[Let's Play] Blood Sword V - The Walls of Spyte

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Post by SGamerz »

If you have a piece of rod that is red, turn to 114. Otherwise, you open the door and step through. Turn to 51.
Not yet....
You step out onto a thin walkway that spans a vision of hell itself - it is like walking into a solid wall of heat, for blasts of heated air buffet you. The room you are in is a deep pit, across which a thin walkway of stone leads to a door at its other end. Looking down, you can see roaring flames that lick upwards as if reaching for you. Or are they? For as you examine the flames you can make out forms moving below you. Flame-demons gaze up longingly at you, and bright flaming serpents, winged and spouting flame through their nostrils, flap upwards. Then, to your horror, you notice men and women dressed in smouldering rags staggering about in terror, or lying huddled amid the fires of hell. The flames do not consume them, but it seems that nevertheless they feel the heat's searing touch, judging by their screams. The flame-demons and winged serpents seem to take an unholy delight in torturing their poor victims. You shudder in revulsion and hurry on to the other side, desperate to escape this vision of hell, this panorama of purgatory, before you too are claimed by its infernal incandescence.
Why would we be intimidated by some "vision of hell", when we've already been to the real one and come back from it??
You close the door behind you, shutting out the terrible screams, the awful heat and its hellish flames. Breathing a sigh of relief in the cool air, you turn to see where you have arrived. You are in a long hall, seemingly of wood. Shields emblazoned with simple designs hang upon the walls. Facing you are a hundred or more warriors, armed with shield and axe, the ones nearest you also with suits of fine chain. They are mostly blond or brown-haird, with pigtails or hairbuns. Almost all are bearded, and scarred by many battles. They look to be hardened warriors of some skill. Just as you are fearing for your lives, they all utter a cheer - they seem to be praising you! Somehow they believe you to be their leader. Just then, the three large doors at the far end of the hall burst open, and all goes quiet. Through them step three awesome figures, armoured from head to toe in outlandish steel plate that fairly bristles with spikes and barbs. One wields a great halberd, as red as blood, another a huge battleaxe, dark as coal, the last a great barbed sword of shining steel. The warriors wheel and, as one, surge forwards to attack them. However, the three intruders carve a swathe of blood and bone with great sweeps of their weapons, and smashing blows of shattering potency. The carnage is awful as they kill their way towards you. The sight of them slaying all who face them fills you with dread, and you are rooted to the spot as they draw near, ever nearer, their passage marked by a trail of bloody dismembered corpses. Your terror grows as the three harbingers of death howl in triumph as the last warrior falls beneath their inescapable weapons.
Wait, we just stood there and watched a hundred guys get slaughtered by 3 guys? Surely, that would have taken some time, enough for us to get involved before they were all killed!
You must fight the three Harbingers of Red Death.


Harbingers of Red Death
Fighting Prowess: 8 Psychic Ability: 6
Awareness: 8 Damage per blow: 5 Dice
Armour Rating: 5
Endurance: 35

Note: Every time you wish to act, roll one Die. On a one or a two you are paralysed by fear and can do nothing this Round. You cannot flee for there is nowhere to go.

If you have the codeword SWORD on your Character Sheet, turn to 243. If you kill them, turn to 335.
Again, we would have gotten that codeword if we asked the homunculus about this room. It would have halved our chances of getting paralysed.
Their stats really don't look that impressive....which makes one wonder how horrible the stats of those hundred warriors must have been. Worse than a Rank 1 Enchanter (without the spells)? Or maybe they were cursed with a Destiny Dice that keeps rolling 1 and makes them paralysed every turn.


Adventure Sheets:

NAME: Dame Caecilia Wither-Stoat
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 1

Fighting Prowess: 12
Psychic Ability: 7
Awareness: 8
Endurance: 30/50
Damage: 2 Dice +3

*Extra Notes: Takes no FP/damage penalty when fighting unarmed, +1 Armour Rating from Potentiation on top of normal armour bonus

1 Sword
2 Sword
3 Plate Armour (Armour Rating four)
4 Money pouch (empty)
5 Potion of Diminution
6 Potion of Diminution
7 Golden Rod ('100')
8 White Rod ('16')
9 Blue Rod ('50')
10 Empty slot
NAME: Benedict of the Crimson Spires, Honourable Duelist
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 2

Fighting Prowess: 10 (+3 from Blood Sword)
Psychic Ability: 7
Awareness: 9
Endurance: 28/42
Damage: 4 Dice +1 (+2d6 Damage from Blood Sword)

1 Blood Sword (+3 FP, +2d6 Damage)
2 Studded Leather Armour (Armour Rating 2)
3 Money Pouch (empty)
4 Bow
5 Quiver (4 arrows)
6 Quiver (6 arrows)
7 Potion of Diminution
8 Book (looted from crystalized corpse) - turn to 493 if read
9 Healing herbs (+2d6 END)
10 Empty Slot
NAME: "Pepito" Cascadero, Master of the Mystic Way
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 3

Fighting Prowess: 8 (+1 from magic gold ring)
Psychic Ability: 8
Awareness: 7
Endurance: 36/36
Damage: 2 Dice +1

1 Quarterstaff
2 Studded Leather Armour (Armour Rating 2)
3 Money Pouch (empty)
4 Magic Bow (+1 FP when using Archery)
5 Enameled Quiver (5 magic arrows - does 1d6 +3 damage)
6 Quiver (6 arrows)
7 Potion of Diminution
8 Magic Gold Ring (+1 FP)
9-10 Empty Slot
NAME: Enchanter Reed, Ninth of the Inverted Tower
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 4

Fighting Prowess: 1
Psychic Ability: 15
Awareness: 8
Endurance: 27/36
Damage: 1 Die +3

1 Sword
2 Studded Leather Armour (Armour Rating 2)
3 Money Pouch (empty)
4 Quiver (6 arrows)
5 Potion of Diminution
6 Potion of Diminution
7-10 Empty Slot
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Post by Starmaker »

Skip the first action, then start hacking at the one most likely to drop.
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Post by Shiritai »

I'll drop sheet lightning and deliverance, Nemesis Bolt number 1, prep Entrallment, and enthrall the highest endurance one (hopefully). Then I'll swordthrust a low end. guy, and repeat nemesis bolt.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Doing nothing actually seems fairly attractive. Their armor is just good enough that using magic arrows doesn't seem worth it and they hit pretty hard in melee (although with a FP of 8 they don't hit too often).

I guess I'll try to take a shot with a magic arrow at #1 in case Reed's Nemesis Bolt doesn't drop it. If it does drop it I'll defend instead.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Wait, then focus down whoever's adjacent and nearest to death.
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Post by SGamerz »

Death to the Harbingers of (Red) Death!

Round 1 ... FIGHT!

Awareness 9 acts ...

Trickster overcomes fear but decides not to do anything this round.

Awareness 8 acts ...

Warrior overcomes fear but decides not to do anything this round.

Enchanter (overcomes fear and) casts Nemesis Bolt on Harbinger #1. Damage = 34+7-5 =36. Harbinger #1 is killed.

Harbinger #2 moves north and engages Warrior and Trickster.

Harbinger #3 moves west and engages the Sage.

Awareness 7 acts ...

Sage fails to overcome fear and is paralysed!

Quick Thinking bonus:

Trickster (overcomes fear and) fights Harbinger #2. Roll = 9. (Hit!) Damage = 17+1-5 = 13. Harbinger #2 has 22 END left.

Round 2

Awareness 9 acts ...

Trickster fails to overcome fear and is paralysed!

Awareness 8 acts ...

Warrior (overcomes fear and) fights Harbinger #2. Damage = 9+3-5 = 7. Harbinger #2 has 15 END left.

Warrior fights Harbinger #2 with off-hand. Damage = 9+3-5 = 7. Harbinger #2 has 8 END left.

Enchanter overcomes fear and calls Servile Enthralment to mind..

Harbinger #2 fights Trickster. Roll = 9. Miss. (Thanks to dodging)

Harbinger #3 fights Sage. Roll = 7. (Hits!) Damage = 16-2 = 14. Sage has 22 END left.

Awareness 7 acts ...

Sage (overcomes fear and) defends.

Round 3

Awareness 9 acts ...

Trickster (overcomes fear and) fights Harbinger #2. Roll = 8. (Hit!) Damage = 20+1-5 = 16 Harbinger #2 is killed.

Awareness 8 acts ...

Warrior (overcomes fear and) moves to engage Harbinger #3.

Enchanter fails to overcome fear and is paralysed!

Harbinger #3 fights Warrior. Roll = 2. (Hits!) Damage = 21-5 = 16. Warrior has 14 END left.

Awareness 7 acts ...

Sage fails to overcome fear and is paralysed!

Round 4

Awareness 9 acts ...

Trickster fails to overcome fear and is paralysed!

Awareness 8 acts ...

Warrior (overcomes fear and) fights Harbinger #3. Damage = 6+3-5 = 4. Harbinger #3 has 31 END left.

Warrior fights Harbinger #3 with off-hand. Damage = 4+3-5 = 2. Harbinger #2 has 29 END left.

Enchanter fails to overcome fear and is paralysed!

Harbinger #3 fights Warrior. Roll = 5. (Hits!) Damage = 16-5 = 11. Warrior has 3 END left!

Awareness 7 acts ...

Sage fails to overcome fear and is paralysed!

Round 5

Awareness 9 acts ...

Trickster overcomes fear and engages Harbinger #3.

Awareness 8 acts ...

Warrior fails to overcome fear and is paralysed!

Enchanter overcomes fear and casts Servile Enthralment. Harbinger #3 rolls 8 and fails to resist! Harbinger #3 is enthralled!

The party finishes off the enthralled Harbinger.
Wow the fear paralysis really messed us up bad, and both Warrior and Sage got beat up. Good thing we blew up one of them in the first round!
The last Harbinger of Red Death topples to the ground with a crash. A chill runs up your spine as you notice that inside their armour there is naught but empty air. Their weapons are too heavy to carry, and their armour too large, but the three doors at the far end open onto three stone cupboards, like upright coffins in which the harbingers resided, who knows for how long. In one alcove you find a ruby-red rod, with the number 50 inscribed upon it. Note it down on your Character Sheet, and make sure you note the number beside it.
If the Warrior carries this rod as well....note that she'll be using up her very last equipment slot.

Because of how badly she's injured, I'm pausing here to give Pepito a chance to heal before we move on.

Adventure Sheets:

NAME: Dame Caecilia Wither-Stoat
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 1

Fighting Prowess: 12
Psychic Ability: 7
Awareness: 8
Endurance: 3/50
Damage: 2 Dice +3

*Extra Notes: Takes no FP/damage penalty when fighting unarmed, +1 Armour Rating from Potentiation on top of normal armour bonus

1 Sword
2 Sword
3 Plate Armour (Armour Rating four)
4 Money pouch (empty)
5 Potion of Diminution
6 Potion of Diminution
7 Golden Rod ('100')
8 White Rod ('16')
9 Blue Rod ('50')
10 Red Rod ('50')
NAME: Benedict of the Crimson Spires, Honourable Duelist
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 2

Fighting Prowess: 10 (+3 from Blood Sword)
Psychic Ability: 7
Awareness: 9
Endurance: 28/42
Damage: 4 Dice +1 (+2d6 Damage from Blood Sword)

1 Blood Sword (+3 FP, +2d6 Damage)
2 Studded Leather Armour (Armour Rating 2)
3 Money Pouch (empty)
4 Bow
5 Quiver (4 arrows)
6 Quiver (6 arrows)
7 Potion of Diminution
8 Book (looted from crystalized corpse) - turn to 493 if read
9 Healing herbs (+2d6 END)
10 Empty Slot
NAME: "Pepito" Cascadero, Master of the Mystic Way
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 3

Fighting Prowess: 8 (+1 from magic gold ring)
Psychic Ability: 8
Awareness: 7
Endurance: 22/36
Damage: 2 Dice +1

1 Quarterstaff
2 Studded Leather Armour (Armour Rating 2)
3 Money Pouch (empty)
4 Magic Bow (+1 FP when using Archery)
5 Enameled Quiver (5 magic arrows - does 1d6 +3 damage)
6 Quiver (6 arrows)
7 Potion of Diminution
8 Magic Gold Ring (+1 FP)
9-10 Empty Slot
NAME: Enchanter Reed, Ninth of the Inverted Tower
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 4

Fighting Prowess: 1
Psychic Ability: 15
Awareness: 8
Endurance: 27/36
Damage: 1 Die +3

1 Sword
2 Studded Leather Armour (Armour Rating 2)
3 Money Pouch (empty)
4 Quiver (6 arrows)
5 Potion of Diminution
6 Potion of Diminution
7-10 Empty Slot
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

10 EP worth of healing, all going to the Warrior regardless of whether or not I roll a 1.

EDIT: in the off chance I roll a 5 or 6, the excess goes to me.
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Fri Oct 02, 2015 2:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Healing roll: 5x10 = 50 END regained!

Warrior's END is back to max. (50)

Sage's END is down to 15 (lost 10, got back 3).
You make your way back. As you negotiate the walkway above the infernal, fiery pit, four winged serpents, with eyes like molten lava and skin of flaming orange, rise up to attack you.


Fiery Serpents
Fighting Prowess: 7 Psychic Ability: 7
Awareness: 8 Damage per blow: 3 Dice+3
Armour Rating: 3
Endurance: 21

Anyone who is struck by a blow of fifteen or more points (regardless of armour) and still lives must turn to 3. You cannot flee for, as they can fly, they are too fast for you. If you defeat them, turn to 80.
And of course, the enemies just happen to be adjacent to the 2 characters who were badly wounded in the last fight.

The picture isn't very clear, but the Warrior is in fact engaged by 3 enemies (north, south and west). Sage is engaged by one. (south)

That rule regarding 15 or more damage sounds sinister (note that it discounts armour, so the Warrior is in as much danger of it as the Sage....more in fact, since he has 3 opponents.....although the Sage is in bigger danger of being outright killed since his END is at 15 anyway!).


Adventure Sheets:

NAME: Dame Caecilia Wither-Stoat
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 1

Fighting Prowess: 12
Psychic Ability: 7
Awareness: 8
Endurance: 50/50
Damage: 2 Dice +3

*Extra Notes: Takes no FP/damage penalty when fighting unarmed, +1 Armour Rating from Potentiation on top of normal armour bonus

1 Sword
2 Sword
3 Plate Armour (Armour Rating four)
4 Money pouch (empty)
5 Potion of Diminution
6 Potion of Diminution
7 Golden Rod ('100')
8 White Rod ('16')
9 Blue Rod ('50')
10 Red Rod ('50')
NAME: Benedict of the Crimson Spires, Honourable Duelist
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 2

Fighting Prowess: 10 (+3 from Blood Sword)
Psychic Ability: 7
Awareness: 9
Endurance: 28/42
Damage: 4 Dice +1 (+2d6 Damage from Blood Sword)

1 Blood Sword (+3 FP, +2d6 Damage)
2 Studded Leather Armour (Armour Rating 2)
3 Money Pouch (empty)
4 Bow
5 Quiver (4 arrows)
6 Quiver (6 arrows)
7 Potion of Diminution
8 Book (looted from crystalized corpse) - turn to 493 if read
9 Healing herbs (+2d6 END)
10 Empty Slot
NAME: "Pepito" Cascadero, Master of the Mystic Way
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 3

Fighting Prowess: 8 (+1 from magic gold ring)
Psychic Ability: 8
Awareness: 7
Endurance: 15/36
Damage: 2 Dice +1

1 Quarterstaff
2 Studded Leather Armour (Armour Rating 2)
3 Money Pouch (empty)
4 Magic Bow (+1 FP when using Archery)
5 Enameled Quiver (5 magic arrows - does 1d6 +3 damage)
6 Quiver (6 arrows)
7 Potion of Diminution
8 Magic Gold Ring (+1 FP)
9-10 Empty Slot
NAME: Enchanter Reed, Ninth of the Inverted Tower
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 4

Fighting Prowess: 1
Psychic Ability: 15
Awareness: 8
Endurance: 27/36
Damage: 1 Die +3

1 Sword
2 Studded Leather Armour (Armour Rating 2)
3 Money Pouch (empty)
4 Quiver (6 arrows)
5 Potion of Diminution
6 Potion of Diminution
7-10 Empty Slot
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I can't afford to do more than defend against this asshole.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Shiritai »

Well... I'll Nemesis Bolt the one next to Pepito, then Sheet Lightning and Swordthrust on the highest endurance one. Then I'll call Nemesis Bolt back to mind and deal with the remaining.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Every round, swing twice at the one with the lowest End. Also, pray that the proc isn't too harsh because it's very likely to go off at least once in this fight.
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Post by Starmaker »

This is ass. I shoot at the most wounded so that I'm doing something this fight.
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Post by SGamerz »

Darth Rabbitt wrote:I can't afford to do more than defend against this asshole.
Once Reed has gotten rid of the opponent threatening you (and I highly doubt it'll survive past the first round), you can shoot at the remaining 3. I'm going to assume you'll do that, since we probably need to get rid of them before one of them gets lucky on the Warrior.

Round 1 ... FIGHT!

Awareness 9 acts ...

Trickster shoots Serpent #1. Roll = 7. (Hit!) Damage = 5-3 = 2. Serpent #1 has 19 END left.

Awareness 8 acts ...

Warrior fights Serpent #1. Damage = 4+ 4-3 = 5. Serpent #1 has 14 END left.

Warrior fights Serpent #1 with off-hand. Damage = 3+3-3 = 3. Serpent #1 has 11 END left.

Enchanter casts Nemesis Bolt on Serpent #4. Damage = 29+7-3 = 33. Serpent #4 is killed.

Serpent #1 fights Warrior. Roll = 10. Miss.

Serpent #2 fights Warrior. Roll = 4. (Hit)! Damage = 15+3-5 = 13. Warrior has 37 END left.
Damn, happened in the very first round!
You scream in terror as the fiery serpent buffets you over the edge of the walkway and you fall into the flames below. Terror engulfs your soul like an icy hand, and agony engulfs your body in a wave of flame. However, if you are a Sage you are able to Levitate your way back up to the walkway with only the loss of three Endurance, no armour (return to 93 and fight on.) If you are not a Sage, flame-demons move to administer to you. You will lose one Die Endurance each Round until rescued. You can be pulled to safety only when all four of the fiery serpents have been slain.

If you are adventuring alone, then there is no escape for you. Once you have died, you will spend an age suffering the torment of the flames' infernal inhabitants. Your adventure ends here.
Since Kiki got knocked off the walkway, that puts her out of the fight, which leaves the way clear for Benedict to engage (but the other 2 are still trapped behind him).

Any changes ins strategies (the 3 serpents are still in their original positions to the left).
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

OK, that sucks.

I shoot them with the magic arrows.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

It's harsh. The proc is harsh. Hurry up and help me it burns
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Post by Shiritai »

I think I'll stick with my plan: Sheet Lightning, then Swordthrust the highest endurance one, then Nemesis Bolt.
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Post by Starmaker »

I step forward as my Quick Thinking action and start hacking.
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Post by SGamerz »

COMBAT LOG (continued):
Serpent #3 moves east and engages Trickster.

Serpent #4 attacks Sage (dying blow). Roll = 6 (Hit!). Damage = 11-2 = 9. Sage has 6 END left.

Awareness 7 acts ...
Sage shoots at Serpent #1. Roll = 7. (Hit!) Damage = 6+3-3 =6. Serpent #1 has 5 END left.

Quick Thinking bonus:

Trickster fights Serpent #3. Roll = 4. (Hit!) Damage = 10+1-3 = 8. Serpent #2 has 13 END left.

Round 2

Warrior loses 2 END and has 35 END left.

Awareness 9 acts ...

Trickster fights Serpent #3. Roll = 6. (Hit!) Damage = 16+1-3 = 14. Serpent #3 is killed.

Awareness 8 acts ...

Enchanter casts Sheet Lightning. Serpent #1 takes 3 damage and has 2 END left. Serpent #2 takes 6 damage and has 15 END left.

Serpent #1 moves east and engages Trickster.

Serpent #2 moves east and engages Trickster.

Awareness 7 acts ...

Sage shoots Serpent #1. Roll = 7. (Hit!) Damage = 3+3- 3 = 3. Serpent #1 is killed.

Round 3

Warrior loses 6 END and has 29 END left.

Awareness 9 acts ...

Trickster fights Serpent #2. Roll = 8. (Hit!) Damage = 11+1-3 = 9. Serpent #2 has 6 END left.

Awareness 8 acts ...

Enchanter casts Swordthrust. Damage = 14+3-3 = 14. Serpent #2 is killed.

Serpent #2 fights Trickster (dying blow). Roll = 10. Miss.

The rest of the party drags the Warrior out of the fiery pits.
You slay the last serpent, which falls, fluttering feebly, into the flames below. Hurriedly you make your way out of this hellish pit to the chamber of doors.
This brings us back outside the 5 doors. Since only Plague Star is left, let's proceed:
If you have a green rod, turn to 65. Otherwise, the door swings open and you step through - turn to 292.
The first thing that strikes you is the malodorous stench of dead and decaying organic matter. Then you notice you have stepped into a huge natural cavern, lit by a greenish glow that radiates from the ground. You look down, and your gorge rises in disgust. The floor is covered in rotting slime, a putrescent soup in which you can still see the remains of human bodies in various stages of decomposition. Legs and arms protrude from it at all angles, skeletal hands clawing desperately at the empty air as if in a mute plea for aid.

Towards the centre of the cavern you can see something large. Gingerly you set off across the slime.
I'm moving on to save time, since there's no option, but the Sage may heal here, before we face what's coming in the next section.....
As you near the centre you can see that a large sarcophagus lies in the middle. Before you can reach it, a sound causes you to turn. A horrific sight greets you. Three humanoid shapes, dripping putrid flesh, hobble towards you, leprous arms reaching out. Their faces are ruins of warped flesh, their bodies exhude an odour of putrefaction that sickens you. Greenish pus suppurates from a thousand cankerous wounds, maggots writhe and flesh sloughs off to fall to the ground with a glutinous slap. They are Undead Lepers, and you must fight them.


Undead Lepers
Fighting Prowess: 6 Psychic Ability: 6
Awareness: 5 Damage per blow: 3 Dice
Armour Rating: 3
Endurance: 30

Note: If you are wounded by one of these foul creatures, turn to 358 unless you are carrying the Blood Sword.

You can flee by running out of the cavern back to the room of doors - turn to 119. (If you come back here later, all surviving lepers will have regenerated, but those you destroy on this occasion will remain destroyed.)

If you kill them all, turn to 341.
Another enemy with unknown ominous side effect when we get hit! Fortunately Benedict has immunity against this one thanks to the Blood Sword.

More importantly, the Blood Sword also has a good chance of auto-killing them each round, because they are undead!


Adventure Sheets:

NAME: Dame Caecilia Wither-Stoat
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 1

Fighting Prowess: 12
Psychic Ability: 7
Awareness: 8
Endurance: 29/50
Damage: 2 Dice +3

*Extra Notes: Takes no FP/damage penalty when fighting unarmed, +1 Armour Rating from Potentiation on top of normal armour bonus

1 Sword
2 Sword
3 Plate Armour (Armour Rating four)
4 Money pouch (empty)
5 Potion of Diminution
6 Potion of Diminution
7 Golden Rod ('100')
8 White Rod ('16')
9 Blue Rod ('50')
10 Red Rod ('50')
NAME: Benedict of the Crimson Spires, Honourable Duelist
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 2

Fighting Prowess: 10 (+3 from Blood Sword)
Psychic Ability: 7
Awareness: 9
Endurance: 28/42
Damage: 4 Dice +1 (+2d6 Damage from Blood Sword)

1 Blood Sword (+3 FP, +2d6 Damage)
2 Studded Leather Armour (Armour Rating 2)
3 Money Pouch (empty)
4 Bow
5 Quiver (3 arrows)
6 Quiver (6 arrows)
7 Potion of Diminution
8 Book (looted from crystalized corpse) - turn to 493 if read
9 Healing herbs (+2d6 END)
10 Empty Slot
NAME: "Pepito" Cascadero, Master of the Mystic Way
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 3

Fighting Prowess: 8 (+1 from magic gold ring)
Psychic Ability: 8
Awareness: 7
Endurance: 6/36
Damage: 2 Dice +1

1 Quarterstaff
2 Studded Leather Armour (Armour Rating 2)
3 Money Pouch (empty)
4 Magic Bow (+1 FP when using Archery)
5 Enameled Quiver (3 magic arrows - does 1d6 +3 damage)
6 Quiver (6 arrows)
7 Potion of Diminution
8 Magic Gold Ring (+1 FP)
9-10 Empty Slot
NAME: Enchanter Reed, Ninth of the Inverted Tower
RANK: 6th

Battle Order: 4

Fighting Prowess: 1
Psychic Ability: 15
Awareness: 8
Endurance: 27/36
Damage: 1 Die +3

1 Sword
2 Studded Leather Armour (Armour Rating 2)
3 Money Pouch (empty)
4 Quiver (6 arrows)
5 Potion of Diminution
6 Potion of Diminution
7-10 Empty Slot
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Post by Starmaker »

Awareness 5.
I step NW and start hacking.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

As I have no interest in experiencing another bullshit proc, I propose a hit-and run strategy, where we try to drop one or two and then retreat before they get any swings on us at all, then return to repeat.

Round 1: Warrior waits, Trickster Waits, Sage Waits, Enchanter Nembolts (possible kill), Lepers engage, Trickster QT swords one (possible kill).
Round 2: Everyone moves to exit, lepers re-engage.
Round 3: Retreat.

There's a variant where round two is more swings and the Enchanter casting Immediate Deliverance, but I don't remember if that's one he has commonly prepped.
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Post by SGamerz »

angelfromanotherpin wrote: There's a variant where round two is more swings and the Enchanter casting Immediate Deliverance, but I don't remember if that's one he has commonly prepped.
Note that fleeing here doesn't bring you forward.....it just goes back outside the 5 doors. Since we've already visited the other 4 rooms, Immediate Deliverance is pointless here. The lepers get regenerated if we come back later.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

If you come back here later, all surviving lepers will have regenerated, but those you destroy on this occasion will remain destroyed.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

So I can heal before the fight? In that case I spend 5 EP on healing and give all of the result to myself. Any remainder is equally divided between Trickster and Warrior (if an odd number, give the extra point to the Warrior).

As for whether or not to tactically retreat, I have no idea if the fire serpents and whatnot respawn and don't particularly want to risk it. So I suggest we don't try it.

Anyhow, I shoot Leper #3 with my non-magic arrows. If it dies I shoot the one with the lowest EP.
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Post by Shiritai »

We're done with the lava level; we're in the sewers now. So retreating just "resets" the lepers. I was thinking of the Immediate Deliverance strat too; I can turn 1 Nemesis Bolt and turn 2 Immediate Deliverance, so we kill one or two each attempt. I'll vote for that.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

OK, in that case I'm good with the hit-and-run plan. Pepito will shoot any lepers that were wounded but weren't killed by the rest of the party, in hopes of ensuring one or more die in a round.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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