[LP] DestinyQuest: The Legion of Shadow

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[LP] DestinyQuest: The Legion of Shadow

Post by angelfromanotherpin »


This book was recommended to me as a gamebook that was published in 2012, and might have innovated the form. I don't think it really did. It's been a decidedly mixed bag, and I even posted a short rant about it in the 'Totally Lost You' thread. However, while The Legion of Shadow is gravely flawed, that doesn't exactly set it apart from (most of) the other books we've LP'd. Also, I think it's pretty interesting, because it definitely does have it's good points as well. I'll be commenting on good and bad as we go along, and I hope you will too.

The System
The stats are: Brawn, Magic, Speed, Armor, and Health. Health starts at 30, all others start at zero. Sometimes you must test a stat, which involves rolling 2d6+stat against a TN, like Climb the Cliff (Speed 9).
There are three careers that might become available to your hero. Warriors are associated with Brawn, rogues with Speed, mages with Magic. When you train as one of them, you'll get associated special abilities.
Your character has sixteen item slots: Cloak, Head, Gloves, Main Hand, Chest, Left Hand, Talisman, Feet, Necklace, Ring x2, and Backpack x5. You can only carry one item per slot; putting an item in an occupied slot destroys the previous occupant. You can only carry an item in a slot that matches its kind.

The currency of the realm (Valeron) is gold crowns, which don't take up a slot.

A combat round is resolved by opposed 2d6+Speed rolls. Damage is 1d6+(higher of Brawn or Magic)-(opponent's Armor). Combat usually continues until one person has Health ≤0 and is defeated. After combat, you fully recover immediately.

That would be pretty dry by itself, so there are a lot of combat abilities. In a single round you can drink one potion, use one Speed ability, one Combat ability, any number of modifier abilities, and must use all Passive abilities.

Unless otherwise stated, being defeated just bounces you back to the main map, so savescumming is basically the assumed play style.
The Intro
The knight's legacy

You are thrown from the dream, kicking and flailing. It is some seconds before you can catch your breath, images of black-scaled monsters and sharp fangs still swimming before your vision.

As your surroundings slowly come into focus, you find yourself lying on your back against the soggy ground, a steady patter of rain beating on the dead leaves and dirt. Above you, a full moon streams garish light through the treetops, picking out the charred twisted remains that encircle you.



Frantically, you scramble to your feet, the cold rain making the ground slippery with mud. As you stand, an angry pain causes you to stagger, thumping against the inside of your head. Putting a hand to the back of your scalp, you feel for a wound or bruise. To your surprise, you find nothing.

All around you, the ground is scorched and smoking, forming a crater with you at its center. Sprawled around its edge are over a dozen bodies – each one burnt beyond all recognition. You close your eyes, struggling to remember what happened... how you came to be here.

You look down at your tattered clothing, rain soaked and smeared with mud. A splatter of blood covers one sleeve. Tentatively, you pull back the cloth, your eyes widening in surprise when you see the purple mark branded into the skin. The design is detailed and intricate, showing three diamond-bodied serpents intertwined in a dizzying pattern of spirals. Around them, a number of strange sigils glow with a soft purplish light.

You hear a groan coming from the trees ahead. Covering the strange mark, you stagger through the mud towards the sound. Instinctively, your hand goes to your belt, looking for a weapon. But there is none there. You are unarmed. Scanning the mud, you find a rusty-looking dagger next to one of the scorched bodies. You crouch down and pick it up, before heading into the dark trees.

A man is lying with his back against one of the trunks – no, a boy, not much older than fifteen. He is clad in plate armor, his thick mud-scattered cloak bunched up around his shoulders. The shaft of an arrow protrudes from his lower chest, having pierced through the links between the metal plates.

The boy looks up as you approach, his face deathly white and dripping with rainwater. A trickle of blood seeps from the corner of his mouth.

'What... what happened?' you ask, kneeling beside the wounded knight.

The boy fixes his watery eyes on your own. 'You don't remember?' he rasps hoarsely.

You say nothing, your attention shifting to the black-fletched arrow. 'Who did this? Who are those... people?' You gesture back towards the clearing, where the scorched bodies lie in twisted repose.

'Brigands. Thieves,' gasps the boy, grimacing with pain. 'They attacked our camp.'

'Our camp?' you ask. You close your eyes, struggling to remember what happened – to find that part of yourself, that corner of your mind where some memory or trace of who you are might still remain. There is nothing – only a chill darkness, as cold and impenetrable as the night. When you open your eyes, they are misted with angry tears. 'I don't remember... I don't remember anything.'

The boy gives a pained gasp as he struggles to raise one of his hands. With a trembling finger, he points to your head. 'You took a blow. Right before you killed those men.'

You draw back, inhaling sharply. 'I... I did that... back there?' Images of the charred, ruined bodies flash before your eyes. 'How?'

'Some magic,' whispers the boy. 'It came from the... that mark on your arm.'

You flinch, clutching your arm protectively against your chest. The boy smirks at your reaction. 'you never mentioned it. I guess it was something you didn't want me to know about.'

'And this?' you ask, looking down at the black-fletched arrow.

'Assassin spitted me,' he grimaces. 'He was the only one to get away. Their leader... I think.' Where the arrow shaft meets the skin, you can see green poison bubbling out of the wound.

The boy reads your fatal expression. 'I know, it's... too late for me.'

Your shoulders sag. It is a grim thought – that this dying knight is the last remaining link to your past, to your previous life that is now forgotten. 'We know each other?' you ask hesitantly.

'We met yesterday,' rasps the boy. 'We were both traveling the same road... to Tithebury Cross.'

You shake your head. The name means nothing to you.

'I'm an academy knight,' the boy wheezes. 'Just graduated, top of my class. I was going to apprentice...' He stops as a wave of pain forces him to shudder. You put out your hand, gripping his shoulder and willing him to go on. 'I was going to apprentice with Avian Dale...' For a moment there is a flicker of life in his eyes, his pain forgotten as he stares wistfully up at the dark sky. 'It was my instructor's idea. He said I was the best in my year... Avian doesn't accept just anyone. I was special...' His face sours as he looks down at the arrow shaft. 'Now that life is over.'

Suddenly, from somewhere back in the forest, you hear a piercing shriek. You glance nervously over your shoulder.

'Harpies,' grimaces the boy. 'They hunt in packs. The scent...' he lifts his hands, revealing palms soaked with his own blood. 'It will draw them here. You must go.'

'But I can't just leave you, I must find out-'

'My pack. Fetch my pack.'

The boy tilts his head. Following his gaze, you see a brown backpack lying at the base of one of the trees. You quickly retrieve it, surprised at its lightness as you lift it out of the mud. The boy gestures for you to open it. Inside, wedged between a bundle of clothes, is a rolled-up sheet of parchment.

'Take it,' whispers the boy. 'It's my letter from... the academy.'

Unrolling the scroll, you see that it is covered in neat flowing script. It is addressed to an Avian Dale, outlining the merits of a young academy knigh. It ends in a seal of green wax, displaying the insignia of a winged dragon.

'I can't take this,' you protest, shaking your head.

The boy gives a wheezing cough, his body jerking painfully with the effort. 'It is... no good to me. Take it. Start a new life. He'll never know.'

A screech draws your attention skywards. Black shapes are circling overhead, their spindly feathered bodies silhouetted against the full moon. Harpies. Something inside you is urging you to flee. The mark olong your arm tingles as if sensing the same danger.

You roll up the scroll and stuff it into the pack. When you look over at the boy, you see that his head is now resting against his chest, his eyes closed. Death has finally taken him.

'I will find the assassin that did this. I promise.' You reach downand take the boy's sword. It is a well-balanced blade, the hilt and pommel studded with gems.

You have gained the following item: The apprentice (main hand: sword) +1 Brawn, +1 Magic.

Another bird-like screech tears through the night. There are answering calls from all around you, worryingly close. Quickly, you shoulder the knight's pack and then start running.

You find comfort in purpose, keeping to a fast pace as you weave between the withered tree of the dark forest. After what feels like an age of battling through the cloying mud and driving rain, you spy a cave in the hollow of a hill. Having found shelter, you sit and await the dawn, shivering with more than just the cold.


The wooden signpost points southwards, where the marshy forest gives way to green rolling hills. 'Tithebury Cross. 3 miles.' You take a deep breath of the warm morning air. 'A new life. A new start.' Peeling back your sleeve, you look down at the purple mark, glowing beneath your skin. Does this strange mark hold the key to your past?

And what of the future?

You scan the letter of introduction once again; a letter recommending a talented knight to apprentice with one of the grand masters of the profession. 'Avian Dale.' It should have been the young boy – this was his future, his dream...

'It is... no good to me... take it. Start a new life. He'll never know.'
no one will ever know. Carefully, you roll up the letter and return it to your pack, before setting off down the long dusty road towards Tithebury.

Turn to the first map to being ACT 1 of your adventure. As a novice adventurer you will want to start with the green quests first, as these are the easiest to complete. Return to the map when you want a new destination or quest. Good luck!
The Map
Map Key:
The House (6) is a town, safe area, shops, source of info.
Green swords (10, 15, 22) are easy quests.
Orange swords (4, 66) are average quests.
Blue swords (25, 111) are hard quests.
Red swords (87) are hardest quests.
Spiders (18, 29) are legendary monsters, entirely optional, hard to beat, sweet rewards.
The skull (97) is the boss monster; defeating it will move you to the next Act.
Where to?
Name: ?
Speed: 0, Brawn: +1, Magic: +1, Armor: 0
Health: 30
Main Hand: The Apprentice (sword; +1 Brawn, +1 Magic)
Money Pouch: 10 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

The House, because this isn't a videogame so it's not worth skipping to catharsis by going straight to questing without any info.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The track you are following widens, becoming a dusty road that leads into the village of Tithebury Cross. It is a small settlement – its timber framed buildings and cottages crowded in around a central main square where four roads come together.

The lanes and paths are mostly deserted. You imagine that most sensible people are staying indoors, taking refuge from the sun's merciless heat. A couple of farmers pass you by, grumbling about the weather. Neither of them offers you a word of greeting.

Reaching the main square, you consider your options. Ahead of you is the local tavern, its painted sign showing a plump black bird pecking at a pie. To your left are the remnants of a small market, set up under a series of grey awnings. With few customers to view their wares, the traders look bored and listless. To your right, a narrow path leads past a row of houses and then rises steeply, climbing the side of a sun-scorched hill. At its summit you can see a stone well, with several villagers gathered around it, deep in conversation.

• Visit 'The Pie and Black Bird'?
• Explore the market?
• Visit the well? (This starts a blue quest.)
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Go to the tavern.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The taproom of the 'Pie and Black Bird' is dark and muggy, the only light coming from a narrow window opposite the bar. The tables and benches are mostly empty - just a few customers sit sullenly over their mugs of ale, making little effort at conversation. At the bar, a group of elderly farmers are seated on stools, talking in hushed tones as they puff on their pipes. The barman listens in on their talk, fanning himself with a grime-stained dishcloth.

As you approach the bar, you notice a man sitting alone at the far side of the room. He appears to be watching you from beneath the brim of his hat, his long pale fingers shuffling and reshuffling a deck of cards.

• Speak to the Barman?
• Talk to the farmers?
• Walk over to the card player?
• Leave the building?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Start with the barman.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Go buy some booze from the bar.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The barman grunts as you approach, pushing himself lazily up off the counter.

'What can I do you for?' he asks, scratching his rotund belly. 'Need something to cool yer down? Ain't got nothing cold, I'm afraid. Warm beer's all yer getting here.'

• Ask if he has heard any rumors?
• Ask about Avian Dale?
• Talk about the weather?
• Turn back to the taproom?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Ask about rumors.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

'Rumors, eh?' The Barman spits into his cloth, then proceeds to rub the counter with it. 'Well, latest news I 'eard is that a giant is causing problems along the eastern pass. Cut off the only trade route to Kimsbrook. Yer can imagine some of the locals ain't happy with that.' He nods towards the elderly farmers seated at the bar. 'Unless the locals can get their produce to market, not much to be made.' He shakes his head. 'Tough times, I think yer'll agree.'

• Ask about Avian Dale?
• Talk about the weather?
• Turn back to the taproom?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Ask about Avian Dale, then about the weather if we're allowed.

Then talk to the farmers, about the giant if possible.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The barman gives another grunt. 'Not heard that name for a while now. Strange fella, lives in that castle, across the gorge. Been there for as long as I can remember, but he seldom comes 'ere.' He leans towards you, beckoning you to do the same. 'I'd stay away from the likes of him. Something ain't right when a man lives as long as I have, but doesn't look a day older.' The man taps his grey balding pate. 'Look at me, fifty years to me name. But that Avian– still looks younger than my son. I smell magic there, and no good ever comes of magic.'

• Ask for directions to Avian's castle?
• Ask if he has heard any rumors?
• Talk about the weather?
• Turn back to the taproom?
Hm, looks like the conversation tree is slightly deeper than anticipated. Well, I don't think this book's going to drop any dire consequences for talking in the opening town, so I'm going down that branch before finishing off the rest.
The barman raises an eyebrow. 'Yer want to pay Avian a visit, do yer?' He grins, revealing two rows of rotted yellow teeth. 'God luck with that. the man keeps himself to himself - lives right across the gorge, south of 'ere. Only way across is a bridge, and I hears that a troll moved in now, made it his own. Unless you pay the toll, it's lights out for yer...' The barman slams his fist on the counter, making you jump. His face cracks into another grin. 'Truth is, I think Avian likes the troll - otherwise he would have done something about it. Keeps strangers away... and I hear Avian don't like strangers.'

• Ask if he has heard any rumors?
• Talk about the weather? √
• Turn back to the taproom?
The barman whistles through his stumpy yellowed teeth. 'I says it's magic - some kind of curse. I ain't seen rain around 'ere for months.' He dabs at his brow with a dirty cloth. 'We're all tired of the heat. If I wanted this weather I'd pack me bags and travel south. This ain't normal, I tell yer that.' The barman casts a nervous glance over his shoulder, then leans in over the counter. 'They say it's that witch,' he says, dropping his voice to a whisper. 'The old crone that lives out in the woods. Since she moved to Tithebury two summers ago, things have been going wrong. Calves born with three legs, children with the pox... I reckon this weather is all her doing. If I were you, I'd pass straight through Tithebury and be on your way. Safer.' He gives you a wink, then settles back behind the counter.

• Ask about Avian Dale?
• Ask if he has heard any rumors?
• Turn back to the taproom? √
The taproom sends us back to the first tavern entry, where our options were farmers or card player, and since this just seems to be a consequenceless infodump area, I'll do like Darth pre-pathed and talk to the farmers.
The farmers fall silent as you approach, looking you u and down suspiciously. You quickly explain that you are a traveler, and wonder if here is any work for a hired sword. The farmers glance at each other, then begin chuckling behind their pipes. One of them beckons you closer, blowing smoke out of the corner of his mouth.

'I tell yer wha' yer can do,' he says in a thick accent. 'Go kill the witch. She's the one tha' be bringing the curse to this land.' The other farmers nod, mumbling in agreement. Before you can ask any further questions, they turn their backs on you and resume their conversation.
Well, they're much less talkative than the barman. I'm just going to aggregate our options at this point.

• Walk over to the card player?
• Leave the bar and explore the market?
• Leave the bar and visit the well? (This starts a blue quest.)
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Post by SGamerz »

Card players. See if we can make some cash.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

As you walk over, the man doffs his hat to you in greeting. You settle onto the bench opposite. 'Greetings, my friend,' he says. 'You care to make a little wager?'

• Agree to play cards?
• Ask about local rumors?
I'll get the rumors first.
The man stops shuffling the cards and places them down on the table. 'Hmm, looking to make your fortune, eh?' He rests his chin on his hands, offering you a crooked smile. 'Well, if it's treasure you seek, that graveyard would be a good place to start. Haunted good and proper it is - the locals won't go near the place, even the priest. They say it's cursed. Something to do with an old legend about a book, buried beneath the church.' He chuckles to himself. 'Could all be nonsense stories. I mean, the heat is make the locals a little, you know,' he taps his forehead, 'crazy.' He picks up the cards again. 'But still, there has to be a reason why that place is always locked up tight. Protecting themselves, maybe... but when I sees a lock it usually means there's something important on the other side.' He gives you a mischievous wink. 'Now, enough ghost stories. Fancy a game of cards?'
The man nods and starts dealing out two hands of cards. He asks you how much you wish to gamble. (Choose how many gold crowns you would like to bet. These are placed in the middle of the table. The man then matches your bet with the same number of gold crowns.) Once the cards are dealt, the gambler explains the rules of his game. You pick up your cards and begin playing.

Roll a die:
• If the result is 1...
• If the result is 2...
• If the result is 3...
• If the result is 4...
• If the result is 5...
• If the result is 6...
So, how much do you want to bet?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Bet 3.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Bettin' three. The roll is a 1.
You have an excellent hand and beat the gambler. You may take back double the amount of gold that you have bet.

• Bet again?
• Leave the table?
Leaving the table means leaving the bar, since it's fully explored, in which case it's market or blue quest well.

... or any of the map quests, because the village doesn't actually have an exit reference. I'd forgotten that, and it's a real flaw in the book, that the introductory village is an inescapable trap. Especially since it could be solved with one sentence.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

We just won 6 gold, so check out the market.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You pass under the cloth awnings to explore the village market. Three stalls immediately catch your eye. The first is crammed full of herbs, jars, and bottles. Behind it, an elderly man is weighing ingredients on a small set of brass scales. On the stall next to him, an elegantly-dressed woman is sewing cloth. Displayed all around her are a number of embroidered garments, all neatly folded in colorful piles. At the end of the row, a rickety table has been set up, covered in a bizarre assortment of odds and ends - from wooden toys to battered pieces of rusty armor. The stall-owner is currently rummaging in a box underneath the table.

• Visit the apothecary?
• Visit the clothier?
• Visit the tinker?
• Leave the market?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Check out the tinker, I'm guessing they'll have the coolest stuff.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

'Wait up, wait up!' There is a thump as the man knocks his head on the underside of the table. 'Ugh, third time in as many minutes.' Rubbing his forehead, the man stands and holds out his hand. You shake it warmly, asking him what he has for sale.

'I'm a tinker,' says the man, stepping back and taking a bow. 'I find things and I repair them. Let's see... you look like the adventuring sort. Guess I might have some armor you might like. Not the good stuff, like what those mighty inquisitors wear. 'Although,' he makes a point of eyeing up your current equipment, 'beggars can't be choosers, can they?' He spreads out a choice of objects on the table. You may purchase any of the following, for 12 gold crowns each.

Notched Blade (main hand: sword) +1 speed, +1 brawn
Simple Coif (head) +1 brawn +1 armor
Buckled Boots (feet) +1 speed, +1 brawn

'If yer got any bits and pieces on you, I may be able to knock something together for you,' says the tinker.

• Show him your damaged shield and crocodile skin?
• Thank the tinker and leave?
Name: ?
Speed: 0, Brawn: +1, Magic: +1, Armor: 0
Health: 30
Main Hand: The Apprentice (sword; +1 Brawn, +1 Magic)
Money Pouch: 13 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

We can only afford 1 item, and I'm not sure I want to spend almost everything yet, considering there are more shops.

Can we access the tinker again later?
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

SGamerz wrote:Can we access the tinker again later?
Yes. Given how it's set up, something very strange would have to happen to keep us from revisiting. Access presumably cuts off after we defeat Act 1's boss monster and progress to the next map, though.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

How about we just see the clothier and apothecary menus?

...lemme guess, one of them causes an irreversible choice.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The elderly man looks up from his work, his expression one of surprise. 'A customer at last,' he says, pushing is glasses up his nose. 'Can I interest you in any of my wares?'

You may purchase any quantity of the following for 5 gold crowns each:

Pot of Healing (backpack) 1 use, use at any time in combat to restore 4 health.
Pot of Speed (backpack) 1 use, use at any time in combat to raise your Speed by 2 for one round.
Pot of Magic (backpack) 1 use, use at any time in combat to raise your Magic by 2 for one round.

• Visit another stall?
• Leave the market?
The woman puts aside her sewing, looking you up and down with interest. 'A traveler,' she says, nodding her head. 'So, I might sell something in this backwater village after all. Please, take a look at my fine silks. I use only the finest cloth and thread - from the deserts of the south, no less.'

You may purchase any of the following items for 12 gold crowns each:

Silk Robe (chest) +1 magic
Embroidered Gloves (gloves) +1 speed, +1 magic
Patchwork Cloak (cloak) +1 speed

'My skills are the finest around,' says the woman. 'If there's nothing here that interests you, perhaps I can tailor you something a little more... unique.'

• Ask about the unique items?
• Explore one of the other stalls?
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Post by SGamerz »

Ask about the unique stuff...again on the assumption that we can come back for them later if we can't afford them now.
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