[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

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[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

This is a moderately unforgiving, firmly One True Path gamebook. I've always had a soft spot for it, which is also something I could say about Caverns of the Snow Witch, but my memory, at least, is that this one's more of a meatgrinder early and less late.

Standard Fighting Fantasy rules:
Skill, Stamina, & Luck
[spoiler]SKILL score: Roll one die. Add 6 to the result.

STAMINA score: Roll two dice. Add 12 points to the result.

LUCK score: Roll one die. Add 6 to the result.

SKILL score reflects your expertise in combat, your ability with weapons, and your dexterity. STAMINA is your general constitution and "Life points" . LUCK score shows how lucky you are. None of them may exceed their Initial score unless specifically stated.

Testing your Luck: When instructed by the book to test Test your Luck, roll two dice. If the result is equal to or less than your current LUCK score, you are Lucky. If the result exceeds your current LUCK score, you are Unlucky. Whatever the outcome, you must deduct one point from your current LUCK score every time you Test your Luck. The more you use your LUCK, the less likely you are to be Lucky.

[spoiler]SKILL and STAMINA scores are given in the text for each adversary that you face.

The combat sequence is then:
1. Roll two dice for your opponent. Add the total rolled to its SKILL score. This is the Attack Strength of your enemy.
2. Roll two dice and add the total to your own current SKILL score. This is your Attack Strength.
3. If your Attack Strength is the higher, you have wounded your opponent: deduct 2 points from your opponent's STAMINA..
If your opponent's Attack Strength is higher, it has wounded you: deduct 2 points from your own STAMINA.
If both Attack Strengths are equal, you have avoided each other's blows.
4. Begin the next Combat Round, starting again at step 1. This procedure continues until either you or your opponent has a STAMINA score of zero. If your opponent's STAMINA score reaches zero, you have killed it and can continue with your adventure. If your own STAMINA score reaches zero, you are dead.

Often you will have to fight more than one opponent at a time. Sometimes you will treat them as a single opponent; at others, you will be able to fight them one at a time; and sometimes all of them will be able to attack you, while you defend yourself and may attack only one of them. Specific instructions will be given whenever you meet more than one opponent.

Using Luck in Combat

You can use your LUCK in combat to inflict a particularly serious wound, or to minimize a wound that has been inflicted on you.

Whenever you wound an opponent, you may Test your Luck. If you are Lucky, you have inflicted a severe wound: deduct an extra 2 points from your opponent's STAMINA. If you are Unlucky, you have merely grazed it, and you deduct 1 point less than normal from its STAMINA.

If you have been wounded, you can Test your Luck in exactly the same way. If you are Lucky, the wound upon you was only a glancing blow and you can deduct 1 less point of STAMINA than usual. If you are Unlucky, the wound is serious: deduct 1 extra point from your STAMINA.[/spoiler]

Equipment and Provisions:
[spoiler]A sword, leather armor, a backpack, a lantern, and 10 Meals. Eating a Meal restores up to 4 points of STAMINA; you may only eat one Meal at a time. In this book you may eat whenever not in combat. And you may occasionally be told "you have just enough time to stuff food into your mouth before the enemy attacks, if you choose."[/spoiler]

Perhaps it was because he was born during a full moon, with wolves howling around his mother’s forest hut, that Malbordus’s nature was evil. Perhaps it was something more sinister than that. But it is certain that, after his mother abandoned him, Malbordus grew up in Darkwood Forest in the care of Darkside Elves. He was taught the Elves’ wicked ways, and also discovered powers of his own. He could make plants wither and die simply by snapping his fingers; he could make animals obey him with his piercing gaze. The Elves urged him on and helped him develop his powers, so that they could teach him the arcane and evil magic of the ancient Elf Lords – magic so vile and powerful that it kills unworthy users. In pursuit of such evil powers, Malbordus grew into manhood. In order to prove to the Elves that he was ready to receive the Elf Lords’ knowledge, he first had to pass a test. He was ordered to journey south to the Desert of Skulls to find the lost city of Vatos. In the city were hidden five Dragon artefacts which he would have to find and collect. A simple incantation would bring the Dragons to life to serve the forces of evil. Malbordus would then instruct them to fly him back to Darkwood Forest, where a massive army would be assembling. He would receive the ancient powers and lead the hordes of chaos across Allansia in an unstoppable wave of death and destruction.

It was only by a stroke of luck that these terrible plans were discovered. On the edge of Darkwood Forest lived a strange old Wizard named Yaztromo. Something of an eccentric, he lived alone in his tower, practising simple magic and communicating with animals and birds. He was always willing to sell small magic items, so that he could afford to have brought to him delicious cakes from all over Allansia. His sweet tooth was the cause of his only link with the outside world, as he rarely left his tower. It was therefore much to everyone’s surprise that he came huffing and puffing into the village of Stonebridge. What could possibly have forced old Yaztromo to venture through Darkwood Forest to Stonebridge? All the Dwarfs who lived there were eager to find out, and a message was sent to Gillibran, their king.

After the rigours of a recent quest, you are resting in Stonebridge, enjoying the merry company of the Dwarfs. Your wounds are almost healed and the local blacksmith has honed the blade of your sword as only Dwarfs can. Resting on a porch with your feet up on the railing, you are intrigued by the commotion in front of you in the village square. Followed by a throng of inquisitive Dwarfs, Yaztromo climbs the stone steps of Gillibran’s house and is warmly greeted at the top by the king. The crowd falls silent when Gillibran raises his hand, and Yaztromo turns to speak. You slide out of your chair and join the crowd to hear what the Wizard has to say. With a glum expression, his face almost as long as his beard, Yaztromo relates the bad news concerning Malbordus. The Dwarfs look up apprehensively as though expecting the five Dragons to descend upon them at any moment. He calls on them to show courage, saying, ‘Friends, look on the bright side. At least we are warned of our impending doom, thanks to my pet crow who overhead the conversation between the Dark Elves and Malbordus. What we must do now is find somebody who can reach the lost city before Malbordus and destroy the Dragon artefacts. We need a fearless young warrior who is willing to risk life and limb to save us all. Is there one among you who would volunteer?’

Each Dwarf looks around to see if another has dared to accept the challenge. Standing there watching the worried Dwarfs, you realize that there is only one thing you can do. With a wry smile on your face, you raise your arm in the air and offer your services. Yaztromo sees you and says, ‘Haven’t I seen you somewhere before? (Interesting, is Yaztromo implying that you've completed Forest of Doom before this?) Never mind, you look like the kind of person we want. Make way for our brave volunteer. We must leave for my tower immediately. Come along, let’s be off. You have a lot to learn, but I cannot teach you much until we are safely through Darkwood Forest and inside my laboratory.’

You hardly have time to cram your belongings into your backpack before the impatient Wizard leads you out of Stonebridge towards his tower on the southern edge of Darkwood Forest.

Rolling for initial stats I get: 5, 4, 4, 2. As usual I will be letting you vote to distribute them.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Skill 11, Stamina 18, Luck 10, I think.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Thaluikhain »

That seems reasonable, second that.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Queen of Swords »

Sounds good, I'll go with that too.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

For an old man, Yaztromo is surprisingly sprightly. You cross Red River and the ploughed fields beyond, and soon reach the edge of the forest. Yaztromo still doesn’t stop. He takes a narrow path leading into the dark wall of trees. The light fades; branches and knotted roots obstruct the twisting path and make the walk very tiring. You ask Yaztromo why he seems unconcerned at the possibility of being attacked by forest monsters. He chuckles and tells you that his magic is well known and respected by all the creatures for miles around – none would dare challenge Yaztromo! After spending a peaceful night in the forest, you reach Yaztromo’s tower by mid-morning the next day. You follow him up the spiral staircase to a large room at the top of the tower. Shelves, cupboards and cabinets line the walls and are filled with bottles, jars, books, boxes and all manner of strange artefacts. Yaztromo slumps down into his old oak chair, by now looking quite tired from the long journey. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a fragile pair of gold-rimmed spectacles. After placing them on his nose, he peers at you over the top of them, and you feel quite unnerved by his piercing gaze. Finally he says, ‘Anybody who would hope to defeat Malbordus must certainly know a little magic. You look bright enough to learn some, but I don’t think you have time to absorb the ten spells I would like to teach you. By the way, I would like you to know how privileged you are to learn my magic. But a crisis is a crisis. Now, let’s get on with it. Which spells shall I teach you? You have the choice of Open Door, Creature Sleep, Magic Arrow, Language, Read Symbols, Light, Fire, Jump, Detect Trap, and Create Water.’

Vote on which four spells to take and on your character's gender and name.

Adventure Sheet:
Skill 11/11
Stamina 18/18
Luck 10/10
Provisions 10
Leather armor
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Open Door, Detect Trap, Read Symbols and Create Water.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

Yaztromo explains the four spells you've chosen. Open Door will open any locked door. Detect Trap will forewarn you of any dangerous trap that is before you. Read Symbols will allow you to read any runes or magic symbols. Create Water will cause your cupped hands to fill with water, which will refill until you dismiss the spell by parting them. Open Door and Detect Trap "will not drain you too much" (they will cost 2 Stamina each when used), Read Symbols takes "virtually no energy" (it will cost 1 Stamina when used), and Create Water is the only spell Yaztromo offered to teach you which costs no energy at all and can be used at will.

The old Wizard looks at you solemnly and says, ‘Every minute is vital: you must begin your journey immediately. Without doubt, Malbordus will learn of your mission to thwart him and may send an assassin or two after you. My crow will lead you as far as Catfish River. From there you can either take a river vessel to Port Blacksand and then a sailing ship south, or journey overland to the Desert of Skulls. A grim task is ahead of you, but our thoughts will be with you.’ Yaztromo leads you back down the spiral staircase and out into the open. Suddenly he gives a shrill whistle; a large crow immediately swoops down from the top of the tower and settles on his shoulder. ‘Now, crow, guide our friend as far as Catfish River and make sure you keep a good lookout. The last thing we want is an ambush on our own doorstep.’ You shake hands with Yaztromo and reassure him that you will destroy the Dragons of Vatos before Malbordus can attain his evil goal. He smiles and hands you a pouch containing 25 Gold Pieces. He then commands his crow to fly south. The crow squawks and flies off. You hurry after it, turning just once to wave goodbye to old Yaztromo. Walking through the tall grasses, a shiver runs down your spine at the thought of Malbordus’s assassins coming after you. You travel steadily south, only deviating twice to circumvent danger spotted by the crow. Three hours later, you arrive at the banks of Catfish River at a point where it is spanned by a rope-bridge. An old barge is moored to a jetty beneath the bridge, and you see several rough-looking characters unloading sacks.

Cross the bridge?
Buy passage to Port Blacksand on the barge?

Votes for gender and name still open.

Adventure Sheet:
Skill 11/11
Stamina 18/18
Luck 10/10
Provisions 10
Leather armor
25 gold
Create Water: At will
Read Symbols: 1 Stamina
Detect Trap: 2 Stamina
Open Door: 2 Stamina
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Buy passage on the barge.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Yeah, buy passage on the barge.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

After watching the crow fly back toward Yaztromo's tower, you follow the path to the jetty and walk confidently up to the first crewman you come to. You ask to talk to the captain. He eyes you suspiciously and after a long pause says, 'Follow me.' He leads you onto the barge and knocks hesitantly on one of the cabin doors. A gruff voice shouts 'Enter!' The crewman opens the door and gestures at you to enter the cabin. You stride into the cabin and see a stocky man dressed in clothes that have seen better times. He asks you your business and you tell him that you wish to buy your passage to Port Blacksand.

'Anyone who would pay to get to the city of thieves must be either desperate or insane,' he says, laughing. 'It will cost you 5 Gold Pieces!'

Pay him his asking price?

Name and gender votes still open.

Adventure Sheet:
Skill 11/11
Stamina 18/18
Luck 10/10
Provisions 10
Leather armor
25 gold
Create Water: At will
Read Symbols: 1 Stamina
Detect Trap: 2 Stamina
Open Door: 2 Stamina
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Post by Queen of Swords »

We'll still have 20 GP left if we agree, so pay him his asking price.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Thaluikhain »

Yeah, agree.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

The captain smiles as you hand him the gold, and tells you he hopes you will enjoy the river journey. You shake hands and walk out of the cabin.

The barge is neither very large, nor designed for paying passengers, but you find a coil of thick rope on which to lie. After your long walk, you are soon sound asleep, and do not wake until one of the crew taps you on the shoulder to say that Port Blacksand is in sight. You stand up and watch the sinister-looking city grow larger as you approach; ten minutes later you pass under a great arch to enter the city walls. The crew soon have the barge moored, obeying the frantic orders of the captain, who is obviously eager to load up his waiting cargo and leave before nightfall. You bid them farewell and set about looking for a place to stay the night. The shadows start to lengthen as you walk through the narrow streets and alleyways. Suddenly, an old man in tattered clothes jumps out of a doorway and says, 'Looking for a bed, stranger? I know a good place that offers a room, soup, and bread. Pay me 1 Gold Piece and I will take you there."

Pay and follow him?
Keep looking on your own?

Adventure Sheet:
Skill 11/11
Stamina 18/18
Luck 10/10
Provisions 10
Leather armor
20 gold
Create Water: At will
Read Symbols: 1 Stamina
Detect Trap: 2 Stamina
Open Door: 2 Stamina
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Post by Queen of Swords »

Obvious trap is obvious, but let's go along with it anyway, because it's unlikely to lead to a Game Over so early on.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

The old man hobbles ahead of you along the street and stops in front of a dilapidated house. He knocks loudly on the door three times with his stick. Suddenly the door flies open and two rough-looking men run out brandishing cudgels. You hardly have time to draw your sword before being set upon by the robbers. Fight them one at a time.

First ROBBER Skill 8 Stamina 7
Second ROBBER Skill 7 Stamina 7

??? Attack Strength: 18, First ROBBER Attack Strength: 18.
??? Attack Strength: 19, First ROBBER Attack Strength: 19.
??? Attack Strength: 14, First ROBBER Attack Strength: 18. ???'s Stamina is 16.
??? Attack Strength: 21, First ROBBER Attack Strength: 20. First Robber's Stamina is 5
??? Attack Strength: 20, First ROBBER Attack Strength: 20.
??? Attack Strength: 19, First ROBBER Attack Strength: 20.
??? Attack Strength: 19, First ROBBER Attack Strength: 14. First Robber's Stamina is 3
??? Attack Strength: 14, First ROBBER Attack Strength: 13. First Robber's Stamina is 1
??? Attack Strength: 23, First ROBBER Attack Strength: 19. First Robber is dead.
??? Attack Strength: 20, ROBBER Attack Strength: 14.
??? Attack Strength: 23, ROBBER Attack Strength: 12.
??? Attack Strength: 19, ROBBER Attack Strength: 15.
??? Attack Strength: 13, ROBBER Attack Strength: 9. Second Robber is dead.

(I'm back to posting specific numbers, because I don't need to handle the rolls manually even using a dice rolling program now; I figured out how to write a simple Twine program for this!)

You look around, but the old man is nowhere to be seen. Rummaging quickly through the robbers' pockets, you find a small brass telescope and three silver buttons. After packing away your finds, you set off again in search of a place to stay.

Looking up, you see a road sign indicating that you are in Clog Street. You walk down it all the way until it ends at a T-junction where it meets Harbour Street, which runs parallel to the shore. You look out to sea and watch the setting sun sink slowly beneath the harbor. Darkness envelops you and you wonder where to go next. At the end of the street to your left there are lights shining in windows, and you can just hear the sound of singing and laughter. You decide to head toward the lights and soon find yourself outside the Black Lobster tavern. You walk through the door into a smoke-filled room where seedy-looking characters sit at crowded tables, laughing, joking, and singing. You walk straight up to the barman and ask if he has a room for rent. Luckily there is one available. You pay him 1 Gold Piece for the room and ask if he knows of any ships which may be sailing south the next morning. "I might do," he replies somewhat cagily, "but information does not come free in Jackson's WholePort Blacksand. Another Gold Piece and I'll introduce you to the ship's mate." Once again, you reach into your pocket and pay the barman. He leads you over to one of the booths along the far wall of the tavern and points out a man with a silk scarf tied over his bald head, and an ugly scar running down from his left ear to the middle of his chin. "Gargo is his name," says the barman.

You sit down next to Gargo, introduce yourself (luckily, he does not react to you telling him you have no name) and ask if you can buy your passage south. "Ten Gold Pieces, and you'll have to work for your food," comes the curt reply. Gargo does not look like a man to bargain with, so you agree to his price and pay. "We set sail one hour after sunrise. The name of the ship is the Belladonna and you'll find her at the end of the jetty leading down from the tavern. I'll see you in the morning; I'm going back to the ship now," says Gargo. You decide not to get involved with any of the tavern's characters, but to retire to your room. You stand up and walk toward the stairs, but a large man carrying three flasks of ale bumps into you, spilling the drinks on the floor.

Offer to buy him more ale?
Tell him not to be so clumsy?

Adventure Sheet:
Skill 11/11
Stamina 16/18
Luck 10/10
Provisions 10
Leather armor
Small brass telescope
3 silver buttons
7 gold
Create Water: At will
Read Symbols: 1 Stamina
Detect Trap: 2 Stamina
Open Door: 2 Stamina
Last edited by Beroli on Thu Mar 02, 2023 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Queen of Swords »

We only have 7 gold left, so don't spend any of it on clumsy strangers.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

If this wasn't Port Blacksand, I'd advise offering to buy him drinks, but since this is specifically a city of thieves he'll probably just try to pick our pocket while we help him.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Thaluikhain »

Oh, good point, don't pay.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

"I'll show you who's clumsy!" snarls the short-tempered man as he smashes the flasks into your face. Take 1 damage.

Fight him?
Save your anger for Malbordus and make your way to your room?

Adventure Sheet:
Skill 11/11
Stamina 15/18
Luck 10/10
Provisions 10
Leather armor
Small brass telescope
3 silver buttons
7 gold
Create Water: At will
Read Symbols: 1 Stamina
Detect Trap: 2 Stamina
Open Door: 2 Stamina
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Thaluikhain »

Go to our room.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Queen of Swords »

Sure, go to our room.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

To the jeers of the crowd, you make your way towards the stairs. Following the example of the burly man, the crowd pushes and jostles you until you reach your room. Once inside, you lock the door, but find to your horror that you have had your pockets picked during the commotion. All your remaining Gold Pieces have been stolen. Lose 2 Luck points. You settle down to sleep, cursing your luck, and wake at dawn after a restless night. To make matters worse, you find that you are covered from head to toe in inflamed bites from bedbugs in your straw mattress, and you start to scratch madly. Wasting no more time in the inhospitable Black Lobster, you make your way down the jetty to the Belladonna, which you see is flying the skull and crossbones--the flag of a pirate ship! Walking cautiously up the gangplank, you step aboard the ship.

You walk around the ship until you find Gargo. He tells you that one of his gunners was killed in a tavern brawl last night, and that you will have to take his place. Your job will be to load cannonballs during battle. You are taken below deck and shown your hammock. Soon the Belladonna sets sail and you are pleased that at last you are heading south. In mid-afternoon there is a sudden shout from the crow's nest, "Ship on the starboard bow!" The ship is suddenly bustling with the crew running about their duties. The captain shouts his orders and everybody runs to their battle-stations. Wondering who the enemy might be, you take your place at your cannon. You hear the bad news that the enemy is a man-of-war and not a merchant ship. Noise suddenly erupts all around as the man-of-war's cannonballs smash into the Belladonna. The order is given to fire, but you realize that the Belladonna is no match for the battleship. In the course of the fierce battle, the Belladonna starts to sink and you fear for your life. Roll two dice and compare to your Skill, trying to get lower (not equal); a 9 succeeds.

As the ship starts to sink, all the cannon crew run toward the wooden steps that lead to the upper deck. You are one of the first to reach the steps and manage to get on deck just as the ship goes underwater.

Grab a piece of the masthead and float away from the man-of-war?
Swim toward the man-of-war?

Adventure Sheet:
Skill 11/11
Stamina 15/18
Luck 8/10
Provisions 10
Leather armor
Small brass telescope
3 silver buttons
Create Water: At will
Read Symbols: 1 Stamina
Detect Trap: 2 Stamina
Open Door: 2 Stamina
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Darth Rabbitt »

This is an Ian Livingstone book so I think it will reward bold behavior like swimming towards the man-of-war. UK Steve would probably make doing so an instadeath.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Hello everyone,

I am finally back after dealing with a massive workload created by my current projects and recovering enough from a nasty flu-like illness.

My first vote for this thread will be to make our hero a male, name him Indiana Jones, and swim towards the man-o-war.

I also have an important update regarding the Lone Wolf series that I plan to run:

According to the Holmgard Press support team, the hardcover reprints of the first book, Flight From the Dark, will not be available from them until the end of March. The Definitive Edition paperbacks are in a similar spot, with the reprints for books 2-5 due around March 16 plus several weeks to filter out to the various sellers. So, it looks like the beginning of April will be the soonest that I can acquire the paperback Definitive Editions for us to run through. Given that the printer problems have already caused the release date to be pushed back once, this is a clear sign that these issues are getting out of hand, and I am worried that Holmgard Press will have a tarnished reputation by the time the printing issues are finally resolved.

As for getting a hardcover copy of Flight from the Dark’s Definitive Edition, I had no choice but to pay for a copy with an insane markup price from a third-party vendor, which I decided to do since I very much want to play the extended 550-section version for myself. I *just* received notification that the book has shipped, and I can finally provide a concrete date on when the Lone Wolf Let’s Play will start.

Assuming that I recover by that time, the crusade to eliminate one of the biggest fascist movements in gamebook history will begin on March 17! I hope to see all of you when I create the thread, as it is very much a legendary series, and making sure that everyone has an enjoyable experience will be my top priority.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 14 - Temple of Terror Redux

Post by Beroli »

I'm glad to hear you're doing better now, JourneymanN00b.

With only one vote, Indiana Jones automatically takes it; it's infinitely easier to pronounce than ???.

You swim furiously toward the man-of-war and wave your arms to attract attention. A rope is thrown down to you and you haul yourself onto the victor's ship. Much to your surprise, the crew are made up entirely of Dwarfs. The captain questions you and other members of the sunken Belladonna's crew, who have also been brought aboard. You tell the captain that you are on an important mission which started at the Dwarf village of Stonebridge. The captain eyes you suspiciously, accusing you of being no more than a desperate pirate. "So you say you started your quest in Stonebridge," says the captain. "If that is the case, tell me who is their king."

What is the name of Stonebridge's king? The gamebook gives you a choice between Gallibrin and Gillibran.

Adventure Sheet:
Indiana Jones
Skill 11/11
Stamina 15/18
Luck 8/10
Provisions 10
Leather armor
Small brass telescope
3 silver buttons
Create Water: At will
Read Symbols: 1 Stamina
Detect Trap: 2 Stamina
Open Door: 2 Stamina
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