Things I don't Like about Privateer Press, counting the ways

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Things I don't Like about Privateer Press, counting the ways

Post by PhoneLobster »

would you mind telling us in what way Privateer pissed in your cheerios? I think we could all use a good laugh.
I am not sure how funny this particular rant will be but why not give it a go?

In the Beginning there was the page that said "Fuck You"
Straight up first thing privateer press does in their rule books since day one is have their infamous "page whatever the hell it is". A page in which Privateer preemptively rants against their own players before even providing them with any of the rules of the game.

The general gist of the rant is, balance? Fuck it, we just made EVERYTHING super uber powad! Stop crying and man up and just deal with it bitch! They go on and on about "having a pair". Then PS, Fuck you.

Which is a bit of an offensive message really. I mean why don't THEY man up and take responsibility for their rules? Why can't they have a message telling fan boys to "have a pair" and admit that hey, maybe there MIGHT be imperfections in the game and just "deal" with that? No instead they essentially kick start Fan Boy denialism and bullshit by pouring a bunch of "anyone who ever has problems with our game is a weak whiny pussy!" fuel onto the fire.

But you know whatever, I ignored it along with the fluff text.

In the beginning there were also a bunch of problems
And unsurprisingly their product was not actually perfect.

It was nice, especially if you just now came from war hammer fantasy or something crap like that.

But there WERE flaws they did NOT give out the "supa powas" as evenly and effectively as they insisted in their pre-emptive fuck you to potential criticism.

Certain unit's and leaders were crap, certain factions were forced into specific strategies, combos and various elaborate pretzel shapes to compete against even the most basic and simple of strategies from certain other factions.

Some notable problems were...

Cygnar and Kahdor were too good and too easy, Menoth and Cryx had to ignore half their roster and rely on specific builds and tactics to function.

Mechanics were completely useless because in a maybe six turn game taking a 'Jack' out of action for any extended period to repair it (if you rolled well) was about the same as losing it.

The STARTER BOX caster for Kahdor was stupidly over powered able to field some of the highest caster movement and defense in the game, had nice spells and easily the most uber powerful stun nuke AoE "feat" of them all.

Everyone hated Haley's Temporal Barrier because it was really rather good and counter to the "balls to the wall" philosophy of "everyone moves directly towards each other until they all die" that the creators and community wanked to.

Some units and models were just ass. Many players believed that the Cryx defiler had a spray template attack (possibly due to some early misprints in starter rules) and because without it (and it WAS without it) it somewhat sucked as the most expensive to field Cryx arc node.

Often infantry units (not meant to be the focus of the game) were hands down better than Jacks (meant to be the focus of the game) this was problematic.

There was... somewhat of a shortage of unit options. For instance 'Arc Nodes" a very important unit type were thin on the ground and some factions, including the one that was supposed to be the most advanced technomagical power house that invented the things, had a choice of... ONE. This was not abnormal in a lot of unit types and factions, for instance Cryx, about the only faction that might have benefited from the gimped early repair rules, had absolutely zero repair capable units. They DID have a mechanic model, it just couldn't 'do' repair.

But despite all this the game had it's good qualities and you could do fun tactical knock down and throw attacks with Jacks and many units were interesting with fun abilities. While there WERE trap options at the army build level you often found games were won or lost by tactical decisions at the table, and not even predetermined tactical decisions but sometimes even actual adaptive ones!

Also model quality was... eh... some were OK some were terrible, at first it was worse then for a while it improved, then it just stayed at the eh level.

They specifically promised a "heavy metal!" policy where by they would never ever "go plastic" with their minis. I mean hell I didn't care, I don't mind plastic, I thought the promise was sort of dumb and juvenile, but whatever...

Their fluff was fucking abysmal
I know Frank has gone on about the "silent city" that in other fluff is ALSO a 24 hour a day cacophony of super loud industrial undead hammering.

But I stayed away from the obviously poorly written fluff. BUT IT CHASED ME DOWN AND MADE ME PAY ATTENTION.

Because it overflowed into models and units all over the place. The game seems to have pretty much EVERY female some variant of masked and/or chained leather or whip mistress of some form.

The game has a disturbing fetish for "Yarr! Pirates!" so much so that it now has like TWO pirate factions if not more. Don't like pirates? Well that's like one third of all 'neutral' mercenaries ruled out right there, and at least half the models from the undead faction.

They LOVE writing fluff for unique one of a kind mercenary doods. So the game is clogged with fatty deposits of unique one of a kind mercenary doods, most of whom are sucky wastes of space (like the entire mercenary pseudo faction with it's USUALLY stupidly under powered models) but some of whom break the game with their cool unique doodness. Like the stupid dood who is the most (if not only) effective necromancer capable of raising undead on the field AND WHO WILL NOT WORK FOR THE ONLY ACTUAL NECROMANTIC THEMED FACTION IN THE GAME.

The game was rife with this sort of thing. I mean god damnit...

Splat Books Took us nowhere
Splat books provided rather limited numbers of new options. These options largely did not improve the game. Lets look at some elements that were problems and how the splat books dealt with them.

Cygnar and Kahdor were too good and too easy, Menoth and Cryx had to ignore half their roster and rely on specific builds and tactics to function.
Cygnar STAYED easy, Menoth and Cryx STAYED bad and conditional indeed often ignoring entire books worth of new models. Kahdor actually grew more powerful and easy by a small but notable margin, and the neutral Mercenaries got introduced as a faction that was SO INSANELY WEAK (and limited by strange arbitrary unique "sub faction" army list requirements) that they made Menoth and Cryx look like versatile power houses packed with choice.

Mechanics were completely useless
Splat books simply didn't care.

The STARTER BOX caster for Kahdor was stupidly over powered
They never released another caster as stupidly good or toned down the original during the splat book 'era'. They did however release some opposing casters that look like they were "fixes by means of releasing a new model" (Privateers favorite rules "fix" method aside from incredibly long lists of arcane unintuitive and generally bad erratas). And THOSE casters, like Darius, that appeared to be specifically tailored to survive and counter the tactics of that one problematic caster while they didn't entirely manage to do THAT, did however manage to THEMSELVES be seriously problematic casters that made everyone sad.

In the mean time splat books introduced so many new options that synergized insanely well with OP starter box girl that the universe started to implode.

Everyone hated Haley's Temporal Barrier and "Turtling"
So they gave Cygnar new and exciting turtling enhancements, and set their thematic focus on adding new models, options and units that were SPECIFICALLY the ones that worked with Haley and used "dig in" tactics.

Indeed if you DIDN'T like "trenchers" then entire splat books worth of Cygnar options were completely wasted on you. And about 60% of all Cygnar players hated fucking trenchers because they had abysmal models and completely fail fluff (oh hi, we are plate armoured knights, only we are also trench digging world rifle and bayonet war 2 Tommies... yeah...)

Some units and models were just ass.
Privateer had three solutions to this.
1) Do nothing
2) Release an "attachment" unit to fix the problem.
3) Release an entirely new unit with almost identical flavour but different mechanics.

Do nothing was probably one of the BETTER options they ran with. Since options 2 and three alternatively either just created MORE trap options and made them MORE expensive, or in some cases introduced some of the most powerful and confusing bullshit in town (like the Bane Knights everyone hated that arrived at some point to replace Bane Thralls (who were 'bane' themed undead knight thingies...) which was interesting because bane thralls weren't actually all that bad AND they received an attachment model to 'fix' them at the same time AS WELL!).

They pretty much NEVER actually just ended up with the result of an attachment/replacement "fix" that just actually "fixed" anything. And their ideas of which units needed this stuff and how much to provide (see bane thralls and the multi-fix) seemed like the guys writing their rules weren't even talking to each other.

Often infantry units were hands down better than Jacks[/b]
They got even more hands down better. Newer better units got released, units that didn't need them gained various enhancing attachments, and meanwhile new Jacks were thin on the ground and frequently sorta crappy. Things improved slightly with the introduction of rules for jacks to Two Handed Throw and Trample, but... well... not much.

There was... somewhat of a shortage of unit options.
The splat books never really addressed this well. For instance for Cygnar they NEVER released a new arc node (except for that one 'character' jack that was a unique, and was the same unit only with some extra 'character' shit, and worked extra well with Haley just to anger people). And if you were Cygnar and disliked trenchers? Then the splat books had relatively little to say to you besides "fuck you, buy trenchers".

Of the limited options in each book MANY were trap options. Especially for the trap factions like Menoth, Cryx and Mercenaries.

And then there was Hordes
AND so Privateer released A WHOLE NEW GAME. It was the SAME GAME but only with different factions. And it was "separate but fully compatible" with their original game. Which is to say they just released 4 new factions for the original game.

Only... it ISN'T compatible. Because they changed the basic tactical resourcing mechanic of Focus to this fancy new Fury thing in the new rules.

And in the process it massively inflated. Focus uses would run around and "spend" about 6-8 Focus a turn, furry, which was point for point identical had pretty much no functional upper limit to how much you could spend! And the spells, special attacks and units that could use fury and came to the field with fury users? Were they weaker NO they were just as good, if not better!

Indeed Fury users came to the battle with MORE SPELLS, and every single "Warbeast" (aka Jack) could "arc node" it's own spell, and gave it's leader a new spell, and every single leader unit was it's own personal pocket mechanic and could heal every single warbeast, and could make themselves immune to damage by chucking it onto their warbeasts and...etc...

And to rub it in Hordes came to the table with swarms of models that ignored important mechanics like rough terrain and stealth.

And then on top of that they got a points discount on their superior models and fielded more of them.

And then on top of THAT one particular Hordes faction got all the best stuff at the lowest low low prices.

Then these guys ended up in standard tournament play along side everyone else. The only reason they didn't rule the universe being the lack of that one super caster Kahdor had and the fact that the war machine community was kinda slow and a lot of the guys who actually noticed the Hordes disparity apparently left in disgust.

War machine COULD hold up, but it effectively narrowed viable options massively as the only war machine options worth playing became the most cheesy of focus independent infantry heavy and often "Jack free" army lists. Any war machine list that still gave half a shit about Jacks and Focus was basically boned.

Also Hordes brought in more horrendous fluff and shitty factions like the "hurr hurr, orcs loves beer and axes!" troll faction and the like. Not to mention MORE S&M elf girls and MORE torturers with masks and whips.

Ponies, thousands of them!
In a game about giant beasts and steam punky robots and crap... PP released a whole splat book era centered around the innovative idea of introducing CAVALRY. Yes, HORSE (or if you look at the stupid models PONY) riding cavalry.

Man, that sucked balls theme wise. But they gave the cavalry special rules and INSANE stats such that they were faster, stronger, and all round better than Jacks and even some Warbeasts. Some of them (like the ones that ultimately turned up for Horde's most fuck you of all fuck you factions) could (and did) basically kited entire Warmachine armies 5x their points value without injury while the rest of the underpriced fuck you army twiddled their thumbs.

Jacks, even to a limited degree Warbeasts, got another kick in their nuts contrary to the stated intention of the designers and fan boys to focus more heavily on having them.

The Agonizer incident
Then one day a new model came out for hordes. The super elite "evil" but disciplined legionary army with its shiny armoured elephant giants and shiny armored attack dudes (and god damn S&M masked whip gimps everyone pretended didn't stomp on the flavour while simultaneously breaking the upper limits of the Fury mechanic into infinity)...

...THAT organized ruthless killing machine with it's disciplined shield wall formations and vague romanish stylings... Got a tortured bleeding mewling baby elephant thingy staggering around on the field as their new special solo unit.

It was a pretty ugly model with ugly fluff and also ugly mechanics. I for one cared for it not. But many collectors of the faction were deeply offended. It was really not cool man. They felt they had just had their image destroyed (largely imagined through ignoring the abysmal fluff for admittedly good reason). They didn't want to be the creepy freak fielding that model on the table and explaining what and why it was to passing kids at a game store.

The official Privateer Press forums exploded like a burning super nova of hate. Skorne faction collectors were publically quitting the faction, and maybe the entire game, in droves. Fan boys were raging, and doing it in INCREDIBLY offensive ways as they went with the strategically er... brave... decision of vigorously wanking in public over how much they LOVED torturing baby animals. Better yet this was all through the Bush years and more specifically the "justifying American Torture chambers" era in particular. And you KNOW that brought in some even worse sub texts.

The pro-baby-torturing fan boys promised to switch to the faction, bring the Agonizer to every game they ever played again and wank over it in front of the players of all the other factions. That sounded like it would be a great idea for promoting and supporting their game to them. Yeah. Fortunately they DIDN'T DO THAT. And the last time I saw any figures suggesting numbers of collectors of different factions Skorne, already unpopular before the Agonizer, ranked in the absolutely lowest of the low, by far.

Still the pro-baby-torturers given encouragement and not a word of "dudes, just calm down" by the official Privateer forum staff decided to make fun of the anti-baby-torturing "weaklings" by making up a farcical PETA sticker for the Agonizer.

Okay. So far what we have is just a bunch of dissatisfied faction collectors and totally rabid Fan Boys tearing their own game apart and giving it a REALLY bad image.

So Privateer Press sets up a cafe press shop to sell merchandise of the satirical PETA sticker (The fan boys specifically requested badges they could wear to every warmachine/hordes game ever to publically make fun of those who disliked the model for all eternity). They sold mugs and badges and shirts, and they advertised it all on their main web page.

And screw the rest THAT was just fucking disgusting. Privateer decided to just give a big giant "fuck you" to a large swathe of their customers that were somewhat offended at a rather disgusting piece of widely and justly disliked bad fluff inflicting itself on their army. The sheer contempt for sane paying customers reasonable concerns was... uncalled for.

But they really did actually go ahead and do that whole merchandise thing. And as a result even though I wasn't even really all that concerned by the Agonizer itself, I for one never bought another Skorne model.

Perfect without changes, Perfect with changes, Perfect with changes again
So if you asked any Warmachine fan boy, and thanks to the "Grow A Pair" wank philosophy playing the game at all PROMOTED fanboyism as the official attitude towards the game. Well if you asked him the game was PERFECT.


The privateeer wrote moutains of "fix" attachments/units etc... and an INCREDIBLE volume of errata.

And if you asked the same fan boys the game was STILL fine ant the known issues and the changes from last time when it was apparently perfect without need for change were all NOT A PROBLEM EVERYTHING IS PERFECT SHUT UP AND GROW A PAIR.

THEN privateer announced that everything WAS NOT PERFECT!!!! So they were doing a rewrite of the whole thing called "Remix" which was basically Warmachine 1.5 and the Fan boys, which up to one micro second before that were defending the perfect inviolate (errated and patched) game declared that the remix was GOING to be perfect.

Privateer promised that the remix would address issues of disused inferior options, known over powered options, known confusing crap like Bane Knights, complexity bloat, and also would put all the rules, errata and junk in ONE CONVENIENT PLACE!

Then remix came out. And it was, surprisingly NOT A PROBLEM EVERYTHING IS PERFECT SHUT UP AND GROW A PAIR.

Only remix WASN'T perfect. (shock) It was a pile of niggling little changes that were largely annoying and achieved nothing. The errata mountain was written into core, which didn't help any because errata mountain was basically MORE senseless, confusing and sometimes outright BAD than the original rules.

As to delivering as promised?

Well. It did nothing for confusing shit like bane knights, yes NOTHING for clarifying the most well known "WTF how does that even work?" rules issues in the game.

It's sum total of weak unit fixing was making mechanic's viable with a house rule that had been loudly suggested since before the first rule book was published. (and also gave mechanics the ability to command a Jack for no fucking reason other than the forum fan boys thought it would be cool, which is weird because it's the most useless and stupid tactical option like EVAR). Aside from that known weak options like the defiler got a little "fuck you it really is this bad" note as their special "tactical advice" side bar brought in with that edition.

Fixing strong options? Well the Khador starter box super caster, who seriously had like 2 major issues that needed fixing (a self buffing mobility spell that also put her defense so high it was almost off the standard RNG and a stun bomb feat of stupid proportions) got, get this, a teeny tiny hint of a nerf to her stun bomb, so tiny frankly it was just short of meaningless in most games. Fan boys hailed her as fixed.

They also hailed Haley's Temporal Barrier turtle thingy as fixed. Which is hilarious because Privateer actually managed to make a change to it that had the REVERSE effect in that it BUFFED casting it while back pedaling and NERFED casting it while advancing mindlessly forward into the jaws of death. Having the direct OPPOSITE effect to what they and their fan boys stated they wanted!

And that was about it for fixing the over powered stuff, Bane Knights, if you could figure out WTF they did, were still stupidly good etc...

The whole "war jacks are useless compared to infantry/cavalry/warbeasts" did NOT get fixed in the slightest.

Complexity only got WORSE with rolled in errata and a few new units. NOTHING got notably simplified or pruned.

And STILL no new fucking arc node for Cygnar.

War Machine 2.0
Remix lived a VERY short era. Everyone had to buy a new core warmachine book, a new core hordes book, and new cards for all their armies.

There was like what was it? ONE splat book for warmachine and hordes each and then BAM! The edition was over.

It seems that Privateer was once again officially announcing that the rules of the game were suddenly no longer "Perfect".

Stated problems that the upcoming 2.0 would fix? Why THE SAME PROBLEMS REMIX DIDN'T ACTUALLY FIX. Yes. ALL of them, even the problems with those two casters WAY BACK FROM THE FIRST RULE BOOK EVER RELEASED. Those would finally be fixed... in 2.0.

Fan boys immediately declared the new edition to definitely going to be perfect.

It came out. New core books for everyone, now new FACTION SPECIFIC books for everyone, new fucking cards for all your fucking armies.

And did it deliver on it's promised fixes?

Lets see, Haley got nerfed into the absolute ground, so yeah they did that. Their "fix" for the Kahdor uber starter caster and one similar stun bomb guy from menoth was... interesting.

They made ongoing effects (like freeze and knock down) such that Jacks could negate them by spending a single focus. This DID handly nerf those two casters. But it was ALSO stated this was done to make Jacks viable options again.

Only problem with that? The number one source of Freezing and knock downs OTHER than those two borked casters? Why JACKS OF COURSE. Over night approximately 1/2 of all Jack special attacks are rendered FUCKING USELESS. This most heavily impacts light weight two fisted jacks that rely on attack bonus over damage, like the already widely considered useless 'heavy' Cryx jacks.

So they made jacks LESS WORTH TAKING. But their goal was the opposite? So what did they do? They remodeled the ENTIRE POINTS / ARMY BUILD SYSTEM. Did they make things with sane points ratings? OH HELL NO. Did they make jacks significantly proportionally cheaper? OH HELL NO. They just took a tiny portion (and it IS tiny) of your army points and labelled it with "must buy a jack". Which ultimately means you must either field ONE cheap jack minimum or forgo some tiny portion of points. Seriously with some army lists you could just forgo the points and totally not notice.

As for the buff the weak nerf the strong business. They actually did a bit of that but more in the traditional Games Workshop insane Russian Roulette nerf/buff cycle with viable options suddenly gimping into obscurity and weird obscure shit suddenly becoming the center of all that is cool.

As for simplifying the game? Well. They DID introduce some pruning, unit leaders were gone, lots of things got some of their abilities pruned (usually in bullshit annoying ways). But then they came back in and added MORE FUCKING UNIT ATTACHEMENTS. So yeah the net result on complexity is basically this. My unit of [Whatever] now no longer has one of its special ability text entries and has no special in built squad leader, but it does have 2-3 unit attachment units all with their own special ability texts and at least 1-2 of those is new with this edition. Simplified MY ASS.

Indeed THIS edition made one of the most STUPID EVER of their magazine mechanics straight up core (I mean it WAS officially core before but being magazine only made it obscure). NOW you can theme your army selections to specific (often gimpy) army lists and then you gained special powas like modified unit stats, whole new special ability text for units, free bonus units, removed unit caps for units you would be insane to field more than the normal limit of, etc...

These special sub faction lists were TERRIBLE. Some gave you some SERIOUS non-abilities. Others gave you stupidly good shit. Some restricted you to the worst model selections in the game, others just rewarded you for taking the very best selections giving you free stuff to boot.

Worse still these utterly SCREWED the "this edition is simpler" goal, now your army stats ARE NO LONGER RELIABLY ON THOSE HANDY CARD THINGIES. Now you have to have your faction specific books handy to reference the small raft of crappy little niggling shit that your sub faction gives you.

Did they fix the biggest issues in the game? I mean HANDS DOWN the biggest problem was the Fury/Focus divide. So did they fix it. OH HELL NO. That's the same as before, Focus is limited, Fury is just short of infinite. Have fun!

They DID introduce a whole new faction. They gave it some unique schticks. Including a bunch of unique shticks they stole from Cryx. WHICH THEY GUTTED IN ORDER TO LOOT UNIQUE SHTICKS FOR THE NEW FACTION. That was nice of them.

The new faction, and many other new models were also ALL PLASTIC. Now I don't care, plastic models are cool with me. But remember way back when? Remember Privateer promised their customers they would NEVER EVAR sell out and go plastic, they were "Heavy Metal Forever Bro!". So I for one think the new plastic models are a HILARIOUS fuck you to any Fan Boy who fell for that one!

The last straw for me was playing a tournament (tournaments games among other things have shortened with every official tournament rules/scenario released from something like 6 turn battles to the death to 3 turn battles to little better than first blood victories by points!).

Struggling with the sheer amount of bullshit changes while fighting an indomitable infinite fury hordes army I was already pissed after three games. I mean I was doing well but every little rules change I encountered had really annoyed me with the sheer "WTF why would they even... who even... why... I just..."

Then one of my Jacks got knocked over and I discover that shields that used to provide all round protection when knocked down? Now they provide NO protection when knocked down.

WHY? Who asked for that change? Where was the problematic complexity or the known explotative uber list running off shield arm Jacks lying on their backs in the middle of the battle field and ruining everyone's day? As far as I could tell the reason and ONLY reason for the change? Change for changes sake. New edition needs to be different, they didn't have the "pair" they tell everyone else to grow so they didn't change shit that mattered, they just stomped on your familiarity with the rules by changing all the shit that DIDN'T matter.

That pissed me. Then and there I decided "Fuck it I'm out." And out I am. I'm open to being convinced otherwise through a free game with a nice guy but I'm not spending another cent, playing some dumb asshole or pro-baby-torture-wanking Fan Boy (almost the only players LEFT locally) or playing in a tournament game (the only ones reliably going locally).

And if that were not enough!!
Privateer has chosen as it's exclusive Australian distributor a couple of stores in Sydney who refuse to reliably sell Privateer products to other stores.

Which means you have to buy all your models from them, or online. This is not a problem except it has lead to local game stores no longer stocking cool stuff on the shelves and in some cases banning the game from their tables because they can't make any money off it.

Thus driving all casual players from the game and leaving us with basically no one other than the same rabid and often disturbing fan boys that survived the whole Agonizer fiasco.

Well. That was SUPPOSED to be privateers job. As far as I'm concerned their games were basically sold pretty much primarily on the angle that they weren't GW.

Only they are pretty damn insane like GW, write crap rules like GW, have horrible attitudes toward their own customers like GW, have terrible distribution like GW (and incidentally terrible pricing as a result of that distribution), and keep making us buy new rule books like GW (with the addition of making us buy new cards) without actually delivering any BENEFIT for new rule books (like GW) and now even are nerf/buff cycling armies and models, like GW.

They basically ARE GW, and I fucking hate GW. So yeah.

And their remaining fan base are ignorant annoying drooling Fan Boy twats you wouldn't want to be caught hanging around with in public, LIKE GW. I mean hell, the last "friendly" game of 2.0 I played (and may ever play) was with the Privateer Press officially sanctioned local promoter of the game. AND HE DID NOT KNOW THE FUCKING RULES.

Last edited by PhoneLobster on Sat Oct 09, 2010 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
Phonelobster's Self Proclaimed Greatest Hits Collection : (no really, they are awesome)
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Post by PhoneLobster »

And you know, skimming over with a quick check I realised I missed instances of douchery and poor rules that Privateer has managed. And not at all mentioned some tangential things like their incredibly bad Gobbers card game.

But fuck it, that extended (and less than entertaining) rant is not enough?
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Post by Koumei »


Now for some reason I get a small bit offended at the bit where testicles are needed to do it properly, but whatever, that doesn't fucking matter. The important thing is they couldn't say "Yeah, we're too poor to afford the special software and hardware needed for plastic sprues." so they instead made it seem that working with shitty metal that falls apart if you bump the table is THE REAL WAY TO PLAY!

And all of that? That's just for their wargaming efforts. If you wanted to badmouth them for Iron Kingdoms, you could totally do that without difficulty.

For the game to play if you hate GW (as you should), I hear that Anima (the wargame, not the RPG) is decent enough, and also fairly cheap. One thing I'll say, the minis are decent quality with plenty of detail, and it has females that aren't 1. Ugly (see: most of GW) and 2. S&M queens (see: PP)
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Post by PhoneLobster »

Koumei wrote: shitty metal that falls apart if you bump the table
If I were Privateer Press I would give you advice about that like this.

You should GROW A PAIR and use SHELLEYS SHOCK PROOF SUPER GLUE, real MEN have enough of A PAIR to use SHELLEYS SHOCK PROOF SUPER GLUE you weakling. PINNING, PINNING is for GIRLY MEN, REAL MEN HAVE TESTICLES. TESTICLES HELD ON WITH SHELLEY'S SHOCK PROOF SUPER GLUE. Look how mighty my SHOCK PROOF METAL MODELS are. They are BALLS OF METAL, with SPIKES, and they are SHOCK PROOF, because I HAVE A PAIR. A PAIR OF BALLS OF METAL WITH SPIKES. Watch me as I use my PAIR to throw them on the floor, watch them not break! OK so maybe they break, and maybe I damaged the floor. OK so I might have hurt my foot badly. But have you GOT THE BALLS to drive me to HOSPITAL well ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH TO DRIVE ME TO FUCKING HOSPITAL?
For the game to play if you hate GW (as you should), I hear that Anima (the wargame, not the RPG) is decent enough
As I see it there are a number of options out there. But in Australia, and locally we are limited to about 2. At least 2 that I'd give a crap about.

Oddly they are both Spanish in origin and Anime themed. There is the sci-fi mini skirmish game modelled largely off fucking Necromunda, and that's Infinity and it is just plain shitty. But inexplicably has a moderate following in the Gosford region (maybe the Australian Reptile Park is doing something to the drinking water down there).

Then there is Anima, which seems to have a growing player base in parts of Australia that aren't the parts I'm in. I have some of the models, they are nice, the sexy girly ones are even sometimes sexy and girly WITHOUT being all whips and chains 'sexy' if you know what I mean (and if you've seen anything of GW and Privateer then you know what I mean). And the rules seem, well, lets just say "OK". I remember being REALLY impressed with their reactive action rules, but that was coming off the experience of the really shitty Infinity reactive action rules so... yeah...

Anima seems to have the following issues.
1) No one is playing it locally.
2) Seems kinda designed for smaller scale games.
3) It's 'anime' styled and themed. I mean the art is kinda nice, but it's sorta not fashionable and will never pull in large chunks of the wargamer crowd (though that may not be a BAD thing).
4) Anima is also a REALLY BAD RPG.
5) Anima is also a card game that couldn't manage a single rather small fixed deck before releasing a "Revised Edition".
6) It looked good when all you had was the "starter rules" and the very small set of stats on "whatever mini's you happened to have" what it looks like now the expensive and elusive complete rule book with all the stats for all the set one and set two models is out is mildly mysterious to me.

So the question there is whether I will splash out and buy the rule book or not. And will the rule book convince me the game is worth it or not? If I do decide I like it enough the mini set is seriously small enough that I could buy the entire damn range myself, or alternately with the rule book and my pile of miscellaneous fantasy minis just substitute the whole mess then I could just rope in suckers to play it with me from time to time. That has many advantages compared to being part of a typically sleazy and moderately retarded war gaming community adopting the game.
Phonelobster's Self Proclaimed Greatest Hits Collection : (no really, they are awesome)
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Post by Ganbare Gincun »

PhoneLobster wrote:You should GROW A PAIR and use SHELLEYS SHOCK PROOF SUPER GLUE, real MEN have enough of A PAIR to use SHELLEYS SHOCK PROOF SUPER GLUE you weakling. PINNING, PINNING is for GIRLY MEN, REAL MEN HAVE TESTICLES. TESTICLES HELD ON WITH SHELLEY'S SHOCK PROOF SUPER GLUE. Look how mighty my SHOCK PROOF METAL MODELS are. They are BALLS OF METAL, with SPIKES, and they are SHOCK PROOF, because I HAVE A PAIR. A PAIR OF BALLS OF METAL WITH SPIKES. Watch me as I use my PAIR to throw them on the floor, watch them not break! OK so maybe they break, and maybe I damaged the floor. OK so I might have hurt my foot badly. But have you GOT THE BALLS to drive me to HOSPITAL well ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH TO DRIVE ME TO FUCKING HOSPITAL?
What, did they drink nothing but Powerthirst at Privateer Press? :lol:
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Post by PhoneLobster »

I'm going to go with yes. Since that's pretty much the maturity level of their "Page Fuck You Guys" rant.

Edit: Come to think of it I don't think you believe me I don't think you have a BIG ENOUGH PROSTATE to believe me, I suspect your PENIS is too FLACID to believe in the AWESOME FORESKIN that is the Privateer Press manifesto. SO GROW A SCROTUM and go LOOK FOR YOURSELF you horrible FEMALE GIRLY LADY and take your CLITORIS with you.

No really you can read a lot of it at this entirely random location on the internet.
Last edited by PhoneLobster on Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:44 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by PoliteNewb »

PL, I must applaud delivered admirably. I laughed, I cried, I shook my head at the idiocy, I commiserated regarding how a company that you thought offered promise fed you a disgusting, rotting carcass.

I never played Warmachine, but I did enjoy Iron Kingdoms, for all that it was wonky and couldn't decide whether it wanted to be Victorian steampunk or WWII or the Civil War or knights on horseback or WTF. Oh, and the writers decided to use the d20 system without understanding it in the slightest. Seriously, one of their NPCs is like a 40th level Cleric/Monk/Demigod bullshit whatever, and the dragonwank is even MORE hardcore than most D&D games.
I found that if I a.) cherry picked the fluff I liked and b.) pretty much wrote my own rules, I could enjoy it, though. I will put up with a lot to have gunmages and cigar-smoking goblins wearing kepi hats.

But they've pretty much gone off the deep end, and I appreciate the illustrative examples of how.
PhoneLobster wrote: You should GROW A PAIR and use SHELLEYS SHOCK PROOF SUPER GLUE, real MEN have enough of A PAIR to use SHELLEYS SHOCK PROOF SUPER GLUE you weakling. PINNING, PINNING is for GIRLY MEN, REAL MEN HAVE TESTICLES. TESTICLES HELD ON WITH SHELLEY'S SHOCK PROOF SUPER GLUE. Look how mighty my SHOCK PROOF METAL MODELS are. They are BALLS OF METAL, with SPIKES, and they are SHOCK PROOF, because I HAVE A PAIR. A PAIR OF BALLS OF METAL WITH SPIKES. Watch me as I use my PAIR to throw them on the floor, watch them not break! OK so maybe they break, and maybe I damaged the floor. OK so I might have hurt my foot badly. But have you GOT THE BALLS to drive me to HOSPITAL well ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH TO DRIVE ME TO FUCKING HOSPITAL?
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Post by Thymos »

Seriously Phone Lobster you don't get the balance in the game it seems.

In Mk1 it was unbalanced, I won't question that. However you seemed to get the exact opposite of what the unbalance was. It wasn't that hordes was too strong but rather that they were too weak. It was really hard to take anything you had to say about the mechanics seriously after you said that.

Seriously, Hordes couldn't place in tournaments till e-morghoul came along. The problem is that while beasts were good, the warlocks were straight up significantly less powerful than warcasters and their troops weren't as good (and in Mk2 they are still not as powerful).

Also, Mk2 did do a really good job of rebalancing the game. Sure, jacks, beasts, warlocks and warcasters can now shake off knock down and stationary. You know what though, it's good. Disabling those models cost too much and unbalance the game too severely.

The new page 5 in the new books is actually good btw. It doesn't say ignore balance, but basically just have a fun game (it seems they learned from the first time).

You also are completely clueless about the balance in Mk2 because warjacks are FUCKING FANTASTIC in Mk2. Seriously, they are cheap, hit hard, tough to kill and pretty decent at hitting.

I could buy this rant if it had good points against privateerpress. Mk1 did have a ton to complain about (I for one was getting really sick of the amount of special rules). You seriously show that you don't understand the game balance on multiple points though (especially the rant against hordes being overpowered, that's one of the largest signs of not knowing the balance of the game at all).

Some things that would of made sense to complain about would of been Sorcha's feat, eVlads feat, Kreoss pop and drop, Caines feat, Skarre's sac bomb as all being cheap wins. You did touch on the trap problems though, which is good I guess.

Honestly though I've been following the game a lot (I play both cryx and legion of everblight). Mk2 removed almost all the cheap wins (Kreoss pop and drop remaining is the only one I can think of). They also rebalanced the trap options so almost all of them are usable (which I am thankful for, a lot of my favorite models were trap options before).
Last edited by Thymos on Sat Oct 09, 2010 4:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by PhoneLobster »

Thymos wrote:It wasn't that hordes was too strong but rather that they were too weak.
Let's see. Hordes completely removed Cygnar from the position of "too good" by ignoring half the factions best abilities.

Hordes kicked Cryx all over their manly man pair (that THEY HAVE A PAIR OF RAR!) because it ignored stealth all over the place and also pre stole stolen souls out from under them all over the place.

Hordes had ubiquitous all terrain, just to screw all of warmachine.

Hordes had ubiquitous pseudo arc noding, just to shit on warmachine.

Hordes had damage transfer, just to shit on all warmachine leader assassination strategies.

Hordes had beast healing just to shit all over jacks.


Hordes even had higher limits on how much focus you could spend on a single model!

Warlocks were EQUAL to Warcasters in all bar ONE respect. They had less spells to choose from. Except they added free spells to their list with every fucking warbeast so they had MORE and they were MORE customizable lists.

And all that with armies of models with stats that were JUST AS GOOD as warmachine ones, and special ability text JUST AS GOOD, and points costs that were frequently significantly lower.

Now yes, Hordes had a poor turn out at tournaments. But then Cryx of all factions often had a GOOD turn out at tournaments. But why would that be you ask, I mean Hordes was the infinite focus game, and Cryx was the weakest weakling in town (well not counting mercs, and who would?)

Well the answers are fairly straightforward.
1) Official Tournament play time limits, points scoring methods and scenarios would favor certain strategies (like Cryx caster assassination).
2) Hordes was the less popular youngest child. Warmachine remained entrenched.
3) Many "thinky" players were attracted to odd ball self handy capping factions like Cryx.
4) The Meta-game was fucked up because the community was fucking stupid.

Seriously, pointing at warmachine tournaments like they mean anything is like pointing at Games Workshop tournaments like they mean anything.

Really it is the GW tournament phenomenon, results are meaningless because the entire community consists of insane fuckers who barely even know the rules of their own game.

I've had GW people tell me how the "new" vampire counts was OP because the top tournament players were all taking the new improved ghouls... when the ghoul unit had remained stat for stat identical except for some explicit nerfs!

So really I for one was not at all surprised when nobody took any of the first Horde's rule books THREE pretty much infinite Fury lists anywhere worth taking them. Why? Because simply explaining the math behind how much larger even STANDARD Fury is point for point was too much for the community to handle at the time. (Why did I even bother to try?)
Sure, jacks, beasts, warlocks and warcasters can now shake off knock down and stationary. You know what though, it's good. Disabling those models cost too much and unbalance the game too severely.
No. Because the only things disabling those models were A) one or two over powered casters, and B) other models of the same sort.

So by removing the disabling the main thing you nerfed, was other models of the same sort.

Or more specifically two handed Cryx and Cygnar jacks, along with various two handed war beasts.

The only jacks to come out of it well were low defence high armour "dumb fire" jacks like Kahdors, who's entire tactical range is "deal more damage than we take". Because THOSE guys used to get stun lock juggled by over priced Cryx Slayers and the like. But privateer felt the "idiot" faction needed to be more "smart proofed" so they fixed that and made things like the Cryx Slayer less viable than ever before.

I missed the kerfuffle but I wandered into the Privateer forums some time well after 2.0's release, the talk on the Cryx board suggested there had been a bit of Cryx player meltdown with 2.0 to rival the Agonizer incident.
You also are completely clueless about the balance in Mk2 because warjacks are FUCKING FANTASTIC in Mk2. Seriously, they are cheap, hit hard, tough to kill and pretty decent at hitting.
OK, 1) They are not significantly cheaper than they ever were.
2) Changes in jacks and units are largely insignificant in nature, units have all the same advantages they ever had back when everyone agreed jacks were lacking.
3) Among the main otherwise minor changes in Jacks was an increase in Melee attack bonuses.
4) Many jacks flat out lost abilities, more so than most units did. Many units gained abilities thanks to new unit attachments and solos.

Point 3 is especially notable because it made those same dumb fire Kahdor jacks hit their enemies harder. Meanwhile enemies, like say those old faithful Cryx Slayers, that relied on their Defense instead of their Armour scores in order to survive... got a NERF thanks to this change.

So yes, Kahdor jacks, and things with similar profiles, are now SIGNIFICANTLY more awesome as they lacked special powers to lose out on, and gained massively with the nerfing of jack stun juggling two handers and the increase in their attack effectiveness against "agile eggshell" jacks.

But every other jack under the sun either in net lost out or went nowhere on THAT particular deal. ESPECIALLY in Cryx which had some of the biggest "Jacks aren't viable" issues before and does even more so now.
Mk1 did have a ton to complain about (I for one was getting really sick of the amount of special rules).

There has not been a net decrease in rules complexity, there has been an INCREASE.

With added unit attachments and those special sub faction thingies there are now MORE look ups, exceptions and individual special abilities and lines of ability text than there were BEFORE.

I agree that MK1 was getting bogged in the things, but MKII took us nowhere! They just named the goal "be more simple" then declared victory despite having clearly been defeated.

One specific area MKII identified as broken and needing fixing was the triggering of death effects and "harvesting" of dead models, because rules errata and special ability text had made it into a rather complex process.

The MKII "solution" is a fucking 3 stage clusterfuck of "killed, dying, dead" with possible multiple exceptions multiple types of tokens, and basically nothing more than cosmetic difference to MKI. They now added the confusing and annoying term "Boxed" to the original process, they didn't CHANGE the process, they just keep saying fucking "Boxed!" all over the fucking place. THAT IS NOT SIMPLIFICATION OR REFORM.
You seriously show that you don't understand the game balance on multiple points though (especially the rant against hordes
I will attack you with my INFINITE FURY.

I mean it's not like INFINITE FURY doesn't basically just come free with being a Hordes faction...
Last edited by PhoneLobster on Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:33 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by ubernoob »

I thought you were exaggerating about that page 5 thing. Then I read it. Holy shit.
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Post by PhoneLobster »

ubernoob wrote:I thought you were exaggerating about that page 5 thing. Then I read it. Holy shit.
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Post by ubernoob »

PhoneLobster wrote:
ubernoob wrote:I thought you were exaggerating about that page 5 thing. Then I read it. Holy shit.
Thirteen to be precise.
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Post by Koumei »

PhoneLobster wrote: Well the answers are fairly straightforward.
1) Official Tournament play time limits, points scoring methods and scenarios would favor certain strategies (like Cryx caster assassination).
2) Hordes was the less popular youngest child. Warmachine remained entrenched.
3) Many "thinky" players were attracted to odd ball self handy capping factions like Cryx.
4) The Meta-game was fucked up because the community was fucking stupid.
This. Particularly 4. That and (which is really related to 3 or 4), Cryx is the "S&M Queen" army. I mean, more than the others. Let's face it, if I played, I'd play Cryx to go all-Satyxis, we all know that so there's no point in me trying to deny it.

And that list, I'm willing to bet, would suck, and be damn near useless. I would soon decide "This is not the game for me, playing to win involves not using the list that the game says I can use that I also want to use." Whereas plenty of other idiots probably do rock up to tournaments with Satyxis Raider lists.

And they lose. But they assist in Cryx having a high turnout.
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Post by Username17 »

The deal with playing Hordes and Warmachine together was that it didn't actually work. The games were pretty different and didn't use a rule set that completely overlapped. Things you could do in Hordes or Warmachine that had effectively (or actually) no counter in the other were very common. After a few abortive attempts when it came out, I don't know anyone who actually allowed the two to be played against one another. Especially not in competitive play. It was like when people tried to do Warhammer Fantasy versus Warhammer 40K. It didn't even make sense.

Who had the upper hand in some sort of theoretical Nash equilibrium was never, to my knowledge, decided. The reality was that there were enough interactions between the two that were essentially divide by zero or unstoppable/immovable errors that no one knew what the fuck even happened. It is no surprise to me that a Hordes player who knew they were going to be facing Warmachine armies could completely clean up. It's also no surprise to me that a Warmachine player might consistently crush all the Hordes players he faced. The sort of "Oops, you don't have a hope in hell of beating me, because this unit happens to be outside the RNG of your entire faction" events were fairly expected even in pure Hordes games. Hell, there are a lot of Cryx lists you could make on accident that couldn't hurt a Russian super-heavy (Denegrah Assaination lists, which is what I ended up picking on purely aesthetic grounds, turn out to not have that problem because of the armor-independent nature of digestive goo).

Hordes was just poorly made. Like, Warmachine had severe problems, especially with trap options. Hordes just didn't even parse grammatically. It wasn't just the "Blight makes your chin grow to Lenoist proportions and your models look like shit", but that they literally could not even figure out what javelin throwers did.

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Post by PhoneLobster »

Koumei wrote:Let's face it, if I played, I'd play Cryx to go all-Satyxis
Satyxis were, and are underpowered by a large margin.

Privateer has done the following to "fix" this.

1) Changed the models, the original set were shit. The new models are nicer, if you don't mind early 1980's floofy TV hair on your S&M queens (I painted mine with pastel hair colors first time round!)
2) Introduced a "fix" unit attachment, the Satyxis sea witch. It took the unit from "utterly useless" to "might one day do something in a freaky edge case"
3) Introduced a "fix" warcaster that gave them bonuses. Didn't work, basically gave them stuff they should always have had in the first place.
4) Scrapped all that and started again with 2.0. Forgot to actually significantly change the unit, or just assumed the SAME useless unit from 1 would magically turn out to be viable now.
5) Added a NEW ADDITIONAL bonus "fix" unit attachment (well actually a Solo, but it pretty much functions as a unit attachment). Also, not really helpful.
6) Made a special sub faction list explicitly for Satyxis. It is one of the worst sub faction lists in the game. On the plus side it removes all unit limits for number of various Satyxis crap you are allowed to field, so if you want to field NOTHING but the like 4 models that make up Satyxis raider units repeated ad nausium you can now do that and fail in new and creative ways never before imagined. (I'd actually like to see that so the opponent can go "wait... your army is WHAT?" and also on the off chance it might make Feedback an actual threat for once)
7) Then they released an entire substitute Satyxis replacement unit. I have little to no idea about THAT, though it seemed unremarkable and probably suffers the exact same problems as the original.
8) I'm pretty sure the new unit already has a "fix" unit attachment at release. (see just giving the unit a captain and more special ability text would be COMPLEX, giving them a unit attachement with MORE unique text and a whole additional card THAT is NOT complex... yeah... :mad:)
And they lose. But they assist in Cryx having a high turnout.
When I said turn out I meant win rate, but actually Cryx from my understanding also has a high turn out, or did...

Not that it matters, like I said these guys suffer from the same weird shit GW issue.

And much of what Frank says about Hordes is pretty much right, off the top of my head issues along those lines occurred with Blind Sight vs Stealth, Friendly Soul Harvesting vs Enemy Soul Harvesters, Krielstone junk, Forest summoners vs factions without hordes style ubiquitous all terrain movement, anything hordes vs about half of cygnars better spell and jack abilities, and more...
Last edited by PhoneLobster on Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Koumei »

Note that I did say I'd lose all the time with them, the point would be to field the creepy girl army, and at least they're made well-enough that they're kind of hot, unlike 90% of all GW female minis. Not even for anything weird, mind you, just painting and saying "I like how that turned out, they're nice to look at".

I actually have all of two WM minis. See, I don't play 40k any more but I like to collect still, just to paint stuff and admire it. My Immolator tanks look beautiful with hand-painted decorative features.

So I have a squad leader that is... I think she's a mercenary, and is apparently "one of the crazy overpowered ones". Girl with two pistols. I also have a Satyxis who will be a Mistress or Repentia. Not sure whether to add greenstuff so she has a mask or circlet that the horns are part of, or to file the horns off and add some greenstuff hair to cover the horn-filed-off spots.

But yeah. Two. If the Iron Kingdoms DM continues his game from '06 (he still has all the stuff), then I might get an Alexis mini, seeing as we're doing that story arc and well... all the PCs have "dibs" on her in some way or another (warforged idiot wants to be the one to deal the killing blow, bard wants to capture, spank*, convert her then have her be his cohort, I want her free so that there's less focus on me being a Warlock, we could even do the convert thing and say "Yeah, we have an evil aura because of her past sins here, we're just helping her. I'm not an undead warlock, honest")

So that will make three. But how bad is that? Their minis are only getting use as GW stand-ins.

*The bard isn't me, that wasn't my idea. I need that there for the record. For such a pervert I basically never bring stuff up in actual play. Probably a good thing.
Last edited by Koumei on Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thymos »

Seriously you guys aren't looking at the current state of the game, and I'm not sure where your getting this infinite fury from.

In Mk1 beasts being better than jacks means nothing because no one took the basic jacks. They all took broken infantry. The only jacks that were taken had a stupid amount of special rules and came out later.

You may complain about infinite fury or whatever (which isn't true anyways), but you have to realize that many Warcasters had better spells than Warlocks feats. Then think about the fact that Warcaster feats were absolutely bat shit crazy powerful. The other thing is that Warmachine had some stupid powerful units and solos, along with a few jacks who had a huge amount of special rules and were very powerful (these jacks all came out later).

Jacks don't cause knock down or stationary more than anything else. I have no idea where your getting this from, aside from some power attacks causing knock down. You know what though, the more important part of knock down than denying them actions was the ability to automatically hit knock down models. Try playing Sorcha and Vlad are prime examples, hell people would slam their own models into them just because of this.

Aside from that power attacks are now universally easier to pull off. Hell, trampelling is now a good idea.

I don't know how you say that jacks aren't cheaper, many of them went to 6 points under the new system which is a fucking bargain. To use actual solid points I guess, in Mk1 all warjacks cost significantly more than a full unit of elite infantry with a unit attachment. Now Warjacks cost as much as the cheap fodder infantry full, or as much as a min unit of elite infantry (maybe more if they are better warjacks). So they went from all being more, to significantly more to at the worst equal. The largest point towards them being good now is that people will frequently make lists with large amounts of jacks for competitive play.

Mk2 did remove a lot of rules complexity. It removed an unbelievable amount of out of turn actions. I honestly don't know how you can say that it didn't, because I honestly don't give a shit about tier lists. Just for an example of reduced complexity look at the old vs. new idrian skirmishers.

The perspective about hordes vs. warmachine, with the exception of beginners whining about infinite fury, was pretty much decided. Warmachine in Mk1 was clearly better. The tournament turnouts were mostly because Warcasters were disgustingly powerful and there were many broken infantry units. Aside from that comparing Mk1 jacks to Mk1 warbeasts means nothing because jacks in Mk1 were worthless.

Yes, the old page 5 was retarded. The new editions one is a lot better.

Now Mk2 really did fix a ton of problems. Satyxis btw went from utter shit to good, which I love because Satyxis. Bane Thralls went from Bane Knights retarded cousin to equal. Unit attachments got nerfed across the board so they aren't auto includes.

The games do work really well with each other even in Mk1. In Mk2 they actually cut down on the amount of faction only abilities.

Now there were some huge problems with Mk1. Unfortunately no one is touching on them, which really makes me wonder. These problems mostly boiled down to having to know the opponents army or you would pretty much lose to a cheap trick. Oddly enough almost all of these cheap tricks belonged to Warmachine.

The other huge problem with Mk1, which is touched upon, was the number of trap options. I don't think these were intentional, mostly because they were traps because of far superior broken options.

The best change of Mk2 was to remove the cheap tricks and trap options..

The new point system btw is much nicer because now I don't need a calculator to make my army lists, which is nice.

Now there are still some bad models out there, however they are few and far between and no where near as bad as they were. I love my new Satyxis, Bane Thralls, Teraph etc.

Honestly off the top of my head the only trap model I can think of is Khador assault commandos, and even then they have a purpose (even if it's a niche purpose).

Seriously though the games are balanced with each other. I don't know how to communicate this besides play experience and on a whole a lack of complaining going on between factions.

I do have all the Satyxis models by the way. They are good, even without the attachment(I love my Satyxis).
Last edited by Thymos on Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:46 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by PhoneLobster »

Okay then, lets check if your assertions about your knowledge of how totally uber the game is. We will check this based on your assertion that Satyxis are now a GOOD unit to field for... unknown reasons regarding the changes in 2.0...

First up pricing, this is hard because points for EVERYTHING changed and we don't have any particularly good point of relative comparison, but let's try.

Deathripper is a particularly standard item so we use it. So a Deathripper now costs 4 and used to cost 38 points.
Satyxis Raiders cost 5 and 8 for full and used to cost 64 or 104 for a full unit. So they got a discount which in old terms is about 10-20 points, and in new terms is (if you max the unit, like you WOULD) exactly equal to the cost of a Stayxis Witch OR Raider Captain Hmm, accidental? I think not.

But this discount is insignificant, Bane Thralls came off better, they got a whole god damn free death ripper of discount compared to the old system since Bane thralls now cost 5 and 9 for a full unit, while they used to cost 82 points and 134 for a full unit! So if you compare them to Bane Thralls (and indeed a LOT of other options) Satxyis are actually now more expensive than ever.

So lets look at what they can do these days.

I happen to have an old Satyxis black and white card. Compared to the “New” Satyxis? The profile is stat for stat, almost word for word identical! Here are the differences. 1) No longer gets free leader model with higher MAT. 2) Gained the Chain Weapon trait we don't really care about 3) Combined Melee Attack MIGHT now work with their horns (not that they are well suited for use like that), horns no longer have critical knock down. They get Advanced deployment now as standard (like they always should have).

OK so Epic Skarre LOST elite Cadre, so she can now make all satyxis units “auto rally” (like we care) but CAN'T give them +1 Rat (didn't Care) +1 CMD (barely cared, would care more now due to certain raider captain text, but still only barely),+1 MAT (kinda did care, that WAS nice), and ADVANCED DEPLOYMENT (really did care! But actually they just get it free for now...).

But really there is no significant change here. Satyxis still suffer their main problems, no reliable delivery mechanism, fragile, relatively expensive, not undead, combined attack does NOT synergize at all with feedback, they don't do enough damage to make feed back work, they don't survive long enough once they hit combat to make feed back work even if they DID have enough damage to make it work, a lot of Jacks got upgraded MAT so they will be totally squishing these girls better than ever once they do make contact. Advanced deployment is nice, but that's all they gained and all that is is really a turn of movement closer to DYING at the beginning of the game, the unit has NO abilities that either let it survive despite hitting the enemy army before the rest of your armies arrive OR let it deal a dent worth the unit's own value before they are killed before the rest of your army arrive!

The Satyxis sea witch attachment has actually LOST DAMAGE on her primary weapon! The sea witch has LOST blood letting (a very nice anti infantry ability) and LOST lamprey (an ability that was basically better than feed back), traded out camouflage for something better (a force field WTF?) which WILL help them out, a bit, as a delivery mechanism, but won't deal with their underwhelming survival and impact on arrival. She retains her main reason for existance, the once a game power swell for +1 dice to damage. With powerswell and the most unimaginably good ambush in the universe you COULD deal anywhere up to 11 points of feed back damage, I mean you probably WON'T but if you are really lucky the Satyxis might trash a Jack and pay for themselves. Mind you this has always been the case ever since the Sea Witch was added and while the sea witch now gives what amounts to her old conditional camouflage bonus more reliably all the time she has lost out on some good offensive options that made the Satyxis more useful in a larger range of edge case scenarios. Also the old sea witch cost 21 points and the new one costs 2. Which is to say her cost remains basically unchanged. But at least now you can afford her with the 2 points discount off a full unit of Satxyis. Oh, and she lost critical knockdown on her horns.

You know all up losing critical knockdown on horns is a bit stupid, because it now means you are rolling all these piddly horn attacks (if you get close enough which you often won't) that are now largely useless. That is annoying. They should have changed the chain to a double attack or something and removed the horns from the profile entirely THAT is simplification. THIS isn't.

But anyway, what's new is the Satyxis raider captain thingy. She is a unit attachment in function but with the rules of a solo just to confuse you (Simplicity, HAH fuck you simplicity! So says privateer!). Aside from having a hand cannon, +2 MAT and some paltry HP she may as well be another regular trooper profile and weapon wise. All her gear comes in the form of special fucking ability text just to make the game MORE FUCKING COMPLEX. She gets a special action to add +2 Move (not speed, MOVE) to ONE, count it ONE satyxis raider unit. This would be nice as a FREE action, as a SPECIAL action it is really rather gimpy since it means THIS model will be doing nothing other than add that bonus when it does. The ability to make other satyxis in a 9 inch radius immune to knock down is a really serious “WTF?” moment of needless complexity, I mean the vast majority of knock downs are going to just KILL satxyis outright so... WTF? Sprint is nice, but it ONLY effects this model, so basically she can jump into melee with an enemy infantry unit, kill like one, maybe 2, then kite back out be charged or shot next turn AND FUCKING DIE. She is actually BETTER OFF just shooting the freaking infantry unit WITH HER HAND GUN. Mind you if Sprint could be applied to say entire units of Satxyis it could be nice (or at least, nicer...) but as it stands it's another WTF needlessly complex NON ABILITY. The only other difference is her free Weapon Master, on her lacerator. Which means she will RELIABLY deal her 1 point of feed back damage per turn. 1 point... per turn... for the one turn she survives... if she makes it to combat... she doesn't benefit from the sea witch's Force Field Belt... And she costs another 2 points to field. Bringing your over all “full satyxis complment” over the amount you used to spend. But lets be honest here, you just don't bring the raider captain and your full unit hits the field at the same price it used to only with a free sea witch.

Now Satyxis also have a themed sub faction list. Let's look at it. To qualify you must have NO named character jacks, you MUST have epic Skarre (eh, whatever) and you can ONLY HAVE SATXYIS for ALL your units and solos! (yikes!). Your benefit? Remove the cap on Satyxis raiders and raider captains in your army. Oh whoopie. Unlimited raiders, sure, I mean you will auto lose to half the armies in existence, but whatever, the raised raider captain cap (which is functionally “any number” but resolved in a complex series of incremental +1s reliant on raider units just to fucking screw over that simplicity goal again) THAT just means you have a functionally limitless number of times you can invest in the raider captain trap option! Actually you know 4 of those girls might be okay together, I mean you know, if they didn't cost nearly as much as a maxed out bane thrall unit... Teir 2 requires 2 units of Satxyis Raiders (not even over the normal cap of the things) and gives you! ONE FREE SEA WITCH! Yay. Now I mean that IS actually okay, and the fact it raises the FA of sea witches to a functional 3 means you can have THREE satxyis on the field that have the attachement they MUST have to make them viable on the field, you know, instead of 2. But it really shits me that after all the limitations of this list effectively what you are allowed to have that you give half a shit about is just ONE MORE satxyis raider unit with the must have attachement than you could have without the stupid list! Teir three requires the new OTHER satyxis unit AND the unit attachment, and fuck knows what they do but the benefit you gain for jumping that hoop? Stealth on all your satxyis models in your army. For one turn. The first one. You know, the one in which it is least likely to ever matter thanks for more needless complexity bullshit Privateer! Teir 4 requires you to bring two unammed hell jacks to the party. Hm. Well that sucks, because they all got kicked in the nads. What do you get for it? +2 inches of deployment zone. WHOOP DEE DOO (I mean WHY DID THEY EVEN BOTHER WRITING THAT, ugh, complexity for almost no benefit). All in all we can write off the whole special satyxis sub faction as “don't bother”. All you get to do is have 3 sea witches+3 raider units instead of 2 sea witches+2 raiders units. That's so underwhelming they could have just changed the FA on that unit and attachment to unlimited in it's standard stat line for everyone and NO ONE WOULD HAVE NOTICED.

So for all your “Satxyis are so cool now!” they are pretty much totally unchanged except for some esoteric largely meaningless shuffling of the deck chairs. The only thing they have going for them is the Sea witch and her power swell and they've had that since Remix era if I recall. And that only makes them OK in certain edge cases where you can manage to pull a charge for maximum whippage on jacks before losing the majority (or totality) of the unit.

And for all your talking of the REMOVAL of trap options, right there we have the Satxyis Raider Captain who IS a trap option and has several trap option ABILITIES, like the one that is STUPIDER than just shooting something with her gun.

So all in all your assessment that the current state of the game is one in which Satyxis are now magically fixed and cool is a pile of bullshit. They are BARELY changed and have received easily as much nerfing as buffing. They are more COMPLEX than ever thanks to their new trap solo and also more trappy than they were in the sea witch era because they now have that same new trap solo. Worse still some sucker is going to pick raider captain INSTEAD of a sea witch, and THAT guy is going to end up double trapped with the sea captain being a trap and the lack of the sea witch making the satxyis raiders themselves back into (more) of a trap.

So yeah, I call total bullshit on your “current state of the game” argument.

With the exception of Bane Thralls, who are now cheaper, just as good as ever (they WERE actually rather nice and remain largely unchanged) and also promoted due to the fact they are (and always were) some of Cryx's best options for “we mindlessly move forward and attack until everyone is dead” which is what the entire fucking game is devolving into. (thus making the Bane Thrall spamming list THE thing to do with Cryx... sadly).
Last edited by PhoneLobster on Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Blasted »

PL: back to a question in you original post:
Who will save us from GW now?

What games do you think should be popular based on being good?
ATM I'm playing HoTT, just because it's easy to play a fast game. But I'd like to hear other options.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

PhoneLobster wrote:You should GROW A PAIR and use SHELLEYS SHOCK PROOF SUPER GLUE, real MEN have enough of A PAIR to use SHELLEYS SHOCK PROOF SUPER GLUE you weakling. PINNING, PINNING is for GIRLY MEN, REAL MEN HAVE TESTICLES. TESTICLES HELD ON WITH SHELLEY'S SHOCK PROOF SUPER GLUE. Look how mighty my SHOCK PROOF METAL MODELS are. They are BALLS OF METAL, with SPIKES, and they are SHOCK PROOF, because I HAVE A PAIR. A PAIR OF BALLS OF METAL WITH SPIKES. Watch me as I use my PAIR to throw them on the floor, watch them not break! OK so maybe they break, and maybe I damaged the floor. OK so I might have hurt my foot badly. But have you GOT THE BALLS to drive me to HOSPITAL well ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH TO DRIVE ME TO FUCKING HOSPITAL?
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by Count Arioch the 28th »

That link was the best thing I ever read. If the makers of a GOOD game had written it, I'd call it the Gaming Den game of choice.
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Post by PhoneLobster »

Blasted wrote:PL: back to a question in you original post:
Who will save us from GW now?
I don't know if I have any better answer than the one I already gave.

I mean I know Fantasy Flight have tried a few times and basically failed with various itterations of reprints of other companies materials and various products of their own failing in their early testing the waters editions.

I know that Rakham wanted to, but they are far too French and also incredibly strange and arcane with their rules.

Anima is... well... anima. And a touch too Spanish.

Infinity is... well... Necromunda with better (but now anime themed) fluff. And a bit more than a touch too Spanish.

There are some other titles that are or were out there like War Gods of Egyptus and that other Urban War and junk but they just aren't active around here/anymore.

Those mage knight guys and some copy cats with the clicky bases ultimately were a bit too far on the kidsy side of things. Which is saying alot considering how kidsy GW and friends try and be (and yet they can't hold back with the S&M bondage shit).

No way do I want to go NEAR a WOTC collectable mini game. No really. Among other things they seem to be pretty short lived and they are basically minis in the order of the mage knight quality only without the fancy bases.

Hordes of the things is a bit of a mystery to me and I am pretty sure the only distributer of the rule book on my continent stopped selling it years ago.

I really rather liked Full Thrust, but it's ground based army rules (Dirt Side and Star Grunt) were sort of questionable and the one that was the closest subsitute for 40K basically fell down right off the starting block by having absolutely no mechanics for army building/valuing whatsoever.

Reaper Minis seems to have some of their own mini rules but I have never heard a word about them nor have I even ever heard of anyone playing them locally. Hell. I haven't even heard of anyone other than me locally who would even know that Reaper has a set of fantasy war game rules.

And after that to my limited knowledge of the field starts to break down. I mean there ARE other things out there, I think, but I either don't know them or can't remember them.

And even many of the things I am mentioning are getting so obscure that if you decided to collect and play them you would basically be doing it sans-community. Which might work for something on the scale of Anima, but not so much with many of the rest.

As obscure as that and you might as well be playing home brew rules with hand sculpted minis for all the difference it will make in finding players familiar with the game and with their own armies to play with.

What games do you think should be popular based on being good?
I rather liked Full Thrust but then I was really rather young back then...

But really choice in the field is limited and without someone locally having the gear already it is REALLY hard to go and "check out" other options. I mean, I HAVE some War Gods of Egyptus minis, I have heard from some guy that some other guys know some guys who USED to play it and think it was pretty crash hot. But you know what? I've never even SEEN so much as one hint of the game on the table or how the rules work.

And even if I did track down some sample rules or a streamed pdf or something, what's the point? No one here plays that stuff.

You are lucky to find someone locally playing bullshit I no longer want to be (or have never wanted to be) a part of like Warmachine or the Star Wars Mini game.
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Post by Blasted »

There are a few Flames of War gamers out there,
which seems to me to be 40K in ww2. In terms of rules, anyway.
Battletech is an ongoing quagmire.
I've heard about Song of Blades and Heroes, but any rules system which allows you to 'Make your own units' screams 'abusable!' to me and that applies to stargrunt as well.

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Post by PhoneLobster »

Flames of War is a WW2 game, and so it is not something I like much.

I hear really amazing things about the rules, but what little I have looked at doesn't seem all that special, and the guys praising the rules are the same guys who don't see anything wrong at all about GW and regard any criticism of, well, anything, as heresy.

But what Flames of War DOES undoubtedly have in the region is...
1) A whole bunch of regular players
2) Not utterly insane prices, well, sort of.
3) Models on the shelves
4) What from the outside looks like a remarkably customer service oriented company that seems to operate out of New Zealand, which means they actually recognize that Australia exists. Also did I mention they don't seem to hate their own customers?
5) A mildly disturbing fan base I'm not sure I want to hang out with in public, which is bad, but a step up from the fan bases I am SURE I don't want to hang out with in public.

So I'll look into Flames of War more the moment they release the War of The Worlds Martian Invasion faction.

Which they won't because the boring borderline Nazi fan boys that follow the game would have a predictable "Historical Accuracy" explosion.

Which is stupid because I am more than happy to be limited to accurate period War Of The World Martian tripods, saucers and death rays.

Edit: This makes me think I need to start working on an overly elaborate "Martian Invasion Faction is OP" post for the Company Of Heroes Online forums. April First is only next month after all...
Last edited by PhoneLobster on Wed Oct 13, 2010 6:37 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by cthulhu »

The rules are basically 40k except not as shit.

This is admittedly a low bar to entry. I still think the rules are bad, but they are past 40k. They have atleast thought about some stuff.

The problem is good WWII wargames are like.. Advanced Squad Leader and that is not fun any more so.

DL a rulebook and have a read I reckon.
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