Saga of Two Jedi: Star Wars campaign log [no PL]

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Saga of Two Jedi: Star Wars campaign log [no PL]

Post by virgil »

A Saga of Two Jedi: Session Zero

I'm getting ready to run a new campaign, but with only two players, due to scheduling (technically a third will be available intermittently). The year is 3700 BBY, two and a half centuries since the Dark Wars, and nearly two decades before the Sith Empire makes their full return in force as seen in SWtOR.

This time, we're using the popular and admired system of Star Wars Saga. While the numbers largely work, that doesn't mean it's going to be bereft of house rules.
  • Climb, Jump, & Swim are condensed into one skill - Athletics
  • The Skill Focus bonus is equal to half the PC's level, rounded up, maximum of +5
  • Increase all hyperdrive ratings by two (this is to represent the tech being worse than modern-era Star Wars)
  • Every HD is assumed to roll half, rounded up (eg. Jedi gain 6 per level)
  • Milestone, Story-Based Advancement rather than XP
  • Weapon Finesse applies to damage as well (negating the Ataru talent)
  • Use the Force Point as a daily resource optional rule
  • Ability scores are rolled via each player rolling 4d6, drop the lowest, repeat six times, pick the best set
The final stat array used is [18,16,16,14,14,13].
Jhum Crits an Ithorian Noble 1/Jedi 5 and heavily focused on a broad range of telekinetic Force Powers.
Byss Ruhinn a Cathar Jedi 6 heavily focused on Dexterity-based lightsaber combat.

The entire scene starts on Coruscant, at the Jedi Temple. Sheets of rain dragged across the central landing pad, soaking our Jedi just outside the front doors. They’re approached by a stranger. She was a pliantly slender Theelin woman dressed in two shades of blue to match her horns, named Jach. Jach implored upon the Jedi to save her Twilek lover, Dobreye Den. A human named Spider obtained a series of incriminating photos of Dobreye and is blackmailing him for a ruinous amount of credits. Neither releasing the photos nor Dobreye attempting to get involved in the criminal underworld necessary to pay off the blackmail are good options for long-term survival, so Jach is asking for help to deal with Spider directly.

The Jhum does a bit of information gathering, dumping 500cr to find the right people, finding out that Spider is an illicit porn “artist” that largely operated independently (barring protection money) from any criminal organization. His “casting couch” could be found deep in Coruscant’s understorey, in an abandoned deathstick refining facility.

Having pulled up in a droid-piloted “car” from the Jedi temple, they continued to get rained upon; this time it’s condensation from an active refrigeration bloc several stories up. A number of destitutes huddled away at the sight of them. They got out and went down the alley along the side of the storefront where Spider’s casting couch was held, then saw a flash of light through a window from a blaster bolt. When they ran in, they found Dobreye mostly naked, tied up, and drugged out of his mind next to the blastered corpse of Spider. Their Perception was good enough to hear the footsteps, so they ran down the hall after the Zabrak they saw; to which they got interrupted by four goons with vibro-axes and carbines, beginning combat.

Byss handily sabered two of them while Jhum telekinetically smashed the other two into each other before they continued their chase of the Zabrak. This was interrupted by a roar and the scraping sound of metal. A Coruscani Ogre had entered the scene, broke the Zabrak’s getaway speeder, and attacked the Jedi. Fortunately, Byss one-shot the ogre and Jhum spent a Force Point on a 30+ Mind Trick to fully convince the Zabrak to surrender and tell them what the scoop was. Jach had hired him to do all of that, intending to set the scene for Dobreye to assume the Jedi killed Spider. Full details can be glossed over, as the Jedi simply turned over all of the details and people to the Coruscant Guard to handle.

At this point, this pilot session is complete. The two Jedi have been approved for their request to patrol the Outer Rim for general peace-keeping activities, and are thus assigned a ship from the Council’s impound lot.
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Re: Saga of Two Jedi: Star Wars campaign log [no PL]

Post by The Adventurer's Almanac »

We're just preemptively locking people out of threads before they even start, huh?
Count me out.
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Re: Saga of Two Jedi: Star Wars campaign log [no PL]

Post by Avoraciopoctules »

Neat! I played in a couple Saga games, and it's still got some very appealing aspects as a system. I was always more interested in the engineering stuff than the magic in Saga, so it should be fun seeing how a primarily Jedi team does things.

Looks like you've set up an interesting hook for our Jedi cops. Jach's plan seems weird and convoluted, I'm definitely curious to see what parts of the picture are currently missing. Feels very Star Warsy, especially since I'm listening to deep dives on the More Civilized Age podcast lately.

Not sure if Jhum Crits is setting up nat 20 puns with that name or not... I guess we'll see.

Good luck with your game!
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Re: Saga of Two Jedi: Star Wars campaign log [no PL]

Post by MGuy »

While I don't know about the popular and admired bit I remember running a Saga game that my friends enjoyed. I ran it back when there were like two or three books out for it I think. The hardest thing for me as the GM was actually creating encounters that were satisfying. It's been a long time but I do know that was the reason I never ran it again despite it being one of my more successful ventures. Was there ever a book released for it that helped with encounters?
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Re: Saga of Two Jedi: Star Wars campaign log [no PL]

Post by Avoraciopoctules »

I'm not sure about an encounter book, but the wiki page has a hefty bestiary at least:
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Re: Saga of Two Jedi: Star Wars campaign log [no PL]

Post by virgil »

Near as I can tell, there are about a dozen expansion books. One of which is Threats of the Galaxy, which is Monster Manual analogue. Overall, from what I can tell, the encounter system is intended to be mathematically the same as 3E's - which is the baseline I will be working with in this campaign. Of course, we'll see how that works in practice. The wiki that Avora lists serves the same purpose as the d20pfsrd.

As for Jach's plan - there wasn't one. I set up that whole scenario as kind of a test run for basic mechanics and to remind ourselves how the system runs - since we've been using only 5E & Ars for the past couple years. If the players were interested in changing course and making it a Coruscant noir direction, then I had enough to start fleshing it out. As it stands, they still intend to be wandering peace-keepers in the Outer Rim; so the first real session will be with that. In a future post, I'll detail the ship (and droids) assigned to them from the Jedi Council's impound lot.
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Re: Saga of Two Jedi: Star Wars campaign log [no PL]

Post by virgil »

The 421 Club
ignore the solar sail
A mobile and exclusive nightclub. The sleek, precision-crafted starship hails from the fine starship manufacturer X. The interiors have been expanded, modified for the heights of opulence, including hardwood lining from the trees of Kashyyyk, as well as a luxuriously well-stocked bar and several gambling stations.

Mechanically, take a Baudo-class Star Yacht, remove all of the cargo capacity, reduce the hyperdrive a step (to x5/x12 after house-rule), and put all of the available expansion slots into passenger capacity and extreme luxury. The ship comes with two independent droids, as well every door installed with a low-quality droid brain that will giggle/sigh/moan erotically when it gets the opportunity to open for someone.

DJ-2 Hospitality Droid
Mechanically, DJ-2 is the GG-Series hospitality droid series, but with an added monitor, credit reader (currently faulty)

PK-800 Astromech
Mechanically, this is a T3 series droid with legs instead of wheels, and whose limb servos are faulty (10' land speed).

The blood had been largely cleaned up by the time our Jedi are given this ship, except for the ceiling, as neither of the droids are tall enough and DJ-2 refuses to let PK climb the hardwood walls to get to them.
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Re: Saga of Two Jedi: Star Wars campaign log [no PL]

Post by MGuy »

That ship looks real nice. Solar sail and all.
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Re: Saga of Two Jedi: Star Wars campaign log [no PL]

Post by virgil »

The tradition in Star Wars fanficcampaigns is for the ship to be a Millennium Falcon. I really wanted to break from that, and figured a slow luxury yacht would be a nice contrast to that. The real shame is my inability to think of a satisfactory mechanical bennie to give them as a consequence of them living in luxurious conditions (especially for ostensibly ascetic Jedi).
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Re: Saga of Two Jedi: Star Wars campaign log [no PL]

Post by MGuy »

I'm not that big a fan of the millennium falcon myself. I would probably choose this yacht over it if I were judging by what was aesthetically more pleasing. In the Star Wars game I ran the players just stole the first ship they could commandeer and they seemed satisfied with what I gave them even though I just picked it at random from some Google images. If the players enjoy it that's good enough for me.
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Re: Saga of Two Jedi: Star Wars campaign log [no PL]

Post by OgreBattle »

virgil wrote:
Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:23 am
The tradition in Star Wars fanficcampaigns is for the ship to be a Millennium Falcon. I really wanted to break from that, and figured a slow luxury yacht would be a nice contrast to that. The real shame is my inability to think of a satisfactory mechanical bennie to give them as a consequence of them living in luxurious conditions (especially for ostensibly ascetic Jedi).
Info gathering, good encryption to keep private events private, knowing a guy that's partied there before so wherever you go you get a useful contact. Being able to dock in hiso areas because the ship isn't a heavily armed killkroozer or meant to blend in as a beat up cargo hauler.

Ya I love having a mobile home base ever since RIFTS armored upgunned RV's
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Re: Saga of Two Jedi: Star Wars campaign log [no PL]

Post by virgil »

Session 1 Having decided to take a trip along the Corellian Run before disembarking to less traveled areas, the pair (along with our guest-star PC, a droid named SOB) went toward Tatooine. This took a standard week to reach from Coruscant, and after a bit of review, they found a settlement with some level of communications. Approaching, they’re told not to land adjacent to the Czerka salvage-yard surrounding the community, but otherwise they entered the place without much trouble. They met a human named Tamarin, the droid repairman & bartender of the cantina; from whom they are told that trouble was afoot. A Rodian named Oman Itak, along with his posse, had been stealing a fair number of bantha.

After some communication, they’re told Oman & his posse were refugees from Gargon that came to Tatooine half a year ago to flee a five-way civil war. Six weeks prior, news of the civil war reached the community that the Taschists won with help from the Gargoyles (a mercenary company). This made Oman run off into the desert, only to return to raid bantha on the regular.

Having followed a lead, the party met with Tuskens next to a Krayt Dragon skull, and used SOB’s translator services to get directions to Oman's crew. Their “base” was a gorge, where they had been using bantha to pull boulders aside, as well as help with shoveling sand. As the Jedi approached Oman & his crew, they opened with a 31 Persuasion check. Oman revealed his motivation - they were specialized maintenance workers for military infrastructure. The Taschist faction of Gargon’s government did not engender the loyalty of that demographic, and replacing/retraining such personnel would be expensive. When they won the civil war, Oman took that as a hint to start arming himself by trying to dig up an abandoned Czerka weapons platform he heard about.

The Jedi decided to protect Oman & company if he agreed to return the banthas. It took a couple weeks of waiting, but eventually a ship from Gargon arrived with half a dozen CL 2 CorpSec troops and a member of the Gargoyles (stats of a CL 4 Mandalorian Marauder). The troops announced their presence was to retrieve Gargon’s expatriates. The Jedi told them to pound sand, and promptly slaughtered all but a single CorpSec, whom they told to relay to their gov’t that there were no such citizens on Tatooine. Jhum did pretty well as the tank, taking only a handful of damage thanks to energy resistance and a single deflect.
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Re: Saga of Two Jedi: Star Wars campaign log [no PL]

Post by virgil »

Session II Our pair of intrepid Jedi decide their next destination should be a more plant-heavy planet, so that Jhum can collect some specimens to add to their ship to make it more comfortable. They decide to go to Quermia, a garden paradise planet, home to the Quermian people, who are ruled over by the monarch, Quermia.
As they approach the planet, PK-800 notices hidden comm traffic on dark channels. It’s coming from a seemingly uninhabited area in the sub-arctic region of the planet, away from all of the other systems (which themselves are clearly of lower sophistication). They keep note of this and head down to the most densely populated region of Quermia, where they are greeted by high-ranking natives. While there, they learn a bit of the Quermian people and their culture. They don’t admit to any settlements in the subarctic region, but one of their rangers mentions the sole predators (called Stiltcats) of said region have been aggressive as of late - a sign that only happens when their hunting grounds are messed with.

The Jedi take out their speederbikes (22-B Nightfalcon, specifically) and head for the region, as it’s only 750km away. They eventually find a camp with a transport hover truck, multiple non-Quermian corpses, and a half-dozen stiltcats chomping down on them. From stealth, Jhum had a bunch of vines appear to grab one, which spooked the lot into fleeing. Investigation reveals that the transport had broken down due to blaster fire through the radiator, and the corpses were all of poorly fed/clothed people killed by blaster fire and force pikes, recently at that. They also find a broken crate with spice leaking out - specifically a kind of spice that requires either very expensive bioreactor hardware or lots of manual labour that is exceedingly detrimental to the health of the person doing so; Jhum’s medicinal knowledge allows him to confirm that said corpses show signs of deteriorating health due to said exposure.

Following the trail Bhyss finds of a number of barefoot people marching single file, they eventually reach a hidden base. They see Taschist faction sigils and a number of guards around several dozen slaves working on spice processing. As they approach, they identify themselves as Jedi, to which the guards give a panic glance and open fire. This is a heated fight, to which the Jedi ultimately lose (two level 4 Jedi vs 9 CL 4 guards, of which 5 are flat-out killed). Jhum uses a Force Point with a high roll Mind Trick to make one of the guards friendly - which means they are just captured rather than killed.
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Re: Saga of Two Jedi: Star Wars campaign log [no PL]

Post by virgil »

Session III Jhum & Bhyss are thrown into a cell, have tamper-proof shock collars attached, and their lightsabers are tossed aside well away from their cell. A guard with a shock trigger is posted to watch them. The player for SOB is returned, and we presume he's also captured like the rest of the group, so he's in a different part of the camp with a restraining bolt attached. Fortunately for Jhum, after a couple hours, there's a moment where he can see the guard pass by long enough for him to Mind Trick him into walk out of view for awhile while the two Jedi "sleep"; which gives Bhyss time to sneak through some vents and pick the guard's pocket for the trigger remote. As Bhyss sneaks around the back to the next guard with a shock collar remote, Jhum turns on energy resistance and phases through the door, alerting the guards yet ignoring all of their damage.

They get enough time to remove SOB's restraining bolt, retrieve their lightsabers, and ultimately kill all of the guards. SOB unlocks the collars and the team takes all of the prisoners/slaves with them back to the Quermia capital. A few stay on the planet, but a number were debt-slaves (seized by Hutts, sold to Gargon) from Scarif, so the Jedi offer to return them home. The trip is an uneventful galactic standard week, where they arrive to the resort planet. Once there, they notice the place is particularly busy and Jhum gets a feeling that it deserves investigation.

Eventually, they finally find someone willing to talk to them, a Jedi fangirl named Wukong. The human is an accountant for a Hutt-owned hotel on the planet. A pair of Hutts from rival families, Pivo & Vino, have gotten married and are coming to Scarif for their honeymoon.
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Re: Saga of Two Jedi: Star Wars campaign log [no PL]

Post by danielkreger »

The Best Way to Clean Vinyl Floors: How To Keep It Looking New!

Did you know that vinyl flooring is a popular choice for many homes because of its easy maintenance? Vinyl flooring is a durable and affordable option that can be cleaned with a vacuum and a mop. In this article, we'll share tips for cleaning vinyl flooring so that your floor looks and smells great!

Related: Mop Reviews: The Best Mops For Vinyl Floors

1. What is vinyl flooring?

Vinyl flooring is famous for many homeowners because it's durable, easy to clean, and looks great. Vinyl is made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a petroleum-based product. PVC is heat-resistant and doesn't require special chemicals or treatments to maintain its appearance or protection against moisture damage.

Most vinyl floors are designed to be stain resistant, but they may not be effective at hiding dirt, dust, and other debris. To get the best results when using vinyl flooring in your home, vacuum your floors regularly and use furniture polish on the surface to keep them looking glossy and new.


2. Advantages of vinyl flooring

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-Vinyl floors come in many colors and designs, so they can be tailored to match any style or décor scheme.

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-It also has a low environmental impact, requiring no harsh chemicals or finishes. In addition, vinyl is resistant to moisture damage, so it's perfect for areas like kitchens and bathrooms prone to flooding.

-Vinyl is resilient - it can withstand water spills, mud accidents, and even heavy traffic.

3. Tips for cleaning your vinyl floor

When cleaning vinyl flooring, there are a few key tips you should keep in mind. First and foremost, avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners(bleach or products with ammonia). These types of products can damage the finish on your floor and may also cause asthma problems in some people. Instead, opt for mild, vinyl-friendly solutions that clean without damaging the surface.

Another important tip is to take care when moving furniture around the room. Not only will this prevent scratches from occurring, but it will also reduce the dust and dirt on your floor.

Deep cleaning once a week with the best mop for Vinyl floor is highly recommended. Sweep daily with a soft broom or a suitable vacuum cleaner, so you don't damage the surface while maintaining its look for as long as possible.

Baking soda and white vinegar are great choices to clean up stains like pasta sauce, red wine spills and grime on your kitchen floor.


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For More Information:

Best Mops for Vinyl Floors: Top Rated and Reviewed

Best Mop for Vinyl Plank Floors: Buying Guide and TOP Suggestions
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