Let's Play: Challenge of the Magi: Mage3

Stories about games that you run and/or have played in.

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Post by Thaluikhain »

However, before you can do anything:

Suddenly, everything grows dark around you and you find yourself standing on one side of the chequerboard floor at the top of the tower. Just yards away from you is your opponent. All is silent as you size each other up, ready to make the play that will wipe your opponent off the chessboard and gives you victory. You may describe your appearance to your opponent now, the colour of your robe and your class. You should also tell your opponent what artefacts you are carrying. You may exchange insults and epiphets such as "I come to teach you a lesson in the arts of magic, you mewling lackwit."

Your opponent is Explosive Wand the Sorceror, who carries a magic sword.

You will go first, decided randomly.

This is an area where black and white magic mix and interweave. You may choose from Holy Fires of Judgement, Hallowed Word or Deathknight (from your scroll). If you do not have any spells, you may run at your opponent in an attempt to engage in physical combat, braving whatever magic may be flung at you. Or you may flee from combat.
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Post by Ikeren »

I'll start with Holy Fires of Judgement, which now costs what, 6cp?

HP: 16/20 . CP: 14/14
Greaters; Holy Fires of Judgement (W) Archangel* (W), Hallowed Word (W), Tanglevines (G), Juggernaut* (G), Feeblemind (B)
Counters: The Chalice of Incorruptible Life, Tower of Indomitable Will, Absorption, Fireskin, Extinguish, Iron Maiden.
Lessers: Bless 1, Heal 3, Focus 2
Codeword: AMYTHEST
Zones, note for me Sacred Grove (3+2), Forest of Arden (1+1), Gardens of Contemplation (2+1)
Scrolls of Deathknight (Blk) and Spirit of Flame (R).

Spells have double CP cost until fountain of life.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Summoning all your reserves of concentration you cast the awesomely-powerful spell the Holy Fires of Judgement. There is no counterspell known to even the most puissant mages that can bar the effects of this spell. Read the following to your opponent:

"My arms are spread wide as I cast the irresistible dweomer from which there is no protection. You see nothing but there is a pounding pain in your skull. It is if you feel terrible anguish for each and every foul or evil act you have ever committed. Lose five Life Points and two Concentration points. If you are still alive you may cast a spell of your own, if you are able."
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Post by Thaluikhain »

"My arms are spread wide as I cast the darkest dweomer from which there is no protection. You see nothing but your skin begins to erupt into a mass of weeping sores. Your lungs are on fire as the pestilence grips you. Here in the tower black magic is as powerful as white and your body is racked with pain. Lose four Life Points and one Concentration points. If you are still alive you may cast a spell of your own, if you are able."


You may choose from Hallowed Word or Deathknight (from your scroll). If you do not have any spells, you may run at your opponent in an attempt to engage in physical combat, braving whatever magic may be flung at you. Or you may flee from combat.
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Post by Ikeren »

I'll throw a Deathknight at him from the scroll.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Cross off 1 CP as you read the following to your opponent:

"A foul mist materialised before me into the Deathknight, a figure in dark rune-etched armour, its visor up to reveal the face of blank nothingness. It stalks towards you, an ancient axe in hand, intent on carrying out my will - in short, to slay you."

However, your opponent knows the counterspell. According to the rules they must cast it, regardless of whether they want to.

"I take out a wafer that has been consecrated at the Shrine of the Martyrs and break it, uttering the words of the Rite of Exorcism. Instantly the Deathknight collapses, its armour falling to the ground empty. There is a rush of ethereal wind and we can faintly hear a whispered "Thank you" as the spirit of the Deathknight is freed from its bonded service to the necromancer and returned to its rightful resting place."
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Post by Thaluikhain »

"Vile desecrator of innocent souls, for that heartless act I will destroy you."

Yeah, using black magic is a bit odd for a wizard, but I guess if you win, nobody will dare say anything.

"I begin to charge forward, sword at the ready, intent on hand-to-hand combat. You have the opportunity to hurl a spell at me. If you do not, you may either flee, or run to meet me."
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Post by Ikeren »

I'll throw Hallowed Word at him.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You summon all of your resources and let loose the most inimitable of all spells, Hallowed Word. Read the following to your opponent:

"I do no more than point my finger at you and utter a single word of power, Faith. Can you withstand the Hallowed Word?"

Then can.

"Your faithful spell is as nothing to me. I go down on one knee and raise my arms to the heavens. A dark hole from which no light can escape opens up before me and the Hallowed Word echoes as its magic is sucked into the void and lost forever. I am protected by the Mouth of the Void and your foul magics have not succeeded in shaking my faith in the Gods of Evil."

(Doesn't say this costs 1 (well, 2 currently) CPs, but it should.)
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Post by Thaluikhain »

"I begin to charge forward, sword at the ready, intent on hand-to-hand combat. You have the opportunity to hurl a spell at me. If you do not, you may either flee, or run to meet me."
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Post by Ikeren »

HP: 11/20, CP: 4/14, so I guess it's time to duel and hope I get lucky.

Fight to the death!
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The sorceror has +1 to hit due to magic sword. The rules are aa it vague as to whether this affects damage.
Sorceror rolls 6(+1), wizard rolls 4, wizard takes 5
Sorceror rolls 4(+1), wizard rolls 3, wizard takes 6, and is killed.

Explosive Wand is again victorious!
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Post by SGamerz »

New Character:
Name & Class: Lavan Firestorm, Pyromancer
Starting Location: Sea of Glass
Greater Magics: (Red) Firestorm, Immolation, Spirit of Flame, (Black) Deathknight, (Blue) Domination, (Green) Juggernaut
Counterspells: The Chalice of Incorruptible Life, Rite of Exorcism, Fireskin, Extinguish, Iron Maiden, Mouth of the Void
Lesser Magics: 3 Heal, 2 Fire Imp Familiar, 1 Focus
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The portal vanishes behind you and you slip on the smooth reflective surface of the Sea of Glass. As far as the eye can see stretches a dead, flat plain of blue crystal like a sea frozen in time. The only breaks on the uniform landscape is a series of openings of caves, and a magnificent range of spiky mountains stretching towards the blue sky like pillars of frost. Underfoot your gaze can penetrate the glare to see several fathoms down into the clear blue crystal. Invisible currents of blue magic stir the air, the sorcerous magic of the mind.


You may set out towards the Frost Peaks or the Crystal Caves.

If you prefer to Invoke the Portals and leave the Sea of Glass you may. Will you visit the Tower of Immutable Paradox, the Silvered Spires, the Palace of Flame or the Rainbow Inn?
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Post by SGamerz »

Well, I know from earlier games where the Eye of Flame Ruby, so Crystal Caves.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The crystal caves are a miraculous maze of transparent tunnels and caverns. There is nowhere within them that the light of the sun doesn't penetrate and there are faceted stalactites and stalagmites that throw rainbows of colour across the transparent crystal.

You soon come to a large cavern in which the predominant colours are blue, lilac and purple. At the back of the cavern is a crystal pedestal and on it glows a gem so magical that its light mingles with the blue of the caves. It is brilliant red, a flaming ruby. It can only be the Eye of Flame. Crystal warriors, each seven-foot tall golems of glass emerge from side tunnels all around you. You are surrounded.


How much is the Eye of Flame worth to you? More than almost anything else? Do you value it for no more than its beauty, thinking that it would look nice on your mantelpiece, or is it of no interest to you?
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Post by SGamerz »

Well, I know answer C is the wrong answer, so 50/50......

Since there's no clue as to which is the better answer that I know of, I'll just play this like a classic FF gamebook PC and loot things because they're SHINY!

"I value it for no more than its sparkliness beauty!"
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The crystal warriors stop moving, as if they had turned back to statues of glass. You walk boldly between them and reach out to take the Eye of Flame. It feels warm to the touch. You spin on your heel, intent of leaving the cavern before the warriors can reanimate.


As soon as you start to move the crystal warriors come to life. They are about to attack so you Invoke the Portals. Record the codeword HAUBERK.

Where will you take the Eye of Flame: to the tower of Immutable Paradox, the Silvered Spires, the Palace of Flames or the Rainbow Inn?
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Post by SGamerz »

If the Red MacGuffin is in the Blue Zone.....I think I can make an educated guess as to where the other MacGuffins are kept.

Gotta put this to the test, and I might as well start somewhere most convenient to me....my own Sanctuary, Palace of Flames!
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The vista which opens up before you as you step from the portal is like a madman's vision of hell. A haze of incredible heat makes everything waver like a mirage but the brass Palace of Flames is so large you would have trouble believing it in any case. Nevertheless, the fifty levels of brazen walkways which circle and intertwine it are as real as the hairs of your head. Two great bulbous domes top the palace. Inside one of them lives the Flame Lord, Caliph of the Efreeti, the beings of flame which inhabit the city-palace.


You are allowed to move freely into the palace courtyard. Will you descend into the palace dungeons, or mount one of the wide staircases towards the state rooms or duck through a secret door into your Inner Sanctum and relax in the heat that is comfortable to you? Or you could Invoke the Portals and go to the Sea of Glass, the Garden of Contemplation, the Citadel of the Skull, or the Rainbow Inn?
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Post by SGamerz »

Presumably, the Inner Sanctum is for the mage to rest and recover.

Since Lavan's not injured now, and this is our territory anyway, let's just walk up the main stairs like we own the place (actually, do we? Is the Palace our home, or just that little secret Sanctum?).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The long climb through the sweltering heat of the Palace of Flames soon has you dripping with sweat. You are about to mount yet another grand staircase when a strange bubbling and hissing attracts your attention in a large vestibule nearby.

You may wish to investigate the sounds. If instead you prefer to leave the Palace you may Invoke the Portals. Where will you adventure next: the Garden of Contemplation, the Citadel of the Skull, the Rainbow Inn or the Sea of Glass? WAIT(5) first.

(At least part of it is the home of the Flame Lord and other Efreeti, and you are "a" pyromancer, not "the" pyromancer" (the game doesn't check to see if both players are the same type of mage either), so it's not all yours. But the relationship between the pyromancers and Efreeti are unclear, the Flame Lord could be your boss, your landlord or maybe just your neighbour)
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Post by SGamerz »

Investigate the interesting sound!
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The stench becomes almost overpowering as you enter the vestibule. You gag and then vomit. Then freeze in fear. The floor is a heaving mass of pus. You are standing on it and it is sticking to your boots. Two great red eyes float towards you in the mass of yellow slime and a column of congealed pus rears up to engulf you. In the middle of the room is a bed of glowing coals. Nestling amonst the red-hot coals are three strangely shaped brown and green rocks covered in red spots, the Bones of the Earth. The slimy creature threatens to engulf you. You are standing on Origob, Demonlord of Slime, from whom everything that is rank and corrupt, blasphemies of nature, were engendered. You remember the teachings of the old sages, but which is the Word of Power, the true name of this demon which will allow you to command it to your will? You have time to cry aloud just once before you are engulfed. Will you cry Mamaal, Barack, or Ashmodel?

There is a picture here
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Post by SGamerz »

OMG, are all the insta-death spell artefacts guarded by questions with 3 random options?

Without any kind of clue, I'll just pick the name that amuses me most simply because it sounds like the name of the former US president.

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