Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

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Serious Badass
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Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »


I was asked to put these up on the forum rather than the pdf format, for easy access. So I'll be doing that, with one per post so they can be linked to in a simple manner, and I'll provide references to the books. Any time I add extra feats at the bottom, they're made with the assumption of the "a feat per level" system.

Abeil Soldier
Monster Manual 2, page 22. CR 6, Level 7 - you should just give it +6 Str, +2 Con, +2 Wis for Ability Scores, to keep them more reasonable.

Stormwing Champion
The Stormwing Champion does not unleash the power of BEEEEEES! That’s ridiculous. It unleashes the power of wasps, which are like bees but bigger, scarier, more dangerous, and utterly aggressive assholes. The Stormwing Champion specifically is a powerful fighter who can boost and protect allies, and can also fly, taking care of the “Harpy Archer” problem.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nature, Nobility & Royalty), Listen, Perform (Dance), Search, Sense Motive, Spot
1+1+0+0+2Tornadowing, Magic Target
2+2+0+0+3Distracting Drone, Guard the Queen!
3+3+1+1+3Wings of Cover
4+4+1+1+4Inciting Venom
5+5+1+1+4Basic Sphere Access, Extra Special Enemy
6+6+2+2+5Karaturan Ox-Killer
7+7+2+2+5Supernatural Virulence
8+8+2+2+6Thunderwing, Super Special Enemy
10+10+3+3+7Tempestwing, Advanced Sphere Access
11+11+3+3+7Fell Stinger, Legion's Rage
12+12+4+4+8For the Queen!, Mightiest Weaponry
13+13+4+4+8Expert Sphere Access, Doomwing

Tornadowing (Ex): the Stormwing Champion's Stormwing ability is better than normal. It deals 1d8 damage per hit die, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus.

Magic Target (Sp): the Stormwing Champion gains a few Spell-Like Abilities, designed for marking foes out to be targeted. It may cast Bane, Bestow Curse, Curse of Impending Blades and Doom once each per hour, however they also each carry a Faerie Fire effect for the same duration, on all targets. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Distracting Drone (Ex): the Drone ability of the second-level Stormwing Champion is particularly powerful. Even those who succeed on their saving throw are partially affected, rendered unable to make Attacks of Opportunity and considered Flanked by all attackers. They must also Concentrate to cast spells, with a DC of 10 + the Spell Level + the Stormwing Champion's Constitution Bonus. These effects last until they leave the area, are rendered Deaf, or effectively plug their ears.

Guard the Queen! (Su): Abeil Soldiers all need to be able to guard their Queen (even if she is a high-level caster), and the Stormwing Champion can use this more generally on all allies (who might not be high-level casters for whatever reason). At second level, it can use a Standard Action to protect a selected ally within thirty feet, granting the benefits of a Shield Other effect while they remain in range. The target subtracts the Champion's hit dice total from their share of the damage received (after halving), but this extra damage is simply lost, it isn't transferred to the Champion. This can be used at will, but only on one person at a time - if a new target is protected, the previous one ceases being protected.

Wings of Cover (Su): starting at level three, the Stormwing Champion can cast Wings of Cover once per hour. When casting this, it also grants Cover to all adjacent allies until the start of its next turn, or until they cease being adjacent, whichever happens first.

Inciting Venom (Ex): whenever the fourth-level Stormwing Champion successfully delivers its venom, the target is left with a scent that marks its target. If anyone fails the save against the Primary damage of its Poison, they are marked for the next hour. In that time, all Abeil and Vermin treat all of their attacks against the target as being made with a Bane weapon (+2 to attack rolls and +2d6+2 to damage rolls), and Vermin with an Intelligence lower than 3 are compelled to attack them. This also allows Abeil to re-roll any failed Miss Chances against the target for the duration.

Sphere Access: at level five, the Stormwing Champion gains Basic Access to either the Death, Terror, or Venom Sphere. At level ten, this improves to Advanced Access, and at level thirteen it improves again to Expert Access.

Extra Special Enemy (Ex): at level five, the Stormwing Champion's Special Enemy bonuses all double, and it doubles all Critical Threat Ranges against that type of enemy.

Karaturan Ox-Killer (Ex): the sixth-level Stormwing Champion is a creature to be feared, resembling the monsters from Karatur. It grows to Large Size, gaining all the usual changes from such a growth, and its Poison has an added [Pain] effect with the Primary Damage: the foe is rendered Stunned for one round, then Staggered on the following round.

Supernatural Virulence: at level seven, the Stormwing Champion gains Supernatural Virulence as a Bonus Feat, even though it doesn't meet the usual requirements for [Fiend] feats.

Thunderwing (Su): at level eight, the Stormwing Champion's Stormwing attack affects Incorporeal and Ethereal foes as though they lacked those traits, and completely ignores Hardness of all kinds.

Super Special Enemy (Ex): the eighth-level Stormwing Champion really hates its Special Enemy. It doubles its Critical Multiplier against the foe, and also increases any Save DC against them by +3.

Anaphylaxis (Ex): at level nine, the Stormwing Champion's Poison is accelerated - it delivers its Secondary effect only three rounds after the Primary Effects. If the target fails their saving throw against the Secondary effects, they die outright, as a [Death] effect. If they are immune to [Death] effects, they still suffer the other Secondary effects.

Tempestwing (Su): at level ten, the radius of the Stormwing Champion's Stormwing ability is doubled. Additionally, it can cast Control Weather at will, and Storm of Vengeance once per day (with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus).

Fell Stinger (Su): the eleventh-level Stormwing Champion becomes filled with vigour and power any time it neutralises a threat with its stinger. Any time it uses its stinger or Poison to kill a foe strong enough to grant it XP, it gains the following effects for a number of rounds equal to the Challenge Rating of the creature: 1 Temporary Hit Point per level, a +8 Enhancement Bonus to Strength, doubled reach, and a Haste effect. It also deals damage with all weapons as though one size larger.

Legion's Rage (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, the eleventh-level Stormwing Champion can inspire rage in massive groups. All allies within Long Range gain a Rage effect for five minutes providing they have a sense of smell, though they may elect not to be affected by it.

For the Queen (Ex): at level twelve, the Stormwing Champion gains the ability to sacrifice itself for the good of the colony, or for its queen specifically, or just in general. Any time it is reduced below zero hit points, this automatically activates, but it may also activate it with a Free Action. Doing so places it in a special state for five rounds, during which its Speed is doubled, it gains +5d6 Sneak Attack damage, and is Immune to harmful conditions (as laid out in the "Conditions" section of the DMG) and even death. When the effect ends, the Champion dies - even if its hit points are in the healthy range. This death from over-exertion cannot be prevented save by a Wish or Miracle, though it can be brought back in all the normal ways.

Mightiest Weaponry (Ex): the twelfth-level Stormwing Champion is great at hitting people with very large weapons. Its Stinger deals damage as though one size category larger, and the Champion can wield weapons another size larger than before - as a Large creature already able to wield weapons fit for Huge creatures, it can now wield weapons sized for Gargantuan creatures. Its upper body actually grows to allow for this, and its stance naturally widens.

Doomwing (Su): at level thirteen, the Stormwing Champion has the most powerful Stormwing ability ever. The entire area is treated as having Tornado-strength winds until the start of its next turn, and in the meantime, the Stormwing Champion is immune to all projectiles that require an attack roll - even magical ones. Additionally, once per day it may cast the Epic Spell Beast of a Thousand Legs as a Supernatural Ability. It still requires ten minutes to cast.

New Feats:

Cosmopolitan Insect [Monstrous]
You get along pretty well with other creepy crawlies, regardless of size. Or indeed the number of limbs.
Requirement: Abeil, Advespa, Formian or other "giant bug" intelligent monster
Benefit: you can communicate with all Vermin, and Magical Beasts that look like they should be Vermin, as though you both shared a language, even if they have no Intelligence score. You can use skills like Diplomacy, Intimidate and Gather Information with them, although they probably won't know that much about many topics. You can all understand each others' knowledge of scents and pheremones.

Expanded Targeting [Monstrous]
You are really good at marking foes with your magic
Requirements: Stormwing Champion, Sphere Access
Benefit: any time you cast any Spell-Like Ability on one or more enemies, you affect them with Faerie Fire just like with your Magic Target ability.
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Sep 05, 2022 9:48 am, edited 11 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual, page 8. CR 7 [Awesome], Level 10 - This is a problem creature on multiple levels for a Player Character. Or a DM-controlled monster, really.

Memory Architect
The Memory Architect is a class which extends the Aboleth's natural abilities to acquire and manipulate memories and emotions. As the Aboleth gains levels in Memory Architect it gains access to greater amounts of lore and the ability to extrapolate from its vast stores of stolen memories. Furthermore, it gains the ability to transform the memories of others into opinions it finds more useful. The Memory Architect serves the function of a diviner or a bard in most parties.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft (any), Forgery, Knowledge (any), Listen, Profession (any), Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Magic Device
1+0+0+0+2Deep Insight, Memory Palace, Detect Thoughts at will
2+1+0+0+3Scry 1/day, Emotion, Identify at will
3+1+1+1+3Modify Memory 1/day, Legend Lore
4+2+1+1+4Obscure Object 1/day, Greater Scrying 1/day, Analyze Dweomer 1/day, Locate Object 3/day
5+2+1+1+4Lives Not Forgotten, Modify Memory 5/day
6+3+2+2+5Telepathy, Commune 1/day, Clairvoyance/Clairaudience 1/day
7+3+2+2+5Mind Blank 1/day, Greater Scrying 2/day
8+4+2+2+6Lives Beyond Measure, Mind Rape 1/day
9+4+3+3+6Sympathy 3/day, Antipathy 1/day, Discern Location 2/day
10+5+3+3+7Mind Rape 2/day, Demand 1/day, Contact Other Plane 1/day

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as it gains levels, the Memory Architect gains additional Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level for all of its abilities, including racial ones, is 16 or its total hit dice, whichever is greater. Any Save DC is 13 + half its class level + its Charisma Bonus.

Deep Insight (Ex): the Memory Architect has gained much knowledge in the depths. It may elect to use its Wisdom Bonus in place of its Intelligence Bonus for skill checks with Intelligence-based skills such as Appraise and Knowledge. It also instantly learns two additional languages of choice, even secret ones like Druidic.

Memory Palace (Ex): a memory, once gained by the Memory Architect, is never lost, and is accessible to it for all time. Its convoluted and intricate system of remembering details allows it to make any Knowledge check untrained. In addition, whenever making a Knowledge check, it may add a bonus equal to twice its class level to that check. Furthermore, if it ever discovers a password, mechanism or other important detail, it never forgets that detail. It also receives a +4 Bonus to saving throws against Detect Thoughts, Modify Memory, Mind Rape and similar effects that cause the loss of memories or allow other creatures to access its memories.

Emotion (Sp): once per day, the second-level Memory Architect can cast a special spell-like ability that duplicates the effects of either Fear, Good Hope, Rage or Crushing Despair. Regardless of the option, the Save DC is standard for this class, and has the Targets/Area of Effect of a Fear spell. This is considered a sixth-level spell.

Legend Lore (Ex): once per day per three full class levels, a Memory Architect can figure out information about something similar to a Legend Lore spell.

Lives Not Forgotten (Ex): from fifth level on, the Memory Architect can make practical use of the skills it remembers for those it has consumed. The Memory Architect gains a one-time bonus of 4 ranks in all Profession skills.

Telepathy (Su): at sixth level, the Memory Architect can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet which has a language.

Lives Beyond Measure (Ex): at eighth level, the Memory Architect has so many memories to work with that it knows the customs and languages of any place it ever visits. The Memory Architect can read and speak any language, and gains an additional +4 Bonus to any Knowledge (Local) checks it makes, regardless of where that locality might be.

New Feats:

Mind Dungeon [Monstrous]
Your mind palace is properly kitted out, complete with a dungeon and torture chamber.
Requirements: Aboleth, Mind Palace class feature
Benefit: any time somebody attempts to affect you with Detect Thoughts, Modify Memory, Mind Rape or any other effect that can allow access to your memories, they must pass a Will Save (DC 13 + half your levels in Memory Architect + your Charisma Bonus) or be struck senseless as though by a Feeblemind effect.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Jul 28, 2020 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Flesh Sculptor
The Flesh Sculptor is a class which extends the Aboleth's natural abilities to enslave others and transform creatures into hideous aberrations. As the Aboleth gains levels in Flesh Sculptor it gains access to greater levels of Domination and the ability to aberrate creatures into new and implausible forms. The Flesh Sculptor serves the function of a Conjurer or Enchanter in most parties.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 2 + Int
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft (any), Handle Animal, Knowledge (any), Listen, Profession (any), Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Spot
1+0+2+0+2Death Wish, Greater Enslavement, Aberrate at will
2+1+3+0+3Enslave 4/day, Craft Wondrous Item, Polymorph 3/day
3+2+3+1+3Greater Transformation, Suggestion 1/day, Claws of the Savage 3/day
4+3+4+1+4Enslave 5/day, Permanency 1/day, Morality Undone 1/day
5+3+4+1+4Telepathy, Polymorph Any Object 1/day, Wall of Eyes 1/day
6+4+5+2+5Enslave 6/day, Whirlwind of Teeth 1/day, Bestow Greater Curse 3/day
7+5+5+2+5Were-Doom 1/day, Dominate Monster 1/day
8+6+6+2+6Enslave 7/day, Spread of Savagery 1/day, Morality Undone at will
9+6+6+3+6Chimericize, Shapechange 3/day, Statue 1/day
10+7+7+3+7Enslave 8/day, Grip of Iron, Permanency 2/day, Temporal Stasis 1/day

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as it gains levels, the Flesh Sculptor gains additional Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level for all of its abilities, including racial ones, is 16 or its total hit dice, whichever is greater. Any Save DC is 13 + half its class level + its Charisma Bonus.

Death Wish (Su): such is the power of the Flesh Sculptor's hold over its victims that it can issue self-destructive orders to them. An enslaved creature receives a single additional saving throw (at a +4 Bonus for taking an action completely against its nature) at the moment the order is given. Failure indicates that it is immediately carried out.

Greater Enslavement (Su): the Save DC for the Flesh Sculptor's Enslavement ability is 15 + half its class level + its Charisma Bonus. It can be used one additional time per day for every two full class levels.

Craft Wondrous Item: at second level, the Flesh Sculptor gains Craft Wondrous Item as a Bonus Feat. Its innate Caster Level of 16 applies for this as well as for any other Crafting Feats it elects to take.

Greater Transformation: at third level, when a Flesh Sculptor transforms a creature it can choose to have it gain a template chosen at random (roll a d6) from: 1 - Aquatic, 2 - Feral, 3 - Gelatinous, 4 - Multiheaded, 5 - Monstrous Beast, 6 - Broodguard. The unfortunate creature still loses the osmotic gradient of their skin and if the template would not normally be applicable to the subject, it painfully dissolves into a pile of goo (and thus dies) over the course of 1d6 hours. The DC of the Flesh Sculptor's Transform ability is now 15 + half its class level + its Constitution Bonus.

Telepathy (Su): at fifth level, the Flesh Sculptor can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100' which has a language.

Chimericize (Ex): at ninth level, the Flesh Sculptor can cruelly combine two or more creatures which are in the process of being transformed. The single creature gains the Chimeric, Multiheaded, Tauric, or Half (Dragon/Celestial/Elemental/Fiend etc) template as appropriate - the closest approximation for the final product. Leftover pieces are left in a wriggling heap on the ground. All constituent creatures must make a single Will Save, with the highest Save result being in control of the new creature. The abhorrent process takes 1d3 hours to reach completion.

Grip of Iron (Su): at tenth level, the slaves of the Flesh Sculptor no longer gain additional saves (or bonuses to their saves) for being forced to take actions against their nature - even against self-destructive orders.

New Feats:

Leftovers [Monstrous]
You can put the spare bits and pieces of your subjects to good use - waste not want not.
Requirements: Aboleth, Greater Transformation class feature
Benefit: when you use your Transformation ability on a subject, you may elect to take and utilise leftover parts instead of attempting to apply a template. If affecting a Medium (or larger) creature with skin, you may create a Forsaken Shell (Libris Mortis, page 100) under your control, except its Type is Aberration and it loses the ability to Create Spawn. If affecting a Small creature with skin, you may instead create a Skin Kite (Libris Mortis, page 119), except its Type is Aberration. If affecting a corporeal creature that is Medium or larger, you may create a Skulking Cyst (Libris Mortis, page 120) except as an Aberration. Finally, if affecting a Colossal blooded creature, or two Gargantuan blooded creatures (or four Huge ones or so on), you may gather enough ichor to create a Blood Amniote, except its Type is Ooze and it cannot Self Spawn. In all cases, the creations are as loyal to you as the original test subjects (even if the loyalty is magically-compelled), so you should make sure you Enslave them first.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Jul 28, 2020 1:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Abyssal Drake
Draconomicon, page 145. CR 9, level 11, note that it's Huge which can be a problem in dungeons.

Abyssal Wyrm
The Abyssal Drake is a cross between dragons and demons - both literally and just in the sense of how you'd describe it. As such, when it becomes the Abyssal Wyrm, it improves in both draconic ways and also demonic ways. It sets people on fire, making use of special unholy fire, and also breathes horrible essence out. It shreds people happily in close combat as its main job, and also has a degree of magical power - but mostly as back-up for its other abilities. If you're not thinking of being a giant flying fighter with a breath weapon, consider not just another class but another species entirely.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot
1+1+2+2+0Fiendish Sphere, Hellfire and Brimstone
2+2+3+3+0Abyssal Aura, Ruinous Claws
3+3+3+3+1Draconic Majesty, Transport of the Fiends
4+4+4+4+1Insidious Magic, Blazing Rend
5+5+4+4+1Fiendish Sphere, Burning Sacrifice
6+6+5+5+2Incineration, Claws of Doom
7+7+5+5+2Abyssal Clouds, Devouring Torment
8+8+6+6+2Exhalations of Evil
9+9+6+6+3Demon Dragon King, Rain of Hellfire

Fiendish Sphere: the Abyssal Wyrm gains Basic Access to a single Fiendish Sphere. At level five, it may either gain Basic Access to a second Fiendish Sphere, or increase its existing access to Advanced. It is only allowed to select from the following: Carnage, Death, Fire, Pyre, Terror, Venom, Violation, Voracity

Hellfire and Brimstone (Su): the Abyssal Wyrm's breath weapon is a lot better than it used to be. At every class level, the damage increases by 1d6, and the Cone increases by 5 feet in length (and thus width at the widest end). Furthermore, the area is filled briefly with horrible choking smoke - until the start of its next turn, it blocks visibility like a Fog Cloud and creatures within it must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC as the Reflex Save) or be Nauseated for one round.

Abyssal Aura (Su): starting at level two, the Abyssal Wyrm is wreathed in unholy flames basically all the time. At the beginning of each of its turns, all creatures within 10 feet take 4d6 points of damage (half Fire, half Unholy), with a Reflex Save for half (same DC as its Breath Weapon). Any creature within the area that hits it with a melee attack also catches fire, suffering 4d6 Fire damage per round until they douse the flames. It can suppress this with a Swift Action if it wants to, but it very rarely wants to, and can resume it with another Swift Action.

Additionally, with a Move-Equivalent Action at will, the Abyssal Wyrm may swap its Frightful Presence out for a Fatiguing Presence (Dragon Magic, page 126) or back.

Ruinous Claws (Su): the natural weapons of the second-level Abyssal Wyrm are particularly destructive. They are Magic weapons with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), and the Ruinous property.

Draconic Majesty (Sp): upon reaching third level, the Abyssal Wyrm gains the ability to cast Mesmerising Glare, Aura of Terror and Imperious Glare once each per day. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Transport of the Fiends (Sp): like a proper fiend, the third-level Abyssal Wyrm can cast Teleport Without Error at will, and Planeshift twice per day. In the former case, it only works for the Wyrm itself and up to 50 pounds of carried gear.

Insidious Magic (Sp): when the Abyssal Wyrm reaches level four, it gains the ability to cast Suggestion, Hiss of Sleep and Maddening Whispers once each per day. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Blazing Rend (Su): any time a fourth-level Abyssal Wyrm successfully Rends a target, it sets them well and truly on fire. The target burns for 4d6 Fire damage per round until the flames are doused.

Burning Sacrifice (Su): starting at level five, when the Abyssal Wyrm attacks a creature that is on fire, it may add its Charisma Bonus to the attack and damage roll. If it kills the target (not just disabling them), it is allowed to make a Cleave attempt (still with the bonus even if the new target is not on fire yet) that has the Flaming property.

Fiendish Sphere: at level five, the Abyssal Wyrm gains Basic Access to a single Fiendish Sphere, which must be chosen from Carnage, Fire, Pyre, Terror and Venom.

Incineration (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, the sixth-level Abyssal Wyrm can glare at someone who is on fire, and make them die. It targets a single burning creature within Close Range, and they are allowed a single Fortitude Save against a [Fire] effect that is not a [Death] effect. The Save DC is 7 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, and if they fail and are not Immune to Fire, they die and are reduced to fine ash.

Claws of Doom (Sp): when the Abyssal Wyrm reaches level six, it gains the ability to cast Razorfangs, Blood Wind and Sharptooth once each per day, with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice.

Abyssal Clouds (Sp): upon reaching seventh level, the Abyssal Wyrm can create massive clouds of hellfire to annihilate the world. With a Full Round Action, it creates one contiguous mass within Long Range that consists of up to two 10' cubes per hit die. They persist for three rounds, each round dealing 1d6 damage per hit die of the Abyssal Wyrm to all creatures in the area. They are allowed a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and half the damage is Fire whereas the other half is Unholy. The burning clouds also obscure vision like an Obscuring Mist effect, and non-Outsider living creatures are Sickened while in the area.

Devouring Torment (Su): the seventh-level Abyssal Wyrm feeds on the suffering of others. At the start of every round, it regains 1d6 lost Hit Points for every living creature within Line of Sight that is afflicted by a [Fear] effect, Poison (including "has suffered damage from Poison which has not yet been restored", not just "waiting for Secondary damage"), or is on fire. If a creature suffers from more than one of these at once, it still only restores 1d6 HP for that creature.

Exhalations of Evil (Sp): when the Abyssal Wyrm reaches eighth level, it gains the ability to cast any three Meta-Breath Spells per day - whether that's the one spell three times, or three different ones once each, or one twice and another once. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Demon Dragon King (Ex): at level nine, the Abyssal Wyrm becomes a mighty True Dragon - treated as a Great Wyrm for all purposes - and also a Tanar'ri. It gains the [Tanar'ri] Subtype, and its Summon ability is a 100% chance to summon 3d20 regular Abyssal Drakes. At this stage, its Intelligence increases by 4 points, granting skill points retroactively, and it is customarily offered an entire layer of the Abyss to call its own realm - assuming it hasn't already eaten one or more Demon Princes and claimed their domains as its own.

Rain of Hellfire (Sp): the ninth-level Abyssal Wyrm can open the skies and dump an inferno of hellfire upon all who it dislikes - which is just shy of "everyone". The fires inflict damage equal to its own current Hit Points (not including Temporary Hit Points, but not counting Non-lethal Damage against this amount), half of which is Fire and half of which is Unholy, and victims are allowed a Reflex Save (DC 19 + its Charisma Bonus) to reduce the damage to half. The Abyssal Wyrm chooses which squares are struck and which are exempt, and the only limit to how many squares it can burn is how many it can see - the range is simply "Line of Sight".

New Feats:

Hellfire Gullet [Monstrous]
Your mouth is a portal to the Abyss. That's not a comment on your appetite, it's an actual biological fact.
Requirements: Abyssal Drake, Transport of the Fiends class feature
Benefit: you gain use a Standard Action to transfer a grappled creature straight to your mouth, providing you are at least two Size Categories larger than they are. While there, they take automatic Bite damage every round, and you are not considered grappled. In this instance, they "block" your breath weapon: they take full damage with no saving throw, but nobody else is affected. You may then use a Standard Action to swallow them whole, using the normal Swallow Whole rules (if cutting themselves free, they need to deal at least 30 points of Slashing or Piercing damage). Every round, they suffer 2d6 Bludgeoning damage, and 4d6 Fire/Unholy damage, and if you are not in the Abyss, they must attempt a Will Save (same DC as your Breath Weapon) or be forced into a random layer of the Abyss. If you own and control a layer, you may instead specify a location within that layer and they always end up there.

Hellfrost Wyrm [Monstrous]
Hell has nearly as much ice as fire, so infinity minus one. You're from that branch.
Requirements: Abyssal Drake
Benefit: you have the [Cold] Subtype instead of the [Fire] Subtype. Instead of Immunity to Fire, Vulnerability to Cold and Cold Resistance 10, you have Immunity to Cold, Vulnerability to Fire and Fire Resistance 10. Any of your abilities that deal Fire damage instead deal Cold damage (including your breath weapon now dealing 1/2 Cold 1/2 Unholy damage). If you have levels of Hellfire Wyrm, you may cross out Hellfire and write Hellfrost. The abilities that deal Fire damage now deal Cold, anything that sets people on fire now Slows the target for just as long (and things that require enemies to be on fire now require them to be Slowed), and while you cannot take the Fire or Pyre Spheres, you can instead take the Cold or Frostbite Spheres when given the chance to take Fiendish Spheres. Incineration is renamed "Absolute Zero" and kills foes who are not Immune to Cold if they fail the save, but otherwise works the same.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Feb 04, 2021 4:56 am, edited 3 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual, page 15. CR 4, level 5

The Spellspinner is the most casting-focused of the Aranea Prestige Classes (of which there are multiple because I like them). Each level improves its Sorcerer casting ability, and it also gains a variety of bonus spells (some more desired than others), as well as the ability to "spin" spells into traps to leave lying around. This fills the role of a Sorcerer because it is a sorcerer, but it has other stuff to make up for not being a Wizard or Cleric.

Hit Die: d4
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Disguise, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Hide, Intimidate, Know (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Rope
1+0+2+0+2Spellspinning, Bonus Spell (Summon Swarm)+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
2+1+3+0+3Eight-Legged Familiar, Bonus Spell (Silent Image)+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
3+1+3+1+3Bonus Spell (Hamatula Barbs)+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
4+2+4+1+4Blood Wind, Bonus Spell (Suggestion)+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
5+2+4+1+4Bonus Spell (Wither)+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
6+3+5+2+5Supernatural Virulence+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
7+3+5+2+5Bonus Spell (Kiss of the Vampire)+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
8+4+6+2+6Phantom Fang+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
9+4+6+3+6Bonus Spell (Endless Slumber)+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
10+5+7+3+7Bonus Spell (Mummify)+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
11+5+7+3+7Bonus Spell (Choking Cobwebs)+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
12+6+8+4+8Extended Spellspinning+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
13+6+8+4+8Bonus Spell (Horrid Wilting)+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
14+7+9+4+9Dimensional Webbing+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
15+7+9+5+9Bonus Spell (Energy Drain)+1 Sorcerer Casting Level

Spellspinning (Su): with a Full-Round Action, the Spellspinner can actually weave a spell into a web and leave it in place. This works just like a regular use of her web - leaving it as a trap or throwing it at someone - except the first time that web entangles a target, it also discharges the spell that was woven in, targeting the creature, who is allowed any saves as normal. Even if the spell normally affects an area, it only affects the target and the square(s) they occupy. The spell is actually cast in the process of spellspinning, using the Spell Slot and any components. If the casting time is a Full Round Action or less, it's just woven into part of the spellspinning process. If it is more, then the spellspinning time increases to include the full casting time. These magical webs degrade quickly as magic is reclaimed - if they are not discharged by the time the Spellspinner next regains spell slots, the spell and web both collapse into nothing, having no effect.

Spellcasting: at every level, the Spellspinner increases her Sorcerer casting ability by 1 level. However, she is banned from learning any new spells with the [Fire] descriptor. Similarly, she cannot cast a spell in a way such that it would gain the [Fire] descriptor, such as a Summon Monster spell being used to call forth a Fire Elemental.

Bonus Spells: as she gains levels, the Spellspinner learns bonus spells that are added to her Spells Known list. These can be cast normally and help make up for the limits of Sorcerers, but can never be traded out for other spells.

Eight-Legged Familiar: at level two, the Spellspinner gains the ability to call a familiar. This is treated like the familiar of a Sorcerer, with the following changes:
  • It must be a Small Monstrous Spider, Bloodsilk Spider, or Hairy Spider
  • The Familiar abilities depend on the Spellspinner's total hit dice
  • If it dies, there is no XP loss and another can be gained in a week - she is just Stunned for one round
  • The Save DC for its Poison is the same as that of the Spellspinner
Blood Wind (Su): starting at level four, the Spellspinner's Bite attack can be made as a ranged weapon out to Close Range, seemingly biting out of nowhere. It is an actual ranged weapon when used like this, using Dexterity instead of Strength for attack rolls, adding no Strength Bonus to damage, and not threatening squares. Similarly, it cannot benefit from spells and effects that work on melee weapons, but can use things like Rapid Shot.

Supernatural Virulence (Su): at level six, the Spellspinner may select one of her spells of fourth level or lower that is specifically cast at or on someone - whether that be a targeted effect like Hold Person, or a ranged touch attack like Melf's Acid Arrow or whatever. Whenever she delivers her Poison and the target fails their saving throw against the primary damage, she may have them be affected by the spell. This does not require a casting of the spell or the use of a Spell Slot or anything.

Phantom Fang (Su): starting at level eight, the Spellspinner's Bite attack is resolved as a Touch Attack. If used in conjunction with Blood Wind, this is a Ranged Touch Attack. It also gains the Ghost Touch property.

Extended Spellspinning (Su): when the twelfth-level Spellspinner weaves a spell into a web via spellspinning, it lasts for twice as long. It will remain potent until the day after spell slots are reclaimed.

Dimensional Webbing (Su): with a Full Round Action, the fourteenth-level Spellspinner can create a web that has the Ghost Touch property, and can only be damaged or destroyed by things that destroy Walls of Force. Additionally, once thrown or placed, it radiates a Dimensional Lock effect for 24 hours.
Last edited by Koumei on Tue Jul 28, 2020 6:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Cluster Core
The Cluster Core is a bit like an Assassin, but with some Druidic elements: its particular power is in enhancing its shape changing ability to turn into swarms of Vermin, mostly spiders. These can have both defensive and offensive uses, and it still has some spellcasting ability on the side to help with other things. Note: the collective noun for spiders is a cluster, hence the name. This is the core of the cluster, the thing that makes the group happen. We can't just call *every* swarm-focused class "something something swarm".

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Disguise, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Hide, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Survival, Tumble, Use Rope
1+0+0+0+2Summon Swarm, Swarm Shape 1/day-
2+1+0+0+3Potent Venom, Spellcasting+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
3+2+1+1+3Pied Piper, Swarm Shape 2/day-
4+3+1+1+4Necrosis, Bonus Spell (Whip of Spiders)+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
5+3+1+1+4Insect Plague, Swarm Shape 3/day-
6+4+2+2+5Swarm Shape (Plague)+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
7+5+2+2+5Sudden Shifting, Swarm Shape 4/day-
8+6+2+2+6Creeping Doom+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
9+6+3+3+6Awaken Vermin, Swarm Shape 5/day-
10+7+3+3+7Swarm Shape (Doom), Swarm Leap+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
11+8+3+3+7Swarm Shape 6/day-
12+9+4+4+8Planar Swarm Summoning+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
13+9+4+4+8Swarm Shape 7/day, Bonus Spell (Cape of Wasps)-
14+10+4+4+9Swarm Shape (Planar)+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
15+11+5+5+9Swarm Shape at will, Bonus Spell (Whip of Centipedes)-

Summon Swarm (Sp): once per level per day, the Cluster Core can cast Summon Swarm with a Caster Level equal to his hit dice. He may only summon a Swarm of Spiders or jumping spiders (see Swarm Shape below) at first level, but it otherwise functions as normal for the spell.

Swarm Shape (Su): once per day, the Cluster Core can take on the shape of a Swarm of Spiders - which is either regular crawling spiders as the Monster Manual, or gliding jumping spiders, which has a 20' Fly Speed (Clumsy) and doesn't deal Poison, instead having the Painful Bite ability of a Scarlet Spider Swarm (PF). He retains his normal hit points, Alignment, memory and personality, and gains the ability to transform back, but otherwise is essentially "the monster manual entry" and doesn't layer new abilities onto himself. Any Save DC scales with his actual number of hit dice, as does the Swarm damage. If an effect would disperse the swarm, he is instantly returned to his normal state and is Staggered for one round. He may remain in Swarm form for up to one hour per class level each time he uses it. He gains an additional use on every odd level, except for fifteen, where it can be used at will.

At level six, he can take the shape of a swarm of giant flying spiders that seem to be less "jumping and gliding" and more "actual flying", identical to a locust swarm produced by an Insect Plague spell. The Swarm area can be Medium or Large, kind of like being multiple swarms that have to stick together, but it is all treated as the one creature regardless so the only thing that is affected is the actual space covered (and thus the number of targets that can be swarmed at a time). This uses the same transformation rules as the initial ability.

At level ten, he can take the shape of a beefier spider swarm identical to centipedes produced by a Creeping Doom spell. The total area may be Medium, Large or Huge. This uses the same transformation rules as the initial ability.

At level fourteen, he can take the shape of a single Hellwasp Swarm or Bloodfiend Locust Swarm. This uses the same transformation rules as the initial ability, and also these are still actually fiendish flying spiders, not insects.

Potent Venom (Ex): the venom of the second-level Cluster Core is extra strong, gaining a +2 Bonus to the Save DC. Additionally, if a target fails the save against the Primary Damage, they suffer 1d6 damage at the start of each of their turns until the poison runs its course or is removed. These effects apply no matter the shape he is in, and if the Save DC for the Poison in his base form is higher than that form any assumed shape, use that of the base form instead.

Spellcasting: at every even level, the Spellcasting ability of the Cluster Core improves by 1. Furthermore, each time this class increases his Spellcasting ability, one of his new Spells learned may be chosen from the Druid list or the Poison or Spider domains. The Cluster Core cannot learn [Fire] spells, nor can he cast a spell in such a way that it gains the [Fire] Descriptor (such as a Summon Monster spell to produce a Fire Elemental).

Pied Piper (Su): at third level, a Cluster Core is able to influence vermin to a limited extent. He can use this ability once per day per two class levels (round down) to charm a number of hit dice of vermin equal to or less than three times his hit dice. The range of this effect is 10 feet per class level. The vermin are allowed Will Saves (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus) to resist this, but their usual immunity to [Mind-Affecting] effects does not apply. Any that pass their saving throw cannot be affected by it again for the rest of the day. Charmed vermin move towards the Cluster Core at their best speed, taking the most direct path available. If the path leads them through obvious danger, they area allowed another save. Charmed vermin can take no action other than to defend themselves. If the Cluster Core moves, they will follow. This lasts for as long as he cares to concentrate.

Necrosis (Sp): starting at level four, when the Cluster Core summons a Spider Swarm, he may instead summon a Tomb Spider Broodswarm if he wishes. Additionally, when delivering his venom he may choose to inflict the poison of a Tomb Spider instead of the normal kind. It will still cause extra damage each round, and this damage is Vile damage.

Bonus Spells: at certain levels, the Cluster Core learns bonus spells taken from Pathfinder, added as Spells Known (and in the case of Cape of Wasps, his class list). At level four, he gains Whip of Spiders (2nd level), at level thirteen he learns Cape of Wasps (4th level, appearing as flying spiders) and at level fifteen he learns Whip of Centipedes (5th level, appearing as bigger spiders), all of which use his own Poison Save DC if better than their normal one.

Insect Plague (Sp): starting at level five, the Cluster Core can cast Insect Plague as a Spell-Like Ability a number of times per day equal to his class level, with a Caster Level equal to his hit dice. Although using the statistics of Locust Swarms, these are actually flying spiders.

Sudden Shifting (Ex): at level seven, the Cluster Core can change shapes with a Swift Action.

Creeping Doom (Sp): beginning at eighth level, the Cluster Core can cast Creeping Doom as a Spell-Like Ability a number of times per day equal to his class level. The Caster Level equals his hit dice. These are bigger scarier spiders but still use the statistics of centipede swarms.

Awaken Vermin (Sp): once per week, the ninth-level Cluster Core can cast Awaken as a Spell-Like Ability (remembering that this negates any XP cost), but can only use it on Vermin. It can also be used on entire swarms of Vermin, awakening a hive mind in them.

Swarm Leap (Su): at tenth level, the Cluster Core becomes completely attuned to vermin swarms, and can transport himself over vast distances through them. Three times per day, he may use a Standard Action to step into a swarm that takes up space equal to or greater than his own, and then step out of another such swarm within the same round. The swarms must both be alive and on the same plane, but there is no limit to the distance. He can just designate a vague direction and distance, and let the effect take him to the closest viable swarm as possible. He can use his own summoned swarms for this, but not travel via himself in swarm shape.

Planar Swarm Summoning (Sp): starting at level twelve, the Cluster Core can summon Hellwasp Swarms and Bloodfiend Locust Swarms when casting Summon Swarm. Much like with his transformation, these have the same statistics as the monster entries, but are actually flying fiendish spiders.

New Feats:

Gather the Dead [Monstrous]
It isn't the squishy inside parts that you care about, just the crunchy outsides.
Requirements: Aranea, Swarm Shape class feature
Benefits: you may use your Summon Swarm ability to summon undead forms (Libris Mortis, page 126). You can summon Undead Beetles, Undead Flies, Undead Spiders, Undead Scorpions or Undead Parts. Similarly, you can use your Swarm Shape ability to become any of these. When you gain Creeping Doom, you can also become (or summon) Undead Centipedes or Tomb Dust.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Mar 30, 2023 7:32 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Spider Queen
With the least casting progression of all the options, the Spider Queen is least like a regular Sorcerer and most like a shapeshifting fighter (so a Druid or maybe a Transmutation specialist that only casts spells on herself). She focuses on just turning into different spidery monsters and killing people in that way. She could be argued to work more like an Assassin than a shifting-focused Druid, but either way, as long as you're thinking "How can a giant spider solve this?" you're doing good.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Know (Arcana, Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival, Use Rope.
1+1+2+0+0Alternate Forms (Large Spider, Bloodsilk Spider), Magic Fang-
2+2+3+0+0Alternate Forms (Harpoon Spider, all Snow Spiders)-
3+3+3+1+1Alternate Forms (Phase Spider, Tomb Spider)-
4+4+4+1+1Alternate Forms (Huge Spider, Spitting Spider, Choldrith)-
5+5+4+1+1Alternate Form (Drider, Sword Spider)+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
6+6+5+2+2Alternate Forms (Tangle Terror, Inferno Spider)-
7+7+5+2+2Alternate Form (Widowmaker), Razor Fang-
8+8+6+2+2Alternate Form (Dread Harpoon Spider)-
9+9+6+3+3Alternate Forms (Gargantuan Spider, Spellgaunt)-
10+10+7+3+3Alternate Forms (Bebilith, Darkweaver)+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
11+11+7+3+3Alternate Form (Shadow Spider)-
12+12+8+4+4Alternate Form (Colossal Spider), Shadow Fang-
13+13+8+4+4Alternate Forms (Retriever, Hellchain Weaver (Dragon 343))-
14+14+9+4+4Multitude of Forms-
15+15+9+5+5Avatar of Lolth, Alternate Form (Vermin Lord)+1 Sorcerer Caster Level

Alternate Forms (Su): as the Spider Queen gains levels, she gains access to different alternate forms. Changing forms requires the same action as normal, and there is no limit to the duration. She is unable to cast spells with Somatic or Verbal components when in any of these forms other than Drider, Choldrith and Vermin Lord. Regardless of the form taken, she retains her own Alignment, personality, memories, and class features gained from this class. The Ability Scores, Skills and Feats of the new form replace those of her normal form, but do not alter her Spells Per Day. Spellcasting is instead based on her "normal" form regardless of how often her Charisma changes by taking other forms. Because she has a limited array of forms, without fancy arrays of Spell-Like Abilities and movement modes and eighteen natural weapons, she retains any ongoing spell effects that she personally cast on herself, as well as use of all Attuned magic items - with any scaling bonus remaining the same, based on her "natural" hit dice and not being recalculated for relatively high-HD Vermin.

She gains access to all of the Special Attacks and Special Qualities of these forms, with the exception of the Drider and Choldrith: she does not gain its Spellcasting Ability, and applies its racial modifiers to her ability scores instead of her normal racial modifers, rather than just using the base statline. In these form, she has a Caster Level equal to her hit dice total, gains bonus Spell Slots as though all of her hit dice were Sorcerer levels, and to use these new spell slots (and spell levels) can cast from the Darkness, Drow and Spider Domains, and the Venom Sphere for a Drider, and for the Choldrith, the Chaos, Evil and Protection Domains, and specifically the following Cleric spells: Create Water (Cantrip), Divine Favour (1), Status (2), Mass Aid (3), Divine Power (4), Doomtide (5), Vigorous Circle (6), Blood to Water (7), Stormrage (8), Astral Projection (9).

Damage carries over from one form to another, so if she enters a form with a lot of Hit Points then takes a bunch of damage, changing back could be extremely dangerous.

Magic Fang (Su): in any of the Spider Queen's forms, her natural weapons are magic weapons. They have an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (of her natural form), round up, and as magic weapons they have a chance of hitting Incorporeal foes and pierce Damage Reduction X/Magic.

Spellcasting: at levels five, ten and fifteen, the Spider Queen's Spellcasting ability improves as though gaining a single Sorcerer level. The Spider Queen foregoes most of her arcane power in exchange for focusing on shape changing - even when taking the form of a Drider, she only has a few fixed spells available per level.

Razor Fang (Su): at level seven, the Spider Queen's natural weapons enjoy a doubled Threat Range and Critical Multiplier, in all of her forms.

Shadow Fang (Su): at level twelve, the Spider Queen's natural weapons are all resolved as Touch Attacks - regardless of which form she is in.

Multitude of Forms (Su): at level fourteen, the Spider Queen learns how to blend forms together. In any of her forms, she may use whichever variety of Poison she likes from all of the forms available to her, and with the highest Save DC of all of them (likely the Colossal Spider at 28), and may add the Inferno Spider's Caustic Poison damage to it. Similarly, her Web ability may use the highest DC and HP of all forms (again likely to be the Colossal Spider at Escape Artist 28/Break 32, and 18 HP), and may be a Flame Web or Blood Web or Force Web in any form. She gains the eight Limb attacks and Impalement of a Sword Spider in all forms (adjusted for the Size and ability scores of whichever form she is in). The Shadow Spider's Paralysis uses the best Poison DC available as well. In the case of a Spitting Spider, she may spit any of the poisons available, and in the case of a Tangle Terror, the Maddening Webs also uses the highest Poison DC available (and can still also benefit from one of the above abilities). In any form, she has the "full" spellcasting ability as though in Drider form, and access to any spells offered by any of the forms. Finally, the Spell-Like Abilities of all forms use her highest Charisma Bonus available to determine the Save DC (likely a Darkweaver with Charisma 17, or her own natural form). If she has access to the Vermin Lord shape, she continues to have its Command Vermin and Vermin Cloud abilities in all forms.

Avatar of Lolth (Su): the fifteenth-level Spider Queen has reached the peak of spidery awesomeness, such that even if she doesn't care for Lolth, she is nonetheless treated as an Avatar of her. Her Bite attack (in any form that has one) inflicts two Negative Levels each time it hits (temporary levels that are safely removed after an hour if the target lives that long). These apply just before any Poison or Paralysis, thus penalising the saving throw. All Drow, Driders, Yochlols and Draegloth see her as what she is and must pass a Will Save (DC 20 + the highest Charisma Bonus available to any of her forms) in order to take a hostile action against her. Failure indicates they cannot attempt any such action until the next sunset, whereas success allows them to do so until the next sunset. She gains Damage Reduction 10/Stone. Finally, her regular form as a Medium Spider gains the following benefits as the very best of her kind:
  • All movement speeds are tripled (Land 120', Climb 75')
  • +7 Insight Bonus to AC, +7 Luck Bonus to AC
  • +10 Luck Bonus on Attack and Damage rolls
  • +10 Insight Bonus to all Saving Throws
  • +10 Competence Bonus on all Skill checks
  • Poison and Web both gain a +13 Bonus to any DC to resist or break free (this applies before checking which form has the best DC, and thus this probably becomes the new best one)
  • Fire and Cold Resistance 10
  • Spell Resistance equal to her hit dice + 12
  • Fast Healing 20
  • Natural Weapons are treated as Adamantine and Epic for the purpose of piercing DR
  • All Ability Scores are increased by 6, retroactively as though this happened at level 1 (thus gaining more skill points)
  • Cast See Invisibility, Dimension Door & Graeter Dispel Magic 3/day
(A quicker way to word this would be that she wins the game and becomes a slightly less awesome Paragon creature, but whatever.)

New Feats:

Arachnoversity [Monstrous]
Eight legs good. Two legs bad. Four to six legs probably dinner.
Requirements: Aranea, ability to assume the shape of a Huge Spider
Benefits: when changing forms, you may also become a Monstrous Scorpion of any size equal to Monstrous Giant Spider sizes - so at level four, a Huge Scorpion, at level nine a Gargantuan Scorpion and so on. You may also adopt the form of a Chekryan (It's Hot Outside, page 142) or a Neogi Adult (MM2, page 159), retaining spellcasting ability but with the Enslave ability ending the moment you change forms again, and when able to become a Darkweaver you may also become a Waste Crawler (It's Hot Outside, page 191). When you become able to take on the form of a Drider, you may also become a Scorpionfolk, and can continue to cast spells in that form (but do not gain the added casting ability of Drider form), and can also become a Cildrabrin (Calamari Cookbook, page 141). Upon gaining the Multitude of Forms ability, the Waste Crawler's added Fire damage applies to all natural weapons, and any form with claws gains the Improved Grab and Constrict abilities of a Scorpion. Additionally, if you particularly care (you don't), you can turn into a Giant Whip Spider, Giant Whip Scorpion, Giant Sun Spider, Giant Termite, and any other kind of mite, tick, whip-spider, pseudo-scorpion, harvester/harvestman/daddy longlegs, or camel spider (these are all actually not spiders in the current biological classification of spiders, even the ones that literally have "spider" in the name).

Greatest Spider Shapes [Monstrous] [Epic]
You already won the game, you presumably broke the game a long time ago.
Requirements: Avatar of Lolth class feature, character level 21 or higher, must be an Epic level character
Benefits: you can also take on the form of a Shivhad (It's Cold Outside) or Vermiurge (Joke Book). If for some reason you reach level 40, you can also become a Devastation Spider (or, if you have the Arachnoversity feat, a Devastation Scorpion). These forms all benefit from, and lend attributes to, Multitude of Forms.
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Jul 02, 2022 8:27 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Archon: Hound Archon
Monster Manual, page 16. CR 4, level 6

Heavenly Bloodhound
Heavenly Bloodhounds are the Paladins of the Hound Archons - which is to say, the main thing Hound Archons go on to do, because they like doing Paladin tasks anyway. After all, they are Good Dogs. They become good at tracking and Divination spells, so could fill that gap just fine, but their main deal is Smiting and healing.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (The Planes, Religion), Listen, Perform (Oratory, Singing), Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim, Use Rope
1+1+2+0+2Smite Evil, Relentless Tracking, Bless Weapon
2+2+3+0+3Lay on Hands, Speak With Dead
3+3+3+1+3Olfactory Divination, Silvery Sheen, Detect Thoughts
4+4+4+1+4Touch of Purity, Lionheart, Zone of Truth
5+5+4+1+4Planar Tracking, Howl of Righteousness, Righteous Fury
6+6+5+2+5Staggering Smite, Mark of Doom, Blessed Aim
7+7+5+2+5Arm of the Law, Discern Lies
8+8+6+2+6Touch of Clarity, Holy Storm, Probe Thoughts
9+9+6+3+6True Seeing, Healing Spirit
10+10+7+3+7Smite on Sight, Holy Sword, Brain Spider
11+11+7+3+7Bone Cruncher, Break Enchantment, Sacred Haven
12+12+8+4+8Touch of Restoration, Sword of Conscience, Discern Location
13+13+8+4+8Fang of Justice, Foresight, Greater Scrying
14+14+9+4+9Touch of Resurrection, Divine Retaliation

Smite Evil (Su): once per four rounds, the Heavenly Bloodhound may declare an attack to be a Smite against Evil foes. If the target is Evil aligned or has the [Evil] Subtype, he adds his Charisma Bonus (if positive) to the attack roll, and deals an extra 1d6 points of damage per 3 hit dice (round up). If used specifically with his Bite attack, it is treated as a Magic Weapon with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up).

Relentless Tracking (Ex): not only does the Heavenly Bloodhound have the ability to track by scent, but it is superior and hard to fool. He can identify things based on their tracks or scent, using Survival instead of the relevant Knowledge skill. He also takes no penalty for Tracking while moving at full speed, and only -10 for moving at double speed. He can also track a creature protected by Pass Without Trace or similar abilities, but first must roll higher than their Caster Level + 15 on 1d120 + his hit dice. Finally, he can track creatures across water (base DC 23), completely underwater (DC 26), or through the air (DC 30).

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as he gains levels, the Heavenly Bloodhound gains access to many Spell-Like Abilities. Each of these can be cast once per day. The Caster Level for all of his spell-Like Abilities (including innate racial ones) equals his hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus.

Lay on Hands (Su): starting at level two, the Heavenly Bloodhound gains the Lay on Hands ability. Each day he has a pool of HP equal to his own Maximum HP that can be healed in any increment by touching a target with a Standard Action. Against Undead, he must make a Melee Touch Attack, but it deals damage, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus).

Olfactory Divination (Su): by spending a Full Round Action sniffing and focusing on an item, patch of terrain, or corpse, the third-level Heavenly Bloodhound can learn a lot of things about it in a way that is probably magical. It can learn all that apply of the following: the start of the trail to the last creature to hold the item or interact with the body or terrain (allowing Tracking and basic identification via the Survival skill), any temporary magical effects and auras, any poisons present, cause of death (if applicable), monetary value (for items), age, and any other Planes it has recently visited (within the last week).

Silvery Sheen (Ex): at level three, the Heavenly Bloodhound's fur takes on a silvery sheen and appears thicker and tougher. His Natural Armour and Damage Reduction each increase by 4 points, and his natural weapons all penetrate DR as though Silver.

Touch of Purity (Su): starting at level four, the Heavenly Bloodhound can remove most sicknesses and biological afflictions with just a touch. By using his Lay on Hands ability and spending at least ten points of healing (wasting them if necessary for a character missing less than this amount), he can remove any Poison or Disease (even magical ones), as well as the Sickened and Nauseated conditions. This does not undo any damage caused by Poisons or Diseases. It will also remove parasites and other things that are destroyed by Remove Disease, such as Vrock spores. Or fleas.

Planar Tracking (Ex): at level five, the Heavenly Bloodhound can even track creatures across planes. The base DC to track someone through a transitory plane or directly to a Demi-Plane on the same Plane (such as from Stygia to Phlegethos) is 35. To track someone beyond this has a base DC of 40. He may also attempt a DC 40 Survival check to try to figure out where someone is headed when seeing them Teleport or Planeshift or similar.

Howl of Righteousness (Su): the fifth-level Heavenly Bloodhound gains the ability to unleash a wild howl of the heavens that can destroy evildoers and improve his own prowess. Once per hour, he may duplicate a Holy Smite effect with no maximum to the damage dice, except at the same time he may also make a Demoralise check, applying it against all Evil creatures within the area of the effect. This also instantly recharges his Smite Evil ability if it was recharging.

Staggering Smite (Ex): starting at level six, the Heavenly Bloodhound's Smite Evil ability becomes stronger, forcing foes to their knees and knocking them back. A foe that takes the extra damage must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus) or be Staggered for one round.

Arm of the Law (Ex): at level seven, the Heavenly Bloodhound knows the perfect way to lunge at foes, stretch out, and take up more space than necessary (like most dogs), pouncing from one spot to another. His reach increases by 5 feet.

Touch of Clarity (Su): the eighth-level Heavenly Bloodhound learns how to clear the minds of his allies. By using his Lay on Hands ability and restoring at least ten Hit Points (or wasting them if they don't have that much unhealed damage), he can remove any [Mind-Affecting] effects or Morale Penalties that aren't Instantaneous or innate to the character, or the Dazed or Stunned condition even if they're somehow not Mind-Affecting.

True Seeing (Su): at level nine, the Heavenly Bloodhound has a constant True Seeing effect.

Smite on Sight (Su): the tenth-level Heavenly Bloodhound gains the ability to Smite people just by glaring at them super hard. With a Standard Action, he may deliver his smite as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range, simply treating the base weapon damage as zero - if it hits, the only damage is the Smite damage itself.

Bone Cruncher (Su): starting at level eleven, the Heavenly Bloodhound is super good at chewing on bones and crunching them up - even extending it to dead things that are ghosts. All of his natural weapons gain the Ghost Touch and Undead Bane properties, and ignore all Damage Reduction and Hardness of Undead creatures.

Touch of Restoration (Su): at level twelve, the Heavenly Bloodhound can even restore Ability Damage and Drain with his Lay on Hands ability. Each point of Ability Damage is worth 5 hit points, and each Negative Level or point of Ability Drain costs ten.

Fang of Justice (Su): at level thirteen, the Heavenly Bloodhound's Bite attack becomes an almost legendary magic weapon in its own right. It pierces Damage Reduction as though Cold Iron, and has properties similar to a Holy Avenger: against [Evil] effects and the Spells and Spell-Like Abilities of Evil casters, he and adjacent allies have Spell Resistance equal to his hit dice + 10, and any time he successfully Bites someone he may cast a targeted Greater Dispel Magic on them. Furthermore, against Chaotic Evil foes specifically, the Critical value becomes 19-20/x3.

Touch of Resurrection (Su): upon reaching level fourteen, the Heavenly Bloodhound can even restore the dead to life with his Lay on Hands ability. By spending one hundred hit points worth of healing from his pool, he can restore someone to life as though casting True Resurrection.

New Feats:

Auras of Contentment [Monstrous]
You radiate auras that make people feel better, like most dogs but better.
Requirements: Hound Archon, Touch of Purity class feature
Benefits: as long as your Aura of Menace is active, you also radiate an Aura of Contentment out to ten feet. You are Immune to Poisons, and allies within the area gain a +4 Bonus to Saving Throws against Poison. With a Standard Action at will, you may change this to instead provide Immunity (for you) and a +4 Bonus (allies in 10') against [Fear] effects, or back to Poison. When you gain access to Touch of Clarity, you may also change it to provide the protection against [Compulsion] effects, and when you gain access to Touch of Restoration you can change it to protect against [Death] effects and Negative Energy.

Ghostly Guard Dog [Monstrous]
Your barking even keeps spirits at bay.
Requirements: Hound Archon, Howl of Righteousness class feature
Benefits: you gain the ability to exorcise possessing creatures (such as a Ghost using Malevolence, or a Fiend of Possession). This is a [Sonic] effect that requires a Standard Action spent barking at the adjacent target. Deduct a number of points of healing equal to your hit dice from your Lay on Hands healing pool, and inflict a number of d6 of damage equal to this amount directly to the possessing creature's hit points. This is a divine form of damage that cannot be resisted, and bypasses the possessed item or creature without harming them.
Last edited by Koumei on Wed Jul 29, 2020 8:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Archon: Justice Archon
Monster Manual 4, page 80. CR 6, level 7

Retribution Archon
Justice Archons fight a lot of different people, and they learn from these fights. Through the thousands of years battling the various forces across the realms, they develop combat techniques that mimic those very opponents. The Justice Strike is just the tip of the iceberg, but when they learn the path of the Retribution Archon, they excel at turning their foes' strengths against them. The Retribution Archon essentially kick-starts their career in the Soldier class to help them fight with the very styles used by others, but does things a little bit differently.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Concentration, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Local, The Planes), Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
LevelBABFortRefWillSpecialMartial Ability
1+1+2+0+2Martial Stances, Soldier ManeuversSoldier Level 3
2+2+3+0+3Walker of the PlanesSoldier Level 5
3+3+3+1+3Retributive Magic 1/daySoldier Level 7
4+4+4+1+4Sweeping JusticeSoldier Level 8
5+5+4+1+4Shield of RetributionSoldier Level 9
6+6+5+2+5Retributive Magic 2/daySoldier Level 10
7+7+5+2+5Walker of the PlanesSoldier Level 11
8+8+6+2+6Bane of FoesSoldier Level 12
9+9+6+3+6Retributive Magic 3/daySoldier Level 13
10+10+7+3+7Raging JusticeSoldier Level 14
11+11+7+3+7CondemnationSoldier Level 15
12+12+8+4+8Retributive Magic 4/daySoldier Level 16
13+13+8+4+8Heavenly Legion, Walker of the PlanesSoldier Level 17

Martial Stances: the Retribution Archon learns Martial Stances much like the Soldier class, complete with gaining access to better Stances over time. However, whereas the Soldier gets a "generic" bonus from each one, the Retribution does not, but instead does not need to roll to hit the emulated creature with Justice Strike when using their Stance (such as attacking a Lizardman when in Lizardman Stance). When in the matching Stance, those attacks simply hit. To begin with, the Retrbution Archon has the Stances of a third-level Soldier, and this increases from there.

Soldier Maneuvers: the Retribution Archon also learns Soldier Maneuvers, just the same as the Soldier class does. For the purpose of knowing these, meeting minimum level requirements and everything else, use the table above - starting as being equal to a third-level Soldier (at class level 1) and progressing from there.

Walker of the Planes (Ex): at level two, the Retribution Archon shows the benefits of fighting in the realms of others. She gains a +2 Bonus to Survival checks, and may select a single Plane in the cosmos. She gains immunity to all of the specific Planar Traits for that plane other than "Time" and "Gravity". At level seven and thirteen, the Bonus increases by 2 and she may attune herself to another Plane.

Retributive Magic (Sp): starting at third level, the Retribution Archon can turn a spellcaster's magic against them - whether Arcane, Divine, Psionic or something else entirely. With a Full Round Action once per day, she designates someone, and can select one of their Spells, Spell-Like Abilities, Psionic Powers or similar powers available to them. She then casts it upon them (without depleting their own resources), completely as though she were the original caster at their Caster Level. They must be the target or within the Area of Effect, so she can't use a spell if they cannot be a valid target (such as most Summoning spells, a non-Humanoid creature having Hold Person or any Target: Personal spell). Any Save DC remains unchanged from that of the caster, rather than using the statistics of the Archon. Every three levels thereafter, she gains another daily use of this ability.

Sweeping Justice (Ex): the fourth-level Retributon Archon has greater ability to bring her Justice Strike to bear. She may sweep her blade to attack all within reach, making one attack roll and applying it against each target in range. Every struck target takes the effects of Justice Strike. This is a Standard Action.

Shield of Retribution (Su): starting at fifth level, the Retribution Archon may unleash her vengeance against melee attackers. With an Immediate Action, she may make a Justice Strike against somebody who struck her with a melee weapon and dealt damage.

Bane of Foes (Su): upon reaching level eight, the Retribution Archon is best at fighting those she emulates. Any weapon she wields has the Bane property against creatures named by her Stance.

Raging Justice (Ex): when the tenth-level Retribution Archon uses her Sweeping Justice ability, it becomes a Full Round Action but she may make a Move Action as part of it. She may resolve the attack against every single foe she threatens at any point in the movement.

Condemnation (Su): starting at level eleven, whenever the Retribution Archon enters a Stance, she shares her Bane of Foes ability. All of her allies within Line of Sight also have the Bane property against the specified enemy type for all of their attacks.

Heavenly Legion (Sp): once per day, the thirteenth-level Retribution Archon may use a Full Round Action to summon angelic allies for a duration of ten minutes: 1 Trumpet Archon, 1 Hound Archon Hero, 3d20 Hound Archons and 25d6 Lantern Archons. They will all fight loyally, to the best of their ability, and treat her implicitly as their commander.

New Feat:

Secret Weapon [Monstrous]
When the minions of the lower planes are attacking, you get sent in as the secret weapon to deal with them. It's a just cause, and you do it just 'cause.
Requirements: Justice Archon, Martial Stance class feature
Benefits: you gain access to Demon Blade Stances and Maneuvers. Lesser Fiendish Stances can be taken as Mighty Stances, Greater Fiendish Stances can be taken as Fantastic Stances, and Supreme Fiendish Stances can be taken as Giant Stances. A Fiendish Maneuver can be learned if your effective Soldier level is at least twice the listed Minimum level, but once you reach an effective Soldier level of 17 you may also learn those with the Minimum level of nine.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Archon: Sword Archon
Book of Exalted Deeds, page 160. CR 11, level 12

Blade of Justice
The Sword Archon is already fairly high level, and doesn't have that many levels left in his career. That career is invariably going to be spent stabbing people with swords. Specifically, the swords on his arms. If you want something that doesn't involve turning your arms into swords then stabbing people in the face, I suggest playing a different species completely. The Blade of Justice does this, and thus fills some vaguely Fighter or Barbarian-shaped niche, but with in a high-level way.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Religion, The Planes), Search, Sense Motive, Survival
1+1+2+2+0Armblades, Sharp of Blade and Thought
2+2+3+3+0Perfect Two Weapon Fighting
3+3+3+3+1Battle Captain, Blade Barrier 3/day
4+4+4+4+1Piercing Blade and Insight, Discorporating Dive 4/day
5+5+4+4+1Planar Phalanx, Brilliant Aura 1/day
6+6+5+5+2Sudden Mercy, Black Blade of Disaster 1/day
7+7+5+5+2Reverse Arrows at will, Backlash 3/day
8+8+6+6+2Discorporating Dive 5/day, Heavenly Host 1/day

Armblades (Su): the Armblades of the Blade of Justice are even greater than normal for a Sword Archon. To begin with, they are treated as +4 Holy Flaming weapons. At level two, they upgrade Flaming to Flaming Burst. At level three, the Enhancement Bonus becomes +5. At level four, they gain the Ghost Touch property. At level five, they gain the Banishing (Magic Item Compendium) property. At level six, the Enhancement Bonus increases to +6. At level seven, the Holy property improves to Holy Power (Joke Book). At level eight, the Ghost Touch property increases to Ghost Strike (Magic Item Compendium) and they also gain the Prismatic Burst property (Magic Item Compendium).

Sharp of Blade and Thought (Su): the Blade of Justice is Immune to Ability Damage and Drain to his Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma. Additionally, his Armblades are always sharp, and do not suffer from Penalties to damage rolls (although reduced bonuses such as wielding a weapon off-handed or taking a Penalty to the Strength score still apply), and can't be affected by things that damage or break weapons.

Perfect Two Weapon Fighting: at second level, the Blade of Justice gains Perfect Two Weapon Fighting as a Bonus Feat. If he already has this feat, or any variant of Two Weapon Fighting that allows "as many off-hand attacks, at no penalty, as on-hand", he can choose any [Combat] feat instead.

Battle Captain (Ex): once per turn when the third-level Blade of Justice successfully attacks an enemy, he may exhort his allies (at least, those within one hundred feet) into greater action. They may each spend an Immediate Action to either make a five foot step (this does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity), make a Move Action (this can provoke), attempt a Trip, attempt a Grab, draw or load a weapon, retrieve a stored item and ready it for use, make a Demoralise or Feint attempt, or use any ability that normally requires a Swift Action.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): over time, the Blade of Justice learns a few extra Spell-Like Abilities. These have a Caster Level equal to his hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus.

Piercing Blade and Insight (Su): starting at level four, the Blade of Justice can glance at someone and, with just a Swift Action, gain the benefits of having focused on that target with any Detect spell (Good, Evil, Law, Chaos, Poison, Magic, Thoughts, Taint, whatever - providing it actually exist and isn't Detect Owls Named Harold or Detect Plot-Relevant Characters and such). Additionally, his Armblades can deal Piercing or Slashing damage as he pleases, and ignore all material-based Damage Reduction.

Discorporating Dive (Su): at levels four and eight, the Blade of Justice gains an extra daily use of his Discorporating Dive special attack.

Planar Phalanx (Su): starting at level five, all allies within the threatened area of the Blade of Justice benefit from his Aura of Menace. Furthermore, this can then extend out to allies within their threatened area and so on.

Sudden Mercy (Su): whenever the sixth-level Blade of Justice deals an attack that would normally be fatal, he may elect to offer mercy. If the foe accepts it (and this decision must be made willingly), they only suffer Non-Lethal damage, but also receive a Geas/Quest effect with no saving throw, forcing them to do some form of good deed in line with their former transgressions. If they are immune to the spell effect or Non-Lethal damage, this ability does not apply and they suffer the fatal damage normally. Offering mercy is a part of the action of attacking, and accepting it is not an action.

New Feats:

Uncommon Blades [Monstrous]
You are not quite the same as most Sword Archons. Your swords are a little... fancy.
Requirement: Sword Archon
Benefits: instead of basically being Longswords (1d8, 19-20/x2), you may select any other Light or One-Handed sword (Short Sword, Bastard Sword, Katana, Rapier, Scimitar, Elven Lightblade, Elven Thinblade, Great Scimitar, Khopesh, Wakizashi, Butterfly Sword, Mercurial Longsword) for your Armblades. Once you make this decision, it never changes. You may also swap the Flaming property for either Icy, Shocking, Corrosive, Screaming, Sacred, Desiccating or Psychokinetic. Should Flaming later become Flaming Burst for you, the type you chose upgrades to the Burst version. Should it gain the Prismatic Burst quality, you may instead add the relevant Surge ability (Elemental Surge, Holy Surge etc). This too cannot be changed later on. The same weapon and quality must be selected for both blades.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Archon: Warden Archon
Book of Exalted Deeds, page 163. CR 8, level 9

Paragon Guardian
The Warden Archon is many things. It is a guardian and protector of important things, places and people. It is a diviner who gathers knowledge of various kinds. It is also a giant bear that rips people apart with its claws. Needless to say, this is a gate for endless bear puns, so let's just accept that and go ahead with the big angry defender who has puns for abilities, and also divinations.

Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Jump, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim
Proficiencies: the Paragon Guardian is Proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons, and Light, Medium and Heavy Armour, as well as Shields (but not Tower Shields)
1+1+0+0+2Bearer of Truth, Mass Bear's Endurance at will
2+2+0+0+3Bear Hands, Defensive Stance, Stone Spikes 3/day
3+3+1+1+3Unbearable Might, Shield Other at will
4+4+1+1+4Gift of the Ursine King
5+5+1+1+4Bear in Mind, Stonehold 3/day
6+6+2+2+5Unbearably Large, Bear With Me
7+7+2+2+5Bear-Faced Nerve, Greater Scrying at will
8+8+2+2+6Kuma Shock, Repulsion 1/day
9+9+3+3+6Bearer of Wisdom, Foresight 1/day
10+10+3+3+7Bear World, Dimensional Lock 1/day
11+11+3+3+7Bearer of Bad News, Mass Heal 1/day

Bearer of Truth (Su): the Paragon Guardian is constantly surrounded by a Zone of Truth, as though cast at a Caster Level equal to his hit dice and with a Save DC of 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus. Furthermore, Invisibility and Invisibility Sphere spells are Dispelled within the area. It cannot willingly suppress this ability.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Paragon Guardian has a variety of Spell-Like Abilities available. These have a Caster Level equal to his hit dice and any Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus.

Bear Hands (Su): starting at level two, the natural weapons of the Paragon Guardian are true magic weapons, with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up).

Defensive Stance (Su): at will, a Paragon Guardian of level two or higher may enter a Defensive Stance with a Move-Equivalent Action. This lasts for a number of rounds equal to his hit dice plus three, or until he moves from his space - even a 5' step ends the effect. When this is in effect, the Guardian gains a +2 Bonus to Strength and Saving Throws, and a +4 Bonus to Constitution (do not adjust hit points) and Armour Class.

Unbearable Might (Ex): any time the third-level Paragon Guardian hits an enemy with a Claw attack, he gains a free Trip attempt against the foe. If this Trip hits the foe, he may then make a free attack with each of his Claws against them, in addition to any other attacks he still has available that turn.

Gift of the Ursine King (Su): starting at level four, the Paragon Guardian may bestow a spiritual blessing upon his allies - at will, but only affecting one ally at a time, with a new blessing ending the existing ones. This grants the effects of both Death Ward and Bite of the Werebear, with a Caster Level equal to his hit dice.

Bear in Mind (Su): when enemies see the fifth-level Paragon Guardian, he will remain in their minds for a great time. Until the next sunrise, they are unable to make Attacks of Opportunity and for the sake of Concentration are considered to be in "Extraordinarily violent motion", and if they have Line of Sight to him, he is treated as adjacent to them (in the closest available square) for the purpose of Flanking.

Unbearably Large (Su): once the Paragon Guardian reaches sixth level, he gains the ability to grow in size. At will, he may spend a Standard Action to magically grow one Size Category larger than he normally is, and this lasts until he chooses to end the ability (a Swift Action) or wanders into an Anti-Magic Field. The Paragon Guardian cannot stack this ability upon itself to grow multiple sizes larger. Growing in this manner does not grant modifiers the same as gaining hit dice. Instead, he gains +4 to Strength and Constitution, +5' to Space and Reach, +10' to Base Movement Speed, and +2 Natural Armour, along with the usual Size Bonuses and Penalties to AC, Grapple checks etc.

Bear With Me (Su): upon reaching level six, any time the paragon Guardian enters his Defensive Stance, he also shares the benefits with all allies within his natural reach. These benefits end as soon as they move or the Defensive Stance ends.

Bear-Faced Nerve (Ex): at level seven, the Paragon Guardian becomes Immune to all [Fear] effects, and Penalties caused by the Intimidate skill. Additionally, when he uses the Intimidate skill to Demoralise others, he may affect all enemies within Line of Sight and cause them to become Shaken, which can stack to Frightened and then Panicked.

Kuma Shock (Su): the eighth-level Paragon Guardian can shock and awe opponents, terrifying them. With a Standard Action at will, he may unleash a shout of rage and adopt a scary stance, and all enemies within thirty feet must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus) or be Dazed for one round as a [Fear] effect. Whether the save was successful or not, the creatures are then Immune to that particular Paragon Guardian's Kuma Shock ability until the next sunrise.

Bearer of Wisdom (Su): starting at level nine, the Paragon Guardian is a constant beacon and font of wisdom. He gains an Enhancement Bonus to Wisdom of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), as do all allies within 30 feet. All affected may also use an Immediate Action to make a 5' step, representing the foresight to see things coming and make small adjustments.

Bear World (Sp): at level ten, the Paragon Guardian gains the ability to welcome his foes to the horror of Bear World - it doesn't matter what decisions they make, it's just bears. Specifically, once per day he may use a Full Round Action to Summon one Phantom Bear (as the spell of the same name) and 8 Celestial Dire Bears. Maintaining this effect requires Concentration, with a maximum Duration of 2 minutes even if the Guardian does maintain concentration for longer.

Bearer of Bad News (Su): if the eleventh-level Paragon Guardian views a creature when using True Seeing, he may focus upon them with a Standard Action to learn a terrible secret of the creature's destiny. He may then, within the next minute, use another Standard Action to speak this secret to the creature. The creature must then make a Will Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus) or die from overwhelming horror. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] effect, but not actually a [Death] effect in its own right.

New Feat:

Bear It All [Monstrous]
If you tell people a scandalous secret about yourself, they want to join in - turn to page 17 to learn all the dirty details!
Requirements: Warden Archon, Bearer of Truth class feature
Benefit: by spending a Full Round Action speaking of your own secrets, history and even juicy gossip, you may unleash a [Mind-Affecting] [Language-Dependent] [Compulsion] effect on all other who are within the range of your Zone of Truth. They must all pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half your hit dice + your Wisdom Bonus) or be compelled to tell their own secrets and history, confessing to misdeeds.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Archon: Word Archon
Tome of Magic, page 264. CR 9, level 10

The Ishim are powerful archons that carry the message of the upper planes, using their voices to create magical effects. As it happens, they seem to be the only ones who absolutely know what the message of the upper planes is, so you have to take their word that they're doing the right thing. They become great at casting debilitating Power Words, but also gain Biblical powers and a number of Truename abilities.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Any), Listen, Perform (Oratory, Singing), Sense Motive, Truespeak*
*The Ishim automatically has maximum ranks in Truespeak without having to invest Skill Points in it. Skill Points already invested are refunded to spend elsewhere.
1+0+0+2+2Power Words (Nauseate, Maladroit, Weaken), Divide Light From Darkness+10
2+1+0+3+3Ward of Peace, Power Words (Fatigue, Sicken, Pain, Distract)+15
3+1+1+3+3Power Words (Blind), Divide the Waters+20
4+2+1+4+4Singular Mind, Create Earth+25
5+2+1+4+4Power Words (Stun), Bring Forth Plants+30
6+3+2+5+5Agitate Metal, Dictum 1/day, Holy Word 1/day+35
7+3+2+5+5Power Words (Petrify), Dome of the Sky+40
8+4+2+6+6Transmute Weapon, Word of Recall 1/day, Bring Forth Beasts+45
9+4+3+6+6Power Words (Kill), In Our Image+50
10+5+3+7+7Anger the Sleeping Earth, Words of Genesis+60

Power Words (Sp): as she gains levels, the Ishim gains access to various Power Word spells. These can be used as Spell-Like Abilities once each per hour. In order to affect a target, she must pass a Truespeak check of 10 + their Challenge Rating.

Bigger Vocab (Ex): as she gains levels, the Ishim gains a special bonus for her Power Word effects. The listed bonus is added to the threshold of effect for all spells that depend on the Hit Points of the target - for instance, if something would Nauseate people for one hour if they have 20 or fewer hit points, for one minute if they have 21-50, and one round if they have 51-75, then a first-level Ishim would affect a target for one hour if they have up to 30 HP, one minute if they have 31-60, and one round if they have 61-85.

Utterances (Sp): at certain levels, the Ishim unlocks new Utterances. Her Truenamer level for all Utterances equals her total hit dice.

Divide Light From Darkness (Sp): the Ishim can use a new level 3 Utterance, which is identical to the spell Daylight when spoken normally, and Deeper Darkness when reversed.

Divide the Waters (Sp): at level three, the Ishim can use a new level 4 Utterance, which is identical to Control Water when spoken normally, and Control Weather when reversed.

Create Earth (Sp): at level four, teh Ishim can use a new level 5 Utterance, which is identical to Transmute Mud to Rock when spoken normally, and Transmute Rock to Mud when reversed.

Bring Forth Plants (Sp): the fifth-level Ishim can use a new level 6 Utterance, which when spoken normally works as Plant Growth except there need not already be plants in the area (it creates new ones) and the maximum radius for all effects is half a mile. When reversed, the Utterance is identical to Animate Plants.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at level six, the Ishim can cast Dictum and Holy Word once each per day. At level eight, she can cast Word of Recall once per day, declaring the recall point at every sunrise. The Caster Level equals her hit dice (it can never be increased above this), and the Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Intelligence Bonus.

Dome of the Sky (Sp): at level seven, the Ishim can use a new level 7 Utterance, which is identical to Searing Light when spoken normally, or Wind Walk if reversed.

Bring Forth Beasts (Sp): at level eight, the Ishim can use a new level 7 Utterance, which when spoken normally allows her to permanently create two normal Animals, one male and one female. Any Animal can be created, except for Dinosaurs and Dire Animals. This is an Instantaneous effect. When reversed, the Utterance summons a single Dire Animal, Dinosaur, or Unicorn, as a loyal servant, until sunset.

In Our Image (Sp): at level nine, the Ishim can use a new level 8 Utterance, which is identical to Awaken when spoken normally, or Geas/Quest when reversed.

Words of Genesis (Sp): the tenth-level Ishim gains a ninth-level Utterance. This duplicates a Genesis effect when spoken normally, or Planeshift if reversed.

New Feat:

Speak The Truth [Monstrous]
You can bring forth words that carry knowledge not even you know.
Requirements: Word Archon
Benefits: once per day, you may cast Contact Other Plane or Commune, except it must be on behalf of somebody else. They ask the questions, you both spend the casting time contemplating, and you speak the answers, channelling the planar forces even without having to know the answers personally. The Caster Level equals your hit dice, and in the case of Contact Other Plane, there is no risk of a decrease to ability scores, and the results are: 01-49 True Answer, 50-80 Doesn't Know, 81-100 Unintelligible noises and gibberish of the Upper planes and echoes of creation (the same as gibberish).
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Book of Exalted Deeds, page 164. CR 8, level 9

Righteous Avenger
The Asura are semi-angelic beings that have the potential to become Deva, according to Hindu lore, so we'll go with that. Of course, the Asura are human-sized winged angels that run up and kick people in the face, going for a lot of combat backed up by a bit of spell power, mostly the supportive detection kind, so if you squinted you could call them Paladins - except this class takes them more in the direction of a Barbarian. This is a strong fighter-type who can fly up to enemies and hit them with fire, rather than gaining additional magic - sort of. She will gain special attacks still, and abilities from the Book of Weeaboo Fightan Magic, but these still don't really fit the usual idea of "spells".

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Concentration, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge (The Planes), Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Use Rope
Proficiencies: the Righteous Avenger is Proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons, Light Armour, and Shields (but not Tower Shields).
1+1+2+2+0Heatwave, Fiery Wings, Leaping Flame at will
2+2+3+3+0Fires of Purity, Asura's Wrath, Holocaust Cloak at will
3+3+3+3+1Meteoric Flight, Fire Reposte at will
4+4+4+4+1Searing Heatwave, Flashing Sun at will
5+5+4+4+1Wildfire, Desert Tempest at will, Mind Strike 1/minute
6+6+5+5+2Cloak of Cinders, Ring of Fire at will, Disrupting Blow 1/minute
7+7+5+5+2Eternal Flame, Salamander Charge at will
8+8+6+6+2Burning Mind, Rising Phoenix at will, Stance of Alacrity 1/minute
9+9+6+6+3Eyes of Fire, Immortal Fortitude 1/minute
10+10+7+7+3Overheat, Strike of Righteous Vitality 1/minute
11+11+7+7+3Realised Potential, Time Stands Still 1/3 rounds

Heatwave (Su): the Righteous Avenger's Burning Wings are mightier than normal, unleashing a powerful wave of superheated air. It deals 6d6 Fire damage to all creatures within thirty feet.

Fiery Wings (Ex): the Righteous Avenger can swing her wings around to hit foes and set them afire. She gains two Secondary Wing attacks that deal 1d6 + half her Strength Bonus in damage. They are also Magic Weapons with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up) and the Book of Gears Flaming property.

Maneuvers and Stances (Su): the Righteous Avenger learns various Maneuvers and Stances from the Book of Weeaboo Fightan Magic as she gains levels. These are used with an Initiator Level equal to her hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Wisdom Bonus. Mostly she draws these from the school of Desert Wind, usable at will, however she learns some abilities from Diamond Mind and Devoted Spirit, and she can always use these with her Natural Weapons regardless of what the schools normally say.

Fires of Purity (Su): starting at second level, any time the Righteous Avenger deals Fire damage to an Evil creature or a creature with the [Evil] Subtype (or targets them or includes them in the area of an attack that deals Fire damage, even if they're immune to it), the creature catches fire. This results in them taking 2d6 damage per round - half Fire and half Good or Holy - until they spend a Full Round Action dousing the flames or are immersed in water. While burning, they also do greatly reduced damage, suffering a Penalty to the damage of non-Spell attacks equal to her hit dice. Even if the foe is Immune to Fire damage, they will still catch on fire and suffer the effects, except naturally the ongoing damage is reduced by half.

Asura's Wrath (Ex): whenever the second-level Righteous Avenger is damaged by an enemy, she may enter a Rage as a Free Action, even if it isn't her turn. The Rage will last until it has been at least three rounds since the last time she hit an enemy or suffered damage, and in the meantime she gains a +2 Morale Bonus on Attack and Damage rolls, a -2 Penalty to Armour Class, gains a +10' Bonus to all of her movement forms, and the ability to make a Full Attack when charging. She may still use Martial Stances and Maneuvers in a Rage, but not Spells or Spell-Like Abilities.

Meteoric Flight (Su): starting at level three, the Righteous Avenger may wreath herself in flames then hurl herself at a foe, creating an explosion of flame. This requires her to make a Charge attack while flying, and if at least one attack hits, the foe suffers an extra 1d6 damage per hit die she has (half Fire, half Holy). Adjacent creatures suffer half this amount, with a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Dexterity Bonus) to halve it further. However, the recoil from this careless attack causes her to lose HP equal to her hit dice.

Searing Heatwave (Su): the Heatwave of the fourth-level Righteous Avenger can cause rapid heatstroke to enemies. They suffer an amount of Non-Lethal damage equal to the Fire damage suffered, and must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Wisdom Bonus) or become Fatigued. Fatigued enemies become Exhausted until they next rest and rehydrate, and Exhausted enemies suffer 2d4 points each of Constitution and Intelligence damage and gain Vulnerability (+50% damage) to Fire damage until the ability damage and Exhaustion are all recovered.

Wildfire (Ex): starting at level five, whenever the Righteous Avenger is in a Rage, she has Evasion and Freedom of Movement.

Cloak of Cinders (Su): the sixth-level Righteous Avenger constantly sheds smoke (which to Good-aligned creatures smells like a pleasant incense, and to Evil creatures smells like when you ignore warnings and throw plastic on a fire), sparks and small burning cinders, making her hard to target accurately. Any time she moves more than ten feet, she gains Concealment until the start of her next turn. Any foe who misses with a melee attack due to the Miss Chance suffers 1d6 points of damage - half Fire, half Holy.

Eternal Flame (Su): starting at level seven, as long as the Righteous Avenger is in her Rage, she is completely Immune to Stunning, Constitution Damage/Drain, and [Death] effects.

Burning Mind (Su): whenever the eighth-level Righteous Avenger is in a Rage, she is Immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects. Furthermore, any creature that makes mental contact by attempting to Detect her presence or thoughts or affect her with a [Mind-Affecting] effect suffers Intelligence Damage equal to a third of her hit dice (round up).

Eyes of Fire (Su): starting at level nine, any time the Righteous Avenger has True Seeing active, her eyes radiate actual flames. She may use a Swift Action each round to intensify these flames out to a 120' Cone, with all in the area needing to succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Wisdom Bonus) or take 3d6 damage (half Fire, half Holy) and catch fire (as through Fires of Purity).

Overheat (Su): the tenth-level Righteous Avenger can straight-up kill people with fire when she focuses her Heatwave against them. She designates just one target within range, and if they fail the Fortitude Save, they die instantly - not as a [Death] effect, but as a [Fire] effect. Even if successful, they still suffer 2d6 Fire damage per hit die she has, and catch fire (as through Fires of Purity).

Realised Potential: at level eleven, the Righteous Avenger reaches her true potential and becomes an actual Deva. This grants her the full traits of a Deva: Immunity to Acid, Cold and Electricity, a +4 Racial Bonus on Saving Throws against Poison, Low-Light Vision, a Protective Aura and the ability to communicate with any creature as though with a Tongues spell. It also grants additional uses of her Martial Maneuvers and Stances and Spell-Like Abilities: anything that could previously be used once per minute can now be used once per three rounds, and anything that could previously be used once per day can now be used once per hour.

New Feat:

Raging Angel Tactics [Monstrous]
You fling yourself violently at foes, with less fire but also less mercy.
Requirements: Asura, access to Martial Maneuvers and/or Stances
Benefits: you gain a different set of Martial Maneuvers and Stances to normal.
LevelInstead ofGain
1Leaping FlamePouncing Charge
2Holocaust CloakAssassin's Stance
3Fire RiposteBloodletting Strike
4Flashing SunHamstring Attack
5Desert TempestWolf Pack Tactics
6Ring of FireDancing Mongoose
7Salamander ChargeRabid Bear Strike
8Rising PhoenixGirallon Windmill Flesh Rip

Special: you may take this a second time. If you do so, it becomes "you learn these in addition to the regular ones" so you have more things you can use.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual 2, page 28. CR 10, level 11 - these have Regeneration and mass minion creation and are also a "kill on sight" species, so good luck with that.

Necrocrafters specialise in the power over undeath - they make special undead servants to send into battle for them, and can tweak them after the fact to make new gross monstrosities. They still have other powers to use on those who insist on being alive - including effects to turn them into the dead, and then the undead. They obviously fill the role of Necromancers who want to be especially icky looking.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Ride, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
1+0+2+0+2Contagion at will, Seed of Undeath 1/day, Undead Grafts
2+1+3+0+3Waves of Exhaustion 3/day, Control Undead at will, Necrotic Cyst
3+1+3+1+3Finger of Death 1/day, Touch of the Graveborn 3/day
4+2+4+1+4Create Greater Undead 3/day, Fiendish Grafts
5+2+4+1+4Plague at will, Avascular Mass 1/day, Retributive Enervation at will
6+3+5+2+5Wail of the Banshee 1/day, Vile Death 1/day
7+3+5+2+5Energy Drain 3/day, Greater Seed of Undeath 1/day, Aberrant Grafts
8+4+6+2+6Plague of Undead 1/day, Awaken Undead 1/day
9+4+6+3+6Polymorph Any Object 1/day, Undead Monstrosities

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Necrocrafter gains various Spell-Like Abilities over time. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, and any save DC is 7 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Undead Grafts (Su): the Necrocrafter has the ability to create and bestow Undead Grafts at reduced cost - not needing to spend money or XP - it only needs dead (or undead) parts that vaguely resemble the grafts. It still requires the standard crafting time to imbue them with necromantic energy, however, and these can only be bestowed on Undead creatures.

Necrotic Cyst (Ex): the second-level Necrocrafter grows a mother cyst. This allows it to cast each of the associated spells (Necrotic Cyst etc) once per day, as Spell-Like Abilities (same Caster Level and Save DC as above). It can only cast any of these that a Cleric or Wizard with the feat and equal level to its hit dice could cast (so when the ability is gained, as a 12HD creature it could cast any of 6th level or lower).

Fiendish Grafts (Su): at level three, the Necrocrafter can create and bestow Fiendish Grafts just the same as with Undead Grafts above.

Aberrant Grafts (Su): at level seven, the Necrocrafter chooses another type of Graft: Silthilar, Beholder, or Illithid. It gains the ability to create and apply these just like with the Undead and Fiendish ones.

Undead Monstrosities (Su): whenever the ninth-level Necrocrafter creates an Undead that is produced by a template (such as a Vampire or Skeleton as opposed to a Wraith or a Ghoul), it may jam multiple corpses together to create a "super beast". All the corpses must be of the same Size Category, but because it only uses the choice bits of two or three of these, the final Size Category is not altered - there is a lot of waste. It uses the better Strength, Dexterity and Natural Armour values of the bunch, the best Move Speed of each kind that is available to any of the creatures, all assorted Natural Weapons of the different creatures, all Special Attacks of all the creatures (of those that are normally kept by the template), and the Multi-Headed template - one extra head if one extra body is supplied, or two extra heads if two extra bodies are supplied. If any of the creatures lacks a head, they do not add to the number of heads gained.

Alternatively, if the player can justify a special-case monster based on stacking enough appropriate corpses together, they may be allowed to create things like Charnel Hounds (requiring at least 27 Medium corpses) or Necronauts (requiring around 50 tonnes of corpses).
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Herald of Kyuss
Avolakias are highly valued by Kyuss, and many revere the trapped Worm King. Some take on Clerical roles and devote time to leading cults of slave races towards freeing their King. The Herald is sort of an evil Cleric, not much for healing but great at killing and controlling - and leading suckers.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (Dungeoneering, Religion), Listen, Perform (Oratory), Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot
1+0+0+0+2Bestow Worm, Faint Sign of the Infestation, Mind Blank 3/day
2+1+0+0+3Death Domain, Mass Inflict Light Wounds at will, Speak With Dead at will
3+2+1+1+3Moderate Sign of the Infestation, Raise Ulgurstasta, Harm 3/day
4+3+1+1+4Trickery Domain, Mass Charm Person 3/day
5+3+1+1+4Strong Sign of the Infestation, Veil 3/day, Demand 1/day
6+4+2+2+5Raise Hideous Leechwalker, Mass Inflict Critical Wounds 3/day
7+5+2+2+5Overwhelming Sign of the Infestation, Screen 1/day, Detect Scrying 1/day
8+6+2+2+6Raise Century Worm, Contact Kyuss, Dominate Monster 1/day
9+6+3+3+6Raise Worm That Walks, Fate Domain

Bestow Worm (Ex): the Herald of Kyuss produces an almost endless supply of disgusting worms of Kyuss - writhing, bright green maggot-like creatures. With a Standard Action at will, it may attempt to bestow one of these on a target, willing or otherwise. Doing so requires either a Melee Touch Attack, or a Ranged Touch Attack out to ten feet. If it hits, the worm will start to burrow into a creature - within the next turn, the target may take a Standard Action to remove it, or anyone else may destroy it by dealing 1 or more points of damage (AC 10) or touching it with silver.

Otherwise, at the start of the Herald's next turn, the worm burrows into the host's flesh unless they have a Natural Armour Bonus of +5 or more, in which case they are immune. The worm deals 1 point of damage per round for 1d4+1 rounds, during which time it may be destroyed with a Remove Curse or Remove Disease effect, or its progress delayed for 10d6 minutes with a Dispel Evil or Neutralise Poison effect. A successful Heal check (DC 20) can also extract and kill the worm with a Full Round Action in this time.

If the worm is left free to roam for the entire duration, however, then it reaches the brain. Each round it deals 1d2 points of Intelligence damage, until either the worm is killed (as above), or it reduces the host to 0 Intelligence - at which point they are slain. A Small, Medium or Large creature slain by a worm rises as a Spawn of Kyuss (MM2 page 186) 1d6+4 rounds later. Tiny or smaller creatures simply putrefy, and Huge or larger creatures turn into regular Zombies. Although newly created Spawn are not innately under the control of the Herald, they will not attack it either and will generally follow it around until they find something hostile to attack - before going about their merry way causing strife in the world.

Faint Sign of the Infestation (Su): just as part of existing, the Herald brings about the Faint Sign of the Elder Evil it represents. Vermin begin to swarm out from wherever Kyuss might be trapped (typically Wormcrawl Island) and start making their way to inhabited lands. Adventuring parties within ten miles of the Herald have a 10% chance every week of encountering a group of four Medium monstrous centipedes or one Centipede Swarm.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as it gains levels, the Herald of Kyuss gains various Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, and any save DC is 7 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Domains: at level 2, the Herald of Kyuss gains the Death Domain - gaining the Domain Power as a Cleric of equal hit dice, and able to cast each of its Spells once per day as a Spell-Like Ability, providing its Caster Level (see above) as a Cleric would be enough to cast Domain spells of that level. At level four, it gains the Trickery Domain. At level nine, it gains the Fate Domain.

Moderate Sign of the Infestation (Su): at level three, the Signs of Infestation grow stronger. At this stage, it affects adventuring parties and towns within one hundred miles, and the check is made every single day. Furthermore, the creatures found are either three Centipede Swarms or six Gargantuan Monstrous Centipedes.

Raise Ulgurstasta (Sp): once per week, the third-level Herald of Kyuss may summon forth an Ulgurstasta (Fiend Folio) seemingly from nothingness. It lasts for one hour per class level before collapsing into foul-smelling ichor, but in the meantime it serves the Herald with complete loyalty. At level six, it may instead be summoned once per day and gains a +2 Bonus on all Attack rolls and Saving Throws, and a +1 Bonus to the Save DC of any effect. At level eight, the control still only lasts for one hour per level, but after that it still exists, indifferent to the Herald and wandering off to cause havoc in the world, and during the time of its control, the Bonuses granted are doubled.

Strong Sign of the Infestation (Su): at level five, the Sign of Infestation is particularly strong and the entire continent is affected. The check must be made every 1d4 hours, and the creatures are either three Purple Worms or six Remorhaz. By this stage, the Herald should be used to encountering towns and cities devoid of life (other than still-feeding vermin) and half-eaten adventuring parties - it is the new normal.

Raise Hideous Leechwalker (Sp): once per week, the sixth-level Herald of Kyuss may raise a Hideous Leechwalker (MM2/Elder Evils) seemingly from nothingness. It serves as a loyal minion for one hour per class level before collapsing into decomposing ichor. At level eight, it can be summoned once per day and enjoys a +2 Bonus on all Attack rolls and Saving Throws, and a +1 Bonus to the Save DC of any effect. At level nine, the control lasts for one hour per level, during which time the Bonuses increase by 1, but after that it doesn't collapse, it just wanders off to cause havoc in the world, indifferent to the Herald.

Overwhelming Sign of the Infestation (Su): at level seven, the Sign of Infestation is overwhelmingly powerful adn the world is reaching its end stages. The checks are made every single hour, all over the world, and the chance of an encounter increases to 20%.

Raise Century Worm (Sp): once per week, the eighth-level Herald of Kyuss may summon a Century Worm (Fiend Folio/Elder Evils). It serves as a loyal minion for one hour per class level before collapsing into decomposing ichor. At level nine, it may be summoned once per day.

Contact Kyuss (Sp): starting at level eight, the Herald of Kyuss may cast Commune once per day with just a Full Round Action, however it always contacts Kyuss. Each question and answer happens on another round, though taking no actions of the Herald, merely requiring Concentration. Additionally, it may choose to outright share the contact with any other creatures within one hundred feet, who must make a Will Save (DC 16 + the Herald's Charisma Bonus) or be afflicted by Insanity.

Raise Worm That Walks (Sp): once per week, the ninth-level Herald of Kyuss may conjure forth a Worm That Walks (Elder Evils), which serves it loyally for nine hours before collapsing into a mass of worms and maggots, which then scuttle away harmlessly.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual 5, page 12, CR 8, Level 10 - has no thumbs

Sky Tyrant
I can say with a fair degree of certainty that nobody has ever said "Boy do I want to play a Blackwing!" and argued with their DM about allowing it. It's possible they have never even been used as monsters in a game. Nonetheless, they're kind of cool, even if it is a bit weird for the one book to have TWO giant undead vulture monsters, so they get to have some focus here. For the record, the Blackwing has the [Dark Minded] Subtype under Tome rules.

The Sky Tyrant is indeed a tyrant of the sky, delivering fear and death in equal measure to those who dare walk the lands beneath it. It is also a commander of other winged horrors, calling them to its aid and declaring "everyone beat that guy up". Eventually it can even control the winds to hurt people. This doesn't really match any given class or role - there are environment-based effects that disable foes, summoning effects, and the ability to fight better in close combat, so it is more of the wildcard you add when you feel like the main bases are already covered.

Hit Die: d12
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Geography), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot
1+0+2+2+0Choking Dust Clouds, Murder With Intent
2+1+3+3+0Calamitous Collision, Infernal Luck
3+2+3+3+1Solo Performance
4+3+4+4+1Chase Down, Nasty Plot
5+3+4+4+1Necrotic Dust Clouds
6+4+5+5+2Wicked Flight, Dark Pulse
7+5+5+5+2Vile Snarl, Terrible Haze
8+6+6+6+2Suffocating Tailwind, Mean Look
9+6+6+6+3Midnight Pact, Deadly Birdsong
10+7+7+7+3Choking Hurricane, Grand Heresy

Choking Dust Clouds (Ex): as long as the Sky Tyrant's talons are no higher than ten feet in the air (which is to say, the creature must be on the ground, or 5 or 10 feet up), it may use a Full Round Action at any time to kick up clouds of necrotic debris. This extends out to fifteen feet in normal terrain, or twice as far in particularly sandy or dusty locations and wastelands, and obscures vision like a normal duststorm. Furthermore, all living creatures caught in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save (with a DC of its class level plus 20) each round or be Nauseated for that round. The dust cloud lasts for 1d4 rounds, or twice as long in deserts and wastelands.

Murder With Intent (Sp): the Sky Tyrant may summon a Murder of Crows (Tome of Magic, page 87) with a Standard Action once per hour, with the swarm serving it for one minute per class level, or until wiped out. The Save DC for the Distraction and Blinding abilities is equal to 15 + half the Tyrant's class level + its Charisma Bonus.

Calamitous Collision (Ex): when the second-level Sky Tyrant makes a diving charge against a creature on the ground, it may make a free Trip attempt on a successful hit. Furthermore, it unleashes a shockwave out to fifteen feet, hitting all grounded creatures in the area for 2d6 points of Sonic damage.

Infernal Luck (Su): starting at level two, it becomes apparent that the Sky Tyrant is very lucky - which is an unlucky omen for everybody else. It gains a Luck Bonus to Fortitude Saves equal to its Charisma Bonus, and all of its attacks enjoy a doubled Critical Threat Range.

Solo Performance (Su): a third-level Sky Tyrant need not be joined by other Blackwings in order to perform the Wail of Despair - it can just unleash the attack on its own. Other Blackwings can still join in to increase the Save DC, however.

Chase Down (Ex): the Sky Tyrant loves to pursue those fleeing in terror, and starting at level four, it becomes particularly adept at doing so. Against a foe suffering from any [Fear] effects, it ignores all Miss Chances and has a doubled Critical Multiplier for all of its natural weapons.

Nasty Plot (Su): upon reaching level four, the Sky Tyrant can stimulate its corrupt powers simply by thinking bad thoughts (and indeed, formulating a plan on how best to affect others). By spending a Standard Action concentrating and preparing, it grants itself an Enhancement Bonus to the Save DC for all effects equal to +3, plus one per three full class levels, as well as +3d6 Sneak Attack damage. These last until the end of its next turn.

Necrotic Dust Clouds (Ex): whenever the fifth-level Sky Tyrant kicks up choking dust clouds, it imbues them with deadly negative energy that carries the essence of plague. Creatures that fail their Saving Throw against Nausea also contract Mummy Rot and instantly suffer ability damage from it.

Wicked Flight (Sp): when a Sky Tyrant reaches level six, it learns how to call forth other creatures similar to itself. With a Full Round Action once per day, it may summon two Deadborn Vultures to serve it for one minute per class level. They gain an Enhancement Bonus on attack and damage rolls equal to the Tyrant's Charisma Bonus, and any Save DC becomes 15 + half the Tyrant's class level + its Charisma Bonus. Every level thereafter, add one Deadborn Vulture to the number summoned.

Dark Pulse (Su): the sixth-level Sky Tyrant can unleash pulses of corrupt energy that wrack the minds of those nearby, making them recoil in horror. This requires a Standard Action, and extends out in a Burst to sixty feet, dealing 1d6 Evil damage per hit die to all in the area. Creatures are allowed a Will Save for half damage (DC 15 + half its class level + its Charisma Bonus), however failure results in a target Cowering for one round. If the Sky Tyrant has powered up with Nasty Plot, the damage is Vile damage.

Vile Snarl (Su): at level seven, the Sky Tyrant gains the ability to snarl with evil intent at those around it, weakening the magical abilities of those it can overawe. With a Swift Action, it may afflict all creatures within one hundred feet that are Shaken, Frightened, Panicked or Cowering. Until the start of its next turn, they suffer a Penalty to their Caster Levels (Invoker levels, Manifester levels etc.), Turning Checks, Turning Damage, and the Save DC for any abilities they have, equal to its Charisma Bonus, even if the [Fear] effect is removed or expires before then.

Terrible Haze (Su): once per hour, the seventh-level Sky Tyrant can call forth dark clouds of fog that demoralise people and strip magic from the lands. This functions as a Doomtide effect (with a Caster Level equal to its class level plus ten, and a Save DC of 15 + half its class level + its Charisma Bonus), but also Dispels a single magical effect (as per a successful Dispel Magic attempt) from every creature, object or 5' square it touches.

Suffocating Tailwind (Su): upon reaching level eight, the Sky Tyrant gains the ability to control the very winds. It may cast Control Winds at will, with a Caster Level equal to its class level plus ten, and a Save DC of 15 plus half its class level plus its Charisma Bonus. Additionally, the air in the affected area becomes unbreathable, meaning most creatures must hold their breath or suffocate.

Mean Look (Ex): starting at level eight, the Sky Tyrant can glare at people to freeze them in place with fear. With a Standard Action, it selects a creature within 120 feet and if they can draw Line of Sight to it, they must attempt a Will Save (DC 15 + half its class level + its Charisma Bonus) against this [Fear] effect. On a failed Save they are Paralyzed for 1d6 rounds, or maximised to six if it benefits from Nasty Plot.

Midnight Pact (Sp): once per day, the ninth-level Sky Tyrant may use a Full Round Action to summon a loyal Nightwing. It serves the Sky Tyrant for one hour per class level or until destroyed. If the duration ends, it simply fades from reality.

Deadly Birdsong (Sp): at level nine, the Sky Tyrant learns how to kill people outright with its screeches, leaving deadly tremors of evil noise in their heads. Once per hour, it may cast a special Wail of the Banshee with a Caster Level of 20 and a Save DC of 20 + its Charisma Bonus. The effects are Delayed by three rounds, although targets are chosen and make their saving throws when the ability is first used - they will simply become doomed to die in a few seconds but have time to regret their life choices.

Choking Hurricane (Sp): once per hour, the tenth-level Sky Tyrant may conjure a terrible storm of doom and destruction. It may cast Greater Whirlwind with a Caster Level of 20 and a Save DC of 20 plus its Charisma Bonus, however all creatures within the area must pass a Fortitude Save every round or contract Mummy Rot and instantly take ability damage, skipping the onset. In the case of creatures that already must make a Fortitude Save against the whirlwind, simply attempt one Save against both the effects combined. If empowered via Nasty Plot, this deals its maximum damage (including the ability damage).

Grand Heresy (Su): when it reaches level ten, the Sky Tyrant becomes Immune to the Commanded result of Rebuke Undead and the Destroyed result of Turn Undead.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Blink Dog
Monster Manual, page 28. CR 2, level 3 - lacks thumbs and can't speak Common, why would you do this to yourself?

Aspect of Sarama
There are so many mythical dogs in religion and folklore, but most of them are of specific dogs and a great many are evil or of ill fortune, which is stupid. You’re thinking of geese as evil creatures, not dogs. Anyway, the Aspect of Sarama is sort of like a Favoured Soul in the idea of how they come to be – Sarama (Hindu dog of the gods) says “You’re pretty awesome, have more power” and they go about doing things that they think fit these powers. In this case, they become great dimensional travellers, able to track creatures and pursue anything and bring the entire party anywhere. In actual combat, they remain good at blinking about the place, but also become Sneak Attackers to properly make use of this skirmisher type movement.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Disable Device, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
1+1+0+2+0Sneak Attack +1d6, Caster Levels, Telepathy
2+2+0+3+0Rescue Dog, Uncanny Dodge
3+3+1+3+1Sneak Attack +2d6, Evasion
4+4+1+4+1Hamstring, Improved Uncanny Dodge
5+5+1+4+1Sneak Attack +3d6, Relentless Tracking
6+6+2+5+2Hunter's Fang
7+7+2+5+2Sneak Attack +4d6, Plane Shift
8+8+2+6+2Improved Evasion, Olfactory Divination
9+9+3+6+3Sneak Attack +5d6, Planar Tracking
10+10+3+7+3Uncaged Wanderer
11+11+3+7+3Sneak Attack +6d6, Detect Thoughts
12+12+4+8+4Greater Plane Shift
13+13+4+8+4Sneak Attack +7d6, Ethereal Jaunt
14+14+4+9+4Crippling Strike
15+15+5+9+5Sneak Attack +8d6
16+16+5+10+5Teleport Without Error
17+17+5+10+5Sneak Attack +9d6, Perfect Evasion

Sneak Attack (Ex): the Aspect of Sarama has +1d6 Sneak Attack damage that works like the Rogue class feature. It improves by an extra d6 at every odd level.

Caster Levels: at every level, the Aspect of Sarama adds 1 to the Caster Level of its Supernatural Abilities.

Telepathy (Su): the Aspect of Sarama has constant Telepathy out to one hundred feet.

Rescue Dog (Su): starting at level two, the Aspect of Samara can bring up to one adjacent ally per class level when it uses its Dimension Door ability.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): the second-level Aspect always retains its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class.

At level four, it has Improved Uncanny Dodge, and as such cannot be Flanked.

Evasion (Ex): at level three, the Aspect of Sarama gains Evasion – whenever it passes a Reflex Save for half damage, it instead takes no damage. At level eight this improves to Improved Evasion, and even on a failed Reflex Save for half damage, it only suffers half damage. At level seventeen it has Perfect Evasion, and simply is immune to anything that offers a Reflex Save.

Hamstring (Ex): upon reaching level four, the Aspect can tear peoples’ hamstrings and quads, leaving them crippled and unable to defend themselves. Any time it delivers a Sneak Attack with its Bite, it deals 1d4 points of Dexterity Damage and the foe must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or fall Prone and be Slowed until the ability damage is healed.

Relentless Tracking (Ex): not only does the fifth-level Aspect of Sarama have the ability to track by scent as normal for a Blink Dog, but it is superior and hard to fool. It can identify things based on their tracks or scent, using Survival instead of the relevant Knowledge skill. It also takes no penalty for Tracking while moving at full speed, and only -10 for moving at double speed. It can also track a creature protected by Pass Without Trace or similar abilities, but must first roll higher than their Caster Level + 15 on 1d20 + its hit dice. Finally, it can track creatures across water (base DC 23), completely underwater (DC 26), or through the air (DC 30).

Hunter’s Fang (Su): starting at level six, the Bite of the Aspect is a Magic Weapon with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up) and the Ghost Touch property. Additionally, when making a Bite attack with a Standard Action, it may make this Bite in the middle of any movement during its turn, whether walking or teleporting. Finally, the Bite may be used to make iterative attacks for a high Base Attack Bonus (at +6, +11, +16) as though it were a manufactured weapon.

Plane Shift (Su): the seventh-level Aspect of Sarama can travel as by Plane Shift at will, at the same Caster Level as its Dimension Door. It can take up to one adjacent ally per class level with it, but cannot simply send another creature. At level twelve it can instead cast Greater Plane Shift.

Olfactory Divination (Su): by spending a Full Round Action sniffing and focusing on an item, a patch of terrain, or a corpse, the eighth-level Aspect of Sarama can learn a lot of things about it in a way that is probably magical. It can learn all that apply of the following: the start of the trail to the last creature to hold the item or interact with the body or terrain (allowing for Tracking and identification), any temporary magical effects and auras, and poisons present, cause of death, monetary value, age, any other Planes it has recently been in, Plane of origin.

Planar Tracking (Ex): at level nine, the Aspect can even track creatures across planes. The base DC to track someone through a transitory plane or directly to a Demi-Plane on the same Plane (such as from Stygia to Phlegethos) is 25. To track someone beyond this has a base DC of 30. It may also attempt a DC 30 Survival check to try to figure out where someone is headed when seeing them Teleport or Planeshift. Additionally, the base DC for any other Tracking that is a fixed DC rather than an opposed roll is reduced by 10 (for instance, it is now DC 20 to track through the air).

Uncaged Wanderer (Su): the tenth-level Aspect of Sarama cannot be stopped – it can go pretty much wherever it pleases, like an Inside Dog. It gains a 20’ Burrow Speed, 30’ Swim Speed (and the usual benefits of such), a 20’ Climb Speed (and the usual benefits of such), a 30’ Fly Speed (Poor Maneuvrability), and the ability to tunnel straight through [Force] effects.

Detect Thoughts (Su): at level eleven, the Aspect’s Telepathy improves – it gains a constant Detect Thoughts effect out to one hundred feet.

Ethereal Jaunt (Su): at level thirteen, the Aspect of Sarama also has the ability to cast Ethereal Jaunt at the same Caster Level as its Dimension Door. It may bring up to one adjacent ally per class level.

Crippling Strike (Ex): the fourteenth-level Aspect deals 2 points of Strength Damage every time it hits with a Sneak Attack.

Teleport Without Error (Su): at level sixteen, the Aspect of Sarama’s Dimension Door ability improves to Teleport Without Error.

New Feats:

Cunning Dog [Monstrous]
You're too clever for your own good. Yeah I see that tail wagging,
Requirements: Blink Dog, Sneak Attack class feature
Benefits: you gain the Trap Finding ability of a Rogue. When your Sneak Attack reaches +5d6, you gain the Defensive Roll special ability of a Rogue.

Greater Blink Dpg [Monstrous]
Blink Dogs Blink. Greater Blink Dogs Greater Blink.
Requirements: Blink Dog
Benefits: your Blink ability now functions as Greater Blink
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Aug 11, 2023 9:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual, page 35, CR 7, Level 9 - has no thumbs

Subterranean Stalker
Any Chuul can just resume life as a Barbarian of sorts, running up, smashing people and hoping to cause paralysis. I'm not sure they even need a class specifically to do this instead of simply "taking levels of Barbarian". The Subterranean Stalker is for the Chuul that wishes to be a Rogue. It is a somewhat underground and aquatic focused Rogue, and one that causes some horror due to being a terror from the chaotic wet, but it is a Rogue nonetheless.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Dungeoneering, Geography, Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble Use Magic Device
LevelBABFortRefWillSpecialSneak Attack
1+0+0+2+0Trapfinding, Tip of the Iceberg+1d6
2+1+0+3+0Silent Swimmer, Evasion-
3+2+1+3+1Aquatic Camouflage, Deep Horror+2d6
4+3+1+4+1Swift Swim, Uncanny Dodge+3d6
5+3+1+4+1Improved Evasion, Lingering Horror-
6+4+2+5+2Improved Uncanny Dodge+4d6
7+5+2+5+2Skill Mastery+5d6
8+6+2+6+2Universal Camouflage-
9+6+3+6+3Paralytic Slime, Eldritch Horror+6d6
10+7+3+7+3Body of Water+7d6
11+8+3+7+3Shadow Jump, Shadow Veil-

Trapfinding (Ex): much like a Rogue, the Subterranean Stalker can find any kind of traps with the Search skill.

Tip of the Iceberg (Ex): when the Subterranean Stalker is submerged in water, it does not suffer a Size-based Penalty to Hide checks, no matter how big it is (but if shrunk below Medium it still has a Bonus), and suffers no Penalty to Hide checks for moving at full speed. As long as it starts its turn submerged, this lasts for the entirety of its turn.

Sneak Attack (Ex): at every level except two, five, eight and eleven, the Subterranean Stalker gains one die of Sneak Attack, which is identical to the Rogue class feature other than the levels it is gained.

Silent Swimmer (Ex): when the second-level Subterranean Stalker is submerged in water, it suffers no Penalty to Move Silently checks for moving at full speed, and enjoys a +4 Bonus to Move Silently checks just for existing. As long as it starts its turn submerged, this lasts for the entirety of its turn.

Evasion (Ex): starting at level two, the Subterranean Stalker gains Evasion, just like a Rogue. At level five, this upgrades to Improved Evasion.

Camouflage (Ex): when the third-level Subterranean Stalker is submerged in water, it gains a +4 Bonus to Hide checks and constantly benefits from the Hide in Plain Sight ability. As such, it can attempt Hide checks even without sources of Concealment or Cover. As long as it starts its turn submerged, this lasts for the entirety of its turn. At level eight, this always applies even without water.

Deep Horror (Ex): the first time in a day that a given Humanoid creature sees the third-level Subterranean Stalker, their mind is briefly confronted by the existence of something that should not exist. They must attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Wisdom Bonus) or be Staggered for one turn.

Swift Swim (Su): starting at level four, any time the Subterranean Stalker is submerged in water, its Swim Speed is doubled and it is perpetually Hasted. As long as it starts its tun submerged, this lasts for the entirety of its turn.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): the fourth-level Subterranean Stalker is never denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, much like a Rogue. At level six, this improves, and it cannot be Flanked.

Lingering Horror (Su): at level five, the Subterranean Stalker's horror lasts longer than normal. A creature that fails the saving throw becomes Shaken for 2d4 hours, and during this time they are denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against its attacks - which is a real problem.

Skill Mastery (Ex): the seventh-level Subterranean Stalker may take ten on Balance, Climb, Hide and Move Silently checks even when rushed, threatened or on fire.

Paralytic Slime (Ex): starting at level nine, the slime secreted by the Subterranean Stalker is particularly harmful. Those who hit it with a Natural Weapon or non-reach melee weapon must save against its Paralytic Tentacles ability. When underwater, enemies in the same body of water that end their turn within ten feet of it must also save against its Paralytic Tentacles.

Eldritch Horror (Su): at level nine, anybody who fails their saving throw against the Subterranean Stalker's horror is rendered Insane, as per an Insanity spell.

Body of Water (Ex): the slime of the tenth-level Subterranean Stalker makes it hard to make out, especially with its natural camouflage. It constantly benefits from Concealment, gaining a 20% Miss Chance against all attacks.

Shadow Jump (Su): starting at level eleven, the Subterranean Stalker can Dimension Door at will, but only with a range of 220 feet, and both the starting and end points must be in shadows, darkness or "Shadowy Illumination". This only takes a Move-Equivalent Action, and assuming no artificial light sources are introduced, water deeper than 20 feet is dark enough for this to work.

Shadow Veil (Su): whenever the eleventh-level Subterranean Stalker is in sufficient darkness that most people could attempt Hide checks, it becomes completely Invisible. Even attacking does not break this - only adding a light source (though effects like See Invisibility still work, and Invisibility Purge makes it visible for one full round).

New Feat:

Non-Euclidean Placement [Monstrous]
Fuck normal geography.
Requirements: Chuul, Lingering Horror class feature
Benefits: you do not occupy squares in a normal way. Select a number of contiguous squares (including diagonally) equal to the amount you normally fill (typically four for a Chuul). This is your new occupied space. You threaten all squares within 5' of any of this occupied space (although if your Reach increases, so too does this amount). Once per turn when turning in place, you can use any one of these squares as a pivot point, and thus if your space is a weird L shape you can pick the tip of it and swivel your body all the way around to gain some free movement. If your shape is a Y or sickle or similar, you can indeed flank creatures by yourself, by pinching them between two of your occupied squares.
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Aug 03, 2020 5:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual, page 36, CR 5, Level 6 - has no thumbs

Although the Caper gains a new abilities to help with the whole "pretend to be a cloak, get worn, grapple the wearer and cause havoc" shtick - indeed even being able to possess wearers and then act like a Warlock, the main ability is in more casting. They throw illusions and new moan abilities out, and work like Illusions that have a Warlock's Eldritch Blast. And typically also a minion to carry them around. So they are a very weird sort of Enchanter/Illusionist who also has [Death] effects and a damage blast.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana, Dungeoneering, History), Listen, Move Silently, Perform (Acting, Oratory, Song), Ride, Sleight of Hand, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Spot.
1+0+0+2+2Eldritch Blast, Possession, Crafty Disguise
2+1+0+3+3Moan (Slowness), Mimicry
3+2+1+3+3Shadow Shift (Illusory Spells)
4+3+1+4+4Shadow Shift (Shadow Binding)
5+3+1+4+4King of Capes
6+4+2+5+5Shadow Shift (Major Image)
7+5+2+5+5Moan (Madness)
8+6+2+6+6Shroud of Darkness
9+6+3+6+6Shadow Shift (Shadow Mimicry)
10+7+3+7+7Cloak Trick
11+8+3+7+7Moan (Death)
12+9+4+8+8Shadow Shift (Shadow Mastery)
13+9+4+8+8Swallow Whole
14+10+4+9+9Moan (Shatter)

Eldritch Blast (Su): the Caper has the power to harness shadowy, spooky energies and throw them at people. With a Standard Action, it may unleash a ray of eldritch power out to Close Range with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, it deals 3d6 Profane damage, plus 1d6 per class level. If the target is afflicted by one of the Caper's Moan powers (including the regular Cloaker ones), the damage changes to 6d6 plus 1d6 per class level.

Possession (Su): if someone is unfortunate enough to wear the Caper, it can take over their brain. Any time it is being worn or begins a turn having Pinned them in a grapple, it may attempt to seize control with a Full Round Action. The target is allowed a Will Save (DC 13 + half its class level + its Charisma Bonus) to resist, and success renders them immune until the next sunset. If they fail, it controls their body and calls all the shots, while still having access to its own body and innate abilities. This lasts until they are separated, or until the next sunrise, whichever happens first.

Craft Disguise (Ex): the Caper may add its ranks in Disguise as a bonus to Disguise checks (ie it basically doubles the benefit of its actual ranks in the skill) when trying to look like a regular cape or cloak. It does not suffer a penalty for being a different species from "a piece of actual cloth".

Moan (Ex): as the Caper gains levels, it gains access to new Moan abilities in addition to its existing ones for being a Cloaker.
Slowness: at second level, it may Slow all creatures within a 30' Spread for 2 rounds (no save).
Madness: at seventh level, it may force all creatures within a 30' Spread to attempt a Will Save. Those that fail are rendered Insane (as the spell).
Death: at level eleven, it may unleash a 30' Cone. All in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save against a [Sonic, Mind-Affecting] effect or die instantly. Targets that succeed are immune until the next sunset.
Shatter: at level fourteen, it can deal 100 Sonic damage to all within a 60' Radius (Reflex half).

Mimicry (Ex): starting at second level, the Caper can perfectly mimic any sound it has ever heard.

Shadow Shift (Su): as it gains levels, the Caper can add new abilities to its range of Shadow Shift powers.
Illusory Spells: at level three, it can cast Lesser Shadow Evocation and Lesser Shadow Conjuration at will. If duplicating a spell with a duration (even Permanent), the duration instantly ends if Shadow Shift is used again.
Shadow Binding: at level four, it can cast Shadow Binding at will. The duration instantly ends if Shadow Shift is used again.
Major Image: at level six, it can cast Major Image at will. The duration instantly ends if Shadow Shift is used again.
Shadow Mimicry: at level nine, it can cast Shades at will. The duration instantly ends if Shadow Shift is used again.
Shadow Mastery: at level twelve, it can cast Shadow Walk at will, and can use a Full Round Action to summon 25d6 Shadows or 7d6 Greater Shadows for one minute per level, or until Shadow Shift is used again.

King of Capes (Ex): at level 5, the Caper grows to Huge size, though by folding itself up carefully and draping about itself, it can still appear to be sized as a cloak for a Medium or Large creature. Instead of the usual changes for growing in size, it just gains +2 to Strength, Constitution and Natural Armour. Its Charisma also increases by 2, and it may add its Hit Dice as a Bonus to Intimidate checks.

Shroud of Darkness (Ex): at level 8, the Caper is always covered in shadows. It constantly benefits from being in proper darkness, with a 50% Miss Chance against all attacks due to Concealment. It no longer suffers a Size-based Penalty to Hide checks.

Cloak Trick (Su): at level ten, the Caper gains the ability to cast Dimension Door and Rope Trick at will.

Swallow Whole (Su): at level thirteen, the Caper can just swallow people into spooky places. It gains a Swallow Whole ability, except instead of storing a grappled target in its stomach, it forcibly sends them to its choice of the Plane of Shadow or the Negative Energy Plane.

New Feat:

Shadow Song [Monstrous]
Your moans can even spur your allies onwards.
Requirements: Cloaker, Mimicry class feature
Benefits: select a single (Tome) Bard performance linked to Acting, Oratory or Singing. You now know and can use that performance trick just like an actual Bard. Some of these are better-suited to non-Bards than others.
Special: you may select this a number of times equal to one per three hit dice (round up). Each time, you must select a new performance trick to learn.
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Oct 21, 2022 11:17 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Resplendent Robe
The Resplendent Robe is for the Cloaker that particularly wants to be a magic cape. It gets worn by people, and then it possesses those people and has magical effects. Most abilities are based on this, with a few side powers that it can throw around on a turn-by-turn basis. Largely it works similarly to a Warlock or maybe something from Magic of Blue. Or a constantly-changing outfit of magic items. If another player is fine with some arrangement of wearer-and-cloak, it can be worn by another player character, and played by a player who isn't able to turn up to many sessions.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Perform (any), Speak Language, Spellcraft, Spot, Use Magic Device.
1+0+2+2+2Possession, Resistant Cloak, Perfect Attire
2+1+3+3+3Shroud of Deception
3+1+3+3+3Superior Flight
4+2+4+4+4Extended Face
5+2+4+4+4Charismatic Cloak
6+3+5+5+5Dark and Spooky Cloak
7+3+5+5+5Damning Darkness
8+4+6+6+6Extended Wings
9+4+6+6+6Energy Ebb
10+5+7+7+7Cloak of the Gloom
12+6+8+8+8Psychoactive Skin
13+6+8+8+8Legendary Relic

Possession (Su): if someone is unfortunate enough to wear the Resplendent Robe, it can take over their brain. Any time it is being worn or begins a turn having Pinned them in a grapple, it may attempt to seize control with a Full Round Action. The target is allowed a Will Save (DC 13 + half its class level + its Charisma Bonus) to resist, and success renders them immune until the next sunset. If they fail, it controls their body and calls all the shots, while still having access to its own body and innate abilities. This lasts until they are separated, or until the next sunrise, whichever happens first.

Resistant Cloak (Su): the Resplendent Robe is particularly good at resisting everything that happens to it. It gains a Resistance Bonus to all Saving Throws equal to its hit dice divided by 3 (round up). If somebody is wearing it, it may choose to bestow this bonus upon them as well, except they never get that bonus to save against its Possession ability.

Perfect Attire (Su): the Resplendent Robe is good at taking on the actual properties of magical items of clothing, which just makes it even more tempting to don. With a Standard Action at will, it may take on the full properties of any Vest, Cloak, Mantle, Cape, Chasuble, Robe or Shroud, with the exception of a Cloak of Resistance or Nymph’s Cloak / Cloak of Charisma. It may choose to benefit from and activate the powers itself, or just bestow them upon its wearer. Although any limits on charges, daily uses and so on still apply, it merely needs to change to another form, and then back again, in order to refresh these. Any Caster Level equals its Class Level plus six. It cannot take on the traits of Relics or Items of Legacy.

Shroud of Deception (Ex): starting at level two, the Resplendent Robe can shift about such that any attack directed at it will instead hit its wearer. This does not apply in the case of a grapple before it has established control, merely a willing or already-possessed wearer. If the wearer dies, it can no longer use their corpse as a shield in such a way. Additionally, the great magical nature of it forcibly unattunes one magic item if the wearer already has eight items attuned.

Superior Flight (Ex): starting at level three, the Resplendent Robe doesn’t count its wearer against its weight limit, so can happily fly about no matter how heavy (and heavily armoured) they are.

Extended Face (Ex): at level four, the Resplendent Robe’s face grows bigger, enough to fit over the entire head of its wearer. Its Bite attack deals damage as though one size category larger, and when using its Perfect Attire ability it can also take on the traits of a Hood, Veil, Blindfold, Eyepatch, Headband (except for a Headband of Intellect), Scarf or Shawl.

Charismatic Cloak (Su): at level five, the Resplendent Robe is particularly stylish and confident. It gains an Enhancement Bonus to Charisma equal to a third of its hit dice (round up), and can choose to bestow this upon its wearer.

Dark and Spooky Cloak (Su): the sixth-level Resplendent Robe can constantly manipulate shadows (similar to its Shadow Shift power) such that it is scary to behold, and even more scary to attack. Anyone attempting to attack it (or its wearer) must attempt a Will Save (DC 13 + half its class level + its Charisma Bonus). If they fail, the attack is wasted and they Cower for one round. If they succeed, they are immune to this effect until the sun next sets. This is a [Fear] effect.

Damning Darkness (Sp): at level seven, the Resplendent Robe can cast Damning Darkness as a Spell-Like Ability at will. The Caster Level equals its hit dice.

Extended Wings (Ex): the eighth-level Resplendent Robe’s wings extend out further, and are more magical, able to wrap around arms and hands and bestow power onto them. Its Fly Speed increases by 30 feet, and when using its Perfect Attire ability it can also take on the traits of Gloves (other than Gloves of Dexterity), Gauntlets (other than Ogre Gauntlets), Wraps, Bracers (other than Bracers of Armour) or Armbands.

Energy Ebb (Su): starting at level nine, the Resplendent Robe’s powers of darkness and sheer magical energy are enhanced such that it unleashes waves of draining negative power. When actively worn and attuned by another creature, everything within 30 feet of them is afflicted with a Negative Level at the start of each of the Robe’s turns. They can resist it with a Fortitude Save (DC 13 + half its class level + its Charisma Bonus).

Cloak of the Gloom (Su): at level ten, the Resplendent Robe gains the ability to move between the Prime Material Plane and the Plane of Shadow with a Standard Action at will. When doing this, it also takes its wearer or a grappled target with it.

Tendrils (Ex): the eleventh-level Resplendent Robe grows a pair of eerie looking tendrils at waist height that can be used to lash out at foes, or to wrap around a wearer and bestow even more magical power. It gains two Secondary Tendril attacks that reach out to 15 feet and deal 1d6 damage. When using its Perfect Attire ability it can also take on the traits of a Wrap, Belt (other than a Belt of Strength or Dexterity) or Sash.

Psychoactive Skin (Su): at level twelve, the strange magical skin of the Resplendent Robe can change in reaction to its environment. It gains sufficient camouflage that it can always attempt to Hide even without Cover or Concealment. Additionally, when using Perfect Attire it may take on the traits of a Psychoactive Skin instead of the Vest/Robe/Cloak/Cape option. The gloves, hoods and so on are still allowed in addition.

Legendary Relic (Su): at level thirteen, the Resplendent Robe is so magical that Perfect Attire allows for Relics, and garments that are items of Legacy (from the Weapons of Legacy book, but not needing to sacrifice money, XP, Hit Points and so on, but also not being allowed to create your own Legacy items). Any Relics grant the full benefits available as though it/its wearer had the right feat, deity and so on.

Disintegration (Su): at level fourteen, the Resplendent Robe can Disintegrate its wearer at will, with no saving throw, for any or no reason. This is cast at Caster Level 20.
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Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual, page 37. CR 10, level 12 - no thumbs.

Questing Coatl
I am immensely pleased with this dumb name. Anyway, the Coatl is already a high-level creature, so it doesn't have that much left in its career. However if it doesn't simply want to add some Sorcerer levels (a rather weak affair) or Outsider hit dice (a rather bland affair), this is the better option. It doesn't get complete casting ability, but it gains Bonus Spells and a tougher chassis. Mostly it fills the role of a Sorcerer with more spells known and a wider variety to choose from, and some automatic Divinations, but without ever casting ninth level spells.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft (any), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Arcana, The Planes), Listen, Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim
1+1+2+2+0Bonus Spells, +1 Natural Armour, Arcane Sight-
2+2+3+3+0+1 Natural Armour, Identify+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
3+3+3+3+1+1 Natural Armour, Zone of Truth+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
4+4+4+4+1Dragon Domain, Contact Other Plane+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
5+5+4+4+1Glory Domain, +1 Natural Armour, Find the Path-
6+6+5+5+2+1 Natural Armour, Greater Arcane Sight+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
7+7+5+5+2+1 Natural Armour, Legend Lore+1 Sorcerer Casting Level
8+8+6+6+2Courage Domain, True Seeing, Discern Location+1 Sorcerer Casting Level

Bonus Spells: for every Sorcerer Spell Level the Questing Coatl has, it gains one extra Spell Known. This must be either a Cleric Spell or a spell from a Domain the Questing Coatl can access. It is cast as a Sorcerer spell (thus Arcane), and every level, it may change what spells these are. For instance, it could start with Cure Light Wounds as a first level spell, then one level later exchange it for Lesser Vigour, then go for Divine Favour, then at level four swap it for the first Dragon Domain spell. This applies to existing Spell Levels and also to any future ones gained.

Natural Armour: at every level except 4 and 8, the Questing Coatl's Natural Armour increases by 1. This is an increase to a natural value, not a Bonus.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as it gains levels, the Questing Coatl gains access to additional Divination spells as Spell-Like Abilities, castable at will, to help it in going on quests.

Spellcasting: at every level except 1 and 5, the Questing Coatl's Spellcasting ability as a Sorcerer increases as though gaining a Sorcerer level.

Domains: starting at level four, the Questing Coatl adds the spells on the Dragon Domain to its class list, and can learn them both as regular Sorcerer spells and as bonus spells. At level five, it may do the same with the Glory Domain. At level eight, it does the same with the Courage Domain, but also actually gains the Domain Power - granting itself and all allies within 10' a +4 Morale Bonus on saving throws against [Fear] effects.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Fiend Folio, page 39. CR 10, level 11 - a terrifying monster with no thumbs.

The Darkweaver is a proper monster - it isn't "basically a Rogue" or "basically a Sorcerer" or similar. The Horror sticks to this theme of being a monster, keeping it stealthy, scary in a grapple (and scary to look at), and good at locking people down so they can't act. It also continues to affect peoples' minds with Spell-Like Abilities. After several shots it might resemble a sort of Rogue/Beguiler/Assassin thing.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Spot, Tumble
1+1+2+2+0Trap Finding, Trap of Strands, Mass Charm Person 1/day
2+2+3+3+0Shadow Gloom, Creepy-Crawly, Damning Darkness 1/day
3+3+3+3+1Shadow Jump (380 feet per day), Crushing Despair 3/day
4+4+4+4+1Improved Shadowstuff Armour, Charm Monster 1/day
5+5+4+4+1Slicing Strands, Quickened Shadow Well 1/day
6+6+5+5+2Shadow Jump (440 feet per day), Choking Cobwebs 1/day
7+7+5+5+2Vampiric Strands, Evard's Black Tentacles 3/day
8+8+6+6+2Greater Shadowstuff Armour, Dominate Monster 1/day
9+9+6+6+3Shadow Jump (500 feet per day), Quickened Solipsism 1/day

Trap Finding (Ex): just like a Rogue, the Horror is able to use the Search skill to find traps, even magical ones and those with a Search DC higher than 20.

Trap of Strands (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, the Horror can weave some of its Shadow Strands into a trapping web. It cannot have its Strands deployed normally at the same time, and foes who are observing the process can see it with a Spot check (DC 10 + its hit dice + its Intelligence Bonus), otherwise it must later be found with the Search skill (same DC, requires the Trap Finding ability) or by wandering into it of course. Any creature that enters the trapped square must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half the Horror's hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or become Paralyzed for three rounds. Any given trapping web can remain for up to eight hours, and on any given day it may weave a number equal to its Constitution Bonus.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Horror learns various Spell-Like Abilities as it gains levels. These have a Caster Level equal to its hit dice and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Shadow Gloom (Su): the Shadow Strands of the second-level Horror are scarier than normal. Affected creatures must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Shaken while in the area, and suffer a further -4 Penalty on Saving Throws against spells and effects from the school of Enchantment.

Creepy-Crawling (Su): starting at level two, whenever the Horror has deployed its Shadow Strands, it can climb through them weightlessly - even though the strands move with it. In essence, it can float through the air as though benefiting from an Air Walk effect.

Shadow Jump (Su): at every third level, the Horror adds sixty feet to its daily distance limit of Shadow Jump.

Improved Shadowstuff Armour (Su): at level four, the Shadowstuff Armour of the Horror is better than normal. The Deflection Bonus improves to +5, and it gains Evasion and a 20% Miss Chance (from Concealment) against all attacks. It still does not apply in daylight.

Slicing Strands (Su): the Shadow Strands of the fifth-level Horror damage people with them, slicing them open and allowing it to attack from any angle. Creatures in the area suffer 1d6 points of damage every round from a Magic Slashing Natural Weapon, and it may unleash its Bite attack against any creature within the area, not needing to actually reach them normally.

Vampiric Strands (Su): at level seven, the Shadow Strands don't just slice foes open, they siphon the blood directly towards the Horror, feeding it with the life of its victims. Any time any creature in the area (other than the Horror itself) suffers hit point damage, the Horror regains half that amount in healing (round down).

Greater Shadowstuff Armour (Su): at level eight, the Horror's Shadowstuff Armour improves yet again. The Deflection Bonus becomes +6, it grants Improved Evasion, and the Miss Chance improves to 50% (still from Concealment). The usual restrictions still apply.

New Feat:

Terrible Gaze [Monstrous]
Those who look into your eyes are afflicted by all sorts of things.
Requirements: Darkweaver
Benefits: you have a Gaze Attack out to 30 feet, with a Save DC of 10 + half your hit dice + your Charisma Bonus. Every time anybody fails the save against it, you may cause the effects of one of your [Mind-Affecting] Spell-Like Abilities still available to you - for instance imbuing a Suggestion in the first person, then Confusing the next one and so on. Each time this takes effect (affecting all viable targets as part of the same use), it will still expend a daily usage of the given effect.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Demon: Armanite
Fiendish Codex page 28. CR 7, level 8 - centaur-shaped.

Abyssal Siegebreaker
The Armanite is what happens when the Abyss tries to make a Centaur. You end up with a bad-tempered horse-person that charges about and smashes into things, so really any progression of these should involve charging about and smashing into things. In this case, it specifically smashes through barricades and enemy lines, and run things down so that others have an easier time following it. These are probably considered useful in the Blood War for creating openings, and join adventuring parties for Barbarian/Fighter/Knight type duties.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Ride, Search, Spot, Survival, Tumble
Proficiency: the Abyssal Siegebreaker gains proficiency with the Shortbow, Longbow, Spear (including all variants such as the Greatspear), Lance, Great Lance, Light Flail, Heavy Flail and all kinds of armour and shield.
1+1+2+2+0Destructive Charge, Great Stability
2+2+3+3+0Lightning Leap
3+3+3+3+1Unstoppable Force
4+4+4+4+1Crushing Might, Air Walk (2 hours per day)
6+6+5+5+2Charged Charge
7+7+5+5+2Banner Bearer
8+8+6+6+2Gigantic Beast, Air Walk (4 hours per day)
9+9+6+6+3Ruinous Impact
10+10+7+7+3Obliterating Charge
11+11+7+7+3Ghost Rush
12+12+8+8+4Air Walk (at will), Dreadful Charge

Destructive Charge (Ex): whenever the Abyssal Siegebreaker charges, he ignores all Hardness and Material-based Damage Reduction (ie Cold Iron, Silver, Adamantium, but not Good or Epic or -). Additionally, he deals maximum damage to unattended objects, even magical ones (although animated objects and Constructs are considered to be attended).

Great Stability (Ex): the Abyssal Siegebreaker is particularly good at keeping his footing – instead of the multiple legs being more things to keep track of, they just end up being more anchor points. Any attempt to Grab, Trip, Bullrush, Overrun or Lift him suffers a -4 Penalty, and he gains a +4 Bonus to attempts to Trip a foe who fails their own Trip attempt. Success on this Counter-Trip allows him to hit them instantly with two Hoof attacks as a Free Action, or Grapple them like that heel-hooking centaur.

Lightning Leap (Su): starting at level two, the Abyssal Siegebreaker is able to turn into bolts of lightning. When making a Charge attack, he may move at least ten feet but up to Long Range as a 5’ Wide Line, not needing to target the nearest foe and moving through intervening creatures like a Line effect. Creatures passed through suffer 10d6 Electricity damage with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Constitution Bonus). He does not pass through the target of the Charge, instead making his attack normally but granting it the Shocking Burst quality.

Unstoppable Force (Su): the third-level Abyssal Siegebreaker keeps moving and is almost impossible to stop. When Running or Charging, he has Freedom of Movement (although this takes effect when he starts the movement, and as such can’t be performed when already rendered unable to move), does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity, and can make a Break Attempt or damage roll on intervening [Force] effects with a Free Action – the DC is the same as that needed to Dispel the effect.

Crushing Might (Ex): starting at level four, the Abyssal Siegebreaker is best at destroying those at a lower elevation. If a foe is lower than he is, any successful melee attack allows a free Trip attempt and deals an additional 3d6 points of damage. A Lower foe is one that, between Size Categories and terrain height, reaches a lower total height (in 5’ squares). A Prone creature is always treated as lower, and a seated or kneeling creature halves its height. A mounted creature uses the Size of its mount, plus five feet.

Air Walk (Su): at levels four and eight, the Abyssal Siegebreaker gains more usage per day of his Air Walk ability. At level twelve, it can be used at will with no limit on usage.

Warpath (Ex): starting at level five, the Abyssal Siegebreaker can simply attack everyone in a straight line when charging – he chooses a final target within the normal range, not needing to select the nearest foe, and makes a single attack, directed at every foe he reaches at any point. This cannot be combined with Lightning Leap.

Charged Charge (Su): the sixth-level Abyssal Siegebreaker does not need to worry too much about terrain, and can simply charge through the air even when not using Air Walk, and likewise can charge through water as though he had a Swim speed equal to his land speed. Against Flying or Swimming foes, these charge attacks carry sparks of lightning that deal extra Electricity damage equal to his hit dice. This can be used in conjunction with either Warpath or Lightning Leap, but not both at once.

Banner Bearer (Su): as of level seven, as long as the Abyssal Siegebreaker is carrying a flag or banner that represents his army, he radiates an aura of Abyssal might that helps his forces: all of his allies within Line of Sight are always treated as being on their home plane for the purpose of Banishment, Dismissal and similar effects (but if not actually on their home plane they still do not face destruction when killed). Additionally, all of their Damage Reduction becomes DR X/- and they gain Fast Healing 1. These benefits apply to him as well, though the moment he is slain or knocked unconscious, the effects end entirely.

Gigantic Beast: at level eight, the Abyssal Siegebreaker grows Huge in size. This is treated as though he had advanced through hit dice, so the usual changes apply. Additionally, his size and might grant him a Trample special attack to use normally.

Ruinous Impact (Ex): the foes of a ninth-level Abyssal Siegebreaker are not immune to his Critical Hits, even if they normally are.

Obliterating Charge (Su): starting at level ten, the final target of the Abyssal Siegebreaker’s charge is in dire peril: if hit by the attack, they are subject to a Disintegrate effect with a Caster Level equal to the Siegebreaker’s hit dice, no limit to the damage dice, and a Save DC of 10 + half his hit dice + his Charisma Bonus. This can be used in conjunction with any of the other abilities.

Ghost Rush (Su): whenever the eleventh-level Abyssal Siegebreaker charges or runs, he may turn Incorporeal for the duration. Much like with Unstoppable Force, this requires him to be able to move first. His attacks have no Miss Chance against Incorporeal and Ethereal foes until the end of his turn, and against living targets each hit deals two Negative Levels. These only last until the next sunrise.

Doom Charge (Su): at level twelve, the charging might of the Abyssal Siegebreaker becomes all-powerful against specific enemies: when it charges, all of its attacks have the [Lawful] Outsider Dread epic property.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Demon: Arrow Demon
Monster Manual 3, page 34. CR 7, level 8

Abyssal Archer
Arrow Demons are archers, and that is a defensible life choice from the get-go. There are worse things you can choose to do than "fire arrows at people from any range", and if you're doing that with two bows at once, even better. Obviously, a class for such a thing is going to improve their archery and have elements of Arcane Archer to it.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Hide, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Spot
Proficiency: the Abyssal Archer is proficient with Light Armour, the Longbow, the Shortbow, the Greatbow, the Hand Crossbow, the Light Crossbow, the Heavy Crossbow, and any Composite or Repeating version that exists for any of the above.
1+1+0+2+2Infinite Arrows
2+2+0+3+3Burrowing Arrows
3+3+1+3+3Lightning Arrows
4+4+1+4+4Dispelling Arrows, Zone of Denial 15'
5+5+1+4+4Stunning Arrows
6+6+2+5+5Unholy Arrows
7+7+2+5+5Greater Symmetrical Archery
8+8+2+6+6Distant Shot, Zone of Denial 30'
9+9+3+6+6Swarm of Arrows
10+10+3+7+7Arrow Storm
11+11+3+7+7One Shot
12+12+4+8+8Arrows of Unholy Power, Zone of Denial 60'

Infinite Arrows (Su): the Abyssal Archer can conjure an arrow into its hand with a Free Action at will. This means it has an infinite supply of arrows, all with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up).

Burrowing Arrows (Su): once per round, the second-level Abyssal Archer may enhance one fired arrow to be a living, burrowing entity that crawls through the skin like a Linkin Park song – and leaving wounds that will not heal. Damage dealt by a burrowing arrow is Vile, and it continues to deal additional (Vile) damage every round thereafter, 1d6 per round until the subject receives either a Remove Disease, Dispel Evil, Heal or Greater Restoration effect, or a DC 25 Heal check that takes a Full Round Action. This doesn't heal the existing damage, however, it merely stops it from dealing more.

Lightning Arrows (Su): starting at level three, the Abyssal Archer may unleash arrows that are imbued with powerful electrical energy. One arrow per round may deal its damage as Electricity damage and arc out – making a Ranged Touch Attack (same attack bonus) and applying this to all other creatures within 15 feet of the original target. Any hit creature takes Electricity damage equal to 1d6 + the Enhancement Bonus of the
weapon. Alternatively, with a Standard Action at will, it may create a Chain Lightning effect with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice and a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Dispelling Arrows (Su): once per round, the fourth-level Abyssal Archer may fire one of its arrows as a magically dispelling one: if it hits its target, they are affected by a targeted version of a Greater Dispel Magic effect with a Caster Level equal to the Abyssal Archer’s hit dice.

Zone of Denial (Ex): starting at level four, the Abyssal Archer can make ranged Attacks of Opportunity out to fifteen feet, threatening the entire area. This is doubled to thirty feet at level eight, then again to sixty feet at level twelve.

Stunning Arrows (Su): once per round, the fifth-level Abyssal Archer may imbue an arrow with stunning magic. If hit, the target must pass a Will Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Stunned for one round.

Unholy Arrows (Su): starting at level six, every arrow the Abyssal Archer fires has the Unholy property. This is in addition to any other properties or special abilities affecting the ammunition.

Greater Symmetrical Archery (Ex): from level seven onwards, the Abyssal Archer takes no penalty from its Symmetrical Archery special attack, so it uses it all the time.

Distant Shot (Su): the eighth-level Abyssal Archer is able to fire ranged weapons out as far as it can see, completely ignoring Range Increments.

Swarm of Arrows (Su): the ninth-level Abyssal Archer can use a Full Round Action at will to bury a foe beneath a mountain of arrows. It makes one attack roll, which cannot threaten a Critical Hit. It then scores a number of hits equal to the attack roll minus the Armour Class of the foe (minimum zero), and subjects the foe to Distraction (like a Swarm attack), with a DC of 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This cannot be used in conjunction with Burrowing Arrows, Lightning Arrows, Dispelling Arrows, Stunning Arrows or Arrows of Unholy Power.

Arrow Storm (Su): starting at level ten, the Abyssal Archer is as dangerous to everyone it can see as it is to anyone it can see. With a Full Round Action, it may make one attack roll, and apply that against every single target within Line of Sight. It does not have to target a given creature in the area.

One Shot (Ex): the eleventh-level Abyssal Archer can use a Full Round Action at will to fire a single ranged attack against one foe. If the attack hits, it becomes a confirmed Critical Hit and deals maximum damage, including extra dice from other effects.

Arrows of Unholy Power (Su): once per round, the twelfth-level Abyssal Archer can imbue an arrow with extreme evil power, granting it the Unholy Power property rather than Unholy.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Demon: Babau
Monster Manual 1, page 40. CR 6, level 7

Abyssal Marauder
There comes a point where you get lazy with naming.
Babau are like Rogues to begin with. Roguelikes, if you will. The Abyssal Marauder is more of that, with slower Sneak Attack progression but a wide variety of Spell-Like Abilities (and Good BAB so more attacks and it kind of balances out). Additionally, its protective slime becomes more dangerous, and it becomes the ideal battlefield assassin for the Blood War, swimming through the Styx to attack Devilish foes. This absolutely fits the role of a Rogue or Assassin.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Decipher Script, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Profession (any), Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope
Proficiency: the Abyssal Marauder gains proficiency with all Simple Weapons, the Hand Crossbow, the Sap, the Rapier, the Kukhri, and Repeating Crossbows.
1+1+0+2+0Sneak Attack +1d6, Trap Finding, Spiderclimb at will, Absorb Mind 1/day
2+2+0+3+0Evasion, Shadow Double 3/day, Rooftop Strider at will
3+3+1+3+1Toxic Slime, Detect Scrying at will, Phantasmal Strangler 1/day
4+4+1+4+1Sneak Attack +2d6, Evil Glee, Hallucinatory Terrain 1/day
5+5+1+4+1Improved Evasion, Potent Slime, Assay Resistance 2/day, Devil's Eye 3/day
6+6+2+5+2Invisibility at will, Prying Eyes 3/day, Nightmare Terrain 1/day
7+7+2+5+2Sneak Attack +3d6, Opportunist, Retributive Image 2/day
8+8+2+6+2Necrotic Slime, Cloak of Shadows, Find the Gap 3/day
9+9+3+6+3Clinging Slime, Vile Sneak Attack, Vital Strike 3/day, Friend to Foe 2/day
10+10+3+7+3Sneak Attack +4d6, Rusted Blade at will, Flowsight 3/day
11+11+3+7+3Skill Mastery, Dimension Door 2/day, Spectral Touch at will, Probe Thoughts 3/day
12+12+4+8+4Blackwater Taint 1/day, Ashen Union 1/day, Unseen Strike at will
13+13+4+8+4Sneak Attack +5d6, Vulnerability at will, Shadow Form at will, Undeath to Death at will

Sneak Attack (Ex): at level 1, the Abyssal Marauder's Sneak Attack ability increases by 1d6. Every three levels thereafter, this increases by 1d6.

Trap Finding (Ex): the Abyssal Marauder can find and disarm traps regardless of the DC and whether they are magic, just like a Rogue can.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as it gains levels, the Abyssal Marauder learns a variety of horrifying new Spell-Like Abilities to help it wage war on Baator via the River Styx – or just run about the Prime sowing death and destruction. Any Caster Level equals its hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Evasion (Ex): at second level, the Abyssal Maruader gains Evasion like a Rogue.

Toxic Slime (Ex): at third level, the acidic slime coating the Abyssal Marauder also acts as a potent toxin. Anybody suffering damage from it (or who for some reason tries eating it) is affected by Poison (Constitution-based Save DC). The Primary damage is 1 point of Ability Damage to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution. It has no Secondary effect.

Evil Glee (Ex): the fourth-level Abyssal Marauder can perform a Coup de Gras with just an Attack Action. Any time it does this, it gains Fast Healing 1 for a number of rounds equal to the Challenge Rating of the subject. Creatures with only a partial CR do not grant any Fast Healing.

Potent Slime (Ex): at level five, the acidic slime of the Abyssal Marauder increases the damage dealt to 2d8, plus 1d8 per 2 class levels (round down).

Opportunist (Ex): at level seven, the Abyssal Marauder gains the Opportunist ability from the Rogue Special Ability list.

Necrotic Slime (Su): the eighth-level Abyssal Marauder excretes a necrotic slime that causes rapid decay, reducing the flesh of attackers to a slime of similar consistency to its own. The Poison increases to dealing 2 points of Strength, Dexterity and Constitution Damage, and grants Immunity to all Conjuration (Healing) effects for one hour. The latter effect is a Curse and can be removed as such, but is unaffected by Neutralize Poison.

Cloak of Shadows (Su): at level eight, the Abyssal Marauder pulls shadows around its body for protection, even though its favourite enemy – Devilkind – can see straight through it. This just helps when fighting other things. The Concealment grants it a +4 Bonus to Hide checks and a 20% Miss Chance against attacks.

Clinging Slime (Ex): whenever someone suffers damage from the acid of the ninth-level Abyssal Marauder, they suffer damage again on the following round – 2d6 Acid plus 1d6 per 2 class levels (round down), and suffer from the Poison again. This will only happen once per target per round no matter how many times they hit, and they can prevent this by spending a Full Round Action scraping the acidic slime off.

Vile Sneak Attack (Ex): whenever the ninth-level Abyssal Marauder delivers a Sneak Attack, the extra damage is all Vile damage.

Skill Mastery (Ex): at level eleven, the Abyssal Marauder gains Skill Mastery, as the Special Ability of a Rogue.

New Feat:

Fiendish Trickery [Monstrous]
Sometimes even the most dangerous of creatures must learn techniques stolen from mortal creatures and the combat styles they develop.
Requirement: Babau
Benefit: imagine you were a Human Koumei Rogue of a level equal to your total level. Select a single Exploit or Device you could have at that level. You now have access to it, using your character level in place of any reference to class level. In the case of Devices, you only have a Capacity equal to your Intelligence Bonus.
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