Let's Play: Challenge of the Magi: Mage3

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Post by Thaluikhain »

Going to the Greenwood, the House of Mausolus, or the Silvered Spires afterwards?

You have 17CPs and 5CPs left, by my count. Oh, and now the codeword SILVER.
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Post by SGamerz »

To the Spires next, to complete my quest for the hermit.

Although I thought you were still going to roll for the combat? The spell doesn't auto-kill the wolf, does it? It says it takes 5 LP off it. Or did you roll for the fight and I didn't take any damage?
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Oops, yeah, was thinking of other sections where you can insta-kill something, re-read the bit about the CP cost but not how much damage it does.

Lavan rolls 5(+1), Silvermane rolls 1, Silvermane takes 1(+1)
Lavan rolls 6(+1), Silvermane rolls 1, Silvermane takes 6(+1)

Um, I mean, I rolled for the fight and you didn't take any damage so I didn't post it...yeah, that was it, for sure.


The sight which greets you as you step from the darkness of the portal is a stunning one. Tall spires glitter like steel in the afternoon sun. A white wall surrounds a small city built atop two green hills in the midst of rolling downland. The Spires are the tallest buildings in the Land, taller even than the tallest pines in the Forest of Arden. People dressed in simple homespun come and go, young boys herd sheep towards the fleecing pens.


You pass beneath the city archway. The gates are flung wide and the guards pay you no attention. Will you visit the magnificent cathedral to the Gods of Good or pay your respects at the court of the Round Table, where the Knights Templar hold council?

If you prefer to Invoke the Portals and leave immediately, will you journey next to the Sea of Glass, the Forest of Arden, the Rainbow Inn or the Caverns of Perdition?
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Post by SGamerz »

The hermit specifically said the thingy is from the cathedral, so there.

Besides, Lavan isn't Pip, he has no interest in meeting the Knights of the Round Table.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

True, Pip is off to fight a black mage and can use fire magic...hang on...

The cathedral is almost deserted although three hundred rows of empty pews stretch into the nave. The altar at the far end is draped in white.


You walk slowly up the aisle towards the altar. The centerpiece is a heavy silver cross, the cross the hermit covets. You take it down and stride back down the aisle. To your annoyance, the cathedral is not as deserted as you had thought. A fat verger waddles towards you remonstrating loudly. Then he begins to shout, 'Paladins, the Knights-Templar, help, desecration, desecration!' Record the codeword VITRIOL.


Will you kill him to silence him, throw him a bag of gold and run out of the cathedral or try to force past?

(You don't get a choice of whether you want to take the cross or not)
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Post by SGamerz »

I doubt this Good Religious guy can be bribed, and killing in the holy place wil probably incur penalty from the gods here. Push past him and run.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You try to barge past the fat verger, but he is too large and you both fall in a heap, the verger squealing pitifully. A knight rushes into the cathedral and draws his sword, thinking you are attacking the verger. Desperately, you Invoke the Portals, but not before his sword has robbed you of 3 LPs.

Will you go to the Sea of Glass, the Forest of Arden, the Caverns of Perdition or the Rainbow Inn? WAIT(7) first.
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Post by SGamerz »

Hey, that wasn't too bad.

Use a heal spell, then head back the way I came: Caverns of the Perdition then Greenwood. Stop at Greenwood to see if I can find any gold in those caves.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

After using a heal, you have 18CPs and 5CP and one more heal spell.

You step out of the portal. Hot, parched air hits you as if you'd walked into a wall. You find yourself in a large cavern, the rough cracked walls burning-hot to the touch. The rock around you is of strange reddish material inlaid with skeins of black onyx. The very air itself is alive with the distinctive resonance of black and red magic. Two tunnels, a cave mouth and a large ironbound, grotesquely-carved door serve as exits.

Ahead of you a thin, barely passable tunnel leads to the left. You may go down it, straight ahead, through the door or into the cavemouth, out of which emanates a strong, musty animal smell. Alternatively, you could Invoke the Portals, step into the Nexus and travel to the Greenwood, the House of Mausolus or the Silvered Spire. You must WAIT(8) before going anywhere.


You appear in a rich, dark forest. All around stretches row upon row of trees, shrouded in gloomy darkness. The air is resonant with a sharp smell of pine and the sounds of many woodland animals. The forest seems wholesome enough, but you feel claustrophobic in the close confines of the thickly carpeted trees. From the moment you arrive you know that this place is utterly devoid of magic.

A thin forest trail leads away ahead of you and a densely-wooded hill rises to the left. At the base of the hill is a cave mouth. You can follow the trail, climb the hill, plunge into the wood to your right or enter the cave. Before you make your decision, you must WAIT(9)
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Post by SGamerz »

Cave mouth.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The cavemouth becomes a tunnel. On closer inspection you notice some rails heading inwards. Further on an old abandoned carriage lies empty and unused. The tunnel has been excavated into the hill and old beams support it. After a time the tunnels split, forking away in all directions. From what you can gather it seems you have come across an old gold mine. You may dig for gold nuggets. Every time you WAIT here, you may roll one dice. If you score 5 or 6, you have found a nugget, worth as much as a bag of gold. If you roll 1, then you have been found by a wandering dwarf, one of those who look after the mine. Naturally, he thinks of you as a thief and attacks. Any dwarves you meet have 9 LPs and roll 1 dice in combat without any additions. You can flee from combat at any time by Invoking the Portals, but you will suffer one hit as you leave.

In any case, when you are ready, you Invoke the Portals and go to the Tower of Immutable Paradox or the Caverns of Perdition. WAIT(10) first.
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Post by SGamerz »

Hmmm....wait 3 turns and see if I find any gold.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Your first roll is a 6, so one nugget of gold at WAIT(10)
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Post by SGamerz »

Nice! I guess I shouldn't push my luck. Move on to the Tower.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You step out of the Nexus to find yourself atop a high tower, the Tower of Immutable Paradox. Beyond its battlements stretches a grey featureless landscape. The top of the tower is a chequer board of black and white slabs, like a chessboard. All around you, you sense the strong presence of black and white magic. At the centre of the tower is a large beautifully-carved oaken throne, encrusted with a bedazzling display of gems. On your left and right stairways descend into the tower. A trapdoor lies in the floor below you.

Will you Invoke the Portals and move on to the Sea of Glass, the Shrine of the Martyrs, or the Greenwood? Alternatively you could go down the stairs to your left, the stairs to your right, sit upon the oaken throne, or open the trapdoor and descend. You must WAIT(11) first.
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Post by SGamerz »

Let's go turn in my quest token at the Shrine first. I'll come back this way after that to explore the Tower more.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You step from the Nexus into a snow-covered valley. Instantly you sense that this place has no colour magic. A road runs down before you, forking a few metres in front of you. One route goes towards a walled town, the other to a small village.

Down below, ox-drawn carts ply the roads. Nearby stands a pillar. The snow has been cleared away around it and at its base lie offerings of fruit, flowers and vegetables. It is the Shrine of the Martyrs. The shrine was erected here after a small group of brave townsfolk gave their lives freely to sate the blood lust of the Witch-King of the Citadel of the Skull, who came here once aeons ago and threatened to destroy the town. Thus they gave their lives to save others. Beyond the shrine is a snow-covered hill.

Will you go towards the town, or towards the village, pray at the shrine or climb the snow-covered hill beyond? You must WAIT(12) before you go. Alternatively you can Invoke the Portals and go to the Garden of Contemplation or the Tower of Immutable Paradox. WAIT(12) first.

There is a picture here

(Oddly enough, you were at WAIT(12) here before, so I didn't have to change anything when copying and pasting)
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

Village to claim my reward.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Within moments, you have been accosted by the hermit, Sargash. 'Have you go the cross?' he babbles excitedly. When you hand it to him, he leaps and capers joyfully. True to his word, he hands you and Orb than abruptly vanishes. To your relief you can see it is the Orb of All-Seeing Wonder. You can gaze into it and find out where your opponent is at all times.

When you are ready, you may Invoke the Portals, WAIT(13) and go to the Tower of Immutable Paradox or the Garden of Contemplation.

(Assuming you are using this right now, your opponent is in the Phoenix Crags, in the nest of the Phoenix...and it's just turned up and chased him into the Nexus)

Oh, and your opponent knows when you are using it...in the books you'd have to ask your opponent where you are.
Last edited by Thaluikhain on Thu Jul 06, 2017 8:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by SGamerz »

Not as awesome as I was hoping for, but still one powerful advantage. Although he'll probably keep away from magic zones where he's at a disadvantage from now on. :tongue:

And he found the phoenix? I was starting to wonder if there really is one. Wonder if he got any loot from it. Too bad the Orb doesn't show me that. Though I guess it'd be too overpowered if it does.

Anyway, back to the Tower.....and when I get there, check out the trapdoor.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

You step out of the Nexus to find yourself atop a high tower, the Tower of Immutable Paradox. Beyond its battlements stretches a grey featureless landscape. The top of the tower is a chequer board of black and white slabs, like a chessboard. All around you, you sense the strong presence of black and white magic. At the centre of the tower is a large beautifully-carved oaken throne, encrusted with a bedazzling display of gems. On your left and right stairways descend into the tower. A trapdoor lies in the floor below you.

Will you Invoke the Portals and move on to the Sea of Glass, the Shrine of the Martyrs, or the Greenwood? Alternatively you could go down the stairs to your left, the stairs to your right, sit upon the oaken throne, or open the trapdoor and descend. You must WAIT(14) first.
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Post by SGamerz »

Waiting for him to move, or did you miss my saying to check the trapdoor?

Oh, and is it too much t ask if I request to automatically use the Orb every turn? :tongue:
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Post by Thaluikhain »

Waiting for your opponent, who, using your Orb, you can see fighting a raggedly dressed man in a crypt in the House of Mausolus. I guess you can automatically use it each turn.

Don't you open that traaaapdoooor

A small ladder leads down into the storeroom. Cloaks, clothes and boots lie about. It also appears to be the Tower guards' changing rooms. You search through their belongings to find a bag of gold. you may take it if you wish.

The sound of footsteps above alerts you to the presence of a guard, so you hurriedly Invoke the Portals. Will you go to the Sea of Glass, the Greenwood, or the Shrine of the Martyrs?

(It doesn't say WAIT anywhere here, which is odd. It does say that if you come back, there won't be more gold, but there's no codeword so there would be if your opponent visited it)
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Post by SGamerz »

Sea of Glass.
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Post by Thaluikhain »

The portal vanishes behind you and you slip on the smooth reflective surface of the Sea of Glass. As far as the eye can see stretches a dead, flat plain of blue crystal like a sea frozen in time. The only breaks on the uniform landscape is a series of openings of caves, and a magnificent range of spiky mountains stretching towards the blue sky like pillars of frost. Underfoot your gaze can penetrate the glare to see several fathoms down into the clear blue crystal. Invisible currents of blue magic stir the air, the sorcerous magic of the mind.


You may set out towards the Frost Peaks or the Crystal Caves.

If you prefer to Invoke the Portals and leave the Sea of Glass you may. Will you visit the Tower of Immutable Paradox, the Silvered Spires, the Palace of Flame or the Rainbow Inn?
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