A few Tome feats

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A few Tome feats

Post by Koumei »

I decided to make a few more - some (Combat) feats, because it's good to have the extra options, and a few Spell Focus ones - I know casters get a lot of shininess poured into their pants just from core, without the Tomes, but still, it's not like these feats are going to make things more stupid.

I would appreciate any criticism.

Blood-Soaked Charger (Combat)
You like to impale people upon your sharp spikes.
You gain proficiency with spiked gautlets, armour spikes, shield spikes and any natural spike attacks. You also gain a +1 to hit and damage with such weapons.
+1 The bonus to attack and damage rolls increases to +4.

+6 When you attack someone with the spiky weapons mentioned above, you may additionally bullrush them, and can attack with all such weapons in the one action.

+11 When you successfully charge or Bullrush a foe with such weapons, each successful hit deals extra damage equal to 2d6+one and a half times your Strength modifier.

+16 The additional charge damage deals 4d6 plus double your Strength modifier damage, as well as 2 points of Con damage. They now all gain an effective Enhancement Bonus equal to one quarter of your level (round down). This means they get the bonus to hit and damage, bypass magical DR as well as all material DR, and additionally can hit incorporeal foes.

I liked the idea of the Blood-Spiked Charger from PHB 2. I just thought it sucked, so re-tooled it. I know it's simply a beefed up, scarier (Combat School), but hey, they're not impressive weapons. Take that feat too for extra fun.

Improved Natural Weapons (Combat)
You have some really fierce natural means of stabbing people in the face.
One or more natural weapons.
Your natural weapons deal damage as though one size category larger,
+1 All of your primary natural weapons can be used in one round without penalty. The secondary ones can be used with a mere -2 penalty, and deal damage like primary weapons.

+6 Your natural weapons tear at muscle, dealing 2 Strength damage each time they strike. Additionally, secondary weapons no longer receive a penalty to hit. In effect, all of your natural weapons are always primary.

+11 The reach of all of your natural weapons increases by 5 feet. Additionally, any time you successfully damage a foe with a natural weapon, they must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + STR) or be Nauseated for one round.

+16 Your natural weapons all deal damage as though yet another size category larger, and gain bonus damage equal to half your Strength modifier again - if they dealt damage normally, it is now 1.5, if it was previously 1.5, it is now x2. Additionally, they all count as adamantine weapons and gain a +1 bonus per 5 character levels (round down) to hit and damage. Finally, if all of your natural weapons strike one foe at least once in the same round, the foe takes an additional 4d6 damage plus double your Strength modifier.

The idea here is to make Amulets of Natural Weapons less essential. If you can bite ghosts in half and your claws are actually intimidating on their own, you might not absolutely need a piece of jewelry to set people on fire when you gore them.

Arial Assault
You are adept at fighting in the sky.
Some ability to fly. Natural, Magical, a tendency to be carried by someone who does fly, whatever.
Your flight improves by one category, and you gain a +3 bonus to damage when charging in the air.
+1 You deal double damage when flying at least 10 feet and attacking. Also, your flight speed increases by 10 feet.

+6 You can now hover in mid-air, and when making a move action while flying, can make a single standard action at any point inside the move action.

+11 You can snatch foes from the ground while flying, by making a normal Grapple check against any foe at least one size category smaller than you. Dropping them is a free action, although they may make a Grapple check to hang on. Your flight speed increases by another 10 feet.

+16 When charging in midair, you may make a full attack action at the end of your charge.

Basically exists to turn a bunch of the flight-based ones into a single feat.

Unorthodox Fighter (Combat)
You fight in an unexpected manner that confounds your foes.
You take no penalty for using improvised weapons. Additionally, while climbing, you retain your Dex bonus to AC.
+1 When charging, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity. You can also move through any square occupied by a foe.

+6 You gain a Climb and Swim speed of 20 feet, with all associated bonuses. You also gain a +3 bonus to hit and +1 Dodge bonus to AC when fighting while climbing or swimming against a foe who lacks the relevant movement form.

+11 You gain a +2 to hit and damage with improvised weapons. Additionally, any foe struck by a hard improvised weapon you wield must make a Fortitude save against being Dazed for one round. If the weapon is flexible, they must make a Reflex save against being Entangled for two rounds. The DC is 10 + 1/2 your level + your Strength modifier.

+16 Your Climb and Swim speeds increase by 30 feet, and you deal bonus damage equal to +2d6 plus your Dexterity modifier when using these movement forms against someone who lacks them. Your Dodge bonus to AC increases to +3, and you can make an additional 5' step each turn in such environments.

I just thought this would be cool. Good for the Swashbuckler and Drunken Master types.

Foe Wielder (Combat)
You like to club people. With other people.
Benefit: You are considered proficient with living creatures (including constructs and undead), and gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls when using them as weapons. Damage is 2d6 for a Medium creature, and you add their natural armour bonus (or armour bonus if worn, whichever is greater) to the damage.
+1 Your reach extends by five feet per size category beyond Medium that the wielded creature is. Additionally, you may elect for the wielded creature to take damage equal to that dealt to the target.

+6 Any foe struck by a creature you wield must succeed at a Balance check opposed by your attack roll, or fall prone. You may also throw living creatures, with a ten foot range increment. They land prone and both them and the target take an additional 1d6 damage.

+11 Whether the wielded creature wishes to or not, you may force them to make a full attack against one target you strike with them, once per round. They use Expertise and Power Attack the same amount that you do. When thrown, they automatically make a bullrush attempt, attacking everyone in the path, but still fall prone nonetheless.

+16 You may throw the creature to hit an area in a splash attack - designate a number of squares equal to their space, all foes in the area must make a Reflex save with a DC equal to your attack roll, or be hit. Additionally, when you hit someone in melee with another creature who has at least two hands (or other grappling limbs) free, you may force them to grab their target, adding even more to your reach. You may continue this indefinitely, up to your normal weight limit, and may disarm all except the first by making a line attack (equal to their combined height). This line attack deals their combined hit dice in d6 of damage, and is negated by a Ref save (DC equals your attack roll).

The reason? Clubbing people to death with other people is awesome.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Koumei »

Spell Focus feats...
For the record, any mentio of a saving throw defaults to 10 + 1/2 your level + your casting stat. Not the basic spell level. This allows you to piss people off with even low level spells. They're still probably useless though.

Evokation Focus
You enjoy blowing shit up.
You gain a +1 to the caster level of all Evokation spells you cast, and gain a +4 bonus to pierce Spell Resistance with
Evokation spells.
Caster Level:
4 You can ignore an amount of energy resistance equal to your caster level. Likewise, you can deal energy damage up to your caster level to creatures normally immune to that energy type. Your Evokation spells gain a +1 to the Save DC.

8 When you target someone with an Evokation spell, you may split the damage equaly between the original damage type and one other from the following list: Fire, Cold, Electricity, Acid.

12 You may also add Sonic and Dessication damage to the above types. Additionally, you gain other benefits when mixing two elements together:
-Fire + Acid: The target takes extra damage equal to double the spell level, and must save against Sickening.
-Cold + Sonic: The target takes extra damage equal to the spell level, and must save against 2 Dexterity damage.
-Fire + Desiccation: The target takes extra damage equal to double the spell level. Plant creatures take extra damage equal to four times the spell level.
-Sonic + Electricity: The target must save against being Dazed for one round. If successful, they are merely Deafened.
-Acid + Electricity: The target takes extra damage equal to double the spell level, and must save against becoming entangled for two rounds.

16 Once per encounter, you may ignore Spell Resistance, Energy Resistance and Energy Immunities for one Evokation spell.

Conjuration Focus
You are lazy, so summon minions to do your bidding instead.
You gain a +1 to the caster level of all Conjuration spells you cast, and can cast "Summon Monster" and "Summon Nature's Ally" as standard-action spells instead of 1 round.
Caster Level:
4 Any creature you summon gains a +4 bonus to Strength and Constitution. Your Conjuration spells gain a +1 to the save DC.

8 Any creature you summon stays for an extra 4 rounds, and gains a +4 bonus to Natural Armour and any DR they have.

12 Any creature you summon sees their bonuses to Strength, Constitution, Natural Armour and DR increase to +8.

16 Whenever you use a summon spell to summon multiple weaker creatures, the amount is always maximized. Additionally, summoned creatures gain a bonus on attack and damage rolls equal to 1/4 your Caster Level (round down).

Who here was annoyed that they had to waste a feat on SF: Conjuration when they wanted Augment Summons, given the two feats had almost nothing to do with each other? This also makes Summon Monster I not entirely pointless for a first level character.

Necromancy Focus
You have an unhealthy attraction to the undead. Or you like making people die. Maybe both.
Benefit: Your Necromancy spells gain a +1 bonus to caster level and a +4 bonus to penetrate Spell Resistance.
Caster Level:
4 Any Undead you create with Necromancy spells gain +1 HP per hit die per spell level. All other effects see the save DC increase by 1, if applicable.

8 The duration of all of your Necromancy spells increases by 4 rounds. Also, any undead created by your Necromancy spells gain +4 Strength and Natural Armour.

12 Any penalties or damage bestowed by your Necromantic spells are multiplied by one and a half. Additionally, any undead created by your Necromancy spells gains Damage Reduction/- equal to half your hit dice.

16 Any Necromancy spell you cast that deals penalties requires a successful Will save to dispel/break/remove. Failure causes the caster to also gain the effect, as though chained, and the duration on the original target doubles. Any undead you create through any means will, when destroyed, explode in a 10 foot radius, dealing 1d6 points of negative energy per hit die, with a Reflex save for half. If you ever become undead, or are already undead, you gain all the benefits listed above as though you created yourself with a Necromancy spell. Treat the spell level as being equal to half your hit dice.

There we go. I have ideas for every school that isn't called Illusion, so far, and will also be releasing the exciting "Nature's Warrior" combat feat for those who like to stab people in the face with foliage.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by the_taken »

Foe Wielder (Combat) for the WIN!!!

And yes, it would be awesome to stab a goblin in the face with tree moss.
I had a signature here once but I've since lost it.

My current project: http://tgdmb.com/viewtopic.php?t=56456
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Koumei »

Here we go, for those who played Phantom Brave, or who just want to kill someone with moss, or a beehive, or a termite nest, or a tree, or whatever.

Incidentally, it's not my job to tell you how much damage various shrubberies should do normally.

Nature's Warrior (Combat)
You stab people in the face with foliage.
Benefit: You are considered proficient with sticks, rocks, stones, boulders, menhirs, logs, branches, trees, cacti, vines, thornbushes, moss and other naturally occuring things that could loosely be considered weapons. As an added bonus, you gain a +2 bonus to hit and damage with them.
+1 If you club someone with a piece of rock, they take two points of Dexterity damage on a failed Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 your level + STR). If you hit someone with a thorny or otherwise sharp piece of nature, they take two points of Strength damage on a failed Fortitude save (same DC). If neither of the above apply, but it contains a lot of leaves, dirt, moss or loose bark, then they must make a Reflex save (same DC) or be dazed and blinded for a round as they cough and choke. You may use vines and long, flexible plants to grapple at a range. This allows you to choke them while grappling, forcing a Fort save (same DC) every round. Every round they fail, they are Dazed and take 2d6 damage.

+6 Any foe you hit with a rock must succeed on a Balance check opposed by your attack roll or fall prone. If they fail their Fortitude save against Dexterity damage, they are Stunned for one round. If hit with sharp pieces of nature, they must save against poison (usual DC, damage is 1d4 Constitution). If hit with logs, trees, bushes or other things which may contain insects, they must make a Reflex save (usual DC) or be attacked by a swarm of insects with a CR at least 4 lower than your level. This swarm lasts for four rounds, then automatically returns to the source.

+11 Any piece of nature you wield, including thrown weapons and swarms that emerge from such weapons, have an enhancement bonus equal to one quarter of your character level (round down), but only when wielded by you. You may also apply one +1 special property to all such weapons, and can change it using a Swift action.

+16 Rocks now deal an extra 1d6 damage per four levels (round down), when wielded by you. Sharp or spiky plants now gain an extra rend attack on any round that they successfully hit, dealing double their usual damage, plus double your strength modifier (triple if wielded 2-handed), plus 4d6 damage. Weapons with loose things that can be choked on now Nauseate targets for 1d4 rounds if they fail a Fortitude save (usual DC). If they succeed, they are Sickened instead.

Okay, that one was really lengthy, and probably has the most balance issues. I'd really like feedback on it. Ideally, there'd be a way for individual plants and stuff to have special attacks, but that can probably be best handled by using class features in conjunction with this feat. Or something.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Catharz »

That seems quite powerful. A +4 Bane(-> +6) thrown weapon which requires a reflex save to avoid being dazed, blinded, swarmed, and nauseated is brutal. In fact, it's good enough that (at the very least) I'd remove all actual damage and simply make it a debuff. Remember that you're throwing something like eight of these a round at high levels.

Also, you don't have to to restrict the swarms to insects. I see no reason why a swarm of squirrels can't come charging out of the tree you're swinging around.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Koumei »

Hmm, good point. So, would it be better to drop the damage from that category of weapons, or weaken the effects?

I'm thinking perhaps the swarm should just last for one full round (and yes, I'll change it to any swarm that seems halfway believable and fits the CR), but that alone won't be enough to put it in line with the others. Currently, hitting someone with a hornet nest does seem a lot better than a tree or boulder.

How about those types deal no damage (seeing as it really doesn't matter how much force you put behind a handful of long grass), and just deal the effects (+1 causes blindness for one round, +6 causes the swarm attack for one round, +11 still applies the bonus to hit and special ability (if you really want damage, it can be 1d6 fire or whatever. Watch people care at 11th level), and +16 is Nausea 1 round, then Sickened for 3 rounds (passed save changes it to Sickened for 3 rounds))?

Would that put that one more in line? I hadn't originally considered that people would be throwing these, and that druids would be using this feat in dire bear/fire element dire tiger/whatever form.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Prak »

I like how the feat seems to randomly create venom and swarms.... and how the weilder can make tree branches burst into flames that don't consume it like they're God pissed off at noah or something...

other then those silly logic things, I really like this feat, and it makes me want to do up a Tome version of one my favorite 3.0 PrCs... the Symbiotic Champion... but that'll have to come later, after I work on my hellspawn PrC a bit...
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Koumei »

Yeah, I was considering removing the "+1 ability", but I honestly wanted crazy shit to happen when they wield their trees and termite nests.

The reason why spiky things have venom is that, at least here in Australia, any spiky plant is guaranteed to at least cause itches and rashes for a few minutes, if not cause you to save vs death about eleven times in a row. So for someone who knows how to tap into the power of nature, they can draw out the poison and make it more potent. Why? Pretty much for the same reason there are shrubberies that get healthier when struck by lightning. "Because."
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Prak »

well, that makes sense, you live in australia, where everything is poisonous...

and I kinda like the random burning bush thing...

note to self... never ask a Red Headed druid about her "burning bush"...
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Catharz »

I don't think that dire bears are capable of wielding improvised weapons...

Another issue:
The natural weapons feat seems way too good. Combat School can already be used on natural weapons. Think of how this Improved Natural Attacks feat fucked up the CR system.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Prak »

Catharz at [unixtime wrote:1187629779[/unixtime]]I don't think that dire bears are capable of wielding improvised weapons...

they should be... as well as dire apes... hell, apes and bears are known for that shit... well, apes are anyways... don't know about bears...
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Koumei »

Bears are known for attacking chunks of ice filled with apples, if that helps?

As for Improved Natural Attack, keep in mind that not only can you take Combat School for your tamed lightning, Diamond Greatsword or giant demonfang dentist drill, but you can also pile magical enhancements onto it.

You can't do that with your hands, unless you use amulets of natural weapons (which I'm trying to lean away from, the idea being "Use this feat *instead*"). Or I suppose you could cover your natural weapons in adamantine then enchant those, if you were really hardcore. But you'd need at least eleven testicles to consider doing something like that.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Prak »

I'd make it a feat that allows you to alter your natural weapons like that... we could call it "eleven testicles" if you'd like...
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Catharz »

And it would be a [monstrous] feat, not a [combat] one.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Koumei »

Doesn't [Monstrous] mean you have to be radically non-humanoid to take it? So if you're a Tiefling Fiendish Brute you wouldn't qualify, likewise a Human Sorcerer with "Dragon Tail" and "Dragon Claws"?

Well, it makes more sense to call it [Monstrous], and just to ignore that dumb rule and let anyone take it.

Eleven Testicles (Monstrous)
You have so many testicles you're willing to actually dip your natural weapons in molten adamantine/silver/meteoric steel/Baatorian Green Steel/stone/whatever, just so they can be enchanted.
Prerequisites: One or more natural weapons. You can even be a Humanoid who possesses natural weapons, like a monk if you so wish.
Benefit: All of your natural weapons can be coated in the special material of your choice. They gain the usual benefits, and needn't all be the same type.
+1 The process was so painful that you proved just how hardcore you are. You gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against pain and fear effects, and a +2 bonus to your Command rating. You may turn these into magical weapons the usual way.

+6 If you successfully strike a foe with all of your natural weapons, you gain one rend attack, automatically dealing damage according to your primary natural weapon plus double your Strength modifier.

+11 Having sprouted even more testicles, you are brave/stupid enough to have a new natural weapon grafted into your flesh, or mutilating your existing limbs into natural weapons. You may gain a gore, claw or bite attack, also treated by a special material. If you already possess one gore per head, one bite per mouth and one claw per limb, gain some other natural weapon that your DM agrees to.

+16 ?????

Special: This feat is designed to replace "Improved Natural Attack", however that feat is left up there for comparison.

Ok, so I have more or less covered it. Any ideas for the +16 ability? Are the +6 and +11 abilities okay? I figure by the time they reach the final ability of this, they should have about as many testicles as Bruce Willis. Having recently seen Die Hard 4, I'd put that at around 254. Give or take.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Aktariel »

I actually prefer Improved Natural Attack for reasons of flavor.
What if I don't have eleven testicles but I want to fight with natural weapons anyway?

I don't want to run around with hands covered in wierd materials [because weird materials usually a] suck or b]ought not to be used to bypass DR anyway (give us the good old days of DR 50/+3)]. Or a tail dipped in stone. Or a gold-plated minotaur cock. I might want to play a monk who can sneak into places without arousing suspicion.

Or a reluctant monster who is really really good at tearing people into bloody chunks but because he hates killing would never dip his anything into special materials.

These are RP reasons, not crunch reasons.

I guess I prefer having "natural" feeling abilities from feats... though I'm not sure how better to explain it. Perhaps... INW feels like inhereant badassness, and 11T feels like "I'm a badass mothefvkcer because I went and did special shit."

Or in other words, "Look at my gear!"

Take a look at the Hands as Weapons feat from Arcana Evolved. Has a nice mechanic for adding magical enchantments to natural attacks.

Come to think of it most monsters with natural attacks that I'd play are so bitching they just might have that many testicles anyway.

EDIT: Where is the Symbiotic Champion from? And what does it do?
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Catharz »

[Monstrous] feats revolve around being monstrous in some way, which is a fairly arbitrary qualifier. They're designed to not scale because the abilities they grant are just about as good at all levels, to make less work for the DM.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Prak »

Koumei at [unixtime wrote:1187675829[/unixtime]]Doesn't [Monstrous] mean you have to be radically non-humanoid to take it? So if you're a Tiefling Fiendish Brute you wouldn't qualify, likewise a Human Sorcerer with "Dragon Tail" and "Dragon Claws"?

Well, it makes more sense to call it [Monstrous], and just to ignore that dumb rule and let anyone take it.

Eleven Testicles (Monstrous)
You have so many testicles you're willing to actually dip your natural weapons in molten adamantine/silver/meteoric steel/Baatorian Green Steel/stone/whatever, just so they can be enchanted.
Prerequisites: One or more natural weapons. You can even be a Humanoid who possesses natural weapons, like a monk if you so wish.
Benefit: All of your natural weapons can be coated in the special material of your choice. They gain the usual benefits, and needn't all be the same type.
+1 The process was so painful that you proved just how hardcore you are. You gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against pain and fear effects, and a +2 bonus to your Command rating. You may turn these into magical weapons the usual way.

+6 If you successfully strike a foe with all of your natural weapons, you gain one rend attack, automatically dealing damage according to your primary natural weapon plus double your Strength modifier.

+11 Having sprouted even more testicles, you are brave/stupid enough to have a new natural weapon grafted into your flesh, or mutilating your existing limbs into natural weapons. You may gain a gore, claw or bite attack, also treated by a special material. If you already possess one gore per head, one bite per mouth and one claw per limb, gain some other natural weapon that your DM agrees to.

+16 ?????

Special: This feat is designed to replace "Improved Natural Attack", however that feat is left up there for comparison.

Ok, so I have more or less covered it. Any ideas for the +16 ability? Are the +6 and +11 abilities okay? I figure by the time they reach the final ability of this, they should have about as many testicles as Bruce Willis. Having recently seen Die Hard 4, I'd put that at around 254. Give or take.

Looks good, but shouldn't it scale to how many testicles you have? (/joke)

Also, there should be an option for a minotaur to dip his cock and eleven testicles in adamantine and actually weild it as a slam attack... with maybe a fear affect attached to the damage... maybe that should be the BAB 16 ability...

The Symbiotic Champion was from the AEG Wilds book and it basically allowed you to take on any one ability from pretty much anything that is a natural creature(animals, plants and vermin) at a time(you could swap the stuff out, so one day you grab hold of a scorpion and get it's tail, the next day you go shark diving and a bite attack, etc.). It also gives you leadership with animals and such, and it allows to choose three signature weapons that become a part of you body which you can continue to enchant...
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Prak »

I found an interesting use for eleven testicles, which, oddly fits with it's name... I used it on a 'cubus character that happened to have 11hd, and realized the "grafted" natural attack can reflect the 'cubus' supposed "savage genitalia".
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by JonSetanta »

Lulz... Prak....

Mythologically, or at least for the old Catholic Church, Incubi had a horn for a dick.
And Succubi had vaginateeth.

Those would be awesome natural attacks.....
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Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Prak »

sigma999 at [unixtime wrote:1203103777[/unixtime]]Lulz... Prak....

Mythologically, or at least for the old Catholic Church, Incubi had a horn for a dick.
And Succubi had vaginateeth.

Those would be awesome natural attacks.....

also mythologically speaking, succubi and incubi were the same creature... and incubi genitalia could widely vary... burning hot, freezing cold, hard as iron, barbed, immensely large... etc.
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Where do you get this stuff?
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by the_taken »

CatharzGodfoot at [unixtime wrote:1203138413[/unixtime]]Where do you get this stuff?

Children's Literature
I had a signature here once but I've since lost it.

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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by JonSetanta »

Technically, yes. I remember it from skimming books in city libraries as a kid.
But the interbutt is a wonderful thing; whether or not our info is truly valid is another matter, but interesting nonetheless.
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Fri Oct 01, 2021 10:25 pm
Nobody gives a flying fuck about Tordek and Regdar.
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Re: A few Tome feats

Post by Prak »

Fallen Angels...and Spirits of the Dark
Lots of info, my dad had it, and I've pretty much stolen it...
Cuz apparently I gotta break this down for you dense motherfuckers- I'm trans feminine nonbinary. My pronouns are they/them.
Winnah wrote:No, No. 'Prak' is actually a Thri Kreen impersonating a human and roleplaying himself as a D&D character. All hail our hidden insect overlords.
FrankTrollman wrote:In Soviet Russia, cosmic horror is the default state.

You should gain sanity for finding out that the problems of a region are because there are fucking monsters there.
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