned with combat feats, deciding they weren't the way. So this version of rogue focuses more on being able to reliably sneak attack, and loses some of the absurd max DPS. Sneak attack below does have slight tweaks to allow targeting unliving creatures and those that have discernible anatomies.

Use Magic Device is a bit of an abomination. I'd rather just give rogues the ability to cast a handful of spells as SLAs and nerf UMD. UMD in my opinion should not be able to emulate class levels beyond level 1, and mainly should be a trick for avoiding non-level gated restrictions. Using spell trigger: Yes, spell completion: No. This would mean that a rogue using a staff could emulate level 1 and cast using the caster level of the staff, but not elicit more powerful usage than a high level caster might. And emulating 1 monk level with a monk's belt can get you some extra benefits, but you cannot emulate a high level monk and surpass an actual monk. That manner of usage has always been broken.

"You spit on a petty thief, but you can't deny a kind of respect for a great criminal."

The Rogue is an elusive combatant and master of misdirection who is able to actively avoid or disrupt the activities of their enemies while dispensing deadly harm. Rogues represent plucky swashbucklers and hardened criminals who tend to come out on top.

Playing a Rogue: Rogues are not front line fighters nor controllers of a battle field. Instead they are precision instruments of death and disruption. Infiltrating defenses, performing sabotage, assassination or gathering intelligence.

A level or two of Rogue can give some stealth and evasion to a martial build, but it offers decreased BAB progression which makes it a niche multiclassing dip.

Alignment: Every alignment has its share of Rogues, however most Rogues are of non-Lawful alignment.

Races: Every humanoid race has sneaks, but actual Rogues are rarer in societies that value conformity and detest trickery. While there are many Rogues among the Halflings, Gnomes and Goblins, a Rogue is rarely seen among the ranks of the Dwarves, Elves or Ogres.

Starting Gold: 4d6x10 gp (140 gold)

Starting Age: As Rogue.

Hit Die: d6
Class Skills: The Rogue’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), and Use Rope (Dex).
Skills/Level: 8 + Intelligence Bonus
BAB: Medium (3/4), Saves: Fort: Poor; Reflex: Good; Will: Poor

Level, Benefit
1 Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding, Shadow Craft, Finesse
2 Evasion, Shade (Concealment), Shadow Magic 10% (1st level)
3 Sneak Attack +2d6, Shadow Skill, Shadow Blade (Masterwork)
4 Uncanny Dodge, Shadow Magic 20%
5 Sneak Attack +3d6, Shadow Skill, Shadow Illusion
6 Shadow Blade (Magic), Shade (Total Concealment), Shadow Magic 30% (2nd level)
7 Sneak Attack +4d6, Shadow Skill
8 Improved Uncanny Dodge, Shadow Magic 40%
9 Sneak Attack +5d6, Shadow Skill
10 Improved Evasion, Shadow Magic 50% (3rd level)
11 Sneak Attack +6d6, Shadow Skill, Shadow Blade (Sharpness)
12 Shadow Magic 60%
13 Sneak Attack +7d6, Shadow Skill
14 Defensive Roll, Shadow Binding, Shadow Magic 70% (4th level)
15 Sneak Attack +8d6, Shadow Skill, Shadow Skill Perfection
16 Slippery Mind, Shadow Blade (Ruin), Shadow Skill Perfection, Shadow Magic 80%
17 Sneak Attack +9d6, Shadow Skill, Shadow Skill Perfection, Speed of Thought
18 Opportunist, Shadow Skill Perfection, Shadow Magic 90% (5th level)
19 Sneak Attack +10d6, Shadow Skill, Shadow Skill Perfection
20 Shadow Soul, Shadow Skill Perfection, Shadow Magic 100%

All of the following are Class Features of the Rogue class:
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Rogues are proficient with all simple weapons, plus the hand crossbow, rapier, sap, shortbow, and short sword. Rogues are proficient with light armor, but not with shields.

Sneak Attack (Ex): If a Rogue can catch an opponent when they are unable to defend himself effectively from their attack, they can make a precision strike for extra damage.

The Rogue’s attack deals extra damage any time their target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the Rogue flanks their target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and it increases by 1d6 every two Rogue levels thereafter. Should the Rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.

Ranged attacks can count as sneak attacks only if the target is within 30 feet.

With a sap (blackjack) or an unarmed strike, a Rogue can make a sneak attack that deals nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. They cannot use a weapon that deals lethal damage to deal nonlethal damage in a sneak attack, not even with the usual -4 penalty.

A rogue can sneak attack only creatures with discernible anatomies -some elementals, oozes, plants, and incorporeal creatures lack vital areas to attack. Any creature that is immune to critical hits is not vulnerable to sneak attacks. The rogue must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. A rogue cannot sneak attack while striking a creature with concealment or striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are beyond reach.

A Rogue may only apply sneak attack damage to their amount of iterative attacks per round granted by their Base Attack Bonus.

Trapfinding (Ex): Rogues (and only Rogues) can use the Search skill to locate traps when the task has a Difficulty Class higher than 20.
Finding a nonmagical trap has a DC of at least 20, or higher if it is well hidden. Finding a magic trap has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.

Rogues can use the Disable Device skill to disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the level of the spell used to create it.
A Rogue who beats a trap’s DC by 10 or more with a Disable Device check can study a trap, figure out how it works, and bypass it (with their party) without disarming it.

Shadow Craft (Su): While in an area of dim light or darkness the Rogue can use a standard action to create temporary mundane objects from shadows. The objects may be no larger than 1 cubic foot per level of the Rogue, and do not work as material components to spells. The Rogue may use these items for a number minutes equal to 10 per their Rogue level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 10 minute increments. An item created with this ability remains until the rogue is no longer touching it, or until the rogue runs out of duration for this talent, at which time it dissolves. Shadow Crafted objects are not very durable and regardless of their appearance they have 0 hardness and only 1 HP per level of the Rogue.

Finesse (Ex): Whenever a Rogue attacks with either a weapon capable of benefiting from Weapon Finesse or with a ranged weapon, they may add their Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength modifier to the attack and damage rolls. If any effect would prevent the Rogue from adding their Strength modifier to the damage roll, then they do not add their Dexterity modifier either.

Shade (Su): At 2nd level as a swift action a rogue can supernaturally cause the light around them to darken and refract creating a hazy blur, granting concealment with a 20% miss chance until the end of their next turn. At 6th level this becomes total concealment with a 50% miss chance among the other benefits of total concealment. At 10th level the Rogue does not lose concealment when attacking. This is a glamer illusion effect and is defeated by true seeing and other spells that penetrate illusions, but not by see invisible.

Evasion (Ex): At 2nd level and higher, a Rogue can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If they makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, they instead takes no damage. Evasion can be used only if the Rogue is wearing light armor or no armor. A helpless Rogue does not gain the benefit of evasion.

Shadow Magic (Sp): At 2nd level a Rogue learns how to conjure magical effects from the plane of shadow. These magical effects have a fragile composition and have a difficult time affecting other creatures with only a 10% chance of succeeding if another creature interacts with it directly such as by being targeted or included in an effect. Due to this limitation most Rogues may prefer more indirect magic. The rogue may choose a level 1 spell from the Sorcerer list to cast as a spell-like ability 3 times per day, and renew at midnight. Every 2 additional levels the % chance of a spell being effective on other creatures increases by 10%, and the Rogue may choose an additional spell or select the same spell to increase casting limit to at will. The casting modifier for these spell-like abilities is the Rogue's Dexterity modifier and a Rogue must have a Dexterity attribute of 10 or higher to use their Shadow Magic.

Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even-numbered Rogue level after that (6th, 8th, and so on), a Rogue can choose to learn a new spell from in place of one they already know. In effect, the Rogue "loses" the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged and must come from the same spell list.

At 6th level the Rogue may select a spell of up to 2nd level, and every additional 4 levels they may choose a spell 1 level higher (3rd at 10, 4th at 14, and 5th at 18, etc.).

Shadow Skill: Upon attaining 3rd level and at every 2 levels thereafter a Rogue may gain an ability from the list below.
  • Adopted by the Darkness (Su): The Rogue can see in darkness, even magical darkness. When in darkness the Rogue can only see in black-and-white (colors cannot be discerned) as with darkvision.

    Antiquer (Ex): As a standard action the Rogue can use the Appraise skill to understand magic items with a caster level equal to or less than their ranks in Appraise to learn its functions, how to activate its functions (if appropriate), and how many charges are left (if it uses charges). By spending 1 minute examining an object and consulting their notes a Rogue can also use their Appraise check to perform a Bardic Lore check on objects to learn its history. (requires 5 ranks in Appraise)

    Cat-like Grace (Ex): The Rogue may slow their fall as an immediate action as though affected by feather fall. (requires 8 ranks in Balance)

    Disable Construct (Su): The Rogue may perform a Use Magic Device check against an adjacent Construct as a Full Round Action. The DC equals the hit dice of the construct plus ten, and if successful Dazes it for 1d6 rounds. If the check beats the DC by ten or more points, the Construct is instead Dazed for 1d6 minutes.
    The Rogue can only successfully use this per day against a given Construct. (requires 10 ranks in Use Magic Device) (side note, this is adapted from Koumei's awesome Feat Per Level list, Construct Manipulation)

    Evasion Artist (Ex): When a grapple check is made to attempt to start a grapple upon your character you may as a free action use an Escape Artist check in place of the normal grapple check to oppose and prevent the grapple from starting. (requires 5 ranks in Escape Artist)

    Forge Goods (Su): The Rogue can use Forgery to create amazing knock-offs. As a 1 minute action the Rogue may make a Craft check or use their Forgery skill bonus to transform raw materials magically into the desired arrangement, as though using fabricate with a limitation of cubic foot per class level. This ability may be used once per day per Rogue level. (requires 10 ranks in Forgery)

    Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): While in dim illumination or darker, the Rogue can use the Hide skill even while being observed. (requires 5 ranks in Hide)

    Lasso (Ex): The Rogue may toss a rope lasso as a standard action to ensnare a creature or object, treat this as the enwrap option of animate rope. A rogue with a whip may alternatively use this ability with the whip up to the range of the whip. (requires 8 ranks in Use Rope)

    Light Fingers (Ex): The Rogue may steal a light or smaller object from an opponent within Close range (25' +5'/2 levels) using Sleight of Hand with a DC 20 Sleight of Hand check, however, if the opponent notices the attempt with their Spot check then the attempt fails. (requires 8 ranks in Sleight of Hand)

    Light Step (Ex): The Rogue is not hindered by difficult terrain, and is under a constant effect of pass without trace. The Rogue also takes no penalty for running or moving quickly when using Hide or Move Silently. (requires 5 ranks in Move Silently)

    Magical Training (Su): The Rogue learns 3 cantrips from the Sorcerer list which they may use at will. This ability may be repeated to learn additional Sorcerer cantrips. (requires 5 ranks in Spellcraft)

    Nondescript (Ex): The Rogue is easily forgotten and never stands out. Whenever determining initial attitudes towards the Rogue always shift one step towards Indifferent. When Scrying is attempted upon the Rogue they are treated as an opponent having no knowledge of them for purposes of Scrying (thus gaining a +10 Will Save Modifier vs. Scry). When an opponent attempts a Spot check vs. the Rogue they roll as though distracted (-5 to spot check). This ability may be suppressed as a free action by the Rogue. (requires 5 ranks in Bluff)

    Ranged Legerdemain (Sp): The Rogue may use their Open Lock and Disable Device skills from Close range (25' +5'/2 levels). (requires 8 ranks in Open Locks or Disable Device)

    Shadow Face (Sp): As standard action the Rogue may disguise their features as disguise self at will. (requires 8 ranks in Disguise)

    Shadow Step (Su): In addition areas of dim illumination or darker the Rogue may spend a move action to teleport with a light load up to 5 feet per level where they begin and end in areas of dim illumination or darker. (requires 10 ranks in Tumble)

    Signature Skill (Ex): The Rogue chooses a Pathfinder compatible skill they have at least 5 ranks in and unlocks special skill uses equivalent to Pathfinder's skill unlocks upon reaching 5, 10, 15, and 20 ranks in the skill. This ability may be selected multiple times, each time for a different skill. (requires 5 ranks in selected skill) (side note, yes, these will come 3 levels earlier with dnd skill rules due to the difference in how ranks are handled)

    Simple Deduction (Ex): As a standard action the Rogue may make a Listen, Sense Motive or Spot check to learn details about another person's personal life, including marital status, profession, recent activities, recent places visited and vices. DC 20 or opposed by the opponent's Disguise check whichever is higher. (requires 5 ranks in Listen, Sense Motive, or Spot)

    Skill Mastery (Ex): The Rogue becomes so certain in the use of skills that they can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. When making a skill check they may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent their from doing so.

    Umbral Veil (Su): As a standard action the Rogue may control the lighting within a 30' area to dim illumination anywhere within that area up to or including all of it. This control can be maintained via Concentration, otherwise it returns to normal lighting. (requires 5 ranks in Intimidation)

    Wall Walker (Ex): The Rogue gains a climb speed equal to half their movement speed. Having a climb speed grants a +8 enhancement bonus on all Climb checks. The Rogue must make a Climb check to climb any wall or slope with a DC of more than 0, but they always can choose to take 10 even if rushed or threatened while climbing. The Rogue climbs at the given speed while climbing. If they choose an accelerated climb they move at double the given climb speed and makes a single Climb check at a -5 penalty. Rogues cannot run while climbing. The Rogue retains their Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (if any) while climbing, and opponents get no special bonus on their attacks against the climbing Rogue. (requires 8 ranks in Climb)
Shadow Blade (Su): At 3rd level the Rogue has refined their Shadow Craft ability to be able to quickly conjure a shadowy weapon in any level of lighting. Despite the name, a Shadow Blade may be any weapon the Rogue is proficient with. As a free action the rogue may make a Shadow Blade appear in their hand. A Shadow Blade has the statistics of an appropriately sized masterwork weapon. A Shadow Blade will disappear after 1 round if not held by the Rogue. A projectile ranged weapon conjured as a Shadow Blade will also come with a round of ammunition conjured with the same properties. Additional ammunition may be conjured as a free action as with Shadow Blade.
At 6th level the Shadow Blade penetrates damage reduction as a magical weapon.
At 11th level the Shadow Blade has become so refined that it gains the Sharpness weapon property (Tome 3.5e Variant Rule). A weapon of sharpness ignores the hardness of any objects it strikes, and in addition this enhancement doubles the Critical Multiplier of the weapon - this does not stack with other increases to the critical multiplier. This ability functions even with non-slashing Shadow Blade weapons.
At 16th level the Shadow Blade gains the Ruin weapon property (Tome 3.5e Variant Rule). A ruin weapon ignores all hardness, DR, and resistance to critical hits from any target it strikes.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Starting at 4th level, a Rogue can react to danger before their senses would normally allow them to do so. They retain their Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if they are caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, they still lose their Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.
If a Rogue already has uncanny dodge from a different class they automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead.

Shadow Illusion (Sp): When a Rogue reaches 5th level, they can create visual illusions. This ability’s effect is identical to that of the arcane spell silent image and may be employed once per day per Rogue class level. Will DC to disbelieve is 10 + 1/2 the Rogue's level + the Rogue's Dexterity modifier

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): A Rogue of 8th level or higher can no longer be flanked.
This defense denies another Rogue the ability to sneak attack the character by flanking them, unless the attacker has at least four more Rogue levels than the target does.
If a character already has uncanny dodge from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum Rogue level required to flank the character.

Improved Evasion (Ex): This ability gained at 10th level works like Evasion, except that while the Rogue still takes no damage on a successful Reflex saving throw against attacks henceforth they takes only half damage on a failed save. A helpless Rogue does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.

Defensive Roll (Ex): At 12th level the Rogue can roll with a potentially lethal blow to take less damage from it than they otherwise would. Once per day, when they would be reduced to 0 or fewer hit points by damage in combat (from a weapon or other blow, not a spell or special ability), the Rogue can attempt to roll with the damage. To use this ability, the Rogue must attempt a Reflex saving throw (DC = damage dealt). If the save succeeds, they take only half damage from the blow; if it fails, they take full damage. They must be aware of the attack and able to react to it in order to execute their defensive roll—if they are denied their Dexterity bonus to AC, they can’t use this ability. Since this effect would not normally allow a character to make a Reflex save for half damage, the Rogue’s evasion ability does not apply to the defensive roll.

Shadow Binding (Su): At 14th level the Rogue is able to disrupt magical movement with their precision strikes. When a Rogue deals Sneak Attack damage against a target it is entangled, and while so entangled it is treated as though the target was struck by a casting of dimensional anchor. The creature can break free (ending the dimensional anchor effect as well) and move its normal speed by using a full-round action to make a Strength check or Escape Artist check (DC for either is 15 + 1/2 Rogue level). The duration of this effect is 1 minute per Rogue level.

Shadow Skill Perfection: Upon attaining 15th level and at every level thereafter a Rogue may gain an ability from the list below. Each ability has a prerequisite of one of the Shadow Skills.
  • Binder (Ex): A creature ensnared by the Rogue's Lasso ability will be affected by suggestion if they fail a Reflex save DC 10 +1/2 the Rogue's level + the Rogue's Dexterity modifier. (requires Lasso)

    Born to the Darkness (Sp): The Rogue can use greater scrying at will, using any area of darkness as their focus. (requires Adopted by Darkness)

    Construct Controller (Su): The Rogue may perform a Use Magic Device check against an adjacent Construct as a Full Round Action, with a DC equal to the hit dice of the Construct plus fifteen. If successful, the Rogue may command the Construct for 1d6 rounds, plus another 2 rounds for every five points by which the check beat the DC.
    The Rogue can only successfully use this once per day against a given Construct. (requires Disable Construct) (side note, this is adapted from Koumei's awesome Feat Per Level list, Construct Manipulation)

    Disappearing Trick (Ex): The Rogue can aid their allies in picking silent paths to tread and darker shadows to crouch within. As a move action, the Rogue can allow allies within 30' of them at the start of their turn and moving at no more than half their move rate to use the Rogue's Hide and Move Silently ranks and Dexterity modifier, rather than their own, for Hide and Move Silently checks. Allies so aided with this ability are also treated as having Hide in Plain Sight as the Rogue. (requires Hide in Plain Sight)

    Fence (Ex): The Rogue's savvy on objects of material wealth has turned into a separate stream of income and allowed them to afford some luxuries courtesy of their side hustle. The Rogue gains the Landlord feat (from Stronghold Builder's Guidebook). (requires Antiquer)

    Light as a Feather (Su): The Rogue may walk over any surface as though affected by air walk, though they may not climb upwards through the air via this ability. (requires Cat-like Grace or Light Step)

    Miscreation (Sp): The Rogue may weave shadows once per day to magically construct buildings, mines, tunnels, ditches, or whatever, as though they used a Lyre of Building. The effect produced in one minute of weaving is equal to the work of 10 humans laboring for a day. Every 10 minutes of sustained weaving the Rogue must make a DC 15 Forgery check +1 to DC for each additional 10 minutes. On a failed check the Rogue is weakened and may not use this ability again until a week has passed. (requires Forge Goods)

    Nobody (Ex): The Rogue is difficult to even perceive or remember. Whenever determining initial attitudes towards the Rogue, NPCs are always indifferent. The Rogue is treated as having a constant nondetection upon themself. When an opponent attempts a Spot check vs. the Rogue they roll as though distracted and far away (-10 to Spot check). This ability may only be suppressed by the Rogue with Concentration. (requires Nondescript)

    Plainly Clear (Ex): As a standard action the Rogue may use detect thoughts at will. (requires Simple Deduction)

    Shadow Double (Sp): When hit, the Rogue may as an immediate action cause the attack to miss and also create an illusionary double as the spell Mislead. DC is 10 + 1/2 Rogue level + Dex mod. The Rogue may employ this ability three times per day. (requires Shadow Face)

    Shadow Magic Savant (Su): The Rogue gains 20% effectiveness on their Shadow Magic (up to 100% maximum) in areas of dim lighting or darker, and when the Rogue is in dim lighting or darker their Shadow Magic spells are treated as having Spell Penetration and Spell Focus. Also, the Rogue at midnight may choose one of their Shadow Magic spells known to be used at will for the next 24 hours. (requires Magical Training)

    Shadow Pocket (Su): The Rogue gains access to a shadowy hammerspace which may contain up to 1 cubic foot per level and up to 10 pounds of material per level. This hammerspace cannot rupture, and it does not interfere with other magic items you have and can safely be taken into other dimensions without threats of disruption. An item may be placed into or drawn from the space as a move action with a DC 10 Sleight of Hand check (failure means the Rogue wastes a move trying to find the space this round), or as a DC 30 Sleight of Hand check as a free action (if 10 or greater then it still completes, but as a move action). (requires Light Fingers)

    Shadow Portal (Su): The Rogue may create a portal to pass through walls as phase door once per day per Rogue level. (requires Ranged Legerdemain)

    Shadow Walk (Sp): The Rogue gains the ability to travel between shadows as if by means of a shadow walk spell. The Rogue may employ this ability three times per day. The Rogue may also use Shadow Step as a swift action instead of as a move action. (requires Shadow Step)

    Skill Paragon (Ex): The Rogue becomes so certain in the use of skills that they can use them reliably even under adverse conditions. When making a skill check they may take 15 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent them from doing so. (requires Skill Mastery)

    Umbral Doom (Su): As a standard action the Rogue may control the lighting within a 100' area to dim, darkness, or even deeper darkness anywhere within that area up to or including all of it. As a standard action the Rogue may choose to obscure the vision of a single foe within this area, robbing them of light to see with while in the area if they fail a Will saving throw DC 10 + 1/2 the Rogue's level + the Rogue's Dexterity modifier. This control can be maintained via Concentration, otherwise it returns to normal lighting. (requires Umbral Veil)

    Untouchable (Ex): For a total of 1 round per Rogue level per day, the Rogue can act normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement (similar to the effect of the spell freedom of movement). This effect occurs automatically as soon as it applies, lasts until it runs out or is no longer needed, and can operate multiple times per day (up to the total daily limit of rounds). (requires Evasion Artist)

    Wall Runner (Ex): The Rogue gains +30' competence bonus to movement speed, no longer needs to run in a straight line to use the run action, and may even run over obstacles and walls. (requires Wall Walker)
Slippery Mind (Ex): At 16th level the Rogue gains Slippery Mind. This ability represents the Rogue’s ability to wriggle free from magical effects that would otherwise control or compel her. If a Rogue with slippery mind is affected by an enchantment spell or effect and fails their saving throw, they can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. They get only this one extra chance to succeed on their saving throw.

Speed of Thought (Su): At 17th level the Rogue gains the ability to act during stopped time as the spell time stop whenever the spell is cast within medium range. The Rogue may interact normally with other creatures under the effect of time stop. The Rogue may make a Bluff check opposed by the target's Sense Motive to pretend to be affected in the time stop, and if successful then the next attack the Rogue makes against the target does not allow them to use their Dexterity bonus to AC (if any).

Opportunist (Ex): At 18th level the Rogue gains the ability to once per round, make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character. This attack counts as one attack of opportunity for that round. Even a Rogue with the Combat Reflexes feat can’t use the Opportunist ability more than once per round.

Shadow Soul (Su): At 20th level, a Rogue ascends into being a magical creature of shadow. They are forevermore treated as a native outsider rather than as a humanoid (or whatever the Rogue's creature type was) for the purpose of spells and magical effects. Additionally, the Rogue gains damage reduction 10/magic, which allows them to ignore the first 10 points of damage from any attack made by a nonmagical weapon or by any natural attack made by a creature that doesn’t have similar damage reduction. Given vigor from darkness, while in dim lighting or darker, the Rogue is immune to Fatigue and Exhaustion.

Shadows cling to the Shadow Soul Rogue. The Rogue can activate or dismiss Shade as a free action.

The Shadow Soul Rogue can use Shadow Illusion as a swift action at will, and can maintain concentration on Shadow Illusions as a free action.

The Shadow Soul Rogue's Shadow Crafts are now permanent, and may be dismissed as a standard action.
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