[GURPS]Engines & Reagents

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Ancient History
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[GURPS]Engines & Reagents

Post by Ancient History »

Engines and Reagents
This began as basic proposal for the magic system for the fantasy steampunk game set in Renaissance Italy. I worked up the proposal on very short notice (about 48 hours), and the people thanked me for it but decided to pass. So I decided to do a quick conversion from their home system (which was still in the works) to GURPS. Feel free to pick at, use, or ignore it as you see fit.

Fluff Basis
This system of magic developed on a high-mana world entering the Renaissance era (TL4^). Essentially, magic is a laid out along rough natural philosophy principles through the isolation and manipulation of reagents through alchemy (Artes Occultae) and the creation of reagent-fueled Engines (Artes Mechanicae).

Reagents are higher order analogues of normal substances, theoretically present in most matter. Some masters believe they may be the indivisible atoms proposed by the ancient philosophers. The base or crude matter is insufficient for alchemical purposes, however, and reagents are refined from natural substances into their sublime or activated form. Six reagents have been identified so far, with many masters experimenting to find more. Each reagent possesses affinities for certain magickal workings.

Reagents are present in trace amounts in the bodies of men and animals, where they exist in proto-refined states known as humours, the result of elementary biological processes. Early attempts at magic utilized them in a primitive but powerful form of sorcery known as blood magic; which was crude and ignored the individual affinities, combining the humours haphazardly and often slaying the donor.

The Users
All human magick is based on the creation and expenditure of reagents. There are two basic magic users:

Alchemists (mages, engineers, sorcerers, thaumaturges, strigoi, hexcrafters, conjuremen, etc.) have an innate spiritual gift that allows them to control the metabolization of their own humours; by ingesting reagents they can store them and utilize them to cast spells, craft compounds, and construct engines. Some alchemists are polymaths that are skilled at crafting new effects, but most employ some combination of formulae, receipts and schematics.

Mechanics: Alchemist characters are those with at least one level of the Magery advantage. Alchemists can safely ingest and store one reagent of the appropriate color for each point or level above 10 they have in the corresponding attribute + 1 for each level of Magery, and can purchase spells and associated talents.

Code: Select all

Attribute	Associated Color
Strength	White
Dexterity	Gold
Intelligence	Blue
Perception	Red
Health	Green
Will	Black
Sfonzo the Younger has Magery 1, Health 11 and Perception 10; he can safely ingest and store 2 Green reagents and 1 Red reagent at a time.

Paisano (laymen) do not have such skills, and will sicken and possibly die if they ingest reagents. However, they may make use of alchemical compounds – in the form of elixirs, tattoo inks, etc. – and most engines, provided they have a steady fuel of reagents.

Mechanics: A paisano (any character without Magery) that ingests a reagent loses 1 hit point automatically and may be poisoned; they must succeed at a Health Test, skill penalty = (number of reagents ingested in the last seven days) or suffer (number of reagents ingested in the last seven days) hit points worth of damage.

Alchemists that exceed their reagent intake (attribute – 10 reagents) make similar tests.

The Artes (Arcana)
Sorcery (Spells)
Only sorcerers can cast spells. These are typically spiritual abilities inherent to the alchemist and activated by the expenditure of reagents and a combination of mental and spiritual discipline. Casting spells is a Thaumaturgy skill test with a skill penalty (SP) depending on the spell, and requires the expenditure of reagents. Thus, the test for casting a spell is Thaumaturgy - SP.
Some spells require more reagents than the alchemist can safely handle; this requires them to immediately ingest the reagents before attempting the casting of the spell, with the usual consequences for massive reagent intake (see above). More details of spells are addressed below.
Spells are instantaneous (one full action) to cast and require no additional equipment, unless the spell requires one.

When a spell has been formally codified for ease of teaching, it is represented by a formula. When the alchemist does not know the formula for a spell, its SP is 1 (i.e. the test is Thaumaturgy-1).

Alchemy (Compounds)
Alchemical elixirs, inks, and other products produced via sorcery; these products contain reagents that have been altered into a form safely usable by laymen—magical tattoos that activate a specific spell, philters that boost Dexterity or Intelligence, burning oils proof against the fae and their terrible creations, etc.

Alchemy still requires an Alchemy skill test to create a compound. Unlike sorcery, alchemy does not require the mage to actually ingest the compound, provided he has the correct equipment and reagents on hand. Failure results in an explosion.

Compounds take an hour to create per reagent involved, but once crafted may be used instantaneously (one full action) or saved for later - if kept sealed, a compound can last for years. Provided sufficient reagents are available, compounds may be made in batches (SP +1). Once used, a compound is expended.

When a compound has been formally codified for ease of teaching, it is represented by a receipt. When the alchemist does not know the receipt for a compound, its SP is +1.

Engineering (Engines)
Engines are devices fueled by reagents, based on human ingenuity, arcane science, and the secret study of fae relics. Creating, adjusting, and repairing engines is an Engineering skill test (SP determined by its schematic or the amount of damage done to the engine if it is being repaired repairing). Engines automatically requires 10 times the normal number of reagents to create than the equivalent spells or compounds.

Engines take one day (lauds to vespers) to create per reagent involved, and once crafted must be fueled, but otherwise last until destroyed or dismantled. Engines begin at Level 0, and the level may be increased by adding 1 SP/level. All engines have a capacity to store reagents equal to their Level x 10.

When an engine has been formally codified for ease of teaching, it is represented by a schematic. When the alchemist does not know the schematic for an engine, its SP to be created is +1.

Alchemy, sorcery, and engineering are more arts than sciences, and the effects of any given spell, compound, or reagent shoved into the furnace of an engine can be variable. The traditional unit of magical timekeeping are canonical hours—the period between Lauds (dawn) and Vespers (dusk), those times of day when the Church rings its bells and its priests, monks, and other potentates say their prayers. Spells cast, compounds consumed, and engines stoked around lauds tend to fade at the tolling of vespers, and this is the default duration of any spell, compound, or engine—the next sunrise or sunset. Of course, certain potent sorceries may be charged with longer durations at the expense of higher SPs or more reagents.

The Talents
The system of magic below is predicated on a large number of effects that can be combined and manipulated to achieve a given purpose—like alchemy, you’re putting together basic elements in pursuit of a higher goal. Alchemical Talents are the equivalent of an alchemist’s crucibles and alembics, the tools you use to manipulate those elements.

From a game mechanics standpoint, Talents are a specialized subset of Advantages.

Everyone that manipulates magic takes the Magery advantage. This allows them to ingest reagents safely, and use them to power spells. Upon taking Magery, the character gets one of the six basic Alchemical Talents ([Color] Initiate) at Rank 1. Characters may add their Magery level to their attribute to determine how many reagents they can safely ingest.

[Color] Initiate (first level free with Magery, others 5 points/level)
This talent has four ranks (1-4). Normally, as a sorcerer you must expend the reagents from your body when you cast a spell, but as an initiate you have begun the process of turning your body into an alchemical furnace. The mere presence of the reagents inside the initiate’s body is sufficient to power a spell or collection of spells without expending the reagent(s). An initiate may maintain a spell or collection of spells whose sum cost in [Color] reagents is equal or less to their ranks in the [Color] Initiate talent, without expending those reagents. The initiate may release (unbind) effects and cast new spells as they wish, but if they cast a spell with a greater reagent cost than their ranks in [Color] Initiate, they will have to expend the reagents normally.

Sforza the Younger has the White Initiate 1 talent and Strength 11 attribute. In a normal day, he awakens at lauds and consumes 2 White reagents, which will sustain him ‘til vespers, and casts the Pale Tincture (1 White/SP 1) spell, which improves his Strength attribute to 13. If, during the day, he wishes to cast a phantasm spell (2 White/SP 2), he will have to release the Pale Tincture and expend his 2 White reagents to do so.

Rays, Secrets, and Emanations
Each of the six schools of magical learning have their own derived powers and special skills. These powers are represented by collections of different talents that require a certain rank in [Color] Initiate as a prerequisite. Unlike spells, compounds, and engines, these talents do not (usually) burn reagents to empower. A sample talent is given below.

Secret of the Tombs
Cost: 5 points
Prerequisite: Black Initiate 1
The alchemist has stumbled upon the horrible, hidden truth of the ghouls! When a sorcerer dies, the process of death crystallizes their humours, causing the reagents still remaining to express in the marrow of their bones. By secret arts, you have perfected the means of accomplishing this same feat while still alive; your capacity to safely store Black reagents is increased by 2.

The Mechanics
Casting a spell, creating a compound or engine, and repairing or altering an engine all work in about the same way: the appropriate number of reagents are consumed, and an appropriate skill roll against appropriate target number is made.

There is no single definitive list of spells/compounds/engines. Rather, these arcana are put together by a simple process:

1) Generate a Concept
2) Select Category
3) Select Affinities
4) Select Lenses
5) Calculate Cost

Step 1) Generate a Concept
The player decides what effect their character is going for—a small explosive in a flask, an arm-sheath with armor and enhanced strength, the ability to pierce any illusions in the room.

Lynn wants a fireball spell. She wants a big ball of flame that will scorch and possibly kill everyone in the room.

Step 2) Select Category
The categories are spell (SP 0), compound (SP 1), and engine (SP 2).

Lynn selects spell (SP 0) as her category.

Step 3) Select Affinities
Each of the six colors has a selection of affinities, representing effects that they are associated with; the more powerful or complicated the effect, the greater number or reagents of that reagent are required and the more difficult the arcana.

Lynn takes the Blast affinity (1 White, SP 1) – for damage – adds the Elemental (Fire) affinity (2 White, SP 2) – which makes it fire damage and causes collateral effects like setting things on fire.

Step 4) Select Lenses
A lens (plural lenses) is a restraint or expansion, generic in nature and used to modify the individual affinity/affinities—a given lens might expand it from a single target to multiple targets, increase the duration, restrict it to affecting only a single category of targets, etc.
The combination of categories, affinities, and lenses give the exact effects of the spell.

Finally, Lynn selects the Multiple Targets lens (0 reagents, SP +1), which allows it to affect up to a dozen targets.

Step 5) Calculate Cost and TN
Each category, affinity and lens has an associated cost (in reagents) and SP; the cost and difficulty of the spell/compound/engine is determined by adding together the costs/SP of the individual parts.

The sum gives a cost of 3 White reagents and a SP of 4. In order to successfully cast the spell, she must expend 3 White and succeed on a Thaumaturgy-4 test.

SIDENOTE: Mechanical Advantage
Depending on how the rules are written, this rules approach might give a slight mechanical advantage to creating smaller engines and modding it or hooking them together rather than creating one big engine with the same effects.

Memorization & Liberal Artes
There is no single right way to cast a fireball; this system assumes a rather freeform take to spell/compound/engine development. In game terms, this is the result of a college education in alchemy (possibly a 5-point Unusual Background); most alchemists, particularly those who only dabble, restrict themselves to rote formulas, receipts, and schematics. These arcana can be purchased during character generation for 1 point each, or later during play; they have an advantage over free-style magickal effects in being marginally easier to cast (SP-1).

Part of the reason to include these rote mechanics, encapsulated as example spells, compounds, engines, etc. is to save game time by encouraging players to have their “stock” effects worked out ahead of time. Of course, once the players are familiar with the system, things speed up considerably—the cost/difficulty of a single target, single-affinity spell is equal to the cost/difficulty of the affinity, so quick effects take less time and less looking-up.

The process given above, while pretty quick, will still involve pausing the gaming and maybe going through lists of effects and hemming and hawing trying to find the “right” combination for the given scenario—time away from actually playing the game. While sometimes necessary (and a nice thing to have, when up against an unusual situation), it can be detrimental to play and unrealistic. Thus, the emphasis on formulae, and also a technique known as wizardry.

Essentially, this is adding one or more lens to a formulae/receipt/schematic the player character already knows on-the-fly. By accepting the added cost and/or difficulty associated with the lens, the character has a much greater level of flexibility, able to tailor the effect to their current circumstances. A spell/compound/engine cast/created with wizardry is SP+1 .

Lynn’s character Sforza has memorized the formula for the fireball spell, but now she wants to use it to destroy just a single target—that bastard Gaspard! She applies the Sole Target lens (0 reagents, SP-1) to her fireball formula (3 White, SP 4), and adds SP+1 for using wizardry; the cost of her spell is 3 White reagents and she needs to succeed at a Thaumaturgy-4 test.

Sample Affinities

Below is a selected list of sample affinities for different colors, with their projected costs/difficulties. Each color has an affiliated reagent and domains – general areas that the reagent influences; the affinities are based on the domains.

Affinities have the form:

Name of Affinity (Reagent cost/SP #) – Description of Affinity

There are a few basic actions that are not the affinity of any particular reagent, or are common to all of them:

Refine Reagent (0/SP 2) – All alchemists, almost as the first lesson in their studies, learn to refine reagents from their base materials. This affinity takes raw materials and refines them into a reagent—for compounds, this produces a physical reagent, for engines this may create an engine that does essentially the same thing.

Reagent: Gold
Domains: Time, travel, speed, space

Early Vespers/Lauds (1 Gold/SP 1) – The effect of a spell/compound/engine is made halved or doubled in duration (i.e. a spell cast at lauds on Monday will last until lauds on Tuesday rather than fading at vespers Monday). This affinity creates long-burning engines or ends hostile spells prematurely.
Can be stacked for greater effect (twice quarters/quadruples, thrice divides by or multiplies by eight, four times divides by or multiples by sixteen).

Accelerando (1 Gold/SP 1) – Speeds or slows physical/chemical processes in inanimate objects to twice normal speed. Accelerando paints dry faster, a pinch of accelerando powder causes compounds to brew faster, accelerando-treated engines take longer to rust. Repeated and powerful use can weaken strong materials and reduce fragile ones to dust. Some rumors suggest forgers use these spells to disguise their works as those of ancient masters, or by vinters to rapidly age their young wines.
Can be stacked for greater effect (twice quarters/quadruples, thrice divides by or multiplies by eight, four times divides by or multiples by sixteen).

Sallow Tincture (1 Gold/SP 1) – Temporarily restores lost Dexterity by 1, or temporarily augments existing Dexterity by 1. These spells/compounds/engines cannot allow a mage to absorb more reagents then normally safe to do so.
Can be stacked for greater effect (twice +2 Dexterity, thrice +3 Dexterity, etc.), but only the highest effect applies at a time.

Rhodamancy (1 Gold/SP 1) – Can divine direction, location, time, or distance. Rhodamantic engines are timepieces, sextants, and compasses of supernal craftsmanship.

Via Minor (1 Gold/SP 1) – This affinity calls a small (hand-held, no more than 5 lbs) specific object from its place through the Faerylands to hand. If the object cannot be seen, the creator must know exactly where the object is; if it has moved then the effect fails. Alchemists brew magical inks with this affinity that bravos tattoo to their palms, calling their weapons to hand from their distant homes.
Can be stacked for greater effect; each iteration increases the weight of the object or objects that may be summoned (2 Gold, 25 lbs.; 3 Gold, 125 lbs.; 4 Gold, 625 lbs.)

Dilation (1 Gold/SP 1) – This subtle affinity adjusts the perception of time, speed, or distance, halving or doubling one of them. A powerful tempo oil spilled on a doorstep can hold a thief unmoving from vespers until lauds, and to them only a moment has passed. Also the province of charlatans and frauds, who fool others into believing their engines or horses are faster than they appear. Used famously during war to conceal the distance of enemy ships and confuse the ranging of their cannons.
Can be stacked for greater effect (twice quarters/quadruples, thrice divides by or multiplies by eight, four times divides by or multiples by sixteen).

Tempo (2 Gold/SP 2) – Accelerando, but for living beings. Time does not appear to move any quicker, but the subject’s body processes twice or half as quickly—healing wounds (or bleeding out) faster or slower, growing hair and nails, laying more eggs or giving milk multiple times in the day for livestock. Subjects must eat and drink commensurate to their accelerated/decelerated metabolisms; dark rumors suggest victims have starved or died of thirst under this affinity—and that some masters use it to prolong their lives.
Can be stacked for greater effect (twice quarters/quadruples, thrice divides by or multiplies by eight, four times divides by or multiples by sixteen).

Via Major (2 Gold/SP 2) – As for Via Minor, except it sends a person through the Faerylands back to a specific spot. This is very dangerous, because it can attract the attention of the Fae, and every time it is used there is the possibility that the subject will not return…or be followed. If the space is not clear, the subject will most likely die. Spaces warded against fae intrusion also protect against this spell, and leave the subject stranded in the Faerylands.

Rapido (2 Gold/SP 2) – Doubles or halves the speed of a subject. Living things move and act as though their Dexterity characteristic was halved or doubled (round up); engines and ships make worse or better speed, despite the wind or the heat of the furnace. This can be a devastating advantage in combat, although it does not improve reaction time, only the physical speed. This affinity puts great stress on the subject, and if successful also causes 2 hit points worth of damage to living beings.
Can be stacked for greater effect (twice quarters/quadruples, thrice divides by or multiplies by eight, four times divides by or multiples by sixteen), but the greater effect also applies to the damage caused by the spell—4 damage, 8 damage, and 16 damage respectively.

Via Polo (3 Gold/SP 3) – This affinity creates a gate into the edges of Faeryland. It is more subtle and powerful than teleportation, as it skirts the powerful Fae kingdoms, revealing forgotten and sunken paths on the borderlands where the two worlds meet. The distance along this path to the target is half or twice as long as the normal path.

Fae Tempo (3 Gold/SP 3) – Time moves differently for the Fae; it whirls and eddies round them according to their moods. The subject can choose to declare last and act first in the round up to three times before the power runs out.

Reverso (4 Gold/SP 4) – This powerful affinity allows the subject to reroll a test that was just taken. The exact same Attributes or Skills must be used, and both dice must be rerolled.

Reagent: Cinnabar
Domains: Telepathy, Emotion, Purification, Wealth

Sal Blanc (1 Red/SP 1) – Dries and preserves dead organic material indefinitely; can mummify a corpse or keep cod edible for long journeys. As a compounds, often used as an oil by apothecaries for the preservation of medicinal roots and herbs. Engines with this affinity keep food fresh for long periods, and are sometimes called “Salt Chests.”
One reagent preserves about 5lbs of material. This affinity can be stacked to preserve more material: 2 Red/25 lbs, 3 Red/125 lbs, 4 Red 625 lbs. and so on.

Distillation/Amalgamation (1 Red/SP 1) – Can remove one elemental substance from another, or combine two such elements. For example, this affinity can be used to create an engine to remove salt from sea water, or a glue compound that bonds two metals together.
One reagent can distill or amalgamate about 5lbs of material. This affinity can be stacked to preserve more material: 2 Red/25 lbs, 3 Red/125 lbs, 4 Red 625 lbs. and so on.

Filter (1 Red/SP 1) – Can remove poisons from the blood, literally filtering the humours of the subject and removing impurities. Filter engines are useful at hospitals, while filter spells and compounds may be used as hangover cures. Experienced wizards keep filters handy to remove excess reagents from their own blood.

Virtue/Vice (1 Red/SP 1) – Instills or inspires a simple emotion in the subject—rage, lust, greed, charity, hope, compassion, etc. With the appropriate focus, this emotion can be directed to a specific subject, so as to form love philters or engines that rouse comrades into righteous anger against their enemies.

Ruddy Tincture (1 Red/SP 1) – Temporarily restores lost Perception by 1, or temporarily augments existing Perception by 1. These spells/compounds/engines cannot allow a mage to absorb more reagents then normally safe to do so.
Can be stacked for greater effect (twice +2 Perception, thrice +3 Perception, etc.), but only the highest effect applies at a time.

Cartomancy (1 Red/SP 1) – Can divine emotion, personalities, major events in a person’s life (past, present, or future). Cartomantic engines are popular both as amusements and as impersonal forecasters for the rich and powerful; cartomantic compounds grant empathy and insight.

Voice of Man (2 Red/SP 2) – Gives voice to the quiet spirits within inanimate objects and the lower orders of life, from rocks and trees to birds and plants. These spirits are barely intelligent, their personalities given by their form, but can be dominated, cajoled, threatened, sweet-talked, and tricked into making admissions of whatever knowledge they may know.

Distill Emotion (2 Red/SP 2) – Can refine, intensify, or redirect an existing emotion. A compound could transfer the object of a person’s love, or hate, or loyalty from one person to another; an engine in Turkish harem might intensify lust. Mixed emotions can be separated, for good or for ill, to provide a greater clarity of purpose, for a time.

Perfection of Form (2 Red/SP 2) – Can refine an impure substance into a finer, purer form with far less time and effort than the normal physical or mental process. A compound of such affinity might be an acid that transforms metal ore into raw metal; an engine could thresh fresh grain or separate cotton from seeds.
One reagent can distill or amalgamate about 5lbs of material. This affinity can be stacked to preserve more material: 4 Red/25 lbs, 6 Red/125 lbs, 8 Red 625 lbs. and so on.

Voice of Angels (3 Red/SP 3) – This affinity allows one to speak the metaphysical “language of birds,” to hear and speak directly with the spirit, as the angels do. The subject knows the thoughts of those around them, and can speak directly to their minds and spirit rather than through the base matter of the air.

Form of Man (3 Red/SP 3) – Can give temporary human form to the spirit of an object or animal. The form has average (0) attributes, and a personality much like that given by Voice of Man. In this form, the entity is generally much more tractable, susceptible to the pleasures and pains of human life for a time. The destruction of the human form is unpleasant, but does not actually harm the animal or object.

The Grand Transmutation (4 Red/SP 4) – Can convert a specific base substance to a specific more valuable substance of the same type. Traditionally, alchemists crafted compound stones that changed lead to gold or iron to silver, but aspiring engineers have also crafted engines that spin cotton into silk or water into wine.
One reagent can distill or amalgamate about 5lbs of material. This affinity can be stacked to preserve more material: 8 Red/25 lbs, 12 Red/125 lbs, 16 Red 625 lbs. and so on.

Reagent: Copper
Domains: Fortification, Repair, Resistance, Density

Bolster (1 Green/SP 1) – Increase resistance to poisons, toxins, disease, and alcohol; the subject may add +1 to any tests to resist poison, disease, the overindulgence in reagents, etc.
This affinity may be stacked; each additional instance adds another die (2 Green, +2; 3 Green, +3; etc.)

Body of Bronze (1 Green/SP 1) – This affinity provides protection equivalent to a DR 1 suit of armor, reducing any damage taken by 1 point per attack. Compounds with this affinity are popular among soldiers and young nobles; engines with this affinity are particularly resistant to damage.
This affinity may be stacked; each additional instance improves the Damage Resistance by one level (2 Green, -2 damage/attack; 3 Green, -3 damage/attack; etc.)

Concentrate/Adulterate (1 Green/SP 1) – This affinity allows substances to be concentrated in a denser form, for ease of transport and use, or adulterated to spread them out longer. A concentrated substance has twice the strength and half the volume, an adulterated substance has half the strength and twice the volume.
Alchemists can fortify a gallon of wine so that it has the same alcoholic content in half the volume; or engines that can take a loaf of dense bread and make it two lighter loaves.
One reagent concentrates or adulterates about 5lbs of material. This affinity can be stacked to preserve more material: 2 Green/25 lbs, 3 Green/125 lbs, 4 Green 625 lbs. and so on.

Efficiency/Waste (1 Green/SP 1) – This affinity improves or hastens the metabolism of reagents, allowing them to last twice or half as long when powering a subject, either inside a mage or fueling an engine. A single reagent can normally power a spell from lauds to lauds.
This affinity can be stacked, each additional instance improves the efficiency (twice doubles or halves duration, thrice quadruples or quarters, and so on), but only the most powerful effect applies at a time.

Verdant Tincture (1 Green/SP 1) – Temporarily restores lost Health by 1, or temporarily augments existing Health by 1. These spells/compounds/engines cannot allow a mage to absorb more reagents then normally safe to do so.
Can be stacked for greater effect (twice +2 Health, thrice +3 Health, etc.), but only the highest effect applies at a time.

Palmistry (1 Green/SP 1) – Can divine health, level of reagents in the body, any diseases or toxins, projected lifespan, and their talents. Many physicians and surgeons make use of palmistric compounds and engines in their work, to determine the specific cause or source of an ailment.

Body of Black Bronze (2 Green/SP 2) – Offers protection against fae magic; the subject’s humours and form become antithetical with their alien arts. The physical form of the subject becomes as anathema to the fae as cold iron, and they gain +1 in all tests to resist fae magic or blood magic. In addition, the blood of living subjects becomes useless for powering blood magic.
This affinity may be stacked; each additional instance adds another die (2 Red, +2; 3 Red, +3; etc.)

Wholeness (2 Green/SP 2) – This affinity rejoins parts into the whole. Surgeons use compounds based on this affinity to rejoin dismembered limbs, or join prosthetics to stumps. Many masters work with engines that combine disparate parts into completed items, in an automated version of the old Roman factories.
This affinity may be stacked; one reagent rejoins about 5lbs of material. This affinity can be stacked to rejoin more material: 4 Green/25 lbs, 6 Green/125 lbs, 8 Green 625 lbs. and so on.

Infusion (2 Green/SP 2) – This affinity allows the transfer of any number of reagents between one subject and another. Mages can use this between themselves, to lend aid or to steal reagents from one another; to poison laymen; to draw strength from or fuel engines with their own humours. Engines with this affinity are often used as traps, to render a sorcerer powerless or to overwhelm a victim with reagents.

Body of Brass (3 Green/SP 3) – Living subjects can temporarily attain the attributes of a Level 1 engine, appearing as a mechanical version of themselves, fueled by their own reagents (if any). The subject’s Health and Dexterity are raised for 1, and their Perception and Strength lowered by 1.
This affinity may be stacked; each instance increases the effective Level of engine they become for the duration (6 Green for Level 2, 9 Green for Level 3, etc.) Each level the subject’s Health and Dexterity are raised for 1, their Perception and Strength lowered by 1, and they gain an additional slot.

Reclaim (3 Green/SP 3) – Can recover the reagent-rich materials from the shattered hulks of destroyed engines, which may then be used for the creation or fueling of other engines. Each engine contains a number of reagent-rich materials equal to their Level, and this affinity will recover them all if used successfully. Scrapper engineers build machines that automatically sort through the battlefields and garbage heaps of the city, reclaiming reagent-rich materials for sale or use in constructing new engines.

Body of Orichalkos (4 Green/SP 4) – This affinity transforms the subject into a veritable furnace, blazing from within as their body burns the reagents within them at a prodigious rate. For every point of damage that would normally be dealt to them, the subject instead burns one reagent of a random color. Should all reagents be burned, the subject begins to feed on itself, taking attribute damage (if living), and engines collapse or may explode; other objects noticeably shrink, wither, and weaken, even if no actual damage is done during the affinity’s duration.

Reagent: Cobalt
Domains: Language, Memory, Influence, Knowledge

Ars Memoria (1 Blue/SP 1) – This affinity allows a perfect record to be kept in memory. Engines with this affinity are typically mechanical books or music-boxes that record and replay speeches, concerts, and the like, while compounds find great admirers among students. Memories gained by this method remain when the duration expires.

Hidden Writing (1 Blue/SP 1) – This affinity provides great facility in the encryption and decryption of writing, concealing or revealing the content of a communication by transfiguration of its characters. Engines with this affinity are often used for the most secure transmission and reception of documents.
To decipher a message or text coded with this affinity requires an equivalent skill level to the alchemist that created it.

Rhetoric (1 Blue/SP 1) – The subject gains a supernatural ability to perceive and communicate underlying motives and ideas through speech, writing, or gesture. Lies become transparent and true desires appear plain, all under the guise of innocent discourse. Alternately, the subject can be made to appear as if they are lying or their motives are false, even if their words are completely to the contrary.
To perceive the use of this affinity in any form requires an equivalent skill level to the alchemist that created it.

Epitome (1 Blue/SP 1) – This affinity distills knowledge into a liquid form, which may be imbibed and conferred. Spies use compounds with this affinity to smuggle messages in their very blood; engines condense entire libraries into potent vintages for scholars and noblemen to enjoy, or cut them with cheap and fiery drink for the hoi polloi.
A single use of this affinity renders five pages of text into a dram of inky liquid. The affinity may be stacked, each instance increases the concentration (2 Blue, 25 pages; 3 Blue, 125 pages; 4 Blue, 625 pages).

Cyanic Tincture (1 Blue/SP 1) – Temporarily restores lost Intelligence by 1, or temporarily augments existing Intelligence by 1. These spells/compounds/engines cannot allow a mage to absorb more reagents then normally safe to do so.
Can be stacked for greater effect (twice +2 Intelligence, thrice +3 Intelligence, etc.), but only the highest effect applies at a time.

Bibliomancy (1 Blue/SP 1) – Can divine the location of written materials that will answer a specific question, if they exist. Simple bibliomantic engines are compasses that lead to libraries, or specific books in libraries; bibliomantic compounds are typically eyedrops that draw the eye to the specific chapter, page, or passage. Lawyers and merchants make great use of bibliomantic divinations when going over contracts and legal volumes.

Logos (2 Blue/SP 2) – This affinity appeals to the rational side of the subject’s mind, suppressing a specific instinct. Physicians use compounds with this affinity to overcome phobias for a time, while veterinarians use engines to train horses to plunge into combat, ignoring the sights, sounds, and smells of battle that normally repel them. Assassins are rumored to use this affinity when administering poisons with a distinctive taste, or to trick their targets into undertaking a dangerous activity; unscrupulous merchants are said to rely on it for much the same reason.

Pathos (2 Blue/SP 2) – This affinity heightens emotions within a subject by suppressing their reason; they become drunk with their own passions and give full reign to their senses. All of the subject’s senses function at twice their normal capacity. Spies and sentinels are best-known for using compounds with this affinity in small measures, while some particular hedonists are suspected of commissioning engines with this affinity for their revels.
This affinity may be stacked; for each instance the senses become more acute (4 Blue, senses quadruple in sensitivity; 6 Blue, senses are eight times more sensitive; etc.)

Ethos (2 Blue/SP 2) – Can enforce an existing duty or obligation beyond normal limits. A soldier subject to this affinity will follow a commander into Hell without complaint, a faithful servant may follow his master to the grave. Treaties and contracts are sometimes written out in ink compounds with this affinity, to bind both parties, and some few engines are made to enforce vows of chastity or marital fidelity.

Maestro (3 Blue/SP 3) – Can temporarily instill up to (Intelligence – 10) levels in a single specific skill.

Stoic (3 Blue/SP 3) – This affinity inures the subject to outside influence; others add the test result to the TN of any test to influence the subject’s mental state or compel speech or action, be it by seduction, interrogation, torture, social pressure, magic, or any other form of coaxing or duress.

Gnosis (4 Blue/SP 4) – The subject obtains a period of pure understanding. The subject can read, write, and speak up to five languages, living or dead, human or fae, with perfect fluency and knowledge. Gnosis engines are the basis for much international trade around the Mediterranean.
This affinity may be stacked, each iteration increases the number of languages (8 Blue, 25 languages; 12 Blue, 125 languages).

Reagent: Iron
Domains: Control, Release, Death, Magic

Sign of Hecate (1 Black/SP 1) – This affinity diffuses and cancels out any other magic it is directed account; spells and compounds end, engines shut down, even fae blood magic ceases if the affinity is successful. While a perfect counter to magic, hostile or benevolent, the effect must be actively directed; it is not a passive protection.
This affinity may be stacked; it must to counter a magical effect the alchemist must expend as many Black reagents as the total number of reagents spent on the magic being countered (i.e. if a sell cost 3 Red and 1 Blue, 4 Black must be spent on this affinity to cancel it).

Sign of Hermes (1 Black/SP 1) – Can create a temporary compound or engine; the sorcerer needs little more than colored water or a handful of gears to craft the basis of instant potion or mechanism, and then expend the reagents cast the spell. The compound or engine lasts as long as this affinity does.
One instance of this affinity permits the crafting of a single temporary compound or engine; it may be stacked to create more at once. Twice, 2 Black and 5 compounds/engines; thrice, 3 Black and 25 compounds/engines; etc. In this way, simple trinket-engines and simple compounds may be mass-manufactured every day.

Breath of Isis (1 Black/SP 1) – This affinity relieves pain, physical and mental. It does not provide the bliss of opiates or overcome the physical discomfort of a wound, but the subject is free from pain and able to act in spite of their injuries. Mental anguish is dissipated as well, although the memories and trauma of the actions are, again, unaffected.

Sign of Thoth (1 Black/SP 1) – This affinity redirects magic to another specific target; it does not oppose a spell/compound/engine directly, but attacks the will of the magician who controls it. Engines with this affinity are used as remote controls for other engines; “judas goat” compounds are made that redirect divinatory magic to innocent targets.
This affinity may be stacked; it must to redirect a magical effect the alchemist must expend as many Black reagents as the total number of reagents spent on the magic being redirected (i.e. if a spell costs 3 Red and 1 Blue, 4 Black must be spent on this affinity to redirect it).

Bilious Tincture (1 Black/SP 1) – Temporarily restores lost Will by 1, or temporarily augments existing Will by 1. These spells/compounds/engines cannot allow a mage to absorb more reagents then normally safe to do so.
Can be stacked for greater effect (twice +2 Will, thrice +3 Will, etc.), but only the highest effect applies at a time.

Necromancy (1 Black/SP 1) – Can divine the cause, time and circumstances of death, the location and disposition of the body, and whether this information has been discovered before. Necromantic engines give voice to the dead, or project the last images from their eyes; necromantic compounds are used by ghouls and body snatchers to sniff out bodies for their own dark purposes.

Cross of Hecate (2 Black/SP 2) – This affinity protects all within from human magics; while within the aegis of its effect they are immune from any magic powered by 2 reagents or less. Warriors bear shield-engines and clockwork amulets bearing this cross, and clever merchants drink compounds with it beforehand when serving magic-laced wine to keep their senses clear. The affinity does not distinguish between harmful and benevolent magics, any spell or effect besides itself is resisted.
This affinity may be stacked; the affinity can cancel any magic with equal or fewer reagents spend on it (i.e. if used twice, i.e. 4 Black spent, this affinity renders the subject immune to any effect powered by 4 or fewer reagents).

Circle of Hermes (2 Black/SP 1) – This affinity aligns the reagents within all material in its area of its effect, making them more receptive to other magic. The Skill Penalty for any other magic used on the subject is reduced by 4, to a minimum of 0. Paint compounds with this affinity are used to create “casting grounds” for master sorcerers or training areas for apprentices, while engines incorporate this affinity to assure their smooth operation.
This affinity may be stacked; each instance further reduces the SP of any magic applied to the subject (4 Black, SP-8; 6 Black, SP-12; etc.).

Kiss of Isis (2 Black/SP 2) – Can suppress specific the memory of a specific day (lauds to vespers) or night (between vespers and lauds). Designed to assuage painful memories or assuage the stain of a specific sin on the subject’s mind and soul, compounds and engines of forgetfulness find many uses. The subject can think and act free of these memories; for them they never happened. If asked about the circumstances, the subject will not remember, and may answer honestly without any guilt; if any phobia or condition resulted from the event, it is completely gone for the duration.
This affinity may be stacked; each instance increases the number of memories or events that may be repressed (4 Black, 5 memories; 6 Black, 25 memories; 8 Black, 125 memories, etc.).

Name of Thoth (3 Black/SP 3) – This affinity poisons the reagents. Living beings lose 1 hit point + 1 for every reagent in their systems at the time; engines suffer damage commensurate to the reagents in their store. Cast on reagents outside a body or engine, the reagents remain poisoned for the duration of the affinity, and deal 1 hit point of damage per reagent to whomever consumes them.

Name of Hermes (3 Black/SP 3) – This affinity allows the collaboration of multiple sorcerers to fuel a single spell/compound/engine; up to five alchemists may contribute reagents to one another, as if drawing from a common pool, provided they remain in physical contact with one another. This allows master alchemists to cast very powerful spells with the aid of their apprentices, and without the dangers of poisoning themselves by overingesting reagents.
This affinity may be stacked; each instance increases the number of participants: 6 Black, up to 25 participants; 9 Black, up to 125 participants; etc.

Rite of Isis (4 Black/SP 4) – This affinity can resurrect anyone who has died in the last five days, provided the body is whole or mostly so; for the duration of spell/compound/engine. The traditional use of the rite of Isis is to allow a recently-widowed woman to conceive an heir, but the rite has sometimes been perverted in schemes for immortality. Fanciful depictions of the rite and its misuse are popular peccadilloes among laymen, but accounts of brothels of the living dead are considered nonsense by most magisters.
This affinity may be stacked; each instance increases the age the body may be dead: 8 Black, 25 days; 12 Black, 125 days, 16 Black, 625 days, etc.

Reagent: Silver
Domains: Strength, Probability, Change, Stealth

Blast (1 White/SP 1) – The subject takes 5 hit points of damage, reduced by any armor or other protections. This affinity may be stacked; each instance increases the damage, so 2 White, 10 hit points; 3 White, 15 hit points; and so on. Engines with this affinity are often deadly, hand-held cannons, while compounds are fiery incendiaries, acids, or poisons.

Glamour (1 White/SP 1) – An illusion affecting a single sense is crafted to affect the subject. Compounds with this affinity are often used to create distractions or entertain, emitting a bang, bright flash, or horrid stench for a time. Engines with this illusion can replay sounds or images.
This affinity may be stacked, each instance expands the illusion to another sense.

Gambler’s Troth (1 White/SP 1) – This affinity affects the odds in a game of chance, skewing the possibility of any gamble for or against the subject, raising or lowering the TN for a specific action by 5. The trick of the affinity is that it is the perception of the gamble, more than the act itself, which defines the scope of the magic: any action could potentially be affected, provided the subject has made an actual wager on it with someone else. Gambling houses, of course, are always betting against their customers, and may use these engines illicitly to stack the odds even more in their favor.
This affinity may be stacked, each instance raises or lowers the TN by another 5.

Cloak (1 White/SP 1) – This affinity assists a subject in moving unseen from those that are looking for them, the tiny coincidences of life facilitating to conceal the signs of their presence. Those not specifically searching for the individual can see them plainly, but those actively searching for the subject must beat the spell/engine/compound’s skill test result to perceive them.

Pale Tincture (1 White/SP 1) – Temporarily restores lost Strength by 1, or temporarily augments existing Strength by 1. These spells/compounds/engines cannot allow a mage to absorb more reagents then normally safe to do so.
Can be stacked for greater effect (twice +2 Strength, thrice +3 Strength, etc.), but only the highest effect applies at a time.

Numerology (1 White/SP 1) – Divines things that are either obvious or hidden; it reveals knowledge that is not secret and points the way to those that are deliberately concealed. Numerological engines provide sums and figures when fed the day’s ledgers and bills, numerological compounds tell without fail when a person is concealing something in a conversation.

Accident (2 White/SP 2) – The subject can be caused or spared a misfortune, such as an injury or the loss of money at cards. If the subject is caused misfortune, another profits at it by a like amount – usually the alchemist; if the subject is spared misfortune, another suffers in their place – again, often the alchemist. Engines with this affinity are often mannequins that suffer the broken and twisted limbs so their masters do not.

Elemental (2 White/SP 2) – This affinity manifests a powerful, uncontrolled elemental force: blazing fire, freezing cold, the crackle of Jove’s lightning, the peal of thunder, or the driving force of an ocean wave. The manifestation itself does only 1 hit point of damage to the subject, which no armor may protect against, but can cause all manner of secondary effects, such as deafness, setting things aflame, washing off ink, freezing liquids, etc.
This affinity may be stacked; each new instance adds an additional elemental force, and increases the damage dealt by 1.

Phantasm (2 White/SP 2) – This affinity creates an illusion that fools all the senses, but only in the mind of the subject. No-one else can perceive the illusion in any way.

Favored of the Furies (3 White/SP 3) – The subject is set on the path of coincidence, synchronicity, and good fortune. By subtle quirks, the subject’s road is smoothed for him to make their appointments on time and without trouble, to avoid enemies and ambushes, to find the coins needed to make small purchases, and find themselves where they need to be, even if that is not where they knew they were headed. With this affinity active, the subject can always be sure of a full meal and a place for the night at the end of their day’s work. Enemies seeking to disrupt or intervene with the character must beat the skill test result of the spell/engine/compound.

Wrath of Solon (3 White/SP 3) – A response to the growing bureaucracy of the period, even when most peasants cannot sign their own name, this subtle affinity speeds or impedes the processing of any document, halving or doubling the time required for it to reach its intended destination.
This affinity may be stacked, each instance increases or decreases the time: 6 White quarters/quadruples, 9 White divides or multiplies the time by 8, etc.

Ab Nihilo (4 White/SP 4) – Can temporarily create or remove all traces of an identity. The personage effectively ceases to exist or is created out of whole cloth; individuals asked about the identity remember or fail to remember them as appropriate, details of their dress, history, and mannerisms is produced or dismissed.

Sample Lenses
Below is a selected list of sample lenses. The template is identical to the affinities, but may include a “+X” for reagents, signifying it is an open-ended lens.

Single Target (+0/SP 0) – Affects only a single target.

Multiple Targets (+0/SP 1) – Affects up to a dozen targets.

Area Effect (+0/SP 2) – Affects every viable target within sight.

Potent (+X/SP X) – By spending additional reagents, the affinity’s effect becomes more pronounced. Add X additional dice to your pool when making the skill test. The reagent must be of the same color as the affinity.

Tint (+0/SP -1) – Limits the scope of an affinity so that it only affects a specific category of subjects (humans, fae, engines, plants, animals, objects, etc.). If taken twice, the lens narrows the range even more (males, females, horses, books, etc.). If taken thrice, the affinity only applies to a specific individual. This lens cannot be taken more than thrice.
Last edited by Ancient History on Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Foxwarrior »

It took a while to read this (that and the lack of a descriptive introduction made me put it off), but in the end it's a fairly straightforward build-a-spell ruleset. I see that you go for generalizations in your spell components; this handles the problem that build-a-spell usually has, where it still requires a massive number of components if you want to handle a massive variety of spell effects, but it creates a new problem: every spell a player tries to make requires negotiation with the DM.

Also, your example for Wizardry seems exceedingly pointless, and "affects up to a dozen targets" is a weird way to do a Fireball.

So, for your Color Magic implementation, would you skip reagents, or are mages going to be constantly ingesting crushed sapphires, blood, and peyote?
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

Foxwarrior wrote:...are mages going to be constantly ingesting crushed sapphires, blood, and peyote?
It looks like mages are going to be eating copper, cobalt, and mercury. Which is hilariously awesome, although I'd like to see the inclusion of lead, arsenic, cadmium, and radium.
Last edited by CatharzGodfoot on Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor from stealing bread, begging and sleeping under bridges.
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Ancient History
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Post by Ancient History »

I wasn't going to use this exact system, but I kind of like how the effects fell out. The thing I like about the system is that it's fairly flexible - not as flexible as oMage dot-magic, but more flexible than D&D, maybe closer to Shadowrun - and it's basically all about stacking effects. You have your basic affinity, add lenses, sum the costs/TN and you're done - and it's something you can do on the fly. It does require some Mr. Cavern determination, but every spell not cast in a computer game requires the MC to get involved at some level.

Re: lack of introduction, etc. - I was doing a bit of [url=http://www.the-unpublishable.com%2F2012%2F02%2Ffearsome-and-bloody-saint.html]fiction[/url] for this company, they were planning another game and would happen to be in town at the same time as I was, so they asked if I could whip up a quick magic system proposal over the weekend so I could pitch it to them - and "Engines & Reagents" is the result. I cut out most of the setting-specific material and re-mapped it to GURPS after they decided to pass on it.

And yeah, you could totally expand the system with additional colors/reagents.
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