On the Mary Sue-ism of Rey (Split off by (several) requests)

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Post by Username17 »

Chamomile wrote:For example: The summary of my position is that Rey's scene in TFA undermines Luke's scene in RotJ by taking a power that had previously been used as emblematic of a high level of mastery of the Force and handing it off to our new protagonist as her very first conscious use of the Force.
If that's your position, then Attack of the Clones already undermined that. Teenage Anakin displays Mind Trick spontaneously in a moment of stress and Obi-Wan uses it frivolously on a drug dealer.

But beyond that, that scene in RotJ was already not that thing you are claiming it was because the scene in A New Hope where Obi-Wan uses Mind Trick on a Storm Trooper he says only that the Force is a "strong influence on the weak minded." That doesn't imply that it's a master level power, that implies that it's a fucking mook management tool. When Luke uses it in RotJ it works on rando-doorman (who is weak), but it doesn't work on Jabba (who is strong).

It's used successfully twice in the original series and unsuccessfully once. And it clearly is demonstrated that it works on weak minds and not on strong minds. That doesn't sound like a "master level power." And then in Attack of the Clones it is used as a party trick and manifested spontaneously by an angry teenager.

The core of your position is a set of assertions that I flatly reject. Your reading of the movies is stupid and wrong. And the entirety of Star Wars lore does not agree with you and has been remarkably consistent on this exact point for longer than I have been alive. Can you just fucking eat your crow?

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Post by Josh_Kablack »

MGuy wrote: What do people think is the 'real' thing ruining star wars right now and what do people here think should be done to fix it?
Business-wise, Solo is a disappointment (and maybe a flop) due largely to poor marketing.

Story-wise, Star Wars is failing to gain Marvel levels of shared universe traction due to poor planning and lack of oversight. While Marvel had their "Phase 4" movie releases planned years ago, and an outline of how each would lead into the next, Star Wars had Johnson completely undercut Abrams' setup about Rey's family. Episode IX is going to have to ditch the plan of featuring Leia prominently, even after TLJ spent screen time setting up hooks for that.
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Post by maglag »

MGuy wrote: What do people think is the 'real' thing ruining star wars right now and what do people here think should be done to fix it?
For the new trilogy, trying way too much to appeal to nostalgia, being stuck in the past.

The original trilogy was great because it was new. Space wizards and laser space battles and epic space opera. "Luke, I am your father!"

For the prequel trilogy, plain bad actors (teen Anakin's in particular is just awful) with bad dialogue (the romance is extra cringe-worthy) and bad writing all over the place (shit like midchorians and Jar Jar Binks). Plus we already know how things are going to end up so not a lot of space for "I am your father!" reveals.
FrankTrollman wrote: Actually, our blood banking system is set up exactly the way you'd want it to be if you were a secret vampire conspiracy.
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Post by Chamomile »

FrankTrollman wrote:
Chamomile wrote:For example: The summary of my position is that Rey's scene in TFA undermines Luke's scene in RotJ by taking a power that had previously been used as emblematic of a high level of mastery of the Force and handing it off to our new protagonist as her very first conscious use of the Force.
If that's your position, then Attack of the Clones already undermined that. Teenage Anakin displays Mind Trick spontaneously in a moment of stress
See, you're doing this again, this thing where you just forget that I've responded to your assertions:
And thus the truth comes out. That's not a mind trick. The Sleazebaggano mind trick is listed on Wookieepedia, but they don't have that one just a few minutes later in the movie, because there is nothing in the film to indicate that this is in any way a mind trick. It's just a threat. Obi-Wan is taken aback because Anakin is getting angry as Hell, which is happening because he's interrogating an assassin who tried to kill his crush. That's Anakin's actual character arc, which you are, of course, unable to identify, because you have no idea how narrative works. I am not even slightly surprised, but thank you for immediately providing evidence to support my accusation that you are incompetent at parsing storytelling language.
Your claim that Anakin is mind tricking the assassin in this scene is laughable, and even if it weren't you are also ignoring the fact that Anakin is clearly comparable to Obi-Wan in TPM, who is a formality away from becoming a knight. The only rebuttal to that stance you've asserted is that the age gap is somehow significant, but the age gap is not present in the movies, which must stand on their own (and again, going outside the movies, Anakin is confirmed to be on the cusp of knight-hood because he is already a Jedi Knight at the beginning of Clone Wars, which takes place in the same year).
and Obi-Wan uses it frivolously on a drug dealer.
Obi-Wan used it to try and convince someone leading a life of crime to go home and rethink their life. While a comedic moment, it's not a frivolous use of the power the way Anakin's later usage of telekinesis as a party trick is. Obi-Wan non-violently convinces a criminal to possibly reconsider their life of crime, which is perfectly in keeping with the Jedi code as established, and as a fully trained Jedi knight in the scene, it is not surprising that he can use it easily.

You then go on to talk about how mind trick can't be a master-level power because it only works on the weak-minded. This is a non-sequitir. The fact that the trick only works on the weak-minded has nothing to do with the storytelling purpose of that scene from RotJ. All you're asserting with your refusal to accept that the purpose of the scene is to establish Luke's mastery of the Force is what you already demonstrated by your incapability to grasp Anakin's extremely overt and ham-handed character arc, and how angry threats made towards his enemies might have something to do with the path to the Dark Side that Yoda explicitly laid out back in TPM. It's not surprising that you're unable to grasp even the most basic tenets of storytelling because that has always been true of you, but the fact that I can show that Anakin scene to anyone - pretty much literally anyone - and have them get that Obi-Wan is alarmed at Anakin's anger, not his sudden development of a new Force power, is immediate evidence why your unwillingness to be convinced means fuck all. Your ability to interpret the narrative purpose of a scene is just badly crippled.

So long as we're talking about eating crow, though, I have a question for you: Do you stand by your accusations of goalpost shifting? Or do you concede that those were bullshit?
Last edited by Chamomile on Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Username17 »

Chamomile wrote:Your claim that Anakin is mind tricking the assassin in this scene is laughable
I find it obvious that he's using Mind Trick in that scene. But if you want, we can go to the book or the script, where it says in black and white text that he is using The Force to influence her mind. There are actually impartial judges available that say in simple text who is right and who is wrong. They say you are wrong.

Mic drop.

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Post by Chamomile »

FrankTrollman wrote:
Chamomile wrote:Your claim that Anakin is mind tricking the assassin in this scene is laughable
I find it obvious that he's using Mind Trick in that scene. But if you want, we can go to the book or the script, where it says in black and white text that he is using The Force to influence her mind.
I mean, okay?
OBI-WAN and ANAKIN carry ZAM into the alley and lower her to the ground. OBI-WAN attends to her wounded shoulder. She stares up hatefully at ANAKIN. She winces in pain, then nods.

Do you know who it was you were
trying to kill?

The Senator from Naboo.

Who hired you?

ZAM glares at OBI-WAN.

It was just a job.

Tell us!

That Senator's gonna die soon
anyway, and the next one won't
make the same mistake I did...

This wound's going to need

Who hired you? Tell us... tell us

ZAM glares hatefully.

It was a Bounty Hunter called...

There is a sudden FTZZZ sound. ZAM twitches. She blinks in surprise and dies.
No mention of the Force. Are you referencing a different script from mine? The closest thing I can find is a transcript, not a script, which uses the term "forcefully," but that is obviously in the sense of the mundane adjective, not in the sense of "with the Force." Plus, it still doesn't clear the other two hurdles of establishing that Obi-Wan expressed alarm that Anakin knew a mind trick (it doesn't even note Obi-Wan expressing alarm at all, although he does), nor that Anakin isn't on the verge of promotion to Jedi knight and thus of similar capability to Luke in RotJ anyway.

Also, still waiting on whether or not you're maintaining your assertion of goalpost shifting or conceding that it was baseless.
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Post by Longes »

I find Anakin to be a bad comparison standard personally. Maybe I'm just retroactively justifying things to myself, but I always felt that Anakin is a Mary Sue-ish character, and that is okay because the whole premise of his story is that Anakin is the most amazing jedi ever who fucks up and ruins everything. We already know that Anakin's story is a tragedy and that he will fail and become Darth Vader.
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Post by Whipstitch »

Basically, Anakin is Miz and Rey is Roman.
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Post by Longes »

Whipstitch wrote:Basically, Anakin is Miz and Rey is Roman.
Decode this for me.
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Post by deaddmwalking »

The craziest thing to ME is that I've been responding to your actual argument the whole time.
Chamomile wrote:I mean, sure. If people want to ask what my argument is, I'm happy to talk to them. For example: The summary of my position is that Rey's scene in TFA undermines Luke's scene in RotJ by taking a power that had previously been used as emblematic of a high level of mastery of the Force and handing it off to our new protagonist as her very first conscious use of the Force.
Chamomile wrote: Now if, looking at that, someone decides that my argument is that TFA is bad because women should never be protagonists, the problem is not that I have failed to explain myself to them. The problem is that they can't read, or more precisely, that they are allowing their preconceptions to override the words that I have actually written and are not double-checking my writing to make sure that the thing they thought I said was actually in there (or double-checking that the thing they thought I didn't say wasn't actually in there, in the case of the ongoing and still obviously false accusations of goalpost shifting).
Oh great thinker, please find anywhere where I have implied your argument is that women shouldn't be protagonists.

And since you're so fixated on reading comprehension, I would like to point out that saying 'calling her a Mary Sue for doing things that every other protagonist in the series did is a gendered term and probably not being used appropriately' isn't saying that I think you (or anyone else) doesn't think women should be protagonists. That would be an obvious strawman of my position, which you clearly think is bad.

And if you want to drag up 'entrance into the hobby', I maintain that your statements of desire serve to reduce entry into the hobby even if your stated aim is to avoid that. Like saying 'we need to increase the amount of legal immigration to this country so I'm going to start separating children from their parents when they enter illegally' - it's certainly not clear that your prescription promotes your stated aim.
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Post by Username17 »

Attack of the Clones, page 109 wrote:"Who hired you?" he asked again, and then he continued, throwing the full weight of the Force into his demand, a strength that surprised Obi-Wan, that came from something more than prudence or dedication to his current job. "Tell us. Tell us now!"
That Anakin used the Force to influence Zam is simply canon. That is the officially correct interpretation of what happened. I honestly don't give a shit whether it felt that way to you. It felt that way to me, and the official statement of the actual people fucking writing that fucking thing is that my interpretation is right and yours is wrong (if different from mine). Again: Mic Drop.

But this whole conversation is deeply surreal. The very top layer of the onion is that Chamomile is wrong about the Jedi Mind Trick. It is just factually canon that Mind Trick is an entry level ability that is sometimes the first displayed power of a Force sensitive character. It just is. Claiming otherwise makes you wrong. That's not up for debate.

The next layer of the onion is that Chamomile is making a much more nuanced and stupid argument, where he claims that if you toss out the entirety of canon and focus only on some set of movies that he has personally seen, then it becomes reasonable to assume that Jedi Mind Trick is gated for use by powerful and fully trained Jedi Knights. And further, that failing to cater to this reasonable expectation is bad storytelling despite the fact that we know that this expectation is wrong. It's fairly difficult to wrap my mind around how dumb this argument is, because of course it is obviously true that not catering to people who are wrong is not a bad thing to do whether the wrong people have a reasonable excuse for being wrong or not.

But of course the nexter layer of the onion is that Chamomile's argument for why it would be reasonable to believe that only high level characters should be able to use Mind Trick is an "Absence of Evidence is Evidence of Absence" argument. Which is itself logically invalid. He's taking an ability that is used less than once per movie and saying "no previous example of this power's use has the same traits as this new example of the power's use." Well, no fucking shit. Every use of that power is unique. For fuck's sake, before The Force Awakens, Mind Trick hadn't been used on the same species twice. For reals. It's used so few times in the main movies that every successful use had a unique species as a target. Trying to form any kind of line through dots that are that unique is laughable, and decrying the absence of any particular detail in any of those specific uses as being therefore proscriptive is literally insane. In general, a hundred white swans does not preclude the existence of a black swan, but when the number of data points are small enough that you can count them on the fingers of one hand and there are more confounding variables than examples, the claim that you can even say what swans could be considered white or black is simply laughable. Obviously you can't make reasonable proscriptive statements from that sample, because fucking obviously.

Getting lost in the weeds about little shit like Chamomile having to claim that Highschool Graduate Anakin is "basically the same" as Masters Degree in Jediology Obi-Wan and in no way similar to "literally the same age Rey," or that Chamomile personally didn't feel like Anakin demonstrated doing a thing that he canonically did is simply beside the point. I mean yes, Chamomile is still wrong about all that shit too, but it's irrelevant. The core issue is that he's claiming that it's a bad thing for a movie to not support a factually incorrect viewpoint based on a faulty logic chain based on a ludicrously small sample size that still doesn't actually give any positive evidence for the factually incorrect viewpoint in question. Even writing that down makes my head hurt. I literally don't understand how someone can be stupid enough to continue to argue that point of view after having it called into question from all sides.

Last edited by Username17 on Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Chamomile »

deaddmwalking wrote:The craziest thing to ME is that I've been responding to your actual argument the whole time.
I know you think that. I am telling you that you are wrong.
Oh great thinker, please find anywhere where I have implied your argument is that women shouldn't be protagonists.
I didn't say that you, specifically, believed this, because I'm not giving you any hints as to where you went wrong. Again and still: I am not engaging with you until you can accurately represent my own arguments to me. Even if you think they're wrong! Like, Frank is (mostly, at least) accurately portraying my argument. He then gives reasons he disagrees with my argument. And his reasons are hilariously stupid, and he is constantly backpedaling away from most of them and refusing to acknowledge that he's done so, even when I repeatedly ask him to make explicitly clear whether or not he stands by them. Like, I'm focusing on the "goalpost shifting" accusation right now, but we're seriously just getting started. There is a lot of stuff which Frank has just stopped talking about, because oops, turns out it was completely wrong, so instead he backpedals to something similar and hopes no one will notice.

But, like, as stupid as Frank's position is, he is talking to me. His position is an inadequate response to mine, but it is a response to mine at all. And until you can rise to that level, until you can preface an argument against my position with an even mostly accurate statement of what that position is, I'm not talking to you. Because what's the point, when you discard any of my words you find inconvenient to instead pretend I've said something else?
And if you want to drag up 'entrance into the hobby', I maintain that your statements of desire serve to reduce entry into the hobby even if your stated aim is to avoid that. Like saying 'we need to increase the amount of legal immigration to this country so I'm going to start separating children from their parents when they enter illegally' - it's certainly not clear that your prescription promotes your stated aim.
Your position is that statements made to a forum that consists entirely of pre-existing hobbyists and which have essentially no chance of reaching people who aren't already in the hobby are going to prevent people from entering the hobby? That's what you're gonna backpedal to? And make no mistake, that is backpedaling, because your last statement on the subject maintained that you believed I actively opposed the growth of hobbies. And this backpedal doesn't really restore my confidence in your ability to parse English, considering it took no less than three statements that I oppose gatekeeping before you caught on that maybe I don't like gatekeeping, and then after that you still alleged that I opposed the growth of the hobby and only disliked the specific practice of gatekeeping, and now, after I have pointed out how stupid you are for saying that multiple times, you have finally arrived at a conclusion that doesn't require you to actually directly articulate my argument or respond to its specific points at all, thus insulating yourself from your continued incapability to do that. Like, it's not that you accused me of lying, you just acted as though my stated position was opposed to growth of hobbies after I informed you that it wasn't a total of four times. I'm not going through that extended process here in this thread of telling you what my argument is over and over and over again until you finally retreat to a position that accuses me of doing some harm in a way that's so vague that you don't actually have to explain what my argument even is.

Anyway, speaking of Frank:
That Anakin used the Force to influence Zam is simply canon.
Nope. Novelizations are not canon and weren't at the time of the release of TFA, nor was the novelization written by George Lucas or with his direct input. This is not the official statement of the actual people fucking writing that fucking thing, it's the statement of RA Salvatore. The novels frequently contain minor alterations to the film, like the presence of conversations that didn't happen (even in deleted scenes) or the exclusion of conversations that did and so forth. Your original claim was that you had a script, so let's see it.
It is just factually canon that Mind Trick is an entry level ability that is sometimes the first displayed power of a Force sensitive character. It just is. Claiming otherwise makes you wrong. That's not up for debate.
So this here is a baseless assertion. You just claim that you're so right you don't even need to say why. Note that the last time we had this conversation, it ended with you saying "it makes sense if you read the books!" and refusing to divulge why you think the consensus position that this is a fanboy's concession that the media in question fails on its own merits is for some reason invalid.
he claims that if you toss out the entirety of canon and focus only on some set of movies that he has personally seen, then it becomes reasonable to assume that Jedi Mind Trick is gated for use by powerful and fully trained Jedi Knights.
Now, see, I feel kind of bad for saying that you correctly identified my argument earlier, because this isn't it, but hey, you got some of it right, so there's that. No, this isn't about the movies I have personally seen. My knowledge of Star Wars lore goes much deeper, but it doesn't matter, because again: Star Wars is fiction. My understanding of Star Wars canon is not a reserve of truths that can be busted out to win debates (although it is worth noting that if it were, most of your claims would still be false under the canon that TFA is actually in, and the ones leftover would be merely indeterminate, not actually confirmed true). It's trivia with no bearing on the conversation. It's not like real science where facts remain valid no matter how well known they are. The number of minds which contain the lore compared to the number which need it is the validity of the lore, because the minds of the audience are real and the Star Wars galaxy is not. If all people who believe in global warming vanished tomorrow along with all record of the studies done to find it, that wouldn't change global warming at all. If all people who knew about Grand Admiral Thrawn vanished tomorrow along with all media containing him, then Grand Admiral Thrawn is no more. The ratio doesn't do your position any favors even before we get into the fact that all the lore you're referencing - literally every scrap of it - was decanonized by the movie you're trying to defend with it.
Chamomile's argument for why it would be reasonable to believe that only high level characters should be able to use Mind Trick is an "Absence of Evidence is Evidence of Absence" argument.
Again, wrong. My argument is about the rules of storytelling, that scenes establish precedent. This isn't hard.
Getting lost in the weeds about little shit like Chamomile having to claim that Highschool Graduate Anakin is "basically the same" as Masters Degree in Jediology Obi-Wan and in no way similar to "literally the same age Rey,"
It has been explained to you both how in the perspective of a movie-going audience (which matters) and in the actual canon (which does not, although it's worth noting that I'm citing exclusively things which are still canon) that Anakin is indeed more comparable to Obi-Wan than to Rey. You haven't actually countered this at all, you're just refusing to acknowledge it.

So, like, everything, every single paragraph of this post, is either you refusing to engage with my actual supporting points and just declaring that they are wrong with no evidence, misunderstanding what the argument actually is in a way that is suspiciously helpful to your ability to refute it, or on the top level case, just being factually wrong about who wrote what and what the canon is under Disney.

Still waiting for you to affirm whether you stand by your earlier accusations of goalpost shifting or if you concede they were baseless. And while we're at it, let's add in a request whether you stand by your assertion that Anakin's use of the Force was in the script or if you concede that it was exclusive to the (decanonized and written by the Drizz't guy, not someone who actively worked on the film in any capacity) novel.

EDIT: Also, does the novel make any mention of Obi-Wan even expressing alarm at Anakin's use of the Force? And if so, does it say it does so because he has spontaneously manifested mind trick and not because he is using the Force in anger? Because that distinction is critical both to your assertion that Anakin is using mind trick for the first time and to my assertion that you have failed to understand Obi-Wan's alarm in the context of Anakin's obvious and ham-handed character arc. Even if Anakin's use of mind trick actually was in the film and not just the novelization (which it is not), that's actually less than halfway from where you are to where you need to be.
Last edited by Chamomile on Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Whipstitch »

Longes wrote:
Whipstitch wrote:Basically, Anakin is Miz and Rey is Roman.
Decode this for me.
The Miz is a pro wrestler whose character is defined by two traits: a stunning lack of self-awareness and an uncanny resemblance to Johnny Cage. He's intentionally portrayed as a delusional goober though so it's not a failstate for the story line if the audience finds him annoying. Indeed, even when portions of the audience claim to reject him as a performer and not a character the rest of the fandom finds this easy to cope with because there's still so little friction between what the writers want the audience to think and how the character is actually received. At worst his detractors complain that people are being ironic in their appreciation of the Miz or are simply reduced to claming that other fans don't hate the Miz enough.

Roman Reigns is the WWE's current designated Big Damn Hero. Many people dislike that he is portrayed as an indomitable champion for a wide variety of reasons, many of which are only tangentially related to how plausible any single feat he performs may be. However, even seemingly minor characterization and plausibility issues end up getting magnified because all the big event climaxes are predicated on the audience finding Roman sympathetic.
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Post by Occluded Sun »

Josh_Kablack wrote:Business-wise, Solo is a disappointment (and maybe a flop) due largely to poor marketing.
And not because people were angry about Last Jedi?
Episode IX is going to have to ditch the plan of featuring Leia prominently, even after TLJ spent screen time setting up hooks for that.
They *could* re-cast.
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Post by Surgo »

Josh_Kablack wrote:Story-wise, Star Wars is failing to gain Marvel levels of shared universe traction due to poor planning and lack of oversight. While Marvel had their "Phase 4" movie releases planned years ago, and an outline of how each would lead into the next, Star Wars had Johnson completely undercut Abrams' setup about Rey's family. Episode IX is going to have to ditch the plan of featuring Leia prominently, even after TLJ spent screen time setting up hooks for that.
Disney's Star Wars needed a Kevin Feige. They didn't get one.
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Post by hyzmarca »

Occluded Sun wrote:
Josh_Kablack wrote:Business-wise, Solo is a disappointment (and maybe a flop) due largely to poor marketing.
And not because people were angry about Last Jedi?
Episode IX is going to have to ditch the plan of featuring Leia prominently, even after TLJ spent screen time setting up hooks for that.
They *could* re-cast.
No, they can't. It's physically possible, but they'd be setting their own genitals on fire iof they tried.

Possibly literally, if fans got angry enough.
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Post by Pariah Dog »

They could do some kinda CGI fuckery ala Rogue One. Hell such a move is in Lucas' wheelhouse with James Earl Jones doing the voice of Darth Vader but a different guy in the costume.
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Post by Username17 »

Chamomile wrote:Again, wrong. My argument is about the rules of storytelling, that scenes establish precedent.
A literal handful of scenes across six movies isn't much of a precedent. But the bottom line is how completely self refuting your whole position is.

If we accepted that it was in some way implied by the movies that Mind Trick was gated for Knight level characters, then it would be necessary world building to have a character use Mind Trick on screen who definitely wasn't Knight level. Because the thing is, actually factually Mind Trick is not gated for Knight level characters. In canon, it just genuinely is not gated that way. And if some significant portion of the fandom thought it was, the movie makers should definitely do something to show them that it is not.

So even if you were right, you'd still be wrong. Because the first layer of the onion is still that Mind Trick genuinely is the first spontaneously displayed power for a significant number of Force sensitive characters. It just is.
Star Wars isn't folk lore, it's a corporate owned multi-author setting with a fucking setting bible and there are right and wrong answers to questions. And the fact that people can spontaneously display Mind Trick in stressful situations without formal Force training is simply a fact, and if you say otherwise you are wrong. If an important number of people were wrong about that, showing them on screen that they were wrong would be good world building.

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Post by Chamomile »

FrankTrollman wrote: So even if you were right, you'd still be wrong. Because the first layer of the onion is still that Mind Trick genuinely is the first spontaneously displayed power for a significant number of Force sensitive characters.
Name one that shares the same canon as Rey.

Maybe you can dig something up from the cartoons (probably Rebels - prequel-era Clone Wars has nearly all Force-sensitive characters already trained in Jedi arts), at which point you get to address why "it makes sense if you read the books!" has suddenly become a valid defense of a piece of media, but I'm honestly not sure there's even one in there to dig up.

Which makes it really weird that you're asserting Disney's control over the IP as an argument in your favor, when they've used that control to declare every piece of media you've cited in your favor so far to be invalid. I find your reverence for Disney's corporate power creepy and weird even before we get into the thing where it's a huge blow against your position, but it's particularly weird given that it is, in fact, a huge blow against your position. Everything you've cited so far - the New Jedi Order, Jedi Academy, the Attack of the Clones novelization, all of it - was decanonized by Disney. The paragraph you've appended to the end of your post - presumably the summary of your position - is the part where you implicitly concede to having no grounds for your assertions at all. It's seriously really weird that you simultaneously assert that pre-2014 lore is a slam dunk for your position while asserting just as vigorously that the decree decanonizing the entire foundation of your argument is unassailable.

About having no grounds for your assertions, by the way: You keep on insisting that you are definitely right, and you keep skipping the part where you present any argument in favor of your position at all. The conclusion at the end where you sum your position up isn't actually the most important bit. It's just there to help reading comprehension, and actually you can strip it out and your argument will be just as valid. Doing the opposite, where you strip out the body of your argument and just post the conclusion unaccompanied by supporting argument or evidence, that is actually fatal not just to the readability of your argument, but also its validity. If you need to sacrifice one of these two things, you should be doing it the opposite of how you are now.
Star Wars isn't folk lore, it's a corporate owned multi-author setting with a fucking setting bible and there are right and wrong answers to questions. And the fact that people can spontaneously display Mind Trick in stressful situations without formal Force training is simply a fact, and if you say otherwise you are wrong. If an important number of people were wrong about that, showing them on screen that they were wrong would be good world building.
I've already addressed why this here is a huge blow to your position so it's weird that you're presenting it so ardently, but the extra weird thing here is that while the tone of awe at Disney's corporate power isn't how I would phrase it, this is actually like two-thirds of my argument (I am assuming that when you say "it is a fact that the Force works this way" you mean "it is a fact that Disney has issued a corporate edict that the Force shall work this way," because taken completely literally you are asserting that the Force is real). I don't mean that two-thirds of this is similar to my argument. I mean that this is just two-thirds of my argument, with the final third removed, presented as though it is a counterargument. Presumably that final third-ish of my position is what you disagree with, but it's still weird that you're presenting the stuff we apparently agree on as though it is a counterargument.

Still waiting for you to verify you stand by your previous accusations of goalpost shifting or not. That's four different times I've asked you to clarify your position on this now, and for the first three you have conspicuously declined to do so - the smart money on how this one's gonna go can be spread around a couple of possibilities, but none of them are "secretly had good evidence for goalpost shifting all along, declined to avoid answering for three posts in a row for no reason." Also gonna ask for a second time for you to clarify whether your original claim that Anakin using mind trick appeared in a script is something you stand by, and if so, where is that script?
Last edited by Chamomile on Tue Jun 12, 2018 6:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Username17 »

Chamomile wrote:Name one that shares the same canon as Rey.

Maybe you can dig something up from the cartoons (probably Rebels - prequel-era Clone Wars has nearly all Force-sensitive characters already trained in Jedi arts), at which point you get to address why "it makes sense if you read the books!" has suddenly become a valid defense of a piece of media, but I'm honestly not sure there's even one in there to dig up.
No. I am not playing this game. This is you doing a denial in depth, where you claim to reserve the right to ignore or discount any example I find. Fuck off.

But more importantly, this is just a flow chart where you are wrong no matter what. If we accept the media that shows you are wrong, then obviously you are just wrong. If we accept your claims that all the media that shows you are wrong doesn't count for whatever reason, then re-establishing the nature of Mind Trick as an entry level Force power becomes important world building, and you're still fucking wrong.

Either it's within the established norms of the setting and therefore irrelevant and unobjectionable, or it's an important piece of world building that establishes an important part of the setting for games and novels to use in the future. And honestly I don't give a rat's ass which you think it is. Because either way your participation in this conversation is cringeworthy and you should go home and rethink your life.

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Post by EightWave »

Pariah Dog wrote:They could do some kinda CGI fuckery ala Rogue One.
Since Star Wars holotech is forever grainier than a 1970's UHF station they could easily have CGI versions of anyone on screen for as long as they like without tripping over the uncanny valley as long as it's in a holonet call. It would honestly be amazing if Leia just retired to Risa and spent the next 10 movies sipping Mai Tais in between inspirational/snarky calls.
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Post by Omegonthesane »

FrankTrollman wrote:Either [an untrained Force user using Mind Trick
is] within the established norms of the setting and therefore irrelevant and unobjectionable, or [an untrained Force user using Mind Trick
is] an important piece of world building that establishes an important part of the setting for games and novels to use in the future. And honestly I don't give a rat's ass which you think it is. Because either way your participation in this conversation is cringeworthy and you should go home and rethink your life.

Restating and spelling out what I thought the context was for emphasis.

The only thing that would establish that Mind Trick is level gated to Knights is having a Not-A-Knight try to use Mind Trick and fail in circumstances where a Knight would succeed.
Kaelik wrote:Because powerful men get away with terrible shit, and even the public domain ones get ignored, and then, when the floodgates open, it turns out there was a goddam flood behind it.

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Post by Wiseman »

Keys to the Contract: A crossover between Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Kingdom Hearts.
RadiantPhoenix wrote:
TheFlatline wrote:Legolas/Robin Hood are myths that have completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a bow".
The D&D wizard is a work of fiction that has a completely unrealistic expectation of "uses a book".
hyzmarca wrote:Well, Mario Mario comes from a blue collar background. He was a carpenter first, working at a construction site. Then a plumber. Then a demolitionist. Also, I'm not sure how strict Mushroom Kingdom's medical licensing requirements are. I don't think his MD is valid in New York.
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Post by EightWave »

Omegonthesane wrote:The only thing that would establish that Mind Trick is level gated to Knights is having a Not-A-Knight try to use Mind Trick and fail in circumstances where a Knight would succeed.
Even then it doesn't because there's any number of reasons the non-knight may have failed other than the ability being gated exclusively to trained Jedi knights.

You'd literally have to put in some kind of schoolteacher sequence in which a Jedi knight specifically and explicitly states that it's impossible to use mind trick before you've accumulated enough gym badges. In a similar way to how Jabba and Watto both explicitly state that they're immune to it.
Last edited by EightWave on Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Dogbert »

Oh yeah, the "Rey is a Mary Sue argle bargle make SW white again" mating call of the garbage people (without offense to Tuskens), almost as efficient to recognize such people as maga hats.

Funny how they draw the Mary Sue card in a fairy tale narrative that's all about "chosen ones" schticks where, by definition, the protagonist always, ALWAYS, possesses a snowflake quality that's an exception to every rule (formula that's all too popular, starting with all shounen anime).

Even funnier how they call her "OP" while at the same time celebrating Vader playing pool with whole Star Destroyer armadas with the force in the Expanded Universe.

They bitch of how "she's not a Skywalker argle bargle" but also bitch about Leia's stunt in TLJ (who happens to be a Skywalker AND who had over twenty years to train between Ep. VI and VII, MUCH MORE than the measily four years Luke had).

... but SURE it's not about misogyny at all, riiiight.
Last edited by Dogbert on Tue Jun 12, 2018 8:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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