[Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

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Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by SGamerz »


"We have an even bigger problem than the Hand," you tell Wolverine as you head toward the command center. "There may be a Sentinel about, controlling the centis."

"A Sentinel!"

"Yes. Apparently the centis were built to serve as helpers to the government-operated Sentinels."

"So that's why the little suckers looked so familiar!" Wolverine growls. "Hey! Wait a flamin' minute!" He stops dead in his tracks. "If these people are buildin' mini-Sentinels, why don't we just let them stew in the mess they've made for themselves?"

"Henry Gyrich is here," you explain. "He is responsible for security at this base. He convinced the scientists that the centis were in tended as security drones and for other dangerous or mundane tasks. They did not know what his real intentions were. They are innocent dupes."

"How do we know that for sure?" Wolverine growls.

"We had a little scume. It ended up with Rogue absorbing Gyrich. Gyrich seems to believe there is a rogue Sentinel nearby that has taken over the centis." you deliberately avoid relating to Wolverine all the details of your battle with Gyrich and Andrews. You have more reason to hate Gyrich than anyone here, but you are used to controlling your passions in the interest of unity. Wolverine, though, might well jump at any excuse to batter Gyrich around.

"I am not happy about leaving these people alone, even with the mass field, Logan." you continue, "but if the slightest possibility exists that there is a Sentinel here, we must search for it, and if it exists, we must kill it before it escapes this island. They are too deadly to let loose on the world."

You receive no argument from Wolverine. "Have you told the others?" he asks.

"I've talked to Dr. Laughlin about the Sentinels. He's agreed to help us?"

In the command center, Michael and Dr. Laughlin are wiring together some sort of small box, Dr. Andrews is watching the outside monitors and Drs. Kirsch and Craig are programming something on the computer. Rogue stands at the foot of a tablé, smiling slyly at the body lying before her—Henry Gyrich.

*'Doesn't he look nice?" the young mutant asks coyly. "I keep picturin' him with an apple in his mouth and potatoes all around."

"Storm?" Dr. Laughlin calls you over to where he and Michael are working, "We had an idea. For some reason the centis never stopped relaying information to our computers. I think they can be traced by their broadcast frequency. We're making you a tracking device."

"Excellent!" you reply.

"The centis should be sleeping." Michael pipes up.

"Sleeping?" you ask.

"Conserving their energy," Michael explains. "The centis use up lots of power to levitate and fire their weaponry, so they can't use very much energy at night when their solar rechargers aren't operating. Since we've never seen them at night, we assumed they must roost somewhere."

"And at night, the shadows come out," you muse. "A curious coincidence, wouldn't you say, Wolverine?"

"The centis take the day shift and the Hand work the graveyard shift." Logan says with a low whistle. "Quite a team!"

"Who are the Hand?" Dr. Laughlin asks.

"Michael's shadows," you explain. "An organization of ninja assassins."

"Wow!" Michael gasps. "Did you see them?"

"I took care of a few of 'em." Wolverine answers, "though there's plenty more out there, I'm sure."

"Gyrich is starting to wake up," Rogue informs you. The government agent blinks, then sits up and glares at all of you. Then he turns to Rogue. "I'm adding an espionage charge to your list. woman. My head is classified information."

"Your head is a kettle o' snakes. mister," Rogue retorts.

"And it's gonna be oatmeal if you don't shut up!" Wolverine growls.

"Wolverine, Rogue! Please." you snap at them.
"Blast it!" Jesse hisses as she notices a red light starting to flash on a control panel.

"What's wrong?" Michael asks.

"The mass field's going down again," the scientist replies, rising from her chair.

"What exactly is the problem?" you inquire.

"I don't really know. The field requires a very delicate balance of energy, based on some complicated equations, so the computer controls the power feed. There must be something wrong with the program that runs things, because it keeps underfeeding power to the inner mass field, though the same program is having no trouble keeping the outer barrier up. I have to get down to the basement again to feed power manually."

"I see. You must do your best to see that it remains up while we are out hunting centis."

Jesse nods grimly, spins on her heels. and leaves the control center.
"The centis are govemment property," Henry Gyrich snaps. "I forbid you to destroy any of them!"

"Why don't you just come with us, Gyrich, to make sure we behave," Wolverine suggests slyly. ' 'Then you can invite the Hand to tea—maybe invite the Sentinel, too."

"You have no proof that there even is a Sentinel," Gyrich states.

"But we know that you think there is, shugah," Rogue says sweetly. "And we aim to find the sucker and take it apart piece by piece, before you go recruitin' it or draftin' it or somethin'. That's what you hoped to do, isn't it?" Rogue taunts Gyrich with her knowledge of his mind.

"The box is finished. Storm." Michael says.

"Good. After you show me how to use it, we will prepare to leave," you reply.

If Wolverine has taken any damage, he may add 1 back to his Health points because of his Fast Healing Ability. If Nightcrawler is in the infirmary after being poisoned. turn to 28. If Nightcrawler is exploring the base with Mrs. Taggert, turn to 137.
Yes, as you can see here, it was possible for the trip outside to turn out badly and ending with Nightcrawler incapacitated. Fortunately, that didn't happen here.

Under Storm's orders. you begin to explore the entire base, but the basement reveals something so interesting that you teleport back to the control center with a startled Mrs. Taggert. "There's a hidden passage beneath the base!" you tell Storm.

"According to the maps studied, the base was bunt on solid bedrock." the X-Men leader says.

"Then the maps are mistaken," you insist.

"We will check it out," Storm says.

Followed by your teammates and an angry Henry Gyrich. you hurry down the basement stairs, Jesse is there working on the mass field. She watches you curiously as you lead the others to a section of the concrete floor that is badly cracked. You tap on it once with your ninja sword, "Hear it? It's hollow underneath."

"Perhaps it is just an old well," Storm suggests.

"Or maybe a mine," Rogue adds. "Professor X said they used t' do mining around here."

"A cave or a mine would be the perfect place for a rogue Sentinel to hide," Wolverine points out.

"Shall I smash through, boss?" Rogue asks.

"I forbid it!" Gyrich declares, "You'll only let whatever is under there loose on this base!"

"Mr. Gyrich," Storm says tightly, "if there is a Senti beneath this building, even you must realize this layer of concrete is not going to stop it. The mass field is supposed to extend down through the bedrock beneath this installation. Undoubtedly, the Sentinel, if there is one, is on the other side of the mass field, or it would have gotten in here a long time ago."

Without further argument, Storm nods to Rogue.

The young mutant flies up to the basement ceiling, then plunges down, smashing the floor. She creates a hole, a meter across, through the ten inches of concrete. Warm air rises up into the basement, and you can hear wind blowing in the passages below.

Storm shines a flashlight beam down the shaft. "It appears to be about thirty feet to the bottom. The X-Men will go down to investigate. Do not follow us. Wait back at the control room. If we must go through the mass field in the passages below, Nightcrawler can teleport us to the surface in front of a security monitor so you can see us when we are ready to come back inside."

"Good luck!" Jesse calls.

"And to you," Storm replies.

You teleport Storm and Rogue flies with Wolverine down to the bottom of the shaft. A horizontal passage leads away from it. You follow the passage, creeping along as quietly as pouible.

"These walls don't look like any old mine to me: • Wolverine whispers. "Too round and smooth."

"No. They look as though they've been excavated by modem machinery of some sort," Storrm agrees.

Sixty feet down the passage, your progress is halted when you come to a rusting steel door. It's fastened in place with an ancient padlock. Wolverine offers to slash the door open, but Storm wants to leave at least one barrier between whatever lies beyond and the people above. "It will take only a minute to pick the lock," she insists.

While Storm is fiddling with the lock, Wolverine' senses the whine of a centi approaching from behind you! Rogue shines a flashlight down the corridor as you and Wolverine alm your sonic pistols in the direction of the sound. Finally you see It in the flashlight's beam. The centi hovers in the light, moving more slowly than the others did earlier. It halts for a moment in midair, then flees back down the passage.

'Follow it!" Storm orders. "It must not make it inside into the base!"

You teleport back to the vertical shaft and wait in the darkness with your sonic pistol held ready. You can see a little spot of fight moving down the passage toward you.

Make an Agility FEAT by rolling one die and adding the result to your Agility ability. If the total is 12 or less, tum to If it is 13 or more. turn to 16.
Nightcrawler's Agility is 10, so the odds are above average in our favour. Do we want to improve his chances?

Stats Card:
HP: 20/22
Fighting w Claws: 16
Fighting w/o Claws: 8
Intuition: 16
Fast Healing: 20
HP: 16/18
Agility: 4
Strength: 10
Power Absorption: 10
HP: 21/21
Fighting w/o Claws: 4
Agility: 6
Leadership: 6
HP: 21/21
Fighting w/o Claws: 4
Agility: 10
Teleportation: 6

Group Karma Pool: 25

Boon Cards:
1x Wolverine
3x Nightcrawler
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by pragma »

I'm game to drop one karma here. Halves the odds of failure, which seem bad.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by SGamerz »

Die roll = 5+1(+10) = 16.

You fire at the approaching light, wincing at the grafting noise made by your sonic pistol. Instantly, the centi acts confused. The robotic sphere fires several narrow blue rays at the walls as it spins around erratically, then explodes. Its remains clatter to the ground.

Rogue comes zooming down the corridor. She stops in front of the centi's shell, then looks towards you and says, "Well, ah can see you don't need any help!"

"No, Fraulein, but your company is greatly appreciated. Shall we stroll back and join Storm and Wolverine?"

After a short time, you spot Rogue and Nightcrawler returning through the passage. Rogue is saying something about how the centis' blue ray weapon works—something about microwaves and boiling capillary blood.

"Who could invent so fiendish a thing?" Kurt asks.

"Jesse did," Rogue answers. "Michael says she's a weaponsmith of top caliber."

"Is it possible?" Nightcrawler asks. "She seems like such a nice lady."

"Bein' nice ain't got much to do with earning a living," , you remind your friend. "Not hers nor ours, either."

Shrugging off such thoughts, Kurt turns to the issue of the centi. "How did the creature get inside the passage? Both ends were blocked."

Wolverine points to a water-filled tunnel beneath the door. "It must have come in this way when it was dry. It couldn't go back without shortin' its circuits. It was probably movin' slow because its batteries couldn't recharge down here in the dark."

Storrn removes the padlock and swings the door open. The echo of its creaking hinges reverberates through the passage. On the other side of the door, there is another passageway. You cross the threshold.

Storm hands the padlock to Nightcrawler, "Lock the door behind us. Then teleport across."

"You aren't taking any chances. are you?" you ask as you listen to Kurt lock the door.

"Not when there are innocent people's lives at stake. including a child's." the X-Men leader replies.

Nightcrawler joins you in a sulfurous puff of smoke, and you continue down the next passage. It ends in another vertical shaft that leads downward. Rogue flies you and Storm down the vertical shaft. while Nightcrawler teleports beside you.

The bottom of the shaft opens into a huge natural cavern. You crouch along one edge, in a darkened corner, The other side of the vast space is well lit and swarming with centis! You draw out your sonic pistol, prepared to attack the creatures.

Storm holds you back by your sleeve. "Do you see that swarm of centis nearest us?" she asks, pointing. "They keep heading in this direction. then bouncing back. That must be where the mass field is—and it's between us and them."

"So I cross the line," you say with a shrug.

"Wait a moment. I'd like to see what they're up to first."

The centis hover over a vast pit, but you can't see inside it. Suddenly, the spherical mechanoids all begin rising up, away from the pit, as though making way for something.

"Ah have a bad feelin' about this!" Rogue mutters.

"Join the club: • you whisper back.

At that moment, a huge dark form rises out of the pit, It sits up and then it stands. It is over thirty feet tall, armored from head to toe. You know, too, that it is bristling with weaponry, which it will use to destroy mutants if you don't stop it—because the thing is a Sentinel!

It's metallic voice booms through the chamber, ' 'Inform Hand to continue Project X-cellent Death. Final payment will not be delivered until every human on Obar Island is dead. A new plan to lower mass barrier around human base Is under development and will be completed before our departure."

"Who's he talking to?" Rogue asks.

Storm furrows her brow, puzzled. "It is possible that it was originally programmed to give verbal reports and cannot override its programming."

"But if he hired the Hand* how's he communicating with them? I don't see a telephone." the young woman says.

"By radio. perhaps," Nightcrawler suggests.

"It's a moot point, anyway. Why don't we just kill it now?" you suggest.

Rogue looks at you inquisitively. "You're edgy, Wolvie. Somethin' wrong?"

You're anxious to take on the Sentinel, but now that Rogue mentions it, you realize that something else is bothering you.

Make an Intuition FEAT by rolling one die and adding the result to your Intuition ability. If the total is 16, turn to 101. If it is 17 or more, turn to 43.
I'm not sure if this is a bug, but we can't actually fail this, with Wolverine's Intuition already at 16.

"I think we've been followed here," Wolverine whispers.

"By Gyrich?" you ask.

Wolverine shakes his head from side to side, meanwhile listening and sniffing the air, "Nope. It's the kid, Mikey. He's somewhere in the passage up above."

"Nightcrawler!" Storm whispers. "Get him back safely to his mother and return here pronto!"

"Yes'm." Kurt teleports away.

The rest of you have no time to wait for the blue mutant's return, however, for suddenly the Sentinel raises Its hands to the ceiling, and a searing red ray shoots out of its palms. The cavern shakes about you, and chunks of the walls and ceiling shower over your heads. Over the Sentinel's head, a vertical shaft begins to take shape.

"We must stop him!" Storm orders. "The mass wall cannot protect the base from an earthquake!"

You are ready to fly at the Sentinel when Storm grabs your shirt. "Wait here for Nightcrawler, Rogue," she orders. "Wolverine. I'll cover you. Go!"

Wolverine lunges toward the Sentinel. Storm follows. wielding the sonic pistol you helped Michael make.

Blast that kid! you think. Ah 'm missin' out on all the fun because o' him. What's keepin' Nightcrawler, anyway?"

Suddenly. muffled by the noise of the shaking cavern, the Sentinel's beam, and Storm's sonic pistol. you hear a cry for help from the passage overhead,

"Michael!" You fly up the vertical shaft and shine your flashlight around the passage. It's been blocked by a rock slide. Dirt is still sliding down from the roof. Michael is struggling to pull something out from under the avalanche.

"Get back!" you shout, dragging him away. Then you see what he's been tugging on-Nightcrawler's arms!

With a tremendous effort, you pull the teleporter out from under the mountain of dirt. "Kurt, ol' buddy. Are you okay?" you cry, but Nightcrawler doesn't answer.

Frantically, you roll him over to see if he's breathing. His chest rises gently, but he's unconscious. Subtract 10 from Nightcrawler*s Health points.

"He got hit on the head with a rock when the earthquake started," Michael tells you as more rock falls from the ceiling.

Tucking Nightcrawler under one arm and Michael under the other, you fly back down the vertical shaft. Rock pours down the hole behind you. You consider leaving both of them on this side of the cavern. where they'll be protected by the mass field from the Sentinel and the centis on the other side, but the cavern on this side of the mass field seems to be less stable.

You have no choice but to fly outside the barrier with your passengers. where you dodge behind a boulder. Laying Kurt down and setting Michael beside him, you command the boy, "You stay right here and guard Nightcrawler!"

Storm and Wolverine are holding their own against the Sentinel and centis, but they're obviously on the defensive. Storm fires her sonic pistol to try to keep the centis away from Wolverine, but she must also protect herself from the miniature monsters. Wolverine has cut deep into the Sentinel's leg as though it were a can of spaghetti, exposing wires and circuitry. In retaliation. Sentinel has shot metal cables out from the back of its hands, wrapping them around Wolverine.

You know it won't take Wolverine long to cut himself free with his claws. "Time to turn the tables on this fight!" you say grimly. Flying straight at the Sentinel's undamaged leg, you knock the robot on its back,

As you prepare to attack the Sentinel again. the monster reaches up with its other hand and snatches you from the air! You begin pounding on its fingers, leaving great dents fn them, but the Sentinel begins to squeeze you in its iron grasp. Your invulnerable body is protecting you from the pressure, but it's becoming hard to breathe.

I've...got...to escape his grip! you think desperately. Make a Strength FEAT roll and add the result to your Strength ability. If the total is 13 or less, turn to 73. If it's 14 or more, turn to 92.
Besides voting on whether to use Karma for this test, please also vote whether you wish to substitute some of it for Nightcrawler's hefty HP loss.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to use 2 Karma for this test, but not use any for the HP loss.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by Thaluikhain »

I like that they raised the question of how the centi got in, I was wondering if that was a plot hole.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by SGamerz »

Die roll = 4+2(+10) = 16.

Calling on all your strength, you bend back the Sentinel's index finger. The metal creaks, then snaps loudly. You slip out of the creature's grip and fly to a safe distance.

You see Michael pop up from behind the boulder where you hid him. He fires at some centis over your shoulder, and they explode in midair. Nightcrawler has regained consciousness, and the blue mutant pulls the young boy back down before he is hit by attacking centis.

Assured of the child's safety, you go about your work. You land beside Wolverine, who is grinning fiendishly as he destroys what's left of the Sentinel. You wonder, Is Wolvie enjoyin' this as much as I am, or is he thinkin' about somethin' else?

I'd almost forgotten how much I enjoyed tearin' these things to shreds, you think to yourself. In the back of your mind, though, is a brief glimpse you had of Michael firing at the centis. You suspect there is more to the boy than everyone thought.

In a short time. you and Rogue have slashed and pounded the Sentinel into a mass of spaghetti wires and scrap metal. Storm, Michael, and Nightcrawler pick off any centis that threaten, though many of them begin to hover passively, uncertain of what to do without their leader.

"Ah think it's finally dead, Wolvie," Rogue says from beside you. The Sentinel hasn't moved for several minutes. The only sounds it makes now are the sizzling of shorted circuitry.

"I guess we should join the others," you say, sliding off the creature's chest.

As you walk away from the Sentinel toward the others, you hear Michael explaining to Storm how the remaining centis could be used to attack the Hand. "We programmed them to attack anyone who wasn't wearing a special identification tag. The Sentinel must have overridden that command to make them attack us anyway. Without the tag, the centis can't tell one person from another."

"That must be why we found a sonic pistol on one of the Hand ninjas," Nightcrawler says to you. "The ninja were hired by the Sentinel, but the centis didn't understand that."

"The Sentinel didn't really care if the Hand assassins died tryin' to carry out Project X-cellent Death," Rogue adds, "But how did the Sentinel get here. and how did it get in touch with the Hand?"

"It could be a Sentinel we've fought before—perhaps one from our battles with the Hell Fire Club." Nightcrawler suggests.

"That sounds likely," Storm agrees. "It must have been unable to return to Its original base, and so it tunneled into this cave to hide. Its master probably considered it beyond repair and sealed it inside. Unfortunately, the research lab was later built over the same site. The centis must have come in through another cave entrance."

"Yeah," Michael says. nodding. "When the Sentinel heard the centis, it summoned them here and commanded them to repair it."

"The centis talk?" Rogue asks.

"Well, on different frequencies. They tell the computer what they're doing, and the computer tells us— that is, when it's working right. The computer has been doing some weird things lately, like messing up Jesse's energy program. The computer can make phone calls to transfer data automatically. The Sentinel got the centis to tell the computer to call the Hand."

"I think we may be in the realm of speculation now," Nightcrawler says.

"No," Michael insists, shaking his head. "When the Sentinel ordered the centis to tell the Hand to continue Project X-cellent Death, the centis all talked to the computer. Didn't you here that funny clattering noise they made?"

"I guess you have a better ear for it than us, kid," you break in, studying Michael carefully, just as you did when you first met him.

Storm begins chiding the boy for risking his life by following you down into the tunnels, "I locked that door above for a reason. How did you get past it?"

"I just crawled under it. I helped here, though, didn't I?"

"You might have been killed—"

You interrupt Storm's lecture. "C'mere, Mikey," you order.

"Don't call me Mikey," the boy says.

"All right. C'mere, Michael," you say with a grin.

Warily, the boy approaches you. You take his sonic pistol away from him and hand him your own. "See that centi near the ceiling? Hit it for me."

Michael shrugs. "Sure!" As Michael fires the pistol, the weapon's grating noise sounds about you, and the centi drops to the cave floor.

"Now the one over by that red rock," you suggest. Michael drops the second target as easily as the first.

"You think his marksmanship means something, Wolverine?" Storm asks.

"You mean like I'm a mutant?" Michael asks excitedly.

"It is a remote possibility," Storm says. "But more likely, it is a skill you 've learned by practice. That, too, is something to be proud of."

"I watched him shooting, Storm," you say. "Nothing personal, Michael, but your aim is lousy. Besides," you add, holding out two batteries for everyone to see, "the gun ain't loaded."

Michael checks the pistol to reveal the empty battery chamber. "Hey!" he exclaims, surprised, "How could It fire without—"

"Whoa! This is goin' too fast for me!" Rogue says. "Michael," Storm says, taking the pistol from his hands. "try to hit the centi over by the passageway."

"How?" Michael demands.

"Use your mind," you tell him.

Michael stares at the centi until his eyes bug, but nothing happens.

"Pretend you're holding the gun. Point your finger," you suggest.

Michael follows your suggestion, but he can't help giggling, "I feel silly."

"You look a little silly, too," you tell him.

The boy glares at you. Suddenly. a low rumbling fills the air and a rock wall behind your shoulder begins to crumble.

"From the condition of that wall. I'd say he can adjust the volume and do more than one frequency." you guess. "Probably hears all the sound waves, too."

"A sonic transmitter!" Nightcrawler exclaims, grinning.

"You mean I did that?" Michael asks, looking awed. "I'm a mutant?" You nod.

"Wow!" Michael exclaims.

"We're going to have to keep an eye on him," Storm says.

"And make sure Gyrich doesn't find out," Rogue adds.

"First, I suggest we get out of this dump." you say.

"Good idea!" Nightcrawler agrees. He teleports Storm and Rogue to the surface first.

While you wait for Kurt to return, you tell Michael. "I've got a piece of advice for you. kid. Follow it, and you may grow up to be an X-Man, too."

"Yes, sir?"

"The advice is, the game Isn't over till it's over."

"Huh?" Michael looks blank.

"The game is over," you tell him.

"And we won—right?" he asks.

"Right!" you agree. Your adventure is over.
And we've hit one of the better endings in the book, so I guess we can call it a win.

I read this book pretty long ago, and I have to admit, I didn't recall that there were this few actual options in the book. I believe there are a few other sections with actual choices on different paths, but yeah, seems like overall the structure is not as fun for a multi-player LP with so few choices available and most of the variations being determined by Ability tests. The fact that we were lucky on the dice for almost all the tests also shortened the adventure quite a bit, though that may be a good thing. Although it also means that my "boon cards" house rules turned out to be completely unnecessary and redundant. :p (I recall having to replay this quite a bit on my own, so I think we really did get lucky.)

On the other hand, having just done another Superhero gamebook before this, I will say that in comparison, the writing for this book is a lot tighter and the story more interesting in maintaining player's interest (of course, having established characters and story arc from a well-known franchise probably helped in this regard), although it's let down by lack of choices.

As a solo gamebook, I remember there being decent replay value for a book of this length, with multiple endings each with varying degree of success. This is one of the few endings which reveals Michael's mutant powers, but the fact that it ended without any resolution on how they deal with the Hand makes it feel kind of incomplete. There's another alternative ending which probably ties with this one as being one of the best, with the X-Men managing to remove the threat of the Hand by figuring out the security password set by the Sentinel (after destroying it) and managing to cancel its contract with them by stopping the e-payment transfer, but they don't find out about Michael's power on that one (Gyrich also provides further annoyance on that path till the end because he isn't incapacitated by Rogue's absorption, since that's the path where Storm sent her out with Wolverine). Other less successful endings (but not outright failures) involves the X-Men abandoning the base and helping to evacuate the other civilians off the island safely (including one of the worse endings where Michaels gets injured by a Hand attack and had to be sent to the hospital).

Anyway, thank you everyone for participating in this! Let's hope the next LP I choose will provide a more engaging play.

Stats Card:
HP: 20/22
Fighting w Claws: 16
Fighting w/o Claws: 8
Intuition: 16
Fast Healing: 20
HP: 16/18
Agility: 4
Strength: 10
Power Absorption: 10
HP: 21/21
Fighting w/o Claws: 4
Agility: 6
Leadership: 6
HP: 11/21
Fighting w/o Claws: 4
Agility: 10
Teleportation: 6

Group Karma Pool: 22

Boon Cards:
1x Wolverine
3x Nightcrawler
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Thank you for hosting this, SGamerz.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by Thaluikhain »

Thanks for hosting. And, yeah, the writing is more coherent than in Appointment with FEAR, but that's not a massively high bar, I wasn't too impressed with this one either. Though, maybe if I was more immersed in X-Men ore it'd help.
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Re: [Let's Play] Marvel Super Heroes Adventure 6 — The Uncanny X-Men: An X-cellent Death

Post by pragma »

Thanks for hosting!
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