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Post by Username17 »

deaddmwalking wrote:
deaddmwalking wrote: Frank, the folks over at theRPGsite decided to repost your comments for the specific purpose of making fun of you.
Macris responds.
Pretty weak tea.
Macris wrote:4. The investors terminated any further funding of the company in October 2018 when a BuzzFeed article was published with evidence of ties between Milo and white nationalist groups dating from 2015 to 2017. The article, and the investor's departure thereafter, are a matter of public record
In conclusion, I'm sorry we got caught.

His complaint that he isn't the ultimate source of the money that was funneled from billionaires to hate groups but merely an intermediary who held money for billionaires while they were funneling it to hate groups isn't the exoneration he seems to think it is. It's still exactly as morally reprehensible and still exactly as much "financing a terrorist organization" whether the money originates in your bank account or the bank account of a creepy billionaire using you as a pass-through.

This is some Rudy Giuliani shit right here. "Those gross ethical violations and crimes? Yeah, totally did them. But it's OK because I was also involved in some shady money laundering scheme intended to shield the billionaire financiers of a white nationalist terror network from public scrutiny!"

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Post by Whatever »

"I hired Milo *after* he went around promoting neo-nazi ideas" is not as brilliant of a defense as he seems to think.
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Sacrificial Lamb
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Post by Sacrificial Lamb »

deaddmwalking wrote:
FrankTrollman wrote: However, we can't really extend that kind of good faith to ACKS, because it turns out to be written by a guy who is almost exactly Osama Bin Laden. I do not make that comparison lightly or in jest. He literally and specifically financed and supported a quite significant network of people for whom radicalizing potential terrorists was a full time job.
Frank, the folks over at theRPGsite decided to repost your comments for the specific purpose of making fun of you.

It's almost funny that they're calling you out for libel and then engaging in libel.
I'm the one who created the thread on therpgsite, while reposting Trollman's comments.....and I didn't make fun of him at all. Just the opposite. Try to be less deceptive, or reread what I actually wrote.

When I glimpsed through Trollman's rant, I was surprised (and disgusted) that he would so blatantly lie, in the most unethical and immoral way possible. Of course, I could be charitable....and assume that Frank has just finally gone off the deep end.

I mean, what other logical conclusion should I come to....when he accuses Macris of being a "racist terrorist" who "is personally responsible for the deaths of dozens if not hundreds of people." In other words, Frank accused a tabletop rpg publisher of being a mass murderer. This sounds like totally bugfuck crazy shit, right? But if we read it, it's right there in Trollman's posts.

And amazingly, Frank doubles down on this, comparing Macris to Osama Bin Laden :roll:, and makes it clear that he's totally not joking:
FrankTrollman wrote:However, we can't really extend that kind of good faith to ACKS, because it turns out to be written by a guy who is almost exactly Osama Bin Laden. I do not make that comparison lightly or in jest. He literally and specifically financed and supported a quite significant network of people for whom radicalizing potential terrorists was a full time job.
Terrorists? What "terrorists"? Macris doesn't fund Antifa, does he?

Not that it matters, because Frank shows us a hint of his true face, when he admits that he's not sorry for lying. He's only sorry that he got caught.
FrankTrollman wrote: In conclusion, I'm sorry we got caught.
So tell us, Frank. Do you have the individual names of the 24 to 999 people that Alexander Macris is personally responsible for murdering? If a tabletop rpg publisher murdered hundreds of people, this would be front page news. Right?

Look, Frank....let's face facts. You pulled this highly unethical and subversively evil stunt, in order to harm Macris and his rpg company financially. That was your intent; that was your goal. You are salty and butthurt, because he worked with Milo last year, who is a Jewish homosexual married to a black man.....and who is uncomfortably effective at trolling feminists and Muslims. So...obviously, anyone who would dare work with Milo (the gay Jew married to a black guy, remember?) is a "white supremacist racist terrorist Nazi". Is that about right, Frank?

It's completely obvious that you libeled Alexander Macris. In other words, you lied. Yes, you LIED. And it wasn't a particularly benevolent lie either, like telling your three-year-old child that Santa Claus exists. Oh, no. Instead, you committed the other far worse type of lie, which is deliberately intended to cause an innocent person harm.

The real question is....why would you spread such an obvious lie? Well, you probably did this because you either hate Macris's politics (whatever they are), or you did this simply because your victim (Macris) didn't "unperson" and reject your true enemy (Milo) for his personal politics. In fact, he even worked with Milo. And since you're incapable of hurting Milo himself in any way (whom you loathe), you used Macris as a convenient surrogate victim instead. You did this by using deception as a weapon, which was intended to cause Macris and his rpg company (Autarch, publisher of ACKS) financial harm.

Well, guess what? Subversively evil people do what you did, Frank.

You knew you were lying when you did it, and you knew that it was completely morally wrong when you did it. But seriously, what were you thinking? On what planet, was blatantly lying about this man, and denigrating him as a "racist terrorist" a good idea? How is trying to make people believe that Macris is a MASS MURDERER THAT IS PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEATHS OF DOZENS (OR HUNDREDS) OF PEOPLE a good idea? You can't possibly be this retarded. Can you?

I'm fine with dropping this issue after this thread, because Macris is aware of this now....and he's probably kind-hearted enough to just let this slide. And you're pathetic enough, that I probably don't need to give you much more thought.

But here's the truth, Frank. You are a bad person, and you should feel bad.

You should publicly APOLOGIZE to Macris.

I know that apologizing is incredibly hard for you to do, because you have this massive ego backed by unbelievable arrogance....and no personal humility whatsoever. This makes it nearly impossible for you to ever admit wrongdoing on your part.

Therefore, based upon what I've seen about you.....I don't think you'll ever apologize for intentionally libeling him. You're just not ethical enough to do that, and you certainly don't have the humility to ever publicly admit any wrongdoing on your part. And that's a damn shame, because ACKS seems like a tabletop rpg that plenty of people are interested in, and Macris himself seems like a decent guy.
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Post by The Adventurer's Almanac »

Sacrificial Lamb wrote: he worked with Milo last year, who is a Jewish homosexual married to a black man.....and who is uncomfortably effective at trolling feminists and Muslims.
Just for clarification, is this the same Milo Yanananapolis who publicly defended older men fucking young boys in the ass and chose that hill to die on before crawling out of the public eye in shame and indignation?
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Post by angelfromanotherpin »

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Post by Username17 »

Sacrificial Lamb wrote:So tell us, Frank. Do you have the individual names of the 24 to 999 people that Alexander Macris is personally responsible for murdering?
He funneled money to an organization that trained, radicalized, encouraged, and promoted a series of terrorist mass murderers. Here is, for example One of the mass murders that came into being because of the terrorist network that Macris helped set up. That article was in Time. Twenty two people died in that event. That specific event, and Macris' own timeline admits that he helped finance this after the organization in question was already tied to these actions.
If a tabletop rpg publisher murdered hundreds of people, this would be front page news. Right?
The thing I don't understand is why you dumb assholes think that I think that people who act as bag men for terrorists are "bad asses" that I'd be personally afraid of in a dark alley. When they caught up with him, Osama Bin Laden was a creaky old pervert with kidney failure. He wasn't Hitler from the end of Wolfenstein 3D, he was Hitler from the end of Downfall. People who funnel money to hate groups aren't strong or brave, they're just hateful assholes who lack the courage of their convictions to even be paste eating Proud Boys.

Kissinger has lots of blood on his hands, but he's not a 10th level anti-paladin, he's just a frail old man with severe kyphosis. Obviously we understand that Macris isn't John Wick, because we know that being morally reprehensible doesn't give you super powers. Because we live in the real world, where funneling money to violent hate groups is a moral choice, and one which the vast majority of people manage to successfully correctly choose to abstain from every day of their fucking lives. Making a "deal with the devil" to perform money laundering for racist billionaires to pay for incitement of racist violence isn't like a D&D deal with the devil where you get extra hit dice and a prestige class - it just is a permanent stain on your character where people who once thought you were an OK dude never think that again.
Sacrificial Lamb wrote: You should publicly APOLOGIZE to Macris.
I've got a better idea: I'm never going to take moral choice advice from someone who thinks Antifa is a terrorist organization and sees nothing wrong with money laundering for Milo after he started promoting violent white supremacist hate groups. I'm never going to apologize to Macris. He's a horrible human being who failed the most basic moral test of our times. And I'm going to hold you in utter contempt for as long as I remember that you even exist because you are a fascist shit stain who makes the world worse just by existing.

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Post by Mistborn »

Sacrificial Lamb wrote:Terrorists? What "terrorists"? Macris doesn't fund Antifa, does he?
I'm not gonna do a point by point refutation of entirety of the textual diarrhea that hast flowed from your cognitive sphincter onto our fair website. I'm just going to zoom in piece of half digested corn because it gives the game away. You know enough rightwing talking points to immediately start bleating about antifa when the topic of rightist/white-supremacist/neo-fascist violence is broached. You're not a disinterested observer motivated to action by some offence that has shocked your conscience, you are a partisan and that you can't admit which side you are on might suggest something.
Last edited by Mistborn on Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sacrificial Lamb »

The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:
Sacrificial Lamb wrote: he worked with Milo last year, who is a Jewish homosexual married to a black man.....and who is uncomfortably effective at trolling feminists and Muslims.
Just for clarification, is this the same Milo Yanananapolis who publicly defended older men fucking young boys in the ass and chose that hill to die on before crawling out of the public eye in shame and indignation?
I'm not aware of Milo defending that behavior, but if he did.....he should be shot (out of a cannon, in Minecraft). I don't like discussing socio-politics on tabletop rpg forums, but pedophiles deserve the rope.

If you know anything about Milo being pro-pedophilia, I'd love to hear it.....because that behavior is morally indefensible.
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Post by The Adventurer's Almanac »

Lord Mistborn wrote:You know enough rightwing talking points to immediately start bleating about antifa when the topic of rightist/white-supremacist/neo-fascist violence is broached.
Y'know, I never see leftists bring up Antifa completely unprovoked. Ever. Even people who are totally "members" of that loosely affiliated group of edgy internet people. I never realized that until just now, but why is that?
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Post by The Adventurer's Almanac »

Sacrificial Lamb wrote: If you know anything about Milo being pro-pedophilia, I'd love to hear it.....because that behavior is morally indefensible.
At risk of completely derailing the thread, here you go.
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Post by Mistborn »

Sacrificial Lamb wrote:
I'm not aware of Milo defending that behavior, but if he did.....he should be shot (out of a cannon, in Minecraft). I don't like discussing socio-politics on tabletop rpg forums, but pedophiles deserve the rope.

If you know anything about Milo being pro-pedophilia, I'd love to hear it.....because that behavior is morally indefensible.
If you really are that dumb I take back like 10% of the bad things I said about you. Milo got kicked from Breitbart because of pro-pedophila comments that made him too toxic for Breitbart. Your boy Macris helped found the company the he got in trouble for being a part of after that happened, a company designed to keep Milo in circulation when he was once again too toxic even for Breitbart but apparently not too toxic for Macris. Like if you don't get that you might also just straight up not know how stochastic terrorism works.
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Post by JigokuBosatsu »

In the absolutely bonkers thread about identity politics in comics, someone tells SacLamb that he isn't Milo and shouldn't try to be... are we sure he isn't?
Omegonthesane wrote:a glass armonica which causes a target city to have horrific nightmares that prevent sleep
JigokuBosatsu wrote:so a regular glass armonica?
You can buy my books, yes you can. Out of print and retired, sorry.
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Post by deaddmwalking »

Sacrificial Lamb wrote:
deaddmwalking wrote: It's almost funny that they're calling you out for libel and then engaging in libel.
I'm the one who created the thread on therpgsite, while reposting Trollman's comments.....and I didn't make fun of him at all. Just the opposite. Try to be less deceptive, or reread what I actually wrote.
Sacrificial Lamb wrote: I always knew that Trollman was obnoxious and arrogant, but has he completely lost his mind?
I'm not trying to encourage any intra-board drama, but since you reposted his comments over there, I thought it appropriate to make folks aware.

I have read the entire thread over there, and I agree with some of the posters here that Macris working for a company that intended to give Milo a platform after we knew what kind of person he was makes him at least morally suspect. I mean, if he needed the money for his sick niece's heart transplant or something like a Spiderman villain's backstory, maybe you'd give him the benefit of the doubt.

And if you don't like videos, here is an NPR article about it.
he [Milo] said, "We get hung up on this kind of child abuse stuff," and referenced, "this arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent."
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Post by Kaelik »

I do think it is interesting that there is so much terrible in Sacrificial Lamb's post that multiple people responded to multiple parts of it and no one even got to the part where he is so stupid he thought Frank's summary of what Macris said was an apology on the part of Frank.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Chamomile »

JigokuBosatsu wrote:In the absolutely bonkers thread about identity politics in comics, someone tells SacLamb that he isn't Milo and shouldn't try to be... are we sure he isn't?
I'd expect SacLamb to be better at imitating Milo's style if he were actually Milo. He's just a fanboy barking at criticism of his idol.
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Post by nockermensch »

Sacrificial Lamb wrote:Not that it matters, because Frank shows us a hint of his true face, when he admits that he's not sorry for lying. He's only sorry that he got caught.
FrankTrollman, DOING A SNARKY SUMMARY OF MACRIS'S DEFENSE, wrote: In conclusion, I'm sorry we got caught.
I'm not sure if this is a failed attempt at a I know you are but what am I? or if Sac is THIS dumb.
@ @ Nockermensch
Koumei wrote:After all, in Firefox you keep tabs in your browser, but in SovietPutin's Russia, browser keeps tabs on you.
Mord wrote:Chromatic Wolves are massively under-CRed. Its "Dood to stone" spell-like is a TPK waiting to happen if you run into it before anyone in the party has Dance of Sack or Shield of Farts.
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Post by The Adventurer's Almanac »

I'm leaning heavily towards the latter. I detect no irony from his posts whatsoever.
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Sacrificial Lamb
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Post by Sacrificial Lamb »

Kaelik wrote:I do think it is interesting that there is so much terrible in Sacrificial Lamb's post that multiple people responded to multiple parts of it and no one even got to the part where he is so stupid he thought Frank's summary of what Macris said was an apology on the part of Frank.
I very specifically said that I don't think Trollman will ever apologize. I said this overtly, at the end of my post. Learn to read.

Meanwhile....what a surprise.

Frank Trollman doubles down yet again, and keeps spreading his subversive bile. You never learn, do you, Trollman?
FrankTrollman wrote:
Sacrificial Lamb wrote:So tell us, Frank. Do you have the individual names of the 24 to 999 people that Alexander Macris is personally responsible for murdering?
He funneled money to an organization that trained, radicalized, encouraged, and promoted a series of terrorist mass murderers. Here is, for example One of the mass murders that came into being because of the terrorist network that Macris helped set up. That article was in Time. Twenty two people died in that event. That specific event, and Macris' own timeline admits that he helped finance this after the organization in question was already tied to these actions.
Time magazine is three letter agency propaganda bullshit. Only a clueless Boomer believes a single word in that rag.

And what "terrorist organization" did Macris (publisher of ACKS) fund and radicalize? Stop being so deliberately cryptic, Trollman. Name the organization. Be precise. Why would you bring up the events of El Paso?

Remember that you brought this up, not me. If you absolutely insist on talking about the events at El Paso (in regards to a tabletop rpg publisher), then why aren't you discussing the shooter, Patrick Crusius? Do you know why you aren't? I'll bet that I know why. Because then you'd have to start talking about the (alleged) shooter being on SSRI's (like most non-gang mass shooters) and then discuss MK Ultra shit, which is something that absolutely nobody here wants to do.

You'd have to start talking about two different mugshots of the alleged shooter, each of which depicts a man that looks radically different from the other (but are magically supposed to be the same person). I won't post links; do your own research.

You'd have to start talking about how the owner of 8chan said that the manifesto was NOT uploaded by the El Paso Walmart Shooter. The (alleged) shooter posted on Instagram, and not 8chan. Seriously, do your research.

You'd also have to talk about how the father of the accused El Paso shooter, is named John Bryan Crusius. He's a counselor involved in “Infused Being Therapy” in Dallas, Texas. He specializes in trauma and PTSD. And this man worked with Colin A. Ross at the Timberlawn Mental Health System in Dallas. And guess what? Ross is said to have shared a relationship with Sydney Gottlieb. And who is Sydney Gottlieb, you might ask?

Since I wish to limit how much unwelcome attention I draw to myself (from certain groups), I'll let you do your own research on that. But I'll just tell you that El Paso had nothing to do with so-called "white supremacy", and it probably had nothing to do with 8chan either....beyond sites like 4chan and 8chan being rapidly subverted into becoming three letter agency honeypots (which they obviously are)....and being politically targeted for demolition.

But you are at least partially right. The El Paso shooting was indeed terrorism, but not quite the form of terrorism that you say it is. This was a sponsored act, that was intended to weaken Americans of their 2nd Amendment rights. Plain and simple.

And precisely who sponsored this act? My response is....take a wild fucking guess. Do your own research, because I absolutely will not go into far greater detail on a tabletop rpg site. I hate being cryptic myself (like you're being right now, Trollman)...but there have been a lot of very high profile and well-funded political shootings and political events lately, and they're not happening organically. I'll just say that the real sponsor of the El Paso shooting was not a "white supremacist". The real sponsors of El Paso (and other such high profile political shootings and events) are something else entirely. Come to your own conclusions about who those sponsors truly are.

Let's just say that a disarmed people is an enslaved people. In other words, these shootings are sponsored with the (unspoken) goal of eradicating the 2nd Amendment.

Additionally, there were (Spanish-speaking) witnesses to the El Paso shooting who saw multiple masked men with guns at the shooting (not police), but these witnesses were totally ignored by the mainstream media.....because their testimony would hurt the Marxist narrative of white people = "trigger happy racist Nazi white supremacists". If you're diligent, you might still be able to find some of this information that hasn't yet been deleted from Twitter. To put this another way, Macris has exactly jack and shit to do with El Paso.

Oh, and let's also not forget that the (alleged) shooter was only nominally what you would call "white". He was actually Latino and Jewish. Oh, and before you start screaming at me for saying this, and using neo-Marxist terms like: "Nazi, anti-Semite, racist, terrorist, white supremacist", and other such bullshit....I'll mention that I'm ethnically Latino and Jewish myself. So spare me your bullshit.

And here's another thing, Trollman. Why are you sperging out over 8chan? Does Macris own 8chan? Does he work for 8chan? I ask, because I don't know. But even if he did own 8chan, then as a comparison....does this also mean that Mark Zuckerburg is personally responsible for everything that everyone writes on Facebook? Does this essentially mean that Zuckerburg is now personally responsible for the actions of every single person that posts on the platform he created? If a killer posts a manifesto onto Instagram (like the El Paso shooter), and then goes out and kills people, is the owner of Instagram personally responsible?

How does that work? :confused:

If you post a hate-filled rant on Facebook or Twitter or bodybuilding forums, and then go off on a shooting spree.....are the owners of Facebook (or other Internet sites) now personally responsible for your behavior? Where does that responsibility begin? Where does it end? Should we just engage in mass censorship and deplatforming of every single person who chimps out on the Internet? Should every person who isn't sufficiently neo-Marxist be "unpersoned"? Do you magically abdicate responsibility for your actions when you visit a website? Are sites like Facebook, Twitter, 8chan (and more) publishers or platforms? Is there a practical difference? I mean, you're indirectly advocating censorship, aren't you?

You do want to censor and deplatform your enemies for "racism" and wrongthought, Trollman. Isn't that what you truly want? It's ok if you want to openly come out and admit it. In fact, you want to imprison Macris (publisher of ACKS), and put him in jail. However, as I said.....you've been very carefully cryptic about what he has or hasn't done. I still have no clue whatsoever why you think Macris should be in jail.

In any case, it doesn't really matter....because you are a treacherous fucking snake, Trollman. You KNOW that you're being very deliberately and carefully non-specific in your accusations against Macris. I still cannot figure out precisely what crime he's supposed to be guilty of, aside from working with Milo. You're being very deliberately obtuse.
FrankTrollman wrote:
If a tabletop rpg publisher murdered hundreds of people, this would be front page news. Right?
The thing I don't understand is why you dumb assholes think that I think that people who act as bag men for terrorists are "bad asses" that I'd be personally afraid of in a dark alley. When they caught up with him, Osama Bin Laden was a creaky old pervert with kidney failure. He wasn't Hitler from the end of Wolfenstein 3D, he was Hitler from the end of Downfall. People who funnel money to hate groups aren't strong or brave, they're just hateful assholes who lack the courage of their convictions to even be paste eating Proud Boys.

Kissinger has lots of blood on his hands, but he's not a 10th level anti-paladin, he's just a frail old man with severe kyphosis. Obviously we understand that Macris isn't John Wick, because we know that being morally reprehensible doesn't give you super powers. Because we live in the real world, where funneling money to violent hate groups is a moral choice, and one which the vast majority of people manage to successfully correctly choose to abstain from every day of their fucking lives. Making a "deal with the devil" to perform money laundering for racist billionaires to pay for incitement of racist violence isn't like a D&D deal with the devil where you get extra hit dice and a prestige class - it just is a permanent stain on your character where people who once thought you were an OK dude never think that again.
Do me a kindness, and name for me the "hate group" that Macris allegedly "funds and radicalizes for". Please. Leave nothing out. I ask you this, because your (frankly, creepy) behavior....is suspiciously vague. I think you're a liar. You know why? Because you keep alleging that Macris funds and radicalizes for a terrorist organization, but even after multiple posts......you very carefully avoid naming the organization, and avoid specifics. I mean, what (precisely) are you saying? You're the one claiming that Macris is as bad as Osama Bin Laden. Isn't that right? After all this bullshit, I still don't know what "terrorist organization" you've been sperging on about. Kinda suspicious, right?
FrankTrollman wrote:
Sacrificial Lamb wrote: You should publicly APOLOGIZE to Macris.
I've got a better idea: I'm never going to take moral choice advice from someone who thinks Antifa is a terrorist organization and sees nothing wrong with money laundering for Milo after he started promoting violent white supremacist hate groups. I'm never going to apologize to Macris. He's a horrible human being who failed the most basic moral test of our times. And I'm going to hold you in utter contempt for as long as I remember that you even exist because you are a fascist shit stain who makes the world worse just by existing.

You have no better ideas; not today.

And....."fascist?" Really? Again with that tired old chestnut? By the way, what the fuck is a "white supremacist hate group" supposed to be? I don't know what that term means any more, when we have 1990's liberals being ruthlessly labeled "Nazis" now. Here's the reality: you truly are remorselessly evil scum, Trollman. Either that, or you have the self-awareness of a cucumber.

So now you're switching tactics, and accusing Macris of money laundering as well? Are you for real? Why double down, when you can triple down, right?

And on what fucking planet is Antifa not a terrorist organization? Their black masks, their intimidation tactics, their doxxing of others, their attempted deplatforming of their enemies, their subversion and manipulation (via Redneck Revolt), their bullying and brainwashing (via BAMN), their neo-Marxist cultist radicalization, their libel and slander of their enemies, their frequently inflicted property damage, their terrorism, their training, their agitating, and their consistent street violence? Are you completely insane, or just full of shit? I'm betting on both.

Just because you call yourself an "antifascist" doesn't mean you can magically insulate yourself from being an actual terrorist, when you engage in terrorist activities. I mean, look. A good chunk of these Antifa retards are paid agitators, funded by billionaires....and who are surrounded by a larger group of unpaid "useful idiots". There is absolutely no other way you can get a bunch of smelly and stoned, underemployed omega hipster SJW retards who live with their parents......to become this hyper-focused and organized, unless they're being very well-funded, trained, and paid to do so....by ungodly wealthy billionaires.

Meanwhile, Antifa has almost the same exact flag as the Communist Party of Germany in 1933, and openly define themselves as "anarcho-Communists". Because...apparently, over 100 million people dying horribly from Communism just isn't enough. But what am I saying? Surely the sociopaths will get Communism "right" next time.


Good grief. :bash:

P.S. I don't hate you, Trollman....but I don't respect you either. You truly are an unethical, treacherous, lying rat....and I wouldn't even trust you with painting a fence.

Apologize to Macris. Admit your wrongdoing, and stop doubling down.
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Post by Mistborn »

So I just sort of glazed over Lambs post the first time I read it. In retrospect that was the correct choice, but of course I just had to go over it again. I just got a say wow, that post is cringe as fuck.

When people are saying mean things about people you like on the internet, barging in, accusing them of running a "subversive disinformation campaign" or whatever, threatening them with legal action, and then demanding an apology... That sort of internet toughguyism is gonna get you laughed out of the room pretty much anywhere. Your sad display is even sadder because if Macris's shit idot brain fungus was advanced enough that actually sued Doc Trollman he would lose, because Frank is if not indisputably right, close enough that a defamation claim is never gonna stick.

Now comparing Macris to Osama bin Laden is a bit of a reach and honestly gives a festering shitweasle like Macris far too much credit. His relationship to fascist terrorism is more like al-Baghdadi's relationship to terrorist attacks in the E.U. and U.S. Though Macris role in say the Christchurch Shooting is much more of a middle-man. The purpose of Macris's outfit was funnel money to produce agitprop for fascists in such a way that the major backers could avoid getting their name soiled by association. The content that is produced creates a media bubble in which people become radicalized and eventually commit acts of terror without necessarily being given direct orders. This even isn't a new observation the leftwing media has run pieces on stochastic terrorism, pieces in which names are named and rhetoric is heated and none of them have gotten sued either.

Edit:Wow, Lamb not only doubled down while I was typing it up but is now spouting weird conspiracy bullshit as well.
Last edited by Mistborn on Wed Oct 16, 2019 1:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by The Adventurer's Almanac »

Dude, why do you bold a bunch of random shit like a comic book character? I find that even weirder than the fact that Frank and some other people here actually sign their posts. I know that it's for emphasis, but it is, as the kids say, cringe. This is a wonderful derail though, please keep going.
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Sacrificial Lamb
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Post by Sacrificial Lamb »

deaddmwalking wrote:
Sacrificial Lamb wrote:
deaddmwalking wrote: It's almost funny that they're calling you out for libel and then engaging in libel.
I'm the one who created the thread on therpgsite, while reposting Trollman's comments.....and I didn't make fun of him at all. Just the opposite. Try to be less deceptive, or reread what I actually wrote.
Sacrificial Lamb wrote: I always knew that Trollman was obnoxious and arrogant, but has he completely lost his mind?
I'm not trying to encourage any intra-board drama, but since you reposted his comments over there, I thought it appropriate to make folks aware.

I have read the entire thread over there, and I agree with some of the posters here that Macris working for a company that intended to give Milo a platform after we knew what kind of person he was makes him at least morally suspect. I mean, if he needed the money for his sick niece's heart transplant or something like a Spiderman villain's backstory, maybe you'd give him the benefit of the doubt.

And if you don't like videos, here is an NPR article about it.
he [Milo] said, "We get hung up on this kind of child abuse stuff," and referenced, "this arbitrary and oppressive idea of consent."
Your article doesn't tell me anything that I don't already know, and has absolutely nothing to do with Frank chimping out, and accusing Macris of being a "racist terrorist" mass murderer. Oh, and it also has no relation to Trollman now accusing Macris of money laundering as well.

As far as I recall, Milo was sexually abused at age 13 or 14 by an adult, and still has some positive feelings toward the adult who seduced him and sexually abused him. This is not the weirdest thing in the world. Let's remember that he's the victim here, and we don't have a right to tell people how they're supposed to feel afterwards. He also said that he's against kids and adults having sex.

Is there something more substantial I'm missing here?
Last edited by Sacrificial Lamb on Wed Oct 16, 2019 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Adventurer's Almanac
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Post by The Adventurer's Almanac »

Yeah, you missed the part where he was at a party full of pedophiles who were fucking young boys and he refused to name a single person there, making him complicit in fucking child molestation. For someone so into conspiracy theories, you have some strange blind spots.
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Post by Kaelik »

While of course crazy white supremacist conspiracies bounce all over the right wing these days and theoretically could come from anywhere, Alex Jones has a long history of pushing mass shootings are caused by anti-depressants and the shooters father is part of the vast new world order conspiracy to drug up, apparently his own children? to set them up as mass shooters so that they can take our guns.

So that's a cool look and not at all a giant red flag to go with all the others.

EDIT: Oof, now he's talking about "chimping out" not a great sign.

EDIT2: also missed "paid protestors" meme last time. He's got literally all of them.
Last edited by Kaelik on Wed Oct 16, 2019 2:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by souran »

LOL, we have had a lot of random assholes come through this board, but Sac takes the cake.

Its the internet so I have called people nazi's and been called a nazi in turn but I honestly never met an actual nazi before. Deciding that you want to endorse and join the scum of humanity is a bold decision.

If you honestly think that antifa are terrorists then you probably can also explain how Qanon has never been wrong. That last post was just an explosion of WTF are you talking about.
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Sacrificial Lamb
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Post by Sacrificial Lamb »

Lord Mistborn wrote:So I just sort of glazed over Lambs post the first time I read it. In retrospect that was the correct choice, but of course I just had to go over it again. I just got a say wow, that post is cringe as fuck.

When people are saying mean things about people you like on the internet, barging in, accusing them of running a "subversive disinformation campaign" or whatever, threatening them with legal action, and then demanding an apology... That sort of internet toughguyism is gonna get you laughed out of the room pretty much anywhere. Your sad display is even sadder because if Macris's shit idot brain fungus was advanced enough that actually sued Doc Trollman he would lose, because Frank is if not indisputably right, close enough that a defamation claim is never gonna stick.

Now comparing Macris to Osama bin Laden is a bit of a reach and honestly gives a festering shitweasle like Macris far too much credit. His relationship to fascist terrorism is more like al-Baghdadi's relationship to terrorist attacks in the E.U. and U.S. Though Macris role in say the Christchurch Shooting is much more of a middle-man. The purpose of Macris's outfit was funnel money to produce agitprop for fascists in such a way that the major backers could avoid getting their name soiled by association. The content that is produced creates a media bubble in which people become radicalized and eventually commit acts of terror without necessarily being given direct orders. This even isn't a new observation the leftwing media has run pieces on stochastic terrorism, pieces in which names are named and rhetoric is heated and none of them have gotten sued either.

Edit:Wow, Lamb not only doubled down while I was typing it up but is now spouting weird conspiracy bullshit as well.
Let me put this in simple terms.

Frank accused a tabletop rpg publisher of terrorism and mass murder. When challenged on it, he doubled down. When any reasonable person would justifiably ask for specifics, Frank gives us no answer.

What "racist terrorist" organization is Frank talking about? What organization are you talking about? I don't know. I have no idea what lives and deaths Macris is personally responsible for, because Frank won't tell us.

However, did you follow the link that Trollman left in his post? He indirectly linked to an article about the El Paso Shooting. That is relevant, because it looks like he's at least indirectly blaming Alexander Macris for the shooting in Texas.
The Adventurer's Almanac wrote:Yeah, you missed the part where he was at a party full of pedophiles who were fucking young boys and he refused to name a single person there, making him complicit in fucking child molestation. For someone so into conspiracy theories, you have some strange blind spots.
What "blind spot"? Do you understand that if you report a bunch of extremely powerful and wealthy Hollywood moguls to the police for pedophilia at a party that you attend, that you could wake up with a plastic bag over your head....and a bullet in your skull? Milo had no political power whatsoever, as a young gay man in his early twenties. Not like he does today. He was much more vulnerable a dozen years ago. If the ungodly wealthy and morally degenerate pedophiles had found out the true identity of their accuser, Yiannopoulos would have been road pizza. Guaranteed. Don't be so completely naive as to believe that would not have happened.
Last edited by Sacrificial Lamb on Wed Oct 16, 2019 2:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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