[LP] DestinyQuest: The Legion of Shadow

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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

'Waste of bloomin' space if you ask me,' interjects the other woman, with an angry snort. 'He's supposed to help us, by bringing a little rain when we need it, or some fair wind.' She jerks a thumb over her shoulder. 'He lives in a tower, way up on the hills. My husband went up to see him only the other day – to convince the crazy old man to bring us some rain and end this drought. Well, you should have seen him. Scared out of his wits when he returned. He said that the tower was haunted and he weren't going back. Not sure what is going on up there, but I'm staying away too. It's a matter for the Speaker to decide what happens if you ask me.'

Intrigued, you ask for directions to the wizard's tower. Then, bidding the women farewell, you set off east along the river.
As you head east, the trees start to thin, the ground becoming steeper and more rugged. Soon you are picking your way between boulders and narrow wind-seared gullies. Following he directions you were given, you come to a series of worn steps, carved into the granite cliffs. These take you to the top of a high pinnacle of rock, where a tall stone tower stands stark against the azure-blue skies.

As you approach, you see that the tower is visibly shaking from side to side, dislodging dust and stone from its walls and crenellations. A booming banging sound can be heard coming from somewhere inside the tower. You call out, asking if anyone is home. A pair of window shutters fly open from high up the tower, and a bald-headed man with a wispy white beard sticks out his head. 'Help me!' he cries. 'Please don't go! I have a problem and I need help!'

You draw your weapons and agree to hear him out. 'It's my tower. I'm trapped in my tower. One of my... experiments has escaped and is now running loose. Please get rid of it so I can come down!'

You warily approach the front door, as the tower shakes and rattles on its foundations. Trying the door, you discover it is locked. 'I can't get in,' you shout up to the wizard. Suddenly, the door is blown off its hinges by some powerful force, sending pieces of splintered wood hurtling past your head.

'OK, no longer a problem,' you add, dryly. From inside the tower you hear a roar - like a fierce howling wind. Bracing yourself for what is to come, you step inside.
Inside the tower, it is a scene of destruction: shelves and cupboards have been smashed to pieces; tables and chairs have been flung on their sides; books, scrolls, and potion bottles litter the floor... and at the center of the circular room, spinning in a cracking maelstrom of electrical light, is a living whirlwind. With a booming thunderous rumble, it spins towards you, sending torn papers and pieces of wood hurtling up into the air. You must now defeat this fearsome magical creature:
Storm Elemental21125

Special Abilities:
- Charged: Each time you inflict health damage on the elemental, you take 2 damage in return. This ability ignores armor.
Yikes. Quite a jump up from 10 health 1-point-of-stats goblins and turnips.
Round 1: Us 7+2, It 7+2; Draw.
Round 2: Us 6+2, It 5+2; 1+3-1 damage, it's at 22. <shock> We're at 28.
Round 3: Us 8+2, It 10+2; 5+1-1 damage, we're at 23.
Round 4: Us 4+2, It 4+2; Draw.
Round 5: Us 10+2, It 6+2; 4+3-1 damage, it's at 16. <shock> We're at 21.
Round 6: Us 8+2, It 10+2; 2+1-1 damage, we're at 19.
Round 7: Us 9+2, It 7+2; 6+3-1 damage, it's at 8. <shock> We're at 17.
Round 8: Us 10+2, It 9+2; 6+3-1 damage, it's defeated!
The elemental crackles and hisses, then is extinguished, becoming little more than a wisp of cloudy smoke. As you waft it away, your eyes settle on a door at the far end of the room. It swings open and the weather wizard emerges, tugging nervously at his white beard. After quickly scanning the room, he gives a hoot of laughter.

'At last! At last! You did it!' He rushes over and grabs you by the hand, shaking it so hard you fear it may come off. 'Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!' he cries.

You ask the wizard to explain what happened. 'It was my rainmaker,' he says, rummaging through a pile of scorched papers. A-ha, here it is.' He picks up two pieces of charred wood. 'It got struck by lightning, right here in my tower. Broke in two and released the water spirit that was trapped inside. The dratted thing went crazy - it was uncontrollable, so I had no choice but to shut myself away in my upper rooms. Been stuck there for weeks now, living off magic bread. Have you ever tasted magic bread?' He sticks out his tongue, pulling a disgusted face. 'Horrible! Horrible!'

You tell the wizard that the local farms have been suffering because of the heat. The wizard nods. 'Yes, yes. I have been observing the weather – my specialty, you see.' He taps his knows in a knowing fashion. 'That weather isn't normal... some magic behind it I'm guessing, although who would want to cause a drought, I just can't fathom.' He eyes the two broken ends of his staff thoughtfully. 'Hmmm. I need a new rainmaker. Well, no time like the present. Come on, let's get cracking.'
The wizard heads into another room and emerges a few minutes later with a plain-looking staff in his hands. 'This one will do,' he says. 'But it's no good until we have a new water spirit to put inside. It's the water spirit that gives the rainmaker it's power. Follow me.'

The old man leads you out of the tower and back down the stone steps. 'There is a lake just over here,' he says, striding purposefully over the crest of a hill. 'See, down there. That will do just nicely.' He heads down the hill, towards a small lake of still water, its surface shimmering in the bright sunlight.

At the edge of the lake, the wizard takes his staff and pushes it into the ground, twisting it deep into the earth. Then he raises his hands above his head. 'When the spirit appears,' he says, 'it will try and attack me. I want you to keep it busy – so it doesn't interrupt my spell. It will take me a few minutes to bind it to the staff. Understand?'

You nod, readying yourself for combat as the wizard begins chanting his spell. A couple of minutes pass before you spot a disturbance on the surface of the lake. It starts out as a series of slow circular ripples, which soon become a swirling whirlpool of churning water. As it gains momentum, the water whooshes up into the air, forming a glittering column of spray. With a thunderous roar, the column curls into a wave, rushing towards the wizard at tremendous speed. Two powerful-looking arms spring out from its sides, forming themselves into watery fists. Quickly, you dash in front of the wizard, to protect him for as long as you can:
Lake Spirit45250

Fortunately, the goal is only to survive to the end of round 5.
Round 1: Us 12+2, It 11+4; 3+5-1 damage, we're at 23.
Round 2: Us 9+2, It 8+4; 1+5-1 damage, we're at 18.
Round 3: Us 7+2, It 5+4; Draw.
Round 4: Us 4+2, It 7+4; 4+5-1 damage, we're at 10.
Round 5: Us 6+2, It 6+4; 4+5-1 damage, we're at 2.
The lake spirit is powerful, knocking aside your flimsy weapons with its giant watery fists. As you stagger backwards, losing ground to this fearsome foe, there is a sudden flash of white light. Risking a sideways glance, you see that the wizard's staff has started to glow. The lake spirit drifts towards it, like a moth attracted to a flame. The nearer it gets, the smaller and smaller it becomes, until it is little more than a gentle wave, lapping around the foot of the glowing staff. There is another flash and the light is gone.

The wizard lowers his arms, his chanting finished. Exhausted, he drops to his knees. You rush to his side, offering him support as he stumbles back to his feet. 'I'm OK, I'm OK,' he says, patting your arm. 'It is done. The lake spirit is now trapped in the staff. It is mine to command now - the rainmaker is complete.' He tugs the staff out of the earth and holds it up, admiring it as if it was suddenly made from solid gold. It looks much the same to you: just a length of ordinary polished wood.

'With this, I may be able to defeat the weather spell and bring some rain to this land.' He regards you for a moment, then he offers you a warm smile. 'You have done well. Come, let's go back to my tower. I'm sure I have something I can offer you as a reward.'
Back at the tower, the wizard rummages through the wreckage of his front room and produces three items. 'Thank you again,' he says. 'Please, choose one of these magical artefacts as a reward for your bravery.'
All-weather hat (head) +1 speed
Rain-soaked robe (chest) +1 magic, +1 armor
Weather Ring (ring) Ability: lightning
Lightning (passive): Every time you take damage due to an opponent's damage score or damage dice, you automatically inflict 2 points of damage to them in return. This ability ignores armor. (If you have multiple items which grant Lightning, you still only deal 2 damage.)
Thanking the wizard, you leave the tower and resume your journey.
Which reward? Where to next?
Name: Trellis
Speed: +2, Brawn: +3, Magic: +2, Armor: +1
Health: 30
Necklace: Granny's Locket (+1 Magic)
Main Hand: The Apprentice (sword; +1 Brawn, +1 Magic)
Left Hand: Murder of Crows (fist weapon; +1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Chest: Goblin Leathers (+1 Armor)
Feet: Buckled Boots (+1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Backpack 1: Crocodile skin
Backpack 2: Goblin grog (2 uses): Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
Backpack 3: Healing Salve (1 use): Use any time in combat to restore 6 Health.
Backpack 4: Miracle Grow (1 use): Use any time in combat to raise your brawn by 2 for one combat round.
Money Pouch: 8 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Either the ring or the hat. Half a vote for the ring; the the effect sounds incredibly useful, but the fact that you can get multiple lightning effects makes me think we might find another one so I'm not sure if we shouldn't just take the hat for now.

Go to the other orange quest at 4.
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Tue Oct 25, 2016 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Speed is the "pass combat rolls" stat, so the hat beats out the ring.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

Quest: Rat extermination

You take the dusty track that leads out of Tithebury Cross and follow it up into the hills. Before too long you are passing endless fields of corn – the sun-bleached crop drooping listlessly over the cracked dried earth. Further along the track you spot a man, sheltering beneath a tree from the heat of the midday sun. Noticing you, he beckons you over. As you approach, you see that the man is little more than a vagrant, his skin black with dirt and his clothes ragged and torn. Clearly he hasn't bathed for several days - possibly weeks - and the smell is almost overwhelming. You try and hide your revulsion as the man cracks open a smile.

'Good day, me good sir. A stranger in these parts, I wager. Don't suppose I can be interesting you in a little work?' He scratches his cheek with a dirt-blackened finger. 'It's bloomin' rats,' he says. 'The blasted vermin have taken over me barn. They're everywhere!' He looks you over, his quick eyes darting back and forth between your weapons and your bulging backpack. 'Could do with someone like you to exterminate those critters. What do you say?'

• Ask why he can't do it himself?
• Comment on his lack of hygiene?
• State that you want a reward?
• Agree to the quest and get started?
Ah, the classic 'beneath your station' adventurer activity.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Ask why he can't do it himself... he obviously can't or he would have, but why?

Then take the quest because we are a sucker who does shit for free not evil enough to make leonine bargains.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Good point on the hat. Changing my vote to that.

Agreed on asking why, and taking the quest.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The man puts a hand to his back, letting out a loud and rather unconvincing groan.

'Pains, see. I got pains. Put my back out last season - no ways as I can keep up with those rats now. Fast little critters they are.' He shrugs his scrawny shoulders. 'I tried traps see, but they avoid them. It's like they're smart or something. Never seen their likes before. Bigger than your average rats too.'

The man glances down at the weapon hanging by your side. 'I say, that thing looks just about right for skewering those vermin. Make a nice tasty rat kebab with that, don't yer think?'

• Ask if there is a reward?
• Agree to the quest? x
You head off quickly down the track, pleased to have finally got away from the man's malodorous stink. After several minutes you veer off the track, joining a gravel pathway that leads into the nearby farmstead. As you approach the barn, you cast a curious glance at the other farm buildings. All of them seem eerily quiet, as if the place has long been abandoned. The shutters on the windows are closed, and the garden and surrounding outhouses show clear signs of neglect.

The hairs on the back of your neck begin to prickle. Something isn't quite right here. You step into the barn and discover that it is just as empty as the rest of the farm. Instead of golden piles of hay, there are just a few oily rags and some rusty pieces of farming machinery. Scanning the ground you see no sign of any rats either. Across from you, a rickety-looking ladder leads up into the hayloft.

• Climb the ladder to the hayloft?
• Return to the man at the roadside?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

ugh, if I knew that the second time it was phrased as "ask if there is a reward" instead of "state that you want a reward" I'd have asked for it.

Ladder's probably a trap, but I doubt it's an insta-kill. So climb it I guess.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Move directly into trap, do not pass go, do not collect $200
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by SGamerz »

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The rungs of the ladder creak in protest as you make your way towards the hayloft. As you near the top, you can make out a scuffling sound coming from above. Perhaps the man was right after all - there really are rats in the barn. As you pull yourself up onto the straw-covered platform, your eyes widen at the sight before you. Instead of a swarm of black-bodied rats you find yourself facing three scruffy-looking ruffians.

Instinctively you draw your weapon, eyeing up the largest of the three, whom you assume is the leader. An ugly scar cuts across the man's face, disfiguring his nose and mouth. He watches you intently, licking his lips as if planning his next meal.

At his side a spindly old woman cackles with delight. 'Ooh, this one looks delicious. What do you say, my beloved?' The third ruffian, an elderly man with a wild tangle of beard, giggles in a manner that suggests he has long since gone mad.

'Delicious! Delicious! Yes! Yes!' he barks, clapping his hands together.

The scarred leader begins to advance. 'About time we got some food sent up,' he growls. 'I'm famished.' His foot knocks into something, sending it skittering across the floor. You give a cry of revulsion when you catch sight of it - a half-eaten human hand.

'Careful, Gilbert,' says the crone, revealing a dagger from beneath her tattered shawl. 'This one looks smarter than the rest.'

The scarred man tightens his grip on the spiked club he is holding. 'Don't worry, ma. He won't give us any trouble.'

A scraping sound forces you to turn. Alarmed, you see that the ladder has been pulled away, leaving you trapped in the hayloft.

'Save some for me, my dears,' calls a voice from down below. You recognize it as belonging to the man you met on the road.

Slavering like animals, the three ruffians rush towards you.
You have no choice but to fight the three ruffians. They attack you as a single enemy.

Special Abilities:
- Crone's Dagger: If the ruffians roll a 6 for damage, the crone's dagger automatically inflicts an extra point of damage.
Round 1: Us 11+3, Them 7+2; 6+3-1 damage, they're at 7.
Round 2: Us 11+3, Them 10+2; 4+3-1 damage, they're at 1.
Round 3: Us 8+3, Them 5+2; 5+3-1 damage, ruffians defeated.
The three ruffians lie dead at your feet. You search the bodies as quickly as you can, covering your nose from the stench of their unwashed bodies. You find five gold coins and can take any/all of the following items:
Crone's dagger (main hand: dagger) +1 speed +1 magic
Gilbert's club (main hand: club) +3 brawn
Moth-eaten blanket (cloak) +1 speed
You peer over the edge of the platform, scanning the hay barn below. There is no sign of the other ruffian - and the ladder he took is now firmly out of reach, propped up against the far wall. Turning back to the loft, you discover that your only route of escape is through a narrow window, leading out onto a sloping tiled roof.

Perhaps you could escape by pretending to be 'Gilbert' and call for the other ruffian - or escape by climbing out onto the roof.

• Do your best impression of Gilbert?
• Leave the hayloft using the window?
I took the cloak because the slot was empty, but do we also want to replace our main hand weapon with either of the options?
Name: Trellis
Speed: +4, Brawn: +3, Magic: +2, Armor: +1
Health: 30
Head: All-weather Hat (+1 Speed)
Necklace: Granny's Locket (+1 Magic)
Cloak: Moth-eaten Blanket (+1 Speed)
Main Hand: The Apprentice (sword; +1 Brawn, +1 Magic)
Left Hand: Murder of Crows (fist weapon; +1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Chest: Goblin Leathers (+1 Armor)
Feet: Buckled Boots (+1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Backpack 1: Crocodile skin
Backpack 2: Goblin grog (2 uses): Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
Backpack 3: Healing Salve (1 use): Use any time in combat to restore 6 Health.
Backpack 4: Miracle Grow (1 use): Use any time in combat to raise your brawn by 2 for one combat round.
Money Pouch: 13 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

I think speed is more useful than brawn so the Crone's Dagger looks pretty nice to me right now. I also think climbing through a window on to a roof (standard hero stuff) is a safer bet than attempting to mimic a guy we only knew long enough to kill.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Half a vote to keep The Apprentice in case we get some kind of quest reward for it.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SGamerz »

Mimic Gilbert - I want to get my hands on that other ruffian.
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

As two thirds of voters only voted on half the issues, to encourage full participation I'm going to break the tie in favor of the one who voted on both.
You climb through the window and out onto the sloping roof. As you slide towards the edge, your foot dislodges a tile, sending it skating off the roof to smash on the ground below. You wince, cursing yourself for being so clumsy. A moment later you hear a voice from somewhere below.

'Who's there? Who... wait! Boss! Boss! We got a live one here!' You spot the man from the roadside, sprinting towards the farmhouse.

• Immediately give chase?
• Let him go and leave the farm? (Return to the map)
I'm pretty sure no one wants to abandon this place yet.
In his haste, the ruffian trips and falls, sprawling onto his stomach. Before he can get back to his feet, you are on top of him, pinning him to the ground. 'Ger off me!' he shrieks. 'The boss made me do it! The boss! We ain't had any fresh meat for ages.'

Suddenly the door to the farmhouse is flung open and a wiry man in a long open coat comes running out, brandishing a sword.

'Let him go,' he demands. You barely have a chance to draw your weapon before the leader is upon you, his blade whipping through the air in a steel blur.

*Once you have lowered the leader's healthy to 12 or less...
Round 1: Us 9+5, Him 6+2; 3+2-4 damage, he's at 24.
Round 2: Us 9+5, Him 10+2; 3+2-4 damage, he's at 23.
Round 3: Us 9+5, Him (+2; 2+2-4=0 damage.
Round 4: Us 4+5, Him 4+2; 1+2-4=<0 damage.
Round 5: Us 9+5, Him 6+2; 5+2-4 damage, he's at 20.
Round 6: Us 8+5, Him 9+2; 6+2-4 damage, he's at 16.
Round 7: Us 4+5, Him 9+2; 2+3-1 damage, we're at 26.
Round 8: Us 10+5, Him 7+2; 5+2-4 damage, he's at 13.
Round 9: Us 6+5, Him 7+2; 2+2-4=0 damage.
Round 10: Us 6+5, Him 11+2; 5+3-1 damage, we're at 19.
Round 11: Us 8+5, Him 8+2; 1+2-4=<0 damage.
Round 12: Us 8+5, Him 9+2; 2+2-4=0 damage.
Round 13: Us 8+5, Him 8+2; 4+2-4 damage, he's at 11.

Ugh, on a 1d6 RNG, even small Armor>Brawn/Magic advantage adds up fast.
The leader backs away. 'Think yer can best me, huh?' he snarls. 'It's time to show yer what yer really up against!' In horror, you watch as the man's body begins to change. Jos face stretches outwards to form a pointed snout, his nails and teeth lengthening into deadly claws and fangs. Coarse black hair erupts from the man's flesh, bursting through the seams of his ragged clothing. Within seconds you are staring at a man-sized rat, its pink tail whipping back and forth through the air. With a high-pitched squeal, the ratling lunges forward, foamy saliva drooling from its jaws. With no time to heal, you must take on this foe with the health that you have remaining:

Special Abilities:
-Tail Lash: For every die you roll that comes up 1 during this combat, the ratling's tail automatically hits you for 1 damage, ignoring armor.
Since we roll all the dice, it seems like even 1s we roll on behalf of the ratling count for its ability.
Round 1: Us 9+5, It 10+3; 6+2-2 damage, it's at 6.
Round 2: Us 7+5, It 7+3; 1+2-2 damage, it's at 5. <tail> We're at 18.
Round 3: Us 12+5, It 2+3; 2+2-2 damage, it's at 3. <tail> We're at 16.
Round 4: Us 7+5, It 10+3; 4+3-1 damage, we're at 10.
Round 5: Us 5+5, It 11+3; 4+3-1 damage, we're at 4. <tail> We're at 3.
Round 6: Us 4+5, It 5+3; 2+2-2 damage, it's at 1. <tail> We're at 2.
Round 7: Us 10+5, It 4+3; 5+2-2 damage, ratling defeated. <tail> We're at 1.

Man, I almost had to use a healing item.
You step over the body of the ratling and approach the remaining ruffian, who is now back peddling towards the farmhouse. 'Yer killed the boss! Yer killed the boss!' With a cry, he turns and races into the house, slamming the door closed behind him.

You decide that the cowardly thief can wait. Returning to the dead ratling, you search the body. You find 5 gold crowns and may take any/all of the following items:
Leader's Edge (main hand: sword) +1 speed +1 brawn.
Studded Leather (chest) +2 armor
Make a note of the word leader on your hero sheet.

• Try and enter the farmhouse?
• Leave the farm? (Return to the map)
I took the chest because it was a straight upgrade, but does anyone want to discard our just-found dagger for this guy's sword?
Name: Trellis
Speed: +5, Brawn: +2, Magic: +2, Armor: +2
Health: 30
Head: All-weather Hat (+1 Speed)
Necklace: Granny's Locket (+1 Magic)
Cloak: Moth-eaten Blanket (+1 Speed)
Main Hand: Crone's Dagger (dagger; +1 Speed, +1 Magic)
Left Hand: Murder of Crows (fist weapon; +1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Chest: Studded Leather (+2 Armor)
Feet: Buckled Boots (+1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Backpack 1: Crocodile skin
Backpack 2: Goblin grog (2 uses): Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
Backpack 3: Healing Salve (1 use): Use any time in combat to restore 6 Health.
Backpack 4: Miracle Grow (1 use): Use any time in combat to raise your brawn by 2 for one combat round.
Money Pouch: 18 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Since we've now discarded The Apprentice, take Leader's Edge because Brawn +3 > Magic +2.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

You approach the door to the farmhouse, stepping over the straggly vines and weeds that snake across the cracked stone path. Trying the handle, you discover that it is locked. To break down the door you must pass a brawn challenge.

Farmhouse door (Brawn 5)

• If you are successful...
• If you fail, you are left with no choice but to leave the farm and return to the map.
Stat tests are 2d6+stat, so with Brawn +3 we literally cannot fail to meet TN 5.
You push open the farmhouse door and step inside. The musty interior is little more than a squalid mess of broken furniture and rotting debris. You notice a number of gleaming bones lying amongst the waste - evidently picked clean by rats, or something far worse. Across the room, a staircase leads up to the second level. To your right there is a clsoed door, its green paint faded and peeling.

• Open the door?
• Head up the staircase to the second level?
Name: Trellis
Speed: +5, Brawn: +3, Magic: +1, Armor: +2
Health: 30
Head: All-weather Hat (+1 Speed)
Necklace: Granny's Locket (+1 Magic)
Cloak: Moth-eaten Blanket (+1 Speed)
Main Hand: Leader's Edge (sword; +1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Left Hand: Murder of Crows (fist weapon; +1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Chest: Studded Leather (+2 Armor)
Feet: Buckled Boots (+1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Backpack 1: Crocodile skin
Backpack 2: Goblin grog (2 uses): Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
Backpack 3: Healing Salve (1 use): Use any time in combat to restore 6 Health.
Backpack 4: Miracle Grow (1 use): Use any time in combat to raise your brawn by 2 for one combat round.
Money Pouch: 18 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Open the door; that seems more likely to be something we can't go back to than the stairs.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

The door swings open, releasing a horrible eye-watering stench. By a sheer effort of will, you force yourself not to flee. Instead, you hold your ground and peer into the gloomy space beyond. Part of you wishes that you hadn't. The room is full of rats. Hundreds and hundreds of them, scuttling over tables and cupboards, riffling through rotted food and what looks like human remains. It takes only seconds for you to realize the terrible danger you are in. With a deafening rush of skittering paws, the black bodies swarm towards you:
Rabid rats31030

Round 1: We 6+5, They 11+3; 6+1-2 damage, we're at 25.
Round 2: We 6+5, They 9+3; 6+1-2 damage, we're at 20.
Round 3: We 10+5, They 5+3; 1+3 damage, they're at 26.
Round 4: We 10+5, They 2+3; 6+3 damage, they're at 17.
Round 5: We 11+5, They 3+3; 4+3 damage, they're at 10.
Round 6: We 12+5, They 6+3; 3+3 damage, they're at 4.
Round 7: We 4+5, They 6+3; draw.
Round 8: We 8+5, They 11+3; 3+1-2 damage, we're at 18.
Round 9: We 7+5, They 5+3; 3+3 damage, rats defeated!
You step over the dead rats and enter the room. Covering your nose, you quickly rummage amongst the broken furniture and rotting remains. You can take up to two of the following items before the stench forces you to leave:
Ragged Boots (backpack) Perhaps someone can repair these?
Gourd of Healing (backpack) 1 use, use at any time in combat to restore 6 health.
Rat-bitten gloves (gloves) +1 brawn +1 magic.
• Take the staircase?
• Leave the farm building? (return to the map)
If you want to take both backpack items, let me know which of our current backpack items you'd like to abandon, because the 'pack only has five slots.
Name: Trellis
Speed: +5, Brawn: +3, Magic: +1, Armor: +2
Health: 30
Head: All-weather Hat (+1 Speed)
Necklace: Granny's Locket (+1 Magic)
Cloak: Moth-eaten Blanket (+1 Speed)
Main Hand: Leader's Edge (sword; +1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Left Hand: Murder of Crows (fist weapon; +1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Chest: Studded Leather (+2 Armor)
Feet: Buckled Boots (+1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Backpack 1: Crocodile skin
Backpack 2: Goblin grog (2 uses): Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
Backpack 3: Healing Salve (1 use): Use any time in combat to restore 6 Health.
Backpack 4: Miracle Grow (1 use): Use any time in combat to raise your brawn by 2 for one combat round.
Money Pouch: 18 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Take the boots and the gloves.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Boots and gloves.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

the wooden stairs are rotten. After only a couple of steps, your foot goes through the wood with a loud crack. Carefully, you withdraw your leg from the jagged splinters and continue up the creaking staircase. Reaching the top, you find yourself on a narrow landing. Opposite you is a closed door, its surface scoured by a series of deep claw marks. At the end of the landing, a door stands open - the space beyond swathed in darkness.

• Open the closed door?
• Enter the room at the end of the hall?
Name: Trellis
Speed: +5, Brawn: +4, Magic: +2, Armor: +2
Health: 30
Head: All-weather Hat (+1 Speed)
Necklace: Granny's Locket (+1 Magic)
Cloak: Moth-eaten Blanket (+1 Speed)
Main Hand: Leader's Edge (sword; +1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Left Hand: Murder of Crows (fist weapon; +1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Gloves: Rat-bitten Gloves (+1 Brawn, +1 Magic)
Chest: Studded Leather (+2 Armor)
Feet: Buckled Boots (+1 Speed, +1 Brawn)
Backpack 1: Crocodile skin
Backpack 2: Goblin grog (2 uses): Use any time in combat to restore 4 health.
Backpack 3: Healing Salve (1 use): Use any time in combat to restore 6 Health.
Backpack 4: Miracle Grow (1 use): Use any time in combat to raise your brawn by 2 for one combat round.
Backpack 5: Ragged Boots
Money Pouch: 18 Crowns

Last edited by angelfromanotherpin on Mon Sep 04, 2017 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

Closed door
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