Let's Play: Challenge of the Magi: Mage3

Stories about games that you run and/or have played in.

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Post by Thaluikhain »

As soon as you say Barack, the true name of the Demonlord Origob, the pillar of pus wavers and then subsides into the mass. The red eyes float away from you but you know that you can command the demon to do your will. The Bones of the Earth lie in the bed of glowing coals though they themselves do not glow red. You command Origob to take them from the fire and lay them on the floor on the edge of the vestibule. You watch in awed fascination as the mass of slime puts out two pseudopods, like a colossal amoeba and takes the Bones of the Earth from the fire without suffering hamr and lays them on the floor at your feet. Will you pick them up, or return to the courtyard and Invoke the Portals to the Garden of Contemplation, the Citadel of the Skull, the Rainbow Inn or the Sea of Glass?


(Yeah, I'm guessing most people would pick that name nowdays.)
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Post by SGamerz »

That confirms it, this series was written by Republicans!

And duh, or course I grab the MacGuffin.

And now that my little theory about their location seems to be proven, onwards to the Citadel of Skull after that.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

If you are neither a necromancer or a sorceror you are able to pick up the Bones of the Earth which feel strangely cool to the touch and stow them safely in your pack. The Bones of the Earth are necessary to cast the Juggernaught spell. Record the codeword TRACT. Now there is nothing more to do but to return to the courtyard and Invoke the Portals.


Where will you adventure next on your quest to become Duelmaster: the Garden of Contemplation, the Citadel of the Skull, the Rainbow Inn or the Sea of Glass?

(I don't know if there really needs to be 3 waits there, getting the Bones of the Earth doesn't seem that time consuming)
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Post by SGamerz »

I've already said that I'm going onwards to the Citadel after this? Or are we just waiting for my opponent to move before I can proceed?
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Post by Thaluikhain »

As the portal disappears you find yourself looking into the maw of an enormous skull. The Citadel of the Skull stretches towards dark skies above you, the red flicker of torches lending the hollow eye sockets an infernal glow. The citadel is black obsidian, reflecting dully the half-light of this region. Beyond it a grey plain stretches as far as the eye can see but a thin mist obscures the horizon. There is no gate but inside the skull mouth a great fire blazes lighting a broad black staircase which climbs to a landing from which a second passageway leads off to the left. This place is an area of black magic and no other.


There is a picture here

You may continue on up the main stairway or take the passageway to the left. If instead you want to quit this place where black magic alone infuses the air you may Invoke the Portals. Will you adventure next to the Sacred Grove, the Forest of Arden, the Palace of Flames or the Rainbow Inn?

(I had been waiting, though in retrospect I didn't really need to in this case)
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Fri Jun 02, 2017 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

Walking straight in like I owned the place worked last time, so let's do that again.

Main stairs.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The staircase climbs up towards the domed top of the Citadel of the skull. Off the third landing a door opens to reveal a glimpse of three demondim, the devilish captains of the Gods of Evils who spread fear amongst the people of the Rainbow Land. You hurry on past, thankful that they did not spot you. Your footsteps are drawn inexorably to the head of the stair. At the top you come before a figure that looks like a blue-skinned wolfen, seven feet tall and immensely powerful of body, but the forms flickers occasionally. It is the Witch-King, held on this plane of the living for his seventh century by the power of his arcane sorcery. His courtiers line the room, wolfen, demondim and black-hearted men, tough enough to stomach the sight and doings of the Witch-King, all steeped in evil to the rotten core.

On a low table before the throne lies a glass-fronted box. Inside lying on black velvet are a white shroud and two human thigh bones. With a start you realise that these are the fabled relics of Honn the Zealot, the most sainted man in the Rainbow Land. The Witch-King's stare seems to burn into your brain.


There is a picture here
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You stand uncertain as to your reception for a moment, but at length the Witch-King smiles. As he does, his eyeballs roll up into his head momentarily in a most disquieting way. He holds out his hand in welcome and his courtiers relax slightly. 'Have you come for the relics, mage? he inquires softly.

WAIT (10)

Will you ask him for a boon, or ask for the relics?

(The book checks what type of mage you are, this is the "Team Evil" option)
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Post by SGamerz »


Well, I can't use the relics anyway, since I can't cast white spells.

Ask for a boon!
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The Witch-King purses his lips, which have the look of dark grapes with a heavy bloom, and says. 'This boon I will grant. When next you are assailed in battle a Spectre will come to your aid. This Spectre would terrify even the gods themselves into temporary inaction.' Next time you are in combat you may attack twice before letting your foe respond. 'If you seek the Sceptre of Doom know that it is hidden in a place of white magic. Record the codeword WHITE WAND. You thank the Witch-King and take your leave while his mood is still safe. Outside the Citadel of the Skull once more you Invoke the Portals.


Where will you venture next: the Sacred Grove, the Forest of Arden, the Palace of Flames or the Rainbow Inn?

(By my reading, the Spectre only works in physical combat)

(As an aside, an evil leader of a nation state is meddling in the selection of the Magi's next leader. The sample pyromancer character happens to be orange. I don't know if they all are, but...)
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Post by SGamerz »

Awesome, that means the Diadem has to be in the green zone. That's the last MacGuffin I need for my spells. Forest of Arden next!
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The portal disappears behind you and you find yourself surrounded by trees at the centre of a small clearing. The sun beats down but within the trees is a dark gloom. It is silent in the clearing and you feel alone, far from the security of your fellow men and their dwellings. Although you can hear nothing the Forest feels full of lie, full of unseen eyes spying on you. This is a place enchanted with green magic, a place where nature is untouched by man.

The tinkling of bells and piping of flutes reaches you, strangely bright and clear through the trees. Two muddy tracks leave the clearing. One leads off in the direction from which you think the music is coming from, the other disappears into the gloom in the opposite direction.


Will you take the path towards the sound of music, the gloomier path, or Invoke the Portals and go to the Citadel of the Skull, the Rainbow Inn, the Silvered Spires or the Phoenix Crags?
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Post by SGamerz »

Music? Probably elves. They won't take kindly to someone whose profession involves setting stuff on fire. Staying the hell away from them.

Head for the gloom!
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The path winds this way and that until the beautiful music is no more than a memory. The silence of the forest is becoming oppressive when you come face to face with a vision of perfect beauty. A woman clad only in a gossamer green veil stands beside a green pool, combing her hair languidly. You are instantly charmed by her shy smile but your magical training warns you to be careful. She beckons to you gracefully and as you walk towards her you are suprised to see that she wears a magnificent bejewelled diadem upon her brow. It has a diamond, two rubies and three emeralds, just like the fabled Diadem of Rulership fashioned by the great sorceror Spellbinder to aid him in his sorcery. She senses your interest in the diadem and walks to a great willow tree that shades the pool. Before you can stop her she has somehow disappeared inside the great trunk. She must be a tree nymph or dryad.


If you wish to obtain the Diadem, turn to 488. If you would rather Invoke the Portals you may do so here. Where will you explore next: the Rainbow Inn, the Citadel of the Skull, the Silvered Spires, or the Phoenix Crag?

There is a picture here

(Oh, and you are doing very well in finding those things. Once you know to look in one magic realms it narrows it down, but there's always more than one place to look in each realm, and you keeping getting them first time)
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Post by SGamerz »

Take the Diadem since that's the entire reason I came here.

Let's see what random question-&-3-options combo I get here.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The dryad will not give up the diadem. She has no idea what it can do but she loves the sparkling stones that catch the light so prettily. You cannot open up the tree or reach the Diadem in any way. Your only chance of taking it is to set fire to the tree and the dryad within. If you decided to collect some dead wood and start a fire at the base of the willow you may. Otherwise, all you can do is Invoke the Portals.


If you wish to start the fire, turn to 409. If not, where will you explore next: the Rainbow Inn, the Citadel of the Skull, the Silvered Spires, or the Phoenix Crags?

(No three choices this time)
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Sun Jun 04, 2017 5:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

OMG, this is too good to be true! It's a pyromancer's dream come true! To be able to grab an important magical item AND indulge in his favourite pastime?! Can there be any other answer?

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Post by Thaluikhain »

The dry wood burns easily and before long the trunk of the willow smokes and then catches fire. There is a scream from the dryad within the tree and the Diadem is thrown out to land at your feet. You pick up the Diadem of Rulership as the tree-nymph implores you to put out the fire. It is too late. The fire has taken hold and the branches of the tree have become a canopy of flame. You are forced back by the heat and the flames from the willow become the dryad's funeral pyre. You walk into the trees, her screams still ringing in your brain. Record the codeword SALTPETRE. You crown yourself with the Diadem and Invoke the Portals.


Where will you explore next: the Rainbow Inn, the Citadel of the Skull, the Silvered Spires or the Phoenix Crags?
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Post by SGamerz »

Hmmm.......I can't use the Sceptre, wondering if I should skip the white zone or just grab it in case my opponent can use it.......

Well, I do have the counterspell to the black auto-kill spell, so maybe it's better to leave the Sceptre to my opponent and let him waste a turn on casting the spell.

Time to explore the outer circle: Phoenix Crags!
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You are at the Phoenix Crags. You step out onto a ledge at the side of a great mountain. You can sense the presence of magic here. Red and blue spells may be cast in this area. Below you a chasm yawns, a thin sliver of blue marking the distant river at the bottom. Up above tower magnificent, awe-inspiring crags, clawing at the yellow skies with gnarled fingers. It makes your head spin to look up or down.

A path leads from the ledge to an easily accessible mountain slop on which rests a hut. Another goat trail winds up a great crag directly above you. This crag is also accessible by a straight climb upward. Behind you, a cave mouth opens invitingly. You may cast an Ambuscade here if you have one.

You can investigate the hut, follow the goat track, climb directly upwards or enter the cave, but you must WAIT(16) before you do so.
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Post by SGamerz »

Knowing my opponent, he probably already snagged the magic sword from the cave.

Climb up to the crag to look for a phoenix! A phoenix would be something that is likely to carry fire-related loot for my pyromancer!
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You begin the difficult and exhausting ascent of the sheer face of the crag, searching for meagre handholds.

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Post by Thaluikhain »

You scramble up the treacherous rocks. Soon you are at the top of a great crag. Beside you is what appears to be some kind of nest. Amidst the foliage rests and emerald stone. You recognise it as the gem of the fabled Ring of Summoning. All you would need is the gold band to accompany it and then you could use its powers to summon your enemy to wherever you are. Quickly you snatch up the emerald and Invoke the Portals before the nest's inhabitant returns. Record the codeword INDIGO.

When you are ready, you may go to the Scorched Sands of Akhneton, the House of Mausolus or the Forest of Arden, but you must WAIT(17) before doing so.
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Post by SGamerz »

Woah, that'd be really, really useful....if I can find the other half.

Since the House of Mausolus is where I can trigger a duel, I'll look at that last.....so I'll go anti-clockwise in my outer circle tour. Hopefully, my opponent won't force-start the duel before I explore all the zones.

Scorched Sands next!
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You find yourself standing in an open expanse of desert. All around you stretches the endless sands, baking in the burning sun. Here a lively, vibrant civilization once thrived, but time, tragedy and sorcery reduced the land of Akhneton to desert. You sense that there is no colour magic in this area. no spells will work. Ahead of you, the desert runs into some sand dunes and to your right, some distance away, shimmering in the heat, some rocky hills swelter under the sun. You may investigate the hills or the dunes. You must WAIT(18), unless you have a STEED, in which case you can immediately turn to the next paragraph. Alternatively, you may WAIT(18) and Invoke the Portals and go to the Phoenix Crags or the Sacred Grove.
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