Your Rule Sucks: The Zak S Social Currency Edition

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Zak S
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Post by Zak S »

TheFlatline wrote:Yeah I pretty much quit. At this point Zak is splitting split hairs to argue for what I can only assume is the sake of arguing.

He's already admitted that his "solution" only works when he's running it
Incorrect. I say it would not be a flaw if it only worked if I ran it. But there are likely lots of other people who could run it. Tons of people use rules I make all the time.

It's up to the GMs in question to look at what's on my blog and decide whether they have the desire to try to run a game like that, not me.
it shouldn't be held up to any other standard because reasons.
(I guess it's because his group is the only one that ever matters.)
The reasons actually being:

PhoneLobster: "You can't make up rules on the spot for your group it'll bite you on the ass"
Zak: "Ask me for a rule"
PL: (asks)
Zak: (provides rule) (plays game with group)(ass not bitten)
(Invites PL to investigate possible ass-biting from group)
(Silence from PL on this)

Those are the reasons. (Given many times). If you pretend these reasons are not this reason--which I've given many times--are you lying on purpose or just stupid, Flatline?
He's even admitted repeatedly he doesn't know fuck-all about D&D rules and just kind of wings it anyway.
What a fantastically vague attack.
He claims that means he made a fantastic "solution". Every time I reply the ripple on my "give a fuck" meter gets lower and lower. It's basically non-existent now. Zak's going back on ignore because…
"…because I can't articulate why I doubt him very well and it's frustrating" ? Or…what?

Here's the thing:

I'm not the only person in the universe to demand people back up their arguments, start polite until they have a reason not to be, and not, in general, troll and act like dipshits.

However: most of these people just look at what y'all are doing here and just go "Ugh" and don't even engage because you all act so shitty. I am actually being super nice and answering all your accusations about my rule. However: it doesn't mean that, unlike them, I can't see that you're acting like dicks about it.

You (all of you, a fuckton of you) ask me a question about the rule: I answer.

I ask you one about your objection (one of me, just one person's worth of questions): you flee.

So fuck off with that, too.
Last edited by Zak S on Tue Mar 25, 2014 2:31 am, edited 2 times in total.
Y'know that stereotype about virgin D&D nerds in their mom's basement? If you read something about me or the girls here, it's probably one of them trolling for our attention. For the straight story, come to: and ask.
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Post by Supergirl »

Zak S wrote:
Scrivener wrote:I'm done.

I tried abiding by Zak S's rules, in not assuming anything, not attacking or insulting him
"Your rule makes everyone a whore"?
even though he began by attacking me,
You said that--why woudn't I attack you?
I even allowed for a ridiculously easy standard to be met (two neutral parties to have doubts if I was right).
Incorrect: 2 members of the opposition are not neutral
Zak S has tried to change what the original challenge was about more than once,
Not once.

PhoneLobster: "If you make a ruling your game it'll bit you on the ass"
Zak: "Ask me for a rule"
PhonelLobster: (request in the OP)
refused to address issues
Quote one time I did that.
insult others with zero provocation,
"Your rule makes everyone a whore"?

I will not have the worlds oldest profession be called something to be ashamed about. Scrivener explained that whore is not an insult which it isnt. for someone who works with porn stars you should know better and apologize
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Post by Scrivener »

Well, I guess I'll respond to these final lies by Zak S.
Zak S wrote:
Scrivener wrote:I'm done.

I tried abiding by Zak S's rules, in not assuming anything, not attacking or insulting him
"Your rule makes everyone a whore"?
even though he began by attacking me,
You said that--why woudn't I attack you?
Because your rule turns everyone into a whore. Pointing this out is not an attack on you, nor is it an attack on anyone. Immediately calling me a dumbass however is an attack.

Zak S has tried to change what the original challenge was about more than once,
Not once.

PhoneLobster: "If you make a ruling your game it'll bit you on the ass"
Zak: "Ask me for a rule"
PhonelLobster: (request in the OP)
Zak S wrote: Holy Shit, I think just figured out what the problem is here.
refused to address issues
Quote one time I did that.
attempted to entrap someone by having them agree to statements as opposed to being honest and laying out his reasoning,
Where The Fuck Is That?
50ish leading questions to Ancient History.
and now not only is he backing down from his own challenge but he is trying to change the goalposts he set.
Where The Fuck Is That?
Scrivener wrote:
Zak S wrote:
gnorman wrote: Or, maybe, just maybe,

3. You didn't actually address it.

Did you comb through and check? If I do comb through and cut and paste will you acknowledge that I found it and admit you were wrong or will you dodge?

If you say you'll acknowledge it, then I will take the time to find it. Otherwise it's just running a pointless errand.

Yes, but you don't get to be the judge of it. If two other members of the board agree that you addressed the issue of DM fiat clearly I will gladly admit that you are right and I am a horrific shit stain of a human being. If not I would like you to apologize for being an offensive and rude person to everyone insulted in this thread.
This one, you won't even consider an argument as to how to arbitrate this if you feel my standards are insane. Nor will you even entertain doing the same offer for gnorman without having caveats added.
Zak S is a hypocrite and a coward.
1. What principle do I claim but not hold to (support with quotes)
Zac S wrote:People are allowed to say mean things on the internet (like Kaelik did) with no prompting. They are not, thereafter, allowed to complain about anything bad that happens to them as a result.
Starting an uncivil conversation (and there is no-one here arguing that I was the first person to be mean) and then demanding civility is hypocrisy.
And nobody comes and goes "Kaelik: you're a total fuck and need to get off the internet for doing that, you've ruined everything."
The first thing you say towards me is to call me a dumbass.

There are more quotes of you saying ad hominens are bad and so forth, but I'm not digging that far, if you wish to add dishonest to the list feel free.
Zak S wrote: 2. What am I afraid of? (Support with facts)
Your OWN CHALLENGE. Heck, I even accepted your clearly set up to fail challenge and you don't respond to it.
There is no use in continuing any discussion until he demonstrates any proof that he will argue in good faith.
What would constitute proof? Going "Oh wait I was wrong about everything"?

"Good faith" does not mean "I agree with everything you said despite the fact that when I as you honest questions about it you don't answer" like…
You state clearly what it will take to change your mind. You apologize for attacking without provocation. You do not attempt to entrap anyone via attempting to solicit agreement to separate clauses, and you adhere to the challenges you set out for.

To be clear, I will agree your rule is good once you show that it will not A-Make everyone into a whore and B- Is better than DM FIAT.
I don't follow this argument, could you restate it? Your example is of a bonus that never applies whereas mine are about bonuses that sometimes or often apply.
You ask a bunch of questions that have fuck all with the topic on hand. I responded.

The "attack" bonus is the same as your rule. It is a number you can only use when the DM says you can. This has always been a charge against your rule that you have NEVER addressed.

Just to be clear, you can't have it both ways. You wanted me to answer unrelated questions that are meant to help lead to an understanding of your ruling, when I ask you about a hypothetical rule that functions in the same way as yours you can't act as though you have no idea what is going on. That is not arguing in good faith.
So fuck off with that.
EDIT - sorry about the tags guys, didn't realize it was me.
Last edited by Scrivener on Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:12 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by wotmaniac »

can someone please fix their tags?
*WARNING*: I say "fuck" a lot.
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Post by codeGlaze »

Wiseman wrote:So is Zak S like a Shadzar 2.0?
Worse. He doesn't spawn 25 pages of infinite loop argumentation.
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Zak S
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Post by Zak S »


"I tried abiding by Zak S's rules, in not assuming anything, not attacking or insulting him "
""Your rule makes everyone a whore"?
even though he began by attacking me,"
You said that--why woudn't I attack you?
Because you rule turns everyone into a whore."

You're lying. Now this isn't even a mistake since you've read over this: this is an out and out lie.

I've said several times an NPC can only do things that the GM decides are within their range of possible behaviors. You read and responded to those posts. Here's evidence:
"Just as the GM decides (totally legit) a monster is a fire elemental or what its strength score is, the GM decides if Billy is a "whore" (i.e. will render service of x type in exchange for mundane services) or not. And whether Billy is a cobbler or not. And what color Billy's shoes are. And whether Billy is a wizard or not. And…. "

LINK: ... &start=525

It's nice to see the response to your last post contains such a blatant example of you lying, so there can be no doubt for anyone reading that you are a liar. You don't even have the defense that you didn't realize that the GM controlled who was a whore or not because of the late date.

You are caught in a blatant lie that cannot be explained away as a mistake. Stop doing that--it slows down the conversation.

Zak S has tried to change what the original challenge was about more than once,"

Not once.

PhoneLobster: "If you make a ruling your game it'll bit you on the ass"
Zak: "Ask me for a rule"
PhonelLobster: (request in the OP)

Then Scrivener posts this:


Holy Shit, I think just figured out what the problem is here:

Because PL is an idiot and communicated the request incorrectly, he never got this across, and the words "Social Currency System" were too vague to do it-- I think you guys don't just want a Social Currency System--you want something more like a Social Conflict/Combat System.

I look at the request and thought he was asking for:

A method of making basically apathetic NPCs choose to do what you want (via fear or obligation) (Including a lot of things that are probably in their best interest anyway). Basically a formal structure to track existing relations in the campaign vaguely like a better version of Oriental Adventures' Honor System.

What he wanted was:

A method of forcing NPCs to do your bidding through a dynamic and battle-like interaction of intimidations, gifts, and creations of obligations More like a perhaps more time-drawn out version DC Heroes' interpersonal system which had 3 mental stat that paralleled the 3 physical stats (dex, str, body) and that you basically attack against in order to force a result out of them.

This explains most of the differences between what y'all casually assumed the request was describing and what I casually assumed it was describing.

My system treats the NPC's personality like a wall you have to get past. Like the PCs get to a wall. The wall doesn't care about them either way. This works in the game 2-3 ways, the PCs:
--investigate the method of destroying the wall (which I assume is a fun and interesting thing to do--in the social mechanic that would mean asking locals overtly or covertly what the target NPC wanted

-Go acquire the resources necessary to do that. (which I assume is a fun and interesting thing to do too--basically fetch quests for things the NPC wants or a mission to inflict intimidating damage on them. I.E. Knowing you need dynamite involves the PCs (depending on the heaviness of the wall) in an interesting quest to get enough of it from various sources.

-Also possibly investigate rivals and then get rid of them, distract them or change their priorities via these same social manipulations. Which is supposed to be fun for the same reasons

The system y'all want would treat the NPC's personality as a monster you have an encounter (long or drawn out over years with). i.e. you have to engage in a dynamic and tactical/strategic situation with the personality over time that involves choices of what to apply and when at precisely the right time. And you want the NPC to be malleable enough that you can force them into actions they'd (as originally described) perhaps never do. Walls don't care if you knock them down, they just aren't down yet--monsters do.


If this is right, then it explains most of the beefs here--

When Ancient History was going "But Charm is less broken than this because with Charm the target saves" I kept thinking "So? Why would an apathetic person who gets gifts or threats such that its in their clear best interest to do what you want need a save? Why are they resisting?"

And then I'd go "But investigating and going on fetch quests and outdoing rivals is as hard or harder than making someone fail a save" and he go "No, it's different because…" and that argument went nowhere because the point wasn't really "This is easier to do than Charm" but rather "Charm is a system where there's a conflict, whereas your system is just one where you go get dynamite to blow up the wall and then do it and the wall's got no say.

And he'd go But Your System Can Grant an Overwhelming Bonus and I'd go "So?" because in my mind if you are on a fetch quest for dynamite and you overkill it, the game effect is Oh no we did too much fun adventuring to get dynamite and now the trivial part (actually demolishing the wall) is now finally here whereas in his mind the PCs are bringing dynamite to a knife fight (and so making the knife fight unfun).

And this also explains (finally) WTF apple-stacking really means. Lobster's description was:
it is important that you cannot accrue large amounts of incremental small pieces of currency like a gift of an apple a day and then cash them in for a kingdom.

And I thought "Oh easy, the keywords are "small" and "kingdom". In my system the only things that count for NPCs who'd have kingdoms would be large. So: sorted.

Whereas what he should've written was:
"it is important that you cannot accrue any amounts of incremental small pieces of currency like a gift of an apple a day and then cash them in for a kingdom--or indeed to in any way guarantee the success of requests."

And it also explains the "but your system doesn't do anything" complaint. Yeah-I thought I was being asked for a system like honor or xp that just tracked relations arising from existing campaign events.

(Look at the description:
"Some people around here want a "Social Currency" system. A way of representing and recording gratitude, fear, and honorable debts.

Stated requirements include that in the event of gathering large amounts of "Fear Currency" by winning a war that a bunch of high level characters can give it to a 1st level Herald and he can go make the high level enemy generals surrender by cashing it in. ")

Ok: the herald carries the news of the defeats (defeats=currencies exchangeable for bonuses like fair prizes) to the NPC. And the herald delivers the dynamite charge, as it were. )

What you wanted was a system that influenced campaign events forcefully by being gambleable at the right moment and in the right way. That is: a tactical resource rather than just a tracking one. Or something like that.

Which is not a bad thing to want--it's just not clear in this text:

Some people around here want a "Social Currency" system. A way of representing and recording gratitude, fear, and honorable debts.

Stated requirements include that in the event of gathering large amounts of "Fear Currency" by winning a war that a bunch of high level characters can give it to a 1st level Herald and he can go make the high level enemy generals surrender by cashing it in.

However at the same time it is important that you cannot accrue large amounts of incremental small pieces of currency like a gift of an apple a day and then cash them in for a kingdom.

Make THAT work. You have 1 Minute.

So..yeah. If I look back now on the criticisms assuming you guys want the Social Conflict/Combat System then they make a lot more sense.

Basically, PL was inarticulate and everybody else was too busy being a dick to me to:
-realize a person could intelligently and in good faith not assume the same thing as them from PL's request
-clarify what that request actually was trying to ask for, in total

Does that make sense? Or do we get another dogpile?

And then Scrivener says:
"This is the most recent, instead of accepting the many ways your rule has failed, and that it does not hold up to any standard you tried to say that you made a rule for something different."

There is not a single word of that that makes sense--sine the whole point of contention is whether my rule failed. PL wrote something vague--I interpreted it one way, you interpreted it in another, failures to meet your standard are down to that.

Since you point to no part of this long quote that proves I don't actually believe what I wrote, then it's hard to say where to start on this.

" refused to address issues"

Z: Quote one time I did that.

Simply post a question about the rule (from further upthread) that I failed to answer, then.

If I cannot then cut and paste a response, you will surely have won.

Surely you can do that, right? If you're sooooooo sure I haven't answered sooooo many questions you should be able to find one?

Again: it is fitting that your last post will contain such blatant evidence of your insincerity. I've written "If you have a question I haven't answered post it here" so many times in this thread it's ridiculous.

"attempted to entrap someone by having them agree to statements as opposed to being honest and laying out his reasoning, "

Where The Fuck Is That?
50ish leading questions to Ancient History. "

Those were investigative not leading questions. Trying to figure out the source of his beef.

What was I leading him to? It benefits me in no way to trick him into saying things that agree with me--I need to understand the nature of your complaints before I can address them or see if they are valid.

You are just so fucking full of assumptions you assume everyone else shares that when someone tries to hack through the thicket you evilly and narrow-mindedly assume they're asking questions in order to…what? What they hell would it accomplish? I don't even know.

You seem to think I secretly believe I am wrong and am pretending to not agree with you for some vile end that I don't understand. What would that get me?

and now not only is he backing down from his own challenge but he is trying to change the goalposts he set."

Where The Fuck Is That?

you won't even consider an argument as to how to arbitrate this if you feel my standards are insane. Nor will you even entertain doing the same offer for gnorman without having caveats added.

The Gaming Den (as has been extensively illustrated) is not an unbiased court. I mean: it defends Kaelik. That's a preposterous suggestion. If you offer a non-preposterous "objective body" (randomly chosen gamers?) then I will, of course, consider it.

Zak S is a hypocrite and a coward."

1. What principle do I claim but not hold to (support with quotes)

ZAK: People are allowed to say mean things on the internet (like Kaelik did) with no prompting. They are not, thereafter, allowed to complain about anything bad that happens to them as a result. "
SCRIV: "The first thing you say towards me is to call me a dumbass."

ZAK: As soon as you come out of the box saying my system makes everyone a whore, you are a dumbass. An evil dumbass. There is no nonstupid nonevil interpretation of that. Sorry. I upheld my principle.

ZAK: 2. What am I afraid of? (Support with facts)
Your OWN CHALLENGE. Heck, I even accepted your clearly set up to fail challenge and you don't respond to it. "

The one where you said I never responded to questions and then….totally repeatedly and are still now not cutting and pasting such alleged questions? That challenge? The one where you proposed using totally biased people as the Neutral Arbiters in hilariously bad faith? What next: propose your mom judge it?

Fuck off with that.


You state clearly what it will take to change your mind. "
Well why didn't you just ask?
What would change my mind:

Evidence drawn from talking to my players (who are all reachable on social media) or my blog or just talking to me that this system was "biting me on the ass" (or making my game suck in some way) as I used it.
Evidence drawn from asking me questions that revealed I was unprepared for some clear consequence of the system.
Evidence that the way I interpreted the requirements of the rule would be impossible and that therefore I must be lying.

Wouldn't make me lose the challenge but would be helpful and prove you are smart :

The best criticism would be a system that makes you happy but also works as well or better than this one for my group.

"You apologize for attacking without provocation."

Since I never did that, I can't.
Also: Repeatedly demanding someone agree to a premise they do not believe rather than simply trying to prove the premise just slows the conversation down. I simply believe your whore remark is evidence you're an idiot, jumping to that conclusion is evidence you're an idiot. Until you recognize that that was inappropriate and caused you to be classified with all these other dipshits, I cannot honestly change my estimation of you. Your defense that "it's true" is a terrible defense because I've repeatedly demonstrated it's not.

If you have good faith, what you need to say is: "I am sorry, that was rude. I could not see the reasons your system does not make everyone a whore, and I do not understand them yet, however I will now ask some questions to figure out how you manage to run your game sans ubiquitous prostitution despite using this rule since you do." (or, if you don't believe me that I do "I will now endeavor to do research to prove you are lying about this and that there are whores everywhere in your game")

"You do not attempt to entrap anyone via attempting to solicit agreement to separate clauses, "

How the FUCK are two people in a disagreement supposed to figure out their point of disagreement if they can't, from the ground up, figure out which of their assumptions don't match?

Asking you "Would you agree…?" is not a trap for you. What would I gain if you are "trapped"? Nothing. I gain nothing from persuading you--I am merely attempting to understand the problem you see and figure out why you see it.

"and you adhere to the challenges you set out for."
I'll accept any fair challenge. You haven't proposed a fair one. I'm allowed to believe that. If you doubt me: make an argument for it.

"To be clear, I will agree your rule is good once you show that it will not A-Make everyone into a whore and B- Is better than DM FIAT."

Ok. I am not endeavoring to make you agree to things or persuade you--merely to discover what it is that makes you assume it is wrong. However, persuading you may be a side effect. I do not know or care.

"The "attack" bonus is the same as your rule. It is a number you can only use when the DM says you can. This has always been a charge against your rule that you have NEVER addressed. "

No, this restatement of the question --while it seems the same as other statements of it to you and to someone who already understand your POV --seems very different than previous criticisms to someone who does not start with your assumptions. This is, to me, a new question:

You asked before What's the point of a stat if it only works sometimes? To which I said What's the point of GP if you can't buy peace of mind. i.e GP is good for many but not all things so it is useful.

This statement of your question looks very different to me than any I have seen before in the thread: " It is a number you can only use when the DM says you can. "
That is true. Simply true. Yes: it is a number you can only use when the DM says you can. So is Pick Lock. That does not mean that every single lock is subject to GM fiat. On pickable locks, it's subject to dice. On unpickable locks, it's that way because the GM said. Just like there's a door and a dungeon and a monster behind the door because the GM said.

So: what exactly is the problem with "a number you can only use when the DM says you can. " that makes it not like Pick Lock? Or any of the billions of other numbers you can only use when the GM says in D&D?

Last edited by Zak S on Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:09 am, edited 5 times in total.
Y'know that stereotype about virgin D&D nerds in their mom's basement? If you read something about me or the girls here, it's probably one of them trolling for our attention. For the straight story, come to: and ask.
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Post by Kaelik »

Scrivener, unfuck your tags. You have a quote that isn't closed properly or two many close quotes.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Kaelik »

Zak S wrote:Simply post a question about the rule (from further upthread) that I failed to answer, then.

If I cannot then cut and paste a response, you will surely have won.

Surely you can do that, right? If you're sooooooo sure I haven't answered sooooo many questions you should be able to find one?
You are lying Zak S. You are trying to change the challenge to make it harder. The actual statement was about a topic you did not address, not a question you didn't answer. Topics cover us telling you you are a retarded sociopathic hypocrite. Topics cover every post I've made that you ignored.
Scrivener wrote:
Zak S wrote:
Gnorman wrote: Or, maybe, just maybe,

3. You didn't actually address it.
Did you comb through and check? If I do comb through and cut and paste will you acknowledge that I found it and admit you were wrong or will you dodge?

If you say you'll acknowledge it, then I will take the time to find it. Otherwise it's just running a pointless errand.
Yes, but you don't get to be the judge of it. If two other members of the board agree that you addressed the issue of DM fiat clearly I will gladly admit that you are right and I am a horrific shit stain of a human being. If not I would like you to apologize for being an offensive and rude person to everyone insulted in this thread.
See, topic. Not question. Don't lie to change the challenge you deceptive asshole.
Zak S wrote:The Gaming Den (as has been extensively illustrated) is not an unbiased court. I mean: it defends Kaelik. That's a preposterous suggestion.
They also attack me when I am wrong. Because they care about who is correct, and not at all about who feels bad when they are called out as being the shitthole they are.

Hey, how is that whole defending your rules with relativism while claiming that other types of games are shitty and for stupid people going?
Zak S wrote:An evil dumbass. There is no nonstupid nonevil interpretation of that.
Says the guy who thinks people who engage in satire should be murdered.
Last edited by Kaelik on Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by wotmaniac »

Yes, Kaelik can be a little belligerent at times -- I think everyone can agree on that. It's kinda what he does -- there would be something severely wrong if he wasn't.

However, the "asshole scale" and "knows-their-shit scale" are completely and totally independent of each other.

So, general thin-skin aside, "whore" and (unless I missed my guess) "loser" seem to be particularly touchy for him.
Just putting that out there.
*WARNING*: I say "fuck" a lot.
"The most patriotic thing you can do as an American is to become filthy, filthy rich."
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Post by Zak S »

wotmaniac wrote:Yes, Kaelik can be a little belligerent at times -- I think everyone can agree on that. It's kinda what he does -- there would be something severely wrong if he wasn't.

However, the "asshole scale" and "knows-their-shit scale" are completely and totally independent of each other.
I disagree. If you're on the internet talking games there's only 2 real reasons I can see:
1-You want to learn things you can do with games and maybe meet people to do those things with
2-You see the activity as an end in itself

If (1) then being an asshole to people without being 100% sure they deserve it is counter-productive, so you're an idiot--you are engaging in a self-defeating enterprise that slows down the acquisition of information.

If (2) you're a terminal loser. You have chosen a life path which trades time you could be spending having real fun trying to derive it from making innocent peoples' lives worse. Go display your scathing wit in a bar or something, where someone attractive might notice it.

Since understanding humans is essential to understanding games and someone being a dick like he is does not understand them, his wisdom score is too low to make up for whatever feat tree or minmax skills he has.
Last edited by Zak S on Tue Mar 25, 2014 4:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
Y'know that stereotype about virgin D&D nerds in their mom's basement? If you read something about me or the girls here, it's probably one of them trolling for our attention. For the straight story, come to: and ask.
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Post by Almaz »

Zak S wrote:I disagree. If you're on the internet talking games there's only 2 real reasons I can see:
2-You see the activity as an end in itself


If (2) you're a terminal loser. You have chosen a life path which trades time you could be spending having real fun trying to derive it from making innocent peoples' lives worse. Go display your scathing wit in a bar or something, where someone attractive might notice it.
Is this some sort of like, meta comedy act? Are you intentionally satirizing yourself? Because you just made a pretty brilliant case for yourself being a terminal loser, there. Just saying. It's quite obvious you're not learning anything, given how much you choose to read and internalize from what people are saying. So I can only assume you are trying to skewer your own behavior.
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Post by Zak S »

Almaz wrote: It's quite obvious you're not learning anything, given how much you choose to read and internalize from what people are saying. So I can only assume you are trying to skewer your own behavior.
You (foolishly, disgustingly, revealingly, unfortunately) assume a lot. I've learned a great deal here--but nobody asked what I've learned so I haven't talked about it.

For instance, Ancient History talked about how he viewed Too Much Computational Complexity as a real but Unmeasurable (because some people will have a different threshold) that varies problem vs Other problems which are Real and Measurable.

That is revealing both about people like Ancient History and is a useful mental construct to talk about RPGs and RPG arguments overall: is someone arguing for a Measurable Real or an Unmeasurable Real and how they view "objectivity". That was a good one.

The idea that RPGs may become more abusable as they become more like RPGs and less like Chess (safe) is also an idea that may have uses.
Last edited by Zak S on Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:03 am, edited 5 times in total.
Y'know that stereotype about virgin D&D nerds in their mom's basement? If you read something about me or the girls here, it's probably one of them trolling for our attention. For the straight story, come to: and ask.
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Post by Kaelik »

wotmaniac wrote:Yes, Kaelik can be a little belligerent at times -- I think everyone can agree on that. It's kinda what he does -- there would be something severely wrong if he wasn't.

However, the "asshole scale" and "knows-their-shit scale" are completely and totally independent of each other.

So, general thin-skin aside, "whore" and (unless I missed my guess) "loser" seem to be particularly touchy for him.
Just putting that out there.
You have me confused with someone else. I don't care about whore or loser. It is Supergirl who cares about whore, and I could give a fuck about loser (is anyone really upset about loser?)

I don't care about people saying mean things in general. I care about people saying wrong things, and I really care about people whining about/demanding civility while not being civil and instead being passive aggressive assholes. Like Zak did before I ever posted in that thread.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by PhoneLobster »

So in other words you were exposed for the first time to some of the most fundamental and basic ideas of RPG rules design...

...and you manage to make statements about them that clearly indicate you've not really mentally grasped them. Latching on to misunderstood and misrepresented tangents instead of the basic concepts themselves.

You will go far indeed... mostly sideways and a bit backwards though.
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Post by Zak S »

PhoneLobster wrote:So in other words you were exposed for the first time to some of the most fundamental and basic ideas of RPG rules design...

...and you manage to make statements about them that clearly indicate you've not really mentally grasped them. Latching on to misunderstood and misrepresented tangents instead of the basic concepts themselves.

You will go far indeed... mostly sideways and a bit backwards though.
I learned about your assumptions about RPG design. Questions about which you guys are too paranoid and suspicious to respond to lest you be led into a "trap" where …..something bad will happen i guess.
Last edited by Zak S on Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Y'know that stereotype about virgin D&D nerds in their mom's basement? If you read something about me or the girls here, it's probably one of them trolling for our attention. For the straight story, come to: and ask.
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Post by Kaelik »

Zak S wrote:If (1) then being an asshole to people without being 100% sure they deserve it is counter-productive, so you're an idiot--you are engaging in a self-defeating enterprise that slows down the acquisition of information.
I was 100%* certain you deserved it. And my certainty was born out because the exact thing I said you believe you clearly stated that you actually believe later. I was right about your hypocritical shit for brains relativism except when you want to criticize something.

*Technically, as someone who understands the concept of probability and time investment to a non-zero degree I was not actually 100% certain, but no one ever is without being deluded, and a number less than 100% such as 93% can perfectly justify treating someone like the shithole they (almost certainly) are.
Zak S wrote:If (2) you're a terminal loser. You have chosen a life path which trades time you could be spending having real fun trying to derive it from making innocent peoples' lives worse.

False Premise, that this isn't real fun. False Premise, that I am trying to make other people's lives worse (I am trying to make other people who have to deal with you have better lives by demonstrating your shitty hypocrisy). False Premise, that you are innocent.
Zak S wrote:Go display your scathing wit in a bar or something, where someone attractive might notice it.
False Premise, that AH is not one sexy motherfucker. False Premise, that I would want to have sex every night. False Premise, that I can't do this while working.
Zak S wrote:Since understanding humans is essential to understanding games and someone being a dick like he is does not understand them, his wisdom score is too low to make up for whatever feat tree or minmax skills he has.
False premise, that my 100% accurate prediction of exactly how you feel about other kinds of games when you slip up and are honest about what you think, constitutes "not understanding people." Actually, I understand people just fine, I just think you are a piece of shit.

Are you going to add all of these to the list of Topics you have not addressed?
Last edited by Kaelik on Tue Mar 25, 2014 5:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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Post by Zak S »

Kaelik wrote: False Premise, that I would want to have sex every night.
Wow, you really are boring.
Y'know that stereotype about virgin D&D nerds in their mom's basement? If you read something about me or the girls here, it's probably one of them trolling for our attention. For the straight story, come to: and ask.
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Post by Supergirl »

Zak S wrote:
Kaelik wrote: False Premise, that I would want to have sex every night.
Wow, you really are boring.
way to insult someone for their personal sexual decisions. now you need to stop ignoring me and actually apologize, to Kaelik as well as me
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Post by Almaz »

Zak S wrote:You (foolishly, disgustingly) assume a lot. I've learned a great deal here--but nobody asked what I've learned so I haven't talked about it.
Well, firstly, it's not particularly an assumption that you aren't learning, it's an observation. Your patterned repetition of looping the same argument over and over is rather like the, whatsit, "definition of insanity" proposed by Einstein: doing the same thing expecting different results. So, I observe, and conclude that learning has not occurred. Perhaps there is a degree of learning where the variations do not appear significant and are not meaningfully discernable from the fluctuations of random chance. Alas, (or perhaps fortunately) there are not several Zak Smiths in the world and there are not several The Gaming Dens in the world, so we cannot really repeat this test. However, the Zak S specimen here has produced quite a bit of data, so, while singular and in a singular "session," I think it's at least reason to not hold confidence in any "learning occurred" conclusion, based entirely on the whole "going around and around for 23 pages" thing. It's not exactly five sigma material, and probably not even one.

Secondly, your posting style of continuous chatter and never allowing anyone to engage you on something for very long, instead ignoring them when they make an inconvenient point, is consistent with a pattern that marks an abject refusal to learn. I've engaged with people who do this before, and they typically shut down and repeat the same mistake at some other time, up until someone persuades them to not shut down. If that ever happens, anyways, and if it ever sticks. Keep in mind that "shut down" includes "continue going on as if nothing happened."

You seem to view "assumptions" as bad. Which is interesting, because assumptions are how most people get through their day. You don't imagine the ground is going to give way under your feet when you get out of bet, you just assume it won't. It might not even be a safe assumption if you live in a house with rotten floorboards - which, again, you might not have verified. People who second-guess all their assumptions about how the world works are called paranoid, with a downwards intonation and a bit of sneer at the lip. For good reason. It demonstrates a lack of trust of one's surroundings, one's society, one's senses, and one's self.
Zak S wrote:
Kaelik wrote: False Premise, that I would want to have sex every night.
Wow, you really are boring.
This is an excellent example of the "shut down, but keep going" pattern. You cut not for brevity (we all know by now that you have no interest in that) but because it lets you engage with just this one point, and belittle Kaelik for it.

In a very interesting and revealing way.

Well, on top of puerile, of course.

Do snip out everything and respond to one jab or comment, of course, like the predictable, biomechanical human robot that you are. It would be awful for you to disappoint the vast audience of people who are laughing at your performance on this forum by not living up to their expectations. Truly, the great entertainer, Zak S.
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Post by wotmaniac »

Kaelik wrote:You have me confused with someone else. I don't care about whore or loser. It is Supergirl who cares about whore, and I could give a fuck about loser (is anyone really upset about loser?)

I don't care about people saying mean things in general. I care about people saying wrong things, and I really care about people whining about/demanding civility while not being civil and instead being passive aggressive assholes. Like Zak did before I ever posted in that thread.
Oh shit, sorry -- that part was about Zak.
I apparently neglected to clarify that. :facepalm:
(oh well -- now it's clarified)
*WARNING*: I say "fuck" a lot.
"The most patriotic thing you can do as an American is to become filthy, filthy rich."
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Post by wotmaniac »

Zak S wrote:
Kaelik wrote: False Premise, that I would want to have sex every night.
Wow, you really are boring.
Well, not everybody is a damaged, broken, loserwhore.
*WARNING*: I say "fuck" a lot.
"The most patriotic thing you can do as an American is to become filthy, filthy rich."
- Mark Cuban

"Game design has no obligation to cater to people who don’t buy into the premise of the game"

TGD -- skirting the edges of dickfinity since 2003.

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