Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

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Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Hag: Marzana (Winter)
It's Cold Outside, page 144. CR 6, level 7.

Dweller Within the Frost
The Dweller Within the Frost is the natural advancement for Winter Hags, improving their magical abilities and their Dreadful Eye. They gain a little more combat ability as well, but they should still be thought of as Cold and Necromancy-based casters, merely with some options for when foes get in close.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim
1+0+2+0+2Animate Dead 3/day, Frost Touch, Icicle at will
2+1+3+0+3Blood Snow at will, Dream 1/day, Mirage Arcana 1/day, Slow Consumption at will
3+2+3+1+3Absorb Mind 1/day, Absorb Strength 1/day, Power Leech 1/day, Spiritwall 1/day
4+3+4+1+4Veil 1/day, Ice Flowers 3/day, Slowing Rend, Dreadful Eye 4/day
5+3+4+1+4Dreadful Eye (Icy Terror), Death Hail 3/day, Entomb 1/day
6+4+5+2+5Control Weather 1/day, Forcecage 1/day
7+5+5+2+5Dream 3/day, Mirage Arcana 3/day, Dreadful Eye 5/day
8+6+6+2+6Snow Wave at will, Mind Blank 1/day, Veil 3/day, Symbol of Weakness 1/day
9+6+6+3+6Numbing Nails, Whiteout 1/day, Raise Ice Forest 3/day
10+7+7+3+7Dreadful Eye (Tiring Madness), Control Weather 3/day, Forcecage 3/day
11+8+7+3+7Frozen Breath, Insanity 3/day, Frostfell 1/day, Bestow Greater Curse 1/day
12+9+8+4+8Mind Blank 3/day, Summon Giants 1/day, Dreadful Eye at will
13+9+8+4+8Plague of Undead 1/day, Dire Winter 1/day

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Dweller Within the Frost gains a variety of Spell-Like Abilities as she progresses. The Caster Level equals her hit dice and any Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Frost Touch (Su): the Dweller Within the Frost is icy cold to the touch. Any creature that hits her with a Natural Weapon or non-reach melee weapon suffers an amount of Cold damage equal to her class level. Additionally, her Claw attacks each deal 1d6 extra Cold damage, and her Rend deals an added 2d6 points of Cold damage.

Slowing Rend (Su): whenever the fourth-level Dweller Within the Frost delivers her Rend attack, the opponent is Slowed until the start of the Dweller’s next turn as the cold seeps through their body. Creatures Immune to Cold damage are Immune to this, whereas creatures Vulnerable to Cold damage are Slowed for two turns.

Dreadful Eye (Su): at level four, the Dweller Within the Wastes gains an extra daily use of her Dreadful Eye ability. She gains another use per day at level seven, and at level twelve she may simply use the ability as often as she pleases – which turns out to be a lot. Furthermore, as she gains levels, it becomes more powerful.

At level five, any creature that fails the initial Will Save is automatically Slowed for two minutes, and any time they try to sleep before the next New Moon, must pass another Will Save (same DC) against a Nightmare effect.

At level ten, any creature that fails the initial Will Save but passes the Fort Save is rendered Insane (as per the Insanity spell) instead of Panicked, and after ten rounds they must pass another Fortitude Save (same DC) or become Exhausted. On a successful save they merely become Fatigued. Both effects can be ended by resting normally, though that might be difficult given the Insanity and Nightmare.

Numbing Nails (Su): at level nine, the frosty claws of the Dweller Within the Frost are even more damaging, and can render limbs completely useless and without feeling. Each successful Claw attack deals two points of Dexterity damage in addition to regular damage, as does her Rend. Immunity to Cold damage grants Immunity to this Ability Damage, and Vulnerability results in the amount of Ability Damage being doubled.

Frozen Breath (Su): at level eleven, the Dweller Within the Frost gains a powerful breath weapon, able to freeze people completely solid with an exhalation. Once per five rounds, she may unleash a 60’ Cone effect that creates a Freezing Fog effect in the area, lasting until the start of her next turn. Any foe within the area that is Slowed, Fatigued or Exhausted must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Constitution Bonus) or be Paralyzed until they thaw out – all the while unable to breathe.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Hag: Sea
Monster Manual, page 144. CR 4, level 5.

Dweller Within the Deep
Hags usually like to cast Spell-Like Abilities. In the case of the Dweller in the Deep, that means not only casting spells that help them eat others, but also spells that manipulate water. They make good offensive spellcasters, and indeed that's almost the entirety of their powers aside from a little deception.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Geography, Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Swim
1+0+2+0+2Animate Dead 1/day, Bestow Curse 1/day, Alternate Form
2+1+3+0+3Drowning Touch, Sea Hag's Transformation, Preserve Organ at will
3+2+3+1+3Evil Eye (Nightmares), Slow Consumption at will, Absorb Mind 1/day
4+3+4+1+4Dream 1/day, Mirage Arcana 1/day, Absorb Strength 1/day
5+3+4+1+4Extract Brine, Blackwater Tentacle 1/day, Power Leech 1/day
6+4+5+2+5Veil 1/day, Animate Dead 3/day, Bestow Curse 3/day
7+5+5+2+5Evil Eye (Deception), Blackwater Taint 1/day
8+6+6+2+6Control Weather 1/day, Forcecage 1/day
9+6+6+3+6Dream 3/day, Mirage Arcana 3/day, Dark Tide 1/day
10+7+7+3+7Mind Blank 1/day, Veil 3/day, Red Tide 1/day, Symbol of Pain 1/day
11+8+7+3+7Bestow Greater Curse 3/day, Maelstrom 1/day, Steal Life 1/day
12+9+8+4+8Control Weather 3/day, Forcecage 3/day
13+9+8+4+8Evil Eye (Receptacle), Insanity 3/day
14+10+9+4+9Mind Blank 3/day, Summon Giants 1/day
15+11+9+5+9Rapture of the Deep 1/day, Mass Drown 1/day

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Dweller Within the Deep gains various Spell-Like Abilities over time. The Caster Level equals her hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Alternate Form (Su): the Dweller Within the Deep is able to alter her shape as though by Disguise Self at will. She can assume any Humanoid or Monstrous Humanoid form in this way, and doing so suppresses her Horrific Appearance.

Drowning Touch (Su): starting at level two, the Dweller Within the Deep can bestow the ocean to people and cause them to start drowning with a single touch. She just needs to succeed on a Melee Touch Attack, and then the foe needs to pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus) or become Staggered and suffer non-lethal damage equal to their maximum hit points. Those who fail must also attempt to save again on their next turn (same DC) or drop to -1 Hit Points and begin Dying.

Sea Hag’s Transformation (Su): the second-level Dweller Within the Deep gains the ability to Wild Shape like a Druid with a level equal to her hit dice. This affects the maximum hit dice, the size, the duration and the number of uses per day. However, she does not gain Plant or Elemental shapes, and she may only transform into creatures with the [Aquatic] or [Amphibious] Subtype.

Evil Eye (Su): the Evil Eye of the Dweller Within the Deep can do more as she develops, gaining additional powers over those who succumb to its effects. At level three, an afflicted creature will suffer from a Nightmare spell every time they sleep until they receive a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment or Dispel Evil effect.

At level seven, an afflicted creature is Dominated for three rounds if they fail the initial Will Save, only becoming Dazed after that duration expires.

At level thirteen, while they are Dazed by the effect, they become the ideal host and she may possess them (as though by Magic Jar, without needing to store a soul in a jar) at will. This suppresses their being Dazed, though when the duration expires and they would regain their senses, her presence is expelled from their body and returns to her own.

Extract Brine (Su): the fifth-level Dweller Within the Deep can attempt to pull the saltwater out of targets and animate them as blobs of deadly brine. Once per target per day, she may attempt a Melee Touch Attack and, if it hits, the target takes 1d10 Dessiccation damage per level with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus). If a creature is slain by this and has at least twelve hit dice, a Brine Ooze is permanently created. Such a creature is under the Dweller’s control for an hour before wandering off to do its own thing.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Hag: Shrieking
Unapproachable East, page 64. CR 10, level 11.

Dweller Within the Mountains
Hags are always bad news. They cause trouble and strife for everyone near them, and in the case of the Shrieking Hag, that is "people travelling near mountains" - who already need to prepare for danger. The Dweller Within the Mountains has powers similar to other advanced Hags, but beyond this, her shrieking ability is particularly maddening and deadly. She also excels at using abilities to hurl people off cliff-faces, causing them to fall to their deaths.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Hide, Knowledge (Geography, Nature), Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
1+1+2+2+0Create Undead 1/day, Bestow Curse 3/day, Vertigo at will
2+2+3+3+0Control Weather 1/day, Mind Blank 1/day, Transmute Stone to Sand 1/day
3+3+3+3+1Echoed Voice, Dream 3/day, Mirage Arcana 3/day, Battering Ram at will
4+4+4+4+1Veil 3/day, Bestow Greater Curse 1/day, Symbol of Spell Loss 1/day
5+5+4+4+1Vertigo Field 3/day, Earthquake 1/day, Bombardment 1/day
6+6+5+5+2Control Weather 3/day, Forcecage 3/day
7+7+5+5+2Horrifying Shrieking, Insanity 3/day
8+8+6+6+2Mind Blank 3/day, Summon Giants 1/day
9+9+6+6+3Murderous Shriek, Reverse Gravity 1/day, Transmute Rock to Lava 1/day

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Dweller Within the Mountains learns a lot of new Spell-Like Abilities, much like other Hags do. The Caster Level for all of her Spell-Like Abilities equals her hit dice, and any Save DC is 8 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Echoed Voice (Su): starting at level three, the Dweller Within the Mountains can bring her voice to bear more often. Instead of just being three times per day, her Shriek can be used once per ten minutes. Additionally, it initially deals 4d6 damage, with another 2d6 the following round, and 1d6 the round after that – those that pass their Saving Throw do not take the ongoing damage.

Horrifying Shrieking (Su): at level seven, the Shriek of the Dweller Within the Mountains is more deadly. Any creature that fails the saving throw is Dazed for one round and Confused for 2d6 rounds, as well as taking 1 point of Wisdom Damage for every 1d6 points of damage suffered by the Shriek. The initial damage increases to 6d6 (halved on a successful save as usual, which prevents ongoing damage), then 4d6 the round after, then 2d6 after that, then 1d6 on the fourth round.

Murderous Shriek (Su): whenever the ninth-level Dweller Within the Mountains uses her Shriek ability, creatures that fail their Saving Throw must make another Fortitude Save one round later at the same DC. Failure results in them being slain instantly. This is a [Sonic] [Death] effect.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual, page 150. CR 4, level 5.

Harpy Archer
The term "Harpy Archer" has sort of become a stand-in for "anything that's too hard for a basic sword-wielding idiot fighter to handle", because at early levels you can give a Harpy a bow and then Angry McHackenslash can go fuck himself. However the fact is, Harpies do make great archers, so this is a Prestige Class just for that, filling a Rangery sort of role.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Nature), Listen, Move Silently, Perform (Sing), Ride, Spot, Survival
Proficiencies: the Harpy Archer is proficient with Light Armour, and all Simple and Martial Weapons
1+1+2+2+0Distracting Shot, Rapid Shot, Animal Companion
2+2+3+3+0Sneak Attack +1d6
3+3+3+3+1Suppressive Fire
4+4+4+4+1Magic Arrow
5+5+4+4+1Warning Shot
6+6+5+5+2Sneak Attack +2d6
7+7+5+5+2Greater Rapid Shot
8+8+6+6+2Inspire Animal Companion
9+9+6+6+3Overhead Arrow
10+10+7+7+3Sneak Attack +3d6
11+11+7+7]+3Accelerating Descent
12+12+8+8+4Crippling Strike
13+13+8+8+4Curse Song
14+14+9+9+4Sneak Attack +4d6
15+15+9+9+5Meteoric Arrows

Distracting Shot (Ex): whenever the Harpy Archer hits an enemy with a ranged attack, she is considered to be flanking that enemy for the purpose of her allies’ attacks until the start of her next turn.

Rapid Shot: the Harpy Archer gains Rapid Shot as a Bonus Feat.

Animal Companion: the Harpy Archer gains an Animal Companion like a Druid with a level equal to her Class Level plus five. Additionally, whatever the animal is, it is Immune to her Fascinating song.

Sneak Attack (Ex): at level two, the Harpy Archer gains 1d6 Sneak Attack like a Rogue. Every four levels thereafter, this increases by another 1d6.

Suppressive Fire (Ex): starting at third level, the Harpy Archer can deny ground to areas. With a Standard Action she designates a 10’ radius area within the first Range Increment, and until the start of her next turn, she can make ranged Attacks of Opportunity into it. Foes can provoke from her in the normal ways, and also for making attacks while in that area.

Magic Arrow (Su): the fourth-level Harpy Archer has an infinite supply of magical arrows – she conjures them as part of drawing the bowstring. The arrows have an Enhancement Bonus equal to a third of her hit dice (round up).

Warning Shot (Ex): starting at level five, the Harpy Archer can use a Standard Action to fire a “warning shot” at a target. In the face. This requires a ranged attack, and if it hits, it deals damage as normal but also forces the target to Cower for for one round.

Greater Rapid Shot: at level seven, the Harpy Archer gains Greater Rapid Shot as a Bonus Feat.

Inspire Animal Companion (Su): starting at level eight, the Harpy Archer can inspire her animal companion to great acts – but only her animal companion, nobody else. It requires a Full Round Action to begin singing, but after that, only a Move-Equivalent Action each round to maintain. She can grant it any of the following:
  • Healing: the animal companion has Fast Healing equal to half the Harpy Archer’s class level.
  • Speed: the animal companion is Hasted.
  • Resilience: the animal companion gains a Stoneskin effect.
Using Inspiration ends her Fascinating song and vice versa.

Overhead Arrow (Ex): as long as the ninth-level Harpy Archer is at a higher elevation than her target, her ranged attacks ignore Cover.

Accelerating Descent (Ex): starting at level eleven, whenever the Harpy Archer is at a higher elevation than her target she enjoys a doubled Threat Range and Critical Multiplier.

Crippling Shot (Ex): whenever the twelfth-level Harpy Archer delivers Sneak Attack damage to someone, it also deals 2 points of Strength damage, and until the start of her next turn the target is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against her Animal Companion’s attacks.

Curse Song (Su): at thirteenth level, the Harpy Archer can use a Standard Action to curse enemies within earshot. This ends her Inspiration and Fascinating songs, but effects everything that was Fascinated when she started using the ability. This causes the enemies to become Slowed and Blind for one minute, and suffering 10 points of ongoing damage each round for the duration. To keep the effects going throughout the minute, she must spend a Swift Action each turn and not use her Fascinating song or Inspiration.

Meteoric Arrows (Su): at level fifteen, the Harpy Archer can fire out Meteors (as Meteor Swarm) or Comets (as Comet Fall) instead of arrows - just unleashing them without needing to carry giant space rocks around. She can choose to fire arrows normally, or individual meteors or comets, on a shot-by-shot basis.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Harpy Chord
The Harpy Chord is obviously a pun, and it was going to be either a garotte-style weapon they wield or a Prestige Class to enhance their singing abilities. This is a Bard sort of class, with partial casting abilities and a number of inspirations and songs that cause various effects.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Perform (any), Sense Motive, Spellcraft
1+0+0+2+2Inspire Fatigue2nd Level
2+1+0+3+3Song of Despair2nd Level
3+2+1+3+3Inspire Thunder2nd Level
4+3+1+4+4Song of Nightmare3rd Level
5+3+1+4+4Inspire Defence3rd Level
6+4+2+5+5Song of Idiocy3rd Level
7+5+2+5+5Inspire Toughness4th Level
8+6+2+6+6Song of Weakness4th Level
9+6+3+6+6Inspire Healing4th Level
10+7+3+7+7Song of Stone5th Level
11+8+3+7+7Inspire Slowing5th Level
12+9+4+8+8Song of Death5th Level
13+9+4+8+8Inspire Storms6th Level
14+10+4+9+9Song of Captivity6th Level
15+11+5+9+9Inspire Planar Breach6th Level

Inspire Fatigue (Su): as long as she is not already using a Song (such as her Captivating Song ability or those granted by this class) or using the Perform skill in some other manner (including any other Inspire ability granted by this class), the Harpy Chord may inspire weariness in her foes. She makes a Perform check, and may affect enemies out to that number multiplied by five feet, and may effect that number of enemies as a maximum. As long as she spends a Move-Equivalent Action continuing the performance each round, the enemies remain affected (even if they leave the range) as though Fatigued. When she ceases the performance, the effect goes away.

Spellsong (Sp): every level, the Harpy Chord gains access to a Spellsong – a Spell-Like Ability which is drawn from the Bard spell list and can be cast once per day. The Caster Level equals her hit dice, any Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus, and the maximum Spell Level is listed on the table above. In order to cast a Spellsong, she must begin singing on that turn – combining the Verbal components and Casting Time into the same action. However this means she has to stop any ongoing Songs or other performances before she can cast.

Song of Despair (Su): a number of times per day equal to her level, the second-level Harpy Chord may overlay a Crushing Despair effect on her Captivating Song. She may elect to not use the regular effect at all (thus allowing it to be used on targets that cannot be affected by Captivating Song), or can use both at once. It affects the same area and has the same Save DC, but this is a [Mind-Affecting] [Sonic] [Compulsion] effect. The effects last for 1 round per level. Only one Song can be overlaid onto her Captivating Song at a time.

Inspire Thunder (Su): starting at level three, as long as she is not already using a Song or using the Perform skill, the Harpy Chord may convince thunder to crash against her surroundings. With a Full Round Action she makes a Perform check, and creates a Call Lightning Storm effect with a Caster Level equal to her Perform skill bonus (not the roll). This deals Sonic damage instead of Electricity. If she rolls 25 or more for the check, the bolts deal 5d10 damage instead. The effect will continue as long as she keeps spending a Move-Equivalent Action each turn to continue the performance. The Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Song of Nightmare (Su): at fourth level, a Harpy Chord gains a new ability. A number of times per day equal to her class level, she may overlay a Phantasmal Killer effect onto her Captivating Song. It affects every single target, and she may elect to not use the regular effect at all, or can use both at once. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Sonic] [Fear] effect, with the same Save DC, and an Instantaneous duration. Only one Song can be overlaid at a time.

Inspire Defence (Su): starting at level five, as long as she is not already using a Song or using the Perform skill, the Harpy Chord can improve the overall defences of her party. It takes a Standard Action to begin inspiring, but after that, it simply takes a Move-Equivalent Action to continue each round. For the duration, this affects her and all allies within earshot, and each affected person can use an Immediate Action each round to parry a single attack: they make a melee attack roll (she may instead make a Perform: Dance or Acting check) and, if the roll is higher than that of the incoming attack, the attack is knocked aside harmlessly.

Song of Idiocy (Su): at sixth level, a Harpy Chord gains a new sonic ability. A number of times per day equal to her class level, she may overlay a Feeblemind effect onto her Captivating Song. It affects every target in the area, and she may elect to not use the regular effect at all, or can use both at once. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Sonic] [Compulsion] effect, with the same Save DC, and an Instantaneous duration. Arcane Spellcasters take a -4 Penalty to the Saving Throw against this effect. Only one Song can be overlaid at a time.

Inspire Toughness (Su): starting at level seven, as long as she is not already using a Song or using the Perform skill, the Harpy Chord can bless the party by using a Standard Action. After that, it takes a Move-Equivalent Action each round, and for the duration, the Harpy Chord and all of her allies in earshot gain Immunities based on her ranks in any one Perform skill the Harpy Chord has:
  • 0+: Sickened
  • 4+: Fatigued
  • 8+: Nauseated
  • 12+: Ability Damage
  • 16+: Ability Drain/Level Drain
  • 20+: [Death] effects
Song of Weakness (Su): at eighth level, a Harpy Chord gains a new sonic ability. A number of times per day equal to her class level, she may overlay an Enervation effect onto her Captivating Song. It affects all creatures within the area, and she may elect to not use the regular effect at all, or use both at once. This is a [Sonic] effect, with the same Save DC, and an Instantaneous duration. Only one Song can be overlaid at a time.

Inspire Healing (Su): the ninth-level Harpy Chord is able to bless her party with an inspiring performance, as long as she is not already using a Song or the Perform skill. This requires a Standard Action to begin, but after that it simply takes a Swift Action to resume each turn. While it is in effect, the Harpy Chord gains Fast Healing equals to half her total in any one Perform skill (round down), and she bestows this onto all allies within earshot as well.

Song of Stone (Su): at tenth level, a Harpy Chord gains a new sonic ability. A number of times per day equal to her class level, she may overlay a Flesh to Stone effect onto her Captivating Song. It affects all creatures within the area, and she may elect to not use the regular effect at all, or use both at once. This is a [Sonic] effect, with the same Save DC and an Instantaneous duration. Only one Song can be overlaid at a time.

Inspire Slowing (Su): the eleventh-level Harpy Chord can slow people at will as long as she is not already using a Song or the Perform skill. She uses a Standard Action, and then all enemies within Close Range (with a Caster Level equal to her ranks in one Perform skill) are afflicted with a Slow effect, lasting for a number of rounds equal to her total in any one Perform skill. The Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Song of Death (Su): at level twelve, a Harpy Chord gains a new sonic ability. Once per day, she can overlay a Power Word: Kill effect onto her Captivating Song, as though targeted at every single enemy within the area. She may elect to not use the regular effect at all, or use both at once. This is a [Sonic] [Death] [Compulsion] [Mind-Affecting] effect with an Instantaneous duration. Only one Song can be overlaid at a time.

Inspire Storms (Su): the thirteenth-level Harpy Chord may cast Control Weather at will, as long as she is not already using a Song or the Perform skill. She spends the full ten minutes performing, unable to take any other action, and then the effects go ahead as normal out to a 2 mile radius. If she continues to perform for the extra ten minutes of waiting time and through the storm, she may in fact direct any aspect such as where lightning strikes.

Song of Captivity (Su): at level fourteen, the Harpy Chord gains her final sonic ability. Once per day, she can overlay a Dominate Monster effect onto her Captivating Song. It affects all creatures within the area, and she may elect to not use the regular effect at all, or use both at once. This is a [Sonic] [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effect with the same Save DC and a duration of one hour per level. Only one Song can be overlaid at a time.

Inspire Planar Breach (Su): the fifteenth-level Harpy Chord may spend an hour performing a special song at will, providing she is not already using a Song or the Perform skill. On completion, she creates a Gate (travel-version) as the spell, or a planar breach – as Precipitate Breach or Precipitate Complete Breach.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Hell Hound
Monster Manual, page 151. CR 3, level 4 - no thumbs, and doesn't speak

Nessian Warhound
The Nessian Warhound is what you get when you want your Hell Hound to be more of a fiery monster with fangs, but it is also what you get when you want your Hell Hound to gain options and abilities, and not just be a Fiendish Brute. So you get a handful of Spell-Like Abilities, you get scarier breath that scales, you get fear effects, you get a really dangerous bite, and you even get some Summoning. But you're still a fairly brutish fighter that attacks in close combat and survives some attacks. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, the Nessian Warhound is still a good dog.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble
1+1+2+2+2Fiendish Intellect, Devil Dog
2+2+3+3+3Scorching Flames, Summon Hell Louse
3+3+3+3+3Leader of the Pack, Shield Other 1/day
4+4+4+4+4Shadow Stalker, Guard Dog
5+5+4+4+4Breath of Hellfire, Dismissal 1/day
6+6+5+5+5Big Dog, Smoky Form
7+7+5+5+5Murderous Fangs
8+8+6+6+6Howl of Terror, Banishing Bite
9+9+6+6+6Vile Infection, Fleshshiver 1/day
10+10+7+7+7Breath of Doom, Inside Dog
11+11+7+7+7Sickening Crunch
12+12+8+8+8Planar Guard Dog, Lethal Flames
13+13+8+8+8Planar Tunnelling, Demon Dirge 1/day
14+14+9+9+9Howl of Doom
15+15+9+9+9Scarring Flames
16+16+10+10+10Guardian at the Gate

Fiendish Intellect (Ex): the Nessian Warhound is, thankfully, smarter than most Hell Hounds. Its Intelligence and Charisma scores each increase by 4 and it gains the ability to talk, speaking Common and either Infernal or Abyssal as Automatic languages. It can learn any other Planar language as a Bonus Language.

Devil Dog (Ex): the Nessian Warhound gains all [Baatezu] traits (and the actual Subtype). This means it gains a Summon ability, which is a 100% chance of summoning 1d4 Fiendish Wolves.

Scorching Flames (Su): at level two, the Nessian Warhound’s Breath Weapon improves. It now deals 1d6 damage per hit die, and on a failed save the target catches fire. Additionally, its Fiery Bite delivers 1d8 Fire damage.

Summon Hell Louse (Sp): even the fleas of the Nessian Warhound are evil and destructive. Once per day, the second-level Nessian Warhound can summon a single Hell Louse (Fiendish Codex 2) with a 100% chance of success. For every level thereafter, an additional one appears.

Leader of the Pack (Sp): starting at level three, the Warhound’s Summon ability improves. It summons one Fiendish Dire Wolf or one Hell Hound, plus one per two levels thereafter. The summoned creatures have the same Base Attack Bonus as the Nessian Warhound, and a +4 Profane Bonus to attack and damage rolls, but are otherwise normal for their kind.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): over time, the Nessian Warhound learns a small collection of Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Shadow Stalker (Su): starting at level four, the Nessian Warhound can see and hear Incorporeal and Ethereal creatures as though they lacked those traits. It can also see Invisible creatures as though they were in fact Visible.

Guard Dog (Ex): any ally adjacent to the fourth-level Nessian Warhound is treated as being in Cover, gaining all the benefits thereof. Furthermore, attacking those allies provokes an Attack of Opportunity from the Nessian Warhound if it threatens the attacker’s square.

Breath of Hellfire (Su): starting at level five, half the Nessian Warhound’s Fiery Breath damage is Untyped. Additionally, creatures that are set on fire by it must pass a Will Save (same DC as the Ref Save) or Panic for 1d4+1 rounds.

Big Dog (Ex): at level six, the Nessian Warhound grows to Large Size. This grants it +2 to Strength and Constitution, +1 to Natural Armour, and +10’ to its movement speed. Its Fiery Bite increases to 2d6 Fire damage.

Smoky Form (Su): starting at sixth level, the Nessian Warhound can turn itself into a thick, choking smoke at will. This requires a Full Round Action, as does changing back. While in this smoky form, it functions as though under a Gaseous Form effect, but it is quite visible and blocks vision just like real smoke, and any creature sharing any squares with it is unable to breathe. Creatures with the [Good] Subtype can't even hold their breath when in this smoke - they must begin making checks against suffocation.

Murderous Fangs (Ex): the fangs of the seventh-level Nessian Warhound are worse than most. They deal damage as though one size larger and have a Critical rating of 19-20/x3. They also become Magic Weapons, gaining an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per three hit dice (round up). Any foe hit must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Staggered.

Howl of Terror (Su): once per hour, the eighth-level Warhound can infuse its howl with terrifying energy. With a Full Round Action it howls to its infernal patrons, and all creatures within Long Range must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those who fail Panic for one minute, and are then Shaken for the next hour. This is a [Sonic] [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] effect.

Banishing Bite (Su): starting at level eight, any time the Nessian Warhound bites a creature not native to its current plane, the foe must attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus). Those who fail are ripped firmly from their current plane and ejected to their home plane, as though by a Banishment spell.

Vile Infection (Ex): any time the ninth-level Nessian Warhound bites someone, they have a chance of contracting a deadly disease. Those bitten who fail their Fortitude Save against being Staggered also contract Devil Chills, and immediately suffer from ability damage.

Breath of Doom (Su): whenever the tenth-level Nessian Warhound uses its fiery breath weapon, it generates creepy clouds of scary fog inside its lungs. On the following round, it may exhale a Doomtide effect. The Save DC is the same as for its regular Breath Weapon.

Inside Dog (Su): starting at level ten, the Nessian Warhound belongs inside, and is hard to keep out. It can move freely through [Force] effects as though they weren’t there. Additionally, once per day it may create a Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion effect.

Sickening Crunch (Ex): whenever the eleventh-level Nessian Warhound bites somebody, it shatters their bones and bends their armour out of place. Each successful Bite attack deals 2 points of Strength damage, and lowers the Armour Bonus of the target by 2 (to a minimum of 0). Nonmagical armour is destroyed when reduced to zero, whereas magical armour merely requires time to be spent donning it again so it fits properly once more.

Planar Guard Dog (Su): no Demon (whether [Tanar’ri], [Obyrith] or whatever) is able to be Summoned to any place within sixty feet of the twelfth-level Nessian Warhound. The Summoning attempt merely fails, but is still used up.

Lethal Flames (Su): starting at level twelve, the fiery breath of the Nessian Warhound burns through the essence of its victims. The Breath weapon deals 1d6 points of Constitution damage in addition to the other damage.

Planar Tunnelling (Su): dogs are good at digging, and the Nessian Warhound is no different. Upon reaching thirteenth level, it may create a travel-version of the Gate spell once per day.

Howl of Doom (Su): starting at level fourteen, when the Nessian Warhound unleashes its Howl of Terror, it Banishes all non-[Baatezu] Outsiders in the area that fail their save – this is not a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] effect, and applies even if the rest of the effect does not. Furthermore, mortals who fail the save and are subject to the effects must then pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) on the following round or die instantly.

Scarring Flames (Su): the damage of the fifteenth-level Nessian Warhound’s Breath Weapon is all Vile damage. Additionally, the flames scar not just people, but the landscape, tunnelling through the land in the area of effect. After that, a Permanent Desecration effect is left behind in the area, as is a Permanent Deeper Darkness effect.

Guardian at the Gate (Ex): upon reaching sixteenth level, the Nessian Warhound takes on the traits of a particularly well-known Hell Hound, growing two extra heads. This provides it with two additional Primary Bite attacks (with all the effects of the others), Improved Multiattack as a Bonus Feat, two additional Breath Weapons (all are used at the same time, targeting different areas), a +4 Bonus on Listen, Spot and Search checks, and a +2 Bonus to Initiative checks. It also won’t die if only one or two heads are chopped off.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Haraknin are fiendish creations of the Nine Hells - Hell Hounds that have been altered to adopt human form and take to the fields of battle as violent berserkers. Although some of their best abilities work best in Hell Hound form, the fact is they can wander around town and talk to people while looking like a human - and can also hold weapons and open doors, not needing to sit and scratch and whine.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Disguise, Escape Artist, Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble
Proficiencies: the Haraknin is proficient with Simple and Martial Weapons, and Light Armour
1+1+0+2+0Alternate Form, Command Hell Hounds, Rage, Fast Healing 1
2+2+0+3+0Combat Movement +10', Rage Dice +1d6
3+3+1+3+1Relentless Tracking, Evasive Scramble
4+4+1+4+1Combat Movement +20', Rage Dice +2d6
5+5+1+4+1Fast Healing 5, Great Bite
6+6+2+5+2Combat Movement +25', Rage Dice +3d6
7+7+2+5+2Planar Tracking, Great Life
8+8+2+6+2Combat Movement +30', Rage Dice +4d6, Beshadowed Assault
9+9+3+6+3Summon Hell Hounds
10+10+3+7+3Combat Movement +35', Rage Dice +5d6, Fast Healing 10
11+11+3+7+3Primal Assault, Act Without Thought
12+12+4+8+4Combat Movement +40', Rage Dice +6d6
13+13+4+8+4Hellevator Access, Savagery
14+14+4+9+4Combat Movement +45', Rage Dice +7d6
15+15+5+9+5Fast Healing 15, Hide in Plain Sight
16+16+5+10+5Combat Movement +50', Rage Dice +8d6

Alternate Form (Su): the Haraknin can assume any Humanoid form at will. Although a physical change, this is mostly a disguise – the creature can speak Common, Infernal and Abyssal and can wear clothes and walk around on its back legs and hold weapons and tools, and cannot use its Natural Weapons, however its Ability Scores and other abilities do not change. It even retains its Natural Armour and Damage Reduction. When going back to its natural form, Attuned items remain attuned, with armour turning into barding and shields and weapons simply vanishing until it takes on human form again. Other items like capes and necklaces will re-shape to remain on the body and in effect.

Command Hell Hounds (Sp): the Haraknin can command lessers of its own type as it pleases. Even those that don’t wish to follow its orders are compelled to – it can cast Greater Command, Mass Suggestion, Charm Monster and Dominate Monster at will on Hell Hounds. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Rage (Ex): when doing melee damage to a foe or being struck by a foe, a Haraknin may choose to enter a Rage as an Immediate Action. While Raging, it gains a +2 Morale Bonus to attack and damage rolls in melee combat and may apply any Rage Dice it has to its melee damage rolls and the damage rolls of its Fiery Breath. It also gains a +2 to Saving Throws and a -2 Penalty to Armour Class, and its Damage Reduction increases by half its class level (round down) plus two. While Raging, it may not cast spells, activate magic items, use Spell-Like Abilities, or (willingly) drop any weapons or shield. This lasts until it has neither struck an enemy for three consecutive rounds nor suffered damage from an enemy for three consecutive rounds, or it can voluntarily end a Rage as a Full-Round Action.

Fast Healing (Ex): when the Haraknin is not in a Rage, it regains hit points, gaining Fast Healing 1. At level 5 this increases to 5, and then another 5 every 5 levels after that.

Combat Movement (Ex): while Raging, the Haraknin moves faster in combat, and may add its Combat Movement bonus (listed in the table above) to its Movement speed.

Rage Dice (Ex): starting at level two, the Haraknin gains Rage Dice (listed in the table above). While Raging, these dice may be added to the damage of its melee attacks and Breath Weapon. These dice are not multiplied by damage multipliers, and are not granted to bonus attacks beyond those granted by a high Base Attack Bonus. If applied to its Breath Weapon, the number of dice is multiplied by the number of attacks per round allowed by a high Base Attack Bonus – for instance, at level two it has +1d6 Rage dice and a Base Attack Bonus of +6, so would add +2d6 to its Breath Weapon (for a total of 4d6). At level four it increases to +2d6 (+4d6 to Breath Weapon for 6d6 total). At level seven it is +3d6 but with a Base Attack Bonus of +11 its Breath Weapon would gain +9d6 damage for a total of 11d6. At level twelve it has a BAB of +16, and +6d6 Rage Dice to each of four attacks or for a total of +24d6 to its Breath Weapon (total 26d6).

Relentless Tracking (Ex): the third level Haraknin’s scent is particularly hard to fool. It can identify things based on their tracks or scent, using Survival instead of the relevant Knowledge skill. It also takes no penalty for Tracking while moving at full speed, and only -10 for moving at double speed. It can also track a creature protected by Pass Without Trace or similar abilities, but must first roll higher than their Caster Level + 15 on a d20 + its hit dice. Finally, it can track creatures across water (base DC 23), completely underwater (DC 26), or through the air (DC 30).

Evasive Scramble (Ex): starting at level three, whenever the Haraknin is in a Rage it can substitute its Ref Save for any Fort Save it would make, if that would be better. If it has Evasion or Improved Evasion, this can apply for things that deal half damage on a successful Fortitude Save, but not other things.

Great Bite (Ex): the fifth-level Haraknin’s Bite attack is a Magical Weapon with an Enhancement Bonus equal to its hit dice divided by 3 (round up). When in a Rage, its Bite also has the Ghost Touch property, and anybody it hits must pass a Fort Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Stunned for 1 round. A foe that succeeds on the save is immune to this effect until the start of the Haraknin’s next turn.

Camouflage (Ex): as long as it is not in a Rage, the sixth-level Haraknin can hide regardless of Cover or Concealment, even when being directly observed, as long as it is in a Wasteland (desert, ash waste, volcanic region etc) of some kind, or any Lower Plane.

Planar Tracking (Ex): at level seven, the Haraknin can even track creatures across the planes. The base DC to track someone through a transitory plane or directly to a Demi-Plane on the same Plane (such as from Stygia to Phlegethos) is 35. To track someone beyond this has a base DC of 40. It may also attempt a DC 40 Survival check to try to figure out where someone is headed when seeing them Teleport or Planeshift.

Great Life (Ex): while Raging, a seventh-level Haraknin is Immune to non-lethal damage, [Death] effects, Stunning, Critical Hits, Negative Levels and Ability Damage (but not Ability Drain).

Beshadowed Assault (Su): starting at level eight, the Haraknin radiates a Deeper Darkness effect out to thirty feet when it is in a Rage. It can see through this darkness just fine, as though it were a Baatezu.

Summon Hell Hounds (Sp): once per day, the ninth-level Haraknin can use a Standard Action to Summon a number of Hell Hounds equal to its hit dice for one hour.

Primal Assault (Su): starting at level eleven, the Raging Haraknin may choose to radiate an effect similar to an Antimagic Field, with a Caster Level equal to its Hit Dice. Unlike a normal AMF, this does not suppress magic effects on the Haraknin itself, or the effects of magic items it is holding or wearing.

Act Without Thought (Ex): the eleventh-level Haraknin may substitute Reflex Saves for Will Saves when in a Rage, if that would be beneficial. It is also Immune to [Charm] effects for the duration.

Hellevator Access (Su): starting at level thirteen, the Haraknin can make use of the Hellevator planar network – when on any given Layer of the Nine Hells, it may use a Swift Action to transport itself precisely to another player as though by Greater Planeshift. This functions on itself and anything it can physically carry.

Savagery (Su): at thirteenth level, a Raging Haraknin may take a Full Round Action to make a normal melee attack that has an additional effect similar to a Mordenkainen’s Disjunction spell. Unlike a normal Disjunction, this only targets a single item or creature struck.

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): as long as it is not in a Rage, the fifteenth-level Haraknin gains Hide in Plain Sight in any location, not just wastelands and Lower Planes.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Hellwasp Swarm
Monster Manual, page 238. CR 8, level 10 - these are swarms of bugs that lack thumbs and speech, and at low HP they are Mindless.

Swarm Within
There aren't many swarms out there that could really be playable without a lot of weird exceptions being made beforehand. As it happens, one of them - the Hellwasp Swarm - is right there in the first Monster Manual. It takes a bit of work, but that's fine. This class doesn't do too much to enhance the basic "swarm over people until they die" ability, because that's already just fine for killing a surprising amount of things. Instead, it gets better at possessing people and fighting while wearing a skin shell - and then when the shell breaks, a swarm of bugs pour out to eat people. Or possess them for a new host.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Concentration, Disguise, Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival
1+0+2+2+0Improved Hive Mind, Deadly Aftermath
2+1+3+3+0Eruption, Hone Claws
3+1+3+3+1Infernal Droning, The Horror
4+2+4+4+1Brain Claw, Basic Sphere Access (Sleep)
5+2+4+4+1Crippling Feast
6+3+5+5+2Infernal Initiation
7+3+5+5+2Hive Initiation
8+4+6+6+2Greater Infiltration, Advanced Sphere Access (Sleep)
9+4+6+6+3Become the Wind
10+5+7+7+3Might of the Swarm, Damnation

Improved Hive Mind (Ex): the Swarm Within is smarter than normal for its kind. No individual bug is smarter, but the collective generate a greater intellect. As long as it has at least 1 HP per hit die, it has an Intelligence score of 10 and Charisma score of 14. They can have temporary bonuses or penalties, but are not subject to permanent increases due to the inherently temporary nature.

Deadly Aftermath (Ex): whenever the Swarm Within inhabits a body – either living or dead – it multiplies rapidly, though newly hatched hellwasps rarely last too long. When the host is destroyed (slain in the case of a living target, or reduced below zero hit points in the case of a corpse), excess hellwasps explode outward, and everything in an adjacent square suffers the effects of being caught in the Swarm’s Swarm attack for one round.

Eruption (Su): once per hour, a body inhabited by the second-level Swarm Within may disgorge excess hellwasps in a large stream. This requires a Standard Action, and hits everything in a 30’ Cone as though they had been hit by its Swarm attack. This then spawns a new ordinary Hellwasp Swarm that most likely wishes to fly off and do its own things.

Hone Claws (Ex): starting at level two, the Swarm Within may use a Standard Action at will to start burrowing through its host and forming deadly claws out of individual hellwasps. This deals 3d6 points of damage to the host, but grows a pair of Primary Claw attacks that deal 1d8 points of damage, plus the host’s Strength Bonus, and delivers Poison. A Claw replaces anything that hand was going to do (potentially replacing other Claw or Slam attacks), and it may not grow more Claw attacks than it has hands.

Infernal Droning (Su): when the third-level Swarm Within buzzes loud enough, and with enough malevolence, it unleashes noise and hellish energies. This may be performed once per hour, and if it is inhabiting a host that is not Immune to Sonic damage, the reverberations immediately halve its hit points. Either way, all creatures and objects out to a sixty foot radius suffer 1d6 Sonic damage per hit die of the Swarm Within, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Furthermore, all who fail their save are afflicted as though by Bestow Curse.

The Horror (Su): you don’t want to know the thoughts of hellwasps – not an individual one, but especially not the intelligence generated by a swarm of them. Starting at level three, any creature that attempts to establish mental contact (such as through Telepathy or Detect Thoughts, or things that allow telepathic commands to be sent) suffers 1d6 points of Wisdom damage and is rendered Frightened for one minute. This only applies when it has its Hive Mind in effect, though at all other times it is [Mindless] so there is little point in trying such things.

Brain Claw (Ex): when the fourth-level Swarm Within inhabits a host, it can burrow into the brain and start sorting through the brain for ideas. It knows basic facts and memories of the host (allowing it to name people and speak languages), and has access to all Skill Ranks (using its own ability score modifiers), Skill Tricks and Feats of the host. Things like extra Hit Points or Skill Points only apply to the host, and it similarly can’t learn Spells even if the host had a Feat that granted extra Spells Known. Generally, assume this allows the Swarm to know or do things, but not have or be things.

Sphere Access: at level four, the Swarm Within gains Basic Access to the Sleep Sphere. At level eight, this improves to Advanced Access. It can only utilise these when the Hive Mind is in effect.

Crippling Feast (Ex): starting at level five, the Swarm Within knows to tear into important ligaments and tendons, leaving foes barely able to move. Any time it deals its Swarm attack to someone, they suffer 2 points of Dexterity damage and a 10’ reduction in Movement Speed. The speed reduction stacks (to a minimum of 5’) and heals at the rate of 5’ per day.

Infernal Initiation: at level six, the Swarm Within gains actual Fiendish status. It gains all traits of either a Tanar’ri, Baatezu, Yugoloth or Demodand, and when the Hive Mind is in effect it has access to the Summon ability of Fiends: 1 Bloodfiend Locust Swarm or Hellwasp Swarm (75%). At level 8, this improves to 100%, or it may summon 1 Abyssal Ant Swarm (50%, 60% at level 9 and 70% at level 10). Its Intelligence and Charisma (when Hive Mind is in effect) both increase by 4, with Skill Points gained retroactively.

Hive Invitation (Su): the seventh-level Swarm Within is a friend to all Swarms (of anything), Vermin and Magical Beasts that used to be Vermin until a Template transformed them. Such things will not attack them unless provoked – even if otherwise compelled to do so – and it may communicate with them as though they all spoke the Queen’s English. This doesn’t allow it to direct or control them, though in the case of intelligent creatures it may convince them to do things.

Greater Infiltration (Ex): starting at level eight, whenever the Swarm Within is in fact within a host, it moves them almost perfectly and has full access to their knowledge. It takes no penalty to Disguise checks to hide its presence, and even if the host is dead and animated, it still moves at full normal speed. Finally, whether the host is dead or alive, the Swarm Within can cast its Spells and Spell-Like Abilities on its behalf – and can even prepare and memorise them at the start of the next day, in the case of prepared casters.

Become the Wind (Su): whenever the ninth-level Swarm Within is not possessing a host, it is able to become a tornado of stinging death. At will, with a Full Round Action, it may take on the form of Tornado force winds, but only 5’ at the base, 50’ high and 50’ across at the highest point. Creatures caught by it suffer all the usual effects and damage of both Swarm and a Tornado.

Might of the Swarm (Su): upon reaching level ten, the Swarm Within has incredible strength when acting as a whole. While it is not inside a host, it can grasp a swarmed foe or object as though it were a Telekinesis spell (Sustained Force) at a Caster Level equal to its hit dice, using its Charisma as the relevant Ability Score.

Damnation (Su): sometimes, all the choices available are terrible ones. If a living mortal creature is possessed by the tenth-level Swarm Within, the Swarm can make them an offer as a Free Action. It can offer them freedom. If they decline, they continue to be affected as normal. If they accept the offer, the Swarm Within is immediately ejected harmlessly and the former victim is affected by a Heal effect (unless harmed by positive energy) and a Greater Restoration effect, both at Caster Level 20, and permanently gain the Fiendish Template. From this point on their soul is marked and if they do not accept a Geas to do some act for the Swarm, it will own their soul when they die.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Inevitable: Kolyarut
Monster Manual, page 159. CR 12, level 13 - Constructs are a pain, a lack of a Constitution score is even more of a pain.

Enforcer of Oaths
The Enforcer of Oaths exists to make the Kolyarut better at its actual job. It can find its targets, and then force them to do what they promised to do - or be imprisoned forever. They are close combat fighters still, but with a variety of spells designed to locate foes, control them, and lock them in place.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Craft (any), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Forgery, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Sense Motive, Speak Language, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival
Proficiencies: the Enforcer of Oaths is proficient with any Armour specially designed for it to wear (regardless of weight), and Simple and Martial Weapons
1+1+2+0+2Oath of Blood 1/day, Scrying 1/day, Masterful Reader
2+2+3+0+3Dominate Person 1/day, Command Undead 1/day, Conditional Mercy
3+3+3+1+3Resurrection 1/day, Familial Geas 1/day, Revive Agreement
4+4+4+1+4Forcecage 3/day, Overwhelming Strike
5+5+4+1+4Dispel Chaos at will, Shatter Mind Blank 3/day, True Seeing
6+6+5+2+5Dominate Monster 1/day, Binding at will, Imprisonment 1/day
7+7+5+2+5Superior Enervation Ray, True Resurrection 1/day

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Enforcer of Oaths gains a number of Spell-Like Abilities as it gains levels. The Caster Level equals its hit dice and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Masterful Reader (Ex): the Enforcer of Oaths can read all languages, even secret ones. This includes hand-signs, and also complex clauses in contracts, regional slang and shorthand and so forth. It also does not trigger any magical effect that triggers upon being read (such as Explosive Runes or Sepia Snake Sigil), simply reading ahead and being aware that there is a magical effect it has avoided.

Conditional Mercy (Su): starting at level two, the Enforcer of Oaths can be merciful, at a price: if it wishes, it may allow targets of its effects to survive otherwise lethal damage (or deadly amounts of Ability Damage or Negative Levels or so on), or to automatically save against an effect, or be released from an ongoing effect. However, if the target accepts this mercy, they are automatically bound to perform a task as set out by the Enforcer. This can only be removed via a Disjunction.

Revive Agreement (Su): the third-level Enforcer of Oaths can revive old promises and contracts at will, casting Suggestion (as a “reasonable suggestion”) to fulfil the terms.

Overwhelming Strike (Su): starting at level four, the Enforcer of Oaths can overwhelm people’s defences. It may use a Standard Action to make a single attack, and if it hits, the foe must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be rendered Helpless for one minute.

True Seeing (Ex): the fifth-level Enforcer of Oaths has a constant True Seeing effect.

Superior Enervation Ray (Su): at level seven, the Enforcer’s Enervation Ray functions instead as Energy Drain modified by the Split Ray Metamagic feat.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Inevitable: Zelekhut
Monster Manual, page 160. CR 9, level 10, once again a Construct without a Constitution

Enforcer of Justice
Although people tell you that Justice is always either paired with love, or in a triad with truth and some country's way, that isn't necessarily true: Zelekhuts care for none of the above, only justice. The Enforcer of Justice is the natural progression of the Zelekhut - tracking foes across multiple planes, disabling movement, seeking people out with Divinations and denying actions.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Concentration, Decipher Script, Gather Information, Jump, Knowledge (any), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Survival, Use Rope
1+1+2+0+0Hogtie, Relentless Tracking, Slow at will
2+2+3+0+0Shocking Grasp at will, Invisibility Purge 3/day
3+3+3+1+1Order's Wrath at will, Lockdown
4+4+4+1+1Scrying 1/day, Planar Tracking
5+5+4+1+1No Escape, Wonders of Artifice, Wall of Gears 1/day
6+6+5+2+2Dispel Chaos 3/day, Dictum 1/day
7+7+5+2+2Teleport Without Error 1/day, Resilient Sphere 1/day
8+8+6+2+2True Seeing, Binding 3/day
9+9+6+3+3Relentless Trapping, Eternal Slumber 1/day
10+10+7+3+3Imprisonment 3/day, Telekinesis

Hogtie (Ex): as long as the Enforcer of Justice is holding a rope, chain or similar, it may hog-tie an opponent if it successfully Lifts or Pins them in a Grapple. It makes one Use Rope check, and any of their future attempts to escape (using either Escape Artist or Grapple checks) are made against the result of that check. A bound opponent is considered Helpless for the sake of being targeted by others, and the only physical action they can take other than speaking is to attempt to escape.

Relentless Tracking (Ex): the tracking ability of the Enforcer of Justice is superior and hard to fool. It gains Track as a Bonus Feat, and can identify things based on their tracks or scent, using Survival instead of the relevant Knowledge skill. It also takes no penalty for Tracking while moving at full speed, and only -10 for moving at double speed. It can also track a creature protected by Pass Without Trace or similar abilities, but must first roll higher than their Caster Level + 15 on 1d20 + its hit dice. Finally, it can track creatures across water (base DC 23), completely underwater (DC 26), or through the air (DC 30).

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as it gains levels, the Enforcer of Justice gains additional Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. In the case of Shocking Grasp, once per round this may be automatically channelled through an attack made with a metal weapon (including the in-built spiked chains).

Lockdown (Ex): when the third-level Enforcer of Justice attacks with its spiked chains, it may spin them around to make one attack on every opponent with reach. Any target damaged by it is also Entangled and considered to be in Difficult Terrain until they begin a turn outside the Enforcer’s threatened area.

Planar Tracking (Su): at level four, the Enforcer of Justice can even track creatures across planes. The base DC to track someone through a transitory plane or directly to a Demi-Plane on the same Plane (such as from Stygia to Phlegethos) is 35. To track someone beyond this has a base DC of 40. It may also attempt a DC 40 Survival check to try to figure out where someone is headed when seeing them Teleport or Planeshift.

No Escape (Su): whenever a creature in an area the fifth-level Enforcer of Justice threatens attempts a 5’ step, it may make a 5’ step as well, providing it follows them. Additionally, if a creature in a threatened square attempts to Teleport or Planeshift, it may ride along with them if it wishes.

Wonders of Artifice (Ex): any metal weapon wielded by the fifth-level Enforcer of Justice, such as its natural Spiked Chains, bypass Damage Reduction as though made of Cold Iron and Silver – it can ignore both DR/Silver and DR/Cold Iron.

True Seeing (Su): starting at level eight, the Enforcer of Justice has a constant True Seeing effect.

Relentless Trapping (Sp): once per day, the ninth-level Enforcer of Justice can cast a special Forcecage that, if escaped in any way, instantly repeats – the target is just trapped in another. If they escape the second one and are within Close Range of the Enforcer, they are then placed inside a Telekinetic Sphere. Only when they escape that are they free.

Telekinesis (Su): the tenth-level Enforcer of Justice can constantly use Telekinesis. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, any Save DC is 20 + its Charisma Bonus, and when using Combat Maneuvers its ability modifier is Charisma.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Fiend Folio, page 104. CR 13, level 13 - a Huge Plant with no thumbs. It's a giant tree, there are problems..

Ferocious Flora
The Ironmaw is an evil tree with a face and basic understanding of the world around it. At Intelligence 4 it's a bit dumb for general use, so this class helps with that, but other than that, as long as you don't need to go into buildings sized for Ogres or smaller, and don't need to use thumbs... okay yes, there are drawbacks. But you're walking into this deal with the desire to play a giant evil tree, so you're aware of the drawbacks and Mister Cavern has said it will be fine. Here you are: a big evil tree that mostly works as a damage-absorbing grapple monster that stomps and eats people, but also has a few "boss monster" traits available so you can be a proper villain.

Hit Die: d10
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Handle Animal, Hide, Intimidate, Listen, Move Silently, Spot, Survival
1+1+2+0+0Malevolence, Abyssal Avatar, Bestow Curse at will
2+2+3+0+0Life Drain, Vile Thorn
3+3+3+1+1Forest Bindings, Bestow Greater Curse 3/day
4+4+4+1+1Herald of Ruin, Agony Stinger
5+5+4+1+1Vile Spores, Black Karma Curse 3/day
6+6+5+2+2Forbidden Fruits, Evil Weather 1/week
7+7+5+2+2Seeds of Betrayal, Imprison 1/day

Malevolence: the Ferocious Flora’s Intelligence score increases by six points, and skill points are gained retroactively for this higher Intelligence. It also has an Evil Aura as though it were a Cleric, with levels equal to its hit dice total, dedicated to an Evil deity. Beyond this, all of its natural weapons are treated as Magic, Wood, Cold Iron, and Evil, for the purpose of bypassing Damage Reduction and Regeneration and being able to hit Incorporeal creatures. They also deal Vile damage. Finally, the Ferocious Flora can be worshipped and grant spells to its mad followers. It grants access to the Plant, Bestial and Corruption Domains, however it does not itself have access – it is not a deity, merely a conduit for others.

Abyssal Avatar: the Ferocious Flora cannot change itself into something small and socially acceptable, but it does have a herald it can send to do its bidding. This is not an effective Cohort, and should not join it on adventures, but on the other hand, if it dies, another will grow within one week. The herald is one of the standard races, however with the Plant Type, and three levels of Adept. It also has constant Telepathic contact with the Flora and is completely subservient to it.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Ferocious Flora gains a small number of baleful Spell-Like Abilities to use on people it doesn’t like. These have a Caster Level equal to its hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Life Drain (Su): not only do the tendrils of the second-level Ferocious Flora cause illness and blood loss and attach to people, they also sap the life force from those hit, sucking blood out. Every successful hit from a tendril restores 5 lost hit points to the Flora. Furthermore, until all of their Constitution Damage is removed, it can use a Swift Action every turn to steal another 10 hit points from them, whether it maintains contact or not. They lose ten hit points and it regains them, regardless of distance between them. If multiple targets are afflicted with the Illness, the one Swift Action can drain health from all of them.

Vile Thorn (Ex): starting at level two, the Ferocious Flora is better at reaching out and harming people. The reach of its tendrils increases to ninety feet, and it may unleash them as Line attacks: 5’ Wide and 90’ Long, with the attack roll applying to the Armour Class of every creature within the Line. Note that if a creature is behind a larger creature in this Line, it will typically gain a bonus from Cover.

Forest Bindings (Su): the third-level Ferocious Flora can cause vines to spring from the ground and strangle people, slowly enveloping them and turning them to lumps of wood and mush. With a Standard Action at will, it may designate a creature standing on earth within two hundred and fifty feet. The target must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Anchored in place and Entangled for one round per hit die. During that time, they lose 1d10 hit points every round, which are transferred across to the Ferocious Flora similar to its Life Drain ability.

Herald of Ruin (Su): if a fourth-level Ferocious Flora spends a full week in the exact same spot, it blights the surrounding land: all plant life in a ten mile radius grows larger, denser, more menacing and harder to cut or tame. Assassin Vines constantly form. Animals in the area gain the Fiendish template. Humanoids in the area must save every day against contracting Red Ache (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). This lasts until a year after it leaves the area, or the area is subject to a Dispel Evil effect.

Agony Stinger (Ex): starting at level four, the leaves and tendrils of the Ferocious Flora are covered in almost invisible barbs, more like toxic hairs. A creature that is affected by its Illness is rendered Helpless with pain for 1d6 rounds, then Dazed for another minute. For the next 1d6 days they suffer from intense pain causing a -4 Morale Penalty to all rolls they make, and sleep is impossible without the use of magic. This is treated as a Poison, so can be negated or cured by the same means. Additionally, any creature merely climbing in the tree must save as though hit by a tendril or suffer the same effects.

Vile Spores (Su): once per hour, a fifth-level Ferocious Flora may unleash a burst of spores out to a fifty-foot radius with a Full Round Action. All in the area must save against its Illness and Agony Stinger as though hit by a tendril.

Forbidden Fruits (Su): upon reaching level six, the Ferocious Flora grows particularly evil acorns that are highly-prized by those who seek power and aren’t too picky about the source: it produces enough for six “doses” per day, and these are treated as a drug with the following properties:
Ingested (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus)
Price: 15,001 GP
Alchemy DC: 0
Extreme Addiction
Initial Effect: 1d10 points of damage are suffered
Secondary Effect: Half-Fiend Template is gained until the next sunrise
Side Effects: the character feels a surge of energy and power, as well as constant temptations to do evil – momentary ideas springing to mind when opportunities for Evil acts are present and easy to pull off. These can be errant thoughts “I just realised I could push him off that cliff” to violent urges.
Overdose: 10 points of Ability Drain to each ability score. If any score is reduced to zero, the character dissolves into pulpy mush.

Seeds of Betrayal (Su): when the seventh-level Ferocious Flora hits a foe with a tendril, they must pass a Will Save (same DC as for Illness). If they fail, they are Dominated until the next new moon. If they pass, they are immune to this effect for the rest of the day.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Jackal Lord
Fiend Folio, page 105. CR 8, level 9

Jackal Baron
While a Jackal Lord could happily continue life as a Cleric, and many do, plenty of them prefer to also advance their racial abilities, at the cost of resiliency and combat prowess - and also at the cost of whatever they would be gaining from other Cleric-based Prestige Classes. These are great at commanding and enslaving others.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Disguise, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Know (Nature, The Planes, Religion), Move Silently, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Rope
1+0+0+2+2Drift Magic, Dire Transformation+1 Cleric Casting Level
2+1+0+3+3Desert Heat+1 Cleric Casting Level
3+1+1+3+3Curse of Parching Heat+1 Cleric Casting Level
4+2+1+4+4Desert Call+1 Cleric Casting Level
5+2+1+4+4Enslavement+1 Cleric Casting Level
6+3+2+5+5Sandstrider+1 Cleric Casting Level
7+3+2+5+5Servitude Beyond Death+1 Cleric Casting Level
8+4+2+6+6Ghostly Companion+1 Cleric Casting Level
9+4+3+6+6Deadly Heat+1 Cleric Casting Level
10+5+3+7+7True Psychopomp+1 Cleric Casting Level
11+5+3+7+7Greater Enslavement+1 Cleric Casting Level

Drift Magic (Su): the Jackal Baron has access to Drift Magic from It’s Hot Outside. It also gains Priest of the Waste as a Bonus Feat without needing to meet the requirements.

Dire Transformation (Su): whenever the Jackal Baron curses someone and they fail the saving throw, they transform into a Dire Jackal and are automatically Dominated by the Baron.

Spellcasting: every level, the Jackal Baron’s Cleric spellcasting ability improves by another level.

Desert Heat (Sp): the weather within one mile of the second-level Jackal Baron is always one stage hotter and dryer than it would normally be.

Curse of Parching Heat (Su): the third-level Jackal Baron can cast Searing Exposure at will. The Caster Level equals its hit dice and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Desert Call (Sp): starting at level four, the Jackal Baron can summon 2d6 Fiendish Dire Jackals for one minute per hit die, three times per day. Additionally, once per day it may summon a pack of eight Sand Hunters for one minute.

Enslavement (Sp): the fifth-level Jackal Baron can cast Dominate Person at will. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, and the duration is permanent... sort of. It may only exert control via this ability over a number of concurrent creatures equal to its Charisma Bonus. After that, it must release a creature from its control (typically upon selling them to another, though this doesn't transfer control - that's the customer's problem to deal with) in order to enslave more.

Sandstrider (Ex): at level six, the Jackal Baron gains several Bonus Feats without needing to meet the requirements: Heat Endurance, Improved Heat Endurance, Sand Camouflage, Sandskimmer. Sandskimmer grants the benefits of having been selected twice.

Servitude Beyond Death (Su): beginning at seventh level, if a Humanoid that is Dominated by the Jackal Baron is slain, it rises as a Forlorn Husk that is still under the Baron’s control (as though by Command Undead or a suitably powerful Rebuke Undead, counting against the total hit dice it may control), no longer counting against its limit of Dominated creatures. The control only ends once the Husk is destroyed or resurrected (or voluntarily released).

Ghostly Companion (Ex): at level eight, the Jackal Baron gains the services of a loyal companion, a Spirit Jackal. This is a Dire Jackal with twelve hit dice and the Ghost Brute and Evolved Undead templates applied – the player of the Jackal Baron may select the Special Attack gained as a Ghost Brute, and the Spell-Like Ability gained from the Evolved Undead template. If it is ever destroyed, it returns in 1d6 days, none the worse for wear.

Deadly Heat (Sp): the ninth-level Jackal Baron can cast Ashen Union at will. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

True Psychopomp (Sp): at level ten, the Jackal Baron can step freely from one Plane to another – it can cast the travel version of Gate at will. It is also unharmed by directly harmful Planar Traits such as "everything is on fire" or "negative energy infused" or "Trapping", but not things like "Has time and gravity".

Greater Enslavement (Su): there is no limit to how many people the eleventh-level Jackal Baron may control via its Enslavement ability – both in life and death. Forlorn Husks created from dead slaves no longer count against its Undead hit dice limit, and it can have as many living slaves as it likes. Additionally, at will it may cast Imprisonment on an enslaved creature, with no Saving Throw allowed.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual 4, page 78, CR 5, Level 7 - Incorporeal

Heartless Prankster
Even at level seven, Incorporeal PCs can absolutely be a problem depending on the stories you want to tell. They can spy on people really easily, and you could still possibly face a mob of eight bandits, or thirty orcs or a giant weird animal. Indeed even flying Air Elementals can't do much. But if you're not doing that, this is about when such a character can come online, facing things like Aboleths, Dragons, Nagas and Outsiders with Spell-like effects, and upon doing that, they want to be a sneaky character sort of like a Rogue or Assassin, but with a splash of Mind-Affecting stuff. The Heartless Prankster does that, abusing Incorporeality for stealth, jumping in and out of combat to drain people's Charisma, and making opportunities to strike foes from a place of safety.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (Nature, The Planes), Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival, Tumble.
1+0+0+2+2Trap Finding, Manipulation, Heighten Emotions 1/day
2+1+0+3+3Latch On, Telepathy 60'
3+2+1+3+3Charisma Drain 1d6, Bonus Feat
4+3+1+4+4Aura of Vivaciousness, Telepathy 120'
5+3+1+4+4Heighten Emotions 2/day, Amnesia
6+4+2+5+5Charisma Drain 1d8, Bonus Feat
7+5+2+5+5Detect Thoughts, Consume Id
8+6+2+6+6Shroud of Joy and Sorrow
9+6+3+6+6Charisma Drain 1d10, Bonus Feat
10+7+3+7+7Heighten Emotions 3/day
11+8+3+7+7Burn Out, Harvest Knowledge
12+9+4+8+8Charisma Drain 1d12, Bonus Feat
13+9+4+8+8Heighten Emotions at will

Trap Finding (Ex): the Heartless Prankster is able to find and disable traps just like a Rogue can. Whether she wants to or not is another matter, because she's rarely affected by traps and it's pretty funny when other people are.

Manipulation (Su): the Heartless Prankster is able to interact with physical objects while staying incorporeal – exerting about as much pressure as a Mage Hand effect. This is typically enough to pick pockets and locks, and disarm trap mechanisms, but not swing a sword.

Heighten Emotions (Sp): once per day, the Heartless Prankster is able to cause the emotions of others to flare up and become particularly volatile. This has a Caster Level equal to her hit dice, targeting a single creature in Close Range, and causes the most relevant effect of the following: Rage, Good Hope, Crushing Despair, Cause Fear, Elation, Heartache. Either way, the Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus, and while the effect is lasting, she rolls twice as many dice for her Charisma Drain against them – although once she does this, the effect ends prematurely. She gains an additional daily use at levels five and ten, and at level thirteen it can be used as often as she likes.

Latch On (Su): starting at second level, when the Heartless Prankster successfully delivers a Touch Attack, she may attach herself. From that point on, every round she automatically delivers her touch attack to the target, and anywhere they move, she also moves. She can release them with a Free Action, but other than this, can only be parted from them by effects that interact with Incorporeal creatures, or anything that prevents Possession.

Telepathy (Su): at level two, the Heartless Prankster gains constant Telepathy out to 60 feet. At level four, this improves to 120 feet.

Charisma Drain (Su): at every third level, the die size of the Heartless Prankster’s Charisma Drain increases by one size – from 1d4 to 1d6 to 1d8 to 1d10 to 1d12. If she applies Improved Natural Attack or something similar, it increases one step further along this chart, or at level twelve goes from 1d12 to 2d8.

Bonus Feat: additionally, at every third level, the Heartless Prankster gains one of the following as a Bonus Feat, even if the game normally uses Tome feats: Skill Focus (any), Investigator, Magical Aptitude, Negotiator, Nimble Fingers, Persuasive, Stealthy, Track, Appraise Magic Value, Jack of All Trades, Quick Reconnoitre, Communicator, Insightful, Night Haunt, Spell Hand, Cool Head, Sure Hand, Sweet Talker. In any case where a Tome Feat has the same name as one of these, do not use the Tome version – use the PHB or Complete ___ version.
If using Koumei’s “A Feat Per Level” system, you may also use any of the following: Acquirer’s Eye, Animal Affinity, Combat Looting, Construct Manipulation, Devious Trickster, Hidden Hand, Master of Devices, Master of Poisons, Nimble Scoundrel, Polyglot, Rapid Burglary, Social Adept, Storyteller.

Aura of Vivaciousness (Su): the fourth-level Heartless Prankster radiates an aura out to thirty feet that enhances the emotions felt by others. Creatures within this area lose any Immunities they have to [Mind-Affecting] effects, instead gaining a +5 Bonus on Saving Throws against them. Creatures that lack any such Immunity instead take a -2 Penalty on Saving Throws against them. However, the life force of all such creatures is also harder to stamp out, and they are immune to Negative Levels/Energy Drain, as well as [Death] effects. She may suppress or resume this aura with a Standard Action at will.

Amnesia (Su): if a fifth-level Heartless Prankster deals any amount of Charisma Drain to a target and then leaves without completely draining their spirit, they must attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + the number of points of Charisma she drained). If failed, they forget all about the encounter and any details of it, including her existence (if they even perceived her in the first place). A creature completely drained to zero gets no save against this.

Detect Thoughts (Su): starting at level seven, the Heartless Prankster constantly benefits from a Detect Thoughts effect at a Caster Level equal to her hit dice, and a Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus. She may suppress or resume this with a Move-Equivalent Action at will.

Consume Id (Su): the seventh-level Heartless Prankster drains the personality of those she reduces to zero Charisma. If she wills it, they will become like Mindless Undead, nominally under her control in the sense of receiving a basic instruction then shuffling off to try performing that task over and over. When doing this, she gains their id, and may wear it like a mask. This allows her to use their Skill Ranks in place of her own for any skills based on Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma, and effectively rolls a natural 20 on any check to impersonate them. This lasts until she spends the id (see below) or the next sunrise.

Shroud of Joy and Sorrow (Su): starting at level eight, the Heartless Prankster can shed the id she consumes from others, creating a facade that absorbs incoming effects. In essence, she weaves a persona out of the drained emotions, and that persona becomes the target. Providing she is assuming the id of another creature (see above), she may use an Immediate Action to render herself Immune to a single Spell or Spell-Like Ability. Doing so erases that consumed essence, spending it, so she will hunger and must drain another before using the ability again.

Burn Out (Su): at level eleven, the Heartless Prankster may use a Full Round Action to cause her aura to flare up and ignite the emotions of those within the area. Every creature in the aura must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus) or suffer the effects of her touch attack and also suffer 1d6 damage per two hit dice, with the damage being Fire if their strongest emotion is something like joy, passion, love, hatred or anger, or Cold if it is more like fear or sadness.

Harvest Knowledge (Su): the eleventh-level Heartless Prankster may shred an adopted persona, burrowing through all of its knowledge and even following invisible links to others so as to learn about them. This requires a Standard Action to perform, and "spends" the essence so she will hunger and must drain another before using the ability again. It allows her to make a Gather Information check on the spot to learn about a given subject if the drained target could have known anything about the subject, or if information could be gained by a Bardic Knowledge check of an equal roll.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual, page 168. CR 7, level 8

Divine Muse
Lillends are already basically Bards, so the Divine Muse is a Bard that's a bit better suited to being a Lillend. Bard spellcasting is decent but not the best, so to make up for that, the Lillend doesn't get a bunch of small scaling bonuses to go alongside the casting, she straight-up gets a bunch of Spell-Like Abilities and performance abilities.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Knowledge (any), Listen, Perform (any), Spellcraft, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device
1+0+0+2+2Inspire Defence, Faerinaal's Hymn 3/day+1 Bard Casting Level
2+1+0+3+3Allegro at will, Jig of the Waves 1/day+1 Bard Casting Level
3+2+1+3+3Inspire Toughness, Hymn of Praise 1/day+1 Bard Casting Level
4+3+1+4+4Dolorous Motes 3/day+1 Bard Casting Level
5+3+1+4+4Inspire Healing, Blinding Beauty 3/day+1 Bard Casting Level
6+4+2+5+5Song of Freedom, Crown of Flame 3/day+1 Bard Casting Level
7+5+2+5+5Inspire Slowing, Siren's Grace 3/day+1 Bard Casting Level
8+6+2+6+6Crown of Brilliance 1/day+1 Bard Casting Level
9+6+3+6+6Inspire Calm, Song of Discord 3/day+1 Bard Casting Level
10+7+3+7+7Empyreal Ecstasy 1/day+1 Bard Casting Level
11+8+3+7+7Inspire Joy, Heaven's Trumpet 3/day+1 Bard Casting Level
12+9+4+8+8Otto's Irresistible Dance 3/day, Sublime Revelry 1/day+1 Bard Casting Level

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Divine Muse gains a variety of Spell-Like Abilities. The Caster Level equals her hit dice, and any Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Inspire Defence (Ex): by using a single daily use of her Bardic Music ability, the Divine Muse is able to improve the overall defences of her party. It takes a Standard Action to begin inspiring, but after that, it simply lasts until she casts a spell with a Verbal Component, uses a different use of her Bardic Music, is rendered mute or Unconscious/Asleep, can no longer Concentrate on effects, enters a zone of Silence or simply wishes to stop. For the duration, this affects her and all allies, and each affected person can use an Immediate Action each round to parry a single attack: they make a melee attack roll (the Muse may instead make a Perform: Dance or Acting check) and, if the roll is higher than that of the incoming attack, the attack is knocked aside harmlessly.

Spellcasting: at every level, the Divine Muse’s caster level as a Bard increases. This affects Spells Known and Spells per Day, and the number of uses of Bardic Music she has, but does not grant new forms of Bardic Music, nor does it increase the potency of existing ones.

Inspire Toughness (Su): starting at level three, the Divine Muse can bless the party by spending a daily use of her Bardic Music ability. This requires a Standard Action to begin inspiring, but after that, it takes no action to resume, ended in the same circumstances as Inspire Defence. While it is in effect, both the Divine Muse and all of her allies gain Immunities based on her ranks in any one Perform skill:
  • Any: Sickened
  • 4+: Fatigued
  • 8+: Nauseated
  • 12+: Ability Damage
  • 16+: Ability Drain/Level Drain
  • 20+: [Death] effects
Inspire Healing (Su): the fifth-level Divine Muse is able to bless her party by spending a daily use of her Bardic Music ability. This requires a Standard Action to begin inspiring, but after that it takes no action to resume, ended in the same circumstances as Inspire Defence. While it is in effect, both the Divine Muse and all of her allies gain Fast Healing equal to half her total in any one Perform skill (round down).

Song of Freedom (Su): starting at level six, the Divine Muse can spend a daily use of her Bardic Music ability to grant herself and all allies a Freedom of Movement effect for a number of rounds equal to her total in Perform: Song.

Inspire Slowing (Su): the seventh-level Divine Muse can spend a daily use of her Bardic Music ability to afflict all enemies within Close Range with a Slow effect, lasting for a number of rounds equal to her total in any one Perform skill. The Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Inspire Calm (Su): starting at level nine, the Divine Muse can spend a daily use of her Bardic Music ability to create a Calm Emotions and Peacebond effect out to Medium Range. The Save DC is 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus, and the Caster Level equals her ranks in any one Perform skill.

Inspire Joy (Su): the eleventh-level Divine Muse can spend three daily uses of her Bardic Music ability to bless her allies. This heals her and all allies an amount equal to a Perform check (any type), and grants them all Immunity to Fatigue and Exhaustion for a number of rounds equal to that check. Furthermore, at any time during this, each subject may end the effects for themselves by duplicating one of the following Spell-Like Abilities: Vision of Heaven, Elation, Good Hope, Chaav’s Laugh, Greater Heroism, Starmantle, Sympathy, Otto’s Irresistable Dance. The Caster Level equals her hit dice and any Save DC is 10 + half the subject’s level + their Charisma Bonus.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual, page 179. CR 5, level 6 - lacks thumbs

Manticore Scout
Manticores are great scouts and skirmishers with their flight and ranged natural weapons. As such, the Manticore Scout is a manticore who is a scout, doubling down on the natural abilities to turn it into a career. This plays a lot like a Rogue, albeit one that's bigger and flying.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Disable Device, Escape Artist, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (Geography), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Speak Language, Spot, Survival, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device
1+0+0+2+0Hide in Plain Sight, Trap Finding, Sneak Attack +1d6
2+1+0+3+0Improved Quills 1
3+2+1+3+1Improved Flight (Average), Bonus Feat
4+3+1+4+1Sneak Attack +2d6
5+3+1+4+1Improved Quills 2
6+4+2+5+2Improved Flight (Good), Bonus Feat
7+5+2+5+2Sneak Attack +3d6, Skill Mastery
8+6+2+6+2Improved Quills 3
9+6+3+6+3Improved Flight (Perfect), Bonus Feat
10+7+3+7+3Sneak Attack +4d6
11+8+3+7+3Improved Quills 4
12+9+4+8+4Airborne Evasion, Bonus Feat
13+9+4+8+4Sneak Attack +5d6
14+10+4+9+4Endless Quills, Skill Mastery

Hide in Plain Sight (Ex): the Manticore Scout can always attempt to hide, regardless of Cover or Concealment or being actively observed.

Trap Finding (Ex): the Manticore Scout can use the Search skill to find Traps of any DC (assuming it rolls high enough on the check) just like a Rogue can.

Sneak Attack (Ex): the Manticore Scout starts with +1d6 Sneak Attack like a Rogue. Every three levels thereafter, it gains another die.

Improved Quills (Ex): people think they can just count the volleys of spines fired by Manticores and then feel safer. This is incorrect. At level two, the Manticore Scout can fire an additional six spines per day for a total of 30, and their damage increases by one category as the barbed spines tear through flesh even more. Additionally, the damage cannot be healed until the spines are carefully removed, each taking a minute and a DC 20 Heal check.

At level five, it can shoot six more per day, and they deal damage as though another size category larger. At this point, they are also considered Magic weapons, with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up).

At level eight, it can fire another six per day and the spines carry a powerful toxin. No matter how many hit the same target in a round, the target must make a single save against Poison if at least one hits. The DC is Constitution-based, the Primary Damage is 1d12 Strength damage and the Secondary Damage is 1d6 Constitution damage.

At level eleven, it can fire another six per day (48 spines or eight barrages), they deal damage as though another size larger, and they gain the Augmented Critical ability – the Threat Range and Critical Multiplier are both doubled (to 17-20/x3).

Improved Flight (Ex): at level three, the Manticore Scout’s Flight improves to 50’ (Average). At level six, it becomes 60’ (Good). At level nine, it becomes 90’ (Perfect).

Bonus Feats: at levels three, six, nine and twelve, the Manticore Scout gains a Bonus Feat without needing to meet the requirements. This may be any Skill Focus, any feat which is "Gain a +2 Bonus to two different skills" (like Alertness), or any of the following from Complete Adventurer: Appraise Magic Value, Danger Sense, Deft Opportunist, Deft Strike, Dive for Cover, Goad, Hear the Unseen, Open Minded, Quick Reconnoiter; or any of the following from Complete Scoundrel: Cool Head, Daredevil Athlete, Deadly Defense, Freerunner, Sure Hand, Sweet Talker.

Skill Mastery (Ex): at level seven, the Manticore Scout may select four different skills. It gains Skill Mastery with these, and thus may take ten on checks with these skills even when threatened, rushed or actually on fire. At level fourteen, it may select another four.

Airborne Evasion (Ex): as long as the twelfth-level Manticore Scout is Flying, it benefits from both Evasion and Improved Evasion.

Endless Quills (Su): at level fourteen, the Manticore Scout regrows spines so quickly that there is no real limit – it can fire as many as it wishes, though still in volleys of six at a time.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual 2, page 145. CR 5, level 6 - they can spawn more of themselves.

Blight of Yeenoghu
Marrash are largely creations and servants of Yeenoghu. They are also complete jerks who like to shoot people full of arrows from the sky (a defensible life choice) and create more of their own kind. The Blight of Yeenoghu gains a variety of archery techniques and special arrow types, making it good at combat but also a nuisance in the long-term. It is a great skirmisher in the way you want an archer to be.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Craft (Alchemy), Escape Artist, Jump, Knowledge (The Planes, Religion), Listen, Search, Spot, Tumble
Proficiencies: the Blight of Yeenoghu is Proficient with Light Armour, and any form of bow (Longbow, Shortbow, Greatbow, Composite versions of the above, and strange Exotic variants)
1+1+2+2+0Imbue Taklif Arrow, See Invisibility
2+2+3+3+0Arcane Arrows, Suppressive Fire
3+3+3+3+1Imbue Infectious Arrow
4+4+4+4+1Death From Above, Warning Shot
5+5+4+4+1Imbue Lycanthropy Arrow
6+6+5+5+2Overhead Arrow, Faster Infection
7+7+5+5+2Imbue Stunning Arrow
8+8+6+6+2Rain of Death
9+9+6+6+3Imbue Terror Arrow
10+10+7+7+3True Seeing
11+11+7+7+3Imbue Death Arrow
13+13+8+8+4Imbue Implosion Arrow
14+14+9+9+4Meteoric Arrows, Limitless Infection

Imbue Taklif Arrow (Su): once per day, with just a Standard Action, the Blight of Yeenoghu can infuse an arrow with evil energy, transforming it into a Taklif arrow until the sun next rises. The Save DC is 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus.

See Invisibility (Su): the Blight of Yeenoghu has a constant See Invisibility effect.

Arcane Arrows (Su): starting at level two, the Blight of Yeenoghu constantly enhances any arrow he fires. It becomes a Magic arrow with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 2 class levels (round up).

Suppressive Fire (Ex): starting at second level, the Blight can deny ground to areas. With a Standard Action he designates a 10’ radius area within the first Range Increment, and until the start of his next turn, he can make ranged Attacks of Opportunity into it. Foes can provoke from him in the normal ways, and also for making attacks while in that area.

Imbue Infectious Arrow (Su): five times per day, the third-level Blight of Yeenoghu can use a Standard Action to imbue an arrow with any non-supernatural disease until the sun next rises. The Save DC becomes 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus.

Death From Above (Ex): starting at level four, whenever the Blight of Yeenoghu is at a higher elevation than his target all of his successful ranged attacks become automatic confirmed Critical Hits.

Warning Shot (Ex): the fourth-level Blight can use a Standard Action to fire a “warning shot” at a target. In the face. This requires a ranged attack, and if it hits, it deals damage as normal but also forces the target to Cower for one round.

Imbue Lycanthropy Arrow (Su): starting at level five, the Blight of Yeenoghu may three times per day imbue an arrow with Lycanthropy, with struck targets needing to save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bobus) or become a Were-Hyena. The arrows last until the sun next rises.

Overhead Arrow (Ex): as long as the sixth-level Blight is at a higher elevation than his target, his ranged attacks ignore Cover.

Faster Infection (Su): starting at level six, any time the Blight of Yeenoghu shoots someone who is already infected with a disease, they must save again as though a full day had passed. On the plus side, this can allow them to get over the disease more quickly. If the disease kills them, corruption bursts from their corpse, forcing all adjacent creatures to save against contracting the disease.

Imbue Stunning Arrow (Su): once per day, a seventh-level Blight of Yeenoghu can use a Standard Action to imbue an arrow with stunning energy until the sun next rises. Anybody hit by the arrow must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus) or be Stunned for 1d6 rounds.

Rain of Death (Su): at level eight, the Blight gains the ability to shoot everyone in range. With a Full Round Action, he may make a single ranged attack roll, and as long as he has sufficient arrows on hand, he applies that attack against every enemy within the first Range Increment, comparing against the Armour Class of all enemies.

Imbue Terror Arrow (Su): five times per day, the ninth-level Blight of Yeenoghu can use a Standard Action to imbue fear into an arrow until the sun next rises. Anybody struck must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus) or Panic for five rounds. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] effect.

True Seeing (Su): the tenth-level Blight constantly benefits from True Seeing.

Imbue Death Arrow (Su): starting at level eleven, the Blight of Yeenoghu may three times per day imbue an arrow with death until the sun next rises. Anybody struck must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half his hit dice + his Wisdom Bonus) or die. This is a Necromantic [Death] effect.

Blindsight (Ex): upon reaching level twelve, the Blight gains Blindsight out to sixty feet.

Imbue Implosion Arrow (Su): once per day, a thirteenth-level Blight of Yeenoghu may imbue an arrow with destructive planar energy until the sun next rises. This functions the same as a Death Arrow, except it is not a Necromantic [Death] effect, and even objects and Undead are not immune – they can just be destroyed outright.

Meteoric Arrows (Su): at level fourteen, the Blight can fire out Meteors (as Meteor Swarm) or Comets (as Comet Fall) instead of arrows. He can choose to fire arrows normally (including his special ones gained from this class), or individual meteors or comets, on a shot-by-shot basis. He doesn't need to have actual chunks of space rock in his quiver, they just appear when he elects to do this.

Limitless Infection (Su): at level fourteen, there is no longer any limit on the Taklif, Lycanthropy and Infectious Arrows of the Blight of Yeenoghu. He can imbue as many as he likes. Additionally, he can even imbue them with supernatural diseases like Mummy Rot. Furthermore, any creature killed by a disease he bestows releases corruption out to a fifteen foot radius - every living creature in the area must save against contracting it.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual, page 180. CR 7, level 10 - looks can kill.

Statue Collector
Medusae turn people to stone by looking at them. On the one hand, they can suppress this ability and thus not be a complete non-starter, but on the other hand, that is still a powerful ability (being able to remove foes from play without taking so much as an action), and one that carries a bad reputation. These things have to be kept in mind. On the other other hand (imagine I'm an Athach for a moment) it is an ability that is iconic to the species and useful in most fights, but it also leaves an actual object. And clearly, a medusa who wants to make money (which is to say all of them), or adorn her lair with trophies and aesthetically pleasing art pieces (again, all) would be keen on improving this ability, then sculpting and adjusting their victims.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft (any), Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Spot, Swim
*The Statue Collector always has maximum ranks in Craft (Stonework) and is refunded the skill points for any ranks previously invested
1+0+2+0+2Distant Gaze, Sculptor's Touch, Bonus Feat
2+1+3+0+3Artistic Flair, Stony Skin 1, Hiss of Slumber
3+1+3+1+3Potent Venom, Long Hair, Sympathy
4+2+4+1+4Gaze of Mercy, Cobra Clutch
5+2+4+1+4Gradual Stone, Stony Skin 2
6+3+5+2+5Gaze of Avarice, Maddening Whispers
7+3+5+2+5Gaze of Burning Death
8+4+6+2+6Wandering Eyes, Blood of the Serpent
9+4+6+3+6Gaze of Power, Stony Skin 3
10+5+7+3+7Dust to Dust, Aversion

Distant Gaze (Su): the Statue Collector’s Gaze Attack reaches out twice as far.

Sculptor’s Touch (Su): sometimes, people are frozen in place in the most boring of poses. The Collector can remedy this, reaching out and making modifications as though the statue were wet clay. Pulling limbs off causes the limbs to remain lost if the subject is restored, and requires no skill check – similarly, a simple repositioning takes no check. Actually changing someone’s appearance or making a valuable artwork out of it takes a Craft (Stonework) check.

Bonus Feat: the Statue Collector, being a potential crime lord, has a Bonus Feat to help with this. She may have either Bureaucrat, Con Artist, Expert Counterfeiter, Persuasive or Tyrant. (The Tome versions of these feats.)

Artistic Flair (Su): starting at level two, the Collector can change a touched statue – providing it is a living creature transformed to stone – into marble, obsidian, sandstone, granite, pumice or similar stones that are not considered magical or precious gems. She may even just affect certain parts of the statue, allowing for just a marbled face and soapstone hands or whatever.

Stony Skin (Ex): at level two, the Collector’s skin hardens, yet remains as smooth as ever. Her Natural Armour increases by 1, and she gains Damage Reduction 1/Admanatium. At levels five and nine, these increase by 1 each.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): in theory, not everything has to be solved by turning people to stone. Once per day, a second-level Collector can cast Hiss of Slumber. At level three she can cast Sympathy once per day. At level six she can cast Maddening Whispers once per day, and at level ten she can cast Aversion once per day. All of these have a Caster Level equal to her hit dice and a Save DC of 10 + half her hit dice + her Charisma Bonus.

Potent Venom (Ex): starting at level three, the Collector’s Poison is particularly dangerous, and weakens the target such that they are more likely to succumb to her gaze. The Save DC increases by 2, and it deals an amount of Constitution Damage equal to the Strength Damage dealt.

Long Hair (Ex): by the time the Statue Collector reaches level three, her “hair” grows extra long. On the downside, this means more time spent taming them in the mornings. On the plus side, her bites reach out to ten feet, and provide her a +4 Racial Bonus to Grapple checks.

Gaze of Mercy (Su): every now and then, a Medusa may wish to show mercy to someone she has turned to stone. Usually this is due to financial incentive or some other form of blackmail or payment, so the term “mercy” is not particularly apt. At will, the fourth-level Collector may undo the effects of her Gaze Attack on a target within Line of Sight, using merely a Standard Action.

Cobra Clutch (Ex): starting at level four, at the start of each of the Collector’s turns, the snakes that make up her hair will descend upon a target in a grapple with her. This results in her automatically Biting the target (with them entitled to a Saving Throw against Poison as normal). Her snakes do not have to be cobras, it’s not the snakes doing the grappling for the most part, cobras aren’t constrictors, and this isn’t an actual cobra clutch hold. But the name stays.

Gradual Stone (Su): when the Statue Collector reaches level five, her vision is more potent than ever before: all that are within the area of her Gaze Attack are Slowed for the entire duration of their time there, with no Saving Throw. The instant they leave the area, they are freed from this effect. Creatures turned to stone are less likely to care too much about this.

Gaze of Avarice (Su): the sixth-level Collector still can’t change her statues into magical stones, but she can change them into precious gems such as diamonds. They are still a statue, just, a giant human statue made from ruby or whatever. As normal, she can just change individual parts like the eyes into gems if she wants. The market value of these is beyond the point where you would actually assign a cost, but she can certainly trade them to nobility for “mountains of money” or “houses” or “this magic sword my great uncle left me, a great heirloom” or whatever.

Gaze of Burning Death (Su): starting at level seven, the Collector’s Gaze can transform people into a special kind of stone: the molten variety. When focusing her Gaze as a Standard Action, she can affect not only everyone in the area, but also all other stone including terrain and other statues. People transformed like this are straight-up killed, and bringing them back to life likely requires Resurrection or greater. Other creatures must be careful not to step in the lava, and if they avoided turning into stone but are standing on what used to be rock but is now lava, they are allowed a Reflex Save (same DC) to avoid falling in.

Wandering Eyes (Su): at will, the eighth-level Collector can animate her statues. They function as Animated Objects of whatever size they are, made of whatever materials, and with the actual limbs and things they used to have. They are under her control, and can use her Base Attack Bonus in place of their own for all of their attacks, but the moment they leave the area of her Gaze, they revert to being regular statues. A broken statue or pile of molten rock cannot animate in this way – it must be something that, if subject to a Stone to Flesh spell, would be a complete, living creature.

Blood of the Serpent (Su): starting at level eight, the Statue Collector has magical serpent power like the greatest of Medusae. Any time an injury causes at least 1 point of damage to her and draws blood, the blood splatters upon the ground and forms a serpent next to her, completely loyal to the Collector. It may be any of the following: Viper (any size), Constrictor (any size), Sea Snake (any size), Amphisbaena, Jaculi, Deathcoils, Mlarraun, anything under the “Snake” header in Serpent Kingdoms.

Gaze of Power (Su): the ninth-level Collector has access to even more minerals she can turn her statues into when she touches them. She may transform them into metals as well as stones, and also into magical materials (as long as they are stone/gem or metal or sand), such as Baatorian Green Steel, Cold Iron, Thinaun, Black Sand and similar. As before, she can choose which parts to transform if she wishes.

Dust to Dust (Su): starting at level ten, the Statue Collector can three times per day focus her Gaze such that she straight-up kills everyone in the area. This requires a Standard Action, and allows a Save as normal, just like actively using her Gaze. Those who fail their Fortitude Save are transformed into dust which is instantly carried onto the breeze. The only way to restore life to them after this is through a Wish or Miracle, by casting True Resurrection, or through painstakingly collecting all of the dust together and then casting Resurrection or Make Whole followed by Stone to Flesh followed by Raise Dead. Life gets hard when you piss a Medusa off. Hard like rock. That's a joke.

New Feat:

Snake-Charming Snake [Monstrous]
You learned how to control the serpents growing from your head, charming them into working with you.
Requirement: Medusa
Benefits: Perform is always a class skill for you, and can cast Charm Animal, Calm Animals and Hold Animal (snakes only, for all three) once per hour with a Save DC equal to a Perform check. You also have sufficient control over your own serpent-hair that you make them particularly adept at slithering over foes who get too close: when attempting to Grapple an opponent (but not escape from one), you may treat your Base Attack Bonus as being equal to your total hit dice.
Last edited by Koumei on Mon Aug 31, 2020 2:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Mephits (any)
Monster Manual, page 180, CR 3, Level sort of depends.
Recommended: Level 3 for Fire-style Ability Scores/Natural Armour, Level 4 for the Earth and Air style ones.

The Sha'ir is a class which attunes the Mephit more deeply with the magical power of its element. As the Sha'ir advances, it gradually attains the powers of a genie. A powerful Sha'ir is virtually indistinguishable from a (short) genie in its own right, and can even grant wishes to mortals.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Knowledge (any), Listen, Profession (any), Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Swim
Proficiencies: the Sha'ir is Proficient with all Simple Weapons, as well as either the Bolas, Scimitar, Trident, Pick (Light and Heavy) or Flail (Light and Heavy).
1+0+0+0+2Elemental Mastery, Elemental Resiliency, Gaseous Form 1/day, Lesser Spell-Like Ability
2+1+0+0+3Greater Spell-Like Ability
3+2+1+1+3Lesser Spell-Like Ability, Elemental Familiar
4+3+1+1+4Greater Spell-Like Ability, Telepathy
5+3+1+1+4Major Creation 1/day, Attune Form
6+4+2+2+5Plane Shift, Gaseous Form at will
7+5+2+2+5Greater Spell-Like Ability, Lesser Spell-Like Ability
8+6+2+2+6Greater Spell-Like Ability, Perfect Summoning
9+6+3+3+6Greater Spell-Like Ability, Lesser Spell-Like Ability
10+7+3+3+7Limited Wish, Lesser Spell-Like Ability
11+8+3+3+7Greater Spell-Like Ability, Fabricate 1/day, Greater Damage Reduction
12+9+4+4+8Lesser Spell-Like Ability, Heroes' Feast 3/day
13+9+4+4+8Greater Spell-Like Ability, Major Creation 1/hour
14+10+4+4+9Lesser Spell-Like Ability, Wish, Geas/Quest 1/day
15+11+5+5+9Greater Spell-Like Ability, Freedom 1/day
16+12+5+5+10Lesser Spell-Like Ability, Greater Spell-Like Ability
17+12+5+5+10Greater Spell-Like Ability, Gate 1/day

Caster Levels and Spell-Like Abilities: a Sha’ir has two types of Spell-Like Abilities, Lesser and Greater. Both types are cast as a Sorcerer, but the caster level and uses per day are different. The Greater spells are more powerful and can be used once per day, with a Caster Level equal to the hit dice. The Lesser spells are less powerful, and can be used once per hour with a Caster Level equal to the class level. The existing racial Spell-Like Abilities continue to grow in Caster Level on a one for one basis, as though they were Greater. The Save DC for any Spell-Like Ability becomes 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Elemental Mastery: a Sha’ir of [Earth] Subtype gains Earth Mastery as an Earth Elemental, as well as a 20’ Burrow Speed. A Sha’ir of [Air] Subtype gains Air Mastery as an Air Elemental. A Sha’ir of [Water] Subtype gains Water Mastery and Drench as a Water Elemental. A Sha’ir of [Fire] Subtype gains Burn as a Fire Elemental. A Sha’ir with more than one Elemental Subtype must select one of its Subtypes, and gains the corresponding ability of just that one.

Elemental Resiliency: if the Sha'ir has the [Earth] or [Water] Subtype, it has a Good Fortitude Save (the same as its Will Save). If it has the [Fire] or [Air] Subtype, it has a Good Reflex Save (the same as its Will Save). If it has a combination that would grant it both, or is a weird type that has neither, then simply select one of the two Saving Throws to improve, but you don't get to choose "both".

Gaseous Form (Sp): a Sha’ir can assume a gaseous form (as the spell) as a Greater Spell-Like Ability. This can be performed once per day until level 6, at which point it can be used at will.

Lesser Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as the Sha’ir gains levels, it gains access to new Lesser Spell-Like Abilities. The Sha’ir may select a new one at levels 1, 3, 7, 9, 12, 14 and 16. Each Lesser Spell-Like Ability may be chosen from the Sorcerer or Druid list or the corresponding Elemental Domain, so long as it has no XP component and its Spell Level is no more than half the Sha’ir’s class level (round up). Once chosen, a Lesser Spell-Like Ability may not be changed.

Greater Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as the Sha’ir gains levels, it gains access to new Greater Spell-Like Abilities. The Sha’ir may select a new one at levels 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16 and 17. Each Greater Spell-Like Ability may be chosen from the Sorcerer or Druid list or the corresponding Elemental Domain, so long as it has no XP component and its Spell Level is no more than half the Sha’ir’s class level + racial hit dice, rounded up. Once chosen, a Greater Spell-Like Ability may not be changed.

Elemental Familiar: at 3rd level, a Sha’ir can conjure a Small Elemental or Para-Elemental for its Familiar. It acts in all ways as the familiar of a Sorcerer of the Sha’ir’s class level. If it dies, another cannot be summoned for 30 days, but the Sha’ir suffers no XP loss, merely being Dazed for one round. A Fire, Storm or Air Elemental (or Ice Para-Elemental) provides a +2 Bonus to Reflex Saves, and a Water or Earth Elemental (or Magma or Ooze Para-Elemental) provides a +2 Bonus to Fortitude Saves. The Elemental Type does not have to match the Subtypes of the Sha'ir.

Telepathy (Su): at fourth level, the Sha’ir can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet of it that has a language. Line of Sight is not required, and intervening objects prove no hindrance, although it must be aware of a creature to initiate mental contact.

Major Creation (Sp): at fifth level, the Sha’ir can cast Major Creation as a Greater Spell-Like Ability, except that vegetable matter created by this ability is permanent. At level 13, it becomes a Lesser Spell-Like Ability, able to be used once per hour.

Attune Form (Sp): at fifth level, the Sha’ir gains Attune Form as a Lesser Spell-Like Ability.

Plane Shift (Sp): at sixth level, the Sha’ir can use Plane Shift as a Lesser Spell-Like Ability, except that it can be used at will, and only to travel between the Prime Material Plane and the Inner Planes.

Perfect Summoning (Su): at 8th level, the Sha’ir’s Summon Mephit ability works 100% of the time. Furthermore, any time it uses a Summoning spell or ability to summon one creature, it instead summons 1d4 creatures.

Limited Wish (Sp): at tenth level, the Sha’ir can grant up to three wishes per day to mortal creatures, as a Limited Wish used as a Greater Spell-Like Ability. At this point, it is accepted amongst genie-kind in a way that allows it to attend functions and parties.

Fabricate (Sp): at level eleven, the Sha’ir can cast Fabricate once per day as a Greater Spell-Like Ability.

Greater Damage Reduction: the Damage Reduction of the eleventh-level Sha’ir becomes 10/Magic Piercing for those with the Earth or Water Subtype, or 10/Magic Bludgeoning for those with the Air or Fire Subtype. A Sha’ir with multiple Elemental Subtypes must select one.

Heroes’ Feast (Sp): three times per day, the level twelve Sha’ir may cast Heroes’ Feast as a Greater Spell-Like Ability.

Wish (Sp): at level fourteen, the Lesser Wish ability of the Sha’ir improves to the spell Wish, however it still can only be used to grant wishes to mortals, and should keep whatever “wishing for more wishes” limits and restrictions set in your campaign. At this point, the Sha'ir is considered an equal of the greatest Noble Djinn, and is treated with respect.

Geas/Quest (Sp): the fourteenth-level Sha’ir can cast Geas/Quest once per day as a Greater Spell-Like Ability. If it has already granted a wish to the target earlier in that day, the Save DC is increased by 4.

Freedom (Sp): once per day, the fifteenth-level Sha’ir can cast Freedom as a Greater Spell-Like Ability.

Gate (Sp): at level seventeen, the Sha’ir can cast Gate once per day as a Greater Spell-Like Ability. If used to summon a creature, it can only be used to summon an Elemental or Genie.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Elemental Master
The Elemental Master is a shameless plug, allowing the Mephit to advance its affinity towards controlling creatures of its element. When the class progression is finished, it can simply reintegrate itself into the Monster Tamer class.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Arcana), Perform (any), Profession (any), Ride, Speak Language, Survival
Proficiencies: the Elemental Master is proficient with Light Armour, all Simple Weapons, and the Net, Bolas, Orcish Shotput, Halfling Skiprock, Harpoon, Shuriken, and Whip. Additionally, they do not suffer a -4 Penalty to attack rolls when attempting to inflict non-lethal damage with any Bludgeoning weapon with which they are proficient.
1+0+2+2+0Control Monster, Caster Levels, Train Monster, Dread Lore, Craft Soul Prison, Wild Empathy, Subtype Specialisation
2+1+3+3+0Heal Monster, Double Team
3+2+3+3+1Craft Greater Soul Prison, Increased Awareness, Speak With Monsters
4+3+4+4+1Transfer Control
5+3+4+4+1Type Specialisation, League Challenge

Caster Levels: even though Elemental Masters do not gain spells per day or have Spell Levels, they have many caster level dependent abilities. An Elemental Master gains a Monster Tamer caster level for every Elemental Master level. In addition, an Elemental Master adds 3 to its Caster Level for purposes of controlling Monsters with an Elemental Subtype. Additionally, the Caster Level for all racial Spell-Like Abilities increases with each level, with any Save DC changing to 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Control Monsters (Ex): an Elemental Master uses Soul Prisons and controls Monsters just as a Monster Tamer does.

Train Monsters (Ex): an Elemental Master can Train Monsters just as a Monster Tamer does.

Dread Lore (Ex): the Elemental Master has innate knowledge of creatures just like a Monster Tamer.

Craft Soul Prison (Sp): Elemental Masters can craft Soul Prisons just like a Monster Tamer.

Subtype Specialisation (Ex): an Elemental Master specialises in the Subtype of either [Air], [Earth], [Fire] or [Water]. This ability is otherwise the same as Subtype Specialisation for a Monster Tamer.

Wild Empathy (Ex): the Elemental Master has Wild Empathy, using its hit dice in place of its Druid level.

Heal Monsters (Sp): the second-level Elemental Master can Heal Monsters the way a Monster Tamer can.

Double Team (Ex): upon reaching second level, the Elemental Master is able to control two Monsters out of their Soul Prisons at the same time, even in battle. This ability only functions so long as both are more than 2 CR less than the Elemental Master’s caster level. For example, an Elemental Master with a caster level of 5 could command a single CR 4 Monster in battle or two CR 2 creatures. For Elemental Monsters, this would increase to 7 or 5.

Craft Greater Soul Prison (Sp): at level three, the Elemental Master can craft Greater Soul Prisons like a Monster Tamer.

Increased Awareness (Ex): the third-level Elemental Master gains the Increased Awareness class feature of the Monster Tamer.

Speak With Monsters (Ex): upon reaching third level, the Elemental Master gains the ability to speak with Monsters as a Monster Tamer.

Transfer Control: at level four, the Elemental Master gains the Transfer Control ability of a Monster Tamer.

Type Specialisation (Ex): at fifth level, the Elemental Master specialises in the Elemental Type. This ability otherwise works the same as Type Specialisation for a Monster Tamer.

League Challenge (Ex): when the Elemental Master class is completed, the Mephit counts it as the first 8 levels of Monster Tamer, and may then take Monster Tamer levels starting with level nine. The Caster Level is still measured as Monster Tamer class levels plus five (the Elemental Master class level), with an additional plus 3 to control creatures with an Elemental Subtype, however new class features are gained as though the first class level were actually the ninth.
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Mephit King
The Mephit King is sort of like the True Fiend of the Mephits. They gain more (and better) summoning while not being outright summoners, they get better breath weapons and combat ability without being outright combat specialists, they get more Spell-Like Abilities without just choosing a whole bunch and being real casters. Basically, they can do a bunch of things kind of well, sort of like a Bard.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (The Planes), Move Silently, Perform (any), Sleight of Hand, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device
1+1+0+0+2Improved Spell-Like Abilities, Elemental Resiliency, Command
2+2+0+0+3Impressive Summoning
3+3+1+1+3Destructive Breath, More Casting
4+4+1+1+4Sphere Access
5+5+1+1+4Mob Summoning, Sacrificial Minions
6+6+2+2+5More Power
7+7+2+2+5Massive Breath
8+8+2+2+6Army Summoning, Sphere Access
9+9+3+3+6Sycophantic Minions
10+10+3+3+7Lord of Elemental Planes
11+11+3+3+7Sweeping Breath, Healing Praise
12+12+4+4+8Sphere Access
13+13+4+4+8Royal Imperviosity
14+14+4+4+9Magic of the Elemental Overlord
15+15+5+5+9Seize Control
16+16+5+5+10Sphere Access
17+17+5+5+10Elemental Weird

Improved Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): the Mephit King has better Spell-Like Abilities than most. If you ask the Mephit King, they’ll tell you they have the BEST Spell-Like Abilities. All of its Spell-Like Abilities have a Save DC of 10 + half of its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, and a Caster Level equal to its hit dice. This includes innate racial ones and those granted by feats or magic items. Additionally, individual abilities improve.
-Air: Blur becomes Greater Blur and Gust of Wind can be used at will
-Ash: Mudball (PF) is at will, Lamentable Belaborment is both Widened and Extended
-Dust: Blur becomes Greater Blur and Wind Wall becomes Wall of Sand
-Earth: Soften Earth and Stone can be used at will and Enlarge can shift it up to two sizes larger
-Fire: Heat Metal can be used at will and Scorching Ray benefits from Split Ray and Empower
-Glass: Blur becomes Greater Blur and Heat Metal becomes Body Blaze
-Ice: Chill Metal can be used at will and Magic Missile is exchanged for Creeping Cold
-Lightning: (Pathfinder) Shocking Grasp can be used at will and Lightning Bolt bouncess of walls like in AD&D
-Magma: Pyrotechnics becomes Fireball once per hour and Change Shape can be used at will
-Mineral: Earth Glide has a duration of 1 minute per hit die, Rainbow Beam is Empowered
-Ooze: Acid Arrow is Extended and Empowered and Stinking Cloud is also Extended
-Radiant: both effects are Widened
-Salt: Glitterdust can be used at will and Dehydrate deals 1d8 damage per level and Fatigues all who fail the saving throw
-Smoke: (Pathfinder) Blur becomes Greater Blur and Ember Storm also causes targets to be Blind for 3 rounds if they fail the save
-Steam: Blur becomes Greater Blur and Boiling Rain becomes 1d6 damage per level, continuing the effect for 3 rounds
-Sulfur: Haboob can be used at will and Stinking Cloud is Widened and Extended
-Water: Acid Arrow can be used at will and Stinking Cloud is Widened and Extended

Command (Sp): the Mephit King can cast Command at will.

Elemental Resiliency: if the Mephit King has the [Earth] or [Water] Subtype, it has a Good Fortitude Save (the same as its Will Save). If it has the [Fire] or [Air] Subtype, it has a Good Reflex Save (the same as its Will Save). If it has a combination that would grant it both, or is a weird type that has neither, then simply select one of the two Saving Throws to improve, but you don't get to choose "both".

Impressive Summoning (Sp): at level two, the Mephit King’s Summon ability works 100% of the time, and can be used three times per day. Additionally, summoned Mephits enjoy a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Charisma, and a +3 Deflection Bonus to AC.

Destructive Breath (Su): at level three, the breath weapon of the Mephit King deals one die of damage per hit die, though the size of the damage die remains the same. Those that deal smaller damage and cause a penalty also double the duration of the penalty. In the case of the Glass Mephit, the burning becomes 3d6 per round. The Sulfur Mephit merely causes all who pass the save to still be Blinded and Sickened for one round. The Ash Mephit causes Nausea for 3 rounds on a failed save, as well as 1d4 Constitution damage. The Radiant Mephit causes permanent Blindness on a failed save, and Blindness for 1 round on a successful one.

More Casting (Sp): starting at third level, every Spell-Like Ability of the Mephit King gains an extra daily use, even those granted from other classes, Spheres and similar. It also applies to those gained after this class feature. Innate racial Spell-Like Abilities (and those from Improved Spell-Like Abilities and Command, but not other features) that can already be used at will can instead be cast as a Move-Equivalent Action (Air: Wind Wall, Ash: Mudball, Earth: Soften Earth and Stone, Fire: Heat Metal, Ice: Chill Metal, Lightning: Shocking Grasp, Magma: Change Shape, Salt: Glitter Dust, Sulfur: Haboob, Water: Acid Arrow). Remember that the Summon ability is a Spell-Like Ability.

Sphere Access (Ex): every four levels, the Mephit King gains Basic access to a Sphere, or improves access to an existing one. It should probably be Elemental in theme, but some of them take Fiendish or Celestial ones or whatever.

Mob Summoning (Sp): starting at level five, when the Mephit King Summons Mephits, 2d4 of them appear instead of the normal amount. They also gain an Enhancement Bonus to Attack and Damage rolls equal to one third of the Mephit King’s hit dice (round up) for the duration.

Sacrificial Minions (Su): with an Immediate Action, a fifth-level Mephit King can sacrifice an adjacent mephit it has summoned. Doing so destroys the creature instantly, but negates an attack or effect directed at the Mephit King – only the King is saved from multi-target or area effects.

More Power (Sp): starting at level six, the Mephit King can cast Greater Command once per hour. Additionally, it gets another couple of Spell-Like Abilities based on its type:
-Air: Control Winds once per hour, Boreal Wind at will
-Ash: Disintegrate once per hour, Scorching Ash Form (PF) at will
-Dust: Choking Sands once per hour, Wither at will
-Earth: Wall of Stone once per hour, Blast of Sand at will
-Fire: Unearthly Heat once per hour, Fire Shield at will
-Glass: Wall of Force once per hour, Transmute Sand to Glass at will
-Ice: Blizzard once per hour, Wall of Frost at will
-Lightning: Cyclonic Blast once per hour, Thunder Lance at will
-Magma: Wall of Magma once per hour, Boiling Oil at will
-Mineral: Envious Urge (PF) once per hour, Hungry Earth (PF) at will
-Ooze: Acid Rain once per hour, Mudslide at will
-Radiant: Mislead once per hour, Confusion at will
-Salt: Flesh to Salt once per hour, Dispel Water at will
-Smoke: Extended Fire and Brimstone once per hour, Horrid Sickness at will
-Steam: Radiant Fog once per hour, Murderous Mist at will
-Sulfur: Cloudkill once per hour, Fire and Brimstone at will
-Water: Wall of Water once per hour, Thalassemia at will

Massive Breath (Su): at level seven, the breath weapon of the Mephit King extends out as far as it can imagine... sadly, that’s only as far as Medium Range (100' plus 10' per hit die), but that’s still pretty decent.

Army Summoning (Sp): the eighth-level Mephit King controls armies. When it summons Mephits, it summons enough to have the Mob template (DMG2) applied. When the mob uses its breath weapon, it effectively extends out in a sphere from the mob, with a radius equal to the usual radius. When casting a Spell-Like Ability, it either affects itself normally (things like Blur), attacks up to 20 different targets (things like Acid Arrow) or the effect is triple Widened (things like Glitterdust).

Sycophantic Minions (Su): as long as the ninth-level Mephit King has any of its summoned Mephits within Line of Sight, they cheer it on. It gains a Morale Bonus to Saving Throws and to attempts to pierce Spell Resistance of +1 per 3 hit dice.

Lord of Elemental Planes (Ex): at level ten, the Mephit King gains rulership of its own Demiplane. It’s based in an appropriate Elemental Plane or Para-Elemental or Quasi-Elemental Plane. The size is one mile per hit die, but every year the radius expends by another ten miles. It has control of the Demi-Plane and can Planeshift to this place at will from anywhere, and from it to the Prime Material Plane and the Inner Planes at will. When travelling to the plane, it always travels perfectly accurately. It may also use a Swift Action at will to Banish others from the plane (Will negates). Anyone who fails the save is barred from returning for 30 days, and anyone who passes the save is immune for the rest of the day. Additionally, when summoning Mephits, the number increases to three Mobs, plus 3 “Commanders” that have the full 9 racial hit dice and a Simple Mythic Template of Rank 1 or 2. Finally, as the greatest of its kind, its Strength, Dexterity and Charisma each increase by four points.

Sweeping Breath (Su): starting at level eleven, the breath weapon of the Mephit King is twice as wide as normal, like two breath weapons that share an edge.

Healing Praise (Su): as long as at least one summoned Mephit is spending its action cheering the eleventh-level Mephit King on, the Mephit King’s Fast Healing applies, and is tripled. It doesn’t matter how many are doing this – more won’t increase it further.

Royal Imperviosity (Ex): at level thirteen, the Mephit King’s Damage Reduction improves to 10/Magic Piercing or 10/Magic Bludgeoning or 10/Magic Slashing – it chooses one. It also becomes immune to Poison, Sleep, Paralysis and Stunning.

Magic of the Elemental Overlord (Sp): at level fourteen, the Mephit King becomes better at casting Spell-Like Abilities: if something was previously castable as a Move-Equivalent Action, it quickens to a Swift Action. The At-Will powers gained from More Power can also be cast as Move-Equivalent Actions once per round. Finally, it gains access to new Spell-Like Abilities:
-Air: Whirlwind 1/hour, Astral Projection and Elemental Swarm (Air Elementals) 1/day
-Ash: Incendiary Cloud 1/hour, Sphere of Ultimate Destruction and Wail of the Banshee 1/day
-Dust: Desert Binding 1/hour, Wail of the Banshee and Summon Desert Ally IX 1/day
-Earth: Iron Body 1/hour, Implosion and Elemental Swarm (Earth Elementals) 1/day
-Fire: Incendiary Cloud 1/hour, Prismatic Sphere and Elemental Swarm (Fire Elementals) 1/day
-Glass: Mind of the Labyrinth 1/hour, True Creation and Time Stop 1/day
-Ice: Mind Blank 1/hour, Obedient Avalanche and Fimbulwinter 1/day
-Lightning: Graviton Crash 1/hour, Aurora Assault and Towering Thunderhead 1/day
-Magma: Earthquake 1/hour, Mass Abyssal Frenzy and Detonate 1/day
-Mineral: Excavate 1/hour, Clashing Rocks (PF) and Overwhelming Presence (PF) 1/day
-Ooze: Maelstrom 1/hour, Befoul/Despoil (select when casting) and Otyugh Swarm 1/day
-Radiant: Scintillating Pattern 1/hour, Prismatic Deluge and Quickened Radiant Assault 1/day
-Salt: Horrid Wilting 1/hour, Energy Drain and Plague of Undeath 1/day
-Smoke: Blackfire 1/hour, Greater Fire Breath and Storm of Vitriol 1/day
-Steam: Demand 1/hour, Greater Aspect of the Deity and Dominate Monster 1/day
-Sulfur: Antipathy 1/hour, Implosion and Spread of Savagery 1/day
-Water: Depthsurge 1/hour, Storm of Vengeance and Elemental Swarm (Water Elementals) 1/day

Seize Control (Su): the fifteenth level can attempt to gain control over any Elemental (of any Subtype) within 100 feet with a Standard Action. The elemental must make a successful Will Save (DC 10 + half the Mephit King’s hit dice + their Charisma Bonus) to resist the effect, otherwise they succumb to the control, as though Dominated (ignoring any immunities it might possess), for 24 hours. If the elemental succeeds on the saving throw, it is immune for 24 hours. The Mephit King may dismiss the control with a Free Action, and the effect will also end if either of them die. There is no limit to how many creatures can be controlled at a time.

Elemental Weird (Su): at level seventeen, the Mephit King becomes a Weird, a supernatural paragon of its type that can act as a seer as well as a supreme overlord of elemental power. It knows all the answers, even if it then has to filter them through a limited intellect. Once per round, it may duplicate any of the following spells as a Free Action: Analyze Dweomer, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Contact Other Plane, Detect Thoughts, Discern Location, Find the Path, Foresight, Greater Scrying, Legend Lore, Locate Creature, Locate Object, Tongues, True Seeing, Vision. The Caster Level is 20, and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Apr 27, 2023 8:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Monster Manual, page 186, CR 4, Level 5

The Facsimile augments the Mimic's ability to appear to be other things (and then to eat them once it catches them by surprise). It also improves their ability to look like something socially acceptable, but the main thing is turning into objects and combat-ready creatures, then dealing Sneak Attack damage. They are basically shapeshifting rogues.

Hit Die: d8
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Hide, Jump, Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering, Dungeoneering), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Tumble, Use Magic Device
Proficiencies: the Facsimile is proficient with Simple Weapons, and any Natural Weapon of any form it assumes
1+0+2+2+0Mimicry (Small), Trap Finding, Sneak Attack +1d6
2+1+3+3+0Mimicry (Monstrous), Evasion, Greater Crushing
3+2+3+3+1Mimicry (Vaguely Humanoid), Sneak Attack +2d6
4+3+4+4+1Mimicry (Sharp Objects), Improved Evasion
5+3+4+4+1Mimicry (Humanoid), Sneak Attack +3d6
6+4+5+5+2Mimicry (Thick Skin), Holding
7+5+5+5+2Mimicry (Large), Sneak Attack +4d6
8+6+6+6+2Mimicry (Any Material), Swallow Whole
9+6+6+6+3Mimicry (Huge), Sneak Attack +5d6
10+7+7+7+3Mimicry (Perfect), Lesser Dimensional Maw
11+8+7+7+3Mimicry (Tiny), Sneak Attack +6d6
12+9+8+8+4Mimicry (Gargantuan), Defensive Roll
13+9+8+8+4Mimicry (Diminutive), Sneak Attack +7d6
14+10+9+9+4Mimicry (Colossal), Greater Dimensional Maw
15+11+9+9+5Mimicry (Whatever), Sneak Attack +8d6

Mimicry (Ex): as the Facsimile gains levels, it improves its ability to turn into “stuff”. At first level, it can become Small, halving its base speed and gaining the standard modifiers to Hide, Armour Class, Grapple, Attack rolls and so on.
At level two, it can look like a monstrous creature of some variety, though not any specific monster. Just “a monstrosity”. This allows it to make a pair of Slam attacks that deal 1d6 damage for a Medium creature.
At level three it can look more or less humanoid, though somewhat like a wax figure. Close enough not to frighten villagers.
At level four it can have up to four natural weapons (each treated as a Claw that deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature and has the Improved Grab ability). It can also form Masterwork Tools.
At level five, it still can’t resemble specific people without using the Disguise skill, but it can easily look like actual generic Humanoids.
At level six, it can grant its Natural Armour an Enhancement Bonus equal to its class level.
At level seven it can become Large – as though advancing from Medium to Large by monster hit dice, Ability Score changes included. Changing to a smaller size undoes these changes.
At level eight, it can change its body to metal, granting itself Hardness of that metal and treating its natural weapons as that metal for the purposes of Damage Reduction and so on.
At level nine, it can become Huge, again gaining the Ability Score and Natural Armour changes (which are still lost when it changes back).
At level ten, the changing is better. When it takes on the shape of a creature type, it can straight-up change its Ability Scores, Natural Armour, Damage Reduction, Extraordinary Abilities, Energy Resistances and Immunities, Natural Weapons, Movement Types and similar to that of the base creature. It may turn into corporeal creatures of any Type when doing this, providing it is able to change its Size to equal that of the creature (Small, Medium, Large or Huge when this is gained).
At level eleven, it can become Tiny, reducing its base Speed and Reach to 5 feet and gaining the standard modifiers to skills and such, but not Ability Scores - or it may become a Tiny creature using the ability gained at level ten.
At level twelve, it can become Gargantuan, just having the same Ability Score and Natural Armour changes as Huge but doubling its Speed and Reach.
At level twelve, it can become Diminutive, reducing its base speed to 5 feet and losing reach altogether and gaining the standard modifiers.
At level thirteen it can become Colossal, just having the same Ability Score and Natural Armour changes as Huge but tripling its Speed and Reach.
At level fifteen, its shape changing can even bring it to sizes beyond Colossal, and completely take on any shape and the abilities thereof, as though through Shapechange.

Trap Finding (Ex): the Facsimile is able to find and disable magical traps just like a Rogue, using the Search and Disable Device skills normally.

Sneak Attack (Ex): at every odd level, the Facsimile gains 1d6 Sneak Attack, like a Rogue.

Evasion (Ex): the second-level Facsimile gains Evasion, as the Rogue class feature.

Greater Crushing (Ex): starting at level two, the Facsimile’s Crush attack always adds its Sneak Attack dice to damage – even if it doesn’t meet the requirements for a Sneak Attack, even against creatures immune to extra damage from Sneak Attack. It is just really good at crushing things.

Improved Evasion (Ex): the Evasion of the fourth-level Fascimile increases to Improved Evasion.

Holding (Su): at level six, the Facsimile’s gullet can function as a Bag of Holding whenever it wishes.

Swallow Whole (Ex): starting at level eight, the Facsimile can Swallow enemies Whole. Swallowed enemies suffer Crush damage each turn and risk suffocating. The Escape Artist DC or Slashing Damage that must be dealt within one turn equals its hit dice + 15.

Lesser Dimensional Maw (Su): at level ten, the Facsimile can create any of the following effects with its dimensional mouth: Rope Trick, Shadow Well, Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion. The Caster Level equals its hit dice and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Defensive Roll (Ex): at level fourteen, the Facsimile gains the Defensive Roll Rogue special ability.

Greater Dimensional Maw (Su): at level fourteen, new spell effects are added to the Facsimile’s dimensional mouth: Maze, Abyssal Maw, Gate (travel version only).
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Pandora's Box
Pandora's Box is a completely different dimension for the Mimic, though it does still make assumptions that the Mimic will typically appear as a container of some sort. It can summon a lot of creatures - you never know what you'll find when it opens its mouth - and is basically a Conjuration specialist.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 2 + Int
Class Skills: Bluff, Concentration, Disguise, Hide, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Spellcraft, Spot
1+0+0+0+2Summon Monster III at will, Augmented Summons
2+1+0+0+3Summon Monster IV 3/day, Caustic Smoke 1/day, What's In The Box?
3+2+1+1+3Solid Fog 1/day, Doom Scarabs 1/day, Fire Trapped
4+3+1+1+4Summon Monster V 2/day, Major Creation 1/day
5+3+1+1+4Freezing Fog 1/day, Luminous Assassin 2/day, Manifest Dragon Heritage 1/day
6+4+2+2+5Summon Monster VII 2/day, Twice Augmented Summons
7+5+2+2+5Acid Fog 1/day, Blackwater Tentacle 2/day
8+6+2+2+6Summon Monster VII 2/day, Waterspout 3/day
9+6+3+3+6Maze 1/day, Greater Luminous Assassin 1/day
10+7+3+3+7Summon Monster VIII 2/day, Phantasmal Thief 3/day
11+8+3+3+7Greater Manifest Dragon Heritage 2/day, Incendiary Cloud 1/day
12+9+4+4+8Summon Monster IX 1/day, Fierce Pride of the Beastlands 1/day
13+9+4+4+8More Summoning, Abyssal Army 1/day, Hellish Horde 1/day
14+10+4+4+9More Summoning, Heavenly Host 1/day, Summon Elemental Monolith 1/day
15+11+5+5+9More Summoning, Ice Assassin 1/day, Maze at will, Trap the Soul 1/day

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): as it gains levels, the Pandora’s Box learns new Spell-Like Abilities it can cast. The Caster Level equals its hit dice and any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Wisdom Bonus.

Augmented Summons (Ex): any time the Pandora’s Box summons one or more creatures, those creatures gain a +4 Bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Constitution.

What’s In the Box? (Ex): starting at level two, the Pandora’s Box can alter the way its summoning spells work. When casting a Summon Monster spell, it can instead draw creatures from the list of a spell of equal level from Summon Nature’s Ally, Summon Undead or Conjure Ice Beast. It can also summon other creatures that are usually only added to lists for followers of specific deities or that are optional replacements for others.

Fire Trapped (Su): starting at level three, any time the Pandora’s Box takes the form of a container (such as a chest) and is opened by someone, there is a burst of flame, and they suffer 1d4 plus its hit dice in Fire Damage, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Wisdom Bonus).

Twice Augmented Summons (Ex): whenever the sixth-level Pandora’s Box summons one or more creatures, the creatures gain a total of +6 to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Natural Armour, and their hit points are maximised.

More Summoning (Sp): at every level starting at thirteen, the Pandora’s Box can summon more than before: every Summon Monster spell on its list calls forth one extra creature when cast and one extra use per day (although if it can already be used at will, that doesn’t do much.)
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Mind Flayer
Monster Manual, page 187. CR 8 [Awesome], Level 10 - a "kill on sight" creature that doesn't like sunlight and has at-will Stunning and awesome ability scores.

Far Realm Caller
The Far Realm Caller is what happens when an Illithid decides to be a Summoner. It also gains various Star Mage abilities as it improves its link to the Far Realm and the weird star creatures found there.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 4 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Concentration, Craft (Alchemy), Decipher Script, Gather Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, Use Magic Device
1+0+0+0+2Dimension Door, Attune Form, Calling 1
2+1+0+0+3Mass Suggestion 1/day, End of Sight
3+1+1+1+3Dominate Monster 1/day, Calling 2
4+2+1+1+4Far Realm's Grass, Far Realm's Air, End of Life
5+2+1+1+4End of Hope, Calling 3
6+3+2+2+5Mass Suggestion, Nightmare Terrain
7+3+2+2+5End of Time, Contact Other Plane 1/day, Calling 4
8+4+2+2+6Dominate Monster, Call Planar Essence
9+4+3+3+6Gate 1/day, Calling 5
10+5+3+3+7Gate 3/day, Fuse Worlds

Psionics (Sp): as it gains levels, the Illithid Psi-Caller gains various Spell-Like Abilities which are considered Psionic powers if that matters. The Caster Level equals its hit dice, and any Save DC is 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. If no limit is specified, an ability can be used at will.

Calling (Sp): as it gains levels, the Illithid Psi-Caller gains the ability to call creatures to its aid. Doing so is a Standard Action, and the creatures lurk around for one minute at the command of the Psi-Caller before vanishing back to their origins. The Illithid Psi-Caller can use Calling once per hit die per day, in any combination it has available. Calling is considered a Conjuration [Calling] effect with a Spell Level equal to half the Caller's hit dice (round up, maximum 9).
Calling 1:
1 Pseudonatural Elephant
1 Cildabrin
1 Embrac
1 Kaortic Hulk (Dragon #330)
1 Akleu (Dragon #348)
1 Xorbeast (Dragon #348)
1d4+1 Kigrid
1d4+1 Dolgrue (Dragon #348)
2d6 Saltor
2d6 Cranial Encysters (Dragon #330)
2d6 Amboebic Crawlers (Dragon #330)

Calling 2:
1 Hound of the Gloom (9)
1 Shaboath (10)
1 Pseudonatural Triceratops
1 Rukanyr
1d4+1 Cildabrin
1d4+1 Akleu
2d6 Kigrid
2d6 Pseudonatural Polar Bears

Calling 3:
1 Giant Psurlon
1 Half-Farspawn Grey Render
1 Mooncalf
1 Elder Black Pudding
1 Kyra (Dragon #348)
1d4+1 Hounds of the Gloom
1d4+1 Rukanyr
2d6 Embracs
2d6 Pseudonatural Elephants

Calling 4:
1 Thought Slayer
1 Pseudonatural Grizzly Mastodon
1 Skybleeder
1 Nightseed (Dragon #330)
1d4+1 Mooncalves
1d4+1 Giant Psurlon
2d6 Pseudonatural Tyrannosaurus
2d6 Shaboath

Calling 5:
1 Neothelid
1 Moonbeast
1 Half-Farspawn Siesmosaurus
1 Beholder Overseer
1 Xenostelid (Dragon #348)
1d4+1 Skybleeders
2d6 Elder Black Puddings
End of Sight (Su): at second level, the Illithid Psi-Caller can reach out and extinguish the light in people’s eyes. With a Standard Action, it designates any number of targets within Medium Range, and they must all pass a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Intelligence Bonus) or be rendered permanently Blind.

Far Realm’s Grass (Su): at level four, the Illithid Psi-Caller can cast Chilling Tentacles (as the Warlock Invocation) at will, though only one such effect can be active at a time and it uses its Intelligence Bonus instead of Charisma for the effects. When the effect ends, it permanently leaves a patch of strange, rubbery “grass” that resembles sea anenomes and temporarily numbs the flesh. This “grass” can be removed with a Banishment or Dismissal spell.

Far Realm’s Air (Su): the fourth-level Psi-Caller can cast Obscuring Mist at will, however only one such effect can be active at a time. Any non-Aberration living creature that breathes while inside the mist must pass a Will Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Intelligence Bonus) or become Confused for one minute. Even after the effect ends, for ten minutes the air smells acidic and noxious, though this has no real effect.

End of Life (Su): starting at level four, when the Illithid Psi-Caller uses its End of Sight ability, it may designate one target as special. If that target fails the saving through, they don’t go blind, they instead just die as a [Death] effect. If they pass the save, they still suffer 1d8 points of Light damage per 2 hit dice of the Psi-Caller.

End of Hope (Su): at level five, when the Psi-Caller uses its End of Sight ability, it may force one of the targets to attempt a Will Save (same DC). If they fail, they are transported to the edge of the universe. They probably end up somewhere where they can vaguely survive, but that still leaves them with the matter of getting back home. They do not also have to save against Blindness.

End of Time (Su): at level seven, the Psi-Caller can show people the end of the universe. It spends a Full Round Action focusing, and designates a spot within Long Range. A 40’ radius 120’ tall Column opens up there, and everything in the area, even Undead and objects, must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Intelligence Bonus) or be utterly annihilated. Those who pass their saves still suffer 1d6 Light damage per hit die of the Psi-Caller and physically age 2d4 years.

Call Planar Essence (Su): once per day, the eighth-level Illithid Psi-Caller can gaze at a creature within Close Range and force them to make a Will Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Intelligence Bonus). If they fail the save, they are rendered permanently Insane and gain the Half Farspawn template. If they are Immune to one part of this ability, the entire ability has no effect. No free power-ups for your Mind Blank casting allies!

Fuse Worlds (Su): at level ten, the Psi-Caller gains a dreadful ability. Once per week, it may spend one minute concentrating, and at the end of that time, a one mile radius area centred on its location is forever changed: the current plane fuses with the Far Realm in the area, breaching the barrier between Planes. This cannot be reversed without a Wish or Miracle, and fucks the area up beyond recognition. If you have Dragon #330, consider the area to be a Cerebrotic Blot.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Sep 03, 2020 1:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Illithid Mastermind
Every Mind Flayer is a genius by human standards. However even amongst them, there are plotters and schemers beyond the norm, those who come up with the greatest of plans and manipulate lesser minds with even more ease. The Masterminds are leaders amongst a species of leaders, and can happily control others in the middle of dangerous fights.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 8 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot
1+0+0+0+2Tendril of Influence, Invisibility, Dream Walk
2+1+0+0+3Issue Command, Misdirection, Manifest Desire
3+1+1+1+3Dream, Veil, False Vision, Manifest Nightmare
4+2+1+1+4Mental Grasp, Mirage Arcana, Dominate Monster
5+2+1+1+4Stronger Command, Sequester, Mind Switch
6+3+2+2+5Mislead, Programmed Image
7+3+2+2+5Mental Ownership, Shatter Mind Blank
8+4+2+2+6Screen, Demand, Improved Invisibility
9+4+3+3+6Sympathy, Repulsion
10+5+3+3+7Id Seed, Programmed Amnesia

Tendril of Influence (Su): at will, the Illithid Mastermind may attempt to seize control of an individual within Close Range with just a Standard Action. The target must have an Intelligence Score of 3 or more, but Immunity to [Mind-Affecting] effects does not prevent this. If the target fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), they become influenced, vulnerable to coercion. The Mastermind adds its Class Level as an Insight Bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate and Sense Motive checks against the target until released, and can read its surface thoughts at will. It may hold influence over up to four targets at a time, and this lasts until it uses a Free Action to release them or they move further than Medium Range (based on its total hit dice).

Psionics (Sp): as the Illithid Mastermind gains levels, it gains a number of additional Spell-Like Abilities that are considered to be Psionics. Each of these can be used three times per day, with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice, and a Save DC of 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. The Caster Level of existing Psionics increases, as does the Save DC for its Mind Blast.

Issue Command (Su): starting at level two, the Illithid Mastermind may prod the minds of any targets held within its Tendril of Influence, trying to force actions. When a subject declares an action, but before the action takes place, it uses an Immediate Action to direct them:
  • Attack: the Mastermind designates a target for them to attack. If they attack the target, the attack gains a +4 Insight Bonus to attack and damage rolls. If they wish to attack a different target, they must first pass a Will Save, otherwise they follow the instructions. If they pass the save and attack another target, they suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to the attack and damage rolls.
  • Move: the Mastermind may designate the movement path (within the normal limits of their movement). If they follow that path, they gain a +4 Insight Bonus to Armour Class until their next turn. If they wish to move a different way, they must first pass a Will Save, otherwise they follow the instructions. If they pass and move their own way (or not at all), they suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to Armour Class until their next turn.
  • Cast: whichever spell the subject has chosen to cast, the Mastermind may designate a target or area (as applicable, within normal limits). The subject must pass a Will Save in order to defy this designation. If they fail the save or follow the instruction, they gain a +4 Insight Bonus to Concentration checks and Caster Level checks for that spell. If they pass the save and defy the command, they suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to the same.
The Save DC is 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Mental Grasp (Su): at level four, when the Illithid Mastermind uses a [Mind-Affecting] effect on a subject of its Tendril of Influence, it may outright ignore any Immunity they have to [Mind-Affecting] effects, and double the duration (unless Instantaneous, Concentration, or Permanent). Whether or not the effect succeeds, this releases the Mastermind’s Influence over them.

Stronger Command (Su): at level five, the Illithid Mastermind enjoys a better grasp of the actions of those it commands. With its Issue Command ability, for an attack it may select specific weapons or attack options used as long as they are available to the target, for movement it may designate things like Balance, Jump and Tumble checks to improve movement, and for casting it may select any Spell (or Spell-Like Ability or similar) the target has available. The Bonuses for following the instructions improve to +8, and the Penalties for defying worsen to -8.

It may also cast a Quickened Greater Command on them at will (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and failure to abide by the instructions causes the subject to take 6d6 points of Non-lethal damage.

Mental Ownership (Su): the seventh-level Illithid Mastermind is able to spend a Full Round Action at will attempting to seize full control of a subject of its Tendril of Influence. The target must attempt a Will Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and if they fail, they are Dominated for one round per class level of the Mastermind, even if usually immune to this condition. If they succeed on the save, however, they are freed from the Influence, likewise they are freed once the Domination ends.

Id Seed (Su): anyone who becomes the subject of the tenth-level Illithid Mastermind’s Tendril of Influence becomes tainted and corrupted. Such creatures are in danger should the Mastermind be slain: all corrupted creatures must instantly pass a Will Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If at least one target fails, the Mastermind (despite being dead) may select one target that failed, at which point it takes over their body, consuming their own id. Often, it will carefully wait for the opportunity to recover the remains of its own body and secure a Resurrection (at which point the mind returns to the body and is left with a brain-dead creature waiting to be consumed), possibly planning to kill the “allies” of the current host. There are, however, multiple protections that grant immunity to this effect: being in a Hallowed or Consecrated area, having a Protection Against Alignment or other method that explicitly prevents possession, being subject to a Remove Curse or Break Enchantment cast before the death of the Illithid, or merely a full day passing between the Influence and the death.
Serious Badass
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Re: Monster Prestige Classes (A Reprint)

Post by Koumei »

Mind Owner
The Mind Owner doesn't just own minds, it actually owns people. According to the Illithid, most other creatures are simple animals to be controlled in battle, so these ones pursue the arts of the Monster Tamer.

Hit Die: d6
Skill Points: 6 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Concentration, Craft (any), Gather Information, Handle Animal, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (any), Listen, Move Silently, Ride, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival
Proficiency: the Mind Owner is Proficient with all Simple Weapons as well as the Sap, the Net, the Man-Catcher, the Bolas and the Whip
1+0+0+0+2Control Monster, Superior Species, Train Monster, Dread Lore, Craft Greater Soul Prison
2+1+0+0+3Subtype Specialisation, Transfer Control, Store Monster, Recall Monster
3+1+1+1+3Craft Leaden Seal, Push Monster
4+2+1+1+4Type Specialisation
5+2+1+1+4Craft Dark Prison, Agonise Monster
6+3+2+2+5Second Subtype Specialisation
7+3+2+2+5Craft Master Prison
8+4+2+2+6Fast Recall Monster, Second Type Specialisation
9+4+3+3+6Type Mastery
10+5+3+3+7Double-Team, Subtype Mastery

Caster Level: even though the Mind Owner does not gain new Spells, it still has a Caster Level which is used for certain features as a Monster Tamer. Its Caster Level for both this and for its existing Spell-Like Abilities is its Class Level plus eight.

Control Monster (Ex): a Mind Owner can have a number of Monsters in Soul Prisons equal to its Charisma Modifier be “Controlled”. A Controlled Monster behaves like a summoned monster when released from its Soul Prison, and is essentially under the direct control of the Mind Owner. A Mind Owner cannot control a Monster whose Challenge Rating is equal to or greater than its Caster Level. An uncontrolled Monster will act as it sees fit – which can include attacking the Mind Owner until returned to its Soul Prison. A Controlled Monster cannot use any Summoning ability to summon other Monsters. More than one controlled Monster can be out of its Prison at a time, but only the first one actually behaves like a summoned monster – the others will typically stand around and watch, or fall asleep. Increases to Charisma only affect the number of Monsters which can be controlled if the increase lasts long enough that it would normally affect Spells per Day for a Sorcerer. As such, effects like Eagle’s Splendour do not increase this number, but a Cloak of Charisma would. Once the limit has been reached, it cannot control any more until one or more Monsters are released (which takes about ten minutes) or killed.

Superior Species (Ex): in the eyes of the Illithid, only the Illithid are truly “people”. Any other creature is just a lesser species that can be used as it pleases. As such, the Mind Owner may ignore the usual restrictions on what makes up a “Monster” for the purpose of the Monster Tamer class, allowing it to capture things like Humanoids and creatures that only advance by class levels. Dragons still have a +4 CR modifier, however. It also suffers no loss if a Monster dies – it does not care in the slightest.

Train Monster (Ex): a Mind Owner can train or evolve their Monsters, just like a Monster Tamer.

Dread Lore (Ex): Mind Owners gain the Dread Lore ability of the Monster Tamer.

Craft Greater Soul Prison (Su): the Mind Owner is able to craft both a Soul Prison and the Greater version, just like a Monster Tamer.

Subtype Specialization (Ex): at levels two and six, the Mind Owner gains a Subtype Specialization. This works just the same as for Monster Tamers.

Transfer Control: at level two, the Mind Owner gains the ability to transfer control like a Monster Tamer.

Store Monster (Sp): the second-level Mind Owner can Store Monsters like a Monster Tamer.

Recall Monster (Sp): the second-level Mind Owner can also Recall Monsters like a Monster Tamer.

Craft Leaden Seal (Su): at level three, the Mind Owner gains the ability to craft Leaden Seals.

Push Monster (Su): the third-level Mind Owner is able to psychically push its Monsters beyond their normal limits, albeit at a cost (though one it doesn’t mind paying). With a Swift Action, it may Haste a controlled Monster for one round, however the Monster suffers 1d10 points of damage after this.

Type Specialization (Ex): at levels four and eight, the Mind Owner gains a Type Specialization. This works like the Monster Tamer ability.

Craft Dark Prison (Su): the fifth-level Mind Owner can craft Dark Prisons, with the same time and cost as Greater Soul Prisons. These are treated as regular Soul Prisons, however they are increased in effectiveness one stage for each of the following: target is an Undead or Aberration, target has Daylight Sensitivity or Vulnerability or Sunlight Powerlessness or similar, the target is within a Darkness effect or similar, it is currently night. One increase treats it as a Greater Soul Prison, two treats it as a Leaden Seal, and three or more treats it as a Master Prison.

Agonize Monster (Su): starting at level five, the Mind Owner can wrack the body of a controlled Monster with terrible pain at will, using a Move-Equivalent Action to deal 1d10 damage and Stagger it for one round. After this, the Monster becomes Immune to [Fear] effects for a number of rounds equal to the Mind Owner’s Charisma Bonus.

Craft Master Prison (Su): at level seven, the Mind Owner gains the ability to craft a Master Prison.

Fast Recall Monster (Sp): for the eighth-level Mind Owner, Recalling a Monster is a Free Action.

Type Mastery (Ex): at level nine, the Mind Owner gains Type Mastery with one type, like a Monster Tamer.

Double-Team: the tenth-level Mind Owner gains the Double Team ability of a Monster Tamer.

Subtype Mastery (Ex): at level ten, the Mind Owner gains Subtype Mastery, just like a Monster Tamer.
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