Paladin Rewrite

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Paladin Rewrite

Post by Cielingcat »

This is a rough draft of a Paladin base class. I have yet to write the spell list out, but it is intended to be similar to the Cleric list with a focus on buffs and healing.

“Evil, meet my sword. Sword, meet evil!”

Paladins are champions of all that is good and right,

Any good. Paladins champion goodness and justice, but their methods can vary.

Races: Any

Starting Gold:

Starting Age:

Hit Die: d10
Class Skills:
Skills/Level: 4+Int bonus (x4 at first level)
BAB: Good
Saves: Fort: Good, Ref: Poor, Will: Good

Level, Benefit
1, Spellcasting, Smite Evil
2, Turn Undead
3, Lay on Hands, Cure the Sick
4, Tireless Defender
5, Blade of the Righteous
7, Shield of Faith
9, Strike of Justice
11, Divine Soul
13, Call Ally
15, Cleansing Smite
17, Fire from the Heavens
19, Divine Ascendancy
20, Touch of the Gods
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Paladins are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as all armor and shields, but not tower shields.

Spellcasting: Paladins are Divine spellcasters with the spell progression of the Sorcerer. A Paladin casts spells from the Paladin spell list, which is given below. Paladins may cast any spell they know without preparing them, provided they have a spell slot of the appropriate level available.
To cast a Paladin spell, a Paladin must have a Charisma of 10+the spell’s level. A Paladin’s spellcasting is Charisma based.

Smite Evil (Su): Once per 4 rounds, a Paladin may attempt to Smite an evil creature as part of a normal melee attack. A Smite attack gains a bonus to attack equal to the paladin’s Charisma bonus, if any, and a bonus to damage equal to his character level.

Turn Undead (Su): A Paladin turns undead as a Cleric of his level.

Lay on Hands (Sp): Once per day per five levels, a Paladin may cast Heal, with a caster level equal to his level.

Cure the Sick (Sp): A Paladin may, as a standard action, attempt to remove any diseases or poisons from a touched target. The Paladin must make a Will save against the poison or disease’s DC; success means the affliction is removed. Note that if a Paladin fails the save, he may simply try again the next round. Paladins of third level and above are also immune to all poisons and diseases.

Tireless Defender (Ex): Paladins of fourth level and above are immune to Fatigue, Sickness, and Nausea.

Blade of the Righteous (Su): A Paladin’s weapons radiate holy energy. Any weapon held by a Paladin is treated as Good aligned, and deals an extra 2d6 points of Holy damage.

Shield of Faith (Su): A Paladin is surrounded by a shield of faith. He gains a Shield bonus to AC equal to one third of his character level, rounded up. This manifests as a glowing light that radiates from his body, shedding light equal to a torch. He may suppress or renew this as a free action.

Strike of Justice (Su): When a Paladin of 9th level successfully Smites an enemy, the enemy must make a Fortitude save or be Stunned for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is 10+1/2 level+Charisma bonus.

Divine Soul (Ex): Such is a Paladin’s faith that at 11th level, they become immune to Death effects, energy drain, and ability drain (but not damage).

Call Ally (Sp): A 13th level Paladin may Summon any Good aligned outsider once per day, provided the outsider’s Challenger Rating does not exceed his level-2. This is treated as a 7th level spell.

Cleansing Smite (Su): Any creature hit by a 15th level Paladin’s Smite attack must make a Will save or die instantly. The save DC is equal to 10+1/2 level+Charisma bonus

Fire from the Heavens (Sp): At 17th level, a Paladin may call down divine judgment on his foes. They may cast Holy Word at will with a caster level equal to their character level. Any evil creature hit by this Holy Word also takes 1d6 Divine damage per level of the caster.

Divine Ascendancy: At 19th level, a Paladin gains the Half-Celestial template. They do not gain the Half-Celestial spell-like abilities.

Touch of the Gods (Sp): Once per day at 20th level, a Paladin may, as a standard action, return life to the body of a touched being. This functions as True Resurrection, except that it requires some part of the target’s body to be intact. The Resurrected being gains the Celestial Creature template.
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Re: Paladin Rewrite

Post by Starmaker »

Needs Atonement at level 1 with no XP cost for the paladin and perhaps a limit on atonement frequency for a particular character.
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Post by Gelare »

Lay on Hands probably needs to say (minimum 1/day).
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Post by bourdain89 »

I'm really liking this class, would be nice to see what the spell list would be, also wondering what your version of the blackguard would be like...


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Post by Cielingcat »

The Spell List should probably look like this, at least for first level (from the Core books, since I'm working away from home).

Level 1: Bless, Bless Water, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Evil, Detect Undead, Divine Favor, Endure Elements, Magic Weapon, Mount, Protection From Evil, Remove Fear, Sanctuary, Shield, Shield of Faith, True Strike.
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