Help a Fighter - A Question Regarding Spell Storing

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Help a Fighter - A Question Regarding Spell Storing

Post by Rathe »

I'm playing a 10th level Dwarven Cleric in a 3.5 game, further details can be found in the thread "Help in Building at 3.5 Cleric thread" that many of you were nice enough to share your suggestions. In any case, I discovered two things this past weekend (debating writing it all out in its glorious detail in a In the Trenches thread), one was that I was far more effective than anyone else in the group and the second was that it meant that mobs tended to gun for me...literally.
Side note: We are playing some module where the ogres, with fighter or warlock levels, have Hover Belts and Laser Guns that are range touch attacks and deal 2d10 untyped damage.

So, what I'd like to do is make it so the monsters go try to hit someone else (so I can do cool stuff)...preferebly the Monk/Ranger/Tattoed monk who loves Combat Expertise & Grappling while enlarged. After seeing him play I realize that he knows way more than me about AoO and he has tumble and reach, but he either grapples or strikes with his +2 spiked gauntlets doing 35(unbuffed)-60(buffed) avg dmg a round on a full attack.

So I figured spell storing would be the easiest thing to use and am trying to find out what I could possibly store (or our 10th level wizard) in the gauntlets that would help him do stuff throughout combat. Tried to see if my new favorite damage spell Darkfire from the SpC would work, but although it has a Range: 0 ft, it has no target. I'm unfortunately finding that for the most part...they don't want fighters to have nice things, like round/level spells that boost damage.

Any suggestions?
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Post by Amra »

How are you planning on storing the spell? Do the gauntlets have the spell storing property, do you have access to a spell that does this, or what? Details, please!
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Post by Username17 »

Are we talking about a ring of spell storing (that lets a fighter cast a spell that you previously cast into it) or a weapon of spell storing (that lets a fighter trigger a 1st-3rd level spell as if he had cast it on an opponent he hits with the weapon)?

If it is the former you actually want long duration personal buffs and just hand the ring back and forth. If it is the latter you usually want crazy bad ass touch spells. Common choices include ghoul touch and vampiric touch. Actually VT seems like a very good match for your group. First of all, 5 dice of no-save damage on top of whatever else you're doing should draw fire when the enemies see a large red number go up. then the five dice of temp hit points should soak up a few of the... laser... blasts.

But if the DM allows it, shivering touch is the most bad ass spell to put into a spell storing weapon. A rod of lesser maximize can fill or refill a spell storing weapon three times a day with 18 points of no-save dex damage that triggers on the first hit. For real excitement, make some Spell Storing Arrows and take a few weeks off filling them with bad assery. When the Ranger can take down 3 dragons in a full attack sequence, you'll stop making fun of him.

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Post by mean_liar »

Oh, Shivering Touch (Frostburn, lvl 3 spell), how I love thee!

Seriously. That spell is fucked eight ways. 3d6 DEX damage. Teehee.
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Post by Psychic Robot »

I had someone try to argue that dragons were immune to the rule that says "Dex 0 = no move" because dragons are immune to paralysis. Though you might want not to use that spell just because of the cheese factor.
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Post by Rathe »

Sorry about the late reply, should have had that info in my opening statement.

I was hoping to add the +1 spell storing weapon property to the gauntlets, as it would be cheaper. The ring does open up way more options, but is pretty expensive for the sub-par wealth per level that this group operates at.

The DM will definitely disallow the spell Shivering Touch, we seem to be playing core+MIC+SpC with anything else only after "peer review". After reading your reasoning I think something like Vampiric Touch would work the best, or Combust if we were talking just damage.

Does anyone know of any spell that can be cast through a spell storing weapon that would allow multiple uses (so it would be stronger with a better BAB + flurry)? All I can think of is chill touch.

For the record, the laser beams and hover belt ogres are a$$tastic.
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Post by SunTzuWarmaster »

Heh. I missed the part where Darkfire affected all melee touch attacks and had a duration. Good find!

Craft Contingent Spell is probably a good feat for you to look into. It really solves a good deal of problems. A house favorite, of course, is Revenance on death, or the "exta life" spell.
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Post by Rathe »

Yep! Clerics who have to do "damage" prefer Darkfire. :)
(Side note: keep the level 1 spell Coldfire in your back pocket to change it from a fire type to a cold type spell if required)

Straight up boost from Divine Power + Haste (or Righteous Wrath of the Faithful), lets my level 10 cleric make 4 melee touch attacks or ranged touch attacks (120' range) per round on a full attack at 5d6+whatever damage per attack...did I mention it lasts 1 rnd/level and is level 3? Hello lesser quicken or extend!

Was hoping to give some of that to the monk, but the whole range 0' and no target in the spell block shot it down so I'm looking for good replacements.

Oh man, I hadn't even thought of the revenance on death or revevify! Nice idea SunTzuWar, might have to pick that it stands I was just hitting them with Close Wounds if they ended up dropping. (Immediate cast + close range = fun)
Last edited by Rathe on Thu May 21, 2009 5:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Roy »

Contingent Revivify alone is fucking pointless. They revive at -1... then take 9 damage from anything. Congrats, you wasted 3,250 gold or more.

Pair it with Contingent Heal and it's quite solid. Useless against things like death effects as Revivify can't save you, but get immune to that and word your contingencies right and you'll be fine.
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Post by mean_liar »

Ditto on the Contingent Heal.
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