[LP] LKG: Middle-Earth Quest 5? – A Spy in Isengard

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Post by SGamerz »

Yeah, why not. Just hope that we still have the opportunity to look at the chests after that.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

202 (Time: 20)

The boxes are of all shapes and sizes, some of metal, others of wood with delicately crafted leather bindings. All are very old, however: the leather is brittle and crumbles at your touch. Worst of all, every one appears to be empty. With increasing impatience, you open box after box, until finally reaching the bottom of the pile. One box remains: a small one, large enough only to hold a small piece of jewelry.

You cautiously pry open the tiny lid, half expecting it to be empty as well, but no! Within, held in a fold of black velvet is a beautiful gold ring set with three rubies. You slip the ring on your finger: it fits perfectly. There is a delicate inscription: I am a ring of Fire; he who wears me may cast one Fire Bolt per day, with no harm to himself.

• If you keep the ring, turn to 259.
• If you return the ring, turn to 310.
Name: Spedwine

Strength: 7
Agility: 6
Intelligence: 11

Endurance: 34
XP: 24
Time: 215

Melee OB: +1
Missile OB: -3
DB: 0/+3
Running: 0
General: +1
Trickery: +3
Perception: +3
Magical: +3

Spells Known: Calm (5), Clairvoyance (5), Healing (0), Luck (5).

Gear: Mithril Shirt (+3 DB), Backpack, Pouch of Healing Herbs (3).
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Take the ring. It's not a Ring of Power or anything which means it probably won't fuck us over.
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Post by SGamerz »

One of the Rings of Power actually is called the Ring of Fire, but that's supposed to be with Gandalf.

This probably isn't the Ring of Fire, so take it.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

259 (Time: 5, Exp Pt: 5)

Pleased with yourself and your find, you put the boxes back as close to their original places as possible. Check clue C.

• If you examine the chests in their niches, turn to 436.
• Otherwise, move on.
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Post by SGamerz »

Moar loot.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

259 (Time: 10, Exp Pt: 3)

Moving to the first chest, you find that it is a simple, but finely-made wooden coffer, apparently unlocked. Gingerly, you open the lid, hoping that there are no concealed traps. There are apparently none, for nothing happens as you open the chest fully. Inside... inside is a treasure beyond your imagining! Filled to the brim with gold coins, this chest holds a fortune.

A quick examination reveals the same as the other six chests. There must be nearly a thousand coins in this one chest! you marvel. Picking up one coin to examine it more closely, a strange feeling begins to creep over you. This coin is not from the mint of Gondor. The strike is too perfect, and there is an image of a woman on one face.

You try to make out the fine Tengwar script... 'By the Grace of Eru, in the reign of Her Majesty, Tar-Ancalimë, 1100 Second Age; Númenor.' This treasure was rescued from Númenor, probably brought with Elendil when he sailed a across the sea just before that land sank! you realize.

If you wish to take some of the money, you can carry 20 pieces without being burdened. Make a note of what you take.

• If you investigate the items on the pedestal, turn to 202.
• Otherwise, move on.

Seems to be nothing left here, and no choice of destination for a little way.

S15 (Time: 5)

At the fourth level this stairwell ends in a narrow landing. Straight ahead the cold iron door of the Treasury bars your way, while on either side stand iron statues of tall men in full plate armour. You have come here few times, but on every occasion the looming presence of the twin statues has sent chills through your body. Saruman has assured you that the guards are no more than sculpture, but his words somehow fail to convince you.
• If you move on, climb down to S11.
• If you try to enter the Treasury (W15), turn to 338.
S11 (Time: 5)

Here, on the third level landing lies the entrance to the Library of Orthanc – one of the most extensive gatherings of knowledge east of the Sea. The library door is tall and narrow, set deep in a shadowy niche in the inner curving wall of the tower. Finely made of carved panels of dark cherry, the heavy door leads into the library of Orthanc – one of the finest collections in all Middle-earth. From here you can either climb up (to S15), down (to S7) or enter the Library (V12). Move on.

Let me know how many (if any) coins you want to have taken, and where to next.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Take 10 of the coins, I suppose. Then head to S9.
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Post by Shiritai »

Eh, if we're taking 10 we may as well take 20. And agreed on S9; maybe the laboratory holds some clues. I'm worried about running into Saruman if we visit that one room we're forbidden to enter though...
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

V12 (Time: 5)

The vastness of the library engulfs you. No matter how many times you come here, you are awed by the immense domed chamber one hundred feet across and nearly seventy-five feet at the apex. Five levels of iron walkways circle the perimeter, joined by spiral stairways. These seven narrow open-mesh helices are spaced evenly about the hall, rising sixty feet up to the base of the iron-trussed dome. The complexity and ornamentation of the twisting black ironwork in this room is a treasure to be appreciated, and that is merely the structure which surrounds the priceless volumes and documents held here.

Indeed, the entire circumference of the great chamber is covered with carved wooden shelves and racks, holding thousands upon thousands of scrolls, bound manuscripts, and books. Most of the documents are of course loose manuscripts bound together; a few are actually books, filled with Saruman's flowing script. Much of the upper wall area is consumed with myriad pigeon-holes, each holding a parchment scroll, numbered and labeled.

To the east, a small, narrow door of black stone breaks the pattern of racks and shelves. Past that door is a short hallway, and beyond stands a small iron-railed balcony, directly above the front door. The huge room is lighted primarily by seven tall windows, running from floor to dome, set next to each of the stairwells. At night, the domed ceiling gives off a warm yellow illumination. You once asked the Wizard how the magic of the ceiling was accomplished, but he just shook his head and said: "Some trickery of the Númenoreans, I suppose; they wasted their skills on foolish trifles like that." You secretly find the ceiling fascinating and often come to the library just as the natural light dims to watch the dome come to life.

Many curving desks occupy the floor of the chamber, reminders of a time when this was a citadel occupied by not only soldiers of Gondor, but by Mystics, Historians, and Astrologers. In the centre, on a raised pedestal, is the main librarian's desk and the catalogue, holding references to every manuscript, book, and scroll in the room. Since only you, the other apprentices, and Saruman use the library now, there is no need for a librarian; the desk has been untended for hundreds of years. Pick a number:
• If 2-5, turn to 475.
• If 6-12, turn to 322.
The roll was 5, so whatever we missed last time, we're getting it now.
475 (Time: 5)

Saruman stands on the third level balcony, apparently looking for a book.

• If you greet Saruman, turn to 335.
• If you remain in the library but do not speak to Saruman, turn to 366.
• If you leave by another stairway, not wishing to be seen, pick a number and add your Trickery bonus:
- If 2-6, turn to 426.
- If 7-12, turn to 246.
• If you leave the way you came, move on.

Ah yes, the wandering monster.
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Post by Shiritai »

Act like everything's cool. "Hi Sauron, whatcha up to?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah. We don't want to raise suspicion and it's highly unlikely that Saruman is going to greet us with a strip search to find any of the loot we've taken so far.
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Post by SGamerz »

Shiritai wrote:Act like everything's cool. "Hi Sauron, whatcha up to?
Saruman is going to get real suspicious if we start seeing the Dark Lord in his library. Not so much about us spying, but more about us smoking weed and getting high. :tongue:

Yeah, greet our master.
Last edited by SGamerz on Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

335 (Time: 5)

In response to your call, the Wizard spins about, his white robes swirling. The furled cloth catches reflections from the lamps and reflects shimmering rainbows. A trick of the light, no doubt. Saruman leans over the railing, nods, saying "Good day, my young friend," and returns to his search

• If you look for a book, turn to 187.
• If you search the Library for anything unusual, turn to 235.
• If you leave (by any door), move on.

Well, behaving unsuspiciously has worked. Also, the 'anything unusual' reference is different. Try that again, or keep moving?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I suspect the "anything unusual" will result in (at least a chance of) Saruman realizing what's up.

So let's head to S9 now.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Shiritai »

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

S9 (Time: 5)

The great hollow core of this pinnacle begins to narrow as you reach the third level, yet still the steps are many feet wide. Deeply-set into the black rock of the wall is a large door with a pointed arch. Finely made with carved panels of dark cherry wood, the heavy door leads into the Library of Orthanc – one of the finest collections of manuscripts in all Middle-Earth. From here you can either climb up (to S13), down (to S5) or enter the library (V12). Move on.
I haven't heard much chatter about visiting the Drawing Room, so I'll take us up.
S13 (Time: 5)

The steps spiral away in both directions, and a tall door with a pointed arch stands before you. It leads to Saruman's Study.

• If you try to enter Saruman's Study (W13), turn to 488.
• Otherwise, move on by climbing up (to S17) or down (to S9).
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Post by Shiritai »

Continue up to the lab; we could hit his study on the way down if needed.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

S17 (Time: 5)

You arrive at the Fifth level landing of this stairwell. Set in the wall next to you is a large metal door of unusual design. Instead of opening on hinges like most doors, it slides up and out of the way on a track. Saruman has explained that it makes a more secure seal, should some dangerous gas be released in the Laboratory beyond. From here you can either climb up (to S18), down (to S13) or enter the Laboratory (X17). Move on.
In we go.
X17 (Time: 10)

As you twist the small iron knob next to the laboratory door, the wall is filled with the sounds of well-oiled machinery. With smooth elegance, the large door of reinforced metal glides along its track, rising into the wall above the portalway.

The great laboratory, filling an entire level of Orthanc, is actually many laboratories, including sections devoted to chemistry, metals, biology, botany, and other more arcane arts. Although there are four windows, they are usually covered with steel shutters, and the only light in the room is from several ever-burning lamps and hearths. Saruman has been spending considerable time here lately, apparently casting something in the small forge. He has been very secretive about his work, impatiently telling you to study your chemistry whenever you display curiosity. [/b]Pick a number:[/b]
• If 2-5, turn to 234.
• If 6-12, turn to 424.
The roll is 12, so...
424 (Time: 10)

A moment after entering, you realize that Saruman is already there, in the back of the laboratory. Even if you were thinking of leaving, it is too late: the Wizard looks up and smiles at you, his eyes alight.

"Ah, good! Come here, I was just about to summon you. I have just completed something, a gift."

As you approach, you see that Saruman is holding a small glittering object in his hand. It is a ring. "I have been honing my skills, and studying the texts of Celebrimbor the Smith. This is my latest creation." With a smile and a gleam in his eye, he holds out the ring to you. It is of gold, set with a green gem. "Consider it a reward for your excellent service these past months. Take it, youth! It has many powers... yes, many powers indeed."

You know of Saruman's recent obsession with rings of power, and his more and more frequent references to the One Ring. Of course, he is a master of Lore, and was charged by the White Council to learn all he could about the history of the rings, but still your heart is uneasy as you look into the Wizard's eyes.

• If you take the ring, turn to 126.
• If you decline Saruman's offer, turn to 257.
I really just want to know how he beat us here from the library, but apparently we have to make this decision before we can ask any questions.
Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I'd suggest that we take it and conveniently "drop" it later, once out of sight.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Shiritai »

Yeah, take it. At least we're not being commanded to wear it.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

126 (Time: 10)

"Why, thank you, Saruman, this is indeed a wondrous gift!" you say, taking the ring. It is surprisingly heavy, and warm to the touch.
"Put it on!" Saruman urges, leaning closer, a fey light in his eyes. You are suddenly very frightened of the old Wizard, and even more certain that he has fallen into darkness. You must make a decision. Note: in the confines of the laboratory, you cannot run away.

• If you put the ring on, turn to 228.
• If you refuse to put the ring on, turn to 253.
• If you attack the wizard, turn to 344.


You were saying, Shiritai?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

OK, so this guy will fucking murder us if we attack him, and we probably die (or at least game over) if we put on the ring. Hopefully we can get a Trickery roll to give a reason as to why we can't put it on right now.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Shiritai »

Dammit! Put it on and hope it doesn't work, or doesn't work well. We have a decent magic stat to resist with. That's not the face of someone who'll take "No" for an answer.
Last edited by Shiritai on Wed Nov 04, 2015 2:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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