[Tome] My try at Tome feats

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[Tome] My try at Tome feats

Post by fatmonkey13 »


Telejump [skill (Jump)] (added in Rev.10)
Benefit by ranks in Jump:
0 Telejump (Su): Once per round, as a full round action you may teleport up to you base movement speed. You are not impared from taking other actions after a Telejump.
4 You may now use Telejump as a standard action.
9 You may now use Telejump as a move action, and move up to twice your base movement.
14 You may now use Telejump as a swift action, and move up to long range (400' + 100' per rank in Jump)
19 You may now use Telejump as a free action.

Telepath [skill (Sense Motive)]
0 You gain telepathy 100'.
4 You can detect thoughts as the spell, but affecting the entire area of your telepathy.
9 The range of your telepathy increases to 200'.
14 You gain mindsight, which allows you to learn the intelligence and type as well as know the squares occupied, of all creatures within the range of your telepathy. This is a mind-affecting effect.
19 The range of your telepathy increases to long range (400' + 100' per rank of Sense Motive). You gain sending as a spell like ability useable at will.

Ethereal Wanderer [Skill (Move Silently)]
You have learned how to pass to and from the Ethereal plane.
Benefit by ranks in Move Silently
0 Hear Ethereal: You can hear ethereal creatures within 60' as if they lacked that trait.
4 See Ethereal: You can see 60' into the Ethereal plane from any coexistent plane.
9 Ethereal Walker (Su): You are connected to the Ethereal plane and may as part of any move action, move to, and/or from the Ethereal plane, up to once in each direction. You may remain one the plane you did not start on for no longer than 1 round (before be shunted back).
14 You may stay on the Ethereal plane for up to one round per character level before being shunted back.
10 You may stay on the Ethereal plane indefinitely.

Shadow Walker (assumes coexistent, overlapping shadow and prime) [Skill (Hide)]
You have learned how to pass to and from the plane of Shadow.
Benefit by ranks in Hide
0: See in Darkness (Su): You can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by a deeper darkness spell.
4: Shadow Seer (Su) Your senses extend 60' into the Plane of Shadow when not on it, and 60' feet into any overlapping plane, when on the Plane of Shadow. This ability does not function in bright light, or in the area of a daylight spell.
9: Shadow Walker (Su): You are connected to the shadow plane and may as part of any move action, move to, and/or from the plane of shadow, up to once in each direction. You may remain on the plane you did not start on for no longer than 1 round (before be shunted back). This ability does not function in areas of bright illumination, or in the area of a daylight spell. Your movement speed on the plane of Shadow is twice your normal movement.
14: When using your Shadow Walker ability you may remain in the Shadow plane for up to 1 round per character level.
19: When using your Shadow Walker ability you may remain in the Shadow Plane indefinitely.

Shadow Cloak [Skill(Hide)]
Benefit by ranks in Hide
Benefit by character level:
0: Shadow Cloak (Su): You are wreathed in supernatural shadows which provide concealment when not in bright light. They provide a variable amount of concealment equal to 10% per character level, up to a maximum of 50% at 5th level. For the purpose of light effects it is considered a darkness effect equal to one half your character level (rounded down).
4: Greater Shadow Cloak (Su): Your Shadow Cloak function in bright light.
9: Shadowstuff Cloak (Su): Your Shadow Cloak provides a miss chance due to cover rather than concealment (which it still provides), which mean that True Seeing and See In Darkness do not negate its protection.
14: Mundane Cloak (Ex): Your Shadow Cloak provides concealment (not cover) in areas where its supernatural function would be suspended due to its supernatural nature. You may supress this ability.
19: Transdimensional Cloak (Su): You are able to deflect of spells cast at you into the Plane of Shadow harmlessly. 50% of non-transdimensional spells fail to have any effect on you (in addition to your 50% cover).

Shadow Specialist
You gain +2 bonus to all caster levels to overcome spell resistance with [shadow] spells and your [shadow] spells are an additional 10% real. This increases by +1 and +15% every 5 character levels. To a maximum of 100% real, and +6 to overcome spell resistance.
Telepathy [Monster][Fiend]
Benefit by character level
1: Telepathy 100': With creatures that you share a language.
2: Telepathy 100': With creatures that speak a language.
6: Telepathy 100': With intelligent creatures.
11: Telepathy 200': With intelligent creatures.
16: Telepathy [Character Level x 20']: With intelligent creatures.

Ethereal Wanderer
Benefit by character level
1 Hear Ethereal: You can hear ethereal creatures within 60' as if they lacked that trait.
2 See Ethereal: You can see 60' into the Ethereal plane from any coexistent plane.
Ethereal Walker (Su): You are connected to the Ethereal plane and may as part of any move action, move to, and/or from the Ethereal plane, up to once in each direction. You may remain one the plane you did not start on for no longer than 1 round (before be shunted back).
11 You may stay on the Ethereal plane for up to one round per character level before being shunted back.
16 You may stay on the Ethereal plane indefinitely.

Shadow Walker (assumes coexistent, overlapping shadow and prime)[Skill (Hide)]
Benefit by ranks in Hide
0: See in Darkness (Su): You can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by a deeper darkness spell.
Light Blindness (Ex) Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds you for one round. On subsequent rounds, you are dazzled while operating in bright light.
Shadow Seer (Su) Your senses extend 60' into the Plane of Shadow when not in it, and 60' feet into any overlapping plan, when on the Plane of Shadow. This ability does not function in bright light, or in the area of a daylight spell.
Shadow Walker (Su): You are connected to the shadow plane and may as part of any move action, move to, and/or from the plane of shadow, up to once in each direction. You may remain one the plane you did not start on for no longer than 1 round (before be shunted back). This ability does not function in areas of bright illumination, or in the area of a daylight spell. before returning to the Material Plane. Your movement speed on the plane of Shadow is twice your normal base movement.
14: When using your Walk Into Shadows ability you may remain in the Shadow Plane indefinitely, and may use it for travel like in the Shadow Walk spell.
Shadow Body (Sp) As a spell-like action, you may make a standard action to turn yourself, and gear, into shadows, for 1 min. per caster level. Your body and all your equipment are subsumed by your shadow. As a living shadow, you blend perfectly into any other shadow and vanish in darkness. You appear as an unattached shadow in areas of full light. You can move at your normal speed, on any surface, including walls and ceilings, as well as across the surfaces of liquids—even up the face of a waterfall. Your space does not change, so you cannot move into locations you would not normally be able to move into. While in your shadow body, you gain damage reduction -/magic. You are immune to extra damage from critical hits, ability damage, disease, drowning, and poison. You take only half damage from acid, electricity, and fire of all kinds. While affected by this power, you can be detected by powers that read thoughts, life, or presences (including true seeing), or if you make suspicious movements in lighted areas. You cannot harm anyone physically or manipulate any objects, but you can use your spells normally. Doing so may attract notice, but if you remain in a shadowed area, you get a +15 bonus on your Hide check to remain unnoticed.

Brain Eater [Skill(Knowledge(dungeoneering))]
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(dungeoneering)
0: You gain two tentacle attacks. These do 1d4 damage for a medium creature.
You gain the aberration subtype.
Improved Grab (Ex): If you successfully hit a creature no more than one size category larger than you are, with one of your tentacle natural attacks, you can make grapple attempt as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If you succeed you are considered grappling with the tentacle you made the attack with. For each tentacle attached you gain a +2 bonus to grapple.
9: You gain two more tentacle attacks.
If you begin a round a round with one more tentacles attached to a creature, you may make a free grapple check to attach your remaining tentacles.
Extract (Ex): If you begin a round with at least four tentacles attached you may extract the brain of the creature, usually and instantly killing it.
14: You gain two more tentacle attacks.
19: Your tentacles gain 5' of reach.

Mind Blast [Skill(Knowledge(dungeoneering))]
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(dungeoneering)
0: Mind Blast (Sp): 60' line, stunned for 1d4 rounds, will save to negate. DC charisma based. Equivalent to a 1st level spell. This ability is usable every 1d4 rounds.
You gain the aberration subtype.
4: Your Mind Blast gains the option of having a 60' cone or 120' line area.
9: The duration that creatures are stunned by your Mind Blast increases to 3d4 rounds. It is now Equivalent to a 4th level spell.
14: Your mind blast become a Supernatural Ability that take a standard action to use.
19: Your mind blast can now be projected long ranges, out to 400' + 40' per level, with a 30' burst. The options of 120' line and 60' cone remain.

Star Spawn [Skill(Knowledge(dungeoneering))]
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(dungeoneering)
0: You gain a fly speed (and wings) equal to your base land speed with clumsy maneuverability.
You may fly for up to CON or CHA bonus rounds (min 1) without resting.
You are immune to altitude sickness
You gain the aberration subtype.
You gain cold resistance 4 + your character level.
4: Your fly speed improved to twice your base land speed.
You are no longer limited by your CON or CHA bonus in rounds of continuous flight.
9: Your maneuverability when flying improves to poor.
You gain two wing attacks which deal 1d4 damage for a medium creature.
14: You no longer need to breathe.
19: You fly speed improves to quadruple your base land speed, and average maneuverability.
You gain immunity to cold damage.

Deep Spawn [Skill(Knowledge(dungeoneering))]
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(dungeoneering)
0: You gain cold resistance 4+ your character level
You gain the aberration subtype.
You gain the aquatic subtype,
You gain the amphibious ability
You gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed.
4: You gain the Blind Sense and Keen Sent abilities of a shark
9: Your swim speed improves to twice your base land speed
14: Your swim speed improves to quadruple your base land speed.
You gain the Jet ability of a Kraken, but moving you eight times your normal swim speed.
19: You gain the Ink cloud ability of a Kraken
While submerged you benefit from a Freedom of Movement effect.
You gain immunity to cold damage.

Tentacled One [Skill(Knowledge(dungeoneering))] (based on lovecraftian by sigma999)
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(dungeoneering)
1 Breathless (Ex): You do not need to breathe.
You gain the aberration subtype.
You gain acid and cold resistance 4 + your character level.
Violate (Ex): As standard action attack you may make a flurry of tentacle attacks that deals 1d6 per 2 levels + Strength in Bludgeoning damage in a cone area with distance of 5 feet per level. Reflex save negates, and the DC is based on your Strength score; you may also make the attack as a single natural weapon melee attack with the range as reach. You may choose to deal non-lethal damage instead of lethal damage.
You gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed.
Your Violate tentacle attack may be used in a burst out to the same distance as the cone, or a 5 foot wide line out to twice normal distance. The save for Violate becomes "Reflex half" and the damage increases to 1d6 per level + your strength bonus.
Double all reaches of your Violate ability. You gain Improved Grab for your Violate ability. When using only part of your body to grapple when the grapple was initiated using your Violate ability, you do not take the normal -20 penalty. A creature grappled takes 1d6 damage per of 2 your character levels, with no save (though it may try to escape);
You are immune to acid damage. Half of the damage done by your violate attack may be acid damage.
For any duration as a full-round action you may choose to change into a hideous form; in this other form you gain double normal base speed, scent, immune to blindness and deafness, have no facing, and become immune to critical hits and precision damage, losing any resemblance to your normal appearance (you count as 'amorphous') but gain Blindsight distance equal to your Violate attack reach.

Aranea Born[Skill(Climb)]
Benefit by ranks in Climb
0 Spider Climb (Ex): as per the spell as a continuous, extraordinary effect effecting you only.
4 Your speed when climbing is equal to your base land speed, not 20'. You may use the run action while climbing. You need not have your hands free to climb.
Web (Ex): You gain the web ability of a monstrous spider of your size. Tremorsense (Ex) As per a Monstrous spider. You gain the aberration subtype.
14 You gain a bite attack like that a of Monstrous spider of your size, including poison. You also have a +8 racial hide and move silently bonus while using your webs
For any duration as a full-round action you may choose to change into a hideous form; in this other form you gain double normal climb and land speeds, you size increases by one step and you gain a +4 size bonus to ST, and a +2 size bonus to CON. You gain scent, immune to blindness and deafness, have no facing, and become immune to critical hits and precision damage, losing any resemblance to your normal appearance (you count as 'amorphous') but gain Blindsight distance equal to 50'.

Shadow Magic[Skill(Knowledge(The Planes))]
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(The Planes)
0: You may consider spells with the Darkness descriptor as Illusion spells
You may no longer cast spells with the Light descriptor.
You gain a +1 caster level bonus to spells of the schools Enchantment, Illusion, and Necromancy
You gain a -1 caster level penalty to spells of the schools Evocation, Transmutation, and Healing
Light Blindness (Ex) Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds you for one round. On subsequent rounds, you are dazzled while operating in bright light.
4: When an attempt is made to detect one of your Enchantment, Illusion, or Necromancy spells with a spell the caster of that spell must beat you in a caster level check.
When an attempt is made to counter one of your Enchantment, Illusion, or Necromancy spells the caster of that spell must beat you in a caster level check (if they need not already).
When an attempt is made to dispel one of your Enchantment, Illusion, or Necromancy spells, or Dispel Magic is used to counter one of your spells, of those schools, you gain a +5 bonus on the caster level check.
When you attempt to detect an Evocation or Transmutation spell with a spell you must beat the caster of that spell in a caster level check.
When you attempt to counter an Evocation or Transmutation spell you must beat the caster of that spell in a caster level check (if you need not already)
When you attempt to dispel an Evocation or Transmutation spell, or use Dispel Magic to counter a spell of those schools, you take a -5 penalty on the caste level check.
Your caster level bonus to spells of the schools Enchantment, Illusion, and Necromancy improves to +2
Your caster level penalty to spells of the schools Evocation, and Transmutation increases -2
See Into Shadows (Su): You possess the ability to see into the Shadow Plane from any coexistent plane you are on, and from the Shadow plane can see into the corresponding area of whatever coexistent corresponds.
Your caster level bonus to spells of the schools Enchantment, Illusion, and Necromancy improves to +3
Your caster level penalty to spells of the schools Evocation, and Transmutation increases -3
Cast Into the Darkness (Su): You may from the a coexistent plane cast spells into the corresponding location on the plane of shadow. You may from the plane of shadow cast spells into the corresponding location of whatever coexistent plane corresponds. In either case a spell cast across planes, unless a spell which can normally be cast across planes, has a 50% chance of having no effect.
Your caster level bonus to spells of the schools Enchantment, Illusion, and Necromancy improves to +4
Your caster level penalty to spells of the schools Evocation, and Transmutation increases -4
19: Using Cast Into the Darkness does not have a 50% chance of no effect, and works 100% of the time.

Shadow Specialist[Skill(Knowledge(The Planes))]
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(The Planes)
You gain a +1 bonus to caster level checks to over spell resistance with Shadow spells.
Chains of Disbelief (Ex): Even if a viewer disbelieves an illusion created by an illusionist using this variant and communicates the details of the illusion to other creatures, those other creatures do not receive the normal +4 bonus on their saying throws to disbelieve the illusion. Furthermore, even when presented with incontrovertible proof that the illusion isn't real, creatures must still succeed on a Will saving throw to see objects or creatures that the illusion obscures, although they get a +10 bonus on the saving throw.
Your bonus to caster level checks to bypass spell resistance with Shadow spells increases to +2.
Your Shadow spells are +10% real, up to a maximum of 50% real.
Your Shadow spells are +20% real, up to a maximum of 75% real..
Your bonus to caster level checks to bypass spell resistance with Shadow spells increases to +3.
Your Shadow spells are +40% real, up to a maximum of 100% real.
If the spell is 100% real, remove the will save to disbelieve.
Your bonus to caster level checks to bypass spell resistance with Shadow spells increases to +4.
19: Your Shadow spells are 100% real.
Your bonus to caster level checks to bypass spell resistance with Shadow spells increases to +5.
If the Spell your Shadow Spell is based upon does not allow for a Spell Resistance the shadow version does not as well

Calling Specialist[Skill(Knowledge(The Planes))] (Based on the Tome class Barrister of the nine)
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(The Planes)
Seal the Contract(Su): You may use any of the calling spells to seal an agreement between any two individuals. While the you must cast the spell, one of the two individuals becomes the caster for the purposes of services owed and payments.
Inheritance Clause: You can transfer services owed by creatures you have bound to other creatures, even if those creatures are not present at the time a calling spell is cast.
Penalized: You have learned to incorporate double-talk and legal trickery in his calling spells, meaning that if called creatures survive to complete their service(s), they must return half the GP value treasure used to buy their services. Note: If a creature accepted the caster's services in return for their service, they must instead pay half the value of such services in GP or magic items.
9 Contractual Obligations: When making a bargain with a extraplanar being, you can gain one additional service for every +5 added to the DC of bargaining check.
Proof of Payment: You have learned to add in clauses to his planar binding spells that delays payment for services until those services are completed. If the called creature is killed before the service is complete, the you do not need to pay for services.
19 Loophole: You have learned to word agreements is such a way as to avoid payment. You no longer needs to pay for any agreements made with your calling spells.

Soul Merchant[Skill(Knowledge(Religion))] (based on the Tome class of the same name)
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(Religion)
Craft Soul Contract(Su): You may craft a Soul Contract. This is an item that details the conditions of an agreement or bargain where one party has put up his soul as collateral. Should this party default on the contract, his soul is forced into a gem as detailed in the contract (the gem need not have line of effect to the victim for this to occur). Should the other contractee default, the contract is rendered powerless. If the physical paper of contract is destroyed, the magical eects of the contract are also ended.
Steal Magical Essence (Su): Any time you put a soul into a gem, you may also extract one spell from the soul that it had prepared at the time of its death (yout choice). This keeps the spell in the gem, and any character who makes a DC 20 Use Magic Device check may use this spell as if casting it from a Spell Storing item. Once the spell is cast, the gem no longer functions as a spell storing item, but is not otherwise damaged.
Extract Soul(Su): The Soul Merchant may cast soul bind as a spell like ability, at will. He must use a gem to hold the soul, and it must be worth at least 100gp.
Fuel Magic (Su): Once per day, the you may recover a spell slot by destroying a soul of a creature with a CR equal to twice the level of the spell slot. Alternatively, any number of times per day, when activating a charged magic item, you may destroy a gem containing a soul (destroying the soul) instead of using charge(s) from that item. The soul used must have a HD equal to the caster level of the effect
Soulless Spawn: Should you gain someone's soul with a Soul Contract, you may turn their body (if it still lives) into a unique form of spawn called a Soulless. These creatures have all of their normal abilities, but also have the Mindless trait, and must be commanded by the Soul Merchant to perform any action.

Simultaneous Caster
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(Arcana)
0 Does not gain constitution bonus to hit die for bonus hit points, reduce wisdom by two, you age at twice the normal rate.
4 Simultaneous Casting: You may cast two spells at the same time as long as those spells are of a primary, direct combat use in either defense or offense. Should the spells have different casting times and use the longest casting time and slowest speed. This ability may be used no more than once every round.
9 Simultaneous Casting: You may now cast three spells at the same time.
14 Simultaneous Casting: You may now cast four spells at the same time
19 Simultaneous Casting: You may now cast five spells at the same time.

Overloading Caster
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(Arcana)
0 Does not gain constitution bonus to hit die for bonus hit points, reduce wisdom by two, you age at twice the normal rate.
4 Over Preparation (Ex):
You have the ability to prepare multiple spells in the same slot, however such is unstable and can cause catastrophic results. To prepare a set of “over prep'ed” spells select one or two slots of the same level, multiple them by your Over Prep multiplier, this is the number of spells of that level you may prepare there (this can be combined with the focused specialists ability to treat spells as lower level). To successful prepare the spells you must make a Spellcraft check with a DC euqal to 10 plus the level of the slot times the multiplier. If you fail that slot or slots are wasted for the day. When cast one of these spells there is a need for a concentration check you must make one with a DC of 10 plus the level of the spell times the multiplier, or loose all spells with all going off at the DM's direction [which should never be instantly fatal but may cause much mayhem]. Your Overprep multiplier starts at 1.5.
9 Your Overprep multiplier increases to 2.
14 Your Overprep multiplier increases to 2.5.
19 Your Overprep multiplier increases to 3.

Shadowcraft Mage[Skill(Knowledge(Hide))]
Benefit by ranks in Hide
0 Shades: You gain access to a new series of spells, Shades I through Shades IX. Each spell functions either like Shadow Conjuration or Shadow Evocation, allowing the mimicry of a spell one level lower than the level of the Shades spell. For instance Shades I can mimic 0th level spells which are one of the following types: Evocation, Conjuration (Creation), or Conjuration (Summoning).
4 Shadow Cloak:
Attacks against you have a miss chance, due to concealment in supernatural shadows, equal to 15%+5% per character level (max 50%). Creatures with the ability to see through magical darkness and/or with True Seeing ignore this miss chance. While this ability is in effect you can hide as though you had concealment. This ability does not work in daylight or when exposed to a light effect of greater level than half your character level.
9 Extend, Still and, Silent Illusion: Alls Illusion spells you cast have their durations doubled. Also the vocal and somatic components to all of your illusion spells are removed.
14 Greater Shadow Cloak: Your Shadow Cloak function in daylight.
Your Shadow spells are a base 50%.
19 You may apply sculpt spell, widen spell, enlarge spell, and/or transdimensional spell to any Illusion spell you cast on casting the spell.

True Shadow Cloak[Skill(Hide)]
Benefit by ranks in Hide
Prerequisite: Shadowcraft Mage
Benefit by character level:
0: Shadow Cloak (Su): As the Shadowcraft Mage ability, superseding it.
4: Greater Shadow Cloak (Su): Your Shadow Cloak function in daylight.
9: Shadowstuff Cloak (Su): Your Shadow Cloak provides a miss chance due to cover rather than concealment (which it still provides), which mean that True Seeing and See In Darkness do not negate its protection.
14: Transdimensional Cloak (Su): You are able to deflect of spells cast at you into the Plane of Shadow harmlessly. 50% of non-transdimensional spells fail to have any effect on you (in addition to your 50% cover).
19: Mundane Cloak (Ex): Your Shadow Cloak provides concealment (not cover) in areas where its supernatural function would be suspended due to its supernatural nature.
Last edited by fatmonkey13 on Thu Oct 28, 2010 11:12 pm, edited 23 times in total.
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Post by Grek »

Shadow Walker's got some typographical issues. The 19th level is too fiddly and too weak for nigh epic levels.
Brain Eater's die, no save, on successful grapple checks is pretty hardcore. I would make a grapplemancer with that, and kill fools.
I find it weird that Mind Blast does not go through walls.
Star Spawn is weird and not very good. Altitude sickness? 1d4 wing attacks?
Deep Spawn is also too weak for tome.
Tentacled One should not give you a Violate attack. No. Eww.
Shadow Magic's rank 4 is far too fiddly. Rewrite it.
Shadow Specialists is boring and does not need to be a skill-scaling feat.
Calling Specialist and Soul Merchant invalidate the classes they are based on.
Simultaneous Caster is weird and probabily not a good idea.
Overloading Caster is hilarious, but overpowered, considering you can get some pretty massive skill check bonuses in Tome.
Shadowcraft Mage is overpowered. Casters do not need buffed.
No idea what True Shadow Cloak does. Doesn't seem too bad, though.
Chamomile wrote:Grek is a national treasure.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

IIRC [Monstrous] and [Fiend] feats are supposed to grant single abilities, not scale.

Because they're designed with easy generation of monsters in mind.

As-is, some of your [Monstrous] feats come off as really strong (for instance, Brain Eater), and some come off as really weak (Telepathy, Star Spawn, Deep Spawn)

I don't like that Shadow Magic has penalties that scales with level, that seems kind of dumb.

Most of the other mage feats seem really abusable.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by fatmonkey13 »

Shadow Walker's 19; made it slightly more powerful. It is based off of a 8th level psion power. I am not really tied to the ability it is just that I wanted something here and it seem to fit. Any suggestions for alternatives or changes would be fine with me.

Brain Eater's die, no save, on successful grapple checks is pretty much what mind flayers have. Is it really that powerful? Maybe push extract back a level?

Star Spawn is based on a aberation blood feat of the same name. High level abilities could use some work as just flying fast, and where there is no air, is not much of a schtick.

Deep Spawn needs help but what can I add to make it more powerful?

Tentacled One, Violate was in the original Lovecraftian version that it is based off of. If it is just the name, which I happen to like violate, I could change it to Tentacle Swarm or something.

Shadow Magic's rank 4, I tried.

Shadow Specialists not needing to be a skill-scaling feat, how so?

Calling Specialist and Soul Merchant invalidate the classes they are based on. I know but other than that?

Simultaneous Caster is weird and probabily not a good idea. Maybe if you take a ini penalty based on the number and level of spells cast?

Overloading Caster should not have to deal with those massive skill check bonuses anymore.

Shadowcraft Mage is turned down a little.

Shadow Cloak pretty much is total concealment. Little more little else. Later on I add an extra miss chance for spells.

Re:Darth Rabbit
[Monster][Fiend] OK, now I know.

Brain Eater is a skill feat based off of the Mind Flayer.
Penalties scaling with levels is kind of nessicary if I am to have them as high as I do otherwise it effectivly bans the schools at low levels.

Anything in particular about the mage feats?

Well here is a quick reversion.

Telepathy [Skill (Decipher Script)
Benefit by ranks in decipher script
0: Telepathy 100': With creatures that you share a language.
4: Telepathy 100': With creatures that speak a language.
9: Telepathy 100': With intelligent creatures. Additionally you gain Mindsight, the ability to locate non-mindless creatures within the range, but they maintain total concealment to you. In addition to location you know the intelligence, and creature type.
14: Telepathy 200': With intelligent creatures.
19: Telepathy 400': With intelligent creatures.

Ethereal WandererSkill (Move Silently)
Benefit by ranks in Move Silently
0 Hear Ethereal: You can hear ethereal creatures within 60' as if they lacked that trait.
4 See Ethereal: You can see 60' into the Ethereal plane from any coexistent plane.
Ethereal Walker (Su): You are connected to the Ethereal plane and may as part of any move action, move to, and/or from the Ethereal plane, up to once in each direction. You may remain one the plane you did not start on for no longer than 1 round (before be shunted back).
14 You may stay on the Ethereal plane for up to one round per character level before being shunted back.
10 You may stay on the Ethereal plane indefinitely.

Shadow Walker (assumes coexistent, overlapping shadow and prime)[Skill (Hide)]
Benefit by ranks in Hide
0: See in Darkness (Su): You can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by a deeper darkness spell.
Light Blindness (Ex) Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds you for one round. On subsequent rounds, you are dazzled while operating in bright light.
Shadow Seer (Su) Your senses extend 60' into the Plane of Shadow when not on it, and 60' feet into any overlapping plane, when on the Plane of Shadow. This ability does not function in bright light, or in the area of a daylight spell.
Shadow Walker (Su): You are connected to the shadow plane and may as part of any move action, move to, and/or from the plane of shadow, up to once in each direction. You may remain on the plane you did not start on for no longer than 1 round (before be shunted back). This ability does not function in areas of bright illumination, or in the area of a daylight spell. Your movement speed on the plane of Shadow is twice your normal movement.
14: When using your Walk Into Shadows ability you may remain in the Shadow Plane indefinitely, and may use it for travel as in the Shadow Walk spell.
Shadow Body (Sp) As a spell-like action, you may make a standard action to turn yourself, and gear, into shadows indefinitely. Your body and all your equipment are subsumed by your shadow. As a living shadow, you blend perfectly into any other shadow and vanish in darkness. You appear as an unattached shadow in areas of full light. You can move at your normal speed, on any surface, including walls and ceilings, as well as across the surfaces of liquids—even up the face of a waterfall. Your space does not change, so you cannot move into locations you would not normally be able to move into. While in your shadow body, you gain damage reduction -/magic. You are immune to extra damage from critical hits, ability damage, disease, drowning, and poison. You take only half damage from acid, electricity, and fire of all kinds. While affected by this power, you can be detected by powers that read thoughts, life, or presences (including true seeing), or if you make suspicious movements in lighted areas. You cannot harm anyone physically or manipulate any objects, but you can use your spells normally. Doing so may attract notice, but if you remain in a shadowed area, you count as invisible.

Brain Eater[Skill(Knowledge(dungeoneering))]
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(dungeoneering)
0: You gain two tentacle attacks. These do 1d4 damage for a medium creature.
You gain the aberration subtype.
Improved Grab (Ex): If you successfully hit a creature no more than one size category larger than you are, with one of your tentacle natural attacks, you can make grapple attempt as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If you succeed you are considered grappling with the tentacle you made the attack with. For each tentacle attached you gain a +2 bonus to grapple.
9: You gain two more tentacle attacks.
If you begin a round a round with one more tentacles attached to a creature, you may make a free grapple check to attach your remaining tentacles.
Extract (Ex): If you begin a round with at least four tentacles attached you may extract the brain of the creature, usually and instantly killing it.
14: You gain two more tentacle attacks.
19: Your tentacles gain 5' of reach.

Mind Blast[Skill(Knowledge(dungeoneering))]
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(dungeoneering)
0: Mind Blast (Sp): 60' line, stunned for 1d4 rounds, will save to negate. DC charisma based. Equivalent to a 1st level spell. This ability is usable every 1d4 rounds.
You gain the aberration subtype. It is equivalent to a 1st level spells
4: Your Mind Blast gains the option of having a 60' cone or 120' line area, it is equivalent to a 2nd level spell.
9: The duration that creatures are stunned by your Mind Blast increases to 3d4 rounds. It is now Equivalent to a 4th level spell.
14: Your mind blast become a Supernatural Ability that take a standard action to use. It is useable every round.
19: Your mind blast can now be projected long ranges, out to 400' + 40' per level, with a 30' burst. The options of 120' line and 60' cone remain.

Star Spawn[Skill(Knowledge(dungeoneering))]
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(dungeoneering)
0: You gain a fly speed (and wings) equal to your base land speed with clumsy maneuverability.
You may fly for up to CON or CHA bonus rounds (min 1) without resting.
You are immune to altitude sickness
You gain the aberration subtype.
You gain cold resistance 4 + your character level.
4: Your fly speed improved to twice your base land speed.
You are no longer limited by your CON or CHA bonus in rounds of continuous flight.
9: Your maneuverability when flying improves to poor.
You gain two wing attacks which deal 1d4 damage for a medium creature.
14: You no longer need to breathe.
19: You fly speed improves to quadruple your base land speed, and average maneuverability.
You gain immunity to cold damage.

Deep Spawn[Skill(Knowledge(dungeoneering))]
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(dungeoneering)
0: You gain cold resistance 4+ your character level
You gain the aberration subtype.
You gain the aquatic subtype,
You gain the amphibious ability
You gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed.
4: You gain the Blind Sense and Keen Sent abilities of a shark
9: Your swim speed improves to twice your base land speed
14: Your swim speed improves to quadruple your base land speed.
You gain the Jet ability of a Kraken, but moving you eight times your normal swim speed.
19: You gain the Ink cloud ability of a Kraken
While submerged you benefit from a Freedom of Movement effect.
You gain immunity to cold damage.

Tentacled One[Skill(Knowledge(dungeoneering))] (based on lovecraftian by sigma999)
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(dungeoneering)
1 Breathless (Ex): You do not need to breathe.
You gain the aberration subtype.
You gain acid and cold resistance 4 + your character level.
Violate (Ex): As standard action attack you may make a flurry of tentacle attacks that deals 1d6 per 2 levels + Strength in Bludgeoning damage in a cone area with distance of 5 feet per level. Reflex save negates, and the DC is based on your Strength score; you may also make the attack as a single natural weapon melee attack with the range as reach. You may choose to deal non-lethal damage instead of lethal damage.
You gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed.
Your Violate tentacle attack may be used in a burst out to the same distance as the cone, or a 5 foot wide line out to twice normal distance. The save for Violate becomes "Reflex half" and the damage increases to 1d6 per level + your strength bonus.
Double all reaches of your Violate ability. You gain Improved Grab for your Violate ability. When using only part of your body to grapple when the grapple was initiated using your Violate ability, you do not take the normal -20 penalty. A creature grappled takes 1d6 damage per of 2 your character levels, with no save (though it may try to escape);
You are immune to acid damage. Half of the damage done by your violate attack may be acid damage.
For any duration as a full-round action you may choose to change into a hideous form; in this other form you gain double normal base speed, scent, immune to blindness and deafness, have no facing, and become immune to critical hits and precision damage, losing any resemblance to your normal appearance (you count as 'amorphous') but gain Blindsight distance equal to your Violate attack reach.

Aranea Born[Skill(Climb)]
Benefit by ranks in Climb
0 Spider Climb (Ex): as per the spell as a continuous, extraordinary effect effecting you only.
4 Your speed when climbing is equal to your base land speed, not 20'. You may use the run action while climbing. You need not have your hands free to climb.
Web (Ex): You gain the web ability of a monstrous spider of your size. Tremorsense (Ex) As per a Monstrous spider. You gain the aberration subtype.
14 You gain a bite attack like that a of Monstrous spider of your size, including poison. You also have a +8 racial hide and move silently bonus while using your webs
For any duration as a full-round action you may choose to change into a hideous form; in this other form you gain double normal climb and land speeds, you size increases by one step and you gain a +4 size bonus to ST, and a +2 size bonus to CON. You gain scent, immune to blindness and deafness, have no facing, and become immune to critical hits and precision damage, losing any resemblance to your normal appearance (you count as 'amorphous') but gain Blindsight distance equal to 50'.

Shadow Magic[Skill(Knowledge(The Planes))]
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(The Planes)
0: You may consider spells with the Darkness descriptor as Illusion spells
You may no longer cast spells with the Light descriptor.
You gain a +1 caster level bonus to spells of the schools Enchantment, Illusion, and Necromancy
You gain a -1 caster level penalty to spells of the schools Evocation, Transmutation, and Healing
Light Blindness (Ex) Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds you for one round. On subsequent rounds, you are dazzled while operating in bright light.
4: When an attempt is made to detect one of your Enchantment, Illusion, or Necromancy spells with a spell the caster of that spell must beat you in a caster level check.
When an attempt is made to counter, detect, or dispel one of your Enchantment, Illusion, or Necromancy spells the caster of that spell must beat you in a caster level check. If they already needed to beat you in a caster level check you get a +5 bonus. When you attempt to dispel an Evocation or Transmutation spell, or use Dispel Magic to counter a spell of those schools, you take a -5 penalty on the caste level check. Your caster level bonus to spells of the schools Enchantment, Illusion, and Necromancy improves to +2. Your caster level penalty to spells of the schools Evocation, and Transmutation increases -2
See Into Shadows (Su): You possess the ability to see into the Shadow Plane from any coexistent plane you are on, and from the Shadow plane can see into the corresponding area of whatever coexistent corresponds.
Your caster level bonus to spells of the schools Enchantment, Illusion, and Necromancy improves to +3
Your caster level penalty to spells of the schools Evocation, and Transmutation increases -3
Cast Into the Darkness (Su): You may from the a coexistent plane cast spells into the corresponding location on the plane of shadow. You may from the plane of shadow cast spells into the corresponding location of whatever coexistent plane corresponds. In either case a spell cast across planes, unless a spell which can normally be cast across planes, has a 50% chance of having no effect.
Your caster level bonus to spells of the schools Enchantment, Illusion, and Necromancy improves to +4
Your caster level penalty to spells of the schools Evocation, and Transmutation increases -4
19: Using Cast Into the Darkness does not have a 50% chance of no effect, and works 100% of the time.

Simultaneous Caster
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(Arcana)
0 Does not gain constitution bonus to hit die for bonus hit points, reduce wisdom by two, you age at twice the normal rate.
4 Simultaneous Casting: You may cast two spells at the same time as long as those spells are of a primary, direct combat use in either defense or offense. Should the spells have different casting times and use the longest casting time. This ability may be used no more than once every round.
9 Simultaneous Casting: You may now cast three spells at the same time.
14 Simultaneous Casting: You may now cast four spells at the same time
19 Simultaneous Casting: You may now cast five spells at the same time.

Overloading Caster
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(Arcana)
0 Does not gain constitution bonus to hit die for bonus hit points, reduce wisdom by two, you age at twice the normal rate.
4 Over Preparation (Ex):
You have the ability to prepare multiple spells in the same slot, however such is unstable and can cause catastrophic results. To prepare a set of “over prep'ed” spells select one or two slots of the same level, multiple them by your Over Prep multiplier, this is the number of spells of that level you may prepare there (this can be combined with the focused specialists ability to treat spells as lower level). To successful prepare the spells you must make a Spellcraft check with a DC euqal to 10 plus the level of the slot times the multiplier. If you fail that slot or slots are wasted for the day. When cast one of these spells there is a need for a concentration check you must make one with a DC of 10 plus the level of the spell times the multiplier, or loose all spells with all going off at the DM's direction [which should never be instantly fatal but may cause much mayhem]. Your Overprep multiplier starts at 1.5. When making skill checks for this ability you only count the bonus from your ranks and ability score. Count 0th level as ½ level.
9 Your Overprep multiplier increases to 2.
14 Your Overprep multiplier increases to 2.5.
19 Your Overprep multiplier increases to 3.

Shadowcraft Mage[Skill(Knowledge(Hide))]
Preq: Shadow Cloak
Benefit by ranks in Hide
0 Shades: You gain access to a new series of spells, Shades I through Shades IX. Each spell functions either like Shadow Conjuration or Shadow Evocation, allowing the mimicry of a spell one level lower than the level of the Shades spell. For instance Shades I can mimic 0th level spells which are one of the following types: Evocation, Conjuration (Creation), or Conjuration (Summoning). A Shades spell is 10% per spell level.
4 Silent Illusion: The vocal components to all of your illusion spells are removed.
9 Still Illusion: The somatic components to all of your illusion spells are removed.
14 Extend Illusion: All Illusion spells you cast have their durations doubled.
19 Powerful Shadows: Your Shades spells are 20% more real, up to a maximum of 100% real.

Shadow Cloak[Skill(Hide)]
Benefit by ranks in Hide
Benefit by character level:
0: Shadow Cloak (Su): You are wreathed in supernatural shadows which provide concealment when not in bright light. They provide a variable amount of concealment equal to 10% per character level, up to a maximum of 50% at 5th level. For the purpose of light effects it is considered a darkness effect equal to one half your character level (rounded down).
4: Greater Shadow Cloak (Su): Your Shadow Cloak function in bright light.
9: Shadowstuff Cloak (Su): Your Shadow Cloak provides a miss chance due to cover rather than concealment (which it still provides), which mean that True Seeing and See In Darkness do not negate its protection.
14: Transdimensional Cloak (Su): You are able to deflect of spells cast at you into the Plane of Shadow harmlessly. 50% of non-transdimensional spells fail to have any effect on you (in addition to your 50% cover).
19: Mundane Cloak (Ex): Your Shadow Cloak provides concealment (not cover) in areas where its supernatural function would be suspended due to its supernatural nature.
Last edited by fatmonkey13 on Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ubernoob »

Mind flayers have REALLY shitty grapple checks.
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Post by fatmonkey13 »

OK, I added a ST based Fort or Die to the Extract ability. Also made a few minor changes.

Telepathy [Skill (Decipher Script)
Benefit by ranks in decipher script
0: Telepathy 100': With creatures that you share a language.
4: Telepathy 100': With creatures that speak a language.
9: Telepathy 100': With intelligent creatures. Additionally you gain Mindsight, the ability to locate non-mindless creatures within the range, but they maintain total concealment to you. In addition to location you know the intelligence, and creature type.
14: Telepathy 200': With intelligent creatures.
19: Telepathy 400': With intelligent creatures.

Ethereal Wanderer [Skill (Move Silently)]
Benefit by ranks in Move Silently
0 Hear Ethereal: You can hear ethereal creatures within 60' as if they lacked that trait.
4 See Ethereal: You can see 60' into the Ethereal plane from any coexistent plane.
9 Ethereal Walker (Su): You are connected to the Ethereal plane and may as part of any move action, move to, and/or from the Ethereal plane, up to once in each direction. You may remain one the plane you did not start on for no longer than 1 round (before be shunted back).
14 You may stay on the Ethereal plane for up to one round per character level before being shunted back.
10 You may stay on the Ethereal plane indefinitely.

Shadow Walker (assumes coexistent, overlapping shadow and prime)[Skill (Hide)]
Benefit by ranks in Hide
0: See in Darkness (Su): You can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by a deeper darkness spell.
Light Blindness (Ex) Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds you for one round. On subsequent rounds, you are dazzled while operating in bright light.
4: Shadow Seer (Su) Your senses extend 60' into the Plane of Shadow when not on it, and 60' feet into any overlapping plane, when on the Plane of Shadow. This ability does not function in bright light, or in the area of a daylight spell.
9: Shadow Walker (Su): You are connected to the shadow plane and may as part of any move action, move to, and/or from the plane of shadow, up to once in each direction. You may remain on the plane you did not start on for no longer than 1 round (before be shunted back). This ability does not function in areas of bright illumination, or in the area of a daylight spell. Your movement speed on the plane of Shadow is twice your normal movement.
14: When using your Walk Into Shadows ability you may remain in the Shadow Plane indefinitely, and may use it for travel as in the Shadow Walk spell.
19: Shadow Body (Sp) As a spell-like action, you may make a standard action to turn yourself, and gear, into shadows indefinitely. Your body and all your equipment are subsumed by your shadow. As a living shadow, you blend perfectly into any other shadow and vanish in darkness. You appear as an unattached shadow in areas of full light. You can move at your normal speed, on any surface, including walls and ceilings, as well as across the surfaces of liquids—even up the face of a waterfall. Your space does not change, so you cannot move into locations you would not normally be able to move into. While in your shadow body, you gain damage reduction -/magic. You are immune to extra damage from critical hits, ability damage, disease, drowning, and poison. You take only half damage from acid, electricity, and fire of all kinds. While affected by this power, you can be detected by powers that read thoughts, life, or presences (including true seeing), or if you make suspicious movements in lighted areas. You cannot harm anyone physically or manipulate any objects, but you can use your spells normally. Doing so may attract notice, but if you remain in a shadowed area, you count as invisible.

Brain Eater[Skill(Knowledge(dungeoneering))]
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(dungeoneering)
0: You gain two tentacle attacks. These do 1d4 damage for a medium creature.
You gain the aberration subtype.
4: Improved Grab (Ex): If you successfully hit a creature no more than one size category larger than you are, with one of your tentacle natural attacks, you can make grapple attempt as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If you succeed you are considered grappling with the tentacle you made the attack with. For each tentacle attached you gain a +2 bonus to grapple.
9: You gain two more tentacle attacks.
If you begin a round a round with one more tentacles attached to a creature, you may make a free grapple check to attach your remaining tentacles.
Extract (Ex): If you begin a round with at least four tentacles attached you may attempt to extract the brain of the creature, such is a full round action, the creature must make a Fort save or you successfully extract the brain. This Fort save is Strength based. You must be directly adjacent to a creature to extract its brain, and con not be using only part of your body to grapple.
14: You gain two more tentacle attacks. You can extract as a standard action.
19: Your tentacles gain 5' of reach. You can extract as a free action.

Mind Blast[Skill(Knowledge(dungeoneering))]
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(dungeoneering)
0: Mind Blast (Sp): 60' line, stunned for 1d4 rounds, will save to negate. DC charisma based. Equivalent to a 1st level spell. This ability is usable every 1d4 rounds.
You gain the aberration subtype. It is equivalent to a 1st level spells
4: Your Mind Blast gains the option of having a 60' cone or 120' line area, it is equivalent to a 2nd level spell.
9: The duration that creatures are stunned by your Mind Blast increases to 3d4 rounds. It is now Equivalent to a 4th level spell.
14: Your mind blast become a Supernatural Ability that take a standard action to use. It is useable every round.
19: Your mind blast can now be projected long ranges, out to 400' + 40' per level, with a 30' burst. The options of 120' line and 60' cone remain.

Star Spawn[Skill(Knowledge(dungeoneering))]
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(dungeoneering)
0: You gain a fly speed (and wings) equal to your base land speed with clumsy maneuverability.
You may fly for up to CON or CHA bonus rounds (min 1) without resting.
You are immune to altitude sickness
You gain the aberration subtype.
You gain cold resistance 4 + your character level.
4: Your fly speed improved to twice your base land speed.
You are no longer limited by your CON or CHA bonus in rounds of continuous flight.
Your maneuverability when flying improves to poor.
9: You gain two wing attacks which deal 1d4 damage for a medium creature.You no longer need to breathe
14: You fly speed improves to quadruple your base land speed, and average maneuverability.
19: You gain immunity to cold damage.

Deep Spawn[Skill(Knowledge(dungeoneering))]
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(dungeoneering)
0: You gain cold resistance 4+ your character level
You gain the aberration subtype.
You gain the aquatic subtype,
You gain the amphibious ability
You gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed.
4: You gain the Blind Sense and Keen Sent abilities of a shark
9: Your swim speed improves to twice your base land speed
14: Your swim speed improves to quadruple your base land speed.
You gain the Jet ability of a Kraken, but moving you eight times your normal swim speed.
19: You gain the Ink cloud ability of a Kraken
While submerged you benefit from a Freedom of Movement effect.
You gain immunity to cold damage.

Tentacled One[Skill(Knowledge(dungeoneering))] (based on lovecraftian by sigma999)
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(dungeoneering)
1 Breathless (Ex): You do not need to breathe.
You gain the aberration subtype.
You gain acid and cold resistance 4 + your character level.
Violate (Ex): As standard action attack you may make a flurry of tentacle attacks that deals 1d6 per 2 levels + Strength in Bludgeoning damage in a cone area with distance of 5 feet per level. Reflex save negates, and the DC is based on your Strength score; you may also make the attack as a single natural weapon melee attack with the range as reach. You may choose to deal non-lethal damage instead of lethal damage.
You gain a swim speed equal to your base land speed.
Your Violate tentacle attack may be used in a burst out to the same distance as the cone, or a 5 foot wide line out to twice normal distance. The save for Violate becomes "Reflex half" and the damage increases to 1d6 per level + your strength bonus.
Double all reaches of your Violate ability. You gain Improved Grab for your Violate ability. When using only part of your body to grapple when the grapple was initiated using your Violate ability, you do not take the normal -20 penalty. A creature grappled takes 1d6 damage per of 2 your character levels, with no save (though it may try to escape);
You are immune to acid damage. Half of the damage done by your violate attack may be acid damage.
For any duration as a full-round action you may choose to change into a hideous form; in this other form you gain double normal base speed, scent, immune to blindness and deafness, have no facing, and become immune to critical hits and precision damage, losing any resemblance to your normal appearance (you count as 'amorphous') but gain Blindsight distance equal to your Violate attack reach.

Aranea Born[Skill(Climb)]
Benefit by ranks in Climb
0 Spider Climb (Ex): as per the spell as a continuous, extraordinary effect effecting you only.
4 Your speed when climbing is equal to your base land speed, not 20'. You may use the run action while climbing. You need not have your hands free to climb.
Web (Ex): You gain the web ability of a monstrous spider of your size. Tremorsense (Ex) As per a Monstrous spider. You gain the aberration subtype.
14 You gain a bite attack like that a of Monstrous spider of your size, including poison. You also have a +8 racial hide and move silently bonus while using your webs
For any duration as a full-round action you may choose to change into a hideous form; in this other form you gain double normal climb and land speeds, you size increases by one step and you gain a +4 size bonus to ST, and a +2 size bonus to CON. You gain scent, immune to blindness and deafness, have no facing, and become immune to critical hits and precision damage, losing any resemblance to your normal appearance (you count as 'amorphous') but gain Blindsight distance equal to 50'.

Shadow Magic[Skill(Knowledge(The Planes))]
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(The Planes)
0: You may consider spells with the Darkness descriptor as Illusion spells
You may no longer cast spells with the Light descriptor.
You gain a +1 caster level bonus to spells of the schools Enchantment, Illusion, and Necromancy per 5 ranks in Knowledge(The Planes) up to a maximum of +4.
You gain a -1 caster level penalty to spells of the schools Evocation, Transmutation, and Healing per 5 ranks in Knowledge(The Planes) up to a maximum of -4.
Light Blindness (Ex) Abrupt exposure to bright light (such as sunlight or a daylight spell) blinds you for one round. On subsequent rounds, you are dazzled while operating in bright light.
4: When an attempt is made to detect one of your Enchantment, Illusion, or Necromancy spells with a spell the caster of that spell must beat you in a caster level check.
When an attempt is made to counter, detect, or dispel one of your Enchantment, Illusion, or Necromancy spells the caster of that spell must beat you in a caster level check. If they already needed to beat you in a caster level check you get a +5 bonus. When you attempt to dispel an Evocation or Transmutation spell, or use Dispel Magic to counter a spell of those schools, you take a -5 penalty on the caste level check. Your caster level bonus to spells of the schools Enchantment, 9:
See Into Shadows (Su): You possess the ability to see into the Shadow Plane from any coexistent plane you are on, and from the Shadow plane can see into the corresponding area of whatever coexistent corresponds.
Cast Into the Darkness (Su): You may from the a coexistent plane cast spells into the corresponding location on the plane of shadow. You may from the plane of shadow cast spells into the corresponding location of whatever coexistent plane corresponds. In either case a spell cast across planes, unless a spell which can normally be cast across planes, has a 50% chance of having no effect.
19: Using Cast Into the Darkness does not have a 50% chance of no effect, instead working 100% of the time.

Simultaneous Caster
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(Arcana)
0 Does not gain constitution bonus to hit die for bonus hit points, reduce constitution by two, you age at twice the normal rate.
4 Simultaneous Casting: You may cast two spells at the same time as long as those spells are of a primary, direct combat use in either defense or offense. Should the spells have different casting times and use the longest casting time. This ability may be used no more than once every round.
9 Simultaneous Casting: You may now cast three spells at the same time.
14 Simultaneous Casting: You may now cast four spells at the same time
19 Simultaneous Casting: You may now cast five spells at the same time.

Overloading Caster
Benefit by ranks in Knowledge(Arcana)
0 Does not gain constitution bonus to hit die for bonus hit points, reduce wisdom by two, you age at twice the normal rate.
4 Over Preparation (Ex):
You have the ability to prepare multiple spells in the same slot, however such is unstable and can cause catastrophic results. To prepare a set of “over prep'ed” spells select one or two slots of the same level, multiple them by your Over Prep multiplier, this is the number of spells of that level you may prepare there (this can be combined with the focused specialists ability to treat spells as lower level). To successful prepare the spells you must make a Spellcraft check with a DC euqal to 10 plus the level of the slot times the multiplier. If you fail that slot or slots are wasted for the day. When cast one of these spells there is a need for a concentration check you must make one with a DC of 10 plus the level of the spell times the multiplier, or loose all spells with all going off at the DM's direction [which should never be instantly fatal but may cause much mayhem]. Your Overprep multiplier starts at 1.5. When making skill checks for this ability you only count the bonus from your ranks and ability score. Count 0th level as ½ level.
9 Your Overprep multiplier increases to 2.
14 Your Overprep multiplier increases to 2.5.
19 Your Overprep multiplier increases to 3.

Shadowcraft Mage[Skill(Knowledge(Hide))]
Preq: Shadow Cloak
Benefit by ranks in Hide
0 Shades: You gain access to a new series of spells, Shades I through Shades IX. Each spell functions either like Shadow Conjuration or Shadow Evocation, allowing the mimicry of a spell one level lower than the level of the Shades spell. For instance Shades I can mimic 0th level spells which are one of the following types: Evocation, Conjuration (Creation), or Conjuration (Summoning). A Shades spell is 10% per spell level.
4 Silent Illusion: The vocal components to all of your illusion spells are removed.
9 Still Illusion: The somatic components to all of your illusion spells are removed.
14 Extend Illusion: All Illusion spells you cast have their durations doubled.
19 Powerful Shadows: Your Shades spells are 20% more real, up to a maximum of 100% real.

Shadow Cloak[Skill(Hide)]
Benefit by ranks in Hide
Benefit by character level:
0: Shadow Cloak (Su): You are wreathed in supernatural shadows which provide concealment when not in bright light. They provide a variable amount of concealment equal to 10% per character level, up to a maximum of 50% at 5th level. For the purpose of light effects it is considered a darkness effect equal to one half your character level (rounded down).
4: Greater Shadow Cloak (Su): Your Shadow Cloak function in bright light.
9: Shadowstuff Cloak (Su): Your Shadow Cloak provides a miss chance due to cover rather than concealment (which it still provides), which mean that True Seeing and See In Darkness do not negate its protection.
14: Transdimensional Cloak (Su): You are able to deflect of spells cast at you into the Plane of Shadow harmlessly. 50% of non-transdimensional spells fail to have any effect on you (in addition to your 50% cover).
19: Mundane Cloak (Ex): Your Shadow Cloak provides concealment (not cover) in areas where its supernatural function would be suspended due to its supernatural nature.
For Rev 3 I added a DUST CLOUD like ability to Star Spawn.
Last edited by fatmonkey13 on Mon Oct 25, 2010 2:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

fatmonkey13 wrote:Re:Darth Rabbit
[Monster][Fiend] OK, now I know.

Brain Eater is a skill feat based off of the Mind Flayer.
Penalties scaling with levels is kind of nessicary if I am to have them as high as I do otherwise it effectivly bans the schools at low levels.

Anything in particular about the mage feats?
Brain Eater seems weird to me as a [Skill] feat, but that's a matter of taste.

Regarding Shadow magic, you're probably right about the penalties being necessary, but the feat does a lot more than specialization, as you're giving up three schools instead of two, and specializing in three instead of one.

Since specialization is really good anyways, it seems like a bad idea to pump it up even further.

Although I will admit making it into sets of feats seems like a really cool concept to me.

Grek explained the problems with the other mage feats (Calling Specialist and Soul Merchant make their respective prestige classes pointless; Simultaneous Caster, Overloading Caster, and Shadowcraft Mage are all really abusable) well enough, so I won't go into more detail than that.
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Post by For Valor »

Darth Rabbitt wrote: Brain Eater seems weird to me as a [Skill] feat, but that's a matter of taste.
Mask wrote:And for the love of all that is good and unholy, just get a fucking hippogrif mount and pretend its a flying worg.
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

For Valor wrote:
Darth Rabbitt wrote: Brain Eater seems weird to me as a [Skill] feat, but that's a matter of taste.
Haha, that wasn't actually intended.
Pseudo Stupidity wrote:This Applebees fucking sucks, much like all Applebees. I wanted to go to Femboy Hooters (communism).
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Post by fatmonkey13 »

Shadow Majic is based off of Insidious Magic, Pernicious Magic, Tenacious Magic, maybe another one of those feats, and the class Shadow Adept (which gets you 3 for the price of 1, with a 1 level dip). That being said it should give you a hit to wisdom as I think that is what the 1st feat did. As for compared to specialization, it is pretty different, and illusion, enchantment, and necromancy are not the best picks considering you are loosing 4 levels of Transmutation spells (unless you can up your caster level so you can cast the highest level spells), and most of your benifits are also drawbacks (Hard to detect your stuff, but it is hard for you to detect other's; hard to dispell/counter your stuff; hard to do that to other's).

Simultaneous Caster: I can think of no way to balance this. Changed hit from wis to con as I think that would hurt spellcasters more. Though maybe I will make it both. Though with the way things are you could get a caster that gets -6 to Wis from 3 feats...
Overloading Caster: I think with the new line which states you only get your ranks plus atribute bonus makes this OK. Powerful, possibly a very bad idea for the player and GM, but at least likely to lead to a good story (the mage blew up everything when his fireballs went off by mistake; or he has three times normal spells for low level spells)
Shadowcraft Mage: It is not supseptable to the cheese that the class was, rather all it does is compress Shadow Evocation and Shadow Conjuration into one spell. While it does add a lot of flexability, I would think that most would be better off with other spells (though if you go through and look for all the best options, and get a cheat sheet, shadow evocation/conjuration is pretty devent).
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Post by Darth Rabbitt »

Eh, I'm tired and not a very good judge of balance.

Maybe I'll look them over again later...
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Post by Kaelik »

Generally speaking, mimicking what D&D already gives you shittily better is not sufficient justification for a Tome feat.

It was almost but not quite sufficient for Martial classes, just because martial feats suffered a singular pointlessness per feat, but had lots of feats on the same long chain.

For caster stuff, first ask yourself:

1) What do I want a character with this feat to be able to do?

2) Make the feat do that.

And think about it fluff wise first, because far too often, when I ask the first question, the answer is "Some stupid thing I could do in 3.5, but easier." And then I ask why I want to do that, and the answer is "because it was powerful in 3.5."

And that's dumb.

So anything like "Shocktrooper, the Combat Feat" or "Shadowcraft Mage, the Scaling spellcasting feat" is going to subject to significant warping from 3.5 impressions, and needs to meet a higher standard of scrutiny before I'm even remotely okay with it.

For your feats, I would recommend starting off with an actual fluff description of what the feat allows characters to do, in a way that makes clear what their in game effect is, without jumping straight to "here's four things a 3.5 character could do, I'm going to fuse them all into one feat" syndrome.

tl;dr, all the Races of War combat feats start by saying "This character does X." and then giving abilities that do X, and like half of all abilities given by the feat were actually invented by F and K, not just four feats jammed together.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Post by Grek »

@Shadow Walker 19 rank:
The basic theme of this feat seems to be that you can use the shadow plane to do neat things. You get this ability at level 15, so it has to be on par with 8th level spells. I'd go with something that lets you drag people into the Shadow plane, or something along those lines.
@Brain Eater:
As said, the issue here is that you can staple an mind flayer's extract ability to a purple wyrm's grapple bonus and then kill just about anything that doesn't have FoM.
@Shadow Specialist: It should be rewritten as follows, if you're going to keep it at all:
You gain +2 bonus to all caster levels to overcome spell resistance with [shadow] spells and your shadow spells are an additional 10% real. This increases by +1 and +15% every 5 character levels.
@Calling Specialist & Soul Merchant:
If you allow these feats to exist, there will be no reason to take class levels in the actual classes, as these feats give all of the (good) class features of those classes.
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Re: [Tome] My try at Tome feats

Post by fatmonkey13 »

Well regarding Shadow Walker 19, it was the equal of an 8th level spell, but I changed it so it alters the Shadow Walk (Su) ability so that you can return or leave the plane of shadow as a move action, and than switch back as a free action. This is more in line with the Ethereal Jaunt ability of the Ethereal Filcher, though I think it may be too powerful.

Brain Eater
Got rid of bonuses to grapple granted by other tentaclesa attached.

Shadow Specialist
That is what I will do.

Calling Specialist & Soul Merchant
They are out than.

Telepathy: Talk to creatures w/o talking
I play a lot of mind flayers and they have the ability.

Ethereal Wanderer: Like Etheral Jaunt
Based on the ability below

Shadow Walker: Like Etheral Juant but for the plane of Shadow
Was thematic ability for a setting a was working on which featured high levels of overlapping prime and shadow.

Brain Eater: Eating brains as a viable combat tactic
I play a lot of mind flayers and they have the ability.

Mind Blast: Stunning mind blast
I play a lot of mind flayers and they have the ability.

Tentacled One: Be your own Black Tentacles
I liked the ability but thought it needed some minor changes.

Aranea Born: Become (like) a spider
I wanted more transformational, abberation like feats.

Shadow Magic: Replace the 1 level did in Shadow Adept
1 feat seems like more of a fair trade than 1 class level.

Simultaneous Caster: Cast like a battle mage
I always wanted to play a battle mage.

Overloading Caster: Prep like a battle mage
I always wanted to play a battle mage.

Shadowcraft Mage: Add more spontenity to shadow magic.
Shadowcraft Mage as is is broken, this should be far less so.

Shadow Cloak: Uses supernatural shadows as a defensive ability that
grants concealment, and later cover. Eventually is not supernatural.
Part of the Shadowcraft mage cut off and expanded.

Shadow Specialist: Be like a [some presitage class I forget the name of that increased shadow reality and gave a bonus to pass SR]
Less cheesey way to add cheese to a shadowcraft mage build than taking the actual class in question.
Last edited by fatmonkey13 on Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Tome] My try at Tome feats

Post by fatmonkey13 »

Double post
Last edited by fatmonkey13 on Mon Oct 25, 2010 1:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kaelik »

You... did not understand a single thing. At all.

None of those are good reasons to make a Tome feat.

I'm going to write you off as hopeless now, if you want advice, get it from someone else.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

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Post by shirak »

You have made a metamagic feat off of Hide. Why?

No time to comment on the rest now, maybe tomorrowish
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Post by fatmonkey13 »

Shadowcraft Mage feat is based off of the Shadowcraft Mage class, with some reductions in power, and the closing off of all major loopholes that the class originally suffered from. Shadowcraft Mage had a hide and bluff skill requirment. So that is where hide came from.
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Post by shirak »

fatmonkey13 wrote:Shadowcraft Mage feat is based off of the Shadowcraft Mage class, with some reductions in power, and the closing off of all major loopholes that the class originally suffered from. Shadowcraft Mage had a hide and bluff skill requirment. So that is where hide came from.
That's all very well but where is a Wizard supposed to get 19 ranks of Hide? Metamagic Feats scale to your highest spell level because that's a very good indication of a spellcaster's character level. You know, like skill ranks are a good indication of a skill monkey's character level.

Seriously. Scaling things to character level is what the Tomes are all about. You... don't do that. So change your feats to scale like they are supposed to.
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Post by shirak »

So, commentary.

While Telepathy is not a very good ability, Mindsight is crazy good. Any non-buff-oriented spellcaster would be crazy not to take this feat.

Ethereal Wanderer
Nothing to report here, move along.

Shadow Walker
What's up with the Light Blindness? Get rid of that crap. Anyway, this feat is in all ways better than the above but it has quite a lot of weird mechanics. The level 16th ability is an old spell? Psionic power? Whatever. I'd say rewrite or scrap.

Brain Eater
So this is a feat for people who aren't Illithids but want to become one? Shouldn't this be a Paragon PrC? Rewrite it as one.

Mind Blast

Subsume this feat in the aforementioned PrC. Also, 3d4 rounds long AoE Stun at Long range at will? Not a good idea.

Star Spawn
This is a weird feat. I can't see a pattern or theme but the abilities are mostly underpowered. This feels like it should be a Template. Definitely not a feat. Also, in D&D there is no altitude sickness.

Deep Spawn
Again, this should not be a feat.

Tentacled One
This should, repeat after me, not be a feat. Also, it's too complicated. You should rewrite it from scratch in addition to making it a Template.

Aranea Born
This should, all together now, not be a feat. Man, you really like your collections of random abilities, huh?

Shadow Magic
If you don't like a PrC, you should rewrite it. Not make it a feat.

Simultaneous Caster
Feats are supposed to give you level appropriate abilities. They don't give you penalties. You did this above with Shadow Walker but come on, how is a spellcaster supposed to survive with this crap? Of course, he can cast five SoDs a round so it's not like he cares, but a Wiz20 with this feat has like 40hp. What's up with that?
Suicide-by-feat combined with utter brokenage? Fvck that noise. This feat needs to go.

Overloading Caster
See above on suicide-by-feat. Let me see if I get this straight. A Wiz1 with this feat must make a DC 16.5 Spellcraft check to have 3 spells in two slots. So what happens if he casts one successfully? I guess he doesn't lose a spell slot for the first spell cast (of the three).
Now spellcasters are supposedly limited by their lack of spells. That's not quite true but you just shot the slight semblance of limitation to the back of the head. This feat is even worse than Simultaneous Caster.

Shadowcraft Mage
I take back what I said on my previous post. This should just be a PrC

Shadow Cloak
This is what a feat should be like. You have a clear idea (Shadow Cloak) steadily improving over many levels. The effects are well thought out and level appropriate. Add that this can be turned on and off and switch the last two abilities and you're golden. Transdimensional Cloak is a pretty powerful ability that deserves to be capstone.
Last edited by shirak on Tue Oct 26, 2010 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by CatharzGodfoot »

If you're going to make a skill feat that revolves around telepathy, Sense Motive is the obvious skill to use. Also, there exists a feat that gives telepathy 100' as an afterthought (Product of Infernal Dalliance), so you might consider improving the feat a bit. Here's what I'd do:

Telepath [skill (Sense Motive)]
0 ranks: You gain telepathy 100'.
4 ranks: You can detect thoughts as the spell, but affecting the entire area of your telepathy.
9 ranks: The range of your telepathy increases to 200'.
14 ranks: You gain mindsight, which allows you to learn the intelligence and type as well as pinpoint the location of all creatures within the range of your telepathy. This is a mind-affecting effect.
19 ranks: The range of your telepathy increases to 1000'.

Ethereal Wanderer and Shadow Walker are great ideas. I would consider giving ethereal wanderers blink, although that might be a bit much. The light blindness of shadow walker isn't really necessary, though, and seeing into Shadow when you can't actually go there is worse than useless. Some ability to enter Shadow or manipulate shadows should come almost immediately; shadow sight should probably only come after being able to enter Shadow.

The metamagic feats, ignoring all balance concerns, should be metamagic feats. That is, they should grant abilities at 0th level spells, 1st level spells, 3rd level spells, 6th level spells, and 9th level spells.
Last edited by CatharzGodfoot on Wed Oct 27, 2010 2:04 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by fatmonkey13 »

shirak wrote:snip
CatharzGodfoot wrote:If you're going to make a skill feat that revolves around telepathy, Sense Motive is the obvious skill to use. Also, there exists a feat that gives telepathy 100' as an afterthought (Product of Infernal Dalliance), so you might consider improving the feat a bit. Here's what I'd do:

Telepath [skill (Sense Motive)]
0 ranks: You gain telepathy 100'.
4 ranks: You can detect thoughts as the spell, but affecting the entire area of your telepathy.
9 ranks: The range of your telepathy increases to 200'.
14 ranks: You gain mindsight, which allows you to learn the intelligence and type as well as pinpoint the location of all creatures within the range of your telepathy. This is a mind-affecting effect.
19 ranks: The range of your telepathy increases to 1000'.
Seems good though I wonder if Sending as a spell like ability, usable at will, would be better as a capstone.
CatharzGodfoot wrote: Ethereal Wanderer and Shadow Walker are great ideas. I would consider giving ethereal wanderers blink, although that might be a bit much. The light blindness of shadow walker isn't really necessary, though, and seeing into Shadow when you can't actually go there is worse than useless. Some ability to enter Shadow or manipulate shadows should come almost immediately; shadow sight should probably only come after being able to enter Shadow.
The issue is the ability to enter the etheral or shadow plane and travel is effectivly invisibility or teleportation by different means. I do not think that travel to the etheral or shadow would be balanced at lower level. Also if they can see what is going on, even if unable to travel, it gives means to better counter it. So I give the counter-ability prior to the ability, though if you have more to say, I would be very interested in it.
CatharzGodfoot wrote: The metamagic feats, ignoring all balance concerns, should be metamagic feats. That is, they should grant abilities at 0th level spells, 1st level spells, 3rd level spells, 6th level spells, and 9th level spells.
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Post by shirak »

CatharzGodfoot wrote:Sense Motive
Sense Motive is better than Decipher Script, yeah.
CatharzGodfoot wrote:14 ranks: You gain mindsight, which allows you to learn the intelligence and type as well as pinpoint the location of all creatures within the range of your telepathy. This is a mind-affecting effect.
The original Mindsight in Calamari Cooking did not allow pin pointing of location. Now knowing which square a creature is in is pretty cool at 11th level for a Rogue or similar. Knowing exact locations is a bit too much methinks.

Sending at 16th is a freebie really. Hell, it would be a freebie at 6th level. Me, I'd extend Telepathy to coterminous planes as a capstone ability in addition to making Telepathy Long range (400ft + 40 ft./level).
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Post by BearsAreBrown »

Sending at will is significantly worse then Telepathy. Speaking as a free action is way better then a 10 minute cast time.
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Post by Kaelik »

Are you idiots coming up with ridiculous telepathy ranges aware of the fact that you are also giving mindsight with the same feat? Retards.

One thing that I never want to happen as player or DM is "I teleport to the city." "Okay, you detect five thousand humanoids with Ints from 8-12. 36 Int 20 humanoids. And 5 int 14 monstrous humanoids. Also another 13 Int 26 humanoids, one dragon with 23 int, and 6 outsiders with ints ranging from 14-20."

Only add direction to all that as well.

200ft telepathy is the maximum.
DSMatticus wrote:Kaelik gonna kaelik. Whatcha gonna do?
The U.S. isn't a democracy and if you think it is, you are a rube.

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves.
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