[Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by Beroli »

Well that was hardly a surprise.

The wildfire seems less ferocious to the left. Herds of Antelope and lumbering Shinglebacks flee from the flames that are quickly consuming their grazing grounds. Among the terrified beasts you spot a SABRE-TOOTHED TIGER, a fabled feline predator with two dagger-like fangs. The pelt of such a creature would make an impressive trophy and could perhaps be enough to earn you the position of chieftain!

Attack it as it passes by?
Focus on escaping the fire?

Name: George
Sex: Male
Skill: 11/11
Stamina: 15/15
Luck: 10/10
Weapon: Dagger
Rucksack contents: Meal, Meal, Rope, strange wood-and-metal staff, Fangthane Gold, Charm of Endurance, _________, _________, _________, _________
Companions: Paru (7 Skill, fires an arrow each Attack Round)
Trophies: Fangthane Gold
Special Notes: Circlet of Hamaskis, lit torch
Deaths: Mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, eaten by a dragon, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, driven insane by a creature from nightmare, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, blown up by igniting natural gas
Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by Queen of Swords »

Focus on escaping the fire.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to attack it, as I think we will need all the trophies that we can get here.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by Thaluikhain »

Yeah, half vote for trying for another trophy.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by Beroli »

I'd think that would be a reason to vote to attack the dragon who Courga Rock sent you after, not to fight in a burning house now. But, attacking the Saber-Toothed Tiger wins 1.5 to 1.

With a ferocious battle-cry, you ready your weapon and leap to the attack. The long-fanged cat snarls at you with a mixture of anger and panic.

SABRE-TOOTHED TIGER Skill 11 Stamina 8

George Attack Strength: 13, SABER-TOOTHED TIGER Attack Strength: 14. Paru's arrow strikes true. George's Stamina is 13
George Attack Strength: 13, SABER-TOOTHED TIGER Attack Strength: 14. George's Stamina is 11
George Attack Strength: 14, SABER-TOOTHED TIGER Attack Strength: 23. George's Stamina is 9
George Attack Strength: 14, SABER-TOOTHED TIGER Attack Strength: 13. SABER-TOOTHED TIGER's Stamina is 4
George Attack Strength: 22, SABER-TOOTHED TIGER Attack Strength: 20. SABER-TOOTHED TIGER's Stamina is 2
George Attack Strength: 19, SABER-TOOTHED TIGER Attack Strength: 19. Paru's arrow strikes true. SABER-TOOTHED TIGER is dead.

There is no time to savor the victory or even think about skinning the beast; the fire is nearly upon you. Test your Luck; a 6 succeeds. You escape with your life.

Soon you find the end of the fire's main front and dash homewards across the scorched plains. Night will fall soon, and the Rite of Judgement is near at hand!

Evening is falling when the welcome sight of Boneridge Village appears, bathed in the fiery glow of the setting sun. After two days of exploring the deadly Plain of Bones you can finally return home and stake your claim as chieftain of the tribe.

Paru is your companion.

Your pace quickens as home finally comes into view, but Paru hangs back. ‘You go on ahead,’ he mutters, ‘I’m no leader.’ No matter what you say, you can’t change his mind. Begrudgingly you continue on without him.

At last you have returned home! You walk down the main path that leads to the village, proud of what you have achieved, but no one comes out to greet you. In fact, as far as you can tell the entire village is deserted. There are no fires lit, no smells of the evening meal being prepared, and no voices of the returned candidates swapping tales of adventure. You appear to be utterly alone.

By the time you reach the first clusters of tents, your fears are confirmed. You poke your head into the dwellings, only to find each one deserted. You rush to the meeting circle in the centre of the village, but it is also deserted, the fire pits cold and dead. It is as if your entire tribe has vanished into thin air!

You hear a voice coming from somewhere to the west. You race towards the sound, ducking and weaving past tents and the netting that is strung up between the bones of great beasts to protect against the harsh sand storms that sometimes afflict the area. On the fringes of the village, standing on the edge of the cliff overlooking Boneridge Valley, you find Ogmil, the apprentice of Valgrek the village shaman. He spins around to face you.

‘Kuwi?’ he cries, ‘Oh, it’s you. I wondered whether you had the fortitude to survive the Rite.’ You have never gotten along well with Ogmil, but now his words seem particularly laced with venom. You ask him what happened to your people.

‘They have been taken far away from this place. I know where. Come, I will show you.’ He beckons you to join him at the cliff’s edge.

Join him?
Stay where you are?

Also highlighting the option to eat before you encounter Ogmil.

Name: George
Sex: Male
Skill: 11/11
Stamina: 9/15
Luck: 9/10
Weapon: Dagger
Rucksack contents: Meal, Meal, Rope, strange wood-and-metal staff, Fangthane Gold, Charm of Endurance, _________, _________, _________, _________
Companions: None
Trophies: Fangthane Gold
Special Notes: Circlet of Hamaskis, lit torch
Deaths: Mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, eaten by a dragon, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, driven insane by a creature from nightmare, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, blown up by igniting natural gas
Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by Queen of Swords »

Eat a meal, and stay where we are.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I also vote to eat a meal and have George stay where he is.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by Beroli »

You stand your ground and demand a straight answer from Ogmil. His face is contorted with fury. ‘Fool!’ he spits, ‘you’re no different from the rest of them-–thick-skulled bullies, one and all! But no longer! Finally I will receive my reward, just as master promised. And you?’ Ogmil reaches into a pouch tied to his waist, ‘You will soon be joining the spirits of our ancestors in the Abyss!’

With that, the apprentice flings a handful of red dust at your face. It feels as if your head has been plunged into the heart of a blazing furnace. You scream in agony, blinded and wracked with awful pain. You take (1d6) 2 damage and can do nothing but lie on the ground until the agony subsides.

And, mercifully, it does. You crawl over to some water and wash the burning dust from your face. You can see again, but not very well, and it will be some time before your vision fully recovers (lose 1 point of Skill).

Ogmil is nowhere to be seen. Whatever has happened to your people, you are certain that he has something to do with it. You are pondering what your next move will be when a voice calls out to you. ‘Bless the ancestors you’re alive!’

A striking young woman emerges beneath a heap of netting, her face beaming with joy. It is Kuwi, the daughter of the village’s lead hunter. She rushes over and embraces you. ‘I thought you had perished out there! Most of the other candidates had already returned and we thought you lost. By Courga it is good to see you again!’

You ask Kuwi what terrible fate has befallen your village. Tears spill down her cheeks as she recounts the tale. ‘As I said, we thought everyone who would return had already done so. Valgrek called for the candidates to assemble in the meeting circle and present their trophies for judging. When they had done as he had asked, Valgrek held up a strange red gem, as big as his fist, which glowed with a fell light. One by one, the hunters seemed to fall under a spell. Their arms fell limp at their sides and their eyes shone with the same light as the cursed gem. The wicked shaman ordered them to round up the rest of our people – and they did so, as if they had no will of their own! It was terrible. My own father tried to hunt me down!’

Kuwi breaks down at the awful memory, her body wracked with heavy sobs. The tears subside and she regains her composure. A grim look is in her eyes. ‘I managed to give him the slip. I think I have learned more from him than he realises. Everyone else was gathered up and held prisoner until the Oldbones arrived.’

‘They came riding terrible lizards. Each had the same vacant expression and glowing eyes as the candidates that Valgrek had enchanted. At his command, our people were loaded into cages that were pulled along behind the great beasts. And with that they left! Only Ogmil stayed behind. I think he was looking for me.’

You let Kuwi’s story sink in. Using some evil stone, Valgrek has enslaved both your people and the rival Oldbone tribe--but for what purpose? Ogmil must be in league with the traitorous shaman, for he did not appear to be under the thrall of the mysterious gem.

Your course of action is now clear. You must rescue your people from whatever foul fate Valgrek has planned for them. Unfortunately, you have no clues as to where they have been taken, but Kuwi has an idea.

‘Whenever I have questions that need answering I pray to our ancestors for guidance. They are wise beyond knowing and must be able to help us. Follow me.’

Kuwi leads you to a large, forbidding tent made from the black hide of some thick-skinned beast. It is Valgrek’s lair, a place you have always been forbidden from entering. Apprehensively you part the entrance and step inside.

The tent is brimming with countless oddities and esoteric devices. In one corner the severed claws of some nameless horror lie beside the carved stone figure of a tentacled god. In another corner a basket of sweet-smelling herbs lies atop of a stack of bundled parchments-–indecipherable writings from some far-flung corner of the world. A large area of the tent’s hide is covered with a map of the Plain of Bones, scrawled by Valgrek with charcoal and covered with his mysterious notations.

In the centre of this arcane assemblage stands a stone altar. It is here that the shaman came to seek divine guidance from the spirits of your long-dead chieftains. Now it is your turn to seek answers from the shades of your forefathers.

‘First you must prove yourself worthy of an audience with the spirits,’ Kuwi says, ‘place your offerings on the altar and pray that the ancestors are pleased by them.’

During the Rite of Banishment you will have gathered various trophies from the creatures you have slain.

Tattered Lion Pelt Special
Crocodile Teeth 1
Lizardman Scimitar 1
Oldbone Necklace 1
Oldbone Spear 1
Sickle Claw 2
Bull's Horn 2
Aardwolf Skin 2
Nandibear Claw 2
Struthiomimus Skull 2
Pterodactyl Wing 2
Allosaurus Tooth 3
Black Lion Pelt 3
Quetzalcoatlas Egg 4
Fangthane Gold 4
Chieftain’s Crown 5
Dragons’ Eye 7

You have one trophy: the Fangthane Gold, and so your total is 4. Compare your total to the roll of 2d6: 3 is lower than your total.

You place your trophies upon the altar and beseech the spirits of your ancestors to help you in your quest. At first, silence is your only response, but then a powerful gust blasts into the tent, sending Valgrek’s mystic paraphernalia flying into the air and threatening to uproot the tent itself. Voices can be heard on the wind, speaking as one and carrying the combined wisdom of the ages.

‘You must save our people. Your heart is true and your offering is worthy. You shall join our ranks and become the next chieftain of the tribe.’

The charcoal map on the side of the tent begins to glow, its once-black lines now shining brilliantly in gold. The glow starts in the spot where Boneridge Village is marked out; it then moves southwards, tracing a path to a large, roughly circular area deep in the south of the Plain of Bones.

‘Seek the wizard’s crystal that was made to undo the evil of the gem. Seek the resting place of the mighty lords of old. You must save them...’ The glow fades from the map and the voices die away on the wind. You have your answer. Restore 2 Luck points.

Now you know your destination – the Cauldron: a vast and verdant valley that lies far to the south of Boneridge. According to the ancient tribal tales it was once the site of a powerful and wondrous civilization, but their people grew too proud and their kingdom was cast down. Now the Cauldron is said to be a cursed place, populated with giant monsters and haunted by the spectres of the vengeful dead. Nevertheless, that is where you must go if you are to have any hope of saving your people.

It is now the middle of the night. You decide to find a place to sleep and set off at first light. The rest does you well, and you can restore up to 4 Stamina points.

As the sun rises on another morning, you and Kuwi set about gathering some supplies for the journey ahead. You may take up to five Provisions and five flammable torches with you, but remember that you can only hold ten items in your rucksack at a time.

Kuwi is now your travelling companion, and she will aid you in battle against any opponents you may face. You may add 2 to your Attack Strength while she accompanies you.

Paru was your companion previously.

As you are leaving the village, you encounter Paru wandering the other way, confusion and distress written on his face. You fill him in on the treachery of Valgrek and the enslavement of the tribe. At the conclusion of your tale his expression turns to one of grim determination. ‘Lead the way,’ he says, ‘I’ll follow you anywhere.’

Paru will no longer fire arrows at your enemies; instead he adds a further 2 points to your Attack Strength, for a total bonus of +4 from both your companions. Now a trio, you leave Boneridge Village behind, the fate of your people resting in your hands.

You hurry south; knowing that time is of the essence. Valgrek and his captives have quite a head start on you and any delay on your part could see your people lost forever. You now have a stat called Delays; it begins at 0.

The further you travel south, the greener the scenery gets; dry, barren dirt turns to lush, grass-covered plains sprinkled with clumps of shrubs and spindly, leafy trees.

By mid-morning you reach the pile of stones that marks the southernmost border of Boneridge territory. Beyond this point lies the forbidden land that leads to the Cauldron. For the first time ever, you step beyond the marker, into a realm of ghosts and ancient evils.

Eventually you come across a vast clearing in the middle of the grasslands. The sandy ground is carpeted with bones of all shapes and sizes.

Cut directly across the clearing?
Take time to skirt around it?

Also vote on how many Meals and/or torches to take; you have six empty slots, more if you wish to discard anything you currently have listed.

Name: George
Sex: Male
Skill: 10/11
Stamina: 15/15
Luck: 10/10
Weapon: Dagger
Rucksack contents: Meal, Rope, strange wood-and-metal staff, Charm of Endurance, _________, _________, _________, _________, _________, _________
Companions: Kuwi (+2 Attack Strength), Paru (+2 Attack Strength)
Delays: 0
Special Notes: Circlet of Hamaskis
Deaths: Mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, eaten by a dragon, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, driven insane by a creature from nightmare, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, blown up by igniting natural gas
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I vote to take 3 meals and 2 Torches, and to try to cut across the clearing.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by Beroli »

That leaves you with one empty slot; you can vote to take an additional meal or torch for one turn.

You walk through the bone-strewn clearing, past the grinning skulls of long-dead monsters and thighbones that tower above you. The vast ribcage of some leviathan arches overhead, forming a bizarre ossific avenue down which you wander.

A menacing snarl echoes through the boneyard. Before your astonished eyes, a large creature materializes out of thin air, its bipedal body shimmering with an ethereal green light. It stalks towards you on two clawed legs, its stunted forelimbs waving futilely. Tiny, hungry eyes, crested by a pair of thick horns, glare at you above the carnivore’s slavering, box-like jaws. You have disturbed the spirits of the dinosaur graveyard and must fight its guardian!


You do not have a magical weapon and so cannot affect this creature; you must fight until you win a combat round, then take an automatic 2 damage and flee.

Round One: George gets a 23, SPECTRAL CARNOTAURUS gets an 18. You can flee.

It is just past midday when you arrive at the edge of the Cauldron, a vast circular valley created by a cataclysmic event in ancient times. It stretches out before you, a verdurous, steaming expanse of grasslands and jungle. The land to the east is dominated by the remnants of a once-mighty empire; its crumbling ruins poke haphazardly out of the ground like jagged teeth. To the west the lush terrain becomes a large swamp, carpeted with reeds. In the distant south the far side of the Cauldron pushes up against the impenetrable Mountains of Grief. Somewhere in this immense crater lies the key to the salvation of your tribe.

First, however, you must find safe passage down into the valley. The cliffs here are too steep to descend, but a short distance to the right a steep, narrow track plunges down to the valley floor. In some places it is little more than a thin ledge poking out from the sheer cliff walls. Clearly it will be a dangerous trail to take, but also the most direct. Following the crater’s edge around to the left you see that the cliffs give way to a gentle pass, but it will take you at least a couple of hours to reach.

Descend the path to the right?
Head left and take the longer journey to the pass?

Name: George
Sex: Male
Skill: 10/11
Stamina: 13/15
Luck: 10/10
Weapon: Dagger
Rucksack contents: Meal, Meal, Meal, Meal, Torch, Torch, Rope, strange wood-and-metal staff, Charm of Endurance, _________
Companions: Kuwi (+2 Attack Strength), Paru (+2 Attack Strength)
Delays: 0
Special Notes: Circlet of Hamaskis
Deaths: Mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, eaten by a dragon, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, driven insane by a creature from nightmare, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, blown up by igniting natural gas
Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by Queen of Swords »

We went left last time, so let's try right now.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Ack, I miscounted. I will take another meal if that is allowed, and see if fascism is the way to go this time.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by Beroli »

A small group of Threehorns are grazing near the cliff’s edge, intently clipping the grass with their beaked mouths. They are so dedicated to their task that they do not even raise their frilled heads as you approach them.

A furious roar echoes out over the valley as a savage predator suddenly bursts out from a clump of nearby trees, charging towards the Threehorns on two powerful legs. The horned herbivores do not fail to react to this intruder; they bellow warnings to each other and instinctively form a protective circle around their weaker members.

You keep your distance and watch as the savage carnivore singles out a Threehorn and drives it away from the herd – directly towards you! You quickly back away from the battling beasts, only to find the cliffs blocking off your only avenue of escape. The two adversaries, predator and prey, continue their brutal fight to the death, the Threehorn thrusting with its deadly horns and the predator snapping back with slavering, teeth-filled jaws.

You did previously encounter Sefu.

Suddenly you hear a familiar voice cry out. Sefu charges out of the bushes, brandishing his hunting spear. He plunges the weapon deep into the flank of the carnivore, which roars in pain. At the same time, the Threehorn charges, goring its foe’s belly with its terrible horns. The carnivore staggers away, blood pouring from its mortal wounds. Sefu stands before you, a bemused expression etched on his face, as the tri-horned victor gallops away to rejoin its herd.

‘Again you try to steal my kill?’ he exclaims. Ignoring his inflammatory accusation, you quickly fill Sefu in on your quest and the fate of your tribe. He smacks his forehead in dismay. ‘I’ve completely lost track of time! After you spoiled my kill I became obsessed with finding another target worthy of my talent. I started tracking that brute yesterday and forgot all about the judging ceremony. It matters not; I’m clearly the winner.’

You interrupt Sefu’s boasting and impress on him the urgency of your mission. He agrees to join you, if only to prove that he is the greater warrior. You may add a further +2 to your Attack Strength while he is with you. Regain 1 Luck point for this fortunate encounter.

Leaving the spooked Threehorns behind, you find the track leading down to the Cauldron and begin your descent.

With the utmost care you edge down the steep track, trying to focus on the impossibly slim strip of terrain in front of you and not the valley floor that lays hundreds of feet below. The trail continues to narrow until it is barely the width of your footprint. You are forced to hug the rock face and shuffle along the ledge, step by cautious step, as the wind whips about you, threatening to pull you away from the cliff to a gruesome death. One misstep and your quest will be over in a single terrifying moment.

Test your Skill; a 10 barely succeeds. You are able to safely navigate along the ledge until it widens once more.

The track continues to wind a torturous path down the face of the cliff. Eventually it terminates in a steep, boulder-strewn slope that covers the last dozen metres to the valley floor. Half-walking, half-sliding on the loose rocks, you negotiate your way to the bottom of the Cauldron. Roll 1d6; the result is a 1.

You make it to the valley floor, but your companion is not so lucky. Kuwi loses her footing on the slope and tumbles head over heels to the bottom. You rush to her aid as she gets to her feet, gingerly nursing an arm that appears to be broken. Using the abundant flora that grows all around you, you are able to fashion a splint for Kuwi’s wounded limb. Fortunately she is still able to accompany you, but she is no longer able to fight at your side.

At last you have made it to the bottom of the Cauldron. You are surrounded by greenery more lush and verdant than you have ever witnessed before. The shattered remnants of a once-mighty kingdom lie jumbled before you, covered in moss and tangled vines. Insects as large as your arm whir overhead, darting between the vibrant flowers that seem to carpet every surface. It astounds you that a place so full of life is also a haunt for the restless dead.

Somewhere in this valley is the key to discovering where Valgrek has taken your people, and you are sure it lies somewhere in the ancient stone ruins that dot the landscape. Off to your left stand the remains of a tower, leaning awkwardly towards the distant mountains. To the right an enormous columned building sits atop a great spur of rock thrust out of the broken earth. Immediately before you is a dark opening that leads beneath the ground, but to where you do not know. Now, where will you begin your search?

The leaned tower?
The columned building?
The dark opening?

Name: George
Sex: Male
Skill: 10/11
Stamina: 13/15
Luck: 10/10
Weapon: Dagger
Rucksack contents: Meal, Meal, Meal, Meal, Meal, Torch, Torch, Rope, strange wood-and-metal staff, Charm of Endurance
Companions: Kuwi, Paru (+2 Attack Strength), Sefu (+2 Attack Strength)
Delays: 0
Special Notes: Circlet of Hamaskis
Deaths: Mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, eaten by a dragon, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, driven insane by a creature from nightmare, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, blown up by igniting natural gas
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Let's check out the columned building.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by Queen of Swords »

Columned building (except this time, avoid the dinosaur inside).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by Beroli »

The great stone building stands aloft of the other ruins, perched on a wedge of rock that must have been heaved into the sky during the great upheaval that formed the Cauldron. Thick green vines trail down from the stony spike like the tendrils of some unfathomably large monster. It is only by clambering up one of these vines that you are able to reach the mostly intact structure, which is held up by rows of fat stone columns, covered in disturbing tentacled imagery.

You ascend wide, cracked steps to a vast, airy entrance hall; golden shafts of daylight penetrate the otherwise gloomy interior through great rents in the ceiling and walls. Strewn throughout the halls are the crumbled remains of stone tables, altars and more columns. Amidst the ruins, eyes firmly fixed on you, stands a bizarre beast.

It stands upright on two long hind legs, balanced by a heavy tail. Sitting atop the creature’s short, thick neck is a head crowned by a large rounded dome, edged with bony knobs and small spikes that run down to its beaked muzzle. The strange thickheaded lizard stands over what appears to be a pale humanoid figure, mostly concealed in the rubble.

Risk approaching the animal to investigate the figure?
Give it a wide berth and explore the chambers beyond the hall?

Registering one vote to avoid the lizard, but waiting for further votes.

Name: George
Sex: Male
Skill: 10/11
Stamina: 13/15
Luck: 10/10
Weapon: Dagger
Rucksack contents: Meal, Meal, Meal, Meal, Meal, Torch, Torch, Rope, strange wood-and-metal staff, Charm of Endurance
Companions: Kuwi, Paru (+2 Attack Strength), Sefu (+2 Attack Strength)
Delays: 0
Special Notes: Circlet of Hamaskis
Deaths: Mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, eaten by a dragon, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, driven insane by a creature from nightmare, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, blown up by igniting natural gas
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I also vote to avoid the lizard.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by Beroli »

You search the mansion from top to bottom but find nothing but ruins. Dejected, you exit the massive building and return to the valley floor. Gain 1 Delays. Where will you go next?

The leaned tower?
The dark opening?

Name: George
Sex: Male
Skill: 10/11
Stamina: 13/15
Luck: 10/10
Weapon: Dagger
Rucksack contents: Meal, Meal, Meal, Meal, Meal, Torch, Torch, Rope, strange wood-and-metal staff, Charm of Endurance
Companions: Kuwi, Paru (+2 Attack Strength), Sefu (+2 Attack Strength)
Delays: 1
Special Notes: Circlet of Hamaskis
Deaths: Mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, eaten by a dragon, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, driven insane by a creature from nightmare, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, blown up by igniting natural gas
Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by Queen of Swords »

Go to the tower, go down the stairs, leap across with a lit torch and explore the cave.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by JourneymanN00b »

I agree with this plan.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by Beroli »

In centuries past, the ancient tower would have stretched proudly into the sky. Now, however, its crumbling stone blocks are tilting dangerously to the south, bound together by little more than the choking vines that cover its surface. You cannot find a doorway and so enter the tower through a window that is close to ground level. Inside you find the remains of a twisting stairwell that leads both upwards and downwards into darkness.

You go down the stairs.

You carefully work your way down the winding staircase, stepping over gaps where the stonework has crumbled away. The sunlight from above slowly fades until you are navigating through near-total darkness. You may light your torch if you wish.

Eventually you come across a gap in the stairs that is too vast to step across. Your only hope is to leap across the gulf to where the steps continue once more.

You light your torch and jump across.

You Test your Skill with a -1 penalty; a 9 succeeds, but unfortunately it doesn't matter as you have more than five items in your rucksack. You land on the stair on the other side, but it gives way under your weight, dropping you into the darkness.

The cold wind whistles past you as you plunge into the darkness. Several awful moments pass before you crash into the hard, stone-flagged floor of the tower. Take (1d6+2) 6 damage. If you are still alive, you stagger to your feet and get your bearings. The lit torch you were carrying is lost.

The floor of the tower is littered with the broken remnants of the steps that have crumbled away over the years. A row of exotic metal weapons lines the curved stone wall, hanging from metal hooks. An arched doorway leads to a small, dark cave.

Pause to vote on whether to light your remaining torch and whether to eat a Meal before you explore the cave.

Name: George
Sex: Male
Skill: 10/11
Stamina: 7/15
Luck: 10/10
Weapon: Dagger
Rucksack contents: Meal, Meal, Meal, Meal, Meal, Torch, Rope, strange wood-and-metal staff, Charm of Endurance, _________
Companions: Kuwi, Paru (+2 Attack Strength), Sefu (+2 Attack Strength)
Delays: 1
Special Notes: Circlet of Hamaskis
Deaths: Mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, eaten by a dragon, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, driven insane by a creature from nightmare, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, blown up by igniting natural gas
Queen of Swords
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by Queen of Swords »

Yes, eat a meal, light a torch and explore the cave.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Agree with lighting a torch and eating a meal.
Say No To Fascism. The left is the one true way to go.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantazine Adventure 5: Bones of the Banished

Post by Beroli »

Great double doors must have been set in the archway, but all that remains of them now are the rusted hinges. Beyond the doorway is a small natural cave. When the cataclysm that formed the Cauldron struck, the tower must have plunged halfway into the earth, meeting up with the cave by sheer coincidence.

Inside the cave you find bunches of small purple fungus, glowing faintly with some natural phosphorescence.

Eat a mushroom?
Examine the weapons?
Climb back up the stairs?

Name: George
Sex: Male
Skill: 10/11
Stamina: 11/15
Luck: 10/10
Weapon: Dagger
Rucksack contents: Meal, Meal, Meal, Meal, Rope, strange wood-and-metal staff, Charm of Endurance, _________, _________, _________
Companions: Kuwi, Paru (+2 Attack Strength), Sefu (+2 Attack Strength)
Delays: 1
Special Notes: Circlet of Hamaskis, lit torch
Deaths: Mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, eaten by a dragon, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, driven insane by a creature from nightmare, mercilessly crushed by Thrandeus, blown up by igniting natural gas
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