[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by deaddmwalking »

I'll amend my vote to consume crab meat and dried fruit and save the healing potion for now. I expect some of these stamina items may have additional uses (like the cabbage leaves) but I suspect the healing potions don't have any other uses, but this world is weird enough that I'm not totally confident. Likewise it seems that there is something else we can do by leaving the property and we'll be left with that choice if we ever return, so we might as well 'finish' this island. I would like to change my vote to 'leave the property' and see what options that gives us....
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by JourneymanN00b »

After reading the votes, I will break the 1-1 tie by having Icarus Morningstar leave the property. Icarus Morningstar will also eat the crab meat and dried fruit, since there were votes to do so.

You leave the house and ponder where your investigations should take you next.
     You hear a howl from a nearby coppice of trees and an ape-like Howl Cat swings down from the branches and lollops towards you, razor sharp teeth bared and slashing claws ready to tear you apart.


Each time the Howl Cat suffers a hit, it will utter a ferocious battle cry that will deduct 1 point from your Attack Strength for the duration of the next Attack Round. However, this also reduces the Howl Cat’s STAMINA by 1 additional point. If you win, turn to 302.


The fight:
Round 1: Howl Cat Attack Strength: 16, Player Attack Strength: 17
Howl Cat Stamina: 5, Player Stamina: 16
Round 2: Howl Cat Attack Strength: 13, Player Attack Strength: 14
Howl Cat Stamina: 1, Player Stamina: 16
Round 3: Howl Cat Attack Strength: 17, Player Attack Strength: 19
Howl Cat Stamina: -3, Player Stamina: 16

To no surprise, Icarus Morningstar flawlessly smashes the Howl Cat to a pulp.

You manage to dispatch the Howl Cat, but you can’t help feeling like someone sent it after you. You decide where to go next.
     If you have the codeword Vizigg written on your Adventure Sheet, turn to 126. If not, turn to 214.

Icarus Morningstar does not have the codeword Vizigg on his Adventure Sheet.

You’re increasingly feeling like you need to get to a more populous part of the island, rather than keep wandering around out here on your own.
     You decide to head north-east back to the maze of workshops and laboratories. Turn to 111.

Back at section 111, Icarus Morningstar has already investigated the strange piece of metal which fell on one of the workshops, and has already headed towards where the residents of Asperitas lives. He will therefore prepare to leave the island and return to Incus, which brings us to section 379.

You reach the nearest charging station. It requires 1 Gold Piece to use.
     If you have no gold, then you can return to the previous section and continue exploring Asperitas until you find some.
     If you have explored all you can and still have no gold, then your adventure is over.
     To fly to Matix on Incus deduct 1 Gold Piece from your Adventure Sheet and turn to 226.

Icarus Morningstar has the gold to use the charging station.

Everything looks different from the air, but you listen out for the sound of banging and cussing, and soon manage to guide your hovers to Matix’s workshop.
     The Goblin pops her head out, grinning from beneath her usual grimy exterior.
     “Well, what have you got for me?”
     If you have located the Thingie, turn to 125. If you have obtained a Wotsit, turn to 375.

Icarus Morningstar has located the Thingie.

You pass the Thingie to Matix and she looks delighted. “That’s a hell of a Thingie you’ve found. Well done, Officer!”
     If you have a Wotsit or Doobry, and haven’t already given the item to Matix, you can do so now, by turning to 375. If you have now given Matix everything she requested, turn to 187. If you need to get your hovers charged up again, turn to 396.

Icarus Morningstar has a Wotsit and has not already given one to Matix.

You hand the requested object to Matix and she holds it almost reverentially. “Wow, that is one of the best I’ve ever seen. This will definitely work!”
     If you have a Thingie, and haven’t already given it to Matix, you can do so now by turning to 125. If you have now given Matix everything she requested, turn to 187. If you haven’t collected all the items Matix needs yet, you will need to get your hovers charged up again – turn to 396.

Icarus Morningstar has now given Matix everything she requested.

“OK, I think I can get her shipshape in a few hours, Officer. Why don’t you take a kip in the back there? You’re going to need your strength.”
     You head to the back of the workshop and see a pile of blankets. You’re uncertain how clean they are, but you’re exhausted, and they do look cosy.
     You drift off to sleep, lulled by the sound of thunks, clangs and the occasional ouch!
     A few hours later, Matix shakes you awake. “The Barnacle’s ready to go. Hope you are too!”
     You’re not sure that you are, but you follow Matix to the bathysphere, which has been moved to the nearby dock. (Restore up to 2 STAMINA points.)
     On the way she explains the Barnacle’s controls to you. She also tells you how to engage the Barnacle’s weapons, which come in the form of large, pincer-like arms, in case you encounter any dangers. There is also a large suction system on one of the pincers for picking up interesting finds you may unearth and bringing them inside the bathysphere.
     Matix also tells you she has fitted the Barnacle with a special gadget that conducts and amplifies sound, which will allow you to hear better underwater, even from inside the bathysphere.
     Upon reaching the Barnacle, you climb into the small, one-person cabin, and store your weapons and backpack inside.
     “Right! The Barnacle’s storm crystals will allow you to float down to the water. You won’t find she’s as manoeuvrable as your hovers in the air, but once she’s in the water, she’s a dream! It’s all up to you now, Officer. Pangaria’s counting on you!”
     Matix shuts the lid of the bathysphere and you begin your descent to Nimbus. Turn to 54.

You’re glad to finally be on your way to Nimbus, but at the same time you’re terrified of what you might find down there. Beyond the storms, is the Nimbus still afloat, or has it sunk into the ocean depths? Are any of your friends in the Sky Watch still alive?
     The bathysphere shakes a little as it passes through the turbulent storm clouds, but soon you feel it land with a large splash in the water. Rain drums on the top of the bathysphere and the waves toss you from side to side, making you feel ill. The Ocean of Tempests is living up to its name.
     From now on, unless you exit the bathysphere or you are specifically told to use your personal SKILL and STAMINA score, you must use the bathysphere’s SKILL and STAMINA scores instead.

BATHYSPHERE     SKILL (see below)     STAMINA 20

The bathysphere’s SKILL score is equal to your Initial SKILL score, minus 1.
     Any bonuses or penalties you have as a result of using particular weapons do not apply for as long as you are using the bathysphere’s SKILL and STAMINA score. (Make sure you continue to keep a careful record of your personal stats.) Now turn to 186.

You engage the bathysphere’s controls and decide whether to explore the surface, or dive beneath it.
     If you want to dive, turn to 150. If you want to explore the surface, turn to 312.

Please make your votes before 7:00 PM PDT or a choice receives 3 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
Icarus Morningstar
Bathysphere SKILL: 11
Bathysphere STAMINA: 20
Healing Potion (+4 STAMINA)
Calming Potion
Coin Bag
Dried Fish (+2 STAMINA)
Dried Cuttlefish (+2 STAMINA)
Methedus’s Shard
Aeronaut’s Helmet (+1 SKILL, can go above Initial level, -1 damage taken on a roll of 5 or 6)
Cabbage Leaf (+2 STAMINA)
Hand Axe
Incus Ledger Page
2 Fire Oils (3 STAMINA damage to opponent if used at start of battle)
Corrosive Grapes
GOLD: 13
Short Sword
Ornate Dagger (+1 Attack Strength)
War-Hammer (-1 Attack Strength, +1 Damage)
Crab Pincer (-1 Attack Strength, +1 Damage)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by deaddmwalking »

In my heart, I want to dive, but I think Icarus would hope to find his comrades alive on the surface. I vote to explore the surface.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Beroli »

Explore the surface.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; exploring the surface.

You direct the Barnacle forwards through the storm-tossed water, searching for any evidence of the Nimbus. The waves toss you about and you can’t help but vomit into the copper bucket that Matix helpfully provided. (Lose 1 STAMINA point.) After that you start to feel a little better.
     You see a small light object on a wave ahead of you. You get closer and realize that it’s a Goblin-made pie. You wonder what kind of pastry the Goblins use, because their snacks are certainly durable!
     Suddenly a tentacle reaches up and snatches the pie.
     A great monster rises from the water and makes for the bathysphere. With the head and upper body of a monstrous shark, and the tentacle-covered lower body of a giant squid, this is the Great White Squark and it wants you as its next meal. Taking a firm hold of the Barnacle’s controls, you prepare to battle the sea monster, using the craft’s mechanical claws.


If you win, turn to 259.


The fight:
Round 1: Great White Squark Attack Strength: 21, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 13
Great White Squark Stamina: 10, Bathysphere Stamina: 18
Round 2: Great White Squark Attack Strength: 19, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 17
Great White Squark Stamina: 10, Bathysphere Stamina: 16
Round 3: Great White Squark Attack Strength: 16, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 19
Great White Squark Stamina: 8, Bathysphere Stamina: 16
Round 4: Great White Squark Attack Strength: 17, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 20
Great White Squark Stamina: 6, Bathysphere Stamina: 16
Round 5: Great White Squark Attack Strength: 17, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 18
Great White Squark Stamina: 4, Bathysphere Stamina: 16
Round 6: Great White Squark Attack Strength: 17, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 17
Great White Squark Stamina: 4, Bathysphere Stamina: 16
Round 7: Great White Squark Attack Strength: 17, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 18
Great White Squark Stamina: 2, Bathysphere Stamina: 16
Round 8: Great White Squark Attack Strength: 14, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 18
Great White Squark Stamina: 0, Bathysphere Stamina: 16

Icarus Morningstar manages to kill the Great White Squark after having the bathysphere take 4 damage in the process.

As the body of the Great White Squark drifts down into the depths, you manage to activate the Barnacle’s suction tube on the right pincer and capture yourself a piece of fresh calamari. (Add this to your Provisions List. It will restore up to 3 STAMINA when eaten.)
     You feel the water vibrate around you. You brace yourself, but nothing appears, and eventually the vibrations cease.
     If you want to continue exploring the surface, turn to 120. If you want to dive below, turn to 203.

Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PDT or a choice receives 3 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
Icarus Morningstar
Bathysphere SKILL: 11
Bathysphere STAMINA: 16
Healing Potion (+4 STAMINA)
Calming Potion
Coin Bag
Methedus’s Shard
Aeronaut’s Helmet (+1 SKILL, can go above Initial level, -1 damage taken on a roll of 5 or 6)
Hand Axe
Incus Ledger Page
2 Fire Oils (3 STAMINA damage to opponent if used at start of battle)
Corrosive Grapes
GOLD: 13
Fresh Calamari (+3 STAMINA)
Dried Fish (+2 STAMINA)
Dried Cuttlefish (+2 STAMINA)
Cabbage Leaf (+2 STAMINA)
Short Sword
Ornate Dagger (+1 Attack Strength)
War-Hammer (-1 Attack Strength, +1 Damage)
Crab Pincer (-1 Attack Strength, +1 Damage)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Thaluikhain »

Keep on surface

(And, ok, interesting mechanic, but then we meet a sharktopus called a Great White Squark.)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Beroli »

Dive below.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by deaddmwalking »

Continue on surface.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes counted; continuing to explore the surface won over diving below by a 2-1 vote.

You press on through the storm, hoping that you will find the Nimbus in the middle of it somewhere. Suddenly you hear singing coming from somewhere outside the bathysphere. It’s beautiful. You also spy what looks like a stranded boat bobbing up and down in the waves.
     If you want to follow the sound of the singing, turn to 93. If you want to investigate the stranded boat, turn to 215. If you want to dive below, turn to 203.

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Beroli »

Dive, before the siren hypnotizes us and we drown like whoever was in that boat.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Vote acknowledged; diving below.

The waters close over you. Initially your vision is obscured by the churn of the waves, but soon the waters clear and you see the azure ocean stretching out before you.
     You survey the depths. There’s a large, dim shape in the distance. It could be a rock formation, or it could be the sunken Nimbus – you’re not sure which.
     There are also some interesting-looking caves below you which might be worth investigating too.
     If you want to head towards the caves, turn to 85. If you want to continue towards the dim shape in the distance, turn to 191.


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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Thaluikhain »

Caves sound like side option, so do them first.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by deaddmwalking »

I think we're going to need more in our toolbox to solve this problem, so I think checking out the caves might be worthwhile. Vote for caves.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes recognized; heading towards the caves.

You direct the Barnacle towards the caves. Fish, coral and other aquatic life forms of every colour imaginable drift around you, busy with their own affairs and seemingly unperturbed by you and your squat little craft. Soon you come to the entrance to the caves.
     The cave entrance is wide, and you easily manoeuvre the bathysphere inside. Even in this darker world, there are bright spots of luminescent plant life and eyes watch you from every nook and crevice. You reach a fork in the caves.
     If you want to take the left fork, turn to 231. To take the right fork, turn to 101.

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by deaddmwalking »

I like Binary. Let's take the Right Fork (101).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Beroli »

Take the left fork.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Thank you for your votes. I will break the 1-1 tie by having Icarus Morningstar take the right fork.

You glide the bathysphere down the gloomy tunnel to the right. The Barnacle floats through narrow tunnels and small caves with ease, aside from a few small scratches to its hull, but there seems little of interest in the murky depths.
     You’re just about to give up and go back when the tunnel becomes lighter. You can’t see what’s producing the illumination.
     If you want to press on, hoping to find the source of the light, turn to 190. If you want to turn back and leave the caves, turn to 61.


Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PDT or a choice receives 3 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Thaluikhain »

Press on, as we generally should when confronted with generic "Are you sure?" questions.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Beroli »

Press on.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by deaddmwalking »

Yes, press on. Sally Forth!
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; pressing with the hope to find the source of the light.

An abyssal horror with a mouth full of needle-sharp teeth

The passage becomes narrower, and it’s only when the light gets brighter that you realize it’s coming form behind you. Right behind you.
     This thought is punctuated by a screeching sound as something scrapes against the Barnacle’s metal hull, and the craft spins forwards, out of control, tumbling you around. (Deduct 2 STAMINA points from the Barnacle, but also deduct 2 points from your personal STAMINA score.)
     Once the Barnacle is righted again, you speed forward into a larger cave that is only partly submerged. You turn the bathysphere round and face what’s behind you.
     It is an enormous Wraithfish, an abyssal horror with a mouth full of needle-sharp teeth and an appendage, like a fishing rod, coming from atop its head, which emits a blinding light. There’s no getting around it, you’re going to have to fight.


When you have reduced the Wraithfish’s STAMINA score to 6 points or fewer, it will knock the Barnacle up on to a ledge. The Barnacle won’t have the manoeuvrability it does in the water, and you will have to reduce its SKILL score by 2 points until you can get it back in the water again. If you win, turn to 14.

The fight:
Round 1: Wraithfish Attack Strength: 19, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 15
Wraithfish Stamina: 12, Bathysphere Stamina: 12
Round 2: Wraithfish Attack Strength: 17, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 23
Wraithfish Stamina: 10, Bathysphere Stamina: 12
Round 3: Wraithfish Attack Strength: 17, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 15
Wraithfish Stamina: 10, Bathysphere Stamina: 10
Round 4: Wraithfish Attack Strength: 16, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 20
Wraithfish Stamina: 8, Bathysphere Stamina: 10
Round 5: Wraithfish Attack Strength: 16, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 19
Wraithfish Stamina: 6, Bathysphere Stamina: 10

(Bathysphere’s Skill reduced by 2 for the rest of the fight)

Round 6: Wraithfish Attack Strength: 15, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 16
Wraithfish Stamina: 4, Bathysphere Stamina: 10
Round 7: Wraithfish Attack Strength: 17, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 19
Wraithfish Stamina: 2, Bathysphere Stamina: 10
Round 8: Wraithfish Attack Strength: 16, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 15
Wraithfish Stamina: 2, Bathysphere Stamina: 8
Round 9: Wraithfish Attack Strength: 15, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 13
Wraithfish Stamina: 2, Bathysphere Stamina: 6

Here’s the scenario: Icarus Morningstar managed to reduce the Wraithfish’s Stamina all the way to 2, but the bathysphere Stamina is now reduced to 6. Should Luck be used to reduce any further damage that the bathysphere takes? The first choice to receive 2 votes will be used to resolve the rest of the fight. If no option reaches that number before 7:00 PM PDT, I will make the choice based on which votes are cast.

Adventure Sheet
Icarus Morningstar
Bathysphere SKILL: 11
Bathysphere STAMINA: 6
Healing Potion (+4 STAMINA)
Calming Potion
Coin Bag
Methedus’s Shard
Aeronaut’s Helmet (+1 SKILL, can go above Initial level, -1 damage taken on a roll of 5 or 6)
Hand Axe
Incus Ledger Page
2 Fire Oils (3 STAMINA damage to opponent if used at start of battle)
Corrosive Grapes
GOLD: 13
Fresh Calamari (+3 STAMINA)
Dried Fish (+2 STAMINA)
Dried Cuttlefish (+2 STAMINA)
Cabbage Leaf (+2 STAMINA)
Short Sword
Ornate Dagger (+1 Attack Strength)
War-Hammer (-1 Attack Strength, +1 Damage)
Crab Pincer (-1 Attack Strength, +1 Damage)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Thaluikhain »

We've got plenty of luck, reduce damage, yeah.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by deaddmwalking »

It's quite likely that there are some more 'automatic damage' situations we might come across, but it's also possible that we can explore the partially submerged cave and/or work on repairs if we survive the fight. I suggest we don't test our luck with stamina 6; hopefully we win the next round; if our stamina is reduced to 4 I suggest we test our luck each time we take further damage.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by Beroli »

Don't use Luck to reduce damage.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 69 – Crystal of Storms

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Thank you for voting; Luck will not be used until the Bathysphere takes another hit at 4 Stamina.

Round 10: Wraithfish Attack Strength: 19, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 14
Wraithfish Stamina: 2, Bathysphere Stamina: 4
Round 11: Wraithfish Attack Strength: 13, Bathysphere Attack Strength: 14
Wraithfish Stamina: 0, Bathysphere Stamina: 4

Icarus Morningstar’s bathysphere takes a further 2 damage before he finally kills the Wraithfish.

The light dims and the sea creature sinks to the bottom of the cave. You look around the rocky ledge and see that the Wraithfish was quite the hoarder. There are lots of metallic bits and pieces strewn around the cave.
     You root around amongst the junk to see if you can uncover anything of value. You find a strange brass rod, which looks like it might have come from a boat, and a silver goblet. (Add both these items to your Equipment List.)
     You manage to get the Barnacle back into the water. The craft still looks useable, despite everything it’s been through. You get back in and decide where to go next.
     If you have the codeword Rescue recorded on your Adventure Sheet, you can turn to 132. If not, and you want to leave the passage and take the left fork in the caves, if you haven’t explored that way already, turn to 231. To leave the caves and head for the large dim shape, turn to 191.


Icarus Morningstar does not have Rescue recorded on his Adventure Sheet, but he has not already explored the left fork in the caves. Please make your votes before 7:00 PM PDT or a choice receives 3 votes to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
Icarus Morningstar
Bathysphere SKILL: 11
Bathysphere STAMINA: 4
Healing Potion (+4 STAMINA)
Calming Potion
Coin Bag
Methedus’s Shard
Aeronaut’s Helmet (+1 SKILL, can go above Initial level, -1 damage taken on a roll of 5 or 6)
Hand Axe
Incus Ledger Page
2 Fire Oils (3 STAMINA damage to opponent if used at start of battle)
Corrosive Grapes
Strange Brass Rod
Silver Goblet
GOLD: 13
Fresh Calamari (+3 STAMINA)
Dried Fish (+2 STAMINA)
Dried Cuttlefish (+2 STAMINA)
Cabbage Leaf (+2 STAMINA)
Short Sword
Ornate Dagger (+1 Attack Strength)
War-Hammer (-1 Attack Strength, +1 Damage)
Crab Pincer (-1 Attack Strength, +1 Damage)
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Wed Mar 27, 2024 7:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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