[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 61(?) - Howl of the Werewolf!

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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Grab, for the reasons I gave in my last post.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Blind white heads nudge at your hands as you fumble about in the slime, making you shudder in disgust. Your hand closes around what feels like the hilt of a weapon. Withdrawing it you wipe the clinging slime from the object now in your hands and are amazed to discover that you are holding a beautifully crafted Silver Dagger.

If you want to take the Silver Dagger, add this item to your Adventure Sheet and add the codeword Stoggam to your Adventure Sheet. You may use the dagger in combat but if you do so you will have to fight with your Attack Strenth reduced by 1 point. Injuries you cause any creature with the word 'Were' in its name will suffer increased damage (3 STAMINA points rather than the usual 2) as the pure metal is inimical to their kind. The Silver Dagger will also harm Undead and demons but only causes the usual 2 STAMINA points damage.

It takes a few moments for you to realize that there has been a cost to putting your hand into the slime, for it is mildly acidic. Your hand begins to burn and the skin reddens, just as if you had been burned. In time the pain will pass but you still suffer 1 STAMINA point of damage caused by the acid burn.
It's pretty much the same as the one we already have, but there's no harm carrying an extra. Taking this unless there are objections.

The fly brood in Deathtrap Dungeon also had a (non-silver) dagger. I don't know if this is meant to be a tribute to that, but there have already been a few things in this book that invokes memories of past ones (the mini-game of defending a house against a wolfpack, vampire larder and coffin destructions in the Tower sidequest, etc) so I won't be surprised if these a are intentional on the author's part. After all, this was the first actual new book in FF's short revival.
Eventually you reach the other side of the cave and breathe a sign of relief. You duck down the new stretch of tunnel, the stony floor becoming steadily drier underfoot until it joins another tunnel running perpendicular to it. TO your right, the passageway dissolves into darkness whereas, to the left, the tunnel soon ends at a circular grille. In turn, beyond that, lies a torch-lit, stone-walled corridor. It seems the logical choice.
A few firm tugs on the grate frees it from the mouth of the tunnel. Clambering through, you set off along the larger, illuminated passageway. A few yards further on you come to a junction, of sorts. To your left is a locked cell door, and you do not have a key. To your right another passageway leads away into darkness, while directly ahead the torch-lit tunnel continues. There are only two viable ways onward. Will you follow the passageway to the right or continue straight ahead?
Can't go left this time....right or straight ahead?
Last edited by SGamerz on Thu May 04, 2017 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

"You may use the dagger in combat but if you do so you will have to fight with cause any creature with the word 'Were' in its name will suffer increased damage (3 STAMINA points rather than the usual 2) as the pure metal is inimical to their kind"

Is there a typo or a bit missing there?

Anyway, with Johnathan Green, I might suspect less a tribute and more borrowing other people's ideas (which is not a condemnation).

And...go right, based on nothing much.
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Post by SGamerz »

I already edited it while you were typing that up. :tongue:
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Right is fine by me.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

The dressed stone walls soon give way to hard packed earth, within which have been cut long, low recesses, each large enough to hold a coffin. These must be the catacombs of the Abbey, in which the predecessors of the present-day brethren are interred. The catacomb tunnels wind through the ground beneath the Abbey complex, lit by flickering tallow-tapers. Turning a corner you hear a sudden skittering sound, which is then joined by a shrill squeaking. You can see that a number of the coffin-alcoves have been disturbed, the shroud-bound remains being gnawed at by the creatures your arrival has interrupted. At first glance you take them to be rats but as you begin to see more clearly through the gloom, you glimpse patches of the bare skin, suppurating sores and oozing buboes, exposed ribs, jaundiced-yellow eyes and bony, fleshless tails. These are no mere rates, they are contaminated carriers of the lethal Yellow Death, and would much rather feast on warm fresh meat than old, dry bones. Fight the undead rodents as if they were one entity.


If the rats bite you more than twice, you become infected with the vile plague they carry. Lose 1 SKILL point in addition to any STAMINA you may lose, and add 1 to your CHANGE score. If you survive this pestilential encounter, turn to 362.
Undead rodents, so the Howl doesn't work on them. Potential SKILL penalty is nasty, so if we get hit once, I'm going to use LUCK to speed things up. At these ghouls don't have the classic FF ghoul's paralyzing abilities.

Ghoul Rats 11, Triple W 21. GR is at 8.
GR 17, Triple W 21. GR is at 6.
GR 14, Triple W 24. GR is at 4.
GR 17, Triple W 15. Triple W is at 4.
GR 14, Triple W 20. Luck Test: 12 (Unlucky!) GR is at 3.
GR 8, Triple W 20. GR is at 1.
GR 15, Triple W 18. GR is killed.
Wow, we actually rolled Unlucky on our LUCK test! At least we didn't get hit a second time.

We're down to 4 STAMINA, so I'm using up a meal here.
Pressing on through the winding tunnels, you finally come to a stone staircase that leads up and out of the Abbey catacombs. If is obvious that some malign power had infested the Abbey of the Black Monks and that the place is now rotten to the core. At the top of the steps a new passageway leads away left and right.
Some continuity issue here: since we entered by the sewers without actually meeting the inhabitants of the building above, the reference to the Abbey of the Black Monks doesn't really make sense, since Triple W doesn't actually know of any monks living in the building.

We chose left, then right earlier.....left or right now?

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Wolfgang W. Wolfenstein (a.k.a Triple W)
SKILL 11/11 (must take the next SKILL Test at 10)
LUCK 10/12
Equipment: Sword, Leather Armor, Lantern & Tinderbox, Signet Ring, Flintlock Pistol, Mace (-1 Attack Strenth, but does 3 damage per blow), Shield (+1 Attack Strength), Silver Candlesticks (x2), Gilt Mirror, Brass Telescope, lodestone, 2 Silver Daggers (-1 Attack Strength, but does 3 point damage on Were-creatures), Wulfen Sword (+1 Attack Strength, does 3 point damage on Were-creatures)
Gold: 10 + jewels worth 20GP
Provisions: 7 Meals (+4 STAMINA)
Codewords: Avokez, Egnarts, Dloterof, Dehctaw, Daednu, Stoggam
Special Abilities: The Call of the Wild (Reduce opponent's AR by 1 in combat, does not work on magical beings, artificial constructs, or undead)
Last edited by SGamerz on Fri May 05, 2017 11:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

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Post by SGamerz »

You follow the corridor until it ends at an open archway in the right-hand wall. Stepping through, you find yourself in a cloistered courtyard. In front of you looms the impressive and yet, at the same time, oppressive façade of the Abbey church. To your right, another archway leads back to the main entrance to the complex and in the left-hand wall of the cloister there is a closed oak door. Will you enter the inner sanctum of the Abbey church, try the door in the left-hand wall, or turn right and make your escape from the accursed Abbey?
Well, at least this time there's some actual textual description instead of choosing between random passages.

Which way now?
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Post by Thaluikhain »

I think random door rather than barging into the inner sanctum.
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Darth Rabbitt
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Left, and then the sanctum if we can.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

You find yourself in a cramped room packed to overflowing with bookcases, the shelves crammed with dusty tomes, large leather-bound volumes and rolled scrolls. The dusty air smells strongly of mouldering parchment and rotting leather. There is another door in an adjacent wall between the teetering bookcases. Do you want to leave the room by this door, without delaying, or would you rather linger a while in the Abbey's archive to see what you might glean from its dusty records?
Shall we do some research?
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Post by Thaluikhain »

I'm for lingering.
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Post by SlyJohnny »

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Post by SGamerz »

Among all the others, you find one scroll that tells of the life of one Saint Crucius. In centuries past he carried out his holy work throughout the provinces of Mauristatia, putting right countless wrongs and banishing the servants of Evil. The scroll claims that such was his righteous influence that calling upon his name, even to this day, can physically harm corrupt creatures.

Your perusal of the archive is interrupted by a curious munching sound and suddenly one bookcase collapses under the weight of the creature feasting on the parchments stored there. Unpleasant, grey, six-foot-long bodies rippling repulsively, the giant bookworms sniff you out and move hungrily towards you. Fight them one at a time.


If you kill the bookworms, you are able to leave the archive through the other door.
....I guess the author doesn't consider giant mutated bookworms to be "corrupt creatures", since there's no option to invoke St Crucius' name right there and them against the bookworms.

Vermis Libris #1 14, Triple W 21. VL1 is at 5.
VL1 12, Triple W 21. VL1 is at 3.
VL1 16, Triple W 20. VL1 is at 1.
VL1 14, Triple W 19. VL1 is killed.
VL2 11, Triple W 17. VL2 is at 4.
VL2 13, Triple W 20. VL2 is at 2.
VL2 13, Triple W 17. VL2 is killed.
Through the door you follow another passageway, Which turns right and ends at yet another portal. Sensing that something ominous awaits you on the other side, taking a deep breath, you turn the handle and step through.
The next section is basically the same as if we had gone straight into the Inner Sanctum.
You find yourself in a colonnaded nave. A pungent, sickly sweet smell fills the mote-shot air, thick with incense smoke, illuminated by smouldering charcoal braziers. The murmur of plainsong echoes from the barrel-vault of the choir. Drawn by the echoing chant, keeping to the shadows between the pillars, you creep along the nave towards the incense-shrouded sanctuary. Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, turn to 80. If you are Unlucky, turn to 439.
Dice = 9 (Lucky)
Approaching the wide-arched entrance to the sanctuary of the church, you hear an ominous staccato drumming. The sound betrays the presence of your would-be ambushers. Two robed monks emerge from either side of the pillared archway. They are dressed in the same all-enclosing black robes but as they move to attack, the hood of one of the monks falls back from his head. With a sharp intake of breath you see that his head is halfway between that of a cockroach and a man, as black and hard as obsidian. As the mandibled monk hisses at you, malformed jaws clacking, the second monk advances, reaching for you from within the voluminous sleeves of his habit. The sleeves falls back to reveal mantis-like claws where the monk's arms should be. You have no choice but to fight the Black Monks together.


If you manage to defeat both mutated monks, turn to 262.
No Ninja Turtles, but Kung Fu Bug-Monks! Somehow, even these things apparently aren't "corrupt" enough for us to be given the option to use St Crucius' name?!

Mandibled 10, Triple W 21. Mandibled is at 5.
Mantis 12, Triple W 18. Triple W avoids Mantis' attack.
Mandibled 10, Triple W 21. Mandibled is at 3.
Mantis 16, Triple W 23. Triple W avoids Mantis' attack.
Mandibled 15, Triple W 20. Mandibled is at 1.
Mantis 12, Triple W 19. Triple W avoids Mantis' attack.
Mandibled 16, Triple W 20. Mandibled is killed
Mantis 13, Triple W 21. Triple W avoids Mantis' attack.
Mantis 17, Triple W 17. Tie.
Mantis 15, Triple W 16. Mantis is at 4.
Mantis 13, Triple W 15. Mantis is at 2.
Mantis 13, Triple W 21. Mantis is killed.
Even fighting the two of them simultaneously, Triple W is too good (and too overloaded with combat bonuses) to take any damage, managing another flawless!
The monks dead, you stumble into the sanctuary and come upon the heart of the corruption in this place. Sloshing about in a pit cut from between lifted flagstones, and filled with cloying green slime, is a maggot of magnitude you would never have imagined. The thing must be 20 feet long from snout to tail and as you watch it shudders, its tiny blind-head end swaying around, sniffing you out, the maggot's moist white body rippling repulsively. Glutinous slime dribbles from the abomination's incessantly working mouthparts. The sickly sweet smell is at its strongest here and makes you gag. It is then that you realize why it is so familiar to you: it is the stench of decay. Surely evil such as this cannot be permitted to live. If you have the word Stoggam written on your Adventure Sheet, turn to 365. If not, you could deal with the grotesque Abbot-Maggot with cold steel or, if you know of another means of fighting the maggot, you will also know a particular name. Turn this name into a number using the code A=1, B=2, C=3......Z=26, add the numbers together and turn to the paragraph with the same number as the total. Alternatively, you could just run from the monstrous maggot's presence and the Abbey.
Surely that name has to be Crucius! But from the way the text puts it, we should check our codeowrd first.....
Taking out the Silver Dagger you found in the maggot pit, you sense the disgusting, overgrown monstrosity recoil from it. This blade of pure silver has power over the maggot-monster. If you choose to fight the monster, you must do so with your Attack Strength reduced by 1 point, but any wound you cause the creature will cause it 3 STAMINA points damage, rather than the usual 2. Bearing this information in mind, return to 262 and make another choice.
So apparently this dagger has the same effect on the maggot as it does on were-creatures......but because we had to check a codeword, it implies that the maggot is ONLY vulnerable to this particular dagger found in the sewers, not to the one we found in Maun. I think this means that the Wulfen Sword doesn't get the same bonus either. We might have to decide whether to use the dagger for extra damage (which also gives us -2 Attack Strength if we choose it over the sword) or the sword for Attack Strength bonus....

But before that, let's check out what name-dropping the holy saint does:
'In the name of Saint Crucius, I would rid the unholy and the unclean from this temple!' you declare, calling on the spirit of the long-departed holy man. The maggot emits a shrill, screeching cry, its body writhing in torment. You have dealt the monster a grievous blow. Regain 1 LUCK point and then turn to 426 to fight the creature, but before you do so reduce both its SKILL and STAMINA scores by half.
Oooh, if its SKIL becomes sufficiently low, we won't even have to vote on whether to use dagger or sword....
Despite its massive size and ungainly bulk, the maggot is able to move surprisingly quickly. The creature is a truly horrific corruption of nature. However, more horrifying than its grisly nature is the fact that the creature you are fighting was once the Abbot of the Black Monks, now changed beyond all recognition. That said, it is not the most cunning of killers and so shouldn't prove too much of a challenge to an accomplished warrior such as yourself.


The maggot will attempt to bite you with its perpetually mashing mandibles. If it wounds you, roll one die On a roll of 6, rather than bite you, the maggot will spit acidic slime at you, causing 3 STAMINA points damage. If you kill the Abbot-abomination, turn to 114.
......BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Even without considering the possible bonus of our Howl, the holy word, brought its SKILL down to 3....which means the highest possible Attack Strength it can roll is 15. Our effective SKILL when fighting with Wulfen Sword is 13 (with shield bonus), so this thing can't even hurt us!

I'm not going to waste time rolling for combat. We quickly put this thing out of its misery!
At your final, killing stroke, the giant maggot goes into its death-throes. Convulsing violently, it thrashes about in the slick mess of its own yellow ichor-blood. Its segmented tail hits one of the incense-burning braziers, sending the brass stand crashing to the floor and hot coals cascading across the flagstones of the sanctuary. Several of these come to rest among the gathered swathes of church vestments. In mere moments the fabric is alight and seconds later fire has seized hold of the Abbey building. It somehow seems fitting that the corruption that was at work here should now be purged with fire. (Regain 1 LUCK point.)

Taking nothing from this desecrated temple, you flee the Abbey. No one tries to stop you as you run back through the courtyard to the main entrance, and from there you follow the winding track back through the crags. By the time you return to the highway, the night sky to the east is lit up for miles around by the blazing beacon of the burning Abbey.

Eventually you can go no further without stopping to rest. You sleep fitfully, in a ditch beside the road, and come the morning you are on your way again.
LUCK is back at 11.
As soon as you arrive at the small market town of Vargenhof you sense that something is wrong. A pall of fear and uncertainty hangs over the place like a smothering shroud. A group of men with spike-collared hunting dogs are gathered in front of Vargenhif's meeting hall. A portly man - the town's burgomaster - is addressing the party. Over the general hubbub of the town square, where traders ply their trade, your heightened hearing catches odd snatches of the burgomaster's rousing speech, phrases such as 'plaguing our lands', 'Werebeast' and 'something must be done'.

If you want to avail yourself of the services of Vargenhof has to offer, turn to 82. If not, you can either join the party of hunters gathered before the meeting hall or quit the town without dallying here at all.
Do we want to explore the town? Or join the hunters?
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

The hunters will probably attack us if they discover we're a werewolf so I'd just check out the town. Maybe we can sell one of our spare silver daggers.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Thaluikhain »

I'd prefer to join the hunt (though could end badly, yeah)

Also, a church full of bug monsters seems odd for a werewolf adventure.
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Post by SGamerz »

The votes are split, so I checked ahead, and it turned out that checking out the town doesn't automatically exclude the other option, so I'll go to that first:
Wandering the market square you find all manner of peddlers and traders selling their goods. But one stall attracts your particular attention. It is hung with a garish banner declaring that it belongs to 'Plumbus Gelt - Alchemist and Metallurgist'. Do you want to spend a little time perusing the alchemist's stall or would you rather scour the market square for more practical items of equipment? Alternatively, if you wish, you may join the hunting party in front of the meeting hall or simply quit the town.
Where do we want to start shopping? Or should we join the hunters after all?
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Post by Thaluikhain »

In that case, visit the alchemist and metallurgist.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

Zak S, Zak Smith, Dndwithpornstars, Zak Sabbath, Justin Bieber, shitmuffin
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Post by SlyJohnny »

Sure, alchemist.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Lead Gold is probably a good alchemist, so check out their stall.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by SGamerz »

Plumbus Gelt's stall is arrayed with all manner of coloured glass potion bottles and the other accoutrements befitting a work-a-day alchemist. There is a crucible set above a small, smouldering brazier, a pestle and mortar, as well as ingots of metal still to be worked. You get chatting with the eccentric alchemist - all patched robes, wild hair and scorched eyebrows - who happily divulges the properties of his wares and their prices. You may buy one of each of the items listed below, as long as you have enough money (and any other special materials required).

Healing Potion Cost: 4 Gold Pieces
Drinking this potion will restore your STAMINA score to its Initial level and reduce your CHANGE score by 2 points.

Elixir of Expertise Cost: 6 Gold Pieces
This potion will restore your SKILL score to its Initial level and will increase your Attack Strength by 1 point for the first battle you fight after consuming the elixir.

Fare-Thee-Well Cost: 5 Gold Pieces
When drunk this potion restore your LUCK score to its Initial level. The next time you have to Test your Luck after drinking the potion you do not need to roll any dice as you will be Lucky automatically and will not need to lose 1 LUCK point either.

Lead Bullet Cost: 4 Gold Pieces
You can purchase six lead bullets for use with a Flintlock Pistol for a reasonable price. If you already have such a pistol you will know how to use them.

Silver Bullets Cost: 6 Gold Pieces
If you have an item of silver (such as a Silver Dagger, Silver Cross or Silver Candlesticks) the alchemist can melt down the precious metal to make six silver bullets. Plumbus will melt down a maximum of two silver items for you. As this is a relatively laborious process there will not be time for him to make more than twelve bullets in total.

Iron Padlock Cost: 5 Gold Pieces
As described, this is a large, iron padlock, which comes with its own set of keys.

Brass Key Cost: 4 Gold Pieces
Plumbus claims he cannot recall how he came by this key, nor what it is that it opens, but it is such a large and finely wrought piece - ensorcelled with silver filigree - that it must be valuable in its own right.

When you have finished making your purchases, you may peruse the market for more practical pieces of equipment, join with the hunting party outside the meeting hall or leave the town without any further delay.
Finally, we've found bullets for our shiny pistol! They can be pretty expensive, though (gold + silver items).

We have 2 silver candlesticks and 2 silver daggers. Technically we can also count the Wulfen Sword, but I highly doubt you guys would want to melt that down.

What do we buy?

And please also vote on where to go next once we're done with the purchases!

Adventure Sheet:
Name: Wolfgang W. Wolfenstein (a.k.a Triple W)
SKILL 11/11 (must take the next SKILL Test at 10)
LUCK 11/12
Equipment: Sword, Leather Armor, Lantern & Tinderbox, Signet Ring, Flintlock Pistol, Mace (-1 Attack Strength, but does 3 damage per blow), Shield (+1 Attack Strength), Silver Candlesticks (x2), Gilt Mirror, Brass Telescope, lodestone, 2 Silver Daggers (-1 Attack Strength, but does 3 point damage on Were-creatures), Wulfen Sword (+1 Attack Strength, does 3 point damage on Were-creatures)
Gold: 10 + jewels worth 20GP
Provisions: 7 Meals (+4 STAMINA)
Codewords: Avokez, Egnarts, Dloterof, Dehctaw, Daednu, Stoggam
Special Abilities: The Call of the Wild (Reduce opponent's AR by 1 in combat, does not work on magical beings, artificial constructs, or undead)
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Post by Thaluikhain »

I suggest melting down a candlestick, and also buying the padlock.

Buying random keys shouldn't be a good idea, though likely will be in context.
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Post by MisterDee »

We didn't read the instructions on how to use the gun (ref. 400) when we first picked up. How does it work?

I would grab the healing potion, the padlock and the key, plus bullets depending on how good they are. You never know when the author's going to spring a few battles in a row without letting us eat Meals, so a full heal would be good. Plus reducing Change might be worth it in the endgame.

Reading back on when we picked up the jewels, I think they count as straight gold that we can spend. The author didn't mention we needed to fence them or anything.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Melt down the candlesticks for 12 Silver Bullets (12 GP)
Buy the Iron Padlock (5 GP) and the Brass Key (4 GP)
This costs us 21 GP total. If we trade the gems to the guy that leaves us with 9 GP left for practical equipment, which I suggest we check out next.

ed: also eat a Meal so we're at more than half our max STAMINA.
Last edited by Darth Rabbitt on Mon May 15, 2017 4:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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