[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

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[Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »


Greetings, folks. Since the forum errors have somewhat cleared up, and my workload is tolerable although still rather big, the time has now come to declare an end to my short break and host my next Let’s Play. The subject this time will be Book #70, which I view as one of the better titles. The design and overall experience of this adventure are rather good, and the difficulty is rather reasonable when compared to the earlier titles. Anyone wanting to engage in this Let’s Play is welcome. I will try to update this series on a twice per day basis, although the next several weeks will probably have some delays on my end due my heavy work duties.

The book you hold in your hands is a gateway to another world – a world of dark magic, terrifying monsters, brooding castles, treacherous dungeons and untold danger, where a noble few defend against the myriad schemes of the forces of evil. Welcome to the world of FIGHTING FANTASY!

You are about to embark upon a thrilling fantasy adventure in which YOU are the hero! YOU decide which route to take, which dangers to risk and which creatures to fight. But be warned – it will also be YOU who has to live or die by the consequences of your actions.

Take heed, for success is by no means certain, and you may well fail in your mission on your first attempt. But have no fear, for with experience, skill and luck, each new attempt should bring you a step closer to your ultimate goal.

Prepare yourself, for when you turn the page you will enter an exciting, perilous FIGHTING FANTASY adventure where every choice is yours to make, an adventure in which YOU ARE THE HERO!

How would you like to begin your adventure?
It’s a good idea to read through the rules which appear on pages 355-365 before you start.
Make sure you’ve read the special rules concerning AMONOUR and the Wheel of the Week on page 364 and don’t forget to enter your character’s details on the Adventure Sheet, which appears on page 366.
If you do not have a pair of dice handy, dice rolls are printed throughout the book at the bottom of the pages. Flicking rapidly through the book and stopping on a page will give you a random dice roll. If you need to ‘roll’ only one die, read only the first printed die; if two, total the two dice symbols.
Obviously, a pair of dice is available for every die roll that needs to be processed in this adventure.

Before embarking on your adventure, you must first determine your own strengths and weaknesses. However, unlike other Fighting Fantasy gamebooks, in Secrets of Salamonis, your starting scores are fixed. On page 366 there is an Adventure Sheet which you may use to record details of an adventure. You will find on it boxes for recording your SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK scores.

You are advised either to record your scores on the Adventure Sheet in pencil or to make photocopies of the sheet for use in future adventures.

Those who are familiar with the Fighting Fantasy rules should note that there are some new rules in this book.
For the purposes of this thread, the Adventure Sheet will be hand-made and periodically displayed.

Your starting scores are as follows:

• Your SKILL score is 6. Enter this number in the SKILL box on the Adventure Sheet.
• Your STAMINA score is 12. Enter this number in the STAMINA box.
• Your LUCK score is 6. Enter this number in the LUCK box.

SKILL reflects your swordsmanship and fighting expertize; the higher the better. STAMINA represents your strength; the higher your STAMINA, the longer you will survive. LUCK represents how lucky a person you are. Luck – and magic – are facts of life in the fantasy world you are about to explore.

SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK scores change constantly during an adventure, so keep an eraser handy. You must keep an accurate record of these scores. But never rub out your Initial scores. Although you may receive additional SKILL, STAMINA and LUCK points, these totals may never exceed your Initial scores, except on very rare occasions, when instructed on a particular page.
When you are told to fight a creature, you must resolve the battle as described below. First record the creature’s SKILL and STAMINA scores (as given on the page) in an empty box on the Enemy Encounter Sheet found on page 367. The sequence of combat is then:

1. Roll both dice once for the creature. Add its SKILL score. This total is the creature’s Attack Strength.

2. Roll both dice once for yourself. Add the number rolled to your current SKILL score. This total is your Attack Strength.

3. If your Attack Strength is higher than that of the creature, you have wounded it. Proceed to step 4. If the creature’s Attack Strength is higher, it has wounded you. Proceed to step 5. If both Attack Strength totals are the same, you have avoided each other’s blows – start the next Attack Round from step 1 above.

4. You have wounded the creature, so subtract 2 points from its STAMINA score. You may use your LUCK here to do additional damage (see ‘Using Luck in Battles’ below).

5. The creature has wounded you, so subtract 2 points from your own STAMINA score. Again, you may use LUCK at this stage (see below).

6. Make the appropriate adjustments to either the creature’s or your own STAMINA scores (and your LUCK score if you used LUCK) and begin the next Attack Round (repeat steps 1-6).

7. This continues until the STAMINA score of either you or the creature you are fighting has been reduced to zero (death).
In some situations, you may find yourself facing more than one opponent in combat. Sometimes you will treat them as a single adversary; sometimes you will be able to fight each in turn; and at other times you will have to fight them all at the same time! If they are treated as a single opponent, the combat is resolved normally. If you have to fight your opponents one at a time, as soon as you defeat an enemy, the next steps forward to fight you! When you find yourself under attack from more than one opponent at the same time, each adversary will make a separate attack on you in the course of each Attack Round, but you can choose which one to fight. Attack your chosen target as in a normal battle. Against any additional opponents, you roll for your Attack Strength in the normal way, but if it is greater than your opponent’s, in this instance you will not inflict any damage. If your Attack Strength is lower than your adversary’s, you will have to settle the outcome against each additional adversary separately.
On some pages you will be given the option of Escaping from the battle. You may only Escape if it is offered to you on the page. If you do run away, the creature automatically scores one wound on you (subtract 2 STAMINA points) as you flee. Such is the price of cowardice. You can use LUCK on this wound in the normal way (see ‘Using Luck in Battles’ below).
Sometimes you will be told to Test Your Luck. As you will discover, using LUCK is a risky business. The way you Test Your Luck is as follows:

Roll two dice. If the number rolled is equal to or less than your current LUCK score, you have been Lucky. If the number rolled is higher than your current LUCK score, you have been Unlucky.. The consequences of being Lucky or Unlucky will be found on the page. Each time you Test your Luck, you must subtract one point from your current LUCK score. So, the more you rely on luck, the riskier this becomes.
In battles, you always have the option of using your LUCK either to score a more serious wound on a creature, or to minimize the effects of a wound the creature has just scored on you.

If you have just wounded the creature, you may Test your Luck as described below. If you are Lucky, subtract an extra 2 points from the creature’s STAMINA score (i.e. 4 instead of 2 normally). But if you are Unlucky, you must restore 1 point to the creature’s STAMINA (so instead of scoring the normal 2 points of damage, you have now only scored 1).

If the creature has just wounded you, you can Test your Luck to try to minimize the wound. If you are lucky, restore 1 point of your STAMINA (i.e. instead of doing 2 points of damage, it has done only 1). If you are Unlucky, subtract 1 extra STAMINA point.

Don’t forget to subtract 1 point from your LUCK score every time you Test your Luck.
For the purposes of this Let’s Play, the attack rounds will be resolved all at once. I will generally only consider using Luck in battles if our hero has less than 7 Stamina points. For such battles, I will ask how Luck should be used to improve the odds of winning the fight. In battles where Escape is an option and our hero has less than 7 Stamina points, I will also ask when to run from the battle.


Occasionally, a page may give instructions to alter your SKILL score. A Magic Weapon may increase your SKILL, but remember that only one weapon can be used at a time! You cannot claim 2 SKILL bonuses for carrying two Magic Swords. Your SKILL score can never exceed its Initial value unless specifically instructed.


Your STAMINA score will change a lot during your adventure. As you near your goal, your STAMINA level may become dangerously low and battles may be particularly risky, so be careful!

You may restore your STAMINA score by resting, drinking magic potions or eating Meals. You do not start the game with any Provisions, but you may acquire some during the course of your adventure. If you do, keep track of how many Meals you have left using the Provisions box on your Adventure Sheet. You may only eat one Meal at a time, and you may not eat Meals when you are engaged in combat. When you eat a Meal, regain up to 4 STAMINA points and deduct 1 from your Provisions.

Don’t forget that your STAMINA score may never exceed its Initial value unless specifically instructed by the text.


You will find additions to your LUCK score awarded when you have been particularly Lucky. Remember that, as with SKILL and STAMINA, your LUCK score may never exceed its Initial value unless specifically instructed on a page.
During the course of your adventure, you will doubtless come across various items that you will want to take with you. If you do, make sure that you record them in the Equipment List box on your Adventure Sheet.

Any money you collect must be recorded in the Money box on your Adventure Sheet.

You will discover what equipment you possess at the start of the adventure when you begin to read Secrets of Salamonis.
AMONOUR is a term used in Salamonis and other settlements in the Vale of Willow to signify a person’s fame and fortune. Many people consider a high AMONOUR to be more valuable than gold and swear by it as an indication of genuine honesty. AMONOUR can be increased by performing daring feats of heroism but can be decreased by behaving in a dishonourable way. At the start of Secrets of Salamonis you have no reputation or fortune to speak of and so your AMONOUR score starts at zero and cannot drop below this figure.
During the course of your adventure, you may acquire one or more Special Skills. If you do gain a Special Skill, make sure you tick it off on your Adventure Sheet. You will learn how a particular Special Skill works when you acquire it.
As your adventure progresses, you will need to keep track of what day of the week it is. The first day of the Allansian week is Stormsday, followed by Moonsday, Fireday, Earthday, Windsday, Seaday and Highday. Highday is followed by Stormsday. If you are told to move the Wheel of the Week on a certain number of days, count on that number of days and make a mark in the segment you land on.
It will probably take you several attempts to make your way through Secrets of Salamonis. Make notes and draw a map as you explore – this map will be useful in future adventures and help you identify unexplored areas.

Not all locations contain treasure; many merely contain traps and creatures. There are many ‘wild-goose chase’ passages, and while you may progress through to your ultimate destination, it is by no means certain that you will win.

May the luck of the gods go with you on the adventure ahead!
Please keep all spoilers covered out of respect to those who want a blind experience. I will use personal instinct to break any ties.

This particular book is incredibly fair when it comes to difficulty, as our hero will not need to fight any opponents at a severe disadvantage to get to the successful ending. I will therefore be prohibiting resurrections for this Let’s Play to ensure a balanced experience. Which means that if our hero dies, the Let’s Play ends with a bonus death entry, and I will probably top it off with a (cringeworthy) life lesson. It would thus be wise to take this Let’s Play seriously.

‘So, what do we do with it? Stick it?’

The voice is deep, gruff and menacing, and no doubt belongs to a large creature of some kind. A language user, so possessed of some intelligence, but probably none too friendly by the sounds of it. Instinct warns you to avoid whoever – or whatever – has started this conversation.

Although the light is dim, your eyes soon become accustomed to the darkness. You are in a large cavern lit only by the soft light from glowstones. An unpleasant smell hangs in the air. It is the smell of decaying food. The entrance lies a short distance away, but to reach it you will doubtless have to face the creature that calls the cave home. It is then that you notice a roughly made wooden door in the wall of the cave to your right.

‘Hungry,’ comes a second voice. ‘Eat!’

That is not what you wanted to hear. What’s more, there are at least two creatures in the cave with you. However, the second voice sounded a little softer, and not as fearsome as the first.

The creatures do not appear to be aware that you are awake, and that’s the way you would like it to stay. But you are curious to know what you are dealing with.

Your wrists and ankles have not been bound, so you get to your feet and tiptoe quietly around the edge of the cave. You peer around a large boulder, and there before your eyes is one of the most bizarre creatures you have ever seen.

An Ogre itself would be a fearsome sight, but this one has two heads. A two-headed Ogre! A rare and dangerous beast indeed, especially when both heads are angry at the same time – with each other!


May your STAMINA never fail!

‘Hungry?’ one head says gruffly, looking scornfully at the other. ‘Frannish eat too much, fat belly wench!’

The Ogress is clearly taken aback by this outburst. She fixes the other with a glare that could melt ice: ‘You drink too much Orc Ale. Wake up with sore head. Not me who make head sore. You drink all night. And fight. Frannish not want drinking or fighting. Wake up in jail! Mannish is disgrace.’

‘Ach! But you not clean cave. Home messy. Bones on floor, twigs, loincloths, Hobbit carcass. All over fur-skin sleep blanket. Cave stinks…’

‘If Mannish put things away where they belong, Frannish not fight over clean cave.’

The argument is in full flow now and looks like it could turn into an angry clubbing match at any moment. So, what to do?

Wait for the Ogre to exhaust itself, battling with itself?       Turn to 22
Creep quietly around the edge of the cave and make for the exit?       Turn to 63
Make a dash for the entrance?       Turn to 169
Draw your sword and attack the brute?       Turn to 3
Try the door to your right?       Turn to 231


In addition to the above choice, what name do you want to give our hero? Please make your decisions before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Since nobody voted, I will have our hero make a dash for the entrance.

Taking your life in your hands, you run for the exit. Your pounding footsteps echo from the cave walls and then you hear the surprised shouts and grunts of the Ogre, and then the sound of it coming after you.

With the two-headed Ogre in hot pursuit, you sprint out of the cave. As you do so, you pass a small figure crouching just inside the entrance. The little man is dressed in bright green clothes, and has pointed ears, bright orange hair and a wicked grin on his face. ‘Mind how you go,’ he says with a cheery wave as you run past him. Turn to 211.

Outside the cave, dusk is falling and the shadows are thickening between the trees. As you are wondering which way to go your ears prick up. In the far distance you can hear a high-pitched screeching sound.

‘Something wicked this way comes,’ says a voice at your feet. It is the little man again. He has followed you out of the cave.

The sound is getting closer. You look up at the darkening sky, peering into the night in the hope that you might catch sight of whatever is making the noise. It must be some kind of animal.

‘What is coming?’ you turn to ask your strange companion, but he has vanished.

The sound is getting very loud now. It is more like a screaming than a screeching, and you cover your ears against the terrible din. You are filled with a dreadful fear and, not really knowing what you are doing, start to run.

The trees press in on you from every side, while the noise is so loud now it is as if the whole sky is screaming. And then, in the darkness, you hit your head on a low branch. Turn to 475.

You open your eyes slowly. Your head is aching. The bright sunlight isn’t helping.

Bright sunlight? But night was falling just a moment ago! What is going on? Where are you?

‘Anyone know this passenger?’ comes a voice from nearby. ‘That was a nasty crack on the head. Thank the gods you’re all right. Shame the same can’t be said for your backpack.’

You feel the splash of water on your face and your vision comes into focus at last. You are in a longboat, and one of several passengers by the look of things. It wasn’t a branch that hit you on the head, it was one of the oars! (Lose 1 STAMINA point.) You’ve been dreaming! As your vision clears, so does your mind, and suddenly you know where you are.

Your journey began twelve days ago. You left your home, having saved enough to pay for the voyage eastward to the fabled Kingdom of Salamonis. This was a journey first by camel-drawn caravan across the Windward Plains and then aboard a fleet of cargo-bearing longboats moored on the Whitewater River.

Perhaps it was a little foolhardy, travelling alone at your age. Indeed, you were almost tempted to turn back on the seventh day, as you left the plains and boarded one of the boats. In the confusion, your backpack and all its contents were lost. Or perhaps stolen? You may never know the truth. But you hold out a faint hope that you will be reunited with your backpack and its contents once again. Perhaps it will turn up in Salamonis.

The pack contained some personal items of sentimental value, in particular your favourite book – Longbeard’s Legends of the Windward Plains. There was also a short sword given to you by your grandfather, a change of underwear – your mother insisted – a few personal mementos, and all the money you had in the world. Admittedly, it wasn’t a lot, but now you are penniless. Your only remaining possessions are the clothes you are wearing, and you have had nothing to eat for three days. Your mother would weep to see you in such a state.

But you were determined to reach your destination – after all, your father was firm that you should get yourself an education, and the city is famed throughout the world as a centre of learning. You were enchanted long ago by the tales of Salamonis and its great riches, which your beloved Uncle Bunkle would read to you from Longbeard’s book. But since the book disappeared with your backpack, all you have left is your memories of these wonderful stories. Of course, you knew each tale from start to finish: the heroes, the creatures, the treasures and the dangers. But you wanted to see the places described within them for yourself. To follow your dream. For you there was no turning back. Turn to 27.


At the dockside: Nanoc the tall Strongarm, Ruznik Ullsen whose advice will be helpful, and Healing Hans who has remedies for all ailments

It is mid-afternoon when you finally arrive at Whitewater Landing, Salamonis’s West Port. As the longboat slows and prepares to dock, the quay becomes a hive of activity. Miscellaneous wharf rat types appear from nowhere to attend to the boats. Ragged porters bustle about on the gangplanks, offering to carry luggage into town, mend leaks or swab the decks. The stevedores are an unkempt lot, generally wearing well-used clothing and worn-out sandals. They busy themselves, trying to find some way of making a few coins from the new arrivals. Enough to feed themselves or, more likely, enough to drown their sorrows at the nearest inn.

Those who are not capable of physical work become beggars. Indeed, beggars on makeshift crutches are all around the docks. They are infuriatingly persistent, hopping awkwardly alongside their victims with non-stop jabber and pleading, like a swarm of stingflies. They have learned that, if some victims are reluctant and do not make a donation straight away, just annoying them will usually get the same result in the end.

You have no luggage, so you are grateful you do not to have to deal with porters. You disembark from the longboat along with your fellow travellers: a Flatlands Barbarian by the name of Nanoc and a rotund herbalist who goes by the name Healing Hans. No sooner are you standing on the quayside than a middle-aged man wearing voluminous robes hurries over to you. ‘Would you be interested in a map of Salamonis?’ he asks. ‘No visitor to our fine city should be without one. They are only one Salacoin each, after all.’

You explain that you lost your backpack on the way here and have no money to buy anything.

‘How unfortunate,’ the man says, looking up and down. ‘You have an honest face, and never let it be said that Ruznik Ullsen abandoned anyone in need. I mean, what sort of welcome would that be to the greatest city in all Allansia? So, on this occasion, my information comes for free.’

A little local knowledge could prove invaluable, so what do you want to ask the man about Salamonis?

‘Is it true the streets are paved with gold?’       Turn to 47
‘Where can someone new to the city find work?’       Turn to 97
‘What coinage is used in Salamonis?’       Turn to 178
‘Who is in charge?’       Turn to 234
‘Can you tell me more about the great centres of learning?’       Turn to 138

Please make your votes on what to ask and what to name our hero before 7:00 PM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
SKILL: 6 Initial Skill: 6
STAMINA: 11 Initial Stamina: 12
LUCK: 6 Initial Luck: 6
MONEY: 10 Salacoins = 1 Gold Piece
0 Gold Pieces
0 Salacoins
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Sat Apr 20, 2024 6:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

We're going to need some money. I think we should ask where we can find work (97).

With an Uncle Bunkle and our love of the Windswept plains, I suggest the name Lee Miles.

Lee is the protected space (as in from wind) and Miles is the first name of the boy character (played by Macaulay Culkin) in 'Uncle Buck'.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by Thaluikhain »

Finding work normally would seem the best best, but I vote for coinage.

(Does anyone else think Amonour is a portmanteau of "Honour" and...some other word beginning with "Am"?)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by Beroli »

Ask about the great centres of learning.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

Thaluikhain wrote:
Tue Apr 16, 2024 8:53 pm
Finding work normally would seem the best best, but I vote for coinage.

(Does anyone else think Amonour is a portmanteau of "Honour" and...some other word beginning with "Am"?)
My thought is that it combines the Latin Amare (Love) [or French Amour most likely/Spanish Amore] with honor. Using Philo probably sounded weird, but some type of 'love of honor' seems like what they were most likely aiming for. At least, if they didn't just roll some Boggle letters. :)
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »

After looking at the votes, I am going to name our hero Lee Miles, since that is what the sole name vote was for. I will break the three-way tie by having Lee Miles ask ‘Can you tell me more about the great centres of learning?’ to the man from Salamonis.

‘Well, Salamonis is renowned throughout all Allansia for its ancient and extensive library. And, of course, a few leagues from here, in the Forest of Yore, Vermithrax Moonchaser has his school of magic, but I don’t think he’s taking on any new apprentices at present. If it’s some basic magic you’re after, I could teach you Spelling. No, not that sort of spelling! As in magic spells! But if it’s your combat skills you’re looking to improve, there’s no better way than to learn on the job with the Strongarms, providing protection for one of the many merchant caravans that cross the plains. Then again, there are rumours of a Training Ground – or Testing Ground, I’m not sure which – in the Forest of Spiders away to the north, but I wouldn’t know about that.

What do you want to ask your new friend now?

‘Is it true the streets are paved with gold?’       Turn to 77
‘Where can someone new to the city find work?’       Turn to 118
‘What coinage is used in Salamonis?’       Turn to 204
‘Who is in charge?’       Turn to 250

Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
Lee Miles
SKILL: 6 Initial Skill: 6
STAMINA: 11 Initial Stamina: 12
LUCK: 6 Initial Luck: 6
MONEY: 10 Salacoins = 1 Gold Piece
0 Gold Pieces
0 Salacoins
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Sat Apr 20, 2024 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

Looks like we may be able to ask all our questions. Some of them make us look a little dumb. He already mentioned Salacoins when he tried to sell us a map, but it might be worth asking more.

What coinage (204).
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Vote registered; asking him the question ‘What coinage is used in Salamonis?’.

‘The basic unit of currency is the silver Salacoin,’ Ruznik replies, ‘but you won’t get much for a Salacoin these days. Perhaps a loaf of bread or a small flagon of home-brewed ale. Outside of Salamonis, most people will not use the Salacoin. You get ten Salacoins to one Gold Piece. As I’m sure you know, pretty much the whole of Allansia accepts the value of a Gold Piece.’

Turn to 290.


‘Salamonis’s prosperity began a hundred or so years ago in the reign of King Salamon LIII,’ Ruznik goes on. ‘A lowly prospector named Gerick Quitch discovered a rich vein of pure silver in the hills to the north of Salamonis. The Great Silver Rush attracted treasure seekers from all over the continent. Many made their fortunes. Others lost their shirts. Salamonis didn’t mind either way, as the prospectors needed to buy provisions and equipment for the journey to the mines. A permit system was quickly established to tax the prospectors whether they discovered any silver or not. And those permits weren’t cheap. Unprecedented growth followed until King Salamon’s Mine became the largest silver mine in Allansia. The kingdom’s coffers swelled with its own silver coins, known as Salacoins, struck at the Royal Mint in a heavily guarded location within the royal keep.’

Turn to 323.


At that moment, an elderly noblewoman and her entourage disembark from a fine barque on to the quayside. Having an eye for a heavy tipper, Ruznik bids you good luck and farewell and bustles off to see if he can be of assistance to the noblewoman, waving a handful of maps to attract her attention.

It’s probably wise to leave the Whitewater Landing area as soon as possible, but you are still curious about the docks and the people who make a living here. A makeshift marketplace has already sprung up and traders are bawling their wares to their customers. But what good is a market to you if you don’t have any money?

If you have a City Map, turn to 423. If not, turn to 454.

Lee Miles does not have a City Map.

You have two choices. You can either head into the city (turn to 89) or explore the Docks, hoping to find a way to make some money, legally or otherwise (turn to 45).

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by Queen of Swords »

Explore the docks.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by Thaluikhain »

Explore the docks.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

Agree. Explode the docks. I feel like we're going to see our backpack of we keep our eyes open.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; exploring the Docks.


As you soon learn, this area is actually called the Boondocks, since the goods and visitors that arrive here are considered a boon to the city. There are all manner of hawkers peddling goods, and costermongers pushing their handcarts before them, crying ‘Bread!’ ‘Fish!’ and ‘Meat pies!’

Suddenly you catch sight of a young urchin pushing his way through the crowd with a large backpack slung across his shoulders. Hang on, is that your backpack? You shout for the boy to stop, but instead he takes off into the mass of pedlars and their customers who are crowding the quayside. You set off in pursuit but soon lose him in the throng, only to run slap-bang into a pair of burly guards, wearing helmets and breastplates, bearing the arms of the port authority.

‘Oi!’ snaps the taller of the two. ‘Look where you’re going!’

Now’s your chance! If you want to, you could try reporting the loss of your backpack to the guards (turn to 337). If you just want to apologize and get out of their way as quickly as possible, turn to 367.

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by Beroli »

Report the loss of the backpack.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

Agree. Report the theft.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Votes registered; reporting the loss of Lee Miles’ backpack to the guards.

‘Sirs,’ you say, ‘during my voyage here I lost my backpack and everything in it. Who should I report this to?’

‘Anyone you want,’ says the shorter of the two guards. ‘It won’t matter. No one will take any notice. And if they do find your pack, they’ll most likely just keep it for themselves! Hah, hah!’

‘Now move along,’ says the taller guard, giving you a shove.

Losing your balance, you fall to the ground, grazing your knees. (Lose 1 STAMINA point.)

However, now you are so close to the ground, you catch sight of a trinket that someone must have dropped. You’re not sure if it’s worth anything or if it is only of sentimental value, but you decide to keep hold of it and pop it in your pocket just in case, either with a mind to returning it to its owner in due course or of selling it to a pedlar yourself to raise some much-needed cash. (Add the Trinket to your Equipment List.)

The Boondocks are populated by all manner of shady-looking characters, and animals too. Packs of hungry dogs and feral cats roam the area in search of scraps of meat.

Suddenly a fight breaks out amongst the feral animals. A high-pitched screech rises and ends when a dog, clearly in pain, limps away from the fight, not far from where you are sitting. You’d swear the animal issued a curse as it ran away. But no, you must have been mistaken. Dogs can’t talk, can they? Turn to 367.

‘One day those bully boys will get what’s coming to them,’ comes a gruff voice from behind you. You turn to see one of your companions from the longboat standing there. It is Nanoc the Barbarian. ‘They wouldn’t treat a Strongarm like that, that’s for sure.’

There is no doubting Nanoc’s profession. With a powerful physique and a short temper, this mountain of a man strikes an imposing figure on the dockside, but his presence makes you feel slightly less anxious. You’re sure that if you could tag along with him, you wouldn’t run into any more trouble, and so you start to make small talk with the Barbarian, asking him whether he is pleased to be in Salamonis.

‘For the last five years, I have worked as a Strongarm and risen to the rank of Captain,’ he tells you. ‘My travels have taken me to the four corners of Allansia. When I was younger, I enjoyed the excitement of new sights, new places, new people. But now I just want an easier life. I have seen little of my wife, Tabatha. It’s time to settle down. Perhaps start a family. Salamonis is my home. I promised Tabatha that after that last job, I wouldn’t take on any more Strongarm work.’

You’re just starting out in the world, and the Barbarian is looking to retire.

‘Which way are you headed?’ he asks. ‘If you’re looking for adventure, you’ll be wanting the Adventurers’ Guild.’

How will you reply?

‘Yes, I’m heading to the Adventurers’ Guild.’       Turn to 390
‘No, I’m going to look for some work here at the Boondocks.’       Turn to 410

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Adventure Sheet
Lee Miles
SKILL: 6 Initial Skill: 6
STAMINA: 10 Initial Stamina: 12
LUCK: 6 Initial Luck: 6
MONEY: 10 Salacoins = 1 Gold Piece
0 Gold Pieces
0 Salacoins
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Sat Apr 20, 2024 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

Damn, I don't think we'll have another chance at getting our backpack here. I am looking for adventure, so I think we should go to the Adventurers' Guild.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Vote acknowledged; replying ‘Yes, I’m heading to the Adventurers’ Guild.’

‘I’ll walk with you, then,’ says Nanoc, and the two of you set off together into town, heading in the direction of the Sunrise Gate and leaving the hustle and bustle of the Boondocks behind.

As you walk, you ask the Barbarian what life is like as a Strongarm. He tells you that it was his job to keep convoys safe from marauding Orcs and Goblins. The longboat you arrived on was carrying miscellaneous sacks of cargo, including fine cloth and exotic foodstuffs. The hired Strongarms were there to take on any pirates the boat might have encountered during the journey, using their bows, arrows and swords to repel any attack.

‘And that is what it means to be a Strongarm,’ Nanoc says. ‘Keep the cargo safe, whatever the danger. You should bear it in mind if you ever find yourself short of money.’

Luckily, you had no unwelcome encounters during your journey to Salamonis. There was nothing for the guards to do besides tell stories, drink and gamble. And it is the drinking and gambling that are often the ruination of the Strongarms, not marauding Orcs and Goblins; they will either have gambled away their entire wages before they get home, leaving nothing for their families, or they will drink it away on their first night back. Such is the life of a Strongarm.

‘Aha! There she is!’ Nanoc suddenly declares, pointing. ‘Tabatha! Over here!’

His wife waves to him through the crowds, as does a young boy holding her hand. In tears, she runs to Nanoc and hugs him. Nanoc embraces her in return, holding her in his powerful arms.

‘And who is this young soldier?’ he asks, fixing the youngster with a quizzical look. ‘Whose boy is this?’

‘Why, this is Benboy,’ replies Tabatha. ‘Your son!’

Nanoc kneels down to face the boy. ‘Hello, son,’ he says.

‘I’m a-pleaze to meet you, Da,’ says the child.

With one hand round his wife’s waist, and holding his son’s hand with the other, Nanoc bids you farewell and sets off for home.

As you go your separate ways, you hear Nanoc ask, ‘How old are you, Benboy?’

‘Four,’ comes the child’s innocent reply.

‘Do you hear that, Tabatha?’ the Barbarian laughs. ‘The boy can’t count! I’ve been away for five years but he thinks he’s four!’

Gain 1 AMONOUR point and turn to 99.


Travelling eastwards along the Grand Parade, you pass a number of groups of locals engrossed in their own conversations. As you pass them, you offer a friendly smile, but most ignore you. Those who do acknowledge you give you an unwelcoming scowl in return.

The Grand Parade, which is also known as the Goldenway, is a magnificent avenue, as befits a wealthy kingdom. Goldenway is the main road through the centre of the city. It is cobbled and lined with statues of the grand elders of Salamonis, past and present. The shops you see lining the road there sell luxury items, such as exotic cooking spices and beautiful ladies’ gowns.

But the most wonderful feature is not even apparent. In fact, that is what makes it so special. Whilst lesser towns consider an open sewer, cleaned by rainwater, to be quite an advancement beyond the dig-and-bury home latrine, the sewer in Salamonis is totally hidden away underground. No splashing, no unpleasant smells, no unfortunate accidents resulting in someone falling into an active sewer. On top of that, the sewer is large enough for a man to stand up in, which could prove of military use in an emergency. A most ingenious idea by King Salamon LVII.

Out of the corner of your eye, you catch sight of a gaunt-looking figure hobbling away down a side street. But what has attracted your attention is the fact that he is carrying a backpack that looks very similar to yours! There must be many adventurers in a place like Salamonis, all carrying their own packs, but if there is a chance it could be yours, surely you have to investigate.

If you want to set off down the side street after the skinny man, turn to 72. If you would rather keep heading along the Grand Parade, turn to 54.


Please make your votes before 9:00 AM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.

Adventure Sheet
Lee Miles
SKILL: 6 Initial Skill: 6
STAMINA: 10 Initial Stamina: 12
LUCK: 6 Initial Luck: 6
MONEY: 10 Salacoins = 1 Gold Piece
0 Gold Pieces
0 Salacoins
Last edited by JourneymanN00b on Sat Apr 20, 2024 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Since nobody voted, I will have Lee Miles keep heading along the Grand Parade.

The Grand Parade leads all the way to the Royal Palace, but before it gets there it opens out into a square packed with stalls which are shutting up for the day. This is Salamonis’s famous Bazaar. Surrounding the square are inns and shops, and a rather dilapidated building that looks like a cross between a temple and a tavern. Above the door hangs a sign in the shape of a shield bisected by a sword. This must be the Adventurers’ Guild.

The sun is sinking behind the rooftops to the west, casting long shadows across the Market Square. There is a board outside the Guild House displaying the jobs that are currently available. However, in large red letters at the bottom of the board are the words ‘Only open to Guild members. Adventurers’ Permits 2 Gold Pieces.’ Clearly, if you want to become an adventurer in Salamonis, it’s going to cost you.

The heavy, iron-bound door to the Guild House is closed, and by the orange glow of the setting sun, you see that a sign has been hung on the door that reads: ‘Closed. Come back tomorrow.’ You try the door, but it is clearly locked and bolted from inside. Banging on the door doesn’t do any good either.

‘Can’t you read?’ You turn to see it is one of the stallholders who is packing up for the day that is addressing you.

You tell him that you have travelled from your home to Salamonis with the intention of making your way in the world as an adventurer.

‘Ah, that explains it,’ mutters the man, although you’re not sure quite what it explains, exactly. ‘Look, you can’t just rock up here and call yourself an adventurer. You have to join the Guild first, but that’ll cost ya. If it’s a job you’re after, Pigboy Snouter’s always hiring at the Slime and Swine Guttery. You’ll find his place outside the West Gate.’

You thank the man for his advice and decide what to do. Choose an option from the list below that you haven’t tried already. Will you:

     Make your way to the Slime and Swine Guttery?       Turn to 122
     Explore the docks?       Turn to 45
     Ask the stallholder if he’s hiring at present?       Turn to 11


Lee Miles has already explored the docks. Please make your votes before 7:00 PM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

D'oh! I wanted to vote for following the backpack. Too much stuff at work. :(

Since the stallholder is here, and Slime and Swine Guttery sounds like messy work, might as well ask him if he's hiring at present.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by Beroli »

Explore the docks.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by deaddmwalking »

JourneymanN00b wrote:
Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:11 pm
Lee Miles has already explored the docks. Please make your votes before 7:00 PM PDT to guarantee that they will be counted.
Beroli wrote:
Fri Apr 19, 2024 10:00 pm
Explore the docks.
I would have gone back to the docks and not told the guards if that was an option. I still want the backpack. You may want to vote for something else if you would like it to count.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by JourneymanN00b »

Vote registered; asking the stallholder if he’s hiring at present.

‘You need a permit from the Tradesmen’s Guild to work in the Bazaar,’ the man tells you. ‘You got one of those?’ You shake your head. ‘Didn’t think so.’

You walk away disconsolately. It feels like you need a permit to do anything in Salamonis, but permits cost money and your life savings were in your backpack, along with all your worldly possessions!

‘What’s the matter, friend?’ The voice belongs to a lean man, dressed in fine clothes that have nonetheless seen better days. He has a curling moustache on his top lip, a goatee on his chin, and a twinkle in his eye. Turn to 194.


‘You look like an honourable chap,’ he says, putting his arm around your shoulders. ‘I mean you’ve got an honest face. I’m surprised to see someone like you in an impecunious state.’ You didn’t realize you were in an impecunious state; you thought Salamonis was a kingdom. ‘You need to earn some Salacoins? Then Rodriguez is your man. But why work for a living when you can grift. Grifting is far easier. You don’t have to take insults or deal with angry men.’

‘What’s grifting?’ you ask. ‘Sounds a bit dodgy.’

‘It’s only dodgy if you get caught,’ Rodriguez replies, lowering his voice. ‘And I never get caught.’

The two of you sit down on a bench nearby and Rodriguez tells you what he has in mind.

‘We start at the nearest inn, right? Inns mean ale, and ale means marks. Marks are what we are looking for. People who’ve had a skinful already, who are not as alert as they were earlier in the day. And we’re going to use them to entertain the whole inn.’

If you want to go along with Rodriguez and try your hand at grifting, turn to 52. If you think it sounds like a little too dubious an activity and that you should leave Rodriguez to work his con tricks alone, turn to 226.

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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by Thaluikhain »

Vote that that sounds too dubious, and leave well alone.
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Re: [Let's Play] Fighting Fantasy 70 – Secrets of Salamonis

Post by Beroli »

Leave him to his con tricks. (And hope the book doesn't say that he's picked our pocket while we were talking to him at all.)
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