Pokedex Redone

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Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

(Paul Heyman impression) MY CLIENT has expressed interest in reviving this. But with things like "HD = CR" and "Type doesn't have to determine your BAB and stuff". So we are beginning here. First we have the post that establishes a lot of base info going forward. After that, I'll be "sort of" going through by Pokedex Number: one post for the Bulbasaur family, then the Charmander family etc. But when I get to Meowth I'll cover Meowth, Alolan Meowth, Galaran Meowth, Persian, Alolan Persian and Purrserker. Likewise the Eevee post will have all Eeveelutions.

Let me know if I leave something as ? or X or XXX or (REFER TO BOOK X) or whatever.

Links to the actual pokemon themselves

Training and Pokemon Trainers
If you don't want the actual trainers in your game, don't use them. The way you handle it isn't my problem. At any rate, anybody can basically raise and look after their pokemon, and this is important because there are things you can train a pokemon to do that it won't normally think of doing. As such, when one advances under the care of a trainer, they get to choose the Skills, Feats and Ability Score increases. Additionally, there are some things a pokemon can do with love and training, such as knowing it can use sharp claws to hack away at entangling vines, or carrying people on its back. Additionally, wild pokemon probably shouldn't use more than the last four activated Special Attacks they learn, needing the coaching of a trainer in order to utilise their full array of attacks.

So D&D and Pokemon both take different approaches to typing and weaknesses and resistances. This pokedex will use normal D&D Types to determine Favoured Enemy by standard Rangers, whether Animal Growth affects them and so on, however every creature created to be a pokemon has subtypes that grant its Pokemon Types. These will in fact remove a lot of the existing traits automatically applied (such as Plants being Immune to Poison and half the things being Immune to Mind-Affecting effects), and apply their own traits. These will be spelled out for every single creature so you don't need to look it up every time, but are also listed below so I can copy-paste them each time for easy reference if a creature changes Types. Also, we are killing another sacred cow: the Type does not determine the hit die type (BAB progression, Saving Throws etc). Sometimes these will happen to match, and that's grand. But every critter will spell out its hit die progression.

Bug Traits: [Bug] Pokemon can be affected as though Vermin, even if they lack the Vermin Type. They do not, however, have the usual Vermin traits. They are weak against [Fire], [Flying] and [Rock] attacks, and resist [Fighting], [Grass] and [Ground] attacks. The natural weapons of Vermin creatures are treated as [Bug] attacks unless they deliver poison - in that case they're [Poison] type.

Dark Traits: [Dark] Pokemon are weak against [Bug], [Fairy] and [Fighting] attacks, and resist [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks. They are considered Immune to [Psychic] attacks, meaning they always resist them regardless of other Types, and furthermore their minds cannot be read or influenced as though they had a Mind Blank effect that cannot be dispelled. However they can still be moved by Telekinesis for instance.

Dragon Traits: [Dragon] Pokemon can be affected as though Dragons, even if they lack the Dragon Type. They do not, however, have the automatic Dragon traits, and don't innately age as true dragons and get access to [Epic] feats. They are weak against [Dragon], [Fairy] and [Ice] attacks, and resist [Electric], [Fire], [Grass] and [Water] attacks. The natural weapons of Dragons (the D&D Type) are treated as [Dragon] attacks.

Electric Traits: [Electric] Pokemon are weak against [Ground] attacks, and resist [Electric], [Flying] and [Steel] attacks. They cannot be Staggered or Paralyzed. They can generate sufficient electricity to power various machines and devices with a Size up to one category larger than their own. Anything that deals Electricity damage is treated as an [Electric] attack unless specified otherwise.

Fairy Traits: [Fairy] Pokemon can be affected as though [Fey], even if they lack the Fey Type. This also means they are considered Spirits. They are weak against [Poison] and [Steel] attacks, and resist [Bug], [Dark] and [Fighting] attacks. They are considered Immune to [Dragon] attacks, meaning they always resist them regardless of other Types, and have Evasion against anything described as a Breath Weapon, and immunity to the Frightful Presence ability of dragons.

Fighting Traits: [Fighting] Pokemon are weak against [Fairy], [Flying] and [Psychic] attacks, and resist [Bug], [Dark] and [Rock] attacks. Attacks made with manufactured weapons (but not improvised ones) and the unarmed attacks of Monks are considered to be [Fighting] attacks.

Fire Traits: [Fire] Pokemon do not have the usual effects of the [Fire] Subtype, nor the Elemental Type. They are weak against [Ground], [Rock] and [Water] attacks, and resist [Bug], [Fairy], [Fire], [Grass], [Ice] and [Steel] attacks. They suffer no damage from being set on fire, suffer no harm from naturally occurring hot weather (such as nonlethal damage, sunburn and heatstroke), and cannot be Burned. Anything that deals Fire damage is considered a [Fire] attack unless specified otherwise.

Flying Traits: [Flying] Pokemon are weak against [Electric], [Ice] and [Rock] attacks, and resist [Bug], [Fighting] and [Grass] attacks. [Flying] Pokemon all have a Fly Speed - if they do not have one in their statistics, they gain an [Average] Fly Speed equal to their normal speed. They are considered Immune to [Ground] attacks, meaning they always resist them regardless of other Types, and of course if they are actually flying, most ground-based attacks can't affect them.

Ghost Traits: [Ghost] Pokemon can be affected as though [Incorporeal] Undead, even if they lack the Undead Type. They are also considered Spirits. They do not gain any of the usual traits of Undead such as Immunity to [Mind-Affecting] effects, Poisons and Sneak Attack. They are weak against [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks, and resist [Bug] and [Poison] attacks. [Ghost] Type Pokemon all have the ability to manifest into the corporeal world, in which case they always resist [Normal] and [Fighting] attacks regardless of other Types, but can essentially interact with the world normally. They can also fade back into the Ethereal Plane, in which case the usual rules for [Incorporeal] Ethereal creatures apply. Negative Energy effects are treated as [Ghost] attacks and thus are actually Super Effective against [Ghost] Pokemon rather than healing them (but in return, [Ghost] Pokemon heal normally from Positive Energy), and Ghost Touch weapons are always treated as the better of [Ghost] or their normal type (almost always [Fighting]) for the purpose of damaging targets.

Grass Traits: [Grass] Pokemon can be affected as though Plants, even if they lack the [Plant] Type. They do not have any of the usual traits of Plants such as Immunity to Poison. Instead, they are weak against [Bug], [Fire], [Flying], [Ice] and [Poison] attacks, and resist [Electricity], [Grass], [Ground] and [Water] attacks. [Grass] Pokemon cannot be affected by the special attacks Cotton Spore, Leech Seed, Magic Powder, Poison Powder, Pollen Puff (apart from the healing application), Powder, Rage Powder, Sleep Powder, Spore, and Stun Spore. They also cannot be affected by Spells and effects that are described as being powder, pollen or spores - such as Gnome Blight. All [Plant] Pokemon will have something in the description specify what they eat, but it's usually some percentage of sunlight, then either "stuff in the soil" or "bugs" or "whatever fits in their mouth".

Ground Traits: [Ground] Pokemon do not have the usual effects of the [Earth] Subtype, nor the Elemental Type. They are weak against [Grass], [Ice] and [Water] attacks, and resist [Poison] and [Rock] attacks. They are considered Immune to [Electric] attacks, always resisting them regardless of other Types. All [Ground] Type Pokemon have a Burrow Speed - if one is not listed, they gain one equal to their normal Speed. They can always choose whether or not to leave tunnels behind them. They also have the ability to swim through sand at their normal speed, and when burrowing or sand-swimming, take no damage or effect from any kind of [Electric] attack. When simply touching the ground, they have Evasion against [Electric] attacks. [Ground] Type Pokemon do not suffer any damage or impediments from sand storms, dust storms, loose sand, quicksand or rough stony terrain, and indeed have Resistance equal to their hit dice against all energy types (even obscure ones) in sand storms and dust storms.

Ice Traits: [Ice] Pokemon do not have the usual effects of the [Cold] Subtype, nor the Elemental Type. They are weak against [Fighting], [Fire], [Rock] and [Steel] atacks, and resist [Ice] attacks. They cannot be frozen solid or suffer frostbite, frostburn or hypothermia, and they are also immune to Dexterity damage (but not drain). They suffer no damage or impediment from hail, ice storms, snow storms, naturally occurring blizzards, cold weather and similar - even things like Black Ice and Blood Snow - and enjoy DR 5/- in snow storms and 10/- in hail and heavy blizzards. They can move through slush at their normal speed without penalty, and do not slip over on ice. Indeed, they can move at double their normal movement speed when moving across ice. Anything that deals Cold damage is considered to be an [Ice] attack unless specified otherwise.

Normal Traits: [Normal] Pokemon can be affected as though Animals, even if they lack the Animal Type. They do not get the usual traits of Animals. They are weak against [Fighting] attacks, and are considered Immune to [Ghost] attacks, always resisting them regardless of other Types. [Normal] Type Pokemon are completely immune to the [Ghost] attacks of creatures that are not manifest on the same Plane as they are - Ethereal creatures must manifest in order to target them with [Ghost] attacks. They are also immune specifically to possession (but not simple mind control and domination). The natural weapons of Animals and Magical Beasts are, unless specified otherwise, treated as [Normal] attacks.

Poison Traits: [Poison] Pokemon are weak against [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, and resist [Bug], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Grass] and [Poison] attacks. [Poison] Type Pokemon cannot be Poisoned, and thus are immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take (reduced) damage from things like Gunk Shot. If a natural weapon inflicts Poison, it is treated as a [Poison] attack unless the specific creature or natural weapon states otherwise. This takes precedence over things like Vermin and Animals being [Bug] and [Normal] attacks respectively. [Poison] Type Pokemon harmlessly absorb toxic spikes and sludge just by stepping on or in them, and when holding (or covered in) the Black Sludge item/substance, they don't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1.

Psychic Traits: [Psychic] Pokemon are weak against [Bug], [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks, and resist [Fighting] and [Psychic] attacks. [Psychic] Type Pokemon can all communicate with other intelligent creatures via Telepathy to 100 feet, and are considered to have the [Psionic] Subtype for games that use these. Any spell or psychic power that is a [Mind-Affecting] effect is considered a [Psychic] effect, as are Telekinesis-based powers and [Force] effects. [Psychic] Pokemon can activate Psionic devices such as Dorjes as though the relevant powers were on their class list, but the Type itself doesn't grant them Power Points or similar.

Rock Traits: [Rock] Pokemon do not have the usual effects of the [Earth] Subtype, nor the Elemental Type. They are weak against [Fighting], [Grass], [Ground], [Steel] and [Water] attacks, and resist [Fire], [Flying], [Normal] and [Poison] attacks. [Rock] Type Pokemon are not harmed or impeded by sand storms, dust storms or rough stony terrain, nor do they risk slipping on gravel and loose stones. All [Rock] Type Pokemon have a Climb Speed (and the benefits that go along with this - a +8 Racial Bonus to Climb checks and the ability to take 10 on Climb checks even when threatened or rushed). If none is listed in the creature entry, they gain one equal to their normal Speed. The natural weapons of Earth Elementals are considered to be [Rock] attacks.

Steel Traits: [Steel] Pokemon can be treated as Constructs even if they aren't - but they do not have the usual Construct traits regardless. They are weak against [Fighting], [Fire] and [Ground] attacks, and resist [Bug], [Dragon], [Fairy], [Flying], [Grass], [Ice], [Normal], [Psychic], [Rock] and [Steel] effects. They are considered Immune to [Poison] attacks, always resisting them regardless of other Types and they can never be Poisoned or Diseased in any way (so tend to be immune to most forms of Poison attack in D&D). They suffer no damage or impediment from sand storms, dust storms, hail, ice storms similar, and are not harmed by rough stony terrain. They are considered to be made of magnetic metal for the purpose of spells and effects (and actual magnets for that matter), but as living creatures they are not simply destroyed by rust effects: they are always allowed a Fortitude Save to resist, with failure resulting in them suffering 1d6 damage per Caster Level (for spells) or hit die (for creatures). The natural weapons of metal Constructs are considered to be [Steel] attacks.

Water Traits: [Water] Pokemon are always treated as having the [Water] Subtype, but do not have the usual traits of it, or the Elemental Type. They are weak against [Electric] and [Grass] attacks, and resist [Fire], [Ice], [Steel] and [Water] attacks. They cannot necessarily breathe water just fine - they must still have the [Aquatic] or [Amphibious] Subtype (and many in fact do). They all have a Swim Speed (along with the usual benefits of a Swim Speed). If the entry does not state one, they gain a Swim Speed equal to their normal Speed. The natural weapons of Water Elementals are considered [Water] attacks, as are spells that are described as hitting people with water.

Weaknesses and Resistances
Various Types have weaknesses and resistances. For this project, if something is Weak and Resistant to an effect (such as Flying/Normal receiving a Fighting attack), they cancel out, and having more than two Types can result in having two Resistances and a Weakness, cancelling out to regular Resistance, but multiple Weaknesses do not stack, nor do multiple Resistances: either it's Super Effective, it is normally Effective, or it is Not Very Effective. If a Type grants Immunity, this project instead treats it as always being Resistant regardless of other Type(s), as well as being immune to certain effects in-game (for instance you can't affect something you can't reach, so Flying types that are currently flying can't be hit by most Ground attacks, but absolutely can be if they land). Resistance reduces the damage of an incoming move by an amount equal to the receiver's hit dice to a minimum of zero. Weakness increases the damage of an incoming move by an amount equal to the attacker's hit dice. Every monster entry will list what Weaknesses, Resistances and Immunities they already have, so you do not need to keep checking a table. Note: in order to prevent numbers going too crazy, the damage bonus or reduction from Weakness/Immunity only happens once per attacker per defender per round. If you make five [Ghost] claw attacks, then you only add your hit dice once if you aim all of them at a [Psychic] pokemon, and you only subtract the defender's hit dice once (from the total, allowing it to do more than negate a single attack, potentially) if you focus-fire a [Dark] pokemon. Meanwhile, if you spread those attacks out against five different targets, you would add/subtract (as necessary) for every single attack. Yes, this means a pair of Bulbasaurs using 2 Vine whips each against a pair of Squirtles would want to go "I attack this one and that one. Then you attack this one and that one." to maximise their damage. That's fine.

Certain traits will have the [Pokebility] tag. That is a Pokemon Ability - the things that the actual Pokemon games refer to as Abilities. The only reason for this is that certain attacks and Abilities actually negate or otherwise affect Abilities, and if those things are going to exist in this, there needs to be a way to determine what actually gets affected (seeing as "ability" is too broad and undefined a term in D&D and the intent is not for Gastro Acid to suppress "Archon Traits", although you might want to let it suppress things like "Aura of Menace" - feel free to have arguments at the table!).

Rare Traits
Some pokemon will be listed as having rare traits (ie some Hidden Abilities and Egg Moves). A normal one will not have any of these. If there is a herd or swarm of pokemon, some of these should be present within the group, though it might take some effort to discover. If somebody goes looking for specific pokemon, then there should be a roll involved (typically Survival) as well as looking in the right place (you won't find a Sealeo in the desert). And if the roll beats the DC by 10 or more, the discovered pokemon should have a rare trait. Finally, rare traits can be passed down by breeding - from either parent. If a pokemon has the Pin Missile and Sniper special attacks as rare traits, then even if one parent knows Pin Missile and the other has Sniper, the resulting offspring is able to have both - if hatched basically in the wild they have a 50% chance for each (or 100% if both parents have the given trait), but a DC 20 skill check (using the relevant Knowledge skill for their creature Type) to raise them from an egg can guarantee such traits are passed down. Note that it does not have to be known as a rare trait for the parent in question. So a regular Beedrill with Twin Needle could pass it down to something that learns it as a rare trait.

Tutor Moves
Each entry will list a creature's Tutor Moves. A pokemon is able to learn these if taught, which can be the result of class features, feats or special items. However, creatures are not assumed to have these in the wild, and a creature with such moves can often punch above its weight (by gaining access to attacks more powerful than its CR should have) or cover its usual weaknesses in manners which make them hard to beat. A pokemon can also learn any attack on its normal progression list as a Tutor Move, but not Rare Traits.

The intent here is that every pokemon has a CR equal to its hit dice. The exception here is some of those that start at 1 HD, which are CR 1/2. To advance one of these to CR 1, increase one of its ability scores by 4, and another two by 2 each. You may select Natural Armour instead of one of these. A trainer raising one from CR 1/2 can choose where the increases go. After this, every time a pokemon gains a hit die, its Challenge Rating also increases by 1. They typically gain new abilities as they level (and undergo evolution), and sometimes are assigned increases to ability scores, natural armour and other things. For every 4 hit dice, you can assign the increase as normal. Note that when they evolve, their ability scores change to those of the new form - a CR 1/2 creature that evolves at 4 HD would just have the standard ability scores for the second form, and not add 1x +4 and 2x +2. Similarly, Ability Score increases gained at every four hit dice are already factored in before then. Skill Points and Feats aren't automatically reallocated elsewhere, however: Skill Points are reduced if necessary because of Intelligence being reduced, and a trainer can choose to reallocate Skill Points and Feats, but they don't have to revert their specially raised friend to the standard set-up.

Certain pokemon can Mega-Evolve. This requires them to hold the relevant Mega-Stone, and have a high affection rating with their trainer, who must hold a Keystone. Mega-Evolution lasts for one minute per level of the trainer, and the same trainer cannot have more than one creature be Mega-Evolved at the same time, even if one of the creatures is stored within its pokeball, or has fainted. If a creature is able to Mega-Evolve, the effects are spelled out in its creature description.

I will not be using Dynamax/Gigantimax in this, firstly because I'ven't played 8Gen so have an excuse, secondly because it's a mechanic that adds new tactical depth to the actual video game battles in a void, but is still pretty stupid, making no sense to the actual world and not translating very well to D&D. Also the Max Moves that just raise or lower stats are typically viewed as the best (particularly in the case of Speed), but are the most boring, compared to changing the weather. But some things have special Gigantimax forms and don't have Mega-Evolutions so I might use the former as inspiration for the latter for them. Likewise, Max Moves that are interesting might still become available for Mega-Evolved creatures.

Weather and Terrain
These are all special effects that can be generated by various Pokemon attacks, and interact in different ways. However many of these can also occur naturally - Harsh Sun is the same as the sun actually being out and the weather being Hot or more, Grassy Terrain is any thick, tall undergrowth that reduces movement speed for most people. Certain Special Attacks and Abilities, or even Feats, can interact specially with various Terrain and Weather, and those effects are explained in the write-ups for those abilities. This just covers the universal effects.

Cursed Terrain: the ground is covered in low-lying mist, a cold, clinging miasma infused with negative energy that seemingly saps the will to live - or cuts out the middleman and saps life regardless of will. This causes everything touching the ground to suffer maximum damage from [Ghost] effects, increases the Save DC of [Fear] effects by 4, and prevents any form of healing for creatures touching the ground that lack Dark or Ghost Pokemon Traits. Regular D&D effects that could cause this could include planar leaks with the Negative Energy Plane, graveyards that are big enough and suffer constant Undead problems, or the Doomtide Spell.

Electric Terrain: this leaves the ground visually charged with static, and sparking, which is bad news for volatile explosives, and it does vaguely electrolyze water in small amounts if that really matters to you. Perhaps more importantly, this prevents anything touching the ground from falling asleep (but not being rendered Comatose), allows them to ignore the effects of being Fatigued (although it does not prevent or heal the condition itself), and prevents Drowsiness for those touching the ground. Additionally, everything on the ground suffers maximum damage from [Electric] attacks. Regular D&D effects that could cause this could be planar leaks from the Para-Elemental Plane of Electricity (Positive+Air), or spells that deal Electricity damage to an Area of Effect for a non-instantaneous Duration.

Grassy Terrain: this leaves the ground covered in thick, dense grass, up to the knees for Medium bipedal creatures. This causes everything touching the ground to suffer maximum damage from [Grass] attacks and minimum damage from [Ground] attacks. It also grants Fast Healing 1 to everything touching the ground. It can be removed by anything that deals Fire or Slashing damage to an Area of Effect, and regular D&D effects that could cause this include various spells that make a lot of grassy ground. I'm fine with Entangle for instance doing that, but discuss it with Mister Cavern.

Hail Storm: hail is covered in It's Cold Outside (and the DMG for that matter), but this also has a special effect in Pokemon: [Ice] creatures gain DR 10/- while it is in effect, and all creatures suffer a -4 Penalty on Saving Throws to avoid being frozen solid, or suffering frostbite, frostburn, or hypothermia. Spells and effects that reduce the weather to Extreme Cold or Unarthly Cold should probably also cause this.

Harsh Sunlight: harsh sunlight is considered to be any situation in which the sun is in fact visible and the temperature is also Hot or more. Aside from the normal D&D effects, this prevents anyone from being frozen solid (and causes frozen creatures to thaw out), causes burns and "being on fire" to deal twice as much damage, and causes all creatures in the area to suffer maximum damage from [Fire] attacks and minimum damage from [Water] attacks.

Extremely Harsh Sunlight: this is a special variant of harsh sunlight, normally only caused by Primal Groudon in Pokemon. However, any situation in which the sun is visible and the temperature is also Extreme Heat or hotter, or any time the temperature is Unearthly Heat or Burning Heat regardless of sun, this can be considered to apply. This functions the same as Harsh Sunlight, except [Water] effects will completely fail (even non-attacking effects), and prevents any other weather from being caused, other than the introduction of Torrential Downpour or Overwhelming Winds.

Misty Terrain: the ground is bathed in a very low-lying, magical mist - this isn't an ordinary mist that is high enough to obscure vision, it carries fey magic within it. It grants everything touching the ground a resistance to [Dragon] attacks, as well as preventing any debilitating Conditions from being afflicted to them (but not healing or suppressing existing ones). If a Fey creature summons Mist or Fog with a Spell-Like Ability, you should let them be able to create Misty Terrain in the same Area instead.

Overwhelming Winds: in Pokemon this is only caused by Mega-Rayquaza, but this can be considered to apply any time the winds are of Hurricane or Tornado strength. [Flying] creatures in the area no longer have any weaknesses from the [Flying] Subtype (although they can still have weaknesses from their other types, Terrain etc). Additionally, no other weather can be caused, other than the introduction of Extremely Harsh Sunlight or Torrential Downpour.

Psychic Terrain: a strange energy affects the landscape, giving a faint glow to things and causing pebbles and such to levitate just a few inches. This causes all creatures touching the ground to receive maximum damage from [Psychic] attacks, but also causes all Attacks of Opportunity and Immediate Action attacks to fail automatically against them. Additionally, manifesters of Psionics may treat their Manifester Level as four higher for the purpose of how far they can Augment powers by spending additional PP, and regain a single PP per round. This can be caused by powerful Psionic powers that cover an Area of Effect for multiple rounds.

Rain Storm: if the rain is at least heavy enough to affect flames and visibility (as the DMG), then in addition to the usual effects described in the DMG, this also causes everything in the area to take maximum damage from [Water] attacks and minimum damage from [Fire] attacks. This also douses any ongoing flames.

Torrential Downpour: a particularly heavy form of rain normally only caused by Primal Kyogre in Pokemon, this applies any time the rain is a downpour that causes flooding, or if people are actually in the Plane of Water, or completely underwater to the point that nobody could reach the surface in a round. It functions as a Rain Storm, except causes all [Fire] effects to fail outright (even non-attacking abilities), and prevents any other weather from being caused, other than the introduction of Extremely Harsh Sunlight or Overwhelming Winds.

Sandstorm: covered in It's Hot Outside and the DMG, a sandstorm in Pokemon also grants [Ground] creatures Resistance equal to their hit dice against all kinds of energy damage.


Special Conditions: a number of new conditions are introduced thanks to Pokemon. Additionally, it is worth noting that any creature that has failed the saving throw against Primary damage from Poison, but has yet to save against the Secondary effects, is considered to "be poisoned", for the sake of certain effects. Additionally, if Poisoning causes an ongoing condition other than Ability Damage/Drain (such as sleep or paralysis), or they suffer another condition from a [Poison] effect, as long as a creature is affected, they are also considered to be poisoned.

Burned: certain effects cause harsh burns. These don't just deal damage, the actual pain and tissue damage (or burning of ethereal essence or whatever) reduces the offensive output of such creatures. Burned creatures deal half damage with natural or manufactured weapons and every round they do more than take a single Move Action, they suffer 2d6 points of Non-Lethal heat damage - except for creatures that are Immune to Non-Lethal damage, they take actual Fire damage. It can be cured by Restoration (including the Greater variety), Heal (including the Greater and Mass varieties), Panacaea or Dispel Fire.

Drowsy: some effects don't quite put people to sleep, they just cause drowsiness. Drowsiness is still considered a Sleep effect, and can be cured or prevented as such. It causes creatures to suffer a -4 Penalty to all saving throws against Sleep effects, and to Reflex Saves, and denies them their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class. This is removed as soon as the creature suffers damage or falls asleep.

Frostburned: severe cold is able to cause damage as severe as burns, afflicting creatures with deadly chills and impeding concentration. This is not the same as the same effect from It's Cold Outside. Frostburned creatures deal half damage with all attacks that are not attacks with natural or manufactured weapons, and every round they do more than take a single Move Action, they suffer 2d6 points of Non-Lethal Cold damage - except for creatures that are Immune to Non-Lethal damage, they take actual Cold damage. It can be cured by Restoration (including the Greater variety), Heal (including the Greater and Mass varieties), Panacaea or Dispel Cold.


Special Descriptors: some effects have various descriptors added to them that aren't simply their Type in Pokemon. Some of these are standard D&D things so you know if Mind Blank protects against telekinetic [Psychic] moves (it doesn't) or telepathic [Psychic] ones (it does). But some exist specifically because they interact with Abilities, other attacks and so on. These are the following:

Ballistic: Water Gun, Egg Bomb, Spike Cannon, Barrage, Sludge Bomb, Octazooka, Zap Cannon, Shadow Ball, Mist Ball, Ice Ball, Weather Ball, Bullet Seed, Mud Shot, Rock Blast, Gyro Ball, Aura Sphere, Seed Bomb, Focus Blast, Energy Ball, Mud Bomb, Flash Cannon, Rock Wrecker, Gunk Shot, Magnet Bomb, Electro Ball, Acid Spray, Searing Shot, Pollen Puff, Anchor Shot, Beak Blast, Snipe Shot, Tar Shot, Pyro Ball, Scale Shot, Hydro Cannon, Water Pulse, Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Mirror Shot, Heal Pulse, Parting Shot, Origin Pulse, Fleur Cannon, Dynamax Cannon, Terrain Pulse, Plasma Pulse

Bite: Bite, Leech Life, Hyper Fang, Super Fang, Crunch, Poison Fang, Pluck, Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Bug Bite, Psychic Fangs, Jaw Lock, Fishious Rend, Deathroll, Aqua Fang, Iron Fangs, Lovely Bite, Shadow Fangs, Jagged Fangs

Blade: Guillotine, Cut, Razor Leaf, Sleash, False Swipe, Fury Cutter, Aerial Ace, Dragon Claw, Leaf Blade, Night Slash, Air Slash, X Scissor, Shadow Claw, Psycho Cut, Cross Poison, Stone Edge, Dual Chop, Sacred Sword, Razor Shell, Secret Sword, Solar Blade, Behemoth Blade, Breaking Swipe, Meteor Assault

Dance: Swords Dance, Petal Dance, Feather Dance, Teeter Dance, Dragon Dance, Lunar Dance, Quiver Dance, Fiery Dance, Revelation Dance, Aqua Step, Victory Dance, Aurora Dance

Kick: Stomp, Double Kick, Mega Kick, Jump Kick, Rolling Kick, Low Kick, High Jump Kick, Triple Kick, Blaze Kick, High Horsepower, Trop Kick, Pyro Ball, Triple Axel, Thunderous Kick, Aqua Step

Powder: Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder, Spore, Cotton Spore, Rage Powder, Powder, Magic Powder, Leech Seed

Punch: Comet Punch, Mega Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Dizzy Punch, Mach Punch, Dynamic Punch, Focus Punch, Needle Arm, Meteor Mash, Shadow Punch, Sky Uppercut, Hammer Arm, Close Combat, Poison Jab, Drain Punch, Bullet Punch, Power Up Punch, Ice Hammer, Plasma Fists, Double Iron Bash, Wicked Blow, Surging Strikes, Seismic Fist

Sound: Growl, Roar, Sing, Supersonic, Screech, Snore, Perish Song, Heal Bell, Uproar, Hyper Voice, Metal Sound, Grass Whistle, Howl, Bug Buzz, Chatter, Roar of Time, Echoed Voice, Relic Song, Snarl, Noble Roar, Disarming Voice, Parting Shot, Boomburst, Confide, Sparkling Aria, Clanging Scales, Clangorous Soul, Overdrive, Eerie Spell, Alluring Voice, Psychic Noise

Wind: Razor Wind, Gust, Whirlwind, Aeroblast, Icy Wind, Twister, Heat Wave, Weather Ball, Air Cutter, Silver Wind, Tailwind, Air Slash, Ominous Wind, Leaf Tornado, Hurricane, Fairy Wind, Oblivion Wing
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Feb 02, 2024 3:03 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Small Plant [Grass, Poison], CR 1/2
9 10 13 8 14 13
1d8+1 (5 HP), Init +0, Speed 20', Climb 10'
BAB/Grab: +0/-5
-Slam +0 melee (1d4-1)
-Vine Whip +1 melee (1d2-1)
AC: 12 (+1 Size, +1 Natural Armour), Flat 12, Touch 11
Fort +3 Ref +0 Will +4
Feats: Skill Focus (Growl)
Skills: Intimidate +8 (+12 see below), *Use Rope +4
Special Attacks: Vine Whip, Growl
Special Qualities: Plant's Diet
Rare Traits: Ingrain, Curse, Toxic, Leaf Storm, Amnesia, Chlorophyll
Tutor Moves: Magical Leaf, Venoshock, Grassy Terrain, Bullet Seed, Body Slam, Swagger
Advancement: 1-20 hit dice (Small); it usually Evolves into Ivysaur at 4 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fortitude and Will, 2 + Int skill points

You see a creature somewhat similar to a toad, or perhaps a stout, sturdy lizard - two feet tall, and more than two feet wide, standing firmly on all fours. It has a wide mouth with blunt teeth, but more notable is the large plant bulb upon its back, similar to a garlic clove.

Grass and Poison Traits: Bulbasaur does not have any of the usual traits of Plants such as Immunity to Poison. Instead, it is weak against [Fire], [Flying], [Ice] and [Psychic] attacks, and resists [Electricity], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Grass] and [Water] attacks. It cannot be affected by the special attacks Cotton Spore, Leech Seed, Magic Powder, Poison Powder, Pollen Puff (apart from the healing application), Powder, Rage Powder, Sleep Powder, Spore, and Stun Spore. They also cannot be affected by Spells and effects that are described as being powder, pollen or spores - such as Gnome Blight. It also cannot be Poisoned, and thus is immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take damage from things like Gunk Shot. Bulbasaur harmlessly absorb toxic spikes and sludge just by stepping on or in them, and when holding (or covered in) the Black Sludge item/substance, it doesn't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1.

Vine Whip (Ex): Bulbasaur is able to use its vines to attack as a Whip, as though proficient with it and using the higher of its Strength or Dexterity for attack rolls. This deals non-lethal damage and has the same restrictions on dealing damage as a regular whip. This reaches to 15 feet, but can still make attacks to 5 and 10 feet. With training, it can learn to use this as a 15' rope, granting a +4 Racial Bonus to Use Rope checks with it. At 2 hit dice, it can choose to deal lethal damage and can damage foes regardless of Armour or Natural Armour. At 4 hit dice, it can make two such attacks with a Standard Action and can use them to count its Strength as 6 points higher for the purpose of pulling things closer, lifting them above its head, or pulling itself up with encumbrance. This is a [Grass] attack.

Growl (Ex): Bulbasaur gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks made to Demoralise a foe able to hear it. This is a [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

Plant's Diet: Bulbasaur's diet consists 10% of sunlight and air, and 90% of soil, plant feed and so on.

Skills: Bulbasaur's Climb speed grants it a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and allows it to take 10 on Climb checks even when rushed or threatened. It has a +4 Racial Bonus to Hide checks (in addition to the Size Bonus) in dense plant-based terrain.

At 2 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Growth and Leech Seed.
Growth (Su): with a Full Round Action, Bulbasaur can grow one size category larger, adjusting its Space, Reach, Natural Armour, Ability Scores, Natural Weapons and so on as though growing via hit dice. This lasts for one minute. In Harsh Sunlight, this instead causes it to grow two categories larger. In Rain, Hail or Dust, the growth only lasts for five rounds. This cannot be used multiple times in a row to grow more than once. This is a [Grass] effect.

Leech Seed (Su): once per five rounds with a Standard Action, Bulbasaur can fire a magical seed at a foe within 30 feet as a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the seed implants itself and takes root. As long as the target is within 60 feet of Bulbasaur, at the start of each of its turns it loses 1d8 hit points, ignoring DR and Resistances, and Bulbasaur recovers an equal amount of lost hit points. As soon as the target is reduced to zero hit points or is more than 60 feet from Bulbasaur, the effect ends and the seed crumbles into dust. This is a [Grass] effect.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Razor Leaf and Poison Powder.
Razor Leaf (Ex): once per three rounds, Bulbasaur may use a Full Round Action to fire a spray of razor sharp leaves out to Close Range. It makes one ranged attack roll, with a successful hit dealing 1d6 Slashing damage per 3 hit dice (round up). It has a threat range of 15-20, with a x2 Critical Multiplier. This can be used to target objects and 5' cubes of terrain, slashing through things like bushes, snow clumps, packed earth and mud, small trees and heavy undergrowth. This is a [Grass] effect.

Poison Powder (Ex): once per hour, Bulbasaur may unleash a cloud of fine powder out to Close Range. All in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or be Poisoned, taking 1d6 Con damage and being Sickened for one minute. At the end of this minute, they must save again or suffer another 1d6 Constitution damage as the secondary damage. This is a [Poison] effect. A DC 15 Survival check can harvest a dose from a cooperative (or dead) Bulbasaur, rendering it unable to use it for the hour but providing a single dose that is administered by inhalation. A DC 25 Survival check can harvest the dose from an uncooperative Bulbasaur as a Full Round Action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity. The poison sells for 1,500 GP, and a DC 20 Craft (Alchemy) check can then dilute and refine it into one thousand ounces of harmless exotic perfume, each selling for 5 GP.

Rare Traits:

Ingrain (Ex): with a Full Round Action, a Bulbasaur with this ability may set roots into the ground beneath it - providing it is standing on something softer than solid stone. This prevents it from being lifted, tripped or moved about without also lifting or moving the entire ground beneath it, down to five feet. Additionally, it is unable to move into another space on its own, and gains Fast Healing 3. It may end this effect as a Move-Equivalent Action. This is a [Grass] effect.

Curse (Su): a Bulbasaur with this ability may curse itself - a strange idea, but one that can be of benefit. This is a Standard Action that can be performed once per hour, and causes Bulbasaur to be Slowed for ten minutes. For the same duration, it gains a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Strength, Constitution and Natural Armour. This is an actual curse so can be removed in the usual ways, but is also a [Ghost] effect. If it passes this to a [Ghost] creature, or indeed gains the [Ghost] Subtype, this works completely differently: it can cast Bestow Greater Curse at will, but takes damage equal to double its hit dice total every time it does so.

Toxic (Ex): if Bulbasaur has this attack, it may use a Standard Action to spit or squirt a stream of deadly toxins out to Close Range - this requires a Ranged Touch Attack to hit, and can be used once per ten minutes. If it hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save against Poison with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, or suffer 1d6 Con damage. Once poisoned, they must then save again every round at the end of their turn or suffer ability damage again, until either they die, the poison is neutralised, or they successfully save against it three rounds in a row, fighting the toxins off completely. This is a [Poison] effect. This can be harvested like Poison Powder, producing a single dose that is administered by contact, with a value of 3,000 GP.

Leaf Storm (Su): a Bulbasaur with this special attack may use it once per hour with a Standard Action, unleashing a storm of leaves in a Cone out to Close Range (or Medium Range if the user is Huge or bigger). All in the area suffer 2d6 damage per hit die as a [Grass] attack and a [Wind] effect, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and are also hit by Strong Wind (Severe if Large, Windstorm if Huge, Hurricane if Gargantuan or Tornado if Colossal or bigger) for one round, potentially needing to save against it or suffer the effects. As soon as this attack resolves, the user suffers 4 points of temporary Charisma Damage from the overexertion and consumption of natural energy.

Amnesia (Su): a Bulbasaur with this ability may, with a Standard Action, deliberately forget all of its worries in life. It just stops caring about problems, and as such gains a +8 Resistance Bonus to Will Saves, and the Slippery Mind ability of a Rogue. These last for one minute. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Chlorophyll (Ex): if Bulbasaur has this trait, then when in Harsh Sunlight its movement speeds are doubled, and it gains a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Initiative and Reflex Saves. This is a [Pokebility].


Small Plant [Grass, Poison], CR 4
15 12 17 10 18 16
4d8+16 (34 HP), Init +1, Speed 20', Climb 10'
BAB/Grab: +3/+1
-Slam +6 melee (1d4+2)
-Vine Whips +6/+6 melee (1d2+2)
AC: 15 (+1 Size, +3 Natural Armour, +1 Dexterity), Flat 14, Touch 12
Fort +7 Ref +2 Will +8
Feats: Skill Focus (Intimidate), Improved Toughness
Skills: Intimidate +13 (+17 see below), Use Rope +11
Special Attacks: Vine Whip, Growl, Razor Leaf, Leech Seed, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder
Special Qualities: Plant's Diet, Growth
Rare Traits: Ingrain, Curse, Toxic, Leaf Storm, Amnesia, Chlorophyll
Tutor Moves: Magical Leaf, Venoshock, Grassy Terrain, Bullet Seed, Body Slam, Swagger, Power Whip
Advancement: 5-20 hit dice (Small); it usually Evolves into Venusaur at 7 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fortitude and Will, 2 + Int skill points

The creature that stands before you is about three feet tall, and slightly broader than that across the shoulders, standing solidly on all fours. The large plant bulb upon its back is starting to open, revealing pink petals within, with leaves starting to sprout over its body.

Plant's Diet: Ivysaur's diet consists 25% of sunlight and air, and 75% of soil, plant feed and so on.

Sleep Powder (Ex): once per hour, Ivysaur may unleash a cloud of fine powder that extends ten feet from it in all directions. All in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or fall Asleep for ten minutes (or until woken up normally). A DC 15 Survival check can harvest a dose from a cooperative (or dead) Ivysaur, expending an hourly use but providing a single dose that is administered by inhalation. A DC 25 Survival check can harvest the dose from an uncooperative Ivysaur as a Full Round Action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity. The poison sells for 1,500 GP, and a DC 20 Craft (Alchemy) check can then dilute and refine it into fifty ounces of relatively harmless sedatives to help people sleep, each selling for 50 GP. This is a [Poison] effect.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Seed Bomb and Take Down.
Seed Bomb (Su): with a Full Round Action, Ivysaur can compress a cluster of seeds within the bulb on its back then launch it at high pressures. This is resolved with a Ranged Attack out to Medium Range, and on a successful hit it explodes apart, dealing 1d6 Bludgeoning damage per hit die. This is a [Grass] attack, and can be used to plant clusters of actual seeds deep into the ground, allowing for various plants to grow later.

Take Down (Ex): whenever Ivysaur uses its Slam attack at the end of a charge, it deals damage as though three Size Categories larger, and as though its Strength were 10 points higher (2d6+7 for the sample one). It may also attempt a free Trip Attack on the foe as part of this. At the same time as it deals damage to the target, it also suffers regular Slam damage against itself (1d4+2 for the sample one). This is a [Normal] attack.

At 6 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1, and it learns Sweet Scent and Grass Knot:
Sweet Scent (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Ivysaur may allow its scent glands to release a sweet-smelling substance that carries easily on the breeze. All creatures within Medium Range of it are subject to a Calm Emotions effect (Save DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If used two rounds in a row, those in the area suffer as though inside a Mind Fog (same DC). If used for three consecutive rounds, those in the area must make a Will Save (same DC) or be Fascinated until either something distracts or threatens them as usual or until one round after Ivysaur ceases to use its Sweet Scent. This may be used a total number of rounds per day equal to double its hit dice, and individual uses can be extracted the same as with Poison Powder. One round's worth of this can be diluted into ten ounces of exotic perfume that sells for 100 GP per ounce and provides a +2 Alchemical Bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks in noble circles. This is a [Grass] effect.

Grass Knot (Ex): with a Standard Action, Ivysaur may make a Trip attack anywhere within reach of its Vine Whips, with Size counting in reverse for both it and the target - it gains a +4 Size Bonus and a Large target would receive a -4 Size Penalty. A tripped Medium creature suffers 1d10 points of damage, but damage scales up for larger targets (2d8, 3d8, 4d8, 6d8) and down for smaller targets (1d8, 1d6, 1d4, 1d3). This is a [Grass] attack.


Medium Plant [Grass, Poison], CR 7
19 10 21 10 20 20
7d10+42 (80 HP), Init +0, Speed 30', Climb 15'
BAB/Grab: +5/+9
-Slam +9 melee (1d6+4)
-Vine Whips +9/+9 melee (1d3+4)
AC: 18 (+8 Natural Armour), Flat 18, Touch 10
Fort +10 Ref +2 Will +13
Feats: Skill Focus (Intimidate), Improved Toughness, Iron Will
Skills: Intimidate +18 (+21 see below), Use Rope +14
Special Attacks: Vine Whip, Growl, Razor Leaf, Leech Seed, Poison Powder, Sleep Powder, Seed Bomb, Take Down, Grass Knot, Petal Blizzard
Special Qualities: Plant's Diet, Growth, Sweet Scent
Rare Traits: Ingrain, Curse, Toxic, Leaf Storm, Amnesia, Chlorophyll
Tutor Moves: Magical Leaf, Venoshock, Grassy Terrain, Bullet Seed, Body Slam, Swagger, Power Whip, Bulldoze, Terrain Pulse, Earthquake
Advancement: 8-10 hit dice (Medium), 11-18 hit dice (Large), 19+ hit dice (Huge)
Hit Dice: 1d10 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fortitude and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This creature is only slightly shorter than a human despite being on all fours, and the giant exotic flower upon its back brings that height above that of most men. The flower is in full bloom, and there seem to be fern-like growths to it, along with a strong, sickly-sweet smell.

Plant's Diet: Venusaur's diet consists 50% of sunlight and air, and 50% of soil, plant feed, toxic sludge and so on.

Petal Blizzard (Su): with a Standard Action, Venusaur may unleash a powerful attack, hurling razor-sharp flower petals all around it. Everything within 15 feet of it suffers 1d10 Slashing damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), all unattended objects in the way with a Hardness less than that of Iron are shredded (typically destroying Difficult Terrain), and until the start of its next turn, Venusaur has Concealment. This is a [Grass], [Wind] effect.

At every even hit die, its Natural Armour increases by 1. At 8 hit dice, it learns Synthesis.
Synthesis (Su): once per minute, Venusaur may use a Full Round Action to focus on absorbing light and air to heal itself. In normal light, this restores 1d8 hit points per 2 hit dice. In rain, hail, snow or sandstorms, or indoors or heavily overcast conditions or shadowy illumination, it only restores 1d6 hit points per two hit dice. In total darkness, it only restores 1d8 hit points. In strong sunlight or better, it restores 1d6 hit points per hit die. This is a [Grass] effect.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Worry Seed and Weather Ball:
Worry Seed (Ex): at will, Venusaur may use a Standard Action to fire a seed out to Close Range with a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the seed latches on and digs in, dealing a single point of Piercing damage. It continues to bother and disturb the target until they receive magical healing or a Remove Disease effect, or receive a Heal check (DC 10 + Venusaur's hit dice), preventing them from sleeping in the meantime. They can still become Drowsy, Fatigued and Exhausted, but cannot specifically fall asleep. This also means the target has trouble concentrating (as a "Distracting Spell" - see the Concentration skill), and is unable to take ten on checks unless an ability allows them to do so "even when rushed or threatened". This is a [Grass] effect.

Weather Ball (Su): with a Standard Action at will, Venusaur may unleash a compressed sphere of atmospheric energy with a Ranged Touch Attack to Medium Range. This deals 1d8 Bludgeoning damage per 2 hit dice and is a [Normal] effect. In harsh sunlight, it is a [Fire] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In heavy rain, it is a [Water] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In a sandstorm, it is a [Ground] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In snow or hail, it is an [Ice] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In overwhelming winds, it is a [Flying] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. If no other weather applies and it is night time, this is a [Dark] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. Theoretically, the planar hellscapes of D&D could create other effects such as [Poison] in acid rain, and any such transformation increases the damage to 1d6 per hit die.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Double Edge.
Double Edge (Ex): whenever Venusaur uses its Slam at the end of a charge, not only does Take Down apply, but the damage is maximised (for both) and doubled (for both). As such, a standard Venusaur would suffer 20 damage while the target would take 50 damage.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Grass Pledge and Sludge Bomb.
Grass Pledge (Su): with a Standard Action once per hour, Venusaur recites the pledge of allegiance to Grass (not a drug reference), and creates an eruption of living energy from the ground, rising violently. This is a 15' radius Burst within Medium Range, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Grass] effect that leaves the affected area glowing green for one round. If Fire Pledge is then activated in the same area, the damage of Fire Pledge is 1d8 per hit die and the area ignites instead of glowing, causing the effects of a (stationary, very small) Forest Fire for one minute. If Grass Pledge is activated in the same area as the blue glow of Water Pledge, the area doesn't glow, it instead becomes a quagmire, treated as a Deep Bog for one minute.

Sludge Bomb (Ex): Venusaur may use a Standard Action once per minute to launch a glob of toxic sludge as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Close Range. If it hits, the target suffers 1d6 damage per hit die with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the save are also Nauseated for one round and suffer 2 points of Constitution damage. Whether it hits or not, the ball explodes into a blast of goo, and everything within ten feet of the target suffer 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice with a Reflex Save for half (same DC). This is a [Poison] effect.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Solar Beam.
Solar Beam (Su): with a Full Round Action, Venusaur can absorb light energy around it, providing it is not in utter darkness. In harsh sunlight or on the Plane of Radiance or Positive Energy Plane, or in the same round as being hit by [Light] damage, this only takes a Swift Action. Upon gathering the energy, this can be unleashed as a Standard Action before the end of its next turn. Unleashing this fires an intense beam of light, still powered by the energy of plants, as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If this hits, it deals 1d10 damage per hit die and the target must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Blinded for one round. In snow, hail, rain, fog, partial darkness or sandstorms, this only deals 1d6 damage per hit die. This is a [Grass] effect.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Earth Power.
Earth Power (Su): once per ten minutes with a Standard Action, Venusaur may make the ground explode in geothermal power or something to that effect. This affects a 10' radius Blast in Medium Range, affecting everything on the ground and up to ten feet above it, turning the area into Difficult Terrain. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the save falls Prone. This also happens to leave hard terrain churned up nicely for planting things. This is a [Ground] effect.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Frenzy Plant.
Frenzy Plant (Ex): once per hour, as long as it is not Fatigued or Exhausted, Venusaur may unleash the greatest might of the forests, causing thick vines, shrubs and bushes to sprout all around it, even with trees growing suddenly in places. This requires a Full Round Action, and leaves Venusaur Exhausted until it rests. More importantly, everything within thirty feet suffers 10 damage per hit die of Venusaur, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), the whole are becomes extremely dense plant terrain, and then there is thick plant terrain out to fifty feet, and some amount of plant life grows out to one hundred feet. This is a [Grass] effect.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Vine Lash, which may only be used when Mega-Evolved.
Maximum Vine Lash (Su): once per minute, Mega-Venusaur can slam a target repeatedly with vines, making a total of six Vine Whip attacks, dealing damage as though one size category larger. Additionally, more giant vines spring from the ground in the occupied space of everything that was hit and adjacent to them, functioning as [Grass] type Evard's Black Tentacles that uses Mega-Venusaur's hit dice total for the Caster Level and Charisma for its Strength. The vines only last for five rounds. This is a [Grass] effect.

Mega-Evolution: when Venusaur becomes Mega Venusaur, it grows larger, sturdier and heavier. Its body puffs out with multiple layers, its jaws widen, and extra palm-like fronds and leaves burst forth from it, as well as additional flowers. It gains the Powerful Build special quality, and the Thick Fat ability. If it has Chlorophyll, this is temporarily suppressed. Additionally, its Natural Armour increases by 2, its Strength, Charisma and Wisdom each increase by 4 points and its Constitution increases by 6 points (granting Temporary Hit Points).

Thick Fat (Ex): Mega-Venusaur gains Resistance to [Ice] and [Fire] effects, cancelling out the weaknesses gained from its [Grass] Type. This is a [Pokebility].

Tutor Moves:

Body Slam (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may either use a Standard Action to deliver a Slam, or Charge an opponent and use a Slam instead of any other attacks. This increases the damage by two steps (so a Small creature with a Slam of 1d4 would deal 1d8 damage, but if they had Improved Natural Attack (Slam) it would instead deal 2d6). This adds one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and if the target takes any damage (after Resistance), they must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Stunned until the end of the attacker's next turn (during which time it cannot be stunned again). This is a [Normal] attack.

Bulldoze (Ex): with a Full Round Action once per three rounds, the Pokemon may make a Charge attack, that ends in a Slam of appropriate Size (1d6 for a Medium creature). If it ends this charge threatening multiple creatures or objects, it may elect to resolve the attack against any or all of them, not just the initial target (though the normal rules for charging apply, so it can't declare a target, charge them, and then forego attacking that target). Furthermore, anything hit suffers 2 points of Dexterity damage, and has their Initiative reduced by 4, although this cannot cause something to gain two turns (such as acting at 2 Initiative higher than the attacker, getting hit, then acting again at 3 lower). This is a [Ground] attack.

Bullet Seed (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon may unleash a flurry of hard, bullet-like seeds or nuts at targets within 30 feet. It makes the same number of attacks, at the same penalties, as a PHB Monk of equal level performing a Flurry of Blows. Each one deals 1d6 damage (for a Medium creature), plus half its Strength Bonus, and has a 20/x2 Critical value. This is a [Ballistic] [Grass] attack.

Earthquake (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may cast Earthquake, however the damage (not including Non-Lethal damage for being trapped) is 1d6 per hit die, any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and anything considered Immune to [Ground] attacks can never be trapped in the fissures. This is a [Ground] attack.

Grassy Terrain (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to release Grassy Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Grass] effect.

Magical Leaf (Sp): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may conjure leaves of a mystical, magical herb, and direct them unerringly against a target in Close Range. This automatically hits exactly in the same way as Magic Missile (and similarly can be prevented in the same ways), and deals 1d6 damage per 2 hit dice (maximum 5d6). This is a [Grass] effect.

Power Whip (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon can use a vine, tail or tendril to make a powerful attack infused with energy. This allows it to attack at three times its natural reach, using the higher of its Strength or Dexterity, has an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 4 hit dice (round up), and has the Ghost Touch property (but is not automatically Super-Effective against [Ghost] Pokemon). The damage is 1d8 for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus and the Enhancement Bonus as normal. If the Pokemon has abilities that normally apply to its vine or tendril attacks, such as Trip or Improved Grab, they also apply to this, even against Incorporeal foes, and the Enhancement Bonus is added to the opposed check. Any bonus damage from Power Attack is also added to the opposed check, and is added a second time to damage. This is a [Grass] attack.

Swagger (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to act with a lot of swagger and confidence, potentially luring the opponent into a trap. It makes a Feint attempt, and if successful, the opponent is Confused for 1 round per 3 hit dice (round up), but also gains a +4 Morale Bonus to attack and damage rolls for one minute. If a creature witnesses this in use (or is exposed to it directly), they cannot be targeted by this from the same Pokemon again that day. This is a [Normal] effect.

Terrain Pulse (Su): once per five rounds, the Pokemon may draw upon geomantically active power in the ground and unleash it upwards in a burst. All creatures within a 5' radius 30' tall Column within Close Range suffer 1d4 damage per hit die as a [Normal] attack, unless it targets an area of Electric Terrain, Misty Terrain, Psychic Terrain, Grassy Terrain or Cursed Terrain, in which case the Column rises from the entire area of terrain and its Charisma bonus is added to every die of damage, as well as becoming an [Electric], [Fairy], [Psychic], [Grass] or [Ghost] attack respectively. Either way, a successful Reflex Save halves the damage (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Force] effect.

Venoshock (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to blast an opponent with magical poison that makes other poison more dangerous. The target suffers 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target is already afflicted with Poison, Sickening, Nausea or any condition as a result of Poison, it instead deals 2d4 damage per hit die, causes 2 points of Constitution Damage, and if they are afflicted with a Poison that has Secondary Damage, they instantly suffer the Secondary Damage. This does not end the duration of the Poison, so they might very well suffer the damage again at the end of the duration. This is a [Poison] attack.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Jan 18, 2024 8:04 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Small Magical Beast [Fire], CR 1/2
13 10 9 8 13 14
1d8+2 (6 HP), Init +0, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +1/-2
-2 Claws +3 melee (1d3+1)
AC: 12 (+1 Size, +1 Natural Armour), Flat 12, Touch 11
Fort -1 Ref +2 Will +3
Feats: Toughness
Skills: Intimidate +10*
Special Attacks: Ember, Growl
Special Qualities: Fiery Tail
Rare Traits: Solar Power, Belly Drum, Bite, Dragon Tail, Metal Claw
Tutor Moves: Thunder Punch, Will-O-Wisp, Weather Ball, Shadow Claw, Acrobatics, Dragon Pulse, Iron Tail
Advancement: 1-20 hit dice (Small); it usually Evolves into Charmeleon at 4 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Reflex and Will, 2 + Int skill points

The creature standing before you looks like an orange bipedal salamander of sorts, standing 2 feet tall. A flame burns at the end of its tail.

Fire Traits: Charmander does not have the usual effects of the [Fire] Subtype. It is weak against [Ground], [Rock] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy], [Fire], [Grass], [Ice] and [Steel] attacks. It suffers no damage from being set on fire, suffers no harm from naturally occurring hot weather (such as nonlethal damage, sunburn and heatstroke), and cannot be Burned.

Ember (Su): with a Standard Action, Charmander can exhale a spray of embers and sparks from its mouth. This requires a Standard Action, and reaches out to 25 feet. If it succeeds on a Ranged Touch Attack, the target suffers 1d8 points of Fire damage, and must attempt a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or catch fire. This is a [Fire] attack, and causes objects and terrain to ignite.

Growl (Ex): Charmander gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks made to Demoralise a foe able to hear it. This is a [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

Fiery Tail: Charmander's tail constantly burns away, emitting heat and light as a torch. This cannot be smothered or doused, but it is said that should the fire go out, Charmander dies - in actuality, the causation is reversed there. The more damage Charmander takes, the dimmer its tail will glow, so careful observation can tell how healthy it is.

At 2 hit dice, it learns Smoke Screen and it gains Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialisation with "All Natural Weapons" as Bonus Feats.
Smoke Screen (Ex): with a Standard Action, Charmander can exhale a cloud of smoke in a 15' Cone, that lingers for 1 round. This blocks Line of Sight just like fog, and anyone in the area must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Blind for 1 round, and then suffer a -2 Penalty on all attack rolls for 1 minute. This can be used once per five rounds, and is a [Fire] effect.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Dragon Breath.
Dragon Breath (Su): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Charmander can unleash a powerful breath weapon consisting of draconic energies - resembling blue fire, electromagnetic energy and concussive force. This extends in a Line out to Close Range, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the save become Anchored in place for three rounds. This is considered to be a Dragon's Breath Weapon for all intents and purposes, and is a [Dragon] effect.

Rare Traits:

Solar Power (Su): if Charmander has this Special Ability, it burns its own life energy when exposed to harsh sunlight. This causes it to suffer a -4 Penalty to Constitution in such cases, instantly losing hit points in excess of its new lower "maximum". However, any damage it deals other than Slashing, Piercing and Bludgeoning is increased by +1 per die rolled. This is a [Pokebility].

Belly Drum (Ex): with a Full Round Action, a Charmander with this ability can hammer on its own stomach, injuring itself severely but pumping itself up to become incredibly strong. This causes it to take damage equal to half its maximum hit points (round down), and grants it an Enhancement Bonus to Strength equal to its (unmodified) Strength score - that is to say, its Strength is doubled before any other modifiers are applied. The enhancement lasts for one minute, and once it ends, Charmander becomes Fatigued. This is a [Normal] effect.

Bite (Ex): a Charmander with this ability gains a Primary Bite natural weapon that deals damage as though one size larger than it is (typically dealing 1d6 plus its Strength Bonus). Anything bitten with an Attack of Opportunity must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. This is a [Dark] attack.

Dragon Tail (Ex): if Charmander has this special attack, it gains a Secondary Tail natural weapon that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for a Small creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is a [Dragon] attack. If used to attack on its own as a Standard Action, this also allows a free Bullrush attempt, without provoking an Attack of Opportunity and without needing to move in order to move the target more than 5 feet. The Bullrush attempt gets a bonus equal to the amount of damage rolled. This is also a [Dragon] attack.

Metal Claw (Su): if Charmander has this special attack, it may make its Claw attacks as [Steel] effects, and they deal damage as though one size category larger (stacking with Enhanced Claws upon evolving). Additionally, they penetrate DR and Hardness as though made of Adamantium, and have an Innate +1 Enhancement Bonus (as though actual magic weapons). This is a [Steel] effect.


Small Magical Beast [Fire], CR 4
16 17 10 12 15 18
4d8+4 (22 HP), Init +3, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +4/+3
-2 Claws +9 (1d4+5) or Bite +6 (1d4+1 plus 1d6 Fire*)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, +2 Natural Armour, +3 Dexterity), Flat 13, Touch 14
Fort +1 Ref +7 Will +6
Feats: Improved Toughness, Multiattack, B: Weapon Focus (All Natural Weapons), B: Weapon Spec (All Natural Weapons)
Skills: Intimidate +15*, Balance +10, Spot +9
Special Attacks: Ember, Growl, Dragon Breath, Smoke Screen, Enhanced Claws, Fire Fang
Special Qualities: Fiery Tail
Rare Traits: Solar Power, Belly Drum, Bite, Dragon Tail, Metal Claw
Tutor Moves: Thunder Punch, Will-O-Wisp, Weather Ball, Shadow Claw, Acrobatics, Dragon Pulse, Iron Tail, Fire Blast
Advancement: 5-10 hit dice (Small), 11-20 hit dice (Medium); it usually Evolves into Charizard at 7 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Reflex and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This bipedal lizard-like creature stands at about three feet tall, with almost-red scales, and a single horn jutting backwards from its head. It has sharp claws, a fire-tipped tail, and by the look of its facial expression, a bad attitude.

Fire Traits: Charmeleon does not have the usual effects of the [Fire] Subtype. It is weak against [Ground], [Rock] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy], [Fire], [Grass], [Ice] and [Steel] attacks. It suffers no damage from being set on fire, suffers no harm from naturally occurring hot weather (such as nonlethal damage, sunburn and heatstroke), and cannot be Burned.

Enhanced Claws (Ex): Charmeleon's Claws deal damage as though one size category larger than it actually is.

Fire Fang (Su): Charmeleon has a secondary Bite attack that deals an additional 1d6 points of Fire damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up). This will set combustible things on fire and even pre-cook a lot of meals. A bitten target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer a Burn. A target will always catch fire on a Critical Hit. This is a [Fire] attack.

Fiery Tail: Charmeleon's tail constantly burns away, emitting heat and light as a torch. This cannot be smothered or doused, but it is said that should the fire go out, Charmeleon dies - in actuality, the causation is reversed there. The more damage Charmeleon takes, the dimmer its tail will glow, so careful observation can tell how healthy it is.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Slash and Fire Spin.
Slash (Ex): with a Standard Action, Charmeleon may make a single Claw attack that has a base damage of 1d6 for a Small creature (and thus 1d8 for Charmeleon as it is still a Claw attack) and a Critical value of 15-20/x2. If it has Improved Critical (Claw attacks), this does indeed become 9-20/x2. It ignores Hardness of 5 or less, and deals double damage against unattended objects (or triple on a critical hit). This is a [Normal] attack.

Fire Spin (Su): once per hour, Charmeleon can use a Full Round Action to whirl up and unleash a fire tornado. This creates a blaze adjacent to Charmeleon that is the same Size, except twice as tall with a minimum of 10' (so 10' tall and filling a 5' square normally and when Medium, but a Large Charmeleon would create a 10x10' square that is 20' tall, and a theoretical Colossal Charmeleon would create a 40x40' square that is 80' tall). This then travels 20' directly away from Charmeleon, and will continue to do so every round for 1d4 rounds, plus one per 3 hit dice (round up) before petering out. If exposed to water, it ceases instantly. Anything that touches the flames suffers 1d8 Fire damage per 4 hit dice of Charmeleon (round up) and, if the same size as Charmeleon or smaller, must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be pulled in. Those that are pulled into the fire remain trapped until rescued by some stronger effect or the tornado ends. Flying creatures are allowed an additional Reflex Save each round to escape into an adjacent space (same DC) as a Move Action. Every round something remains trapped in the tornado, they suffer the Fire damage again, and while they can act normally (save for being unable to leave, carried with the flaming winds), they suffer a -4 Penalty to Dexterity, a -2 Penalty on attack rolls, and must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 10 + Charmeleon's hit dice + Spell Level) to cast a spell. A fire tornado can only hold as many creatures as actually fit in its area. This is a [Fire] attack, and pretty much incinerates plant-based terrain and melts snow and ice.

At 6 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1, and it learns Flamethrower.
Flamethrower (Su): once per three rounds, Charmeleon can unleash a mighty breath weapon, a Cone that reaches out to Close Range and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw catch fire if they only failed by 1-3 (ie if the DC was 17 and they rolled a 14-16), and suffer a Burn if they failed by more than this amount. Should Charmeleon be Large or larger, any failure results in a Burn. This is a [Fire] attack that melts snow and ice, and incinerates plant life, starting fires.


Medium Dragon [Fire, Flying], CR 7
22 17 12 12 15 22
7d10+14 (52 HP), Init +3, Speed 30', Fly 50' (Good)
BAB/Grab: +7/+13
-2 Claws +14 (1d6+6) and Bite +12 (1d6+3 plus 2d6 Fire*)
AC: 18 (+3 Dexterity, +5 Natural Armour), Flat 15, Touch 13
Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +7
Feats: Improved Toughness, Multi-Attack, Skill Focus (Intimidate), B: Weapon Focus (All Natural Weapons), B: Weapon Spec (All Natural Weapons)
Skills: Intimidate +19, Balance +13, Spot +12
Special Attacks: Ember, Growl, Dragon Breath, Smoke Screen, Enhanced Claws, Fire Fang, Slash, Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Air Slash, Dragon Claw
Special Qualities: Ever-Burning Tail
Rare Traits: Solar Power, Belly Drum, Bite, Dragon Tail, Metal Claw
Tutor Moves: Thunder Punch, Will-O-Wisp, Weather Ball, Shadow Claw, Acrobatics, Dragon Pulse, Iron Tail, Fire Blast, Overheat, Solar Beam, Steel Wing, Mystical Fire, Breaking Swipe, Hurricane, Earthquake, Scorching Sands
Advancement: 8-10 hit dice (Medium), 11-15 hit dice (Large), 16-19 hit dice (Huge), 20+ hit dice (Gargantuan)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Reflex and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This creature is very clearly a dragon, with flames burning from the tip of its tail, and two small horns poking rearwards from its skull, looking almost like ears. With smooth, dry scales, this sleek long-tailed dragon radiates heat. Almost all of these have dark grey - almost black - scales, with a deep red membrane for the wings, however there are rumours of the rare "shiny" orange kind out there, with blue wing membrane.

Fire and Flying Traits: Charizard does not have the usual effects of the [Fire] Subtype or the Dragon Type. It is weak against [Electric], [Rock] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Fire], [Grass], and [Steel] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Ground] attacks, meaning it always resists them despite the dual typing with Fire. It suffers no damage from being set on fire, suffers no harm from naturally occurring hot weather (such as nonlethal damage, sunburn and heatstroke), and cannot be Burned. A trained Charizard can carry creatures of its own size or smaller when engaging in casual overland flight (as opposed to combat flight).

Air Slash (Su): with a Standard Action, a flying Charizard may flap its wings to generate a slashing rush of winds. It makes one Ranged Touch Attack against a 10' radius Burst in Medium Range, dealing 2d4 damage plus its Charisma Bonus, with a critical value of 20/x4. This also clears all plant-based terrain in the area, slicing it apart and clearing the area as though professional lawn-mowing and bush-whacking services had been performed. At 12 and 18 hit dice, the damage increases by 2d4. This is a [Flying], [Wind] attack.

Dragon Claw (Ex): Charizard may elect to treat its claws as a [Dragon] attack when it wants to. In this case, it deals maximum damage, including any sources of bonus damage, and ignores all Damage Reduction other than that caused by Pokemon Type Resistances. At 10 and 20 hit dice, the damage die is increased by one size (and is still maximised).

Fiery Tail: Charizard's tail constantly burns away, emitting heat and light as a torch. This cannot be smothered or doused, but it is said that should the fire go out, Charizard dies - in actuality, the causation is reversed there. The more damage Charizard takes, the dimmer its tail will glow, so careful observation can tell how healthy it is.

At every even hit die, its Natural Armour increases by 1. At 8 hit dice, it learns Scary Face.
Scary Face (Ex): Charizard may pull a scary face at a foe to Demoralise them with a Swift Action, and if successful they are Frightened for 1 round before the normal effects take place. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Heat Wave and Fire Punch:
Heat Wave (Su): once per hour, Charizard may use a Full Round Action to unleash an emanation of terrible heat out to Medium Range - unless in Harsh Sunlight, in which case it extends out to Long Range. This spreads directly out from Charizard, melts snow and ice, and withers plant life, but is blocked entirely by cover. Everything that is caught in the area suffers 1d10 Fire damage per 4 hit dice (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw also suffer a Burn. This is a [Fire], [Wind] attack.

Fire Punch (Su): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, Charizard may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 Fire damage per 3 hit dice (round up), and a struck target must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or catch fire. On a Critical Hit, a successful Charge, or during harsh sunlight, the target instead must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) or suffer a Burn. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Roost, and gains Improved Weapon Focus and Improved Weapon Specialisation with "All Natural Weapons" as Bonus Feats.
Roost (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Charizard may perch itself on the ground and rest, relaxing all tension within its muscles and gaining some stability. This completely suppresses its [Flying] subtype until it next takes off into the air, and also allows it to regain hit points equal to its hit dice total. Until the start of its next turn, it is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class. This is a [Flying] ability.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Fire Pledge and Inferno.
Fire Pledge (Su): with a Standard Action once per hour, Charizard recites the pledge of allegiance to Fire, and creates an eruption of super-heated energy from the ground, rising violently. This is a 15' radius Burst within Medium Range, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Fire] effect that leaves the affected area glowing red for one round. If Water Pledge is then activated in the same area, the damage of Water Pledge is 1d8 per hit die and the area unleashes a spray of steam with a lovely rainbow instead of glowing, functioning as a Mind Fog for one minute. If Fire Pledge is activated in the same area as the green glow of Grass Pledge, the area doesn't glow, it instead ignites, causing the effects of a (stationary, very small) Forest Fire for one minute.

Inferno (Su): once per hour, providing it is not Fatigued or Exhausted, Charizard may use a Standard Action to create a horrifying creamatorium of purgatory flames. A 30' radius 90' tall column is designated within Long Range, and starts to heat up, becoming Hotter by two levels (minimum of Hot). At the start of Charizard's next turn, the area erupts into a pillar of fire, dealing 2d6 damage per hit die and leaving the target with a Burn. There is no saving throw against this. Additionally, the entire area is incinerated, leaving very little in the way of terrain. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Flare Blitz, and gains Improved Critical with "All Natural Weapons" as a Bonus Feat.
Flare Blitz (Su): at will, Charizard may use a Full Round Action to charge a foe, ending with a Slam that has a base damage of 1d8 Bludgeoning for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times the user's Strength Bonus. Additionally, it deals 1d10 Fire damage per hit die, plus its Charisma Bonus as a flat bonus, and the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer a Burn. This causes Charizard to suffer "recoil" damage equal to the amount of Bludgeoning damage dealt, plus an amount equal to its hit dice total. This also releases an explosion on impact, incinerating most terrain within ten feet. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Dual Wing Beat and Outrage.
Dual Wing Beat (Ex): Charizard gains two secondary Wing attacks, that deal 1d4 damage for a Medium creature, as [Flying] attacks. It may elect to use both of them together as a Standard Action, or in addition to other natural weapons for a Full Attack as normal. If it hits the same foe with both wings in the same turn, it gains a free Trip attempt against them. If this attempt fails, they do not get a trip attempt of their own. The trip attempt is also a [Flying] attack, should that matter.

Outrage (Su): once per hour, Charizard may use a Swift Action to enter a fearsome draconic rage. The rage lasts until it spends an entire round without damaging or being damaged by any enemies, at which point the exertion catches up with it and it becomes Fatigued until it rests, and Confused for three rounds. During the outrage, it gains a +2 Morale Bonus to attack rolls and Fort and Will Saves, but takes a -2 Penalty to Armour Class and Ref Saves, it can make a Full Attack as a Standard Action, and each attack becomes a [Dragon] attack and deals an extra 3d6 damage, +1d6 at 20 hit dice. It also gains a +10 Bonus on all Break Attempts, can make a single Break Attempt once per round as a Free Action, and is treated as one Size Category larger for the purpose of all Size-based manoeuvres. Entering an Outrage is a [Dragon] effect.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Blast Burn.
Blast Burn (Su): once per hour, providing it is not Fatigued or Exhausted, Charizard may unleash a mighty explosion of flames, melting the very landscape around it. This requires a Full Round Action, and leaves Charizard Exhausted until it rests. More importantly, everything within thirty feet suffers 10 damage per hit die of Charizard (12 per hit die in Harsh Sunlight), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). All terrain and unattended objects in the area are incinerated, leaving the ground completely bare other than ash and boiling mud - for three rounds, anything moving across the ground in this area suffers 2d6 Fire damage, and the DC for any Balance, Jump or Tumble check is increased by 5. Snow and ice within fifty feet will also melt, and plant terrain will catch fire, possibly causing bushfires. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Wildfire, which may only be used when Mega-Evolved.
Maximum Wildfire (Su): once per minute, Mega-Charizard (X or Y) can unleash a raging firestorm around it, making an extra wide Flamethrower attack as though breathing three times, with edge-to-edge cones released such that there is only one 90-degree cone that isn't targeted, alternatively it becomes a single Cone that extends out to Long Range. Additionally, this starts an actual Forest Fire in the affected area if there is the plant life to ignite, which can (and will) spread normally, and the floor becomes burning ash and cinders just like with Blast Burn. This is a [Fire] attack.

Mega-Evolution: Charizard has TWO different types of Mega-Evolution, because Gamefreak really love this one specific pokemon.
When Charizard becomes Mega Charizard X, it becomes even more draconic, its wings becoming jagged, its horns longer and brightly coloured, its claws tougher, and its scales turn dark grey with blue membrane (or deep green scales with dark red wing membrane for the common dark grey variety). Its flames become a bright blue and flows like water or ghostly essence. It becomes a Dragon [Fire, Flying, Dragon], which means it is weak against [Rock], [Dragon] and [Ice] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fighting], [Fire], [Grass], and [Steel] attacks, while still being considered immune to [Ground] attacks. Its Strength increases by 6, and its Dexterity and Constitution each increase by 4 (granting temporary HP). It gains the [Pokebility] of Tough Claws (Ex): all of its natural weapons deal an additional 1d12 bonus damage, are treated as magic weapons with an Enhancement Bonus equal to +1 per 4 hit dice (round up), and ignore all Hardness and Damage Reduction (except for that caused by Pokemon Type Resistances). This replaces Solar Power if it has it.

When Charizard becomes Mega Charizard Y, it becomes even sleeker with a longer tail, it grows a third horn, its wings grow larger and it seems to develop fins along its limbs. Its Fly Speed increases to 60' (Perfect), its Charisma increases by 6, and its Dexterity and Constitution increase by 4 each (granting temporary HP), and it gains the [Pokebility] of Drought (Su): the weather out to one mile becomes Harsh Sunlight - the temperature rising to Hot if less than that, and rising one band if already Hot or worse. The sun, if visible, burns extra bright, as does the light of Charizard's tail. This replaces Solar Power if it has it.

Sevii Charmander
Small Magical Beast [Ice], CR 1/2
13 10 9 8 13 14
1d8+2 (6 HP), Init +0, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +1/-2
-2 Claws +3 melee (1d3+1)
AC: 12 (+1 Size, +1 Natural Armour), Flat 12, Touch 11
Fort -1 Ref +2 Will +3
Feats: Toughness
Skills: Intimidate +10*
Special Attacks: Powder Snow, Growl
Special Qualities: Frostfire Tail
Rare Traits: Ice Body, Belly Drum, Bite, Dragon Tail, Metal Claw
Tutor Moves: Thunder Punch, Icy Wind, Weather Ball, Shadow Claw, Acrobatics, Dragon Pulse, Iron Tail
Advancement: 1-20 hit dice (Small); it usually Evolves into Sevii Charmeleon at 4 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Reflex and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This looks a lot like Charmander, except it is almost completely white in colour. At the end of its tail, there is what looks like a will-o-wisp, a flame made of ice.

Ice Traits: Sevii Charmander is weak against [Fighting], [Fire], [Rock] and [Steel] atacks, and resists [Ice] attacks. It cannot be frozen solid or suffer frostbite, frostburn or hypothermia, and is also immune to Dexterity damage (but not drain). It suffers no damage or impediment from hail, ice storms, snow storms, naturally occurring blizzards, cold weather and similar - even things like Black Ice and Blood Snow - and enjoys DR 5/- in snow storms and 10/- in hail and heavy blizzards. It can move through slush at its normal speed without penalty, and does not slip over on ice. Indeed, it can move at double its normal movement speed when moving across ice.

Powder Snow (Su): with a Standard Action, Sevii Charmander can exhale a puff of soft, powdery (but still very cold) snow from its mouth. This requires a Standard Action, and reaches out to 25 feet. If it succeeds on a Ranged Touch Attack, the target suffers 1d8 points of Cold damage, and must attempt a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or suffer a -4 Dexterity Penalty for one minute. This is an [Ice] attack.

Growl (Ex): Sevii Charmander gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks made to Demoralise a foe able to hear it. This is a [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

Frostfire Tail: Sevii Charmander's tail seems to emit frost in a way that looks like fire, but still emits light like a torch. The more damage Sevii Charmander takes, the dimmer its tail will glow, so careful observation can tell how healthy it is.

At 2 hit dice, it learns Mist and it gains Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialisation with "All Natural Weapons" as Bonus Feats.
Mist (Ex): with a Standard Action, Sevii Charmander can replicate an Obscuring Mist effect. This can be used once per five rounds, and is an [Ice] effect.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Dragon Breath.
Dragon Breath (Su): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Sevii Charmander can unleash a powerful breath weapon consisting of draconic energies - resembling blue fire, electromagnetic energy and concussive force. This extends in a Line out to Close Range, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the save become Anchored in place for three rounds. This is considered to be a Dragon's Breath Weapon for all intents and purposes, and is a [Dragon] effect.

Rare Traits:

Ice Body (Su): if Sevii Charmander has this Special Ability, its body so closely resembles frozen water that being in the snow or hail just constantly patches up its wounds and hardens its armour. The Damage Reduction gained from Snow or Ice doubles, and it also gains Fast Healing of 1 per 3 hit dice (round up) in Snow, and Fast Healing equal to its hit dice in hail and blizzard-strength snow. This is a [Pokebility].

Belly Drum (Ex): with a Full Round Action, a Sevii Charmander with this ability can hammer on its own stomach, injuring itself severely but pumping itself up to become incredibly strong. This causes it to take damage equal to half its maximum hit points (round down), and grants it an Enhancement Bonus to Strength equal to its (unmodified) Strength score - that is to say, its Strength is doubled before any other modifiers are applied. The enhancement lasts for one minute, and once it ends, Sevii Charmander becomes Fatigued. This is a [Normal] effect.

Bite (Ex): a Sevii Charmander with this ability gains a Primary Bite natural weapon that deals damage as though one size larger than it is (typically dealing 1d6 plus its Strength Bonus). Anything bitten with an Attack of Opportunity must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. This is a [Dark] attack.

Dragon Tail (Ex): if Sevii Charmander has this special attack, it gains a Secondary Tail natural weapon that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for a Small creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is a [Dragon] attack. If used to attack on its own as a Standard Action, this also allows a free Bullrush attempt, without provoking an Attack of Opportunity and without needing to move in order to move the target more than 5 feet. The Bullrush attempt gets a bonus equal to the amount of damage rolled. This is also a [Dragon] attack.

Metal Claw (Su): if Sevii Charmander has this special attack, it may make its Claw attacks as [Steel] effects, and they deal damage as though one size category larger (stacking with Enhanced Claws upon evolving). Additionally, they penetrate DR and Hardness as though made of Adamantium, and have an Innate +1 Enhancement Bonus (as though actual magic weapons). This is a [Steel] effect.


Sevii Charmeleon
Small Magical Beast [Ice], CR 4
16 17 10 12 15 18
4d8+4 (22 HP), Init +3, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +4/+3
-2 Claws +9 (1d4+5) or Bite +6 (1d4+1 plus 1d6 Ice*)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, +2 Natural Armour, +3 Dexterity), Flat 13, Touch 14
Fort +1 Ref +7 Will +6
Feats: Improved Toughness, Multiattack, B: Weapon Focus (All Natural Weapons), B: Weapon Spec (All Natural Weapons)
Skills: Intimidate +15*, Balance +10, Spot +9
Special Attacks: Powder Snow, Growl, Dragon Breath, Mist, Enhanced Claws, Ice Fang
Special Qualities: Frostfire Tail
Rare Traits: Ice Body, Belly Drum, Bite, Dragon Tail, Metal Claw
Tutor Moves: Thunder Punch, Icy Wind, Weather Ball, Shadow Claw, Acrobatics, Dragon Pulse, Iron Tail, Blizzard
Advancement: 5-10 hit dice (Small), 11-20 hit dice (Medium); it usually Evolves into Sevii Charizard at 7 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Reflex and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This bipedal lizard-like creature stands at about three feet tall, with near-white scales, and a single horn jutting backwards from its head. It has sharp claws, a tail tipped with what looks like a flame made of ice, and by the look of its facial expression, a cold, uncaring attitude.

Ice Traits: Sevii Charmeleon is weak against [Fighting], [Fire], [Rock] and [Steel] atacks, and resists [Ice] attacks. It cannot be frozen solid or suffer frostbite, frostburn or hypothermia, and is also immune to Dexterity damage (but not drain). It suffers no damage or impediment from hail, ice storms, snow storms, naturally occurring blizzards, cold weather and similar - even things like Black Ice and Blood Snow - and enjoys DR 5/- in snow storms and 10/- in hail and heavy blizzards. It can move through slush at its normal speed without penalty, and does not slip over on ice. Indeed, it can move at double its normal movement speed when moving across ice.

Enhanced Claws (Ex): Sevii Charmeleon's Claws deal damage as though one size category larger than it actually is.

Ice Fang (Su): Sevii Charmeleon has a secondary Bite attack that deals an additional 1d6 points of Ice damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up). This will freeze and shatter a lot of meals, making them even easier to digest. A bitten target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Frostburned. A target will always suffer 2 Dexterity damage on a Critical Hit. This is an [Ice] attack.

Frostfire Tail: Sevii Charmander's tail seems to emit frost in a way that looks like fire, but still emits light like a torch. The more damage Sevii Charmander takes, the dimmer its tail will glow, so careful observation can tell how healthy it is.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Slash and Ice Shard.
Slash (Ex): with a Standard Action, Sevii Charmeleon may make a single Claw attack that has a base damage of 1d6 for a Small creature (and thus 1d8 for Charmeleon as it is still a Claw attack) and a Critical value of 15-20/x2. If it has Improved Critical (Claw attacks), this does indeed become 9-20/x2. It ignores Hardness of 5 or less, and deals double damage against unattended objects (or triple on a critical hit). This is a [Normal] attack.

Ice Shard (Su): once per minute, Sevii Charmeleon can hurl shards of sharp ice with an Immediate Action. This is a Ranged Attack (a thrown weapon) with 10' range increments and a maximum of 3 increments, dealing 2d6 Cold damage, plus its Strength Bonus, and has a 19-20 threat range. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 6 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1, and it learns Frost Breath.
Frost Breath (Su): once per three rounds, Sevii Charmeleon can unleash a mighty breath weapon, a Cone that reaches out to Close Range and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw catch on cold fire (like normal fire except Cold damage) if they are not subject to Critical Hits. If they fail the save and are subject to Critical Hits, they suffer from Frostburn. This is an [Ice] attack that freezes the surface of water.


Sevii Charizard
Medium Dragon [Ice, Flying], CR 7
22 17 12 12 15 22
7d10+14 (52 HP), Init +3, Speed 30', Fly 50' (Good)
BAB/Grab: +7/+13
-2 Claws +14 (1d6+6) and Bite +12 (1d6+3 plus 2d6 Ice*)
AC: 18 (+3 Dexterity, +5 Natural Armour), Flat 15, Touch 13
Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +7
Feats: Improved Toughness, Multi-Attack, Skill Focus (Intimidate), B: Weapon Focus (All Natural Weapons), B: Weapon Spec (All Natural Weapons)
Skills: Intimidate +19, Balance +13, Spot +12
Special Attacks: Powder Snow, Growl, Dragon Breath, Mist, Enhanced Claws, Ice Fang, Slash,Ice Shard, Frost Breath, Air Slash, Dragon Claw
Special Qualities: Ever-Cold Tail
Rare Traits: Ice Body, Belly Drum, Bite, Dragon Tail, Metal Claw
Tutor Moves: Thunder Punch, Icy Wind, Weather Ball, Shadow Claw, Acrobatics, Dragon Pulse, Iron Tail, Blizzard, Sheer Cold, Triple Axel, Air Cutter, Aurora Veil, Hurricane
Advancement: 8-10 hit dice (Medium), 11-15 hit dice (Large), 16-19 hit dice (Huge), 20+ hit dice (Gargantuan)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Reflex and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This creature is very clearly a dragon, with frozen fire "blazing" from the tip of its tail, and two small horns poking rearwards from its skull, looking almost like ears. With smooth, cold-dry scales, this sleek long-tailed dragon radiates cold. The scales are white like snow, with the membrane of its wings being a pale blue like the frozen surface of a lake in Winter.

Ice and Flying Traits: Sevii Charizard does not have the usual effects of the Dragon Type. It is weak against [Electric], [Fire], [Rock] and [Steel] attacks, and resists [Bug] and [Grass] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Ground] attacks, meaning it always resists them. It cannot be frozen solid or suffer frostbite, frostburn or hypothermia, and is also immune to Dexterity damage (but not drain). It suffers no damage or impediment from hail, ice storms, snow storms, naturally occurring blizzards, cold weather and similar - even things like Black Ice and Blood Snow - and enjoys DR 5/- in snow storms and 10/- in hail and heavy blizzards. It can move through slush at its normal speed without penalty, and does not slip over on ice. Indeed, it can move at double its normal movement speed when moving across ice. A trained Sevii Charizard can carry creatures of its own size or smaller when engaging in casual overland flight (as opposed to combat flight).

Air Slash (Su): with a Standard Action, a flying Sevii Charizard may flap its wings to generate a slashing rush of winds. It makes one Ranged Touch Attack against a 10' radius Burst in Medium Range, dealing 2d4 damage plus its Charisma Bonus, with a critical value of 20/x4. This also clears all plant-based terrain in the area, slicing it apart and clearing the area as though professional lawn-mowing and bush-whacking services had been performed. At 12 and 18 hit dice, the damage increases by 2d4. This is a [Flying], [Wind] attack.

Dragon Claw (Ex): Sevii Charizard may elect to treat its claws as a [Dragon] attack when it wants to. In this case, it deals maximum damage, including any sources of bonus damage, and ignores all Damage Reduction other than that caused by Pokemon Type Resistances. At 10 and 20 hit dice, the damage die is increased by one size (and is still maximised).

Ever-Cold Tail: Sevii Charizard's tail constantly emits light like a blue torch, but is as cold as ice. The more damage Sevii Charizard takes, the dimmer its tail will glow, so careful observation can tell how healthy it is.

At every even hit die, its Natural Armour increases by 1. At 8 hit dice, it learns Scary Face.
Scary Face (Ex): Sevii Charizard may pull a scary face at a foe to Demoralise them with a Swift Action, and if successful they are Frightened for 1 round before the normal effects take place. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Ice Beam and Ice Punch:
Ice Beam (Su): once per three rounds, Sevii Charizard may use a Standard Action to unleash a beam of super-cold frosted air at a target in Long Range. This is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack, and deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die. A struck target must also succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be encased in ice, as per the Icy Prison spell. This is an [Ice] attack.

Ice Punch (Su): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, Sevii Charizard may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 Cold damage per 3 hit dice (round up), and a struck target must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer hypothermia. On a Critical Hit, a successful Charge, or during hail, the target instead must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Frostburned. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Roost, and gains Improved Weapon Focus and Improved Weapon Specialisation with "All Natural Weapons" as Bonus Feats.
Roost (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Sevii Charizard may perch itself on the ground and rest, relaxing all tension within its muscles and gaining some stability. This completely suppresses its [Flying] subtype until it next takes off into the air, and also allows it to regain hit points equal to its hit dice total. Until the start of its next turn, it is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class. This is a [Flying] ability.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Freeze-Dry.
Freeze-Dry (Su): with a Standard Action once per hour, Sevii Charizard can direct its cold essence at a 30' radius spread in Medium Range, and freeze all the moisture out of the air - and the creatures within. This deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the save by more than 4 points (such as the Save DC being 20 and the target rolling 15 or lower) is Frostburned unless they are Water Type Pokemon, in which case they are frozen solid as the Entomb spell. This is an [Ice] attack, however this is Super-Effective against [Water] Pokemon instead of being Not Very Effective. As such, against Kingdra (Water/Dragon) it would be Super-Effective instead of Neutral, against Goldeen it would be Super-Effective instead of Not Very Effective, and against Lapras (Water/Ice) it would be Neutral instead of Not Very Effective.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Hydro Pump, and gains Improved Critical with "All Natural Weapons" as a Bonus Feat.
Hydro Pump (Su): once per hour, Sevii Charizard may use a Full Round Action to fire a massive blast of high-pressure water from its mouth. This affects a 120' long Line, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Struck targets are also subject to a Bullrush - with no Size bonus, but able to push targets of any Size (though they still gain a Size bonus or penalty of their own). It uses Sevii Charizard's Charisma Bonus in place of Strength for this, and can push more than 5 feet. The entire area is also soaked thoroughly, putting any fires out. This is a [Water] attack.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Dual Wing Beat and Outrage.
Dual Wing Beat (Ex): Sevii Charizard gains two secondary Wing attacks, that deal 1d4 damage for a Medium creature, as [Flying] attacks. It may elect to use both of them together as a Standard Action, or in addition to other natural weapons for a Full Attack as normal. If it hits the same foe with both wings in the same turn, it gains a free Trip attempt against them. If this attempt fails, they do not get a trip attempt of their own. The trip attempt is also a [Flying] attack, should that matter.

Outrage (Su): once per hour, Sevii Charizard may use a Swift Action to enter a fearsome draconic rage. The rage lasts until it spends an entire round without damaging or being damaged by any enemies, at which point the exertion catches up with it and it becomes Fatigued until it rests, and Confused for three rounds. During the outrage, it gains a +2 Morale Bonus to attack rolls and Fort and Will Saves, but takes a -2 Penalty to Armour Class and Ref Saves, it can make a Full Attack as a Standard Action, and each attack becomes a [Dragon] attack and deals an extra 3d6 damage, +1d6 at 20 hit dice. It also gains a +10 Bonus on all Break Attempts, can make a single Break Attempt once per round as a Free Action, and is treated as one Size Category larger for the purpose of all Size-based manoeuvres. Entering an Outrage is a [Dragon] effect.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Haze Blast.
Haze Blast (Su): once per hour, providing it is not Fatigued or Exhausted, Sevii Charizard may unleash a mighty explosion of ice chunks, mist and freezing air. This requires a Full Round Action, and leaves Sevii Charizard Exhausted until it rests. More importantly, everything within thirty feet suffers 10 damage per hit die of Sevii Charizard (12 per hit die in Hail or Snow), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). All terrain and unattended objects in the area are frozen solid, leaving the ground slippery and water frozen solid. Additionally, this dispels all ongoing magical effects in the area, including targeted effects that affect individual creatures. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Snow-In, which may only be used when Mega-Evolved.
Maximum Snow-In (Su): once per minute, Sevii Mega-Charizard can unleash a gigantic avalanche around it, making an extra wide Frost Breath attack as though breathing three times, with edge-to-edge cones released such that there is only one 90-degree cone that isn't targeted, alternatively it becomes a single Cone that extends out to Long Range. Additionally, this leaves the area snowed-in completely, covering the area with a 5' tall layer of snow. This is an [Ice] attack.

Mega-Evolution: when Sevii Charizard Mega-Evolves, it becomes even sleeker with a longer tail, it grows a third horn, its wings grow larger and it seems to develop fins along its limbs. Its Fly Speed increases to 60' (Perfect), its Charisma increases by 6, and its Dexterity and Constitution increase by 4 each (granting temporary HP), and it gains the [Pokebility] of Snow Warning (Su): the weather out to one mile becomes Hail (with some amount of regular snow as well) - the temperature falling to Cold if higher than that, and falling one band if already Cold or worse. This replaces Ice Body if it has it.

Tutor Moves:

Acrobatics (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may unleash a leaping Charge, and after the attack may reposition to any square adjacent to the target. This uses any one natural weapon, and if the Pokemon is not holding any weapons or items and does not have anything else equipped, it may add its skill bonus in either Jump or Tumble to the damage roll. This is a [Flying] attack.

Air Cutter (Su): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon can unleash a slashing blade of air out in a 20' Cone. A single Ranged Touch Attack is made, with a Critical Threat Range of 18-20, and deals 1d6 damage per 3 hit dice (round up). This is a [Blade] [Wind] [Flying] attack.

Aurora Veil (Su): when the surrounding weather is snow or hail, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action once per hour to call up a magical wall of fascinating light. This functions as a Wall of Light spell, however any creature attacking through it that cannot see through it deals half damage. Any effect that can destroy (or bypass) Reflect or Light Screen affects this the same. This is an [Ice] effect.

Blizzard (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon can spend a Standard Action weaving a massive collection of ice and snow, and crush a 60' radius Blast within Medium Range. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail their saving throw are Frostburned. In snow or hail, a Reflex Save merely halves the damage, and creatures that fail the save are frozen solid, as an Icy Prison effect. In any other kind of weather that isn't clear skies, creatures get a +4 Bonus on the saving throw. This is an [Ice] attack.

Breaking Swipe (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon whirls around, striking out at every foe it can reach. It makes one attack roll and applies it against every creature within its threatened area. If it hits, this attack deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus, and additionally deals 2 points of Strength Damage to each of them. This is a [Blade] [Dragon] attack.

Dragon Pulse (Su): once per five rounds, the Pokemon may fire a blast of high-power, high-pressure energy, filled with draconic energy that crackles and displaces things. This is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die. It ignores any Miss Chance of any kind, and is a [Ballistic] [Dragon] attack.

Earthquake (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may cast Earthquake, however the damage (not including Non-Lethal damage for being trapped) is 1d6 per hit die, any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and anything considered Immune to [Ground] attacks can never be trapped in the fissures. This is a [Ground] attack.

Fire Blast (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon can unleash a 60' radius explosion of fire as a Blast in Medium Range. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail their saving throw are Burned. In harsh sunlight, a Reflex Save merely halves the damage, and creatures that fail the save catch fire as well as being burned. In any other kind of weather that isn't clear skies, creatures get a +4 Bonus on the saving throw. This is a [Fire] attack that destroys most terrain.

Hurricane (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may spend a Standard Action whipping up a powerful windstorm, and at the start of its next turn, it creates Hurricane strength winds in a cylinder within Long Range, 40' high and with a radius of 40' per hit die, remaining for 1 minute per hit die. In a Rain Storm, Torrential Downpour, or Overwhelming Winds, this instead activates instantly, and all creatures other than itself are treated as though one Size Category lower by the winds. The Pokemon may choose which way the wind moves, as with the spell Control Winds. At fifteen hit dice, it increases to Tornado strength winds. The Save DC is either that of the wind, or 10 + half the Pokemon's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, whichever is better. This is a [Wind] [Flying] attack.

Icy Wind (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to exhale a chilling wave of air. This functions as a Gust of Wind effect, however it also deals damage equal to its hit dice to all in the area (halved if they succeed on the Fortitude Save), and on a failed Save, afflicted creatures suffer a -4 Penalty to Dexterity for 3 rounds. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is an [Ice] attack and a [Wind] effect.

Iron Tail (Ex): the Pokemon gains a Secondary Tail natural weapon that deals 1d8 damage if Medium, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is a [Steel] attack. If it already has a Tail attack, this can be used in place of, but not in addition to, the existing one. This attack automatically Power Attacks (even if the Pokemon normally lacks the feat) as a two-handed weapon for a minimum of half the Pokemon's Base Attack Bonus, but on a successful hit, the target's defences are cracked, suffering a -4 Penalty to Armour Class for one minute.

Mystical Fire (Sp): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may call upon a magical flame to damage its foe, almost homing on their position. This deals 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and any target that suffers damage from this also suffers a -4 Luck Penalty to Charisma for three rounds. This is a [Fire] attack.

Overheat (Su): three times per day, when not Fatigued or Exhausted, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to overwork the fires within itself, and direct it at a 10' radius Spread within Close Range. All in the area suffer 10 damage per hit die (12 per hit die in Harsh Sunlight), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Targets with Heat Protection (It's Hot Outside) gain a +4 Bonus on the Saving Throw, however a creature wearing heavy clothing or armour, or any kind of armour mostly made of metal, suffers a -4 Penalty on the Saving Throw. Failure also causes a target to suffer from heatstroke and dehydration, becoming Fatigued until the damage is healed. Upon using this, the Pokemon becomes Exhausted until it rests. This destroys most objects and terrain in the area, and is a [Fire] attack.

Scorching Sands (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may unleash a burst of superheated sands that burn and abrade the skin. This functions as a Scalding Mud effect, except instead of the ongoing damage, creatures that fail the Reflex Save must succeed at a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Burned. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ground] attack.

Shadow Claw (Su): the Pokemon may elect to treat its claws as a [Blade] [Ghost] attack when it wants to. When doing so, the attack has an innate Threat Range of 18-20, bypasses non-magical armour and shields, and at 10 and 20 hit dice it deals damage as though one Size larger.

Sheer Cold (Su): once per day, the Pokemon can glare at a target within Close Range, and will them to be frozen completely. If they are not Ice Type Pokemon or considered Immune to [Ice] attacks, they must succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 7 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be frozen solid, as though failing their save against a Heartfreeze and Entomb effect. This is an [Ice] attack.

Solar Beam (Su): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon can absorb light energy around it, providing it is not in utter darkness. In harsh sunlight or on the Plane of Radiance or Positive Energy Plane, or in the same round as being hit by [Light] damage, this only takes a Swift Action. Upon gathering the energy, this can be unleashed as a Standard Action before the end of its next turn. Unleashing this fires an intense beam of light, still powered by the energy of plants, as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If this hits, it deals 1d10 damage per hit die and the target must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Blinded for one round. In snow, hail, rain, fog, partial darkness or sandstorms, this only deals 1d6 damage per hit die. This is a [Grass] effect.

Steel Wing (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon can swipe with a wing so hard it's like steel, able to break a person's arm just like every swan in England. This is a Slam attack with a base damage of 1d8 + Strength Bonus for a Medium creature. This may also be used as a special Immediate Action in response to an attack - if the Slam attack roll is higher than the incoming attack, it is successfully parried. This is a [Steel] attack.

Thunder Punch (Su): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d4 Bludgeoning damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 Electricity damage per 3 hit dice (round up), and a struck target must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Staggered for one round. On a Critical Hit, a successful Charge, or on Electric Terrain, the target instead must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Stunned for one round. This is an [Electric] attack.

Triple Axel (Ex): with a Full Round Action once per three rounds, the Pokemon may ice skate gracefully and deliver a trio of kicks, each hurting more than the last. It makes one Kick attack at its highest attack bonus, with a base damage of 1d8 for a Medium creature, then must move at least 5 feet, then makes a second Kick attack at its highest attack bonus minus two, with the damage increased by one step (2d6 for a Medium creature), then must move at least 5 feet before making a final Kick attack at its highest attack bonus minus four, increasing the damage one step more (3d6 for a Medium creature). If a Balance or Perform (Dance) check of DC 15 is made as part of this, the penalties are reduced by 2 (to 0/0/-2), and if the check is 25 or more, they gain a bonus to damage of +2, +4 and +8. This is a [Kick] [Ice] attack.

Weather Ball (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a compressed sphere of atmospheric energy with a Ranged Touch Attack to Medium Range. This deals 1d8 Bludgeoning damage per 2 hit dice and is a [Normal] effect. In harsh sunlight, it is a [Fire] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In heavy rain, it is a [Water] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In a sandstorm, it is a [Ground] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In snow or hail, it is an [Ice] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. In overwhelming winds, it is a [Flying] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. If no other weather applies and it is night time, this is a [Dark] attack that deals 1d6 damage per hit die. Theoretically, the planar hellscapes of D&D could create other effects such as [Poison] in acid rain, and any such transformation increases the damage to 1d6 per hit die. This is also a [Ballistic] [Wind] attack.

Will-O-Wisp (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, the Pokemon may unleash a floating sphere of brilliant (and spooky) blue fire. This is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 30 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is Burned. This is a [Fire] attack.
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:38 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Tiny Magical Beast [Water], CR 1/2
8 10 14 9 13 13
1d8+5 (9 HP), Init +0, Speed 20' Swim 40'
BAB/Grab: +0/-9
-Slam +2 (1d4-1)
AC: 15 (+2 Size, +3 Natural Armour), Flat 15, Touch 12
Fort +4 Ref +0 Will +3
Feats: Toughness, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Survival +5, *Swim +7
Special Attacks: Water Gun
Special Qualities: Hold Breath, Withdraw
Rare Traits: Rain Dish, Aqua Jet, Aqua Ring, Life Dew, Water Spout
Tutor Moves: Ice Punch, Dig, Whirlpool, Dive, Muddy Water
Advancement: 1-10 hit dice (Tiny), 11+ hit dice (Small); it usually Evolves into Wartortle at 4 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fort and Will, 2 + Int skill points

The 1' tall turtle standing before you is on its back legs, and has a smug expression on its face. There's no telling where it got those sunglasses, either.

Water Traits: Squirtle is always treated as having the [Water] Subtype, but does not have the usual traits of it, or the Elemental Type. It is weak against [Electric] and [Grass] attacks, and resists [Fire], [Ice], [Steel] and [Water] attacks.

Water Gun (Su): with a Standard Action, Squirtle can fire a high-pressure blast of water from its mouth, hitting like a fire hose. This reaches out to 25 feet and requires a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the target suffers 1d6 Bludgeoning damage. If the target is on fire, the fire is doused, and it also clears any fires out of that 5' cube, soaking it sufficiently to prevent most fires from starting there. This is a [Water] attack.

Withdraw (Ex): whenever Squirtle takes a Total Defence, it gains a +6 Dodge Bonus to Armour Class instead of the usual +4. Additionally, it gains Damage Reduction 2/-, or its existing Damage Reduction increases by 2, whichever is better.

Hold Breath (Ex): Squirtle can hold its breath for a number of consecutive minutes equal to its Constitution score times ten.

At 2 hit dice, it learns Rapid Spin, and its Natural Armour increases by 1.
Rapid Spin (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Squirtle may spin about in its shell, moving as though making a Move Action. This movement ignores and clears away all hazards, magical glyphs and damaging terrain, and does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. It may make a Slam attack at the end of this movement. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Bite and Water Pulse:
Bite (Ex): Squirtle's jaws and teeth strengthen sufficiently that it gains a Bite attack that can be made as a Primary natural weapon, dealing damage as though one size larger than it is (typically 1d4 plus its Strength Bonus). Anything bitten with an Attack of Opportunity must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. This is a [Dark] attack.

Water Pulse (Su): once per minute, Squirtle can unleash a powerful burst of water that hits with incredible hydrostatic pressure. This uses a Standard Action, and targets the first target in a 30' long Line (60' if it grows to Medium or Large, 90' if it grows to Huge or Gargantuan, and 120' if it becomes bigger than that). The target takes 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target suffers any damage, they must also pass a Will Save (same DC) or become Confused for one round per hit die. This is a [Water] attack.

Rare Traits:
Rain Dish (Ex): a Squirtle with this Special Ability has Fast Healing 1 when in the rain, or when submerged in water. This Fast Healing increases to 2 at five hit dice, 5 at ten hit dice, and then increases by 1 every even hit die thereafter. This is a [Pokebility].

Aqua Jet (Ex): a Squirtle with this Special Attack can make a Partial Charge to deliver its Slam as an Immediate Action. If targeted by an enemy, it can only use this to attack that enemy, not to get out of range. This deals +1d6 damage, and is a [Water] attack.

Aqua Ring (Su): once per hour, a Squirtle with this ability can summon a circle of healing water around itself like a wet halo. This remains in effect for one minute per hit die, restoring 1 HP every round for the duration. This is a [Water] ability.

Life Dew (Su): once per minute, a Squirtle with this ability can scatter magical water around, covering it and everything within 5 feet of it. They all regain 1d8 hit points per 2 hit dice Squirtle has (round up). This is a [Water] ability.

Water Spout (Su): once per hour, a Squirtle with this Special Attack can unleash a super-powerful blast of water into the air, crashing down on everything nearby. This requires a Standard Action, and is powered by Squirtle's life force: everything within 25 feet suffers damage equal to Squirtle's current hit points (plus 1 per hit die in rain, or halved in harsh sunlight), with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Water] attack.


Small Magical Beast [Water], CR 4
10 15 18 12 16 15
4d8+20 (38 HP), Init +2, Speed 20', Swim 40'
BAB/Grab: +3/-1
-Slam +6 (1d6) or Bite +6 (1d6)
AC: 17 (+1 Size, +4 Natural Armour, +2 Dexterity), Flat 15, Touch 13
Fort +8 Ref +3 Will +7
Feats: Improved Toughness, X, Weapon Finesse (B)
Skills: Survival +10, Diplomacy +9, Spot +10, *Swim +8
Special Attacks: Water Gun, Rapid Spin, Bite, Water Pulse, Bubble
Special Qualities: Withdraw, Hold Breath, Protect
Rare Traits: Rain Dish, Aqua Jet, Aqua Ring, Life Dew, Water Spout
Tutor Moves: Ice Punch, Dig, Whirlpool, Dive, Muddy Water, Ice Beam, Waterfall, Gyro Ball
Advancement: 5+ hit dice (Small); it usually Evolves into Blastoise at 7 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fort and Will, 2 + Int skill points

Much bigger than Squirtle, this 3' tall creature is nonetheless clearly related to it. It has external ears now, and sharper teeth.

Water Traits: Wartortle is always treated as having the [Water] Subtype, but does not have the usual traits of it, or the Elemental Type. It is weak against [Electric] and [Grass] attacks, and resists [Fire], [Ice], [Steel] and [Water] attacks.

Bubble (Su): once per minute, Wartortle may use a Standard Action to spit out a spray of pressurised bubbles. These are released in a 25' Cone, and all in the area suffer 2d6 damage with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the save are also rendered Blind for one round, then suffer a -2 Penalty on attack rolls and Armour Class for two rounds afterwards. This is a [Water] attack.

Protect (Su): once per hour, Wartortle may use the magic in its shell to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave Wartortle vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Rain Dance, and it gains Damage Reduction 3/-.
Rain Dance (Su): with a Full Round Action once per hour, Wartortle may dance about and summon the rains. If there are already clouds overhead, this takes effect immediately, otherwise it starts raining at the end of its next turn as clouds must first gather. For the next three rounds (in naturally dry environments), one minute (in normal environments) or minute per hit die (in damp environments where it was likely to soon rain anyway), the weather becomes rain out to a one mile radius. This is a [Water] effect.

At 6 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1, and it learns Aqua Tail.
Aqua Tail (Su): Wartortle grows a tail strong enough to make a Secondary Natural Weapon attack that is able to target two adjacent creatures within reach at the same time, sweeping across them. This has a base damage of 1d8 (for a Medium creature) plus one and a half times the user's Strength Bonus, douses any fires on the target (or at least, the 5' cube hit), and if the target has any ability that deals Fire damage when hit (such as a Fire Shield), this is suppressed for one round (and does not affect Wartortle). This is a [Water] attack.


Medium Magical Beast [Water], CR 7
15 12 22 12 22 17
7d8+49 (80 HP), Init +1, Speed 30', Swim 60'
BAB/Grab: +5/+7
-Slam +7 (1d8+3) and Tail +5 (1d8+3); or Bite +7 (1d8+3) and Tail +5 (1d8+3)
AC: 19 (+1 Dexterity, +8 Natural Armour), Flat 18, Touch 11
Fort +11 Ref +3 Will +11
Feats: Improved Toughness, 3, 6
Skills: Survival +16, Diplomacy +13, Spot +16, *Swim +10
Special Attacks: Water Gun, Rapid Spin, Bite, Water Pulse, Bubble, Aqua Tail
Special Qualities: Withdraw, Hold Breath, Protect, Rain Dance, Shell Smash, DR 5/-
Rare Traits: Rain Dish, Aqua Jet, Aqua Ring, Life Dew, Water Spout
Tutor Moves: Ice Punch, Dig, Whirlpool, Dive, Muddy Water, Ice Beam, Waterfall, Gyro Ball, Aura Sphere, Scald
Advancement: 8-10 hit dice (Medium), 11-15 hit dice (Large), 16+ hit dice (Huge)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fort and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This giant tortoise stands on two sturdy legs, slightly hunched over with a lot of physical bulk to its blue scaled skin. Its massive shell also houses two actual cannons.

Water Traits: Blastoise is always treated as having the [Water] Subtype, but does not have the usual traits of it, or the Elemental Type. It is weak against [Electric] and [Grass] attacks, and resists [Fire], [Ice], [Steel] and [Water] attacks.

Shell Smash (Ex): once per hour, Blastoise may use a Standard Action to shatter its own defences, and in doing so release a great weight off its shoulders. For the next one minute per hit die, it loses its Damage Reduction and any Armour Bonus, and its Natural Armour (including any Enhancement Bonus) is halved, however its weight is halved, its movement speeds are doubled, and it gains a +6 Enhancement Bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Charisma. Additionally, the damage from all of its attacks increase the die size by one. This is a [Normal] effect.

At every hit die, its Natural Armour increases by 1. At 8 hit dice, it learns Iron Defense.
Iron Defense (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Blastoise may harden its body as though covered in literal iron and steel. It gains an Armour Bonus of +6, plus one per three hit dice (round up, maximum of +5 for a total of +11 at fifteen hit dice) for the next minute. This also doubles its weight for the time being. This is a [Steel] effect.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Flip Turn and its Damage Reduction increases by 2.
Flip Turn (Ex): by changing the attack at the end of a charge to a [Water] attack, Blastoise may move up to its base move speed away from the target after the charge, without provoking an attack of opportunity from the target, as though using the Spring Attack feat. If the attack hits, this also splashes the target's eyes such that they are rendered Blind for one round. This is a [Water] attack.

At 10 hit dice, it Hydro Pump.
Hydro Pump (Su): once per hour, Blastoise may use a Full Round Action to fire a massive blast of high-pressure water from all of its cannons. This affects a 120' long Line, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Struck targets are also subject to a Bullrush - with no Size bonus, but able to push targets of any Size (though they still gain a Size bonus or penalty of their own). It uses Blastoise's Charisma Bonus in place of Strength for this, and can push more than 5 feet. The entire area is also soaked thoroughly, putting any fires out. This is a [Water] attack.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Water Pledge and Skull Bash
Water Pledge (Su): with a Standard Action once per hour, Blastoise recites the pledge of allegiance to Water, and creates an eruption of wet energy from the ground, rising violently. This is a 15' radius Burst within Medium Range, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Water] effect that leaves the affected area glowing blue for one round. If Grass Pledge is then activated in the same area, the damage of Grass Pledge is 1d8 per hit die and the area becomes a quagmire instead of glowing, treated as a Deep Bog for one minute. If Water Pledge is activated in the same area as the red glow of Fire Pledge, the area doesn't glow, it instead unleashes a spray of steam with a lovely rainbow instead of glowing, functioning as a Mind Fog for one minute.

Skull Bash (Ex): any time Blastoise takes a Full Defence, it may make a special Slam on the following turn that deals damage as though one Size Category larger and allows it to make a free Bullrush attempt (still treated as one Size Category larger) without provoking an Attack of Opportunity. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Dark Pulse, and its Damage Reduction increases by another 3.
Dark Pulse (Su): once per five rounds, Blastoise may use a Standard Action to unleash a burst of malevolent energy from its cannons, out in a wave. This is an emanation out to Close Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the saving through is Staggered for one round. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Dragon Pulse and Flash Cannon.
Dragon Pulse (Su): once per five rounds, Blastoise may fire a blast of high-power, high-pressure energy from its cannons, filled with draconic energy that crackles and displaces things. This is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die. It ignores any Miss Chance of any kind, and is a [Dragon] attack.

Flash Cannon (Su): Blastoise may fire off a blinding blast of reflected light at will, practically burning foes with laser beams fired by its cannons. This targets a 5' radius Burst in Close Range, a 10' radius Burst in Medium Range, or a 15' radius Burst in Long Range. The damage is 1d6 per hit die for Close Range, 1d8 per two hit dice in Medium Range, or 1d6 per two hit dice at Long Range. It also deals 2 points of Wisdom damage from the disorientation, partial blindness and almost heat stroke. A Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) halves the regular damage and negates the Wisdom damage. This is a [Steel] attack.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Hydro Cannon.
Hydro Cannon (Su): once per hour, providing it is not Fatigued or Exhausted, Blastoise may fire its cannons at maximal strength, obliterating things. This requires a Full Round Action, and leaves Blastoise Exhausted until it rests. More importantly, a 30' radius Blast within Medium Range suffers 10 damage per hit die of Blastoise (12 per hit die in Rain), with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This knocks unattended objects out of the way, puts all fires out, soaks the area thoroughly, and to some extent also cleans things. It can shatter walls and chunks of rocky terrain. This is a [Water] attack.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Cannonade, which may only be used when Mega-Evolved.
Maximum Cannonade (Su): once per minute, Mega-Blastoise can fire an explosion of water all around itself, making three separate Water Pulse attacks that can be aimed independently (and can't be layered on top of each other although they can briefly cross paths), and has the damage increased to 1d6 per hit die (which is then affected by Mega Launcher to become 1d8 per hit die). This leaves the whole area soaked with water, and slippery like a Grease effect. This is a [Water] attack.

Mega-Evolution: when Blastoise becomes Mega Blastoise it grows even sturdier, and the cannons grow bigger and longer, and a third, central cannon extends from the top of its shell. It gains the Sturdy quality of a Dwarf, its Charisma increases by 6, its Strength, Constitution and Wisdom increase by 4 each (the Constutition giving Temporary HP) and its Natural Armour increases by 2. It gains the Mega Launcher special quality, which replaces Swift Swim (if it has it).

Mega Launcher (Ex): the additional cannon (and power behind them all) increases the damage of [Ballistic] attacks and effects, increasing the damage or healing by one die size (d4 to d6 to d8 to d10 to d12), on a per-die basis. Specifically for Blastoise, this affects Aura Sphere (the rare trait), Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Water Pulse, Flash Cannon, Hydro Cannon and Water Gun. However if Skill Swapped or something, it can also affect other [Ballistic] moves.

Tutor Moves:

Aura Sphere (Su): once per minute as a Standard Action, the Pokemon may draw upon its fighting spirit and launch this in a ball that homes in unerringly. This is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Close Range, is a [Force] effect that extends to the Ethereal and Astral Planes (although [Ghost] Pokemon still always Resist it), and ignores any Miss Chance of any kind. On a successful hit, it deals 1d6 damage per 2 hit dice. This is a [Ballistic] [Fighting] attack.

Dig (Ex): the Pokemon gains a Burrow speed equal to its Base Speed minus ten (minimum five), unless it already has a better Burrow speed. While digging, the Pokemon has Tremorsense out to its Burrow Speed, and may use a Full Round Action to charge a creature that stands above it, even if the distance is less than ten feet. The foe is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against this attack, which gains 1d6 Sneak Attack, +1d6 more at 6 hit dice, and every 5 hit dice thereafter. This is a [Ground] attack.

Dive (Ex): the Pokemon gains a Swim speed equal to its Base Speed, unless it already has a better Swim speed. While submerged, if the Pokemon charges a foe at higher elevation, the foe is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against this attack, which gains 1d6 Sneak Attack, +1d6 more at 6 hit dice, and every 5 hit dice thereafter. This is a [Water] attack.

Gyro Ball (Ex): the Pokemon may put extra spin on itself when charging a foe, able to declare a charge against a target that is not the closest - and if it selects the furthest enemy within its movement range, this also does not have to be in a straight line. Additionally, for every square it leaves that is threatened by one or more enemies while performing this, the attack deals an additional 2 points of damage. This is a [Ballistic] [Steel] attack.

Ice Beam (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a beam of super-cold frosted air at a target in Long Range. This is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack, and deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die. A struck target must also succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be encased in ice, as per the Icy Prison spell. This is an [Ice] attack.

Ice Punch (Su): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 Cold damage per 3 hit dice (round up), and a struck target must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer hypothermia. On a Critical Hit, a successful Charge, or during hail, the target instead must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Frostburned. This is an [Ice] attack.

Muddy Water (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a wave of what is just about water, but could easily be called mud. The wave begins adjacent, and is 10 feet wider than the Pokemon (so extends five feet out either side) and twenty feet high. It then launches forward as a Line, out to forty feet before disippating. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail the save are also knocked backwards until they leave the Area, and knocked Prone. If they collide with an object that stops their movement, they suffer an additional 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for every 5' of movement prevented. Creatures damaged by this are also Blinded for 3 rounds, though a Full Round Action can be spent wiping their eyes clear. This is a [Water] attack.

Scald (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may unleash a burst of boiling water that burn and blister the skin. This extends out to a 30' Cone, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die (maximum 15d6) with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail the Reflex Save must then succeed at a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Burned. This is a [Water] attack.

Waterfall (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon may leap into the air, and crash upon a foe from above, bringing a cascade of water with it. This may be unleashed against any creature within its Base Speed, minus the target's height (for instance, if a creature has a Base Speed of 20 feet and their target is Medium, they could attack the target from up to 15 feet away, if the target was Gargantuan, they would have to be sharing the same square, and beyond that the attack would not succeed). This gains the same benefits and drawbacks as if it were a Charge and is resolved as a Slam that deals 1d8 (for a Medium creature) plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus. On a successful hit, the attacker is also granted a free Trip attempt. The attacker may elect to make a Swim check at the start of this, and may then elect to use this check in place of one of the following: the attack roll, the damage roll, the Trip attempt. This is a [Water] attack.

Whirlpool (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may cast Maelstrom, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Water] attack.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Jan 11, 2024 6:06 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Tiny Vermin, CR 1/8
1 15 10 1 10 2
1d6 (3 HP), Init +6, Speed 20' Climb 10'
BAB/Grab: +0/-13
-Slam +4 (1d3-5)
AC: 14 (+2 Size, +2 Dex), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +0 Ref +4 Will +2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative
Skills: Climb +7
Special Attacks: String Shot
Special Qualities: Shield Dust
Rare Traits: Run Away, Snore, Bug Bite
Tutor Moves: Electroweb
Advancement: 2+, usually evolves into Metapod at 2 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Poor BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This little creature is about a foot in total length. It closely resembles a giant caterpillar.

Bug Traits: Caterpie does not have the usual Vermin traits. It is weak against [Fire], [Flying] and [Rock] attacks, and resist [Fighting], [Grass] and [Ground] attacks. It's Slam is a [Bug] attack.

String Shot (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Caterpie can spit a stream of silk string out as a Ranged Touch Attack to 15 feet. If it hits, the target becomes Entangled for three rounds. If already Entangled, they become Slowed for the same duration, which is reset to three rounds again. Future uses against a Slowed opponent reset the duration. This is a [Bug] attack.

Shield Dust (Ex): the "scales" on Caterpie will flake off like ablative armour, breaking free to protect it against harm. It has Damage Reduction x/- against attacks that have any secondary effect beyond damage, where x equals its hit dice (minimum 1/-). This is a [Pokebility].

Rare Traits:
Run Away (Ex): if Caterpie has this rare [Pokebility], which replaces Shield Dust, it is better at running away: when performing a Withdraw action, it can move as though Running, and provokes no Attacks of Opportunity from anyone.

Snore (Su): this attack can only be used while asleep. Everything in Close Range suffers 1d6 Sonic damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails is also Staggered for one round. This is a [Normal] attack.

Bug Bite (Ex): a Caterpie with this attack gainst a Primary Bite attack that is made as a Full Round Action. This deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature, so for Caterpie would deal 1d3-5 damage. This ignores all effects of Armour and Shields - the bonus to AC and any special effects - and allows it to eat any one item of food amongst the target's possessions as it swarms over them. This is a [Bug] attack.


Small Vermin, CR 2
3 7 20 3 12 4
2d12+10 (23 HP), Init +2, Speed 10', Climb 5'
BAB/Grab: +1/-7
-Slam +0 (1d4-4)
AC: 19 (+1 Size, -2 Dex, +10 Natural Armour), Flat 19, Touch 9
Fort +5 Ref +1 Will +4
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative
Skills: Climb +9
Special Attacks: String Shot
Special Qualities: Shed Skin, Harden
Rare Traits: Snore, Bug Bite
Tutor Moves: Electroweb, Iron Defence
Advancement: 3+, usually evolves into Butterfree at 3 HD
Hit Dice: 1d12 HP, Poor BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

What at first seemed to be some form of shell or fruit turned out to be a big green coccoon. Actually, it sort of looks like a crescent moon. Or maybe a penis.

Bug Traits: Metapod does not have the usual Vermin traits. It is weak against [Fire], [Flying] and [Rock] attacks, and resist [Fighting], [Grass] and [Ground] attacks. It's Slam is a [Bug] attack.

Shed Skin (Ex): at the end of Metapod's turn, if it has any of the following conditions, it has a 25% chance for that condition to end instantly: Sickened, Shaken, Dazed, Stunned, Dazzled, Nauseated, Frightened, Panicked, Cowering, Drowsy, Asleep, Comatose, Paralysed, Petrified, Burned, On Fire, Frostburned, Confused, Blind, Deaf, Slowed, Staggered, Fatigued, Exhausted. This is a [Pokebility].

Harden (Ex): any time Metapod takes a Full Defence, it gains a +8 Armour Bonus to Armour Class, and also gains DR 8/-. Both of these last until the start of its next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

Small Magical Beast, CR 3
8 17 12 6 11 15
3d8+3 (16 HP), Init +7, Speed 10', Fly 40' (Good)
BAB/Grab: +1/-4
-Bite +7 (1d4-1)
AC: 15 (+1 Size, +3 Dex, +1 Natural), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative
Skills: Spot +6
Special Attacks: String Shot, Bug Bite, Gust
Special Qualities: Compound Eyes
Rare Traits: Snore, Tinted Lens
Tutor Moves: Electroweb, Iron Defence, Hyper Beam, Solar Beam, Rest, Swift, Psychic, Skill Swap, Shadow Ball, Hurricane, Pollen Puff, Double Team, Defog
Advancement: 3+, usually evolves into Butterfree at 3 HD
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Poor BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

The pokemon that hovers before you is like a giant butterfly, half the height of an adult human.

Compound Eyes (Ex): Butterfree's two "eyes" are actually clusters of smaller eyes, working together to provide greater depth perception and visual information. It ignores Cover less than Full Cover, and gains a +2 Competence Bonus on attack rolls. This is a [Pokebility].

Bug Bite (Ex): Butterfree has a Primary Bite attack is made as a Full Round Action. This deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature, so for Butterfree would deal 1d4-1 damage. This ignores all effects of Armour and Shields - the bonus to AC and any special effects - and allows it to eat any one item of food amongst the target's possessions as it swarms over them. This is a [Bug] attack.

Gust (Su): once per five rounds, with a Standard Action, an airborne Butterfree may unleash a Gust of Wind effect, as the spell. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Flying], [Wind] attack.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Supersonic and increases its Natural Armour by 1.
Supersonic (Ex): with a Standard Action once per minute, Butterfree can emit a supersonic "screech" that impairs the functionality of those within 15 feet of it. All in the area must attempt a Will Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Confused for 1 round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Poison Powder and Sleep Powder.
Poison Powder (Ex): once per hour, Butterfree may unleash a cloud of fine powder out to Close Range. All in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or be Poisoned, taking 1d6 Con damage and being Sickened for one minute. At the end of this minute, they must save again or suffer another 1d6 Constitution damage as the secondary damage. This is a [Poison] effect. A DC 15 Survival check can harvest a dose from a cooperative (or dead) Butterfree, rendering it unable to use it for the hour but providing a single dose that is administered by inhalation. A DC 25 Survival check can harvest the dose from an uncooperative Butterfree as a Full Round Action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity. The poison sells for 1,500 GP, and a DC 20 Craft (Alchemy) check can then dilute and refine it into one thousand ounces of harmless exotic perfume, each selling for 5 GP.

Sleep Powder (Ex): once per hour, Butterfree may unleash a cloud of fine powder that extends ten feet from it in all directions. All in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or fall Asleep for ten minutes (or until woken up normally). A DC 15 Survival check can harvest a dose from a cooperative (or dead) Butterfree, expending an hourly use but providing a single dose that is administered by inhalation. A DC 25 Survival check can harvest the dose from an uncooperative Butterfree as a Full Round Action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity. The poison sells for 1,500 GP, and a DC 20 Craft (Alchemy) check can then dilute and refine it into fifty ounces of relatively harmless sedatives to help people sleep, each selling for 50 GP. This is a [Poison] effect.

At 6 hit dice, it learns Confusion.
Confusion (Sp): with a Standard Action once per hour, Butterfree may unleash a psychic blast of energy that fries the synapses of all in a 10' radius Burst within Medium Range. Those in the area suffer 1d8 non-lethal damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the save are Confused for one round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Air Slash and increases its Natural Armour by 1.
Air Slash (Su): with a Standard Action, a flying Butterfree may flap its wings to generate a slashing rush of winds. It makes one Ranged Touch Attack against a 10' radius Burst in Medium Range, dealing 2d4 damage plus its Charisma Bonus, with a critical value of 20/x4. This also clearns all plant-based terrain in the area, slicing it apart and clearing the area as though professional lawn-mowing and bush-whacking services had been performed. At 12 and 18 hit dice, the damage increases by 2d4. This is a [Flying], [Wind] attack.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Stun Spore.
Stun Spore (Ex): once per hour, Butterfre may unleash a cloud of paralytic neurotoxins, extending ten feet from it in all directions. All in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or be Paralyzed, Stunned and Dazed, for 1 round, then Stunned and Dazed for one round, then Dazed for the round thereafter. This is a [Poison] effect. A DC 15 Survival check can harvest a dose from a cooperative (or dead) Butterfree, rendering it unable to use it for the hour but providing a single dose that is administered by inhalation. A DC 25 Survival check can harvest the dose from an uncooperative Butterfree as a Full Round Action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity. The poison sells for 2,000 GP.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Psybeam.
Psybeam (Su): with a Standard Action, Butterfree may focus its psychic powers into a beam, unleashing it as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If it hits, this deals 1d6 non-lethal damage per hit die and forces the target to attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Failure results in Confusion for 2d4 rounds. This can be used once per hour, however it may be used a second time by expending the hourly use of Confusion, and vice versa. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Panic Poison and increases its Natural Armour by 1.
Panic Poison (Su): once per hour, Butterfree may use a Full Round Action to unleash a cloud of poison powder that affects the brain. This creates a 10' radius Cloud adjacent to or covering Butterfree, and then travels along one direction chosen at the time of use, moving 15 feet per round for three rounds then disappating. Any time a creature enters the area or starts their turn in it, they must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Failure results in the target Panicking for 1d4 rounds, then being Confused for one round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Poison] effect.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Safeguard and Pollen Puff.
Safeguard (Sp): with a Full Round Action at will, Butterfree may chant and create a magical barrier out to 15 feet. For the next four rounds, Butterfree cannot be afflicted by Poison, Disease, Burn, Frostburn, Drowsiness, Sleep, Paralysis, Stun, Daze, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sickening, Nausea, Rage, Confusion or [Fear] effects, nor can any ally within the area. Existing effects are not suppressed, however. This is a [Normal] effect.

Pollen Puff (Su): with a Standard Action once per hour, Butterfree may hurl a clump of magical pollen at a target within Close Range. This requires a Ranged Touch Attack, and if it hits, it either deals 1d6 damage per hit die from Positive Energy, or heals 1d6 damage per hit die (Butterfree's choice). This may even be used to heal Undead. This is a [Bug] effect.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Bug Buzz and Tailwind.
Bug Buzz (Ex): once per five rounds, Butterfree may buzz extra loud, unleashing a Cone out to Close Range as a Standard Action. All in the area suffer 1d6 Sonic damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This also deals 1 point of Wisdom damage per 3 hit dice (round up), which is also halved on a successful save. This is a [Sonic] [Bug] effect.

Tailwind (Su): with a Full Round Action, Butterfree may flap its wings extra hard and call upon the storms to grant a great tailwind. This sets the direction and strength of the wind (at Butterfree's choice), without being able to create actual damaging storms, for the next minute. During that time, all movement speeds and projectile ranges moving in that direction are doubled, whereas those moving in the opposite direction are halved. This affects a five hundred foot radius, and can be performed once per hour. This is a [Flying], [Wind] effect.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Rage Powder, and increases its Natural Armour by 1.
Rage Powder (Ex): once per hour, Butterfree may use a Standard Action to unleash a cloud of powder that enrages all who inhale it. This extends ten feet in all directions, and all in the area must attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or be affected by a Rage effect for one minute. For this duration, every turn the target has a 50% chance of attacking the nearest target, and a 50% chance of attacking Butterfree. This is a [Bug] effect. A DC 15 Survival check can harvest a dose from a cooperative (or dead) Butterfree, rendering it unable to use it for the hour but providing a single dose that is administered by inhalation, or can be synthesised into a Potion of Rage - either way it sells for 300 GP. A DC 25 Survival check can harvest the dose from an uncooperative Butterfree as a Full Round Action that provokes Attacks of Opportunity.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Quiver Dance and its Fly Speed becomes Perfect.
Quiver Dance (Su): once per five rounds, Butterfree may use a Move-Equivalent Action to dance about in a strange way that keeps it alert, building up its offences and defences. This grants it a +4 Morale Bonus to Dexterity, Wisdom and Charisma for five rounds, or +6 if it succeeds at a DC 30 Perform (Dance) check. For the same duration, all of its movement speeds are increased by 20 feet. This is a [Bug] effect.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Befuddle, which may only be used when Mega-Evolved.
Maximum Befuddle (Su): once per minute, Mega-Butterfree can unleash a wild spray of hallucinogenic powder that looks like miniature glowing butterflies. This is a Full-Round Action, and creates a Luminous Swarm effect out to Medium Range for five rounds. Additionally, at the moment of activation, all within the area are Confused for one round per hit die, with a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) to reduce it to 3 rounds. This is a [Bug] effect.

Rare Traits:
Tinted Lens (Ex): the specially tinted and polarised lens of Butterfree's eyes help it to overcome the weaknesses in its attacks, damaging even resistant foes. As such, if an attack it makes is Not Very Effective, increase the effectiveness by one degree - a regular resistance could thus hit neutrally, although a doubly-resisted attack would still be resisted. This is a [Pokebility].

Mega-Evolution: when Butterfree becomes Mega Butterfree, its Pokebility becomes Compound Eyes if it was not already, and it becomes brighter and more colourful. Its Natural Armour increases by 6, its Constitution, Charisma and Wisdom increase by 4 each (gaining Temporary Hit Points), and its Dexterity increases by 2.

Tutor Moves:

Defog (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a powerful wave of air from its wings, clearing all mist or fog within 250 feet. This is a [Flying] ability.

Double Team (Su): the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to cast Mirror Image once per 5 rounds, with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice. This is a [Normal] ability.

Electroweb (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may create a Web effect, as the spell, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Additionally, every turn in which a creature is in the area of the web, they suffer 2d6 Electricity damage. This is an [Electric] effect.

Hurricane (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may spend a Standard Action whipping up a powerful windstorm, and at the start of its next turn, it creates Hurricane strength winds in a cylinder within Long Range, 40' high and with a radius of 40' per hit die, remaining for 1 minute per hit die. In a Rain Storm, Torrential Downpour, or Overwhelming Winds, this instead activates instantly, and all creatures other than itself are treated as though one Size Category lower by the winds. The Pokemon may choose which way the wind moves, as with the spell Control Winds. At fifteen hit dice, it increases to Tornado strength winds. The Save DC is either that of the wind, or 10 + half the Pokemon's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, whichever is better. This is a [Wind] [Flying] attack.

Hyper Beam (Su): once per day, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to unleash a powerful beam of energy. This 5' wide, 100' long Line deals 10 damage per hit die to all creatures in the Area, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This leaves the Pokemon Exhausted until it rests. If already Fatigued, Drowsy or Exhausted, the user collapses afterwards, falling Asleep. This is a [Normal] attack.

Iron Defense (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon may harden its body as though covered in literal iron and steel. It gains an Armour Bonus of +6, plus one per three hit dice (round up, maximum of +5 for a total of +11 at fifteen hit dice) for the next minute. This also doubles its weight for the time being. This is a [Steel] effect.

Pollen Puff (Su): with a Standard Action once per hour, the Pokemon may hurl a clump of magical pollen at a target within Close Range. This requires a Ranged Touch Attack, and if it hits, it either deals 1d6 damage per hit die from Positive Energy, or heals 1d6 damage per hit die (user's choice). This may even be used to heal Undead. This is a [Bug] effect.

Psychic (Sp): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to target one creature within Medium Range and blast them with overwhelming psychic energy that hammers on their brain. They suffer 1d6 damage per hit die, as well as 4 points of Wisdom damage, with a Will Save to halve both of these (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and on a failed save they are also Dazed for one round. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] attack.

Rest (Ex): once per day, the Pokemon may simply fall Asleep of its own accord with a Full Round Action. This functions as a Heal effect, but also renders it asleep for its turn, and two more rounds afterwards. If anything prevents it from falling asleep, it also does not gain the benefits. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Shadow Ball (Sp): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to launch a sphere of terrifying spectral essence out to Medium Range. This hits all in a 10' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Furthermore, on a failed saving throw, targets suffer one temporary Negative Level (lasting one hour), or two if they are Weak against the attack. This is a [Ballistic] [Ghost] attack.

Skill Swap (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to target a foe within Close Range, and force them to attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the save is failed, both Pokemon swap [Pokebility] with one another - if one of them has no [Pokebility], it merely donates it to the other and gains nothing in return. This lasts for one round per hit die, and is a [Psychic] effect.

Solar Beam (Su): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon can absorb light energy around it, providing it is not in utter darkness. In harsh sunlight or on the Plane of Radiance or Positive Energy Plane, or in the same round as being hit by [Light] damage, this only takes a Swift Action. Upon gathering the energy, this can be unleashed as a Standard Action before the end of its next turn. Unleashing this fires an intense beam of light, still powered by the energy of plants, as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If this hits, it deals 1d10 damage per hit die and the target must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Blinded for one round. In snow, hail, rain, fog, partial darkness or sandstorms, this only deals 1d6 damage per hit die. This is a [Grass] effect.

Swift (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon can unlesh multiple star-shaped beams of light that home unerringly on their target. Once per five rounds, it may produce an effect identical to Magic Missile, save that it is not a [Force] effect and in fact is a [Normal] attack, so bad against ghosts.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Jan 11, 2024 8:32 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

(Beedrill gets heaps of named special attacks in the card game, and I am absolutely drawing on these.)

Tiny Vermin, CR 1/4
1 15 10 1 10 2
1d6 (3 HP), Init +6, Speed 20' Climb 10'
BAB/Grab: +0/-13
-Gore +4 (1d3-5 plus Poison)
AC: 14 (+2 Size, +2 Dex), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +0 Ref +4 Will +2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative
Skills: Climb +7
Special Attacks: String Shot, Poison Sting
Special Qualities: Shield Dust
Rare Traits: Run Away, Snore, Bug Bite
Tutor Moves: Electroweb
Advancement: 2+, usually evolves into Weedle at 2 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Poor BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This little creature is about a foot in total length. It looks a bit like a worm or caterpillar, with a sharp horn on its head.

Bug and Poison Traits: Weedle does not have the usual Vermin traits. It is weak against [Fire], [Flying], [Psychic] and [Rock] attacks, and resist [Fairy], [Fighting] and [Grass] attacks. It's Gore is a [Poison] attack.

Poison Sting (Ex): Weedle has a venomous sting. Anything damaged by its Gore is afflicted by Poison, with Primary and Secondary damage of 2 Dexterity and Constitution damage. The Save DC is Constitution-based, so for the standard Weedle is 10.

String Shot (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Weedle can spit a stream of silk string out as a Ranged Touch Attack to 15 feet. If it hits, the target becomes Entangled for three rounds. If already Entangled, they become Slowed for the same duration, which is reset to three rounds again. Future uses against a Slowed opponent reset the duration. This is a [Bug] attack.

Shield Dust (Ex): the "scales" on Weedle will flake off like ablative armour, breaking free to protect it against harm. It has Damage Reduction x/- against attacks that have any secondary effect beyond damage, where x equals its hit dice (minimum 1/-). This is a [Pokebility].

Rare Traits:
Run Away (Ex): if Weedle has this rare [Pokebility], which replaces Shield Dust, it is better at running away: when performing a Withdraw action, it can move as though Running, and provokes no Attacks of Opportunity from anyone.

Snore (Su): this attack can only be used while asleep. Everything in Close Range suffers 1d6 Sonic damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails is also Staggered for one round. This is a [Normal] attack.

Bug Bite (Ex): a Weedle with this attack gainst a Primary Bite attack that is made as a Full Round Action. This deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature, so for Weedle would deal 1d3-5 damage. This ignores all effects of Armour and Shields - the bonus to AC and any special effects - and allows it to eat any one item of food amongst the target's possessions as it swarms over them. This is a [Bug] attack.


Small Vermin, CR 2
3 7 20 3 12 4
2d12+10 (23 HP), Init +2, Speed 10', Climb 5'
BAB/Grab: +1/-7
-Slam +0 (1d4-4)
AC: 19 (+1 Size, -2 Dex, +10 Natural Armour), Flat 19, Touch 9
Fort +5 Ref +1 Will +4
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative
Skills: Climb +9
Special Attacks: String Shot
Special Qualities: Shed Skin, Harden
Rare Traits: Snore, Bug Bite
Tutor Moves: Electroweb, Iron Defence
Advancement: 3+, usually evolves into Beedrill at 3 HD
Hit Dice: 1d12 HP, Poor BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

What at first seemed to be some form of shell turned out to be a big yellow coccoon. It has an angry expression, so best leave it alone.

Bug and Poison Traits: Kakuna does not have the usual Vermin traits. It is weak against [Fire], [Flying], [Psychic] and [Rock] attacks, and resists [Fairy], [Fighting] and [Grass]. It's Slam is a [Bug] attack.

Shed Skin (Ex): at the end of Kakuna's turn, if it has any of the following conditions, it has a 25% chance for that condition to end instantly: Sickened, Shaken, Dazed, Stunned, Dazzled, Nauseated, Frightened, Panicked, Cowering, Drowsy, Asleep, Comatose, Paralysed, Petrified, Burned, On Fire, Frostburned, Confused, Blind, Deaf, Slowed, Staggered, Fatigued, Exhausted. This is a [Pokebility].

Harden (Ex): any time Kakuna takes a Full Defence, it gains a +8 Armour Bonus to Armour Class, and also gains DR 8/-. Both of these last until the start of its next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

Medium Magical Beast, CR 3
15 17 12 6 11 8
3d8+3 (16 HP), Init +7, Speed 10', Fly 40' (Good)
BAB/Grab: +2/+4
-2 Primary Stings +7/+7 (1d8+2 and Poison, 19-20/x3) and Secondary Sting +5 (1d6+1 and Poison)
AC: 15 (+1 Size, +3 Dex, +1 Natural), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Multiattack
Skills: Spot +6
Special Attacks: String Shot, Augmented Stingers, Poison Sting, Fury Attack
Special Qualities: Swarm
Rare Traits: Snore, Sniper
Tutor Moves: Electroweb, Hyper Beam, Rest, Double Team, Defog, U-Turn, Swagger, Swords Dance, Drill Run, Toxic, Gunk Shot
Advancement: 4-15 HD (Medium), 16+ HD (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

The pokemon that hovers before you is like a giant wasp, of human size and with a pair of extra arm-stingers the size of rapiers.

Bug and Poison Traits: Beedrill does not have the usual Vermin traits. It is weak against [Fire], [Flying], [Psychic] and [Rock] attacks, and resists [Fairy], [Fighting] and [Grass]. It's Stings are [Poison] attacks.

Augmented Stingers (Ex): the primary Sting attacks of Beedrill deal damage as though one Size Category larger, and also have a base Critical value of 19-20/x3.

Poison Sting (Ex): anything damaged by Beedrill's sting is afflicted by Poison, with Primary and Secondary damage of 4 Dexterity and Constitution damage. The Save DC is Constitution-based, so for the standard Beedrill is 12.

Fury Attack (Ex): if Beedrill attacks a foe two rounds in a row, and takes any damage between those two turns, it is angered, gaining a +2 Morale Bonus on attack and damage rolls for the second round. If it keeps attacking the same opponent and taking damage, this can stack, becoming +4 on the third turn, then +6 and so on.

Swarm (Ex): Beedrill naturally occurs in swarms. It ignores Swarm attacks, and their Distraction, and can safely move in them, bringing them with it to serve as cover. Should it do this, the swarm will attack anything that it does. It also doubles all benefits gained or given by Aid Other and Flanking. This is a [Pokebility].

At 4 hit dice, it learns Twin Needle and increases its Natural Armour by 1.
Twin Needle (Ex): with a Standard Action, Beedrill can fire venomous needles from its arm stingers. This allows it to make two Primary Sting attacks at a range of up to 30 feet. If they both hit the same target, the Save DC against Poison increases by 4, and the Primary and Secondary damage are increased to 1d4+4 Dexterity and Constitution damage. This is a [Bug] attack.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Laser Focus and Poison Jab.
Laser Focus (Su): with a Standard Action, Beedrill may focus on something as though with a laser guidance system. The next successful attack it makes against that target, provided it is made before the end of its next turn, is upgraded to a confirmed critical hit.

Poison Jab (Ex): with a Standard Action, or as the attack at the end of a Charge, Beedrill can make a single Primary Sting attack that has a base damage of 2d6 for a Medium creature (and thus 2d8 for the Augmented Stingers), with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up). The Enhancement Bonus even applies to the Save DC of the Poison (but not the ability damage). This is a [Poison] attack.

At 6 hit dice, it learns Assurance and Toxic Spikes.
Assurance (Ex): any time Beedrill threatens a foe, if the foe is damaged by anything that is not the Beedrill or an Attack of Opportuniy, it may take an Attack of Opportunity against the target. This is a [Dark] attack and does not deliver its Poison.

Toxic Spikes (Su): with a Standard Action, Beedrill can scatter venomous spikes around. This creates a Spike Growth effect, with a duration of 1 round per hit die. Furthermore, any creature that takes damage from this must make a Fortitude Save against Poison at the end of their turn - the Save DC is Constitution-based, and the Primary damage is 2 Strength damage, followed by taking 1d4 damage per round for one minute. The Secondary damage is 2 Constitution damage. If it casts this on a new area, any existing instances of its Toxic Spikes vanish (although any damage is still done). It may, however, cast it on an already-affected area, in which case it deals damage as a Spike Stones effect, the Ability Damage is doubled, and the ongoing poison damage becomes 1d6 per round. This is a [Poison] effect.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Pin Missile and increases its Natural Armour by 1.
Pin Missile (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Beedrill may unleash a hail of needle-like stingers at targets within 30 feet. It makes three ranged attacks, plus one extra attack at eleven and sixteen hit dice respectively. Each one deals 1d6 Piercing damage (for a Medium creature), plus half its Strength Bonus, and a 20/x2 Critical value, and damage is added together before applying Resistance or Weakness a single time. This is a [Bug] attack and does not carry its venom, nor does it benefit from Augmented Stingers.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Fell Stinger and Pursuit.
Fell Stinger (Su): with a Standard Action, Beedrill can make a single Primary Sting attack against a target. If this reduces the target below 1 hit point, or the Primary damage from the Poison reduces an Ability Score to zero, Beedrill is then fully empowered by the experience and the joy of murder, gaining a +8 Enhancement Bonus to Strength for one minute.

Pursuit (Ex): Beedrill may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that leaves a threatened square even as a result of Teleportation or being returned to a Pokeball. When it makes an Attack of Opportunity that was provoked by leaving a threatened square, this deals an extra 4d6 damage and is treated as a [Dark] attack.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Aerial Ace and Brick Break.
Aerial Ace (Ex): when flying as a Move Action, Beedrill may use a Standard Action at any point during the movement to swoop a target - this allows it to move, attack and continue moving. It may perform this attack as a Charge, with all benefits (aside from doubled movement) and drawbacks (including targeting requirements) if it wishes, still moving afterwards. This ignores Cover and Concealment, providing it has actual line of effect, and is a [Flying] attack.

Brick Break (Ex): with a Standard Action, Beedrill may focus its anger into smashing a solid object with a precise martial arts strike. This is resolved as a Slam attack with a base damage of 1d8 plus its Strength Bonus (for a Medium Creature), ignoring Damage Reduction and Hardness, dealing full damage to objects, even able to shatter [Force] effects if it deals at least 10 points of damage. This bypasses (and indeed destroys) Light Screen and Reflect, and if it destroys an intervening object behind which someone is hiding, it may continue the attack against the creature. This is a [Fighting] effect.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Hazard Stinger and increases its Natural Armour by 1.
Hazard Stinger (Su): whenever Beedrill benefits from Fell Stinger's bonus, it may make a single primary Sting attack as a Standard Action. If this hits, the target is automatically Poisoned as per Poison Sting - there is no saving throw, so if they're not Immune it just happens. Furthermore, they must pass a Fortitude Save (same Save DC that the Poison normally has) or suffer from Paralysis for 1d4+1 rounds. This is a [Poison] attack.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Roost and Cross Poison.
Roost (Su): with a Full Round Action, Beedrill may land on terrain and rest, letting its guard down completely as it calms down and recovers from harm. Any Flying Pokemon that does this loses Flying Pokemon traits until their next turn, likewise the Levitate Pokebility is suppressed. It also is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class until the start of its next turn, however it regains lost hit points equal to its hit dice total. This is a [Flying] effect.

Cross Poison (Ex): with a Standard Action, Beedrill may make two Primary Sting attacks against the same target, with a doubled Critical Threat range (17-20). If one attack hits, there is a chance of Poison as per Poison Sting. If both attacks hit, the Save DC and both types of Ability Damage are increased by 2. Each Critical Hit scored also increases the Save DC by 2. This is a [Poison] attack, and if it is Resisted, add the damage together before subtracting the defender's hit dice a single time.

At 12 hit dice, it learns X-Scissor and Destiny Stinger.
X-Scissor (Ex): with a Standard Action, Beedrill may make two Primary Sting attacks against the same target, without carrying its venom. These have a doubled Critical Threat range (17-20), and if either of the attacks is a Critical Hit, both of them are (providing they both actually hit). This is a [Bug] attack, and if it is Resisted, add the damage together before subtracting the defender's hit dice a single time.

Destiny Stinger (Su): with an Immediate Action upon being hit by an attack that would reduce it below zero HP or kill it outright, Beedrill may make a single Sting attack against its attacker if they are within 30 feet. If it hits, the target takes damage as normal, and must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or die. Beedrill then dies after this, even if it had only been reduced to negative hit points. This is a [Bug] attack.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Allergic Shock and Link Needle, and increases its Natural Armour by 1.
Allergic Shock (Ex): if a creature within thirty feet is suffering from the Poison of Beedrill, it may use a Full Round Action to target them with its malice and fury, causing their own immune system to run riot and kill them. They must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or die instantly. This is a [Poison] attack.

Link Needle (Ex): Beedrill may use its Twin Needle attack as a Swift Action against any target it has already damaged in its turn, as a follow-up attack. It may also perform this as an Immediate Action against a target it damages with an Attack of Opportunity. This is still a [Bug] attack.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Persist Sting and its Fly Speed becomes Perfect.
Persist Sting (Su): with a Standard Action, Beedrill may make a single Poison Jab attack which, if it hits, deals Vile damage. Additionally, it still carries the venom of Poison Jab, except it deals Ability Drain instead of Ability Damage. This is a [Poison] attack.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Sting, which may only be used when Mega-Evolved.
Maximum Sting (Su): once per minute, Mega-Beedrill may charge in a Line as wide as it is, with a length of up to its normal Charge distance, plowing through intervening targets if it so wishes. When doing this, it makes a single Poison Jab attack plus Twin Needle, and applies both of these against every single target in its path. It cannot add Link Needle to this, as it is effectively doing so already to every single target. The constituent attacks involved in this are their own normal types.

Rare Traits:
Sniper (Ex): the rare Beedrill with this ability delivers deadly critical hits. Any critical hit has a doubled multiplier (so its Primary Stings are 19-20/x5 and the Secondary Sting is 20/x3). This is a [Pokebility].

Mega-Evolution: when Beedrill becomes Mega Beedrill, its Pokebility becomes Adaptability, and it becomes even bigger with massive stingers. Its Natural Armour increases by 4, its Strength increases by 6, its Dexterity and Constitution increase by 4 each (gaining Temporary Hit Points), and its Wisdom increases by 2. Additionally, all of its natural weapons are considered Primary (as such it has three Primary Stingers benefiting from things like Augmented Stingers) and deal damage as though another size larger (in addition to the increase from Augmented Stingers) as well as dealing double damage (for a total of x4 on a critical hit) on a Charge.

Adaptability: whenever a pokemon with this Pokebility uses a damaging attack, ability or natural weapon that shares a Type with it (such as a Pokemon with Poison and Bug Traits using a [Bug] or [Poison] attack), the attack's base damage is doubled - this includes static bonuses but not extra dice, and this base damage is still multiplied on a critical hit - for instance an attack that would deal 1d6+3 damage and has a x2 Critical would become 2d6+6 and, on a Critical hit, would deal 4d6+12 damage.

Tutor Moves:

Defog (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a powerful wave of air from its wings, clearing all mist or fog within 250 feet. This is a [Flying] ability.

Double Team (Su): the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to cast Mirror Image once per 5 rounds, with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice. This is a [Normal] ability.

Drill Run (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon may tear through the ground, charging in a straight Line. It makes one attack roll, with a 15-20/x2 Critical value, and resolves this against every creature or object within the area - targeting creatures standing on or directly in the ground. This has a base damage of 4d6 + 1 and a half times its Strength Bonus for a Medium creature. This is a [Ground] attack.

Electroweb (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may create a Web effect, as the spell, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Additionally, every turn in which a creature is in the area of the web, they suffer 2d6 Electricity damage. This is an [Electric] effect.

Gunk Shot (Su): with a Standard Action once per five rounds, the Pokemon may unleash a powerful blast of toxic goo. This is resolved as a Ranged Attack out to Medium Range, and if successful it deals 1d6 Acid damage per hit die as well as Blinding the subject until they spend a Standard Action wiping their face clear. Additionally, if the target is successfully hit, they are exposed to a deadly Poison, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and Primary and Secondary damage of 8 points of Constitution damage. This is a [Ballistic] [Poison] attack.

Hyper Beam (Su): once per day, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to unleash a powerful beam of energy. This 5' wide, 100' long Line deals 10 damage per hit die to all creatures in the Area, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This leaves the Pokemon Exhausted until it rests. If already Fatigued, Drowsy or Exhausted, the user collapses afterwards, falling Asleep. This is a [Normal] attack.

Iron Defense (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon may harden its body as though covered in literal iron and steel. It gains an Armour Bonus of +6, plus one per three hit dice (round up, maximum of +5 for a total of +11 at fifteen hit dice) for the next minute. This also doubles its weight for the time being. This is a [Steel] effect.

Rest (Ex): once per day, the Pokemon may simply fall Asleep of its own accord with a Full Round Action. This functions as a Heal effect, but also renders it asleep for its turn, and two more rounds afterwards. If anything prevents it from falling asleep, it also does not gain the benefits. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Swagger (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to act with a lot of swagger and confidence, potentially luring the opponent into a trap. It makes a Feint attempt, and if successful, the opponent is Confused for 1 round per 3 hit dice (round up), but also gains a +4 Morale Bonus to attack and damage rolls for one minute. If a creature witnesses this in use (or is exposed to it directly), they cannot be targeted by this from the same Pokemon again that day. This is a [Normal] effect.

Swords Dance (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may perform the legendary Swords Dance, providing its movement is unobstructed. For the next minute, it enjoys a +8 Enhancement Bonus to Strength. Furthermore, it may make a Perform (Dance) check, even untrained, as part of using this, and if a 15 or more is rolled, its Natural Weapons deal grow by one virtual Size category for the duration, or two virtual Size categories if a 25 or more is rolled. Increases from using this multiple times do not stack. This is a [Dance] effect and a [Normal] effect.

Toxic (Ex): the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to spit or squirt a stream of deadly toxins out to Close Range - this requires a Ranged Touch Attack to hit, and can be used once per ten minutes. If it hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save against Poison with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, or suffer 1d6 Con damage. Once poisoned, they must then save again every round at the end of their turn or suffer ability damage again, until either they die, the poison is neutralised, or they successfully save against it three rounds in a row, fighting the toxins off completely. This is a [Poison] effect. This can be harvested, producing a single dose that is administered by contact, with a value of 3,000 GP.

U-Turn (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon may charge a target and deliver one natural weapon attack (even if it can normally make multiple attacks on a charge), and then withdraw the remaining distance after delivering the attack, as though using the Spring Attack feat. If it ends the movement in the same square as, or adjacent to, its pokeball, it may retreat into it and end its turn that way. This is a [Bug] attack, even if its natural weapon normally isn't.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Jan 11, 2024 8:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Tiny Animal, CR 1/3
8 15 12 2 14 6
1d8+1 (5 HP), Init +2, Speed 10' Fly 80' (Average)
BAB/Grab: +0/-9
-Bite +4 (1d3-1)
AC: 14 (+2 Size, +2 Dex), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Alertness
Skills: Spot +8 (Listen +4)
Special Attacks: Sand Attack
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Keen Eye or Tangled Feet, Normal and Flying Pokemon Traits
Rare Traits: Big Pecks, Steel Wing, Pluck, Air Cutter, Swift, Heat Wave
Tutor Moves: Great Flight, Snore, Return, Mud-Slap, Double Team, Thief, Aerial Ace, U-Turn, Sky Attack
Advancement: 2+, usually evolves into Pidgeotto at 5 HD
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This is a fairly large bird. Not actually that much like a pigeon but whatever.

Normal and Flying Traits: Pidgey is weak against [Electric], [Ice] and [Rock] attacks, and resists [Bug] and [Grass] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Ground] and [Ghost] attacks, always resisting them, as well as being completely immune to [Ghost] attacks of creatures not on the same plane as it. It is immune to actual possession.

Sand Attack (Ex): with a Standard Action, a Pidgey standing on the ground can kick sand and dust at a creature within 10 feet. They must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 12) or be rendered Blind for 3 rounds. The Save DC is Dexterity-based. This is a [Ground] effect.

Keen Eye (Ex): a Pidgey with Keen Eye can see twice as far in all vision modes, and halves any penalties suffered to Spot and Search checks. Additionally, it ignores Concealment and suffers only a 20% Miss Chance from Total Concealment. This is a [Pokebility].

Tangled Feet (Ex): a Pidgey with Tangled Feet only unlocks its true potential when Confused or suffering from a [Fear] effect. In either case, it is treated as Hasted for the duration. This is a [Pokebility].

At 2 hit dice, it gains 1 point of Natural Armour, and learns Gust.
Gust (Su): once per five rounds, with a Standard Action, an airborne Pidgey may unleash a Gust of Wind effect, as the spell. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Flying], [Wind] attack.

At 3 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Quick Attack.
Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Pidgey may make a Bite attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses.

At 4 hit dice, its Constitution increases by 2 and it develops Great Flight.
Great Flight (Ex): Pidgey is so good at flying it has actually learned how to carry people aloft, despite its small size. It is able to carry up to 10 pounds of weight per point of Strength it has without taking a penalty (so most children), with an extra 50% added for every size category it grows beyond Tiny, and treats any wind effects as being two stages less severe when flying.

Rare Traits:

Big Pecks (Ex): a Pidgey with Big Pecks has great pectoral muscles that hold its wings in place, and also a sturdy beak. It is immune to Strength Damage and Drain, as well as Penalties to Strength, and can carry an extra 50% of weight (including from Great Flight when that ability is gained). This is a [Pokebility].

Steel Wing (Ex): with a Standard Action, a Pidgey with this can swipe with a wing so hard it's like steel, able to break a person's arm just like every swan in England. This is a Slam attack with a base damage of 1d8 + Strength Bonus for a Medium creature (so 1d4 for a typical Pidgey). This may also be used as a special Immediate Action in response to an attack - if the Slam attack roll is higher than the incoming attack, it is successfully parried. This is a [Steel] attack.

Pluck (Ex): any time Pidgey with the Pluck ability delivers a successful Bite attack against a foe, it may also attempt a Sleight of Hand check or Steal action (PF) to try to steal an object the size of an apple or smaller from the target. If it is an edible item or a potion, it may swallow the item immediately, gaining the effects. This is a [Flying] attack.

Air Cutter (Su): with a Full Round Action, a Pidgey that knows this move can unleash a slashing blade of air out in a 20' Cone. A single Ranged Touch Attack is made, with a Critical Threat Range of 18-20, and deals 1d6 damage per 3 hit dice (round up). This is a [Flying] attack, and also considered a slicing and wind move.

Swift (Su): with a Standard Action, a Pidgey that knows this attack can unlesh multiple star-shaped beams of light that home unerringly on their target. Once per five rounds, it may produce an effect identical to Magic Missile, save that it is not a [Force] effect and in fact is a [Normal] attack, so bad against ghosts.

Heat Wave (Su): once per hour, a Pidgey with this attack may use a Full Round Action to unleash an emanation of terrible heat out to Medium Range - unless in Harsh Sunlight, in which case it extends out to Long Range. This spreads directly out from Pidgey, melts snow and ice, and withers plant life, but is blocked entirely by cover. Everything that is caught in the area suffers 1d10 Fire damage per 4 hit dice (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw also suffer a Burn. This is a [Fire] attack, and is considered a wind move.


Small Animal, CR 5
10 19 14 2 16 10
5d8+10 (32 HP), Init +8, Speed 10' Fly 80' (Average)
BAB/Grab: +3/-1
-Bite +8 (1d4)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, +4 Dex, +1 Natural), Flat 12, Touch 15
Fort +3 Ref +8 Will +4
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Alertness, Improved Initiative
Skills: Spot +13 (Listen +5)
Special Attacks: Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Twister
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Great Flight, Keen Eye or Tangled Feet, Normal and Flying Pokemon Traits
Rare Traits: Big Pecks, Steel Wing, Pluck, Air Cutter, Swift, Heat Wave
Tutor Moves: Great Flight, Snore, Return, Mud-Slap, Double Team, Thief, Aerial Ace, U-Turn, Sky Attack
Advancement: 6+, usually evolves into Pidgeot at 8 HD
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This bird is the size of a dog or a child. It is quite a big bird, by normal standards. Also it has some bright plumage on the back of its head.

Normal and Flying Traits: Pidgeotto is weak against [Electric], [Ice] and [Rock] attacks, and resists [Bug] and [Grass] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Ground] and [Ghost] attacks, always resisting them, as well as being completely immune to [Ghost] attacks of creatures not on the same plane as it. It is immune to actual possession.

Sand Attack (Ex): with a Standard Action, a Pidgeotto standing on the ground can kick sand and dust at a creature within 10 feet. They must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 16) or be rendered Blind for 3 rounds. The Save DC is Dexterity-based. This is a [Ground] effect.

Keen Eye (Ex): a Pidgeotto with Keen Eye can see twice as far in all vision modes, and halves any penalties suffered to Spot and Search checks. Additionally, it ignores Concealment and suffers only a 20% Miss Chance from Total Concealment. This is a [Pokebility].

Tangled Feet (Ex): a Pidgeotto with Tangled Feet only unlocks its true potential when Confused or suffering from a [Fear] effect. In either case, it is treated as Hasted for the duration. This is a [Pokebility].

Great Flight (Ex): Pidgeotto is so good at flying it has actually learned how to carry people aloft, despite its small size. It is able to carry up to 15 pounds of weight per point of Strength it has without taking a penalty, with an extra 5 times its Strength added for every size category it grows beyond Small, and treats any wind effects as being two stages less severe when flying.

Gust (Su): once per five rounds, with a Standard Action, an airborne Pidgeotto may unleash a Gust of Wind effect, as the spell. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus (12 for the example one). This is a [Flying], [Wind] attack.

Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Pidgeotto may make a Bite attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses.

Twister (Su): with a Standard Action, Pidgeotto may whip up a small twister of powerful primal energies. This essentially summons an Air Elemental (of equal hit dice to Pidgeotto) that is stuck in its Whirlwind form, adjacent to the Pidgeotto and then getting launched forward (directly away from Pidgeotto) out at its maximum speed. Every turn thereafter, Pidgeotto may spend a Standard action to change its direction or let it keep travelling further away. After one round per three hit dice (round up), it disippates on its own, however every turn Pidgeotto redirects it, this duration is reset. If Pidgeotto creates a new twister while it already has one summoned, the previous one vanishes, instantly dropping whatever it was carrying. This is a wind effect, and a [Dragon] attack.

At 6 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Feather Dance.
Feather Dance (Ex): once per three rounds, Pidgeotto may dance about, unleashing a giant cloud of feathers. Performing this actually grants a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Perform (Dance) checks it makes in the same turn, should that ever be relevant, but more importantly, it gains Concealment for one round and also directs a lump of fethers at a foe in Close Range with a Ranged Touch Attack. If this hits, the opponent is so completely covered in down that all of their physical melee attacks deal half damage until they spend a Full Round Action cleaning themselves off. This is a [Flying] attack and a dance ability.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Agility and Wing Attack.
Agility (Su): by focusing as a Full Round Action, Pidgeotto can cast Cat's Grace on itself at will. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Wing Attack (Ex): Pidgeotto gains two secondary Wing attacks, each dealing 1d4 damage for a Small creature. These are [Flying] attacks.


Medium Animal, CR 8
16 23 18 4 16 14
8d8+32 (68 HP), Init +10, Speed 10' Fly 100' (Average)
BAB/Grab: +6/+9
-Bite +12 (1d6+3) and 2 Wings +10 (1d6+1)
AC: 20 (+6 Dex, +4 Natural), Flat 14, Touch 16
Fort +6 Ref +12 Will +5
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Alertness, Improved Initiative, Multiattack
Skills: Spot +16 (Listen +5)
Special Attacks: Sand Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Twister, Feather Dance, Wing Attack
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Great Flight, Keen Eye or Tangled Feet, Agility, Roost, Normal and Flying Pokemon Traits
Rare Traits: Big Pecks, Steel Wing, Pluck, Air Cutter, Swift, Heat Wave
Tutor Moves: Great Flight, Snore, Return, Mud-Slap, Double Team, Thief, Aerial Ace, U-Turn, Sky Attack
Advancement: 9-15 HD (Medium), 16+ HD (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This magnificent bird is almost as tall as an adult human, with a wide wingspan and long, colourful plumage trailing from its head.

Normal and Flying Traits: Pidgeot is weak against [Electric], [Ice] and [Rock] attacks, and resists [Bug] and [Grass] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Ground] and [Ghost] attacks, always resisting them, as well as being completely immune to [Ghost] attacks of creatures not on the same plane as it. It is immune to actual possession.

Sand Attack (Ex): with a Standard Action, a Pidgeot standing on the ground can kick sand and dust at a creature within 10 feet. They must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 20) or be rendered Blind for 3 rounds. The Save DC is Dexterity-based. This is a [Ground] effect.

Keen Eye (Ex): a Pidgeot with Keen Eye can see twice as far in all vision modes, and halves any penalties suffered to Spot and Search checks. Additionally, it ignores Concealment and suffers only a 20% Miss Chance from Total Concealment. This is a [Pokebility].

Tangled Feet (Ex): a Pidgeot with Tangled Feet only unlocks its true potential when Confused or suffering from a [Fear] effect. In either case, it is treated as Hasted for the duration. This is a [Pokebility].

Great Flight (Ex): Pidgeot is so good at flying it has actually learned how to carry people aloft. It is able to carry up to 20 pounds of weight per point of Strength it has without taking a penalty, with an extra 5 times its Strength added for every size category it grows beyond Medium, and treats any wind effects as being two stages less severe when flying.

Gust (Su): once per five rounds, with a Standard Action, an airborne Pidgeot may unleash a Gust of Wind effect, as the spell. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus (16 for the example one). This is a [Flying], [Wind] attack.

Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Pidgeot may make a Bite attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses.

Twister (Su): with a Standard Action, Pidgeot may whip up a small twister of powerful primal energies. This essentially summons an Air Elemental (of equal hit dice to Pidgeot) that is stuck in its Whirlwind form, adjacent to the Pidgeot and then getting launched forward (directly away from Pidgeot) out at its maximum speed. Every turn thereafter, Pidgeot may spend a Standard action to change its direction or let it keep travelling further away. After one round per three hit dice (round up), it disippates on its own, however every turn Pidgeot redirects it, this duration is reset. If Pidgeot creates a new twister while it already has one summoned, the previous one vanishes, instantly dropping whatever it was carrying. This is a wind effect, and a [Dragon] attack.

Feather Dance (Ex): once per three rounds, Pidgeot may dance about, unleashing a giant cloud of feathers. Performing this actually grants a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Perform (Dance) checks it makes in the same turn, should that ever be relevant, but more importantly, it gains Concealment for one round and also directs a lump of fethers at a foe in Close Range with a Ranged Touch Attack. If this hits, the opponent is so completely covered in down that all of their physical melee attacks deal half damage until they spend a Full Round Action cleaning themselves off. This is a [Flying] attack and a dance ability.

Agility (Su): by focusing as a Full Round Action, Pidgeot can cast Cat's Grace on itself at will. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Wing Attack (Ex): Pidgeot has two secondary Wing attacks, each dealing 1d6 damage for a Medium creature. These are [Flying] attacks.

Roost (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Pidgeotto may perch itself on the ground and rest, relaxing all tension within its muscles and gaining some stability. This completely suppresses its [Flying] subtype until it next takes off into the air, and also allows it to regain hit points equal to its hit dice total. Until the start of its next turn, it is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class. This is a [Flying] ability.

At nine hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Tailwind.
Tailwind (Su): with a Full Round Action, Pidgeot may flap its wings extra hard and call upon the storms to grant a great tailwind. This sets the direction and strength of the wind (at Pidgeot's choice), without being able to create actual damaging storms, for the next minute. During that time, all movement speeds and projectile ranges moving in that direction are doubled, whereas those moving in the opposite direction are halved. This affects a five hundred foot radius, and can be performed once per hour. This is a [Flying] effect and a wind effect.

At ten hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Aerial Ace.
Aerial Ace (Ex): when flying as a Move Action, Pidgeot may use a Standard Action at any point during the movement to swoop a target - this allows it to move, attack and continue moving. It may perform this attack as a Charge, with all benefits (aside from doubled movement) and drawbacks (including targeting requirements) if it wishes, still moving afterwards. This ignores Cover and Concealment, providing it has actual line of effect, and is a [Flying] attack.

At eleven hit dice, it learns Feather Lance.
Feather Lance (Su): with a Standard Action, Pidgeot may focus the sharp points of its feathers against a target that is affected by its Feather Dance ability. The target suffers 1d6 Magic Piercing damage per 4 hit dice of Pidgeot (round up), and when the feathers are scraped away to remove the effects, they begin taking 1d6 points of Bleed damage.

At twelve hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Air Slash.
Air Slash (Su): with a Standard Action, a flying Pidgeot may flap its wings to generate a slashing rush of winds. It makes one Ranged Touch Attack against a 10' radius Burst in Medium Range, dealing 4d4 damage plus its Charisma Bonus, with a critical value of 20/x4. This also clears all plant-based terrain in the area, slicing it apart and clearing the area as though professional lawn-mowing and bush-whacking services had been performed. At 18 hit dice, the damage increases by 2d4. This is a [Flying] attack and a slicing, wind effect.

At thirteen hit dice, it learns Whirlwind and gains the Delta Reserve special quality.
Whirlwind (Su): by flapping its wings as a Full Round Action, a flying Pidgeot may hover in place but designate a 20' radius, 100' tall Column within Close Range. At the start of its next turn, anything in that area is subject to Hurricane force winds, however any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Flying] attack and a wind effect.

Delta Reserve (Su): any time Pidgeot creates any kind of wind effect (not specifically [Flying] attacks), it may also elect to negate the effects of weather (as spelled out in the Weather section of the Pokemon rules) within a one mile radius for three rounds. This does not remove Extremely Harsh Sunlight, Torrential Downpour or Overwhelming Winds, however.

At fourteen hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Hurricane.
Hurricane (Su): once per hour, Pidgeot may spend a Standard Action whipping up a powerful windstorm, and at the start of its next turn, it creates Hurricane strength winds in a cylinder within Long Range, 40' high and with a radius of 40' per hit die, remaining for 1 minute per hit die. In a Rain Storm, Torrential Downpour, or Overwhelming Winds, this instead activates instantly, and all creatures other than itself are treated as though one Size Category lower by the winds. Pidgeot may choose which way the wind moves, as with the spell Control Winds. At fifteen hit dice, it increases to Tornado strength winds. The Save DC is either that of the wind, or 10 + half Pidgeot's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, whichever is better. This is a [Flying] attack and a wind effect.

At fifteen hit dice it learns Mach Cyclone, which may only be used when Mega-Evolved.
Mach Cyclone (Su): once per hour with the same Full Round Action while airborne, Mega-Pidgeot may activate powerful winds as though using Hurricane (even if Hurricane is already on cooldown), and everyone who fails their saving throw is automatically thrown to the closest edge of the area if that is more than the distance it would normally push them. Additionally, everyone in the area must attempt a Will Save (same Save DC) or be rendered Confused for 2d4 rounds. Every round, Mega-Pidgeot can change the direction of the winds.

Mega-Evolution: when Pidgeot becomes Mega Pidgeot, its Pokebility becomes No Guard, and it becomes a little larger, and even brighter and fancier looking. Its Natural Armour and Constitution increase by 2 each, its Dexterity and Wisdom increase by 4 each, its Charisma increases by 8, its Fly Speed increases by 100' and becomes Perfect, and it counts as one Size category larger for the purpose of its Great Flight ability.

No Guard (Ex): whenever a pokemon with this Pokebility makes an attack of any kind, including those that don't make an attack roll, it ignores all forms of Concealment, all Miss Chances of any kind, any defensive Illusions that True Seeing could bypass, and Cover less than Full Cover. Additionally, attack rolls are resolved as Touch Attacks. However, the same also applies to any attack made against a pokemon with this Pokebility.

Tutor Moves:

Aerial Ace (Ex): when flying as a Move Action, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action at any point during the movement to swoop a target - this allows it to move, attack and continue moving. It may perform this attack as a Charge, with all benefits (aside from doubled movement) and drawbacks (including targeting requirements) if it wishes, still moving afterwards. This ignores Cover and Concealment, providing it has actual line of effect, and is a [Blade] [Flying] attack.

Double Team (Su): the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to cast Mirror Image once per 5 rounds, with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice. This is a [Normal] ability.

Mud Slap (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, providing the Pokemon is standing on earth or mud, or standing in dirty water, it can hurl a small amount at an opponent within 15 feet. This requires a Ranged Attack roll, and if successful, it deals 1d4 damage for a Medium creature, and renders it Blind for 2 rounds, although a Full Round Action may be spent wiping its face clear to end this early. This is a [Ground] attack.

Return (Ex): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may put all of its happy feelings into a strong attack. This is a Slam that deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature, and deals an additional number of d12 of damage equal to the highest Morale Bonus it has. This is a [Normal] attack.

Sky Attack (Su): with a Full Round Action three times per day, the user may gather its internal energy, charging up and emiting light like a torch. On its following turn, it may unleash a special melee attack that deals 10 damage per hit die on a successful hit. This is a [Flying] attack.

Snore (Su): this attack can only be used while asleep. Everything in Close Range suffers 1d6 Sonic damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails is also Staggered for one round. This is a [Sound] [Normal] attack.

Thief (Ex): once per minue, the Pokemon may make a single melee attack as a Standard Action, and additionally attempt to steal an item, with its choice of a Steal Combat Maneuver or a Sleight of Hand check with a DC of the opponent's BAB plus 10. The attack becomes a [Dark] attack, and the entire move is a [Dark] effect.

U-Turn (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon may charge a target and deliver one attack with a natural weapon (even if it can normally make multiple attacks on a charge), and then withdraw the remaining distance after delivering its attack, as though using the Spring Attack feat. If it ends the movement in the same square as, or adjacent to, its pokeball, it may retreat into it and end its turn that way. This is a [Bug] attack, even if the natural weapon normally isn't.
Last edited by Koumei on Thu Jan 11, 2024 3:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Tiny Animal, CR 1/3
8 15 12 6 14 6
1d6+1 (4 HP), Init +6, Speed 20', Climb 10'
BAB/Grab: +1/-8
-Bite +5 (1d3-1)
AC: 14 (+2 Size, +2 Dex), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative
Skills: Listen +6
Special Attacks: Quick Attack, Tail Whip
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Run Away or Guts, Normal Pokemon Traits
Rare Traits: Hustle, Screech, Reversal, Snatch, Switcheroo
Tutor Moves: Zen Headbutt, Uproar, Iron Tail, Snore, Swagger, Confide, Flame Wheel, Wild Charge
Advancement: 2+, usually evolves into Raticate at 4 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This looks like a somewhat mauve or lavender coloured rat.

Normal Traits: Rattata is weak against [Fighting] attacks, and is considered Immune to [Ghost] attacks, always resisting them, as well as being completely immune to [Ghost] attacks of creatures not on the same plane as it. It is immune to actual possession.

Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Rattata may make a Bite attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses. This makes it a [Normal] attack.

Tail Whip (Ex): with a Move Equivalent Action at will, Rattata may whip its tail about in a 180 degree arc. All adjacent creatures in that arc suffer a -4 Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves until their next turn.

Run Away (Ex): if Rattata has this [Pokebility], it is better at running away: when performing a Withdraw action, it can move as though Running, and provokes no Attacks of Opportunity from anyone.

Guts (Ex): if Rattata has this [Pokebility], it doesn't suffer the reduced damage output when Burned, although it still takes damage as normal. In addition, whenever it is Burned, Drowsy, Asleep, Anchored, Paralyzed, Frostburned, Poisoned, Diseased, Confused, Charmed, Stunned, Fascinated, Dazed, Petrified, Sickened, Nauseated, Shaken, Cowering, Frightened, Panicked or Cursed, or suffering Bleed damage, its Strength score is considered to be 8 points higher. Note that some of these conditions still prevent it from taking any kind of action.

At 2 hit dice, it learns Bite and Focus Energy
Bite (Ex): Rattata's primary Bite attack deals damage as though one size larger, and is a [Dark] attack. Any time it bites a foe with an Attack of Opportunity, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately.

Focus Energy (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Rattata can enter a focused state that makes its attacks more dangerous. It enjoys a doubled critical threat range for all attacks it makes for the next minute.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Pursuit and Hyper Fang
Pursuit (Ex): Rattata may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that leaves a threatened square even as a result of Teleportation or being returned to a Pokeball. When it makes an Attack of Opportunity that was provoked by leaving a threatened square, this deals an extra 4d6 damage and is treated as a [Dark] attack.

Hyper Fang (Ex): once per five rounds, Rattata may make a Bite attack that deals damage as though three size categories larger and made of Magic Adamantium. If this is resolved as a Readied Action or Attack of Opportunity and hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. This is a [Normal] attack.

Rare Traits:

Hustle (Ex): if Rattata has this [Pokebility], it doubles all of its Movement Speeds and any round in which it attacks with natural weapons that do not have a limit or cooldown for their uses, it automatically (without choosing) performs one extra attack of the same kind as one of the attacks made (such as a second Bite), however all attacks made that turn suffer a -2 Penalty to the attack roll and a 10% Miss Chance.

Screech (Ex): once per 3 rounds, Rattata can unleash a horrifying screech with a Standard Action. All within 60 feet of it when it unleashes this [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] effect suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves for five rounds, and must also pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Shaken for the same duration. This fear can stack up to Frightened and then Panicked. This is a [Normal] attack.

Reversal (Ex): once per five rounds, Rattata may unleash a powerful all-out attack with a Standard Action. This is resolved as a Primary Slam attack with a base damage of 1d8 for a Medium Creature, plus its Strength Bonus. However, if it is in any way damaged, the damage die increases by 1 and it treats its Strength score as 2 higher. If it is missing at least a quarter of its hit points, the damage increases by 2 die sizes and it treats its Strength as 4 higher. If it is under half its maximum hit points, it is three die sizes larger and treats its Strength as 6 higher. And if it is below one quarter of its maximum hit points, the damage is four die sizes larger and it treats its Strength as 8 higher. This is a [Fighting] attack.

Snatch (Su): once per minute, Rattata may ready an action to steal an effect. It chooses a target, and if before its next turn the target uses a [Harmless] effect or one that can only be used on itself, or would receive a [Harmless] effect from someone else, the readied action is spent and the effect is stolen - the target does not gain the effects, and Rattata does. This is a [Dark] attack.

Switcheroo (Ex): with a Standard Action, Rattata can attempt a Steal action (Pathfinder) without Provoking an Attack of Opportunity, or a Sleight of Hand check to attempt to steal an item, also without provoking. If successful, the item is no longer attuned to the target (if magical), and it may also elect to hand the target a held item - attuning it to them if it is magical. This is a [Dark] attack.


Small Animal, CR 4
16 14 16 6 14 6
4d6+16 (30 HP), Init +6, Speed 20', Climb 10'
BAB/Grab: +4/+3
-Bite +8 (1d6+4)
AC: 15 (+1 Size, +2 Dex, +2 Natural), Flat 13, Touch 13
Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Toughness
Skills: Listen +9
Special Attacks: Quick Attack, Tail Whip, Scary Face, Assurance, Bite, Pursuit, Hyper Fang
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Focus Energy, Run Away or Guts, Normal Pokemon Traits
Rare Traits: Hustle, Screech, Reversal, Snatch, Switcheroo
Tutor Moves: Zen Headbutt, Uproar, Iron Tail, Snore, Swagger, Confide, Flame Wheel, Wild Charge
Advancement: 5-10 HD Small, 11-15 HD Medium, 16+ HD Large
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

Judging by the incisors of this massive rat, it could almost eat a human. Judging by its child-sized body, it may have tried to.

Normal Traits: Raticate is weak against [Fighting] attacks, and is considered Immune to [Ghost] attacks, always resisting them, as well as being completely immune to [Ghost] attacks of creatures not on the same plane as it. It is immune to actual possession.

Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Raticate may make a Bite attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses. This makes it a [Normal] attack.

Tail Whip (Ex): with a Move Equivalent Action at will, Raticate may whip its tail about in a 180 degree arc. All adjacent creatures in that arc suffer a -4 Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves until their next turn.

Scary Face (Ex): with a Standard Action once per minute, Raticate may activate a form of Gaze attack that works for one round - all creatures that can see it must pass a Will Save against a [Fear] effect (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Slowed with fear for three rounds. This is a [Normal] ability.

Assurance (Ex): once per round, Raticate may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that has been hit by somebody else. This is a [Dark] attack.

Run Away (Ex): if Raticate has this [Pokebility], it is better at running away: when performing a Withdraw action, it can move as though Running, and provokes no Attacks of Opportunity from anyone.

Guts (Ex): if Raticate has this [Pokebility], it doesn't suffer the reduced damage output when Burned, although it still takes damage as normal. In addition, whenever it is Burned, Drowsy, Asleep, Anchored, Paralyzed, Frostburned, Poisoned, Diseased, Confused, Charmed, Stunned, Fascinated, Dazed, Petrified, Sickened, Nauseated, Shaken, Cowering, Frightened, Panicked or Cursed, or suffering Bleed damage, its Strength score is considered to be 8 points higher. Note that some of these conditions still prevent it from taking any kind of action.

Bite (Ex): Raticate's primary Bite attack deals damage as though one size larger, and is a [Dark] attack. Any time it bites a foe with an Attack of Opportunity, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus - the standard Raticate has a DC of 15) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately.

Focus Energy (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Raticate can enter a focused state that makes its attacks more dangerous. It enjoys a doubled critical threat range for all attacks it makes for the next minute.

Pursuit (Ex): Raticate may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that leaves a threatened square even as a result of Teleportation or being returned to a Pokeball. When it makes an Attack of Opportunity that was provoked by leaving a threatened square, this deals an extra 4d6 damage and is treated as a [Dark] attack.

Hyper Fang (Ex): once per five rounds, Raticate may make a Bite attack that deals damage as though three size categories larger than normal for its Size (not stacking with that of Bite) and made of Magic Adamantium. If this is resolved as a Readied Action or Attack of Opportunity and hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus, DC 15 for the standard Raticate) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 5 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Crunch.
Crunch (Ex): at will, Raticate may use a Standard Action to use its Bite attack, as a magic weapon, with an innate Enhancement Bonus equal to a third of its hit dice (round down). This does not gain the ability to interrupt actions in the same way as Bite, but instead leaves serious punctures in the target, causing 4 points of Constitution damage. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 6 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Sucker Punch.
Sucker Punch (Ex): Raticate gains a Primary Slam attack that can only be used as an Immediate Action, to interrupt an attack. This has a base damage of 2d6 for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and the target is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against this. Instead of denying Raticate a Swift action on its next turn, it consumes next turn's Standard action. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 7 hit dice, its Constitution increases by 2 and it learns Super Fang.
Super Fang (Su): with a Full Round Action once per minute, Raticate may make a special Bite Attack. If it hits and the target is not considered Immune to [Normal] attacks, it deals damage equal to half of the target's current hit points (round down). Otherwise it deals zero damage. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Double Team.
Double Team (Su): Raticate may use a Standard Action to cast Mirror Image once per 5 rounds, with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice. This is a [Normal] ability.

At 9 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns U-Turn.
U-Turn (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Raticate may charge a target and deliver its Bite attack, and then withdraw the remaining distance after delivering its Bite, as though using the Spring Attack feat. If it ends the movement in the same square as, or adjacent to, its pokeball, it may retreat into it and end its turn that way. This is a [Bug] attack, even though its Bite normally isn't.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Knock Off.
Knock Off (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Raticate may make a Primary Slam attack that, if it hits, it may make a Disarm or Sunder check for free. The base damage is 1d8 (for a Medium creature) plus its Strength Bonus, however this is doubled (and tripled on a critical hit) if its Disarm or Sunder check succeeds. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Gnaw Off, which can only be used when Mega-Evolved.
Gnaw Off (Ex): Mega Raticate may unleash an especially powerful bite once per three rounds. This functions as Super Fang, except it also allows a free Disarm or Sunder attempt against the target. If the target has no item to remove or destroy, it instead forces them to make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or have a randomly determined limb bitten off completely, which requires things like Regenerate to restore.

Mega-Evolution: when Raticate becomes Mega Raticate it grows larger, increasing in Size by one category. Its Strength and Constitution increase by 6 each, and its Wisdom and Natural Armour increase by 4 each. Additionally, its Pokebility changes to Scrappy.

Scrappy (Ex): pokemon with [Ghost] traits are not considered Immune to this creature's [Normal] and [Fighting] attacks - for the purpose of this pokemon, Ghosts simply suffer neutral hits from its Normal and Fighting attacks, though they may still be resisted by other types (for instance a Ghost/Psychic pokemon would still resist its Fighting attacks). Additionally, while not completely fearless, it is immune to any use of the Intimidate skill.


Alolan Rattata
Tiny Animal, CR 1/3
8 15 12 6 14 6
1d6+1 (4 HP), Init +6, Speed 20', Climb 10'
BAB/Grab: +1/-8
-Bite +5 (1d3-1)
AC: 14 (+2 Size, +2 Dex), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative
Skills: Listen +6
Special Attacks: Quick Attack, Tail Whip
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Gluttony or Hustle, Dark and Normal Pokemon Traits
Rare Traits: Thick Fat, Screech, Reversal, Snatch, Switcheroo
Tutor Moves: Zen Headbutt, Uproar, Iron Tail, Snore, Torment, Quash, Flame Wheel, Wild Charge
Advancement: 2+, usually evolves into Alolan Raticate at 4 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This black-furred rat appears to have a mustache.

Dark and Normal Traits: Alolan Rattata is weak against [Fighting], [Bug] and [Fairy] attacks, resists [Ghost] and [Dark] attacks, and is considered Immune to [Ghost] and [Psychic] attacks, always resisting them, as well as being completely immune to [Ghost] attacks of creatures not on the same plane as it. It is immune to actual possession, and its mind cannot be read or influenced, in the same manner as a Mind Blank.

Gluttony (Ex): if Alolan Rattata has this [Pokebility], eating is a Free Action once per round. It can choose to gain any stored eating-related effects of consumed food at any time it wants, rather than when the specific condition is triggered.

Hustle (Ex): if Alolan Rattata has this [Pokebility], it doubles all of its Movement Speeds and any round in which it attacks with natural weapons that do not have a limit or cooldown for their uses, it automatically (without choosing) performs one extra attack of the same kind as one of the attacks made (such as a second Bite), however all attacks made that turn suffer a -2 Penalty to the attack roll and a 10% Miss Chance.

Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Alolan Rattata may make a Bite attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses. This makes it a [Normal] attack.

Tail Whip (Ex): with a Move Equivalent Action at will, Alolan Rattata may whip its tail about in a 180 degree arc. All adjacent creatures in that arc suffer a -4 Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves until their next turn.

At 2 hit dice, it learns Bite and Focus Energy
Bite (Ex): Alolan Rattata's primary Bite attack deals damage as though one size larger, and is a [Dark] attack. Any time it bites a foe with an Attack of Opportunity, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately.

Focus Energy (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Alolan Rattata can enter a focused state that makes its attacks more dangerous. It enjoys a doubled critical threat range for all attacks it makes for the next minute.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Pursuit and Hyper Fang
Pursuit (Ex): Alolan Rattata may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that leaves a threatened square even as a result of Teleportation or being returned to a Pokeball. When it makes an Attack of Opportunity that was provoked by leaving a threatened square, this deals an extra 4d6 damage and is treated as a [Dark] attack.

Hyper Fang (Ex): once per five rounds, Alolan Rattata may make a Bite attack that deals damage as though three size categories larger and made of Magic Adamantium. If this is resolved as a Readied Action or Attack of Opportunity and hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. This is a [Normal] attack.

Rare Traits:

Thick Fat (Ex): an Alolan Rattata with this has Resistance to [Ice] and [Fire] attacks. This is a [Pokebility].


Alolan Raticate
Small Animal, CR 4
16 14 16 6 14 6
4d6+16 (30 HP), Init +6, Speed 20', Climb 10'
BAB/Grab: +4/+3
-Bite +8 (1d6+4)
AC: 15 (+1 Size, +2 Dex, +2 Natural), Flat 13, Touch 13
Fort +4 Ref +6 Will +2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Toughness
Skills: Listen +9
Special Attacks: Quick Attack, Tail Whip, Scary Face, Assurance, Bite, Pursuit, Hyper Fang
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Focus Energy, Gluttony or Hustle, Normal and Dark Pokemon Traits
Rare Traits: Thick Fat, Screech, Reversal, Snatch, Switcheroo
Tutor Moves: Zen Headbutt, Uproar, Iron Tail, Snore, Swagger, Confide, Flame Wheel, Wild Charge
Advancement: 5-10 HD Small, 11-15 HD Medium, 16+ HD Large
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This is a real chonk of a rat. Its puffy cheeks even now seem to want filling with the flesh of humans.

Dark and Normal Traits: Alolan Raticate is weak against [Fighting], [Bug] and [Fairy] attacks, resists [Ghost] and [Dark] attacks, and is considered Immune to [Ghost] and [Psychic] attacks, always resisting them, as well as being completely immune to [Ghost] attacks of creatures not on the same plane as it. It is immune to actual possession, and its mind cannot be read or influenced, in the same manner as a Mind Blank.

Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Alolan Raticate may make a Bite attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses. This makes it a [Normal] attack.

Tail Whip (Ex): with a Move Equivalent Action at will, Alolan Raticate may whip its tail about in a 180 degree arc. All adjacent creatures in that arc suffer a -4 Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves until their next turn.

Scary Face (Ex): with a Standard Action once per minute, Alolan Raticate may activate a form of Gaze attack that works for one round - all creatures that can see it must pass a Will Save against a [Fear] effect (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Slowed with fear for three rounds. This is a [Normal] attack.

Assurance (Ex): once per round, Alolan Raticate may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that has been hit by somebody else. This is a [Dark] attack.

Gluttony (Ex): if Alolan Raticate has this [Pokebility], eating is a Free Action once per round. It can choose to gain any stored eating-related effects of consumed food at any time it wants, rather than when the specific condition is triggered.

Hustle (Ex): if Alolan Raticate has this [Pokebility], it doubles all of its Movement Speeds and any round in which it attacks with natural weapons that do not have a limit or cooldown for their uses, it automatically (without choosing) performs one extra attack of the same kind as one of the attacks made (such as a second Bite), however all attacks made that turn suffer a -2 Penalty to the attack roll and a 10% Miss Chance.

Bite (Ex): Alolan Raticate's primary Bite attack deals damage as though one size larger, and is a [Dark] attack. Any time it bites a foe with an Attack of Opportunity, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus - the standard Raticate has a DC of 15) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately.

Focus Energy (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Alolan Raticate can enter a focused state that makes its attacks more dangerous. It enjoys a doubled critical threat range for all attacks it makes for the next minute.

Pursuit (Ex): Alolan Raticate may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that leaves a threatened square even as a result of Teleportation or being returned to a Pokeball. When it makes an Attack of Opportunity that was provoked by leaving a threatened square, this deals an extra 4d6 damage and is treated as a [Dark] attack.

Hyper Fang (Ex): once per five rounds, Alolan Raticate may make a Bite attack that deals damage as though three size categories larger than normal for its Size (not stacking with that of Bite) and made of Magic Adamantium. If this is resolved as a Readied Action or Attack of Opportunity and hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus, DC 15 for the standard Raticate) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 5 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Crunch.
Crunch (Ex): at will, Alolan Raticate may use a Standard Action to use its Bite attack, as a magic weapon, with an innate Enhancement Bonus equal to a third of its hit dice (round down). This does not gain the ability to interrupt actions in the same way as Bite, but instead leaves serious punctures in the target, causing 4 points of Constitution damage. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 6 hit dice, it gains Sneak Attack +1d6 and it learns Sucker Punch.
Sucker Punch (Ex): Alolan Raticate gains a Primary Slam attack that can only be used as an Immediate Action, to interrupt an attack. This has a base damage of 2d6 for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and the target is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against this. Instead of denying Raticate a Swift action on its next turn, it consumes next turn's Standard action. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 7 hit dice, its Constitution increases by 2 and it learns Super Fang.
Super Fang (Su): with a Full Round Action once per minute, Alolan Raticate may make a special Bite Attack. If it hits and the target is not considered Immune to [Normal] attacks, it deals damage equal to half of the target's current hit points (round down). Otherwise it deals zero damage. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Evil Orders.
Evil Orders (Su): Alolan Raticate may use a Standard Action to issue an order to all allies within earshot. There is no saving throw - if they don't want to listen, they're unaffected. But if they do follow the order, they gain a +3 Profane Bonus on any attack rolls, damage rolls or skill checks made in pursuance of this task during the next three rounds. Additionally, they are considered immune to [Psychic] attacks, just like a Dark Type Pokemon, for the duration. This is a [Dark] ability.

At 9 hit dice, its Sneak Attack increases by 1d6 and it learns U-Turn.
U-Turn (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Alolan Raticate may charge a target and deliver its Bite attack, and then withdraw the remaining distance after delivering its Bite, as though using the Spring Attack feat. If it ends the movement in the same square as, or adjacent to, its pokeball, it may retreat into it and end its turn that way. This is a [Bug] attack, even though its Bite normally isn't.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Knock Off.
Knock Off (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Alolan Raticate may make a Primary Slam attack that, if it hits, it may make a Disarm or Sunder check for free. The base damage is 1d8 (for a Medium creature) plus its Strength Bonus, however this is doubled (and tripled on a critical hit) if its Disarm or Sunder check succeeds. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Chuck Away, which can only be used when Mega-Evolved.
Chuck Away (Ex): Alolan Mega Raticate may unleash this special attack once per three rounds. It uses its Crunch special attack, and then selects whether to hurl the foe aside or hurl its gear aside. In the former case, it makes a Trip attempt, and if successful the target is also thrown 20' away, plus another 5' for every point by which it beats the foe. In the latter case, it makes a Disarm attempt, and if successful it can either throw the item away the same distance as above, or directly at another target within range (not the one it just robbed), as an Improvised Thrown Weapon (unless it disarmed the foe of an actual thrown weapon). This is a [Dark] attack.

Mega-Evolution: when Alolan Raticate becomes Alolan Mega Raticate it grows larger, increasing in Size by one category. Its Strength and Constitution, Charisma, Wisdom and Natural Armour increase by 4 each, and its Sneak Attack ability increases by 2d6. Additionally, its Pokebility changes to Fur Coat.

Fur Coat (Ex): so hairy is this pokemon that it's practically wearing multiple layers of padded armour. It halves all Slashing and Bludgeoning damage suffered (round down), after applying increases or reductions based on type effectiveness. This is a [Pokebility].

Tutor Moves:

Confide (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may tell a secret to an adjacent creature, taking up valuable space in their brain. For three rounds, the target suffers a -4 Penalty to their Charisma. Additionally, if the Pokemon's Charisma score or hit dice total is equal to or larger than the target's Intelligence score, then until the start of the Pokemon's next turn, the creature automatically fails any Concentration checks they are required (or elect) to make. This is a [Sound] [Normal] effect.

Flame Wheel (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon can call a Flame Shield (hot version) around itself and perform a Charge against a foe. The Fire Shield lasts until the end of its next turn. A struck foe must succeed at a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or catch fire. This is a [Fire] attack.

Iron Tail (Ex): the Pokemon gains a Secondary Tail natural weapon that deals 1d8 damage if Medium, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is a [Steel] attack. If it already has a Tail attack, this can be used in place of, but not in addition to, the existing one. This attack automatically Power Attacks (even if the Pokemon normally lacks the feat) as a two-handed weapon for a minimum of half the Pokemon's Base Attack Bonus, but on a successful hit, the target's defences are cracked, suffering a -4 Penalty to Armour Class for one minute.

Quash (Su): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to oppress a foe within 30 feet and leave them vulnerable. This pushes the target to the end of the Initiative order, and until their next turn they are rendered flat-footed, as though they had not yet acted in combat. This is a [Dark] effect.

Snore (Su): this attack can only be used while asleep. Everything in Close Range suffers 1d6 Sonic damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails is also Staggered for one round. This is a [Sound] [Normal] attack.

Swagger (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to act with a lot of swagger and confidence, potentially luring the opponent into a trap. It makes a Feint attempt, and if successful, the opponent is Confused for 1 round per 3 hit dice (round up), but also gains a +4 Morale Bonus to attack and damage rolls for one minute. If a creature witnesses this in use (or is exposed to it directly), they cannot be targeted by this from the same Pokemon again that day. This is a [Normal] effect.

Torment (Su): with a Standard Action once per five rounds, the Pokemon may torment and frustrate a creature within 30 feet. If the target fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), then for three rounds they cannot perform the same actions, two turns in a row - for instance, if a Move Action and Gore were taken prior to receiving the effect, then on the first turn of it they could not take a Move Action or use their Gore attack. If they make a Full Attack on that first turn of this (minus the Gore), then on the next turn they could not make a Full Attack, nor attack with any of the natural weapons used in it, but could Gore and Move again. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] [Normal] effect, and completely overrides and replaces an Encore effect.

Uproar (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon can create a clamor of noise, preventing anyone from getting any sleep. This deals Sonic 1d6 damage per hit die to all within 15 feet, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and furthermore, out to a radius of 60 feet it cures the Drowsy condition, wakes up any Sleeping creatures, and prevents anything from becoming drowsy or falling asleep. The loud noise, but not the damage, continues until the end of the user's next turn, although using this attack again will extend it one round further. This is a [Sound] [Normal] attack.

Wild Charge (Su): whenever the Pokemon makes a charge, it may elect to make a single attack (even if it normally is able to attack multiple times on a charge) and deals damage as though three Size Categories larger, and as though its Strength were 10 points higher. A struck target must also pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Staggered for one round. At the same time as it deals damage to the target, it also suffers regular damage against itself for the natural weapon (without the bonuses from this). This is an [Electric] attack.

Zen Headbutt (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may utilise zen in order to have delivered a sharp headbutt that utilises its mind rather than its skull. But at no point does it actually decide to headbutt something, it merely ends up having headbutted them. If you don't understand, you're not enlightened. With a Standard Action, it uses its zen, and then at any point before the start of its next turn, the headbutt can be declared against a target that was adjacent to it. This is resolved as a Slam attack that has a base damage of 1d10 for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, plus its Concentration skill total. If not used during its own actual turn, this also forces the target to attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Stunned until the start of their next turn. This is a [Psychic] attack.
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Tiny Animal, CR 1
10 15 12 6 12 6
1d8+1 (5 HP), Init +6, Speed 20', Fly 40' (Good)
BAB/Grab: +1/-7
-Bite +7 (1d3)
AC: 14 (+2 Size, +2 Dex), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +1
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative
Skills: Spot +5
Special Attacks: Peck, Leer
Special Qualities: Keen Eye, Flock, Normal and Flying Pokemon Traits
Rare Traits: Sniper, Astonish, Feather Dance, Quick Attack, Whirlwind
Tutor Moves: Work Up, Double Team, Drill Run, Sky Attack
Advancement: 2+, usually evolves into Fearow at 4 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This bird of prey looks like it might be related to the hawk or kestrel, or possibly a gangster.

Normal and Flying Traits: Spearow is weak against [Rock], [Electricity] and [Ice] attacks, and is considered Immune to [Ghost] and [Ground] attacks, always resisting them, as well as being completely immune to [Ghost] attacks of creatures not on the same plane as it. It is immune to actual possession.

Peck (Ex): Spearow's Bite attack is a [Flying] attack.

Leer (Ex): when Spearow attempts to Demoralise a foe that can see it, it is treated as having the maximum ranks in Intimidate for its hit dice, and a minimum Charisma of 10. Furthermore, any foe it Demoralises suffers a -2 Morale Penalty to Armour Class while Shaken. This is a [Normal] attack.

Flock (Ex): Spearow likes ganging up on enemies. Any Flanking or Aid Other bonus provided from one Spearow or Fearow to another is increased to +4.

Keen Eye (Ex): a Spearow with Keen Eye can see twice as far in all vision modes, and halves any penalties suffered to Spot and Search checks. Additionally, it ignores Concealment and suffers only a 20% Miss Chance from Total Concealment. This is a [Pokebility].

At 2 hit dice, it learns Assurance
Assurance (Ex): once per round, Spearow may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that has been hit by somebody else. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Aerial Ace and Spearhead
Aerial Ace (Ex): when flying as a Move Action, Spearow may use a Standard Action at any point during the movement to swoop a target - this allows it to move, attack and continue moving. It may perform this attack as a Charge, with all benefits (aside from doubled movement) and drawbacks (including targeting requirements) if it wishes, still moving afterwards. This ignores Cover and Concealment, providing it has actual line of effect, and is a [Flying] attack.

Spearhead (Ex): when charging, Spearow's Bite attack has a Critical value of 20/x3, and deals an extra 2 points of damage.

Rare Traits:

Sniper (Ex): the rare Spearow with this ability delivers deadly critical hits. Any critical hit has a doubled multiplier. This is a [Pokebility].

Astonish (Ex): Spearow may resolve a natural weapon attack as a [Ghost] attack. If this hits a foe that is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, or Flanked by Spearow, they are Shaken for three rounds as a [Fear] effect.

Feather Dance (Ex): once per three rounds, Spearow may dance about, unleashing a giant cloud of feathers. Performing this actually grants a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Perform (Dance) checks it makes in the same turn, should that ever be relevant, but more importantly, it gains Concealment for one round and also directs a lump of feathers at a foe in Close Range with a Ranged Touch Attack. If this hits, the opponent is so completely covered in down that all of their physical melee attacks deal half damage until they spend a Full Round Action cleaning themselves off. This is a [Flying] attack and a dance ability.

Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Spearow may make a Bite attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses.

Whirlwind (Su): by flapping its wings as a Full Round Action, a flying Spearow may hover in place but designate a 20' radius, 100' tall Column within Close Range. At the start of its next turn, anything in that area is subject to Severe winds, however any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Flying] attack and a wind effect. At six hit dice, this increases to Windstorm. At nine hit dice it increases to Hurricane force winds, and at 12 hit dice it increases to Tornado force winds.


Small Animal, CR 4
16 17 12 6 14 8
4d8+4 (22 HP), Init +7, Speed 20', Fly 60' (Good)
BAB/Grab: +4/+3
-Bite +8 (1d4+3), 2 Wings +6 (1d4+1)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, +3 Dex, +2 Natural Armour), Flat 13, Touch 14
Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Multi-Attack
Skills: Spot +9
Special Attacks: Peck, Leer, Assurance, Aerial Ace, Spearhead, Wing Attack
Special Qualities: Keen Eye, Flock, Normal and Flying Pokemon Traits
Rare Traits: Sniper, Astonish, Feather Dance, Quick Attack, Whirlwind
Tutor Moves: Work Up, Double Team, Sky Attack, Laser Focus
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Small), 9-15 HD (Medium), 16+ HD (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This bird of prey looks a bit like an eagle, though with a long neck more like a crane or emu, a massive blade for a beak, and the comb of a rooster.

Normal and Flying Traits: Fearow is weak against [Rock], [Electricity] and [Ice] attacks, and is considered Immune to [Ghost] and [Ground] attacks, always resisting them, as well as being completely immune to [Ghost] attacks of creatures not on the same plane as it. It is immune to actual possession.

Peck (Ex): Fearow's Bite attack is a [Flying] attack.

Leer (Ex): when Fearow attempts to Demoralise a foe that can see it, it is treated as having the maximum ranks in Intimidate for its hit dice, and a minimum Charisma of 10. Furthermore, any foe it Demoralises suffers a -2 Morale Penalty to Armour Class while Shaken. This is a [Normal] attack.

Flock (Ex): Fearow likes ganging up on enemies. Any Flanking or Aid Other bonus provided from one Spearow or Fearow to another is increased to +4.

Keen Eye (Ex): a Fearow with Keen Eye can see twice as far in all vision modes, and halves any penalties suffered to Spot and Search checks. Additionally, it ignores Concealment and suffers only a 20% Miss Chance from Total Concealment. This is a [Pokebility].

Assurance (Ex): once per round, Fearow may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that has been hit by somebody else. This is a [Dark] attack.

Aerial Ace (Ex): when flying as a Move Action, Fearow may use a Standard Action at any point during the movement to swoop a target - this allows it to move, attack and continue moving. It may perform this attack as a Charge, with all benefits (aside from doubled movement) and drawbacks (including targeting requirements) if it wishes, still moving afterwards. This ignores Cover and Concealment, providing it has actual line of effect, and is a [Flying] attack.

Spearhead (Ex): when charging, Fearow's Bite attack has a Critical value of 20/x3, and deals an extra 2 points of damage.

Wing Attack (Ex): Fearow has two secondary Wing attacks, each dealing 1d4 damage for a Small creature. These are [Flying] attacks.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Fury Attack and develops Great Flight:
Fury Attack (Ex): if Fearow attacks a foe two rounds in a row, and takes any damage between those two turns, it is angered, gaining a +2 Morale Bonus on attack and damage rolls for the second round. If it keeps attacking the same opponent and taking damage, this can stack, becoming +4 on the third turn, then +6 and so on.

Great Flight (Ex): Fearow is so good at flying it has actually learned how to carry people aloft, despite its small size. It is able to carry up to 15 pounds of weight per point of Strength it has without taking a penalty (so most children), with an extra 5 pounds per Strength point added for every size category it grows beyond Small, and treats any wind effects as being two stages less severe when flying.

At 6 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Focus Energy:
Focus Energy (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Fearow can enter a focused state that makes its attacks more dangerous. It enjoys a doubled critical threat range for all attacks it makes for the next minute.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Roost:
Roost (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Fearow may perch itself on the ground and rest, relaxing all tension within its muscles and gaining some stability. This completely suppresses its [Flying] subtype until it next takes off into the air, and also allows it to regain hit points equal to its hit dice total. Until the start of its next turn, it is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class. This is a [Flying] ability.

At 8 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Drill Peck:
Drill Peck (Ex): with a Standard Action, or an attack at the end of a Charge, Fearow may twist through the air and drill a hole clean through an enemy. This is a natural weapon that has a base damage of 1d6 per 2 hit dice (round down), unaffected by Size, and is a [Flying] attack with a 15-20/x2 Critical value.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Drill Run:
Drill Run (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Fearow may tear through the ground, charging in a straight Line. It makes one attack roll, with a 15-20/x2 Critical value, and resolves this against every creature or object within the area - targeting creatures standing on or directly in the ground. This has a base damage of 4d6 + 1 and a half times its Strength Bonus for a Medium creature. This is a [Ground] attack.

At 10 hit dice, it learns U-Turn and Pluck:
U-Turn (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Fearow may charge a target and deliver its Bite attack, and then withdraw the remaining distance after delivering its Bite, as though using the Spring Attack feat. If it ends the movement in the same square as, or adjacent to, its pokeball, it may retreat into it and end its turn that way. This is a [Bug] attack, even though its Bite normally isn't.

Pluck (Ex): any time Fearow delivers a successful Bite attack against a foe, it may also attempt a Sleight of Hand check or Steal action (PF) to try to steal an object the size of an apple or smaller from the target. If it is an edible item or a potion, it may swallow the item immediately, gaining the effects. This is a [Flying] attack.

At 11 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Defog:
Defog (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, Fearow may unleash a powerful wave of air from its wings, clearing all mist or fog within 250 feet. This is a [Flying] ability.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Pursuit:
Pursuit (Ex): Fearow may make an Attack of Opportunity against a target that leaves a threatened square even as a result of Teleportation or being returned to a Pokeball. When it makes an Attack of Opportunity that was provoked by leaving a threatened square, this deals an extra 4d6 damage and is treated as a [Dark] attack.

At 13 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Storm Throw:
Storm Throw (Su): once per 3 rounds, Fearow may hurl a miniature tornado at a foe within Medium Range. This is resolved as a Ranged Attack that has a base damage of 1d10 plus its Strength Bonus and, if it hits, is automatically upgraded to a critical hit with a x2 multiplier. This also subjects the target to Hurricane force winds for one round. This is a [Fighting] attack and a wind effect.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Repeating Drill:
Repeating Drill (Ex): with a Full Round Action once per three rounds, Fearow may use its Drill Peck to make a Full Attack, complete with iterative attacks for having a BAB of 14. At BAB 16, it gains a fourth attack, and if Hasted it still gains a bonus attack with this.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Drill Double Run, which can only be used when Mega-Evolved:
Drill Double Run (Ex): Fearow may perform a Drill Run, but also resolve a Drill Peck attack against all creatures it can reach at any point in this movement. It makes one attack roll for each of these attacks, resolving them against all applicable targets. The Drill Run part of this is [Ground] and the Drill Peck part is [Flying].

Mega-Evolution: when Fearow becomes Mega-Fearow, it becomes more solid and terrifying in appearance. Its Strength, Dexterity and Natural Armour each increase by 6 and its Constitution increases by 2. Additionally, its natural weapons deal damage as though one size larger, and its Pokebility becomes Cloud Nine.

Cloud Nine (Su): all weather effects within one mile are suppressed, with the exceptions of Extremely Harsh Sunlight, Overwhelming Winds, and Torrential Downpour. Other attacks or Pokebilities that change the weather will only function within this area if they create Extremely Harsh Sunlight, Overwhelming Winds, or Torrential Downpour.

Tutor Moves:

Double Team (Su): the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to cast Mirror Image once per 5 rounds, with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice. This is a [Normal] ability.

Drill Run (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon may tear through the ground, charging in a straight Line. It makes one attack roll, with a 15-20/x2 Critical value, and resolves this against every creature or object within the area - targeting creatures standing on or directly in the ground. This has a base damage of 4d6 + 1 and a half times its Strength Bonus for a Medium creature. This is a [Ground] attack.

Laser Focus (Su): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may focus on something as though with a laser guidance system. The next successful attack it makes against that target, provided it is made before the end of its next turn, is upgraded to a confirmed critical hit. This is a [Normal] effect.

Sky Attack (Su): with a Full Round Action three times per day, the user may gather its internal energy, charging up and emiting light like a torch. On its following turn, it may unleash a special melee attack that deals 10 damage per hit die on a successful hit. This is a [Flying] attack.

Work Up (Ex): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to work itself up and light up its fighting spirit. For the next minute, it has a +2 Morale Bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and the Save DC for any attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.
Last edited by Koumei on Fri Jan 12, 2024 8:07 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Small Animal, CR 1
12 13 12 6 13 6
1d6+1 (4 HP), Init +1, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +1/-2
-Bite +3 (1d4+1 plus Poison)
AC: 13 (+1 Size, +1 Dex, +1 Natural Armour), Flat 12, Touch 12
Fort +1 Ref +1 Will +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Skill Focus: Intimidate
Skills: Listen +5, (Intimidate +7 to demoralise)
Special Attacks: Poison Sting, Leer, Wrap
Special Qualities: Intimidate or Shed Skin, Poison Pokemon Traits
Rare Traits: Unnerve, Poison Fang, Beat Up, Disable, Scary Face, Spite
Tutor Moves: Dig, Double Team, Payback, Aqua Tail, Poison Jab, Swagger, Substitute, Gastro Acid, Iron Tail
Advancement: 2+, usually evolves into Arbok at 4 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Will, 2 + Int skill points

This fabulous purple rattlesnake looks aggressive and sounds intimidating. It is about 2 metres long when outstretched.

Poison Traits: Ekans is weak against [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, and resists [Fighting], [Poison], [Bug], [Grass] and [Fairy] attacks. It cannot be Poisoned.

Poison Sting (Ex): Ekans has a venomous bite. Anything damaged by its Bite is afflicted by Poison, with Primary and Secondary damage of 2 Dexterity and Constitution damage. The Save DC is Constitution-based, so for the standard Ekans is 11. This makes its bite a [Poison] attack.

Leer (Ex): when Ekans attempts to Demoralise a foe that can see it, it is treated as having the maximum ranks in Intimidate for its hit dice, and a minimum Charisma of 10. Furthermore, any foe it Demoralises suffers a -2 Morale Penalty to Armour Class while Shaken. This is a [Normal] attack.

Wrap (Ex): if Ekans successfully grapples a foe, then until they either escape or take control of the grapple (by winning the opposed check), the victim is unable to perform any kind of movement, including by teleportation or planar travel, and is unable to make any kind of attack with any weapon. This is a [Normal] effect.

Intimidate (Ex): if Ekans has this Ability, it automatically makes a free Demoralise attempt against every opponent who first sees it in a given battle. This is a [Pokebility].

Shed Skin (Ex): if Ekans has this Ability, it has the ability to shrug off various status effects. At the end of each of its turns, it may attempt another saving throw against any ongoing effect that resulted from a failed saving throw. Success results in it literally shedding old scales and the effect. This is a [Pokebility].

At 2 hit dice, it learns Bite
Bite (Ex): Ekans' primary Bite attack grows in size to damage as though one size larger, and may be made as a [Dark] attack. Any time it bites a foe with an Attack of Opportunity, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. When it elects to do this, it does not also deliver its venom.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Glare and Screech
Glare (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Ekans may glare at a foe within 60 feet. Providing the enemy can see it, the enemy must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Paralyzed with fear for 3 rounds. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] effect.

Screech (Ex): once per 3 rounds, Ekans can unleash a horrifying screech with a Standard Action, as all snakes are known to do (trust me I'm a snaketologist). All within 60 feet of it when it unleashes this [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] effect suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves for five rounds, and must also pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Shaken for the same duration. This fear can stack up to Frightened and then Panicked. This is a [Normal] attack.

Rare Traits:

Unnerve (Ex): if Ekans has this rare ability, any foe that can sense its presence is rendered too nervous to eat. This prevents the consumption of berries and use of potions, as well as any other magic item that specifically has to be eaten or imbibed, and even prevents the Swallow Whole special attack from being used, as well as the Swallow, Teatime and Stuff Cheeks abilities. It also gains a +2 Competence Bonus to the Intimidate skill. This is a [Pokebility].

Poison Fang (Ex): Ekans may make a powerful bite attack as a Standard Action. This deals damage as though one Size Category larger (which does not stack with the Bite special attack) and carries a stronger venom than normal - the Save DC is increased by 1 (or 3 on a Critical Hit), the Primary and Secondary damage is 4 points of Dexterity and Constitution damage, and failing the saving throw against the primary damage also renders the target Nauseated for one minute. This is a [Poison] effect.

Beat Up (Ex): with a Standard Action, Ekans may make a Slam attack that deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature, plus half its Strength Bonus, and then encourages everything nearby to join in. The target, upon having Beat Up declared against it (whether the initial attack hits or not), effectively provokes an Attack of Opportunity from every enemy that threatens its square, and additionally any enemy that has an effect that allows it to move, attack, then move (such as the Spring Attack feat or the U-Turn special attack), may also do precisely that as an Immediate Action against the target. This is a [Dark] attack, and for the purpose of Resistance and Weakness, is treated as one attack made by the pokemon that initiates the Beat Up.

Disable (Su): once per minute, Ekans may curse an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. Whichever special attack the opponent used most recently becomes disabled, blocked off in the target's mind for one minute. This [Normal] attack is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effect.

Scary Face (Ex): with a Standard Action once per minute, an Ekans with this attack may activate a form of Gaze attack that works for one round - all creatures that can see it must pass a Will Save against a [Fear] effect (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Slowed with fear for three rounds. This is a [Normal] ability.

Spite (Su): once per minute Ekans may level a curse against an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. If the foe fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), any ability that has a cooldown after use is instantly put on cooldown as though used (without providing the effects of usage), and any ability with limited Daily (or Weekly or Hourly) uses has one of those uses expended. This [Ghost] attack is a [Curse] effect.


Medium Animal, CR 4
16 15 14 8 15 8
4d6+8 (22 HP), Init +2, Speed 30'
BAB/Grab: +4/+7
-Bite +7 (1d8+4 plus Poison)
AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 Natural Armour), Flat 12, Touch 12
Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Skill Focus: Intimidate, Ability Focus: Poison
Skills: Listen +9, (Intimidate +10 to demoralise)
Special Attacks: Poison Sting, Leer, Wrap, Bite, Glare, Screech, Crunch, Acid
Special Qualities: Intimidate or Shed Skin, Poison Pokemon Traits
Rare Traits: Unnerve, Poison Fang, Beat Up, Disable, Scary Face, Spite
Tutor Moves: Dig, Double Team, Payback, Aqua Tail, Poison Jab, Swagger, Substitute, Iron Tail, Jagged Fangs, Iron Fangs, Lovely Bite, Shadow Fangs
Advancement: 5-7 HD (Medium), 8-12 HD (Large), 13+ HD (Huge)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Will, 2 + Int skill points

This giant purple cobra, when it rears up, is as tall as a human. It has an intimidating pattern on its hood.

Poison Traits: Arbok is weak against [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, and resists [Fighting], [Poison], [Bug], [Grass] and [Fairy] attacks. It cannot be Poisoned.

Poison Sting (Ex): Arbok has a venomous bite. Anything damaged by its Bite is afflicted by Poison, with Primary and Secondary damage of 2 Dexterity and Constitution damage. The Save DC is Constitution-based, so for the standard Arbok is 16 due to Ability Focus. This makes its bite a [Poison] attack.

Leer (Ex): when Arbok attempts to Demoralise a foe that can see it, it is treated as having the maximum ranks in Intimidate for its hit dice, and a minimum Charisma of 10. Furthermore, any foe it Demoralises suffers a -2 Morale Penalty to Armour Class while Shaken. This is a [Normal] attack.

Intimidate (Ex): if Arbok has this Ability, it automatically makes a free Demoralise attempt against every opponent who first sees it in a given battle. This is a [Pokebility].

Shed Skin (Ex): if Arbok has this Ability, it has the ability to shrug off various status effects. At the end of each of its turns, it may attempt another saving throw against any ongoing effect that resulted from a failed saving throw. Success results in it literally shedding old scales and the effect. This is a [Pokebility].

Bite (Ex): Arbok's primary Bite attack deals damage as though one size larger than it actually is, and may be made as a [Dark] attack. Any time it bites a foe with an Attack of Opportunity, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus, or 15 for the standard Arbok) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. When it elects to do this, it does not also deliver its venom.

Glare (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Arbok may glare at a foe within 60 feet. Providing the enemy can see it, the enemy must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, so 11 for a standard Arbok) or be Paralyzed with fear for 3 rounds. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] effect.

Screech (Ex): once per 3 rounds, Arbok can unleash a horrifying screech with a Standard Action, as all snakes are known to do (trust me I'm a snaketologist). All within 60 feet of it when it unleashes this [Mind-Affecting, Sonic] effect suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves for five rounds, and must also pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, so 11 for a standard Arbok) or be Shaken for the same duration. This fear can stack up to Frightened and then Panicked. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 5 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Thunder Fang.
Thunder Fang (Su): Arbok may use its Bite attack at normal damage for its Size, and without the Poison or flinch chance, but dealing an extra 1d6 points of Electricity damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up). This will shock the target, potentially leaving them unable to act. A bitten target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Paralyzed for 3 rounds. A target will always be Staggered for one round on a Critical Hit. This is an [Electric] attack.

At 6 hit dice, it learns Stockpile, Swallow and Spit Up.
Stockpile (Su): with a Full Round Action, Arbok may gather energy into its mouth and neck, puffing up and becoming resilient. This grants it a Resistance Bonus to all Saving Throws equal to a third of its hit dice (round up). This bonus lasts for one minute or until expended, whichever comes first. This is a [Normal] ability.

Swallow (Su): by gulping the energy built up with Stockpile (and thus losing the Resistance Bonus) as a Standard Action, Arbok can heal itself with strange magic. This restores 3d8 hit points, plus an amount equal to its hit dice. This is a [Normal] ability.

Spit Up (Su): with a Standard Action, Arbok may spit out the magical energy built up through Stockpile (and thus losing the Resistance Bonus). This is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Acid Spray and Fire Fang.
Acid Spray (Ex): once per five rounds, Arbok may spray deadly acid out in a Breath weapon, albeit only in a 25' Cone. All in the area suffer 1d4 points of Acid damage per 3 hit dice it has (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Additionally, this acid softens various protections for those who fail the saving throw, granting them a penalty to Armour Class, Damage Reduction and Saving Throws equal to the number of damage dice rolled, for 1 minute. This is a [Poison] attack.

Fire Fang (Su): Arbok may use its Bite attack at normal damage for its Size, and without the Poison or flinch chance, but dealing an extra 1d6 points of Fire damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up). This will set combustible things on fire and even pre-cook a lot of meals. A bitten target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer a Burn. A target will always catch fire on a Critical Hit. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Sludge Bomb and Strangle.
Sludge Bomb (Su): once per three rounds, Arbok may unleash an explosive blast of gooey toxins with a Standard Action. This is resolved in a 20' radius Blast within Medium Range, and deals 1d6 Acid damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Additionally, all creatures that take any damage from this must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) against Poison that has both Primary and Secondary damage of 1d10 Constitution damage. This is a [Poison] attack.

Strangle (Ex): Arbok gains the Improved Grab special attack, and a Constrict attack - this deals 2d6 + one and a half times its Strength Bonus for a Medium creature, and the target is unable to use its mouth (such as to speak, cast spells with Verbal components, use most sound-based attacks or breath weapons). The target must also pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) if they need to breathe. Failure causes them to pass out, which lasts until released, plus 1d4 rounds. If continually strangled for a number of rounds equal to the target's Constitution score, they simply die of strangulation. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Gastro Acid and Ice Fang.
Gastro Acid (Su): with a Standard Action once per minute, Arbok may cough up a horrible glob of acid from its stomach, as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Close Range. If this hits, the target loses the effect of any [Pokebility] they have for one minute, although a Lesser Restoration or better will undo this. This is a [Poison] attack, but the effects do not count as "being poisoned" so Steel Pokemon are still susceptible.

Ice Fang (Su): Arbok may use its Bite attack at normal damage for its Size, and without the Poison or flinch chance, but dealing an extra 1d6 points of Cold damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up). This will chill most meals, and can freeze an enemy solid. A bitten target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer from Frostburn. On a Critical Hit, they are automatically Slowed for one minute. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 10 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Belch.
Belch (Ex): as long as Arbok has eaten something (from a berry to a living opponent with the Swallow Whole ability) within the last minute, it may use a Standard Action to burp up a horrifying toxic cloud. This is resolved in a 30' Cone, dealing 1d10 Sonic damage per hit die with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Failure also results in a subject being Deafened for ten minutes by the noise and Nauseated for 1d3 rounds by the stench. This is a sound-based [Sonic][Poison] attack, and each use requires eating again to "recharge".

At 11 hit dice, it learns Haze and Rocket Tail.
Haze (Su): once per five rounds, Arbok may use a Standard Action to exhale a gentle light haze across the field, either as a 60' Cone or everywhere in a 30' radius of itself. This clears away all magical hazards (as well as hazards created by Pokemon Attacks, such as Web and Stealth Rock), and also clears out any Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) to creatures in the area that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. For instance, drinking a potion of Bull's Strength and having Mage Armour cast on you would be wiped away, but wearing a belt of Strength would not be affected. This is an [Ice] effect.

Rocket Tail (Ex): with a Standard Action, Arbok may make a Tail Slap attack as a Primary Natural Weapon. This deals 1d6 damage, plus its Strength Bonus, for a Medium Creature, and if it hits it can also make a Bullrush attempt against the target as a Free Action. It is treated as an extra Size Category larger for the purpose of the Bullrush but not the attack, it does not have to move along with the target in order to knock it further, and not only can it launch the target into the air, it must send them at least 5 feet upwards if possible. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Coil and Scale Shot.
Coil (Su): with a Full Round Action, Arbok may coil itself tigtly and concentrate on the idea of combat. For the next minute, it enjoys an Enhancement Bonus to Strength and Natural Armour of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up). This is a [Poison] ability.

Scale Shot (Su): with a Full Round Action, Arbok may unleash a flurry of sharp scales, launched from its body towards targets within 30 feet. It makes four ranged attacks, plus one extra attack at sixteen hit dice. Each one deals 1d8 Piercing damage (for a Large creature), plus half its Strength Bonus, and a 20/x2 Critical value, and damage is added together before applying Resistance or Weakness a single time. Following this flurry of attacks, it takes a -4 Penalty to Natural Armour, but a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Dexterity, and is Hasted. Both effects last for five rounds, during which time it cannot use this ability again. This is a [Dragon] attack.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Gunk Shot.
Gunk Shot (Su): with a Standard Action once per five rounds, Arbok may unleash a powerful blast of toxic goo from its throat. This is resolved as a Ranged Attack out to Medium Range, and if successful it deals 1d6 Acid damage per hit die as well as Blinding the subject until they spend a Standard Action wiping their face clear. Additionally, if the target is successfully hit, they are exposed to a deadly Poison, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and Primary and Secondary damage of 8 points of Constitution damage. This is a [Poison] attack.

At 14 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Burning Venom.
Burning Venom (Su): Arbok may use its Bite attack at normal damage for its Size, and without the flinch chance, but dealing an extra 1d6 points of Fire damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up). This will set combustible things on fire and even pre-cook a lot of meals. A bitten target must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer a Burn, and a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or be Poisoned as normal for its Bite attack. This is both a [Fire] attack and a [Poison] attack - use whichever is best for affecting the target.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Swallow Up, which can only be used when Mega-Evolved.
Swallow Up (Ex): Mega-Arbok gains a Swallow Whole attack, which takes a single successful Grapple check made as a Standard Action against a foe it already has grappled. If the foe is smaller than Mega-Arbok, they are swallowed into its stomach, and every round they suffer 10d6 Acid damage and 4d6 Bludgeoning damage, and are exposed to its Gastro Acid attack. This also instantly grants Arbok the effects of Stockpile, although using Spit-Up will also cough the swallowed creature up, landing them Prone at the feet of the target. A creature can free itself by dealing at least 50 points of Slashing damage in a single turn. This is a [Dark] attack.

Mega-Evolution: when Arbok becomes Mega Arbok, it grows even bigger, and even scarier. It grows one Size Category larger than normal, it becomes a Dark and Poison Type Pokemon (thus losing its weakness to [Psychic] attacks and resistance to [Bug], [Fairy] and [Fighting] attacks, being considered immune to [Psychic] attacks, and gaining resistance to [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks. Its [Pokebility] changes to Solenoglyphs, and its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution and Natural Armour each increase by 4, and its Wisdom and Charisma each increase by 2.

Solenoglyphs (Ex) Mega Arbok's bites always deliver its venom - this allows a Save as normal, and Immunities still apply, but it can potentially envenom foes even when delivering [Bite] attacks of any kind, keeping any other effects of the attacks. The poison is a [Poison] effect, but the actual attack (and regular damage) retains its usual type.

Tutor Moves:

Aqua Tail (Su): the Pokemon's tail is strong enough to make a Secondary Natural Weapon attack that is able to target two adjacent creatures within reach at the same time, sweeping across them. This cannot be used in the same turn as any other Tail natural weapons. This has a base damage of 1d8 (for a Medium creature) plus one and a half times the user's Strength Bonus, douses any fires on the target (or at least, the 5' cubes hit), and if the target has any ability that deals Fire damage when hit (such as a Fire Shield), this is suppressed for one round (and does not affect the Pokemon attacking them). This is a [Water] attack.

Dig (Ex): the Pokemon gains a Burrow speed equal to its Base Speed minus ten (minimum five), unless it already has a better Burrow speed. While digging, the Pokemon has Tremorsense out to its Burrow Speed, and may use a Full Round Action to charge a creature that stands above it, even if the distance is less than ten feet. The foe is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against this attack, which gains 1d6 Sneak Attack, +1d6 more at 6 hit dice, and every 5 hit dice thereafter. This is a [Ground] attack.

Double Team (Su): the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to cast Mirror Image once per 5 rounds, with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice. This is a [Normal] ability.

Gastro Acid (Su): with a Standard Action once per minute, the Pokemon may cough up a horrible glob of acid from its stomach, as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Close Range. If this hits, the target loses the effect of any [Pokebility] they have for one minute, although a Lesser Restoration or better will undo this. This is a [Poison] attack, but the effects do not count as "being poisoned" so Steel Pokemon are still susceptible.

Iron Fangs (Ex): the Pokemon has a secondary Bite attack that is a [Steel] attack (or may use their existing one as a [Steel] attack). This deals an additional 1d8 points of damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up), and doubles any bonus damage granted from the Power Attack feat. On a successful hit, the Pokemon may make a free Sunder attempt against the target's armour, if it is Light, Medium or Non-Armour, or shield, if it is not a Great/Tower Shield. On a Critical Hit, it may even Sunder the heaviest armours and shields. This is a [Bite] attack.

Iron Tail (Ex): the Pokemon gains a Secondary Tail natural weapon that deals 1d8 damage if Medium, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is a [Steel] attack. If it already has a Tail attack, this can be used in place of, but not in addition to, the existing one. This attack automatically Power Attacks (even if the Pokemon normally lacks the feat) as a two-handed weapon for a minimum of half the Pokemon's Base Attack Bonus, but on a successful hit, the target's defences are cracked, suffering a -4 Penalty to Armour Class for one minute.

Jagged Fangs (Ex): the Pokemon has a secondary Bite attack that is a [Rock] attack (or may use its existing one as a [Rock] attack). This deals an additional 1d8 points of damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up), and on a successful hit, every square occupied by the creature, as well as every adjacent square other than those occupied by the attacking Pokemon, receive a Spike Stones effect for three rounds - if the attacker is Huge or larger, the spikes spread out an extra 5' in each direction (other than squares occupied by the attacker). Anything bitten with an Attack of Opportunity must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. The Spike Stones DC is the same as that of the flinch chance. This is a [Bite] attack.

Lovely Bite (Su): the Pokemon has a secondary Bite attack that is a [Fairy] attack (or may use its existing one as a [Fairy] attack). This deals an additional 1d4 points of damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up), and on a Critical Hit, the target must pass a Will Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Fascinated for three rounds. This is a [Bite] attack, and the fascination is a [Mind-Affecting] [Charm] effect but the biting part is not.

Neurotoxin (Su): the Pokemon has a special poison that may be used once per three rounds as a Standard Action, directly targeting a creature within 30 feet, and with a Will Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Alternatively, once per three rounds this may replace an existing Poison it has on a natural weapon or special attack, with a Fort Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). The Primary damage is 2 points of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma damage, as well as being unable to use [Psychic] effects, Psionic powers and [Mind-Affecting] effects for three rounds, and the Secondary damage is 4 points of Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma damage. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Poison] attack.

Payback (Ex): once per round, the Pokemon may make a single melee attack as an Immediate Ation in response to being damaged by an opponent. If damaged by a Critical Hit, this attack is also upgraded to a Critical Hit if it hits at all. This is a [Dark] attack.

Poison Jab (Ex): with a Standard Action, or as the attack at the end of a Charge, the Pokemon can make a single Primary Slam or Gore attack that has a base damage of 1d8 for a Small creature, dealing Poison (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, with Primary and Secondary damage of 2 Dexterity and Constitution Damage), with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up). The Enhancement Bonus even applies to the Save DC of the Poison (but not the ability damage). This is a [Punch] [Poison] attack.

Shadow Fangs (Su): the Pokemon has a secondary Bite attack that is a [Ghost] attack (or may use its existing one as a [Ghost] attack). This deals an additional 1d4 points of damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up), is resolved as a Touch Attack, and on a Critical Hit, the target must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or suffer a curse as though from Bestow Curse. This is a [Bite] attack, and the curse part is a [Curse] effect but the biting part is not.

Substitute (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may suffer Non-lethal damage equal to a quarter of its Maximum Hit Points, as a Standard Action, and in doing so create a Project Image effect. Additionally, it is rendered Invisible for the duration of this effect. If a creature disbelieves the illusion, they also see through the invisibility. This is a [Normal] effect.

Swagger (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to act with a lot of swagger and confidence, potentially luring the opponent into a trap. It makes a Feint attempt, and if successful, the opponent is Confused for 1 round per 3 hit dice (round up), but also gains a +4 Morale Bonus to attack and damage rolls for one minute. If a creature witnesses this in use (or is exposed to it directly), they cannot be targeted by this from the same Pokemon again that day. This is a [Normal] effect.
Last edited by Koumei on Sun Mar 31, 2024 10:49 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Okay now it's time for the bastard little rat that is such a main character that it has a million special features added in different games.

Tiny Magical Beast, CR 1/4
4 15 10 8 13 10
1d6 (3 HP), Init +6, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +0/-11
-Slam +4 (1d3-3)
AC: 14 (+2 Size, +2 Dex), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +0 Ref +4 Will +1
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative
Skills: Listen +5
Special Attacks: Thunder Shock, Cry For Help, Play Nice
Special Qualities: Electric Circuit, Static, Electric Pokemon Traits
Rare Traits: Lightning Rod, Charge, Disarming Voice, Fake Out, Present, Tickle, Volt Tackle, Wish
Tutor Moves: Charm, Swift, Endure, Volt Switch, Thunder Wave, Nuzzle
Advancement: evolves into Pikachu at 2 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Average BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This cute little mouse is bright yellow, with large black ears.

Electric Traits: Pichu is weak against [Ground] attacks, and resists [Electric], [Flying] and [Steel] attacks. It cannot be Staggered or Paralyzed. It can generate sufficient electricity to power machines up to Small Size, such as a desktop computer.

Thunder Shock (Su): with a Standard Action, Pichu can electrify a nearby foe, dealing 1d6 Electricity damage to a target within 15 feet. This damage is halved on a successful Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, DC 10 for the standard Pichu). This is an [Electricity] effect.

Cry For Help (Ex): Pichu's voice is particularly loud and high-pitched, able to carry out to a mile if need be. It is likely that other Electric Pokemon in the area will heed its call and come to its aid if it is attacked. This is a [Sonic] [Normal] effect.

Play Nice (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Pichu can jump about and play with an adjacent creature, wearing them out. The target automatically becomes Fatigued, although this wears off in one minute. If they are already Fatigued, they become Exhaused for three rounds - this then degrades to fatigue, which goes away one minute later. This is a [Normal] effect.

Static (Ex): the first time in a creature's turn that it hits Pichu with a melee attack, the attacker must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Staggered until the start of its next turn. If they become Staggered by this, their turn ends instantly. This is a [Pokebility].

Electric Circuit (Su): if at least four creatures with this ability (such as Pichu and Pikachu) are all within 30 feet of each other, they may all use a Standard Action to cooperate and generate electricity. Performing this covers the area within 20 feet of each of them with Electric Terrain, and additionally provides each with a Shock Shield at Caster Level 1. The Electric Terrain lasts for one minute. This is an [Electric] effect.

Rare Traits:

Lightning Rod (Su): if Pichu has this [Pokebility], any [Electric] effect that targets an individual or area within 30 feet of it, or passes within this area, the electricity is drawn directly to it, preventing the normal effects from applying. This causes no harm to Pichu, and instead grants it a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Charisma for three rounds.

Charge (Ex): by spending a Standard Action charging up, Pichu can generate extra electricity. It gains a +2 Resistance Bonus to saving throws for one minute. Within this duration, the first [Electric] attack it unleashes is Empowered. This is an [Electric] effect.

Disarming Voice (Su): with a Standard Action once per three rounds, Pichu may shout loudly and startle its foes. All enemies within 30 feet that are not deaf suffer 1d6 Sonic damage, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Sonic] [Fairy] attack.

Fake Out (Ex): in the first round of combat after Initiative is rolled or when it joins an existing combat, Pichu may use this to cut ahead, slapping an adjacent foe with a Free Action. This happens before any other actions anybody else takes, and it may make a normal Move Action as part of this in order to get up to a target. It resolves a Slam attack that deals 1d4 damage for a Medium creature (so 1d2 for Pichu), and the target flinches if hit, even if it deals no damage: they are treated as Dazed on the round they are hit. This is a [Normal] attack.

Present (Su): with a Full Round Action, Pichu may give a special gift to an adjacent creature. This gift must be prepared out of combat, and takes one minute to put together, and 1d10 minutes to forage the various bits and pieces to use (unless the trainer purchases 1 GP worth of materials in advance). Upon gifting it to somebody, it explodes to deal 1d6 damage per hit die to the target with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). However, there is also a 10% chance that the ingredients are all healthy things and the explosion restores that many HP instead. This is a [Normal] attack.

Tickle (Ex): with a Standard Action, Pichu may attempt a Touch Attack to tickle an adjacent creature, making their concentration a lot harder. For the purpose of Concentration checks and spellcasting, they are treated as Pinned during their next turn, and additionally, they suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to attack and damage rolls, and to their Armour Class, for three rounds.

Volt Tackle (Su): a Pichu born with this rare move may use a Full Round Action to unleash a Charge. This has a base damage of 1d4 Bludgeoning for a Tiny creature, plus its Strength Bonus, but also deals 1d8 Electricity damage per hit die in a bright explosion of light and sparks. As a side-effect of this, if the attack hits, Pichu suffers "recoil" damage equal to its hit dice plus its Constitution Bonus. Additionally, Pichu is knocked Prone on a successful hit and its target is rendered Staggered for one round following the impact. On a critical hit, the target is instead Stunned for 3 rounds. This is an [Electricity] attack.

Wish (Sp): three times per day, Pichu may use a Full Round Action to make a special wish, which is in no way related to the spell. Don't even reference the spell, forget all about it. Two rounds later, on the same Initiative count, Pichu's wish comes true, restoring 10 lost Hit Points per hit die. If Pichu is in its pokeball but another pokemon it considers to be an ally is out of its ball, this other pokemon receives the healing effect. This is a [Normal] effect.


Tiny Magical Beast, CR 1
6 15 12 8 13 12
1d6+1 (4 HP), Init +6, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +0/-10
-Slam +4 (1d3-2)
AC: 14 (+2 Size, +2 Dex), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +1 Ref +4 Will +1
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative
Skills: Listen +5
Special Attacks: Thunder Shock, Play Nice, Pika Bolt
Special Qualities: Electric Circuit, Static, Electric Pokemon Traits
Rare Traits: Lightning Rod, Charge, Disarming Voice, Fake Out, Present, Tickle, Volt Tackle, Wish, Brilliant Deduction, Zippy Zap, Floaty Fall, Splishy Splash
Tutor Moves: Charm, Swift, Endure, Volt Switch, Thunder Wave, Nuzzle, Rising Voltage
Advancement: usually evolves into Raichu or Alolan Raichu at 8 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Average BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This bright yellow creature sort of looks like an electric rat. Or maybe a rabbit. Its tail resembles a stylized thunderbolt, but actual electric sparks fire off from the red circles on its cheeks.

Electric Traits: Pikachu is weak against [Ground] attacks, and resists [Electric], [Flying] and [Steel] attacks. It cannot be Staggered or Paralyzed. It can generate sufficient electricity to power machines up to Small Size, such as a desktop computer.

Thunder Shock (Su): with a Standard Action, Pikachu can electrify a nearby foe, dealing 1d6 Electricity damage to a target within 15 feet. This damage is halved on a successful Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, DC 11 for the standard Pikachu). This is an [Electricity] effect.

Play Nice (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Pikachu can jump about and play with an adjacent creature, wearing them out. The target automatically becomes Fatigued, although this wears off in one minute. If they are already Fatigued, they become Exhaused for three rounds - this then degrades to fatigue, which goes away one minute later. This is a [Normal] effect.

Static (Ex): the first time in a creature's turn that it hits Pikachu with a melee attack, the attacker must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Staggered until the start of its next turn. If they become Staggered by this, their turn ends instantly. This is a [Pokebility].

Electric Circuit (Su): if at least four creatures with this ability (such as Pichu and Pikachu) are all within 30 feet of each other, they may all use a Standard Action to cooperate and generate electricity. Performing this covers the area within 20 feet of each of them with Electric Terrain, and additionally provides each with a Shock Shield at Caster Level 1. The Electric Terrain lasts for one minute. This is an [Electric] effect.

Pika Bolt (Su): once per three rounds, Pikachu may unleash a weak Thunderbolt, resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. This deals 1d6 Electricity damage per hit die, and the target must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Staggered for one round. If a second Pikachu is adjacent, it may use its own Standard Action to assist, allowing this to function as a regular Thunderbolt. If four Pikachu are adjacent to one another, three may use their Standard Actions to assist, allowing the other to use this as Thunder. Assisting does not count as using Pika Bolt, so partially allows the bypassing of cooldowns. This is an [Electric] attack.

Rare Traits:

In addition to those available to Pichu, there are special rare traits that sometimes just happen with Pikachu.

Brilliant Deduction (Ex): "Detective" Pikachu may use a Full Round Action to look at a situation and figure everything out. This allows it to see the facts as they really are, gaining the effects of True Seeing until the end of its next turn, and additionally allowing it to make a level check to identify one foe, as though it were the relevant Knowledge check. If successful, this grants it the benefits of an Archivist of equal level using Dark Lore. This is a [Normal] ability.

Zippy Zap (Su): accelerating with lightning speed, a Pikachu with this unique power may make a Slam with a Swift Action once per three rounds. This additionally deals 1d10 Electricity damage, plus 1 per 2 hit dice (round up). Upon using this, until the start of its next turn Pikachu has Concealment thanks to the sheer speed of its movement. This is an [Electric] effect.

Floaty Fall (Ex): a Pikachu with this is so good at finding balloons and flying with them that it may use them for a 30' Fly Speed (Poor). It is able to carry up to 10 pounds of weight per point of Strength it has without taking a penalty (so some children), with an extra 5lbs per point of Strength added for every size category it grows beyond Tiny, and treats any wind effects as being two stages less severe when flying in this manner. It also may elect, as a Standard Action, to release the balloons and drop on a target. This is treated as a charging Slam, with an additional 1d4 damage per 10 feet it falls (1d6 per 10' if it is larger than Tiny). On a successful hit, the foe must succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Dexterity Bonus) or be knocked Prone. This is a [Flying] attack. Finding more balloons merely takes an hour of searching about the place.

Splishy Splash (Su): a Pikachu with this power may electrify water beneath its feet, surfing atop it with ease. This grants it a Swim Speed of 60 feet, as well as an attack that can be used once per minute with a Full Round Action. It calls forth a mass of electrically charged water beneath it and then hurls it forward in a wave, 15' wide and 60' long. All in the area suffer 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Failure results in a target being knocked Prone. Additionally, all who suffer any damage must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Paralyzed for 1 round per 4 hit dice Pikachu has (round up). This is a [Water] attack.

Many Pikachu variants are said to exist, typically "cosplay" varieties that dress in strange ways and in doing so learn special attacks. Dressed as a rock star, it is likely to know Meteor Mash and specialise in being cool. Dressed as a southern belle, it likely knows Icicle Crash and specialises in being beautiful. Dressed as an idol/pop star, it is likely to know Draining Kiss and specialise in being cute. If wearing nerd glasses and a lab coat, it likely knows Electric Terrain and specialises in being clever. And one dressed as a masked luchador probably knows Flying Press and specialises in being tough. These attacks are covered below, under "Tutor Moves".

At 2 hit dice, Pikachu's Dexterity and Constitution both increase by 2.

At 3 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Disconnect:
Disconnect (Su): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Pikachu may unleash a Thunder Shock that, if it hits, allows Pikachu to make a Disarm or Sunder check for free, adding its Charisma Bonus to the attempt. The damage is doubled (and tripled on a critical hit) if its Disarm or Sunder check succeeds. This is an [Electric] attack.

At 4 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by another 2, and its Natural Armour increases by 1.

At 5 hit dice, its Charisma increases by another 2.

At 6 hit dice, it learns Overspark.
Overspark (Su): with a Full Round Action, Pikachu can unleash the full blast of its electrical power, turning its various temporary enhancements into even more lightning energy. This deals a variable number of d10 of Electricity damage to all enemies within 10 feet. This number is equal to the total of all Enhancement, Resistance, Morale and Luck Bonuses it has to Ability Scores, attack rolls (not differentiating between different ones), damage rolls (not differentiating between different ones) and Saving Throws (whichever happens to be highest), minus the total of all Morale and Luck Penalties to the above. For instance, if it has a +2 Enhancement Bonus to two different ability scores, and a +1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls, but a -2 Luck Penalty to saving throws, this equals 2+2+1+1-2 = 4d10. A successful Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) halves this. This is an [Electric] attack.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Pika Papow.
Pika Papow (Ex): once per three rounds, Pikachu may unleash a special Thunder Shock that has no saving throw - it simply automatically affects a foe within reach. Even Total Concealment won't save them, although it must correctly target their square, and Line of Effect is still required. This deals an additional number of d12 of damage equal to the highest Morale Bonus it has. This is an [Electric] attack.

If Pikachu does not evolve, then at every even level starting at 8, its Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma all increase by 1, and at every odd level starting at 9 its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns a new attack from amongst the following: Electro Ball, Double Team, Thunderbolt, Thunder Wave, Nasty Plot, Agility, Discharge, Light Screen, Thunder, Rising Voltage. Starting at level fifteen, it may learn Catastropika, 10 Million Volt Thunderbolt and Max Volt Crash.

Electro Ball (Su): once per three rounds, Pikachu may roll into an electrically-charged ball and roll in a straight line. With a Full Round Action, it moves up to double its base move speed in a straight line, moving through intervening creatures but not solid objects. All in the area suffer a number of d6 of Electricity damage equal to Pikachu's Dexterity Bonus, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Dexterity Bonus). This is an [Electric] attack.

Double Team (Su): Pikachu may use a Standard Action to cast Mirror Image once per 5 rounds, with a Caster Level equal to its hit dice. This is a [Normal] ability.

Thunder Wave (Su): with a Standard Action at will, Pikachu may unleash electromagnetic waves in a Cone that is 15' long (and therefore 15' wide at the furthest point). All in the area must succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Paralyzed for one round, plus 1 more round for every 5 points by which they fail the save. This is an [Electric] effect.

Thunderbolt (Su): once per three rounds, Pikachu may unleash a blast of electricity that functions as the spell Lightning Bolt, except there is no cap on the damage and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Those that fail the saving throw are Staggered for one round if they only failed by 1-3, and are Stunned for 2 rounds if they failed by more than this amount. This is an [Electric] attack.

Nasty Plot (Ex): by concentrating on schemes and tactics as a Full Round Action, Pikachu can grant itself an Eagle's Splendour effect at will. In addition, while this is in effect, it gains +1d6 Sneak Attack damage. This is a [Dark] effect.

Agility (Su): by focusing as a Full Round Action, Pikachu can cast Cat's Grace on itself at will. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Discharge (Su): with a Standard Action at will, Pikachu may unleash a blast of lightning all around it. This extends out as a 30' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 Electricity damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw are Staggered for one round. This is an [Electric] attack.

Light Screen (Su): once per hour, Pikachu may emit powerful light that forms an actual protective shield. This functions as a Wall of Light spell, however any creature attacking through it that cannot see through it treats all targets as having half Cover. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Thunder (Su): once per hour, Pikachu may use a Full Round Action to summon a mighty blast of destructive lightning from the skies. This creates a 10' radius Column anywhere in Medium Range, with a height of "from the cloud level to the ground". All in the area suffer 1d10 Electricity damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Failure results in the targets being Paralyzed for one round per hit die. In rain, the Save DC is 4 higher, but in harsh sunlight or a sandstorm, it is 4 lower. This is an [Electric] attack.

Rising Voltage (Su): once per five rounds, Pikachu may pull electrical power up from the ground into the sky. All creatures within a 5' radius 30' tall Column within Close Range suffer 1d4 Electricity damage per hit die, unless it targets an area of Electric Terrain, in which case the Column rises from the entire area of terrain and its Charisma bonus is added to every die of damage. Either way, a successful Reflex Save halves the damage (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is an [Electric] attack.

Catastropika (Su): once per day, Pikachu can utilise its Z-Power with a Full Round Action to unleash a Charge. This has a base damage of 1d4 Bludgeoning for a Tiny creature, plus its Strength Bonus, but also deals 10 Electricity damage per hit die in a bright explosion of light and sparks. As a side-effect of this, Pikachu is knocked Prone on a successful hit and its target is rendered Staggered for one round following the impact. On a critical hit, the target is instead Stunned for 3 rounds. This is an [Electricity] attack.

Max Volt Crash (Su): once per day, Pikachu can call upon the power of Kyodai Heavy Thunder. Using a Full Round Action, it creates a 20' radius Column anywhere in Medium Range, with a height of "from the cloud level to the ground". All in the area suffer 1d10 Electricity damage per hit die, and additionally must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Paralyzed for one round per hit die. This is an [Electric] attack.

10 Million Volt Thunderbolt (Su): once per day, Pikachu can call upon its Z-Power with a Standard Action, functioning as the spell Chain Lightning, except there is no cap on the damage, the primary target does not get a save and instead is targeted with a Ranged Touch Attack that has an 18-20/x2 Critical value, and the Save DC for secondary targets is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is an [Electric] attack.


Small Magical Beast, CR 8
8 17 16 8 13 16
8d8+24 (56 HP), Init +7, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +6/+1
-Slam +10 (1d4-1)
AC: 17 (+1 Size, +3 Dex, +3 Natural Armour), Flat 14, Touch 14
Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Iron Will
Skills: Listen +12
Special Attacks: Thunderbolt, Play Nice, Voltail
Special Qualities: Static, Electric Pokemon Traits
Rare Traits: Lightning Rod, Charge, Disarming Voice, Fake Out, Present, Tickle, Volt Tackle, Wish, Zippy Zap, Floaty Fall, Splishy Splash
Tutor Moves: Charm, Swift, Endure, Volt Switch, Thunder Wave, Nuzzle, Rising Voltage
Advancement: none
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Average BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This sort of resembles a massive rodent, the size of a child or a beanbag. So, like those Dutch mega-rabbits. Except it's a dark yellow, almost orange, with tiger-stripes. Its whip-like tail ends in the shape of a lightning bolt, and actual electricity crackles off it.

Electric Traits: Raichu is weak against [Ground] attacks, and resists [Electric], [Flying] and [Steel] attacks. It cannot be Staggered or Paralyzed. It can generate sufficient electricity to power machines up to Medium Size, such as the healing machine of a Pokecenter.

Thunderbolt (Su): once per three rounds, Raichu may unleash a blast of electricity that functions as the spell Lightning Bolt, except there is no cap on the damage and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Those that fail the saving throw are Staggered for one round if they only failed by 1-3, and are Stunned for 2 rounds if they failed by more than this amount. This is an [Electric] attack.

Play Nice (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Raichu can jump about and play with an adjacent creature, wearing them out. The target automatically becomes Fatigued, although this wears off in one minute. If they are already Fatigued, they become Exhaused for three rounds - this then degrades to fatigue, which goes away one minute later. This is a [Normal] effect.

Static (Ex): the first time in a creature's turn that it hits Raichu with a melee attack, the attacker must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Staggered until the start of its next turn. If they become Staggered by this, their turn ends instantly. This is a [Pokebility].

Voltail (Ex): Raichu's Slam has a reach of up to 10 feet. Should it grow to Medium Size or larger, it effectively has the reach of a whip for its Size, albeit actually threatening the squares it can reach. Once per minute, Raichu can deliver a powerful shock with this Slam as a Standard Action, adding bonus Electricity damage equal to its hit dice multiplied by its Constitution Bonus. A target that is struck is Stunned for one round, or on a Critical Hit is Stunned and Paralyzed for 3 rounds. This is an [Electric] attack.

At 9 hit dice, its Strength and Charisma increase by 2 each.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Thunder Punch, and its Natural Armour increases by 1.
Thunder Punch (Su): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, Raichu may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d4 Bludgeoning damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 Electricity damage per 3 hit dice (round up), and a struck target must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Staggered for one round. On a Critical Hit, a successful Charge, or on Electric Terrain, the target instead must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Stunned for one round. This is an [Electric] attack.

At 11 hit dice, it grows Medium in Size, increasing its Strength and Constitution by 2 each and its Natural Armour by 1, and reducing its Dexterity by 2.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Dazzle Blast.
Dazzle Blast (Su): once per three rounds, Raichu can unleash a bright flash of light that overwhelms the senses. This uses a Standard Action, and everything within 5' per 2 hit dice suffers 4d6 Electricity damage plus its Charisma Bonus, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Things within 10' of this area still suffer 2d6 Electricity damage with a Will Save to negate (same DC). Any creature that fails the Will Save becomes Confused for 3 rounds. For the next round, no attack against Raichu can benefit from an Insight, Circumstance, Luck or Competence Bonus to attack or damage rolls as the residual dazzling static in the air messes with tracking abilities. This is an [Electric] effect.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Rai-Shield and its Wisdom increases by 2.
Rai-Shield (Su): with a Full Round Action once per 3 rounds, Raichu can whirl its tail and create a protective plasma field around itself. Until the end of its next turn, it has a +5 Resistance Bonus on all Saving Throws and Concealment, and any attacker who succeeds against it with a melee attack suffers 2d6 Electricity damage in return. This is an [Electric] effect.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Lightning Link.
Lightning Link (Ex): once per minute, when anybody else uses an [Electric] attack on their own turn within 30' of Raichu, it may use one of its own available [Electric] attacks with an Immediate Action. This must target either the attacker that triggered this, or their target, or if an Area of Effect, the area must contain one of the two, and the attack in question must be ready to use (ie not on cooldown or expended for the day).

At 15 hit dice, when Mega-Evolved it can use Max Drumroll.
Max Drumroll (Su): once per minute, Mega-Raichu can hammer on its drum wheel to create reverberating thunder and call down blasts of lightning. This requires a Full Round Action, but effectively creates a Thunder effect, but targeting 6 separate, non-overlapping, 10' radius Columns. Additionally, every target that failed its saving throw will continue to suffer 6d6 Electricity damage each round for three rounds, and on these three rounds Raichu may also call down a single lightning bolt (as per Call Lightning Storm) as a Free Action once per round. This is an [Electric] attack.

Mega Evolution: when Raichu becomes Mega Raichu, it grows bigger and sturdier, a wheel of prayer drums forming behind it, as lightning constantly radiates from its body. It gains the Powerful Build special quality, and its ability changes to Thunder Drum. Its Strength, Constitution, Wisdom, Charisma and Natural Armour each increase by 4 (granting it Temporary Hit Points), and it is very very loud.

Thunder Drum (Ex): Mega Raichu's [Electric] moves all become Sound-based [Sonic] effects, therefore bypass Substitutes, Mirror Images and Projected Images. Additionally, [Ground] Pokemon are no longer considered Immune to them, so lose the inherent Resistance (although a Ground/Grass Type Pokemon, for instance, would still Resist them). This is a Pokebility.


Alolan Raichu
Small Magical Beast, CR 8
8 17 16 8 13 18
8d6+24 (48 HP), Init +7, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +6/+1
-Slam +10 (1d4-1)
AC: 15 (+1 Size, +3 Dex, +1 Natural Armour), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +9
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Iron Will
Skills: Listen +12, Spot +12, Balance +14
Special Attacks: Thunderbolt, Play Nice, Psychic
Special Qualities: Surge Surfer, Electric and Psychic Pokemon Traits
Rare Traits: Charge, Disarming Voice, Fake Out, Present, Tickle, Volt Tackle, Wish, Zippy Zap, Floaty Fall, Splishy Splash
Tutor Moves: Charm, Swift, Endure, Volt Switch, Thunder Wave, Nuzzle, Rising Voltage
Advancement: none
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Average BAB, Good Ref and Will, 4 + Int skill points

This big cuddly pillow of a rodent is a sort of yellow-brown colour, with delightful yellow spots on its cheeks and a big smile. Its tail starts thin, but ends in a big lightning bolt - big enough that the creature can and indeed does stand on it.

Electric and Psychic Traits: Alolan Raichu is weak against [Bug], [Dark], [Ghost] and [Ground] attacks, and resists [Electric], [Fighting], [Flying], [Psychic] and [Steel] attacks. It cannot be Staggered or Paralyzed. It can generate sufficient electricity to power machines up to Medium Size, such as the healing machine of a Pokecenter. It can communicate with other intelligent creatures via Telepathy to 100 feet, and is considered to have the [Psionic] Subtype for games that use these. Furthermore, it can activate Psionic devices such as Dorjes as though the relevant powers were on its class list.

Thunderbolt (Su): once per three rounds, Alolan Raichu may unleash a blast of electricity that functions as the spell Lightning Bolt, except there is no cap on the damage and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Those that fail the saving throw are Staggered for one round if they only failed by 1-3, and are Stunned for 2 rounds if they failed by more than this amount. This is an [Electric] attack.

Play Nice (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Alolan Raichu can jump about and play with an adjacent creature, wearing them out. The target automatically becomes Fatigued, although this wears off in one minute. If they are already Fatigued, they become Exhaused for three rounds - this then degrades to fatigue, which goes away one minute later. This is a [Normal] effect.

Psychic (Sp): once per minute, Alolan Raichu may use a Standard Action to target one creature within Medium Range and blast them with overwhelming psychic energy that hammers on their brain. They suffer 1d6 damage per hit die, as well as 4 points of Wisdom damage, with a Will Save to halve both of these (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and on a failed save they are also Dazed for one round. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] attack.

Surge Surfer (Ex): any time Alolan Raichu is on Electric Terrain, it surfs upon its tail. This causes it to move faster, becoming Hasted, except instead of the normal speed increase, it is simply tripled (typically to 60 feet). This does not keep it sufficiently above the ground to confer immunity to things on the ground, but does allow it to ignore slippery surfaces such as Grease. This is a [Pokebility].

At 9 hit dice, its Wisdom and Charisma increase by 2 each.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Speed Swap, and its Natural Armour increases by 1.
Speed Swap (Sp): with a Standard Action at will, Alolan Raichu may target a creature within Close Range, and through quantum entanglement swap their speeds around. This swaps any Haste or Slow effects between the two, as well as any modifiers to movement speeds, as well as Bonuses, Penalties or Damage to Dexterity. This lasts for one minute, although any given effect can end sooner than this if it normally would. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Stoked Sparksurfer.
Stoked Sparksurfer (Su): once per hour, Alolan Raichu can utilise Z-Power in order to blaze a trail on its surf-tail. This allows it to cast Lightning Leap, albeit with no damage cap and a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. If this is not performed on Electric Terrain, it leaves a trail of Electric Terrain in the area it passes over, for 3 rounds. If it is performed on Electric Terrain, it may simply target anyone it wishes on any part of the area, leaving out those it wishes to spare, and can end the movement in any unoccupied square, and all who fail their saving throw are Stunned for one round. This is an [Electric] attack.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Electric Rain.
Electric Rain (Su): once per day, Alolan Raichu may spend a Full Round Action calling upon an electrically charged rainstorm, crackling with lightning. This changes the weather to rain for 1 hour (or "until it would normally end" if already cast in the rain) in a one mile radius, as well as setting the ground to be covered with Electric Terrain out to a 100' radius spread from Raichu for one minute. Additionally, Alolan Raichu then benefits from Call Lightning Storm for the full hour, providing it is still in the rain the entire time, with no limit on the total number of bolts that can be called down (still just one per round). This is an [Electric] effect.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Rai-Shield and its Wisdom increases by 2.
Rai-Shield (Su): with a Full Round Action once per 3 rounds, Alolan Raichu can whirl its tail and create a protective plasma field around itself. Until the end of its next turn, it has a +5 Resistance Bonus on all Saving Throws and Concealment, and any attacker who succeeds against it with a melee attack suffers 2d6 Electricity damage in return. This is an [Electric] effect.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Charge and Stored Power.
Charge (Ex): by spending a Standard Action charging up, Alolan Raichu can generate extra electricity. It gains a +2 Resistance Bonus to saving throws for one minute. Within this duration, the first [Electric] attack it unleashes is Empowered. This is an [Electric] effect.

Stored Power (Sp): with a Full Round Action, Alolan Raichu can unleash the full power of its psychic potential, turning its various temporary enhancements into even more damaging energy. This deals a variable number of d10 of damage to all enemies within 10 feet. This number is equal to the total of all Enhancement, Resistance, Morale and Luck Bonuses it has to Ability Scores, attack rolls (not differentiating between different ones), damage rolls (not differentiating between different ones) and Saving Throws (whichever happens to be highest), minus the total of all Morale and Luck Penalties to the above. For instance, if it has a +2 Enhancement Bonus to two different ability scores, and a +1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls, but a -2 Luck Penalty to saving throws, this equals 2+2+1+1-2 = 4d10. A successful Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) halves this. This is a [Psychic] attack.

At 15 hit dice, when Mega-Evolved it can use Max Mindshock.
Max Mindshock (Su): once per minute, Alolan Mega-Raichu can use a Full Round Action to unleash a massive explosion of weirdly electrical psychic energy, practically frying the synapses in peoples' brains. That's pretty awesome. This is resolved as though using Psychic to target everything it wants in a 20' radius Burst within Medium Range, while sparing allies or itself. Furthermore, it leaves that entire area covered in Electric Terrain for the next minute. This is a [Psychic] attack.

Mega Evolution: when Alolan Raichu becomes Alolan Mega Raichu, it becomes somewhat sleeker and sharper in shape, with the end of its tail resembling a paper aeroplane or giant arrowhead. Its Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom increase by 4 each (granting Temporary Hit Points), its Charisma increases by 6, and its Natural Armour increases by 2. While its Surge Surfer ability is active, it also floats above the ground, still benefiting from Electric Terrain but immune to ground-based hazards and neutralising its Weakness to [Ground] attacks.

Tutor Moves:

Charm (Sp): once per day, the Pokemon may cast Charm Monster with a Save DC of 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is [Mind-Affecting] [Charm] [Fairy] effect.

Draining Kiss (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may cast Vampiric Touch. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Electric Terrain (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to release Electric Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is an [Electric] effect.

Endure (Ex): once per hour, the Pokemon may clench its muscles, growl, and prepare to accept an incoming attack. Providing it had more than 1 hit point before using this ability, it cannot be reduced below 1 hit point until the start of its next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

Flying Press (Ex): once per three rounds, the Pokemon can perform a leaping splash attack on a foe with a Full Round Action. As part of this, the Pokemon moves with any of its movement modes as though making a Move Action. If the target's head is at a higher elevation than the Pokemon (whether due to high ground or a greater Size), it must use a Jump check or Fly speed to reach that elevation. This is resolved as a Slam that deals 2d6 damage for a Medium creature, plus its Bonus on Jump checks, and is considered both a [Fighting] and [Flying] attack - use whichever is better against a given foe.

Icicle Crash (Su): once per five rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to leap upon a foe and smash a supernaturally cold icicle upon their head. This doesn't require a Jump check despite that leap, but it fails if a condition prevents jumping at all. It makes a single attack, which is treated as being with an equipped melee weapon, with a base damage of 4d6 Bludgeoning (for a Medium creature), plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, plus 1d6 Cold damage per hit die. The target must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be knocked Prone. This is an [Ice] attack.

Meteor Mash (Ex): once per five rounds, the Pokemon may throw a punch packed with the strength of a meteor, exploding with fragments of cold iron. This is a natural weapon with a +1 Enhancement Bonus that deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, and additionally receives an extra 1d6 damage per 3 hit dice (round up). The Pokemon is able to use Power Attack with this, even if it lacks the Feat. This bypasses DR and Regeneration as though made of Cold Iron, and on a Critical Hit, the Pokemon gains a +2 Enhancement Bonus to Strength for the next minute. This is a [Punch] [Steel] attack.

Nuzzle (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to rub against an adjacent creature and deliver a static shock. This deals 1d6 points of damage, plus its Charisma Bonus. Additionally, the target must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Stunned for one round. This is an [Electric] attack.

Rising Voltage (Su): once per five rounds, the Pokemon may pull electrical power up from the ground into the sky. All creatures within a 5' radius 30' tall Column within Close Range suffer 1d4 Electricity damage per hit die, unless it targets an area of Electric Terrain, in which case the Column rises from the entire area of terrain and its Charisma bonus is added to every die of damage. Either way, a successful Reflex Save halves the damage (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is an [Electric] attack.

Swift (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon can unlesh multiple star-shaped beams of light that home unerringly on their target. Once per five rounds, it may produce an effect identical to Magic Missile, save that it is not a [Force] effect and in fact is a [Normal] attack, so bad against ghosts.

Thunder Wave (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash electromagnetic waves in a Cone that is 15' long (and therefore 15' wide at the furthest point). All in the area must succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Paralyzed for one round, plus 1 more round for every 5 points by which they fail the save. This is an [Electric] effect.

Volt Switch (Su): with a Full Round Action once per five rounds, the Pokemon may cast Lightning Leap (Save DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If it ends the movement in the same square as, or adjacent to, its pokeball, it may retreat into it and end its turn that way. This is an [Electric] attack.
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Jan 13, 2024 9:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Tiny Animal, CR 1
13 12 15 8 6 12
1d8+2 (6 HP), Init +1, Speed 20', Burrow 20'
BAB/Grab: +1/-6
-2 Claws +5 (1d2+1 plus Poison)
AC: 15 (+1 Dex, +2 Natural Armour, +2 Size), Flat 14, Touch 13
Fort +4 Ref +1 Will -2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Weapon Focus: Claw
Skills: Climb +5
Special Attacks: Poison Sting
Special Qualities: Ground Pokemon Traits, Sand Veil, Defense Curl, Tremorsense 30'
Rare Traits: Sand Rush, Flail, Hone Claws, Night Slash, Endure
Tutor Moves: Mud Slap, Metal Claw, Rock Tomb, Fling, Dig, Brick Break, Shadow Claw, Spikes, Knock Off, Sand Tomb, Scorching Sands
Advancement: 2+, usually evolves into Sandslash at 5 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort, 2 + Int skill points

This little critter looks a lot like a pangolin. Its sharp claws and smooth, sand-coloured "scales" suggest it's a burrowing creature.

Ground Traits: Sandshrew is weak against [Grass], [Ice] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Poison] and [Rock] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Electric] attacks, always resisting them. When burrowing, it can choose whether or not to leave tunnels behind it. It also has the ability to swim through sand at its normal speed, and when burrowing or sand-swimming, is sufficiently grounded as to take no damage or effect from any kind of [Electric] attack. When simply touching the ground, it has Evasion against [Electric] attacks. It also suffers no damage or impediments from sand storms, dust storms, loose sand, quicksand or rough stony terrain, and in sand storms and dust storms it has Resistance equal to its hit dice against all energy types, even obscure ones.

Poison Sting (Ex): Sandshrew has venomous claws. Anything damaged by its Claw is afflicted by Poison, with Primary and Secondary damage of 2 Dexterity and Constitution damage. The Save DC is Constitution-based, so for the standard Sandshrew is 12. Its Claw attacks are [Poison] attacks.

Sand Veil (Ex): any time Sandshrew is in a sandstorm or duststorm, it is completely Invisible. This is a [Pokebility].

Defence Curl (Ex): any time Sandshrew takes a Total Defence action, the benefits of having done so remain until the end of its next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

Rare Traits:
Sand Rush (Ex): if Sandshrew with this [Pokebility] is ever in a dust storm or sand storm or swimming through sand, it is Hasted for the duration.

Flail (Ex): a Sandshrew with this ability may flail about wildly in desperation, using a Full Round Action to unleash a Claw attack, without the poison, against every foe within its Reach. If it has suffered any damage at all, this gains a +1 Enhancement Bonus. If it is below half its maximum HP, it gains a +2 Enhancement Bonus and deals damage as though one size larger. If it is below a quarter of its maximum HP, it gains a +3 Enhancement Bonus and deals damage as though two sizes larger. If it is on precisely one hit point, it gains a +5 Enhancement Bonus and deals maximised damage as though three sizes larger (so typically 6, before adding bonuses).

Hone Claws (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, a Sandshrew with this ability may sharpen its claws, honing their edges to improve their devastating cutting power. For the next minute, its natural weapons (including ones granted by Pokemon Attacks) all enjoy a +1 Enhancement Bonus, or their existing Enhancement Bonus is increased by 1. This can be performed multiple times, increasing the bonus and resetting the duration each time, to a maximum Enhancement Bonus of +6. This is a [Dark] effect.

Night Slash (Ex): at will, a Sandshrew with this attack may unleash an attack originally used by evil samurai to murder people at a crossroads. It may make a single Claw attack with a Standard Action, treated as a Keen Katana wielded in two hands, sized appropriately (1d6, 17-20/x2 for a Tiny creature). This has an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), deals ongoing Bleed damage equal to the Enhancement Bonus, and the increased Threat Range can be increased further via Improved Critical and similar. This is a [Dark] attack.

Endure (Ex): with a Full Round Action, a Sandshrew with this ability may clench its teeth and withstand any kind of rough treatment. Until the start of its next turn, it can survive and remain conscious and mobile until reaching -200 hit points. At the end of its following turn, if its hit points are in the negatives, it reverts to -1 HP but stable. This cannot be used two turns in a row, and requires Sandshrew to have more than 1 current hit point. This is a [Normal] ability.

At 2 hit dice, Sandshrew learns Sand Attack and Rollout.
Sand Attack (Ex): with a Standard Action, a Sandshrew standing on the ground can kick sand and dust at a creature within 10 feet. They must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 12) or be rendered Blind for 3 rounds. The Save DC is Dexterity-based. This is a [Ground] effect.

Rollout (Ex): Sandshrew may use a Full Round Action at will to move up to its movement speed in a straight Line, making a Trample attack against all in the area. The damage for this is 1d4 (for a Tiny creature) plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus. If used in successive turns, each time it increases the damage die by one size, to a maximum of three increases (2d6 for a Tiny creature). If it uses Defence Curl on the turn immediately preceding this attack, the damage is increased by one size further (so 1d6 on the first turn, up to a maximum of 2d8 on the fourth turn). This is a [Rock] attack.

At 3 hit dice, its Strength grows by 2 and it learns Fury Cutter.
Fury Cutter (Ex): Sandshrew may elect to make its Claw attacks as a [Bug] attack. If it does so on consecutive turns, then starting on the second turn the Threat Range increases by 1, and this continues to increase every consecutive round. These increases happen after any doubling from Improved Critical or whatever.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Rapid Spin and Bulldoze.
Rapid Spin (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Sandshrew may spin about, moving as though making a Move Action. This movement ignores and clears away all hazards, magical glyphs and damaging terrain, and does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. It may make a Slam attack at the end of this movement, which deals 1d2 damage for a Tiny creature. This is a [Normal] attack.

Bulldoze (Ex): with a Full Round Action once per three rounds, Sandshrew may make a Charge attack, that ends in a Slam of appropriate Size (1d3 for a Tiny creature). If it ends this charge threatening multiple creatures or objects, it may elect to resolve the attack against any or all of them, not just the initial target (though the normal rules for charging apply, so it can't declare a target, charge them, and then forego attacking that target). Furthermore, anything hit suffers 2 points of Dexterity damage, and has their Initiative reduced by 4, although this cannot cause something to gain two turns (such as acting at 2 Initiative higher than Sandshrew, getting hit, then acting again at 2 lower). This is a [Ground] attack.


Small Animal, CR 5
19 14 17 8 8 12
5d8+15 (37 HP), Init +2, Speed 30', Burrow 30'
BAB/Grab: +5/+5
-2 Claws +11 (1d3+4 plus Poison)
AC: 17 (+1 Size, +2 Dex, +4 Natural Armour), Flat 15, Touch 13
Fort +7 Ref +3 Will +0
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Weapon Focus: Claw, Power Attack
Skills: Climb +12
Special Attacks: Crush Claw, Poison Sting, Sand Attack, Rollout, Fury Cutter, Rapid Spin, Bulldoze
Special Qualities: Ground Pokemon Traits, Sand Veil, Defense Curl, Tremorsense 40'
Rare Traits: Sand Rush, Flail, Hone Claws, Night Slash, Endure
Tutor Moves: Mud Slap, Metal Claw, Rock Tomb, Fling, Dig, Brick Break, Shadow Claw, Spikes, Knock Off, Sand Tomb, Scorching Sands, Focus Punch
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Small), 11-18 HD (Medium), 19+ HD (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort, 2 + Int skill points

The creature hunched before you resembles a pangolin, albeit with large, plate-like spines growing from its back like a hedgehog.

Ground Traits: Sandslash is weak against [Grass], [Ice] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Poison] and [Rock] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Electric] attacks, always resisting them. When burrowing, it can choose whether or not to leave tunnels behind it. It also has the ability to swim through sand at its normal speed, and when burrowing or sand-swimming, is sufficiently grounded as to take no damage or effect from any kind of [Electric] attack. When simply touching the ground, it has Evasion against [Electric] attacks. It also suffers no damage or impediments from sand storms, dust storms, loose sand, quicksand or rough stony terrain, and in sand storms and dust storms it has Resistance equal to its hit dice against all energy types, even obscure ones.

Poison Sting (Ex): Sandslash has venomous claws. Anything damaged by its Claw is afflicted by Poison, with Primary and Secondary damage of 2 Dexterity and Constitution damage. The Save DC is Constitution-based, so for the standard Sandslash is 16. Its Claw attacks are [Poison] attacks.

Sand Veil (Ex): any time Sandslash is in a sandstorm or duststorm, it is completely Invisible. This is a [Pokebility].

Defence Curl (Ex): any time Sandslash takes a Total Defence action, the benefits of having done so remain until the end of its next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

Sand Attack (Ex): with a Standard Action, a Sandslash standing on the ground can kick sand and dust at a creature within 10 feet. They must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 14) or be rendered Blind for 3 rounds. The Save DC is Dexterity-based. This is a [Ground] effect.

Rollout (Ex): Sandslash may use a Full Round Action at will to move up to its movement speed in a straight Line, making a Trample attack against all in the area. The damage for this is 1d6 (for a Small creature) plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus. If used in successive turns, each time it increases the damage die by one size, to a maximum of three increases (3d6 for a Small creature). If it uses Defence Curl on the turn immediately preceding this attack, the damage is increased by one size further (so 1d8 on the first turn, up to a maximum of 4d6 on the fourth turn). This is a [Rock] attack.

Fury Cutter (Ex): Sandslash may elect to make its Claw attacks as a [Bug] attack. If it does so on consecutive turns, then starting on the second turn the Threat Range increases by 1, and this continues to increase every consecutive round. These increases happen after any doubling from Improved Critical or whatever.

Rapid Spin (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Sandslash may spin about, moving as though making a Move Action. This movement ignores and clears away all hazards, magical glyphs and damaging terrain, and does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. It may make a Slam attack at the end of this movement, which deals 1d3 damage for a Small creature. This is a [Normal] attack.

Bulldoze (Ex): with a Full Round Action once per three rounds, Sandslash may make a Charge attack, that ends in a Slam of appropriate Size (1d4 for a Small creature). If it ends this charge threatening multiple creatures or objects, it may elect to resolve the attack against any or all of them, not just the initial target (though the normal rules for charging apply, so it can't declare a target, charge them, and then forego attacking that target). Furthermore, anything hit suffers 2 points of Dexterity damage, and has their Initiative reduced by 4, although this cannot cause something to gain two turns (such as acting at 2 Initiative higher than Sandslash, getting hit, then acting again at 2 lower). This is a [Ground] attack.

Crush Claw (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Sandslash may make a single Claw attack that is treated as the size of the target (so 1d2 if targeting a Tiny creature, 1d4 for a Medium target, 2d6 for a Gargantuan target and so on). The threat range is 20/x2 for Tiny or smaller targets, 19-20/x2 for Small to Large targets, 18-20/x2 for Huge and Gargantuan targets, and 17-20/x2 for anything larger than that. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 6 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it gains DR 3/-.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Sand Tomb.
Sand Tomb (Su): with a Standard Action, Sandslash may cast Haboob (It's Hot Outside) once per minute. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ground] attack.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Slash and its Natural Armour increases by 1.
Slash (Ex): with a Standard Action, Sandslash may make a single Claw attack that has a base damage of 1d6 for a Small creature (without the benefits of Poison Sting) and a Critical value of 15-20/x2. If it has Improved Critical (Claw attacks), this does indeed become 9-20/x2. It ignores Hardness of 5 or less, and deals double damage against unattended objects (or triple on a critical hit). This is a [Normal] attack.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Needle Ball and Drill Run.
Needle Ball (Ex): when using Rollout, Sandslash additionally leaves a Spike Growth effect in its trail, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus. If it used Defence Curl before starting, it instead leaves a Stone Spikes effect. It may also choose whether this is a [Rock] or [Ground] attack each time.

Drill Run (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Sandslash may tear through the ground, charging in a straight Line. It makes one attack roll, with a 15-20/x2 Critical value, and resolves this against every creature or object within the area - targeting creatures standing on or directly in the ground. This has a base damage of 3d6 + 1 and a half times its Strength Bonus for a Small creature. This is a [Ground] attack.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Swords Dance and its Natural Armour increases by 1.
Swords Dance (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Sandslash may perform the legendary Swords Dance, providing its movement is unobstructed. For the next minute, it enjoys a +8 Enhancement Bonus to Strength. Furthermore, it may make a Perform (Dance) check, even untrained, as part of using this, and if a 15 or more is rolled, its Natural Weapons deal grow by one virtual Size category for the duration, or two virtual Size categories if a 25 or more is rolled. Increases from using this multiple times do not stack. This is a [Dance] effect and a [Normal] effect.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Sandstorm.
Sandstorm (Su): once per day per 5 full hit dice, Sandslash may cast Sandstorm (It's Hot Outside) with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Keep in mind the various benefits it has in sandstorms and duststorms. This is a [Ground] effect.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Earthquake, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and its DR becomes 6/-.
Earthquake (Su): once per hour, Sandslash may cast Earthquake, however the damage (not including Non-Lethal damage for being trapped) is 1d6 per hit die, any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and anything considered Immune to [Ground] attacks can never be trapped in the fissures. This is a [Ground] attack.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Poison Payback.
Poison Payback (Ex): once per round, Sandslash may use Poison Sting to make a single Claw attack as an Immediate Action in response to being damaged by an opponent. This is a [Poison] attack.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Sand Swirl and its Natural Armour increases by 1.
Sand Swirl (Su): Sandslash can cast Storm Mote at will, and Slipsand once per hour. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Max Secret Spikes.
Max Secret Spikes (Su): with a Standard Action once per minute, Mega Sandslash may cast Sandstorm (It's Hot Outside). Additionally, the entire area also receives a Spike Growth effect, and at any one point in the area a Spiked Pit effect is created, although Mega Sandslash is unaffected by the both of these. The Save DC for all effects is 10 + half its hit dice + its Dexterity Bonus. This is a [Ground] effect.

At every even hit die thereafter, its Natural Armour increases by 1, and at 18 hit dice its DR becomes 9/-.

Mega Sandslash: when Sandslash Mega Evolves, its claws lengthen even more, as do the sharp spines on its back. Its Strength and Dexterity each increase by 6, its Natural Armour increases by 4, and its Constitution and Wisdom each increase by 2 (granting Temporary HP). Additionally, it gains the Augmented Critical ability for its Claws, and its Pokebility becomes Desert Cloak.

Desert Cloak (Su): when in a sandstorm or duststorm, Mega Sandslash and all of its adjacent allies are Immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects, [Death] effects, Burns, Frostburn, Freezing, catching on fire, Bleed, Paralysis, Stunning, Dazing, Poison and Disease. This is a [Pokebility].


Alolan Sandshrew
Tiny Animal, CR 1
13 12 16 8 7 8
1d8+3 (7 HP), Init +1, Speed 20', Burrow 10'
BAB/Grab: +1/-6
-2 Claws +6 (1d3+2)
AC: 16 (+1 Dex, +3 Natural Armour, +2 Size), Flat 15, Touch 13
Fort +5 Ref +1 Will -2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Weapon Focus: Claw
Skills: Listen +2
Special Attacks: Metal Claw
Special Qualities: Ice and Steel Pokemon Traits, Snow Cloak, Defense Curl, Mist
Rare Traits: Slush Rush, Crush Claw, Hone Claws, Ice Shard, Night Slash
Tutor Moves: Icy Wind, Rock Tomb, Fling, Dig, Brick Break, Shadow Claw, Ice Punch, Iron Head, Ice Spinner, Steel Roller
Advancement: 2+, usually evolves into Alolan Sandslash at 5 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort, 2 + Int skill points

This looks like a pangolin, except its "scales" appear to be actual metal armour, a blue steel that has frost forming on the surface.

Ice and Steel Traits: Alolan Sandshrew is weak against [Fighting], [Fire] and [Ground] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Dragon], [Fairy], [Flying], [Grass], [Ice], [Normal] and [Psychic] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Poison] attacks, always resisting them. and can never be Poisoned or Diseased in any way. It can be treated by effects as though it were a Construct (but does not gain the traits or immunities of one). It cannot be frozen solid or suffer frostbite, frostburn or hypothermia, and is also immune to Dexterity Damage (but not Drain). It suffers no damage or impediment from hail, ice storms, snow storms, naturally occurring blizzards, cold weather, sand storms, dust storms, rough stony terrain and even things like Black Ice and Blood Snow, and gains DR 5/- in snow storms and 10/- in hail and heavy blizzards. It can move through slush at its normal speed without penalty and does not slip over on ice - indeed, it can skate across ice, moving at double its normal speed. It is considered to be made of magnetic metal for the purpose of spells, effects and actual magnets, but is a living creature so is not instantly destroyed by rust effect: it is allowed a Fort Save to negate, with failure resulting in it suffering 1d6 damage per Caster Level (or hit die).

Metal Claw (Ex): Alolan Sandshrew may make its Claw attacks as [Steel] effects, and they deal damage as though one size category larger (already taken into account). Additionally, they penetrate DR and Hardness as though made of Adamantium, and have an Innate +1 Enhancement Bonus (as though actual magic weapons). This is a [Steel] effect.

Snow Cloak (Ex): any time Alolan Sandshrew is in snowfall or hail, it is completely Invisible.

Defence Curl (Ex): any time Alolan Sandshrew takes a Total Defence action, the benefits of having done so remain until the end of its next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

Mist (Ex): with a Standard Action, Alolan Sandshrew can replicate an Obscuring Mist effect. This can be used once per five rounds, and is an [Ice] effect.

Rare Traits:
Slush Rush (Ex): if Alolan Sandshrew with this [Pokebility] is ever in a snow storm or hail, it is Hasted for the duration.

Take Down (Ex): an Alolan Sandshrew with this gains a Slam attack that can only be used at the end of a charge, dealing damage as though three Size Categories larger, and as though its Strength were 10 points higher (1d8+6 for the sample one). It may also attempt a free Trip Attack on the foe as part of this. At the same time as it deals damage to the target, it also suffers regular Slam damage against itself (1d3+1 for the sample one). This is a [Normal] attack.

Crush Claw (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, an Alolan Sandshrew with this attack may make a single Claw attack that is treated as the size of the target (so 1d2 if targeting a Tiny creature, 1d4 for a Medium target, 2d6 for a Gargantuan target and so on). The threat range is 20/x2 for Tiny or smaller targets, 19-20/x2 for Small to Large targets, 18-20/x2 for Huge and Gargantuan targets, and 17-20/x2 for anything larger than that. This is a [Normal] attack.

Hone Claws (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, an Alolan Sandshrew with this ability may sharpen its claws, honing their edges to improve their devastating cutting power. For the next minute, its natural weapons (including ones granted by Pokemon Attacks) all enjoy a +1 Enhancement Bonus, or their existing Enhancement Bonus is increased by 1. This can be performed multiple times, increasing the bonus and resetting the duration each time, to a maximum Enhancement Bonus of +6. This is a [Dark] effect.

Ice Shard (Su): once per minute, an Alolan Sandshrew with this trait can hurl shards of sharp ice with an Immediate Action. This is a Ranged Attack (a thrown weapon) with 10' range increments and a maximum of 3 increments, dealing 2d6 Cold damage, plus its Strength Bonus, and has a 19-20 threat range. This is an [Ice] attack.

Night Slash (Ex): at will, an Alolan Sandshrew with this attack may unleash an attack originally used by evil samurai to murder people at a crossroads. It may make a single Claw attack with a Standard Action, treated as a Keen Katana wielded in two hands, sized appropriately (1d6, 17-20/x2 for a Tiny creature). This has an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up), deals ongoing Bleed damage equal to the Enhancement Bonus, and the increased Threat Range can be increased further via Improved Critical and similar. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 2 hit dice, Alolan Sandshrew learns Ice Ball.
Ice Ball (Ex): Alolan Sandshrew may use a Full Round Action at will to move up to its movement speed in a straight Line, making a Trample attack against all in the area. The damage for this is 1d4 (for a Tiny creature) plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus. If used in successive turns, each time it increases the damage die by one size, to a maximum of three increases (2d6 for a Tiny creature). If it uses Defence Curl on the turn immediately preceding this attack, the damage is increased by one size further (so 1d6 on the first turn, up to a maximum of 2d8 on the fourth turn). This is an [Ice] attack.

At 3 hit dice, its Strength grows by 2 and it learns Fury Cutter.
Fury Cutter (Ex): Alolan Sandshrew may elect to make its Claw attacks as a [Bug] attack, foregoing the Enhancement Bonus and damage increase. If it does so on consecutive turns, then starting on the second turn the Threat Range increases by 1, and this continues to increase every consecutive round. These increases happen after any doubling from Improved Critical or whatever.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Rapid Spin and its Natural Armour increases by 1.
Rapid Spin (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Alolan Sandshrew may spin about, moving as though making a Move Action. This movement ignores and clears away all hazards, magical glyphs and damaging terrain, and does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. It may make a Slam attack at the end of this movement, which deals 1d2 damage for a Tiny creature. This is a [Normal] attack.


Alolan Sandslash
Small Animal, CR 5
19 14 18 8 7 8
5d8+20 (42 HP), Init +2, Speed 30', Burrow 20'
BAB/Grab: +5/+5
-2 Claws +12 (1d4+5)
AC: 18 (+1 Size, +2 Dex, +5 Natural Armour), Flat 16, Touch 13
Fort +8 Ref +3 Will -1
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Weapon Focus: Claw, X
Skills: Listen +6
Special Attacks: Metal Claw, Ice Ball, Fury Cutter, Rapid Spin, Icicle Spear
Special Qualities: Ice and Steel Pokemon Traits, Snow Cloak, Defense Curl, Mist
Rare Traits: Slush Rush, Crush Claw, Hone Claws, Ice Shard, Night Slash
Tutor Moves: Icy Wind, Rock Tomb, Fling, Dig, Brick Break, Shadow Claw, Ice Punch, Iron Head, Ice Spinner, Steel Roller
Advancement: 6-10 HD (Small), 11-18 HD (Medium), 19+ HD (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort, 2 + Int skill points

At first you think you saw Sonic the Hedgehog. But no, it's just a surprisingly tall creature that seems a cross between a hedgehog and a pangolin, except made of blue steel that is frosted over.

Ice and Steel Traits: Alolan Sandslash is weak against [Fighting], [Fire] and [Ground] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Dragon], [Fairy], [Flying], [Grass], [Ice], [Normal] and [Psychic] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Poison] attacks, always resisting them. and can never be Poisoned or Diseased in any way. It can be treated by effects as though it were a Construct (but does not gain the traits or immunities of one). It cannot be frozen solid or suffer frostbite, frostburn or hypothermia, and is also immune to Dexterity Damage (but not Drain). It suffers no damage or impediment from hail, ice storms, snow storms, naturally occurring blizzards, cold weather, sand storms, dust storms, rough stony terrain and even things like Black Ice and Blood Snow, and gains DR 5/- in snow storms and 10/- in hail and heavy blizzards. It can move through slush at its normal speed without penalty and does not slip over on ice - indeed, it can skate across ice, moving at double its normal speed. It is considered to be made of magnetic metal for the purpose of spells, effects and actual magnets, but is a living creature so is not instantly destroyed by rust effect: it is allowed a Fort Save to negate, with failure resulting in it suffering 1d6 damage per Caster Level (or hit die).

Metal Claw (Ex): Alolan Sandslash may make its Claw attacks as [Steel] effects, and they deal damage as though one size category larger (already taken into account). Additionally, they penetrate DR and Hardness as though made of Adamantium, and have an Innate +1 Enhancement Bonus (as though actual magic weapons). This is a [Steel] effect.

Snow Cloak (Ex): any time Alolan Sandslash is in snowfall or hail, it is completely Invisible.

Defence Curl (Ex): any time Alolan Sandslash takes a Total Defence action, the benefits of having done so remain until the end of its next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

Mist (Ex): with a Standard Action, Alolan Sandslash can replicate an Obscuring Mist effect. This can be used once per five rounds, and is an [Ice] effect.

Ice Ball (Ex): Alolan Sandslash may use a Full Round Action at will to move up to its movement speed in a straight Line, making a Trample attack against all in the area. The damage for this is 1d6 (for a Small creature) plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus. If used in successive turns, each time it increases the damage die by one size, to a maximum of three increases (3d6 for a Small creature). If it uses Defence Curl on the turn immediately preceding this attack, the damage is increased by one size further (so 1d8 on the first turn, up to a maximum of 4d6 on the fourth turn). This is an [Ice] attack.

Fury Cutter (Ex): Alolan Sandslash may elect to make its Claw attacks as a [Bug] attack, foregoing the Enhancement Bonus and damage increase. If it does so on consecutive turns, then starting on the second turn the Threat Range increases by 1, and this continues to increase every consecutive round. These increases happen after any doubling from Improved Critical or whatever.

Rapid Spin (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Alolan Sandslash may spin about, moving as though making a Move Action. This movement ignores and clears away all hazards, magical glyphs and damaging terrain, and does not provoke Attacks of Opportunity. It may make a Slam attack at the end of this movement, which deals 1d3 damage for a Small creature. This is a [Normal] attack.

Icicle Spear (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Alolan Sandslash may unleash a flurry of sharp icicles at targets within 30 feet. It makes three ranged attacks, plus one extra attack at eleven and sixteen hit dice respectively. Each one deals 1d4 Piercing damage (for a Small creature), plus half its Strength Bonus, and a 20/x2 Critical value, and damage is added together before applying Resistance or Weakness a single time. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 6 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it gains DR 3/-.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Ice Shard.
Ice Shard (Su): once per minute, Alolan Sandslash can hurl shards of sharp ice with an Immediate Action. This is a Ranged Attack (a thrown weapon) with 10' range increments and a maximum of 3 increments, dealing 2d6 Cold damage, plus its Strength Bonus, and has a 19-20 threat range. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Slash and its Natural Armour increases by 1.
Slash (Ex): with a Standard Action, Alolan Sandslash may make a single Claw attack that has a base damage of 1d6 for a Small creature (without the benefits of Metal Claw) and a Critical value of 15-20/x2. If it has Improved Critical (Claw attacks), this does indeed become 9-20/x2. It ignores Hardness of 5 or less, and deals double damage against unattended objects (or triple on a critical hit). This is a [Normal] attack.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Reinforced Needle and Iron Head.
Reinforced Needle (Ex): once per minute, Alolan Sandslash can Charge out to double its movement speed in a stright Line, moving through all intervening creatures and dealing 1d6 damage (for a Small creature) plus its Constitution Bonus, plus its Strength Bonus, to all in the area. Creatures in the area are allowed a Reflex Save for half damage. This is a [Force] effect that ignores all Damage Reduction and Resistances, however it is still a [Steel] attack so is able to be super-effective - it just ignores penalties from being not very effective.

Iron Head (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Alolan Sandslash can smash its metal skull into the less-metal head of someone else, going full Shibata on them. This is resolved as a Slam that deals 1d8 Bludgeoning damage (for a Small creature), plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and targets that are hit must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Failure results in them being Staggered for one round. This is a [Steel] attack.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Swords Dance and its Natural Armour increases by 1.
Swords Dance (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Alolan Sandslash may perform the legendary Swords Dance, providing its movement is unobstructed. For the next minute, it enjoys a +8 Enhancement Bonus to Strength. Furthermore, it may make a Perform (Dance) check, even untrained, as part of using this, and if a 15 or more is rolled, its Natural Weapons deal grow by one virtual Size category for the duration, or two virtual Size categories if a 25 or more is rolled. Increases from using this multiple times do not stack. This is a [Dance] effect and a [Normal] effect.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Snowscape.
Snowscape (Su): once per day per 5 full hit dice, Alolan Sandslash may cast Blizzard (It's Cold Outside) with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Keep in mind the various benefits it has in snow storms. This is an [Ice] effect.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Icicle Crash, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and its DR becomes 6/-.
Icicle Crash (Su): once per five rounds, Alolan Sandslash may use a Standard Action to leap upon a foe and smash a supernaturally cold icicle upon their head. This doesn't require a Jump check despite that leap, but it fails if a condition prevents jumping at all. It makes a single attack, which is treated as being with an equipped melee weapon, with a base damage of 4d6 Bludgeoning (for a Medium creature), plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, plus 1d6 Cold damage per hit die. The target must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be knocked Prone. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Spiky Storm.
Spiky Storm (Ex): once per hour, Alolan Sandslash may eject spare spine fragments into the air, unleashing a Rain of Needles effect. Creatures that are damaged must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or suffer a -4 Circumstance Penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks and ability checks (as a [Pain] effect) for one minute per hit die or until the splinters are removed with a DC 20 Heal check. This also leaves a pile of caltrops in the squares of every target, as well as in every square adjacent to any of them. This is a [Steel] effect.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Cold Steel and its Natural Armour increases by 1.
Cold Steel (Su): once per five rounds, Alolan Sandslash may use Iron Head without Staggering foes. Instead, a failed Fortitude Save (same DC) results in the target becoming Frostburned. This is still a [Steel] effect.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Max Avalanche.
Max Avalanche (Su): with a Standard Action once per minute, Alolan Mega Sandslash may cast Call Avalanche (It's Cold Outside). Additionally, one area per 5 hit dice (round down) within the area may be designated as either a Crevasse (50' deep, 20' wide, 50' long) or as Quickslush (15' radius, 50' deep), and the surface is covered in Razor Ice. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. After one round per hit die, the slush and crevasses manage to collapse in and solidify, no longer being a risk, although the other ice and snow remains. This is an [Ice] effect.

At every even hit die thereafter, its Natural Armour increases by 1, and at 18 hit dice its DR becomes 9/-.

Alolan Mega Sandslash: when Alolan Sandslash Mega Evolves, its claws lengthen even more, as do the sharp spines on its back. Its Strength and Dexterity each increase by 6, its Natural Armour increases by 4, and its Constitution and Wisdom each increase by 2 (granting Temporary HP). Additionally, it gains the Augmented Critical ability for its Claws, and its Pokebility becomes Iron Barbs.

Iron Barbs (Ex): anybody who hits Alolan Mega Sandslash with any Natural Weapon or a non-reach Melee Weapon, they suffer 1d6 (assuming it is Medium) plus its Constitution Bonus in Piercing damage. Additionally, being hit by any attack breaks spines free from it, covering every adjacent square with caltrops - against which Steel Pokemon are Immune. This is a [Pokebility].

Tutor Moves:

Brick Break (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may focus its anger into smashing a solid object with a precise martial arts strike. This is resolved as a Slam attack with a base damage of 1d8 plus its Strength Bonus (for a Medium Creature), ignoring Damage Reduction and Hardness, dealing full damage to objects, even able to shatter [Force] effects if it deals at least 10 points of damage. This bypasses (and indeed destroys) Light Screen and Reflect, and if it destroys an intervening object behind which someone is hiding, it may continue the attack against the creature. This is a [Fighting] effect.

Dig (Ex): the Pokemon gains a Burrow speed equal to its Base Speed minus ten (minimum five), unless it already has a better Burrow speed. While digging, the Pokemon has Tremorsense out to its Burrow Speed, and may use a Full Round Action to charge a creature that stands above it, even if the distance is less than ten feet. The foe is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against this attack, which gains 1d6 Sneak Attack, +1d6 more at 6 hit dice, and every 5 hit dice thereafter. This is a [Ground] attack.

Fling (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may hurl a held item at a foe. If the item is not a thrown weapon, it retains its normal damage but has a 15' range. If the item is a thrown weapon, it functions normally. If the item isn't a weapon at all, it has a 15' range and deals damage as an Improvised Weapon. If it is a Magic Item, any Enhancement Bonus it has (even if it is an Enhancement Bonus to a Shield Bonus or similar) applies to the attack and damage roll. The Pokemon stops being Attuned to a magic item it throws, after the attack is resolved. Regardless of the item used, this is a [Dark] attack.

Focus Punch (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may tighten its focus with a Move-Equivalent Action. On its next turn, it then may use a Standard Action to unleash a powerful Slam that deals 1d8 damage (for a Medium creature), plus two times its Strength Bonus, plus 1d6 damage per hit die. However, this can be interrupted as though casting a spell with a one turn casting time - it must pass a Concentration check if damaged or in rough weather etc. otherwise the attempt is ruined. This is a [Fighting] attack.

Ice Punch (Su): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 Cold damage per 3 hit dice (round up), and a struck target must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer hypothermia. On a Critical Hit, a successful Charge, or during hail, the target instead must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Frostburned. This is an [Ice] attack.

Ice Spinner (Ex): once per 3 rounds, the Pokemon may unleash a Charge that only allows a single attack to be made, and deals an extra 2d6 points of damage. This is completely unaffected by things like caltrops, Grease, web (magical or natural), plant growth (likewise), or any kind of Terrain effect. Furthermore, every square the Pokemon enters as part of this charge has all such effects removed from it. This is an [Ice] attack, even if the attack used in the charge normally isn't.

Icy Wind (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to exhale a chilling wave of air. This functions as a Gust of Wind effect, however it also deals damage equal to its hit dice to all in the area (halved if they succeed on the Fortitude Save), and on a failed Save, afflicted creatures suffer a -4 Penalty to Dexterity for 3 rounds. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is an [Ice] attack and a [Wind] effect.

Iron Head (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon can smash its metal skull (or its regular skull, temporarily hardened like metal) into the less-metal head of someone else, going full Shibata on them. This is resolved as a Slam that deals 2d6 Bludgeoning damage (for a Medium creature), plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and targets that are hit must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Failure results in them being Staggered for one round. This is a [Steel] attack.

Knock Off (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, the Pokemon may make a Primary Slam attack that, if it hits, it may make a Disarm or Sunder check for free. The base damage is 1d8 (for a Medium creature) plus its Strength Bonus, however this is doubled (and tripled on a critical hit) if its Disarm or Sunder check succeeds. This is a [Dark] attack.

Metal Claw (Ex): the Pokemon may make its Claw attacks as [Steel] effects, and they deal damage as though one size category larger. If it doesn't already have Claw attacks, it may make a pair of them, dealing 1d6 damage for a Medium creature. Additionally, they penetrate DR and Hardness as though made of Adamantium, and have an Innate +1 Enhancement Bonus (as though actual magic weapons). This is a [Steel] effect.

Mud Slap (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, providing the Pokemon is standing on earth or mud, or standing in dirty water, it can hurl a small amount at an opponent within 15 feet. This requires a Ranged Attack roll, and if successful, it deals 1d4 damage for a Medium creature, and renders it Blind for 2 rounds, although a Full Round Action may be spent wiping its face clear to end this early. This is a [Ground] attack.

Rock Tomb (Ex): the Pokemon gains the Rock Throwing ability of a Hill Giant (except with its own Strength, Base Attack Bonus etc, and adjusting the damage die downwards if smaller than Large), or a Stone Giant if it has Rock Pokemon Traits. If the Pokemon is Huge or larger, it instead uses the Rock Throwing ability of a Cloud Giant, scaling the damage up if necessary. This is a [Rock] attack.

Sand Tomb (Su): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may cast Haboob (It's Hot Outside) once per minute. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ground] attack.

Scorching Sands (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may unleash a burst of superheated sands that burn and abrade the skin. This functions as a Scalding Mud effect, except instead of the ongoing damage, creatures that fail the Reflex Save must succeed at a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Burned. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ground] attack.

Shadow Claw (Su): the Pokemon may elect to treat its claws as a [Blade] [Ghost] attack when it wants to. When doing so, the attack has an innate Threat Range of 18-20, bypasses non-magical armour and shields, and at 10 and 20 hit dice it deals damage as though one Size larger.

Spikes (Su): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon can scatter sharp spikes around. This creates a Spike Growth effect, with a duration of 1 round per hit die. If it casts this on a new area, any existing instances of its Spikes vanish (although any damage is still done). It may, however, cast it on an already-affected area, in which case it adds a Spike Stones effect. If cast again on the same area, this adds a Briar Web effect on top of it. This is a [Ground] attack.

Steel Roller (Ex): once per minute, the Pokemon may begin spinning and roll across the field with a Full Round Action, churning up the ground. This can only be started when on some form of terrain (Misty Terrain, Grassy Terrain, caltrops, Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Grease, burning or frozen terrain, webs etc), and removes all such effects from any square it enters during this attack. The Pokemon moves in a straight Line equal to its movement speed, or twice as far if it used Defence Curl in its previous turn, and unleashes a Trample attack against everything in this path: the damage for this is 3d6 (for a Medium creature) plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, increased to 4d6 if Defence Curl was used on the previous turn. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus, and creatures that choose to make an Attack of Opportunity must still make the Reflex Save - failure results in them falling Prone after their attack. This is a [Steel] attack.
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Jan 13, 2024 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Tiny Animal, CR 1/2
13 14 14 6 10 10
1/2d8+1 (3 HP), Init +2, Speed 20', Burrow 20'
BAB/Grab: +0/-7
-Claw +4 (1d2+1 plus Poison)
AC: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 Size), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Iron Will
Skills: Intimidate +4 (+8 see below)
Special Attacks: Poison Sting
Special Qualities: Poison Pokemon Traits, Poison Point, Call For Help, Growl
Rare Traits: Hustle, Counter, Disable, Poison Fang, Skull Bash, Head Smash
Tutor Moves: Thief, Beat Up, Venoshock, Body Slam, Amnesia, Toxic Spikes, Rock Smash, Charm
Advancement: 2+, usually evolves into Nidorino (male) or Nidorina (female) at 4 HD
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fort and Ref, 2 + Int skill points

What you see before you looks a lot like a rabbit, but with small spines and odd pastel colours. If anything, it's like the rabbit in the moon.

Poison Traits: Nidoran is weak against [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Grass] and [Poison] attacks. It cannot be Poisoned, and thus is immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take (reduced) damage from things like Gunk Shot. It harmlessly absorbs toxic spikes and sludge just by stepping on or in them, and when holding (or covered in) the Black Sludge item/substance, it doesn't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1.

Poison Sting (Ex): Nidoran has venomous claws and barbs. Anything damaged by its Claw is afflicted by Poison, with Primary and Secondary damage of 2 Dexterity and Constitution damage. The Save DC is Constitution-based, so for the standard Nidoran is 12. Its Claw attacks are [Poison] attacks.

Poison Point (Ex): anybody who hits Nidoran with any Natural Weapon or a non-reach Melee Weapon suffers 1d4 points of Piercing damage and is subject to Poison: DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus (12 for the standard one), 2 Strength and Dexterity Damage for both Primary and Secondary damage. This is a [Poison] effect and a [Pokebility].

Call For Help (Ex): Nidoran's voice is particularly loud and high-pitched, able to carry out to a mile if need be. It is likely that other Poison Pokemon in the area will heed its call and come to its aid if it is attacked. This is a [Sonic] [Normal] effect.

Growl (Ex): Nidoran gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks made to Demoralise a foe able to hear it. This is a [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

Rare Traits:
Hustle (Ex): if Nidoran has this [Pokebility], it doubles all of its Movement Speeds and any round in which it attacks with natural weapons that do not have a limit or cooldown for their uses, it automatically (without choosing) performs one extra attack of the same kind as one of the attacks made (such as a second Bite), however all attacks made that turn suffer a -2 Penalty to the attack roll and a 10% Miss Chance.

Counter (Ex): once per round, Nidoran may make a single Claw attack as an Immediate Action in response to being damaged by an opponent, without carrying the Poison and dealing damage as though one size larger than normal (1d3), or two sizes if the attack suffered was a Critical Hit (1d4). This is a [Fighting] attack.

Disable (Su): once per minute, Nidoran may curse an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. Whichever special attack the opponent used most recently becomes disabled, blocked off in the target's mind for one minute. This [Normal] attack is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effect.

Poison Fang (Ex): Nidoran may make a powerful bite attack as a Standard Action. This deals damage as though one Size Category larger (which is typically 1d3 for Nidoran) and carries a strong venom: the Save DC is 11 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus (+2 on a Critical Hit), the Primary and Secondary damage is 4 points of Dexterity and Constitution damage, and failing the saving throw against the primary damage also renders the target Nauseated for one minute. This is a [Poison] effect.

Skull Bash (Ex): any time Nidoran takes a Full Defence, it may make a special Slam on the following turn that deals damage as though one Size Category larger (1d4 for a Tiny creature) and allows it to make a free Bullrush attempt (still treated as one Size Category larger, so it's only Small) without provoking an Attack of Opportunity. This is a [Normal] attack.

Head Smash (Ex): when making a charge, Nidoran may make a Slam instead of a Claw attack. This deals damage as though three times larger than normal, as though its Strength were ten points higher (1d8+6 for a typical Nidoran), and the damage is maximised and doubled (to 28 for a typical Nidoran). However, on a successful hit it suffers recoil damage equal to a doubled, maximised regular slam (which would be 1d3+1, so 8 damage). It may also make a free Bullrush attempt as part of this if it hits - it doesn't move with the target and may push it further than 5' away, and this attempt may even be made if it knocks itself out. This is a [Rock] attack.

At 2 hit dice, Nidoran learns Tail Whip and Pheremone Poison.
Tail Whip (Ex): with a Move Equivalent Action at will, Nidoran may whip its tail about in a 180 degree arc. All adjacent creatures in that arc suffer a -4 Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves until their next turn.

Pheremone Poison (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Nidoran may allow its scent glands to release a sweet-smelling yet toxic pheremone that carries easily on the breeze. All creatures within Medium Range of it are subject to a Calm Emotions effect (Save DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If used two rounds in a row, those in the area suffer as though inside a Mind Fog (same DC). The effects last for as long as they remain in the area and then 1 round per hit die afterwards, and for every round that a creature is in the area, they suffer a cumulative -1 Penalty to Fortitude Saves against [Poison] effects, and an amount of Non-Lethal damage equal to Nidoran's hit dice (the latter not applying if they have [Poison] or [Steel] Pokemon Traits, but not applying Weakness/Resistance). This penalty goes away as soon as they spend an entire round outside of the area. This may be used a total number of rounds per day equal to double its hit dice. This is a [Poison] effect.

At 3 hit dice, its Strength grows by 2 and it learns Fury Attack.
Fury Attack (Ex): if Nidoran attacks a foe two rounds in a row, and takes any damage between those two turns, it is angered, gaining a +2 Morale Bonus on attack and damage rolls for the second round. If it keeps attacking the same opponent and taking damage, this can stack, becoming +4 on the third turn, then +6 and so on.


Small Magical Beast, CR 4
17 14 16 6 14 10
4d10+12 (34 HP), Init +2, Speed 20', Burrow 20'
BAB/Grab: +3/+2
-2 Claws +7 (1d3+3 plus Poison)
AC: 17 (+2 Dex, +1 Size, +4 Natural Armour), Flat 15, Touch 13
Fort +7 Ref +9 Will +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes
Skills: Intimidate +7 (+11 see below)
Special Attacks: Poison Sting, Fury Attack, Double Kick
Special Qualities: Poison Pokemon Traits, Poison Point, Growl, Tail Whip, Pheremone Poison
Rare Traits: Hustle, Counter, Disable, Poison Fang, Skull Bash, Head Smash
Tutor Moves: Thief, Beat Up, Venoshock, Body Slam, Amnesia, Toxic Spikes, Rock Smash, Charm, Sludge Bomb, Super Fang
Advancement: 5+, usually evolves into Nidoqueen at 10 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d10 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fort and Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This big rabbit-like creature is a pale blue in colour, with large ears and a number of sharp spines. It looks quite aggressive and territorial.

Poison Pokemon Traits: Nidorina is weak against [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Grass] and [Poison] attacks. It cannot be Poisoned, and thus is immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take (reduced) damage from things like Gunk Shot. It harmlessly absorbs toxic spikes and sludge just by stepping on or in them, and when holding (or covered in) the Black Sludge item/substance, it doesn't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1.

Double Kick (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Nidorina may unleash a pair of kicks at a given foe. This is resolved as two primary Slams (1d4 + Strength Bonus for a Small creature) at its highest attack bonus, both against the same target. This is a [Fighting] attack.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Toxic Spikes and Bite.
Toxic Spikes (Su): with a Standard Action, Nidorina can scatter venomous spikes around. This creates a Spike Growth effect, with a duration of 1 round per hit die. Furthermore, any creature that takes damage from this must make a Fortitude Save against Poison at the end of their turn - the Save DC is Constitution-based, and the Primary damage is 2 Strength damage, followed by taking 1d4 damage per round for one minute. The Secondary damage is 2 Constitution damage. If it casts this on a new area, any existing instances of its Toxic Spikes vanish (although any damage is still done). It may, however, cast it on an already-affected area, in which case it deals damage as a Spike Stones effect, the Ability Damage is doubled, and the ongoing poison damage becomes 1d6 per round. This is a [Poison] effect.

Bite (Ex): Nidorina's jaws and teeth strengthen sufficiently that it gains a Bite attack that can be made as a Primary natural weapon, dealing damage as though one size larger than it is (typically 1d6 plus its Strength Bonus). Anything bitten with an Attack of Opportunity must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 6 hit dice, its Constitution increases by 2 and it learns Helping Hand.
Helping Hand (Su): when Nidorina uses the Aid Other action, it grants a +4 Bonus, and this applies to Attack rolls, opposed checks, Save DC and Caster Level for the first ability used by the recipient on their next turn, as well as Empowering any damage rolled. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Stress Poison and Play Rough.
Stress Poison (Su): in times of desperation, Nidorina may draw upon the stress and empower itself in a mighty attack. This uses a Standard Action, and allows a single Claw attack, replacing the Poison with a new one that has Primary and Secondary damage of 4 points of Strength, Dexterity and Constitution damage. If it has suffered any damage at all, this gains a +1 Enhancement Bonus. If it is below half its maximum HP, it gains a +2 Enhancement Bonus and the Primary damage of the poison increases to 6 (for all three ability scores). If it is below a quarter of its maximum HP, it gains a +3 Enhancement Bonus and increases the Save DC by 2. If it is on precisely one hit point, it gains a +5 Enhancement Bonus, the Save DC also increases by 5, and failing the first Fortitude Save results in the target being Nauseated for 1 round and then Sickened for the rest of the minute. This is a [Poison] attack.

Play Rough (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Nidorina can play, very enthusiastically, with an adjacent creature. This allows a Bite attack sized normally for Nidorina (1d4 + Strength Bonus), with Improved Grab and the Trip ability, and for each of the following maneuvers that succeeds, the target takes another 2d6 points of damage plus its Strength Bonus. This is a [Fairy] attack.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Flatter and its Dexterity increases by 2.
Flatter (Ex): with a Standard Action, Nidorina may say unexpectedly nice things about a creature within 30 feet that is able to hear it. They must roll 1d20 + half their hit dice + their Intelligence Bonus, with a DC of 10 + half Nidorina's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Success results in them seeing straight through the unashamed flattery, whereas failure results in their ego being fed, granting a +4 Morale Bonus to Charisma for one minute, but also becoming Confused for the same duration. This is a [Sonic], [Language-Dependent], [Mind-Affecting] [Normal] effect.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Crunch.
Crunch (Ex): at will, Nidorina may use a Standard Action to use its Bite attack, as a magic weapon, with an innate Enhancement Bonus equal to a third of its hit dice (round down). This does not gain the ability to interrupt actions in the same way as Bite, but instead leaves serious punctures in the target, causing 4 points of Constitution damage. This is a [Dark] attack.


Medium Magical Beast, CR 10
21 18 20 10 16 14
10d10+50 (105 HP), Init +8, Speed 30', Burrow 30'
BAB/Grab: +10/+15
-2 Claws +15 (1d4+5 plus Poison) and Bite +13 (1d6+5)
AC: 22 (+4 Dex, +8 Natural Armour), Flat 18, Touch 14
Fort +12 Ref +14 Will +9
Feats: Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Multiattack, Improved Initiative
Skills: Intimidate +15 (+19 see below), Spot +16
Special Attacks: Poison Sting, Fury Attack, Double Kick, Bite, Stress Poison, Play Rough, Earth Power
Special Qualities: Ground and Poison Pokemon Traits, Poison Point, Growl, Tail Whip, Pheremone Poison, Toxic Spikes, Helping Hand, Flatter
Rare Traits: Sheer Force, Counter, Disable, Poison Fang, Skull Bash, Head Smash
Tutor Moves: Thief, Beat Up, Venoshock, Body Slam, Amnesia, Rock Smash, Charm, Sludge Bomb, Super Fang, Outrage, Earthquake, Flamethrower, Scorching Sands, Hone Claws, Dragon Dance, Power Up Punch
Advancement: 11-13 HD (Medium), 14-17 HD (Large), 18+ HD (Huge)
Hit Dice: 1d10 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This deep blue creature is as big as an adult human, though far bulkier. It seems to have fur and also solid heavy scales, and while there are still some rabbitlike features, it also has long, sharp spines and teeth.

Ground and Poison Pokemon Traits: Nidoqueen is weak against [Ground], [Ice], [Psychic] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Poison] and [Rock] attacks. It cannot be Poisoned, and thus is immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take (reduced) damage from things like Gunk Shot. It is considered Immune to [Electric] attacks, always resisting them. It harmlessly absorbs toxic spikes and sludge just by stepping on or in them, and when holding (or covered in) the Black Sludge item/substance, it doesn't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1. It can choose to leave tunnels when burrowing, can swim through sand at normal speed, and when burrowing or sand-swimming, takes no damage or effect of any kind from [Electric] attacks. When simply touching the ground, it has Evasion against [Electric] attacks. Additionally, it doesn't suffer damage or impediments from sand storms, dust storms, loose sand, quicksand or rough stony terrain, and has gains Resistance equal to its hit dice against all energy types (even obscure ones) in sand storms and dust storms.

Earth Power (Su): once per ten minutes with a Standard Action, Nidoqueen may make the ground explode in geothermal power or something to that effect. This affects a 10' radius Blast in Medium Range, affecting everything on the ground and up to ten feet above it, turning the area into Difficult Terrain. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the save falls Prone. This also happens to leave hard terrain churned up nicely for planting things. This is a [Ground] effect.

Rare Traits:
Sheer Force (Ex): if Nidorina had Hustle before evolving, its [Pokebility] becomes Sheer Force. All of its attacks (including natural weapons) that deal damage and also have another effect (even if the extra effect only happens on a Critical Hit or a failed saving throw) no longer have the extra effect. Instead, the attacks and natural weapons deal an extra 2 points of damage per die rolled.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Sludge Wave and Superpower.
Sludge Wave (Su): once per hour, Nidoqueen may use a Standard Action to unleash a powerful wave of toxic sludge. The wave begins adjacent, and is 10 feet wider than Nidoqueen (so extends five feet out either side) and twenty feet high. It then launches forward as a Line, out to forty feet before disippating. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail the save are also knocked backwards until they leave the Area, and knocked Prone. If they collide with an object that stops their movement, they suffer an additional 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for every 5' of movement prevented. Creatures damaged by this are also subject to Poison: the Save DC is the same as the Reflex Save, the Primary damage is 1d8 Constitution damage, and the Secondary damage is 2d6 Constitution damage. This also leaves the entire area coated in a Caustic Mire effect (same DC) for one minute. This is a [Poison] attack.

Superpower (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Nidoqueen may slam into a foe at full force, putting all of its fighting spirit into one big attack. This is resolved as a Slam attack that deals 3d6 damage plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus (for a Medium creature), and grants a free Bullrush attempt on a successful hit. Nidoqueen does not move with the target when doing this, but may still knock the target further away than 5 feet. Upon performing this, Nidoqueen becomes Fatigued, or upgrades fatigue to Exhaustion until it rests for an hour. This is a [Fighting] attack.

At 12 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Power Lariat.
Power Lariat (Ex): once per hour with a Standard Action, or the attack at the end of a Charge, Nidoqueen may deliver a clothesline that would make Stan Hansen proud. This is a Slam attack that does not depend on Size but instead deals a variable number of d10 of damage to the target, plus its Strength Bonus. The number of d10 is equal to the total of all Enhancement, Resistance, Morale and Luck Bonuses it has to Ability Scores, attack rolls (not differentiating between different ones), damage rolls (not differentiating between different ones) and Saving Throws (whichever happens to be highest), minus the total of all Morale and Luck Penalties to the above. For instance, if it has a +2 Enhancement Bonus to two different ability scores, and a +1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls, but a -2 Luck Penalty to saving throws, this equals 2+2+1+1-2 = 4d10. When within 30' of an allied Nidoking, add a +3 Morale Bonus to the attack and damage roll (which in turn likely increases the "base damage"). Any target hit, unless larger than Nidoqueen, is automatically knocked Prone. This is a [Fighting] attack.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Maternal Comfort and Seismic Fist.
Maternal Comfort (Su): Nidoqueen is able to heal certain "weaker" creatures with a Standard Action once per hour. If an adjacent creature is of a race that only has one hit die (or fewer), including Pokemon that begin with only a single (or partial) hit die, they regain 10 hit points per hit die Nidoqueen has. If they are a Pokemon that has not fully evolved (such as a Pikachu or Nidorino) but normally has more than one hit die, or a "true" Elemental that has not grown to Elder status, they recover 1d10 HP per hit die Nidoqueen has. This is a [Normal] effect.

Seismic Fist (Ex): with a Standard Action once per three rounds, Nidoqueen may punch the ground and cause it to erupt nearby. It makes a single Slam attack, dealing 2d6 damage (for a Medium creature) plus its Strength Bonus, and it resolves this against all creatures within 30 feet that are touching the ground. Creatures within 30 feet that are burrowing underground receive an automatic Critical Hit with no attack roll needed. Creatures that are hit and standing on the ground must then pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or fall Prone. This is a [Ground] attack.

At 14 hit dice, its Constitution increases by 2 and it learns Queen's Call.
Queen's Call (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, Nidoqueen may call out the song of the Nido species. All other creatures of the Nidoran evolution family within 500 feet gain a Greater Heroism effect, and will call out in return. As long as at least one other creature is affected by this and not silenced in some way, Nidoqueen itself then benefits from this. Additionally, until the start of Nidoqueen's next turn, other creatures are unable to use Swift and Immediate Actions, nor Attacks of Opportunity. This is a [Sonic] [Sound] [Normal] effect.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Max Quake.
Max Quake (Su): once per minute, Mega-Nidoqueen can use a Standard Action to create an Earthquake effect, affecting an area with a radius of 100' plus 10' per hit die, every Save DC being 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and any damage caused by collapses and landslides being 1d6 per hit die. Furthermore, the chance of falling down a chasm (with a Reflex Save to negate as normal) increases to 50%. This is a [Ground] effect.

Mega Nidoqueen: when Nidoqueen becomes Mega Nidoqueen, it doesn't just grow bigger, it becomes more regal and majestic, with the horns on its head jutting out in a manner resembling a crown. Its Charisma, Constitution and Wisdom each increase by 4, its Strength and Natural Armour each increase by 2, and its [Pokebility] changes to Queen's Court.

Queen's Court (Su): whenever any amount of Ability Damage, Ability Drain, or an Ability Penalty is inflicted upon Mega Nidoqueen, it immediately gains a +4 Luck Bonus to its Wisdom, Charisma, and Will Save, lasting for one minute. Additionally, adjacent allies also benefit from this (gaining their own bonus when they take Ability Damage, Drain or Penalties). This is a [Pokebility].


Small Magical Beast, CR 4
19 12 16 6 12 12
4d8+12 (30 HP), Init +1, Speed 20', Burrow 20'
BAB/Grab: +4/+4
-2 Claws +9 (1d3+3 plus Poison)
AC: 16 (+1 Dex, +1 Size, +4 Natural Armour), Flat 15, Touch 12
Fort +7 Ref +5 Will +5
Feats: Iron Will, Power Attack
Skills: Intimidate +8 (+12 see below)
Special Attacks: Poison Sting, Fury Attack, Double Kick
Special Qualities: Poison Pokemon Traits, Poison Point, Growl, Tail Whip, Pheremone Poison
Rare Traits: Hustle, Counter, Disable, Poison Fang, Skull Bash, Head Smash
Tutor Moves: Thief, Beat Up, Venoshock, Body Slam, Amnesia, Rock Smash, Charm, Sludge Bomb, Thunderbolt, Scorching Sands, Outrage
Advancement: 5+, usually evolves into Nidoking at 10 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This big rabbit-like creature is a pinkish-purple in colour, with large ears and a number of sharp spines. It looks quite aggressive and territorial.

Poison Pokemon Traits: Nidorino is weak against [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Grass] and [Poison] attacks. It cannot be Poisoned, and thus is immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take (reduced) damage from things like Gunk Shot. It harmlessly absorbs toxic spikes and sludge just by stepping on or in them, and when holding (or covered in) the Black Sludge item/substance, it doesn't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1.

Double Kick (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Nidorino may unleash a pair of kicks at a given foe. This is resolved as two primary Slams (1d4 + Strength Bonus for a Small creature) at its highest attack bonus, both against the same target. This is a [Fighting] attack.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Toxic Spikes and Horn Attack.
Toxic Spikes (Su): with a Standard Action, Nidorino can scatter venomous spikes around. This creates a Spike Growth effect, with a duration of 1 round per hit die. Furthermore, any creature that takes damage from this must make a Fortitude Save against Poison at the end of their turn - the Save DC is Constitution-based, and the Primary damage is 2 Strength damage, followed by taking 1d4 damage per round for one minute. The Secondary damage is 2 Constitution damage. If it casts this on a new area, any existing instances of its Toxic Spikes vanish (although any damage is still done). It may, however, cast it on an already-affected area, in which case it deals damage as a Spike Stones effect, the Ability Damage is doubled, and the ongoing poison damage becomes 1d6 per round. This is a [Poison] effect.

Horn Attack (Ex): Nidorino's horns grow long enough that it has a Secondary Gore as a natural weapon. This deals 1d4 damage (for a Small creature), plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, but deals double damage on a successful Charge, as the Powerful Charge ability. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 6 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Helping Hand.
Helping Hand (Su): when Nidorino uses the Aid Other action, it grants a +4 Bonus, and this applies to Attack rolls, opposed checks, Save DC and Caster Level for the first ability used by the recipient on their next turn, as well as Empowering any damage rolled. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Spirited Drill and Nido Press.
Spirited Drill (Su): with a Full Round Action, Nidorino may unleash a powerful charge with its Horn attack, dealing damage as though one Size Category larger than normal, and resolved with a x3 Critical multiplier. This deals the poison of its Poison Sting (which is a [Poison] effect), however the attack itself is a [Ground] attack.

Nido Press (Ex): against a foe who is Prone, smaller than itself, or at a lower elevation, Nidorino may perform a leaping body press. This affects an Area the same Size as Nidorino itself (minimum 1 square), with at least one square within Nidorino's reach (treat a lower elevation as being at the same level for this purpose), and every creature at least partially in the area is subject to the attack. There is no attack roll, but targets are allowed a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) to avoid it, moving to the side. All creatures hit suffer 1d6 damage (for a Small creature) plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and are knocked Prone if not already. Until its next turn, Nidorino is treated as Prone, and any creature underneath it is considered Pinned unless they are the same Size or larger. This is a [Fighting] attack.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Flatter and its Charisma increases by 2.
Flatter (Ex): with a Standard Action, Nidorino may say unexpectedly nice things about a creature within 30 feet that is able to hear it. They must roll 1d20 + half their hit dice + their Intelligence Bonus, with a DC of 10 + half Nidorino's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Success results in them seeing straight through the unashamed flattery, whereas failure results in their ego being fed, granting a +4 Morale Bonus to Charisma for one minute, but also becoming Confused for the same duration. This is a [Sonic], [Language-Dependent], [Mind-Affecting] [Normal] effect.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Poison Jab.
Poison Jab (Ex): with a Standard Action, or as the attack at the end of a Charge, Nidorino can make a single Primary Gore attack that has a base damage of 1d8 for a Small creature, dealing its Poison Sting, with an Enhancement Bonus of +1 per 3 hit dice (round up). The Enhancement Bonus even applies to the Save DC of the Poison (but not the ability damage). This is a [Poison] attack.


Medium Magical Beast, CR 10
23 16 18 10 14 18
10d10+40 (95 HP), Init +3, Speed 30', Burrow 30'
BAB/Grab: +10/+16
-2 Claws +16 (1d4+6 plus Poison) and Gore +14 (1d8+9)
AC: 21 (+3 Dex, +8 Natural Armour), Flat 18, Touch 13
Fort +11 Ref +10 Will +8
Feats: Iron Will, Power Attack, Multi-Attack, Improved Natural Weapon: Gore
Skills: Intimidate +17 (+21 see below), Listen +15
Special Attacks: Poison Sting, Fury Attack, Double Kick, Horn Attack, Poison Jab, Spirited Drill, Nido Press, Megahorn
Special Qualities: Poison Pokemon Traits, Poison Point, Growl, Tail Whip, Pheremone Poison, Toxic Spikes, Helping Hand, Flatter
Rare Traits: Sheer Force, Counter, Disable, Poison Fang, Skull Bash, Head Smash
Tutor Moves: Thief, Beat Up, Venoshock, Body Slam, Amnesia, Rock Smash, Charm, Sludge Bomb, Outrage, Earthquake, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Throat Chop, Dragon Dance, Meteor Mash
Advancement: 11-13 HD (Medium), 14-17 HD (Large), 18+ HD (Huge)
Hit Dice: 1d10 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This deep magenta is as big as an adult human, though far bulkier. It seems to have fur and also solid heavy scales, and while there are still some rabbitlike features, it also has long, sharp spines and a massive tail.

Ground and Poison Pokemon Traits: Nidoking is weak against [Ground], [Ice], [Psychic] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Poison] and [Rock] attacks. It cannot be Poisoned, and thus is immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take (reduced) damage from things like Gunk Shot. It is considered Immune to [Electric] attacks, always resisting them. It harmlessly absorbs toxic spikes and sludge just by stepping on or in them, and when holding (or covered in) the Black Sludge item/substance, it doesn't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1. It can choose to leave tunnels when burrowing, can swim through sand at normal speed, and when burrowing or sand-swimming, takes no damage or effect of any kind from [Electric] attacks. When simply touching the ground, it has Evasion against [Electric] attacks. Additionally, it doesn't suffer damage or impediments from sand storms, dust storms, loose sand, quicksand or rough stony terrain, and has gains Resistance equal to its hit dice against all energy types (even obscure ones) in sand storms and dust storms.

Megahorn (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Nidoking may ram its spiky head into a foe, making a single Gore attack as a Primary natural weapon, with a base damage of 4d6 (for a Medium creature) plus two times its Strength Bonus. This attack may be directed at a pair of adjacent creatures if it wishes, providing both are within its reach, and it has a Critical value of 19-20/x4. This is a [Bug] attack.

Rare Traits:
Sheer Force (Ex): if Nidorina had Hustle before evolving, its [Pokebility] becomes Sheer Force. All of its attacks (including natural weapons) that deal damage and also have another effect (even if the extra effect only happens on a Critical Hit or a failed saving throw) no longer have the extra effect. Instead, the attacks and natural weapons deal an extra 2 points of damage per die rolled.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Sludge Wave and Earth Power.
Sludge Wave (Su): once per hour, Nidoking may use a Standard Action to unleash a powerful wave of toxic sludge. The wave begins adjacent, and is 10 feet wider than Nidoking (so extends five feet out either side) and twenty feet high. It then launches forward as a Line, out to forty feet before disippating. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail the save are also knocked backwards until they leave the Area, and knocked Prone. If they collide with an object that stops their movement, they suffer an additional 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for every 5' of movement prevented. Creatures damaged by this are also subject to Poison: the Save DC is the same as the Reflex Save, the Primary damage is 1d8 Constitution damage, and the Secondary damage is 2d6 Constitution damage. This also leaves the entire area coated in a Caustic Mire effect (same DC) for one minute. This is a [Poison] attack.

Earth Power (Su): once per ten minutes with a Standard Action, Nidoking may make the ground explode in geothermal power or something to that effect. This affects a 10' radius Blast in Medium Range, affecting everything on the ground and up to ten feet above it, turning the area into Difficult Terrain. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the save falls Prone. This also happens to leave hard terrain churned up nicely for planting things. This is a [Ground] effect.

At 12 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns King's Drum.
King's Drum (Su) with a Full Round Action at will, Nidoking may clap, hammer the ground, play actual drums and slap its own belly, making loud noise. All other creatures of the Nidoran evolution family within 500 feet gain an Eaglesoul effect, albeit the bonuses are all Luck instead of Sacred, and will call out in return. As long as at least one other creature is affected by this and not silenced in some way, Nidoking itself then benefits from this. Additionally, until the start of Nidoking's next turn, other creatures are unable to use Swift and Immediate Actions, nor Attacks of Opportunity. This is a [Sonic] [Sound] [Normal] effect.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Toxic Drill and Power Lariat.
Toxic Drill (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Nidoking may unleash a powerful charge with its Horn attack, resolved the same as Spirited Drill except it is a [Poison] attack, and the Primary and Secondary damage of the Poison becomes 2d6 Strength and Dexterity damage.

Power Lariat (Ex): once per hour with a Standard Action, or the attack at the end of a Charge, Nidoking may deliver a clothesline that would make Stan Hansen proud. This is a Slam attack that does not depend on Size but instead deals a variable number of d10 of damage to the target, plus its Strength Bonus. The number of d10 is equal to the total of all Enhancement, Resistance, Morale and Luck Bonuses it has to Ability Scores, attack rolls (not differentiating between different ones), damage rolls (not differentiating between different ones) and Saving Throws (whichever happens to be highest), minus the total of all Morale and Luck Penalties to the above. For instance, if it has a +2 Enhancement Bonus to two different ability scores, and a +1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls, but a -2 Luck Penalty to saving throws, this equals 2+2+1+1-2 = 4d10. When within 30' of an allied Nidoqueen, add a +3 Morale Bonus to the attack and damage roll (which in turn likely increases the "base damage"). Any target hit, unless larger than Nidoking, is automatically knocked Prone. This is a [Fighting] attack.

At 14 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Dark Horn.
Dark Horn (Ex): Nidoking may elect to resolve its Gore attack as a melee Touch Attack, and in doing so ignore all forms of Damage Reduction (but not Resistance to the attack's type), as well as any Regeneration and Immunity to Critical Hits. When doing this, it is a [Dark] attack.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Max Earth Poison.
Max Earth Poison (Su): once per minute, Mega-Nidoking may cause the ground to explode with high-pressure poison and pollution, spraying it into the air at a deadly velocity. This affects a 30' radius Blast in Medium Range, affecting everything on the ground, and up to 30' above it and under it, turning the area into a Caustic Mire effect (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This additionally deals 1d6 damage per hit die to all in the area, with a Reflex Save for half (same DC), and anything that takes any damage from this, including the mire left behind, must save against poison (same DC, Primary and Secondary damage 4 points of Constitution Drain). This is a [Poison] effect.

Mega Nidoking: when Nidoking becomes Mega Nidoking, it doesn't just grow bigger, it becomes more spiky and aggressive-looking, with what appear to be spikes of gold. Strength, Natural Armour and Charisma each increase by 4, its Constitution and Wisdom each increase by 2, and its [Pokebility] changes to King's Wrath.

King's Wrath (Su): whenever any amount of Ability Damage, Ability Drain, or an Ability Penalty is inflicted upon Mega Nidoking, it immediately gains a +4 Luck Bonus to its Strength, Constitution, and Fortitude Save, lasting for one minute. Additionally, adjacent allies also benefit from this (gaining their own bonus when they take Ability Damage, Drain or Penalties). This is a [Pokebility].

Tutor Moves:

Amnesia (Su): the Pokemon may, with a Standard Action, deliberately forget all of its worries in life. It just stops caring about problems, and as such gains a +8 Resistance Bonus to Will Saves, and the Slippery Mind ability of a Rogue. These last for one minute. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Beat Up (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may make a Slam attack that deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature, plus half its Strength Bonus, and then encourages everything nearby to join in. The target, upon having Beat Up declared against it (whether the initial attack hits or not), effectively provokes an Attack of Opportunity from every enemy that threatens its square, and additionally any enemy that has an effect that allows it to move, attack, then move (such as the Spring Attack feat or the U-Turn special attack), may also do precisely that as an Immediate Action against the target. This is a [Dark] attack, and for the purpose of Resistance and Weakness, is treated as one attack made by the pokemon that initiates the Beat Up.

Body Slam (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may either use a Standard Action to deliver a Slam, or Charge an opponent and use a Slam instead of any other attacks. This increases the damage by two steps (so a Small creature with a Slam of 1d4 would deal 1d8 damage, but if they had Improved Natural Attack (Slam) it would instead deal 2d6). This adds one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and if the target takes any damage (after Resistance), they must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Stunned until the end of the attacker's next turn (during which time it cannot be stunned again). This is a [Normal] attack.

Charm (Sp): once per day, the Pokemon may cast Charm Monster with a Save DC of 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is [Mind-Affecting] [Charm] [Fairy] effect.

Dragon Dance (Ex): once per minute, the Pokemon may dance in a spiral pattern, harnessing draconic energies with a Full Round Action. For the next minute, it gains a +2 Morale Bonus to Strength and Dexterity, and a +1 Enhancement Bonus on all of its natural weapons. Additionally, it makes a Perform (Dance) check as part of this action, and adds the result to its movement speeds (round down to an increment of 5) for the duration. If a 15 or higher is rolled, it also treats all natural weapons as one Size larger for the duration. This is a [Dance] [Dragon] effect.

Earthquake (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may cast Earthquake, however the damage (not including Non-Lethal damage for being trapped) is 1d6 per hit die, any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and anything considered Immune to [Ground] attacks can never be trapped in the fissures. This is a [Ground] attack.

Flamethrower (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon can unleash a mighty breath weapon, a Cone that reaches out to Close Range and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw catch fire if they only failed by 1-3 (ie if the DC was 17 and they rolled a 14-16), and suffer a Burn if they failed by more than this amount. Should the Pokemon be Large or larger, any failure results in a Burn. This is a [Fire] attack that melts snow and ice, and incinerates plant life, starting fires.

Hone Claws (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may sharpen its claws, honing their edges to improve their devastating cutting power. For the next minute, its natural weapons (including ones granted by Pokemon Attacks) all enjoy a +1 Enhancement Bonus, or their existing Enhancement Bonus is increased by 1. This can be performed multiple times, increasing the bonus and resetting the duration each time, to a maximum Enhancement Bonus of +6. This is a [Dark] effect.

Ice Beam (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a beam of super-cold frosted air at a target in Long Range. This is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack, and deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die. A struck target must also succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be encased in ice, as per the Icy Prison spell. This is an [Ice] attack.

Meteor Mash (Ex): once per five rounds, the Pokemon may throw a punch packed with the strength of a meteor, exploding with fragments of cold iron. This is a natural weapon with a +1 Enhancement Bonus that deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, and additionally receives an extra 1d6 damage per 3 hit dice (round up). The Pokemon is able to use Power Attack with this, even if it lacks the Feat. This bypasses DR and Regeneration as though made of Cold Iron, and on a Critical Hit, the Pokemon gains a +2 Enhancement Bonus to Strength for the next minute. This is a [Punch] [Steel] attack.

Outrage (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Swift Action to enter a fearsome draconic rage. The rage lasts until it spends an entire round without damaging or being damaged by any enemies, at which point the exertion catches up with it and it becomes Fatigued until it rests, and Confused for three rounds. During the outrage, it gains a +2 Morale Bonus to attack rolls and Fort and Will Saves, but takes a -2 Penalty to Armour Class and Ref Saves, it can make a Full Attack as a Standard Action, and each attack becomes a [Dragon] attack and deals an extra 2d6 damage, +1d6 more at 10 and 20 hit dice. It also gains a +10 Bonus on all Break Attempts, can make a single Break Attempt once per round as a Free Action, and is treated as one Size Category larger for the purpose of all Size-based manoeuvres. Entering an Outrage is a [Dragon] effect.

Power Up Punch (Su): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a strike that glows with power, raising its strength. This is a Slam that deals 1d4 damage (for a Medium creature) plus its Strength Bonus, and after it hits, the Pokemon gains a +1 Enhancement Bonus to its Strength and to its natural weapons. If it already has an Enhancement Bonus, the existing one increases by 1, though this cannot raise a bonus above +5. The effects last for one minute, and this is a [Fighting] effect.

Rock Smash (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a devastating strike that can shatter boulders. This is a Slam that deals 1d8 damage for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and is always Super-Effective against Rock Type Pokemon, even if they are considered Immune normally (such as being a Rock and Ghost Type Pokemon). This ignores Hardness, Damage Reduction and Immunity to Critical Hits. This is a [Fighting] attack.

Scorching Sands (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may unleash a burst of superheated sands that burn and abrade the skin. This functions as a Scalding Mud effect, except instead of the ongoing damage, creatures that fail the Reflex Save must succeed at a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Burned. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ground] attack.

Sludge Bomb (Ex): the Pokemon may use a Standard Action once per minute to launch a glob of toxic sludge as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Close Range. If it hits, the target suffers 1d6 damage per hit die with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the save are also Nauseated for one round and suffer 2 points of Constitution damage. Whether it hits or not, the ball explodes into a blast of goo, and everything within ten feet of the target suffer 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice with a Reflex Save for half (same DC). This is a [Ballistic] [Poison] effect.

Super Fang (Su): with a Full Round Action once per minute, the Pokemon may make a special Bite Attack. If it hits and the target is not considered Immune to [Normal] attacks, it deals damage equal to half of the target's current hit points (round down). Otherwise it deals zero damage. This is a [Normal] attack.

Thief (Ex): once per minute, the Pokemon may make a single melee attack as a Standard Action, and additionally attempt to steal an item, with its choice of a Steal Combat Maneuver or a Sleight of Hand check with a DC of the opponent's BAB plus 10. The attack becomes a [Dark] attack, and the entire move is a [Dark] effect.

Throat Chop (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to deliver a vicious strike to the voice box of a foe, rendering them unable to speak. This can be delivered as a Slam that deals 1d4 damage for a Medium creature, or use an existing natural weapon (without the benefit of a special Attack), whichever it prefers, and on a successful hit, the foe is rendered silent for three rounds, unable to speak, cast Spells with Vocal Components, or use [Sound] effects. A successful Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half the Pokemon's hit dice + its Strength Bonus) reduces this to one round. This is a [Dark] attack.

Thunderbolt (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may unleash a blast of electricity that functions as the spell Lightning Bolt, except there is no cap on the damage and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Those that fail the saving throw are Staggered for one round if they only failed by 1-3, and are Stunned for 2 rounds if they failed by more than this amount. This is an [Electric] attack.

Toxic Spikes (Su): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon can scatter venomous spikes around. This creates a Spike Growth effect, with a duration of 1 round per hit die. Furthermore, any creature that takes damage from this must make a Fortitude Save against Poison at the end of their turn - the Save DC is Constitution-based, and the Primary damage is 2 Strength damage, followed by taking 1d4 damage per round for one minute. The Secondary damage is 2 Constitution damage. If it casts this on a new area, any existing instances of its Toxic Spikes vanish (although any damage is still done). It may, however, cast it on an already-affected area, in which case it deals damage as a Spike Stones effect, the Ability Damage is doubled, and the ongoing poison damage becomes 1d6 per round. This is a [Poison] effect.

Venoshock (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to blast an opponent with magical poison that makes other poison more dangerous. The target suffers 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target is already afflicted with Poison, Sickening, Nausea or any condition as a result of Poison, it instead deals 2d4 damage per hit die, causes 2 points of Constitution Damage, and if they are afflicted with a Poison that has Secondary Damage, they instantly suffer the Secondary Damage. This does not end the duration of the Poison, so they might very well suffer the damage again at the end of the duration. This is a [Poison] attack.
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Jan 13, 2024 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Tiny Fey, CR 1/2
5 10 14 8 14 15
1d6+2 (5 HP), Init +0, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +0/-11
-Slam +2 (1d3-3)
AC: 13 (+1 Natural, +2 Size), Flat 13, Touch 12
Fort +2 Ref +0 Will +4
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Ability Focus (Sing)
Skills: Perform (Sing) +6, Hide +12, Listen +6
Special Attacks: Sing, Eeeek!
Special Qualities: Fairy Pokemon Traits, Copycat, Magic Guard
Rare Traits: Friend Guard, Heal Pulse, Present, Tickle, Wish
Tutor Moves: Fake Tears, Disarming Voice, Psybeam, Water Pulse, Draining Kiss, Magical Leaf, Reflect, Light Screen
Advancement: evolves into Clefairy at 2 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Poor BAB, Good Will, 4 + Int skill points

The thing you see before you is... a pink little puffball. With big brown ears. It looks like it's edible, like a very big marshmallow.

Fairy Traits: Cleffa can be affected as a Spirit (such as for Spirit Shaman abilities). It is weak against [Poison] and [Steel] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Dark] and [Fighting] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Dragon] attacks, meaning it always resists them, and has Evasion against anything described as a Breath Weapon, and immunity to the Frightful Presence ability of dragons.

Sing (Su): with a Full Round Action once per five rounds, Cleffa may sing a song, and direct the song against a single target within 15 feet. If the target has 4 hit dice or fewer, they must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus; the example Cleffa has a DC of 14 from its Ability Focus feat) or fall Asleep for 1d4 rounds. It also makes a Perform (Sing) check, with a DC of 15, and success allows it to add 1 round to the duration, increase the maximum range by 10 feet, or increase the maximum hit dice of an affected creature by 3. For every 5 by which it exceeds the DC (ie 20, 25 etc) it may improve the effects again. The same enhancement may be chosen multiple times, stacking. This is a [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

Eeeek! (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Cleffa may shriek in surprise. A single creature within Close Range suffers 1 point of Sonic damage, with no saving throw. All sleeping creatures within the area are woken up instantly. This is a [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

Copycat (Su): once per hour, Cleffa may think back to the previous round, and use whichever attack was used most recently - by anyone within 30 feet - in this timeframe. It uses the same action as the emulated ability, and uses its own ability scores etc. This is a [Normal] effect, although the ability copied might not be.

Magic Guard (Su): Cleffa is protected by a strange magical aura. It only takes damage directly from attacks - not residual effects such as being Burned, the ongoing effects of an Acid Arrow, being caught in a sandstorm or Acid Fog, falling damage, recoil damage from attacks and so on. This is a [Pokebility].

Rare Traits:
Friend Guard (Su): if Cleffa has this rare [Pokebility] instead of Magic Guard, all of its allies within 60 feet reduce all incoming damage (as though by Damage Reduction or a universal Energy Resistance, not Type effectiveness) by an amount equal to Cleffa's hit dice. This does not extend to Cleffa itself.

Heal Pulse (Su): once per hour, Cleffa may unleash a pulse of positive energy with a Standard Action, out to Close Range. This requires a Ranged Touch Attack unless the target is willing to receive it and not threatened, nor benefiting from Cover or Concealment. On a successful hit, this restores 1d4 hit points per hit die. This is a [Ballistic] [Psychic] effect.

Present (Su): with a Full Round Action, Cleffa may give a special gift to an adjacent creature. This gift must be prepared out of combat, and takes one minute to put together, and 1d10 minutes to forage the various bits and pieces to use (unless the trainer purchases 1 GP worth of materials in advance). Upon gifting it to somebody, it explodes to deal 1d6 damage per hit die to the target with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). However, there is also a 10% chance that the ingredients are all healthy things and the explosion restores that many HP instead. This is a [Normal] attack.

Tickle (Ex): with a Standard Action, Cleffa may attempt a Touch Attack to tickle an adjacent creature, making their concentration a lot harder. For the purpose of Concentration checks and spellcasting, they are treated as Pinned during their next turn, and additionally, they suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to attack and damage rolls, and to their Armour Class, for three rounds.

Wish (Su): three times per day, Cleffa may use a Full Round Action to make a special wish, which is in no way related to the spell. Don't even reference the spell, forget all about it. Two rounds later, on the same Initiative count, Cleffa's wish comes true, restoring 10 lost Hit Points per hit die. If Cleffa is in its pokeball but another pokemon it considers to be an ally is out of its ball, this other pokemon receives the healing effect. This is a [Normal] effect.


Small Fey, CR 2
5 10 14 8 16 17
2d6+2 (11 HP), Init +0, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +1/-6
-Slam +2 (1d4-3)
AC: 14 (+2 Natural, +1 Size, +1 Deflection), Flat 14, Touch 12
Fort +2 Ref +0 Will +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Ability Focus (Sing), Skill Focus (Perform (Sing))
Skills: Perform (Sing) +11, Hide +9, Listen +8
Special Attacks: Sing, Disarming Voice
Special Qualities: Fairy Pokemon Traits, Copycat, Magic Guard, Encore
Rare Traits: Friend Guard, Heal Pulse, Present, Tickle, Wish
Tutor Moves: Fake Tears, Psybeam, Water Pulse, Draining Kiss, Magical Leaf, Reflect, Light Screen, Stored Power, Swift, Charm, Minimize
Advancement: 3-6 HD, evolves into Clefable at 7 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Poor BAB, Good Will, 4 + Int skill points

The pink puffball before you seems to glow with the light of the moon, somehow. It seems innately peaceful and magical.

Disarming Voice (Su): with a Standard Action once per three rounds, Clefairy may shout loudly and startle its foes. All enemies within 30 feet that are not deaf suffer 1d6 Sonic damage, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Sonic] [Fairy] attack.

Encore (Su): with a Standard Action once per five rounds, Clefairy may applaud a creature within 30 feet and goad them into an encore. If the target fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), then for three turns they cannot perform any actions other than the ones taken in their turn prior to receiving the encore. This does not let them bypass restrictions on the usage of their abilities. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] [Normal] effect that completely overrides and replaces a Torment effect.

At 3 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Life Dew.
Life Dew (Su): once per minute, Clefairy can scatter magical water around, covering it and everything within 5 feet of it. They all regain 1d8 hit points per 2 hit dice Clefairy has (round up). This is a [Water] ability.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Metronome and Moonwatch Party.
Metronome (Su): once per minute, Clefairy can wave its finger to a tune that belies the harmonics of the universe, and unleash unreliable power. Roll 1d6. On a 1-5, it creates the effects of a Rod of Wonder, choosing a target and then determining the random effects. On a 6, Clefairy can select a single Sorcerer/Wizard spell of first or second level, and cast it immediately. At 10 hit dice, roll 1d8 instead. On a 1-4, it creates the Rod of Wonder effect, on a 5-7 it duplicates a first or second level spell, and on an 8, it can create any Sorcerer/Wizard spell of level 5 or lower. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Normal] effect, although the resulting effect probably isn't.

Moonwatch Party (Su): once per night, when able to see the night sky, Clefairy can use a Full Round Action to invite all within Medium Range to a moonwatch party. Everything other than Clefairy must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Fascinated for one minute (or until attacked or otherwise shaken out of it). If nobody is attacked in the meantime and everyone has a nice relaxing full minute, Clefairy then gets a +4 Luck Bonus to Armour Class for the next hour, which may be expended to Empower a use of Moonlight, Moonblast, Moon Barrier or Meteor Beam (when such abilities are learned), as well as any Spell (cast via Metronome) that has "Moon" in the name. This is a [Fairy] effect.

At 5 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2, its Deflection Bonus increases by 1 and it learns Moonlight.
Moonlight (Su): once per hour, Clefairy may call healing light down from the moon. This uses a Full Round Action, and if indoors it replicates a Cure Light Wounds effect. If outdoors during the day, it replicates Cure Serious Wounds, or Cure Moderate Wounds if the weather isn't calm. At night, this instead heals 1d6 HP per hit die, downgraded to 1d4 per hit die if the weather isn't calm, upgraded to 1d8 per hit die if there is a full moon overhead (if both apply at the same time, it remains 1d6 per hit die). This is a [Fairy] effect.

At 6 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Wonder Storm.
Wonder Storm (Su): once per day, or a second time by expending the Luck Bonus from its Moonwatch Party, Clefairy may use a Full Round Action to unleash a blast of miracle power. This is unleashed as a 60' Cone, and deals 1d6 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Additionally, roll on the table for a Rod of Wonder, treating every creature damaged by it as the target. Additional saving throws against this effect are allowed, and use the same DC. This is a [Fairy] effect.


Small Fey, CR 7
9 12 16 10 18 20
7d6+21 (45 HP), Init +1, Speed 20' Fly 10' (Poor)
BAB/Grab: +3/-2
-Slam +5 (1d4-1)
AC: 14 (+2 Natural, +1 Size, +2 Deflection), Flat 14, Touch 12
Fort +5 Ref +6 Will +9
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Ability Focus (Sing), Skill Focus (Perform (Sing)), Lightning Reflexes
Skills: Perform (Sing) +18, Hide +15, Listen +14, Spot +14
Special Attacks: Sing, Disarming Voice, Wonder Storm, Moonblast
Special Qualities: Fairy Pokemon Traits, Copycat, Magic Guard, Encore, Life Dew, Metronome, Moonwatch Party, Moonlight
Rare Traits: Unaware, Heal Pulse, Present, Tickle, Wish
Tutor Moves: Fake Tears, Psybeam, Water Pulse, Draining Kiss, Magical Leaf, Reflect, Light Screen, Stored Power, Swift, Charm, Minimize
Advancement: 8-10 HD Small, 11-19 HD Medium, 20+ HD Large
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Poor BAB, Good Will, 4 + Int skill points

This pink creature is not much taller than a child, though is rather more round and solid looking. Then again, it floats in the air with its small wings, perhaps not so heavy. Despite being clearly of fey origin, it also looks somewhat alien, and a bit like it's made of marshmallow.

Moonblast (Su): once per three rounds, Clefable can unleash a powerful blast of magical energy from the moon, a 10' radius Blast anywhere in Medium Rangethat deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw also suffer 2 points of Charisma damage. When directly under the light of a full moon, the Blast is Widened. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Rare Traits:
Unaware (Ex): if Clefairy had Friend Guard before evolving, it changes to Unaware: when attacking a foe, it ignores any temporary bonuses or penalties to the target's Armour Class (including temporary changes to their Dexterity or to their Natural Armour Bonus, Armour Bonus or Shield Bonus), to their Saving Throws, or to its own ability scores or attack or damage rolls. Likewie, when attacked by another creature, it ignores any temporary bonuses or penalties to its own Armour Class or Saving Throws, or to the attacker's ability scores, attack rolls or damage rolls. This is a [Pokebility].

At 8 hit dice it learns Sweet Kiss and Follow Me
Sweet Kiss (Su): at will, Clefable may use a Standard Action to attempt to kiss an adjacent creature with a Touch Attack. This provokes an Attack of Opportunity, but being hit does not disrupt this like a spell. If this hits, the target must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Confused for one round per hit die Clefable has. If the target is Charmed, they must roll their saving throw twice and pick the lower result. This is a [Normal] effect.

Follow Me (Su): Clefable may use an Immediate Action at will to draw the attention of a creature within 30 feet, as the other creature takes an action. On a failed Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), the creature must target Clefable (if the interrupted action was a targeted effect) or centre the Area of Effect on Clefable (if the interrupted action was an Area of Effect). Effects that allow for multiple targets only require that Clefable be one of the targets, and self-only effects or effects that are not targeted and don't have an area function normally. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] [Normal] effect.

At 9 hit dice its Deflection Bonus increases by 1 and it learns Cosmic Power
Cosmic Power (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, Clefable may call upon the great cosmos to protect it. This grants it a +2 Luck Bonus to all saving throws for the next minute. Using this again before the duration expires resets the duration and increaases the Bonus to +4, and future uses merely reset the duration. Additionally, while benefiting from Cosmic Power, Clefable is immune to harmful planar traits. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 10 hit dice its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Protect and Extra Comet Punch
Protect (Su): once per hour, Clefable may use strange magic to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave Clefable vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Extra Comet Punch (Ex): once per minute, Clefable may unleash a rapid series of punches, as though from a series of small comets falling from the sky. Very small, very weak comets. This is resolved as a Swift Action against a target that Clefable has already affected with some attack or effect in the same turn. This is made as a Flurry of Blows as though performed by a PHB Monk with a level equal to Clefable's hit dice (including the improved BAB), though uses its normal Slam damage, not the Unarmed Strike value. This is a [Normal] [Punch] attack.

At 11 hit dice it learns Healing Wish and Moon Barrier
Healing Wish (Sp): once per day, a Clefable with more than zero hit points may use a Standard Action to sacrifice itself to heal another. It instantly falls to -1 hit points (but stable) and loses all temporary hit points. One ally within 30 feet instantly receives a Greater Heal effect and a Restoration effect. If no such ally in the area wants to accept this effect, the healing energy lingers for up to one minute, and the first ally in the area to accept the blessing (as a Free Action) within this time gains the benefit, expending it. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Moon Barrier (Su): once per hour, Clefable may use an Immediate Action to pull magical lunar energy around itself. It gains 1d4 Temporary hit points per hit die, which last for ten minutes (or until expended, or until more Temporary HP are gained by another source). Under the light of the moon, this is instead 1d8 per 2 hit dice, or 1d6 per hit die in the case of a full moon. If used indoors, or in bad weather, this only provides 1d6 per two hit dice. If an attack removes some of the Temporary hit points but does not deplete all of it and deal any real damage, no secondary effects are suffered. This is a [Fairy] effect.

At 12 hit dice its Constitution increases by 2 and it learns Misty Terrain
Misty Terrain (Sp): once per hour, Clefable may use a Full Round Action to release Misty Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Fairy] effect.

At 13 hit dice its Deflection Bonus increases by 1 and it learns Hyper Voice
Hyper Voice (Ex): at will, Clefable may shout extremely loudly. This is a 50' Cone, and deals 1d10 Sonic damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and a Fortitude Save (same DC) to resist being rendered Deaf for one minute. This is a [Sonic] [Normal] attack.

At 14 hit dice it learns Alluring Voice and Meteor Beam
Alluring Voice (Su): once per three rounds, Clefable may sing out in such an angelic voice that it damages and befuddles foes. This targets a single non-deaf creature within Medium Range, and deals 1d10 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Additionally, if the target had received any temporary bonus on their turn prior to receiving the damage, then whether they save or not, they are Confused for five rounds. This is a [Sonic] [Fairy] attack.

Meteor Beam (Su): once per hour, Clefable may call upon the power of space to blast someone with all the energy contained in a meteoric impact. It must first spend a Full Round Action charging up, and in the process of doing so, it gains a +2 Luck Bonus to Charisma that lasts for one minute. On the following turn, it then unleashes the energy with a Standard Action, resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If it hits, it deals 2d6 damage per hit die. This is a [Rock] attack.

At 15 hit dice it learns Moonlit Miracle
Moonlit Miracle (Sp): once per minute, Mega-Clefable may cast Miracle, the Cleric spell. It cannot select any of the effects that would normally cost experience for the regular casting of the spell.

Mega Clefable: when Clefable becomes Mega Clefable, it floats with much more grace, changing its Fly speed to Perfect, and glows much more intensely, shedding moonlight out to 30 feet. Its Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, Charisma and Natural Armour each increase by 4, and its Deflection Bonus increases by 1 as well. Its [Pokebility] remains the same, and it is treated as being directly under the light of the full moon for all of its attacks and effects.

Tutor Moves:

Charm (Sp): once per day, the Pokemon may cast Charm Monster with a Save DC of 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is [Mind-Affecting] [Charm] [Fairy] effect.

Disarming Voice (Su): with a Standard Action once per three rounds, the Pokemon may shout loudly and startle its foes. All enemies within 30 feet that are not deaf suffer 1d6 Sonic damage, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Sonic] [Fairy] attack.

Draining Kiss (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may cast Vampiric Touch. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Fake Tears (Ex): once per minute, the Pokemon may pretend to cry, quivering and cowering in false fear directed at a target. It makes a Feint attempt against a foe, and if successful, this afflicts the target with a -4 Morale Penalty to Spell Resistance, Reflex and Will Saves for three rounds. This is a [Dark] effect.

Light Screen (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may emit powerful light that forms an actual protective shield. This functions as a Wall of Light spell, however any creature attacking through it that cannot see through it treats all targets as having half Cover. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Magical Leaf (Sp): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may conjure leaves of a mystical, magical herb, and direct them unerringly against a target in Close Range. This automatically hits exactly in the same way as Magic Missile (and similarly can be prevented in the same ways), and deals 1d6 damage per 2 hit dice (maximum 5d6). This is a [Grass] effect.

Minimize (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to shrink itself magically. For the next minute, it shrinks down two Size Categories, and has a +4 Size Bonus to Dexterity, and a -4 Size Penalty to Strength (minimum 1). This is a [Normal] effect.

Psybeam (Su): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may focus its psychic powers into a beam, unleashing it as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If it hits, this deals 1d6 non-lethal damage per hit die and forces the target to attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Failure results in Confusion for 2d4 rounds. This can be used once per hour, however it may be used a second time by expending the hourly use of Confusion (if it has that attack), and vice versa. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

Reflect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may cast Wall of Force. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Stored Power (Sp): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon can unleash the full power of its psychic potential, turning its various temporary enhancements into even more damaging energy. This deals a variable number of d10 of damage to all enemies within 10 feet. This number is equal to the total of all Enhancement, Resistance, Morale and Luck Bonuses it has to Ability Scores, attack rolls (not differentiating between different ones), damage rolls (not differentiating between different ones) and Saving Throws (whichever happens to be highest), minus the total of all Morale and Luck Penalties to the above. For instance, if it has a +2 Enhancement Bonus to two different ability scores, and a +1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls, but a -2 Luck Penalty to saving throws, this equals 2+2+1+1-2 = 4d10. A successful Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) halves this. This is a [Psychic] attack.

Swift (Su): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon can unlesh multiple star-shaped beams of light that home unerringly on their target. Once per five rounds, it may produce an effect identical to Magic Missile, save that it is not a [Force] effect and in fact is a [Normal] attack, so bad against ghosts.

Water Pulse (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon can unleash a powerful burst of water that hits with incredible hydrostatic pressure. This uses a Standard Action, and targets the first target in a 30' long Line if smaller than Medium (60' if it grows to Medium or Large, 90' if it grows to Huge or Gargantuan, and 120' if it becomes bigger than that). The target takes 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target suffers any damage, they must also pass a Will Save (same DC) or become Confused for one round per hit die. This is a [Ballistic] [Water] attack.
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Jan 13, 2024 6:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Tiny Magical Beast, CR 1/2
5 14 10 8 15 14
1d6 (3 HP), Init +2, Speed 20' Dig 10'
BAB/Grab: +0/-11
-Bite +4 (1d3-3)
AC: 14 (+2 Size, +2 Dexterity), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +1 Ref +3 Will +5
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Luck of Heroes
Skills: Listen +6
Special Attacks: Ember, Tail Whip, Gnaw
Special Qualities: Fire Pokemon Traits, Disable, Flash Fire
Rare Traits: Drought, Baby-Doll Eyes, Healing Wish, Hypnosis, Roar
Tutor Moves: Charm, Agility, Protect, Fire Spin, Hex, Snarl, Sunny Day, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Burning Jealousy
Advancement: 2-7 HD; evolves into Ninetales at 8 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Will, 2 + Int skill points

Before you stands a soft, fluffy puppy, a fox-like hound albeit with multiple brushlike tails. As tricky as foxes can be, you get the feeling this is a Good Dog.

Fire Traits: Vulpix is weak against [Ground], [Rock] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy], [Fire], [Grass], [Ice] and [Steel] attacks. It suffers no damage from being set on fire, suffers no harm from naturally occurring hot weather (such as nonlethal damage, sunburn and heatstroke), and cannot be Burned.

Ember (Su): with a Standard Action, Vulpix can exhale a spray of embers and sparks from its mouth. This requires a Standard Action, and reaches out to 25 feet. If it succeeds on a Ranged Touch Attack, the target suffers 1d8 points of Fire damage, and must attempt a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or catch fire. This is a [Fire] attack, and causes objects and terrain to ignite.

Tail Whip (Ex): with a Move Equivalent Action at will, Vulpix may whip its tail about in a 180 degree arc. All adjacent creatures in that arc suffer a -4 Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves until their next turn.

Gnaw (Ex): whenever Vulpix hits with its Bite attack and does at least one point of damage, it may latch onto the opponent’s body with its jaws. An attached Vulpix loses its Dexterity bonus to AC and thus has an AC of 12. An attached Vulpix can be struck with a weapon or grappled itself. To remove an attached Vulpix through grappling, the opponent must achieve a pin against the creature. Every turn in which Vulpix is attached, it may hit automatically with its Bite attack. This is a [Normal] attack.

Disable (Su): once per minute, Vulpix may curse an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. Whichever special attack the opponent used most recently becomes disabled, blocked off in the target's mind for one minute. This [Normal] attack is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effect.

Flash Fire (Su): if Vulpix is hit by a [Fire] attack, whether or not the attack normally does damage, it deals the minimum possible damage to Vulpix (before Resistance) and has no other effects on it, and additionally amplifies its own heat. If it unleashes a [Fire] attack on its own following turn, the attack deals an extra 2 points of damage per die rolled. This is a [Pokebility].

Rare Traits:
Drought (Su): the rare Vulpix that has this [Pokebility] is highly sought after in some climates, as the weather out to one mile becomes Harsh Sunlight - the temperature rising to Hot if less than that, and rising one band if already Hot or worse. The sun, if visible, burns extra bright.

Baby-Doll Eyes (Ex): Vulpix may stare at an attacker with its innocent puppy eyes with an Immediate Action. If it does so, the attacker suffers a Morale Penalty on the attack and damage roll, of -1 per 4 hit dice Vulpix has (round up). This is a [Fairy] effect.

Healing Wish (Sp): once per day, a Vulpix with more than zero hit points may use a Standard Action to sacrifice itself to heal another. It instantly falls to -1 hit points (but stable) and loses all temporary hit points. One ally within 30 feet instantly receives a Greater Heal effect and a Restoration effect. If no such ally in the area wants to accept this effect, the healing energy lingers for up to one minute, and the first ally in the area to accept the blessing (as a Free Action) within this time gains the benefit, expending it. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Hypnosis (Su): once per hour, Vulpix may use a Full Round Action to attempt to hypnotise a creature within Close Range with Line of Sight, lulling it into sleep. At the end of the action, the foe must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Drowsy. If the saving throw is failed by more than 4, they instead fall Asleep for one minute (or until any damage is suffered). This is a [Psychic] effect.

Roar (Ex): once per hour, Vulpix may inhale deeply and then unleash a mighty roar to terrify a foe. This takes one round to inhale and focus, with the effect being resolved as a Swift Action at the start of its next turn. This allows it to make a Demoralise attempt, as though it had maximum ranks in Intimidate and Skill Focus: Intimidate, against a single creature that can both see and hear it. A demoralised foe is Frightened instead of Shaken. This is a [Sonic] [Normal] effect.

At 2 hit dice, it learns Quick Attack and Singe.
Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Vulpix may make a Bite attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses.

Singe (Su): with a Standard Action or Attack of Opportunity at will, Vulpix may exhale a small puff of flame that mildly burns things. This deals 1 point of damage to an adjacent creature, and furthermore the target must, unless they Resist [Fire] attacks, pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or drop anything they are holding. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Spite and Incinerate.
Spite (Su): once per minute Vulpix may level a curse against an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. If the foe fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), any ability that has a cooldown after use is instantly put on cooldown as though used (without providing the effects of usage), and any ability with limited Daily (or Weekly or Hourly) uses has one of those uses expended. This [Ghost] attack is a [Curse] effect.

Incinerate (Su): whenever a target fails their saving throw against Vulpix' Ember or Singe, any consumable items that are not sealed in containers are ruined (potions are typically fine due to the sealed nature of the bottles, but scrolls and berries are typically destroyed).

At 4 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Confuse Ray.
Confuse Ray (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Vulpix may unleash an eerie light to disorient and overwhelm the mind of a foe. Being a ray, this is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is rendered Confused for 2d4 rounds. However, a creature confused by this may attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half Vulpix' hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) at the start of every turn to end the effects early. This is a [Ghost] attack.

At 5 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Will-O-Wisp.
Will-O-Wisp (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Vulpix may unleash a floating sphere of brilliant (and spooky) blue fire. This is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 30 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is Burned. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 6 hit dice, it learns Extrasensory and Flamethrower.
Extrasensory (Su): with a Standard Action once per minute, Vulpix may unleash a psychic wave that hurts the mind of anything that perceives it. A target within 60 feet must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) to avoid noticing the effect. If they fail the save, they suffer 1d6 damage per hit die and are Dazed for one round. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

Flamethrower (Su): once per three rounds, Vulpix can unleash a mighty breath weapon, a Cone that reaches out to Close Range and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw catch fire if they only failed by 1-3 (ie if the DC was 17 and they rolled a 14-16), and suffer a Burn if they failed by more than this amount. Should Vulpix be Large or larger, any failure results in a Burn. This is a [Fire] attack that melts snow and ice, and incinerates plant life, starting fires.

At 7 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Imprison.
Imprison (Su): once per hour, Vulpix may glare at a foe within Medium Range as a Standard Action, and seal away any shared attacks. The foe must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), otherwise for the next minute, they are unable to utilise any Special Attacks shared by Vulpix. This is a [Psychic] attack.


Small Magical Beast, CR 8
11 16 12 10 19 16
8d6+8 (36 HP), Init +7, Speed 30' Dig 10'
BAB/Grab: +6/+2
-Bite +10 (1d4)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, +3 Dexterity, +2 Natural Armour), Flat 13, Touch 14
Fort +4 Ref +9 Will +11
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Luck of Heroes, Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative
Skills: Listen +15, Survival +15
Special Attacks: Ember, Tail Whip, Gnaw, Quick Attack, Singe, Spite, Incinerate, Confuse Ray, Will-O-Wisp, Extrasensory, Flamethrower
Special Qualities: Fire Pokemon Traits, Disable, Flash Fire, Imprison, Spell-Like Abilities
Rare Traits: Drought, Baby-Doll Eyes, Healing Wish, Hypnosis, Roar
Tutor Moves: Charm, Agility, Protect, Hex, Snarl, Sunny Day, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Burning Jealousy, Fire Blast, Heatwave, Burning Terrain
Advancement: 8-13 HD Small; 14-20 HD Medium; 21+ HD Large
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Will, 2 + Int skill points

This majestic creature, a white fox with nine fluffy tails swishing about, radiates heat. You can see the intelligence in its eyes. A truly good dog, it seems to be a divine presence.

Fire Traits: Ninetales is weak against [Ground], [Rock] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy], [Fire], [Grass], [Ice] and [Steel] attacks. It suffers no damage from being set on fire, suffers no harm from naturally occurring hot weather (such as nonlethal damage, sunburn and heatstroke), and cannot be Burned.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Dancing Lights, Disguise Self, Light, Bestow Curse; 3/day - Silent Image, Glibness. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. These are all [Psychic] effects.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Fire Spin and Safeguard.
Fire Spin (Su): once per hour, Ninetales can use a Full Round Action to whirl up and unleash a fire tornado. This creates a blaze adjacent to Ninetales that is the same Size, except twice as tall with a minimum of 10' (so 10' tall and filling a 5' square normally and when Medium, but if grown to Large would create a 10x10' square that is 20' tall, and a theoretical Colossal Ninetales would create a 40x40' square that is 80' tall). This then travels 20' directly away from Ninetales, and will continue to do so every round for 1d4 rounds, plus one per 3 hit dice (round up) before petering out. If exposed to water, it ceases instantly. Anything that touches the flames suffers 1d8 Fire damage per 4 hit dice of Ninetales (round up) and, if the same size as Ninetales or smaller, must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be pulled in. Those that are pulled into the fire remain trapped until rescued by some stronger effect or the tornado ends. Flying creatures are allowed an additional Reflex Save each round to escape into an adjacent space (same DC) as a Move Action. Every round something remains trapped in the tornado, they suffer the Fire damage again, and while they can act normally (save for being unable to leave, carried with the flaming winds), they suffer a -4 Penalty to Dexterity, a -2 Penalty on attack rolls, and must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 10 + Ninetales' hit dice + Spell Level) to cast a spell. A fire tornado can only hold as many creatures as actually fit in its area. This is a [Fire] attack, and pretty much incinerates plant-based terrain and melts snow and ice.

Safeguard (Sp): with a Full Round Action at will, Ninetales may chant and create a magical barrier out to 15 feet. For the next four rounds, Ninetales cannot be afflicted by Poison, Disease, Burn, Frostburn, Drowsiness, Sleep, Paralysis, Stun, Daze, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sickening, Nausea, Rage, Confusion or [Fear] effects, nor can any ally within the area. Existing effects are not suppressed, however. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 10 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2, and it learns Flickering Flames.
Flickering Flames (Su): once per hour, Ninetales can spend a full round weaving flames around itself in a dancing spiral. At the start of its next turn, all foes within 30 feet must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or fall Asleep until awoken. This is a [Pattern] [Fire] effect.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Hexed Flame and Shrine Guardian.
Hexed Flame (Sp): once per minute, Ninetales may use a Standard Action to unleash powerful ghostly flames at a foe within Medium Range. The target suffers 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target is already afflicted with Poison, Disease, Burn, Frostburn, Drowsiness, Sleep, Paralysis, Stun, Daze, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sickening, Nausea, Rage, Confusion or a [Fear] effect, this instead deals 2d4 damage per hit die. If they are afflicted by two of the above, it is instead 2d6 per hit die. And if they are afflicted by three or more, there is no saving throw, they just take the damage. This is a [Fire] effect.

Shrine Guardian (Sp): Ninetales can cast Consecrate and Hallow once each per day. These are [Psychic] effects.

At 12 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Burning Terrain.
Burning Terrain (Su): once per minute, Ninetales may ignite the ground within Medium Range. This targets any one contiguous effect of Grassy Terrain, Electric Terrain, Misty Terrain, Psychic Terrain, Grease (or effects that reference Grease in how they function[/i], Web (mundane or magical), Obscuring Mist, Fog Cloud, icy ground, snow drifts or plant-based terrain (mundane or magical). This instantly destroys the effect (in the case of snow or ice, melting it to create water and ending this effect instantly with no further effect), and then causes the same area to be on fire for three rounds, causing 1d6 damage (as though from a [Fire] attack) to all that enter the area. If any of the above effects are cast on the area before the flames go out, the effect fails and the three rounds reset. This is a [Fire] effect.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Fire Mane and Inferno.
Fire Mane (Su): with a Full Round Action once per day, Ninetales may utilise all nine of its tails to unleash magical effects in a corona of flame. This allows it to cast Parboil, with a Save DC of 6 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Fire] attack, though the Intelligence Damage is not modified by Resistance or Weakness - merely negated if the target is considered Immune to [Fire], or if their Resistance reduces the damage to zero.

Inferno (Su): once per hour, providing it is not Fatigued or Exhausted, Ninetales may use a Standard Action to create a horrifying creamatorium of purgatory flames. A 30' radius 90' tall column is designated within Long Range, and starts to heat up, becoming Hotter by two levels (minimum of Hot). At the start of Ninetales' next turn, the area erupts into a pillar of fire, dealing 2d6 damage per hit die and leaving the target with a Burn. There is no saving throw against this. Additionally, the entire area is incinerated, leaving very little in the way of terrain. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 14 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Overheat and Shadow Ball.
Overheat (Su): three times per day, when not Fatigued or Exhausted, Ninetales may use a Full Round Action to overwork the fires within itself, and direct it at a 10' radius Spread within Close Range. All in the area suffer 10 damage per hit die (12 per hit die in Harsh Sunlight), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Targets with Heat Protection (It's Hot Outside) gain a +4 Bonus on the Saving Throw, however a creature wearing heavy clothing or armour, or any kind of armour mostly made of metal, suffers a -4 Penalty on the Saving Throw. Failure also causes a target to suffer from heatstroke and dehydration, becoming Fatigued until the damage is healed. Upon using this, Ninetales becomes Exhausted until it rests. This destroys most objects and terrain in the area, and is a [Fire] attack.

Shadow Ball (Sp): once per three rounds, Ninetales may use a Standard Action to launch a sphere of terrifying spectral essence out to Medium Range. This hits all in a 10' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Furthermore, on a failed saving throw, targets suffer one temporary Negative Level (lasting one hour), or two if they are Weak against the attack. This is a [Ballistic] [Ghost] attack.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Vengeful Saints.
Vengeful Saints (Sp): once per minute, Mega Ninetales can use a Full Round Action to unleash the wrath of all nine saints who make up its essence and power its tails. This is treated as a Flame Strike spell cast in nine different overlapping areas, however instead of being half Fire damage and half Untyped (or Divine), it is half Psychic and half Untyped Divine power (as such, Resistance to [Psychic] attacks cannot reduce the damage below half). The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, and all that fail the save additionally suffer from a Burn. This is a [Psychic] attack.

Mega Evolution: when Ninetales becomes Mega Ninetales, its holy might truly comes to bear, and it shines with divine light and its eyes burn with intelligence. Additionally, a ghostly will-o-wisp hovers above each of its tails. It gains the [Psychic] Type in addition to its [Fire] type, negating its Resistance to [Bug] attacks, granting it a Weakness to [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks, and granting it Resistance to [Psychic] and [Fighting] attacks - and also allowing it to activate Psionic devices as though it had the relevant powers on its class list. It gains a +4 Deflection Bonus to Armour Class, a +4 Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws, and its Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma each increase by 4. The very first time it Mega-Evolves select two skills it suddenly gains maximum ranks in - this cannot be changed later. Finally, its [Pokebility] changes to Nine Curses.

Nine Curses (Su): Mega Ninetales constantly benedits from a Karmic Backlash effect. Additionally, when below half of its maximum hit points, all of its attacks additionally deliver a Bestow Curse effect - if below one quarter, a combination of up to 9 Spell Levels worth of the following effects, all with a single saving throw: Itching Curse (1), Aristocrat's Nightmare (2), Flexile Curse (3), Bestow Curse (3), Black Spot (4), Old Salt's Curse (5), Spellblight Jinx (5), Curse of the Outcast (6), Bestow Greater Curse (7). Please select these ahead of time and note down what they do. The Save DC for all of these effects is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.


Alolan Vulpix
Tiny Magical Beast, CR 1/2
5 14 10 8 15 14
1d6 (3 HP), Init +2, Speed 20' Dig 10'
BAB/Grab: +0/-11
-Bite +4 (1d3-3)
AC: 14 (+2 Size, +2 Dexterity), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +1 Ref +3 Will +5
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Luck of Heroes
Skills: Listen +6
Special Attacks: Powder Snow, Tail Whip
Special Qualities: Ice Pokemon Traits, Disable, Beacon, Snow Cloak
Rare Traits: Snow Warning, Baby-Doll Eyes, Moonblast, Hypnosis, Roar
Tutor Moves: Charm, Agility, Protect, Dazzling Gleam, Hex, Misty Terrain, Snowscape, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Chilling Water
Advancement: 2-7 HD; evolves into Alolan Ninetales at 8 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Will, 2 + Int skill points

Drifting gracefully through the snow, this white fox almost glows from within as it plays about mischievously. Nonetheless, it is a very good dog.

Ice Traits: Alolan Vulpix is weak against [Fighting], [Fire], [Rock] and [Steel] atacks, and resists [Ice] attacks. It cannot be frozen solid or suffer frostbite, frostburn or hypothermia, and is also immune to Dexterity damage (but not drain). It suffers no damage or impediment from hail, ice storms, snow storms, naturally occurring blizzards, cold weather and similar - even things like Black Ice and Blood Snow - and enjoys DR 5/- in snow storms and 10/- in hail and heavy blizzards. It can move through slush at its normal speed without penalty, and does not slip over on ice. Indeed, it can move at double its normal movement speed when moving across ice.

Powder Snow (Su): with a Standard Action, Alolan Vulpix can exhale a puff of soft, powdery (but still very cold) snow from its mouth. This requires a Standard Action, and reaches out to 25 feet. If it succeeds on a Ranged Touch Attack, the target suffers 1d8 points of Cold damage, and must attempt a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or suffer a -4 Dexterity Penalty for one minute. This is an [Ice] attack.

Tail Whip (Ex): with a Move Equivalent Action at will, Alolan Vulpix may whip its tail about in a 180 degree arc. All adjacent creatures in that arc suffer a -4 Penalty to Armour Class and Reflex Saves until their next turn.

Disable (Su): once per minute, Alolan Vulpix may curse an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. Whichever special attack the opponent used most recently becomes disabled, blocked off in the target's mind for one minute. This [Normal] attack is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effect.

Snow Cloak (Ex): any time Alolan Vulpix is in snowfall or hail, it is completely Invisible. This is a [Pokebility].

Beacon (Su): whenever it wishes, Alolan Vulpix may shed a cold light, as per the spell Light.

Rare Traits:
Snow Warning (Su): this rare [Pokebility] replaces Snow Cloak. The weather out to one mile becomes Hail (with some amount of regular snow as well) - the temperature falling to Cold if higher than that, and falling one band if already Cold or worse.

Moonblast (Su): once per three rounds, Alolan Vulpix can unleash a powerful blast of magical energy from the moon, a 10' radius Blast anywhere in Medium Rangethat deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw also suffer 2 points of Charisma damage. When directly under the light of a full moon, the Blast is Widened. This is a [Fairy] attack.

At 2 hit dice, it learns Ice Shard and Spite.
Ice Shard (Su): once per minute, Alolan Vulpix can hurl shards of sharp ice with an Immediate Action. This is a Ranged Attack (a thrown weapon) with 10' range increments and a maximum of 3 increments, dealing 2d6 Cold damage, plus its Strength Bonus, and has a 19-20 threat range. This is an [Ice] attack.

Spite (Su): once per minute Alolan Vulpix may level a curse against an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. If the foe fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), any ability that has a cooldown after use is instantly put on cooldown as though used (without providing the effects of usage), and any ability with limited Daily (or Weekly or Hourly) uses has one of those uses expended. This [Ghost] attack is a [Curse] effect.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Icy Wind and Cold Nose.
Icy Wind (Su): once per three rounds, Alolan Vulpix may use a Standard Action to exhale a chilling wave of air. This functions as a Gust of Wind effect, however it also deals damage equal to its hit dice to all in the area (halved if they succeed on the Fortitude Save), and on a failed Save, afflicted creatures suffer a -4 Penalty to Dexterity for 3 rounds. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is an [Ice] attack and a [Wind] effect.

Cold Nose (Ex): at will, Alolan Vulpix may use a Standard Action to poke an adjacent creature with its very cold nose. This deals 1d6 points of damage, plus its Charisma Bonus. Against a Sleeping creature, this is doubled but also causes them to wake up. It may be used as a Coup de Gras against a sleeping foe (typically increasing the attack time to a Full Round Action), in which case the critical hit results in the damage being tripled (3d6 + three times its Charisma Bonus). This is an [Ice] attack.

At 4 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Confuse Ray.
Confuse Ray (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Alolan Vulpix may unleash an eerie light to disorient and overwhelm the mind of a foe. Being a ray, this is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is rendered Confused for 2d4 rounds. However, a creature confused by this may attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half Alolan Vulpix' hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) at the start of every turn to end the effects early. This is a [Ghost] attack.

At 5 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Aurora Beam.
Aurora Beam (Su): with a Standard Action once per three rounds, Alolan Vulpix may release an amazing ray of spectacular chilling light. This is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Close Range, and on a successful hit it deals 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice. A struck target must also succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or suffer 2 points of Strength Damage. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 6 hit dice, it learns Extrasensory and Ice Beam.
Extrasensory (Su): with a Standard Action once per minute, Alolan Vulpix may unleash a psychic wave that hurts the mind of anything that perceives it. A target within 60 feet must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) to avoid noticing the effect. If they fail the save, they suffer 1d6 damage per hit die and are Dazed for one round. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

Ice Beam (Su): once per three rounds, Alolan Vulpix may use a Standard Action to unleash a beam of super-cold frosted air at a target in Long Range. This is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack, and deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die. A struck target must also succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be encased in ice, as per the Icy Prison spell. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 7 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Imprison.
Imprison (Su): once per hour, Alolan Vulpix may glare at a foe within Medium Range as a Standard Action, and seal away any shared attacks. The foe must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), otherwise for the next minute, they are unable to utilise any Special Attacks shared by Vulpix. This is a [Psychic] attack.


Alolan Ninetales
Small Magical Beast, CR 8
9 18 12 10 19 16
8d6+8 (36 HP), Init +8, Speed 30' Dig 10'
BAB/Grab: +6/+1
-Bite +11 (1d4-1)
AC: 17 (+1 Size, +4 Dexterity, +2 Natural Armour), Flat 13, Touch 15
Fort +4 Ref +10 Will +11
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Luck of Heroes, Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative
Skills: Listen +15, Hide +19
Special Attacks: Powder Snow, Tail Whip, Ice Shard, Spite, Icy Wind, Cold Nose, Confuse Ray, Aurora Beam, Extrasensory, Ice Beam, Dazzling Gleam
Special Qualities: Ice and Fairy Pokemon Traits, Disable, Snow Cloak, Imprison, Spell-Like Abilities
Rare Traits: Snow Warning, Baby-Doll Eyes, Moonblast, Hypnosis, Roar
Tutor Moves: Charm, Agility, Protect, Hex, Misty Terrain, Snowscape, Dark Pulse, Nasty Plot, Chilling Water, Grudge, Aurora Dance
Advancement: 8-13 HD Small; 14-20 HD Medium; 21+ HD Large
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Will, 2 + Int skill points

Before you sits a majestic white fox with nine fluffy tails swishing about, extra fluffy and extra intelligent. This divine, cold creature is a good dog.

Ice and Fairy Traits: Alolan Ninetales is weak against [Fire], [Poison], [Rock] and [Steel] atacks, and resists [Bug], [Dark] and [Ice] attacks. It is treated as a Spirit, as though it were a fey. It is considered Immune to [Dragon] attacks, always Resisting them, and has Evasion against anything described as a Breath Weapon, as well as Immunity to the Frightful Presence ability of dragons. It cannot be frozen solid or suffer frostbite, frostburn or hypothermia, and is also immune to Dexterity damage (but not drain). It suffers no damage or impediment from hail, ice storms, snow storms, naturally occurring blizzards, cold weather and similar - even things like Black Ice and Blood Snow - and enjoys DR 5/- in snow storms and 10/- in hail and heavy blizzards. It can move through slush at its normal speed without penalty, and does not slip over on ice. Indeed, it can move at double its normal movement speed when moving across ice.

Dazzling Gleam (Su): once per three rounds, Alolan Ninetales may use a Standard Action to release a flash of bright magical light out in a 30' radius Burst from itself. This deals 1d10 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Additionally, anything that fails its save is also rendered Blind for 1 round, and then Dazzled for 2 more rounds. Creatures that have no eyesight take the minimum damage from this and are not blinded or dazzled. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Dancing Lights, Disguise Self, Light, Bestow Curse; 3/day - Silent Image, Glibness. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. These are all [Psychic] effects.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Ice Path and Aurora Veil.
Ice Path (Su): with a Standard Action at will, Alolan Ninetales may cause up to two 5' squares per hit die, as long as they all form a contiguous area, to freeze over, the surface becoming slick and slippery, melting at the normal rate for the temperature. This functions as the Winter's Grasp spell, and is an [Ice] attack.

Aurora Veil (Su): when the surrounding weather is snow or hail, Alolan Ninetales may use a Standard Action once per hour to call up a magical wall of fascinating light. This functions as a Wall of Light spell, however any creature attacking through it that cannot see through it deals half damage. Any effect that can destroy (or bypass) Reflect or Light Screen affects this the same. This is an [Ice] effect.

At 10 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2, and it learns Freeze-Dry.
Freeze-Dry (Su): once per three rounds, Alolan Ninetales may use a Standard Action to freeze the moisture out of a foe within Medium Range. This deals 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), with a failed save also resulting in 2 points of Constitution Damage (4 if the subject is Weak to [Ice] attacks, none if they Resist them). This is an [Ice] attack, however [Water] Pokemon are actually Weak against this, rather than Resisting it.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Mist and Spiral Drain.
Mist (Ex): with a Standard Action, Alolan Ninetales can replicate an Obscuring Mist effect. This can be used once per five rounds, and is an [Ice] effect.

Spiral Drain (Su): once per hour, Alolan Ninetales can use a Standard Action to draw life energy towards itself. All living creatures within 30 feet suffer 1d6 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and Alolan Ninetales regains lost hit points equal to the total damage done (up to its maximum; excess healing is wasted). This is a [Fairy] attack.

At 12 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Frozen Terrain.
Frozen Terrain (Su): once per minute, Alolan Ninetales may flash-freeze the ground within Medium Range. This targets any one contiguous effect of Grassy Terrain, Electric Terrain, Misty Terrain, Psychic Terrain, Grease (or effects that reference Grease in how they function[/i], Web (mundane or magical), or plant-based terrain (mundane or magical). This instantly destroys the effect, and then causes the same area to be frozen for three rounds, functioning as a Frost Fall effect (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If any of the above effects are cast on the area before the rounds expire, the effect fails and the three rounds reset. This is an [Ice] effect.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Mysterious Guidance and Snow Globe.
Mysterious Guidance (Sp): Alolan Ninetales gains the following Spell-Like Abilities once each per day: Hallucinatory Terrain, Find the Path, Sending, Circle Dance, Demand, Dream, Major Image, Dream Walk, Manifest Desire, Manifest Nightmare. These are all [Psychic] effects.

Snow Globe (Su): once per hour, Alolan Ninetales can use a Standard Action to target a 20' radius Sphere within Long Range, dealing 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Failure also causes targets to be Slowed for one round for level, and if they fail by more than 5, they are also Frostburned. This is an [Ice] attack.

At 14 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Sheer Cold and Shadow Ball.
Sheer Cold (Su): once per day, Alolan Ninetales glares at a target within Close Range, and wills them to be frozen completely. If they are not Ice Type Pokemon or considered Immune to [Ice] attacks, they must succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 7 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or frozen solid, as though failing their save against a Heartfreeze and Entomb effect. This is an [Ice] attack.

Shadow Ball (Sp): once per three rounds, Alolan Ninetales may use a Standard Action to launch a sphere of terrifying spectral essence out to Medium Range. This hits all in a 10' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Furthermore, on a failed saving throw, targets suffer one temporary Negative Level (lasting one hour), or two if they are Weak against the attack. This is a [Ballistic] [Ghost] attack.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Snow Maze.
Maximum Snow Maze (Su): once per minute, Alolan Mega Ninetales may use a Standard Action to call forth a Widened Arctic Haze effect. Furthermore, the first time any creature that is not an Ice Type Pokemon is within the area of effect, they must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be rendered Confused for the duration, and completely unable to find their way (as the Lose Your Way ability of the Yuki On Na) until they are no longer in the snow. This is an [Ice] attack.

Mega Evolution: when Alolan Ninetales becomes Alolan Mega Ninetales, it becomes completely wreathed in a powerful winter storm, its tails becoming even bigger and fluffier in response to the snow and mist surrounding it. It gains a +4 Deflection Bonus to Armour Class and Resistance Bonus to Saving Throws, and its Dexterity and Intelligence scores increase by 2 each, and its Wisdom and Charisma scores increase by 4 each. The first time it Mega-Evolves, select one new skill for it to gain maximum ranks in when Mega Evolved. It gains Concealment from the mist and snow, and if it did not have the Snow Warning [Pokebility] before this, it now does.

Tutor Moves:

Agility (Su): by focusing as a Full Round Action, the Pokemon can cast Cat's Grace on itself at will. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Aurora Dance (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may perform a mystical dance with a Full Round Action, wreathing itself in the magic of an Aurora Polaris and drawing strength from the snow and ice. This only functions when the weather is snowing or hailing, and grants the Pokemon a +2 Enhancement Bonus to every Ability Score, as well as a +1 Resistance Bonus to all Saving Throws, a +1 Deflection Bonus to Armour Class and a +1 Enhancement Bonus to its natural weapons, for the next minute. This is a [Dance] [Ice] effect.

Burning Jealousy (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may unleash deep feelings of resentment towards a foe with a Standard Action. This targets a creature within 60 feet, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target gained a Bonus of any kind between the end of the Pokemon's previous turn and the start of its current one, and takes any damage from this, it is Burned. This is a [Fire] attack.

Burning Terrain (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may ignite the ground within Medium Range. This targets any one contiguous effect of Grassy Terrain, Electric Terrain, Misty Terrain, Psychic Terrain, Grease (or effects that reference Grease in how they function), Web (mundane or magical), Obscuring Mist, Fog Cloud, icy ground, snow drifts or plant-based terrain (mundane or magical). This instantly destroys the effect (in the case of snow or ice, melting it to create water and ending this effect instantly with no further effect), and then causes the same area to be on fire for three rounds, causing 1d6 damage (as though from a [Fire] attack) to all that enter the area. If any of the above effects are cast on the area before the flames go out, the effect fails and the three rounds reset. This is a [Fire] effect.

Charm (Sp): once per day, the Pokemon may cast Charm Monster with a Save DC of 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is [Mind-Affecting] [Charm] [Fairy] effect.

Chilling Water (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a rush of icy cold water at an opponent. This deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die, to a maximum of 5d6, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). A failed saving throw also results in the target being Fatigued, which can stack up to Exhaustion. This is a [Water] attack.

Dark Pulse (Su): once per five rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a burst of malevolent energy from its cannons, out in a wave. This is an emanation out to Close Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the saving through is Staggered for one round. This is a [Ballistic] [Dark] effect.

Dazzling Gleam (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to release a flash of bright magical light out in a 30' radius Burst from itself. This deals 1d10 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Additionally, anything that fails its save is also rendered Blind for 1 round, and then Dazzled for 2 more rounds. Creatures that have no eyesight take the minimum damage from this and are not blinded or dazzled. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Fire Blast (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon can unleash a 60' radius explosion of fire as a Blast in Medium Range. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail their saving throw are Burned. In harsh sunlight, a Reflex Save merely halves the damage, and creatures that fail the save catch fire as well as being burned. In any other kind of weather that isn't clear skies, creatures get a +4 Bonus on the saving throw. This is a [Fire] attack that destroys most terrain.

Fire Spin (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon can use a Full Round Action to whirl up and unleash a fire tornado. This creates a blaze adjacent to the Pokemon that is the same Size, except twice as tall with a minimum of 10' (so 10' tall and filling a 5' square normally and when Medium, but if grown to Large would create a 10x10' square that is 20' tall, and a Colossal Pokemon would create a 40x40' square that is 80' tall). This then travels 20' directly away from it, and will continue to do so every round for 1d4 rounds, plus one per 3 hit dice (round up) before petering out. If exposed to water, it ceases instantly. Anything that touches the flames suffers 1d8 Fire damage per 4 hit dice of the Pokemon (round up) and, if the same size as the Pokemon or smaller, must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be pulled in. Those that are pulled into the fire remain trapped until rescued by some stronger effect or the tornado ends. Flying creatures are allowed an additional Reflex Save each round to escape into an adjacent space (same DC) as a Move Action. Every round something remains trapped in the tornado, they suffer the Fire damage again, and while they can act normally (save for being unable to leave, carried with the flaming winds), they suffer a -4 Penalty to Dexterity, a -2 Penalty on attack rolls, and must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 10 + Ninetales' hit dice + Spell Level) to cast a spell. A fire tornado can only hold as many creatures as actually fit in its area. This is a [Fire] attack, and pretty much incinerates plant-based terrain and melts snow and ice.

Grudge (Sp): once per day, the Pokemon can unleash a hateful curse on a foe within 60' by using a Standard Action. The opponent suffers 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). On a failed save, the target suffers a reduction in abilities: every ability they have with limited uses per day or per hour has one such daily or hourly use expended. If they have Spell Slots or Prepared Spells, they lose one of the highest level Slots/Spells available, and if they have Power Points, they lose an amount equal to their Manifester Level. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Heat Wave (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to unleash an emanation of terrible heat out to Medium Range - unless in Harsh Sunlight, in which case it extends out to Long Range. This spreads directly out from the Pokemon, melts snow and ice, and withers plant life, but is blocked entirely by cover. Everything that is caught in the area suffers 1d10 Fire damage per 4 hit dice (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw also suffer a Burn. This is a [Fire], [Wind] attack.

Hex (Sp): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a baleful curse at a foe within Medium Range. The target suffers 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target is already afflicted with Poison, Disease, Burn, Frostburn, Drowsiness, Sleep, Paralysis, Stun, Daze, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sickening, Nausea, Rage, Confusion or a [Fear] effect, this instead deals 2d4 damage per hit die. If they are afflicted by two of the above, it is instead 2d6 per hit die. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Misty Terrain (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to release Misty Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Fairy] effect.

Nasty Plot (Ex): by concentrating on schemes and tactics as a Full Round Action, the Pokemon can grant itself an Eagle's Splendour effect at will. In addition, while this is in effect, it gains +1d6 Sneak Attack damage. This is a [Dark] effect.

Protect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use strange magic to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave the Pokemon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Snarl (Su): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may snarl and rant at an enemy, making disconcerting loud noises. This is unleashed in a 20' Cone, dealing 1d4 damage per hit die to a maximum of 5d4, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). On a failed save, targets also suffer a -2 Morale Penalty to Charisma for three rounds. This is a [Noise] [Dark] attack.

Snowscape (Su): once per day per 5 full hit dice, the Pokemon may cast Blizzard (It's Cold Outside) with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is an [Ice] effect.

Sunny Day (Su): once per day per 5 full hit dice, the Pokemon may change the weather to harsh sunlight out to a one mile radius, for one round per hit die. If it is night, this instead only affects a 10' radius spread, though it will still Dispel any magically created weather effects out to one mile. This is a [Fire] effect.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

I am mostly just doing these in National Pokedex order (by family), more or less. Except I'm in an actual game that uses these, now, so when certain things become relevant they get to skip to the head of the queue - and if you want easy browsing, radthemad has made an index.

Small Undead [Augmented Elemental], CR 4
21 8 - 4 14 7
4d12 (26 HP), Init -1, Speed 20', Dig 20'
BAB/Grab: +4/+5
-2 Slams +10 (1d4+5)
AC: 20 (+1 Size, -1 Dexterity, +10 Natural), Flat 20, Touch 10
Fort +3 Ref +0 Will +6
Feats: Power Attack, Great Fortitude
Skills: Listen +9
Special Attacks: Mud Slap, Astonish, Shadow Punch, Curse, Night Shade
Special Qualities: Ghost and Ground Pokemon Traits, Iron Fist, Mystery Power, Defense Curl
Rare Traits: No Guard
Tutor Moves: Protect, Confuse Ray, Bulldoze, Rock Tomb, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Drain Punch, Earth Power, Stealth Rock
Advancement: 5-7 HD, evolves into Golurk at 8 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d12 HP, Good BAB, Good Will, 2 + Int skill points

Standing at about half the height of an adult human, this round-looking thing appears to be built from earth and clay. It has glowing eyes, as well as some other inner glow.

Ghost and Ground Traits: Golett can be affected as though an [Incorporeal] Undead and a Spirit, though it does not have the usual traits of an Undead. It is weak against [Dark], [Ghost], [Grass], [Ice] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Poison] and [Rock] attacks. Additionally, it is considered Immune to (and therefore resists) [Electric], [Fighting] and [Normal] attacks. It can fade into the Ethereal Plane at will, reacts like a living creature to Positive and Negative energy, and treats Ghost Touch weapons as being super-effective. When burrowing, it can choose to leave tunnels or not, and can swim through sand at its normal speed. When burrowing or sand-swimming, it suffers no effect at all from [Electric] attacks, and when touching the ground, has Evasion against them. It does not suffer damage or impediments from sand storms, dust storms, loose sand, quicksand or stony terrain, and when in a sand storm or dust storm, gains Universal Energy Resistance equal to its hit dice.

Mud Slap (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, providing Golett is standing on earth or mud, or standing in dirty water, it can hurl a small amount at an opponent within 15 feet. This requires a Ranged Attack roll, and if successful, it deals 1d3 damage for a Small creature, and renders it Blind for 2 rounds, although a Full Round Action may be spent wiping its face clear to end this early. This is a [Ground] attack.

Astonish (Ex): Golett may resolve a natural weapon attack as a [Ghost] attack. If this hits a foe that is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, or Flanked by Golett, they are Shaken for three rounds as a [Fear] effect.

Shadow Punch (Ex): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, Golett may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon as a Melee Touch Attack that deals 1d4 Bludgeoning damage for a Small creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 extra damage per 3 hit dice (round up). This ignores any kind of Miss Chance, and is a [Punch] [Ghost] attack.

Curse (Sp): once per hour, Golett may cast Bestow Curse with no saving throw. Additionally, once per day it may use a Standard Action to put its own internal energy into cursing somebody to death. It takes damage equal to half of its maximum hit points (round down), and one target within 30' is cursed to die: every round they take damage equal to their hit dice, which is not affected by Resistance or Weakness, and is only removed by a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, Dispel Evil or death. This is a [Ghost] attack that still affects Normal Pokemon just fine.

Night Shade (Sp): once per minute, Golett may extend a spooky field of darkness, allowing it to cast Damning Darkness with a duration of three rounds, plus one round per hit die, as a [Ghost] attack.

Iron Fist (Ex): Golett's massive heavy fists aren't that good at carrying things, but they smash stuff to pieces. Any [Punch] move it delivers has all damage dice - even bonus ones - increased by one Size. This is a [Pokebility].

Mystery Power (Su): nobody is terribly sure what energy powers Golett, but it appears to be in some way magical. If exposed to a Mage's Disjunction effect, it must succeed on a Will Save, otherwise the power source dies out, and Golett is slain, requiring a Wish or Miracle to bring back. When in an Anti-Magic Field, Golett is merely Slowed. If Golett's outer body is destroyed before it has spent at least a full round being dead (such as via Disintegration), the energy inside is unleashed before it can die out, resulting in a Fireball centred on its location. This has a CL of its hit dice and Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus (if positive), and is Widened if Golett is larger than Medium. The explosion is indeed Fire damage, and a [Fire] effect.

Defense Curl (Ex): any time Golett takes a Total Defence action, the benefits of having done so remain until the end of its next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

Rare Traits:
No Guard (Ex): whenever a pokemon with this [Pokebility] makes an attack of any kind, including those that don't make an attack roll, it ignores all forms of Concealment, all Miss Chances of any kind, any defensive Illusions that True Seeing could bypass, and Cover less than Full Cover. Additionally, attack rolls are resolved as Touch Attacks. However, the same also applies to any attack made against a pokemon with this Pokebility.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Stomping Tantrum and Hammer In.
Stomping Tantrum (Ex): once per three rounds, Golett can stomp its feat repeatedly on the ground, angry about the unfairness of the universe. This hits every adjacent creature touching the ground for 1d8 damage (for a Small creature) plus its Strength Bonus, plus an additional 1d6 damage per 4 hit dice (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus). If Golett attempted but failed to damage or otherwise afflict an opponent on its previous turn (such as missing with all attacks, all targets passing saving throws that Negate - including via Evasion or Mettle - enemies being completely immune, or Spell-Like Abilities failing to bypass Spell Resistance), the additional damage is instead 1d6 per hit die and everything that fails the saving throw suffers 1 point of Constitution Damage per 4 hit dice (round up). The added effects also apply if Golett was unable to take any actions on its previous turn (such as from being Stunned), or failed to attack an enemy due to Confusion. This is a [Ground] attack.

Hammer In (Ex): once per minute when Golett hits the same foe with both Slam attacks, it can attempt to entomb its foe. The foe must make a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be hammered partially into the ground. This ability doesn’t work in locations with a basement or open level immediately below (instead destroying that square and causing them to fall), nor can Golett hammer victims into magical, living, or animate materials, or materials with a Hardness higher than 8. A creature affected by this is considered Anchored in place. Every turn, they may use a Standard Action to attempt to pull themselves free, making either a Strength check or an Escape Artist check (same DC as the Reflex Save). This is a [Fighting] attack.

At 6 hit dice, it learns Iron Defense and Mega Punch.
Iron Defense (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Golett may harden its body as though covered in literal iron and steel. It gains an Armour Bonus of +6, plus one per three hit dice (round up, maximum of +5 for a total of +11 at fifteen hit dice) for the next minute. This also doubles its weight for the time being. This is a [Steel] effect.

Mega Punch (Ex): once per five rounds, Golett may use a Standard Action to punch someone so hard the PSI is actually about a Megaton. This is resolved as a Slam that deals 1d10 damage (for a Small creature) plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, plus an extra 1d6 damage per 3 hit dice (round up). Additionally, it doubles the damage bonus from using the Power Attack feat, but when rolling Miss Chances must roll twice and take the worse result. This is a [Punch] [Normal] attack.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Dynamic Punch and grows to Medium Size, gaining +2 Natural Armour, though this does not change its ability scores.
Dynamic Punch (Ex): once per five rounds, Golett may wind up and throw an impressive punch loaded with explosive force. If this hits it deals 1d6 damage per hit die (which is not adjusted by Size changes, but is affected by Iron Fist), plus its Strength Bonus, however the target is allowed a Reflex Save to halve the damage (DC 5 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus). A failed save results in them being rocked so hard by the full force, they become Confused for three rounds. The confusion is [Mind-Effecting], but the rest is very much not. This is a [Punch] [Fighting] attack.


Large Undead [Augmented Elemental], CR 8
25 8 - 6 14 9
8d12+8 (60 HP), Init -1, Speed 30', Dig 30', Fly 120' (Clumsy)
BAB/Grab: +8/+19
-2 Slams +14 (1d8+7)
AC: 20 (-1 Size, -1 Dexterity, +12 Natural), Flat 20, Touch 8
Fort +4 Ref +1 Will +8
Feats: Power Attack, Great Fortitude, Improved Toughness
Skills: Listen +13
Special Attacks: Mud Slap, Astonish, Shadow Punch, Curse, Night Shade, Focus Punch, Stomping Tantrum, Hammer In, Mega Punch, Dynamic Punch, High Horsepower
Special Qualities: Ghost and Ground Pokemon Traits, Iron Fist, Mystery Power, Defense Curl, Iron Defense, Ancient Seal
Rare Traits: No Guard
Tutor Moves: Protect, Confuse Ray, Bulldoze, Rock Tomb, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Drain Punch, Earth Power, Stealth Rock, Body Press, Charge Beam, Sandstorm, Flash Cannon, Substitute, Stone Edge, Gravity
Advancement: 9-12 HD Large; 13-17 HD Huge, 18-22 HD Gargantuan, 23+ HD Colossal
Hit Dice: 1d12 HP, Good BAB, Good Will, 2 + Int skill points

Surely a construct and not a naturally occurring creature, this Pokemon towers above humans and is seemingly made of clay. Energy glows from beneath the patched-up tear in its body.

Ghost and Ground Traits: Golurk can be affected as though an [Incorporeal] Undead and a Spirit, though it does not have the usual traits of an Undead. It is weak against [Dark], [Ghost], [Grass], [Ice] and [Water] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Poison] and [Rock] attacks. Additionally, it is considered Immune to (and therefore resists) [Electric], [Fighting] and [Normal] attacks. It can fade into the Ethereal Plane at will, reacts like a living creature to Positive and Negative energy, and treats Ghost Touch weapons as being super-effective. When burrowing, it can choose to leave tunnels or not, and can swim through sand at its normal speed. When burrowing or sand-swimming, it suffers no effect at all from [Electric] attacks, and when touching the ground, has Evasion against them. It does not suffer damage or impediments from sand storms, dust storms, loose sand, quicksand or stony terrain, and when in a sand storm or dust storm, gains Universal Energy Resistance equal to its hit dice.

Focus Punch (Ex): at will, Golurk may tighten its focus with a Move-Equivalent Action. On its next turn, it then may use a Standard Action to unleash a powerful Slam that deals 2d6 damage (for a Large creature), plus two times its Strength Bonus, plus 1d6 damage per hit die. However, this can be interrupted as though casting a spell with a one turn casting time - it must pass a Concentration check if damaged or in rough weather etc. otherwise the attempt is ruined. This is a [Fighting] attack.

High Horsepower (Ex): Golurk has a Trample attack with a base damage of 3d6 for a Large creature, plus 6d6 bonus damage, which ignores all Hardness, Damage Reduction and Regeneration. A creature that fails its Reflex Save (or foregoes making one) is pummelled so hard it loses its next Standard Action. This is a [Ground] attack.

Ancient Seal (Su): if the seal on Golurk's chest is removed (typically requiring a Sunder attempt as though it were an equipped +3 Heavy Steel Shield), the potentially unlimited power is unleashed and it goes berserk. Golurk instantly enters a Rage (as the spell), which only ends when it faints (or dies) or the seal is restored, whichever happens first. In this rage, it may use any Extraordinary or Supernatural special attack, but must attempt to attack something every turn - attacking the nearby terrain if there are no targets it can perceive. In this state, the entire "charge up" and attack process of Focus Punch and Phantom Force requires only one Full Round Action.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Phantom Force and Hurricane Punch
Phantom Force (Su): once per hour, Golurk may use a Full Round Action to charge up, become Ethereal, and lock onto a foe. On its next turn, it may use a Standard Action to manifest and strike with sudden power against that foe, making one Slam, against which the opponent is denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, and dealing 2 Negative Levels that last for one hour. Additionally, foes cannot benefit from Reflect or Aurora Veil against this, and it can see through a projected image to lock onto the actual target, even if they are invisible. This may be charged up and unleashed all as one Full Round Action, skipping the delay, if Golurk is standing in Cursed Terrain. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Hurricane Punch (Su): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, a Golurk in the air may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 damage per 3 hit dice (round up), and a struck target must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be struck by Hurricane force winds for one round (Tornado if Golurk is Gargantuan or larger). On a Critical Hit, a successful Charge, or during overwhelming winds, the target instead suffers Tornado strength winds (and is treated as touching the actual funnel if Golurk is Gargantuan or larger). This is a [Punch] [Flying] attack.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Hammer Arm and Zen Headbutt
Hammer Arm (Ex): once per minute, Golurk can slam its massive fists upon a target with a Standard Action. This is a single Slam that deals 2d6 damage per hit die, plus double its Strength Bonus, and leaves a crater in all squares occupied by the target creature if it hits. Due to it throwing too much weight behind this, Golurk is then Slowed for 5 rounds. This is a [Punch] [Fighting] attack.

Zen Headbutt (Su): once per three rounds, Golurk may utilise zen in order to have delivered a sharp headbutt that utilises its mind rather than its skull. But at no point does it actually decide to headbutt something, it merely ends up having headbutted them. If you don't understand, you're not enlightened. With a Standard Action, it uses its zen, and then at any point before the start of its next turn, the headbutt can be declared against a target that was adjacent to it. This is resolved as a Slam attack that has a base damage of 2d8 for a Large creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, plus its Concentration skill total. If not used during its own actual turn, this also forces the target to attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Stunned until the start of their next turn. This is a [Psychic] attack.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Earthquake and Golurk Cannon Beam
Earthquake (Su): once per hour, Golurk may cast Earthquake, however the damage (not including Non-Lethal damage for being trapped) is 1d6 per hit die, any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and anything considered Immune to [Ground] attacks can never be trapped in the fissures. This is a [Ground] attack.

Golurk Cannon Beam (Su): once per day, Golurk may use a Full Round Action to unleash a powerful beam of energy. This 5' wide, 100' long Line deals 10 damage per hit die to all creatures in the Area, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Furthermore, anything that fails the saving throw suffers a single Negative Level if it has not evolved at all (such as a Human, Mimikyu or Bulbasaur), two Negative Levels and a Bestow Curse if it has evolved but has further evolution to go (such as a Jigglypuff or Golbat), or three Negative Levels and a Bestow Curse effect. All negative levels are temporary and last just one hour. If a target that fails its saving throw is Mega-Evolved, then instead of the added effects, the Mega-Evolution instantly ends. This attack leaves Golurk Exhausted until it rests. If already Fatigued, Drowsy or Exhausted, it collapses afterwards, falling Asleep. This is a [Ghost] attack.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Close Combat and Poltergeist
Close Combat (Ex): once per minute, Golurk may step in close and unleash a strong-style combo that foregoes defence in favour of sheer offence. This uses a Full Round Action, and is resolved as single Slam that deals 2d6 damage per hit die, plus its Strength Bonus. This provokes an Attack of Opportunity before the attack, and after the attack, it foregoes its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class (allowing Sneak Attacks) until the start of its next turn. This is a [Punch] [Fighting] attack.

Poltergeist (Su): Golurk can cast Telekinesis at will, using the higher of its Intelligence or Charisma as the relevant ability score, however it can only manipulate objects in this way - although if a target is wearing enough armour or clothing (such as most Humanoids but very few Pokemon), this means maneuvers can still be used and they can still be flung about with a Violent Thrust. If using a Violent Thrust on just a single object, the minimum damage it can deal on a successful hit is 1d6 per hit die. This is a [Ghost] attack.

At 13 hit dice, its Intelligence increases by 2 and it develops Perpetual Motion Energy
Perpetual Motion Energy (Ex): the mysterious power within Golurk is indeed infinite, and it no longer suffers from the weakness of its Mystery Power. Indeed, it is immune to Anti-Magic Fields, able to use Supernatural abilities that affect itself, or Instantaneous ones that affect touched or struck creatures. It still cannot bring forth Supernatural abilities in Dead Magic Zones if that ever matters. If its Ancient Seal is removed, resulting in a Rage, it becomes Immune to Fatigue and Exhaustion (thus Golurk Cannon Beam has no drawback), and every round counts as the passing of an entire minute for the purpose of regaining uses of abilities (meaning "per minute" or less can be used at will, "per hour" can be used per six minutes, and "per day" per 2 hours and 24 minutes). Instead of the Fireball should the outer shell be destroyed while the inner source still burns, this now creates a Firestorm centred on its former location.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Seismic Fist and Ghost Hammer
Seismic Fist (Ex): with a Standard Action once per three rounds, Golurk may punch the ground and cause it to erupt nearby. It makes a single Slam attack, dealing 3d6 damage (for a Large creature) plus its Strength Bonus, and it resolves this against all creatures within 30 feet that are touching the ground. Creatures within 30 feet that are burrowing underground receive an automatic Critical Hit with no attack roll needed. Creatures that are hit and standing on the ground must then pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or fall Prone. This is a [Punch] [Ground] attack.

Ghost Hammer (Ex): once per minute, Golurk can slam its massive fists upon a target with a Standard Action, imbued with ghostly force. This is a single Slam that deals 10 damage per hit die (12 per hit die if it has Iron Fist), plus double its Strength Bonus, and bestows 1d4 Negative Levels on everything it hits, which disappear after 1 hour. Due to it throwing too much weight behind this, Golurk is then Slowed for 5 rounds. This is a [Punch] [Ghost] attack.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Fist of Antiquity
Maximum Fist of Antiquity (Su): once per minute, Mega Golurk can slam its ghostly fists upon the ground, destroying all it can reach in a terrifying eruption of spectral energy, and also fist energy, loaded with the ravages of time and also punching. This is resolved as though using Ghost Hammer against every single creature within its reach, using one attack roll, and everything that has evolved but is not at the peak of its evolution (such as Dragonair or Graveller) suffers an additional Negative Level and a Bestow Curse (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and creatures that are fully evolved (such as Charizard or Glaceon, but not including things that do not evolve, such as Elves or Ditto) suffer 2d4+1 Negative Levels as well as the curse. If a Mega-Evolved creature fails its saving throw against this, then instead of the usual effects, the Mega-Evolution instantly ends. This is a [Punch] [Ghost] attack.

Mega Evolution: when Golurk becomes Mega Golurk, it is a terrifying sight to behold, towering above things and with energy constantly radiating from inside. Its fists are about the size of cars at this point. It grows one Size larger, increasing its Space, Reach and Movement Speed, but not having normal ability score modifiers from Size change. Instead, its Strength and Natural Armour both increase by 6, its Wisdom increases by 4, and its Intelligence and Charisma each increase by 2. It automatically gains maximum ranks in Intimidate in this state (or if it already has these, select one other Skill the first time and don't change it afterwards). Additionally, its [Pokebility] becomes Traumatic Fist. If it explodes due to its outer shell being destroyed while its inner core still burns, the nuclear explosion is resolved as a Fire Storm, Greater Whirlwind (stationary, duration of only 3 rounds) and Earthquake effect all centred on its former location.

Traumatic Fist (Ex): every time Mega Golurk damages an opponent with a [Punch] attack, the target suffers 2 points of Constitution damage, with the exceptions of Ice Hammer (which it cannot normally learn), Hammer Arm, Ghost Hammer and Maximum Fist of Antiquity: in these cases, they suffer 2 points of Dexterity damage and are Slowed for three rounds.

Tutor Moves:
Body Press (Ex): with a Full Round Action once per three rounds, the Pokemon may perform a body splash onto nearby foes. This covers an Area the same size as the creature's own Space, with at least one square starting adjacent to the Pokemon. This deals 1d8 damage (for a Medium creature), plus its Constitution Bonus, plus its Natural Armour, to all in the area. Creatures are allowed a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus or Natural Armour Bonus, whichever is higher), and anything that fails the save is knocked Prone and Pinned until the Pokemon moves. This is a [Fighting] attack.

Bulldoze (Ex): with a Full Round Action once per three rounds, the Pokemon may make a Charge attack, that ends in a Slam of appropriate Size (1d6 for a Medium creature). If it ends this charge threatening multiple creatures or objects, it may elect to resolve the attack against any or all of them, not just the initial target (though the normal rules for charging apply, so it can't declare a target, charge them, and then forego attacking that target). Furthermore, anything hit suffers 2 points of Dexterity damage, and has their Initiative reduced by 4, although this cannot cause something to gain two turns (such as acting at 2 Initiative higher than the attacker, getting hit, then acting again at 3 lower). This is a [Ground] attack.

Charge Beam (Su): once per 3 rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to fire an electrical energy beam out as a Ranged Touch Attack with a Range of 60 feet. This deals 1d6 Electricity damage per hit die (to a maximum of 5d6), and if it hits, the electrical feedback charges the Pokemon up, granting a +2 Enhancement Bonus to Charisma for 1 minute. This is an [Electric] attack.

Confuse Ray (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, the Pokemon may unleash an eerie light to disorient and overwhelm the mind of a foe. Being a ray, this is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is rendered Confused for 2d4 rounds. However, a creature confused by this may attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half the attacker's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) at the start of every turn to end the effects early. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Drain Punch (Su): with a Standard Action once per minute, the Pokemon may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus, plus 1d6 bonus damage per 3 hit dice (round up). The Pokemon then restores lost hit points equal to half the total damage (round up), though any in excess is lost, it does not translate to gaining Temporary Hit Points. This is a [Punch] [Fighting] attack.

Earth Power (Su): once per ten minutes with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may make the ground explode in geothermal power or something to that effect. This affects a 10' radius Blast in Medium Range, affecting everything on the ground and up to ten feet above it, turning the area into Difficult Terrain. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the save falls Prone. This also happens to leave hard terrain churned up nicely for planting things. This is a [Ground] effect.

Fire Punch (Su): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 Fire damage per 3 hit dice (round up), and a struck target must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or catch fire. On a Critical Hit, a successful Charge, or during harsh sunlight, the target instead must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) or suffer a Burn. This is a [Punch] [Fire] attack.

Flash Cannon (Su): the Pokemon may fire off a blinding blast of reflected light at will, practically burning foes with laser beams. This targets a 5' radius Burst in Close Range, a 10' radius Burst in Medium Range, or a 15' radius Burst in Long Range. The damage is 1d6 per hit die for Close Range, 1d8 per two hit dice in Medium Range, or 1d6 per two hit dice at Long Range. It also deals 2 points of Wisdom damage from the disorientation, partial blindness and almost heat stroke. A Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) halves the regular damage and negates the Wisdom damage. This is a [Ballistic] [Steel] attack.

Gravity (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon can create a field of enhanced gravity in a 60' emanation with a Standard Action. For the next minute, all in this area lose the ability to Fly, as well as Flying Pokemon Traits and the Levitate [Pokebility], nor can anything be launched into the air as the result of an attack. The result of any Jump check is halved (round down), as is the range (or range increment) of any ranged weapon (including Ray spells but not Area of Effect attacks). Everything within the area is treated as carrying twice as much weight as they are, and any Armour is treated as one grade heavier for the purpose of movement and mobility. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Ice Punch (Su): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 Cold damage per 3 hit dice (round up), and a struck target must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or suffer hypothermia. On a Critical Hit, a successful Charge, or during hail, the target instead must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Frostburned. This is a [Punch] [Ice] attack.

Protect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use the magic in its shell to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave the Pokemon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Rock Tomb (Ex): the Pokemon gains the Rock Throwing ability of a Hill Giant (except with its own Strength, Base Attack Bonus etc, and adjusting the damage die downwards if smaller than Large), or a Stone Giant if it has Rock Pokemon Traits. If the Pokemon is Huge or larger, it instead uses the Rock Throwing ability of a Cloud Giant, scaling the damage up if necessary. This is a [Rock] attack.

Sandstorm (Su): once per day per 5 full hit dice, the Pokemon may cast Sandstorm (It's Hot Outside) with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ground] effect.

Stealth Rock (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon can cast Cave Fangs with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution, Wisdom or Charisma Bonus (whichever is higher). This is a [Rock] attack.

Stone Edge (Ex): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to target a creature within Close Range, and cause jagged shards of rock to explode from underneath it. This is resolved as a Ranged Attack (not a Touch Attack), and a successful hit deals 1d6 damage per hit die, plus its Strength Bonus. This has a Critical Threat of 18-20, and is a [Blade] [Rock] attack.

Substitute (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may suffer Non-lethal damage equal to a quarter of its Maximum Hit Points, as a Standard Action, and in doing so create a Project Image effect. Additionally, it is rendered Invisible for the duration of this effect. If a creature disbelieves the illusion, they also see through the invisibility. This is a [Normal] effect.

Thunder Punch (Su): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon that deals 1d4 Bludgeoning damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 Electricity damage per 3 hit dice (round up), and a struck target must pass a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Staggered for one round. On a Critical Hit, a successful Charge, or on Electric Terrain, the target instead must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Stunned for one round. This is a [Punch] [Electric] attack.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Diminutive Undead [Unliving], CR 1/2
7 12 10 8 14 15
1d6 (3 HP), Init +1, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +0/-10
-Slam +3 (1d3-2)
AC: 18 (+4 Size, +1 Dexterity, +1 Dodge +2 Armour), Flat 16, Touch 16
Fort +0 Ref +3 Will +4
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Dodge
Skills: Hide +17, Move Silently +5, Diplomacy +6
Special Attacks: Astonish, Furtive Drop
Special Qualities: Ghost Pokemon Traits, Withdraw, Weak Armour, Haunted Drink
Rare Traits: Cursed Body, Ally Switch
Tutor Moves: Psybeam, Confuse Ray, Hex, Magical Leaf, Stored Power, Endure, Baton Pass, Chilling Water
Advancement: evolves into Polteageist at 7 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Poor BAB, Good Ref and Will, 4 + Int skill points

This looks like a cup of tea. A chipped yet very fancy cup of tea, for a serious tea drinker, and it looks like the black tea has gone cold, but it is clearly a cup of tea. Wait, does the liquid have a face in it?

Ghost Traits: Sinistea can be affected as though an [Incorporeal] Undead, even when it is corporeal. It is also considered a Spirit. It does not gain any of the usual traits of Undead such as Immunity to [Mind-Affecting] effects, Poisons and Sneak Attack. It is weak against [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks, and resists [Bug] and [Poison] attacks. It has the ability to manifest into the corporeal world (it's natural state), in which case it always resists [Normal] and [Fighting] attacks, but can essentially interact with the world normally. It can also fade into the Ethereal Plane, in which case the usual rules for [Incorporeal] Ethereal creatures apply. It heals normally from Positive Energy, but Negative Energy is a [Ghost] effect and thus damages it super-effectively, as do Ghost Touch weapons.

Withdraw (Ex): whenever Sinistea takes a Total Defence, it gains a +6 Dodge Bonus to Armour Class instead of the usual +4. Additionally, it gains Damage Reduction 2/-, or its existing Damage Reduction increases by 2, whichever is better.

Astonish (Ex): Sinistea may resolve its Slam as a [Ghost] attack. If this hits a foe that is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, or Flanked by Sinistea, they are Shaken for three rounds as a [Fear] effect.

Furtive Drop (Su): with a Standard Action once per minute, Sinistea may drip a single droplet or small splash onto an adjacent creature with a Ranged Touch Attack. This carries the effects of Unholy Water and also carries a Curse of Itching effect (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Dark] effect.

Weak Armour (Ex): any time Sinistea suffers damage, its teacup chips away, letting it move faster at the cost of its defence. This grants it a +2 Enhancement Bonus to Dexterity and a +5' Enhancement Bonus to all movement speeds, and provides a -1 Penalty to its Armour Bonus to Armour Class (minimum zero - further reductions apply to Natural Armour, again to a minimum of zero, at which point further benefits can no longer be gained either). Both effects last for one minute, however further hits before this time will stack (unlike normal Enhancement Bonuses) and reset the duration. If it loses its entire Armour Bonus and Natural Armour Bonus (whether from this or another effect), it is also Hasted for the duration. This is a [Pokebility].

Haunted Drink (Su): Sinistea is extremely dangerous to drink. Anybody consuming even one sip must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) against Poison (1d6 Constitution damage and 1 minute of Nausea for the Primary damage, 1d6 Constitution Drain and 1 hour of Paralysis for the Secondary damage). Additionally, Sinistea may then possess them if it wishes - they must succeed on a Will Save (same DC) to resist this, otherwise it may control their body for 1 day. The poison is a [Poison] effect, and the possession is a [Normal] effect (as such, it cannot affect ghosts).

At 2 hit dice, it learns Aromatic Mist and Mega Drain.
Aromatic Mist (Su): once per hour, Sinistea may release a lovely-smelling mist carrying the scent of very drinkable tea. This creates an Obscuring Mist until the start of its next turn, centred on itself, and all allies within the area except for Sinistea itself are subject to a Heart's Ease effect, and gain a +2 Resistance Bonus on Reflex and Will Saves for one minute. This is a [Fairy] effect.

Mega Drain (Su): once per minute, Sinistea may use a Standard Action to pull nutrients and life force from another creature within 20 feet. This causes 1d6 damage per hit die (maximum 5d6) to a creature, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Sinistea's hit points are then restored by an amount equal to half the damage dealt - though this cannot raise it above the maximum. This is a [Grass] effect.

At 3 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Cold Tea.
Cold Tea (Su): with a Standard Action once per hour, Sinistea may unleash a more powerful use of Furtive Drop - this deals an extra 1d6 damage, and instead of the Curse, the target must succeed on a Will Save (same DC) or be Paralyzed for 1d3 rounds. This is a [Cold] effect.

At 4 hit dice, its Armour Bonus increases by 1, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Protect.
Protect (Su): once per hour, Sinistea may use the magic in its cup to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave Sinistea vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 5 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Sucker Punch.
Sucker Punch (Ex): Sinistea gains a Primary Slam attack that can only be used as an Immediate Action, to interrupt an attack. This has a base damage of 1d6 for a Tiny creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and the target is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against this. Instead of denying Sinistea a Swift action on its next turn, it consumes next turn's Standard action. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 6 hit dice, its Armour Bonus increases by 1, and it learns Giga Drain and Aromatherapy.
Giga Drain (Su): once per hour, Sinistea may use a Standard Action to pull nutrients and life force from another creature within 50 feet. This causes 1d6 damage per hit die to a creature, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Sinistea's hit points are then restored by an amount equal to half the damage dealt - though this cannot raise it above the maximum. This is a [Grass] effect.

Aromatherapy (Su): three times per day, Sinistea may unleash magical smoke, steam and scented air in a cloud. It is cured of all negative conditions other than death, as area all allies within 30 feet of it - or 60 feet for a creature with the Scent ability. This is a [Grass] effect.

Rare Traits:
Cursed Body (Su): if Sinistea has this [Pokebility] and is hit by a Special Attack, a curse is automatically placed upon the attacker, locking that attack away for 1 minute such that it cannot be used. If an attack causes Sinistea to faint or die (or be destroyed), the attacker must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or suffer the effects of Bestow Curse. This is a [Curse] effect.

Ally Switch (Sp): once per hour, Sinistea may cast Benign Transposition as an Immediate Action if it has this rare trait. This is a [Psychic] effect.


Tiny Undead [Unliving], CR 7
7 14 12 10 18 23
7d6+7 (31 HP), Init +2, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +3/-3
-Slam +6 (1d4-2)
AC: 21 (+2 Size, +2 Dexterity, +1 Dodge +6 Armour), Flat 18, Touch 15
Fort +3 Ref +7 Will +9
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Dodge, Ability Focus: Strength Sap
Skills: Hide +20, Move Silently +12, Diplomacy +16, Sense Motive +14
Special Attacks: Astonish, Furtive Drop, Mega Drain, Giga Drain, Sucker Punch, Cold Tea, Strength Sap, Pour Tea
Special Qualities: Ghost Pokemon Traits, Withdraw, Weak Armour, Ghostly Drink, Aromatic Mist, Aromatherapy, Teatime
Rare Traits: Cursed Body, Ally Switch
Tutor Moves: Psybeam, Confuse Ray, Hex, Magical Leaf, Stored Power, Endure, Baton Pass, Chilling Water, Metronome, Rest, Will-O-Wisp
Advancement: 7+ hit dice (Tiny)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Poor BAB, Good Ref and Will, 4 + Int skill points

This looks like a decent-sized antique teapot. Pleasant steam rises from it, and it looks like it is quite expensive, possibly the tea inside it is expensive as well. Wait a minute, the lid just lifted, and there's a strange mass with a face in it!

Ghost Traits: Polteageist can be affected as though an [Incorporeal] Undead, even when it is corporeal. It is also considered a Spirit. It does not gain any of the usual traits of Undead such as Immunity to [Mind-Affecting] effects, Poisons and Sneak Attack. It is weak against [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks, and resists [Bug] and [Poison] attacks. It has the ability to manifest into the corporeal world (it's natural state), in which case it always resists [Normal] and [Fighting] attacks, but can essentially interact with the world normally. It can also fade into the Ethereal Plane, in which case the usual rules for [Incorporeal] Ethereal creatures apply. It heals normally from Positive Energy, but Negative Energy is a [Ghost] effect and thus damages it super-effectively, as do Ghost Touch weapons.

Haunted Drink (Su): Polteageist can be delicious and magical, or highly toxic and spooky to drink. Typically, anybody consuming even one sip must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) against Poison (1d6 Constitution damage and 1 minute of Nausea for the Primary damage, 1d6 Constitution Drain and 1 hour of Paralysis for the Secondary damage). Additionally, Polteageist may then possess them if it wishes - they must succeed on a Will Save (same DC) to resist this, otherwise it may control their body for 1 day. The poison is a [Poison] effect, and the possession is a [Normal] effect (as such, it cannot affect ghosts). Alternatively, it may be delicious tea that has no harmful effects and cures the Shaken, Sickened and Nauseated conditions, and three times per day may create a Cure Critical Wounds effect when sipped in this manner.

Strength Sap (Su): once per 5 rounds, Polteageist may use a Standard Action to drain the strength and power from another creature in Close Range. If the target fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), it suffers 2 points of Strength damage, and then Polteageist regains lost hit points equal to double the target's (newly reduced) Strength score. This cannot heal it above its maximum hit points. This is a [Grass] effect.

Teatime (Su): once per hour, Polteageist may use a Full Round Action to declare a lovely tea party, and a refreshing break for everyone within Close Range. Everyone in the area who is holding something edible or potable instantly consumes said item with an Immediate Action - if their Immediate Action is already spent, they consume it with a Free Action but are denied their Standard Action on their next turn. A creature that is not holding such an item is affected by Illusory Feast (DC 7 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Normal] effect, however it still affects ghosts just fine.

Pour Tea (Su): with a Standard Action once per minute, Polteageist may pour its essence onto an adjacent creature, or one directly below it at any elevation, with a Ranged Touch Attack. This deals 3d6 damage plus its Charisma Bonus, and has 1d6 Splash damage to adjacent squares. Alternatively, it may restore 1d8 hit points, plus its Charisma Bonus, with 1 point of Splash healing. When used to deal damage, this is a [Dark] effect, but when used to heal, it is a [Grass] effect.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Nasty Plot and Curse Terrain, and its Armour Bonus increases by 1
Nasty Plot (Ex): by concentrating on schemes and tactics as a Full Round Action, Polteageist can grant itself an Eagle's Splendour effect at will. In addition, while this is in effect, it gains +1d6 Sneak Attack damage. This is a [Dark] effect.

Curse Terrain (Sp): once per hour, Polteageist may use a Full Round Action to release Cursed Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Ghost] effect.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Mad Party and Scald
Mad Party (Su): once per day, Polteageist may cast Song of Discord but without being a [Sonic] or [Sound] effect. This has a Save DC of 7 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. At 15 hit dice, this instead functions as Greater Song of Discord. Additionally, it may cast Crime Wave once per day with the same DC. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Scald (Su): once per minute, Polteageist may unleash a burst of boiling water that burn and blister the skin. This extends out to a 30' Cone, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die (maximum 15d6) with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail the Reflex Save must then succeed at a Fortitude Save (same DC) or be Burned. This is a [Water] attack.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Shadow Ball and its Armour Bonus increases by 1
Shadow Ball (Sp): once per three rounds, Polteageist may use a Standard Action to launch a sphere of terrifying spectral essence out to Medium Range. This hits all in a 10' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Furthermore, on a failed saving throw, targets suffer one temporary Negative Level (lasting one hour), or two if they are Weak against the attack. This is a [Ballistic] [Ghost] attack.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Memento and Spooky Steam, and its Charisma increases by 2
Memento (Sp): once per day, Polteageist may hex an enemy at the cost of its own life, providing it has more than zero hit points. It uses a Standard Action, and instantly falls to -1 hit points (but stable), and loses all temporary hit points. When it makes this sacrifice, it designates one target in 50 feet, and that creature suffers the effects of a Greater Bestow Curse, with no saving throw. This is a [Ghost] effect that still affects Normal Pokemon just fine.

Spooky Steam (Su): once per hour, Polteageist may use a Standard Action to unleash a blast of superheated spooky essence. This creates Cursed Terrain in a 15' radius, lingering for 1 minute, and additionally, all creatures within the area must succeed on a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or suffer a Burn. This is a [Ghost] attack.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Shell Smash and its Armour Bonus increases by 1
Shell Smash (Ex): once per hour, Polteageist may use a Standard Action to shatter its own defences, and in doing so release a great weight off its shoulders. For the next one minute per hit die, it loses any Damage Reduction and Armour Bonus it has, and its Natural Armour (including any Enhancement Bonus) is halved, however its weight is halved, its movement speeds are doubled, and it gains a +6 Enhancement Bonus to Strength, Dexterity and Charisma. Additionally, the damage from all of its attacks increase the die size by one. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Curse and its Wisdom increases by 2
Curse (Sp): once per hour, Polteageist may cast Bestow Curse with no saving throw. Additionally, once per day it may use a Standard Action to put its own energy into cursing somebody to death. It takes damage equal to half of its maximum hit points (round down), and one target within 30' is cursed to die: every round they take damage equal to their hit dice, which is not affected by Resistance or Weakness, and is only removed by a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, Dispel Evil or death. This is a [Ghost] attack that still affects Normal Pokemon just fine.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Strange Steam, and its Armour Bonus increases by 1
Strange Steam (Su): once per minute, Polteageist may unleash a 30' Cone of magical, wondrous steam with a Standard Action. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Additionally, all creatures in the area must succeed on a Will Save (same DC) or be Confused for one round per hit die. This is a [Fairy] attack.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Tea Party, and its Charisma increases by 2
Maximum Tea Party (Su): once per minute, Mega Polteageist may appear to pour limitless delicious tea everywhere. This creates its choice of an Illusory Feast or Heroes' Feast effect. The Save DC for the former effect is 7 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Ghost] effect that can affect Normal Pokemon just fine.

Mega Evolution: when Polteageist becomes Mega Polteageist, it becomes slightly larger, and even more fancy, but the ghost grows even more than the teapot, emerging as a multi-tendrilled cloud. Its Charisma increases by 6, its Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom increase by 4 each, and its Natural Armour Bonus increases by 2. Additionally, it's [Pokebility] changes to Cursed Surge (although any changes made by Weak Armour continue to apply).

Cursed Surge (Su): the area surrounding Mega Polteageist, out to thirty feet, becomes Cursed Terrain. Lasting for as long as it is in the area and for three rounds afterwards.

Tutor Moves:

Psybeam (Su): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may focus its psychic powers into a beam, unleashing it as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If it hits, this deals 1d6 non-lethal damage per hit die and forces the target to attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Failure results in Confusion for 2d4 rounds. This can be used once per hour, however it may be used a second time by expending the hourly use of Confusion (if it has that attack), and vice versa. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

Confuse Ray (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, the Pokemon may unleash an eerie light to disorient and overwhelm the mind of a foe. Being a ray, this is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is rendered Confused for 2d4 rounds. However, a creature confused by this may attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half the Pokemon's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) at the start of every turn to end the effects early. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Hex (Sp): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a baleful curse at a foe within Medium Range. The target suffers 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target is already afflicted with Poison, Disease, Burn, Frostburn, Drowsiness, Sleep, Paralysis, Stun, Daze, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sickening, Nausea, Rage, Confusion or a [Fear] effect, this instead deals 2d4 damage per hit die. If they are afflicted by two of the above, it is instead 2d6 per hit die. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Magical Leaf (Sp): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may conjure leaves of a mystical, magical herb, and direct them unerringly against a target in Close Range. This automatically hits exactly in the same way as Magic Missile (and similarly can be prevented in the same ways), and deals 1d6 damage per 2 hit dice (maximum 5d6). This is a [Grass] effect.

Stored Power (Sp): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon can unleash the full power of its psychic potential, turning its various temporary enhancements into even more damaging energy. This deals a variable number of d10 of damage to all enemies within 10 feet. This number is equal to the total of all Enhancement, Resistance, Morale and Luck Bonuses it has to Ability Scores, attack rolls (not differentiating between different ones), damage rolls (not differentiating between different ones) and Saving Throws (whichever happens to be highest), minus the total of all Morale and Luck Penalties to the above. For instance, if it has a +2 Enhancement Bonus to two different ability scores, and a +1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls, but a -2 Luck Penalty to saving throws, this equals 2+2+1+1-2 = 4d10. A successful Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) halves this. This is a [Psychic] attack.

Endure (Ex): once per hour, the Pokemon may clench its muscles, growl, and prepare to accept an incoming attack. Providing it had more than 1 hit point before using this ability, it cannot be reduced below 1 hit point until the start of its next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

Baton Pass (Su): at will, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to pass the torch to an adjacent Pokemon, transferring all temporary effects. Any Bonus or Penalty it has that does not always apply, as well as any ongoing conditions that have a duration other than Permanent, Instantaneous or "until cured", is transferred from the Pokemon to the target. The durations continue as normal. This is a [Normal] effect.

Chilling Water (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a rush of icy cold water at an opponent. This deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die, to a maximum of 5d6, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). A failed saving throw also results in the target being Fatigued, which can stack up to Exhaustion. This is a [Water] attack.

Metronome (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon can wave its finger to a tune that belies the harmonics of the universe, and unleash unreliable power. Roll 1d6. On a 1-5, it creates the effects of a Rod of Wonder, choosing a target and then determining the random effects. On a 6, the Pokemon can select a single Sorcerer/Wizard spell of first or second level, and cast it immediately. At 10 hit dice, roll 1d8 instead. On a 1-4, it creates the Rod of Wonder effect, on a 5-7 it duplicates a first or second level spell, and on an 8, it can create any Sorcerer/Wizard spell of level 5 or lower. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Normal] effect, although the resulting effect probably isn't.

Rest (Ex): once per day, the Pokemon may simply fall Asleep of its own accord with a Full Round Action. This functions as a Heal effect, but also renders it asleep for its turn, and two more rounds afterwards. If anything prevents it from falling asleep, it also does not gain the benefits. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Will-O-Wisp (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, the Pokemon may unleash a floating sphere of brilliant (and spooky) blue fire. This is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 30 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is Burned. This is a [Fire] attack.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Tiny Magical Beast, CR 1/2
5 19 10 3 12 6
1d6 (3 HP), Init +4, Speed 10' Fly 30' (Average)
BAB/Grab: +1/-11
-Bite +8 (1d3-3)
AC: 16 (+2 Size, +4 Dexterity), Flat 12, Touch 16
Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +1
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Weapon Focus: Bite
Skills: Listen +5
Special Attacks: Sneak Attack +1d6, Absorb
Special Qualities: Flying and Poison Pokemon Traits, Inner Focus, Supersonic, Blindsense 15'
Rare Traits: Infiltrator, Defog, Gust, Hypnosis, Quick Attack, Wing Attack
Tutor Moves: Thief, Giga Drain, Steel Wing, U-Turn, Acrobatics, Leech Life, Venom Drench, Brave Bird, Zen Headbutt
Advancement: evolves into Golbat at 4 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

The creature flapping around in the darkness is basically a bat, a deep purple in colour, with sharp fangs.

Flying and Poison Traits: Zubat is weak against [Electric], [Ice], [Psychic] and [Rock] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Grass] and [Poison] attacks. It is also considered Immune to [Ground] attacks, resisting them despite the dual-typing. It cannot actually be Poisoned, and it harmlessly absorbs toxic spikes and sludge just by landing in them. When holding or covered in Black Sludge, it gains Fast Healing 1 instead of taking damage.

Sneak Attack (Ex): Zubat deals an extra 1d6 damage to foes that it flanks, or that are denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class.

Absorb (Su): once per three rounds, Zubat can use a Standard Action to make a Melee Touch Attack against an adjacent creature. If this hits, it deals 1d4 damage per 2 hit dice (minimum 1d4, maximum 5d4) to the target, and regains lost hit points equal to half the damage dealt - although this cannot raise its hit points above the maximum. This is a [Grass] attack.

Inner Focus (Ex): Zubat is never Staggered, cannot be Demoralised with the Intimidate skill, and it also automatically succeeds on any Concentration check it is required to make. This is a [Pokebility].

Supersonic (Ex): with a Standard Action once per minute, Zubat can emit a supersonic "screech" that impairs the functionality of those within 15 feet of it. All in the area must attempt a Will Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Confused for 1 round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

At 2 hit dice, it learns Mean Look and Astonish
Mean Look (Su): with a Full Round Action, Zubat can fix its spooky little eyes on a creature that has Line of Sight to it. That foe is then subject to a Dimensional Anchor effect for 1 round per hit die, with no saving throw, and must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be unable to break Line of Sight of its own accord, and unable to move away from Zubat unless compelled by magic - if afflicted with a [Fear] effect that would cause them to be Frightened or Panicked, they instead Cower for the same duration. These effects also last for 1 round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] [Normal] effect.

Astonish (Ex): Zubat may resolve a natural weapon attack as a [Ghost] attack. If this hits a foe that is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, or Flanked by Zubat, they are Shaken for three rounds as a [Fear] effect.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Poison Fang and Quick Guard
Poison Fang (Ex): Zubat may make a powerful bite attack as a Standard Action. This deals damage as though one Size Category larger, and carries a strong venom - the Save DC is 11 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus (+2 on a Critical Hit), the Primary and Secondary damage is 4 points of Dexterity and Constitution damage, and failing the saving throw against the primary damage also renders the target Nauseated for one minute. This is a [Bite] [Poison] effect.

Rare Traits:
Infiltrator (Ex): if Zubat has this rare [Pokebility], it doesn't provoke Attacks of Opportunity, sees through Substitute, and can ignore the effects of Reflect, Light Screen and Aurora Veil.

Defog (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, Zubat may unleash a powerful wave of air from its wings, clearing all mist or fog within 250 feet. This is a [Flying] ability.

Gust (Su): once per five rounds, with a Standard Action, an airborne Zubat may unleash a Gust of Wind effect, as the spell. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Flying], [Wind] attack.

Hypnosis (Su): once per hour, Zubat may use a Full Round Action to attempt to hypnotise a creature within Close Range with Line of Sight, lulling it into sleep. At the end of the action, the foe must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Drowsy. If the saving throw is failed by more than 4, they instead fall Asleep for one minute (or until any damage is suffered). This is a [Psychic] effect.

Quick Attack (Ex): once per three rounds, Zubat may make a Bite attack as a Swift or Immediate Action, whichever it chooses.

Wing Attack (Ex): Zubat gains two secondary Wing attacks, each dealing 1d3 damage for a Tiny creature. These are [Flying] attacks.


Small Magical Beast, CR 4
13 17 12 5 12 10
4d6+4 (18 HP), Init +3, Speed 10' Fly 40' (Average)
BAB/Grab: +4/+1
-Bite +9 (1d4+1) and 2 Wings +6 (1d4)
AC: 17 (+1 Size, +1 Natural Armour, +3 Dexterity, +2 Dodge), Flat 12, Touch 16
Fort +2 Ref +7 Will +2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Weapon Focus: Bite, Multiattack
Skills: Listen +8
Special Attacks: Sneak Attack +2d6, Absorb, Poison Fang, Poison Sound Wave
Special Qualities: Flying and Poison Pokemon Traits, Inner Focus, Supersonic, Mean Look, Parrying Wings, Blindsense 30'
Rare Traits: Infiltrator, Defog, Gust, Hypnosis, Quick Attack, Wing Attack
Tutor Moves: Thief, Giga Drain, Steel Wing, U-Turn, Acrobatics, Leech Life, Venom Drench, Brave Bird, Zen Headbutt
Advancement: evolves into Crobat at 8 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This bat is surprisingly large, with the body a bit bigger than a basketball (and mostly consisting of big open mouth), held aloft by giant wings.

Flying and Poison Traits: Golbat is weak against [Electric], [Ice], [Psychic] and [Rock] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Grass] and [Poison] attacks. It is also considered Immune to [Ground] attacks, resisting them despite the dual-typing. It cannot actually be Poisoned, and it harmlessly absorbs toxic spikes and sludge just by landing in them. When holding or covered in Black Sludge, it gains Fast Healing 1 instead of taking damage.

Sneak Attack (Ex): Golbat deals an extra 2d6 damage to foes that it flanks, or that are denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class.

Poison Sound Wave (Su): once per hour, Golbat may infuse its Supersonic ability with poison waves. In addition to (but after) the Will Save vs Confusion, everything in the area must succeed on a Fortitude Save (same DC) against Poison - the Primary damage is 2 Constitution and Wisdom damage, and the Secondary damage is 2 Intelligence and Wisdom damage. This is a [Sound] [Mind-Affecting] [Poison] attack.

Parrying Wings (Ex): thanks to its smaller body being carried about erratically by larger wings, Golbat has a +2 Dodge Bonus to Armour Class.

At five hit dice, it learns Bite and Air Cutter
Bite (Ex): Golbat's primary Bite attack grows in size to damage as though one size larger (although this does not stack with that of Poison Fang), and may be made as a [Dark] attack. Any time it bites a foe with an Attack of Opportunity, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or lose the interrupted action as they flinch, their turn ending immediately. When it elects to do this, it does not also deliver its venom.

Air Cutter (Su): with a Full Round Action, Golbat can unleash a slashing blade of air out in a 20' Cone. A single Ranged Touch Attack is made, with a Critical Threat Range of 18-20, and deals 1d6 damage per 3 hit dice (round up). This is a [Blade] [Wind] [Flying] attack.

At six hit dice, it learns Night Ambush and Leech Life
Night Ambush (Ex): as long as Golbat is in Shadowy Illumination or darker conditions, its Sneak Attack increases by 1d6 more and it is Immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects.

Leech Life (Ex): by making its Bite attack as a Standard Action once per minute, Golbat may deal damage as though one Size larger (although this does not stack with the increase of Bite or Poison Fang), and 1 point of Constitution Drain (from blood loss) per 4 hit dice (round up), multiplied on a Critical Hit as though it were normal damage. Golbat regains lost hit points equal to the damage dealt, plus 5 for each point of Constitution Drain, but can't be healed above its maximum hit points in this way. This is a [Bite] [Bug] attack.

At seven hit dice, it learns Crunch and Super Poison Breath
Crunch (Ex): at will, Golbat may use a Standard Action to use its Bite attack, as a magic weapon, with an innate Enhancement Bonus equal to a third of its hit dice (round down). This does not gain the ability to interrupt actions in the same way as Bite, but instead leaves serious punctures in the target, causing 4 points of Constitution damage. This is a [Dark] attack.

Super Poison Breath (Ex): once per day, Golbat may exhale a 20' Cone of toxic gas with a Standard Action. All in the area are subject to Poison with a Save DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and has Primary Damage Nausea for 1 round per 2 hit dice of Golbat (round up), and Secondary Damage of Unconsciousness for 1 minute. This is a [Poison] attack.


Medium Magical Beast, CR 8
15 21 14 10 12 12
8d6+16 (44 HP), Init +9, Speed 10' Fly 60' (Average)
BAB/Grab: +8/+10
-Bite +13 (1d8+2) and 4 Wings +10 (1d6+1)
AC: 22 (+5 Dexterity, +3 Natural Armour, +4 Dodge), Flat 13, Touch 19
Fort +4 Ref +11 Will +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Weapon Focus: Bite, Improved Initiative, Multiattack
Skills: Listen +12, Intimidate +12
Special Attacks: Sneak Attack +3d6, Absorb, Poison Fang, Cross Poison, Toxic, Air Cutter, Bite, Poison Sound Wave, Leech Life, Crunch, Super Poison Breath
Special Qualities: Flying and Poison Pokemon Traits, Inner Focus, Supersonic, Mean Look, Parrying Wings, Tailwind, Night Ambush, Blindsense 60'
Rare Traits: Infiltrator, Defog, Gust, Hypnosis, Quick Attack, Wing Attack
Tutor Moves: Thief, Giga Drain, Steel Wing, U-Turn, Acrobatics, Venom Drench, Brave Bird, Zen Headbutt, Headbutt, Hyper Beam, Protect
Advancement: 9+ HD (Medium)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Ref, 2 + Int skill points

This bat seems truly menacing, with a mean-looking face, and a lot of intelligence in those beady little eyes. It has four wings that flap at high speeds.

Flying and Poison Traits: Crobat is weak against [Electric], [Ice], [Psychic] and [Rock] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Grass] and [Poison] attacks. It is also considered Immune to [Ground] attacks, resisting them despite the dual-typing. It cannot actually be Poisoned, and it harmlessly absorbs toxic spikes and sludge just by landing in them. When holding or covered in Black Sludge, it gains Fast Healing 1 instead of taking damage.

Sneak Attack (Ex): Crobat deals an extra 3d6 damage to foes that it flanks, or that are denied their Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class.

Parrying Wings (Ex): thanks to its smaller body being carried about erratically by larger wings, Crobat has a +4 Dodge Bonus to Armour Class.

Cross Poison (Ex): with a Standard Action, Crobat may make two Primary Bite attacks against the same target, with a doubled Critical Threat range (19-20). If one attack hits, there is a chance of Poison: DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, Primary and Secondary effect s 2 Dexterity and Constitution damage. If both attacks hit, the Save DC and both types of Ability Damage are increased by 2. Each Critical Hit scored also increases the Save DC by 2. This is a [Poison] attack, and if it is Resisted, add the damage together before subtracting the defender's hit dice a single time.

Toxic (Ex): Crobat may use a Standard Action to spit or squirt a stream of deadly toxins out to Close Range - this requires a Ranged Touch Attack to hit, and can be used once per ten minutes. If it hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save against Poison with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, or suffer 1d6 Con damage. Once poisoned, they must then save again every round at the end of their turn or suffer ability damage again, until either they die, the poison is neutralised, or they successfully save against it three rounds in a row, fighting the toxins off completely. This is a [Poison] effect. This can be harvested, producing a single dose that is administered by contact, with a value of 3,000 GP.

Tailwind (Su): with a Full Round Action, Crobat may flap its wings extra hard and call upon the storms to grant a great tailwind. This sets the direction and strength of the wind (at Crobat's choice), without being able to create actual damaging storms, for the next minute. During that time, all movement speeds and projectile ranges moving in that direction are doubled, whereas those moving in the opposite direction are halved. This affects a five hundred foot radius, and can be performed once per hour. This is a [Flying] effect and a wind effect.

At nine hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Haze and Moonlit Night
Haze (Su): once per five rounds, Crobat may use a Standard Action to exhale a gentle light haze across the field, either as a 60' Cone or everywhere in a 30' radius of itself. This clears away all magical hazards (as well as hazards created by Pokemon Attacks, such as Web and Stealth Rock), and also clears out any Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) to creatures in the area that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. For instance, drinking a potion of Bull's Strength and having Mage Armour cast on you would be wiped away, but wearing a belt of Strength would not be affected. This is an [Ice] effect.

Moonlit Night (Sp): once per hour, Crobat may darken the skies with a Standard Action, shrouding the area within 500 feet in shadowy illumination for one minute, suppressing any effects caused by sunlight. Additionally, the area is treated as being under a full moon for the purpose of all effects such as lycanthropy and certain [Fairy] abilities. This is a [Dark] effect.

At ten hit dice, its Sneak Attack increases to 4d6 and it learns Venoshock
Venoshock (Su): once per minute, Crobat may use a Standard Action to blast an opponent with magical poison that makes other poison more dangerous. The target suffers 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target is already afflicted with Poison, Sickening, Nausea or any condition as a result of Poison, it instead deals 2d4 damage per hit die, causes 2 points of Constitution Damage, and if they are afflicted with a Poison that has Secondary Damage, they instantly suffer the Secondary Damage. This does not end the duration of the Poison, so they might very well suffer the damage again at the end of the duration. This is a [Poison] attack.

At eleven hit dice, its Parrying Wings bonus increases to +5 and it learns Confuse Ray
Confuse Ray (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Crobat may unleash an eerie light to disorient and overwhelm the mind of a foe. Being a ray, this is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is rendered Confused for 2d4 rounds. However, a creature confused by this may attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half Crobat's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) at the start of every turn to end the effects early. This is a [Ghost] attack.

At twelve hit dice, its Sneak Attack increases to 5d6 and it learns Air Slash
Air Slash (Su): with a Standard Action, Crobat may flap its wings to generate a slashing rush of winds. It makes one Ranged Touch Attack against a 10' radius Burst in Medium Range, dealing 2d4 damage plus its Charisma Bonus, with a critical value of 20/x4. This also clears all plant-based terrain in the area, slicing it apart and clearing the area as though professional lawn-mowing and bush-whacking services had been performed. At 12 and 18 hit dice, the damage increases by 2d4. This is a [Flying], [Wind] attack.

At thirteen hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Ultra-Toxic Fang
Ultra-Toxic Fang (Ex): once per hour, Crobat may unleash a more deadly version of its Poison Fang. A failed saving throw results in the target falling Unconscious for one minute, during which time they must succeed on a Fortitude Save (same DC) every round to avoid taking 1 point of Strength, Dexterity and Constitution damage. This is a [Bite] [Poison] attack.

At fourteen hit dice, its Sneak Attack increases to 6d6 and it learns Triple Poison
Triple Poison (Su): once per hour, Crobat may use a Standard Action to glare at a foe within 30 feet and magically afflict them with multiple toxins. They must save separately against three Poisons (all with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, all attempted at the same time before any damage is dealt). The three toxins are Insanity Mist, Shadow Essence and Ungol Dust. This is a [Poison] attack.

At fifteen hit dice, its Parrying Wings bonus increases to +6 and it learns Maximum Nosferatu
Maximum Nosferatu (Su): once per minute, Mega Crobat may unleash an effect similar to Poison Sound Wave, except with a radius of 50 feet. Additionally, this then summons 1d4+1 Zubat Swarms similar to the Children of the Night ability of a true Vampire (use a Bat Swarm, change the Type to Magical Beast, and apply the Poison and Flying Pokemon Traits. The Swarm attack is a Poison attack. Do not make any other changes). Finally, the entire 50' radius area becomes shrouded in Shadowy Illumination as though from a Darkness spell for five rounds.

At 16 and 20 hit dice, its Sneak Attack damage increases by 1d6 each time.
At 19 hit dice, its Parrying Wings bonus increases to +7.

Mega Evolution: when Crobat becomes Mega Crobat, it becomes shrouded in shadowy clouds and its fangs lengthen. Its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom and Charisma all increase by 4, and it gains the Ghost Type in addition to its existing ones. As such, it becomes Weak against [Ghost] and [Dark] attacks, and is considered Immune to [Fighting] and [Normal] attacks, and gains the ability to manifest or become ethereal at will. Additionally, its [Pokebility] becomes Vampirism. Rumour has it that there is a separate Mega-Crobat out there, one that sparkles like a crystal and seemingly changes Type, unleashing prismatic effects that can poison and burn people at the same time. But so far, that's just a rumour.

Vampirism (Ex): whenever Mega Crobat deals damage with a [Bite] attack, it regains lost hit points equal to the damage dealt (in the case of Leech Life, this stacks so it gains double the amount of damage dealt), with any excess becoming Temporary Hit Points. These last until depleted, until it gains more Temporary Hit Points, or until the Mega-Evolution ends, whichever comes first. When in Harsh Sunlight, it is constantly Staggered and Blind (although it has Blindsense which can help mitigate this), and in Extremeley Harsh Sunlight, it instantly drops to -1 hit points, loses all Temporary hit points, and faints, ending the transformation.

Tutor Moves:

Acrobatics (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may unleash a leaping Charge, and after the attack may reposition to any square adjacent to the target. This uses any one natural weapon, and if the Pokemon is not holding any weapons or items and does not have anything else equipped, it may add its skill bonus in either Jump or Tumble to the damage roll. This is a [Flying] attack.

Brave Bird (Ex): when making a Charge, the Pokemon may deliver a Slam instead of any other attacks, dealing 1d6 damage for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, plus an extra 1d8 damage per hit die. It may also elect to make a free Trip attempt against the target if this hits. At the same time as it hits the foe, it suffers "recoil" damage equal to the regular Slam damage (without the d8 per hit die), plus extra damage equal to the number of hit dice it has. This is a [Flying] attack.

Giga Drain (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to pull nutrients and life force from another creature within 50 feet. This causes 1d6 damage per hit die to a creature, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). The Pokemon's hit points are then restored by an amount equal to half the damage dealt - though this cannot raise it above the maximum. This is a [Grass] effect.

Headbutt (Ex): the Pokemon has a strong skull that can be used to make a damaging headbutt. With a Standard Action, it may unleash a Slam attack that has a base damage of 1d8 for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus. On a Critical Hit, a struck target falls Prone from the impact. If this is used as a Readied Action, a struck target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Staggered for one round.

Hyper Beam (Su): once per day, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to unleash a powerful beam of energy. This 5' wide, 100' long Line deals 10 damage per hit die to all creatures in the Area, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This leaves the Pokemon Exhausted until it rests. If already Fatigued, Drowsy or Exhausted, the user collapses afterwards, falling Asleep. This is a [Normal] attack.

Protect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use strange magic to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave the Pokemon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Steel Wing (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon can swipe with a wing so hard it's like steel, able to break a person's arm just like every swan in England. This is a Slam attack with a base damage of 1d8 + Strength Bonus for a Medium creature. This may also be used as a special Immediate Action in response to an attack - if the Slam attack roll is higher than the incoming attack, it is successfully parried. This is a [Steel] attack.

Thief (Ex): once per minue, the Pokemon may make a single melee attack as a Standard Action, and additionally attempt to steal an item, with its choice of a Steal Combat Maneuver or a Sleight of Hand check with a DC of the opponent's BAB plus 10. The attack becomes a [Dark] attack, and the entire move is a [Dark] effect.

U-Turn (Ex): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon may charge a target and deliver one natural weapon attack (even if it can normally make multiple attacks on a charge), and then withdraw the remaining distance after delivering the attack, as though using the Spring Attack feat. If it ends the movement in the same square as, or adjacent to, its pokeball, it may retreat into it and end its turn that way. This is a [Bug] attack, even if its natural weapon normally isn't.

Venom Drench (Su): with a Standard Action once per five rounds, the Pokemon may douse a Poisoned target within 20 feet with even more toxins, activating the existing ones and weakening the target. The target suffers a Penalty to Strength, Dexterity and Charisma for one minute, of -1 per 3 hit dice the attacker has (round up).

Zen Headbutt (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may utilise zen in order to have delivered a sharp headbutt that utilises its mind rather than its skull. But at no point does it actually decide to headbutt something, it merely ends up having headbutted them. If you don't understand, you're not enlightened. With a Standard Action, it uses its zen, and then at any point before the start of its next turn, the headbutt can be declared against a target that was adjacent to it. This is resolved as a Slam attack that has a base damage of 1d10 for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, plus its Concentration skill total. If not used during its own actual turn, this also forces the target to attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Stunned until the start of their next turn. This is a [Psychic] attack.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Tiny Fey, CR 1/2
7 10 14 8 12 15
1d8+2 (6 HP), Init +0, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +0/-10
-Slam +2 (1d6-2)
AC: 12 (+2 Size), Flat 12, Touch 12
Fort +2 Ref +0 Will +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Natural Attack (Slam)
Skills: Perform (Sing) +6, Hide +11, Listen +5
Special Attacks: Sing
Special Qualities: Fairy and Normal Pokemon Traits, Cute Charm, Sleepy Voice, Copycat
Rare Traits: Friend Guard, Gravity, Last Resort, Perish Song, Rollout, Wish
Tutor Moves: Charm, Fake Tears, Disarming Voice, Body Slam, Play Rough
Advancement: evolves into Jigglypuff at 2 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Will, 4 + Int skill points

This very round creature, with big wide eyes, looks like a fluffy balloon. Or a marshmallow. It looks cute yet somehow menacing.

Fairy and Normal Traits: Igglybuff is considered a Spirit. It is weak against [Poison] and [Steel] attacks, and resists [Bug] and [Dark] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Dragon] and [Ghost] attacks, always resisting both. It is Immune to the Frightful Presence ability of dragons, has Evasion against anything described as a Breath Weapon, and is completely immune to the [Ghost] attacks of creatures that are not manifest on the same plane. It is also immune to possession, though not mind control.

Sing (Su): with a Full Round Action once per five rounds, Igglybuff may sing a song, and direct the song against a single target within 15 feet. If the target has 4 hit dice or fewer, they must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or fall Asleep for 1d4 rounds. It also makes a Perform (Sing) check, with a DC of 15, and success allows it to add 1 round to the duration, increase the maximum range by 10 feet, or increase the maximum hit dice of an affected creature by 3. For every 5 by which it exceeds the DC (ie 20, 25 etc) it may improve the effects again. The same enhancement may be chosen multiple times, stacking. This is a [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

Cute Charm (Su): Igglybuff is allegedly really cute. Any creature that attacks it must first attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or fail to do so, instead being Charmed for one round. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Charm] effect, and a [Pokebility].

Sleepy Voice (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Igglybuff may talk softly and slowly, lulling those around it into a drowsy state. All creatures within 15 feet must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Drowsy for three rounds. This is a [Sound] [Normal] effect.

Copycat (Su): once per hour, Igglybuff may think back to the previous round, and use whichever attack was used most recently - by anyone within 30 feet - in this timeframe. It uses the same action as the emulated ability, and uses its own ability scores etc. This is a [Normal] effect, although the ability copied might not be.

Rare Traits:
Friend Guard (Su): if Igglybuff has this rare [Pokebility] instead of Cute Charm, all of its allies within 60 feet reduce all incoming damage (as though by Damage Reduction or a universal Energy Resistance, not Type effectiveness) by an amount equal to Igglybuff's hit dice. This does not extend to Igglybuff itself.

Gravity (Su): once per hour, Igglybuff can create a field of enhanced gravity in a 60' emanation with a Standard Action. For the next minute, all in this area lose the ability to Fly, as well as Flying Pokemon Traits and the Levitate [Pokebility], nor can anything be launched into the air as the result of an attack. The result of any Jump check is halved (round down), as is the range (or range increment) of any ranged weapon (including Ray spells but not Area of Effect attacks). Everything within the area is treated as carrying twice as much weight as they are, and any Armour is treated as one grade heavier for the purpose of movement and mobility. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Last Resort (Ex): this is the absolute best attack available, but is kept in reserve for when everything else has been tried. If Igglybuff has used each of its other Special Attacks at least once each in the same encounter, it may use a Standard Action to make a single melee attack. This deals 15 damage per hit die and is a [Normal] attack that can only be used once per hour.

Perish Song (Su): once per hour, Igglybuff may sing a deadly song, consisting of discordant sounds that work towards the natural frequency of all life. Or something. It uses a Full Round Action, and everything within 60 feet (itself included) takes a single point of Sonic damage. On the same Initiative Count next turn (even if Igglybuff has fainted or disappeared), all creatures and objects that were affected suffer another point of Sonic damage if they are within 150 feet of the original location. One turn after that, all creatures and objects that were affected and are still within 150 feet suffer Sonic damage equal to their maximum hit points, plus any temporary hit points they have. This is a [Sound] [Normal] effect.

Rollout (Ex): Igglybuff may use a Full Round Action at will to move up to its movement speed in a straight Line, making a Trample attack against all in the area. The damage for this is 1d4 (for a Tiny creature) plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus. If used in successive turns, each time it increases the damage die by one size, to a maximum of three increases (2d6 for a Tiny creature). If it uses Defence Curl on the turn immediately preceding this attack, the damage is increased by one size further (so 1d6 on the first turn, up to a maximum of 2d8 on the fourth turn). This is a [Rock] attack.

Wish (Sp): three times per day, Igglybuff may use a Full Round Action to make a special wish, which is in no way related to the spell. Don't even reference the spell, forget all about it. Two rounds later, on the same Initiative count, Igglybuff's wish comes true, restoring 10 lost Hit Points per hit die. If Igglybuff is in its pokeball but another pokemon it considers to be an ally is out of its ball, this other pokemon receives the healing effect. This is a [Normal] effect.


Tiny Fey, CR 2
9 10 18 8 12 15
2d8+8 (15 HP), Init +0, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +1/-8
-Slam +3 (1d6-1)
AC: 12 (+2 Size), Flat 12, Touch 12
Fort +4 Ref +0 Will +4
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Natural Attack (Slam)
Skills: Perform (Sing) +7, Hide +12, Listen +6
Special Attacks: Sing, Sweet Kiss, Disarming Voice, Friendship Song
Special Qualities: Fairy and Normal Pokemon Traits, Cute Charm, Sleepy Voice, Copycat, Defense Curl, Scribble
Rare Traits: Friend Guard, Gravity, Last Resort, Perish Song, Rollout, Wish
Tutor Moves: Charm, Fake Tears, Body Slam, Play Rough, Swift, Brick Break
Advancement: 3-5 HD Tiny; evolves into Wigglytuff at 6 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Will, 4 + Int skill points

This very round creature is pink, with big turquoise eyes. It is as though a pudding were crossed with a balloon.

Fairy and Normal Traits: Jigglypuff is considered a Spirit. It is weak against [Poison] and [Steel] attacks, and resists [Bug] and [Dark] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Dragon] and [Ghost] attacks, always resisting both. It is Immune to the Frightful Presence ability of dragons, has Evasion against anything described as a Breath Weapon, and is completely immune to the [Ghost] attacks of creatures that are not manifest on the same plane. It is also immune to possession, though not mind control.

Friendship Song (Su): with a Full Round Action once per five rounds, Jigglypuff may sing a song of friendship, and direct the song against a single target within 15 feet. If the target has 4 hit dice or fewer, they must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Charmed for 1d4 rounds. It also makes a Perform (Sing) check, with a DC of 15, and success allows it to add 1 round to the duration, increase the maximum range by 10 feet, or increase the maximum hit dice of an affected creature by 3. For every 5 by which it exceeds the DC (ie 20, 25 etc) it may improve the effects again. The same enhancement may be chosen multiple times, stacking. This is a [Sound] [Mind-Affecting] [Charm] [Fairy] effect.

Sweet Kiss (Su): at will, Jigglypuff may use a Standard Action to attempt to kiss an adjacent creature with a Touch Attack. This provokes an Attack of Opportunity, but being hit does not disrupt this like a spell. If this hits, the target must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Confused for one round per hit die Jigglypuff has. If the target is Charmed, they must roll their saving throw twice and pick the lower result. This is a [Normal] effect.

Disarming Voice (Su): with a Standard Action once per three rounds, Jigglypuff may shout loudly and startle its foes. All enemies within 30 feet that are not deaf suffer 1d6 Sonic damage, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Sonic] [Fairy] attack.

Defense Curl (Ex): any time Jigglypuff takes a Total Defence action, the benefits of having done so remain until the end of its next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

Scribble (Ex): at will, Jigglypuff may use a Standard Action to scribble all over the face of a Sleeping creature. Upon waking up, the creature looks sufficiently stupid that they take a -10 Penalty on all Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate and Perform checks. Once they actually realise how stupid they look, they suffer a -2 Luck Penalty on all attack rolls and skill checks they make. This lasts until cleaned off, which requires a minute of work, and plenty of water. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Double Slap and Round
Double Slap (Ex): Jigglypuff may use a Full Round Action at will to slap a target repeatedly. This functions as a Flurry of Blows as though performed by a PHB Monk with a level equal to Jigglypuff's hit dice, using the Monk's unarmed strike damage based on Jigglypuff's size. This is a [Normal] attack.

Round (Su): if another creature within 100 feet of Jigglypuff uses Echoed Voice, Disarming Voice, Hyper Voice or Sing and Jigglypuff also knows that attack, it may then use the same ability with an Immediate Action - even if the ability is normally on "cooldown". Likewise, if Jigglypuff uses any of these, any ally within 100' that knows the same attack may also use it with an Immediate Action, even if it is on cooldown. This is the same type attack as the ability in question.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Rest and Heartfelt Song
Rest (Ex): once per day, Jigglypuff may simply fall Asleep of its own accord with a Full Round Action. This functions as a Heal effect, but also renders it asleep for its turn, and two more rounds afterwards. If anything prevents it from falling asleep, it also does not gain the benefits. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Heartfelt Song (Su): with a Full Round Action once per five rounds, Jigglypuff may sing a beautiful song straight from the heart. Creatures within 30 feet of it must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be rendered unable to use [Dark] abilities and attacks for three rounds. Even on a successful save, [Dark] attacks suffer a -2 Morale Penalty on Save DC and attack and damage rolls for three rounds. This is a [Sound] [Fairy] effect.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Body Slam and Wake-Up Slap
Body Slam (Ex): at will, Jigglypuff may either use a Standard Action to deliver a Slam, or Charge an opponent and use a Slam instead of any other attacks. This increases the damage by two steps (so typically 2d6 for Jigglypuff with Improved Natural Attack). This adds one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and if the target takes any damage (after Resistance), they must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Stunned until the end of the Jigglypuff's next turn (during which time it cannot be stunned again). This is a [Normal] attack.

Wake-Up Slap (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Jigglypuff may deliver a Slam that, against a Sleeping opponent, is resolved as an automatic critical hit that deals maximum damage and increases the damage by one size. However, this wakes them up (assuming it does not kill them or knock them out). This is a [Fighting] attack.


Small Fey, CR 6
15 10 20 8 12 17
6d8+30 (57 HP), Init +0, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +4/+2
-Slam +7 (1d8+3)
AC: 14 (+1 Size, +1 Dodge, +2 Natural Armour), Flat 13, Touch 12
Fort +7 Ref +2 Will +6
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Natural Attack (Slam), Dodge, Ability Focus (Friendship Song)
Skills: Perform (Sing) +12, Hide +13, Listen +10
Special Attacks: Sing, Sweet Kiss, Disarming Voice, Friendship Song, Double Slap, Round, Body Slam, Wake-Up Slap
Special Qualities: Fairy and Normal Pokemon Traits, Cute Charm, Sleepy Voice, Copycat, Defense Curl, Scribble, Heartfelt Song, Puff Up, Mimic
Rare Traits: Gravity, Last Resort, Perish Song, Rollout, Wish
Tutor Moves: Charm, Fake Tears, Play Rough, Swift, Brick Break, Protect, Taunt, Moonlit Night, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt
Advancement: 7-9 HD (Small); 10+ (Medium)
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Medium BAB, Good Will, 4 + Int skill points

This creature is a big pink and white beanbag of sorts, with a face. It kind of has rabbit-like traits, and pudding-like qualities.

Fairy and Normal Traits: Wigglytuff is considered a Spirit. It is weak against [Poison] and [Steel] attacks, and resists [Bug] and [Dark] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Dragon] and [Ghost] attacks, always resisting both. It is Immune to the Frightful Presence ability of dragons, has Evasion against anything described as a Breath Weapon, and is completely immune to the [Ghost] attacks of creatures that are not manifest on the same plane. It is also immune to possession, though not mind control.

Puff Up (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, Wigglytuff may expand its body, filling itself with air. Until the end of its next turn, it has a Levitate effect, the Powerful Build ability, and gains Damage Reduction 10/Piercing or Slashing. If it suffers Piercing or Slashing damage, the effect ends instantly. This is a [Normal] ability.

Mimic (Su): once per hour, Wigglytuff may use a Full Round Action to study another creature within Close Range that has used an Extraordinary, Supernatural or Spell-Like Ability within the last round, providing it was an ability that is activated as its own action (as opposed to always-on auras or conditional effects such as the Improved Grab special attack). For the next hour, Wigglytuff gains that ability, with the same usage limits as the target. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Echoed Voice and Hyper Voice
Echoed Voice (Ex): whenever Wigglytuff uses a damaging [Sonic] attack, it may do so again on the following round regardless of normal usage limites, increasing the damage die one step each time (d3 -> d4 -> d6 -> d8 -> d10 -> d12), and this can be repeated (with further increases) turn after turn. If an attack already deals (or has been increases to) d12 damage but deals fewer than one die per hit die, then it increases to 1d12 per hit die, with no limit. If an attack already deals this, or an amount not based on dice, it can still be repeated but does not deal more damage. This is the same type as the attack repeated.

Hyper Voice (Ex): at will, Wigglytuff may shout extremely loudly. This is a 50' Cone, and deals 1d10 Sonic damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and a Fortitude Save (same DC) to resist being rendered Deaf for one minute. This is a [Sonic] [Normal] attack.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Double Edge and Balloon Barrage
Double Edge (Ex): whenever Wigglytuff uses its Slam attack at the end of a charge, it deals maximised damage as though three Size Categories larger, and as though its Strength were 10 points higher. It may also attempt a free Trip against the foe as part of this. At the same time as it deals damage to the target, it also suffers "recoil" damage of a maximised Slam attack (without the increased size and Strength). This is a [Normal] attack.

Balloon Barrage (Ex): when Levitating, Air Walking or Flying, Wigglytuff may use a Standard Action to cease doing so and plummet onto a target below it. This allows it to deliver a Slam, as though Charging, with an additional 1d6 damage per 10 feet it falls. On a successful hit, the foe must succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or be knocked Prone. This is a [Flying] attack.

At 9 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Play Rough
Play Rough (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Wigglytuff can play, very enthusiastically, with an adjacent creature. This allows a Slam attack sized normally for Wigglytuff (1d4 + Strength Bonus), with Improved Grab and the Trip ability, and for each of the following maneuvers that succeeds, the target takes another 2d6 points of damage plus its Strength Bonus. This is a [Fairy] attack.

At 10 hit dice, its Constitution increases by 2 and it learns Misty Terrain
Misty Terrain (Sp): once per hour, Wigglytuff may use a Full Round Action to release Misty Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Fairy] effect.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Alluring Voice
Alluring Voice (Su): once per three rounds, Wigglytuff may sing out in such an angelic voice that it damages and befuddles foes. This targets a single non-deaf creature within Medium Range, and deals 1d10 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Additionally, if the target had received any temporary bonus on their turn prior to receiving the damage, then whether they save or not, they are Confused for five rounds. This is a [Sonic] [Fairy] attack.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Spotlight and Hypnoblast
Spotlight (Su): once per hour, Wigglytuff may use a Standard Action to shine a magical spotlight on a creature within Close Range. For three rounds, all creatures that rely on sight gain a +3 Circumstance Bonus on attack rolls against that target and ignore all forms of Concealment they have, but against everything else in the area they suffer a -3 Circumstance Penalty on attack rolls, as well as sufficient Concealment to grant a 50% Miss Chance. This is a [Normal] effect.

Hypnoblast (Su): once per minute, Wigglytuff may use a Standard Action to blast a creature with powerful hypnotic rays. They suffer 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). A failed save also results in the target falling Asleep for 2d4 rounds. This is a [Fairy] effect.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Draining Kiss and Misty Explosion
Draining Kiss (Su): once per hour, Wigglytuff may cast Vampiric Touch. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Misty Explosion (Su): once per day, Wigglytuff may super-compress all of the fey energy and mist inside itself and explode, deflating instantly with destructive force. Everything within Close Range (Wigglytuff included) suffers damage equal to Wigglytuff's full maximum hit points. On Misty Terrain, bonus damage equal to its hit dice multiplied by its Charisma Bonus, is also dealt. A Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) halves the damage, but regardless of Temporary Hit Points, saving throws etc, Wigglytuff can never remain with zero or more hit points - adjust it down to -1 if necessary. This is a [Fairy] attack.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Boomburst and Hokus Pinkus
Boomburst (Su): once per hour, Wigglytuff may use a Full Round Action to unleash a devastating blast of sound waves and compressed air. This creates a 20' radius Burst within Medium Range, and deals 1d12 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This blasts the area clear of all detritus and objects lying on the ground, even clearing sand and dust away, and everything that fails the saving throw must then succeed on a Will Save (same DC) or be Stunned for one round. This is a [Sonic] [Normal] attack.

Hokus Pinkus (Sp): once per minute, Wigglytuff may use a Standard Action to blast a creature with magical pink energy. They suffer 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). A failed save also results in the target being Dazed for one round. This is a [Fairy] effect.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Starlight Recital
Starlight Recital (Sp): once per minute, Mega Wigglytuff may sing a truly magical song, powered by the night sky. This functions as a Mass Heal effect, but if under a starry night sky (or in the area of a Moonlit Night effect), each target also benefits from Break Enchantment and Greater Restoration effects. This is a [Sonic] [Fairy] ability.

Mega Evolution: when Wigglytuff becomes Mega Wigglytuff, it becomes bigger and seemingly even softer. It grows two Size Categories larger, but does not change its ability scores and natural armour according to Size Advancement. Instead, its Strength, Constitution and Natural Armour increase by 6 each, and its Wisdom increases by 2. Its [Pokebility] becomes Hot Air Balloon.

Hot Air Balloon (Ex): whenever Mega Wigglytuff is hit by, or in the area of, a [Fire] attack or a [Wind] effect (not just [Flying] attacks), it puffs up and floats. This grants it an Air Walk effect, Evasion and a +5 Resistance Bonus to all saving throws, both for 3 rounds. This is a [Pokebility].

Tutor Moves:

Brick Break (Ex): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may focus its anger into smashing a solid object with a precise martial arts strike. This is resolved as a Slam attack with a base damage of 1d8 plus its Strength Bonus (for a Medium Creature), ignoring Damage Reduction and Hardness, dealing full damage to objects, even able to shatter [Force] effects if it deals at least 10 points of damage. This bypasses (and indeed destroys) Light Screen and Reflect, and if it destroys an intervening object behind which someone is hiding, it may continue the attack against the creature. This is a [Fighting] effect.

Charm (Sp): once per day, the Pokemon may cast Charm Monster with a Save DC of 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is [Mind-Affecting] [Charm] [Fairy] effect.

Fake Tears (Ex): once per minute, the Pokemon may pretend to cry, quivering and cowering in false fear directed at a target. It makes a Feint attempt against a foe, and if successful, this afflicts the target with a -4 Morale Penalty to Spell Resistance, Reflex and Will Saves for three rounds. This is a [Dark] effect.

Flamethrower (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon can unleash a mighty breath weapon, a Cone that reaches out to Close Range and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw catch fire if they only failed by 1-3 (ie if the DC was 17 and they rolled a 14-16), and suffer a Burn if they failed by more than this amount. Should the attacker be Large or larger, any failure results in a Burn. This is a [Fire] attack that melts snow and ice, and incinerates plant life, starting fires.

Ice Beam (Su): once per three rounds, Wigglytuff may use a Standard Action to unleash a beam of super-cold frosted air at a target in Long Range. This is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack, and deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die. A struck target must also succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be encased in ice, as per the Icy Prison spell. This is an [Ice] attack.

Moonlit Night (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may darken the skies with a Standard Action, shrouding the area within 500 feet in shadowy illumination for one minute, suppressing any effects caused by sunlight. Additionally, the area is treated as being under a full moon for the purpose of all effects such as lycanthropy and certain [Fairy] abilities. This is a [Dark] effect.

Protect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use strange magic to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave the Pokemon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Swift (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon can unlesh multiple star-shaped beams of light that home unerringly on their target. Once per five rounds, it may produce an effect identical to Magic Missile, save that it is not a [Force] effect and in fact is a [Normal] attack, so bad against ghosts.

Taunt (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon can tease and harass a foe, goading them into violence. If the foe suffers a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), they fall for it, and for 3 rounds they can only use damaging effects, and movement that gets them in position to use damaging effects. A given creature can only be affected by this once per user per day. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Dark] effect.

Thunderbolt (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may unleash a blast of electricity that functions as the spell Lightning Bolt, except there is no cap on the damage and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Those that fail the saving throw are Staggered for one round if they only failed by 1-3, and are Stunned for 2 rounds if they failed by more than this amount. This is an [Electric] attack.
Count Arioch the 28th wrote:There is NOTHING better than lesbians. Lesbians make everything better.
Serious Badass
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Diminutive Vermin, CR 1
11 10 10 3 13 10
1d6 (3 HP), Init +0, Speed 10'
BAB/Grab: +1/-11
-2 Claws +8 (1d3+3)
AC: 16 (+4 Size, +2 Natural Armour), Flat 16, Touch 14
Fort +2 Ref +0 Will +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Natural Attack (Claw)
Skills: Listen +5
Special Attacks: Enhanced Claws, Sleep Powder
Special Qualities: Bug and Grass Pokemon Traits, Effect Spore
Rare Traits: Dry Skin, Agility, Bug Bite, Counter, Cross Poison, Fell Stinger, Leech Seed, Grassy Terrain
Tutor Moves: Leech Life, Protect, X-Scissor, Headbutt
Advancement: 2-3 HD (Diminutive); 4 HD (Tiny); evolves into Parasect at 5 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Will, 2 + Int skill points

The critter you see before you seems to be a bug or crab of some kind. Probably a crab, looking at the size of its snippers. However, it doesn't seem entirely aware, which may have something to do with the two mushrooms growing from it.

Bug and Grass Traits: Paras can be affected as both a Vermin and a Plant, although it lacks the traits typical to those creature types. It is weak against [Bug], [Fire], [Flying], [Ice], [Poison] and [Rock] attacks, and resists [Electricity], [Fighting], [Grass], [Ground] and [Water] attacks. Its natural weapons are [Bug] attacks. It cannot be affected by [Powder] effects (except for the healing application of Pollen Puff), nor Spells and effects that are described as being powder, pollen or spores. It seems to feed off other plants and vermins.

Enhanced Claws (Ex): Paras' Strength score is treated as 6 points higher for the purpose of attack and damage rolls. Additionally, its Claw attacks deal damage as though one Size larger

Sleep Powder (Ex): once per hour, Paras may unleash a cloud of fine powder that extends ten feet from it in all directions. All in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or fall Asleep for ten minutes (or until woken up normally). This is a [Powder] [Poison] effect.

Effect Spore (Ex): any creature that hits Paras with a natural weapon, any attack from an adjacent square, or a melee touch attack, the attacker risks being afflicted by Paras' fungal spores. They must succeed on a Fortitude Save against Poison (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus), with failure resulting in them becoming Drowsy for one minute, or being affected by Striped Toadstool Poison, or being Sickened for one minute (roll 1d3 to determine which). This is a [Pokebility].

At 2 hit dice, its Natural Armour Bonus increases by 1 and it learns Stun Spore
Stun Spore (Ex): once per hour, Paras may unleash a cloud of paralytic neurotoxins, extending ten feet from it in all directions. All in the area must attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or be Paralyzed, Stunned and Dazed, for 1 round, then Stunned and Dazed for one round, then Dazed for the round thereafter. This is a [Powder] [Poison] effect.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Fury Cutter and Absorb
Fury Cutter (Ex): if Paras keeps making Claw attacks on consecutive turns, then starting on the second turn the Threat Range increases by 1, and this continues to increase every consecutive round. These increases happen after any doubling from Improved Critical or whatever. This is a [Blade] [Bug] attack.

Absorb (Su): once per three rounds, Paras can use a Standard Action to make a Melee Touch Attack against an adjacent creature. If this hits, it deals 1d4 damage per 2 hit dice (minimum 1d4, maximum 5d4) to the target, and regains lost hit points equal to half the damage dealt - although this cannot raise its hit points above the maximum. This is a [Grass] attack.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Spore
Spore (Ex): once per minute, Paras may hurl a cloud of soporific spores into a 5' square within Close Range. The target is automatically rendered Drowsy for one minute, with no saving throw. This is a [Powder] [Grass] attack.

Rare Traits:
Dry Skin (Ex): if Paras has this [Pokebility], it has Fast Healing equal to half its hit dice (round up) when in the Rain or Torrential Downpour, or when partially or fully submerged in water, and damaging [Water] attacks heal it instead of dealing damage (although other effects occur normally). On the downside, it takes maximum damage from being on fire, suffers a -4 Penalty on all saving throws against [Fire] attacks, and in Harsh Sunlight it suffers 1d6 damage per round (3d6 in Extremely Harsh Sunlight).

Agility (Su): by focusing as a Full Round Action, Paras can cast Cat's Grace on itself at will. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Bug Bite (Ex): a Paras with this attack gains a Primary Bite attack that is made as a Full Round Action. This deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature, so for Paras would deal 1d2+3 damage. This ignores all effects of Armour and Shields - the bonus to AC and any special effects - and allows it to eat any one item of food amongst the target's possessions as it swarms over them. This is a [Bite] [Bug] attack.

Counter (Ex): once per round, Paras may make a single Claw attack as an Immediate Action in response to being damaged by an opponent, still dealing damage as though one size larger than normal for its size, or two sizes if the attack suffered was a Critical Hit (1d4). This is a [Fighting] attack.

Cross Poison (Ex): with a Standard Action, Paras may make two Primary Claw attacks against the same target, with a doubled Critical Threat range (19-20). If one attack hits, there is a chance of Poison: DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, Primary and Secondary effect s 2 Dexterity and Constitution damage. If both attacks hit, the Save DC and both types of Ability Damage are increased by 2. Each Critical Hit scored also increases the Save DC by 2. This is a [Blade] [Poison] attack, and if it is Resisted, add the damage together before subtracting the defender's hit dice a single time.

Fell Stinger (Su): with a Standard Action, Paras can make a single Primary Claw attack against a target. If this reduces the target below 1 hit point, Paras is then fully empowered by the experience and the joy of murder, gaining a +8 Enhancement Bonus to Strength for one minute.

Leech Seed (Su): once per five rounds with a Standard Action, Paras can fire a magical seed at a foe within 30 feet as a Ranged Touch Attack. If it hits, the seed implants itself and takes root. As long as the target is within 60 feet of Paras, at the start of each of its turns it loses 1d8 hit points, ignoring DR and Resistances, and Paras, recovers an equal amount of lost hit points. As soon as the target is reduced to zero hit points or is more than 60 feet from Bulbasaur, the effect ends and the seed crumbles into dust. This is a [Powder] [Grass] effect.

Grassy Terrain (Sp): once per hour, Paras may use a Full Round Action to release Grassy Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Grass] effect.


Small Vermin, CR 5
15 10 12 - 17 12
5d6+5 (22 HP), Init +0, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +5/+3
-2 Claws +11 (1d6+5)
AC: 17 (+1 Size, +6 Natural Armour), Flat 17, Touch 11
Fort +5 Ref +1 Will +7
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Natural Attack (Claw), Iron Will
Skills: Listen +11
Special Attacks: Enhanced Claws, Sleep Powder, Stun Spore, Fury Cutter, Absorb, Spore, Cordyceps, Leech Seed, Shadow Fangs
Special Qualities: Bug and Grass Pokemon Traits, Effect Spore, Zombified
Rare Traits: Dry Skin, Agility, Bug Bite, Counter, Cross Poison, Fell Stinger, Leech Seed, Grassy Terrain
Tutor Moves: Leech Life, Protect, X-Scissor, Headbutt, Shadow Claw, Shadow Sneak
Advancement: 6-9 HD (Small), 10-15 HD (Medium), 16+ HD (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort and Will, 2 + Int skill points

The overgrown spotted mushroom in front of you is the size of a child. It scuttles around on crab limbs, with glassy white eyes.

Bug and Grass Traits: Parasect can be affected as both a Vermin and a Plant, although it lacks the traits typical to those creature types. It is weak against [Bug], [Fire], [Flying], [Ice], [Poison] and [Rock] attacks, and resists [Electricity], [Fighting], [Grass], [Ground] and [Water] attacks. Its natural weapons are [Bug] attacks. It cannot be affected by [Powder] effects (except for the healing application of Pollen Puff), nor Spells and effects that are described as being powder, pollen or spores. It seems to feed off other plants and vermins.

Cordyceps (Su): once per minute, Parasect can use a Standard Action to afflict a target within Close Range with a controlling parasitic fungus. The target must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Wisdom Bonus) or be affected for five rounds, during which they suffer a -4 Morale Penalty to all Ability Scores, and whenever they attempt to attack Parasect (including an Area of Effect that includes Parasect), must roll 1d20. On a 1-4, Parasect may instead select the Target or Area (within the normal limits of the ability in question). This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Powder] [Grass] effect.

Shadow Fangs (Su): Parasect has a secondary Bite attack that is a [Ghost] attack. This deals an additional 1d4 points of damage for every 4 hit dice it has (round up), is resolved as a Touch Attack, and on a Critical Hit, the target must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or suffer a curse as though from Bestow Curse. This is a [Bite] attack, and the curse part is a [Curse] effect but the biting part is not.

Zombified (Ex): the bug part of Parasect, while physically present, is essentially a zombie, possessed by the fungus part. It is immune to [Mind-Affecting] effects, but can be controlled as though it were an Undead - by Command Undead spells, the Rebuke Undead ability and similar.

At 6 hit dice, it learns Slash and Sleep Pincers
Slash (Ex): with a Standard Action, Parasect may make a single Claw attack that has a base damage of 1d6 for a Small creature (1d8 due to Enhanced Claws) and a Critical value of 15-20/x2. If it has Improved Critical (Claw attacks), this does indeed become 9-20/x2. It ignores Hardness of 5 or less, and deals double damage against unattended objects (or triple on a critical hit). This is a [Blade] [Normal] attack.

Sleep Pincers (Ex): once per minute, Parasect may use a Full Round Action to make both Claw attacks against the same target. If both hit, the target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or become Drowsy for 3 rounds. If either attack is a Critical Hit, even if the other misses, the target falls Asleep for 3 rounds on a failed save, and is Drowsy on a successful save. This is a [Bug] attack.

At 7 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Growth
Growth (Su): with a Full Round Action, Parasect can grow one size category larger, adjusting its Space, Reach, Natural Armour, Ability Scores, Natural Weapons and so on as though growing via hit dice. This lasts for one minute. In Harsh Sunlight, this instead causes it to grow two categories larger. In Rain, Hail or Dust, the growth only lasts for five rounds. This cannot be used multiple times in a row to grow more than once. This is a [Grass] effect.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Allergic Pollen and Colour Spores
Allergic Pollen (Ex): once per hour, Parasect can cast Gnome Blight, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Powder] [Grass] attack.

Colour Spores (Su): once per hour, Parasect can cast Malevolent Miasma, with a Rainbow Pattern effect sharing its space. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Powder] [Ghost] attack.

At 9 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Crabhammer
Crabhammer (Ex): once per minute, Parasect can slam its massive pincers upon a target with a Standard Action. This is a single Slam with a base damage of 1d6 per hit die, plus double its Strength Bonus (modified by Enhanced Claws as normal), and in water it creates a strong wave radiating out to 30 feet, allowing a free Trip attempt (without needing a touch attack, or to reach them physically) against everything in the area. Power Attack may be used with this even if Parasect lacks the feat, and must be used to take a penalty of at least 5, granting its bonus normally. The Trip attempt when used in water gains a bonus equal to the Power Attack penalty. This is a [Water] attack.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Aromatherapy and Dream Eater
Aromatherapy (Su): three times per day, Parasect may unleash magical smoke, pollen and scented air in a cloud. It is cured of all negative conditions other than death, as are all allies within 30 feet of it - or 60 feet for a creature with the Scent ability. This is a [Grass] effect.

Dream Eater (Su): once per hour, Parasect may make a special Coup de Gras attempt against a sleeping foe. It casts Vampiric Touch, which is only functional against Drowsy foes (who take the effect normally), and foes who are Asleep (who suffer twice as many dice of damage, with no upper limit). The target wakes up after suffering these effects. This is a [Psychic] effect that leaves Parasect fully nourished for the day.

At 12 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Rage Powder
Rage Powder (Ex): once per hour, Parasect may use a Standard Action to unleash a cloud of powder that enrages all who inhale it. This extends ten feet in all directions, and all in the area must attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or be affected by a Rage effect for one minute. For this duration, every turn the target has a 50% chance of attacking the nearest target, and a 50% chance of attacking Parasect. This is a [Powder] [Bug] effect.

At 13 hit dice, it learns X-Scissor and Wild Spores
X-Scissor (Ex): with a Standard Action, Parasect may make both Claw attacks against the same target. These have a doubled Critical Threat range (17-20), and if either of the attacks is a Critical Hit, both of them are (providing they both actually hit). This is a [Blade] [Bug] attack.

Wild Spores (Su): at will, Parasect may unleash its fungal spores through the air, the grass and the ground providing it is standing on or adjacent to a square of Grassy Terrain. Every other creature in the area except for itself is afflicted with its Cordyceps attack, with a saving throw as normal. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Powder] [Grass] attack.

At 14 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Rapture Pollen
Rapture Pollen (Su): once per day, Parasect may cast Scintillating Pattern as a [Powder] [Grass] effect.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Spore Field
Maximum Spore Field (Sp): once per minute, Mega Parasect may create an eruption of fungal growth underground with a Full Round Action. This creates Grassy Terrain out to a 60 foot radius, and additionally exposes the entire area to a Leech Seed. This is a [Powder] [Grass] effect.

Mega Evolution: when Parasect becomes Mega Parasect, it grows larger and spookier, with shadows expanding out from under its mushroom top and shell. It is truly nightmarish to behold. Its Constitution and Wisdom increase by 6 points each, and its Strength and Charisma increase by 4 points each. It gains the [Ghost] Type, thus losing its Weakness to [Bug] attacks, gaining a Weakness to [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks, and being considered Immune to [Fighting] and [Normal] attacks. It grows one Size Category larger, but do not adjust Natural Armour or Ability Scores. Its [Pokebility] changes to Mummy.

Mummy (Su): any creature that hits Mega Parasect with a natural or non-reach melee weapon, or succeeds on a melee touch attack against it, or is hit by any such attack performed by Mega Parasect, has their own [Pokebility] changed to Mummy until the next sunrise. This can spread further and infect others.

Tutor Moves:
Headbutt (Ex): the Pokemon has a strong skull that can be used to make a damaging headbutt. With a Standard Action, it may unleash a Slam attack that has a base damage of 1d8 for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus. On a Critical Hit, a struck target falls Prone from the impact. If this is used as a Readied Action, a struck target must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Staggered for one round.

Leech Life (Ex): by making a Bite attack as a Standard Action once per minute, the Pokemon may deal damage as though one Size larger (if it lacks a Bite attack, it gains one for this, which is adjusted to 1d8 for a Medium creature), and 1 point of Constitution Drain (from blood loss) per 4 hit dice (round up), multiplied on a Critical Hit as though it were normal damage. Golbat regains lost hit points equal to the damage dealt, plus 5 for each point of Constitution Drain, but can't be healed above its maximum hit points in this way. This is a [Bite] [Bug] attack.

Protect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use strange magic to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave the Pokemon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Shadow Claw (Su): the Pokemon may elect to treat its claws as a [Blade] [Ghost] attack when it wants to. When doing so, the attack has an innate Threat Range of 18-20, bypasses non-magical armour and shields, and at 10 and 20 hit dice it deals damage as though one Size larger.

Shadow Sneak (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may make a special Slam attack that deals 1d6 damage for a Medium creature, as its choice of a Swift or Immediate Action. This is a [Ghost] attack.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Small Aberration, CR 1/2
3 15 8 13 14 16
1d6-1 (2 HP), Init +6, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +0/-8
-Unarmed Strike +3 (1d2-4)
AC: 14 (+1 Size, +2 Dexterity, +1 Natural Armour), Flat 12, Touch 13
Fort -1 Ref +2 Will +4
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative
Skills: Listen +6, Hide +10, Move silently +6, Sense Motive +6, Knowledge (any one) +5
Special Attacks: Psyshot, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Psychic Pokemon Traits, Synchronize, Teleport, Heightened Awareness
Rare Traits: Magic Guard, Confusion, Magic Coat, Barrier, Encore, Psychic Terrain
Tutor Moves: Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Charge Beam, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave
Advancement: 2 HD (Small); evolves into KADABRA! at 3 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Poor BAB, Good Will, 4 + Int skill points

A strange creature sits asleep on the ground. It has a yellow carapace of sorts, but doesn't really seem buglike or armoured to any real extent.

Psychic Traits: Abra is weak against [Bug], [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks, and resists [Fighting] and [Psychic] attacks. It can communicate with other intelligent creatures within 100 feet via Telepathy, and is considered to have the [Psionic] Subtype.

Teleport (Sp): once per minute, Abra may cast Teleport Without Error (self and up to 5 pounds of carried gear). This may transport it into its pokeball, and is a [Psychic] effect.

Psyshot (Sp): at will, Abra may use a Standard Action to fire a small amount of telekinetic energy at a foe within 15 feet. This is resolved with a Ranged Attack, and deals 1d3 points of damage as a [Force] effect. This is a [Ballistic] [Psychic] attack.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 3/day - Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Empty Mind, Missive

Synchronize (Su): any time another creature afflicts Abra with any kind of status condition, they must also save against the effect (at the same DC). If there was no saving throw for the effect, they do not get one and are just affected. This does not bypass any immunities to conditions they might have. This is a [Pokebility].

Heightened Awareness (Su): Abra sleeps 18 hours per day, however it is completely aware of its surroundings when it sleeps. It can see and hear normally, and can Detect Thoughts out to 60 feet. It can still use its Teleport ability when asleep (but not other abilities). This does not make it less vulnerable to effects that rely on (or benefit from) a target being asleep - Dream Eater and Wake-Up Slap and Hex still gained their heightened effects, and a Coup de Gras may still be attempted.

Rare Traits:
Magic Guard (Su): if Abra has this rare [Pokebility], it is protected by a strange magical aura. It only takes damage directly from attacks - not residual effects such as being Burned, the ongoing effects of an Acid Arrow, being caught in a sandstorm or Acid Fog, falling damage, recoil damage from attacks and so on.

Confusion (Sp): with a Standard Action once per hour, Abra may unleash a psychic blast of energy that fries the synapses of all in a 10' radius Burst within Medium Range. Those in the area suffer 1d8 non-lethal damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the save are Confused for one round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

Magic Coat (Su): once per minute, Abra may use a Standard Action to shield itself in mystical energy. This grants it Spell Turning, with no limit on the number of Spell Levels, for one round, but only against effects that do not directly deal damage. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Barrier (Sp): three times each per day, Abra may cast Mage Armour and Shield. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Encore (Su): with a Standard Action once per five rounds, Abra may applaud a creature within 30 feet and goad them into an encore. If the target fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), then for three turns they cannot perform any actions other than the ones taken in their turn prior to receiving the encore. This does not let them bypass restrictions on the usage of their abilities. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] [Normal] effect that completely overrides and replaces a Torment effect.

Psychic Terrain (Sp): once per hour, Abra may use a Full Round Action to release Psychic Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Psychic] effect.


Medium Aberration, CR 3
5 15 8 15 14 20
3d6-3 (7 HP), Init +6, Speed 30'
BAB/Grab: +1/-8
-Unarmed Strike +3 (1d3-3)
AC: 13 (+2 Dexterity, +1 Natural Armour), Flat 11, Touch 12
Fort +0 Ref +5 Will +5
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (Confusion)
Skills: Listen +8, Hide +8, Move silently +8, Sense Motive +8, Knowledge (any one) +8, Bluff +11
Special Attacks: Psyshot, Confusion, Disable, Psybeam, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Psychic Pokemon Traits, Synchronize, Teleport, Reflect, Ally Switch, Kinesis
Rare Traits: Magic Guard, Confusion, Magic Coat, Barrier, Encore, Psychic Terrain
Tutor Moves: Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam, Charge Beam, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave, Speed Swap
Advancement: 4-9 HD (Medium); evolves into Alakazam at 10 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Poor BAB, Good Ref and Will, 4 + Int skill points

The bizarre creature standing in front of you looks somewhat like an insect and somewhat like a humanoid. It has the carapace and segments, with the torso appearing more like a breastplate, but also has a mustache, and is holding a spoon.

Psychic Traits: Kadabra is weak against [Bug], [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks, and resists [Fighting] and [Psychic] attacks. It can communicate with other intelligent creatures within 100 feet via Telepathy, and is considered to have the [Psionic] Subtype.

Confusion (Sp): with a Standard Action once per hour, Kadabra may unleash a psychic blast of energy that fries the synapses of all in a 10' radius Burst within Medium Range. Those in the area suffer 1d8 non-lethal damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus; the sample Kadabra adds 2 to this from its Ability Focus feat). Those that fail the save are Confused for one round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

Disable (Su): once per minute, Kadabra may curse an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. Whichever special attack the opponent used most recently becomes disabled, blocked off in the target's mind for one minute. This [Normal] attack is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] effect.

Psybeam (Su): with a Standard Action, Kadabra may focus its psychic powers into a beam, unleashing it as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If it hits, this deals 1d6 non-lethal damage per hit die and forces the target to attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Failure results in Confusion for 2d4 rounds. This can be used once per hour, however it may be used a second time by expending the hourly use of Confusion and vice versa. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 3/day - Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Empty Mind, Missive, Mind Thrust

Reflect (Su): once per hour, Kadabra may cast Wall of Force. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Ally Switch (Sp): once per hour, Kadabra may cast Benign Transposition as an Immediate Action if it has this rare trait. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Kinesis (Sp): once per minute, Kadabra may use a Standard Action and psychic energy (not its hands) to bend its spoon, and in doing so warp the dimensions of reality. It designates one creature within Medium Range, and that target gains a 20% Miss Chance on all attacks (not as a result of Concealment) for five rounds.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Blink and Force Choke
Blink (Sp): Kadabra can cast Blink three times per day as a [Psychic] effect.

Force Choke (Sp): Kadabra can manifest Crisis of Breath once per day per five full hit dice it has. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, it can affect any of the creature types listed under "Augment", but it cannot actually be Augmented. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] [Psychic] attack.

At 5 hit dice, its Intelligence increases by 2 and it learns Recover and Miracle Eye
Recover (Sp): once per hour, Kadabra can cast Cure Moderate Wounds, with itself as the only target. At 7 hit dice, it instead functions as Cure Serious Wounds, and at 10 hit dice it functions as Cure Critical Wounds. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Miracle Eye (Sp): once per day, Kadabra can manifest Ubiquitous Vision. While this is active, Dark Pokemon are no longer considered Immune to Kadabra's [Psychic] attacks - completely ignore all effects of the Dark Type. If they Resist [Psychic] attacks from another source (such as the Steel Type), that still applies. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 6 hit dice, it learns Psyshock and Telekinesis
Psyshock (Sp): once per minute, Kadabra may use a Standard Action to hammer a creature with telekinetic energy (and assorted hurled objects). This targets one foe within Medium Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Force] [Psychic] attack.

Telekinesis (Su): Kadabra may cast Telekinesis at will, using the higher of its Intelligence or Charisma as the relevant ability score. It can only use the Sustained Force and Maneuver options, and is a [Psychic] effect.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Psychic and Force Lightning
Psychic (Sp): once per minute, Kadabra may use a Standard Action to target one creature within Medium Range and blast them with overwhelming psychic energy that hammers on their brain. They suffer 1d6 damage per hit die, as well as 4 points of Wisdom damage, with a Will Save to halve both of these (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and on a failed save they are also Dazed for one round. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] attack.

Force Lightning (Sp): once per hour, Kadabra may cast Call Lightning Storm, with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. The damage increase for stormy weather also applies when bolts are directed into areas of Psychic Terrain. This is an [Electric] effect.

At 8 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Role Play and Matter Exchange
Role Play (Sp): once per day, Kadabra may spend a Standard Action observing a target within Medium Range, then copy some of their mannerisms. Most importantly, it actually copies their [Pokebility] (if they have one), replacing its own with the copied one for one minute per hit die. This can be Dismissed if it grows tired of the copied ability, and automatically fails (without expending the daily use) if the target doesn't have a [Pokebility]. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Matter Exchange (Su): once per hour, Kadabra may use an Immediate Action to rearrange physical molecules and energy particles in a split-second. It uses this in response to an attack made by something within Medium Range, even if it is not the target, and changes the attack type to any other - such as turning a Super-Effective [Dark] attack into a Resisted [Fighting] attack. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Future Sight and Trick
Future Sight (Sp): once per day, Kadabra may cast Final Destination. The Save DC is 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Psychic] attack.

Trick (Sp): once per hour, Kadabra may look at an object within Close Range and use a Standard Action to swap that item, via teleportation, with an item it is holding. If it is not holding anything, it merely takes the item and there is no exchange. If the object is being carried, the carrier is allowed a Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) to negate this. This cannot move an item that is physically part of the carrier (such as a limb from a golem) or embedded within them (such as the Ancient Plates and Arceus). This is a [Psychic] effect.


Medium Aberration, CR 10
9 17 10 19 16 24
10d6 (35 HP), Init +7, Speed 30'
BAB/Grab: +5/+4
-Unarmed Strike +8 (1d3-1)
AC: 15 (+3 Dexterity, +1 Natural Armour, +1 Dodge), Flat 11, Touch 14
Fort +3 Ref +10 Will +10
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (Psychic), Dodge, Mobility
Skills: Listen +8, Hide +8, Move silently +8, Sense Motive +8, Knowledge (any one) +8, Bluff +11
Special Attacks: Psyshot, Confusion, Disable, Psybeam, Force Choke, Psyshock, Telekinesis, Psychic, Force Lightning, Future Sight, Synchronoise, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Psychic Pokemon Traits, Synchronize, Teleport, Reflect, Ally Switch, Kinesis, Reflect, Blink, Recover, Miracle Eye, Role Play, Matter Exchange, Trick
Rare Traits: Magic Guard, Confusion, Magic Coat, Barrier, Encore, Psychic Terrain
Tutor Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Charge Beam, Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave, Speed Swap, Expanding Force, Psychic Terrain, Aura Sphere
Advancement: 4-9 HD (Medium); evolves into Alakazam at 10 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Poor BAB, Good Ref and Will, 4 + Int skill points

Hovering above the ground, this strange yellow-and-brown creature has some insectoid traits and a fantastic mustache. It appears very pleased with the two spoons it holds.

Psychic Traits: Alakazam is weak against [Bug], [Dark] and [Ghost] attacks, and resists [Fighting] and [Psychic] attacks. It can communicate with other intelligent creatures within 100 feet via Telepathy, and is considered to have the [Psionic] Subtype.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Ghost Sound, Levitate, Prestidigitation, Empty Mind, Missive, 3/day - Mind Thrust

Synchronoise (Sp): once per hour, Alakazam may unleash horrifying sound waves that are similar to its own natural frequency. This uses a Standard Action, and radiates out in a 20' radius Emanation centred on (but not including) Alakazam. All in the area that share at least one Pokemon Type with Alakazam suffer 1d10 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that do not share Pokemon Types with it are completely unaffected. This is a [Sound] [Psychic] attack.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Calm Mind and Dominate
Calm Mind (Su): three times per day, Alakazam may use a Full Round Action to grant itself a Calm Emotions effect. Additionally, for the duration, it gains a +4 Enhancement Bonus to both Wisdom and Charisma. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Dominate (Sp): once per day, Alakazam can cast Dominate Person with a Save DC of 6 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] [Psychic] attack, but probably won't be used on other Pokemon, what with only affecting Humanoids.

At 12 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Psycho Panic
Psycho Panic (Su): once per hour, Alakazam may use a Standard Action to designate a 10' radius Burst within Medium Range, and force terrifying thoughts into it. All in the area must succeed on a Will Save (DC 6 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), otherwise they suffer 1d8 Non-Lethal Damage per 2 hit dice and are Frightened for 1 minute. Psychic Pokemon suffer a -4 Penalty on the saving throw (but still Resist it). This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] [Psychic] attack.

At 13 hit dice, its Intelligence increases by 2 and it learns Trance Damage
Trance Damage (Su): once per day, Alakazam can use a Full Round Action to put itself in a trance for a brief moment. In doing so, it selects one target within Close Range, and the foe must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the saving throw is failed, then Alakazam gains Fast Healing equal to its hit dice, with the damage being transferred to the target creature. This cannot transfer damage that Alakazam has not taken - the moment it is healed to full, the effect ends. This also ends if the target is killed by the damage, or if it is on a different Plane, or either pokemon is in its pokeball. This Fast Healing and damage is not affected by Weakness or Resistance, however it automatically fails against Dark Pokemon. This is a [Psychic] attack.

At 14 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Telefrag
Telefrag (Sp): once per day, Alakazam can use a Standard Action to Teleport directly into the space occupied by another creature within Close Range and Line of Sight. The creature must pass a Reflex Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Intelligence Bonus) to step out of the way, moving the minimum space necessary. If the saving throw is failed, the creature bursts as Alakazam appears, tearing it apart from within. This instantly kills most creatures. This is a [Psychic] attack.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Mind Storm
Maximum Mind Storm (Sp): once per minute, Mega Alakazam may cast Mass Whelm, with no upper limit on the damage, and a Save DC of 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. The entire area of Close Range is then covered in Psychic Terrain for one minute. This is a [Psychic] attack, and the damage is a [Mind-Affecting] effect.

At 16 hit dice, it gains the ability to manifest True Metabolism and Microcosm once each per day as Spell-Like [Psychic] Abilities.

At 17 hit dice, it gains the ability to cast Teleportation Circle, Planeshift and Telekinetic Sphere once each per day as Spell-Like [Psychic] Abilities.

Mega Evolution: when Alakazam becomes Mega Alakazam, its mental prowess radiates from it in overwhelming waves. Its legs become smaller, its shell starts to resemble a wizard's robe, and it grows a giant beard. Usually, it somehow finds more spoons, which levitate around it. In this state, its Wisdom and Natural Armour each increase by 2, its Dexterity and Intelligence each increase by 2 (select two new Knowledge skills to gain maximum ranks the first time it Mega-Evolves), and its Charisma increases by 8. Its [Pokebility] changes to Trace.

Trace (Su): as soon as a Pokemon with this [Pokebility] encounters another creature with a [Pokebility] (or as soon as a Pokemon changes their [Pokebility] to this one if others are present), it changes to the [Pokebility] of the other creature. If there are multiple, select one. This remains for one minute, or until it returns to its pokeball.

Tutor Moves:
Aura Sphere (Su): once per minute as a Standard Action, the Pokemon may draw upon its fighting spirit and launch this in a ball that homes in unerringly. This is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Close Range, is a [Force] effect that extends to the Ethereal and Astral Planes (although [Ghost] Pokemon still always Resist it), and ignores any Miss Chance of any kind. On a successful hit, it deals 1d6 damage per 2 hit dice. This is a [Ballistic] [Fighting] attack.

Charge Beam (Su): once per 3 rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to fire an electrical energy beam out as a Ranged Touch Attack with a Range of 60 feet. This deals 1d6 Electricity damage per hit die (to a maximum of 5d6), and if it hits, the electrical feedback charges the Pokemon up, granting a +2 Enhancement Bonus to Charisma for 1 minute. This is an [Electric] attack.

Dazzling Gleam (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to release a flash of bright magical light out in a 30' radius Burst from itself. This deals 1d10 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Additionally, anything that fails its save is also rendered Blind for 1 round, and then Dazzled for 2 more rounds. Creatures that have no eyesight take the minimum damage from this and are not blinded or dazzled. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Expanding Force (Sp): once per five rounds, the Pokemon may unleash a widening bubble of telekinetic energy. This targets a single 5' square within Close Range, dealing 1d4 damage per hit die as a [Force] effect. However, if cast upon Psychic Terrain, it instead affects a 10' radius Burst, and deals 1d6 damage per hit die. All in the area are allowed a Reflex Save for half damage (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Psychic] attack.

Psychic Terrain (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to release Psychic Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Psychic] effect.

Speed Swap (Sp): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may target a creature within Close Range, and through quantum entanglement swap their speeds around. This swaps any Haste or Slow effects between the two, as well as any modifiers to movement speeds, as well as Bonuses, Penalties or Damage to Dexterity. This lasts for one minute, although any given effect can end sooner than this if it normally would. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Shadow Ball (Sp): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to launch a sphere of terrifying spectral essence out to Medium Range. This hits all in a 10' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Furthermore, on a failed saving throw, targets suffer one temporary Negative Level (lasting one hour), or two if they are Weak against the attack. This is a [Ballistic] [Ghost] attack.

Thunder Wave (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash electromagnetic waves in a Cone that is 15' long (and therefore 15' wide at the furthest point). All in the area must succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Paralyzed for one round, plus 1 more round for every 5 points by which they fail the save. This is an [Electric] effect.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Small Undead [Dark Minded, Air], CR 1
3 17 8 13 10 16
1d6-1 (2 HP), Init +7, Fly 20' (Perfect)
BAB/Grab: +0/-8
-Lick +4 Touch (1d3)
AC: 15 (+1 Size, +3 Dexterity, +1 Deflection), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort -1 Ref +3 Will +2
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative
Skills: Intimidate +7, Hide +11, Move Silently +7
Special Attacks: Lick, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis
Special Qualities: Ghost and Poison Pokemon Traits, Spell-Like Abilities
Rare Traits: Curse Rider, Astonish, Clear Smog, Haze, Perish Song, Smog, Toxic, Mustard Gas
Tutor Moves: Sludge Wave, Toxic, Pain Split, Haze, Sludge Bomb, Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball, Night Shade, Acid Spray, Foul Play, Dazzling Gleam
Advancement: 2-4 HD (Small); evolves into Haunter at 5 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Will, 2 + Int skill points

There is a dark violet - almost black - ball floating in the air, enshrouded in a choking, toxic gas. It has a face that grins with either malevolence or deviousness.

Ghost and Poison Traits: Gastly can be treated as a Spirit. It is weak against [Dark], [Ghost], [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy] and [Poison] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Fighting] and [Normal] attacks, always resisting them even when manifested into the corporeal world. It can fade into the Ethereal Plane and be an actual [Incorporeal] Ethereal creature when that happens. Keep in mind that it is always flying, and thus not many [Ground] effects actually reach it. It cannot be Poisoned, and thus cannot be affected by most poisons in D&D. If it floats into toxic spikes or sludge, it absorbs them harmlessly, and if holding Black Sludge, it has Fast Healing 1 instead of taking damage.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Dancing Lights; 3/day - Darkness; 1/day - Mad Hallucination. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Lick (Ex): Gastly has a special natural weapon, a Lick touch attack. This has a base damage of 1d3 for a Small creature, does not apply its Strength Bonus (or Penalty), and if it deals any damage, the target takes a -4 Dexterity Penalty for 3 rounds. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Confuse Ray (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Gastly may unleash an eerie light to disorient and overwhelm the mind of a foe. Being a ray, this is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is rendered Confused for 2d4 rounds. However, a creature confused by this may attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half Gastly's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) at the start of every turn to end the effects early. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Hypnosis (Su): once per hour, Gastly may use a Full Round Action to attempt to hypnotise a creature within Close Range with Line of Sight, lulling it into sleep. At the end of the action, the foe must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Drowsy. If the saving throw is failed by more than 4, they instead fall Asleep for one minute (or until any damage is suffered). This is a [Psychic] effect.

Rare Traits:
Curse Rider (Ex): if Gastly has this rare [Pokebility], it is Hasted whenever on (or hovering up to 10' above) Cursed Terrain.

Astonish (Ex): If Gastly hits a foe that is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class, or Flanked by it, they are Shaken for three rounds as a [Fear] effect.

Clear Smog (Su): once per five rounds, Gastly may use a Standard Action to exhale a barely visible smog cloud. This is a 5' radius cloud that starts adjacent to it, then moves away in a straight line at a speed of 20 feet per round for 3 rounds. Anything in the area suffers 1d12 damage with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and anything that fails the save is also cleared of all Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. This is a [Poison] effect and a gas.

Haze (Su): once per five rounds, Gastly may use a Standard Action to exhale a gentle light haze across the field, either as a 60' Cone or everywhere in a 30' radius of itself. This clears away all magical hazards (as well as hazards created by Pokemon Attacks, such as Web and Stealth Rock), and also clears out any Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) to creatures in the area that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. For instance, drinking a potion of Bull's Strength and having Mage Armour cast on you would be wiped away, but wearing a belt of Strength would not be affected. This is an [Ice] effect.

Mustard Gas (Su): once per minute, Gastly may expel a cloud of toxic smoke that instantly burns the skin and eyes. This requires a Standard Action, and creates a 15' radius cloud within Medium Range that lingers for 3 rounds (unless dispersed by winds). All in the area suffer 1d12 points of damage, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + the better of its Constitution or Charisma Bonus). A failed save also results in targets being Burned and rendered Blind for 1 minute. This is a [Poison] attack and a gas, but the conditions are not a result of being poisoned.

Perish Song (Su): once per hour, Gastly may sing a deadly song, consisting of discordant sounds that work towards the natural frequency of all life. Or something. It uses a Full Round Action, and everything within 60 feet (itself included) takes a single point of Sonic damage. On the same Initiative Count next turn (even if Gastly has fainted or disappeared), all creatures and objects that were affected suffer another point of Sonic damage if they are within 150 feet of the original location. One turn after that, all creatures and objects that were affected and are still within 150 feet suffer Sonic damage equal to their maximum hit points, plus any temporary hit points they have. This is a [Sound] [Normal] effect.

Smog (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Gastly may unleash exhaust fumes at a target in Close Range. This deals 1d12 damage, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and on a failed save the target is also poisoned, with Primary and Secondary damage of 3d6 additional hit point damage, as well as being Sickened for one minute. This is a [Poison] attack and a gas.

Toxic (Ex): Gastly may use a Standard Action to spit or squirt a stream of deadly toxins out to Close Range - this requires a Ranged Touch Attack to hit, and can be used once per ten minutes. If it hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save against Poison with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, or suffer 1d6 Con damage. Once poisoned, they must then save again every round at the end of their turn or suffer ability damage again, until either they die, the poison is neutralised, or they successfully save against it three rounds in a row, fighting the toxins off completely. This is a [Poison] effect.

At 2 hit dice, it learns Mean Look and Payback
Mean Look (Su): with a Full Round Action, Gastly can fix its spooky little eyes on a creature that has Line of Sight to it. That foe is then subject to a Dimensional Anchor effect for 1 round per hit die, with no saving throw, and must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be unable to break Line of Sight of its own accord, and unable to move away from Gastly unless compelled by magic - if afflicted with a [Fear] effect that would cause them to be Frightened or Panicked, they instead Cower for the same duration. These effects also last for 1 round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Fear] [Normal] effect.

Payback (Ex): once per round, Gastly may make a single melee attack as an Immediate Ation in response to being damaged by an opponent. If damaged by a Critical Hit, this attack is also upgraded to a Critical Hit if it hits at all. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Spite and Will-O-Wisp
Spite (Su): once per minute Gastly may level a curse against an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. If the foe fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), any ability that has a cooldown after use is instantly put on cooldown as though used (without providing the effects of usage), and any ability with limited Daily (or Weekly or Hourly) uses has one of those uses expended. This [Ghost] attack is a [Curse] effect.

Will-O-Wisp (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Gastly may unleash a floating sphere of brilliant (and spooky) blue fire. This is resolved as a Ranged Touch Attack out to 30 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is Burned. This is a [Fire] attack.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Curse and Suffocation Gas
Curse (Sp): once per hour, Gastly may cast Bestow Curse with no saving throw. Additionally, once per day it may use a Standard Action to put its own internal energy into cursing somebody to death. It takes damage equal to half of its maximum hit points (round down), and one target within 30' is cursed to die: every round they take damage equal to their hit dice, which is not affected by Resistance or Weakness, and is only removed by a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, Dispel Evil or death. This is a [Ghost] attack that still affects Normal Pokemon just fine.

Suffocation Gas (Su): once per day, Gastly may cast Suffocation with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Poison] attack and a gas.


Medium Undead [Dark Minded, Air], CR 5
7 15 10 15 10 20
5d6 (17 HP), Init +6, Fly 30' (Perfect)
BAB/Grab: +3/+1
-Lick +5 Touch (1d4) or Shadow Punch +5 Touch (3d6-2)
AC: 14 (+2 Dexterity, +2 Deflection), Flat 12, Touch 14
Fort +1 Ref +6 Will +4
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (Hex)
Skills: Intimidate +13, Hide +10, Move Silently +10, Sleight of Hand +10
Special Attacks: Lick, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis, Mean Look, Payback, Spite, Will-O-Wisp, Curse, Suffocation Gas, Shadow Punch, Hex, Night Shade
Special Qualities: Ghost and Poison Pokemon Traits, Haunt, Spell-Like Abilities
Rare Traits: Curse Rider, Astonish, Clear Smog, Haze, Perish Song, Smog, Toxic, Mustard Gas
Tutor Moves: Sludge Wave, Toxic, Pain Split, Haze, Sludge Bomb, Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball, Acid Spray, Foul Play, Dazzling Gleam, Scary Face
Advancement: 5-9 HD (Medium); evolves into Gengar or Black Fog at 10 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

The creature you see before you is quite clearly a ghost. It has a big grin, and spooky clawed hands, but is still mostly gas and smoke, with no legs.

Ghost and Poison Traits: Haunter can be treated as a Spirit. It is weak against [Dark], [Ghost], [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy] and [Poison] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Fighting] and [Normal] attacks, always resisting them even when manifested into the corporeal world. It can fade into the Ethereal Plane and be an actual [Incorporeal] Ethereal creature when that happens. Keep in mind that it is always flying, and thus not many [Ground] effects actually reach it. It cannot be Poisoned, and thus cannot be affected by most poisons in D&D. If it floats into toxic spikes or sludge, it absorbs them harmlessly, and if holding Black Sludge, it has Fast Healing 1 instead of taking damage.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Dancing Lights; 3/day - Darkness, Greater Mage Hand, Mad Hallucination; 1/day - Malevolent Miasma. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Haunt (Su): Haunter may use a Standard Action at will to haunt an adjacent creature, partially possessing them. It cannot control their actions, but it shares all of their senses, and wherever they move, it automatically moves with them - even if they use a Teleportation effect.

Shadow Punch (Ex): with a Standard or Full Round Action at will, Haunter may unleash a Slam as a primary natural weapon as a Melee Touch Attack that deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for a Medium creature, plus its Strength Bonus. If used as a Full Round Action, it is performed as a Charge - with the usual rules on movement and modifiers to the attack roll and AC. This also deals 1d6 extra damage per 3 hit dice (round up). This ignores any kind of Miss Chance, and is a [Punch] [Ghost] attack.

Hex (Sp): once per minute, Haunter may use a Standard Action to unleash a baleful curse at a foe within Medium Range. The target suffers 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target is already afflicted with Poison, Disease, Burn, Frostburn, Drowsiness, Sleep, Paralysis, Stun, Daze, Fatigue, Exhaustion, Sickening, Nausea, Rage, Confusion or a [Fear] effect, this instead deals 2d4 damage per hit die. If they are afflicted by two of the above, it is instead 2d6 per hit die. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Night Shade (Sp): once per minute, Haunter may extend a spooky field of darkness, allowing it to cast Damning Darkness with a duration of three rounds, plus one round per hit die, as a [Ghost] attack.

At 6 hit dice, it learns Hidden Poison and Kiss of Despair
Hidden Poison (Su): once per 3 rounds, Haunter may use an Immediate Action to poison a foe who struck it with a melee weapon. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, the Primary damage is 2 points of Constitution damage, and the Secondary damage is 3 rounds of Nausea. This is a [Poison] attack.

Kiss of Despair (Su): once per minute, Haunter may kiss an opponent and attempt to eat their soul, their hopes and their dreams. It uses a Standard Action to move into the space of an adjacent creature, provoking an Attack of Opportunity normally, and then attempts a melee touch attack. If this hits, it deals 1d6 damage per 3 hit dice (round up), plus 1 Negative Level (2 on a critical hit or if the target is Weak against [Dark] attacks, 4 if both apply). Haunter then regains lost hit points equal to the damage dealt, plus 5 per Negative Level delivered, though this cannot raise its hit points above its maximum. This is a [Dark] attack.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Sucker Punch, Mumble and Nightmare
Sucker Punch (Ex): Haunter gains a Primary Slam attack that can only be used as an Immediate Action, to interrupt an attack. This has a base damage of 2d6 for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and the target is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class against this. Instead of denying Haunter a Swift action on its next turn, it consumes next turn's Standard action. This is a [Dark] attack.

Mumble (Su): at will, Haunter may mumble and murmur creepily with a Standard Action, directed at a target within 30 feet. Any ongoing affliction from which the target suffers, if it has a duration measured in rounds, has the duration increased by one round. This is a [Sound] [Ghost] effect.

Nightmare (Su): once per hour, with a Standard Action Haunter may afflict a sleeping foe with terrible visions that wrack their brain. This has a range of 30 feet, and the target receives no saving throw - they are automatically affected until they wake up, suffering 1 point of Constitution Drain and 1 point of Wisdom Damage every round. This is a [Ghost] attack.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Dark Pulse and Super Poison Breath
Dark Pulse (Su): once per five rounds, Haunter may use a Standard Action to unleash a burst of malevolent energy, out in a wave. This is an emanation out to Close Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Anything that fails the saving through is Staggered for one round. This is a [Ballistic] [Dark] effect.

Super Poison Breath (Ex): once per day, Haunter may exhale a 20' Cone of toxic gas with a Standard Action. All in the area are subject to Poison with a Save DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and has Primary Damage Nausea for 1 round per 2 hit dice of Haunter (round up), and Secondary Damage of Unconsciousness for 1 minute. This is a [Poison] attack.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Shadow Ball and Curse Terrain
Shadow Ball (Sp): once per three rounds, Haunter may use a Standard Action to launch a sphere of terrifying spectral essence out to Medium Range. This hits all in a 10' radius Burst, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Furthermore, on a failed saving throw, targets suffer one temporary Negative Level (lasting one hour), or two if they are Weak against the attack. This is a [Ballistic] [Ghost] attack.

Curse Terrain (Sp): once per hour, Haunter may use a Full Round Action to release Cursed Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Ghost] effect.


Medium Undead [Dark Minded, Air], CR 10
11 17 10 15 14 24
10d6+10 (45 HP), Init +7, Speed 50'
BAB/Grab: +7/+7
-Lick +10 Touch (1d4) or Shadow Punch +10 Touch (5d6)
AC: 20 (+3 Dexterity, +1 Dodge, +3 Deflection, +3 Luck), Flat 16, Touch 20
Fort +3 Ref +10 Will +9
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (Hex), Improved Toughness, Dodge
Skills: Intimidate +20, Hide +16, Move Silently +16, Sleight of Hand +16
Special Attacks: Lick, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis, Mean Look, Payback, Spite, Will-O-Wisp, Curse, Suffocation Gas, Shadow Punch, Hex, Night Shade, Hidden Poison, Kiss of Despair, Sucker Punch, Mumble, Nightmare, Dark Pulse, Super Poison Breath, Shadow Ball, Perish Song
Special Qualities: Ghost and Poison Pokemon Traits, Cursed Body, Haunt, Cursed Terrain, Spell-Like Abilities
Rare Traits: Haunted Spirit, Astonish, Clear Smog, Haze, Smog, Toxic, Mustard Gas
Tutor Moves: Sludge Wave, Toxic, Pain Split, Haze, Sludge Bomb, Nasty Plot, Acid Spray, Foul Play, Dazzling Gleam, Scary Face
Advancement: 11+ HD (Medium)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

A somewhat round looking critter, deep purple in colour and seemingly cloudy in essence, stands on stubby legs, grinning maliciously. It looks like the ghost of Clefable, more or less.

Ghost and Poison Traits: Gengar can be treated as a Spirit. It is weak against [Dark], [Ghost], [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy] and [Poison] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Fighting] and [Normal] attacks, always resisting them even when manifested into the corporeal world. It can fade into the Ethereal Plane and be an actual [Incorporeal] Ethereal creature when that happens. It cannot be Poisoned, and thus cannot be affected by most poisons in D&D. If it floats into toxic spikes or sludge, it absorbs them harmlessly, and if holding Black Sludge, it has Fast Healing 1 instead of taking damage.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Dancing Lights, Darkness, Greater Mage Hand; 3/day - Mad Hallucination, Malevolent Miasma, Gaseous Form; 1/day - Nightmare Terrain, Air Walk, Haunting Mists. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Cursed Body (Su): Gengar finally has a [Pokebility]. If it is hit by a Special Attack, a curse is automatically placed upon the attacker, locking that attack away for 1 minute such that it cannot be used. If an attack causes Gengar to faint or die (or be destroyed), the attacker must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or suffer the effects of Bestow Curse. This is a [Curse] effect.

Perish Song (Su): once per hour, Gengar may sing a deadly song, consisting of discordant sounds that work towards the natural frequency of all life. Or something. It uses a Full Round Action, and everything within 60 feet (itself included) takes a single point of Sonic damage. On the same Initiative Count next turn (even if Gengar has fainted or disappeared), all creatures and objects that were affected suffer another point of Sonic damage if they are within 150 feet of the original location. One turn after that, all creatures and objects that were affected and are still within 150 feet suffer Sonic damage equal to their maximum hit points, plus any temporary hit points they have. This is a [Sound] [Normal] effect.

Rare Traits:
Haunted Spirit (Su): if Haunter had the Curse Rider rare [Pokebility] before evolving, as Gengar it changes to Haunted Spirit: if it is hit by an attack (including damaging effects and afflictions that do not use attack rolls), the attacker must succeed on a Will Save (DC 6 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be afflicted with a terrible [Curse] effect: every round they take damage equal to their hit dice, which is not affected by Resistance or Weakness, and is only removed by a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment, Dispel Evil or death.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Destiny Bond and Twilight Poison
Destiny Bond (Su): with an Immediate Action upon being hit by an attack that would reduce it below zero HP or kill it outright, Gengar may gaze upon its attacker if they are within 30 feet. They must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or die. Gengar then dies after this, even if it had only been reduced to negative hit points. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Twilight Poison (Su): once per hour, Gengar may cast Pall of Twilight. All in the area must succeed on a Will Save (DC 7 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Drowsy until they leave the area, as well as a Fortitude Save (same DC) or suffer 1d10 damage per round until they leave the area. The Fortitude Save is a [Poison] effect, as is the damage, but the rest of the effect is a [Ghost] effect.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Dream Eater and Cursed Reaction
Cursed Reaction (Sp): once per three rounds, Gengar may cast Bestow Greater Curse as an Immediate Action, or as an Attack of Opportunity. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, and this is a [Ghost] effect.

Dream Eater (Su): once per hour, Gengar may make a special Coup de Gras attempt against a sleeping foe. It casts Vampiric Touch, which is only functional against Drowsy foes (who take the effect normally), and foes who are Asleep (who suffer twice as many dice of damage, with no upper limit). The target wakes up after suffering these effects. This is a [Psychic] effect that leaves Gengar fully nourished for the day.

At 13 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Shadow Dance
Shadow Dance (Su): with a Full Round Action once per day, Gengar may begin a spooky dance, hidden in shadows. Until the start of its next turn, it emanates Darkness as the spell, albeit out to 40 feet, and at the start of its next turn, the darkness vanishes into the Plane of Shadow - as does anything that was in the darkness area at that moment. Creatures caught in it are allowed a Will Save to negate this (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), otherwise they are sent to the Plane of Shadow and need to find their own way out. This is a [Dance] [Ghost] attack.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Dark Bargain and Darkness World
Dark Bargain (Su): once per day, Gengar may make an evil pact with a Full Round Action. It gains a +4 Enhancement Bonus to every ability score and for 1 hour, but is cursed for the same duration: every round, it suffers damage equal to its hit dice (without Resistance or Weakness applying). This damage does not apply when Gengar is in its pokeball, but the [Curse] does not go away - it can only go away when the hour ends, Gengar dies, or receives a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment or Dispel Evil effect. This is a [Dark] effect.

Darkness World (Su): once per hour, Gengar may cast Darkness, but with a duration of only 10 minutes but a radius of 50 feet. As long as it is within the area, it can never be included in the initial Area of an effect that also includes others - either the area must be placed such that Gengar alone is potentially affected, or it is exempt from the effect. Additionally, while in the area of darkness, it can make melee attacks and touch attacks against anything else within the area as though it were adjacent to them, and it threatens the entire area. This is a [Ghost] effect.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Terror
Maximum Terror (Su): once per minute, Mega Gengar may inhale deeply and pull other creatures into its mouth. It spends a Full Round Action sucking them in, and all creatures within 60 feet are subject to a Bullrush attempt by Mega Gengar, using its hit dice in place of its Base Attack Bonus and its Charisma in place of its Strength, but still using its Size Bonus, and any other bonuses from feats etc. It does not move as part of this, and can move targets more than one space. All targets are pushed directly towards Mega Gengar, and any that make physical contact are caught inside it, suffering 1d6 damage per hit die. They then must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be forcibly sent to the Plane of Nightmares - due to this effect happening when they are inside it, Dimensional Anchor effects do not apply. This is a [Ghost] attack.

At 16 hit dice, it learns Netherworld Gate
Netherworld Gate (Sp): once per day, Gengar may open a transport version of the Gate spell, however at least one of the Planes (either the casting location or the destination) must be a Lower Plane or the Plane of Shadow. Alternatively, it may cast Magnificent Mansion, however the extradimensional mansion is located somewhere within the Plane of Shadow, if that ever matters. This is a [Ghost] effect.

At 17 hit dice, it learns Screaming Circle
Screaming Circle (Sp): once per day, Gengar may cast Wail of the Banshee (DC 6 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) as a [Sound] [Psychic] attack.

Mega Evolution: when Gengar becomes Mega Gengar, it becomes a massive creature of pure terror. It grows two Size Categories larger, but instead of the normal ability score and natural armour adjustments, it has the following: its Dexterity and Constitution each increase by 2, its Wisdom Bonus and Deflection Bonus both increase by 4, and its Charisma increases by 6. Its [Pokebility] changes to Shadow Tag.

Shadow Tag (Su): Mega Gengar radiates a 120' radius Dimensional Anchor effect, however this does not extend to Mega Gengar itself, nor anything inside its space. Additionally, adjacent creatures cannot make 5' steps. This is a [Pokebility].


Black Fog
Huge Undead [Dark Minded, Air], CR 10
15 15 14 13 16 20
10d8+30 (75 HP), Init +6, Fly 60' (Perfect)
BAB/Grab: +7/+17
-Lick +7 Touch (1d8) or Shadow Punch +7 Touch (5d6+3)
AC: 13 (-2 Size, +2 Dexterity, +3 Deflection), Flat 11, Touch 13
Fort +9 Ref +5 Will +10
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (Hex), Improved Toughness, Power Attack
Skills: Intimidate +18, Spot +16, Knowledge (any one) +14
Special Attacks: Lick, Confuse Ray, Hypnosis, Mean Look, Payback, Spite, Will-O-Wisp, Curse, Suffocation Gas, Shadow Punch, Hex, Night Shade, Self Destruct
Special Qualities: Ghost and Poison Pokemon Traits, Haunt, Spell-Like Abilities
Rare Traits: Curse Rider, Astonish, Clear Smog, Haze, Perish Song, Smog, Toxic, Mustard Gas
Tutor Moves: Sludge Wave, Toxic, Pain Split, Haze, Sludge Bomb, Nasty Plot, Acid Spray, Foul Play, Dazzling Gleam, Scary Face, Curse Terrain
Advancement: 11-14 HD (Huge), 15-19 HD (Gargantuan), 20+ HD (Colossal)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Medium BAB, Good Fort and Will, 2 + Int skill points

The massive creature floating through the air appears to be a giant Haunter. It practically blots out the sun, and is even scarier than normal.

Ghost and Poison Traits: Black Fog can be treated as a Spirit. It is weak against [Dark], [Ghost], [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy] and [Poison] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Fighting] and [Normal] attacks, always resisting them even when manifested into the corporeal world. It can fade into the Ethereal Plane and be an actual [Incorporeal] Ethereal creature when that happens. It cannot be Poisoned, and thus cannot be affected by most poisons in D&D. If it floats into toxic spikes or sludge, it absorbs them harmlessly, and if holding Black Sludge, it has Fast Healing 1 instead of taking damage.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Dancing Lights, Darkness, Greater Mage Hand; 3/day - Mad Hallucination, Malevolent Miasma, Energy Ebb. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus.

Self Destruct (Ex): once per day, Black Fog may use a Full Round Action to detonate, igniting the gases within itself. This erupts out to Close Range, and everything in the area (itself included) suffers damage equal to Black Fog's full maximum hit points. A Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) halves the damage, but regardless of Temporary Hit Points, saving throws etc. Black Fog can never remain with zero or more hit points - adjust it down to -1 if necessary. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 11 hit dice, its Strength increases by 2 and it learns Dream Eater
Dream Eater (Su): once per hour, Black Fog may make a special Coup de Gras attempt against a sleeping foe. It casts Vampiric Touch, which is only functional against Drowsy foes (who take the effect normally), and foes who are Asleep (who suffer twice as many dice of damage, with no upper limit). The target wakes up after suffering these effects. This is a [Psychic] effect that leaves Gengar fully nourished for the day.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Soul Eater and can cast Power Word: Kill once per day as a [Sound] [Psychic] Spell-Like Ability
Soul Eater (Su): once per hour, Black Fog may cast Energy Ebb, but with up to one target per 4 hit dice (round up). The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, and for the duration, at the start of every turn, Black Fog gains 5 temporary hit points for every creature that suffered a negative level from it. These don't stack over multiple turns, and otherwise last for one minute. This is a [Ghost] effect.

At 13 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Dominate
Dominate (Sp): once per day, Black Fog can cast Dominate Person with a Save DC of 6 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] [Psychic] attack, but probably won't be used on other Pokemon, what with only affecting Humanoids.

At 14 hit dice, it learns Explosion and Dark Bargain
Explosion (Ex): when using Self Destruct, Black Fog can make the explosive blast even mightier: the radius is increased by another 15' as though it had 6 more hit dice than it actually does, another 3 points of damage per hit die are dealt to all, and finally, everything that fails the saving throw is hurled to the outside edge of the area and knocked Prone. It is still a [Normal] effect.

Dark Bargain (Su): once per day, Black Fog may make an evil pact with a Full Round Action. It gains a +4 Enhancement Bonus to every ability score and for 1 hour, but is cursed for the same duration: every round, it suffers damage equal to its hit dice (without Resistance or Weakness applying). This damage does not apply when Black Fog is in its pokeball, but the [Curse] does not go away - it can only go away when the hour ends, Gengar dies, or receives a Remove Curse, Break Enchantment or Dispel Evil effect. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Soul Eater
Maximum Soul Eater (Su): once per minute, Mega Black Fog may cast Damning Darkness with a duration of 5 rounds. For the duration, the entire area is filled with Cursed Terrain, and every living creature within it suffers 1 Negative Level per round. At the start of every turn, Mega Black Fog gains 5 temporary hit points for every creature that suffered a negative level from it. These don't stack over multiple turns, and otherwise last for one minute. This is a [Ghost] effect.

Mega Evolution: when Black Fog becomes Mega Black Fog, it becomes even more terrifying, no longer resembling a giant Haunter so much as a big amorphous cloud of smoke. It grows one Size larger, but instead of the "normal" changes to ability scores and natural armour, it has the following: Constitution is increased by 2, Strength, Dexterity and Deflection Bonus all increase by 4, and its Charisma increases by 6. In this state, when it uses Self Destruct or Explosion, it no longer is automatically reduced to negative hit points - between temporary hit points, the saving throw, and Resisting the damage, if the damage is low enough, Mega Black Fog can keep fighting. Its [Pokebility] becomes Bad Dreams, replacing the existing one if necessary.

Bad Dreams (Su): all Humanoids that sleep within a mile of Mega Black Fog are wracked by nightmares and potentially prophetic visions during the night - if this happens for an entire night, they are subject to a Nightmare effect. If this is a brief experience (as is likely with Mega Evolution), it merely is treated as disrupted sleep. On the other hand, any Sleeping creature within 60 feet of Mega Black Fog suffers damage each turn equal to Black Fog's hit dice, plus one point of Wisdom damage, each round. This is a [Pokebility].

Tutor Moves:

Acid Spray (Ex): once per five rounds, the Pokemon may spray deadly acid out in a Breath weapon, albeit only in a 25' Cone. All in the area suffer 1d4 points of Acid damage per 3 hit dice it has (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Additionally, this acid softens various protections for those who fail the saving throw, granting them a penalty to Armour Class, Damage Reduction and Saving Throws equal to the number of damage dice rolled, for 1 minute. This is a [Ballistic] [Poison] attack.

Curse Terrain (Sp): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to release Cursed Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Ghost] effect.

Dazzling Gleam (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to release a flash of bright magical light out in a 30' radius Burst from itself. This deals 1d10 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Additionally, anything that fails its save is also rendered Blind for 1 round, and then Dazzled for 2 more rounds. Creatures that have no eyesight take the minimum damage from this and are not blinded or dazzled. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Foul Play (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may turn an opponent's strength against them in an underhanded manner. With a Standard Action, it makes a melee attack roll against a foe within reach, and if it hits, it deals damage based on the target's Size (1d8 if they are Medium), plus one and a half times the target's Strength Bonus. This is a [Dark] attack.

Haze (Su): once per five rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to exhale a gentle light haze across the field, either as a 60' Cone or everywhere in a 30' radius of itself. This clears away all magical hazards (as well as hazards created by Pokemon Attacks, such as Web and Stealth Rock), and also clears out any Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) to creatures in the area that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. For instance, drinking a potion of Bull's Strength and having Mage Armour cast on you would be wiped away, but wearing a belt of Strength would not be affected. This is an [Ice] effect.

Nasty Plot (Ex): by concentrating on schemes and tactics as a Full Round Action, the Pokemon can grant itself an Eagle's Splendour effect at will. In addition, while this is in effect, it gains +1d6 Sneak Attack damage. This is a [Dark] effect.

Pain Split (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may attempt to even its life force out with that of another creature within 30 feet. This uses a Standard Action, and if the target has more current hit points than the Pokemon, the Pokemon steals 1d10 hit points from the target. If the target has more than twice as many hit points than the Pokemon, it instead steals 3d10 hit points. If the Pokemon has more hit points than the target, the target instead steals 1d10 hit points from the user (or 3d10 if the user has more than double the target's hit points). Resistance and Weakness do not apply to this, because it is not damage, it is "stealing hit points". This also means it does not count as a damaging attack. This is a [Normal] attack.

Scary Face (Ex): the Pokemon may pull a scary face at a foe to Demoralise them with a Swift Action, and if successful they are Frightened for 1 round before the normal effects take place. This is a [Normal] effect.

Sludge Bomb (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may unleash an explosive blast of gooey toxins with a Standard Action. This is resolved in a 20' radius Blast within Medium Range, and deals 1d6 Acid damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Additionally, all creatures that take any damage from this must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) against Poison that has both Primary and Secondary damage of 1d10 Constitution damage. This is a [Ballistic] [Poison] attack.

Sludge Wave (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a powerful wave of toxic sludge. The wave begins adjacent, and is 10 feet wider than the Pokemon (so extends five feet out either side) and twenty feet high. It then launches forward as a Line, out to forty feet before disippating. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail the save are also knocked backwards until they leave the Area, and knocked Prone. If they collide with an object that stops their movement, they suffer an additional 1d6 Bludgeoning damage for every 5' of movement prevented. Creatures damaged by this are also subject to Poison: the Save DC is the same as the Reflex Save, the Primary damage is 1d8 Constitution damage, and the Secondary damage is 2d6 Constitution damage. This also leaves the entire area coated in a Caustic Mire effect (same DC) for one minute. This is a [Poison] attack.

Toxic (Ex): the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to spit or squirt a stream of deadly toxins out to Close Range - this requires a Ranged Touch Attack to hit, and can be used once per ten minutes. If it hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save against Poison with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, or suffer 1d6 Con damage. Once poisoned, they must then save again every round at the end of their turn or suffer ability damage again, until either they die, the poison is neutralised, or they successfully save against it three rounds in a row, fighting the toxins off completely. This is a [Poison] effect.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Tiny Fey, CR 1/2
3 11 10 9 14 10
1d12 (6 HP), Init +0, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +0/-12
-Slam +2 (1d3-4)
AC: 13 (+2 Size, +1 Natural Armour), Flat 13, Touch 12
Fort +0 Ref +2 Will +4
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Lightning Reflexes
Skills: Heal +6, Spot +6, Sense Motive +6
Special Attacks: Charm Person
Special Qualities: Normal Pokemon Traits, Curative Magic, Natural Cure OR Serene Grace, Copycat, Hospitality
Rare Traits: Friend Guard, Gravity, Heal Bell, Present
Tutor Moves: Protect, Icy Wind, Thunder Wave, Helping Hand, Light Screen
Advancement: 2-4 HD (Tiny); evolves into CHAN-SEY~ at 5 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d12 HP, Poor BAB, Good Will, 4 + Int skill points

Sitting before you is what appears to be a pink little egg, a happy thing that seems to be treasuring a smooth stone it holds.

Normal Traits: Happiny can be affected as though it had the Animal Type. It is weak against [Fighting] attacks, and is considered Immune to [Ghost] attacks, always Resisting them. It is completely immune to the [Ghost] attacks of creatures that are not manifest on the same Plane - Ethereal creatures must manifest in order to target it with [Ghost] attacks. It is also immune specifically to possession (but not simple mind control and domination).

Charm Person (Sp): once per day, Happiny can cast Charm Person with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Fairy] effect.

Curative Magic (Sp): once per day, Happiny can cast Cure Light Wounds. At three hit dice, this is upgraded to Cure Moderate Wounds. At five hit dice, it is upgraded to Cure Serious Wounds. At seven hit dice, it upgrades to Cure Critical Wounds, and every two hit dice thereafter, it gains an additional daily use. This is a [Normal] effect.

Copycat (Su): once per hour, Happiny may think back to the previous round, and use whichever attack was used most recently - by anyone within 30 feet - in this timeframe. It uses the same action as the emulated ability, and uses its own ability scores etc. This is a [Normal] effect, although the ability copied might not be.

Hospitality (Ex): whenever Happiny uses the Heal skill to provide long-term care, it automatically rolls a 20 on the Heal check. For every 10 points by which it exceeds the DC, the patient is treated as resting for twice as long (2 days then 4 days then 8 days etc).

Natural Cure (Ex): if Happiny has this [Pokebility], any time it rests for one minute or returns to its pokeball, it is completely cured of all Poisons, Disease, Temporary Ability Damage, Burns, Frostbite, Sickening, Nausea, Paralysis, Dazing, Stunning and [Mind-Affecting] effects, and Spell effects with a non-Permanent or Instantaneous duration.

Serene Grace (Ex): on the other hand, if Happiny has this [Pokebility], the Save DC for any of its effects that cause an affliction (so, not simply a Reflex Save for half damage, but "Reflex Half, and on a failed save the target is also on fire" would count) increases by 4.

Rare Traits:
Friend Guard (Su): if Happiny has this rare [Pokebility], all of its allies within 60 feet reduce all incoming damage (as though by Damage Reduction or a universal Energy Resistance, not Type effectiveness) by an amount equal to Happiny's hit dice. This does not extend to Happiny itself.

Gravity (Su): once per hour, Happiny can create a field of enhanced gravity in a 60' emanation with a Standard Action. For the next minute, all in this area lose the ability to Fly, as well as Flying Pokemon Traits and the Levitate [Pokebility], nor can anything be launched into the air as the result of an attack. The result of any Jump check is halved (round down), as is the range (or range increment) of any ranged weapon (including Ray spells but not Area of Effect attacks). Everything within the area is treated as carrying twice as much weight as they are, and any Armour is treated as one grade heavier for the purpose of movement and mobility. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Heal Bell (Su): once per hour, Happiny can chime a magical bell with a Standard Action. All creatures within 30 feet that can hear it are cured of all Poisons, Disease, Temporary Ability Damage, Burns, Frostbite, Sickening, Nausea, Paralysis, Dazing, Stunning and [Mind-Affecting] effects, and Spell effects with a non-Permanent or Instantaneous duration. This sound even penetrates pokeballs. This is a [Sound] [Norma] ability.

Present (Su): with a Full Round Action, Happiny may give a special gift to an adjacent creature. This gift must be prepared out of combat, and takes one minute to put together, and 1d10 minutes to forage the various bits and pieces to use (unless the trainer purchases 1 GP worth of materials in advance). Upon gifting it to somebody, it explodes to deal 1d6 damage per hit die to the target with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). However, there is also a 10% chance that the ingredients are all healthy things and the explosion restores that many HP instead. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 2 hit dice, it learns Defense Curl and Sweet Kiss
Defense Curl (Ex): any time Happiny takes a Total Defence action, the benefits of having done so remain until the end of its next turn. This is a [Normal] effect.

Sweet Kiss (Su): at will, Happiny may use a Standard Action to attempt to kiss an adjacent creature with a Touch Attack. This provokes an Attack of Opportunity, but being hit does not disrupt this like a spell. If this hits, the target must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Confused for one round per hit die Happiny has. If the target is Charmed, they must roll their saving throw twice and pick the lower result. This is a [Normal] effect.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Disarming Voice and Covet
Disarming Voice (Su): with a Standard Action once per three rounds, Happiny may shout loudly and startle its foes. All enemies within 30 feet that are not deaf suffer 1d6 Sonic damage, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This is a [Sonic] [Fairy] attack.

Covet (Ex): upon succeeding with a natural weapon attack, Happiny may elect not to apply any other secondary effects from Special Attacks, and instead make a Steal Combat Maneuver check, as though its Base Attack Bonus equalled its hit dice, and with its choice of Strength or Dexterity. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Lively and Charm
Lively (Sp): when Happiny uses its Curative Magic, it can target a creature that has been dead for less than one round, keeping track of damage in excess of the threshold needed to kill the target. If this restores enough hit points to bring the target back across that threshold, even if it does not bring them above zero hit points, the target is returned back to life, without suffering from the side-effects of death. This is a [Normal] effect.

Charm (Sp): once per day, Happiny may cast Charm Monster with a Save DC of 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is [Mind-Affecting] [Charm] [Fairy] effect.


Small Fey, CR 5
3 12 16 13 20 10
5d12+15 (47 HP), Init +1, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +2/-6
-Slam +4 (1d4-4)
AC: 15 (+1 Size, +1 Dexterity, +3 Natural Armour), Flat 14, Touch 12
Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +9
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Heal)
Skills: Heal +16, Spot +13, Sense Motive +13, Listen +13
Special Attacks: Sweet Kiss, Disarming Voice, Covet, Echoed Voice, Lucky Punch
Special Qualities: Normal Pokemon Traits, Natural Cure OR Serene Grace, Curative Magic, Lively, Life Dew, Copycat, Hospitality, Defense Curl, Charm
Rare Traits: Healer, Gravity, Heal Bell, Present
Tutor Moves: Protect, Icy Wind, Thunder Wave, Swift, Water Pulse, Chilling Water, Soft-Boiled, Fling, Body Slam, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Seismic Toss, Minimize
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Small); evolves into Blissey at 9 hit dice
Hit Dice: 1d12 HP, Poor BAB, Good Will, 4 + Int skill points

This creature looks like a big pink egg, with small limbs, a smiling face, and dreadlocks? It clearly seems friendly.

Normal Traits: Chansey can be affected as though it had the Animal Type. It is weak against [Fighting] attacks, and is considered Immune to [Ghost] attacks, always Resisting them. It is completely immune to the [Ghost] attacks of creatures that are not manifest on the same Plane - Ethereal creatures must manifest in order to target it with [Ghost] attacks. It is also immune specifically to possession (but not simple mind control and domination).

Lucky Punch (Ex): once per 3 rounds, Chansey can unleash a Slam attack that has a +3 Luck Bonus to the attack roll, never applies any Penalty to the damage roll (such as a Penalty due to a low Strength score), as well as a natural Critical Threat Range of 18-20. This is a [Normal] [Punch] attack.

Echoed Voice (Ex): whenever Chaney uses a damaging [Sonic] attack, it may do so again on the following round regardless of normal usage limites, increasing the damage die one step each time (d3 -> d4 -> d6 -> d8 -> d10 -> d12), and this can be repeated (with further increases) turn after turn. If an attack already deals (or has been increases to) d12 damage but deals fewer than one die per hit die, then it increases to 1d12 per hit die, with no limit. If an attack already deals this, or an amount not based on dice, it can still be repeated but does not deal more damage. This is the same type as the attack repeated.

Life Dew (Su): once per minute, Chansey can scatter magical water around, covering it and everything within 5 feet of it. They all regain 1d8 hit points per 2 hit dice Chansey has (round up). This is a [Water] ability.

Rare Traits:
Healer (Su): if Happiny had Friend Guard, then upon evolving, its [Pokebility] becomes Healer. At the end of each of its turns, every adjacent ally may make another saving throw against any affliction (providing the afflictions resulted from failed saving throws in the first place). Success causes the effect to end instantly, although damage already suffered still remains.

At 6 hit dice, it learns Helping Hand and Heal Pulse
Helping Hand (Su): when Chansey uses the Aid Other action, it grants a +4 Bonus, and this applies to Attack rolls, opposed checks, Save DC and Caster Level for the first ability used by the recipient on their next turn, as well as Empowering any damage rolled. This is a [Normal] effect.

Heal Pulse (Su): once per hour, Chansey may unleash a pulse of positive energy with a Standard Action, out to Close Range. This requires a Ranged Touch Attack unless the target is willing to receive it and not threatened, nor benefiting from Cover or Concealment. On a successful hit, this restores 1d4 hit points per hit die. This is a [Ballistic] [Psychic] effect.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Light Screen and Double Slap
Light Screen (Su): once per hour, Chansey may emit powerful light that forms an actual protective shield. This functions as a Wall of Light spell, however any creature attacking through it that cannot see through it treats all targets as having half Cover. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Double Slap (Ex): Chansey may use a Full Round Action at will to slap a target repeatedly. This functions as a Flurry of Blows as though performed by a PHB Monk with a level equal to Chansey's hit dice, using the Monk's unarmed strike damage based on Chansey's size. This is a [Normal] attack.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Egg Bomb and Double-Edge
Egg Bomb (Su): once per hour, Chansey can hurl an explosive egg at a foe, packed like an artillery shell. This requires a Standard Action, and is a ranged attack made out to 150 feet. On a successful hit, this explodes, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die and Burning the target, as well as unleashing a 15' radius Blast - everything else in the area suffers 1d4 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half Chansey's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw must then succeed on a Fortitude Save (same DC) or also be Burned. This is a [Ballistic] [Fire] attack.

Double-Edge (Ex): whenever Chancey uses its Slam attack at the end of a charge, it deals maximised damage as though three Size Categories larger, and as though its Strength were 10 points higher. It may also attempt a free Trip against the foe as part of this. At the same time as it deals damage to the target, it also suffers "recoil" damage of a maximised Slam attack (without the increased size and Strength). This is a [Normal] attack.


Medium Fey, CR 9
5 12 24 15 30 14
9d12+72 (130 HP), Init +1, Speed 20' Fly 20' (Clumsy)
BAB/Grab: +4/+1
-Slam +5 (1d6-3)
AC: 16 (+1 Dexterity, +5 Natural Armour), Flat 15, Touch 11
Fort +10 Ref +6 Will +16
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Heal), Improved Toughness, Empower Supernatural Ability
Skills: Heal +25, Spot +22, Sense Motive +22, Listen +22, Search +14, Concentration +19
Special Attacks: Sweet Kiss, Disarming Voice, Covet, Echoed Voice, Lucky Punch, Egg Bomb, Double-Edge
Special Qualities: Normal Pokemon Traits, Natural Cure OR Serene Grace, Soft-Boiled, Curative Magic, Hospitality, Lively, Life Dew, Copycat, Blissful Healing, Defense Curl, Charm, Heal Pulse, Light Screen, Helping Hand
Rare Traits: Healer, Gravity, Heal Bell, Present
Tutor Moves: Protect, Icy Wind, Thunder Wave, Swift, Water Pulse, Chilling Water, Rock Tomb, Fling, Body Slam, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Seismic Toss, Minimize
Advancement: 10+ HD (Medium)
Hit Dice: 1d12 HP, Poor BAB, Good Will, 4 + Int skill points

This giant pink egg is actually the height of a slightly short adult - borne aloft on little wings, it can sort of glide about and also can make up those few inches to look you in the eye. It is both friendly and happy.

Normal Traits: Blissey can be affected as though it had the Animal Type. It is weak against [Fighting] attacks, and is considered Immune to [Ghost] attacks, always Resisting them. It is completely immune to the [Ghost] attacks of creatures that are not manifest on the same Plane - Ethereal creatures must manifest in order to target it with [Ghost] attacks. It is also immune specifically to possession (but not simple mind control and domination).

Blissful Healing (Su): whenever Blissey uses a Supernatural or Spell-Like Ability to restore a creature's hit points - including its own - it also removes all negative [Mind-Affecting] effects from the target, and clears away all Ability Damage dealt to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma.

Soft-Boiled (Su): once per day per three hit dice (round up), Blissey can call upon the magic of eggs to restore 10 hit points per hit die to itself, or half as much to another adjacent creature. This requires a Standard Action and is a [Normal] effect.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Last Resort and Healing Wish
Last Resort (Ex): this is the absolute best attack available, but is kept in reserve for when everything else has been tried. If Blissey has used each of its other Special Attacks at least once each in the same encounter, it may use a Standard Action to make a single melee attack. This deals 15 damage per hit die and is a [Normal] attack that can only be used once per hour.

Healing Wish (Sp): once per day, a Blissey with more than zero hit points may use a Standard Action to sacrifice itself to heal another. It instantly falls to -1 hit points (but stable) and loses all temporary hit points. One ally within 30 feet instantly receives a Greater Heal effect and a Restoration effect. If no such ally in the area wants to accept this effect, the healing energy lingers for up to one minute, and the first ally in the area to accept the blessing (as a Free Action) within this time gains the benefit, expending it. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Tender Vengeance and Happiness Supplement
Tender Vengeance (Su): at will, Blissey may make a Slam attack with a Standard Action against a foe that damaged it within the last round. If it hits, the attack deals double damage (triple on a Critical Hit), but all damage is Non-Lethal Damage, and Blissey regains hit points equal to its hit dice. This is a [Normal] effect.

Happiness Supplement (Su): once per hour, Blissey can use a Standard Action to provide happiness energy to an adjacent creature or itself. This clears away all Non-Lethal Damage, then converts all regular damage to Non-Lethal dmage, then converts all Vile damage to regular damage. It also provides a Heart's Ease or Good Hope effect to the target (their choice). This is a [Normal] effect.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Expert in Roundness and Zen Headbutt
Expert in Roundness (Ex): despite being soft, Blissey is able to draw upon its round essence to compress perfectly and resist damage, crumpling instead of cracking. Whenever it takes a Total Defence, it Resists all damage types (even those against which it would normally be Weak). Thanks to Defense Curl, this of course lasts until the end of its next turn. This is a [Normal] ability.

Zen Headbutt (Su): once per three rounds, Blissey may utilise zen in order to have delivered a sharp headbutt that utilises its mind rather than its skull. But at no point does it actually decide to headbutt something, it merely ends up having headbutted them. If you don't understand, you're not enlightened. With a Standard Action, it uses its zen, and then at any point before the start of its next turn, the headbutt can be declared against a target that was adjacent to it. This is resolved as a Slam attack that has a base damage of 2d6 for a Medium creature, plus one and a half times its Strength Bonus, plus its Concentration skill total. If not used during its own actual turn, this also forces the target to attempt a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Stunned until the start of their next turn. This is a [Psychic] attack.

At 13 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Metronome
Metronome (Su): once per minute, Blissey can wave its finger to a tune that belies the harmonics of the universe, and unleash unreliable power. Roll 1d6. On a 1-5, it creates the effects of a Rod of Wonder, choosing a target and then determining the random effects. On a 6, the Pokemon can select a single Sorcerer/Wizard spell of first or second level, and cast it immediately. At 10 hit dice, roll 1d8 instead. On a 1-4, it creates the Rod of Wonder effect, on a 5-7 it duplicates a first or second level spell, and on an 8, it can create any Sorcerer/Wizard spell of level 5 or lower. Any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Normal] effect, although the resulting effect probably isn't.

At 14 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Happy Cyclone
Happy Cyclone (Su): once per day, Blissey can create a Whirlwind with the size, duration and movement of the spell. However, it does not have any of the usual effects of the spell as it is a rush of magical happiness energy that can't buffet and throw things around. Instead, anything it touches benefits from Elation, Good Hope and Remove Fatigue effects. This is a [Normal] [Wind] ability.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Healing
Maximum Healing (Sp): once per minute, Mega Blissey can cast Mass Heal. If a target has not suffered any damage or effects that the spell can heal, the effect will linger as a contingency for up to 2 rounds, triggering on them as soon as they are subject to damage or an effect that the spell can heal. This is a [Normal] effect.

Mega Evolution: when Blissey becomes Mega Blissey, it becomes even bigger, and glows with divine light and happiness. It grows to Large Size, but instead of the usual changes to ability scores and natural armour, its Strength, Charisma and Natural Armour each increase by 4, and its Wisdom increases by 8. It emits light as though by a Light spell, and its [Pokebility] is unchanged. Its Fly Speed becomes 30' (Good).

Tutor Moves:

Body Slam (Ex): at will, the Pokemon may either use a Standard Action to deliver a Slam, or Charge an opponent and use a Slam instead of any other attacks. This increases the damage by two steps. This adds one and a half times its Strength Bonus, and if the target takes any damage (after Resistance), they must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Strength Bonus) or be Stunned until the end of the Pokemon's next turn (during which time it cannot be stunned again). This is a [Normal] attack.

Chilling Water (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash a rush of icy cold water at an opponent. This deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die, to a maximum of 5d6, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). A failed saving throw also results in the target being Fatigued, which can stack up to Exhaustion. This is a [Water] attack.

Flamethrower (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon can unleash a mighty breath weapon, a Cone that reaches out to Close Range and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw catch fire if they only failed by 1-3 (ie if the DC was 17 and they rolled a 14-16), and suffer a Burn if they failed by more than this amount. Should the attacker be Large or larger, any failure results in a Burn. This is a [Fire] attack that melts snow and ice, and incinerates plant life, starting fires.

Fling (Ex): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may hurl a held item at a foe. If the item is not a thrown weapon, it retains its normal damage but has a 15' range. If the item is a thrown weapon, it functions normally. If the item isn't a weapon at all, it has a 15' range and deals damage as an Improvised Weapon. If it is a Magic Item, any Enhancement Bonus it has (even if it is an Enhancement Bonus to a Shield Bonus or similar) applies to the attack and damage roll. The Pokemon stops being Attuned to a magic item it throws, after the attack is resolved. Regardless of the item used, this is a [Dark] attack.

Ice Beam (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to unleash a beam of super-cold frosted air at a target in Long Range. This is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack, and deals 1d6 Cold damage per hit die. A struck target must also succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be encased in ice, as per the Icy Prison spell. This is an [Ice] attack.

Icy Wind (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to exhale a chilling wave of air. This functions as a Gust of Wind effect, however it also deals damage equal to its hit dice to all in the area (halved if they succeed on the Fortitude Save), and on a failed Save, afflicted creatures suffer a -4 Penalty to Dexterity for 3 rounds. The Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is an [Ice] attack and a [Wind] effect.

Minimize (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to shrink itself magically. For the next minute, it shrinks down two Size Categories, and has a +4 Size Bonus to Dexterity, and a -4 Size Penalty to Strength (minimum 1). This is a [Normal] effect.

Protect (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use strange magic to surround itself in an impenetrable force. With an Immediate Action, it blocks Line of Effect to all attacks until the start of its next turn, although if something can destroy a [Force] effect or Wall of Force, it will leave the Pokemon vulnerable to further attacks. This is a [Normal] effect.

Rock Tomb (Ex): the Pokemon gains the Rock Throwing ability of a Hill Giant (except with its own Strength, Base Attack Bonus etc, and adjusting the damage die downwards if smaller than Large), or a Stone Giant if it has Rock Pokemon Traits. If the Pokemon is Huge or larger, it instead uses the Rock Throwing ability of a Cloud Giant, scaling the damage up if necessary. This is a [Rock] attack.

Seismic Toss (Ex): once per three rounds, the Pokemon can attempt to Grapple a foe, without provoking an Attack of Opportunity. This uses its hit dice in place of its Base Attack Bonus, and neither participant uses their Strength or Size modifiers for the opposed check. If this succeeds, the target is hurled to the ground, taking damage equal to 1d6 plus the Pokemon's hit dice total. This is a [Fighting] attack.

Swift (Su): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon can unlesh multiple star-shaped beams of light that home unerringly on their target. Once per five rounds, it may produce an effect identical to Magic Missile, save that it is not a [Force] effect and in fact is a [Normal] attack, so bad against ghosts.

Thunder Wave (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon may unleash electromagnetic waves in a Cone that is 15' long (and therefore 15' wide at the furthest point). All in the area must succeed at a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Paralyzed for one round, plus 1 more round for every 5 points by which they fail the save. This is an [Electric] effect.

Thunderbolt (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may unleash a blast of electricity that functions as the spell Lightning Bolt, except there is no cap on the damage and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Those that fail the saving throw are Staggered for one round if they only failed by 1-3, and are Stunned for 2 rounds if they failed by more than this amount. This is an [Electric] attack.

Water Pulse (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon can unleash a powerful burst of water that hits with incredible hydrostatic pressure. This uses a Standard Action, and targets the first target in a 30' long Line if smaller than Medium (60' if it is Medium or Large, 90' if it is Huge or Gargantuan, and 120' if it is bigger than that). The target takes 1d8 damage per 2 hit dice (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target suffers any damage, they must also pass a Will Save (same DC) or become Confused for one round per hit die. This is a [Ballistic] [Water] attack.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Small Aberration, CR 1
11 13 14 3 8 12
1d6+2 (5 HP), Init +1, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +1/-3
-Slam +3 (1d4)
AC: 16 (+1 Size, +1 Dexterity, +4 Natural Armour), Flat 15, Touch 12
Fort +4 Ref +1 Will -1
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Ability Focus (Smog)
Skills: Move Silently +5
Special Attacks: Poison Gas, Smog
Special Qualities: Poison Pokemon Traits, Levitate OR Neutralizing Gas
Rare Traits: Stench, Curse, Pain Split, Spite, Grudge, Destiny Bond, Toxic Spikes, Venom Drench
Tutor Moves: Acid Spray, Psybeam, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Gyro Ball, Torment
Advancement: 2-6 HD (Small); evolves into Weezing or Galarian Weezing at 7 HD
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort, 2 + Int skill points

A strange, purple ball floats through the air, bouyed about by clouds of toxic gas. It has a big dopey grin on its face, and gleefully calls out its name: KOFFING!

Poison Traits: Koffing is weak against [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Grass] and [Poison] attacks. It cannot be Poisoned, and thus is immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take (reduced) damage from things like Gunk Shot. Koffing harmlessly absorbs toxic spikes and sludge just by landing on or in them, and when holding (or covered in) the Black Sludge item/substance, it doesn't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1.

Poison Gas (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Koffing may unleash a cloud of toxic gas in a Spread that extends out to Close Range. This lingers for 3 rounds, does not interfere with visibility, and potentially Poisons all who inhale it: the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, the Primary damage is 2 Constitution damage and one round of Nausea, and the Secondary damage is 4 Constitution damage. This is a [Poison] attack and a gas.

Smog (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, Koffing may unleash exhaust fumes at a target in Close Range. This deals 1d12 damage, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus; the sample Koffing has a DC of 13 due to Ability Focus), and on a failed save the target is also poisoned, with Primary and Secondary damage of 3d6 additional hit point damage, as well as being Sickened for one minute. This is a [Poison] attack and a gas.

Levitate (Su): if Koffing has this [Pokebility], it is borne aloft. It can change its elevation up or down with a maximum height of 15 feet above the ground, and as long as it is not touching the ground, it is considered Immune to [Ground] attacks (similar to having Flying Pokemon Traits). This is not an actual Fly speed, however.

Neutralizing Gas (Su): if Koffing has this [Pokebility], it emits a cloud of gas out to 50 feet from itself. This nullifies all [Pokebilities] except for Neutralizing Gas, Multitype, Zen Mode, Stance Change, Power Construct, Schooling, RKS System, Shields Down, Battle Bond, Comatose, Disguise, Gulp Missile, Ice Face, As One, or Tera Shift.

Rare Traits:
Stench (Ex): if Koffing has this rare [Pokebility], it constantly emits a terrible smell. Living creatures within 30 feet of it must succeed on a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or be Sickened for 10 rounds. Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected by the same creature's stench for 24 hours. A Delay Poison or Neutralize Poison spell removes the effect from the sickened creature. Creatures with immunity to being Poisoned are unaffected. The Scent ability is completely overwhelmed and nonfunctional within 60 feet of Koffing, but Tracking it by Scent is easier, receiving a +10 Bonus to the check.

Curse (Su): a Koffing with this ability may curse itself - a strange idea, but one that can be of benefit. This is a Standard Action that can be performed once per hour, and causes Koffing to be Slowed for ten minutes. For the same duration, it gains a +4 Enhancement Bonus to Strength, Constitution and Natural Armour. This is an actual curse so can be removed in the usual ways, but is also a [Ghost] effect.

Destiny Bond (Su): with an Immediate Action upon being hit by an attack that would reduce it below zero HP or kill it outright, a Koffing with this trait may gaze upon its attacker if they are within 30 feet. They must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or die. Koffing then dies after this, even if it had only been reduced to negative hit points. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Grudge (Sp): once per day, a Koffing with this trait can unleash a hateful curse on a foe within 60' by using a Standard Action. The opponent suffers 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). On a failed save, the target suffers a reduction in abilities: every ability they have with limited uses per day or per hour has one such daily or hourly use expended. If they have Spell Slots or Prepared Spells, they lose one of the highest level Slots/Spells available, and if they have Power Points, they lose an amount equal to their Manifester Level. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Pain Split (Su): once per hour, Koffing may attempt to even its life force out with that of another creature within 30 feet. This uses a Standard Action, and if the target has more current hit points than Koffing, Koffing steals 1d10 hit points from the target. If the target has more than twice as many hit points than Koffing, it instead steals 3d10 hit points. If Koffing has more hit points than the target, the target instead steals 1d10 hit points from the user (or 3d10 if the user has more than double the target's hit points). Resistance and Weakness do not apply to this, because it is not damage, it is "stealing hit points". This also means it does not count as a damaging attack. This is a [Normal] attack.

Spite (Su): once per minute, Koffing may level a curse against an enemy within 100 feet with a Standard Action. If the foe fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), any ability that has a cooldown after use is instantly put on cooldown as though used (without providing the effects of usage), and any ability with limited Daily (or Weekly or Hourly) uses has one of those uses expended. This [Ghost] attack is a [Curse] effect.

Toxic Spikes (Su): with a Standard Action, Koffing can scatter venomous spikes around. This creates a Spike Growth effect, with a duration of 1 round per hit die. Furthermore, any creature that takes damage from this must make a Fortitude Save against Poison at the end of their turn - the Save DC is Constitution-based, and the Primary damage is 2 Strength damage, followed by taking 1d4 damage per round for one minute. The Secondary damage is 2 Constitution damage. If it casts this on a new area, any existing instances of its Toxic Spikes vanish (although any damage is still done). It may, however, cast it on an already-affected area, in which case it deals damage as a Spike Stones effect, the Ability Damage is doubled, and the ongoing poison damage becomes 1d6 per round. This is a [Poison] effect.

Venom Drench (Su): with a Standard Action once per five rounds, Koffing may douse a Poisoned target within 20 feet with even more toxins, activating the existing ones and weakening the target. The target suffers a Penalty to Strength, Dexterity and Charisma for one minute, of -1 per 3 hit dice the attacker has (round up).

At 2 hit dice, it learns Smoke Screen and Clear Smog
Smoke Screen (Ex): with a Standard Action, Koffing can exhale a cloud of smoke in a 15' Cone, that lingers for 1 round. This blocks Line of Sight just like fog, and anyone in the area must make a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or be Blind for 1 round, and then suffer a -2 Penalty on all attack rolls for 1 minute. This can be used once per five rounds, and is a [Fire] effect.

Clear Smog (Su): once per five rounds, Koffing may use a Standard Action to exhale a barely visible smog cloud. This is a 5' radius cloud that starts adjacent to it, then moves away in a straight line at a speed of 20 feet per round for 3 rounds. Anything in the area suffers 1d12 damage with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and anything that fails the save is also cleared of all Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. This is a [Poison] effect and a gas.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Assurance and Confusion Gas
Assurance (Ex): any time Koffing threatens a foe, if the foe is damaged by anything that is not the Koffing or an Attack of Opportuniy, it may take an Attack of Opportunity against the target. This is a [Dark] attack.

Confusion Gas (Su): [/b] with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Koffing may unleash a cloud of befuddling gas in a Spread that extends out to Close Range. This lingers for 3 rounds, does not interfere with visibility, and potentially Poisons all who inhale it: the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, the Primary damage is 2 Wisdom damage and one minute of Confusion, and the Secondary damage is 2 Intelligence damage. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Poison] attack and a gas.

At 4 hit dice, it learns Sludge and Suffocation Gas
Sludge (Ex): with a Standard Action once per 5 rounds, Koffing may use a Ranged Touch Attack to hurl toxic sludge at a target within Close Range. If this hits, it deals 2d6 damage and 1 Constitution Damage, and then at the start of each of the target's turns, they suffer damage again, including the ability damage, though they can scrape it off with a Full Round Action to prevent this. Poison Pokemon suffer the hit point damage but not the ability damage. With a DC 20 Survival check, this can be harvested once per day - doing so prevents it from being able to use this ability for the rest of the day - and then a DC 25 Craft (Alchemy) check can turn this into the Black Sludge item. This is a [Poison] attack.

Suffocation Gas (Su): once per day, Koffing may cast Suffocation with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Poison] attack and a gas.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Haze and Mustard Gas
Haze (Su): once per five rounds, Koffing may use a Standard Action to exhale a gentle light haze across the field, either as a 60' Cone or everywhere in a 30' radius of itself. This clears away all magical hazards (as well as hazards created by Pokemon Attacks, such as Web and Stealth Rock), and also clears out any Bonuses and Penalties (but not Damage, Non-Lethal Damage, Ability Damage/Drain, or status effects and conditions such as Nausea or Burns) to creatures in the area that are neither permanent nor ongoing modifiers caused by equipment. For instance, drinking a potion of Bull's Strength and having Mage Armour cast on you would be wiped away, but wearing a belt of Strength would not be affected. This is an [Ice] effect.

Mustard Gas (Su): once per minute, Koffing may expel a cloud of toxic smoke that instantly burns the skin and eyes. This requires a Standard Action, and creates a 15' radius cloud within Medium Range that lingers for 3 rounds (unless dispersed by winds). All in the area suffer 1d12 points of damage, with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + the better of its Constitution or Charisma Bonus). A failed save also results in targets being Burned and rendered Blind for 1 minute. This is a [Poison] attack and a gas, but the conditions are not a result of being poisoned.

At 6 hit dice, it learns Self-Destruct and Sludge Bomb
Self Destruct (Ex): once per day, Koffing may use a Full Round Action to detonate, igniting the gases within itself. This erupts out to Close Range, and everything in the area (itself included) suffers damage equal to Koffing's full maximum hit points. A Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) halves the damage, but regardless of Temporary Hit Points, saving throws etc. Koffing can never remain with zero or more hit points - adjust it down to -1 if necessary. This is a [Normal] attack.

Sludge Bomb (Su): once per three rounds, Koffing may unleash an explosive blast of gooey toxins with a Standard Action. This is resolved in a 20' radius Blast within Medium Range, and deals 1d6 Acid damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Additionally, all creatures that take any damage from this must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) against Poison that has both Primary and Secondary damage of 1d10 Constitution damage. This is a [Ballistic] [Poison] attack.


Small Aberration, CR 7
15 15 14 3 14 14
7d6+14 (38 HP), Init +2, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +7/+5
-Slam +8/+8 (1d4+3)
AC: 21 (+1 Size, +2 Dexterity, +8 Natural Armour), Flat 19, Touch 13
Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +4
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Ability Focus (Sludge Bomb), Empower Supernatural Ability, Widen Supernatural Ability
Skills: Move Silently +12
Special Attacks: Poison Gas, Smog, Clear Smog, Assurance, Confusion Gas, Sludge, Suffocating Gas, Mustard Gas, Self-Destruct, Sludge Bomb, Heat Wave, Double Hit
Special Qualities: Poison Pokemon Traits, Levitate or Neutralizing Gas, Smokescreen, Haze, Fog
Rare Traits: Stench, Curse, Pain Split, Spite, Grudge, Destiny Bond, Toxic Spikes, Venom Drench
Tutor Moves: Acid Spray, Psybeam, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Gyro Ball, Torment, Fire Blast, Venoshock, Infestation, Ominous Wind, Hyper Beam
Advancement: 8-10 HD (Small); 11-18 HD (Medium); 19+ HD (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort, 2 + Int skill points

Two spherical purple heads are joined to one another, and both look miserable. They constantly wheeze and moan various smoke and gas clouds out.

Poison Traits: Weezing is weak against [Ground] and [Psychic] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Grass] and [Poison] attacks. It cannot be Poisoned, and thus is immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take (reduced) damage from things like Gunk Shot. Weezing harmlessly absorbs toxic spikes and sludge just by landing on or in them, and when holding (or covered in) the Black Sludge item/substance, it doesn't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1.

Heat Wave (Su): once per hour, Weezing may use a Full Round Action to unleash an emanation of terrible heat out to Medium Range - unless in Harsh Sunlight, in which case it extends out to Long Range. This spreads directly out from Weezing, melts snow and ice, and withers plant life, but is blocked entirely by cover. Everything that is caught in the area suffers 1d10 Fire damage per 4 hit dice (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw also suffer a Burn. This is a [Fire], [Wind] attack.

Double Hit (Ex): Weezing may make its Slam attack twice with a Standard Action. This is a [Normal] attack.

Fog (Sp): once per hour, Weezing may cast Fog Cloud.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Toxic and Gas Explosion
Toxic (Ex): Weezing may use a Standard Action to spit or squirt a stream of deadly toxins out to Close Range - this requires a Ranged Touch Attack to hit, and can be used once per ten minutes. If it hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save against Poison with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, or suffer 1d6 Con damage. Once poisoned, they must then save again every round at the end of their turn or suffer ability damage again, until either they die, the poison is neutralised, or they successfully save against it three rounds in a row, fighting the toxins off completely. This is a [Poison] effect.

Gas Explosion (Ex): whenever Weezing is in the Area of any of its own gas attacks, it may ignite them, causing a massive explosion. Everything in the area, Weezing included, suffers 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). This clears the gas away, but sets the terrain on fire, as well as all creatures that failed their saving throw (with the exception of Weezing itself). Anything in the area that does not have Poison Traits is also Sickened for 3 rounds. This is a [Poison] attack.

At 9 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Belch
Belch (Ex): as long as Weezing has eaten something (from a berry to a living opponent) within the last minute, it may use a Standard Action to burp up a horrifying toxic cloud. This is resolved in a 30' Cone, dealing 1d10 Sonic damage per hit die with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Failure also results in a subject being Deafened for ten minutes by the noise and Nauseated for 1d3 rounds by the stench. This is a sound-based [Sonic][Poison] attack, and each use requires eating again to "recharge".

At 10 hit dice, it learns Explosion and Recover
Explosion (Ex): when using Self Destruct, Weezing can make the explosive blast even mightier: the radius is increased by another 15' as though it had 6 more hit dice than it actually does, another 3 points of damage per hit die are dealt to all, and finally, everything that fails the saving throw is hurled to the outside edge of the area and knocked Prone. It is still a [Normal] effect.

Recover (Sp): once per hour, Weezing can cast Cure Critical Wounds, with itself as the only target. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Memento and Poison Mist
Memento (Sp): once per day, Weezing may hex an enemy at the cost of its own life, providing it has more than zero hit points. It uses a Standard Action, and instantly falls to -1 hit points (but stable), and loses all temporary hit points. When it makes this sacrifice, it designates one target in 50 feet, and that creature suffers the effects of a Greater Bestow Curse, with no saving throw. This is a [Ghost] effect that still affects Normal Pokemon just fine.

Poison Mist (Su): once per hour, Weezing may use a Standard Action to create an Obscuring Mist effect that lasts for only five rounds. Everything in this sinister area is more susceptible to the effects of poison, suffering a -4 Penalty on saving throws against being Poisoned, and adding 2 points of Strength and Constitution Damage to the Primary and Secondary damage of all poisons - these changes apply if the creature has to make the saving throw while in the area or if they are in the area at any point after being exposed to the poison but before the Secondary effects kick in. This is a [Poison] effect.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Destiny Bond and Super Poison Breath
Destiny Bond (Su): with an Immediate Action upon being hit by an attack that would reduce it below zero HP or kill it outright, Weezing may gaze upon its attacker if they are within 30 feet. They must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or die. Weezing then dies after this, even if it had only been reduced to negative hit points. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Super Poison Breath (Ex): once per day, Weezing may exhale a 20' Cone of toxic gas with a Standard Action. All in the area are subject to Poison with a Save DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and has Primary Damage Nausea for 1 round per 2 hit dice of Weezing (round up), and Secondary Damage of Unconsciousness for 1 minute. This is a [Poison] attack.

At 13 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Spinning Fumes
Spinning Fumes (Su): once per day, Weezing may cast Storm Tower. However, any creature that enters the wind and clouds, not the safe area inside, is subject to the effects of its Super Poison Breath. This is a [Wind] [Poison] attack.

At 14 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Corrosive Gas
Corrosive Gas (Su): once per day, Weezing may cast Acid Fog. This is a [Poison] attack.

At 15 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Maximum Monoxide
Maximum Monoxide (Su): once per minute, Mega Weezing may cast Mass Suffocation with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, however every target must be within the area of one of its gas attacks or its Neutralizing Gas. This is a [Poison] attack.

Mega Evolution: when Weezing becomes Mega Weezing, the heads grow less pained and belligerent, grinning smugly as they seemingly develop crowns. Mega Weezing has become Choking! It gains Flying Pokemon Traits in addition to its Poison ones, giving it a 30' Fly Speed (Good), Weakness to [Ice], [Lightning] and [Rock] attacks, and effective Immunity to [Ground] attacks. Its [Pokebility] becomes Neutralizing Gas if it was not already. Its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma and Natural Armour each increase by 4.


Galarian Weezing
Small Aberration, CR 7
15 15 14 3 14 14
7d6+14 (38 HP), Init +2, Speed 20'
BAB/Grab: +7/+5
-Slam +8 (1d4+3)
AC: 21 (+1 Size, +2 Dexterity, +8 Natural Armour), Flat 19, Touch 13
Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +4
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Ability Focus (Strange Steam), Empower Supernatural Ability, Widen Supernatural Ability
Skills: X
Special Attacks: Poison Gas, Smog, Clear Smog, Assurance, Confusion Gas, Sludge, Suffocating Gas, Mustard Gas, Self-Destruct, Sludge Bomb, Double Hit, Strange Steam
Special Qualities: Fairy and Poison Pokemon Traits, Levitate or Neutralizing Gas, Smokescreen, Haze, Fog
Rare Traits: Misty Surge, Curse, Pain Split, Spite, Grudge, Destiny Bond, Toxic Spikes, Venom Drench
Tutor Moves: Acid Spray, Psybeam, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Gyro Ball, Torment, Fire Blast, Venoshock, Infestation, Misty Explosion, Heat Wave, Dazzling Gleam
Advancement: 8-10 HD (Small); 11-18 HD (Medium); 19+ HD (Large)
Hit Dice: 1d6 HP, Good BAB, Good Fort, 2 + Int skill points

This collection of spherical heads emits smoke clouds that resemble dapper facial hair. Additionally, spouts grow from their heads that look somewhat like factory smokestacks, and somewhat like 5' tall top hats. They're very respectable looking.

Fairy and Poison Traits: Galarian Weezing is weak against [Ground], [Psychic] and [Steel] attacks, and resists [Bug], [Dark], [Fairy], [Fighting], [Grass] attacks. It is also effectively Immune to [Dragon] Attacks, always Resisting them, has Evasion against anything described as a Breath Weapon, and it is actually immune to the Frightful Presence ability of actual Dragons. It cannot be Poisoned, and thus is immune to the majority of poison effects in D&D, but can still take damage from things like Gunk Shot. Galarian Weezing harmlessly absorbs toxic spikes and sludge just by landing on or in them, and when holding (or covered in) the Black Sludge item/substance, it doesn't take damage, instead gaining Fast Healing 1.

Double Hit (Ex): Galarian Weezing may make its Slam attack twice with a Standard Action. This is a [Normal] attack.

Strange Steam (Su): once per minute, Galarian Weezing may unleash a 30' Cone of magical, wondrous steam with a Standard Action. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Additionally, all creatures in the area must succeed on a Will Save (same DC) or be Confused for one round per hit die. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Fog (Sp): once per hour, Galarian Weezing may cast Fog Cloud.

Rare Traits:
Misty Surge (Su): if Koffing had Stench before evolving to Galarian Weezing, its [Pokebility] becomes Misty Surge. The area surrounding it, out to thirty feet, becomes Misty Terrain. This lasts for as long as it is in the area, and for three rounds afterwards.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Toxic and Aromatic Mist
Toxic (Ex): Galarian Weezing may use a Standard Action to spit or squirt a stream of deadly toxins out to Close Range - this requires a Ranged Touch Attack to hit, and can be used once per ten minutes. If it hits, the target must attempt a Fortitude Save against Poison with a Save DC of 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, or suffer 1d6 Con damage. Once poisoned, they must then save again every round at the end of their turn or suffer ability damage again, until either they die, the poison is neutralised, or they successfully save against it three rounds in a row, fighting the toxins off completely. This is a [Poison] effect.

Aromatic Mist (Su): once per hour, Galarian Weezing may release a lovely-smelling mist carrying the scent of a mild, refreshing perfume. This creates an Obscuring Mist until the start of its next turn, centred on itself, and all allies within the area except for Galarian Weezing itself are subject to a Heart's Ease effect, and gain a +2 Resistance Bonus on Reflex and Will Saves for one minute. This is a [Fairy] effect.

At 9 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Belch
Belch (Ex): as long as Galarian Weezing has eaten something (from a berry to a living opponent) within the last minute, it may use a Standard Action to burp up a horrifying toxic cloud. This is resolved in a 30' Cone, dealing 1d10 Sonic damage per hit die with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Failure also results in a subject being Deafened for ten minutes by the noise and Nauseated for 1d3 rounds by the stench. This is a sound-based [Sonic][Poison] attack, and each use requires eating again to "recharge".

At 10 hit dice, it learns Explosion and Recover
Explosion (Ex): when using Self Destruct, Galarian Weezing can make the explosive blast even mightier: the radius is increased by another 15' as though it had 6 more hit dice than it actually does, another 3 points of damage per hit die are dealt to all, and finally, everything that fails the saving throw is hurled to the outside edge of the area and knocked Prone. It is still a [Normal] effect.

Recover (Sp): once per hour, Galarian Weezing can cast Cure Critical Wounds, with itself as the only target. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 11 hit dice, it learns Memento and Aromatherapy
Memento (Sp): once per day, Galarian Weezing may hex an enemy at the cost of its own life, providing it has more than zero hit points. It uses a Standard Action, and instantly falls to -1 hit points (but stable), and loses all temporary hit points. When it makes this sacrifice, it designates one target in 50 feet, and that creature suffers the effects of a Greater Bestow Curse, with no saving throw. This is a [Ghost] effect that still affects Normal Pokemon just fine.

Aromatherapy (Su): three times per day, Galarian Weezing may unleash magical smoke, steam and scented air in a cloud. It is cured of all negative conditions other than death, as area all allies within 30 feet of it - or 60 feet for a creature with the Scent ability. This is a [Grass] effect.

At 12 hit dice, it learns Destiny Bond and Super Poison Breath
Destiny Bond (Su): with an Immediate Action upon being hit by an attack that would reduce it below zero HP or kill it outright, Galarian Weezing may gaze upon its attacker if they are within 30 feet. They must pass a Fortitude Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) or die.Galarian Weezing then dies after this, even if it had only been reduced to negative hit points. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Super Poison Breath (Ex): once per day, Galarian Weezing may exhale a 20' Cone of toxic gas with a Standard Action. All in the area are subject to Poison with a Save DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus, and has Primary Damage Nausea for 1 round per 2 hit dice of Weezing (round up), and Secondary Damage of Unconsciousness for 1 minute. This is a [Poison] attack.

At 13 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Energy Factory
Energy Factory (Su): Galarian Weezing's smoke production isn't just for show, it's the result of the furnaces inside it that produce a lot of energy. Three times per day, it can radiate the energy out to enhance adjacent creatures. On their next turn, the creatures may either use a limited-use ability (such as Spell Slots, Power Points, or Uses Per-Day) without expending the resource, or may Empower, Extend or Widen an effect they create, merely spending the normal resources for the usage (if any). This is a [Fairy] effect.

At 14 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Misty Terrain
Misty Terrain (Sp): once per hour, Galarian Weezing may use a Full Round Action to release Misty Terrain in a 60' radius. This lasts for one minute, and is a [Fairy] effect.

At 15 hit dice, its Natural Armour increases by 1 and it learns Maximum Residue
Maximum Residue (Su): once per minute, Galarian Mega Weezing may use a Standard Action to unleash a giant gooey ball of destructive matter as a 40' radius Blast within Medium Range. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Additionally, all creatures that take any damage from this must pass a Fortitude Save (same DC) against Poison that has both Primary and Secondary damage of 1d10 Constitution damage. Additionally, the area hit is then covered in Misty Terrain for 5 rounds. This is a [Ballistic] [Poison] attack.

Mega Evolution: when Galarian Weezing becomes Galarian Mega Weezing, the heads grow more regal looking, with even bigger beards, and the smoke stack hats extend even higher, up to 15 feet tall. This doesn't change its Size category, merely makes it harder to get through doors, and easier to see from a distance. Its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Charisma and Natural Armour each increase by 4.

Tutor Moves:
Acid Spray (Ex): once per five rounds, the Pokemon may spray deadly acid out in a Breath weapon, albeit only in a 25' Cone. All in the area suffer 1d4 points of Acid damage per 3 hit dice it has (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus). Additionally, this acid softens various protections for those who fail the saving throw, granting them a penalty to Armour Class, Damage Reduction and Saving Throws equal to the number of damage dice rolled, for 1 minute. This is a [Ballistic] [Poison] attack.

Dazzling Gleam (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to release a flash of bright magical light out in a 30' radius Burst from itself. This deals 1d10 damage per 2 hit dice, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Additionally, anything that fails its save is also rendered Blind for 1 round, and then Dazzled for 2 more rounds. Creatures that have no eyesight take the minimum damage from this and are not blinded or dazzled. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Fire Blast (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon can unleash a 60' radius explosion of fire as a Blast in Medium Range. This deals 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Reflex Save to negate (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that fail their saving throw are Burned. In harsh sunlight, a Reflex Save merely halves the damage, and creatures that fail the save catch fire as well as being burned. In any other kind of weather that isn't clear skies, creatures get a +4 Bonus on the saving throw. This is a [Fire] attack that destroys most terrain.

Flamethrower (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon can unleash a mighty breath weapon, a Cone that reaches out to Close Range and deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw catch fire if they only failed by 1-3 (ie if the DC was 17 and they rolled a 14-16), and suffer a Burn if they failed by more than this amount. Should the Pokemon be Large or larger, any failure results in a Burn. This is a [Fire] attack that melts snow and ice, and incinerates plant life, starting fires.

Gyro Ball (Ex): the Pokemon may put extra spin on itself when charging a foe, able to declare a charge against a target that is not the closest - and if it selects the furthest enemy within its movement range, this also does not have to be in a straight line. Additionally, for every square it leaves that is threatened by one or more enemies while performing this, the attack deals an additional 2 points of damage. This is a [Ballistic] [Steel] attack.

Heat Wave (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to unleash an emanation of terrible heat out to Medium Range - unless in Harsh Sunlight, in which case it extends out to Long Range. This spreads directly out from the Pokemon, melts snow and ice, and withers plant life, but is blocked entirely by cover. Everything that is caught in the area suffers 1d10 Fire damage per 4 hit dice (round up), with a Fortitude Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw also suffer a Burn. This is a [Wind] [Fire] attack.

Hyper Beam (Su): once per day, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to unleash a powerful beam of energy. This 5' wide, 100' long Line deals 10 damage per hit die to all creatures in the Area, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This leaves the Pokemon Exhausted until it rests. If already Fatigued, Drowsy or Exhausted, the user collapses afterwards, falling Asleep. This is a [Normal] attack.

Infestation (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may deliver a horrifying infestation of something when it succeeds on a melee attack. For the next 5 rounds, the target is afflicted with a Swarm attack, dealing 2d6 damage, with a Distraction Save DC of 10 + half the attacker's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. After the 5 rounds, the swarm disippates. This is a [Bug] attack.

Misty Explosion (Su): once per day, the Pokemon may super-compress all of the fey energy and mist inside itself and explode, deflating instantly with destructive force. Everything within Close Range (the Pokemon included) suffers damage equal to the Pokemon's full maximum hit points. On Misty Terrain, bonus damage equal to its hit dice multiplied by its Charisma Bonus, is also dealt. A Reflex Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Constitution Bonus) halves the damage, but regardless of Temporary Hit Points, saving throws etc, the attacker can never remain with zero or more hit points - adjust it down to -1 if necessary. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Ominous Wind (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may exhale a foul, eerie Gust of Wind as a breath weapon. This also deals 1d6 damage per 2 hit dice (round up, maximum 4d6 damage), and for every 6 rolled, the Pokemon may apply a +2 Enhancement Bonus to an ability score of its choice for one minute. This is a [Wind] [Ghost] attack.

Psybeam (Su): with a Standard Action, the Pokemon may focus its psychic powers into a beam, unleashing it as a Ranged Touch Attack out to Medium Range. If it hits, this deals 1d6 non-lethal damage per hit die and forces the target to attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Failure results in Confusion for 2d4 rounds. This can be used once per hour, however it may be used a second time by expending the hourly use of Confusion (if the Pokemon has that), and vice versa. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

Thunderbolt (Su): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may unleash a blast of electricity that functions as the spell Lightning Bolt, except there is no cap on the damage and the Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. Those that fail the saving throw are Staggered for one round if they only failed by 1-3, and are Stunned for 2 rounds if they failed by more than this amount. This is an [Electric] attack.

Torment (Su): with a Standard Action once per five rounds, the Pokemon may torment and frustrate a creature within 30 feet. If the target fails a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), then for three rounds they cannot perform the same actions, two turns in a row - for instance, if a Move Action and Gore were taken prior to receiving the effect, then on the first turn of it they could not take a Move Action or use their Gore attack. If they make a Full Attack on that first turn of this (minus the Gore), then on the next turn they could not make a Full Attack, nor attack with any of the natural weapons used in it, but could Gore and Move again. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Compulsion] [Normal] effect, and completely overrides and replaces an Encore effect.

Venoshock (Su): once per minute, the Pokemon may use a Standard Action to blast an opponent with magical poison that makes other poison more dangerous. The target suffers 1d4 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). If the target is already afflicted with Poison, Sickening, Nausea or any condition as a result of Poison, it instead deals 2d4 damage per hit die, causes 2 points of Constitution Damage, and if they are afflicted with a Poison that has Secondary Damage, they instantly suffer the Secondary Damage. This does not end the duration of the Poison, so they might very well suffer the damage again at the end of the duration. This is a [Poison] attack.
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Re: Pokedex Redone

Post by Koumei »

Small Magical Beast, CR 1/2
5 13 10 5 12 10
1d8 (4 HP), Init +1, Speed 20' Fly 30' (Good)
BAB/Grab: +0/-7
-Bite +3 (1d4-3)
AC: 13 (+1 Size, +1 Natural Armour, +1 Dexterity), Flat 12, Touch 12
Fort +0 Ref +3 Will +3
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Weapon Focus (Bite)
Skills: Spot +5
Special Attacks: Peck, Spell-Like Abilities
Special Qualities: Flying and Normal Pokemon Traits, Growl, Insomnia, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision
Rare Traits: Tinted Lens, Supersonic, Whirlwind, Night Shade
Tutor Moves: Swift, Air Cutter, Confuse Ray, Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Uproar, Feather Dance, Amnesia, Tailwind
Advancement: 2-3 HD (Small); evolves into Noctowl at 4 HD
Hit Dice: 1d8 HP, Average BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This strange creature is like an owl crossed with a ball, perched atop a single leg like a pogo stick. It has wide circular eyes that are a bit creepy.

Flying and Normal Traits: Hoothoot is weak against [Electric], [Ice] and [Rock] attacks, and resists [Bug] and [Grass] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Ground] and [Ghost] attacks, always resisting them, as well as being completely immune to [Ghost] attacks of creatures not on the same plane as it. It is immune to actual possession.

Peck (Ex): Hoothoot's Bite is a [Flying] attack.

Growl (Ex): Hoothoot gains a +4 racial bonus on Intimidate checks made to Demoralise a foe able to hear it. This is a [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

Insomnia (Ex): Hoothoot is never Drowsy, and cannot be made to fall Asleep. It does sleep, for 2 hours per day, but is immune to effects that make it sleep (and cannot use the Rest move). This is a [Pokebility].

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): 1/day - See Invisibility, Dancing Lights, Hypnotism. These are [Psychic] abilities.

Rare Traits:
Tinted Lens (Ex): the specially polarised eyes of Hoothoot help it to overcome the weaknesses in its attacks if it has this rare trait, damaging even resistant foes. As such, if an attack it makes is Not Very Effective, increase the effectiveness by one degree - a regular resistance could thus hit neutrally, although a doubly-resisted attack would still be resisted. This is a [Pokebility].

Supersonic (Ex): with a Standard Action once per minute, Hoothoot can emit a supersonic "screech" that impairs the functionality of those within 15 feet of it. All in the area must attempt a Will Save (DC 8 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Confused for 1 round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Normal] [Sonic] effect.

Whirlwind (Su): by flapping its wings as a Full Round Action, a flying Hoothoot may hover in place but designate a 20' radius, 100' tall Column within Close Range. At the start of its next turn, anything in that area is subject to Hurricane force winds, however any Save DC is 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus. This is a [Flying] attack and a wind effect.

Night Shade (Sp): once per minute, Hoothoot may extend a spooky field of darkness, allowing it to cast Damning Darkness with a duration of three rounds, plus one round per hit die, as a [Ghost] attack.

At 2 hit dice, it learns Hypnosis and Confusion
Hypnosis (Su): once per hour, Hoothoot may use a Full Round Action to attempt to hypnotise a creature within Close Range with Line of Sight, lulling it into sleep. At the end of the action, the foe must pass a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) or become Drowsy. If the saving throw is failed by more than 4, they instead fall Asleep for one minute (or until any damage is suffered). This is a [Psychic] effect.

Confusion (Sp): with a Standard Action once per hour, Hoothoot may unleash a psychic blast of energy that fries the synapses of all in a 10' radius Burst within Medium Range. Those in the area suffer 1d8 non-lethal damage per 2 hit dice, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the save are Confused for one round per hit die. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

At 3 hit dice, it learns Reflect and Defog
Reflect (Su): once per hour, Hoothoot may cast Wall of Force. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Defog (Su): with a Full Round Action at will, Hoothoot may unleash a powerful wave of air from its wings, clearing all mist or fog within 250 feet. This is a [Flying] ability.


Medium Magical Beast, CR 4
11 15 12 7 16 14
4d10+4 (26 HP), Init +6, Speed 20' Fly 60' (Good)
BAB/Grab: +3/+3
-Bite +5 (1d6)
AC: 14 (+2 Dexterity, +2 Natural Armour), Flat 12, Touch 12
Fort +2 Ref +6 Will +7
Feats: Weapon Finesse (B), Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (Hypnosis)
Skills: Spot +10
Special Attacks: Peck, Spell-Like Abilities, Hypnosis, Confusion, Air Slash
Special Qualities: Flying and Normal Pokemon Traits, Growl, Insomnia, Reflect, Defog, Darkvision 60', Low-Light Vision
Rare Traits: Tinted Lens, Supersonic, Whirlwind, Night Shade
Tutor Moves: Swift, Air Cutter, Confuse Ray, Calm Mind, Nasty Plot, Uproar, Feather Dance, Amnesia, Tailwind, Stored Power, Imprison, Hyper Beam, Hurricane
Advancement: 5+ HD (Medium)
Hit Dice: 1d10 HP, Average BAB, Good Ref and Will, 2 + Int skill points

This giant owl stands as tall as a human, its large creepy eyes revealing a great wisdom. The feathers on its brow are long, looking like eyebrows or horns.

Flying and Normal Traits: Noctowl is weak against [Electric], [Ice] and [Rock] attacks, and resists [Bug] and [Grass] attacks. It is considered Immune to [Ground] and [Ghost] attacks, always resisting them, as well as being completely immune to [Ghost] attacks of creatures not on the same plane as it. It is immune to actual possession.

Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): at will - Dancing Lights; 3/day - See Invisibility, Hypnotic Pattern; 1/day - Locate Object. These are [Psychic] abilities.

Air Slash (Su): with a Standard Action, a flying Noctowl may flap its wings to generate a slashing rush of winds. It makes one Ranged Touch Attack against a 10' radius Burst in Medium Range, dealing 4d4 damage plus its Charisma Bonus, with a critical value of 20/x4. This also clears all plant-based terrain in the area, slicing it apart and clearing the area as though professional lawn-mowing and bush-whacking services had been performed. At 18 hit dice, the damage increases by 2d4. This is a [Blade] [Wind] [Flying] attack.

At 5 hit dice, it learns Investigate and Extrasensory
Investigate (Sp): once each per day, Noctowl can cast Scrying and Detect Scrying. These are [Psychic] abilities.

Extrasensory (Su): with a Standard Action once per minute, Noctowl may unleash a psychic wave that hurts the mind of anything that perceives it. A target within 60 feet must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) to avoid noticing the effect. If they fail the save, they suffer 1d6 damage per hit die and are Dazed for one round. This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Psychic] effect.

At 6 hit dice, its Wisdom increases by 2 and it learns Take Down
Take Down (Ex): whenever Noctowl uses its Bite attack at the end of a charge, it deals damage as though three Size Categories larger, and as though its Strength were 10 points higher (3d6+5 for the sample one). It may also attempt a free Trip Attack on the foe as part of this. At the same time as it deals damage to the target, it also suffers regular Bite damage against itself (1d6 for the sample one). This is a [Normal] attack.

At 7 hit dice, it learns Uproar and Take Back The Night
Uproar (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, Noctowl can create a clamor of noise, preventing anyone from getting any sleep. This deals 1d6 Sonic damage per hit die to all within 15 feet, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and furthermore, out to a radius of 60 feet it cures the Drowsy condition, wakes up any Sleeping creatures, and prevents anything from becoming drowsy or falling asleep. The loud noise, but not the damage, continues until the end of the user's next turn, although using this attack again will extend it one round further. This is a [Sound] [Normal] attack.

Take Back The Night (Ex): at will during the night, or when in areas of magical Darkness, Noctowl can use a Swift Action to grant itself Resistance to [Dark] and [Fairy] attacks until the start of its next turn. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 8 hit dice, it learns Roost and Flashing Eyes
Roost (Ex): with a Full Round Action, Noctowl may perch itself on the ground and rest, relaxing all tension within its muscles and gaining some stability. This completely suppresses its Flying Traits until it next takes off into the air, and also allows it to regain hit points equal to its hit dice total. Until the start of its next turn, it is denied its Dexterity Bonus to Armour Class. This is a [Flying] ability.

Flashing Eyes (Su): once per minute, Noctowl may use a Standard Action to flash magical light from its eyes rapidly, potentially disrupting the thought patterns of those within a Cone that emanates to Close Range. This functions similarly to a Gaze attack, with foes able to attempt a Reflex Save to avert their eyes (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Failure to do so results in them suffering 1d4 damage per 3 hit dice (round up), and being required to attempt a Will Save (same DC). Failure causes the target to be Confused for 1d4+1 rounds. Additionally, if the target does not have at least 2 more hit dice than Noctowl, they are Dazed for two rounds (overlapping the first two turns of confusion). If they have fewer hit dice than Noctowl, they are also Paralyzed for one round (overlapping the first round of confusion and dazing). This is a [Mind-Affecting] [Normal] attack.

At 9 hit dice, it learns Moonblast and Powerful Vision
Moonblast (Su): once per three rounds, Noctowl can unleash a powerful blast of magical energy from the moon, a 10' radius Blast anywhere in Medium Range that deals 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Those that fail the saving throw also suffer 2 points of Charisma damage. When directly under the light of a full moon, the Blast is Widened. This is a [Fairy] attack.

Powerful Vision (Su): once per day, Noctowl can cast Vision. This is a [Psychic] effect.

At 10 hit dice, it learns Dream Eater and Night Scope
Dream Eater (Su): once per hour, Noctowl may make a special Coup de Gras attempt against a sleeping foe. It casts Vampiric Touch, which is only functional against Drowsy foes (who take the effect normally), and foes who are Asleep (who suffer twice as many dice of damage, with no upper limit). The target wakes up after suffering these effects. This is a [Psychic] effect that leaves Noctowl fully nourished for the day.

Night Scope (Ex): with a Swift Action once per minute, Noctowl can enhance its Dark Vision to 250 feet, including the ability to see through Magical Darkness. This lasts until the start of its next turn, and is a [Dark] ability.

At 11 hit dice, its Charisma increases by 2 and it learns Hypnoblast
Hypnoblast (Su): once per minute, Noctowl may use a Standard Action to blast a creature with powerful hypnotic rays. They suffer 1d6 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). A failed save also results in the target falling Asleep for 2d4 rounds. This is a [Fairy] effect.

At 12 hit dice, it learns True Seeing and Moonlit Night
True Seeing (Sp): once per day, Noctowl may cast True Seeing. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Moonlit Night (Sp): once per hour, Noctowl may darken the skies with a Standard Action, shrouding the area within 500 feet in shadowy illumination for one minute, suppressing any effects caused by sunlight. Additionally, the area is treated as being under a full moon for the purpose of all effects such as lycanthropy and certain [Fairy] abilities. This is a [Dark] effect.

At 13 hit dice, it learns Synchronoise and Psychic Noise
Synchronoise (Sp): once per hour, Noctowl may unleash horrifying sound waves that are similar to its own natural frequency. This uses a Standard Action, and radiates out in a 20' radius Emanation centred on (but not including) Noctowl. All in the area that share at least one Pokemon Type with Noctowl suffer 1d10 damage per hit die, with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). Creatures that do not share Pokemon Types with it are completely unaffected. This is a [Sound] [Psychic] attack.

Psychic Noise (Su): once per minute, Noctowl may release devastating psychic waves that rattle cellular matter and cripple the body's healing capabilities. This uses a Standard Action, and affects a creature within Medium Range, dealing 1d6 damage per hit die with a Will Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit die + its Charisma Bonus). Failure results in the target being unable to regain hit points or gain temporary hit points in any way for three turns, as well as deactivating Regeneration for that duration so that all damage suffered is actual hit point damage. This is a [Sound] [Psychic] attack.

At 14 hit dice, its Dexterity increases by 2 and it learns Boomburst
Boomburst (Su): once per hour, Noctowl may use a Full Round Action to unleash a devastating blast of sound waves and compressed air. This creates a 20' radius Burst within Medium Range, and deals 1d12 damage per hit die with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This blasts the area clear of all detritus and objects lying on the ground, even clearing sand and dust away, and everything that fails the saving throw must then succeed on a Will Save (same DC) or be Stunned for one round. This is a [Sonic] [Normal] attack.

At 15 hit dice, it learns Maximum Moonflight
Maximum Moonflight (Su): once per minute, a flying Mega Noctowl can use a Standard Action to spread its wings and cast a wide shadow across the field. This functions the same as Moonlit Night (without the restriction of once per hour), and it may also unleash an Air Slash as part of this action, resolved against everything it wants within the entire area. Creatures with Cover from overhead attacks are immune to this, however. This is a [Blade] [Flying] attack.

Mega Evolution: when Noctowl becomes Mega Noctowl, its feathers grow longer with a dim glow permeating them, and its eyes grow as though sized for a creature one Size larger. Its Dexterity and Wisdom increase by 6 each, its Charisma and Natural Armour increase by 4 each, and it gains Psychic Traits - Resisting [Psychic] and [Fighting] attacks, but negating its Resistance to [Bug] attacks and becoming Weak to [Dark] attacks (which can be negated by Take Back The Night). It still always Resists [Ghost] attacks thanks to its Normal typing. Its [Pokebility] becomes Tinted Lens if it was not already.

Tutor Moves:

Air Cutter (Su): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon can unleash a slashing blade of air out in a 20' Cone. A single Ranged Touch Attack is made, with a Critical Threat Range of 18-20, and deals 1d6 damage per 3 hit dice (round up). This is a [Blade] [Wind] [Flying] attack.

Amnesia (Su): the Pokemon may, with a Standard Action, deliberately forget all of its worries in life. It just stops caring about problems, and as such gains a +8 Resistance Bonus to Will Saves, and the Slippery Mind ability of a Rogue. These last for one minute. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Calm Mind (Su): three times per day, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to grant itself a Calm Emotions effect. Additionally, for the duration, it gains a +4 Enhancement Bonus to both Wisdom and Charisma. This is a [Psychic] effect.

Confuse Ray (Su): with a Standard Action once per 3 rounds, the Pokemon may unleash an eerie light to disorient and overwhelm the mind of a foe. Being a ray, this is resolved with a Ranged Touch Attack out to 60 feet, and on a successful hit the opponent is rendered Confused for 2d4 rounds. However, a creature confused by this may attempt a Will Save (DC 10 + half the Pokemon's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) at the start of every turn to end the effects early. This is a [Ghost] attack.

Feather Dance (Ex): once per three rounds, the Pokemon may dance about, unleashing a giant cloud of feathers. Performing this actually grants a +4 Circumstance Bonus to Perform (Dance) checks it makes in the same turn, should that ever be relevant, but more importantly, it gains Concealment for one round and also directs a lump of feathers at a foe in Close Range with a Ranged Touch Attack. If this hits, the opponent is so completely covered in down that all of their physical melee attacks deal half damage until they spend a Full Round Action cleaning themselves off. This is a [Flying] [Dance] attack.

Hurricane (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may spend a Standard Action whipping up a powerful windstorm, and at the start of its next turn, it creates Hurricane strength winds in a cylinder within Long Range, 40' high and with a radius of 40' per hit die, remaining for 1 minute per hit die. In a Rain Storm, Torrential Downpour, or Overwhelming Winds, this instead activates instantly, and all creatures other than itself are treated as though one Size Category lower by the winds. The Pokemon may choose which way the wind moves, as with the spell Control Winds. At fifteen hit dice, it increases to Tornado strength winds. The Save DC is either that of the wind, or 10 + half the Pokemon's hit dice + its Charisma Bonus, whichever is better. This is a [Flying] [Wind] attack.

Hyper Beam (Su): once per day, the Pokemon may use a Full Round Action to unleash a powerful beam of energy. This 5' wide, 100' long Line deals 10 damage per hit die to all creatures in the Area, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus). This leaves the Pokemon Exhausted until it rests. If already Fatigued, Drowsy or Exhausted, the user collapses afterwards, falling Asleep. This is a [Normal] attack.

Imprison (Su): once per hour, the Pokemon may glare at a foe within Medium Range as a Standard Action, and seal away any shared attacks. The foe must succeed on a Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), otherwise for the next minute, they are unable to utilise any Special Attacks shared by the Pokemon. This is a [Psychic] attack.

Nasty Plot (Ex): by concentrating on schemes and tactics as a Full Round Action, the Pokemon can grant itself an Eagle's Splendour effect at will. In addition, while this is in effect, it gains +1d6 Sneak Attack damage. This is a [Dark] effect.

Stored Power (Sp): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon can unleash the full power of its psychic potential, turning its various temporary enhancements into even more damaging energy. This deals a variable number of d10 of damage to all enemies within 10 feet. This number is equal to the total of all Enhancement, Resistance, Morale and Luck Bonuses it has to Ability Scores, attack rolls (not differentiating between different ones), damage rolls (not differentiating between different ones) and Saving Throws (whichever happens to be highest), minus the total of all Morale and Luck Penalties to the above. For instance, if it has a +2 Enhancement Bonus to two different ability scores, and a +1 Enhancement Bonus to attack and damage rolls, but a -2 Luck Penalty to saving throws, this equals 2+2+1+1-2 = 4d10. A successful Will Save (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus) halves this. This is a [Psychic] attack.

Swift (Su): with a Standard Action at will, the Pokemon can unlesh multiple star-shaped beams of light that home unerringly on their target. Once per five rounds, it may produce an effect identical to Magic Missile, save that it is not a [Force] effect and in fact is a [Normal] attack, so bad against ghosts.

Tailwind (Su): with a Full Round Action, the Pokemon may flap its wings extra hard and call upon the storms to grant a great tailwind. This sets the direction and strength of the wind (at the Pokemon's choice), without being able to create actual damaging storms, for the next minute. During that time, all movement speeds and projectile ranges moving in that direction are doubled, whereas those moving in the opposite direction are halved. This affects a five hundred foot radius, and can be performed once per hour. This is a [Flying], [Wind] effect.

Uproar (Ex): with a Full Round Action at will, the Pokemon can create a clamor of noise, preventing anyone from getting any sleep. This deals Sonic 1d6 damage per hit die to all within 15 feet, with a Reflex Save for half (DC 10 + half its hit dice + its Charisma Bonus), and furthermore, out to a radius of 60 feet it cures the Drowsy condition, wakes up any Sleeping creatures, and prevents anything from becoming drowsy or falling asleep. The loud noise, but not the damage, continues until the end of the user's next turn, although using this attack again will extend it one round further. This is a [Sound] [Normal] attack.
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