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Obligatory 'puter 'sploded post

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:53 am
by PhoneLobster
My computer exploded.

In that quiet not very explosive way they some times do where the lights and fans come on but no body is home, because somewhere inside the mother board and much of the rest of it is secretly dead.

I blame the power source, and in turn the shoddy wiring around here and our shoddy corporatised power network with all the fucking blackouts and surges they ceaselessly subject my rural nowhere area to. It's like living in Atlantis, limited connectivity, 2 weeks from mail order computers, no electricity, no roads and frequently underwater.

In typing this post I discover the new non worn out keyboard I got along with the replacement computer turns out to have a power off fucking short cut key in between the arrow keys and enter (edit: and delete, that was a close one!) (son of a bitch).

So anyway that explains why I've been strangely quiet lately.

But now I'm back, and I'm mad... Well I'm not mad (except about the STUPID power button, convenient my ASS) but as I understand it that's just something you say when you are back. The bit about being mad, not the bit about the convenient power button.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:58 am
by Username17
I would remove that key and tape it over. That sounds like the most annoying thing I can imagine that is entirely passive in its effects.


Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:27 am
by TOZ
WTF do you need a poweroff button on your keyboard for? o.O Unless it's a desktop? Still doesn't esplain it tho.

My wife's computer died Christmas morning. Turns out it was a faulty motherboard. Sent it to HP and they tried to charge us for the repair, despite it being a known problem. Then they sent it back MISSING KEYS. And tried to charge us for repairing THAT too.

Needless to say, I bought her a Mac on New Year's Day.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:54 am
by angelfromanotherpin
My last computer exploded. It didn't fly into pieces or anything, but there were several very loud electrical noises and some smoke. Fortunately, that was just the monitor, and the tower remained unharmed.

The most amusing computer death I ever saw was my old MacTV. I turned it on for the first time in five years, and when the Mac face came up, it had Xs for eyes and its tongue sticking out. Then it didn't finish booting up.

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:56 pm
by Murtak
You should be able to disable that power button in windows, though it will probably require messing with the registry. Try searching for "disable power button <yourkeyboard>".

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:04 pm
by Crissa
angel: That means the mac was unable to find the boot sector on the drive. Normally, it just means the drive or drive controller has been damaged.

On a PC you wouldn't even get the sick face ^-^


Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 9:49 pm
by Maj
Crissa wrote:On a PC you wouldn't even get the sick face ^-^
If I did, I'd assume it was a screw-you message from a virus, not a system message.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 5:56 am
by Cynic
you know when machines start emoting on their own, I think the time has come to put the machiines down with machetes.

Fucking Wiintermute.

edit: forgot to put a crucial word in the middle. ^.^ or did the machine take it out. hmmm....

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:35 am
by Draco_Argentum
You can disable those buttons but really, why the fuck would I want that shit in the first place? I hate the trend to have keyboards with extra BS buttons on them. And I really hate the MS shit where they decided F5 your default to 'open' instead of refresh. Dickheads.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:00 pm
by josephbt



The previous kyb had similar buttons above the printscreen/scrlk, but they were poweroff and snooze and some other shite. They all get the knife. And when i get tired of the kyb, the buttons fit right back with no problem and off it goes to someone, if i'm lucky, i get a free beer.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:00 am
by Judging__Eagle
luls, Wintermute. Good one Cynic.

Good to have to back Phone. Lack of connectivity can really suck.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:50 am
by CatharzGodfoot
So, is this why you came up with a massive RPG project? Wasting less time online? :P

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 2:35 pm
by TOZ
It's not wasted! It's purposefully mismanaged!